#the banter the domesticity... ugh
willowparkfanclub · 2 years
that whole little kitchen scene w joel sarah and tommy means literally everything to me btw. please assume i will be stuck in that moment forever
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notjustjavierpena · 6 months
you have returned! hope you’re doing ok! i miss husband!javi like i’m missing a limb!
this got me thinking about a request - husband!javi having to go away for a work trip for a few days - comes back and like cute family time. once the kids are in bed he just goes crazy about reader, she’s tired but she handled the kids no problem and is kind of like no big deal about it. and he’s just feral at that. she’s such a good mum and he’s so turned on and he missed her and just ugh smut
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: This is a request from the 17th of October 2023. Anon, I hope you are still with us. I loved writing this for you, and I hope it lives up to your expectations. Thank you to proofreading as always @angelofsmalldeath-codeine !! thank you for hyping me @theywhowriteandknowthings and @pinkypromisepascal 💖❤️
Summary: Javier returns from a business trip after being apart from his family for three whole days.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags:  +18, domesticity, a happy family, javi having a baby in his arms and spending alone-time with his kids needs its own tag, i love yous, pregnancy, playful and teasing hubby, touch-starved, banter, dirty talk, finger-fucking, talk about female masturbation, pussy eating, loud reader, piv sex, riding, nipple sucking, lactation kink, javi gets off on you being the mother of his children, multiple orgasms, creampie, intense sex, bliss, pillow talk
Word count: 8k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54409297
The sound of the door has you sprinting towards it. You throw your arms around Javier’s neck before he even manages to put down his bag, causing him to drop it and make a noise of concern in case its contents may end up spilling out on the floor. If you have to be completely honest, you don’t give a damn right now because you haven’t felt his embrace for nearly three whole days. 
“Hola, baby,” he says with a voice that tells you that he is smiling. He holds you close to himself, one hand reaching around your waist and the other one settling on the back of your head. He presses your body into his own, and you try to keep yourself from making a noise that reminds you of a schoolgirl. 
Javier has been on a work trip out of state. It happens from time to time that some department of the state gets the not-so-incredible idea of hiring him as a motivational speaker to make their conferences look more interesting than they actually are. Javier hates it but the money is good and his boss always ends up encouraging him in a way that mostly sounds like he has no choice. 
You hate it too. The act of sleeping in your bed alone, not feeling his body heat, and not being able to simply reach out for him if you need him, is torturous. Combined with taking care of three children alone, you find yourself slowly becoming a less-than-ideal version of yourself. It’s a stressfully romantic reminder that you can barely function without him.
“Hi,” you grin widely as you pull back to receive a kiss. You splay your palms on his chest, scratching slightly as he pecks your lips repeatedly for a moment. Your whole body feels like it is made up of butterflies fluttering around each other in a romantic dance. 
“Thank God that’s over,” he reaches for the suitcase when you finally allow him to step out of your arms. He walks into the kitchen, “They were talking through my whole fucking presentation, and the meetings afterward… I was just daydreaming about coming home to you and the kids the whole time.” 
“That bad?” You follow him around like a puppy. If you didn’t know that he would do the same thing had it been you arriving home, you would find yourself slightly pathetic for being such a fool for him. 
“I should’ve said no this time,” he says as if it had ever been an option. You nod as he continues, “I do it every year and I feel like an idiot each time.” 
“We need the money,” you argue, finally moving away from your husband to go to the living room where Sebastian is lying on a blanket. He squeals in delight at seeing you, and you pick him up with a coo. 
“We don’t need the money, we’ve got enough money,” Javier says from the kitchen. 
“Come say hi to your son,” you change the subject and hear Javier’s steps come closer.
“Oh, there he is,” Javier says and his voice switches to baby talk as you hand Sebastian to him. He settles him on his hip, bouncing slightly where he stands, “Te he extrañado tanto, mijo (I have missed you so much, my son).”
Sebastian gurgles happily up at his father. His eyes are full of recognition at the sound of the  familiar voice. You swear that you can see a little bit of the exhaustion in Javier’s eyes disappear. 
“He’s been really patient with his mom these past couple of days,” you say with a chuckle, “No fussing during naps or nothing. Almost like he knew I needed the extra sympathy.”
“Bet your momma handled everything way better than I could, huh? What do you think?” Javier shifts Sebastian to sit on his arm instead so he can blow a raspberry on his face. He smiles softly at you afterward, turning his head towards you so that he and his son are cheek to cheek, “Is that wrong to assume?”
“I still think you’re better with them than me,” you say simply. 
He tuts, “Bullshit.”
Sebastian makes another happy noise at hearing both of his favorite voices. He swings his tiny fists, and Javier grabs one of his hands, “If this one wasn’t so fixated on playing peek-a-boo, he’d agree. Suppose we all have our vices.”
You move past him with a roll of your eyes and a smile on your face. You go to check the food on the stove, and from behind you, Javier sniffs the air. He walks to join you by the counter, “What are you making?”
“Tu favorito (your favorite),” you smile at Sebastian instead of looking at him, leaning in to bump your nose with his tiny one. Sebastian grabs at your face. 
“No te merezco, mi amor (I don’t deserve you, my love).”
“We eat in twenty minutes,” you inform after lovingly shaking your head at him. He leans in to kiss you again and you know immediately that this is just one of many kisses you will get tonight. 
“Where are the rascals?” He asks. 
“In the garden,” you reply and open your arms, “Give him here and go say hi. Inés has been going on about you all day, so please save me from hearing more about her super-duper-awesome Daddy.”
Carefully, Javier hands over Sebastian, “I thought you liked her super-duper-awesome Daddy.”
“I think I might actually love him,” you grin and try not to feel silly at your sappiness because you do actually love him so much that it is stupid. Sebastian clings to you as soon as he smells you, resting his head on your shoulder and bunching his fists in your shirt.
Javier kisses you once more before heading to the door to the garden. You hear him leave it open, and watch him go outside and step off the porch with a hello. 
“Hey there, gremlins!” He shouts. Inés and Lucas, both engrossed in their own activities, look up at the same time. Their faces light up at the sight of their father, but Inés is the one who makes a noise so loud that you can hear it in the kitchen as if she’s speaking right next to you. 
Both of them come charging whilst shouting for him. you smile fondly at the sight of them colliding with their father who lets himself be knocked backward into the grass with a happy laugh. He wraps his arms around them and squeezes them tightly, “How’ve you been? I’ve missed you.”
They both look up at his face, speaking enthusiastically at the same time until he can barely tell what is going on. Their stories of the events of the last three days weave together until it is nonsense, and they don’t seem to notice that he cannot follow along with what they are saying. He ruffles their hair and sits up with them still cradled in the crooks of his arms, “Wow wow wow, uno a la  vez (one at a time).”
“I made a tower of blocks that was taller than me!” Inés says proudly and Lucas seems to let her have the spotlight for a moment. He knows that she’ll get distracted and run away soon anyway, giving him his own chance at talking to his father. Inés talks loudly, “Mommy took a picture. She said that you needed the evi— evin— uhh… evindance.”
“Evidence,” Lucas corrects her with a superior smirk. 
“That’s what I said,” she huffs. 
“Nuh-uh,” her brother protests and ducks out from underneath his father’s arm. 
“Ya-huh!” Inés removes herself from the embrace too. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Javier chuckles, “I’ll have to ask mamá for your picture. It sounds really cool.”
“Can we build one together?” She asks with a hopeful voice, “Pleeease.”
“Let’s save it for after dinner, mija (my daughter), okay?” He suggests, “And then I’ll build a tower that’s double the size of you before you gotta sleep.”
“Really? When?” Inés reveals that she still has no real concept of time. 
“After dinner, baby,” he says again, winking at Lucas who grins, “Go ask Mommy when we’re eating.” 
She is up in no time, running towards you in the kitchen. It leaves Lucas the perfect opportunity to have his moment. He gets up from the ground, his jeans covered in green patches, and starts walking towards the swing set that Javier built a few years ago. 
“Dad, you need to see what I’ve learned!” He says. 
“Alright, let’s see,” Javier pushes himself to stand with a groan and follows, crossing his arms over his chest and watching his son get onto the seat of the swing. By clutching the chains tightly, Lucas pulls himself to carefully stand up on the swing seat. 
Javier finds himself about to protest, instinctively holding out a hand to be ready for a potential fall. However, Lucas seems to have everything under control as he holds the chains tightly with both hands. He speaks as he starts swaying back and forth, looking hopeful for approval from who he knows to be the bravest man in his world, “I practiced all day yesterday!” 
“Eres increíble (you’re incredible)!” Javier cheers but then smiles smugly, “Does mom know you’re doing that?” 
“She told me not to,” he admits shyly. 
“Well, I haven’t seen anything,” Javier winks. 
“Thanks, Dad,” it sounds genuine, happy to keep a secret. Lucas lights up, “Wanna see me jump?”
“Even your old dad has limits,” Javier laughs with a shake of his head, “Get down from there. No jumping.”
“Fine,” his son grumbles. 
When he is on the ground, you pop your head out of the door to call them inside, “Dinner time,  chicos  (guys). Lucas, come in here and wash your hands.”
You smile as they approach, and when Lucas has walked past you, you stop Javier in the doorway and curl your fingers around his tie, “You better wash them too, Peña.”
The sun hangs low on the horizon when dinner ends. You start gathering the plates and glasses, and Lucas joins in without hesitation which gives Javier a glimpse of what happens when he isn’t home to take care of you. Maybe his son can sense your exhaustion too. He feels a pang of guilt in his stomach but decides to make up for it by getting his daughter ready for bed. 
“Come on, mija (my daughter),” he says, picking Inés up from the floor and throwing her over his shoulder to make her laugh, “Pajamas first and then building blocks.”
He carries her upstairs to the bathroom and helps her into her pajamas, braids her hair the way she likes it, and then gets her toothbrush. She spends the whole time babbling about how she’ll grow taller like her mother and thus they’ll have to build a higher tower each day. 
“Open up,” he says, sitting on the lid of the toilet with her standing between his legs. He holds her toothbrush in front of her mouth. 
“Do you think I’ll be taller than you someday?” She asks with her childlike eyes, and Javier has to tap her chin to make her remember to open her lips. 
“No, because I’ll just wear very big shoes, even if my head bumps against the ceiling,” he tells her with a grin, “C’mon, teeth brushing time.”
Inés grimaces but follows through and he has to shush her several times because she wants to keep talking.She even sports impatience on her face as her father wipes down her mouth with a damp flannel to rid it of leftover toothpaste. She looks ready to bolt out of the door, fidgeting slightly on the spot, “You promised we could build a tower before bed.”
“And we can,” he reassures, turning the flannel over to wipe the tip of her nose playfully. She crinkles it and reaches up to rub it afterward when he moves to hang it on the laundry basket, “But we’re getting ready for bed first. Hair okay?”
She nods, not entirely convinced that she gets to stay up longer after having brushed her teeth but when Javier has put her toothbrush back in its place in the medicine cabinet, she beams as he allows her to run off to her room. He follows behind, arms stretched out in front of himself, “I’m coming to get you, mija (my daughter)!”
“Nooo!” She squeals in delight, trying to barricade the door with her tiny body but he is too fast and manages to reach her before she can even close it. He picks her up by her middle and holds her upside down, shaking her gently while  she laughs and laughs. 
“Mi monita (my little monkey),” he laughs too. 
They spend half an hour as the architects of a tall and colorful skyscraper, Inés too impatient to see the tower reach her own height to care much for aesthetics. Javier tries suggesting a storyline of a castle but his daughter shakes her head. 
“Stop, Daddy,” she commands and he holds up his hands in surrender. 
“So no princesses live here?” He questions, “Not even a dragon? Or maybe a—” 
“No,” she deadpans, steadfast just like Javier’s father has told him he was. He smiles when she isn’t looking, not about to get scolded by a 4-year-old for not taking their playtime seriously. He enjoys the little moments he has like these, seeing the way his daughter imitates his own behavior in a way that would make your teasing never-ending if you saw it. At that moment, he despises himself and his job because he has to leave sometimes and thus misses out on things. He should have been here when Inés built a tower as tall as herself by herself, not see it in a photograph later. 
Eventually, the construction gets too tall for her to build it even taller. Javier is put to work immediately after she realizes this, and she oversees his work with important nods and looks of assessment. 
“Look, Daddy!” She exclaims with each building block that Javier places on top of another. She stands beside the tower because she needs to compare her height to it, and Javier has to keep a hand on her shoulder to steady her when she gets close to making it tumble down, “Do you think it will reach the ceiling?”
“One day I’m sure it’ll reach the moon,” he replies as if it is a fact, “I for sure am tall enough.”
“No, you’re not,” she furrows her brow, thinking, “But we will just have to get a very big ladder.”
Finally, Javier has built a tower double her size. It stands wobbly on the floor. He nods towards it, “There you go, mi amor (my love), do you want to put the last block on top? The triangular one?” 
She nods and he notices the telltale signs of Inés’ tiredness because her eyes have started drooping. She rubs them with a little sigh, and then holds out her arms so he can pick her up and place her on his hip. 
She places the block carefully on top after Javier hands it to her. It is like all energy reserves have been used up from one moment to another. However, he doesn’t want to risk the unsteady tower falling over in the middle of the night, so he whispers in his most mischievous voice, “Do you want to knock it down?”
“Can I?” She widens her eyes. 
“Sí, pero no se lo digas a tu mamá (yes, but don’t tell your mom),” he confirms, “Perhaps a big angry monkey swung from it whilst roaring like this!”
He imitates King Kong the best he can and is thankful she has no clue what it is, and she repeats after him only to push on the stacked blocks until they tumble to the floor. He kicks the remaining pieces with his foot, and she roars again. They laugh together until she yawns.
“Alright, es hora de dormir (it’s time to sleep),” he announces then, and she doesn’t protest. He shifts her slightly in his arms so she can wrap herself around him with both her arms and legs, burying her face in his shoulder. It’s clear that she has missed him. He rubs her back with both hands before holding her in place, moving towards the bed in the corner of her room. 
Gently, he lays her down and crouches down beside her afterward. He pulls the covers up over her head on purpose and earns a giggle, “Oh no, where did Inés go?”
“You’re silly, Papá,” she says. 
“Go to sleep, baby,” he tells her after tucking her in properly this time, “You are so tired. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Thank you for playing with me,” Inés says with a yawn, turning on her side to look at him better. She softens a little as her eyes start to flutter closed, her father’s hand running over her head. Another yawn comes, “Te quiero, Papá. No me gusta cuando te vas y no me gusta extrañarte (I love you, Dad. I don’t like it when you leave and I don’t like missing you).”
