#the ballad of Sara berry au
nerd-chocolate · 2 years
The Ballad of Sara Berry au Rewrite!:
So does anyone remember “The Ballad of Sara Berry” au post I did back on Oct 7, 2022? Well surprised I’m rewriting it because I want to and have been listening to the song on repeat a bunch of times. It's really good! And this time I’m not making Sara Berry or at least the person who is bad so like Chloé or Lila since Sara Berry just went insane due to the pressure that her father was putting her and before you ask no I’m not making Lila or Chloé Julie Jenkins since they don’t fit the character. So now that is out of the way let’s begin! @artzychic27 characters are in this au as well.
This time, I decided that Marinette will be Sara Berry and Mireille will be Julie Jenkins for the rewrite au. And here is the reason why that is.
For Marinette, I thought about it more and more than realized that it would make sense for her to be Sara Berry. Just like Sara, she can be very obsessed with the things she wants like for example, wanting to date Adrien. Ever since season one, Marinette has shown to be a careful planner and she can (if she wants to) track people's schedules for her benefit and use it to her advantage like in Gigantitan. And Marinette would steal others’ things without a second thought. If it means getting what she wants, check that out in CopyCat and Oni-Chan for that knowledge. Also, Marinette would do anything to take out the competition since in multiple episodes, she is shown doing that even siding with Chloé in one of them also in different circumstances, she probably would kill someone for Adrien. And lastly, Marinette would think prom night was like a fairytale for her since she would want to be the perfect night with her and Adrien dancing under a spotlight while everyone watches her winning prom queen and everyone celebrates that she won. Point is, she would fit the role of Sara Berry including going fucking insane.
As for Mireille, I think before Julie Jenkins lost her leg in that wreck, she was probably in the background most of the time and was forgotten by most of her classmates which are pretty sad if you think about it. You only get noticed by your classmates after something tragic happened to you like losing one of your limbs, poor Julie she deserves better but anyway. Mireille in the canon was in the background and never in the fourth front even after becoming one of the weather girls aside from Aurore. Some of the fandoms don’t acknowledge her except if they want to make her a rival to Marinette like in that one comic. This led me to think that the writers would make her a rival to Mari if they wanted to, which is also pretty tragic when you think about it. But the reason I pick Mireille is that she is really easy to make a rival but not one that isn’t aware of it until well you know but I’ll get to that when I get to the plot section. In other words, I don't have that much to say here for this one. Mireille fits Julie well.
As for the victims of the prom massacre like the post I originally made, they are the narrators of this story and tell the audience what happened. When they’re first introduced they are seen as nothing but spirits with theater masks, ones that are very expressive with a little of how they died like getting cut into pieces or getting poisoned. They are probably wearing fairy tale-themed homecoming clothes like a prince and princess would wear for their coronation since they are getting nominated for homecoming queen and king. I will go in order of how they died, what were their reasons for wanting to be queen and king, and bolding who are the main narrators of this tale.
Mylène Haprèle - She wanted to bring more confidence in herself and thought the queen would be a great opportunity for that and even if she loses, she’ll spend time with Ivan and listen to him when he and the Kitty Section play some music, so bonus!
Rose Lavillant - She thought being homecoming queen would be pretty fun to do and thought having a spotlight dance with Juleka would be so romantic. And even if she doesn’t win, she still dances with Juleka and is going to have the best night ever with her friends.
Nathaniel Kurtzberg - Marc was the one to convince him, he would make an amazing homecoming king and that he would be at Nath’s side no matter if he won or lost. Also, Nath would love to try a crown on for a change.
Jean Duparc - He would show everyone that he can pull wearing a crown, especially people that said he can’t. And he doesn’t care if he is prom queen or king, he is just having a blast tonight.
Ismael Prisk - He wants some gender confidence in himself especially if he wins homecoming king. And he gets pissed off his mom at the end so that makes it even better.
Cosette Bellamy - Zoé convinced them that she would be an amazing homecoming queen and even said that she would be like a knight to them even if Cosette didn't win. Cosette loves the idea of Zoé being its knight and making at least its dad proud of it if it wins.
The last two characters I want to talk about are Adrien and Mrs.Bustier and what their roles are in this au, these roles are important to the story so this will be quick.
