#the backing tracks were SO loud that sometimes you couldn’t hear dani even when she was purposefully
sugaggukkie · 1 year
watched the new jeans lolla performance and CHEESED through literally every second of it!!! congrats to the funnest cutest sweetest baby girls on an excellent american debut
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black-dragon1998 · 3 years
Life at castle Dimitrescu
Summarry: reader (half-human/ half-demon) living at castle Dimitrescu. her interactions with the lady of the castle and her daughters. 
Autor note: I haven’t played through the whole game (Resident Evil Village) but I have played through castle Dimitrescu and know what happens to Alcina, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela. I am not going to follow the canon universe in my fics about RE8 unless specified otherwise. The Dimitrescu ladies deserved more.
Likes and comments are always welcome.
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The sound of your heavy boots running over the marble floor almost drowned out the sound of the person chasing you. Unlike you, they weren’t running but still. Your chaser was catching up to you. In your head, you could imagine Lady Dimitrescu casually walking behind you, her tall frame allowing her to cover more distance. This all forced you to be smarter and hope to outsmart them.
In the main hall, you took 10 seconds break. Go up the stairs and to the bedroom halls or go via the courtyard to the music hall. Hearing the buzzing sound coming from upstairs made that decision for you. So you ran to the dining hall. It was winter so too cold for the girls to go outside so you only had to keep an eye out for Lady Dimitrescu outside.
Your heartbeat sped up the closer you got to the door. In your head, you had already reached the safe zone but you willed yourself to stay focused. From pasted experiences, you had learned not to get ahead of yourself when Lady Dimitrescu was involved in the game. The moment you wanted to open the door it opened, revealing Lady Dimitrescu making you stop in your tracks. falling on your ass and skiting forward.
“Well, well little one it seems I have cut off your escape route.” Alcina mocked with her signature wicked smirk. Not giving up just yet you scramble back onto your feet and try to get back to the main hall, hoping the girls had already moved on from the second floor. A hand clamped around your ankle as you reached the threshold, hoisting you up into the air upside down. You can’t help but frown that is forming on your face as Alcina lifts you to look at your face.
“we promised no powers, If I can’t shift then you guys can’t teleport.” Your frown had now turned into a full-blown pout. Alcina couldn’t help but smile at how adorable you were when you pouted. She wouldn’t admit it but she had developed a soft spot for you. Ever since Daniela brought you back to the castle after finding you in the town beaten and bloody. Her youngest daughter had chased away the Lycan that had hurt you before bringing you back. All four Dimitrescu women had became intrigued when they noticed your black blood and only hours after you entered the castle all your wounds were healed.
Almost a year had gone by since your first entered the big castle and over that time you had really warmed up to the Dimitrescu ladies. The girls liked to play hide and seek with you and when they learned you were half-human, half-demon they practically squealed. They didn’t have to be careful when they were playing. Sometimes Alcina joined you and the girls in your little games, but when she joined you always lost.
“no little one, you made that deal with my girls, not me.” Lady Dimitrescu says while letting go of your foot. You make an elegant turn so you land on your feet.
“and don’t think I wasn’t on to your little plan. Going through the courtyard where my girls can’t follow.” Alcina continued raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow at you. Having no reply, that was your plan so you didn’t have a comeback so you stayed silent. Alcina took this as confirmation.
 Before the conversation could go on Daniela materializes into the room and latches onto you. Instinctively you pull her closer and drive up your body temperature, making sure she didn’t get cold, handy perk you could do. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela liked to snuggle up to you on cold nights like this.
“did mother find you?” Daniela asks to giggle just sounding a little too sweet. Knowing what it meant if you said yes.
“you already know the answer to that darling, she always manages to find me.” You replay while following lady Dimitrescu further inside, leading Daniela to the fireplace. She was feeling too cold for your liking and you wanted to warm her up.
The moment you sit down on the couch Infront of the fireplace Daniela was immediately on your lap. Bela manifested on your left and Cassandra on your right. Before either of them could strike you warned them.
“each gets one bite. Remember I do bite back.” Each of the girls gives you an affirmative sound before they take a chuck out of you. Bela bites into your arm, Cassandra does the same but on the other side. Daniela decides she wants a taste of your blood and sinks her fangs into your neck. After a few tugs, you give Daniela’s side a little pinch telling her to knock it off. Bela and Cassandra already retreated.
“I said one bite, Dani, not suck me dry.” You grumble as you pry her off your neck, Bela and Cassandra giggled among themselves. The only thing you caught was Cassandra’s reply to Bela.
“I think Dani would love for (Y/N) to take a piece out of her. They are always all over each other.” Cassandra giggles seeing your face heat up. Instead of denying anything Daniela just throws gasoline on the fire.
“they aren’t wrong, I do love it when you leave your marks on me,” Dani replies in her most sluttery voice she could muster, making your face flush and a couple of fires pop up around the room. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the sisters who couldn’t help but laugh at your expense. You wanted to be mad at them you did but at moments like this, they looked the most human and happy. So if it had to be at your expanse so be it.
 The night went on, with the sisters talking under themselves. Dani not leaving the spot on your lap. Lady Dimitrescu came checking on the four of you once in a while but mostly kept to her chambers. As a mother, she baskets in how happy her daughters and she admitted at least to herself that part of it was because of you and she was forever grateful for it.
 When they kept on teasing you, you threatened with tacking away their toys and forbid them from going into the village the moment it became warmer. Lady Dimitrescu herself had given you that privilege and the girls knew this. The threat alone made them stop.
You basket in the silence that emitted around you, knowing it wouldn’t last long. The girls were good at many things, staying quiet and sitting still wasn’t one of them. Only minutes later the sister started begging you if they could watch a movie on your laptop.
The only electronics meant for entertainment were in your chambers after you asked, begged Lady Dimitrescu to keep them. After that, the girls were hooked on Disney movies and occasionally one of them would ask to get them something. The only reason lady Dimitrescu allowed it was because it was the only activity the girls could do without bickering or fighting.
Even though the girls wanted to watch a movie. The moment you were all installed and sat down on the bed, the girls scattered around your bed. The moment it came to choosing they couldn’t decide. When the bickering became too loud you made the decision yourself and put on Beauty and the Beast. Relaxing into your cushions in the middle of the bed.
Bela was the first to notice it and stopped bickering with her sister to snuggle into your side. Daniela was next , she laid down on your other side and rested her head on your chest. Cassandra eventually laid down next to Bela and rested her head on your hip.
 That is how Alcina found you the next morning. She was happy with how affectionate you were with her daughters. Even though you and Daniela shared a lovers bond you never forgot Bela and Cassandra. You tried to give all three the same amount of attention and Alcina couldn’t be happier. Deciding to let the four of you sleep for a little while longer she retreated to her chamber letting the maids know not to disturb you.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I got your Back
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Pairing: (DragonBat!)Daniela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: One walk out in the woods would change your life. One encounter with a Royal Dragon Bat changes your views on the four lords.
Warnings: Near-Death, Running, Being chased by the Queen of the ‘Dragon Castle’
A/n: I thought I was going to make this a one story thing, but I was WRONG! Hi, I apparently make series and this is apparently a series now. Also, plot twist comes in this chapter!
1 Year...
Daniela’s injury had long healed however, eve if you were letting her go, she only just walked back towards you. No matter what you did to distance yourself from her, she’d always, someway somehow find her way back to you. 
“Don’t you miss home sometimes?” You ask Daniela, leaning against her back
I do but... I enjoy being in your presence as much as I do being at home. 
“Are you sure?” You ask her, reeling in a fish, “Last time I checked, there was nothing special here...”
As you bring in that reeled fish, you toss it to Daniela and she catches it, downing it in a gulp. You roll up your sleeves as you reveal a tattoo. It was a design of Daniela; the Brilliant Red scales and mane with a hint of Brilliant Emerald Green scales was all in the design. You unfortunately had to leave town for a little bit to go into the modern world to get it done. 
I can’t believe you really have a tattoo of me...
“You’re my best friend Dani,” You explain, “So, even if you go, you’ll be on these adventures with me.”
You’re something else Y/n...
“Hey, were you always a dragon?” You ask, “Sorry if that’s out of the blue... If a dragon bat can communicate with me telepathically you must be human as well...”
I don’t know... However, there is a legend... Where humans who were turned into monsters like me...
“I don’t see you as a monster,” You say
You... Don’t?
“I don’t,” You say, “Continue on the ‘legend’ you know about.”
You don’t notice Daniela’s cheeks flushing a deep red. 
It started with a daughter of the royal family. She was absolutely lovesick. From time to time she fell for many different men. One night she went too far and killed the man that she had ‘fallen in love’ with. This had angered the townspeople. The daughter was chased to the edge of town, where she begged mother to help her. However, the mother... Was fed up with her daughters’ flirtatious ways. However, deeply caring for her daughter, she felt merciful and found a way to curse her. The mother had cursed the daughter to become a hybrid of a Dragon and a Bat. The challenge for her cursed daughter was to find someone who would love them not only for appearances but for one who truly is themselves shall be turned back to normal. 
