#the beautifly effect
arvoze · 3 months
the beautifly effect (pmd au where keith never leaves the bandits and forms a new team, the ferrymen)
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piplupod · 10 months
i beat a gym leader's level 22 pokemon with my level 17 bug-type pokemon (who was paralyzed the entire battle) so i feel like i can do anything now
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dandyshucks-moving · 10 months
Guz would be so proud of me djfjdkl I just beat this gym leader's level 22 pokemon with my level 17 bug type pokemon ☆٩(。•ω<。)و
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jotabug · 2 months
Bug Type Ask Game!!
I spent uh, a decent amount of time gathering my knowledge on almost all bug types to come up with a fitting ask game! I dont understand the Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon nearly enough to have them here, though.
Butterfree - What is something that brightens your day?
Beedrill - What is something that enrages you?
Parasect - Have you ever been affected by Status Effects? If yes, how did it feel like? (Like falling asleep to Spore, being burned by Will-O-Wisp, being paralyzed by Thunderwave, etc.)
Venomoth - What calls your attention like a moth to a flame?
Scyther | Scizor - Do you consider yourself efficient at what you do?
Pinsir - Do you consider yourself brutal at what you do?
Ledian - What is the strongest pokemon you think you could best in a fist fight?
Ariados - What makes you feel trapped?
Forretress - Do you tend to put on a facade or are you true to yourself?
Shuckle - What is your favorite Berry?
Heracross - What is your greatest strength?
Beautifly | Dustox - How much have you changed since you were a kid?
Masquerain - How do people generally seem to think you're like?
Ninjask - What is your experience with flying?
Shedinja - What is your experience with loss?
Volbeat | Illumise - What is your experience with love?
Armaldo - What is your favorite fossil pokemon?
Kricketune - What is your experience with music?
Wormadam - How well do you take to the weather where you live?
Mothim - Have you ever stolen? If so, did you get caught?
Vespiquen - What makes you stand out from those around you?
Yanmega - Have you ever had to deal with unreasonable expectations?
Leavanny - What is your favorite kind of clothing?
Scolipede - What is a pokemon thats bigger/smaller than you expected?
Crustle - Do you consider yourself resilient? Physically or mentally.
Escavalier | Accelgor - Are you more likely to cheat or play fair if you want to win?
Galvantula - How long would you survive with no electricity?
Durant - How good are you at working together with people?
Volcarona - Which pokemon of yours is best at battling?
Vivillon - Do you consider yourself fashionable?
Vikavolt - What devices do you always bring with you?
Ribombee - Who has been always supporting you when you need it?
Araquanid - What is the longest time you've spent underwater?
Golisopod - What is something you're very afraid of?
Orbeetle - How smart are you?
Centiskorch - How competitive are you?
Frosmoth - What do you think of winter and snow?
Spidops - What is a pokemon you think people should appreciate more?
Lokix - How often do you win pokemon battles? If you don't, do you plan on starting?
Rabsca - Do you believe in legendaries and mythicals?
I am SO SORRY for how big it is (lies.) Remember to send one to who you reblogged it from!
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“Oh no my Wurmple evolved into a Dustox I wanted a Beautifly oh no what do I do now”
You raise an extremely effective pollinator as one of your own and you accept that not every Pokémon has to be the pinnacle of aesthetics for you to find companionship in them, that’s what. Coward.
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masterhallmark · 3 months
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Maxie x Isekaied Reader headcanons
You wake up in the Pokemon world through an ultra wormhole. Word gets around that strangers from a world WITHOUT POKEMON have fallen through giant wormholes, despite Interpol attempting to cover it up. You found yourself in the Hoenn region, right outside Team Magma's lair. Maxie decided he needed to investigate the claims himself.