Adrien is Marinette’s boyfriend in this au and does break up with her for a reason. His relationship with Mari was okay at first even though there are some issues like how Marinette interrupts him sometimes in conversations and she makes it about her sometimes even if it is completely different but it wasn't a big issue for him to get concerned about. But when Homecoming came around, Marinette became obsessed with it. She expects Adrien to be homecoming king with her but Adrien doesn’t want to be the homecoming king nominee and tries to tell Marinette that but she doesn’t listen to him so he doesn’t say anything. Luka comforts Adrien when Marinette is too busy for him or isn’t using him to help with her campaign and Adrien grows to have feelings for him with each passing day. Luka does as well but doesn’t want to tell Adrien since he doesn’t interfere with his relationship with Marinette and doesn't want to cause Adrien more stress by creating conflict and drama between him and Marinette so he tries to be a good friend to him despite his feelings for Adrien. One day, Adrien took some of Luka’s and Nino’s advice and told Marinette he doesn’t want to be homecoming king and that they could talk about something else for a change but Marinette just gets mad at him and snaps. Marinette told him that he is being selfish and isn’t thinking about what she wanted, and she wishes he was more obedient to her. That makes Adrien realize that his relationship with Marinette isn’t healthy and told her he was breaking up with her but Marinette is too caught up to listen to what he says and thinks they are still dating. Some time passed and it was five more days before homecoming, Luka asked Adrien for his date for homecoming and Adrien said yes! Also, both he and Luka survive, and after some time passes after the homecoming massacre, Luka asks Adrien if he wants his boyfriend and Adrien says yes.
As for Mrs.Bustier, she is Sara’s father but is a teacher to Marinette in this au. She puts a lot of pressure on Marinette to be homecoming queen so she can set a good example to her classmates and if she doesn’t win, her whole family would be disappointed in her and Marinette took that to heart. So she is the same as the canon but her actions have consequences to them.
Now that I got to explain all the characters that I needed to, I finally tell you about the plot and what happens in it! Let’s begin, shall we?
The Plot:
The 1st Act:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was considered a good role model for the students to strive to be. She was popular, had a supermodel boyfriend, was head of the student council and homecoming committee, and her parents had the best bakery in Paris. Mrs.Bustier says Mari was like a real-life superhero to the whole school and Marinette took that to heart. When Mireille Caquet lost her leg in a wreck, Marinette felt sympathy for her and gave her a sympathetic smile to her when she saw her.
When homecoming nominees were announced, Marinette was static especially when she saw her name on top of the list but was a bit surprised that Mireille’s name was below hers. Marinette heard from a couple of the students that Aurore signed Mireille up to be the homecoming nominee and thought she might win it. Marinette knew that they were only voting for her out of pity so didn’t think much of it at first. When class was over for the day, Mrs.Bustier asked Mari to stay for a bit so they could talk. Mrs.Bustier told Mari that need to be homecoming queen not only because it was Marinette's dream to be one but also to set a good example for her classmates since being homecoming queen is a big deal after all. The last thing Mrs.Bustier told her is she doesn’t want to disappoint her dad and mom, Marinette took those words to heart and after she left, started to get to work immediately on her campaign with the help of the girl squad even if they already wanted to help some of the other nominees but Marinette didn’t hear them and was focused on being homecoming queen.
The 2nd Act:
As weeks go by Marinette tries her hardest to make sure people voted for her by either giving them baked goods, handing out pins, or making a lot of posters, I mean a lot. But Mireille’s numbers were getting much bigger that they surpassed Marinette’s. Marinette was furious and even more determined & desperate to win. She brushes her friends, her boyfriend, the student council, her parents, and everything behind but she keeps imagining Mireille wearing that crown and she hates it. The more votes Mireille, the crazier and angrier Marinette got. She fought with Mylène and Rose a few days ago, when they told her that they were planning to be homecoming queen and wanted to focus on their campaign and thought Mari knew since their names were on the list of homecoming nominees but Marinette didn’t listen, and blew up on them, losing them as friends a long aside Juleka and Alix, with Juleka flipping her the bird for yelling at Rose for reason that isn’t a big deal. The whole thing was caught on camera and was on the internet to see which made people not vote for her and take back their votes.
When Marinette saw Ismael in the hallway, she asked him why he was trying to be the homecoming king. Ismael told her the reason, Marinette didn’t care and said him just wearing a tuxedo would make his mom pissed. Ismael felt offended by that since Mari just assumed he was just doing it to piss his mom and while that is true, he was doing it for other reasons. So he told her off and walked away. Marinette was mad that she couldn’t convince him to stop being homecoming king so her boyfriend could be king.
A few days later, she harassed Cosette about being queen, telling them that they should just quit since they just ended up being a disappointment to their parents either way. Cosette got away from her and told her that it not quitting whether or not Marinette liked it and she could fuck off for its cares. As Cosette walked away from her, Zoé came up to Marinette and slapped or punched her in the face and just glared at her as she walked away from her as well. What Marinette didn’t know was that Simon was filming it and it was uploaded on the internet which made even more people take back their votes for her and made them hate her guts even more.
Lastly, she demanded that Jean and Nath drop out of the competition or else, which Adrien sees and told her off for just trying to make them drop out of the competition. Marinette just glares at him and walks away, Adrien apologizes to the two for having Marinette been acting lately and understands they were mad at her. Jean told him, he doesn’t need to say sorry since he stood up for them, and Nath thanked him and then told him that Mari was acting like a homecoming-obsessed nut job and that Adrien might want to consider his relationship with her, which Adrien thought about for a while now.
Marinette’s parents have been concerned about their daughter lately since they heard what has been happening at school. They try to tell her that she may need to stop being homecoming and cheer up in the process but Marinette doesn’t listen to them since Mrs.Bustier’s words are still lingering in her head, so she tells them that she is dropping out, in reality, isn’t and just brushes them off.