“That’s... Intense,” You sigh, “Do you think... It’s about you?”
Who knows? Just maybe. 
“Well, for one, it’s awesome having a dragon bat for a best friend,” You start, “Who would have thought that-”
You hear rustling in the distance. This causes Daniela to begin hissing and growling. You stand up and cock your gun and stand up to begin making your way to where the noise was. Daniela right behind you to protect you. You lift your gun and begin listening for anything out of the ordinary.
Dani... You hear them too?
I do.
As quick as a flash of light, a hoard of Lycans jumps down from the bushes, ensnaring Daniela in a net.
“Daniela!” You yell, beginning to shoot the lycans, “Let her go!”
One lycan had gotten closer to you however, you immediately whip yourself around and shoot at the lycan that was inches away from your face. You watch molten fire string right above you, dodging the drips of lava that was dripping down from the stream of molten flame.
“I don’t think so!” You yell, taking down the remaining lycans that were holding Daniela down
You immediately remove the netting from Daniela and wrap your arms around her neck as much as you could.
I thought I told you to run...
“I’m not leaving you behind Dani,” You say, sternly, “We’re partners...”
The Dragon Bat coos under your touch as the both of you begin walking back to your home. Somehow you had been able to keep it afloat. Even with all of the Lycans targeting you. However, you were certain they were all after Daniela. You shoot at the final lycan but hear it beginning to speak.
“The mother of... The Castle... Will kill you...” It says before dying
The lady of the castle?... Does he mean?-
Y/n? Are you okay?
“I’m fine,” You sigh, “No scratches or anything.. Shouldn’t you get back to the castle?”
My mother is being overprotective... I can take care of myself.
“I wouldn’t want you being strongly punished for choosing to stay with me,” You sigh, “Or even me getting burned alive... I wouldn’t want to go out like that.”
Then how would you want to go out?
“On my bed,” You answer, “Surrounded by the people I love... Well, you for that matter... I’m pretty sure a dragon bat like yourself can live longer than the average mortal...”
That is true, But... I’d rather go out valiantly.
“As your typical dragon bat would,” You smile and sigh
What’s wrong with going out valiantly?
“Nothing at all,” You state, “You should go out valiantly. Or at least protecting the ones you love.”
Before Daniela could answer, the both of you look up to the sky and notice a large silhouette of a dragon. Daniela uses her head to nudge you inside of your home. 
“Daniela!” You yell as Daniela uses her tail to lock you in the house
Daniela walks away from the home and watches the large dragon land in front of her.
You stay away from the castle for over a year?!
I wanted to be on my own for awhile mother!
What if a hunter could have killed you?! Or even sold you for money?!
Mother the human I’m with has not sold me or killed me!
You try to unlock the door however it was locked from the outside. You cover your fist with your hoodie and begin punching the door window, unlocking it. However, you look down and notice how your fist began bleeding; seeing dark spots beginning to seep through. You leave your fist covered however, you run in front of Daniela.
“You leave her alone!” You scream
Oh! We have a loud mouth!
Your eyes widen and jump out of the way just as the white and black dragon breathes its fire. 
Mother Stop! Please!
If you want me to stop you must come home!
Daniela actually considered it, but, she had grown attached to you. She couldn’t just up and leave right then and there. She didn’t want to leave you. You appear right back at Daniela’s side, not long before the ‘Mother Dragon’ had began forming her fire in her mouth. It wasn’t before Daniela had curled her neck so that she was practically guarding you; her tail also curled around you. You hear and feel the growling emitting off of Daniela.
You DARE growl at your mother?!
Mother... I don’t want you hurting this human... She saved my life!
Humans are all the same! Now move my daughter!
Daniela also didn’t want to anger her mother. A chill shoots up your spine as you feel Daniela’s tail move away from you, along with her head and neck. But, you feel her warm steam exit her nose.
“Run...” A very feminine voice whispers in 
You’re not sure what shot through your body, but in the next second, your foot pivots and you run... And run... And run.
You come back and succumb to your despair!!
You could hear what the Mother Dragon was yelling. But, you don’t turn to look back. That’s one thing your father taught you; to never look back when you’re running away from something. However, you hear another roar; making you finally turn your head, stopping in your tracks. 
Daniela?! What is the meaning of this?!
“Run Y/n!!!” Daniela yelps as she falls off her mothers’ back
Did Daniela just...
You wanted to turn back and help her. But how could you? The Mother Dragon said it herself. You were a mere human. No special powers, no dragon bat abilities you were just human. However, you couldn’t just simply run away now. Daniela was in trouble. 
You will come home this time! And you will never-
Before the Dragon Mother could finish her sentence at a whimpering Daniela, she turns to a pressure on her tail; your teeth were attempting to sink into the scaly tail. Like themselves, you were grunting, growling and trying to injure the Dragon mother long enough for Daniela to get free. 
No mortal has ever sunk their wee teeth into me flesh before... Got to say little one... You have guts... No matter, You’re finished..
With a simple motion, your teeth weren’t strong enough to hold against the Dragon Mothers’ tail whip. Daniela’s ember eyes widen as she watches your body be flung over the edge of the cliff. Despite being under her mothers’ foot, she manages to break free from her mothers’ grasp. 
You couldn’t scream. The heavy drop of your stomach made it hard for you to. At that point you decided to accept your despaired fate. That was... Until you saw a silhouette of dragon wings...
A/N: Omg!! It’s been too long! I’ve gotten a new job and it has been exhausting me to the bone! Hopefully I can upload more soon!!
Go Home Daniela
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kinglazrus · 3 years
Not Your Danny – Ch 2. Small Signs
Previous | Next | FFN | AO3
Word count: 3514
Awareness returns to Dani the same way it always does: instantly and with a deep, rattling breath. It echoes the dry rasp of her very first. Even after all this time, she still remembers what it was like to wake up in that vat. The thick ectoplasm that flooded her nose and mouth when she tried to breathe. The panic and confusion as her mind scrambled to understand what was happening. The overwhelming weight of knowledge that wasn't hers, that she didn't remember learning. Even thinking was a struggle in those first hours.
Sometimes waking up from sleep feels like that, minus the drowning. And being asleep is just like before. Before the electric current ran through her body and shocked her awake. Before she could think, or even knew what thinking was. Back when everything was just darkness and a mild awareness that she existed, but no certainty whether she was dead or alive.
Dani never dreams—she doesn’t think she's capable of it—but she's always aware.
Another light tap comes at the door.
On instinct, she scans her surroundings for danger. She takes in the blue walls, the plastic star constellations on the ceiling, and the general mess of the room before relaxing and remembering. This isn't some old house she's squatting in for the night; it's her new home.
She frowns. Her new home. Home. Home. The word doesn't sit right with her. It's what she's always wanted, but this place... could it really be home without Danny?
"Danielle?" a soft voice calls through the door.
Dani jerks upright, throwing off the blanket, and transforms in a flash. "I'm awake."
The doorknob rattles then turns, and the door slowly opens. Maddie Fenton peers inside. Her eyes land on Dani and she takes a sharp breath. "Oh, you're..." She trails off as she looks Dani over.
"Is something wrong?"
"No, I just wasn't expecting your ghost form."
Dani draws her knees to her chest, making herself small. "It's kind of my default."
"That's fine." Maddie steps forward. When she moves, something makes a crinkling noise, and Dani's gaze is drawn to a plastic bag hiding behind Maddie's legs. All wariness forgotten, Dani uncurls and crawls to the edge of the bed, clinging to the mattress while she leans forward.
"What's that?" she asks.
Maddie smiles and glances down at the bag. "We know you don't have much. Or"—she scans the room—"anything. So we picked up a few things on the way home. You'll probably need more, but we can take you shopping so you can pick things out for yourself. These are just some essentials."
She holds out the bag, and Dani eagerly snatches it up. Maddie wasn't lying when she said just the essentials. Inside, she finds a pair of pyjamas, a toothbrush—a toothbrush! She's never used one before—a hairbrush and some other toiletries, and lastly, a box with some kind of pad thing on the front. Dani takes out the box and turns it over in her hands.
"What are these?" she asks. They look vaguely familiar. Perhaps, once or twice, she glimpsed them sitting on drugstore shelves, but they had never caught her attention before.
"They're period pads," Maddie says.
"What are they for?"
Maddie opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. Her eyebrows crease together in confusion. Instead of answering, she walks forward to the end of the bed and kneels down. She reaches out, but stops before she can touch Dani and draws her hand back.
"How old are you?" she asks. "Jazz said you were at least fifteen."
"Technically, yeah. I think I was twelve biologically when Vlad made me? So I guess that makes me fifteen. But I've only existed for three years. My birthday is next month!" Dani grins. She didn't do much for her first birthday, but last year she visited Amity Park and Danny made a whole day of it! He even bought her a present, although Dani lost the music player pretty quickly. Not that she hadn't loved it, but it was hard to keep track of belongings when you weren't used to having them. She couldn't wait to see what they would do this year.