You seem like just a normal person, and you certainly know what Pokemon are, so he's skeptical...until you mention him by name before he even introduces himself. In this timeline, Team Magma hasn't even made their official debut, yet. You couldn't possibly have known about him unless, as the rumors claim, Pokemon is a fictional series in your world. That makes you a potential security threat, so he decides you need to be captured. It will give him more time to research you, anyway.
Once he has you in his lair, he explains that he, unfortunately, cannot let you go until his plans are fulfilled, and he apologizes that it has to be this way, but you'll be treated as a guest. He's not a SAVAGE. You'll have a nice bedroom, be fed, given forms of entertainment, and be kept company.
When you attempt to tell him why using Groudon won't work, citing the events of the games, he simply takes notes so he can plan for all the ill effects of trying to use Groudon that you mentioned. As far as he's concerned, you provided valuable information about how Groudon can cause a drought, how it might clash with Kyogre, or how using the wrong orb shall enrage him, but what you're describing is still from a silly game.
When talking with you, he notices you're quite smart, and decides to learn more about you. What is your world like? How big is it's landmass? How has the absence of Pokemon made your world different from his own? Can he please look at your cellphone and upgrade it?
Eventually, you give up trying to talk him out of summoning and controlling Groudon, so he starts to warm up to you. The questions gradually become less about your world and more about YOU. Your favorite series? Your family? Favorite Pokemon? Hobbies? Employment history?
At some point he starts to enjoy your company, to the point it's interfering with the mission. When he realizes this, he tries to resolve the problem by convincing you to join Team Magma, promising to make you his personal assistant. You're hesitant, until he asks, "Don't you want your very own Pokemon? I can catch your favorite."
Should you agree, you're given a uniform and a Pokemon. As his assistant, you're basically a travelling secretary and must go wherever he goes...he doesn't quite trust you to go off on your own, yet, and honestly, he enjoys keeping you nearby as you make good company.
He tells himself he just enjoys the company, at first, but over time his feelings grow stronger. On the outside he's stoic, but on the inside his stomach's full of beautiflies around you.
You start to become close to him as well. You don't agree with his methods, and you think his plan is foolish, but you can't help but admire that he's TRYING to help humanity.
He attempts to flirt. You'd think the charisma he used to get a ton of people to follow him in his goals would translate to flirting, but he's TERRIBLE at it!
You're no better. The two of you become Team Magma's main source of entertainment as they watch you try and fail at flirting.
Eventually when you two are alone, Maxie just decides to be blunt, tell you how he feels, and ask you to be his. What you two do after is up to you.
However, there's a problem. You've been trying to figure out how to get back home. The thought is driving Maxie insane. He realizes he put you in a difficult spot, one where you'll have to choose between him and everything you left behind. And he doesn't know whether or not he should try to help you find your way home.
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miraculouswolf99 · 10 months
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My other Miraculous Ladybug OC. Vallia Garden, aka Beautifly. The holder of the Greek butterfly miraculous. Her miraculous is a crystal butterfly cuff bracelet on her right wrist. Her weapon is a large daisy flower made of metal at the end of a thorn vine-like whip. It is like a combo of a saw-blade, whip, and Captain America's shield. Her power is Nature's Heart, which allows her to summon a flower which has a different magical effect depending on the flower.
For future original superheroes as well as original Pokemon and fanfics, check out my Patreon!
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crystalelemental · 3 months
As of today, I have finished Pokemon Platinum. Which means the remaining writeups will be...a while from now. Hopefully not too long. I am kind of in a state of just wanting to blitz through now. Platinum has been a long standing favorite that, in recent years, is lagging in the polls compared to Emerald. But having replayed it, how do I now feel about this delightful game?
Still generally positive. My team was super goofy this time. Beautifly (Naive), Pachirisu (Impish), Flareon (Bashful), Lopunny (Bold), Gardevoir (Sassy), and Octillery (Quirky). Almost entirely stinkers.
Now okay, given my team, it may be odd to say "Platinum thrives on its difficulty," but it's true. I think the takeaway, though, is how different it is from Emerald.
