#the beautiful life of a person who didnt get like 20 anons a day in 2017 some of them weird as hell some of them weirdly rude
lottieurl · 10 days
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the JOY??? i got war flashbacks we are not the same
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 50
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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I can't explain how much AM Conversations and YOU&ME has meant to me. This was a story I started just for fun after I realized how much I loved Niall. After only a few chapters, i almost let it die. It took me 4 years to decide to continue it again, despite knowing back then that no one cared or was interested to read. I don't know how I got lucky enough that you guys actually gave this story a chance. And I can't thank you enough for trusting me. I hope I entertained you through the past year and a half, and I really hope I made you go through a bunch of emotions, good and bad. I don't think all of you realize how happy you made me feel with the likes, the reblogs, the comments, the feedback and the ideas you sent me. It made me want to write more, it made me want to continue this story and actually finish it.
And here I am. It's the very first time I actually finish a story. two books. 105 chapters. Over 440k words. I can't pretend I'm not proud of this. This story will always be my baby, my favorite. And all of you who took time in your busy days to read and comment it mean more to me than I can ever explain.
I love you guys. I love you so much. I can't seem to express how grateful I am.
Julie ( @paynesqueen​ ): thank you for brainstorming with me almost every week. thank you for all your ideas, and all the help you gave me through the year I wrote these books. even when in quarantine, we'd talk for hours on the phone and you'd be there to help me. thank you for your big heart, thank you for being an incredible friend that I can always count on, thank you for listening to all my sad shit and feelings even if i know I rarely share because i feel stupid. thank you so so so so much! you're one of my best friends, and im so glad i have you in my life!
Isa ( @sushiniall​ ): you are such a beautiful persons. idk if we would have started talking if it wasnt from this story. i like to think that we would, but i can never be sure. thank you for always commenting, sending ideas, liking and reblogging. As a writer, it blows up my heart that someone would be so kind, and as a friend, it makes me want to cry. you're amazing, youre incredible, and you were always always there to cheer me up and tell me that I had talent, It made me keep going and I can never thank you enough for that. I love you. I really really do.
Laila ( @liallerr​ ) : what can i say? you've always been there for me, to make me feel better and to tell me how much you loved my writing. thank you for being such an incredible person. and thank you for being so patient with me whenever i'd message you (even if it wasnt about this story). thank you for never judging me, and for your beautiful friendship. I really hope I bring to you as much joy as you bring in my life. im so happy we met, im so glad we started talking.  i love you so so much, youre like a little sister to me. thank you for always commenting and reading my story. thank you for being you, because i cant think of a better quality in someone. thank you.
@ewhkylie​: you were always one of the first to comments every single chapter. how can i not thank you for being so loyal and giving my story a chance. i saw all the efforts you made into commenting. and every single time, it made me smile. youre amazing, thank you so much!
@llainnaroh​: thank you so much! your tags always made me smile! thank you!
@bamb11​: thank you for always caring and reading!!! youre amazing!
@behind-my-hazeleyes27​: i saw you reblog with tags or comments every time... thank you so much!
special thanks to you guys who reblogged, commented, or messaged me so often! thank you! i noticed every time!
thanks to you guys! @beachsecrets​ @wasteddarlinglover​ @torismusing @sunsetter96​ @bunbun9396 @missy14us​ @mannien​ @cybermugneckpsychic​ @mariamorris913​ @sunshine-sma​ @mypugsley​ @loulouloueh​ @awomanindeniall​ @tylkotroche​
and many many more! (im so sorry if i forgot you!)
thank you to all of you who liked and reblogged my chapters. thank you to those who recommended my stories to their friends or on your blog. thank you to the person(s) who nominated me for the 1d craft awards. thank you so much, you're all amazing!
thank you so so much to all of you who sent me anons about my chapters or the story as a whole. thank you for taking the time to do that. i love every single one of you even if i don't know who you are. just know that waking up with comments and feedback from you in my inbox made me smile every single time!
thank you to every single one of you who ever sent an idea or a request, even if i may not have used them. please know that it's not because your ideas weren't great, but just because it didnt fit in the story. (i received almost 300 requests/ideas for the 2 stories!)
thank you to the 41 persons who asked to be notified when this story was updated. I never thought it would be that many, and every single time i send you guys the link im amazed by how many of you actually care! thank you!
thank you to all of you, the silent readers. those who never messaged me, sent me comments or requests... i don't know who you are, but I know there are some of you out there. i hope at some point you get less shy and send me a comment or two!
i'm extremely thankful for all the love i received, and i'll never forget this. thank you everyone for following me in this crazy adventure. i love you all.
Olivia 💗
Chapter 50 (final chapter)
I felt Niall's lips brush the skin of my neck and my lips curled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I chuckled low, tilting my head to allow him to kiss me more. We had been back from our trip to Vegas for about a week, and had intentionally and very carefully ignored the messages and calls we had gotten. All we did was send an invitation for a party to everyone we knew, including our parents, along with plane tickets. We had taken hotel reservations for them and made sure their stay would be perfect. Everything was ready, everything was planned, and all the persons we loved the most in the world were going to be present. I was extremely stressed and as usual, Niall was totally relax about it. I had no idea how he did it, but the fact that he was so calm and laid-back helped me relax, too.
"This is amazing." he let out, pecking my skin more. "Everyone that really matters will be there."
"I hate talking in front of people, you know that." I whined, raising my nose up in a grimace.
"But everyone who'll be there actually loves you, petal." he argued, running his hands gently and slowly up my arms. "I love you the most and I'll be standing right next to you."
"How do you think they're react?"
"Mm, our moms will cry, our dads will laugh, our friends will scream and Louis will curse."
I let out a louder laughter, making Niall chuckle against my neck.
"You told him, didn't you?"
"I showed him the ring but I didn't tell him when I was going to ask you, or that we would just fly to Vegas to get married." he shrugged. "I just left him there and ran to you."
I smiled fondly and turned around in his arms to face him, tilting my chin and licking my lips as I stared in his eyes. He was wearing a tie and I gripped it gently, pulling on it. He had convinced me to wear a dress even if I knew I'd feel uncomfortable the whole evening but I knew I couldn't just wear sweatpants to this event, even if I desperately wanted to.
"How's my make up?" I finally asked, raising my eyebrows, after a few minutes of silence.
"On point." he replied, making me laugh.
"You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?" I asked as he pulled me closer by the waist.
"No idea. None."
I laughed more and he bent down to kiss me gently. "All I know is that you're beautiful. You always are." he whispered, brushing his lips against mine again.
"You're so full of shit, Horan." I breathed back against his mouth, my lips curling slightly.
"I mean it." he insisted very low, his arms slipping around my waist as he pressed my body against his. "You're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. You shine so much, you glow, my love."
I giggled and he smiled, moving his face slightly away to look at me. My smile faltered a bit and turned into a fond one. I wanted to stay right there, in our living room, as he'd hold me close, but I knew we had somewhere to be.
"My wife."
My eyes fluttered close and my lips curled more. All the papers were signed and the 'I do's were said. We were officially husband and wife and that thought always made my heart jump in my chest. It probably always would.
"I would love to stay here and make love to you all evening but we should really get going."
I laughed a bit and shook my head, knowing it was exactly what we had been doing for the past weeks but I didn't mention anything. Instead, I tilted my head and just nodded. I was stressed and I was not sure why but after everyone was arrived and had consumed at least one drink, Niall walked up to the small stage and I frowned a bit when I saw him grab his guitar. His eyes found me and he made a quick head movement, telling me to join him.
"Go!" Louis told me, pushing me gently but I just pressed my lips together and breathed in deeply. "Come on, my queen."
I finally joined Niall and he cleared his throat, placing himself in front of the microphone. That was it, that was the moment I was dreading, and I started feeling nauseous.
"Hello everyone, thank you for coming here tonight." he let out with a smile. "I know you're all here because you think we're getting engaged."
I bit my bottom lip but suddenly, I relaxed. Perhaps, it was the sound of his voice that calmed me down, or maybe the fact that we were surrounded by all the people we loved, or maybe it was just the thought that we were married and that no one could take that away from us. Either way, I moved closer and I smiled while staring at him.
"Uhm, we're not getting engaged. In fact, if you haven’t heard from us at all in the past two weeks, it's because we flew to Vegas and got married there."
The memory of him, standing in front of me as he held my hands and promised to love me forever came back to my mind and I held my breath. Everyone started whispering but coming loud from all the murmurs was the sound of my best friend screaming "FUCK YEA!" from the middle of the room. I let out a laughter as my eyes looked for him and he sent me a 'rock on' sign with his free hand while the other was holding up a glass of wine.
"Thank you, Tommo." my boyfriend let out with a smile and a small head movement. "So you guys are here to celebrate the fact that Olivia and I are husband and wife, legally and emotionally. I waited until you were all at least a bit intoxicated to let out the news but if you're here, it's because we love you, and we wanted to live this with you. We knew you would all be happy for us, because after all, Liv and I, it was meant to be."
His eyes found me and I smiled more, I took a step closer and licked my lips as In gripped the side of my dress nervously. It took only a second for Niall's hand to reach mine and when he squeezed my fingers, I felt better.
"Thank you so much for being here. We're sorry you missed the ceremony, but it was important for us to do it just the two of us. When you find the love of your life, that one person you want to spend all your days with until the very last, then there's no reason to wait. I've always known Niall was my soulmate, but now I know I'm his too, and nothing can change that. I know it's cheesy, but each and every single one of you were with us when we said 'I do'"
Niall chuckled next to me and shook his head slightly. "Here, let me reenact what happened to you." he turned to me and just let out a low 'I do' before grabbing my face and kissing me.
It was not as gentle and emotional as it had been when it really happened, but I still felt my heart jump in my chest. I loved the feeling of his warm palms on my cheeks and the way his fingertips brushed against my jaw and neck. I loved his touch. I heard everyone start cheering and clapping and I laughed through the kiss, feeling his lips curl into a smile too.
When he pulled away, I could swear my eyes were sparkling and when his eyes met mine, he smiled even more. "Okay so I wrote a song for you." he explained when the small crowd of our families and friends became quieter. "I wanted to sing it here, in front of everyone, because I thought it was perfect for today."
I took a step back and when he started singing, I recognized the lyrics. I had read them in his notebook a few months before. It was the song he wrote in the middle of the night and I remembered watching him for so long, his pen running quickly on the paper and his hand moving in his hair from time to time, messing it on the top of his head. I remember reading the lyrics the next day and tearing up when I realized there was my name at the bottom. I remembered everything and I tried to keep the tears in as he sang.
"Yeah, I see us in black and white Crystal clear on a star lit night In all your gorgeous colors I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life See you standing in your dress Swear in front of all our friends There'll never be another I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life"
I knew Niall would have preferred a more traditional wedding, and I also knew he gave it up just for me. This small reception was the closest he would get from telling everyone that he promised to love me forever and somehow, with this song, he was doing it very clearly and openly.
"I want the world to witness When we finally say I do It's the way you love I gotta give it back to you I can't promise picket fences Or sunny afternoons But, at night when I close my eyes"
I held my breath, feeling suddenly a bit guilty that he couldn't have his family and friends with him when we got married, but I teared up at how beautiful his lyrics were, even if I already knew that. I breathed in deeply only when the song was over and without thinking, I walked up to him quickly, got on my tiptoes and kissed him.
"I love you so much." I just let out before my lips crashed against his.
Everyone started clapping again but I was not sure if it was for the kiss or the song. Either way, it didn't matter. I just deppened the kiss and he answered it without hesitation. I knew he didn't like PDA, but I couldn't help it and when he pulled me closer, I knew he didn't mind. I felt half of his guitar press on my stomach and laughed a bit.
"I love you too."
Everyone was dancing, talking, laughing and drinking. I remained close to my wife the whole time and when I saw our parents talking together, I knew that was the ultimate test. I was pretty sure they would be okay with this but I was still a bit scared of their reaction. I felt Liv hold my hand so tight that I almost took it back. Instead, I squeezed her fingers back and smiled as we walked up to them. Quickly, my mom engulfed me in a hug and all the stress disappeared. I noticed Olivia's parents do the same to her and I hugged my dad before turning to my parents-in-law and hold out my hand to her father. It took a few seconds but his lips finally curled and he shook my hand before pulling on it and hugging me too.
"I am happy for you, son."
"Thank you."
"We're sorry that you couldn't be there with us. I promise we didn't want to hurt you, we just..." Liv started before licking her lips and pressing them together. "We just wanted to do that alone."
Her mom raised her eyebrows and they stared at each other in silence for a while.
"Es-tu heureuse?"
My girlfriend's lips curled and her eyes fluttered a bit. "I've never been happier, maman."
Her mom nodded and after a while, it was my mom's turn to hug her. When they pulled away, Olivia frowned and her lips parted. I couldn't help but think that she looked too pretty for words but I tried to push that thought away when I heard only one word escape her mouth. "How...?" My mom smiled more and chuckled slightly. "I just do."
I was about to ask them what they were talking about but I felt someone slap my back and it took me by surprise. I jumped slightly and groaned low as Louis appeared in front of me.
"Congrats mate, I'm happy for both of you." he said, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me so tight that I lost my breath.
"Thank you." I said as he let go of me to engulf my girlfriend into a tight and more emotional hug.
I stared at them for a few seconds and finally turned to Eleanor who congratulated me too before hugging me. Soon, Liam, Julie and Harry joined us and after hugging everyone, we all started talking and laughing together. I knew everything would go well but at the same time, I was a bit nervous. It was important for me that our friends and family would be okay with the fact that we got married without telling them, and I just wanted them to know it was not against them at all, but mostly just for Liv and I. We had started just the two of us, and it was just the obvious way to do this.
For the rest of the night, I spent my time watching my girlfriend dance, laugh and interact with the people we loved, telling myself that this was the happiest time of my entire life. I watched everyone leave one by one, our parents being the firsts and then our friends. Louis was the last one to leave and we decided to just leave with him.
"You know, you literally made me want to do it too." he let out low, looking at our girlfriends saying their goodbyes and making me frown. "Your speech earlier. It made me realize that maybe I shouldn't wait anymore."