A second passes before Dani realizes what's wrong with that statement. Her grin falls away.
It doesn't look like Maddie noticed, though. She's too busy frowning at the box of pads that are still in Dani's hands.
"Have you never...?" Maddie gestures to the box, but Dani doesn’t know what she means. With a sigh, Maddie reaches out and takes the pads, setting them down on the floor. "I guess it doesn't matter what they're for right now, then. We can talk about that later. For now, how are you?"
Dani shrugs. "Okay, I guess." She was better a few seconds ago when she forgot Danny was dead for a blissful moment.
"We understand that this is all very new for you. And it's hard for all of us right now. Take your time. If you need anything, let us know. Other than that, you can just focus on getting settled. We'll take care of the rest," Maddie says.
Dani doesn't know what else there could be to take care of, but she nods anyway.
"Are you hungry? It's a little after noon right now and I was going to start making lunch. I could use some company."
"I could eat," Dani admits. Before arriving this morning, she didn't think to grab breakfast anywhere, and it has been well over a day since her last meal. Her stomach cramps, far from the worst hunger pangs, but still annoying.
Maddie smiles and stands up. "Perfect." She waves her hand, gesturing for Dani to follow. When Dani rises off the bed, her eyes widen. It only lasts a moment, a second of stunned silence, but it's enough for Dani to drop to the floor, her boots thumping on the thick carpet, feeling rather self-conscious.
Neither of them mentions it as they head downstairs. On the way down, Dani strains her ears, listening for Jazz or Jack elsewhere in the house. Jack, she hears quite easily, unsurprisingly. Loud, tromping footsteps carry up from the lab, their beat steady and constant. He must be pacing, Dani thinks. It reminds her of Danny. He used to pace when simply thinking didn't suffice; he needed to move through some problems, treat them like physical things he could see and touch. That's how he explained it to her once, not that long ago.
Jazz, if she's still home, doesn't make a sound.
Dani takes up residence at the kitchen table, pulling out a chair and sitting with her legs crossed over the seat. Meanwhile, Maddie starts taking ingredients out of the fridge. Nothing fancy. Lettuce, tomatoes, a few packages of sliced meat. A small pile of vegetables grows in the empty space beside the sink.
"If you don't mind, can you tell me what it's like?" Maddie asks as she pulls a cutting board from a drawer.
"What what's like?"
"Being a halfa."
Maddie, with her back to Dani, misses the way she presses her lips together at that word. Halfa. It's not a bad word, per se. Danny never had any issue with it, as far as Dani could tell, but it never sat right with her.
"I'm not a halfa," she says.
Maddie's hand pauses halfway to the knife block. She looks over her shoulder, finally noticing Dani's grim expression. "Am I saying it wrong? That's the term Jazz used."
"It's Danny's word." Maddie flinches, but Dani presses on. "And Vlad's too, I guess. Being a halfa means being half human and half ghost, but I'm just me."
"But you have both forms?"
"Yeah, but I wasn't all human before I became part ghost. And I didn't have to die for that to happen."
Maddie quickly turns back to the counter. Dani can't see her face, but it is impossible to miss how her shoulders tense. She grabs a knife from the block and a tomato from the counter and makes her first cut. The knife thunks against the cutting board. "What's it like being you, then?" There's a tremble in her voice. "With your powers."
Dani shrugs. "I'm okay with them. I'm a pretty fast flyer since that's how I always get around. Faster than Danny was."
Another chop, another loud thunk.
"But I'm really good at the weird body stuff! I got the hang of it really fast!" Dani can't help but smile. She holds her arm out, watching it slowly turn green and goopy. The sleeve of her shirt melts into skin and fat drops or ectoplasm slip off onto the table. The goop clings to her bones, only held together by her force of will. If she wanted, she could let it disintegrate into a bubbling puddle. Even the bone can turn soft and malleable as a licorice twist, although she doesn't let it get that far.
Thinking about why she can do this always brings up bad memories, but Dani pushes those aside in favour of how cool it is that she can melt into slime at a moment's notice.
"Look! Look at this!" Dani jiggles her arm, giggling as bits of ectoplasm go flying.
Maddie isn't looking, though. When Dani glances up to check, she finds Maddie staring down at the counter. "Was it like that for Danny?" Maddie asks.
Dani's smile falters. "Maybe? I got lots of training before I met him, but he was still better than me with most stuff. He couldn't do this, though!" She gives her arm another shake, then slaps it down on the table with a loud splat for good measure.
Maddie still doesn't look, though. She resumes her chopping, grabbing a pepper while pushing the tomato aside. "Tell me more."
Lunch is brief. Maddie brings a small stack of sandwiches and a plate of salad down to the lab for Jack, along with a small container of fudge. She comes back upstairs long enough to grab her own food before joining him.
"We're making some of our weapons safer for you to be around," Maddie explains before disappearing downstairs.
Dani isn't too disappointed to be left alone. While talking with Maddie was nice, it was always about her powers, always came back to Danny. Did Danny like flying? Did he struggle with his powers? You have this ability, did Danny have it, too? Genuine curiosity lingered in Maddie's voice with every question. Dani knows she's a scientist, and with that job comes a need for knowledge, a desire to understand everything. Having Dani in the house provides a unique chance to learn everything she can about ghosts and half-ghosts.
But something else lurked behind the curiosity. Dani, in her inexperience, can't properly name what she had felt, but it irks her. Makes her feel off-centre. When Maddie leaves, and Dani has a minute to herself, she breathes out a sigh of relief.
Her food disappears quickly. The sandwich is good; simple, but good. Same with the salad. Dani never starved on the road, but she ate what she could steal, pre-packaged foods snagged off gas station shelves. Once or twice, she snuck into restaurants to steal plates right from the kitchen, but that required stealth and patience if she didn't want to get noticed.
Once she has finished eating, and her plate is licked clean, she doesn't know what to do. Maddie left the fixings on the counter along with her dirty utensils. After a moment's debate, Dani deposits her plate and fork in the sink. She's washing her hands, squishing soap between her fingers, when Jazz enters.
Like Maddie, Jazz pauses when she takes in Dani's ghost form, but she doesn't comment on it. "How was your nap?"
Dani shrugs. Dipping her hands under the faucet, she watches the soap wash away, bubbles forming at the bottom of the sink. "It was good."
"Good." Jazz gathers her lunch in silence, grabbing the sandwich Maddie left out for her and loading a plate with salad. Once her plate is full, she starts putting everything away. Cutting board and knife in the sink, vegetables back in the fridge, bread wrapped and retied.
Dani watches, noticing little aborted movements Jazz keeps making. When she goes to put the bread away, her arm jerks as if she was about to throw it. She catches herself at the last second and walks it to the pantry. After the food is away, she grabs a tea towel rather than a dishcloth, and reaches toward the left sink, only to stop.
Dani peers between the empty left sink, and the right sink with the dirty dishes. "Something wrong?"
"No, it's... it's nothing." Jazz folds the tea towel and lays it on the counter, then grabs the dishcloth instead.
"Want some help?" Dani asks.
Jazz blinks. A strange look crosses her face, a soft smile tinged with hope that, to Dani, doesn't fit the situation at all. Jazz holds out the dishcloth and says, "First one done picks the show."
Dani grabs the tea towel since it's closer. "That doesn't really make sense. I can't finish drying until you're done washing," she points out.
Jazz stares at the tea towel, her own hand curling tighter around the dishcloth. "No, I guess it doesn't."
Dani abandons her cloth with the first dish Jazz passes over, phasing the cutting board dry rather than doing it by hand. She doesn't bother opening the drawer, either, shoving the cutting board right through the door instead. It takes less than a minute to get all the dishes clean and put away.
Jazz picks up her plate once the kitchen is clean and heads out. With nothing better to do, Dani follows her. They end up in the living room, Jazz claiming the left side of the couch while Dani takes the right. The remote lays between them for a second before Jazz grabs it. As she reaches for it, slowly, she keeps looking at Dani, as if she's checking for something, expectingher to do something.
Instead, Dani looks around the room.
Of all the rooms in Fenton Works, this is the one she has been in the least. With three windows looking out into the street and the front door right there, she and Danny always thought it was too risky to hang out here, in case Maddie and Jack came home when they weren't expecting it. A few family photos hang on the wall, and the cushions are well worn. Dani notes a significant dip on the loveseat. That must be Jack's favourite spot.
A burst of music pulls Dani's attention to the television. Jazz has put on a TV show. It starts mid-episode, but Dani actually recognizes it, to her surprise. She's only watched TV a handful of times in her life, although she has snuck into plenty of movie theatres. Although she can't remember the show's name, she knows it's about space explorers. The actors look different for some reason, but those colour-coded shirts are undeniably familiar.
"Has a redshirt died yet?" she asks.
Jazz hits pause. "You know Star Trek?"
"Danny showed me some of it. It's okay, I guess." When she says this, Jazz's eyes widen. A flicker of hurt passes through them, although Dani has no idea why. She ignores it. "This doesn't look like what I saw," Dani adds.