Javier sucks in a breath. He rubs the spot between her eyebrows, trying to keep his composure, “Lo sé, mi vida (I know, my life). I love you too. Sleep well, okay?”
“Okay,” she slurs, and then her breathing slows. He tucks her in one last time, leaning in to kiss her hair softly before stretching carefully to his full height. He makes sure to turn on her night light before turning off the overhead lights, closing the door ever so gently afterward.
He lets out a deep breath right outside her room and smooths two fingers over his mustache. He hasn’t told you about this yet but he is considering quitting his job, has been considering it very seriously since Christmas when he promised to cut down on work significantly to be home a lot more with you and the kids. That and the fact that you are carrying his fourth child, and leaving you home alone with all four in the future just seems cruel.
However, it’s a comment like the one he has just received from his only daughter that sets it in stone. His search for other jobs is not a mere idea any longer but rather a necessity if he wants to continue being happy with his family. 
He has to tell you and he is dying to already, but first, he wants to unpack and then tuck Lucas in too. He has three days of goodnights to catch up on. 
He enters Lucas’ room half an hour later to the familiar sound of his son’s Game Boy, its rhythmic beeps and pings accompanied by the frantic tapping on its buttons. Lucas is sitting cross-legged in his bed, already wearing his pajamas and with his face illuminated by the screen of his console. 
“Hey Dad, can you knock? I’m losing my concentration,” his son says without looking up from the screen, already sounding so grown up that Javier has to tighten his grip around the doorknob. Where did the time go? 
“Ay, Lucas,” he tuts and crosses the room to stand by the bed, “Soy tu padre (I’m your father).”
“I just really don’t want to lose,” he explains and starts tapping away on the buttons again, his stare still fixed on the little jumping character. Javier waits for a moment, following his game by looking over his shoulder. 
When enough time has passed and Lucas seems to relax a bit more, he interrupts again, “Alright, time for bed, muchacho (young man).” 
“One more game!” Lucas finally looks up with pleading eyes. The boy sports the same puppy-look in them that you have said Javier does himself, and it was only when he looked into Lucas’ pleading face the first time that he realized what you meant. The look is damn near impossible to say no to. 
“Fine, but I’m taking it afterward unless you promise me not to play all night,” he says firmly, “Even Mario has to sleep at some point.”
“I will!” He reassures quickly, “Only five minutes more, I promise.”
“But I want to talk to you about something first,” he holds out his hand for the gaming console, “Dámelo (Give it to me). It’s important you listen.”
“Am I in trouble?” Lucas reluctantly hands his most precious belonging to his father who places it on the nightstand. 
“What? No, mijo (my son),” Javier gets Lucas under the covers, tucks him in, and then sits down on the edge of the bed, “How would you like it if I got to spend more time at home with you all?”
“What do you mean?” Lucas tilts his head in confusion.
“Can you keep a secret from Mom?” He asks with a gentle smile. Lucas nods. He continues, “I’m quitting my job soon.”
“Really?!” Lucas exclaims with pure shock on his face.
“Shh, your sister and your brother are asleep down the hall,” he shushes, holding a finger in front of his mouth.
“Really?” He whispers instead. 
“Absolutely, really,” Javier whispers back and Lucas’ eyes sparkle with excitement. He sits up in bed, pushing the covers aside to crawl into his father’s arms. Maybe he isn’t so grown up after all. Javier hugs him back and kisses his hair, “I’ve been thinking that spending more time with you, your brother and your sister is what I’ve been missing. I don’t like  leaving you here to be the big boy of the house when I’m not here.”
He continues when Lucas tightens his arms around him. He muses, “And even if I’ll still have a job, there’ll be more time for game nights and football in the garden. Would you like that?”
Lucas nods into his shoulder. Javier chuckles softly, "But remember, es nuestro secreto (it’s our secret) until I talk to Mom about it. We want to make sure she's on board with the plan, yeah?”
Lucas pulls back and nods eagerly, looking like he is already daydreaming of the extra time he'll get to spend with his father. However, there’s a tinge of anxiety in his excitement, and his voice is an unsure whisper when he speaks his concern, "Dad, what if Mom doesn't like the idea? What if she gets upset?"
“She understands how important our family time is. Trust me, te prometo (I promise) everything will be okay," he says with a reassuring smile. 
“But what will your new job be?” Lucas continues, “Will it be something cool?”
“I think I might start teaching people how to catch bad guys like I used to do,” he shrugs.
Lucas grimaces, “You’re gonna be a teacher?”
“Alright, that’s enough,” he laughs, “Bedtime.”
“You said one more game!” He protests. 
Javier gets up to grab the Game Boy off the nightstand. He holds it out for his son and yanks it away when he tries to take it, “One.”
“I promise,” he says and takes it when he is allowed. 
“And your father is actually very cool,” Javier moves to turn off the lights. He can already hear the theme tune of Lucas’ game, “Buenas noches (goodnight).”
“Buenas noches, papá, te quiero,” Lucas beams in the few seconds he looks up. 
“Y yo a tí, mijo (I love you too, my son),” he says and flicks the switch. 
“They’re asleep,” Javier says as he enters the kitchen a few minutes later. He finds you leaning against the counter with a glass of alcohol-free red wine in your hand. The bottle stands on the counter behind you, its contents half-emptied as if it's been your only way of treating yourself in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed. You look tired from having been alone with all three of them - one of them still an infant - for three days and with a secret baby in your belly to top it off. 
Chucho had offered to help you out but you had politely declined so as to not ask for too much of your father-in-law, not be too much of an inconvenience when he has so much to do at the ranch with getting ready for the Spring. 
“I’m about to be too,” you say after a sip of your glass. 
“When I’ve finally gotten you to myself?” Javier tuts and steps closer to you, stopping when he is right in front of you. He checks the baby monitor on the kitchen counter next to the wine bottle and then he takes the glass off your hand, setting it aside as well. 
His hands find your sides afterward, cupping your waist for a moment before they slide around your body so he can pull you in for a long and desperate kiss. You rest your arms on his shoulders, cradling his head as he moves his mouth with yours. It is nothing but pure ecstasy to feel him like this again, so much that you forget to breathe and have to pull away too soon. 
You know he is the same when he sucks a breath in at the same time as you. However, instead of kissing you again, he lets you catch your breath and hugs you close to his chest. His body feels warm, an instant smile forming on your face as he squeezes you. 
“Hi,” you say, sounding drunk despite the wine having no alcohol. His arms are a harbor, the very definition of the end of unhappiness. They’re strong and enough to make your head swim, holding you with the promise of never being apart except for physically. 
You feel his breath against your ear, “Hey, mamá.”
“I’m so glad you’re home with me again,” you close your eyes as you inhale through your nose, letting the scent of him flood your system. 
Javier pulls back and stares at you for a moment. He smirks, a mischievous gleam appearing in his eyes. Then he lets go of you to reach up and teasingly pull down your top to look down into it. 
“Ay, Javi,” you scold with a roll of your eyes. 
“What?” He acts oblivious. 
“You’re acting insane, and I’m trying to be genuine.”
“I haven’t seen you in three days, mi amor (my love), you can’t blame me,” he protests your accusation, “Besides, this is me being very genuine.”
“Missed you too,” you sigh. 
“And I’ve missed you, Jesus,” he wraps his arms around your waist again, pulls you closer to his body, and uses every opportunity to kiss you after each sentence, “Missed these tits. Missed your gorgeous pussy. You gotta let me have it tonight, mamácita.” 
“Take me upstairs then,” you lean your head back when he presses his lips to your throat, “We’re not doing it in the kitchen. Against popular belief.”
Javier snorts, “But we always—“
“I said against popular belief, baby,” you stress. 
“Fine, c’mere then,” his arms slide down over your hips, and when they reach your knees, he scoops you up with his strong arms and lifts you over his shoulder. You answer with a yelp that turns into a panicked laugh but he simply smacks your ass and starts walking. In the middle of the chaos, you manage to reach for the baby monitor on the counter. 
“You are incorrigible,” you say with a dramatic sigh.
“Yes, wife, yes, wife good, I like wife,” he replies in his best caveman accent and you snicker all the way up the stairs, legs dangling over his shoulder and ready to scold him each time he gropes your ass. 
When he throws you down on the bed, you are having a full-on laughing fit and the bubbling in your chest feels so good. Even better, when he looms over you by the end of the bed while unbuttoning his shirt, only to crawl on top of you. He kisses your wine-stained lips, scooping you up into his arms and you return his embrace after throwing the baby monitor on the bed. 
“I love your laugh,” he says softly when he needs a breath, bumping your noses together. 
“You just kidnapped me from the kitchen, that’s no laughing matter,” you tease. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss your neck while you talk. 
“Then why are you giggling like a schoolgirl?” He places a hand on your belly that still keeps a secret between the two of you. No one knows yet. 
There is concentration on his face when his hand moves up under your top, smoothing the fabric up until you stretch your arms above your head to help him rid it off of your body. 
“Hmm,” you think out loud, “Maybe because I have this terrible schoolgirl crush on you.”
“Really? I thought marriage was just a matter of convenience,” he chuckles and kisses your neck again. You lay your hands on his shoulders, smoothing them over the broadness of his bare skin that’s been missing underneath your fingertips and pushing him down towards your chest. 
“This is pretty good too, most convenient,” you note with a grin as he follows your silent order, moving his mouth south on you until he plants kisses between your breasts. You reach underneath your back to undo your bra, and he peels it off of you and sighs with satisfaction as soon as he has your upper body naked. 
“Look at you,” he groans, throwing the bra to the side and diving back into you. He kisses the swell of your right breast, “You make me so fucking horny.”
You throw your head back as he lets the flat of his tongue trail wetly from one breast to the other. He sucks a nipple into his mouth and earns his first moan, to which he presses his clothed crotch into your thigh to show you how hard he is already. 
“I’ve been wet since I saw you at the door,” you admit, “Been thinking of your cock inside of me each night. So fucking lonely without you.”
“You should have called me,” he mutters, mouth going further down on your body until he reaches the hem of your jeans. He undoes the button and zipper, yanking them over your hips and pulling them off your legs. 
“I was too busy screwing myself,” you tell him and he immediately finds your eyes. That clearly hit a spot, “You like that, huh?”
“Tell me about it,” he struggles a little with the jeans as they sit around your ankles, but the desperation has him yanking them off with enough enthusiasm to pull you along. 
“If you weren’t trying to drag me onto the floor— oh, shit.”
Javier has dragged your underwear along with the jeans, and he is now sinking two fingers deep inside of your dripping cunt and pressing them upwards. It’s what you get for being snarky, you suppose, staring down at him as he fucks you open on his digits. 
“Your mouth— ah, put your mouth on me,” you try to command. 
“Quiet down, baby. I literally just put the kids to bed. You want them running in here?” He shushes you with an amused grin, adding a third finger to your squelching cunt to make you groan, “While I’m wearing you like a puppet?” 
You rock against his hand with a chuckle that develops into a moan, “Imagine the conversation that’ll start.”
“I’d rather have a conversation about how filthy you’ve been while I was away,” he speeds up his fingers to make you cry out against your hand but he doesn’t make you come, changing his mind halfway there to follow through on your request, “No, actually I’ll have you monologue about it because I’m going to eat your pussy as you do it.”
You tremble as he takes your clit in his mouth, easing his tongue over the hard nub over and over again whilst timing it with the strokes of his fingers. You feel so full of his digits, and it takes you a moment to trust yourself not to cry at the ceiling the second you remove your hand from your mouth. 
“Took a long shower the day before yesterday, after the kids had gone to school and Seb was napping,” you begin with shaking breaths. You need to start the sentence three times before you can make your words make sense, “Used the faucet on the bathtub and came so goddamn hard. You should’ve seen me with my legs up against the wall.”
Below you, Javier hums in approval and it vibrates through your throbbing pussy. You continue.
“I imagined you going down on me with your warm tongue, circling my clit— yes, just like that,” just talking about it makes you gush from how horny it makes you, wetness dripping past Javier’s lips and into his mouth. He groans against you and mouths at your pulsing clit. You find yourself much closer from how well your body remembers the orgasm you had in the shower; the warm water pounding rhythmically against your clit, your toes curling, and— and. 
You grind into his mouth and fuck yourself on his fingers as you come, the hot and heavy feeling of an orgasm crashing over you and intensifying as it peaks. You have to bite your lip to keep from screaming, still not managing to keep the high-pitched ah! from reverberating through the room. Javier’s fingers feel so much bigger inside of you as your cunt strangles them, and when you look down at him, you see that he is crashing his hips against the bed to feel just a bit of relief. 
You have lost all restraint in your noises as you feel the pleasure ebb out, leaving you a whimpering and panting mess on the bed that wants it all. Somehow you are deeply satisfied at the same time as knowing that this is not enough; you need all of him, and you need him inside of your cunt until you can barely move from the spot. The fact that your body still works when he pulls his fingers from you is an indication of not having had enough. 
“Need to fuck you,” he says from below you, crawling on top of you. He has left a damp spot on the sheets from where his cock has dragged against them, and he looks like he is in pain at this point if he doesn’t get to feel you around him, “Now, mi amor (my love).”
“No,” you stop him as he tries spreading your legs with a gentle yet hurried hand.
“No?” His brows furrow, a protest on the tip of his tongue. 
“Let me ride you,” you beg, already pushing on his shoulders and feeling how he is giving in in an instant, “Please, I want you so deep in me.”
“Yes, yeah, okay,” he breathes, moving to lie on his back with a pillow under his head. You shake as you lift yourself to straddle him, holding out your arms in front of yourself to signal that you want him to be close to you. He reads you without you saying anything and sits up in your bed so you can be chest to chest. 
You reach beneath yourself to take hold of the base of his cock, holding him in place so you can sink down on his shaft until he is buried inside of you to the hilt. You are dripping wet. The motion of engulfing him in your heat is smooth and effortless, and the moans the both of you let out are closer to whines because you are so starved. 
“It’s so good, you’re so wet, baby,” he mumbles quietly in your ear, nosing along the spot behind it. You arch into him, nodding without any words coming to your mind. Instead, you let out a soft gasp as he fucks up into you. 
Nothing describes being this close to him after not even being able to kiss him for three days. Other couples would shake their heads if they knew how desperate you get from merely three days apart. You only feel sorry for them. They don’t get how your days are spent with taking every opportunity to lay eyes on each other, breathe and taste each other or even just being able to put a hand on each other’s shoulder, hip, the small of the back. 