Boss battles follow a less guided structure. By which I mean, you can see the arc of Emerald, teaching skills and then giving counterplay. Platinum has counterplay but less teaching. It kind of expects you to know how to play, then does things like applies Leech Seed in the grass gym to overcome a possible Bronzor, Vespiquen, or Drifloon. Stuff like that. However, by the League, it becomes apparent what Platinum is about.
Platinum aims to make itself balanced by being restrictive with tools. Boosting TMs do not exist in this game. They're behind the BP paywall of the Battle Frontier, and I would never recommend that given how expensive they are and how little BP you acquire for hours of work. It also removes Thunder Wave, which is wild. Taking away these tools is a questionable decision, because it limits the player's access to options, which is generally not a favorite move.
But, consider how Emerald went. The most effective strategy is the one everyone likes using: four attacks. So Platinum leans into that by taking away other tools, and saying "just hit each other with sticks." This creates interesting situations, where lack of easy paralysis means my Pachirisu actually had value with high-paralysis moves, or Gardevoir and Alakazam's access to natural Calm Mind making them extremely valuable. It's restrictive, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't work for it.
Talking about challenge in Platinum is impossible without discussing what makes Cynthia the boss fight she is. There's a lot to go over, but I am surprised they don't take this approach more often.
Cynthia's fight has max IVs on all her Pokemon. Your Pokemon do not have this, guaranteed. What you do have in your favor is EVs, which are generally allocated evenly, about 80 per stat. Essentially, the numbers game to work out with Cynthia is whether your +20 at level 100 is enough combined with your EV rolls to match +31 at level 100 that she has. These numbers are absolute, because this is the first game to not have a form of Badge Boosting for your stats. Usually achievable, but not by much. Cynthia is interesting because she has her own tools working in her favor that offset the benefits the player has been reaping the entire game. She's the first one to really turn that toggle off, and even without tracking numbers, you can feel how ridiculous it is from how hard Garchomp hits, to how bulky Milotic and Spiritomb are.
But this is where the aforementioned restrictions come into play. Cynthia is staggeringly weak to setup. Spiritomb lacks for direct offensive pressure, so any setup sweeper has an incredibly easy time with her fight. Try running a Dragon Dance Altaria some time, you'll see what I mean. Even with Alakazam and Gardevoir, their higher speed and Calm Mind's Sp Def boosts means they can start to outpace it, if you're willing to use some healing items to stay in the game. My personal solution was Agility + Charge Beam Lopunny Baton Passing to Octillery who took out everything in one shot. It could've worked with Beautifly too, with a bit better luck.
On the one hand, by removing the tools she's weak to, the game forces you to play its way and ups the challenge of this particular boss fight. On the other, for Pokemon that do have access to tools she doesn't counter well? They're ridiculous. And Altaria and Lopunny are not exactly powerhouses, yet they contribute more to Cynthia's fight than a lot of pure offensive Pokemon. It's especially important to note that the usual solution in box legends doesn't work here. Cynthia's Garchomp is super-effective against all three major legends, and is naturally much faster, with perfect IVs. She's the only final boss so far to not get bopped by the major legends you can acquire. But she can be easily counterplayed by Altaria. Which is really funny.
Now of course, all this comes at a tradeoff. Specifically, when your advantage tools are turned off, it is more essential to keep at their approximate level. Which, in many situations, means grinding.
I will not front, Platinum's level scaling is not bad, but it can be felt painfully in some situations. The main game is generally fine, with the segments where a partner will heal your team after each battle being great spots to catch up Pokemon lagging in the level department. But no, it's postgame that really struggles.
Finally, I deliver on what I've been talking about all these posts: Pokemon postgames have a problem, and I think I've finally figured it out. The streamer I've been watching talking about Gen 2, saying that a feature he liked was that even into Kanto, you were often still working on building up your Pokemon. This is true! I didn't finalize my Togetic build until very late into Kanto. But it's the feeling about that which I can finally describe.