"He probably showed you the original series. He liked to start with that," Jazz says, quieter than before.
"So, what's this, then?"
"One of the series from the 90s. Deep Space Nine, I think? It's... it's the most recent one he was watching." Jazz's hand drifts over the remote, her fingers skimming the play button. "Do you mind if we watch it?"
Dani shrugs. "I don't care."
Starting partway through the episode, Dani doesn't quite know what's going on, and she doesn't care much to find out. It's entertaining enough to watch, but sci-fi isn't her thing. Hard to get into a genre that her whole existence revolves around.
Jazz is still eating by the time the episode ends. She's done by the end of the next, her crumb-ridden plate sitting on the coffee table, but neither of them makes a move to stop the show.
Every once in a while, Jazz glances Dani's way. She thinks nothing of it, at first, but by the fifth episode a frown has etched itself into Jazz's face, and Dani is getting annoyed as they near the two-hour mark.
The next time Jazz discreetly turns her head, Dani snaps. "Yeah?" The couch bounces as she swivels to face Jazz.
Jazz starts, then flushes, embarrassed at being caught. "I was just wondering, aren't you tired? I know you were sleeping earlier, but you've been in your ghost form all days. It's not exhausting?"
Dani shrugs. "No? I'm almost always like this."
"But Danny always got really tired if he stayed in his ghost form too long. Sometimes he would pass out or just lose the transformation completely."
"I'm not Danny, though."
Jazz stills. "Right. No, yeah. I guess you aren't."
"I'm not," Dani affirms.
Jazz nods sharply, jerking her head, and snaps her attention back to the TV.
The Fentons clearly have their own daily rhythm, one that sees surprisingly little impact without Danny's presence. Maybe they have already filled in the gaps in the couple of weeks Danny has been dead, but Dani doubts it. More than likely, he spent so much time as Phantom that it affected his daily routine.
Maddie and Jack spend most of their time in the lab, or out roving the city in their RV. There hasn't been another ghost attack since the one that killed Danny, and it probably isn't a coincidence, but the eldest Fentons don't seem to take that into account.
"They're trying to keep things normal," Jazz says when Dani asks her about it on the third day. "It's a normal coping mechanism. A good routine can prevent depressive episodes, as long as they aren't overworking themselves."
Ironic considering how Jazz is always working. Despite being on break from college, Dani catches her every day studying hard, chipping away at some paper, or breezing through a textbook thicker than her fist. She also has a notebook she keeps with her most of the time, labelled "Memorial Plans." An event Dani still knows very little about.
Dani falls into her own routine in those first few days. At mealtimes, she keeps whoever is cooking company. Maddie, if she's home. Jazz any other time. Dani takes to waiting in the kitchen for them, around noon and later at six o'clock. The first couple times they walked in to find her there, they looked startled, then pleased. Jazz's eyes actually watered, once. It doesn't take long before Dani fills in as a helper. It's more entertaining than watching, and after so long on the road, there's something nice about learning to cook. A reminder that she has time for it, that she will be here tomorrow and can do it again.
She and Jazz keep watching TV together, although the time varies. Whenever Jazz wants to sit down for an episode—and it's never more than that, despite how long they watched the first day—she finds Dani and asks if she wants any "Trek time." Dani gets the remote only once, on their second time watching. Instead of Star Trek, she picks a sitcom that looks funny and normal.
Jazz keeps the remote after that.
The only person Dani doesn't spend time with is Jack. She sees him once or twice, lumbering through the hall between the kitchen and the lab. As far as she can tell, he sleeps down there. He must since she has yet to find him on the second floor where the bedrooms are.
When she's alone, Dani occupies herself with Danny's things. He has a lot of stuff, and she has no idea what to do with all of it, much less what he did with all of it. Posters especially elude her. What's the point of something that doesn't actually do anything? She goes through his closet the most, picking at his clothes. There are a few shirts close to her size, since Danny didn't get his growth spurt until last year, but none of them suit Dani's style.
On her fourth day at Fenton Works, more than half a week since she arrived, Dani has all the shirts that fit her laid out on Danny's bed. None of them fit perfectly, but she wants to wear something new. You get sick of the same hoodie and shorts after three years, even if they grow with you.
A heavy, thumping knock comes at the door.
Dani, distracted by the shirts, says, "I don't really feel like it right now, Jazz."
"Dani." A voice much deeper than Jazz's greets her. When she looks up, she finds Jack in the open doorway, ecto-gun in hand. "Can we talk?"
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feuillytheflorist · 4 years
the tomgreg coffee shop au i gave up on
i had good intentions but i’ll never finish this so i’m sharing it here. the unfinished coffee shop au that runs parallel to early season one where greg works at a fancy coffee shop instead of waystar (@@van1lla-v1lla1n & anybody else feel free to take any of this and put it in ur own shit! or pretend u never saw it)
The coffee shop downtown was full of uptight business men and women.
They came off Wall Street, out of the offices downtown and in the Financial District, and ordered either black coffee or fancy lattes and espressos-- it was a tossup, usually, Greg had found, though he and his co workers kept a running tab in the back of the orders.
(Greg didn’t know why they couldn’t make black coffee in their offices, but he supposed if you made a lot of money, five bucks for a large coffee didn’t matter.)
Most of them ordered while on the phone. One time a stern looking woman in a grey suit had been firing someone while she ordered a peppermint tea, a combination Greg laughed about afterwards.
He supposed it was good that they weren’t a chain cafe. Those places probably got the <i>really</i> angry people, who threw coffee back at you if it was wrong. The worst that had ever happened on one of Greg’s shifts was a middle aged man had taken a sip of his drink, made direct eye contact with Greg, and said it was the wrong drink, only for Greg to confirm that it wasn’t even his in the first place.
But hey, he wasn’t complaining. The place paid well enough, he got free coffee on his days off, and during the working hours, the clientele was mostly tourists and families.
Greg liked it most when the kids came in and he always somehow managed to have a screwed up cookie or some other snack that they were just going to throw away anyway. It made the kids smile, and the particularly hassled parents were usually thankful.
It was a break from the suits anyway.
Greg knew the regulars easily. He worked almost the same hours every week. Knew that the CFO of that accounting firm three blocks away was a tall blonde woman named Samantha who ordered an Americano every time unless she was especially stressed, because then she ordered tea and heaped sugar into it. One of the big name traders-- Greg didn’t know much else, was an older man named Matthew who was the only one who orderer hot chocolate all year round.
This man was new.
In general, it was fun to point out the customers you thought were attractive. He was sure it was a common occurrence, across countless coffee shops, in countless cities worldwide. Dani, the college student who worked Thursday morning with Greg thought that the daughter who sometimes came in with her banker father was cute, while Thomas, Greg’s Monday afternoon co worker had a thing for the red haired girl who studied there Monday mornings.
“So,” Dani leaned against the counter while Greg made the new man’s drink-- Tom, was the name he had given, and the name that was turning around in his head, “Are like, white collar forty year olds your type?”
“What?” She smiled, and twisted a braid around her finger, “Mr. Wall Street over there, in the fucking suspenders.” “Oh,” Greg frowned and topped off the latte. He wouldn’t have pinned Tom as a latte drinker, and he wondered if this was a regular drink for him, “What?”
She rolled her eyes, “He’s hot I guess, in a Dad kind of way.” “Hated that a little bit,” he put the lid on the cup, and returned to the counter. Tom looked up from his phone, where he’d been furiously texting for the past several minutes, “Here you go.” “Thanks,” he took the cup and then took a sip. Greg noticed this was common. They always took a sip before leaving the counter. Greg was <i>pretty</i> sure it was so they’d have easy access back in case it was wrong. Rich people were always eager to find something to complain about,
Greg smiled-- customer service smile, as Thomas called it, “you’re welcome. Come back soon.” Tom smiled back, a tight smile that people always gave them in response. He heard Dani laugh behind him, and when he turned she was looking at him, arms crossed. “Pathetic. Are you going to sleep with him?” “<i>What?</i>”
She laughed again, and returned to the register. Greg shrugged, and returned to the back, where he was supposed to be taking stock before the lunchtime rush really started.
In general, dating was off the table. Greg’s life was way too precarious to think about letting another person in to it, and besides, fantasizing about a customer you saw once and would possibly never see again was a fun thing to do occasionally, but was a waste of time. And <i>sure</i> he had thought Tom was attractive, but he thought plenty of people were attractive, this one was just obvious to Dani who happened to be watching him. It’d be fun to think about him when he walked in, but in general, unrealistic.
Greg put the thoughts of Tom the executive at the unknown location out of his mind, and focused on not losing track of his counting.
Evidently lattes were Tom’s thing because that’s what he stuck with whenever he came in.