“Let me,” you pant as he moves underneath you, sending you into a state where you need to concentrate if you want to get out a proper sentence, “I want to fuck this cock. Please, let me.”
Javier stills his hips underneath you. He seems to be holding his breath as he watches you place your hands on his shoulders and then feel them slide behind his head to tilt his head backward. He looks up at you as you start moving on him, rocking in his lap so he barely pulls out of you. 
“Come on, that’s a good girl,” he says when he finally sucks in a breath, eyes gazing up at you with a pussydrunk look in them. When they glaze over like this, you know his words will be ravenous and never-ending, “Fuck, baby. That’s it. There you go. Let me touch you so deep inside.”
It doesn’t take long for him to be distracted by your moving chest as you sensually drag your hips over his thick cock. He did tell you that he had missed your breasts but that had been in a slightly playful manner; you never thought that you would actually start to feel beautiful under his hungry eyes. It shouldn’t come as a shock to you because he always knows how to make you feel desirable. 
“Attagirl,” he groans, holding your hip tightly with his right hand to help you keep your balance, “God, look at those pretty tits.”
You arch your back as he puts his other hand on your left breast, bending his head down to mouth along the swell until he reaches your nipple. He swirls his tongue once but it is too hard to keep going when you move more frantically on top of him to pleasure yourself, so instead, he wraps his whole mouth around the hardened, spit-slicked peak and sucks until your cunt clamps down in surprise of how good it feels.
“Fuck,” you pant, closing your eyes. The noises of him sucking on your breasts fill your ears and along with how it is making your belly swirl, it makes you impossibly wetter, coating his dick in a milky-white ring. A lewd thought enters your mind. Perhaps, he keeps knocking you up because of this; your cup size has remained the same for a while because you’ve been breastfeeding for months now, and with another baby on its way, you know that the months will keep adding up in the near future.
A drop slips into his mouth and spurs him on to give you a thorough taste. Your brows pull together as a more high-pitched moan leaves your open mouth and he pulls back to shush you gently. Then he sucks greedily again. 
You had once asked him why he loved this, and he had replied that the very fact that you were producing milk so sweet to nurture his child went straight to his dick. 
“Javi,” you whine to tell him just how you feel. He removes his mouth from your sensitive chest to talk, albeit reluctantly. However, when he notices the change in your sounds and your pitch, he doesn’t want to look away from your face again until he has seen you lose it. 
“Oh, you wanna come, huh? Then fuck me,” he says with milk-stained lips. You move desperately in his lap as he spurs you on, feeling the head of his cock dragging back and forth inside of you, laying against your g-spot perfectly if you tilt your hips just a bit. Javier’s eyes burn as they stare up at you but he cannot help himself from occasionally glancing down at your bouncing tits. Your need to come grows, and when you press down slightly harder, you see stars behind your eyelids. A second orgasm tears through you, and one of the hands that has gripped your hip hard enough to bruise comes up to cover your mouth because you start screaming. It’s so intense to have missed him so much. 
“There she is,” he growls lowly, watching your face contort with pleasure until tears slide down your face and underneath his palm that’s tightly secured over your whining mouth, “That’s my good girl. You know how to come on this fucking cock, fuck, you feel so good, mi vida (my life), choking my dick. Keep going— no no, don’t stop, ride through it, baby.”
You force yourself to continue moving and keep crying into his hand, wet from drool and tears by now. The oversensitivity is mind-numbing, toe-curling, and somehow still not enough.
“Almost made me come, mi chica sucía y desesperada (my dirty, eager girl),” he says through a breathless chuckle but then raises his brows as your pitch starts climbing once again. You have successfully bypassed your body and started building up another high, “You’re gonna come again? Díos mio (my God), my beautiful wife is insatiable.”
Any chance of talking back at him is lost because you would wake up the whole neighborhood if he dared remove his hand from your mouth. To put his filthy mouth in its place, you start bouncing in his lap to the point where his naked thighs crash harshly into your ass. The sound of skin slapping against skin is dirty but Javier’s desperate groans are obscene. He can barely talk now without his voice wavering, and with the way he repeats himself, you know he is doing everything in his power to let you come one more time before he bursts, “Use my cock, yes like that. K-keep going— you’re gonna make me come. Oh fuck.” 
When he notices that you are trying to say something, he removes his hand and allows you a single sentence before clamping the hand down over your mouth again. 
“I can’t do it anymore,” you whimper with exhaustion, thighs having started to tremble with the effort you are putting into bouncing in his lap. They hurt at this point, straining despite how much you also use your arms to steer yourself.
“Don’t worry about it, Go until you can’t fucking do it anymore and I’ll take over, yeah?” He nods at you when you make a mhm-noise into his hand, eyes encouraging and his breaths less composed. 
When you come a second time on his dick, you falter immediately. The sensation of the pleasure that has built up so fast again crashes down and takes you with it in its fall. You are silent when it’s teetering on the edge, and then it makes your voice crack when you feel the first tug behind your throbbing clit. 
There is only the feeling of your convulsing cunt making you believe in a higher power - in this case, Javier fucking Peña - and then said higher power wrapping his arm around your sticky back to lift you up and down. He snaps his hips upwards to use your body for his own pleasure, and after a series of frantic movements, he comes with a groan. The feeling of his warm spill inside of you has you whimpering, and you try your best to rock your hips the best your exhausted body can. If it weren’t for all the dopamine in your system, you are sure it would hurt. 
“Yes, yes, yesyesyes. Oh, baby, fuck the come out of me, yes, that’s it,” he chants underneath you as he fills you up, moving to meet you halfway until he also has no more to give.  When he stills, he grabs your face to smash your lips together in a messy, desperate kiss that is more teeth than anything else. It feels impossible to get close enough to him, even if your chests stick together from sweat.
A moment later, you fall down onto his chest with a chuckle, head swimming from what you have just done. Your arms lie on either side of his head, and your cheek is pressed into his hair. You can feel his nose dig into your shoulder, inhaling you and your post-sex scent, and his arms tighten around your waist as he hugs you close. 
“That was fantastic,” you groan with him still inside of you. He gives you one more thrust, pressing his hips upwards, and you half-moan in oversensitivity and half-laugh in surprise, “Stop it, Peña.”
He laughs breathlessly, placing a kiss on your bare skin. Then he slips out of you with a grunt, and you feel his come drip from you already, down onto his cock and thighs. He rubs your sides with his broad hands, “I have missed you as well, you know.”
“I don’t ever want you to go again,” you demand sillily. 
“You say that every time.”
“I mean it every time.”
There’s a pause between the two of you. It lasts several minutes where you just lie on top of his chest. 5, 10, 15 minutes pass. Javier says nothing yet you know him well enough to know that he is considering his words. 
“I was thinking of something,” he finally says. 
You sit up at that, “What?” 
“You know how I said something about work during Christmas? That I wanted to be more home with you and the kids, that it would make me happier?” He begins, looking up at you and not hesitating in his eye contact with you. 
You suddenly pay a lot more attention, “Yeah?”
“I was thinking that since I will have a bunch of kids to carry around a lot more years from now, I can’t be running around in the force anymore. My back is fucking killing me, and I also want to make love to my wife on the regular,” he tells you and you know instantly that it’s serious even if he says it with a chuckle, “I was thinking of teaching at the local college. They have a criminology course, and with my time in school with my head in the books - I mean, my bachelor’s degree - it shouldn’t be a problem to get a job there.”
“Are you serious?” You gape at him. 
“Yes, of course, I am,” he furrows his brow slightly. Only now, he looks unsure but still keeps talking, “It would mean nothing of this sort either; me going away.”
“Babe, that’s amazing,” you fall down into him again, causing an umph-noise from your husband, and then you crash your lips into his. You kiss him as if your life depended on it, sliding your fingers through his dark hair and tugging slightly as if trying to get him even closer to you. 
He looks drunk and disheveled when you pull back again, a goofy and satisfied smile on his face. His fingers scratch slightly along your back, “You’d like that, huh?”
“Yes, please,” you beam with happiness. 
“Then you shall have it, mi vida (my life),” his hands travel down to your ass which he gropes obscenely, and when you make a noise, he smacks your right cheek. You feel his cock, hard again, poke into your thigh.
You look down between you, “This is a surprise. I thought you’d gotten old…”
“Like I said…” He grabs your waist and pulls you down to lie on your back. A yelp escapes your lips. 
He is inside of you mere seconds after, causing you to longingly whine. He thrusts once then twice, and you throw your head back to take it, “…I’ve missed you.”
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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002yb · 5 months
Royjay baby fever 👀 perhaps
(The olde plap plap get pregnant gyahaha)
Since this blog is what it is, Dickjay + Roy baby fever, sorry! 👀 Because ahhhahaha imagine if you will:
"So when are you going to let Dick knock you up?"
By no means are Roy and he the sort to pussyfoot around each other, but damn. Jason's jaw drops. From the kitchen, he can hear how Dick fumbles some dishes - a loud crash followed by an unnatural silence.
That Dick overheard the comment is mortifying. That he’s clearly listening for Jason’s response only makes matters worse.
Roy's question feels more accusatory than inquiring. It’s so shocking that, for a moment, Jason considers it before remembering he’s a man; there's nothing to fucking think about. Even if he could get knocked up, it’s not like Dick could—
Not the point. Jason scowls and stretches his leg across the couch, driving his heel into Roy’s thigh for being so crass.
‘As soon as you leave,’ is what Jason ought to say. It’s exactly the sort of sarcastic quip he’d usually banter with, but he's acutely aware of Dick's eavesdropping and while Dick wouldn't care, the thought of being so brazen makes Jason blush. Instead he grumbles, "We already have Damian."
Ugh, Jason can feel how Dick clutches his chest in endearment. The sentimental sap.
"Yeah, but don't you miss when he was a baby?" Roy asks around a nostalgic sigh and oh—this is clearly about Lian, which makes Jason snicker. That makes more sense. Roy probably saw some old photos or was accosted by the kid about wanting siblings or some such.
"He's arguably still a baby." Jason snarks, but can't bite back a smile at the memories of before and he finds himself sharing them eagerly—small hands that always reached for him, patting his cheeks and pulling his ears; wide, green eyes staring up at him with wonder instead of the sullen broodiness of an edgy punkass brat; the way Damian taught himself to walk just to toddle after him all the time and—
There's a thump from behind him and Jason startles, looking over his shoulder. He finds Dick half-sprawled across the floor, exposed from where he'd been hiding behind the corner. For a long moment, they stare at each other with matching flushes across their cheeks and Jason realizes that oh. He'd never told Dick about this part of Jason's sorted past, had he?
It's a problem to address at another time though, because Jason can feel the trouble Roy is stirring up behind him as the man comes to the conclusion that Dick is their weak link in all things domestic.
Jason turns on him with a warning, "Don't you dare—"
And Roy laughs as, at the same time he calls, "What's it gonna take for you to knock this man up, Grayson? He needs a baby!” And the crux of the matter, like the good father he is: “Lian would be so happy, come on!"
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
a domestic happiness ask because the amount of times i’ve read missus dying is offensive !!
completely domestic it hurts tbh
it’s the morning, simon just arrived back home the night before and the babies don’t know
missus and simon have some fluff in the kitchen - making tea, listening heart 70s radio (some swaying to the radio?🙏🏻), reading books in comfortable silence, best banter known to man
maybe winnie comes down and sees simon but has to be quiet to not wake her siblings😭 and then the 3 go and wake up mellie & baby together
just cuteness overload
ugh this makes me so happy
happiness au! (again not decided on the sex of the baby yet)
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The cigarette on his lips felt heavy as he sat on the front porch of his home. Knowing you were inside, asleep in your large bed, it made Ghost feel comforted. The family he’s protecting is quiet, eyes fluttering as they sleep and are oblivious to his return - yet he hasn’t stepped through the front door.
One last cigarette and he could go inside, peel off the mask and hold you until his little hellions woke up.
He stubbed the filter into the concrete before picking it up, shoving it in his pocket to throw away later and taking out the singular silver house key beside the keys to his truck. He opened his front door, noting the house was quiet - yet he still heard footsteps in the kitchen. He toed off his boots, closing the door and locking it behind him before he pulled off his coat, then shoved it into the closet so you didn’t smell the cigarette smoke on it.
He could hear something being poured, shuffling around in the kitchen - he knew the sound of your footsteps well enough to know it was you.
You knew the sound of his coat and the heaviness of his footsteps, so you weren’t scared out of your skin when your husband kissed your cheek - your cold hands pouring hot tea into his favorite cup. You didn’t mean to wake up this early, Nathan having kept you up a few hours longer than you intended. You placed the pot down, turning your head to look up at your husband - only to be met by the porcelain colored skull plate.
“Bad?” You whispered, the first word you had spoken that morning. It wasn’t often that he came in with the mask, Simon never liked you interacting with his protective shell, Ghost.
He didn’t move his head, his body stayed still yet his eyes flickered down. You frowned, your hand coming to settle on where his cheekbone was - your palm touching the dirt dusted plastic of his mask. You didn’t need to ask him what happened, he wouldn’t utter a word. You may have not been married for more than two years but that doesn’t excuse the way you knew him. Like he was sculpted from the same block of clay, the way soulmates are always intertwined.
Your fingernails tapped against the plastic, his cold brown eyes flickered to meet yours. You turned fully, the thin t-shirt you wore pressed against his taut stomach and rough belt. His large hand settled on your hip, gloved fingertips begging to feel your warm skin as he felt as cold as ice.
“The boy?”
“Givin’ me Hell in Riley fashion.”
He hummed a little chuckle, his free hand coming to rest right on your chest - right above your heart. His index and middle fingers pressed a little into your skin, trying to feel your heart through his glove.
“He’ll be happy to see you.”
“He’s only six weeks old.”
“He knows who his dad is.”
Simon wasn’t prepared for a son before, but now that he had held Nathan, he knew that he was more than ready. How did he know? Because as soon as he looked in the face of a little Simon Riley, he only felt love. He didn’t feel the despair he thought he would.
“The girls have missed you so much.”
“It’s been two weeks.”
“A long time for them to go without you, honey.” You watched his eyes as they memorized your face, a sleepy smirk tugged at your lips. “Mellie’s been trying to draw you pictures, she’s playing more and more.”
“That’s good.”
“She’s not trying to hide Winnie as often. Or me. Or Missy.”
“She’s too little to be having problems.”
