#the batman one for max😭
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emeritusterzo · 2 years ago
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he’s really trying to win that spot in HoB huh
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the--firevenus · 1 month ago
Batman, to his older retired future self:.... I never thought I'd live this long.
Me, oblivious: LMAO batman 😂
Also a minute after:... Wait. 😭😭 BRUCE PLEASE... FUCK.
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wings-of-angels · 2 years ago
I bought a lil lego joker minifigure 😭😭💞💞💞
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blog-moved-lol · 11 months ago
Dick Grayson Canon Lore Stuff:
(TW for Batman stuff, like spoilers and mention of injury/death) Hello, I know very little about the canon Batfamily because I can't exactly just read all of the comics (there's way too many, and they're very expensive T-T) so instead I spent like an hour reading the entire Fandom . com entry on Dick Grayson, and this is pretty much my timeline of important events that I got from that (I'm typing this in hopes that it'll help me remember it).
Dick Grayson Canon Lore Stuff:
•From a very young age Dick Grayson was trained as an acrobat, hence his job as a performer in his family's circus act.
•When he was eight years old, he overheard a well known crime boss threaten the circus performers if he wasn't paid by the circus owner. The owner didn't pay him, and that night Dick witnessed his parents high wire snap, leading to both of their deaths. (He felt responsible for not warning them)
•He was put into a juvenile service system, because social services in Gotham were full. In this system he was often beat up by the others, which led to him eventually being put into a Catholic orphanage instead.
•Bruce Wayne adopted him, but Dick didn't want to replace his deceased dad with a 'stuck up' billionaire, plus he felt like Bruce didn't give him enough attention (Probably because Bruce was still dealing with the trauma of his own parents death and didn't like getting attached to people in case he lost them as well), so he snuck out in hopes of solving his parents murder himself.
•He met Batman, also investigating the murder, which led to him finding out that Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same person.
•They find the crime boss, but he 'dies of a heart attack' before he can be arrested.
•Since Bruce saw so much of himself in Dick, he asked the boy if he wanted to become his sidekick and Dick decided to name himself 'Robin' after what his mother used to call him.
•He was trained for six long, hard months before he was allowed to do any real missions, and he had to go through one full night eluding Batman without help before he was allowed to officially become Robin.
•For the first year or so Dick had a lot of fun with his job, and treated it as a fun adventure he and Bruce participated in together.
•That was until he had a fight with Two-Face, in which Batman and the DA were both stuck in nooses. Dick cut the rope around the DA with a Batarang, but Two-Face had crafted a double trap and this made the floor fall out so the DA landed in a pit of water in which he drowned. This was Dick's first time witnessing an on-the-job death which would serve to haunt him for years to come, plus he got himself a beating from Two-Face (Okay but like, wouldn't he have been like 9 or 10 max Jeezums- 😭🖐).
•Bruce temporarily 'fired' Dick, not wanting to see him get hurt any more.
•Dick served as Robin for a while longer, still working with Bruce and also forming his own Titans team.
•When Dick was 17 he got shot in his shoulder by the Joker, which prompted Bruce to officially fire him out of fear for his safety. Dick decided that he didn't need Batman anymore, plus he had some issues with the way Bruce did things, so he moved from Gotham to New York to be more involved with the Titans, and he dropped out of highschool.
•Bruce didn't really like this, and told Dick that if he was no longer going to work with him he would have to retire the Robin title. Dick left Wayne Manor afterwards, and handed over leadership of the Titans to Wondergirl.
•Unsure of himself and what he should do now, yet not wanting to give up crime fighting now that it was such a big part of his life, he went to find Superman. For a brief while Dick stayed with Superman, and Superman told him of a Krypton hero who had been known as Nightwing. Because of this time with Clark, Dick decided to finally become his own hero free of Batman. He named himself Nightwing after the Krypton hero, and made himself a costume based off of something his father once wore back in the circus.
•Now as Nightwing he helped lead the Titans, though his relationship with Starfire was worsening over time.
•Jason's death was a bit of a turning point in his character. Even though originally he hadn't seemed to like Jason (mainly because Jason acted as his replacement, and because of his not so great relationship with Bruce) Dick seemed to grow into a kinder/gentler person after the event.
•A while after this, Dick discovered that the mob boss who had killed his parents was not actually dead but was in a coma instead. Dick went looking for him, but witnessed him being gunned down before he had a chance to do anything for himself. Bruce claimed that he was worried that Dick would seek revenge for his parents death if he knew the truth, so he told the young boy that the mod boss was dead instead. Dick was obviously upset because of this, and his relationship with Bruce stayed strained.