“Suspenders is here for you,” Dani said, a week later, “He says you’re the only one that can make his fucking coffee. You better take care of this before I flip.” “Oh,” Greg frowned, “Uh, sure. You want to finish this order.” She nodded, “Anything to get away from him. He’s fucking annoying.” Greg shrugged, and went out front, where Tom was waiting at the cash register. Thankfully there wasn’t a line behind him that he was holding up-- people did that all the time and Greg was pretty sure it was eventually going to cause a riot.
“There you are, talented Mr. Greg,” he smiled, “You know I came here on Friday and you were absent? My latte was not as good.” “Oh yeah I’m off on Fridays,” Greg said, typing in the order. He didn’t bother waiting for Tom to actually tell him. He’d memorized it at this point, “Would you like anything else?” Tom shook his head, “No.”
“Four fifty,” Greg said, more out of habit than anything else, and Tom handed over his card. That was something else white collar people always did. Put everything on their card. Greg had only recently been allowed to use his card again, after it had been overdrawn for… several months, “It’ll be ready in five or so.” “I know,” Tom smiled tightly, “I’ve been up all fucking night. How much caffeine is in lattes, do you know?”
“Uh no,” Greg reached for a cup, “But like, if you want, I can add an extra shot of espresso. On the house.” “Would you?” “Sure,” Greg smiled, “You look pretty tired.” “My uh, future father in law is ill,” he said, “It’s been kind of a hectic time. I only just started a new job in addition to that.” “Oh I’m sorry to hear that, about your father in law,” Greg said. He felt a jab of <i>something</i> at the mention of a father in law, but shoved it away. It was unsurprising, and he had no Goddamn right to be anything about it. But it was like when you found out a celebrity you had a crush on was engaged. There hadn’t been any hope to begin with, but the part of you that liked to dream big was still upset at the loss, “I hope he gets better soon.”
“Thanks,” Tom smiled tightly, and the conversation fell quiet. Greg went to make the drink. Tom returned to his phone.
“I’m going to need the biggest size you’ve got,” Tom said, before Greg could even open his mouth to ask how his morning was going, “I’m in deep, deep shit.” “I’m sorry to hear that,” Greg replied. He didn’t understand the world of economics and business very well, but that couldn’t be very good regardless. He was pretty sure Tom worked in an office, not on Wall Street, but he still didn’t know what company he worked for. Tom kept his personal information vague and infrequent.
“Yeah,” Tom ran a hand over his face, “Yeah.”
“Like, do you know what you’re gonna do?” Greg asked, ringing up the order.
“Not a fucking clue,” Tom frowned, “It’s bad.”
“Is your father in law feeling better?” Greg asked. He knew it was risky topic. Maybe the man had fucking died, and it would just make things worse.
“Uh huh,” Tom said absentmindedly.
“Yeah my great uncle was sick for a little bit,” Greg said. His mother had called to tell him such, but he’d already seen the news, “But like, we haven’t seen each other in a long time.” Tom squinted at him, like he was trying to figure out why, exactly, Greg had said that. And in reality, Greg wasn’t sure why. Sometimes he just said things.
“Right,” Tom said, “Coffee?” “Oh sorry. One second.”
*** “You finally came out for drinks!” Thomas exclaimed when Greg slinked over to the bar. Greg liked Thomas because he didn’t put up with shit from any of the customers. He was in law school uptown, and came from California originally and Greg thought he was nice, if a little intense. That was probably the lawyer side of him.
“Yeah I finally paid off my credit card debt so,” Greg shouted back. It was a loud bar, the floor was a little sticky under his feet, and he felt exceptionally large all of the sudden, the crowd pressing against him from almost every direction.
Dani laughed, and slapped his shoulder, “Greg’s just sad because his executive boyfriend is getting married.” “What?” Henrietta, Dani’s roommate who worked at the diner a block away from the coffee shop called back, “Greg you have an executive boyfriend?” “No like,” he shook his head. It was too hard to hear in here, and he knew Dani was just joking, but he didn’t want that kind of false information getting out, “He’s a regular at the shop. Dani thinks I think he’s hot.” “He is kind of hot,” Thomas said, “I mean, objectively.” “He’s engaged,” Dani explained, shaking her head dramatically, “It’s not meant to be.” “You could be his mistress,” Thomas offered. The bartender brought over drinks and Greg took whatever they’d ordered for him, “I bet rich people treat their mistresses, like, really well.” “Mm,” Dani nodded, “I bet so.” “Yeah maybe,” he took a long sip. It burned a little, but anything to get out of talking about this.”
*** On Saturdays, Greg didn’t work until the afternoon. A cursory glance at Twitter the next morning told him two things.
The first was that Tom worked for Waystar, his Uncle Logan’s company. He knew all about Waystar because his grandfather hated it with the passion of a thousand suns-- that’s how Greg saw it anyway. He knew this because several articles had been published about the RECNY Ball, which Tom attended with his fiancée, Shiv.
That was the second thing Greg found out. Tom was engaged to his cousin. They weren’t first cousins. Greg wasn’t much into genealogy, but it was like a cousin removed or something. They’d never been close growing up. His mother kept them on the Christmas card list, but Greg hadn’t seen any of the Roys in several years. Even when he’d come to New York City, they ran in such different social circles that they hadn’t seen each other.
Much to his mother’s disappointment. She still thought he’d somehow be able to secure a job at Waystar with his half Roy bloodline, but he’d hardly had the opportunity.
And now there was this. It was really six degrees of fucking seperation wasn’t it?
Greg drove up to Canada for Thanksgiving. His Grandfather had agreed to go to Logan’s for the holiday. Much to everyone’s surprise, Greg was sure. His mother had informed him Marcia said he could go. Greg thought that was bound to be a fun revelation for all involved.
“Cousin uh, Craig,” Logan had said, motioning vaguely to Greg standing next to his Grandfather. Ewan frowned.
“It’s <i>Greg</i> isn’t it?” Shiv said, “Cousin Greg?” “Uh yeah,” Greg replied. A cursory glance said Tom wasn’t there, not yet at least. He wondered where he was, then decided he shouldn’t be wondering it.
“We’re glad to have you,” Marcia-- actually he assumed it was Marcia, they’d never met-- said. Her accent was French maybe, he thought, “Both of you.”
“Well no shit,” Tom said, when he arrived, an hour or so later, “Cousin Greg is my barista.” “Really?” Shiv said, looking between the two of them, “Greg’s the one that makes you those lattes?” “Small fucking world,” Tom smiled, and clapped Greg on the shoulder, “Family huh?”
“Ha yeah.”
There was a week Tom didn’t show up at all. Dani called him Romeo and lamented over a love that was never meant to be. Greg laughed, told her she didn’t know the half of it.
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ninja-hamsterstyle · 4 years
Mission Accomplished, Chapter 1
A/N: @bkwrm523​ gave me the idea. She helped come up with the title. She helped me come up with the summary. @bkwrm523​ is a great fucking friend and I love her.
Pairings: Nah
Warnings: Um... Suspense? Swearing? Mention of guns?
Words: 1,758
Summary: The freelancers get sent to assist a station in distress.  They do not expect what they find there.
The Reader’s P.O.V
  You remember waking to the catastrophe like waking from a strange dream.
  For a moment, you laid in bed groggily, cursing as you fumbled around the nightstand with one hand. Then you realized that the loud, blaring sound wasn’t your alarm clock.
  Your eyes flew open at the realization and you shot upright in bed, kicking the covers off as you fumbled for the light switch above the nightstand. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a red glow coming through the crack between your bedroom door and the floor.
  Red Alert.
  “Shit,” You swore viciously. What the hell was going on?
  Finally finding the light switch, you flicked it on, blinking as the lights came on glowing red as well. You barely gave yourself any time to adjust before you were flinging yourself out of bed and to the closet, nearly tripping in your haste to throw some clothes on.
  As you pulled on your shoes, you radioed down to the security station. Or at least tried to.
  “Y/L/N to security,” You said, pushing down the yawn that threatened to rise. You knew without looking at the clock that it was extremely early. “What’s going on? Why’s the red alert up?”
  Your inquiry was met with nothing but a crackle of static and then silence.
  Straightening from where you were kneeling to tie up your boots, you frowned at the com. Somebody should've answered you the moment you radioed in.
  You pressed its button and tried again. "Security? This is Y/L/N. What the hell is going on??"
  Still there was nothing.
  Frown deepening, you finished tying your boots before reaching into your nightstand for your taser. Sliding your com into your pocket, you hurried out the door, forgetting to turn off the lights in your haste.
  Meh. It was an emergency after all.
  Despite the alarm still going off and the red emergency filters over nearly every light, the hallway outside your quarters was strangely devoid of people. You swore again; what the hell was going on? This corridor should be filled with people hurrying to their stations, so where was everyone?
  Gripping the taser tightly in your hand, you walked quickly down the hall, in the direction of the security station. For the first dozen feet or so, you didn’t pass anyone except a couple of cleaning androids. You attempted to speak to them, but none of them would respond
  “Report,” You addressed the first one you came across. “What is going on? Why is there a red alert?”
  “Error 404,” A static-y computerized voice came from the android. “Please reboot the server and try your request again.