In main game Platinum, I am familiar with EV training spots. Taking time to train in these spots never feels like a chore to me, because in my mind, it's solving multiple problems. (1) I need to level up a bit. (2) If I reach X level, I can learn Y move, which is better damage/specific utility. (3) I can specifically work on improving my stats in a way I find beneficial toward this Pokemon's main function. It takes time, but I'm solving multiple problems, and thus it feels very purposeful.
By postgame, my movesets are built, and my EVs are capped. And yet, my level 57 ass now contends with a postgame that feels long but still doesn't have enough EXP to close the gap to Cynthia's new level 78 Garchomp. It took three tries to win when she was less than 10 levels above us. Now she's more than 20. That is untenable, and the only solution really is Gym Leader rematches, which are locked by the day, or bashing my face into the League. These are solutions! But they are not great ones. And when the only thing you're looking to do is make your level bigger, it's no longer building something, it's just meeting an arbitrary goalpost.
This is a problem for a lot of postgames in Pokemon. You're usually done by the time postgame gets rolling, and by then all you really seek out is an isolated challenge. Big areas to travel through with a ton of random battles is no longer appealing, because you don't need anything like that. But the isolated challenge of a bigger league is, in all likelihood, out of your range. So you do the long extra areas, and they now feel long. It's unpleasant.
Mechanically, I have to mention the Physical/Special split. By and large, this was a wild positive. This decision is what make Beautifly actually fun to use here; absolutely great improvements with access to Bug Buzz and Shadow Ball. There were a few losers to this adjustment, but by and large it's all upside. The only thing that bears mentioning is that now EVs can feel wasted, given that you can stack all your moves to one offensive type. But, because of HMs, you're likely still using both in most situations.
The most important thing to talk about though is the mythology. I love Sinnoh mythology, I think this is the best region solely for that. The concepts it presents are fascinating. And you get some really good characters out of this with Cynthia and Cyrus and Barry and Rowan. But it does feel like a shift. None of the gym leaders (barring Gardenia) really stand out as having any personality. Compared to Gens 2 and 3, this region's overall cast feels less interesting, in exchange for what feels like a lot of refinement of its big players. As an additional quick note, while I love the legends, the dex itself is by and large one of my less favorites. I don't really like many of the new Sinnoh additions. I could not tell you why.
At this point in time, I am willing to say, I prefer Emerald to Platinum now. Emerald just feels stronger overall, with no particularly weak areas to speak of, while Platinum has a few issues that are harder for me to look past now. I still adore Platinum, that's never going to change. But it's no longer my golden child.
Diamond and Pearl Corner I do not own Diamond or Pearl, and haven't since Platinum came out. I lent it to my cousin and never saw it again. Sometimes I lament its loss.
BDSP being such a one-to-one remake, I can at least identify a lot of the differences, and they're all kinda worse. I don't mind that Fantina's gym 5, but I feel like all the teams are worse, the lack of all the evolution Pokemon until postgame is worse, etc. I don't have much to say here, but I also have no interest in getting Diamond or Pearl. They just don't feel nearly as significant to me.
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ether-gearhead · 2 years
Implementing the Scarlet/Violet Professors into Masters
Obviously under a cut because spoilers.
So we know AI Sada travels to the ancient past to stop Paradise from functioning, right? Well, in the context of Masters, what if her presence in the ancient past causes a butterfly effect (Butterfree effect? Beautifly effect? Vivillon effect?) that results in AI Turo being created instead of AI Sada, so as far as Masters is concerned, Violet is the canon version, with Scarlet being a mere alternate timeline? And then she just shows up on Pasio one day, having lived some thousands or millions of years, being an AI programmed by her dead self. Arven has all these questions running through his head, and somehow manages to tell her about Turo, and they both express a wish that he’ll be able to join them on Pasio one day.