You knew the look in his eye was clear self-deprecation - he thought his daughter having anxiety was exclusively his fault. “Honey.” Your fingertips grazed across the bottom of his mask, the hand on your chest moved to yours as a warning. You understood, keeping your hands on his chest with your nails scratching the old balaclava. “I know you think it’s your fault, but it isn’t. I’ve talked with the doctor, her herding and hiding her family makes her feel safe.”
“She doesn’t feel safe because I’m not here.”
There was a creak from the staircase, Ghost’s head whipped up to gaze at the doorway - you looked too, only to see your seven year old as she creeped into the kitchen. Her eyes lit up as she saw her father, her arms instantly out as tears burst from her eyes. He let go of you instantly, striding over to scoop his daughter into his arms.
He desperately needed to smell that lavender shampoo you always used, needed to feel her curls against his face - his body was too hot, his face felt like it was on fire and he needed his mask off. All he could smell was the ichor of the battlefield, all he could taste was the metal in his blood.
“Mum was gonna help me get my mask off. Can you help me?”
The girl in orange pajamas nodded a little, a yawn came from her lips as her little hands ungraciously grabbed the top of his mask - including some hair underneath - and pulled. Without a wince, Simon let his oldest child tear off his mask, revealing the black paint around his deep brown eyes. His Winter Grace smiled, hands settled on his cheeks as she whispered, “Good morning, Daddy.”
Your hand settled on his lower back, he didn’t flinch like he would have with his skull plate over his face - his breathing slowed as he pressed his lips to Winnie’s curly hair. “Hello, my little love.”
Your hand gently squeezed your daughter’s foot, she slightly squealed as you whispered, “What are you doing up, baby?”
“Didn’t sleep good.”
“Didn’t sleep good?” Simon’s voice became as light as a feather, his hand cradling her head as he whispered, “I’m sorry. Do you want Mummy to tuck you back in?”
She shook her head, her warm hands tapping a little melody into his skin. “No. Wanna go to bed with you and Mummy.”
You gently shook her leg, your head resting on Simon’s shoulder. “Don’t forget that baby Nathan’s in Mommy’s room, you have to be extra quiet.”
She nodded before she wrapped her arms around Simon’s neck, her round face gazing at you with a smile before she whispered, “Daddy’s home.”
“I know, my love.” You whispered back, seeing Simon’s smile grow in your peripheral vision. “Do you think Melsie and Nate are gonna be happy too?” She nodded vigorously, you gently laughed before you kissed her nose. You looked up to your husband, your smile wide. “Let’s go.”
Simon’s mug of tea grew cold as you spent the early hours of the morning cuddling your children beside your husband.
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Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 7/?
PART 1 , PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
TW: Su!cidal ideation
Finally some RadioApple aljsdlajls 
I hope you guys like this.
It's about to rain.
Rain wasn't uncommon in Hell, but it wasn't that common either. It's mostly acid rain that comes down- another punishment from The Almighty. As if Falling wasn't enough. As if watching over his biggest failure wasn't enough.
It's beautiful to look at, though. Lucifer likes to think that the rain in hell is his Father's and siblings' tears. Sure helped him feel less lonely to delude himself that he is missed.
The Sin of Pride. He still doesn't get why he is that.
What other sin have I done other than love, Father?
Lucifer nurses a glass of apple Beelzejuice by his mouth. He's sitting on the counter of his personal mini-bar as he looks past the open balcony. A voice cuts through his thoughts.
Alastor: Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon~
The king of hell didn't even bother to turn his head at the sudden appearance of the radio demon. Alastor didn't seem to take offense to being ignored, only moving around the bar to make his own drink.
Lucifer doesn't really drink but he likes to mix up stuff every now and then. The process makes him feel like he's back in Eden making-
He shakes his head. Nope, not gonna go there.
Alastor finishes making his drink- a whiskey on the rocks- and joins Lucifer in overlooking the skies.
Lucifer: I'm really tired, Alastor. I think I have been for a long time.
Lucifer downs the drink and brings up his infected hand. Alastor stays quiet beside him, emitting a low static.
Lucifer: You know, I didn't actually know if it wouldn't kill me. I just saw that dead demon pig and moved without thinking. Just one touch and maybe I would... 
A cold feeling upon his fingertips snaps him back. Alastor hands him a drink which makes him raise an eyebrow but he takes the drink nonetheless.
Lucifer: Cider?
Alastor: Apple~
Lucifer: What? You think these are drunken words?
Alastor: I think.. that you've had enough for tonight, my dear.
Lucifer: I had one glass.
Alastor: Of the Prince of Gluttony's strongest. 
Lucifer scoffs.
Lucifer: Touche. But I can't get drunk.
He says, earning a hum from Alastor.
Alastor: Drunk in your own demons. Ha!
Lucifer: Ugh. That was such a shit pun.
Alastor: Made you smile, have I not, my Majesty?
Huh. Will you look at that? Lucifer did have a small smile but Alastor was sporting that irritating grin of his so he didn't dignify him with an answer.
Quiet again.
Normally, Lucifer would awkwardly rant about this and that just to fill the suffocating silence. The first few hours after the fall - before the Sins and everything else- it was just silence. The only sound that could be heard in the vast darkness was his and Lilith's pained breathing.
After his Lily leaves, he punishes himself by isolation. Just him, alone. Like how it should have been. He damned humanity. He damned Lilith. Now, he damned his most precious daughter.
He thought he would never find peace in silence again.
That is, until a certain radio demon.
Lucifer would never admit it, but that first time they met- the banter, the singing, the one-upping- it was the most alive he felt in more than 10,000 years.
Sure, Alastor was a raging asshole that was using his daughter to piss him off and he wanted nothing more than to permanently kill the guy.
Oh, who was he kidding, the bastard still does that.
But... somehow, along the way, they became (dare he say) good friends. Recently, he feels like they transitioned into something more. The constant touches, the domestic moments in the kitchen, that kiss.
When he's with Alastor, he forgets why he even hated the silence.
He sees that Alastor didn't make another drink.
Lucifer: Drunk already?
Alastor smiles- one of his rare genuine smiles that Lucifer only sees when they are alone- and walks in front of him. The demon stands in between Lucifer's legs that were slightly swinging.
Alastor puts his hands on the counter, caging the king of hell on either side.
Their faces move on their own. Coming closer until their lips were barely touching.
Alastor: With your company? Always.
Then finally, their lips touch one another's. Lucifer never thought he's experience this kind of intimacy again after Lilith.
The kiss was slow, but deep- they could feel each other's passion. One of Lucifer's hands finds its way to Alastor's hair to pull him closer.
The moment couldn't be longer. Alastor pulls away first but places a hand on his king's waist.
Alastor: Don't stay away for too long in your venture, little apple.
He places a small kiss on Lucifer's hand. The smaller gives the other a teasing smile.
Lucifer: What? You'll miss me?
The overlord only smirks.
Alastor: Dearly.. my Lucifer~
With that Alastor left, leaving Lucifer with himself again. He stares at the Morningstar portrait, focusing on his daughter's smiling face.
He'll make this right.
Lucifer: For Charlie.
What to look forward for in Part 8:
Charlie and Lucifer will finally talk before he leaves.
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bronx-bomber87 · 23 days
Happy Wednesday lovely Fandom :) Phew lord we’ve reached the eps I’ve only watched once. Because I was far too destroyed to watch them again. Knew my second time around would be my rewatch. I’m not ready emotionally. Will I ever be though? lol If we don't laugh we cry right? Ha Anyways I’m on a strict timetable before I move. So press forward I must. Sad at the lack of gifs in this one. But also understandable since we were all anxious af after this one. I am excited to do Tim analysis though. I always enjoy that.
Also pre-shout out to Eric and Melissa in this one. They never cease to amaze me with their acting chops and chemistry. Eric really kills me in this one in particular. Let us begin the slow breaking of our shipper hearts shall we? Also thank you to my readers for going through this with me. Once was hard enough. But revisiting isn’t any easier so thank you for coming with me on this journey. Off we go.
6x05 The Vow
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We get our couple immediately after the cold open. I knew going into this ep it was going to be angsty. I just had no idea why or how bad it would be…It’s date night for our beautiful pair. I just love them constantly dating each other. Makes my soul so damn happy. I can’t put it into words well enough. We get ship crack in this opening sequence for sure though. The way they light up when they see one another. That never gets old. Lucy is lighting candles when her man enters in.
Tim couldn’t be any cuter just as happy for date night as she is. Looks like he’s carrying quite a bit into her apt. Lucy instantly notices his present for her. Tim continues with the cuteness and says yes and the beer is for him. This is so domestic I wanna die. This moment started off so precious I knew he we were in for a world hurt tbh. This scene was the calm before the storm.
Tim is not wasting any time getting a thank you kiss in. Lucy is lit up like a Christmas tree as she leans in for said kiss. I adore the smiles going into it. Making my shipper heart giddy af. Also his grip on her arm. Drawing her in nice and close. It’s doing things to me as they melt into each other. Lucy’s questioning face cracks me up as she pulls back. Tim picking up on it right away. Asking her 'What?' With so much sass I’m cackling. How he has grown in his sass heh
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Lucy can’t help but note gift giving isn’t his normal love language. Fact that they’re talking about love languages has me reeling so much. It’s just so cute. I'm squeeing at how friggin precious and domestic this is. Tim challenges her back. Asking what is his love language then? Their banter right here is one of their love languages let's be honest LOL Always top tier with some flirtation mixed in for good measure.
Lucy being cute as all hell replies ‘Terse nods mainly.’ I mean she isn’t wrong haha There have been some wonderful sets about this line. Man sure does love his terse nods. For her especially. Mainly her really. Tim continues his trajectory towards adorable with his reply. Letting her know he’s trying to change things up.
The smile on that man’s face. Oh my word. I said this a lot in S5 and I’ll say it again. Have we ever seen this man so damn happy before her? The answer is a sharp no. Not ever. She is the absolute joy in his life. It just radiates out of him when they’re together. Especially when they’re bantering. Ugh my heart. These two kill me in the best way.
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Lucy then turns into an adorable little bean herself. Asking Tim if she can open it now? She is so excited about this impromptu gift. No way she can wait through their dinner to open it. Tim say of course she can. I’m sure he was hoping she would open it right away. Especially with the thought he put into it. Also well done on the wrapping good sir.
Lucy’s reaction is delightful. It reminds me of the way she reacted in 6x03 with her trophy. Blown away by this man’s thoughtfulness. Not only that but making her laugh in the process as well. We get a second in love 'Lucy smile' in the second gif. He is so gone for her. Man they were really setting us up for a fall with the goodies they packed into this scene.
I love how Tim locks eyes with her and is beaming ear to ear. No one makes him smile like that except Lucy. Legit the sunshine in this man’s life. I can’t get over how damn happy he looks. My heart might implode at how happy he is. Happiness looks so good on him. Also how proud he looks as well at his choice in gift. Patting himself on the back for it hehe
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We see it’s her KIA radio in a display case. Lucy looking at him like he’s hung the moon and stars. Bringing out her own in love 'Tim smile.' She too is beaming right back. Heart eyes paired with that joyful smile. Tim for this moment (not the rest of this ep) is once again 10/10 for her. Commemorating her takedown of Jeff Budny. Saw an excellent parallel between this and 2x12. About Tim giving back things that saved her life for him. My damn heart. I’m fine….
Tim continues on to say it was to memorialize the radio that saved her life. So grateful to that radio for taking the hit it did. I remember thinking how that radio represented her communication problems. Little did I know it would soon represent Tim’s as well. The irony of this gift will hit us painfully hard later in this episode. Having watched rest of the season as well it represents their’s as a couple too. *sigh*
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Anyways we get a SECOND kiss in this moment. That’s how I knew it was coming like a freight train at us. We got cuteness, flirtation, banter and two kisses in one scene. They were setting us up for a very hurtful fall. They just look like two happy idiots in love. *dreamy sigh* I wanna die it’s so precious. They fall back into each other for this second kiss.
The look in Lucy’s eyes ready to thank him for this radio. Not with dinner but some sexy times. That kiss before it’s interrupted looked like it was headed for the bedroom. Dinner be damned at that point. The way Tim is leaning heavily into that kiss too. Ready to go in for more. His patented first kiss need an immediate second one well underway. Phew lord. He was more than ready to receive that thanks LOL
Sadly Tamara steps through the door. Doing what she does best. Be a wet blanket for their bedroom endeavors. I love her anyways though haha She instantly apologizes saying she forgot it was date night. Tim sighs as they pull apart and Lucy goes into mom mode after she hits Tim. haha It’s so cute. Little damn family up in here.
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Tamara says she can hide in her room. Lucy replies that’s not necessary. That she can make a plate for her room if she’d like though. Then the scene takes a giant shift in tone. Tim receives the phone call that ruins our entire shipper lives. It sounds dramatic but it’s really not…Tim’s whole demeanor changes. Lucy is crazy intuitive to it. Her internal Tim radar going haywire. The tight way he replies and says he has to go.
Lucy wanting follow up questions. It’s the way she says. ‘Just wait.’ Not wanting him to go. *heart clutch* The sheer panic and worry developing in her soul and in ours. That gnawing unsettling feeling we feel through out the rest of the episode. Breaks my heart. She clearly spent the whole day waiting to be with him for their date night. Only to have him taken away with no answers. Lucy looks SHOOK as her entire heart walks out the door. It's written all over her face. His abrupt departure filling her with questions and worry. So it begins…
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We see Tim pull up in his truck to the pre-arranged spot. A man comes out of his own car and enters in. I was on pins and needles waiting to see wtf this was about. Who the man was. Why he had the power to make Tim, basically run from date night with his girl. I knew in the back of my mind had to be his military past. Only thing I could think of to make him spook like this.
They shake hands when he gets into the truck. He thanks Tim for coming. Our boy replies he didn’t have a choice. If Ray is alive they have a big problem. The intrigue meter continued to grow. Who was this Ray? What problem did he present to them both? Tim looks like he’s seen a ghost when he’s shown Ray’s photo. He was supposed to have died in an air strike….He's been working as a gun for hire and came into LAX the day before.
Tim asks why he would come to L.A? Apparently his mom is dying of cancer. That’s who they’re staking out. It’s here we find out what the vow is. And it’s not a good one….Tim is not onboard for honoring this pact they made. To kill Ray if he ever resurfaced. To pay him back for the friends he killed. We see the conflict on Tim's face. How he doesn’t know how he’s gonna tackle this. Eric killing me softly early on in this one. His eyes alone scream so much emotion.