Marinette ends up dumping Alya as a friend when they get into a fight, Alya says that homecoming isn’t everything and it is not going to be important in the long run. Marinette yells at her and tells her if she is not going to support, she could just leave which she points to the trapdoor. Alya, seeing that Marinette isn’t willing to listen, ends up leaving with a look of sadness in her eyes. When Alya left, Marinette looked at the mirror right quickly and upon seeing her reflection felt regret for all things she did so far and tried to text Adrien about what just happened but Adrien could only text that I’m sorry for taking someone else to homecoming and I’m no longer a nominee. Marinette ends up thinking he is taking Mireille (who no longer runs for homecoming queen but Mari doesn’t know that) to homecoming and ends up getting mad with a hint of sadness and throwing her phone against the wall.
Mireille throughout this, never really wanted to be homecoming queen and hated the attention she was getting since she just wanted to be left alone. Her friends see this and ask if she wants to be queen, she struggles at first to tell them at first but ends up telling them the truth. Aurore apologized for the unexpected pressure on Mireille to be homecoming queen since she just wanted to boost her confidence and make her feel better after Mireille lost her leg. Mireille understands where Aurore was coming from and says her comfort would be enough for her. So the two made up and Mireille asked Mr.Damocles if she could drop out of being homecoming queen with the help from Ms.Mendeleiev, which Mr.Damocles ends up helping her with. Mireille ends up helping her friends with their homecoming plans and just getting ready to go to homecoming with Aurore as her date.
The 3rd Act:
The next day at school and the day of the homecoming, Marinette went up to Mrs.Bustier asking for some advice. All Mrs.Bustier said is that why isn’t taking this seriously, there is no future for failures at prom, and she should try harder to be homecoming queen. Marinette just ends up getting mad and running out of school with her collecting some of the other nominee’s posters along the way and just ended up bunking with her. She punched the mirror in anger and stomped on her phone. She cried the moment she snapped and just ended up getting ready with a crazy smile and look in her eye. Marinette looked at the poster of the nominees and realized she needs to take out the competition so she can win. Putting on her homecoming dress, putting on her very messy makeup, getting a duffel bag, and putting the things she needs to ‘talk’ to the other nominees for them to get out of the competition goes to Le Grand Paris where homecoming was held.
When her parents got home, they went up to her room to check on her but as soon as they opened her trapdoor, they saw her room was wrecked. They walked in to see her mirror shattered completely and her phone destroyed. They look around the room then Sabine spots something underneath her daughter’s bed and goes to see what she looks like she saw a ghost. Tom saw the look in her eyes and went to see what she saw. He goes to his wife and checks if she is okay and what she saw. Tom felt horror when he saw the posters of kids that had their eyes crossed off and they all had the same word written on them, saying, traitor. The two cried for a moment before realizing they needed to get to the prom now before it was too late.
When Marinette arrived at the hotel, she went to see Mylène who was near the punch bowl so they ‘talked’ for a bit. She went to say sorry to Myléne for getting mad at her while adding some poison to her drink. Myléne told her that she isn’t ready to forgive yet but appreciated it, Mari said it was fine and walked away from her. Mylène is a bit confused and then goes to drink her punch but then starts to feel bad and coughs up blood. Ivan and some of the other students went to go check up on her, only to find out she died.
While that was happening, Marinette went to the stage to see Rose finishing getting her requirements packed up. While Rose is distracted, Marinette cuts one of the ropes holding one spotlight above Rose’s head which smashes against her head instantly killing her. Marinette left the stage before anyone saw her. Juleka goes up to the stage and cries over her girlfriend’s dead body while Luka comforts her.
While everyone is freaking out about the two unexpected deaths, Marinette stole Reshma, Marc, Zoé, Tomassion, and Aurore's phones to make it easier to find and lure in her other victims as well.
Marinette discovers that Nath is near one of the rooms and goes to find him. Meanwhile, the teachers are evacuating the students, Marc, Zoé, Tomassion, Aurore, and Reshma with the help of Juleka and Ivan go to find the other students that don’t know what is happening. Marc tries to text Nath but can’t find his phone and starts to panic, Aurore calms him down and tells him that it is okay and they find him and the others.
Nath spots Marinette with a hammer and seeing that her dress has some blood on it, realizes that he should run for his life. So he did but Mari jumped on him and before she could bludgeon his brains, he said oh shit before he died of the hammer strike on his head. Marinette texts Jean under the assumption of Austin T that he is in the kitchen and badly hurt. Making Jean believe he needs his help and making it easier for Marinette to find and kill him.
When they got to the place where Nath was, they saw his skull being cracked open by something and someone. Marc is completely heartbroken to see his bountonnière dead on the floor and just holds him close to mourning him. While the others mourn their dead friend and comfort, Marc, and Austin spots a note on the floor and picks it up. He opens it and then immediately has a shock of horror with a mix of disgust on his face. When Zoé asks what's wrong, he tells her and the others that Marinette is the one behind this and who is her next target. Marc and Juleka want revenge for their respective lovers after hearing that. They went to find Marinette and stop her so the rest of their respective S.Os wouldn’t die.