My lips curled and I let out a chuckle. "Go for it." I just let out, knowing perfectly well that their couple was as strong as ours and that they both considered each other their soulmates. "I don't even know why you waited that long."
He didn't send me a glance, he just kept looking at El and after a few minutes, we said good night and left in a different cab. It's only when we walked inside and closed the door behind us that I felt all the stress disappear from my body. It was a good stress, but it was still nice to relax.
Olivia disappeared in the hall and I just sat on the couch, loosening my tie and putting my feet on the coffee table. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the back of the couch as a bunch of memories came to mine. I had been so close to lose the love of my life forever and by my fault. I had hurt her in a way I had never hurt anyone else in my life and at the same time, I had hurt myself in a way I had never been hut before without realizing it immediately. I couldn't lie and pretend Olivia was not the best thing that has ever happened to me because she was, and I liked to believe I was for her, too. You can call it fate, you can call it destiny, you can call it 'soulmates' but in the end, it was just an other love story for most people. For me, however, it was epic and the accomplishment of a lifetime.
After everything we've been through, every wrong decisions, every mistake and every problem, we still managed to reach this point of happiness together. Olivia has always told me that love was not all you need, despite the popular song, and I knew she was right. But it was because of the love we have for each other that we actually tried over and over again. It was because of this love that we actually ended up together, because we were ready to make the effort, and because we believed in the feelings we had. I knew I would never truly be happy without her and now that we were together, I planned to do everything possible and impossible to keep her in my life.
My girlfriend came back and put something next to the couch, which I guessed was her purse. I was not surprised to see she had changed into a pair of my sweatpants and a shirt that also belonged to me but looked so much better on her. It stuck to her chest and hips in a way it didn't to me and I loved it more than I should.
"I would have loved to take that dress off of you myself." I admitted with a smirk, making her raise her nose up as she sent me a smile. "But hey, I'm not surprised."
She moved closer and gripped my tie, pulling on it gently and making me laugh right before her lips reached mine. I was a bit tipsy and mixed with my happiness, it made me sound totally drunk, but she knew me well enough to know I was just ecstatic from the night we just had had.
"You can take my sweatpants and t-shirt off later, if you want." she proposed before I nodded. "I'm not wearing anything under, if it changes anything."
I chuckled and she kissed my lips again as one of my hands reached for her waist. "Come on, sit on me, will you?"
I watched her hesitate and bite her bottom lip gently before actually straddling me. I moved my chin up, endeared by her behavior, and my hands reached for her thighs. I let my palms rub slowly on the fabric of her pants and stared at her as she licked her lips.
"Thank you for the song." she whispered, a shy smile gracing her lips as she looked away. "Honestly, I had read the lyrics before. I know I shouldn't have but it was sort of an accident."
I raised my eyebrows and smiled back at her. "You're so nosy I swear," I joked. "No one told you not to touch other people's stuff?"
"I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't have. Forgive me?" she asked with a cute grimace, making me roll my eyes with a smile.
"Of course." I just let out, moving my head slightly. "I almost sang you 'This Town' instead." I paused and she frowned. "I know I wrote it when we first dated, and I told you it was partially about you, and partially fiction... but when you were with Dylan and we met again, It hit me how it had completely turned out to be what I was actually going through. And the lyrics are still true, you know? Everything comes back to you."
Her eyes fluttered and a fond smile spread on her lips. She brought her hands to my cheeks and let her thumbs brush on my stubble. I wanted to keep telling her how much I loved her but quickly, she pressed her mouth against mine and my hands gripped her thighs at how good she tasted. I don't know how long we stayed close, her forehead leaning against mine while we both kept out eyes closed, but I focused on her weight on my lap and the aroma of honey and vanilla invading my nose. I could have stayed like that all night.
"Told you our parents would be happy." I let out after a while, making her sit back up to look at me.
"Mm, and your brother?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"He sent a text message to say congrats earlier." I explained as my hands kept running on her thighs. "You know we're gonna have to entertain our parents for a few days. That means we can't spend our days locked her to fuck anymore."
She laughed a bit and tilted her head. "I think we can take a few days break."
I frowned but shook my head, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "That's not what I meant, we can still have sex when we come back home, and if you're too exhausted I can do all the to work."
"I suspect you actually enjoy that." she laughed, making me smile more.
"Mm, maybe I do."
I pulled her closer and when her lips brushed against mine, I heard her whimper low. I slowly deepened the kiss just to taste her and she let me, moving as close to me as she could. I felt her ass rub on my thighs and groaned when it reached my cock.
"Maybe we should go to our room now, what d'you say?" I proposed in a whisper before kissing her more.
"Not yet." she murmured back, grabbing my upper lip between hers and sucking on it.
I felt myself get hornier and groaned low as I grabbed her waist and turned us around, laying her down on the couch. She let out a little scream and I quickly moved over her, smiling big.
"Fine then, we'll do it here."
We kissed a bit roughly and deeply for a while but when my hand slipped under her shirt, she quickly stopped me. "Niall wait, I have something for you first."
I frowned but even if I was curious, I definitely thought it could wait. Seeing her face though made me back away slightly and after a few seconds, I sat up and she did the same, pulling on her shirt to put it back in place.
Without a word, she reached for what she had put next to the couch and held me a white gift bag. I stared at it for a while and finally turned to her, a bit suspiciously.
"Did I miss something? An anniversary or something else that was important?"
She chuckled and shook her head, but I noticed how she was nervously playing with the fabric of her pants. "No, don't worry. I just wanted to give you a little something."
We just looked at each other for a while and I let my eyes roam on her face before finally take the colored tissues off the bag and dive my hand in it. I grabbed something and took it out but it took a few seconds for my brain to process everything. It was a piece of fabric, almost the same white as the bag but a bit lighter, and when I turned it around, I understood. On the front was written "my daddy is a rockstar" and somehow, I felt my heart jump so high in my chest I had to swallow it back.
"Petal." I whispered before turning to look at her. "Are you pregnant?"
Slowly, she nodded, her eyes never leaving mine, and I felt my heart jump for a second time. I blinked a few times, feeling tears coming to my eyes as a bunch of emotions flooded me. My eyes roamed on her and ended on her belly who looked exactly like it always did but when I looked up, I held my breath, realizing something.
"My mom knows."
She nodded slowly again. "She... she guessed it. I don't know how she knew, but she congratulated me earlier, at the party."
"You... you didn't drink?"
"Not a drip. I had soda." she explained, tilting her head and pressing her lips together. "I thought you had noticed."
I didn't answer, I just blinked again a few times before looking back at the small pajama I was holding. It seemed surreal and despite what I thought I would feel if it happened, I felt overly emotional but in a good way.
"I'm really gonna be a dad?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and finally turning to my girlfriend who just nodded. I chuckled a bit, and then some more. "Fookin' hell."
"Are you happy?"
Her question was legit since we had had a pregnancy scare a few months earlier, but it seemed like so many things had happened in such a short period of time and now that my tour was over, I felt like it was a good time to jump into this.
"Honestly, Olivia..." I turned on the couch to face her and noticed she was holding her breath and tearing up. I moved closer and her eyes fluttered. I watched one single tear fall from her left one and cupped her face, brushing my thumb on her cheekbone to catch the tear. "I thought marrying you and finally being with you was the highest moments of my life. I honestly never thought I could be even happier than I already was. But you just made me the happiest man in the whole fookin' world, pet."
She let out a loud sigh of relief and I brought my lips against hers. "I love you so much, Olivia. I can't wait for that future with you. You and Me. This is just the beginning."
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violetnotez · 4 years
let's have more bois with pregnant s/os! 😂😂😂 Tamaki,Mirio,and Shinsou their reactions to finding out their gonna be daddies ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Omg yes anon, these boys would have the cutest reactions to finding out they got their s/o knocked up ❤️
Hc: Pregnant S/O
Pairing: Tamaki x reader, Mirio x reader, Shinsou x reader
Also, I realized I should specify the ages of all the characters! Everyone will be aged up to like around 20-21 ☺️
Tamaki has just finished patrolling for the day when he got a strange message from you, asking him to pick up some things from the market
That wasn’t particularly unusual, you would occasionally ask him to do so after work if he wasn’t too tired
But it seemed like you were trying to message someone else and not him-your message had asked “her” to grab “a lot of disposable cups”
You had also sent an image...Tamaki’s curiosity was too strong, his fingers clicking on the picuture instantly
His eyes gazed at the list, instantly recognizing the handwriting as your own. The list only had a few items, such as milk, flour, choclate...but then, at the very end, you had wrote something that truly threw his mind of out control
You wanted whoever you were texting to buy pregnancy tests
His anxiety instantly went through the roof-pregnany?! You thought you were pregnant?!? How long had you been thinking this?!? We’re you okay?!? Who was even with you getting you this stuff?!
He began to take a few deep breaths and focus his attention to calming his heart rate-something he had been practicing in order to control his anxiety
There had to be a simple explanation-maybe you were just helping a friend...maybe they were for Neijire and not for you...you had said she was going to be visiting you today
But then-you had mentioned your period was uncharacteristically late since it hadn’t came yet...and you two had been active recently-crap he needed to get home right now
Tamaki is usually a very cautious driver, but today, he was borderline speeding
He was just too wrapped up in his thoughts, trying to convince himself that it was all a misunderstanding, that you weren’t pregnant and it was just his anxiety making situations seem worse than what they were
He was itching to call you, but he was afraid of the answer you would give him-what if you did truly think your were pregnant?
he didn’t want to work himself up so badly that he wasn’t even able to drive-
no, he was going to wait to talk to you in person, that was the best thing to do
He came into the driveway, parking his car quickly, his duffel bag with his change of clothes and personal belongings long forgotten in the trunk
As he was walking up to the front steps, his mind racing, he heard none other than Neijri greet him from behind
“Oh Tamaki-san, your home from work quiet early! Slow day out there?” She chirped a little too cheerfully
Tamaki noticed the plastic bag in her hand, making him gulp-oh no, it had to be for you then
Neijire stood in front of him awkwardly, not knowing what to do
“It’s wonderful to see you, but um, Y/n-san is going through some things right now...she asked me to help her while you were out patrolling-she didn’t want to worry you prematurely...”
Neijire gave him a reassuring smile, handing him the bag
Poor Tamaki was shaking, his head hanging low-was it all true then? We’re you really thinking you were pregnant?
“Y/n-san will explain everything, but whatever happens-I hope you both are happy!” She grinned, giving Tamaki a quick hug and a cheerful goodbye as she jogged to her own car
Tamaki shakily opened the front door, too terrified to look in the bag
You came bounding down the hallway, your hair tied back loosely
“Neijire, I can’t thank you enough for- Tamaki!” You gasped slightly, not expecting to see him in front of you
You instantly ran to him, noticing how pale he looked-he honestly looked like he would pass out
“Oh my god, are you okay?” You asked, your voice full of concern as you took the bag gingerly from his hands, sitting him on the couch
“Is it true?” He asked quietly, his voice timid, “that-that you think your-“
You sighed, taking his hand in yours. You had realized too late that you had sent the message accidentally to him, too terrified of his reaction to call him after the mistake
“Well, yes, I think I might be-be pregnant...but I don’t know for sure...theres really only one way to find out.” You gave him a small smile, trying to be reassuring
you were freaking out on the inside, but after seeing Tamaki look so terrified, you knew you had to be the one who was strong for the both of you
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” you apologized, your hand finding his, “ I didn’t mean to hide this from you, I just didn’t want to worry you unless I knew for sure,”
“I-It’s alright, I want to be here for you when you find out...I-it is potentially our child after all” he said quietly, rubbing his thumb against the soft skin of your hand
You gave him a quick kiss, smiling reassuringly as you let go of his hand, taking the bag Neijiri had gotten for you
“Well-lets go find out, shall we?”
Tamaki had waited outside the door as you went to the bathroom, coming in once you went to check the test
You were honestly too scared at that point to see, so you had asked him if he was up for checking it for you
He was terrified as well, but as he was waiting, he began to think about the situation-he wouldn’t mind having a child with you, he knew one day he wanted to settle down with you and make you his for the rest of his life
This would just be a step towards that, right? He loved you with all his heart, and couldn’t think of anybody else having a child with-apart of him was hoping for it to be positive, wanting nothing more to be a father to the life you two had potentially created
His hands were shaking as he took the test in his hands, seeing that there was two little lines, meaning you were, in fact, pregnant
Poor Tamaki’s emotions finally released, tears streaming down his face quietly as he hugged you close-you were so confused, but apart of you already knew the truth
You were now crying as well, both of you complete messes as you asked him repeatedly what the test said through hiccups
He just knelt down, kissing your stomach as his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you close
It was a pretty normal day for Mirio-he got up, did his usual work out routine, and then got himself ready to go on a date with you later on in the day
You two had decided to go get lunch at a quiet little cafe not to far from both of your apartments-you had also told him you had something “important” to tell him, which also kinda got him excited to here your news
He was hoping it was something positive, because when you had told him this over the phone the night before, you sounded pretty nervous, but wouldn’t reveal any other details
He drove into the parking lot of the cafe, instantly recognizing your car in the parking lot, making him smile
He found you at your favorite booth, looking down at your phone, until you looked up and smiled as you saw him walking over
He loved your smile, it was always so bright and beautiful-but something about it was different today...you almost looked nervous
He doesn’t pay too much attention to it, you did say you had news for him after all, maybe you just had some jitters
“Hey, sunshine, how are you?” He asks cheerfully, bringing you into a tight hug
“Well that’s strange,” he thought-you usually always squeezed him super tight, but today you almost kept him at a distance, like it hurt to hug him
He pulled away, staring at your face in worry-“You doing alright, babe?”