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We see Lucy unable to sleep. In what I can only assume is Tim’s shirt. I think Melissa confirmed it was and thanked the fans for their keen eye. It’s the little things we love so much. Lucy is clearly missing him. So naturally she sleeps in a shirt of his. Also her DOD ring and her necklace are in plain view as well. Killing me softly. She can’t sleep because he’s supposed to be next to her. His consistent calming presence is missing and she can’t relax enough to rest.
Their date night was supposed to end with him asleep by her side. Not this. We can see the anxiety just seeping out of her. Don’t blame her one bit. No one knows that man better than her. From the second he took that phone call she knew. Deep in her gut that not only was something off but very very wrong. Her whole being emanating unease and concern. I feel you Lucy. The rapport and connection they’ve built over last 5 seasons coming in hot here.
Lucy looks sick to her stomach and it makes me wanna cry. The hurts so good is ever present in this scene. She is missing him and crazy worried. Her rampant anxiety is not letting her rest. My guess is other than 6x01 they’ve scarcely spent a night apart. The way he took off is scaring the shit out of her with good reason. So she tries to quell it with a phone call. Sadly she gets his VM. Her message to him makes my stomach sink more. Lucy is used to being his go to. She was left in the cold and her stress level is rising due to it.
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Tim watches her call and VM come in. He looks pained at not being able to answer it. It’s the way he sighs and closes his eyes. It’s killing him to keep her at a distance. Eric out here trying to murder my feels with his superb acting. This truly begins the immense breakdown that is their communication. Lucy showed her hand at it before this ep in 6x04. Now it’s Tim’s turn at it. We had indications of it but s6 showed us how glaring it is. The cracks in their foundation were there. We just didn't want to see it. These are the issues Eric wanted to tackle.
Honestly when we're on the other side of this I'll be real grateful for it. Till then this just hurts. Now Tim’s communication probs are particularly glaring in these in this ep and the next. Pains me to write it but our boy has serious issues with stuff like this. You know he knows she is at home worried sick. That’s why he looks so pained. Tim knows her just as well as she does him. Very aware she is panicked and worried about where he is. If he’s ok. Absolutely killing him to keep her in the dark. To Tim right now he think's despite that it's the right call.
This is Tim Bradford so he thinks he’s doing it to protect her. To keep her from his dark past affecting her. If he distances himself and handles it solo it’ll be ok. Because he doesn’t need help. Wants shoulder this alone. Oh Timothy, my love you are so wrong. It pains me how wrong you are. His childhood issues screaming out in this decision. Which we will get into. That gif of Captain Holt's ‘Paaaaiiiin’ gif is fitting right here. *sad sigh*
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Greer rejoins Tim in the truck with his recon. Tim is clearly uncomfortable with this whole thing. Weighing so many things at the moment. What he has to lose with any action they do. His soul is already so heavy with the past. It pains me to watch this. Tim is trying so hard to talk Mark out of this. Asking what they’re really going to do? What the point of all this really is? Noting them even talking about this is criminal conspiracy. Greer gas lights Tim this entire episode and I do not appreciate it.
Saying he can’t believe the ‘Reaper.’ is going soft on him. He is softer because of a wonderful woman named Lucy Chen. He’s in love with a person who is beautiful inside and out. One who has changed him so much. So yeah he’s softer now Greer. Also the first time I heard that nickname it made me fan myself. Is that wrong? lmao Idk if it is but I found it insanely attractive. I probably shouldn’t haha But here we are. With me still finding that service nickname sexy. I am who I am. Tim says he isn’t soft. He’s only thinking of what’s at risk here.
They can’t be committing murder, because of a pact that was made years and years ago. I love Tim’s line about they made it in the anger and fog of war. No doubt, with his nickname alone, we can see how angry Tim was going into the service. How could he not be? He came from a household where his emotions were suppressed heavily. So there is zero doubt in my mind he went into the service full of anger. Not only angry but loyal af as we know. That combination alone would result in this pact/vow being made.
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Tim is almost reflecting on how much he has grown since that moment in time. There was a lot of talk about the ways Tim hasn’t changed following this episode. Hell even inside this ep with him keeping Lucy at bay. But he has. He changed so very much since Lucy came into his life. It’s why he brings up the lives they’ve built. The life he is currently building with his soulmate. The jobs they hold.
That angry young man doesn’t exist anymore. The one who would murder for his squad in retaliation. Now Tim still has that instinct in him. Don’t get me wrong; scorched earth for those who mess with his loved ones. But this? This situation puts the life he’s built at risk. Puts the love of his life at risk within the department. Unfortunately Tim is still loyal af and Greer uses that against him.
Gas lights him some more. Saying how they’ll never get to build lives because of Ray. Pulling on that thread of guilt that lives deep inside Tim's soul. Trying to reawaken a man that is long gone at this point. But is still loyal to a fault. Weighed down with enough tortured guilt to keep this going. I resent Mark for using it against him I really do. Friggin stunard...My Italian rage coming out for Greer.
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It’s here we find out more about what went down between them all. Not only that but WHY him being around is such a damn problem for Tim/Mark. I would be remiss if I didn't note this. How much I am enjoying Tim in street clothes. Mmm nice and scruffy too. He is scruffy most of this season and I am here for it. He looks so good in that jacket it’s sinful. How can he make such a simple jacket so attractive? Yum. Ray asks what they’re doing here? Greer pipes in to bring him to justice. He asks for what?
Tim starts to list off the numerous reasons why. Going AWOL, faking his death, felony grand theft, stealing half million from the government. Just to name a few sweet lord… Then to top it off, he called in an air strike on his own guys when they came for him. Ugh. Real peach this one. That there wasn’t enough of Henderson and Coyle to fit in a shoe box….ooof. It’s here we find out what Ray has on them. That he read the after action report. That it didn’t read that way. Tim justifies it by saying it only reads that way so his wife and daughter got his death benefits.
Of course that’s the most Tim Bradford thing ever. ‘Some things matter more.’ Only breaking the rules if it’s for the greater good. We talk a lot about Lucy’s empathy but don’t sleep on Tim’s. It runs very very deep. This is proof it was a huge part of him before the Isabel trauma buried it and Lucy resurrected it. That being said this doesn’t look good at all for Tim. By bringing Ray in it endangers their service record and their current jobs. Because as kind as what they did was. It has consequences because they lied on an official government document. My stomach turned even farther with this scene.
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Eric KILLS me in this portion. This man has no right making me this emotional. How has he not won any awards? His beautiful shimmering blue eyes cutting me deep. Eric is so expressive in just his eyes alone. But he gives this scene everything he’s got in his arsenal my god. They get away from Ray’s to talk. Tim immediately says they’re not killing him. It’s not happening. (Someone needs to capture this scene in gif form BTW) It's a crime there isn't one. Mark tries to appeal he’s dead anyways.
Tim won’t hear of it. Says it won’t matter when the nightmares come knocking. And we know he’s had those nightmares. Not just about the service but about 5x19. About the life he was forced to take. Tim says they need to just come clean about everything. They don’t have a choice. Greer fights him some more. Saying it’s just going to blow up their lives as a result. Tim tells him he won’t let that happen. He’ll take the fall for him. Ugh Tim no. You have a life that’ll get blown up too my love. A woman who would be devastated to watch this take you down.
There's a Lyric from a band I love. "A thousand scars betray me Oh, what's another one?" That is Tim in this moment. What's one more emotional scar? Better than Greer losing his life because of what he chose. Tim's integrity is one of my fav traits about him. It’s the one I relate to the most. Because I am the same way. It drives a lot of my decisions. He's so willing to fall on his sword because he bears the weight of that decision still. Mark pleads some more but Tim won’t have it. Says he can’t with tears in his eyes. (I'm fine....) He is not that hot headed young man anymore. Life has kicked him around and he’s seen things. This isn’t the path and he won’t let Greer take it.
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Tim follows up with he won’t let him do it. Even if it’s without him. It’s here where Eric just rips my heart out with his performance. When Mark asks him if he would arrest him if he killed Ray? It’s the way his voice breaks. Tears threatening to fall when he chokes out ‘Yes.’ Rip my heart right out writers sweet lord. Greer says he’s out then. But I wanna deck him for his reply after that. He hangs all future crimes Ray does on Tim. I don’t curse very often in these. But how fucking dare you sir. How dare you put that on this man.
He is already riddled with so much guilt and shame. His soul is ten times heavier than it should be. Because Tim shoulders things deeply. Not only that he does it solo. A chunk of what weighs his soul down isn’t even his fault. Tim is a much deeper empath than he’s given credit for as I stated earlier. He absorbs the feelings and pain of those around him. Takes them in and never lets it go. It’s why he was and honestly still is so rigid as a cop. That iconic line ‘Rules matter boot.’ Was his PTSD in a line and we had no idea back in S2.
Because anytime this man has let his guard down to break the rules it’s hurt him. Mitch, Isabel and we now find out about this. Tim did the right thing and yet he’s paying the price not Ray. It’s the hitch in his breath as Mark takes off that’s the final emotional blow for me. I just want to hug him so much. The way he tries to catch his breath after he’s gone. Finally releasing all the emotions he was bottling up. You can see why he was wants to retreat to one person who will make him feel whole again. It’s why his next scene is with Lucy….
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This scene we get to see Melissa shine along side Eric. Killing us softly with their angsty goodness. We watch the sheer amount of relief run across Lucy’s face. It's evident when she hears his keys in the door. The happy relief is fleeting though. Her opening line is salty af as it should be. ‘Oh good, you’re not dead.’ She is ready to rip into him and rightfully so. Hurts to watch but she has every damn right to. She kept it together for work. But now that he’s in front of her she doesn’t have to. Her sass turns into the anxiety and worry she’s gone through. Telling him that his sorry isn't good enough. (it’s not…)
Saying she spent the last THIRTY-SIX hours. (That's a day and a half Timothy...) Worried he was bleeding out in various landmarks all over the city. Ugh poor Lucy. That’s very taxing on your nervous system to be in that state of mind for that long. That’s way too long to go without communication. But this is pre-therapy Tim so...Communication isn’t his strong suit when he isn’t in fight or flight mode. One of my fav lines of the scene. ‘Telling me you’re alive is NOT optional.’ Hell no it's not. The hitch in her voice and tears in her eyes. Gah killing it Mel.
Trying to communicate clearly to him this behavior isn’t going to fly. Not ever. Rewatching this season, it pains me how many hints the writers gave us about their communication problems. Now Lucy is trying here. With telling him what he did was not ok in the least. She then asks what the hell is making him so crazy? Expecting him to tell her. Tim’s reply is vague and only serves to make her angrier. Especially when he says he’s doing it to protect her status at the station. She asks if he committed a crime?
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The irony of this scene is that radio being prominently shown. How it was a happy thing 36 hours ago. Now it’s a symbol of their dysfunctional communication as a couple. Tim tells her no…Not technically. The fire continues to build in Lucy. Angrily retorting how it’s serious enough she could be disciplined for not reporting it then. Tim tries to do his protection line for her but it doesn’t land at all. The fire in her is raging at this point. She stands up and angrily asks what he’s doing here then? Tim is so taken aback by this. His reply breaks my heart. Stumbling over himself ‘I...I came to see you…’
To Tim it’s his default to go to her. When he’s upset or lost he goes to Lucy. Seeking her out like the sanctuary she’s always been for him. Has been for years. Even more so since they got together. Tim came to be near his comforter and happy place. Wanting her to envelop him in her arms and take his hurt away. Unfortunately my love, she can’t help or take away what she doesn’t know about. It’s why her hellfire continues on. Lucy absolutely obliterates him with her reply. 'To what? Order take in? Watch TV? Pretend like nothing is going on?' Tim so desperately wants to sink into solace he’s used to. But he won’t let himself tell her what's going on.
Thus denying himself the one thing he came here for. Her. Lucy (who is wearing the same blouse from 5x12 btw. Way to push the knife deeper writers) tells him if he’s not here to tell her to truth.... We pan back to Tim’s face. She can read him like a book and knows he’s not going to. She then tells him he’s needs to leave. My heart is on the floor at this point. I totally understand her drawing this boundary. I truly do. Lucy is trying to show him there are consequences to his actions. Holding him accountable. That he needs to communicate and trust her. Lucy wants him to see despite the ramifications she is there for him. Sadly Tim doesn’t see this hence her asking him to leave. My poor shipper heart.
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To make matters worse Eric is personally attacking me with his teary eyes and hurt puppy dog expression. Had to get this gif in. Why? Because it beautifully captures the devastation of her sending him away. We haven’t seen him this visibly upset since 4x09. Except this time his person isn’t there to make his tears go away. She is the one causing them and sending him away. The range of emotions flitting across his face has me bawling my eyes out. The man deserves all the awards once again. The way his eyes convey so much. How utterly wrecked he is. It's written all over his expression.
Eric brought it so hard in this episode holy hell. Tim came to her seeking out the comfort of normalcy from her. As we all know our boy needs his routine and structure to stay sane. Lucy has become an intricate part of that. He sought out his girlfriend to stabilize himself. Sadly there was no comfort to be found for him. Gotta give to get my poor broken boy. As much as it’s frustrating to watch him do this I get it. As I said earlier he has the tendency to shoulder burdens alone. It’s how he has survived most of his life. Doesn't excuse it just explains it.
His childhood is a massive proponent of why he operates this way. He came from an abusive household as we all know. Where he had to turn off his emotions and learn not to ask for help. If he did it only served to further the abuse. Also it was looked upon as weak. Was seen as useless if you did. When that is ingrained in you at an early age it is so friggin hard to get rid of it. It's an instant default for him. It’s not something being loved properly just gets rid of. If anything it only makes it worse on some level. Because it means you something to lose as Tim does in Lucy.
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To explain Tim’s side of it I need to give a little piece of me. I can relate because of what my mother did to me growing up. It’s something I fight to this very day. I hope one day it’ll be easier and less of a deep grove in my brain I go to. Most of my childhood as I’ve shared was full of emotional abuse. My mom didn’t like it if you spoke your mind or messed up in any way. If you did you got the silent treatment for weeks on end. I wish I was kidding. She once went three weeks without speaking to me as a kid. Pretending like I didn’t exist. Felt like I didn’t have a mother. As I got older her default punishment only got worse. When I went to college my baby sister got engaged couple years in.
To a wonderful man. They're still married and happy btw. But my mother could see herself losing her control over my sister. Told me to pick between her and my baby sister. The choice was easy. I picked my sister. She then abandoned me and didn’t speak to me for 18 months after that. Her doing that made me feel like, whenever I stand up for myself or make a mistake with someone I love, I’m going to be abandoned. I just recently got into a fight with said sister. I had that exact same panic after I stood up for myself thinking she was going to discard me. She has proven time and again that’s not true. It’ll never be true. My sister and her husband have always made room for me in their lives here in CO. Made me feel loved unconditionally.