•While he was still serving with the Titans, Tim Drake sought him out and asked him to return to being Robin (Because after Jason's death Bruce was going crazy without a Robin by his side), but Dick refused because of his bad relationship with Bruce and his enjoyment for his current job. He did help Tim become Robin, though.
•A lot of bad things happened with the Titans, people passed, people left, people changed, but Dick fought to stay the heart and center of the team through it all.
•Despite their strained relationship, Dick tried to impulsively marry Starfire, but the ceremony was interrupted, which eventually led to Starfire leaving and returning to her home planet.
•Bruce was brutally injured by Bane, but because his relationship with Dick was so bad and he didn't want to 'force' his son to return, he temporarily gave the Batman title to the not-so-stable Jean Paul Valley, with Tim there to help him out. Jean proved too unstable, however, and Dick returned to Gotham to help Tim deal with him. Dick decided to step away from the Titans to focus on Gotham, and the still healing Bruce asked him to be Batman until he was alright again which Dick agreed to.
•During his time acting as Batman, Dick built a great brotherly relationship with Tim. In addition, Bruce admitted that he hadn't originally asked Dick to act as Batman for him because he didn't want to force him to come back, and the two finally began to fix their relationship.
•Dick pretends to be a villain working under Deathstroke for a while, until Deathstroke betrays him and kills at least 100,000 people with a bomb. Dick tries to find and help any survivors, but is unable to because of the radiation which weighs heavily on his mind. He also proposes to Barbara Gordon around this time.
•Dick recovers and Bruce asks him to join him and his current Robin in rediscovering his roots. Dick is hesitant, but Barbara insists that he helps, and suspends their engagement for the time being.
•Dick returns to the Titan's tower, because there's someone there pretending to be him. Turns out it's the revived Jason Todd!
•While on a case, he gets buried alive by a mysterious voice that tells him he's 'supposed to be dead'. He has a hard time finding work because he's in a cast, and is having some trouble due to his injuries.
•By this point his relationship with both Bruce and Tim have improved dramatically, and he's close with both of them.
•The Titans decide to reform their group.
•Okay I'm gonna try and put this as simply as possible… Bruce was targeted by a group called 'Black Glove', supposedly going insane and running away. Dick doesn't want Tim to have to deal with everything himself, so he returns. He gets kidnapped and drugged by the International Club of Villains and is scheduled for a lobotomy, but gets out of it because Bruce's 'insanity' was made up to expose the Black Glove. Batman fights with Doctor Hurt on a helicopter, but the helicopter explodes. Batman is fine and works with the Justice League, but then is seemingly killed in his confrontation with Darkseid. In his will, Bruce begs Dick not to become Batman. Because of his refusal to become Batman, someone else takes up the job instead, calling himself Batman but using lethal methods that Bruce would never allow. This 'Batman' is actually Jason Todd, who shoots Damian and almost kills Tim with a Batarang. Dick and Jason fight and Dick shoves Jason off of a speeding train, seemingly killing him though Jason says they'll 'Meet again soon'. Dick finally decides to become the official Batman, but refuses to make Tim his Robin because according to him, he sees Tim as his equal and not his sidekick. He instead makes Damian his new Robin, which of course pisses off Tim. Tim, believing Bruce to be alive, takes up Jason's old Red Robin mantle and goes searching for Bruce. Dick moves base because the Batcave reminds him too much of Bruce, and struggles because Damian is constantly reminding and taunting him over the fact that he will never truly be able to replace his father. When he next fights Jason, Jason remarks that if the Lazarus pit could revive him, it could revive Bruce too as he's being arrested.
There's quite a bit of stuff that happens in between here, most notably the death of a young boy called Baby D which influences Dick's future character, but since I've been typing for hours:
Thinking about what Jason said, Dick takes Bruce's body from his grave and takes him to the Lazarus Pit. While it does reanimate the corpse, the revived 'Bruce' is angry and violent. This is because it was never Bruce at all, it was actually a clone of him. This gives Dick, Damian, and Alfred a similar hope to Tim, that Bruce is actually still alive. Tim brings evidence that Bruce is actually lost in time, and after a bit of digging and more evidence finding, they manage to bring Bruce back.
•Dick finally becomes Nightwing again, now with red on his costume which reflects his darker and more grim outlook on life and humanity after his time as Batman.
•Nightwing gets stabbed on a mission.
•He also, on a different mission, momentarily dies but they manage to start his heart again.
•Dick puts down his Nightwing title for a while and becomes a secret agent for Bruce, but the wiki has no info on this.
•Dick goes back to being Nightwing, finally returning to his original black and blue suit instead of the black and red one. He reforms the titans, but after working with them for a bit, but ends up moving back to Blüdhaven soon after.