You shrugged off his worry quickly, not wanting to bring attention to it-“Oh it’s nothing, just-well, my chest has been a little tender but it’s fine,”
He knew something more was wrong, but as much as he wanted you to say what it was, he knew you’d tell him in your own time
The rest of the date went as your dates usually always went, you both talking happily about your lives with Mirio making you laugh occasionally
He did notice some things were different about you-you seemed to be really cautious of what you ate, asking if anything had caffeine or excess salt in the food. Your face, even when you laughed, was always somehow knitted with nervousness
He also noticed that your chest had been looking a little larger-he didn’t mind at all, he loved your body no matter what it looked like, it was just-strange to him. You also would sometimes rub your hands on your stomach below the counter, thinking he wouldn’t be able to see
It was all so peculiar to him-it made him really wonder what was going on that was making you act so differently
He reached his hand across the table, placing his larger hand in yours
“So-what exactly did you want to tell me?” He gave you a bright, reassuring smile, his heart aching slightly when you looked down at your lap
You looked so scared-were you okay? He started to get nervous himself-maybe something terrible had happened, like you were sick, or hurt
He just wanted you to tell him-whatever was going on, you would get through it together
He gave you a reassuring squeeze on your hand-“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asked quietly, that bright smile still on his lips “Nothing you say is going to make me judge you or turn away from you-you can always trust me.”
He watched you take a deep breath, your ribs rattling slightly from the nerves
“Mirio-I-I...” you stuttered, “I’m pregnant-with your baby.”
He may or may not have yelled out “Pregnant?!?” A little too loudly-he just wasn’t expecting that
After you shushed him to be a little more quiet, he lowered his voice some
“Whoa-pregnany-are-are you sure?”
You played with your fingers, the nerves still set in your system, “Yes, I-I has a feeling... some I may or may not have taken a whole box of tests a few days ago. And-and they all came back positive.”
“I’ve been wanting to tell you, I just didn’t know how or when or where- it was just so sudden.”
“I know we didn’t talk much about starting a family, Mirio, but,” you asked timidly, his hands still in yours, “what do you think about it?”
Mirio sat quietly for a few moments-he knew this was a huge thing, bringing in a child into this world. It was true you two hadnt talked a lot about starting a family, it wasn’t on either of your minds since you two were so young. But, he loved you too much to walk away from you and his child-it would be completely wrong for him to do so. He didn’t want to either-he loved you and this child you two had created.
His rough thumb brushed the skin of your hand, the sensation soothing to your nerves
“It’s all your decision y/n, but I love you-and this child we created. I’m would be excited to be a father!”
Also I’m tired and I’m pretty sure I spelt him name wrong THE ENTIRE TIME IM SORRY
You were wrapped up in Shinso’s body, your legs intertwining with his
His body was warm and comforting, his heart beating strong in his chest
You felt yourself beginning to wake up, soft sunlight flitting through the curtains of the room
It didn’t help either that your leg and inner thighs were killing you-you and Shinso were active quite a lot, but last night had seemed to really become a toll on your body
You groaned, snuggling yourself closer to him-he was so comfortable and gentle when he was sleeping
Shinsou seemed to had woken up slightly too, his hands petting your bed tossled hair
“You doing alright doll?” He asked huskily, he voiced still sounding sleepy
“Yeah,” you sighed, snuggling closer to him, “just-sore.”
“Aww you poor thing-but I didn’t here you complaining last night though,”He chuckled, placing a kiss on top of your head
You pushed yourself up, making yourself able to look into his lavender eyes as you laid your head on his bare chest
“Well I didn’t say that,” you said, giving him a cheeky smirk- “Just you gotta be a little gentle-I still need to be able to walk the next day,”
“Wheres the fun in that, kitten? You look so pretty when your a mess under me...”
Your cheecks instantly turned a beet red, a small smile tugging at your lips
Even though Shinso was making you a blushing mess, you instantly felt an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, something you had been experiencing for a few weeks now
A burning sensation began to fill your throat, and to your horror, you felt yourself want to throw up
Shinso noticed your face pale as it turned from adorably embarrassed to terrfied
“Are you-“ he barely got out until you leaped off his body, stumbling to the bathroom
You barely got near the toilet before you began to empty the contents of your stomach into it
Shinso quickly followed you in, throwing on a pair of his boxers he had left on the floor from last night
His heart hurt hearing you sound so sick, your back heaving into the toilet-he softly grabbed your hair, rubbing soothing circles on your back
He was just so confused-you had seemed fine...you didn’t show any signs of being sick yesterday or last night-so why were you suddenly just throwing up like there was no tomorrow?
You finally had finished, laying your forehead on the cold seat
“What’s wrong doll-you okay?” He asked softly, brushing your hair with his fingers
You nodded numbly, feeling dehydrated and exhausted
“This has been happening-kinda a lot...” you croaked out, trying to clear the parch areas in your throat
Shinso stopped you from talking anymore, worried you would hurt yourself and went to go get you some water
He came back with a blanket and a bottle of water, you drinking in small sips as you sat on the blanket
“So-this is happening a lot, right?” He asked, watching to make sure the color came back to your face, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You nodded your head numbly- “I-I was scared to tell you...because-well-“ you sighed nervously, looking down at the floor-“I also missed my period last week.”
It took Shinso to let that information set in-you missed your period? Why the hell would that matter? But then he began to connect the dots...you two had sex quite a lot....you were having morning sickness...you didn’t get your period-oh shit
He states it very bluntly, but stutters slightly over his words-“Your-your pregnant?”
“I-I don’t know for sure Shinso...but I have a feeling, just everything adds up to that,”
He’ll curse under his breath, sitting for a second in silence-that was such a huge piece of information for him to process
A baby was a big deal-you two were bringing in a new life into this world...he would be lying if he didn’t say he was terrified. It wasn’t under the best timing, you two never discussed having a child so soon...but he loved you. It was as much his baby as it was yours, and he would never just walk out of yours and his potential child’s life just because he was too scared.
He would do anything for you-that included welcoming this new child into the world with you
“Okay, I believe you y/n,” he’ll finally say, his bright purple eyes boaring into yours, “we’re having a baby. Let’s figure this out together, alright, kitten?”
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
I have a request for you❤️ could you please write something about the scene in the subway? I was thinking: female reader and Artie are in the subway (idk if u want Carnival or not) and the female reader leaves Artie alone while she's in the bathroom and when she comes back she sees the three Wall Street guys bothering Artie for his laugh🙁 She protect Artie but then they start bothering her too, and one of them tries to slap her. Artie takes the gun off and kill them and she's afraid. THX❤️❤️❤️
Hey my lovely Anon, thank you so much for the request . I finally wrote that piece you asked for and I really hope you like how it turned out to be. Much love your way.
Arhur leaned his tired head against the subway window. His sad eyes gave his painted face a tragic look. The green Carnival wig looked like something that didnt belonged to him anymoe. He sqeezed your hand so tight you could almost feel your bones cracking, but he didnt dared to look you in the eyes. Arthur felt too embarassed about losing  his job minutes ago. That was something he was always worried about. Especially since you moved into his apartment with him. The thought of himself not being able to pay rent anymore was something he just didnt knew how to handle. He wanted you to offer a home. A save place where no worries could ever bother you. And now everything was uncertain.  The fact that you had to spent your life in Gotham city was hard enough for him. A city which showed its harsh face every day.
His apartment was the only place you felt save and he was aware of that. Depite the fact that these four walls held so many bad memories for him, the place transformed into something beautiful since he wasnt alone anymore. He felt like living there with you now put a spell all over the place. One that had the power to overcome the horror of what happened here before. Your love was the cure to everything. Even his past. And even though his inner scars would always remain, you covered and healed them with your love everyday. Letting him know how important he was , how much he mattered.
You tried to caress his hand with your thumb but he held your fingers so close in his fist that you weren`t able to do so. "Artie, you know that it wasnt your fault, right? You did nothing wrong. "
Arthur didnt answer. You knew that if he didnt reply he was so hurt that the words got stuck in his throath. "Artie? Please. It breaks my heart to see you like that."
He was still facing the window. The view outside made him even sadder. The skyscrapers passing by. That cold looking city. All he wanted to be was the light that illuminated this shitty place. But people wouldnt allow him to.  People saw darkness in him. Just a weird, dark guy. They tried to dim his light by making fun of him. By abandon him until he felt none existend.
You were the only one who made him feel seen. Who illuminated his light with every word, every touch, every kiss. His eternal flame. But sometimes he just couldnt say anything. Sometimes the words got stuck in there and all he was able to let out was laughter. He knew the moment he opened his mouth right now all there would be was a laugh. And he didnt wanted to do that to you. So he kept it all inside.
You wanted to touch his face, to caress his white cheeks.
A song was running through your head
"...to touch the the face of Carnival."
You wish you could, but Arthur seemed so far away right now. So hurt in his own world.
"Dont be disappointed in yourself, sweetheart. Hoyt is an aweful person. He always treated you like shit. He doesnt even deserve Carnival to work for him. You are better than that!"
Arthur pressed one silent tear out of his left eye. His tears always remained silent. His laugh was cruel and loud and merciless. The loudest cry of them all. But his tears remained in silence. Unseen by most people. But you noticed them.
You always did.
Your whole body twitched as Arthur banged his head against the window. Another  dark blue tear rolled down his well defined cheek bone. He didnt reacted to what he just did. He was used to it.
"Arthur no!" you took your other hand to place it on his forehead "Please look at me, darling. Don`t punish yourself. Please I am begging you."
Arthur turned his head to face you. His eyes closed. He was still to embarrassed to look you in the eyes. You kissed his closed eyelids so softly it made him lose another tear. Your lips found his salty diamond and kissed it away immediately. The familiar taste of face paint lingered on your lips.
Arthur whimpered silently, now that he was finally able to look at you "I`m so sorry. So endlessly sorry about not being good enough. I thought I was. I thought I could protect you. From....everything. From Gotham and from not having enough money....I thought I`m a good boyfriend and I wanted you to offer you a home and now I dont know how to anymore. We gotta pay rent next month, Y/N. And how would we be able to? I only have 20 dollars left in my pockets. I thought I was going to be a stand up comedian and I dreamed about having my own tv show and fantasized about how proud you would be of me. Seeing me on the screen! I thought I would be invited by Murray and.........now I realize it was nothing more than stupid dreams. Illusions. And we cannot make a living like that. And thats all my fault. Because I got fired. You deserve better. Someone who can protect you!"
Now that he was finally talking all the words he held back escaped his lips one after another.  Arthur now held both of your hands "Please belive me all I ever wanted to do was to protect you! From all troubles in life. "
Hearing say those words hit you hard. Because right from the very first day you thought he was the one who needed protection. The man that never learned how it is to be loved in return. Arthur never experienced being protected. Not even from his own parants. Especially not from them. You felt like everything he wanted to give you was what he needed most.
"I know, Artie. And you do. You do protect me from the world. And I will do too. We`ll protect each other, right? Sometimes bad things happen. But we will get through it together now. You dodnt have to face them alone anymore. Ever."
Arthur nodded, resting his head upon your shoulder. He was tired. More than that he was emotionally exhausted. His puffy wig tickled your chin. The woman that was sitting across you for the last 10 minutes left the subway. You were alone now. Before she left she gave Arthur an dirty look.
"What is it?" you asked. But the old lady didnt reacted.
"See?" Arthur shrugged "Its always like that. I.....I dont know what is wrong with me. Baby, please tell me what is wrong with me?"
"Nothing is wrong with you, Arthur. Its them. Its peoples ignorance. They are just cold hearted and they judge you before they get to know you."
He took his wig off.
"Its because I`m a clown". Even when I`m taking my costume and make up off. All that remains is a fucking clown. Thats how they see me. No matter how they call me. "
"And I love that clown. He brightens up my world with his jokes and dances...he`s my sun. " you gently placed a kiss upon his sad frown.
"I love you" he whispered "I love you so much I feel it in my guts. Your love re-arranges all those things that are wrong inside of me".
"There is nothing wrong inside of you, Arthur!"
"It is....and I am aware of that. But you still love me and thats more I could ever ask for. " He touched your face to kiss you with his big, red mouth.
"I´m very much in love with that clown" you giggled. And for the first time today Arthur smiled behind his fake smile. He pointed into his pocket and leaned in on you "You know what Y/N? I have my gun with me. I was thinking about.....well...robbing the pharmacy or something. To make sure we can pay the rent. I dont want you to worry about that all month. I was playing it through in my head the minute I got fired...."
You coudlnt deny that his words shocked you a little. Would he really do somethign like that? Robbing a place? Woukd he go that far?
"Arthur, baby. No. No, non,no. Dont think like that.  You dont have to, okay? We`ll only get in more trouble..."
He nodded " Yeah....that was stupid I know.....but....I wouldnt hurt anyone. I`ll just take the money and run. You know I`m a fast runner, right?"
"Yeah I know you are but....Robbing a place? No. We gotta figure soemthing out to pay rent, okay?  I know we will. Something legal."
Arthur nodded. His eyes lighted up a bit.
"And I know that you will protect me from anything. I knew it right from the second I first saw you. That we will take care of each other."
Arthur seemed irritated when you got off your seat.
"I have to go to the toilet. I`ll be right back, okay?"
"Okay" he put his wig into his  bag. His brown curls sticking sweaty to his forehead.
Arthur continued looking out the window as the subway arrived the next station. People rushed by in a hurry. Everyone seemed so busy with their lifes. He thought about how people never see each other. How they keep passing each other by without taking notice. Arthur was a good observer. He noticed anything. Sometimes even more than what was really there.
His heart broke for a little kid who was dragged away by his mother. A violent grab. She got her arm pulled in a way that didnt felt right. Arthur tried to get a closer glimpse and noticed bruises on the little girls arm. He felt triggered. It only took him seconds to break out in a painful laughter. It was loud enough to make you notice from the bathroom. You started to get nervous. Was he crying because you left him sitting there all by himself? Even if it was just for three minutes? You shoudlnt have done that. Leaving him alone in his condition.
Arthur covered his open mouth with both of his hands as three guys entered the subway. They already gave him a look, even though he managed to keep calm. They hated clowns. he just knew it. He felt it in his bones. Arthurs body started to hurt. Every muscle felt like it was on fire.
"Gosh...look at this freak" one of the guys pointed at Arthur "Oh my god" the other one replied "What the fuck is he all about? Look at those shoes. Ridiculous!"