The same will be true when I join them in TN when I move. And yet that deep ingrained thought that she would abandon me still appeared. Worried that because I had stood up for myself she would do what my mom did. She didn’t cause loves me. But I’m still not used to the idea of unconditional love. It’s hard to grasp when you’ve never really had it before. So this is where I related to Tim so hard and defaulting to doing this alone. I’m in my 30s and this still affects me deeply even with therapy. Tim is pre-therapy and not seeing the unconditional love Lucy has for him. Which is a precursor for 6x06 honestly. You could have the best human in the world loving you and still not accept it or understand that you even have it.
Tim doesn’t know how to ask for help and to see Lucy would love him through his mistakes. He’s protecting her but also himself in this moment. Because he’s ashamed of what he’s involved in. That she won’t love him anymore due to his past sins. So he’s keeping her at a distance from him. Thinking it’s protecting her from his toxic past. But also protecting him from losing her as well. This scene, sadly, is the result of many miscommunications since they started boiling up and over. A gradual escalation toward breaking apart. This was a incredibly hard scene to stomach and watch. Lucy is vibrating with how upset she is when he says ‘Understood’ and leaves. Un-break my heart you guys.
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Another banger of a song running through this final scene. The songs always hit and work so well with the tempo of a scene. It’s ’Teeth.’ By mallrat. Have a whole playlist of songs from this show I love it. We see Lucy looking at her phone fighting the urge to call Tim. Despite their epic fight she misses him. It clearly shows. Tamara brings her out of her thoughts by plopping on the couch. Asking her what she's doing?I adore her saying she is going to be a good girlfriend. Trust her man. *heart damn clutch* HER MAN. It’s the little morsel we all needed after that heated argument of insane pain.
I am most grateful for Tamara in this moment. Wanted to shove her out the door in the opening scene though. LOL Nolan is such a failure to be there for Lucy earlier in the ep. Where as Tamara is clutch af in this moment. She is emotional support while Lucy goes through this. Talks it out with her. Tamara asks if she’s heard anything? Lucy tells her about their heated fight last night. That it’s been their only contact….That Tim just stood there. Lucy seems so at a loss and it hurts my heart.
Tamara makes her laugh and says they should put a tracker in his truck lmao Lucy calling her out for being a bad influence. Tamara follows up that No, she’s just a really good teacher. Lucy is floored replying what? Wasn't able to fit this in but her lessons learned are hilarious. No coffee in gun hand and head on a swivel. The swivel part had me laughing so hard. What a goober. I love them. Just the levity Lucy needed. I need more of them in S7.
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We pan back to Tim in his truck. Longingly looking at his phone. Specifically at Lucy’s contact page. He is breaking on the inside without her and yet can’t force himself to let her in. Also would’ve killed me if it had a pic of Lucy or of them. I would’ve legit died of happiness. What a missed opportunity writers. He is missing her so much and is dying to reach out. Wants her by his side but can’t overcome his wiring to do so.
His default is to go to her. To talk to her. Once again just another look into their broken communication. When one stops so does the other and it goes to shit. They are partners in every sense of the word except for their communication. They were stellar at that with work. It blows my mind how quickly that broke down when they got together. They had something extra special to lose when they did though. *sigh* s7 you have work to do.
We see Tim refocus his sights on Ray. Tasked with the mantle Mark Greer thrust upon him. He’s now on a crusade to catch him before Tim has anything else to add to his soul…. Phew this was an emotionally draining one to get though and it’s not even the harder of two. Phew lord. Thank you to every single one of you reading these, liking them, reblogging or commenting (love me some comments don’t be shy) they mean the world to me. I shall see you all in 6x06 where can sob together. ❤️
Side notes-non chenford
All the Aaron and Blair scenes are so icky knowing her endstory. Bleh.
Beauty of rewatching I can skip all the Nolan content. Snoozeville again.
Smitty only hanging out in therapy office for snacks lmao Needed in a tense episode
Lucy’s crack about asking Celina To Aaron. Lmao. Commend our girl for cracking jokes and keeping her shit together on shift.
Nolan is absolutely useless when Lucy comes to him for help. Their friendship truly fell apart when Jackson died. Any rapport or connection shot to hell. He can’t read the utter panic she is in and I hate him for it. As useful as a paper hat in a rainstorm to keep you dry.
Also the lyrics used earlier from my fav bad RED. The lyrics ARE TIM. In this episode to a tee Here's the link https://genius.com/Red-cauterize-lyrics
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ryescapades · 1 month
I absolutely loved your latest Hoshina fic! I love the way they banter constantly but turn out to be absurdly compatible. The way they just casually get comfy on the couch is so cute. Hoshina is used to reader seemingly slacking off, but he knows that she works hard. She just needs to loaf around sometimes (good thing his lap is right there) 100/10 thank you!!
ure so sweet thank you sm anon !!! i got the inspo from dazai canonically slacking off during office hours and kunikida scolding him for it HAHAHA
yes yes yess i really love banterings in general (though it always takes me a while to actually come up with something to make it banter-y enough iykwim) and the fact that soshiro and reader are familiar with each other enough to understand the other's work ethics and how their minds work <3 it's a little domestic in a way and i'm all here for it ugh
also that's right we're taking full advantage of that free lap privilege bcs who doesn't love (soshiro's) thick muscly thighs as their pillow mhm
26 notes · View notes
thisapplepielife · 1 year
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Written for the @steddiemicrofic September challenge.
A Charming Mess
September Prompt: Charm | Word Count: 548 | Rating: T | CW: None | Tags: Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship
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Eddie is standing in front of him, giving him the eyes. The ones Eddie damn well knows he has, and insists on using every goddamn day to get his way. It’s a disadvantage that Steve’s just had to learn to live with by now.
“You can bat those eyes all you want, but they won’t work on me. I’m immune,” Steve says, legs crossed, reading a magazine.
“C’mon, my charm is undeniable, a force to be reckoned with, you heard the nice, old woma-”
“Nope. No, no, no,” Steve says, not letting Eddie continue his train of thought. If he gives him an inch, Eddie will take a mile. 
“But I’m charming, Harrington. She said so.”
“A charming mess, maybe,” Steve banters, flipping through the pages, not really reading anything. Just teasing Eddie, because he can. Eddie is full of charm, and bullshit. Lots of bullshit. Steve loves it. All of it. All of him.
“Ugh,” Eddie groans, flopping down next to him on their broken-down couch. It fits in well with the rest of their hodgepodge decor in this shitty apartment. It’s shitty, for sure, but it’s also their own, too. That’s the trade-off, and it’s a damn good one that Steve would make, over and over again. They might have to work four jobs between them to pay for it, but it’s theirs. 
Steve works day shifts at the Brass Buckle, while Eddie works at a car wash. At night though, that’s when they have their second part-time jobs as waiters at Chi-Chi’s. That means, every so often, their shifts overlap. That’s when the real fun happens. When they’re there together, they compete to see who can get more tips, slinging pitchers of margaritas and chimichangas to the hungry masses. 
Then, late at night, they’ll sit at their wobbly kitchen table, and count their hauls, just for fun. Tonight, there was a little old lady in Eddie’s section that loved him. Called him charming, and slipped him a ten dollar bill, which is actually insane. Steve gets tipped well, and often, but not fifty percent well. 
She clearly had one too many margaritas. Eddie overserved her, that must be it.
Of course, Eddie’s been crowing about it ever since. 
Eddie is charming, there’s no doubt about that, and anything that puts a few extra dollars in their pockets is a-okay with Steve. Because that means they are really doing it. All on their own. The two of them, together.
Eddie turns and gets comfortable, putting his head in Steve’s lap, looking up at him. 
Steve puts the magazine over his face, and Eddie laughs. Steve loves that sound.
He pulls the magazine away, and leans down to kiss him, Eddie leaning up to meet him in the middle. When they finally separate, Eddie grins.
“See? Charm. I charmed you into kissing me, didn’t I?”
“I don’t know about that…” Steve trails off, winding him up further. “I think that little old lady must have forgotten her glasses and hearing aids at home, to call you charming. I mean, with me there? Unlikely. I’m the charming one.”
Eddie scoffs. 
Steve smiles. 
“Do you think I can charm the pants off you?” Eddie asks, trying to use those eyes in his favor. 
“You can certainly try,” Steve answers.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiemicrofic and follow along with the fun! ❤️
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seiwas · 11 months
who would you ship ur moots with?!!
hi nonie! 🥺 thanks for dropping by!! oh gosh this is a tough one!!! (i have a lot of moots too 😭) let me go through the list!! (it got really long sorry omg)
@andypantsx3: ANDY AND SHOUTO ANDY AND SHOUTO i will shout it at the top of my LUNGS!!! 🥹
@augustinewrites: gojo but i think megumi would be so cute with augustine too 🥺 atsumu or iwa as well!! depending on the mood 🥺
@avatarofstars: mimi and satoru cute cute!!!! 🥺
@bluebird-in-the-breeze: i think shouto and birdie would be so cute ngl 😭 but izuku and birdie would be inevitable, yknow?
@c4ssiopeias: i think of bakugo when i see nova but i also think nanami would be so sweet 🥺
@crysugu: DILTO DILTO DILTO (i'm joking) of course it is none other than 24/7 boyfriend suguru 🥹 (kita now recently too 🥹) (atsumu formerly. maybe in another universe.)
@culturity: idk who blade is but kady loves em so i will love them for kady too 🫶🏻🥺 (if i had to pick from jjk based off just vibes tho... i think... kady would be so cute with yuuji 🥺)
@em1e: emmie would be so cute with suguru PLS 😭 i love the way they write him sm (this is also completely random but kenMA?????)
@firein-thesky: crying bc i associate cielo with hawks so much but also there is satoru but deep down in my heart i think cielo'd be so cute with megumi 🥺😭
@fushisagi: one of my fave tsumu fics is written by ci 😭 so ofc it's tsumu!! 🥹
@gardenofnoah: oh i would love to see bea with nanami 🥺 (but bea's bakugo is also so incredibly soft, kiri feels cute too 🥺)
@getoluver: suguru with angie ofc 🥺 they would be the softest, cutest, purest love ever 🥺
@grim-gril: ofc for riri there is satoru but i'm also feeling major yuuta vibes AND IDK WHY 😭
@hyomagiri: oh ellie would be so cute with satoru or tsumu 😭 i think the energies would match like crazy!!
@itadorey: i think suguru and inez would be so cute 🥺 (tbh tho can u rlly get suguru without satoru...)
@izukusloves: i always think of izuku when i see kc 🥺
@kedsandtubesocks: oh erika and satoru would be so cute, so playful, would make me feel so single... 🥺 but also... nanami and erika... mmm it is doing smth... giving a warm home, domesticity, love 🥺
@kentoangel: of course it is none other than mr. nanami kento. of course it is. choso is close but (for now) mr. kento wins 🥺💗 (such an attractive couple mhm)
@kissxcore: satoru def but also kuroo??!? or oikawa... also iwa... maybe the entire seijoh4???!!? bring me with you alexis 🤧
@konigbabe: moni and satoru 🥺 would be so adorable i think!
@mididoodles: is it weird to say i ship midi with their irl partner... UGH the recent doodles midi made of them were so cute 🥺 they are so cute 🥺
@mimiriko: miriko and suguru would be cute 🥺 but i think shoko would be hot too omg i saw miriko talking abt her recently...
@mintmatcha: either aizawa, nanami, or makki/mattsun for mint omg 😭 (i think makki/mattsun humour would be so fun with mint tho 😭)
@mitsies: ofc it's satoru 😭 but also.... yuuta is looking very MMMM 😳
@naosaki: gojo but also i like the idea of art with yuuji??? omg i think it'd be so cute 😭
@noosayog: i don't talk abt bllk much but i think isagi and noos omg.... yes.... and since noos also loves tobio i can't help but support!! 🫶🏻 but isagi... omg
@pastelle-rabbit: this should not be a question. IT IS MIRAKEI. it is only mirakei forever and ever. keigo and amira keigo and amira forever and ever 🫶🏻
@prettyiwa: ix is my favourite iwa writer so 😭 it would be a disgrace if i didn't say iwa 🥺
@princess-okkotsu: is this even a QUESTION. IT'S YUUTA OFC. it has to be. it's the only answer actually. (sometimes megumi too tho... 😭)
@saetoru: literally not even a question 😭 it's gojo sa(e)toru 😭 tee knows and loves him in a way i could never
@satoruhour: either satoru or suguru for t!! i think their energies match & the banter would be so so fun 🥹
@selarina: ngl sunarin bc he's rina's icon 😭 bUT ALSO i think rina and megumi would be so cute 🥹
@seravphs: gojo is an obv one but i think it'd be cool to see sera w college!megumi 😳 (also wanna see sera w atsumu lowkey... college!shouto would be cute too 😭)
@shdous: satoru but also... lately i've been thinking nanami for ej too 🥹
@saintsugu: ezra and sugu!! ezra and sugu!! 🥺
@soumies: megumi megumi megumi PLS 😭 so so cute (nanami and osamu too in another universe but. MEGUMI) i think he and soph would be so cute together fr 🥺 THE perfect bf.
@stellamancer: deep down its bakugo (hihi 🤭) but unfortunately That Man (gojo) wins for now 🤧
@strawberrystepmom: is this even a QUESTION!!! satoken ftw 🥺 satoru and kendall are so so cute!!
@suashii: sunarin 🥺 but also!! sua's bakugo is so soft!! and i also see suguru 🥺
@threadbaresweater: the way i am fully obsessed with lin and nanami oh god 🥺 there would be so much love and warmth and just home in them i think 🥺
@todorosie: i support the sorin shouto ship 🥹 but also smth about sorin and nanami feels just so!! so!! romantic aaaah
@twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat: ari and i will die on the satoru hill. we will protect that man with our whole BEINGS. pls. no one gets him like ari 😭
@ufo-ikawa: um. OIKAWA OF COURSE?? ari and i are already planning double dates bc it's impossible to get one without the other 🤧 (in another universe we go for the miya twins unfortunately)
@utahimeow: gojo but also kuroo and TBH TOBIO TOO 😭😭😭 and kenma... and... maybe the entire hq... omg char i can't pick...