•Someone is sent to assassinate Dick, and he gets shot in the head. He manages to survive, though he has amnesia and for a brief while becomes 'Ric Grayson' until he gets his memories back. When Ric tries to restore his memories he is kidnapped by the Joker who brainwashes him into believing that he was the Joker's sidekick, though he's eventually rescued and gets his memories back. After this event, he officially rejoins the Batman Family as Nightwing.
•There's no info after this.
Extra fact: While not mentioned in the fandom wiki, Dick Grayson was r[😬]ed by a female villain named Tarantula. (As in yes, he has a nice ass, but he would canonically be very uncomfortable with how some parts of the fandom oversexualize him.)
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psychokatrixxxy · 7 months ago
Just read Batman: Nightwalker, here are some of my favourite parts:
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Poor Harvey looks so awkward.
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Grumpy Alfred.
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The following ones aren't my favourite but like, Bruce just turned 18 and all these creeps are hitting on him 😭
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(Reached max images per post, reblogging with more.)
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sinclairstarz · 1 year ago
for the cinephile byler truthers. i made the party’s modern au letterboxd accounts
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in my head mike wheeler is the film bro cinephile of the party. hes a big brad pitt fan and fincher is his favorite director if you even care.. dirty dancing would be in his top 4 if he was honest. he went to see dune cause hes a scifi nerd, ended up hating it so much and complained about it to will but still gave it 2 stars cause it was pretty. did leave a very mean review. very critical rater but mostly leaves high ratings because he just doesn’t watch things he doesnt wanna see.
alternative movies i considered putting: pulp fiction (5 stars), the killer (1 star), se7en (5 stars), across the spiderverse (5 stars), nope (5 stars) , the batman 2022 (4 stars), once upon a time in hollywood (5 stars), inglorious basterds (5 stars), the matrix (half a star)
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the thing is so good and he has a poster of it on his wall in canon so it felt right. it just feels wrong not to do ghostbusters (plus its one of my favorite movies…) and yall need to hear me out on brokeback 😭😭😭 ur telling me he wouldnt bawl his eyes out??? ur wrong. will byers is a jake gyllenhaal lover. he watches dirty dancing a lot for mike, and loves ghibli movies a lot. he cried during rain man. honest rater but doesnt take it too seriously, mostly 4/5 star ratings
alternatives: saltburn (half a star), asteroid city (5 stars), blackkklansman (5 stars), the force awakens (3.5 stars), the perks of being a wallflower (4.5 stars), back to the future (5 stars)
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rogue one because lucas has taste. its the best star wars movie, if u care. he would love how fun and goofy ghostbusters 2 is. in my head Wes Anderson is like the party’s claimed director and they all watch his movies together and do marathons because the weirdness, comedy, and emotional commentary is a perfect mix for them. so. bottle rocket. lucas’ favorite wes anderson is the grand budapest hotel if u wanted to know. he rates things pretty highly and isn’t super critical.
alternatives: dodgeball (5 stars), scream 5 (4 stars), the matrix (3 stars), good will hunting (5 stars), jurassic park (5 stars), die hard (5 stars),
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likes making lucas watch gone girl on valentines day and telling him shes gonna do that to him next time he annoys her. v for vendetta is her favorite romance movie and shes a big marvel fan (in a cool way. kind of .) but thor ragnarok is probably one of her fav marvels, along with spiderman far from home and iron man. i just know she watches Casino Royale and decided she hated James Bond and then ended up watching all the Daniel Craig Bonds with Mike and loved Skyfall so much. the song is on her playlist and she did cry after No Time To Die.
Alternatives: Superbad (5 stars), baby driver (5 stars), bottoms (5 stars), 10 things i hate about you (3.5 stars), scream (5 stars), kill bill (5 stars), lord of the rings: the return of the king (1.5 stars)
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also a bit of a film nerd. i considered giving him a star wars and i know in my heart he’d probably have empire somewhere in his top 4. but star wars is lame and i wanted to give him se7en so he fucking gets se7en. he knows john wick is objectively dumb but he doesnt care hes just here for a good time. the party probably watched saltburn together and all fucking hated it. I just know hes a kurosawa nerd and always goes when the local theatres do very rare special showings of his movies.
alternatives: baby driver (4 stars), the ewok adventure (5 stars) hot fuzz (5 stars) harry potter and the sorcerers stone (4 stars) legally blonde (5 stars) spirited away (5 stars) dazed and confused (5 stars)
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she likes movies that make her feel all warm and fuzzy and hopeful. i wanted to give her breakfast club, but i think she’d honestly like sixteen candles more (even though breakfast club’s better). she cried at almost every movie in her top 4 and makes max rewatch juno with her like once a month. she gives most movies 5 stars unless she really hates them, and loves any movie thats fun to watch, even if its bad. she likes movies with pretty girls and fun colors.