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poke-entomology · 2 years
Fakemon idea (based on @alexanders-pokemon-adventure ‘s latest pair of bugs as well as the Blue Morpho Zephyritis butterfly)
Devalov (taken from Deva, Devastate, and Lovely)
Type: Bug/Fairy
Ability: Asura (Deals 1.5x more damage against pokemon who’s types are super-effective against it)
A beautiful yet destructive pokemon possessing both great fragility and overwhelming power. The scales on it’s gem like wings are easily damaged, even through casual contact, but it’s stingers (courtesy of it’s Beedrill parent) and deadly siphon (Beautifly, purple emperor variant) dissuade most from approaching. It seems the only way to tell this pokemon is about to appear is from the immense pressure exerted by the Silcoon it evolves from.
(story below)
Week 0 - “I had the oddest idea, an inkling of an idea born from a stray thought. My two pokemon seemed to enjoy each other’s company well enough, though it was quite the unusual pairing, a butterfly and a bee. But I left the pair with a breeder on the island a short while, wondering what the result would be.”
Week 1 - “The egg hatched! Inside was a little Wurmple, barely longer than my hand. All at once my planning and experiments gave me little joy compared to the warm smile this tiny bug was giving me. I decided to name it Ray, for it never failed to bring me sunshine, even on cloudy days.”
Week 4 - “Ray has been getting restless for a few days now, I suspect it will evolve soon. I’ve prepared a safe area for it with ample room and spots for it to tuck away into. No bird pokemon are gonna harm my little buddy!”
Week 5 - “It’s complete. Ray is sitting on his little perch now, a proud little Silcoon! It’s expression is a bit... blank though, even for a cocoon pokemon. Is it waiting for something? Expecting something? I did a little testing and discovered the oddest thing, it’s ability is Pressure?”
Week 20 - “Still no change. It’s evolution is taking much longer than anticipated. I wonder if everything is alright, but it just keeps sitting there, waiting. It seems healthy at least, I’m thankful.”
Week 40 - “It’s been almost a full year now, but it seems my patience has paid off! After checking on my friend it seems like little Ray is all grown up now! Beautiful blue scales, large expressive eyes, wonderful curved stingers, it truly is the child of Beautifly and Beedrill... Though I could’ve done without the shock of three completely drained Pidgey lying on the enclosure floor. *sigh* I’ll need to mend that netting later.”
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gloryofteamrocket · 26 days
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In Character
✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝in character❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝open❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝commentary❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝THREAD: ┇ title❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝drabble❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝photo❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝crack❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝musing❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝meme❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝aesthetic❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝playlist❞ } ℝ.
Out of Character
✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝starter call❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝blog canon❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝headcanon❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝SHIP: ┇ tagline❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝SHIP: ┇ tagline❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝SHIP: ┇ tagline❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝SHIP: ┇ tagline❞ } ℝ.
✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝VERSE: ┇ you can't relive the past❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝VERSE: ┇ the beautifly effect❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝VERSE: ┇ that was a long time ago (flashback)❞ } ℝ.
Character Tags
✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝RELATIONSHIP: ┇ madame boss❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝RELATIONSHIP: ┇ giovanni❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝RELATIONSHIP: ┇ jessie❞ } ℝ. ✍ MIYAMOTO. ||| ❝RELATIONSHIP: ┇ mew❞ } ℝ.
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orangeequinox · 4 months
The Ecological Impact of Invasive Bug Type Pokémon: A Case Study of Aggressive Species
Pokémon, inspired by the Japanese tradition of bug catching, reflect real-world ecological dynamics through their diverse abilities and habitats. Among these creatures, species like Beautifly, Dustox, Parasect, Scyther, and Heracross exemplify how aggressive behavior and invasive tendencies can disrupt native ecosystems. This essay aims to explore their origins, invasion patterns, and ecological impacts, shedding light on their transition from native habitats to new regions.