Meanwhile, Jean got to the kitchen to find his boyfriend but couldn’t find him. He realized that someone might have Austin’s phone and went to find him somewhere. But Marinette stops him by slaying him in the stomach with a scalpel, making a huge scar. When Jean collapsed on the floor, she started cutting him, opening and tearing his organs, and marinating them in jars. Ismael, trying to find his friends since he got separated from them by accident, opens the door to find Marinette standing over Jean's corpse. Ismael screams for others to find them and try to get a weapon to attack her with but Marinette knocks him out with chloroform and drags him and gets a chair then heads to the pool.
The others heard Ismael’s scream and followed it to the kitchen where they spotted Jean’s corpse with his belly area open and a look of terror on his face. Austin, seeing his boyfriend’s corpse, sobs and says he should've died instead of Jean. Seeing Austin in a depressed state, Ivan took him to where the rest of the students and staff are currently while the others are still going to find Marinette and stop her.
Meanwhile, Ismael is woken up by Marinette hoarily smiling at him. He tries to get up but he can't, and sees the restraints on his legs, hands, and mouth. Marinette tells him this is what you get for messing with my chances of winning, pushes him into the pool, and uses a remote for the automatic pool cover, leaving him for dead and killing him.
The others agree that splitting up would help them find the others quicker. Marc, Zoé, and Aurore go to find Mireille and Cosette while Juleka and Reshma go to find Ismael. Reshma & Juleka follow the bloody footprints up to the pool and when they get up there, Reshma finds Ismael’s bracelet and knows he must bethere. Juleka realizes that the pool has been covered and picks up a remote to it and uncovers the pool. The two girls look at the pool and see Ismael down there tied up and gagged. Reshma jumps in the pool and swims down to go save Ismael but when she makes it back and puts Ismael on the side of the pool, she tries everything to bring him back but Juleka tells her that he is gone since she checked his pulse and it is no longer moving. Juleka comforts Reshma and tells her that they can still stop Mari from their dead friends. Reshma agreed with her and before leaving they both grabbed weapons to beat up Marinette with.
Mireille and Cosette are hiding in Chloé’s closet from Marinette since she is trying to kill them. Mireille called the police a few minutes ago and she can only hope that comes here very soon. Cosette realizes she needs to fight Marinette so she and Mireille can be saved. So they told Mireille that they were going to fight Mari and they promised to make it back. Mireille knows that they can’t talk it out of it, trust it, and keeps hiding in the closet. Cosette gets a bat or something before heading off to fight Marinette. Mari tries to lure Mireille and Cosette out by using their respective lover’s phones but it doesn’t work. Cosette pulls a sneak attack on Marinette and hits her with a bat and eventually gets themself a knife from Marinette’s bag to get a better advantage and has a good chance of surviving at first. But then Marinette slays its chest halfway open leading to Cosette dropping the knife leaving them powerless. Mireille hears Cosette’s screams of fear and cries before it goes completely silent. Mireille goes to peek at what happens but only for Marinette to knock her out with some chloroform.
The other three made it to Chloé room and opened it to find Mari and hopefully Cosette & Mireille as well. Both Aurore and Marc searched the room but couldn’t find anything. When they go to check on Zoé, only to see her and a torn-up Cosette with her. Go to check up on Zoé, only to see that she is holding her deceased girlfriend's head that says A wannabe on their forehead. And as for Cosette’s body, its arms were torn apart from the body, and her elbows were not attached to it and hands. Their legs were detached from it as well and their feet weren’t attached to it anymore. Lastly, their upper torso was cut apart from the bottom half where the blouse was with the two pieces they were wearing. Aurore felt like throwing up from seeing her friend like this and so did Marc. But Marc saw Marinette’s footprints were leading somewhere else and followed them with Aurore following him as well. Before Zoé follows suit, she says sorry that she couldn’t protect it and be its knight like Cosette expected her to be, before gently putting Cosette’s head on the ground and going to help the others.
The gang met up at the same time and started to plan their attack on their so-called friend. They ended up finding Marinette where the dance was being held up and where the crown was.
Marinette tied up Mireille and covered her mouth before waking her up. Mireille is scared of what is going to happen to her but sees Marinette getting the crown she always wanted. Marinette grabs the scepter and puts the sash on her, doing a little dance before saying she is the queen. What Marinette sees is that everyone is celebrating her coronation and she is smiling while having the dead victims behind her and just bowing to her like she is royalty. While Mari is distracted, Aurore unties Mireille and gets her to safety. Marc, Juleka, Reshma, and Zoé attack her and make sure she doesn’t attack them. With Marc stabbing the side of her body, Reshma holding her hands together, Juleka doing the same thing but with her feet, and Zoé putting her in a headlock so Mari doesn’t try to stop Aurore and Mireille from escaping.