alternatives: barbie (5 stars), legally blonde (5 stars), inception (2 stars), heathers (5 stars) pretty in pink (4.5 stars (she was mad andi didn’t end up with ducky)) my neighbor totoro (5 stars)
in conclusion if you haven’t seen They Cloned Tyron (2023) go watch it it deserved the oscar
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hisaribi · 6 months ago
<333 OMG THANK U FOR THE LONG RESPONSE ABT OMEGA JAY + EVEN MORE OF YOUR BETA DICK HCS 😭💞 they're really lovely, I really enjoy how you look at omegas? The protectiveness and how they'd be bigger moreso focusing on protection and stuff ! Cool ! Worldbuilding ! I love how you get these different types of packs (like Damian's!) etc etc
Reverse Robin's Dick is absolutely precious, I love him infinitely. His and Damian's dynamics are <333 just lovely since Damian has mellowed down and softened quite a bit :') <33
SORRY 😭 just being attacked by brain worms, thank u sm for the lengthy answer !!! Small question because rev robins is just so fun and I got like, extra WOAH-ED by it, are you killing off Tim here (Making him RH or some other Crime lord, much colder than what Jason is) or is it still Jason (Eternally doomed god help him 😭)
And ! It just made me imagine big brother Jason ! Even more protective of pups and betas, Dick is both ;-; (is he going to get smothered?)
AGAIN!!! THANK U !!! ur so cool <3
I'm really glad it brought you joy! No you're cool!
the context: beta dick grayson post, omega Jason ask
I love reverse robins as a way to explore dynamics that can still be the same even if everything is so so different, so yeah, and in omegaverse with Dick being the only beta in a pack that isn't used to it and yet somehow holding them together is just great!
but I have sort of difficult relationship with rr, because I have preferences about them, that I don't see a lot lol
one of them Batgirls (minus Steph, or no, idk), being the canon-age, so no, babs isn't youngest in this, she's older than Damian and they have a love-hate relationships that are more sibling-like, Cass is the third eldest, Duke is forth and so on, Staph probably still between Jason and Tim, but idk. Harper also has her canon age, because I said so, anyway, back to all that
another is that Tim joined because of Dick and his obsession with him caused by trauma and all that. So in Reverse Robins he won't be joining the family before Dick. I sorta like him joining during the battle for cowl, the same goes for Duke, actually, but for different reasons. So Tim would be over 17 (lol), and he steps in because Dick being Dick would try and hold a leash on a bunch of elder batfam people who try to become Batmans but they all suck so ye, Tim steps in to help Dick. I have this post about reverse robins where ages are reversed, but not the order of adoption, so something like that would still be good for our reverse robins omegaverse thingie we talk about. so again, we can go around that with B adopting Tim before any of that, but that's a different can of worms. Also I sorta prefer Tim being more on the Oracle side
Now for died and was revived and it was a shitshow (affectionate), I think it should be either Jason or Steph, but also Steph's story as Spoiler compiles me, so no, Tim won't be the Robin who died (they are also Shadows, not Robins, and nobody knew who really lived through all the vigilante thing, if anything and we make Duke join the first, him and Damian constantly changing does create a nice creature vibe, anyway), for me it's still Jason
I also do love the possible body dysphoria Jason would get, because he died on a pretty short side right before Dick appeared in the family (I put their age difference) more like what they have in pre-n52 canon, because I really dislike what they did with ages here, anyway, at least 7 years difference, so Jason died at 15, Dick got to the family right after that and B was grieving and gosh what a shitshow that would be, so back to Jason, he's suddenly really-tall, really buff, and clearly omega, and he comes back in like two years max with his whole Red Hood shtick, and he's like I've been replaced, and looks at a kid who's clearly ready to throw hands with him, who also went like I'm not Shadow, I'm Robin, screw you
And Jason, who was used that nobody, not even Damian, got to the field before they were fourteen, that was a strict rule on B's side (actually Damian was a menace since day one he appeared at Bruce's door at the age of ten, but that's not what you tell your youngest), and yet here's kid who probably didn't live even a decade (I hc that before 13 he was like on a shorter side, but then between 13 and 15 he almost reached his adult height, so he definitely looked younger), and Jason's like... Bruce, at first I wanted to make you suffer, but now I'm going to kill you, how DARE you endanger the kid, what dO YOU MEAN HE ISN'T ADOPTED AND YOU KEEP HIS AS A WARD?! so ye, tiny Dick being the wrench that broke all Jason's dramatic plans
Dick's also has a 1000 quota stare, because he went through grieving B, fought teeth and nails to have his own vigilante persona, and he's used to wrangle Bruce and Jean-Paul, as well as Duke and Damian, and Batgirls, the kid is unfazed by the last Shadow coming back to life and his bag of severed heads is like huh, anyway, moving on
also yes, Dick is going to be smoothered by everyone, he would like it, as long as aside from that time he's treated as equal and stop trying to carry me away I had everything under control. also like really not getting the whole pack stuff, but mimicking it well enough that there's a bet who he would grow up to be, and Damian and Cass look at each other like nope, not telling them
also idk where to put it, so out of mentioned here Tim is alpha, Duke is omega, Steph is omega (and is the fourth tallest of the batfam), Babs is alpha, Cass is alpha, Harper idk, she has alpha vibes, I don't remember actually if I contradict myself, so whatever
so ye, thank you for the ask and have a nice day!