Originating from Sinnoh, Beautifly and Dustox demonstrate highly aggressive behavior, enabling them to outcompete native bug types such as Nincada, Surskit, Volbeat, and Illumise in Hoenn. Similarly, Parasect, Scyther, and Heracross, also hailing from Sinnoh, exhibit aggressive tendencies, leading to their establishment as invasive species in regions like Kanto, Johto, Mount Moon, the Safari Zone, Ilex Forest, and beyond.
As these Pokémon expand beyond their native habitats, they exploit new territories, often at the expense of indigenous Pokémon populations. Beautifly's invasive success in Hoenn disrupts the delicate balance of the ecosystem by outcompeting local bug types. Similarly, Parasect, Scyther, and Heracross exert pressure on native species in regions like Kanto and Johto, resulting in declines in biodiversity and ecosystem health. Their competitive advantage over native species leads to habitat degradation, loss of biodiversity, and alterations to ecosystem dynamics, disrupting food webs and ecological interactions.
Addressing the ecological impact of invasive Pokémon requires proactive management strategies and conservation efforts. Collaboration among trainers, researchers, and environmental organizations is essential to monitor and control the spread of aggressive species. Measures such as habitat restoration, population control, and public education can help mitigate the negative effects of invasive Pokémon on native ecosystems. Fostering awareness of biodiversity conservation and responsible Pokémon training practices is crucial for promoting sustainable coexistence between native and invasive species.
TLDR: The case of Beautifly, Dustox, Parasect, Scyther, and Heracross underscores the ecological complexities of invasive Pokémon species. Their origins in Sinnoh, coupled with their aggressive behaviour  enable them to thrive in new environments at the expense of native biodiversity in other regions. Understanding the invasion dynamics and ecological impacts of aggressive Pokémon is crucial for developing effective management and conservation strategies to protect native ecosystems and preserve the ecological balance of the Pokémon world.
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zeroiii · 1 year
and in this case since cacturne is grass/dark either combusken (fire/fighting) or beautifly (bug/flying) would equally do x4 damage to it with any super effective moves like silver wind, fire spin, combuskens one fighting move that i forgot, etc.
skitty would be useless against banette with doubleslap but blizzard would have an added bonus of also being x2 effective against cacturne. assist would prove unreliable and since shes fighting against the guy who just tricked her into almost losing with assist i could see why shed be hesitant to use it.
bulbasaur i also understand but i think she should've chose combusken instead. cacturnes grass moves wouldnt hit as hard but at the same time so far bulbasaur hasnt really used any poison type moves which renders her poison typing basically null
im sure may will end up combining silver wind and petal dance somehow but i think a silver wind and fire spin combo would rock just as hard. though in may's defense she has a cuter contest style so the petal dance/silver wind combo is more her style anyways
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beautiflydigital · 1 year
How to Run an Email Marketing Campaign in 3 Easy Steps
It’s now clear that you know why your small business should be using e-mail marketing techniques to increase its consumer base, increase revenue and build brand awareness. However, be aware that if the e-mail marketing
techniques are not used properly, they may fail to work and your business may end up attracting huge losses.
It is thus very essential that you know the proper ways to implement e-mail marketing strategies. This will help you avoid alienating your consumers. There are three basics that you must get right before you can begin to expect your e-mail marketing campaigns to start showing results.
These basics include:
* Creating a list of individuals who will want to receive the message of your business
* Crafting the message so that it’s not thought of as spam
* Creating an effective system that will get the message into your viewer's inbox
Once you’ve accomplished the three basics, you can work on several more sophisticated and detailed tactics to improve your results.
Here is a guideline that can assist you to run an e-mail marketing campaign correctly:
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For most business operators, the misconception that there has to be a marketing professional to implement an e-mail marketing campaign successfully represents their biggest hurdle. Generally, e-mail marketing can often be a lot easier than it sounds provided a person gets the basics right. Once you’ve decided to create an email
marketing technique, the next step for you is to start consolidating your name for your outgoing e-mail list.