  You sighed and shifted your weight. “Reboot and restart,” You ordered the android. A high-pitched beep pierced through the loud wail of the red alert alarm, followed by a whirring sound as the android rebooted itself. When a blue light flashed in its eyes - a clear signal that it had restarted itself, you repeated your inquiry. “Report. What is going on? Why is the red alert up?” And why the hell wasn’t I notified?
  “E-e-error 404,” The android repeated its earlier response. “Please reboot the server and try your request again.
  You sighed again. “Fuck it,” You swore under your breath before addressing the robot again “Reboot and restart. Send maintenance a request to fix you.”
  “Affirmative,” The android replied, then the high-pitched beep and whir sounded again as it restarted and rebooted itself again. You winced at the sound piercing your eardrums as you walked away, resisting the urge to rub at your ears. You came across two other androids in the living quarters section of the station and attempted to get status reports from them as well but with no success. It seemed as though they were all malfunctioning at the same time.
  The thought sent a feeling of unease to your stomach. If you quickened your pace a tiny bit, well, nobody was there to notice.
  You breathed a sigh of relief when you reached the doors leading to the mess hall. Surely there’s someone who knows just what in the galaxy is going on, You thought.
  You were dead wrong however.
  The mess hall was just as empty as the corridor you’d just exited. The only thing in there with any semblance of sentience was - wait for it - yet another android. This one, at least, seemed to be working; it was kneeling in front of one of the replicators, seeming to be fixing it or something.
  “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” You said to the massive, empty room. You stared at the android for a brief moment, debating whether you should see if you could get a status report from this one. “Ah fuck it,” You muttered to yourself as you started walking over towards it. It was worth a shot, right?
  “Report,” You addressed it. The android didn’t stop working as you moved it, but that was normal. “Please tell me what the hell is going on in the station?”
  Sadly though, your life just seemed to be full of disappointments this morning.
  “Error 404,” The android jerkily started to reply.
  Of course.
  Of fucking course.
  “God damn it,” You muttered under your breath before joining the android in saying the last part. “‘Please reboot the server and try your request again.’ Yeah, sure. Thanks a lot.” This time you didn’t even bother telling it to call maintenance for a repair request.
  You turned to leave and was almost at the door when you noticed something. One of the ceiling vents right in front of the door was leaking… and it didn’t look like water. It was a semi clear, sticky-looking substance that appeared to drip from one corner of the vent. Eugh. You made a mental note to call that into maintenance when you reached the security station and edged around the ceiling vent, not wanting to find out what kind of substance it was.
  A few feet outside the mess hall, you finally, finally found someone sentient to talk to. You slid your taser into its holster on your belt and ran after the person.
  “Hey!” You called out. “Hey! Dani, wait up!”
  Dani, a friend from hydroponics, paused in her tracks, tensing, and slowly turned around, her hand going for… a gun? Tucked into her belt? Fear and anger was painted on her face...
  ... Your hand instinctively went to your taser…
  ... Then she saw your face and she seemed to sigh in relief, though she didn’t relax. Her hand didn’t leave her belt either and neither did yours.
  “Y/N, thank fucking god,” She said and smiled. Or at least she tried to; it came out strained looking and looked more like a grimace than an actual smile “Where the hell have you been?”
  “Looking for everyone else,” You replied. “I woke up to the red alert alarm going off. Dani, what the hell is going on? Where is everyone? I tried getting reports from the androids I’ve passed but all of them seem to be malfunctioning.”
  “Oh, they’ve been malfunctioning for a few hours now. There was a solar storm sometime during the night and I think it fucked up their internal processing or something.” For a moment, Dani’s voice was weirdly calm. Then her sad attempt at a smile faded. “Didn’t you call into the security station? I thought that was protocol.” Again, her hand twitched towards her belt.
  “I did but no one answered,” You said, your hand also twitching towards your own belt. Just what the hell was going on on this damn station? Why did Dani, who, as far as you knew was a pacifist or something, carrying a gun around? And where the fuck was everyone else? “... And the living quarters are dead as a doorknob. So is the mess for that matter.”
  Dani winced at yours words and looked around - for who or what, you weren’t sure because the hall was silent completely empty except for you both - then stepped closer to you. You tried not to tense.
  Her voice was just a whisper when she spoke again, “You, uh, didn’t hear it from me but, ah, rumor is there’s someone on the station who’s been going a, um… killing spree?”
  You blinked. “What?” A killing spree? Why didn’t anyone call you? This was serious shit.
  She nodded quickly. “Management’s been trying to squash the rumor, but they haven’t had much success. They’re currently telling everyone to remain calm and head to the safe rooms. Which was where I was headed.”
  It was your turn to nod. “That’s a good idea. You should head there. Right now” After a quick moment of thought, you pulled out your taser. “I’ve gotta get to the security station and find out why no one thought to radio me when this first began.” It was probably Johnson who’d neglected to call you. The stupid sexist pig.
  “Good idea.” Dani echoed your actions by pulling out her gun. You stared at it for a moment, wondering where she’d gotten it and how she’d managed to get aboard the station (guns were strictly banned by the company that owned it). Her free hand touched your arm and snapped you out of your reverie. “Be safe?” She offered, this time with a small but genuine smile. “And kick Johnson’s ass for me,” She added.
  You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Will do.” And with a small pat on her back, you gestured for her to head down where the hallway veered to the left. You waited until she turned the corner at the other end before turning and heading down where the hallway veered to the right. This time, you pulled your taser out as, well as your com, clutching both in separate hands.
  “Y/L/N to security,” You murmured into the com, receiving no reply but static in your return. Even if there was somehow someone on the other side of the line, there was no guarantee that they’d be able to hear you. But still, you had to try.
  “Y/L/N,” You murmured into the com again. “I’ve received a status report from a hydroponics worker and am coming to help. Stand by for assistance.” You held your finger down on the button for a moment or two longer than nessecary, briefly holding onto the hope that someone, anyone, would answer. But, of course, no one did.
  And no one would.
All Tags: @ivonstiel​ @meganwinchester1999​​ @mythrealfan​​ @fear0fdeathkeepsusalive​​ @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse​​ @starlightdobriks​​
Red vs Blue: @bkwrm523​ @thesoftdumbass​
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2am-euphoria · 5 years
Butterflies Out of Reach: 1.
- “Boogeymen don’t come after kids like you, not when they see that their parents are cops. The bad guys are scared of the good guys.” Her mind strangled itself each time she remembered this. What a “new mom” thing to say. What an “oblivious cop” thing to say. What a “new cop mom who needed a reality kick to the jaw” thing to say. She’d spend the rest of her life wishing could take that back. -
CW: Child abduction, grief and loss, some language 
Click “Keep Reading” to access the story.