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sapphyreblayze · 10 months ago
rereading jli #1 to #7 and i can't believe i missed so many j'onnmax things on my first read....
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this meet-ugly. this is insane. we need to get the fujoshis on this my god
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him being the one to bring max up again 👀🤔
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this entire sequence... i completely forgot that they had this tense confrontation with max smirking and schmoozing and slutting it up the whole time 😭😭😭😭
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they're a set 🥰
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"as an official un liaison you would agree..." "that was uncalled for." IM CRYING. BATMAN SAID I KNOW EHAT YOU ARE.
their vibes in those early issues where j'onn still doesn't trust max are CRAZY... max was absolutely trying to get in good with the league by getting into j'onn's tiny martian pants. he was CLEARLY flirting with him here:
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the rituals were beyond intricate... and they worked! max somehow girbossed his way into the league, and into j'onn's heart (and his tiny martian pants) <3
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standard-human · 3 months ago
Here I am again! With even more questions!
1. Idk if you watched Gotham to the end (I'm only at season 3) but do you think the long hairs fit Eddie if he took care of it more?
2. Which Riddler would win? The one from the Arkham Games or the one from Batman 2022?
3. Who do you like more? Stu Macher or Billy Loomis?
4. Have you watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? If yes who is your favourite character?
5. Please upload one of your fics😭
6. Do you like Ms. Kringle in Gotham?
7. Do you like the second woman who looked like Ms. Kringle?
8. If Eddie were to choke you like he did with Kringle what would you do?
9. What song fits best for the several versions of the Riddler in your opinion?
That's all for now^^ have a great day and sorry for all these questions😅
dude you have no idea how much i love questions, dont ever apologize
1- ive seen all of gotham, and while i think short suits him as a character more, im personally more into the long hair
2- depends entirely what you mean. which i think is better? 2022. who would win in a fistfight? 2022. who would win in a battle of wits? arkham.
3- i love billy!!! i was actually him for halloween this year
4- ive seen tcm, quite honestly didnt care for it. its well done, just something about it bugged me. favorite character is chop top or bubba... or whatever his name is, they change it like every movie
5- ...i mean i do have a secret fic blog, but i aint promoting it on my main. have fun searching though!
6- i find her annoying bc she was never blunt. shed yell at eddie for whatever, then do something vaguely flirty! hes autistic, kristen, he doesnt understand that youre just trying to be polite!!! tell him straightforwardly that you arent romantically interested!!!
7- isabella was fuckin bonkers. do i need to remind you of the "dressing up as kristen" thing? she got in the way of my boys, so i didnt really care for her
8- if he choked me for the same amount of time, id be fine. brain death from asphyxiation takes like 5 minutes, he did it for like 30 seconds max. but tbh i dont think we'd ever get to that point bc if a guy said "hey i killed your abuser", i think id be ok with it
9- carnival of carnage by calypso. its hard to put into words, just listen and youll understand
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lea-andres · 5 months ago
Hi Lea!!
I remembered you mentioning your Penguin being a cross of several different Penguins, and I’d absolutely love to know what your favorite interpretations of his character are!
Do you have any reading (or watching/listening) recommendations centered around his character?
💕💕💕 I'm gonna slap a Read More on this lmao
I'm admittedly a bit picky with my Penguins. If he's thin and (conventionally) hot like he was in TellTale or in Gotham, I give some major side eye. TellTale Penguin was fine, I assume Gotham Penguin was fine but I haven't watched the show, but IDK. If he's not fat and ugly, he's not my Penguin (with one exception, lmao. We all know my one exception.)
I don't use them for MY Penguin interp, but I adore Burgess Meredith (1960s Batman) and Oswalda Cobblepot (there's my one exception lmao) very very much. Burgess Meredith might remain my favorite Penguin of all time. He's the king. And Oswalda Cobblepot, well, I'm a simple woman. I'll always be DTF happy with a murderous MILF lmao.