Step 2: Creating an Email List
You’ll require a list of names as well as e-mail addresses to start with so that you can begin getting your e-mail marketing messages out there. Start by gathering together all of your contact information and names into one identifiable spot. Typically, the best way of organising and categorising your e-mail names list is using a
This is not difficult and thus you do not require a computer science degree for you to use a database. You can use Mac or Microsofts Excel Spreadsheet or anything else which you know how to operate well. Using a database to manage all your names will make you see the different e-mail addresses that you already have. You can also begin with your business Rolodex and a list of current and previous potential consumers.
Step 3: Coming up With Sign- up Sheets
If you do not already possess the e-mail addresses of your consumers, it is important that you come up with sign-up sheets so that they can provide you with their e-mail addresses. An ideal way to do this is to provide a sign-up form at your storefront or on your business’s website, it is important that you encourage your consumers to sign up by giving them something once they happen to give you their e-mail addresses.
Thank you for reading our blog article. We hope you found it informative and helpful in improving your brand's online presence. At Beautifly Digital , we are dedicated to providing top-notch support and services to help you achieve your digital marketing goals.
If you have any questions or need support with your digital marketing strategy, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are experienced professionals and we can provide you personalised guidance and support to help you achieve your digital marketing goals.
To learn more about our services and how we can help you, please fill out the form on our website or send us an email , and one of our representatives will be in touch with you shortly.
Thank you for considering Beautifly Digital as your partner in digital marketing. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
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theshippywallflower · 2 years
Pokémon Nuzlocke Project - Omega Ruby: Part 6 (Feather Badge)
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This gym was easier than I thought it would be, even without any electric types (rip Ione). And of course I had to fail the one electric type encounter I had which was Electrike on Route 218, I believe 😆
Here is my team after defeating Winona:
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Starter: Mudkip -> Marshtomp -> Swampert (Gnaeus) Torrent, Naughty - Tackle, Rock Slide, Surf, Mud Shot. Scatters things often.
Route 103: Zigzagoon -> Linoone (Galatea) Pickup, Relaxed - Covet, Rock Smash, Pin Missile, Slash. Mischievous.
Route 102: Poochyena -> Mightyena (Tacita) Quick Feet, Adamant - Tackle, Snarl, Sand Attack, Assurance. Likes to relax.
Petalburg Woods: Shroomish -> Breloom (Theocritus) Effect Spore, Quirky - Force Palm, Headbutt, Stun Spore, Leech Seed. Strong-willed.
Route 116: Taillow -> Swellow (Ares) Guts, Gentle - Aerial Ace, Double Team, Focus Energy, Quick Attack. Scatters things often.
Fiery Path: Torkoal (Ireneus) White Smoke, Hasty - Body Slam, Rapid Spin, Lava Plume, Smokescreen. Often lost in thought.
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Route 101: Beautifly (Idalia)
Route 104: Wingull (Kanata)
Rusturf Tunnel: Whismur (Kentaro)
Dewford Town: Magikarp (Shiori)
Granite Cave: Zubat (Euphemia)
Route 109: Tentacool (Koios)
Route 117: Roselia (Neoptolemos) Route 112: Numel (Fabia)
Route 113: Spinda (Hyperion)
Route 114: Swablu (Timothea)
Jagged Pass: Machop (Trainanus)
Route 111: Cacnea (Kazue)
Southern Island: Latios (Vulcanus)
Route 119: Gloom (Pyrrhus)
Route 120: Absol (Patroclus)
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Minun (Ione)
MVP: Gnaeus
Gnaeus evolved into Swampert on Route 218 after battling Bird Keeper Chester.
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monsoon-of-art · 3 years
Not likely but the cosmic irony of Beauregard turning into a beautifly instead of a dustox would be hilarious
yeah but that is hilarious
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