The police arrived and told the kids they got the rest covered. They let go and when Marinette tried to escape, an officer grabbed her before she had the chance and took her crown. Marinette is just kicking and screaming and telling them to let go of her, she is the queen of high school land but Marc told her it is only in her head and flips her off before Marinette was taken away.
The ending:
In the end, Marinette is an asylum for the rest of her life, the whole school especially the S.Os are in therapy to deal with the loss, Mrs. Bustier not only gets slapped by Mrs.Mendeleiev, but gets sued by the parents of the dead kids and Marinette’s parents, and gets fired. While the ghost kids haunt her and Marinette for the rest of their lives and see their loved ones whenever they get the chance.
Some final notes:
I wanted to add what were the dead kids clothes inspired by for the homecoming.
Mylène - Snow White
Rose - Sleeping Beauty
Nathaniel - Rapunzel
Jean - The little mermaid
Ismael - The Frog prince or Cinderella
Cosette - Belle from Beauty & The Beast.
Well that all I want to add before leave. Have a good read everyone and hope you enjoy my rewrite!
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mary-kasexual · 5 months
(cw excessive blood)
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art for the rr ballad of sara berry AU I wrote w @predict485!
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Weird idea but what if we combine the ballad of Marinette dupain-Chang au I made with the favoritism au? Would that be fun or what?!
Is Nathaniel Kurtzberg my favorite character?… I think you know the answer to that
Anyway, I’m just imaging Sara Berry meets Carrie... Let's try that out. Gonna be a little hard since both stories are about prom and end in disaster, but whatever
Just to mess with her little fantasy world, Marc, Nathaniel, Lila, Chloé, and Félix run for King/Queen
Marinette doesn’t expect anything, but then Nathaniel starts catching up with Adrien in the polls
So, she actively threatens and sabotages them in private, but none of them are dropping out
Chloé and Félix rake in a ton of votes thanks to their connections
Especially Marc when Lila and Chloé give him a makeover
Lila: You look a lot prettier without all that black hair in your face.
Marc: Hey. I like black hair in my face.
*Cue 80s movie cliche where they take off his glasses, is super hot, and guys throw themselves at him*
Marinette is called in by Mme. Bustier, (You all know what she says if you’ve read Nerd’s Sara Berry au) and is now more determined to win
She orders her “friends” to get her more votes by any means necessary and demands nothing but perfection from Adrien so people will vote him King
Lila’s gym clothes are gone and participation in classes are mandatory to continue running? Chloé loans her a designer set that looks absolutely gorgeous on her
Getting Alya to snap embarrassing photos of Nathaniel? He. Can’t. Stop. Looking. Gorgeous!
Things only seem to go to hell when Lila is now tied with Marinette, and Marinette is just getting desperate
She berates her classmates for not being “good friends” and helping her win. But, little did she know, Aurore and Mireille were recording the interaction (From mentioning the sabotage to where and post it for everyone to see
Mme. Mendeleiev calls the Akuma Class in to discuss a proper punishment since M. Damocles is too lenient. So... M. D'Argencourt is gonna have them do an hour and a half of grueling physical education!... Otherwise, their prom tickets will be denied
Marinette isn't standing for this and urges them all to side with her, but none of them will, so she storms off in a huff while the others continue their punishment
However, some people are still loyal to her, so she uses that to her advantage. Cue Socqueline.
Nathaniel doesn't even care if this gets him more votes or not, he treats Marc to the best promposal ever, and he says yes.
Meanwhile... Marinette, Socqueline, and a few of her lackeys head to a paint store to pick up red paint because... Pigs are adorable and I refuse to kill one off, thank you, very much.
Look at this little baby! LOOK AT IT!
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Done looking? Okay.
Prom is only a week away, and everyone is so busy prepping the venue that they don't notice Marinette and Socqueline sneaking up into the rafters with a mysterious bucket
Anyway... It's Prom Night! Yay! Marc, Nathaniel, Chloé, Lila, and Félix are looking gorgeous, taking selfies, dancing with each other, and again, looking gorgeous
Marinette and Socqueline sneak in through the back and hide behind the stage where the rope rigged to the bucket it set. Socqueline's lackeys mess with the ballot box and fill them full of fake cards with Marc and Lila's names checked off
The Akuma Class even apologize to the five of them, and while they don't entirely forgive them for siding with Marinette for so long, they leave it alone so they can enjoy the night
Finally, it's time to announce the King and Queen... It's Marc and Lila
Marc: Holy shit.
Lila: YEAH! Gimme that crown! *Runs onstage*
Félix: She's gonna sleep well tonight.
Everyone's clapping, all happy and stuff... Then Nathaniel notices something and heads backstage where he finds Marinette and Socqueline getting ready to pull a suspicious-looking rope.
He somehow manages to stop them with his noodle arms and pushes Marinette into the middle of the stage... Right when Socqueline pulled the rope.