Arthur looked down to his feet. His red and blue clown shoes stared back at him. He may never wear them again if he coudln`t find a new job as a party clown. A heavy sadness got to his heart as he tried to swallow another laughing fit. If only he could cry out loud in public. Peple would know how he really felt then. And he wanted them to know how hurt he was. How cruel the world has treated him. He finally had a girlfriend, someone who truly loved him, someone to share his life with. The worst timing to lose his job. The absolute worst.
"Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you?" the tallest one of the guys laughed.
You could hear from the toilet room that someone was talking to him but it was hard to actually make out the words.
"I`m a.....party clown....I do little dances for kids and...."
He used to be a party clown.  Something he lost today. This hurt so much.
The tall guy sat down beside Arthur, taking his bag, throwing all his clown gear out. "Ohhh look! Its a clown! So,....can you dance for us ?" The other guys started laughing. Arthur swallowed down his pain but it kept crawling up his throath. He pressed his hand hard against his lips. A cough. And another. It hurt so much. Especially on the inside.
"C`mon, dance for us" the guy yelled at Arthurs face as he grabbed his wig and put it on himself "Stop laughing you psycho. Whats your fucking problem?"
Arthur tried to get his card. It wasnt in his pocket anymore. Maybe he lost it. Like his mind.
"I have a condition...." his voice cracked.
"Obviously, you sick fuck!" the bully smashed the wig right into Arthurs face. This made him laugh even harder.
Arthur was desperately trying to breathe when you finally got out of the bathroom, realizing that he just got bullied again.
"Hey, what are you doing here? Leave him alone!" you got Carnivals wig back. "Whhooo hoo lady. Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?"
One of the other guys took two stepts closer "Yeah, right. "
"I`m his girlfriend and you better go now! Can`t you see that he is in pain?" you replied. Arthur was still trying to breathe. Unable to do anything else. You touched his shoulder "It`ll be okay, baby. "
The third guy made a voice "Its okay baaaabyyy...hahahahah how desperate!"
You felt anger rising inside of you. Seeing Arthur fighting for air while others made fun of him was something that broke your heart.
"YOU are the ones who are desperate. Bullying a stranger on the subway for wanting to bring other people joy!"
"What did you just called me?" the guys eyes turned darker "Did you just called me desperate?"
You watched over to Arthur he was shaking his head, coughing. You didnt knew what to say. The situation started to get tense. And all of the sudden you felt  a fist hitting you right in the face. Your head started spinning and your vision blurred. You felt your knees weaken before you fell to the groud.
And for a moment everything blacked out.
That moment was longer than it seemed.
Everything changed  until you woke up again.
"Y/N?, Honey. We gotta get out of here!" It was Arthurs voice. His laughter was gone. He sounded nervous but confident.
You rubbed your eyes "What....was happening. Are you...okay? Arthur?"
"Yeah we`re okay. But we gotta go NOW. We dont have any time to lose."
There was blood on his face. His yellow vest was covered with red stains.
"Is that....your blood? Did they hurt you, baby?"
"No...its not mine... "
"What do you mean by...." the dizzyness was still taking over you. You tried to make sense out of this situation, but everything was a blurr.
Arthur grabbed your hand, helped you to get up "Run" he yelled as the subway door opened. You now noticed the guy who hit you was lying on the ground. Shot dead. You couldnt see the other ones. All went by too fast. You tried to run as fast as possible. It was hard to keep up with him.
Gotham was passing by like in a unrealisic dream as you both ran out of the subway station.
"What did you do?" you felt tears running down yor face. Afraid of what Arthur just did.
"I protected you" he yelled breathlessly "Like I promised".
You ran.
You both ran hand in hand like your life depended on it. Any maybe it did.
Arthur lead you into a public bathroom. Closing the door behind you, letting his bag fall to the ground. Breathing heavily.
He looked like he was about to pass out any second.
Your hand gently wiped the sweaty curls out of his eyes while you kissed the tip of his nose. remains of blood covering his chin.
"Arthur....I`m not sure what happened."
"That guy slapped you" his intense eyes pierced you like they never did  before.
"I remember that. And then it all went black."
Arthur pulled his gun "I took care of it. No one hurts my girl. No one in this fucking city will hurt you."
Now you knew. He did it. Arthur killed someone.
You tried to collect your thoughts, which seemed an impossible thing to do.
"You....killed those guys?"
"Mmhh hmm...yeah I had to. I mean...They wanted to hurt my angel" Arthur took you in his arms and all you could do was cry. You cried so hard into his yellow vest you didnt even cared that it was stained with blood. The bloody fabric soaked up your tears as you let go and allowed yourself to cry like never before.
And then something magical happened. Arthurs body started to shake. But there was not the slightest sound of laughter.
He was crying,too.
Arthur was finally able to cry.
He was sobbing into your neck like a little boy, telling you that killing them off was the only way to not let them harm you ever again.
"Who knows what they would have done if I hadnt stopped them. I knew I had to take action. I can handle people hitting me, but I cant let them hurt you, honey. I just can`t."
You kissed his shaking lips "What if they will find us?"
"They won`t" he said while the tears ran down his face. The clown make up started to came of. You kissed the part of his skin that got exposed. Traces of Artie. Of the man who would protect you over anything.
"I dont want you to kill someone.....Oh my god Arthur....I`m so afraid....."
"Dont be" Arthur said. "I coudnt protect you from not being able to pay rent but I was able to protect you from the bad guys. And we woudln`t get caught. Trust me. Do you trust me?"
"I trust you, Arthur!"
"Miracles still happen" he said "I mean...look at me. I am actually crying! iI have waited for this moment all my life. To actually be able to cry." his body was a shaky mess buthe seemed happier.
You wiped his tear away with your index finger and licked it off.
"I feel good" Arthur parted your lips with his tongue and kissed you passionately. His red lipstick smeared up all over your chin.
And as you tasted his salty diamond tears you knew that miracles truly do exist.
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thewritingstar · 5 years
98 that’s a lot of questions I wonder if you could answer them all 🤔🙃
don’t come for me like this anon.....here ya go. 
i answered all of these and it took forever so yall better read this shit
enjoy bitch
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
-both im a sugar addict
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
-prob either really quiet or really loud
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
-I hate soda
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
-I really like pastel and goth styles
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
-Flag Football (stealing the flags) and badminton
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
-dont really eat in the mornings but prob granola bar or left overs
12. name of your favorite playlist?
-Shower lol
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
-Sour gummi worms..that shit is CRACK
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
-Great Gatsby
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
-apple sauce or on one leg
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
-all black converse
18. ideal weather?
-warm and sunny
19. sleeping position?
-stomach, side, in a ball
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
-Laptop or phone
21. obsession from childhood?
-My little pony, littlest pet shop, Disney, elephants, Chinese food
22. role model?
-Tara Strong, Walt Disney, Francis Dominic 
23. strange habits?
-tugging my hair, biting my nails, wiggling on my heels like a penguin and going up stairs on all fours (when im home)
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
-American idiot- Green Day
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
-idk Cartoon theme songs lol
29. best way to bond with you?
-make me laugh or talk about disney
30. places that you find sacred?
-Flower gardens
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
-anything with my high heel boots
32. top five favorite vines?
-Road Work Ahead, Oh my god he on X Game mode, What the Fuck Richard, This house is fucking nightmare!, Happy one year babe! Im 27. 
33. most used phrase in your phone?
-YEET, Yall and bitch
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
-Stanley Steamer, The First5California.com song 
35. average time you fall asleep?
-now its 12 am -1 am... use to be like 10pm
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
-oh god that was so long ago i dont even know but it was one of the first ones like pepe or some some
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
-raspberry ice tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
-dont like lemon in my desserts 
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
-A condom was thrown on my desk in french class (it was unopened thank god)
41. last person you texted?
-my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
-Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
-Vanilla or tropical
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
-Big shirt and no shorts (underwear obvi)
47. favorite type of cheese?
-I fucking hate cheese
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
-Strawberry or Lemon
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
-Its always fun to do the impossible- Walt Disney
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
-For my birthday my friend got my a “Sorry for your loss” card and i cried for 30 mins
51. current stresses?
-um everything..college and being the only snacc in my household
52. favorite font?
-comic sans
53. what is the current state of your hands?
-Still have both of them
54. what did you learn from your first job?
-That people are assholes 
55. favorite fairy tale?
-Disneys Rapunzel 
56. favorite tradition?
- My grandma got all the grandkids pjs on Christmas eve every year and we would wear them to sleep 
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
-Anxiety, Depression (sorta), Dropping my churro on the ground at Disneyland
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
-Quick Wit, Art abilities?, Standing on my head and making weird ass noises
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
-Already answered
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
-A really cool and cute magical one!!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
-From Once Upon A Time, honestly they ave the best quotes. “So when I win your heart, Emma- and i will win it-it will not be because of any trickery, but because you want me”- Killian orrrrrrr He smells like forest”- Regina
62. seven characters you relate to?
-Juvia (FairyTail), Star (SVTFOE), Mabel (Gravity Falls), Maybec (Kingdom Keepers, sassy and artistic), Bubbles and Blossom (PPG) and Belle (beauty and the beast)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
-Boyfriend: BTR, Dancings not a crime: Panic!, Bang bang: Jessie, Ari and Nicki, Read you, wrote you: Drag race lol and Busted from Phineas and Ferb because I can
64. favorite website from your childhood?
-Webkinz, PetPetPark (STILL SALTY ABOUT IT) Club Penguin, Build a bear, Poptropica, i played every game yall
65. any permanent scars?
-only emotionally 
66. favorite flower(s)?
-Roses and water lilies..and every flower cause they pretty.. oh Dahlias too
67. good luck charms?
-petting my dogs. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
-Mango anything or Cherry. I hate cherry flavoring. 
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
-I have a great memory so i usually remember how i learned it, but.. Did you know that the water on the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland is 3 feet deep and dyed brown? Plus the water in all the parks is a special mix that doesn't contain chlorine because alot of people are allergic so its safe to touch? (learn from a disney doc)
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
-those ugly ones on leggings.
72. worst subject?
-Math or english (haha and i like to write)
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
-Grapes and teriyaki sauce. if they on the plate. ill just dip them in. I have an addiction to teriyaki sauce. 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
-I dont take any unless I have my period and my cramps are usually at a 10 so i try and take it when they at a 5
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
-when i was young 
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
-I LOVE potatos: Fries and mash are best plus baked. I HATE chips thou
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
-Any bright flower or ivy
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
-coffee, dont like sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
-AHHHH my license is soooooo bad. I had strips of red in my hair (got it when i was 15-16) and i didnt know they took your pic at your permit test. Its awful. School is def better and my senior photo pops. 
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
-Fireflys (arent they the same?)
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
-Both but im better at writing
84. podcasts or talk radio?
-Podcasts but I dont listen to alot. 
84. barbie or polly pocket?
-I played more with Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony lol (i have 400) prob Barbie thou
85. fairy tales or mythology?
-oooooooofffff cant decide
86. cookies or cupcakes?
-oooooff i love both but cupcakes
87. your greatest fear?
-wasting my life away.....or heights...certain bugs
88. your greatest wish?
-to be happy and have all my dreams (life, job, romance,etc) happen. Plus going to every Disney Park in the world.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
-Depends on the situation but sometimes you need to take care of yourself before others. If you arent doing good, how the hell you suppose to take care of others. 
90. luckiest mistake?
-hmmm idk being born
91. boxes or bags?
-depends on what im carrying but prob bags
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
-I love fairy lights
93. nicknames?
-any mispronunciation of my name, Dean, Big D (yes people call me this), Star, Sassafras and some more that yall dont get to know :) You can give me a nickname if ya want
94. favorite season?
-Spring and Summer
95. favorite app on your phone?
-Tumblr, Snapchat, Tsum Tsum 
96. desktop background?
- Its items from super mario and mario kart
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
- Eight
98. favorite historical era?
-oof im a history buff but I do love Greek and Roman because I love mythology...Maybe even 1800s.
hi if you got to the end of this then I love you and for proof leave me a 🐰
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aftgficlibrary · 7 years
Here is a list of fics set after the books so we can live on even after the series ends (Note: due to the sheer amount of Post-Canon fics, this only includes completed fics and is an extremely long list)
light fires at night (to push back the void) by inthesea (M | 61,862 | 3/3)
The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew.
(Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.)
Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by SpangleBangle (E | 84,557 | 13/13)
Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it’s uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it’s time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
right side of rock bottom by allyasavedtheday (M | 20,019 | 1/1)
Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
A little look into Neil and Andrew’s relationship after The King’s Men where they learn to touch, to talk and to trust.
The Name Game by minyrrds (G | 3,042 | 1/1)
What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys
something like home by nightswatch (T | 5,197 | 1/1)
Andrew keeps showing up at Neil’s apartment. But that’s what he gave him the key for, isn’t it?
lessons in trust by nightswatch (T | 3,609 | 1/1)
They don’t talk about what exactly they are, but Neil is more and more convinced that they’re on a good way to becoming something.
raze it to the ground by ilgaksu for badacts (T | 4,511 | 1/1)
It stops being about Neil entirely, and it starts being about this: Andrew is really, really fucking tired.
sugar, spice, and something nice by ephemeralsky (T | 6,258 | 1/1)
Andrew appears by his side seconds later, takes one look at the charred disaster, and says, “At least you did not burn the Tower down.”
Neil sighs. Happy birthday, he thinks mockingly as he chucks the brownie into the garbage bin.
(or: Neil finds a new hobby and indulges his family with sweets, Andrew indulges Neil, and they both can’t stop staring at each other)
a love song for the cliffhanger boys by ilgaksu for clockworkmoon (T | 1,680 | 1/1)
Some days, you work with what you got. 
thorn in my skin by ephemeralsky (T | 5,861 | 1/1)
These days, both of them are able to sleep on the same bed without any weapons underneath their pillows and on their person, and Andrew is not sure what he wants to do with this knowledge. They have poured years into forging their armors, and now they are stripping them, piece by tattered piece.
(or: the five weapons Neil has at his disposal + the one weapon he wields without knowing it)
/Graphic Depictions Of Violence
next stop: nowhere by nightswatch (M | 8,117 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew have a week to themselves and decide to hit the road.
i’ll carry you home by broship_addict (E | 4,257 | 1/1)
“I thought we agreed that you were getting rid of it. Not coming back with two.”