-49 Hours Gone- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. She recounts the 5 worst nights of her life, but already knows that tonight, running alone in the forest, is the worst. She never realized that wet mud makes a sound similar to that of a suction cup until she heard the noises it made against her shoes as she ran. Never realized how even in the dead of night, and with only a Dollar Store flashlight to guide her, she could still see so many bugs flying around her face. Never realized how the sounds-or lack thereof-in the clearing made the hair on the nape of her neck stand up more than the John Carpenter movies her brother forced her to watch when they were kids. Dani was a proud New York City girl. She listened to the musings of others who claimed they “didn’t want to live and die on the same corner of the earth they grew up on” with one ear, and let it drift out the other. The history, culture, and personalities changed with each neighborhood she found herself in. That, to her, felt like she was moving to a different corner of the earth each time she turned a street corner. But her pride didn’t mean she’d never left NYC- she’d been to Long Island once or twice, and to the Adirondacks a handful of times with her mother and siblings. Supposedly had been to Connecticut and Vermont too, though she knew this only because her grandmother recalled those trips, ones that Dani didn’t remember. ___ One of her favorite stories to tell her coworkers (and Malcolm) was the last time she went up into the mountains with her family. Four year old Dani was so worried at the thought of a bear sneaking up on their campsite that she screamed and cried all night. Well, almost all night, that is, until her mother finally packed them all up at 2am and drove back to the city. They made it home sometime after 7am, scaring their father, who’d stayed behind and didn’t expect them home for another day. Dani’s older brother proudly explained “Mama took us home early because Dani was so afraid of bears that she screamed really, really loud, so we almost got eaten by one. So we left. Can I watch TV with breakfast?” ___ The fear of the unknown drove Dani out of the forest as a child. And now, decades later, it was a similar fear that made her simultaneously terrified and emboldened to keep going. This time she not only feared the unknown of the forest, but also feared the unknown of what might be happening to her daughter out here as well. 7 hours ago, they received a call at the station from a New Hampshire police officer, who told them about a trucker who spotted a young girl with drenched curly hair along the side of Route 112, in an area known as the Kancamagnus highway. She was standing next to a boy with blonde hair, who looked older and unrelated to her, and both stood next to an adult who was grabbing something out of a trunk of a car. The trucker who called in was also a hunter, and claimed that he decided to call the police because these children stood frozen in fear with their eyes on the adult, like “a deer staring in the direction of a gun.” Gil had immediately tried to dismiss the trucker’s claims, stating that he couldn’t have gathered that kind of information even if he was going 20 mph and purposely looking at these children instead of the road. But after hearing of the way the trucker described these two young children looking at an adult in fear, as if they were this person’s prey, her stomach sank into her gut and she knew. She excused herself to the bathroom while Malcolm, Gil and JT debated the trucker’s reliability, and snuck out the back door of the station. She came home to her and Malcolm’s apartment, packed a bag that was more suitable for an overnight at a motel than a camping trip, and set her sights-and her GPS-on New Hampshire. And now here she was, running through a clearing deep in the woods surrounding the highway, her adrenaline sustaining her after that cup of convenience store coffee had finally worn off. Chasing two sets of footprints along the tire marks on the ground, one of which belonged to a child small enough to be her daughter’s, the other belonging to what her anxious thoughts believed to be that of the young boy the trucker had seen. No sets of adult footprints. Good, Dani thought, good thinking. Run far away from that bastard. Someone’ll get them later. Her flashlight’s beams showed her that she was almost halfway through the clearing, and after that she’d need to enter the woods. Her heart hitched at this realization, and she felt a twinge of that childhood fear of the forest resurface, so she tried to bury it under thoughts of her daughter being out there. If Dani was scared, she had no doubt that her four-year-old would be frightened too. And unlike four-year-old Dani, scared out in the woods during a camping trip, her little girl couldn’t immediately seek comfort in her mother. She cussed under her breath at the sinking mud beneath her feet, and tried to run faster. Moments later, though, Dani cussed at herself for running quicker, because the footprints disappeared. Initially she wondered if she’d begun stepping in them, becoming careless in her attempt to speed up. Ten steps backward and ten steps forward, however, discredited that idea. The footprints dropped from two sets to one-those of what was likely the older child-about 6 steps behind (Dani had counted and re-counted repeatedly), and then took a sharp turn off the tire track path and into the tall grass. Her flashlight, its glow dancing from the shaking of her hand, showed another path where the grass had been trampled, leading up a small hill and into the thickness of the dark woods. The beams of the flashlight shook even harder. Dani grabbed her trembling hand, realizing she had instinctively done what Malcolm did whenever his psychogenic tremor plagued him. Her breaths, shallow from the effort of running, turned into wheezes as she started to hyperventilate. Her whole body shook as she folded in on herself like a lawn chair, nearly crouching against the earth. Her daughter was missing. She was out in the forest, ALONE, and she hadn’t told Malcolm. Her daughter was missing. Her phone battery was nearly dead from trying to use the GPS while wandering off the road into the forest (“bad idea, idiot,” she thinks to herself). Her daughter was missing. Her daughter was missing.  “A-Alea,” Dani wheezed. Just saying her name out loud was enough to pull her from confusion into a certain panic. “Alea!” ____________ As the patrol car glided along the curves of Route 112, Malcolm thinks of Maura Murray. The 21-year-old UMass Amherst nursing student wrote to her professors that she was taking time off from school due to the death of a family member, packed up half her belongings into her worn-down car, and headed north to a destination unknown. Later that same night she would get into a car accident, and after declining help from a bus driver who had noticed her situation, she disappeared into the woods, never to be seen or heard from again. He closes his eyes, and remembers how he had discussed her case with Dani years ago. ___ One of their favorite down-time activities involved looking up old cold and controversial cases and sharing their perspectives on what happened: her coming from the perspective of a cop, his from that of a profiler. Malcolm believed that she had somehow been murdered, her body hidden initially beneath the February snow and eventually by time. Dani, who was typically the realist during these conversations, echoed a theory proposed by an author who covered the case: Murray willingly left with someone else, perhaps to start a new life after a run-in with the law during her junior year. “She was a runner in college, right?” Dani had called to him from her usual spot on the couch. “Sometimes people run for sport, and sometimes they run from their pasts.” “True,” he had mumbled in response. Dani laughed about how she was thinking with his imagination and symbolism for once, while he’d sided on the idea of it being an open-and-shut case. “Well…moving on,” Malcolm huffed from the kitchen; out of sight Dani giggled, knowing she’d stumped him at his own game. “What about Casey Anthony?” “Malcolm,” Dani barked back, her voice stern. He saw his wife’s head perk up from the couch, her eyes glaring daggers in his direction. “Gross. That’s in poor taste, considering everything we have now.” She’d been using this tone since she became pregnant 3 months earlier. Normally there was a hint of teasing in her voice when she chastised him, but not so much anymore. Part of him wondered if it was hormones making her more quick to anger; part of him wondered if she’d picked up on the tone his mother used with him when she was stern and was testing it out, either for their soon-to-be daughter or him (or both). He left his spot at the island and treaded over to her, somewhat cautious in his steps. “I’m sorry, honey. You know I didn’t mean it like that.” He leaned over the back of the couch to where she lay sprawled out under a blanket, her hands on her growing stomach. “Sure you are,” Dani muttered, leaning up to kiss him. She reached back and pulled one of his hands off the couch to rest it on top of the knit quilt and the life they’d created just underneath it. Malcolm smiled against her lips, and she did the same. -“Bright-“ His blue eyes snapped back open, icecaps staring back at hazel. “I mean it!” he said, pulling away and glancing towards the kitchen. Her grilled cheese was nearly finished, judging by the sizzling it made on the stovetop. 
-“Hey, Bright-“ Dani rolled her eyes and stifled a laugh. ___ “Bright, have you checked your phone yet? Come on. I thought you didn’t sleep.” JT shoved Malcolm’s arm in annoyance. Malcolm returned from his reverie, noticing JT and Gil staring at him in concern; from the rearview mirror, he could also see the New Hampshire cop who was  driving giving him a weary look as well. “Um, no….No, nothing. As in nothing, she’s sent me nothing. Look,” he stammered, and flashed his lock screen, devoid of notifications, at the officers around him. JT sinks back against his seat with a huff. Gil sighs. The cop flicks his eyes back onto the road. “You’re certainly right though, kid, she’s gotta be out here.” Gil had pulled down the passenger rearview mirror to make eye contact with him. His eyes were full of concern. When Malcolm and the others noticed Dani was no longer at the station earlier that afternoon, Malcolm had raced home to search for her. She was nowhere to be found, but judging by the state of her belongings strewn about the room, Malcolm could tell she had a hunch, and no one was going to stop her from following through on it. He had phoned Gil to tell the senior detective to call the New Hampshire state police immediately, and prepare for a long drive. They were now driving along Route 112, hoping that they’d spot her car parked along a breakdown lane. Malcolm felt that deep down, Dani would know well enough to leave clues as to where she was, and wouldn’t completely conceal her location. Yet he had no idea what he or the team would do if they never found her car. He didn’t want to think about it. Suddenly, his phone vibrated against the sweaty palms of his clasped hands. He unlocked it. I knew you wouldn’t leave me hanging, he thought when he saw who it was from. “She just shared her location with me; I know where she is!” ____ Four miles up the road from where they were when Malcolm got a text, Dani’s car was pulled over alongside a breakdown lane. One of the New Hampshire cops balked when he noticed the car was unlocked, thinking she may have been taken; Malcolm reassured him that it was a sign. His wife, despite seeming completely organized in comparison to him, had a bad habit of leaving their car doors unlocked. Malcolm, ever the tease, started keeping tallies of every time she’d do it within a month. In the spirit of playing games with him, Dani told him that she’d learned her lesson, but that from then on she’d only leave their car doors unlocked to send him a message: “I’m aware that I’m not supposed to be doing something, but I’m doing it anyway.” Malcolm tossed one of the New Hampshire state troopers two items, each in their own plastic bag:  a satin hair tie Dani used often, and a pair of Alea’s socks. “Let’s find them.” Within minutes the dogs were straining against their leashes, yearning to course down the ravine that lead into the forest. Edrisa met up with the rest of the team from an accompanying patrol car, with a bag full of equipment making all sorts of clanging noises as she hastily joked over to meet them. She flashed them all an anxious smile. She had a pair of non-latex gloves on. Malcolm swallowed hard at the sight of them. She put gloves on when investigating a crime scene, with the idea that she needed more than a tissue covering her hand to lift up evidence. She wore gloves when she thought she’d be handling bodies. Author’s Notes: -I want to clarify that I’m writing/editing this after having a crappy week and going out for dinner/drinks with a grad school friend BECAUSE of said crappy week so I’m typing and editing with hard cider eroding my brain. My apologies. I will happily edit this if need be. -I looked up the approximate travel times for a random mountain in the Adirondacks to the Bronx, as well as the travel times between NYC and the Kancamagnus, but I’m not a New Yorker and have no idea what I’m doing so DON’T COME FOR ME -Thanks for letting me get a little side-tracked about Maura Murray. She was attending the college I’m now an alumni of, and her case has haunted me ever since I heard about it. Apparently her car is still out there somewhere along the highway, never having been towed home. I hope that her and her family can someday find peace after all these years. -Hopefully will have chapter 2 up soon! Thanks to all of you who read this!