Marinette is drenched in red paint, and it's only when people start pointing and laughing that she officially snaps. She storms out of the room to go find the fuse box, and cuts off the lights
Students begin to panic, others try to keep calm. Félix decides to treat himself to some punch to settle his nerves... Only to collapse on the floor as someone had poisoned the punch
Amidst the panic, Lila gets bashed on the head with a blunt object, a rock
Chloé's final words are, "Oh, fuck!" when her head is bashed against the wall several times
Nathaniel is found with his torso cut open and his remains were found splayed across the floor, left to marinate
When going to investigate, the teachers find Aurore had drowned when someone pushed her head in the decorative fountain in the corner of the room. No wonder she had been so quiet
And finally, Mireille's unattached body parts were found all over the room
And e's are for the easy ways in five minutes tops, Marc brought an n for end by calling the cops. (What a bitch)
... Well, that's what I got. Any ideas?
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godheadjones · 2 years
If Life Is Fair Then Why Do Roses Have Thorns? - Chapter 2
A dark shadow flashed from the corner of her eye. “Who goes there?” Sara called into the darkness, straightening her back and taking her hand off her neck. “Whoever you are better show yourself now or I’m calling the police.” 
Nothing. Silence responded. 
She sighed. It was nothing. Just a figment of her imagination. Just her mind playing tricks with her.
read chapter two on ao3 or start from the beginning
fandom: 35mm: A Musical Exhibition
chapters: 2/?
word count: 1789
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The Ballad of Cersei Lannister
Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen! Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen!
Cersei Lannis was a popular bitch Hot bod, hot bro, cheer captain, plus she was rich That girl had everything till hiccup and hitch: Ellie Martell lost a leg in a wreck (Amputated!)
The nominations for Prom royalty came Our Cersei’s senior year and Queen was her claim Till gossip stirred the student body would name Ellie Martell Queen of the Prom (Pity vote!)
“Cersei,” her father said, “Life is a prom I know you won’t disappoint me and Mom...”
You taste the gold now, Cersei! You taste the crown! You thirst for blood from the roses in hand You spoil for sash and scepter, music to dance As they crown you queen of High School Land
(Check Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
(-ter, Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
So obsessed our Cersei near lost her mind To life un-prom-related Cersei was blind She shoved her squad, her clique, her boyfriend behind - Still Ellie had a hold on the lead (Poor, poor Ellie)
Soon Cersei’s sanity was hung by a thread Her BFFs proclaimed her socially dead Till then at last her boyfriend texted and said: “I’m taking Ellie to the senior prom” (Love, love, Ellie)
“Cersei,” her father said, “Why be so calm? There’s just no future for a princess at prom.”
You taste the gold now, Cersei! You taste the crown! You thirst for blood from the roses in hand You spoil for sash and scepter, music to dance As they crown you queen of High School Land 
Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen! Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the Queen!
Some girls are rational but Cersei was not She stared in mirrors thinking one single thought: (Ellie) There’s seven reasons this crown’s not good as got (Jeyne, Selyse, Lysa, and Lyanna) And so the night of prom, mercy! (Delena, Melara) Thus went her plot:
P is for Delena drinking poisoned punch R is for Lysa dashed on a rock - crunch! “O” is what Jeyne said when Cersei bludgeoned her brains And M is for Lyanna’s marinated remains
But! But!
Q is for Melara, quiet, drowned in the well And U is for Selyse’s pieces, sent to the Hells But Es are for the easy way in five minutes tops A one-legged girl can bring an N for end by calling the cops (What a bitch)
You got your gold now, Cersei, you got your crown You got your blood on the roses in hand You donned the sash and scepter, doing a dance As you crowned you queen of High School Land!
Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! (God save the Queen) Down on your knees before the queen (God save the Queen!) Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh! Down on your knees before the (oh! the queen of High School Land!)
They wrapped your wrists in silver, they took your crown They washed the blood from each finger and hand Into a tight straitjacket Small padded cell Screaming “I’m the queen of High School Land!”
At least in your head, you’re queen of High School Land!
Oh pity the dead, you’re queen of High School Land!
(Check Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
(-ter, Cersei, choose Cersei, vote for Cersei Lannis-)
Prom Queen candidates, 283 AC:
Jeyne Farman
Delena Florent
Selyse Florent
Melara Hetherspoon
Cersei Lannister
Elia Martell
Lyanna Stark
Lysa Tully
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jack-dear · 6 months
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A Homestuck au drawing
song name the ballad of Sara Berry
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Spider demon/Ucubus Reader in Popstar of Heck AU is such a sweetie-pie. They're thoughtful, they're funny, they try to encourage others and do good deeds, they even donate some of their own money to the hospitals of Heck (especially for kids!). They're just an overall nice person.
So, how do they know the platonic yanderes?
Why, they've met them, at least once!
The teens they met on Earth or in Heck, before they were their stage name and were popular! Some of them they were rivals with, others were their enemies, and only one or two had Reader's respect. Then I imagine the adults are either angels or demons, if they're angels, I imagine they're exterminators who ended up sparing Reader's life, who Reader nicknames their guardian angel, the one who defied Heaven itself just to spare their life!