MY Penguin in my fics is a cursed (/aff) blend of The Animated Series, the Arkham games, and Gotham Knights, with a sprinkling of the comics Penguin: Pain and Prejudice, Joker's Asylum Penguin, and Penguin Triumphant. I also really enjoyed the Batman The Audio Adventures Penguin, and I'm quite enjoying the HBO Max Penguin TV show so far, so I plan to steal from those Penguins too lmao.
My recommendations are as follows:
-I do recommend the 60s series forever and always, but I do understand those are absolutely NOT for everyone lmao. So feel free to ignore that recommendation if it's not for you. But I will die on the hill that Burgess Meredith is THE Penguin. Danny Devito and Colin Farrell have come close, but no one's taking his crown. 💕
-My next fave Penguin is BTAS. Before everyone got their redesigns, preferably, but I still regard that as the same Penguin. (Reluctantly and bitterly lmao, they ruined him when they made him look more normal 😭)
-Do I need to even mention the Arkham games? Lmao. Suicide Squad exempt, we don't know her. 😔💔
-I LOVED Gotham Knights, their Penguin included. I like the idea of a "retired" Penguin reluctantly and kind of helping the Batfam.
-While I did find some of the later episodes a little weak, Oswalda Cobblepot in Caped Crusader was perfection. 👌
-Audio. 👏 Adventures. 👏 I can't stress it enough. Also a perfect Penguin. I was sold on him before we even properly "saw" him.
-I'm notoriously bad at reading comics (there's a whole backstory to this, but TL;DR I blame the Sonic fandom 100% for my struggles), but those three comics I mentioned earlier were Penguin: Pain and Prejudice, Joker's Asylum: Penguin, and Penguin Triumphant. The first two are a bit more deep looks at his character and story, while the latter is just his assholery at its finest lmao.
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fromjannah · 1 year ago
Is it just me or is the Batman Unburied fandom already gone again after the little uptick in activity from yesterday's spin-off release? I was kind of hoping that the spin-off would be a weekly release and revive the fandom for at least the duration of ep releases but now that it dropped all at once it kind of feels like people talked about it for a few hours yesterday and now that's....it. And that the Unburied fandom is going back to being pretty much dead in one or two days max or maybe even sooner :/
no seriously 😭😭😭 i wish we got week by week so so badly 💔💔💔
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luvrodite · 11 months ago
RO YOU’RE AT THE AUSTRALIAN GP??? please tell us all about it after it’s over!!! I hope you get to see sainz in person 🥲🫶
nonnie i was!!!!!!!!! i was i was i was!!!!!! it was actually so crazy of a day and it was my first gp ever on top of that and i’m still buzzing thinking about it!!! i’m putting the rest under a cut because i rambled sm hahaha
i didn’t get to meet carlos up close but i did see him and the other drivers during the drivers parade and it was so cool!!!!! it was such a long day i had to leave the house before the sun even rose to get there in time for everything and i was sooo grumpy because it was so cold in the morning but by the afternoon it was so hot out!!!! melbourne’s weather is just another thing entirely.
anyway it was so so fun once i got some food in me. i’m genuinely so convinced (silly) the ferrari 1-2 win + verstappen getting out was for us because at the melbourne walk these GROWN ASS MEN in verstappen gear were being so rude !!! absolutely no decorum in a crowd, pushing and just being aggressive about getting to the front of the barrier, they were squishing this girl in front of me and i felt so bad for her :(( absolutely disgusting behaviour but they got their karma in the end 🤭🤭
i love ferrari fans so much they’re so funny the people in the crowd where we were watching the race (i got park pass so no seats :( but it turned out great anyway) were SO loud when carlos overtook max and even more loud when he got out 😭😭 they were sooo happy !!!!!
aaaaa it was such a long day i think it was literally one of the most full on days of my life ever second only to the time i had to fly back home and went through like three airports in 48 hours with no sleep. i slept for like 12 hours last night and when i woke up today everything in my body cracked when i stretched (ough) but it was soooo good i had so much fun <33 i literally flew in to melbourne the night before and flew out after the race it was THE 24 hours ever hahaha
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also they had batman there??? i think one of the sponsors was dc or something i cant remember but i got a photo with him and it made me giggle a bit
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wings-of-angels · 2 years ago
Noticed an innacuracy of the batman fandom wiki page
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iholli · 8 months ago
fkcisndksjsn I was gonna respond as an ask but Tumblr is being mean to my phone rn + I realized I am gonna talk way too much gkdggjchbkjv
it's so true !!!! I haven't seen Mad Max (nobody tell my bestie they'll consider it a cardinal sin) but watching the trailer I fr thought it was gonna be a Mad Max Collab ???? I'm still so confused why it's not, I don't mind Fallout at all, it's just so odd !! but they made this season just for you, omg, Metallica and all 😂👏
AWWDXJENDKJSHS SHAKES UR HAND !!!!! superheroes as a general thing have been like, my entire life, even though I watch more stuff than I read comics, but both are cool for me >:3c
HAWKEYE IS A BASED ANSWER. dude rocks and my god, what a MOOD. I absolutely loved the Hawkeye show + it seems like he's sooooo funny in the comics too. I kind of want to pick up the comic the show is based on, when I can afford to do so, it looks like a lot of fun ???