“We agreed that I would take the cat to the shelter. I did.”
Or, Andrew and Neil and their cats, in seven parts.
above us only stars by nightswatch (T |  2,206 | 1/1)
Neil wants to say that he is fine. He wants to say that Nathaniel Wesninski doesn’t own a single part of him.
The Days That Followed by lipsstainedbloodred (E | 7,410 | 1/1)
Andrew’s hand moved up further to Neil’s ruined cheek and he held a hand over it briefly. “These are not ugly,” Andrew said, forcing Neil to look up and face himself directly in the mirror, “You will not be ashamed of these. You will not shy away from your reflection because of them. These are not ugly.”
or, the fic where Neil is self conscious of his scars and Andrew forces him not to be.
Hold It Together (Until You Can’t) by Joana789 (M | 5,560 | 1/1)
Andrew holds his gaze just for a second longer before turning away, and Neil breathes in, because even if Andrew Minyard, with his extraordinary memory, remembers the date — which is likely, Neil knows — he gives no sign of it.
Neil thinks that perhaps it is carved into his memory only.
Exactly a year after Baltimore, Neil doesn’t expect to feel like this.
Kisses on Scars by rememberednoah (G | 1,941 | 1/1)
In which Andrew decides to kiss all of Neil’s scars. In which Neil isn’t quite sure how to react and feel about this.
Josten Has A Neck Fetish by keihtkogane (T | 2,301 | 1/1)
An full length ficlet extension of my tumblr headcanon which ends with Andrew revealing Neil has a neck fetish on live television.
Written for the anon who asked: omfg can i pleASE get an extension of the last part of your andreil and subtle touches headcanon? the part where andrew’s like “josten has a fucking neck fetish”
Every Choice Leads To You by SpangleBangle (G | 2,809 | 1/1)
Andrew knew they had to get up at some point, if only for the bathroom, but was loathe to hurry the moment along. He would take every greedy minute of Neil snug in his bed, for as long as he could. It was the choice he’d made years before, and the one he made every day when he saw Neil’s ‘good morning’ smile. He had a feeling it was a choice he’d be making for many years to come. And while that thought should be terrifying, with Neil sweet and content in his arms, fear was far away.
All Hail the Underdogs by wildfrancium (T | 25,411 | 10/10)
Ten years after Neil Josten becomes Neil Josten, life is full of Exy and Andrew. And then they decide to try fostering a kid.
Late Night, Welcome Home by ThePackWantstheD (T | 1,160 | 1/1)
“I thought Andrew shredded those pants,” Kevin answered.
Neil’s lips quirked further up. “Wymack got me another pair.”
“What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?” Kevin asked. “You’re the problem child.”
Fighting Heavy Shoulders by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,718 | 1/1)
He would stick a knife in the throat of anyone who tried to make him admit it, but Andrew was actually a little concerned about Neil running this race. From what he can tell, this can go one of two ways. Option one: Neil would be reasonable and just survive the race. Run at a sensible pace, make it across the finish line alive, and keep his mouth shut the next time some asshole reporter starts harassing him. Option two: Neil, because he is Neil, would try way too hard to keep up with the people who actually put in a lot of time training for these things. He would pull a muscle or pass out on the course, and Andrew would have to drag his ass to the nearest hospital, which would really throw a wrench in Andrew’s weekend plans of doing absolutely nothing. Not even to mention the absolute hissy fit Kevin would throw if Neil were injured. If Andrew were a betting man, his money would go to option two.
Wymack follows through on his threats, and Andrew is a protective asshole in love.
built this house on memories by modernpatroclus (T | 4,138 | 3/3)
Prompt: OMG when i was reading ur last andreil fic i started thinking “okay but what if neil woke up and didNT REMEMBER ANDREW” CAN U MAKE THIS HAPPEN I WILL PAY U
Or: Neil gets amnesia and can’t remember anything past the night he was drugged in Columbia.
Something Borrowed by Pi (Rhea) (T | 7,266 | 1/1)
After graduation, Neil and Andrew go on a road trip to return particular items to Neil’s mother’s contacts.
Or: two times Neil visited the Henrietta, Virginia.
Perfect by SpangleBangle (G | 1,547 | 1/1)
Ten years on, and things are just perfect.
But Broken Pieces Make Beautiful Mosaics by lipsstainedbloodred (T | 1,926 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is a broken, damaged thing. Pieces of a tattered personality and a traumatized mind, scared and skittish with one foot always out the door. And on Nathaniel Wesninski’s birthday, he runs.
Pillow Talk by zayndehaan for ohwhatanight (M | 3,826 | 1/1)
Neil finds a new fear, and doesn’t know how to bring it up without sounding foolish.
(a.k.a. lots of snuggling and banter and feelings)
Take Another Drag by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,233 | 1/1)
Andrew knows exactly who Travis is. Travis William Patterson, 27 years old, 6’3” backliner from middle of nowhere, Texas, current starter for the Boston Hurricanes, #9. As a matter of fact, Andrew is looking at him right now. ESPN is showing Exy highlights from last weekend, and Neil’s team just happens to be up at this very moment.
The Neil on screen has just performed some ridiculous move that absolutely should not have ended with a goal but somehow did, and he is immediately met with high-fives from his teammates and an affectionate-looking hug from Travis. Andrew can most certainly be objective, and this exchange looks pretty platonic. But Andrew is also a man attracted to men, and he has to admit that Travis is good looking. Really good looking.
Neil seems to be spending a lot of time with his new friend, and Andrew is Not Jealous.
dreamed in red by Frostandcoal (M | 7,261 | 1/1)
Four times the nightmares don’t win, and one time they almost do. Post-canon.
Minyard-Josten: A Rivalry For The Ages by dustbottle (M | 4,203 | 1/1)
After four years of playing together at Palmetto State University, Neil and Andrew end up on different professional teams. Neil is the new striker for the Atlanta Hawks; Andrew is goalie for the Boston Rebels. This is the story of their so-called rivalry.
Three guesses as to who starts the rumours.
(Spoilers: It’s Neil.)
Inside the Outsider by ouroboros for finkpishnets (M | 2,215 | 1/1)
It is little things like that that make this okay. Small rules, steps to follow: Pants staying buttoned, Neil’s hands where he can see them, no words but “Yes or no.” And, now, door locked. Check.
(Andrew looks back on the first time he does more than kiss Neil)
uncurling lifelines by Frostandcoal (M | 3,202 | 1/1)
That Andrew likes Neil being vocal in bed – that’s a key, and Neil intends to use it. This is something that Neil can give Andrew, a thing Andrew likes, that doesn’t involve touching or crossing boundaries Andrew is not yet ready for Neil to cross.
Besides, if Neil is good at anything besides Exy, it’s running his mouth.
Or: Neil learns that Andrew “I’m An Instigator At Heart And So Are You” Minyard might just like hearing Neil express not only his consent, but his enthusiasm, when they’re in bed.
back and forth by broship_addict (T | 2,573 | 1/1)
Years later Andrew and Neil find themselves revisiting Palmetto. It’s a lot more fun than Andrew’s ready to admit.
Lost Boy by the_ocean_burned (M | 6,401 | 1/1)
A look through Andrew’s eyes during some of the major events in the series.
Since I did use scenes and quotes from the series, I’m going to put a disclaimer on this one: All copyright rights to the characters, dialogue, and canon events belong solely to Nora Sakavic. I don’t own any of it; please don’t sue me. I’m broke.
The Self I Am by dustbottle (E | 5,536 | 1/1)
Though Neil and Andrew have been on the same professional team for years, the Minyard-Josten rivalry is still going strong. No one has caught wind of the truth of their relationship – but maybe it’s time for that to change.
(Or: Neil and Andrew decide to come out. This is how it happens.)
late night by Frostandcoal (G | 2,355 | 1/1)
People think that Exy “saved” him, but they are wrong. Exy is not a savior – there are no saviors for people like Andrew.
In which Andrew Minyard decides to pay it forward thanks to an all-night bodega, terrible ice cream choices and a cashier who just happens to play collegiate Exy.
out of breath by Frostandcoal for tycutiovevo (G | 3,418 | 1/1)
For tycutiovevo, who wanted Andreil in cold!weather, no angst. I hope you like this, bb! <3! <3!
Neil wants to live his life like he plays Exy – he wants the freedom to take chances, he wants the thrill of last-second goals, he wants the exhilaration of pushing his body to its limits, wants the ache and burn of every single bruise and scrape. His body is marked by other people’s cruelty and other people’s choices made on his behalf – he wants to cover it with the marks of the life he chose for himself.
Neil doesn’t understand what a “blizzard” is, and thinks it’s a good idea to go running in one. Andrew is not impressed.
Delayed Reaction by run_for_me (T | 3,035 | 1/1)
It’s been so long since he’s felt anything but affection for Nicky that he’d almost forgotten there was time when he’d been viscerally and intensely afraid of him.
In which the events of Neil’s first visit to Eden’s Twilight are finally addressed a year later.
I Want to Hold Your Hand by conniptionns (T | 5,009 | 4/4)
If this was Allison and Renee it would be cute and fluffy and very Across the Universe for this song, but it’s Andrew and Neil so
until the end of the world by broship_addict (T | 2,731 | 1/1)
Twenty years, two cats, and a whole lot of sports-related injuries later, they’re still home.
light it up by broship_addict (T | 1,879 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is probably the only person in the world capable of getting Andrew into an ugly Christmas sweater.
missing you (is all i am) by dustbottle (T | 2,677 | 1/1)
After graduating college, Andrew starts his professional Exy career as goalie for the Boston Rebels. Meanwhile, Neil is in his fifth and final year at Palmetto State University. Being apart turns out to be harder than either of them expected, and adjusting is a struggle.
When Neil visits Andrew in Boston, things come to a head.
maybe just the touch of a hand by niallszayn (G | 1,822 | 1/1)
All the Foxes come to Nicky and Erik’s wedding. Bets are made, and no one ever understands Andrew and Neil’s relationship.
Careless by Poteto (G | 1,474 | 1/1)
Matt likes to think Neil is done saying things that will get himself killed. Andrew disagrees.
way i tend to be by Frostandcoal (G | 1,665 | 1/1)
For erinaceinae-lutrinae on tumblr, who gave me the following prompt:
“Someone on Neil’s pro-team decides his nickname should be junior, and Neil does not take it well.”
Blossom Under Kindness by dustbottle (E | 3,433 | 1/1)
After Neil’s first year as a professional Exy player, Andrew and Neil spend their summer together in Columbia. There are good days and bad days. Today is a good day.
take my breath away (you know i’m bound to choke) by essenceofheroism (Not Rated | 1,620 | 1/1)
or the one in which andrew dreams neil runs away.
We Can Be Soft by SpookyMiscreant (M | 20,229 | 13/13)
Andreil and their daily lives. Fun ensues as always. Some of my HCs and some HCs from Tumblr. This has no plot or timeline please forgive me.
of being happy by artemis_west (E | 4,774 | 1/1)
On his flight home, Neil could barely sit still. He kept going back to his phone and staring at the message on his screen, the last one he’d received from Andrew:
I’ll be there.
Sounds Like a Good Excuse for Coming Home by OrdinaryVegan
Andrew is stressed, and Neil is problematic. Long-distance can be rather inconvenient, especially when your not-boyfriend is a murder magnet.
Summer Showers by Previously8 (T | 1,852 | 1/1)
Includes, but is not limited to: lots of staring, one (1) mention of chia seeds, Neil Josten’s new phone, the colours blue, green, and orange, talk of walls, a visit to Home Depot, and "452%”.
Rated T for swearing.
billboard. by lolainslackss (T | 2,940 | 1/1)
“Even when I turn away I can’t unsee it,” Aaron continued, his back to the rest of them, “It’s disgusting.”
Neil follows Kevin’s advice and agrees to be part of an ad campaign for Exy shoes. This ends up with Neil’s face on an eight-hundred-foot-wide moving billboard, and he’s not at all sure what to make of it. Neither is everyone else. Especially when Andrew notices everything.
Right Here in the Light by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,398 | 1/1)
It takes all of his willpower not to physically react from shock when he finds Piper curled up tightly on Andrew’s chest, King tucked behind the bend in her knees. His surprise is two-fold. First, he can’t believe he slept through another person being added into their bed. And second, he can’t believe that Andrew is actually asleep in his current position. His arm is wrapped tightly around Piper’s shoulders, the entirety of her small upper body resting on his chest. Neil can do nothing but stare in awe at the pair of them. He thinks of how far they’ve all come, each of them with their own unique struggles, and his sentimentality nearly gets the better of him.
“Staring,” comes Andrew’s low voice, disguised by disuse. All these years, and Neil still doesn’t know how he does that. His eyes aren’t even open. Ridiculous.
A few members of the domestic Andreil household find themselves awake in the middle of the night. In other words, Andrew Minyard is the best father in the universe, and no one will convince me otherwise.
this calls for a toast by Frostandcoal (G | 1,872 | 1/1)
Three years ago, Andrew Minyard threatened to kill her if she ever spoke to him. She hasn’t, but only because she’s had nothing to say.
Until today.
It’s Katelyn’s wedding day, and she’s got a little something to clear up with her brand-new brother-in-law.
As the Fire Spread by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,022 | 1/1)
Neil’s weight beside him is now familiar and even a comfort, sometimes. But on the occasions when Andrew’s senses are on overdrive and the smallest movement feels like an avalanche, an earthquake, a fucking planetary realignment, Neil knows better than to take Andrew’s abandonment personally.
Neil’s hoodie is thrown over the back of his desk chair, so Andrew makes his way over to dig out the pack of cigarettes from the pocket. He thinks he could light it with just the fire on the edge of his tongue, but he grabs a lighter from the drawer just in case.
Neil wants to help. Andrew just wants to breathe without feeling like his lungs will go up in flames.