And Reader sings all kinds of songs about the teens and the adults and everyone in-between they've met, personal or not! Reader wasn't great friends with any of them, if at all, but it all worked out in the end for them~ Because look! All of Heck loves them and their music! Dolls of them are made for little kid demons to play with! Music boxes play a small melody of their songs! People are acting nicer, too~!
The platonic yans take awhile to guess that their favorite sing is one made by Reader, and that it's Reader, who sang it and meant it to be about them. And then they're trying to see Reader again, hoping to catch up with them, despite how good or bad their relationship was back before Reader became their stage name...
Extra headcanons for spider demon/ucubus Reader:
• They have a lot of heart included in their outfit designs
• They like cherries
• They adore cupcakes
• They love helping others
• They like hugs
• Carry a small purse or bag with them in hot pink or white, with gold hearts on it
• Loves cute plushies and keychains
• Babytalks plants and pets and baby demons
• Likes lollipops
• Wears fluffy jackets
• Goes to the aquariums of Heck for fun
• Has sung The Ballad of Sara Berry
• Has sung Unholy
• Has sung Make You Mine
• Has sung What a Wonderful World
(What did y'all think?)
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the-unknown-fandom · 2 months
The Ballad of Shamura
(Reincarnation AU; Inspired by Annapantsu's Ballad of Sara Berry)
Shamura and their siblings live in Bellawood Forest in a small village that strictly holds onto the Old Faiths teachings. The Leaders of the Old Faiths except every single villager to hold onto those teachings and to teach their children/siblings it.
Everything is alright in the village until a higher up of the Old Faiths comes knocking towards Shamura's door happily declaring that their little sister, Narinder, is chosen to marry Higher Up Leader Jackson's son, The Eagle, Falcon.
Shamura is distraught of course. Narinder was known as the village 'beauty' and 'maiden'. Her beauty was said to even rival Falcon's mother, Eleanor. Even with her third eye Narinder was still beautiful.
One night, Shamura considers leaving the village with their siblings, however, they know that the Higher Ups will come after them. So the next morning they will plan to abandon the village and take their siblings with them away.
However, Shamura has a vision.
A Lamb. A giant 29,032 feet tall Lamb stands in front of them. Wearing a red crown.........................
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nerd-chocolate · 2 years
A very old version of this au-
Okay to begin I decided that Lila Rossi will be taking the place as Sara Berry for this au. I think it makes sense, considering that Lila would do anything to be popular or have attention even if someone has to get hurt in order to get it. And I do think Lila would kill for the crown.
As for Julie Jenkins, Marinette probably be the best choice, since she and Lila don’t get along at all.
And as for the boyfriend, Adrien can take his place and yes, Lila manipulated Adrien to be her boyfriend by harassing him to be in a relationship with her since every queen needs a king and Adrien just happens to be that guy (unfortunately for him).
As for the victims of the prom massacre, I think they could be the singers as well since they’re telling the story of what happened before and during it and just being the storytellers of the story.
Also I’ll be listing them off by using the p.r.o.m q.u.e.e.n acronym to place who gets killed off by what.
P- Jean duparc
R- Rose
O- Cosette
M- Marc
Q- Max
U- Mylene
How it begins is by the staff announcing their prom and Lila hears about and feels pretty confident about winning it since everyone else who completes is a loser to her eyes. So when she hears that Marinette lost her leg, she feels no sympathetic for her and just carries on with her day. But Alya, Marinette’s best friend, signs her up to cheer up Marinette and give her some confidence. Lila in her mind still thinks she is going to win since she got everyone wrapped around her finger because to them, she is this perfect and super kind girl. But she really isn’t and has been faking it to get popular.
So as the weeks go by, Marinette begins to get more popular and gets more votes than Lila thought. And when Marinette is winning, Lila starts going crazy to the point where people start to notice her true colors until they realize how much of a manipulative person she truly is.Lila didn’t care at first and just wants to win that crown and be queen of the school in her mind. But the final straw happens, When Adrien broke up with her in public and after a week before prom starts he shows up dating Marinette and announces in his social media account that he is taking her to prom. And that’s where Lila snaps, and goes crazy. She realizes if she can’t win by being fair, she’ll just have to get rid of the other competitors to get it.
So when the prom night begins, things get pretty bad when Jean faints and dies by drinking some poison punch that Lila puts before he drinks it.
When they hear one of the stage nights falling off and a crash. One of the teachers goes to check it out only to see Rose dead on the floor.
When one of the students heard a scream from the bathroom, one of them checked it out, only to find Cosette’s skull smashed right open.
Marc then disappears when the night shut off and when they reappear again, they see his remains right open and him lifeless on the floor.
The students begin to evacuate the school and Max dies next since Lila tied him up to a chair and drowned him in the pool.
And finally Lila hacks Mylene to pieces and leaves her other body parts except her head behind for some reason the students and the teachers don’t know.