IRON MAN !!! I still remember seeing the movie in theaters. what an awesome character !!! I've really enjoyed seeing him grow over the years of watching the movies and I sooo get why people like him sm.
omg,,,,,,, fellow Gambit enjoyer,,,,,,,,,,, how do u only keep getting cooler,,,,,,,, that favs list alone, you are definitely gonna enjoy 97 methinks. I'm rewatching it rn since I just finished the og show [only got into X-Men this year thanks to my brother] and it's just SO good. I mean, one emotional gut punch after the other, but what a masterpiece 😭👏 [plus as a comics reader you'll,,, more likely be prepared for the pain] oooo, you're like, the fourth person to recommend Evolution, I really gotta check it out :0 !! /gen
your whole favs list is super cool, omg !!!!
yeah that's totally fair !!! ooooo, those are great choices too, Ragnarok and Winter Soldier are easily the best "solo" movies for their respective characters imo and GotG is just SO good !!!
DC is totally my main dckjdndksjsn, I grew up with Batman: The Animated Series and I'm absolutely a snob about that era of DC being peak, plus the 60s Batman and Green Hornet shows !! although I'm really hopeful about DC media in the future, My Adventures with Superman has restored my faith and I'm soooo hyped about all the upcoming projects 😭😭
for DC, easily it's Martian Manhunter at number one, and Ratcatcher II! I also love Wally West Flash, Hawkgirl, Razer from Green Lantern: TAS, and The Question [Vic Sage], but there's so many good characters !! I also love love love the Justice Lords but I could probably actually talk about that for days. I think I have, somewhere on my blog, at least once.
for Marvel it's Loki at number one haha, Ant-Man [Scott Lang but Hank Pym is so great too], Captain America, Gambit, and Nightcrawler, just offhand xD both these lists could be super long if I really went down the line + I guarantee I'm forgetting some LMAOOO
OOO I don't know all those groups but from what I recognize, v good music 🫡 I listen to pretty much everything so just to pick a couple favs: Steam Powered Giraffe, which will always a special place in my heart; Ratt, OneRepublic, Mystery Skulls, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, and Powerwolf! plus electroswing and lots and lots of instrumental & lofi stuff,,, I have music playing almost 24/7,,,
okay, that's my ramble for the moment, ehe 💖💖
dkxjsndkxjs omg I definitely see why you like Megalo Don 😭👏💖 iconic fr
OOO, you like Marvel, now I'm really gonna be obnoxious >:3c
who's your favorite Avenger, who's your favorite X-Men, and do you have other favorite Marvel characters 👀
do you generally like the comics better or do you have any MCU favorites? characters or movies / shows, either way xD
have you watched X-Men 97 👀
AND do you like DC as well, or just Marvel?
also good music taste 👌👌 who's your favorite artist / band, and do you have a favorite album by them or someone else?
OOO more questions, awesome!! listen... Mad Max fuels me lmao no pun intended but when I saw the trailer for wrecked I was immediately getting MM feels and then I saw Don in game and it was all over for me! Im so happy you're also a marvel fan?!! wow you're honestly so cool rat. -reaches hand to shake- my favourite avenger is hawkeye -gets shot- I unironically like him and I have no shame. but Im also very much an iron man enjoyer. for x-men I gotta go with my boys magneto, cyclops, gambit aaaaand also a huge fan of cable! others favs are definitely ultron [my all time fav], andrew forson [super obscure character but looove him], star-lord, agent venom, crossbones, winter soldier, mysterio! I do like some of the mcu movies but the comic books are just what I have always preferred. though mcu movies I highly enjoy are guardians of the galaxy, winter soldier and thor ragnarok. I haven't watched 97 yet but I definitely need to! I grew up with the 90s animated series so 97 is A MUST! btw I can recommend xmen evolution to you if you haven't seen it, it's very fun to watch lol. I do like dc too! but I don't own nearly as many comics as I have for marvel. now I need to know your favs for marvel and also dc! my favourite musicians / bands to listen to are definitely mr kitty, hollywood undead, mind in a box, thyx, ac/dc, metallica, eisbrecher, corpse husband, perturbator, the weeknd uhh yes. hbu?