Weddings and Other Kinds of Vows bya_case_for_wonder (T | 12,328 | 1/1)
“Lord, Andrew, you’d think you hadn’t been dating the guy for half a decade!” Nicky said. “When is he going to ask you to marry him, of course!” Andrew had known it was coming, but it still felt like the world slowed down a little. The question hung in the air between them like an ugly spell, until Andrew shook himself enough to answer. “He’s not going to ask me.“
Nicky is finally getting married, the third Fox wedding in as many years. Andrew is just trying to get through it, Neil is just trying to have a good time, but with all this love in the air, their friends keep insisting on asking questions they are Not Ready For. They try to work through it together.
Time is Standing Still by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,441 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil have a daughter, and she is an actual ray of sunshine.
Leave Me on the Tracks by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,092 | 1/1)
If this had happened a few years ago, Andrew would have stood by and watched him leave. No argument, no attempted persuasion. Because that’s what people do. They leave, or they treat you badly enough that you leave first. People are never worth the trouble.
But not this time. The past decade with Neil has made Andrew come to terms with the fact that this means something. Andrew is rather shocked to find that he believes he himself should be enough to make Neil stay. That he is worthy of it. That he wants Neil to stay, and he will be damned if he lets him go without a fight. Andrew is asking. And if that won’t make Neil stay, nothing will.
In which Neil tries to protect Andrew, and Andrew tells him to get over his hero complex.
Patch Your Wounds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,290 | 1/1)
“Really, Neil,” Andrew drawls. He could have chosen to phrase it as a question, but Neil knows he isn’t surprised. It’s more of an acknowledgement of Neil’s apparent inability to remain injury-free. “You’ve been here for less than forty-five seconds, and you’re already bleeding on my carpet.”
In which Neil is a klutz, the cats are a nuisance, and Andrew is his own special brand of helpful.
I Want You To Know by kayxpc (G | 733 | 1/1)
one love, one house by freefall for cats-are-assholes (T | 2,592 | 1/1)
It’s the little things that make an apartment into a home, that make a sequence of moments into a life.
Or, five times Andrew hates that damn couch, and one time he thinks it isn’t so bad.
Missed This (Not as much as You) by kayxpc (E | 2,087 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew finally get a weekend off of their professional teams and pickup exactly where they left off.
Hidden by kayxpc (G | 2,000 | 1/1)
His Father’s Eyes by maeusetod (Not Rated | 3,012 | 1/1)
Sometimes Neil had thought about, when and under which circumstances he would hear the name Nathaniel again, but he had not expected it to happen like this.
Shut Up, Baby by aftgandreil (arituzz) (E | 693 | 1/1)
“Can you not call me Josten when we are about to have sex?” Neil protests, tugging the hem of his shirt up and over his head.
“What do you want me to call you, then? Asshole?” Andrew says with a smirk on his face, already taking his boxers off.
“Fuck, no. Just–” The advances they’ve made so far have been amazing, Neil thinks, engraving the sight of his naked lover in his head. He can’t help biting his lower lip at the vision in front of him. They’ve come this far, which is more than Neil could have ever hoped for. He guesses it won’t hurt to try for a tinsy little bit more. Locking his eyes with Andrew’s, he says, “Call me baby.”
restless by wesninski for lorcathegreat (G | 2,121 | 1/1)
It’s an expression of restlessness, the kind of bout of spontaneous recklessness at which Neil has always excelled. A new city with new teammates and a new apartment and new stress, and Neil turns to Andrew one summer night, the smell of cigarette smoke mingling with the perfume of Andrew’s flowers on the balcony because they haven’t picked the lock to the roof yet, and says, “let’s get out of here.”
Or: Andrew and Neil go on a road trip and bring the cats along. They should have just found a cat sitter.
if things went differently by yuhee (T | 1,810 | 1/1)
The day Neil Josten disappeared on the Foxes, he had died in a fire incident along with his father and his men. Or so they said. Because Andrew now sees the man in flesh and bones at a city in England after two years.
this place is a shelter by Joana789 (T | 1,786 | 1/1)
”Well,” Andrew says, and the answer feels raw on his tongue. ”Someone has to make sure you don’t run again.”
ask me no questions (and i might not cuss you out) by WingsOfWax (T | 2,77 | 1/1)
Neil’s and Andrew’s relationship becomes public - without their permission. It’s annoying because now they have to actually deal with it. Neil gets more than a little rude when someone asks the wrong kind of question.
"Call me Marcus; he’s strong and noble.” by AroPeterWam (E | 6,899 | 1/1)
“Which one is Sir Fat Cat McCatterson? And why does he have a long name? I like the name King Fluffkins, but isn’t that too many noble titles for the cats?” Marcus, slowly coming out of his shell reached under the coffee table for one of the cats. – In which Neil and Andrew come across a boy who might not be like any of their stray cats.
wake your ghost by Frostandcoal (G | 2,741 | 1/1)
“Kevin’s been obsessed with Riko Moriyama his entire life. It’s going to take more than a bullet to stop that.”
The amount of mental energy Kevin has wasted on Riko is like a faucet, and Andrew has yet to see any definitive proof that Kevin’s ready to turn off the pipes.
In which Kevin has Complicated Feelings ™, Neil does not approve, and Andrew does not care. And Andreil!Banter, for it is like crack unto me, and I love them :|
Close & Closer by kayxpc (E | 1,290 | 1/1)
Andrew & Neil map another safe place out in their relationship
You & Me by kayxpc (E | 782 | 1/1)
A bottom Andrew fic because the fandom is in need of more and I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Here With You by kayxpc (G | 295 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil sleep together after being apart for far too long
an acceptable surprise by kayxpc (G | 1,181 | 1/1)
permanent key//permanent home by kayxpc (T | 1,025 | 1/1)
Andrew visits Neil
She Was Found by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,591 | 1/1)
"We’ve been over this and over this. We have looked at it from every possible angle. We agreed on this, that this is what we both want. You agreed to get over your daddy issues, and I agreed to actively ignore every parenting example I’ve ever had. Right?”
Neil nods his head once with a little too much force to be convincing. “Right.”
“Okay,” Andrew says, not really sure if it was loud enough for Neil to hear. He tightens his hand on Neil’s neck, pulling him closer until their foreheads are touching. Neil’s hand has made it up to hang off of his bicep, gripping like it’s the only thing keeping him on the ground. Andrew fights to keep his voice as even as possible. “Neil. You have to tell me that you’re in this all the way. This is permanent. Once we sign those papers, she is ours. Forever. I refuse to send her away. I will not be like them,” he says, fiercely. “Do you want this?”
AKA Piper: The Prequel
Sundays by celestia (G | 887 | 1/1)
A lazy sunday
something just like this by kayxpc (G | 566 | 1/1)
happy holidays from the foxes by artemis_westfor OneSweetMelody (G | 5,446 | 1/1)
This is my gift exchange for Jules, who wanted Fox family bonding during the holiday/post-grad! A fic set in the future after the books, when all the Foxes have their kids. They have a yearly reunion during the holidays! Soft andreil living their happy life, Andrew healing and having a better relationship with Aaron and Nicky, everyone is happy and sappy. Merry Christmas!
Always by merlypops for badtemperblue (G | 583 | 1/1)
“Am I annoying you?” “You always do,” Andrew said, cradling Neil’s cheek gently before he shoved his face away again. “Always, Josten.” Neil’s heart squeezed in his chest with something that felt dangerously like happiness. He was glad that name was still alive. He was glad he was still around to hear it. He was glad Andrew wasn’t gone.
Neil and Andrew on a plane. Fluff ensues.
smile, smile, smile by mikeymomoo (G | 744 | 1/1)
andrew is getting groceries and a fan spots him. he fucks with him.
All We Ever Knew by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,317 | 1/1)
Robin comes to Neil for life advice, and he is surprisingly helpful. 
Phone Calls by celestia (G | 3,339 | 1/1)
It’s Andrew’s birthday. Even though he and Neil don’t celebrate birthdays, Andrew always gets three phone calls on his birthday.
tell me pretty lies by kayxpc (G | 754 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil apartment shop after Andrew graduates.
out & proud by kayxpc (G | 1,417 | 1/1)
Same sex marriage is finally legalized in Germany and the foxes come to support Nicky and Erik! Lots of love and happiness in this fic, angst who?
Eventually by writerforlife (T | 850 | 1/1)
Eventually, Andrew Minyard found his version of happiness.
Weddings in Germany by kayxpc (G | 978 | 1/1)
all the foxes visit Germany for Nicky and Eriks wedding! :) pure andreil fluff ahead
New Places by Q_Jem_Bee (M | 937 | 1/1)
That was the greatest thing about this, about them.
They had all the time in the world.
[Podfic] right side of rock bottom byfrecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (M | 20 | 1/1)
Author’s summary: Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
Permanence by justapipe-dream (ginita105) (T | 702 | 1/1)
Neil wasn’t the reason for Andrew’s newfound stability, but he had been the eye opener. Neil had taught him that not all humans wanted to break the glass walls he built around himself, some had the decency to find the door and knock.
For the Vagabonds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,301 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew versus the Maserati and the mountains.
Out by Q_Jem_Bee, shewhoisntnamed44 (G | 4,378 | 1/1)
Chris was lucky enough to have a co-worker who Neil Josten owed a favour to – and was about to launch her journalism career through the roof.
Beg and Borrow and Steal by OrdinaryVegan (T | 3,349 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil are dragged into a school dance by their certified Sassmaster and Ray of Sunshine daughter.
pull me back by thetinyconstellation for lethargicawe (T | 2,032 | 1/1)
Neil has a bad day and his boyfriends do what they can to help. Well, if he lets them.
Children of the Universe by aceaaronminyard (necklace) (Not Rated | 1,630 | 1/1)
in which aaron and andrew figure their shit out with only a minimal amount of bruises
“If Aaron is being honest, Andrew looks like a spawn of Death herself; dark and weathered and just as lethal. Aaron smiles cruelly at the glare Andrew fixes him, and for the first time in months, feels galaxies explode in his lungs and make a home under his fingernails.”
mel i mató by R_Gunns (T | 1,934 | 1/1)
Being away from Andrew was harder than Neil had anticipated. Missing him was loud, thinking about him was like a cacophony of sounds, a discordant mess of sensory memories that Neil couldn’t make sense of.
(Neil’s final year at Palmetto is over, and he’ll be moving in with Andrew soon. In the meantime, he pines.)
home (is whenever i’m with you) by nightquills for apear55 (G | 2,067 | 1/1)
It’s been weeks since he saw Andrew last, and Neil can’t wait to finally see him in person, have him near, hear his voice without the tinny echo of a phone call between them.
Neverland is home to lost boys like me byjustapipe-dream (ginita105) (G | 627 | 1/1)
‘Oh, how lucky you are,’ it said, ‘Two lost boys found their Neverland in each other.’
proper punishment for an angel by artemis_west (E | 5,912 | 1/1)
Neil’s mouth gets him in trouble. What else is new?
In which… by Nikotheamazingspoonklepto (Not Rated | 22,238 | 1/1)
…the Foxes get the love they deserve. ~ This fic is a story of growth, character development, and happiness, where Neil loves his Fox family in varying degrees, ranging from platonic to romantic or sexually. Beginning at the start of Neil’s Sophomore year at PSU, he is becoming more confident, self-assured, and a happy person, supported by his original Fox family and learning how to be a leader toward the six Freshman that arrived at PSU.
Ice Cream by kayxpc (E | 944 | 1/1)
Nora’s tweets have inspired andreil smut. It’s what they deserve.
[Podfic] The Name Game by frecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (G | 18 | 1\1)
Author’s summary: What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys.
Independence Day by imagined_melody (G | 1,054 | 1/1)
Neil Josten graduates from Palmetto State University on May 12—five years to the day after he arrived.
In which a life transition falls on an important date, and Neil deals with the prospect of his life changing again.
To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it bywesninskids (Not Rated | 2,203 | 1/1)
Some nights, Kevin Day jerks awake with the weight of his past. These nights, Neil’s there to pull him back to the present.
Sunday Mornings by cleopatras (T | 1,178 | 1/1)
how Neil and Andrew spend a Sunday morning in their home in San Clemente
three keys by lovelyloss (T | 516 | 1/1)
andrew thinks about the three keys neil and him share. [my descriptions are bad whoops]
Another Lonely Christmas by SpookyMiscreant (G | 1,112 | 1/1)
This is a gift for ten-paces-fire for the aftg winter exchange! Kevin is stuck playing Exy overseas instead of in Columbia with his family for christmas.
this is it by morticianists (T | 207 | 1/1)
the future isn’t as bleak as it used to be.
Neil is forbidden to have a relationship with Andrew by his new contract by Vinjana (G | 586 | 1/1)
Neil, who joined Andrew’s team, doesn’t read his contracts…
a haze of fleeting moments by luna_lovegood (G | 2,666 | 1/1)
Renee looked at her as she sat up on the couch and undid her braid, eyes bright and lips stained red. “Alright,” Renee agreed. “That sounds like fun. Do you have any nail polish?”
“Chanel or Essie?” Allison shot back and smirked.
(Or, five moments Renee spent with people she cared about.)
“Why did you name it Burrito?’ by AroPeterWam (Not Rated | 6,828 | 1/1)
“So, is this language barrier ever going to end?” It was Dan who spoke, seemingly entertained by them as she rubbed her temples. – Marcus meets the Foxes and other issues his dads help him through.
You Found Me by howmanyshipscanashippership ( T | 1,539 | 1/1 )
Andrew wakes up a few days after the Foxes win the championships from a nightmare. He wants to look to Neil for comfort and wonders when that became a thing. He falls back asleep and remembers various scenes from when Andrew first met Neil and then things some more about that. Andrew never says to Neil "I love you" but it is heavily implied.... so cannon compliant.
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garethito · 6 years
You know... I've been meaning to ask you about this for a while, and yesterday's tag thing that you did with those Bale gifs only like... fueled? My curiosity? Lol, if that makes sense. Could you like... relive? The Champions League final from this year for us? Like, your perspective on it? Or maybe even the actual whole day of the final? Sorry, God, I know this is weird, but I just love how you tell stories from your life! I have seen you do it with some other anons once!