Marinette calls the police as soon as possible when they evacuate the school. The police went to school to find the murder but found a disturbing scene where the students’ lifeless bodies that Lila kill are sitting in chairs and their eyes are on Lila, who had the crown on her head. Lila is just seeing people congratulating her on her and calling her the queen and seeing Adrien taking them to their castle but in reality it is just the police taking her away to insane asylum or jail as her peers and the teachers watch in horror that she is laughing her brains off. As the police drive away taking Lila with them, the students and the teachers especially Marinette are just processing what happened and being deeply traumatized. The story ends with the victims ' memorial pictures being shown and Lila’s picture being marked with a x on it.
Sorry this isn’t perfect and was terribly rushed but I just wanted to show you what idea I had for a very long time.
Also I was thinking the ghosts' design could resemble how they each died.
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this idea of mine! And have a good night or day whenever you’re reading this! 😁 I’ll be sleeping knowing I finished this post.
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mary-kasexual · 5 months
rr ballad of sara berry au... consider... macarthur is the singer...
woah... havent even considered the singer as an option actually. It fits though tbh, esp considering Sanders is julie
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modern au postie war is just the ballad of Sara Berry
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this song is what made me think of this (( idek what it's from a mutual put it on my dash and it instantly made me think of Yronica ))
And this is yronica !!
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thinking about killer yronica and like . killing everyone at prom (( except maybe eman ?? )) this au is going to make me fucking explode bro . i love db killer aus . ESPECIALLY KILLER CROSBY AND KILLER DAE-JUNG . MY MUTUAL INTRODICED ME TO THE WONDERS OF KILLER DAE AND I EVEN KINDA WROTE A FIC ABIUT IT ..
this is Crosby btw I'll yap about his au because i like him more 🫶
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Okay. so his original story is he's a prince in love with his knight (( Rayner )) and after crosbys father finds out about them he throws Rayner in the dungeon for execution . originally crosby goes to find rayner and they get taken by the mist before rayners execution . BUT alternate version where Rayner gets killed and crosby kills his father afterwards for revenge
I wrote like half of this while getting a notification that something wasn't working thst interrupted me like every. five seconds
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Song 1:The Ballad Of Sara Berry
Song 2: Daughter Of Evil
@return-of-the-queen-au this one is also meant for you
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godheadjones · 2 years
OK I had an AU/Crossover idea for the Sara Berry Ballad, Sara but with the venom symbiote
If Life Is Fair Then Why Do Roses Have Thorns? - Chapter One
“I’m done. I’m done with everything.” 
The voice responded. “That’s what I’m here for, Sara. I’m here to help you.” The voice was dark, hissed in her head. Consumed her. Filled her with rage. 
She nodded. Sara knew that the voice saw her. The voice saw everything. “What was your name again?” 
“Not my name. Ours,” the voice whispered in her mind. “We are Venom.” 
read chapter one on ao3
fandom: 35mm: A Musical Exhibition
chapters: 1/?
word count: 909
for: anonymous. thanks for sending this in! if this was like a what did I think of the idea and you wanted to write it I’m sry but pls I hope you enjoy this :)
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 11 months
This morning I've been listening to 35mm: a Musical Exhibition, which to my knowledge is traditionally a stand and sing performance from vocalists for a collection of songs based on a series of photographs.
I've loved this soundtrack for years, when Leave Luanne came up in a pre-subscription autogenerated spotify broadway playlist. As one does. But for whatever reason this morning, it's giving me "Winn joins a community group doing 35mm as a charity performance and Lena is one of his fellow vocalists" vibes.
Meaning that Kara goes to support Winn, but gets distracted by the beautiful woman with a rich soulful voice to match.
And now I'm caught up trying to figure out which of these two (Winn and Lena) would sing what songs.
Winn would open with Crazy Town. He could obviously pull it off.
I like the idea of Lena singing Leave Luanne, even if on the soundtrack its sung by a guy-- a girl can sing it just fine, can confirm.
And though I would love to hear her as primary vocalist on Cut You A Piece, I think her doing the female vocals at the very end of that song would be hauntingly beautiful.
Winn and Lena would 100% team up for Make Me Happy. Instant crowd hit.
Not sure how many vocalists typically put on the show-- sometimes sounds like as many as five? So I don't wanna be just like-- Winn does the boy songs and Lena does the girl songs.
But I think I would give Lena the Ballad of Sara Berry, too. That's a fun one to finish out the show.
Anyway, after the show, Winn makes a beeline for his friends, and drags Lena along with him. Lena tags along good-naturedly (probably not a Luthor in this au, in my head she's too relaxed and good vibes for that), and her gaze immediately flicks towards Kara.
Who blushes and looks away at having been caught staring, of course.
They hit it off and the rest is history. Lena is frequently cast in local productions, and Kara goes to each and every one of them, ever the supportive girlfriend. Maybe she even gets assigned to the stage review beat at CatCo or something, idk.
Anyway, here's the playlist on spotify, enjoy! And let me know what you think!
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
highschool au where Adrian, Ruby, Oscar, Nova, and Danna are theater kids and they perform The Ballad of Sara Berry
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