@vagabond-umlaut: sukuna feels like a cool match!! ✨
@willowser: is this even a question. OF COURSE it's bakugo. OF COURSE it is. every time willow posts rbs/posts him i get SO GIDDY. i love the way willow loves him 🥺
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topazadine · 2 months
Ugh I just love established relationship. I love the gentle domesticity, the "I know you so well that I can predict your every argument," I love the sudden surprises when you unlock a new part of your partner's personality, I love the casual banter based on total trust. I love the inside jokes and the references back to something important in their lives, the "remember when" moments, the "I made you that cake you like" just UGH
I know people like the slow burn getting-together stuff, and I'm not knocking that, it can be fun. But just there's really something to be said for seeing two people who love each other facing down challenges together!! There's so many wonderful things you can write about after the first kiss and I wish more people wrote that!!
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raeny-thorns · 1 year
After Study Snack
POV: First person told in the present tense
1,363 words
Minors DNI
MC, needing a place to work, spends the day alone with Simeon at Purgatory Hall. When they finish, Simeon offers them a treat and MC asks about what he thinks of them.
Dry humping//poetic exclamations of love//love confession//domestic moments//top MC//bottom Simeon//some cute and teasing banter//vanilla
A/N: I love Simeon, I don't know if you guys can tell lol
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"Andddddd, done." I punctuate the end of my sentence and sign my work. It's surprising how much someone can get done when there's no demons rampaging the place and fires getting started. While I love the boys, Purgatory Hall is much less chaotic to study in. 
"Good job!" Simeon praises from his desk. He's the only one at the house since Luke and Solomon are in the celestial realm for some errands. 
"Ugh, my brain feels like it's melting." I rub my temple.
"Let's get some sugar in you." He stands up from the desk, the chair pleasantly dragging on the carpet. "All that work deserves a treat." 
"Mmm I could use a treat." I note that he's not wearing his usual cape so his bodysuit is his main attire. 
"Oh, yeah? What would you like?" His back is turned while he fumbles some papers. 
"Can you sit in my lap and talk to me?" He almost drops the stack at my question but quickly puts them away to face me. 
"Ah…" His face flushes at my gaze, still taking in his appearance. "Y…yes dear." 
I scoot back so his legs straddle my thigh and he does so, facing towards me. He nuzzles his head into the crane of my neck and I breathe him in. His shampoo is still vanilla and coconut, the aroma much more sweeter than the basil and oakwood smell of his room. 
"Mm...You always smell so good." I sigh, sinking into his touch.
"I'm glad you like how I smell." He chuckles and plants a quick kiss on my shoulder. 
"Tell me, Meon. What do you think of me?" It's not like I don't know what he thinks. I just want to hear him say it. I kiss his ear and neck and rub his back. 
"Uh-I think. You're very. You." 
"I don't know how to say it, but you're really you. It's weird not to have my words to express how you are." He pulls back from the hug to see my face, his eyes not so subtly glancing at my lips. 
"You are quite good with your tongue, yes." I lean towards him, letting our noses brush. 
"That's what I mean. You're so… real. And funny. And you're a better tease than me." He closes his eyes. "To not have my word as my weapon, for it to be used against me like you do, I don't know how I couldn't fall in love with you" 
"You're in love with me?" His confession takes us both by surprise but he still nods.
"What about me?" He looks down at his hands. 
"It's nothing in particular, really. Like I said, I love you. Not just your personality, not just your looks, not just your talents or gifts. You're you and that's who I love. If someone said the same things you did or looked the same way you did, it wouldn't be the same because they wouldn't be you." He sighs tenderly. 
"There's no other word than 'you' you'd use to describe me?" 
"No. No words can convey who you are."
"Is there a word you'd call my kiss?"
"I… I don't know."
"Want to find out?" 
He stares at me, not looking in my eyes for long periods, usually darting around us or my body. He rubs his gloves hands against his thighs like he's wiping sweat from himself. His hand brushes some hair behind my ear as he leans over like he's going to kiss me, but gets lost looking at me.
"Take your time~" I tease and he stiffens and blushes deeper. 
When his lips reach mine, he sinks deeper into my lap, relaxing his body against mine, except for an increasingly hard region. His face is hot, though mine is as well. When he pulls away, it's with a small groan. I wait a second before tilting my head and asking him.
"What word would you use to describe that?"
"I… don't know. Can I try again?"
I kiss him this time and he moans my name in my mouth as I slip my tongue into his parted lips. He tastes like vanilla. How fitting. My hand reaches to his head and pulls at his chocolate strands, his hips grind into me.
I pull off and a string is saliva follows, snapping only when I wipe my mouth
"How about that?"
"How so?"
"Like lavishly overgrown libraries. Like freshly steeped teas. I see starless nights of midnight picnics and dimly lit morning suns that tempt us to sleep in until noon. I think I've fallen in love again. Absolutely divine."
"You're quite the poet despite your 'lack of words' as you say."
"Your mouth breathes my language back into my lungs. Kiss me again. Please."
I kiss him harsher, nibbling at his lips and pushing his tongue down with mine. He grinds harder against my thighs, drawing louder moans from his chest. 
"Has anyone ever told you your kisses are like mossy paths?" He mumbles, lips still brushing against mine. 
"Has anyone told you that that's barely a sentence?" I tease. 
"No, usually people know what similes are" we both chuckle and he doesn't stop grinding.
"Well, has anyone told you that your needy dry humping is a huge turn on for me?" I purr and rock my hips against him. He moans into my neck, rutting slightly. "Keep telling me about that fluff, dear."
"My mind isn't on fluff right now." 
"Oh?" I smile into his hair, his lips kissing and sucking at my shoulders. He sounds like an angel the way his breaths get dragged into ragged moans in his throat. I pull his hips down harder onto my thigh, slipping my fingers into the exposed part of his bodysuits and rubbing circles with my thumbs.
His rhythm gets more erratic and fast as he nears his climax and I pull his face from my neck. Open mouth, heavy lidded and teary eyed, he cries out my name one last time as he cums in his pants. I roll my thigh into him until he relaxes and I kiss his cheek.  
"Mm, yeah. In love is definitely how I'd describe how I feel about the face you made just now." I chuckle and run my fingers through his hair. He giggles and sighs.
"That's lust, dear."
"Mm, nope. Definitely in love with you."
"I love you too, honey."
"Speaking of honey, can I still have a treat?"
"Of course, what would you like?"
"That angel food cake sounded pretty good. Seriously, I don't get how your fridge is always full." 
"I can send you home with some snacks if you'd like?" He stands up, legs still wobbly as he heads towards the kitchen. 
"Nah, they'd get eaten right away. Besides, I'd rather come visit you for tea and biscuits whenever I'm hungry."
"You're always welcome here but don't neglect your family at the House of Lamentation." He lectures from the other room.
"Oo here's a fun idea, you come live with us and I won't have to miss you all the time"
"What about Luke and Solomon? They can't be left here." He comes back with a pot of tea, some cups and cake on a platter. 
"Luke can probably fit in one of the closets, Solomon can sleep in the attic and you and I can share a bed. Boom. Problem solved."
"Pfft" he hands me some tea and a slice of cake before sitting across from me. "Not sure how that would work out, dear. Luke wouldn't grow much if he was restricted like that." 
"Good, he'll stay our tiny chihuahua forever." I grin and he smiles back. 
"You'll stay for dinner, right?"
"Of course, I love your cooking."
We talk for hours, have a quick bath together and cuddle for a bit before Solomon and Luke come back from the celestial realm. In their arms, carrying groceries for dinner. Simeon and Luke make a glorious angelic dinner while Solomon tells me all about their busy day, running around for Michael. 
If I could describe Simeon, I think the word I'd use would be Simeon.
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lys i just read your eren-uses-mikasa's tits-as-his- pillow and i am obsessed the way i do over manhwa side stories where the couple lives in domesticity, just cute stuff & all that
i dont even need the smut atp (do i WANT it tho? yes.) i just need more of their dynamic
you write the best drama (& it stresses me out!!! i only wholeheartedly read drama when it's you and the 8 other authors i trust with my emotions) but dare i say you write the best banter. you're so amazing with the body language portrayal too ugh if i could kiss the forehead of your brain, i would with your consent...like you know how a forehead kiss is full of affection and pride so what do we call that on a brain...girl bye im so tired
i want to keep all your works on my shelf :'> amazing writer, consensual kisses and warm pats for the amazing writer
thank you for your service 🫶
omg thank u tho, I work hard on their banter SO IM HAPPY THAT IT COMES ACROSS WELL!! Like thats my biggest thing, like I want their banter to be entertaining and real, and not be broken up into large paragraphs, they neeed bODY LANGUAGE WITH THEIR BANTER !!! I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOUR FICTIONAL FORHEAD KISS ANON FICTIONAL FOREHEAD KISS RIGHT BACK FOR U !! 💞💞 I also feel so blessed that u trust me with DRAMA AHAHAHA I think it's probably my propensity for happy endings u know it's always gonna resolve lol !! THANK U ANON, ILY U HAVE RESTORED MY FAITH IN THAT DRABBLE !!!
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hymnoire · 1 month
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"Ah, Chef Kim made waffles?" Gaya speaks as she grabs a waffle, noting how Kim had gone all out again. All her breakfasts and meals are always prepared by her personal chef at her residence. This time, he made a feast for Kaeleena and Janus ( @mercifuldeliverance ), who are both staying at her place. Kaeleena vanished—probably sneaking out in the night. "Have you seen Kae?" Gaya asks, not truly expecting Janus to know bett'er. The black swan assumed they were just visiting her, but Kaeleena might be up to something shady again Gaya will have to keep an eye on. Sitting down across from Janus, she locks eyes with him as she takes anoter bite of her waffle. "Why are you smiling like that? You look waaay too happy to be here." Gaya couldn’t help but smile back. The truth is, she is glad he is here too—a good distraction from the pressures of her life in Seoul, where playing the Kang heiress part is getting harder by the day. She misses home. “Ugh no no no, we’re not doing this. Sharing breakfast together and smiling? Domestic! Ew! Ew!” She puts on an exaggeratedly disgusted face, grabbing a towel and tossing it at him from across the table, laughing as she reaches for another bite of food. "So, what's your plan for today? Pushing big tires through the mud?" she teases, her tone dripping with playful sarcasm. Then, her eyes lit up with a mischievous glint. "Wanna go and shoot stuff?" I’ve gotten pretty good at handling my glock, I can totally beat you." Her cocky grin and a raised eyebrow follow as she casually bit into a piece of fruit. She had been training, sure, but there's no way in hell she beats him. Still, the banter is too fun to resist.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Concept; modern!uni!fuckboy!Aegon 🤭
Y'all HATE each other and have since h.s and now in college and over the years you both have consistently sub-tweeted, trying to irritated each other. Now in college y'all are paired up for a project and when you both run into each other and he gets drunk with you driving him to YOUR home (as it's closer to the club or whatever) and in the morning, he tweets at you directly, with a picture of the breakfast he stole you made with the captain; "I love when my wife cooks for me :)" all sarcastic and you reply to him with "not you wife, fuck face"
but lowkey the morning is all domestic y'all just don't want to admit it. 🤭🤭
ugh like the tension, the ongoing banter, it’s giving me “7 Things I Hate About You” but college!modern AU 🥵
he’d be such a tease, lowkey trying to get in your pants, but you shut him down every time & he gets all pouty and mean for it!!!
but you guys share a soft moment when he’s drunk & vulnerable 🥺 only by the morning when he’s sobered up, he goes back to his usual!!!
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enigmasandepiphanies · 9 months
but seriously I am gonna graduate in 4 months, I am probably gonna go to Europe and there's so much growing up that has been done this year and i can't imagine my life without my friends so idk how I am gonna survive some godforsaken cold ass climate with white people and like I have very bad cold tolerance cause tropical country kid and ugh idk being queer and dating and relationships I don't even wanna think about but cold always increases loneliness and to cook, clean, live with myself in another country and fuck, idk not only I WILL MISS MY FRIENDS LIKE THEY ARE ALL SO FAR AWAY I HAVE NEVER STAYED THAT LONG IN ANOTHER FUCKINT COUNTRY, TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS AGAIN and to budget more and more cause you are a third world kid in a first world country fuckkkkkkkkkk
it's so sad last time when i went to college for undergrad some of my childhood friends didn't see the struggle behind it, ofc i am privileged and grateful that i have supportive parents who let me study what I wanted to and paid for it but they didn't see the guilt behind me that mt parents had to pay so much for my education, that i was in a cultural crisis in my college because what's even my culture as a third gen refugee kid and wtf yes I am in a queer friendly college but it is so elite and just the struggle to make new friends, the drama, the inherent loneliness of it all, days when I deep cleaned a hostel room while undergoing a breakdown and just fuck I am so fucking grateful that i met the most amazing warm hearted softest people on the planet who became my home but now I have to relocate again and no one will get it right? oh yes have fun go study arts in Europe, but just the anxiety of it all and just idk my mum thought I am 20 and not 21 and like I will be 22 soon and just man, I am so so grateful the kindest most amazing friends and family have got my back but it's still scary and lonely and i do give a fuck about my educatipn and wanna learn so much but sometimes all i want is domesticity with my loved ones, a girlfriend or boyfriend with whom I can just cuddle and not care but loneliness doesnt go away with love I know,it goes away with acceptance and nurturing your soul constantly and growing and maybe I feel like it's always gonna be lonely and probably I will be just reading fics even in a queer friendly white country where there'll be racism microaggression no homecooked meals, a stranger in a foreign land where I amnot a citizen where everything is 4 times more expensive and idk I wanna cry, I just wanna hide in the crook of my friend's neck and still sleep in my mum's arms and banter with my dad and yet I know I would love going there despite it being scary but I am signing up for more loneliness ik ugh and also the uncertainty of scholarships despite having an excellent academic score fucking sucks and hate how it comes down to numbers always but i hope I get it
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olivieblake · 1 year
Okay part 2/3 of my love/praise of/for YES!
The Golden Age of Monsters: I love monsters and paranormal jazz so of course. I also loved how there were tiny connections between the monsters you used like rusalka (like what Sasha was called in OFME) and the finfolk of course from “Captain McIver’s Ship of Souls”. You were at your very best banter wise for this story. It was incredible and gave me so much joy. They really could never resist a jab at each other and were always bickering and I was living for it. The angst too in this one ugh my heart really hurt. It went through it (in all the best ways) hahaha. Also Margo being scattered brain, me too girl, loved it.