First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this like, you guys always send me such interesting questions and Im so??? and OMG no this is not weird stop this is such a wonderful question to ask!! And omg you liked how I told the stories to those anons that is so sweet thank you so muchhhhh ❤️❤️💝❤️💘💘💞💞💘
But also this is making me really emotional I dont think I will be able to write this without tearing up but here we go!!! I was at school today and we had a special day so we didnt make any classes, so I had time to formulate an answer to this, and to complete it at home 💞
Quick WARNING?? Yes I am perfectly aware of how crazy and overdramatic this whole story sounds, but the thing is that this is how I truly feel about this day in my life. So yeah lol. Football is basically my life!
I would like to start this by saying that the day of the 26th of May 2018 is the most important day of my entire life as a football fan. There is nothing that could even come close to this. Absolutely nothing. Never in my life have I cried like in that night. Never. Absolutely never. I have looked at my life as a person, at my hardest times, when I cried a lot, but not even that can even slightly compare to the amount of crying that I have done on that glorious day of May 7 months ago. When I say crying, though, I dont actually mean crying, no. I mean violently sobbing, screaming at the top of my lungs, shaking and feeling numb. But in the best way possible, the happiest tears that I ever shedded.
My actual perspective, like you said, though, starts from the 2nd of May, a day after our semi-final second leg against Bayern. From that day, until the 26th, my mind, my body, my soul only thought about the final. I could not even focus on the Clasico on the 6th, neither on the last La Liga match. I was so fucking nervous, words are not sufficient to describe….. At least once every 2-3 days I would go to the bathroom with severe stomach aches and sit there until I would try to calm myself down so that my grandmother wouldnt get worried. I thank God, the Universe, or whoever you think invented life for the fact that highschool had nothing special during that period, just a few tests, that I got the best grades on, because had there been something big, I would have surely failed. That was a nightmare. Just think about it. Horrible La Liga season, then those fucking shaky as fuck second leg matches against Juve AND Bayern. I was literally so pessimistic that I am scaring myself right now thinking about it. All these bad scenarios played through my head ”What if Zizou loses his job? What if this will be the start of our downfall? What if this is the last Champions League final we will play? What if, what if, what if….”. I always tried to tell my brain how stupid I was, that we are Real Madrid and that we will win, like we always do, that we are the best fucking team in the Universe and that nobody even comes close to being like us. But its like these voices in my head wouldnt stop, it was so scary.
Come 25th of May I was an actual lifeless corpse. No matter how much I tried to call my best friend, who was in Bulgaria at that time, and telling her that I cant take this anymore, and her telling me that its going to be okay like it always is, that she doesnt really know my team well but she knows we will win, no matter how much of that was happening, I couldnt fucking stop being nervous and constantly thinking about this match.
On the morning of the 26th I woke up with a severe headache at about 8:30-9 AM. The only things that I remember from that whole day are the constant empty feeling, the amount of times I listened to Hala Madrid Y Nada Mas and the amount of pictures, videos, promotional/support videos I saw and watched. I called my friend one last time and I told her that now I am optimistic, that we will win.
My whole emotional state was ruined, however, by Gareth not starting. I dont need to explain the whole February-May Gaz-Zizou situation because I think everyone knows it too well by now and what I fucking felt about it. I have never been so enraged in my entire life. After all he has done, still no place in the starting XI. Though, this is pretty much the only thing that has ever angered me about Zizou. I love that man too much, I dont think there will ever be a coach that will ever come close to him, a coach that I will ever love as much as I loved him, but this whole situation really, really angered me. As I said, not going to get into details, I think that is enough. Though, I tried to only focus on my hardly achieved positivity about the match. 
The match started and my emotional state reached its lowest point. I couldnt take it anymore, I felt impossibly sick from being so nervous, I got the most severe migraine ever, my eyes were literally about to pop out ugh again, remembering that gives me chills. Dani got injured, and I got angry again, because he didnt deserve it, the World Cup was literally about to start like God give this man a break!!!
Halftime at 0-0, my optimism grew, believe it or not. I felt like we will have more urgency in the second half and that we will win this.
The second half came, with me just desperately hoping for a goal. Because we were playing so well, we deserved a reward!! And it did come, with Benzemas goal, God I felt so relieved and happy. I have seen people saying that his goal was not good but? You literally take everything that is being offered to you in a Champions League final! He scored, he gave us a goal, we were 1-0 up, and I was literally screaming from joy, I was shaking so much and I was the proudest person alive. God, I love my team. Then, Liverpools equalizer came. I didnt think anything of it. I wouldnt get rid of my optimism. I was looking at my boys and I knew we would win.
And Oh My God, here we fucking go. 
Minute 61. Gareth comes on. I was so grateful that he at least got to play 30 minutes, I literally only wanted to see him. At that time, considering everything that was happening, I was already emotionally starting to prepare for his departure to another team. I was watching him in those moments, flashbacks through my mind of all the glorious times I got to see him, all of his goals, everything.
And then…
All of a sudden…
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That moment. The moment in which my soul has definitely left my body. The most beautiful moment I have ever lived in watching football. The moment in which I was the proudest person alive. A moment I will never, ever, ever forget, for as long as I get to live. The moment I have literally seen history being made, right before my eyes. The moment in which I literally evaporated, left the Earth, idk how to explain this but I hope you understand me. My idol, that had suffered so much that season, scored a fucking bicycle kick in a FUCKING UCL FINAL. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. The happiest, most full of joy, best, most emotional moment. Ever. No exaggeration.
My perspective on this? Oh well, brace yourselves. If you think everything that I have written so far seems insane, get ready for this.
I was on my bed, watching the game, shaking. I saw the passes, beautiful passes, that ended up with Marcelo controling the ball (incredibly, as he always does, my Brazilian sunshine). I saw him swaying to the side, and then passing a high, aerial ball in the box. Gareth came up to meet it, with… a scissor kick. That he scored. I literally fucking exploded like there is no other word. I jumped off my fucking bed and I ran literally across the house and came back, making the most inhuman noises ever I swear. I came back to my bedroom and I collapsed on the floor and I literally started fucking bawling my eyes out, and even that seems like an understatement. Screaming at the top of my lungs, bawling my eyes out, literally all of it happening on the floor. My grandmother literally came in and she thought something happened to me, but then I just pointed to the screen and she understood lmao. And from that point onward I cannot say anything anymore, because I dont remember anything else but me on the floor, literally. After like 15 minutes I hardly even managed to get back on the bed, and guess what?
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???? I dont know what to say anymore. Like he literally toyed with everyone that night, he didnt care about anything. Again, with a pass from Marcelo, he literally goes from FAR FAR FAR away and he shoots and… scores?? How much do you think my poor fragile self can handle? Like, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU SAY TO THAT?? Except for bawling your eyes out even more, if thats even possible? Its been 7 months and I still dont have words for what happened that night, like 2 goals ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? LIKE DO YOU UNDERSTAND I WAS LITERALLY DEAD LIKE ??? I LOST EVERY SINGLE BIT OF MY SANITY THAT NIGHT. 2 goals, 2 goals in 20 minutes, he was about to get a fucking hattrick. A fucking HATTRICK IN HALF AN HOUR, but Karius unfortunately stopped that shot.
The match ended and… I dont remember anything other than barely seeing the screen, I literally had a blurred vision.
In the moment in which Sergio lifted it I… I dont have words, did I go into another Universe, did I ascend, did my soul leave my body I dont even know but what I do know is that I spent the rest of the night, up until like 6AM, crying my heart out. And this is what I mean by ”I have never cried so much in my entire life”. Like I have never spent a whole night crying.
I went to bed at like 6:30, woke up at like.. 10?? I think you can imagine how I woke up, I literally felt like I was going to die but I spent the rest of the day catching up on everything that happened the entire night.
And then, of course, the celebrations, Cibeles, Bernabeu… of course your sensitive girl bawled her eyes out again lol!
Every day ever since it happened, I have always been thinking about this day. About all of it. No point in counting how many times I rewatched the goals lol! But I think you can imagine haha 💘
So yeah, this is pretty much it DSLKFDKJFKDFJKDFK. The story about my best ever day of watching football I made it unecessarily long (Im so sorry). I think the only conclusion that I can get from this is Hala Madrid Y Gareth Y Nada Mas lol! 💘💘
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
1- Hey Ash I don't know if you remember me I'm the anon that sent you a message a few months ago asking you if it was weird that I was still a virgin when I'm in my 20s and you responded that it's not and it was a really sweet reply and all thank you for that. Well, I just wanted to share something personal with you if you don't feel comfortable responding please ignore the rest of my messages but I just can't even talk about this with anyone I know because I'm embarrassed to and it's easier-
Anonymous said:2-for me to do this on anon with you because you give good advice. So here goes- I did meet a guy I really liked a while back and at first he was so nice and sweet and I told him everything about my virgin situation and he was like ok it’s whatever. So we continue on going out and he starts asking me about sleeping together and I told him I’d like to be in a relationship before doing that. So he makes things official and a few weeks after we did sleep together but after a few sex sessions later
Anonymous said:3- he starts to act so different and it just drove me crazy I kept asking him if I did something wrong and he was just being a completely different person and would get upset with me if I tried to talk to him about anything that was bothering me. I had a feeling that I’d been played when that happened but I was just so in denial about the whole thing because he was the first one to make a move on me so I thought he HAS to like me right? Well a few weeks after I had started questioning him he
Anonymous said:4- became so rude to me. He started telling me that he doesn’t know why he agreed to a relationship with me because he has feelings for someone else and when I tried asking him why he would do this to me he flat out said it’s because he wanted to fuck. Can you see why I’m embarrassed now? This was months ago and I still haven’t told anyone what happened I was so devastated because he made me so excited about the idea of being with him when he was lying to me the whole time. Anyways fast forward
Anonymous said:5- to a few days ago after months he finally calls me up again and tells me he doesn’t want me to be upset with him and he wants to be friends. Let me make it clear he did not apologize, just said he doesn’t want me to hate him forever. I told him I’m never allowing him to lead me on again, but I also don’t like to hold grudges. What do you think? Should I allow him to be friends with me or completely cut him out of my life?
First of all no problem you came her to ask/tell whats bothering you and I’m glad I could help you the first time. 😊
Second of all: THAT GUY IS A *%@!^%&^!@%###@#. I swear I’m fucking fuming 😤😤😤 You did kinda came to the wrong person. Not that I don’t wanna help you or have any advice, but I’m the kind of person that DOES hold a grudge. 
I know everyone can be all zen-like and say “you have to let it behind you. it will give you peace. and you can move with nothing holding you back etc etc” WELL NOT ME. (Not meaning it’s bad if you do forgive etc but it’s not for me). 
especially In this case I would smack that door closed and hoped it hits him in the face…
He knew you were a virgin. You were vulnerable enough to tell him and to set a boundary for yourself: you wanted to be official with someone before sex. He accepted that, made it official, took you virginity and then he acted all strange and shit? And said he only made it official because he had an itch aka wanted to fuck. WHATTTT!!!???  😤😤😤😤😤
AND NOW THAT - ok out of respect for you I won’t curse him out writing it just in my mind - but that BLEEEEP  AFTER MONTHS tells you he doesn’t want you to be upset and wants to be friends??Like just when you were probably getting over him and forgetting about this tiny dickhead (ok sorry dickhead isn’t such a bad curse word) HE COMES CRAWLING BACK TO BE FRIENDS???! NAAWH GTFOOOO!
Besides that he doesn’t even apologize! WHAT!?? *my mind is spinning* So he says he doesn’t want you to hate him forever - aka he knows he did something wrong - but he doenst apologize… I can’t
Girl. You are a beautiful💞, young, intelligent women, who has the world at her feet, you can be anything you wants to and you have so much time to explore the world 💞 and to meet other people, make new friends and meet new boys. And these boys will hopefully treat you like you deserve to be treated AND IF THEY DONT then close the door.
I think it’s already clear what I would do xD, but to be honest this guy didnt took a small thing of you. This guy didnt play you a little bit. This guy took something you maybe waited for for the right person. And now he comes back not to apologize but because he doesn’t want you to hate him forever (so again he KNOWS he did you wrong but STILL doenst apologize). After months he can’t even apologize?? DOn’t you at least deserve that? I would tell him TO SUCK MY BALLS (not that I have them but still). No ok, but I wouldnt be friends with him not at all. 
If he would have broken my trust like that no way I would EVER let him in my life again. No way. 
Of course You have to do what you want and feels good. But for me no friends. 
And don’t feel afraid to ever come here for advice girlie ❤️❤️
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chemicalmiraclee · 7 years
yo its the 1-69 or ur straight anon
ur my fav anon 
1. could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?: I cant make it through the day without smoking a cigarette 
2. single/heartbroken/confused?: im all of these except taken 
3. what if i told you you were pretty?: id laugh in ur face
4. ever been told “its not you, its me?” no its usually me lmfao
5. interested in anyone right now: kind of, maybe, idk i dont like feelings
6. what are you looking forward to in the next week?: sleeping my winter break away
7. do you want to be single?: maybe? idk what i want tbh 
8. did you go out or stay in last night?: went out
9. how late did you stay up last night?: like 2:30am
10. can you recall the last time you really liked someone?: ya
11. last three things you had to drink?: coffee, water, coffee
12. have you pretended to like someone?: yea
13. told some1 you loved them and didnt mean it?: yea
14. has any1 seen ur underwear in the past three months?: maybe 
15. is it hard for you to get over some1?: yes
16. were you single five months ago?: nope
17. what were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?: working
18. hold hands with any1 this week?: no
19. could you go the rest of ur life wihtout drinking alcohol?: nooo
20. what would you name ur future daughter?: idk dont rush me 
21. do u miss any1?: yes :/
22. have you kissed three or more people in one night?: no 
23. did your last kiss take place on a bed?: nope
24. are you good at hiding your feelings?: im the master
25. have you cried from being so mad?: yes
26. who did you last see in person?: my mom
27. are you listening to music?: pingegrove
28. whats something you want right now?: academic stability, financial stability, general stability??? lol 
29. whats the last thing you said out loud?: would you like milk in your coffee?