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quandaryqueen · 3 years ago
Harley Quinn, BTAS, and Young justice riddler's
Alr so, hero!reader and riddler's just having this tension around them when they fight???LIKE- THEY BE INSULTING EACH OTHER N SHI AND HOKD STRONG ASS FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER
And their friends are just tryna to decide if they should break up the arguments since it's like 5x worse than they've seen with other villains n hero's
One day reader just- SNAPS and suddenly riddler is just putty in their hands while the reader just has this flustered n shocked expression cause they never thought he'll return their feelings but here we are
Like after that scenerio the others instantly notice how different they act w each other now and instead of arguing most of the time there's a good half of FLIRTING???? GET A FUCKING ROOM THEY'D SAY 💀
Bitches be crazy
Young Justice + BTAS + Harley Quinn Edward Nygma X Hero Reader
Ah yes, the typical mutual pining thinly-veiled with aggression. I love your style 👀
💚 Young Justice
~ If you can get something out of his mouth that aren't sputters of stuttering and stammering, it means he feels nothing for you. Trust me when I say you'd know if this guy has a crush on you.
~ The tension you'll be getting with dude is the fact that he looks suspiciously happy when you pin him down, holding his wrists to his back, your chest pressed against his back. YJ Eddie is a bottom, you cannot pry that headcanon from my cold, dead hands.
~ When the mutual feelings are made known to one another, the tension and 'flirting' are amped to the max. His fellow rogues are sick, your fellow heroes are screaming, the whole world is groaning "GET A ROOM ALREADY"
~ The Justice League often telling you off with it, because you have to save the world, not pitch a tent on Ed's pants. And they will most certainly not have it if you give them that look, you have the world to save H/N 😤
💚 Batman the animated series
~ Initially annoyed with you because wtf, can't he rob a bank in peace? Making an enemy out of this dude? Easy, done. But has he found enough of a charismaniac who matches his sharp tongue, impeccable wits, and charms? Oh he'll love you.
~ See, the moment you showed him what you're capable of, he is throwing that grudge out of the window. A little, he's still a touch bitter at the fact he can't host a heist in peace.
~ Top tier banter is in effect every damn time you crossed paths with one another that Bruce is hesitant to take you on a mission where there's the Riddler. Add in the fact that Dick Grayson Robin will gag at the obvious tension floating between you and the Riddleman. Bats knows what going on between you, and he isn't going to have it if it is going to render your judgement biased because you love the Riddler.
~ And no, you cannot beat Batman in his game of glaring, no one can. So you have no choice but to stop playing with Edward and arrest him already.
💚 Harley Quinn
~ Again, making an enemy out of this guy is easy. Though he isn't as much of a strong grudge holder such as his BTAS counterpart, he can still be as biting with the teasing. He just knows which buttons to push and you can easily counter him by pushing his buttons back, though it's not that easy as he looks as though he is unaffected by them.
~ Though when the feelings are made known to one another 👀 god helps everybody, this man lacks shame.
~ God help your superhero group, Commissioner Gordon would be agonizingly questioning you about your bad taste in romance, whilst he tries to take advantage of that by asking you about Riddler and his fellow rogues' agendas.
~ I think you can give Gordon the glare, he'd shut up... For now. For Batgirl? Yeah, that'd work. Give the glare to Batman? Oh no honey, he will stand firm.
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cherienymphe · 3 years ago
what did u think of the batman?
Loved it! Spoiler free review below
This is why I will never abandon DC! The 10 horrible movies they make is always worth that excellent one they put out every few years or so 😭 That's so backhanded but idc. I'm allowed to be back handed!
My friend and I were talking about how Batman comics and even some of the shows had a very film noir vibe to them and The Batman captured that perfectly. This is what I go to DC for. When I sit down in a DC film this is what I expect!
I was engaged the entire time and didn't even think about this movie being 3 hours. I loved Rob as Bruce and loved Zoe even more as Selina. Amazing casting imo and Rob gives us a different take on Bruce that I really liked.
My favorite thing about the film (besides that at the end) was the dynamic between Bruce and Selina. Of all their LA versions (idk how many there are) this was by far my favorite rendition. They reminded me so much of how Bruce and Selina are towards each other in the comics. They're frenemies with benefits and the back and forth and tension in this film gave me that to the max.
People will compare it to TDK and honestly that's expected. Not just because they're both DC but because they both capture that darker DC vibe that people tend to love DC for. It's been a while since we've had a decent Batman film that perfectly represents what DC is so it's natural that people will compare the 2 and comparison isn't always a bad thing honestly.
Lastly...all I will say is I keep winning! Starring in 2 of the most anticipated comic films by opposing comic companies is reserved for legends only! See when you're sexy-
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