-Some moments I loved:
Margo staking her ex’s Venmo feed it so funny but also relatable I have done this once (not an ex I was just in a stage of absolute boredom and had nothing better to do so I just scrolled down venmo like it was twitter or something hahaha). Alec is such a grouchy men but I love grouchy men so love it. I absolutely loved how Alec knew Margo could be so powerful and wanted her to become that for herself that’s just so important. Her making him beg lol YES GIRL. SHE KNOWS HIS THREE PRIMARY FORMS OF AMUSEMENT FOR HIS MOUTH AND HAS A FAVORITE AHHH. Their little cute domestic routine they had going on for a bit was so cute. Her glaring and getting back her favorite form of amusement on him (aka my favorite thing ahhh). HER SEEING ALEC EVERYWHERE IN THE MANSIONS SHE IS RESEARCHING AWWW. Dan showing up and Alec being jealous and interrupting their meal and telling him Margo is not the same Margo he knew and wanting him gone ugh such good scenes (I love jealously scenes so much-that’s probably a problem but oh well). Dragon!Alec saving her ahhh. Alec is also hot af. AND HIM KNOWING MARGOT WOULD HURT HERMES FIRST AND THEN HE WOULD HAVE TO DEAL WITH HIM SECOND LOVE THAT LIKE EQUALS AHHH. Forehead kiss awww. The bottle opener as a tool for dulling out their miserable lives lol. Him hoping the rock hits Poseidon that he threw into the waves LOL Hermes is so funny. Her remembering all the requests he had that he wanted her to ask (from the first time they almost had sex to now) AHHH. THE LOVE CONFESSION IN THIS ONE (i have it in the quotes later but like you write the best ones oh my god). Take me. Have me. I’m yours. THEY STILL ARGUE ALL THE TIME BUT COME BACK AND SAY I LOVE YOU AND KISS. She feels like she belongs there 🥺🥺🥺. THE ANGST OF HER LEAVING AND WANTING TO STAY OR FOR HIM TO CAN’T BUT HE CAN’T AND SHE HAS TO LEAVE UGH SO GOOD. Her splashing him with water and telling him to “Say goodbye, asshole” and him lowering his sunglasses to look at her and mouthing back “impossible witch.” I DIED I LOVE THEM. She keeps looking for the Draco constellation awww. “Hey, asshole,” she said. “It’s about time you showed up.” a mood I love how the banter never stopped for one second truly. STOP THEM LOATHING AND LOVING EACH OTHER ALL AT ONCE. Her own personal golden age 🥺🥺🥺 (and how golden age is in the story title ugh love it)!
Also Henry and Hermes being a thing was so fun, from the moment they talked in like the grocery store I was like oh? Is something cooking here?
-Some quotes I enjoyed/reactions to them:
“Well, it’s either make jokes or worry about dying” LOL gotta love it me too girl making jokes that are bad is my coping mechanism
“He was by far the worst thing on the island” AHHH I LOVE IT
“Is it ever going to cool down?” Margo lamented, fanning herself and Alec gave her one of his warning glares, this one was warning her to silence, but it wasn't too severe, so she pressed on.” LOL LOVE IT
“…and I think I realized that I didn’t love him so much as just wanted to be loved by someone. Anyone." mood. Me too girl me too.
“You’re magic Margo West” 🥺🥺🥺
“I don't understand how this happened. He was so awful. I've never met anyone more irritating or more relentlessly, oppressively off-putting than Alec Del Mar. He constantly gets under my skin. He's vain, blunt, arrogant, manipulative, infuriating, selfish, maddening, clever, funny, and strangely kind..He's not what I would have chosen for myself, but that's the worst part, isn't it? He's nothing I ever knew I wanted, and somehow, he's everything I can't live without.” SCREAMING OH MY GOD
“Of all my lives, the one I had with you was the best one.” 🥺🥺🥺
“Men,” Saide scoffed, ruthlessly tearing off a piece of her croissant, and though Margo knew she probably shouldn’t agree (knowing, as she did, that the only distinction between Sadie’s damaged pastry and actual human disembowelment was a few degrees of moonlight), she still found it highly relatable.” MOOD
“Besides I think the term ‘monster’ might be relative. Aren’t we all a little monstrous in our own ways?” we are!!!
“I just meant that not all mysteries are a bad thing. It’s not so bad to face the unknown. Kind of beautiful, actually.” She took a deep breath, letting the salty sea air lick her cheeks. “I think I love the way the water stretches on forever. But, at the same time, I like the horizon, too. I like how it’s steadying, in a way. It’s like I can finally imagine a happy ending, because I know the water shines brightest right where it hits the sky.” THIS QUOTE IS MY FAVORITE I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH
“I don't want to take caution," she told him, already a little breathless at the thought. "I want to get dragged under the current, I want to be pulled down to the depths." She watched his breath halt, motion rescinded. "I want to get swept away, Alec," she told him softly, and he bent his head with a shiver, taking her chin gently and holding her still. "Margo," he said. "We've talked about these self-destructive impulses." She tugged him down to her, laughing into his mouth. "Believe me, I know," she murmured, and he kissed her anyway, molding himself to the shape of her as the ocean slid up to wash over their toes, the waves themselves sighing with satisfaction.” AWWW
“Then, gradually, he’d moved closer, fitting himself at her feet or, on one occasion, nudging her over in a state of drowsy half-sleep to serve as her very amenable pillow. The day before, she’d woken up to him sitting on the floor, and when she’d slid her leg out towards him-giving his shoulder a nudge to indicate her state of consciousness-he’d reached around and curled his fingers delicately across her calf, pressing a kiss lightly to her ankle.” DOMESTIC MARGOALEC AWWW
“I don't understand how this happened. He was so awful. I've never met anyone more irritating or more relentlessly, oppressively off-putting than Alec Del Mar. He constantly gets under my skin. He's vain, blunt, arrogant, manipulative, infuriating, selfish, maddening, clever, funny, and strangely kind..He's not what I would have chosen for myself, but that's the worst part, isn't it? He's nothing I ever knew I wanted, and somehow, he's everything I can't live without.” OBSESSED
“Margo West, impossible woman and disastrous witch, I’m inadvisable, inarticulately, implausibly in love with you. I love you , with every strand of this form and with all my others, and because of you-” He broke off, tightening his fingers in the mess that was her unwashed hair. “Because of you,” he murmured, “I no longer hate this island. I no longer hate this job. I don’t even hate the gods.” LIKE THE BEST LOVE CONFESSION EVER
“Either that or we’re just so good together it feels like instinct; like something brand new. He knows how to touch me in ways he can’t have gotten from anyone else, and I am more myself in his arms than I have ever been. I no longer worry about being something so paltry as normal.” She doesn't have to worry about being normal!!! Ugh love
“And with that, Margo West crashed into Alec Del Mar with the inevitability of the tide, breathing in the sea-salt taste of summer from his skin as she finally touched her fingers to him, to her own personal golden age, and to the undisputed glory of the horizon.” Happiness awww
Pars Fortuna: LilySam my second favorite binary stars (you probably were waiting for me to read this to tell you I screamed at the quote right?). They are just so cute! Me 🤝 Sam 🤝 having bad luck (literally though reading this I was like well maybe I too was just born under unlucky stars haha). They just had such good tension from the moment they met I was like okay KISS please (you should see how many times I have “their tension 🥵” in my notes lo)l. The banter was also excellent. This story was so funny but also emotional, it was the one story I cried at. The angst was so good too where she was trying to decide between her love for Sam and wanting success that she thought she needed her luck for ugh I loved it.
-Some moments I loved:
Their meet cute was so funny hahah. She likes Sam with his shirt off LOL my girl. She’s so clumsy around him he’s constantly having to catch her and I lowkey love it??? OOOH BOLD OF HER I LOVE IT to say “you can buy next time” (and his voice getting softer when he is teasing her). How he touches her waist while she is trying to get a different card AHHH SUCH GOOD CHEMISTRY/TENSION. Picking on her and the glare and the glare making him laugh ugh MY FAVORITE THING. Oh no he’s gotten stuck in a lot of elevators (I have been stuck in one with like 19 other people on a 90 degree day where there was no AC it was not a fun experience haha). Sam is also so hot, you just write hot people tbh. THE JOLT WHEN THEY TOUCHED AHHH. THE LIGHTS BUZZING AND FLICKERING WHEN THEY KISS AHHH. THE GHOST KISS ON HER NECK STOP I LOVE THOSE (as she fumbling with her key to unlock her door). Him reminding her to not text him back until the morning since she’s a busy woman and so he wouldn’t get the wrong impression that she might like him lol LOVE. HER LIPS STILL BUZZING WITH THE TASTE OF HIM! HER SMILING AND HER HEART FLUTTERING WHEN SHE GOT THE TEXT saying “that was fun” from him. Awww she wants to gossip to her grandmother about it and the whole scene where she admits she told her grandma about him was amazing. THE KISS ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER. I love how he tries to protect her from his bad luck it’s adorable. Him offering to fix it/find her another pair/cook her dinner because she looked sad about her canvassing shoes. HER THINKING ABOUT THEM COOKING TOGETHER AND BEING ALL DOMESTIC AND DANCING ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR AWWW. Her finally getting to wipe away the grease smear after she wanted to before ughhh loved the call back to that. STOP THE I WANTED TO BE A LIFEGUARD BUT I DROWNED LINE MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD. STOP ALL THE THINGS SHE MISSES ABOUT HIM AND HOW SHE THOUGHT SHE COULD BE NORMAL WITH HIM I’M CRYING IT HURT. His whole speech about missing her and what he wants ugh loved! HIM BEING SO NERVOUS AND HIS ARMS TIGHT AROUND HER BECAUSE HE DOESN’T WANT HER TO LEAVE HIM AND HER GIVING HIM A REASSURING KISS AHHH. Her getting to talk to her mom via the ouija board is what made me cry. Just seeing how happy her mom was for her and her mom telling her that she was her lucky star and that whatever she chose is the right voice. It was just adorable and so meaningful and beautiful tearing up just thinking about it again. AHHH SAM WENT TO A WALLACE HART RALLY TO DEFEND LILY. Stop the little montage into the future of him meeting her grandmother and mother and their wedding where the lights go out was so cute! The last thing with the “oh you don’t really believe in luck, do you?” that Lily said made me laugh hahahha. He registered to vote wooo important and she won yay!!!
-Some quotes I enjoyed/reactions to them:
“What’s good here?” “Democratic freedom,” she told him sternly. “Our fiduciary duty as citizens to vote.” “Mm,” he replied, not looking up. “And does that come with pork, or…?” She groaned, and he glanced up, half-smiling.” LOL
“He was at the door in a matter of moments, pulling it open and giving her a surprised half-smile. By then, she’d only known him three ways: one, scowling at her with annoyance; two, coaxing her with humor; three, kissing her to breathless insanity.” SUCH A GOOD QUOTE
“Things can go wrong, and they often do. It’s not really a question of luck so much as probability.” truth!
“Lily closed her eyes, saying nothing. There was nothing to say, really. The irony of her grandmother being right was that what it might take for Lily to regain her luck currently felt like the unluckiest thing of all.” 😭😭😭
“If she wanted to capitalize on her luck, that meant no Sam. And the idea of not seeing Sam again, even for the next few weeks, felt like an unbearable betrayal.” CRYING
“He took a step forward; pausing right in front of her, until the two of them were mirror images straddling the threshold.” MIRROR IMAGES MY FAVORITE
“She tried to shove it away, reaching for Sam, but he hesitated. "Let me do something," he said. "I can make you dinner?" “What, here?" she asked, gesturing around his apartment with a grimace. "Sorry, I don't think so." He rolled his eyes, kissing her forehead. "Tomorrow night, then," he said, "let's make dinner together, okay? Your apartment, if you want." God, and didn't that sound blissfully normal. Normal, and really kind of sweet. She had a brief image of them cooking together while Norah Jones played from her tinny iPhone speakers. She'd wear shoes she didn’t care about and a dress that didn’t matter if it got stained and maybe he’d dance with her on the kitchen floor and she’d tell Zaniah, See? It’s not about luck.” SO CUTE
“I worked too hard to put all my faith in luck,” she told him, and then corrected herself. “I work too hard to let the universe take credit for everything I’ve done.” YES GIRL
“All she wanted to do was fall back into bed with him; to lean into the palm of his hand and say hold me, Sam, until I forget; until today becomes tomorrow without me lifting a finger; until I no longer have to live in this place of uncertainty, because the stars already made up their minds for me. Unfortunately, that probably wasn’t the case.” 🥺🥺🥺
“He brought her hand to his lips, brushing a kiss across her knuckles. “For what it's worth," he said. "You changed my life, Lily Nasser." She winced. "Did I, though?” "You made me believe in something," he told her, "even if that something happens to be a political campaign." In response, part of her wanted furiously to pry him open; to find their cosmic flaw and rearrange it. Stitch him back up and say I solved it, we're fine now. Now, for the first time, Lily truly believed her grandmother was right; she had spent most of her life being lucky. Certainly luckier than she'd realized, because she was fairly sure that pulling away from Sam was the toughest thing she'd ever had to do.” Fix their cosmic flaw ughhh love
“I’ll never win you the big stuffed bear, Lily, but I will believe in you, I promise.” Which is the best and most important thing
“Maybe Alya knew that Lily would be the start of a ripple effect, the first shatter in the glass soon to break; or maybe she’d seen only that her daughter, the bright spot in her short life, had fallen for someone who treated her like something precious, and Alya had found just the right time to tell Lily fuck the stars, live your life baby girl, and don’t let a single thing stop you.” my favorite quote from this story, I love it so much.
“Like my grandmother always says ‘giving up means you’re dead and not even that stops most people,’” LOL but also mood and true!
Also I am extremely excited to welcome my fellow Aries-OFME (olivie’s version)-to the family! I think she fits into the Aries energy well. Feeling very thankful it’s in April too because that’s the one month every year where I pretend I have money and buy myself gifts without guilt, so much love. (AND THAT FAIRYLOOT EDITION IS STUNNING OH MY GOD).
Will be back hopefully soon for some praise for Optimist! I’ve been really enjoying it so far (even though you have already given me an existential crisis) I’ve just been reading it slow because life is just extremely busy this year (not in a super bad way just as life gets sometimes). Also just thank you for dealing with me this year on all the platforms.
-Amanda ❤️
hahaha @ “dealing with you” like it’s such a trial to be told my work has meaning. LONG SUFFERING SIGH
just as a fun bts, the title of this collection comes from stone’s throw but it ALMOST came from the line you called out in pars fortuna—that part of the collection was so strong we almost named the anthology “fuck the stars”
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