30. how is your heart lately?: inexistent 
31. do you wear the hood on your hoodie?: sometimes
32. are you wearing socks?: yes 
33. what do people call you?: jenna
34. will u talk to the person u like tonight?: who said i like some1 
35. are there any stressful situations in ur life?: LMAO
36. who did you last share a bed with?: this could have multiple meanings so ill just say my ex?
37. did you do something bad today?: yea
38. when was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?: men are gross
39. do you get stressed out easily?: LMAOx2
40. will u sing today?: no
41. have you ever wanted to tell some1 something and didnt?: yes
42. who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?: opening up? venting? sharing your feelings? never heard of it 
43. ever been in an ambulance?: no
44. what are you listening to?: Pinegrove
45. what is wrong with you?: HA this is a great question. the answer is a lot 
46. whats on your wrists?: nothing?
47. where did you get the shirt ur wearing?: its real friends merch
48. what do u like better hot chocolate or apple cider?: hot chocolate
49. do u make wishes at 11:11?: no
50. are you a good artist?: no 
51. love is a beautiful thing, isnt it?: lmfao 
52. do u miss the way things were six months ago?: yes and no
53. ever been in a golf cart?: maybe? idk? 
54. do u have trust issues?: big time
55. ever stayed up on the phone all night with people, who?: yes and idk various people lmao
56. do u own something from hot topic?: yes go on my facebook and look at my scene pictures
57. do you use chapstick?: like 80000x a day
58. have you ever slapped someone in the face?: not with my hand, no
59. do u have a little sister?: no i have a bro
60. have u ever been to ny?: yes 
61. did the last person who said i love you mean it?: i hope :( 
62. have you hugged some1 in the last week?: my mom hugged me this morning
63. what were you doing at midnight last night?: should have been studying but doing the opposite
64. have u regretted kissing some1?: every man ive ever kissed
65. is there one person in ur life that can always make u smile?: theyre not in my life anymore but yup
66. were your last three kisses from the same person?: nope
67. have you kissed anyone in the last five days?: i kissed my dog on the nose this morning?
68. would you rather sleep with someone or alone?: with someone
69. will next friday be a good one?: probably not who knows
0 notes
differentdove · 8 years
all the questionsss :D
Top of tha mornin to ya, anon! I guess you DO wanna know something! Is it you that wants to know everything? If not, thats a pretty popular view, hahaha! But i like your hutzpah, kid! 1:   Full name : Madison Grace 
2:   Age : I am nineteen 
3:   3 Fears : I mean, I dont really have but one fear, but I suppose silence, darkness, and opening up to people, but those are just due to inner issues and are things easily fixed that i deal with on a daily basis. 
4:   3 things I love : I love Paul and dinosaours and my family! 
5:   3 turns on : Passion, no fear of social standards, hilarity! 
6:   3 turns off : Common camo, no consideration of others, my ex bf!
7:   My best friend: all of my friends now??
8:   Sexual orientation: ?????????
9:   My best first date: That is by far this last one i went on! It was incredible, i will never forget it! 
10:   How tall am I: Smol standing at 5′6′’
11:   What do I miss: I miss traveling. I cant do it so much anymore as of this exact moment, but i do what i can
12:   What time were I born: I was born exactly on the dot at 8:45 in the morning! 
13:   Favourite color: ALL THE COLOURS! 
14:   Do I have a crush: Nope! 
15:   Favourite quote: I dont really have one, but ill just put the last one that i shared. I came across it by accident and it is actually a lyric, but it says: “We make each other better, we may not be perfect, but we are perfect together” and its such a sweet, aweome song and it made me too emotional than i am confortable with.
16:   Favourite place: I do not have one, actually! 
17:   Favourite food: How could you ever pick just one? There is so many delectable things out there! 
18:   Do I use sarcasm: Wha-whaaaattt! Pshhhh, haha, do i, do I use sarcasm?!?!? Hahahaha, noooooooooooooooo. 
19:   What am I listening to right now: I just have The Office playing in the background, ive gotta shower here soon, but I am tryna crunch out these questions first! 
20:   First thing I notice in new person: Existence? 
21:   Shoe size: That is a tricky question, but the shoes i am wearing today are a 9.5H
22:   Eye color: As of rn, they are lightish brown! 
23:   Hair color: Browwwnn
24:   Favourite style of clothing: I mean, i dont have an answer for this, but eccentric? 
25:   Ever done a prank call?: I mean, do middle school girls do dumb things at sleep overs?…yes. 
27:   Meaning behind my URL: I have used this url for soooooo many years now, it is basically my signature username. I came up with this in,,,a round fourth grade time, and that was when i was really noticing my connection to mother nature and i was the weird kid and so ‘different’ stood out to me, (”different” being a good connotation and “strange” being the opposing) and ‘dove’ was a nice word, showing a bit of religion and peace and so i feel they fit together very nicely! It also turned out for Morning Dove to be my first larger role, and my ancients gave me this bag of random jewlery from all over and it had a beautiful handmade dove in it with beads.  
28:   Favourite movie: N/a
29:   Favourite song N/a
30:   Favourite band Really, how does one pick these things?
31:   How I feel right now: I,,,I feel, not necessarily happy, but, almost. Content?
32:   Someone I love: Rachel
33:   My current relationship status: Single and ready to fla-stay that way.
34:   My relationship with my parents: Nonexistent?
35:   Favourite holiday: I dont have one! I really kind of like all of them! Well, except for valentines day. Thats so stupid, im not even gonna get that soap box.
36:   Tattoos and piercing i have: Sadly, i just have my lobes pierced, but i want soooo many more piercings that are underway. I want too many tattoos, and i cant really get them, so im just gonna deal without. 
37:   Tattoos and piercing i want: Well, the next is my conch ear pierced. I have an ear map of ones that i want. 
38:   The reason I joined Tumblr: I mean, this is not my original tumblr, but it was actually my friend Tahlia who suggested it. I was making really cool art out of fruit at lunch and she wanted me to post it, and so she told me about it and i cant remember what that blog was, but i will remember eventually. But i joined off of her recommendation and here i am! 
39:   Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No, i mean,,, he hurt me beyond belief and its really something ive been trying to get the heck ut of my life, but no, i dont hate him. I know he despises me, but i feel what i feel and as much wrong as he did me, i do not hate him. 
40:   Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: I meaannn, technically yes, but ive not gotten a “good morning” text in a good while. I tend to talk to people very late, and so we will say good bye n good night, but not really, no. 
41:   Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: I have not. 
42:   When did I last hold hands?: Goodness, that is a time ago, huh. Thats not something ive thought about in a good while. I held a mannequin hand earlier, but a human, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
43:   How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: It depends, anywhere from and hour to five hours.
44:   Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: HAHAHAHAHAHA
45:   Where am I right now?: I am sitting on my couch in the living room. My home. 
*the part where i shorten answers, sweet and simple. AKA i didnt realize how long this was and i want to get them all, but im on a time crunch*
46:   If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Then it would be whichever friend is there. We have good care for one another. Or the DD
47:   Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: Suuuuuuuuuuper loud, man. 
48:   Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Ugh. Unfortunately. 
49:   Am I excited for anything?: I am excited, yes. I get to give a gift tomorrow and get ready for KCACTF.
50:   Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: Theres not really anyone, of any gender, that i have told everything to. 
51:   How often do I wear a fake smile?: too much. 
52:   When was the last time I hugged someone? I hugged this guy today…
53:   What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I mean she IS married, soooo
54:   Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: Huh? No?
55:   What is something I disliked about today? I should have gotten something different at the restaurant, i didnt know it would be huge.
56:   If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: The frozen head of walt disney
57:   What do I think about most? Theatre? God? Honestly, my thoughts are nothing to mess with
58:   What’s my strangest talent?: I can,,,uhhh, I am great at champagne towers? 
59:   Do I have any strange phobias?: Nope. But my friend is afraid of two things. Whales and jello.
60:   Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Boooooth
61:   What was the last lie I told?: Im hanging out with Shelby and Ariel.
62:   Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Both is pretty cool. Talking is easier for my situation (more available, etc.)
63:   Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yep. YEP.
64:   Do I believe in magic? Of course! 
65:   Do I believe in luck? Yes, but sometimes you have to make your own luck.
66:   What’s the weather like right now? It is actually starting to snow! :D
67:   What was the last book I’ve read? A Meisner book by friend lent me.
68:   Do I like the smell of gasoline? Overall-yes. but i hate pumping gas, and thats really the only time i smell it. 
69:   Do I have any nicknames? Not particularly, no.
70:   What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Probably my heart, itm.
71:   Do I spend money or save it?: I am trying to balance. 
72:   Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Yes, i can, actually.
73:   Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: My ipad has pink in the case! 
74:   Favourite animal?: None. All of them.
75:   What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Dude. Freaking out over Gravity Falls! 
76:   What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Uhhhhhhh, what? (McBadguy)
77:   What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: I mean, all of the musics. Ooh lala? By ginger minj.
78:   How can you win my heart?: I dont know you, it depends on you. But i feel my sparkling personality is a shooin. 
79:   What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: “Theyre not dead. Theyre never gonna die, but still chipped in for a cool tombstone, TAKE THAT DEBORA.”
80:   What is my favorite word?: I dont have one, but there is this thing where people say a word and it just sounds perfect with their voice. My freshman english teacher had one. And its just strange and itll stop me in my tracks. 
81:   My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Theres so many great ones! I highly reccomend lots of my mutuals, theyre all perfect hoomuns. 
82:   If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Made you look. 
83:   Do I have any relatives in jail?: Not that i know of.
84:   I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: The power to have every power.
85:   What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: Really anything on my personal life. 
86:   What is my current desktop picture?: I dont have a desktop.
87:   Had sex?: Regerts. So many ragreeerrrts
88:   Bought condoms? Nope. 
89:   Gotten pregnant? Nope. 
90:   Failed a class? Yes. And it is not hindering me. 
91:   Kissed a boy?: yes i have
92:   Kissed a girl? Yep
93:   Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? No. 
94:   Had job? I have, i need another, though.
95:   Left the house without my wallet? Only all the time. 
96:   Bullied someone on the internet? Of course not. Thats never okay. 
97:   Had sex in public? I mean, technically, but no, not really. If ever. 
98:   Played on a sports team? Yeah, several actually. 
99:   Smoked weed? The devils lettuce. That gateway drug? THe wacKY TOBACKEE?!?! Yes. 
100:   Did drugs? Yep. 
101:   Smoked cigarettes? No, goodness no. And thats not gonna happen. ick
102:   Drank alcohol? Yep. 
103:   Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never had this question before, i am vegan, yes! 
104:   Been overweight? Never not
105:   Been underweight? HAha, yeahright
106:   Been to a wedding? Yes! I love weddings! My last one ive been to was my dear friend Kelley. 
107:   Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Minimum. 
108:   Watched TV for 5 hours straight?  Childs play.
109:   Been outside my home country? Yes and i cannot wait to go back
110:   Gotten my heart broken? Hahahahaha only a lot. 
111:   Been to a professional sports game?: A few actually! I love it
112:   Broken a bone? No, knock on wood
113:   Cut myself? Yes. Dont do it. 
114:   Been to prom? Twice. Prom ruler yoyo
115:   Been in airplane? Yes! Its great, good memories. 
116:   Fly by helicopter? Gosh i wish. I had an opportunity to at school, but i didnt learn until after the fact, They didnt think id want to. WOULDNT WANT TO. PSSSHHH. HA. 
117:   What concerts have I been to? So many. THe last big one was P!ATD and FOB in Georgia
118:   Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Maybe?
119:   Learned another language? I am working on it, yeah. 
120:   Wore make up? I am actually wearing it at this very moment. 
121:   Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Ugh. Regeerrrtttsssssss
122:   Had oral sex? Nope. 
123:   Dyed my hair? Nah
124:   Voted in a presidential election? Sadly i have not. not yet. 
125:   Rode in an ambulance? No, actually. And i hope i never will. Unless its just a fun parade-type thing. Or a car chase.
126:   Had a surgery? Besides oral surgery, no.
127:   Met someone famous? A few, yeah. Shout out Fanboy
128:   Stalked someone on a social network? Mildly, yeah. 
129:   Peed outside? So. Hard. 
130:   Been fishing? Nah
131:   Helped with charity? Yeah, i love volunteering!
132:   Been rejected by a crush?: Yuuuppppppp. 
133:   Broken a mirror? ……maybe a little
134:   What do I want for birthday? Is surprise party a bad answer? Ive always wanted oneee
135:   How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Ahhhhhh, who knows. Not present Madison. Thats future Madisons problem. 
136:   Was I named after anyone?: No, but who knows. 
137:   Do I like my handwriting? Yes. Its changed so much and is all over the place, but its great.
138:   What was my favourite toy as a child?: Iiiiiii, i dont know. 
139:   Favourite Tv Show? N/a.
140:   Where do I want to live when older? Nowhere. I want to keep traveling and live in cast/crew housing and yes.
141:   Play any musical instrument? Clarinet, beginners piano, beginners cello, beginners bagpipes. 
142:   One of my scars, how did I get it? Ive not one on my right leg, four o’clock from my knee that i got from my kittens the last time i saw them…
143:   Favourite pizza toping? Vegan thingssssss (a rare commodity where i live)
144:   Am I afraid of the dark? Not teccchnically, but i cant be in it. 
145:   Am I afraid of heights? Nooooo, theyre wonderful! 
146:   Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope. Its only illegal if you get caught. 
147:   Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? School is being a dumb dummyhead.
148:   What I’m really bad at. Everything, really?
149:   What my greatest achievments are. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…?
150:   The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me. Honestly, i have those stored atm and really couldnt tell you. 
152:   What do I like about myself. Uhhhh,,,,,,, my minds not there atm. Come again. 
153:   My closest Tumblr friend. Teccchnicaly its @shelby ashley 3, but idk if thats cheating. 
154:   Something I fantasise about. Fantasise? Idk if you know me, but thats a vvv tricky subject. 
155:   Any question you’d like? Well, you didnt specify for this, so i suppose were finished! You might have noticed by now, but i am not able to answer every question in the ‘traditional’ way, but i hope you had fun reading these and you learned something new! I enjoyed answering them! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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