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mint-yooxgi · 6 years
[3] - Belonging - Wolf!Junmyeon X Reader
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Wolf AU - Part of the EXO Trails of Moonlight Series
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature
Pairing: Junmyeon X Reader
Words: 2,446
A/n: Next part, yay! I think this one is pretty cute. Shit will be starting to go down in the next few chapters, so stay tuned! Also, I'm super excited for you all to see what I have in store for this series! I hope you enjoy, and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
Previous ~ Next
“So, when did you all arrive to town?” Junmyeon asks, looking at you from the corner of his eyes as the two of you walk down the street.
“A few weeks ago,” you reply, hearing him hum in acknowledgment. “My uncle doesn’t like to follow the rules, though.”
“Oh?” His eyebrow raises, “and would you say you take after your uncle?”
“Sometimes,” you smirk, “think you can handle it?”
“Of course,” he smirks right back, a small rumble sounding in his chest at the challenge. Soon, a small silence is settling over the two of you as you continue to walk down the street. That is, until he breaks it once more, “was that your pack back at the meeting?”
You can hear the genuine curiosity in his voice, as well as a hint of tension, almost as if he doesn’t like the fact that there are more males in your pack than females. You can tell he’s getting jealous, but at the mention of your pack, you cannot keep the sigh from escaping your lips, “yes, it was.”
“They seem…” he pauses to find the right word, “nice.”
Immediately, you let out a snort, “the only two people in my pack that are actually tolerable are my uncle and Dani. Although, Dani can sometimes frustrate me with how passive he can be at times. The rest of my pack can’t stand me.”
“What?” He asks, disbelief clear in his voice. He can hardly believe that anyone would dislike you. You, his perfect, beautiful mate.
“Yeah, ever since I joined the pack the four of them seem to hate me,” you shrug, used to how they treat you already, but the way you act so nonchalant about it causes a frown to pull at Junmyeon’s face. “However, none of the seem to hate me as much as Yisung does.”
Junmyeon has to suppress the growl that wants to escape his lips. Whoever this Yisung guy is has another thing coming if he harms you in any way. Suddenly, Junmyeon remembers the wolf who body slammed you as you were leaving the clearing the other day, and his expression grows hard.
“Was he the one who tackled you as you were leaving the clearing?” He questions, despite already knowing the answer,
You hesitate slightly, not realizing he saw that happen the other day, “yeah.”
“That bastard,” this time, he cannot stop the growl from escaping his lips. Immediately, he’s stopping in his tracks and turning to look at you, hands coming up to cup your face, inspecting you for injuries. “Are you okay? He hurt you, didn’t he?”
He then realizes the position the two of you are in, and promptly removes his hands from your face. His wolf lets out a whine in protest, and he notices how your eyes follow the movement of his hands almost longingly once he removes them.
“Junmyeon, I’m fine,” you give him a reassuring smile, but with the look he’s giving you, a look so full of concern and a fondness you’ve never seen before, you find you cannot lie to him. “I had a bruised rib for about half a day, but it wasn’t that bad. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Bastard,” Junmyeon growls once more. “I can’t believe he would hurt you like that, harming his own pack member.”
“Believe me, I’ve had worse,” you reply without thinking, continuing to walk down the street, and immediately regret it.
“What?” You can feel the snarl that rips through his throat at your words.
“It’s nothing, forget I said anything,” you shake your head, but before you can take another step, he stops you.
“(Y/n),” his tone is now filled with worry, but you can still hear the undertone of anger lingering in his voice.
“Please just drop it for now,” you turn to look him in the eyes, and the look you give him is sorrowful, causing both your wolves to whine in your chests. “I really do not want to talk about it.”
“Alright,” he sighs, releasing the grip he has on your arm.
The two of you continue on walking for a little bit in silence. You can tell he’s still thinking about what you’ve just said, and despite the fact you’ve both just met, he’s already worrying about you. You think it’s sweet, but highly unnecessary. You know for a fact that you can take care of yourself, but he doesn’t. Looks like the two of you still have a lot to learn about each other.
“Are you hungry?” He asks after a few minutes, successfully breaking the growing silence around you. Before you can respond, your stomach answers for you, letting out a small rumble which causes him to chuckle, “I’ll take that as a yes. Come on.”
With that, he leads you a bit further down the street to a small diner located on the corner. The atmosphere of the place once you walk in is very comforting, giving you an almost nostalgic feeling that you can’t quite place your finger on.
The diner is retro themed with black and white checkered tiles and red booths, causing a smile to to tug at your lips. You quickly scan the area, and see two of the wait staff behind the bar, grabbing food and taking orders.
Junmyeon leads you over to a booth in the corner, the both of you sliding into your respective sides. Not even a minute later, one of the girls from behind the counter comes over to your table and places two menus down in front of you.
“Welcome to Ray’s Diner- oh, hey, Junmyeon,” the girl smiles at him, and immediately your eyes are narrowing at her. You can tell she’s also a wolf.
“Hey, Saeyoung,” he greets back with a smile. “How’s work been so far?”
“Oh, you know, the usual,” she replies, shrugging slightly. “Can I get you two something to drink to start?”
You both tell her your drink orders and she walks away from your table, giving you both time to look over the menus. You open yours and skim through the different options, your wolf pacing restlessly.
“Who was that?” You do your best to make the question sound casual, but with your slightly raised eyebrow, and subtle irritation in your tone, Junmyeon can tell you’re jealous.
“Oh, Saeyoung?” He hums, amusement clear on his features. He’s loving the fact that you’re already feeling possessive over him. “She’s part of my pack.”
Immediately, you relax, a small blush rising up your neck from assuming things, “oh.”
“She works here on evenings and weekends to help pay for school,” he explains, watching you from across the table, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Here are your drinks,” her voice pulls you out of your thoughts as she places your drinks on the table with a polite smile on her face. “Did you know what you’d like to order, or would the both of you like more time to decide?”
Junmyeon looks at you, and you nod your head, “I think we’re ready.”
The two of you order your meals, Saeyoung writing them down on her pad before going off to deliver them to the kitchen. 
You take a sip of your drink, and you can feel Junmyeon’s eyes on you, watching your every move. A soft look of adoration is on his face as he takes you in sitting across from him. He can still hardly believe you, his mate, are here, sitting with him at the local diner, about to share a meal with each other.
“What?” Your nervous giggle manages to pull him out of his thoughts.
“You’re just so beautiful,” he sighs, dreamily, resting his head on one of his hands.
Your wolf lets out a happy yip at his words as a faint blush dusts your cheeks.
“Wait, did I just say that out loud?” He asks, eyes wide as a blush spreads across his own face.
“Yes, you did” you giggle once more. He covers his face with both his hands, letting out a quiet ‘oh my god’ in the process. “It’s okay, now I don’t feel as nervous to tell you that I think you’re really handsome.”
He looks up at you from above his hands, noticing how you’re smiling softly at him now. Despite your words, a small blush is still visible on your neck, and he can’t help the happy yip his own wolf lets out, not only at your words, but seeing you react like this as well.
“Will you tell me more about your pack?” You ask him, curiosity reflected in your eyes.
“Of course,” he replies. After all, how can he say no to his mate, especially when you’re looking at him like that. “Well, I’m one of the alphas of the pack, along with Kris, who was the other wolf with me tonight. We were both alphas of separate packs until we decided it would benefit the both of us to join up together. We live about a kilometre and a half away from that clearing in a fairly large house, considering there’s twelve of us living there.”
“Wow, twelve?” You comment, eyebrow raised slightly. “Must not get a lot of privacy then.”
“Eh, it depends on where you are in the house. We have a few friends that are witches so they’ve cast a few spells so that at least all of our rooms are soundproof,” he replies with a shrug.
Your eyebrow twitches as your wolf hums in your chest. You can only assume the reasons why they soundproof their rooms, none of them at all innocent. Your heart skips a beat as your mind begins to wander, wondering how loud you can get Junmyeon to moan your name, or rather, how loud he can get you to scream his.
He clears his throat, sensing the spike of your arousal, and he knows exactly what you’re thinking about, for he’s thinking the exact same things. He bets you’d sound so beautiful moaning out his name for him as he takes you from behind. Your neck would look beautiful sporting his mark for everyone to see that you’re his.
Luckily, the both of you are snapped out of your thoughts as Saeyoung places your food in front of you, uttering a polite ‘enjoy your meal’ as she walks away.
“That’s… convenient,” you say, staring down at your food, and avoiding his eyes for the moment. Quickly, you change the subject, “so you mentioned you live with twelve others? I know Saeyoung is one of them, and Kris. I’m assuming the three wolves from the clearing also live with you then?”
“Yeah, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, and Minseok,” he nods. “Minseok is actually the oldest of all of us, but sometimes he doesn’t act like it. Then there’s Yixing, Tao, Baekhyun, Jongin, Jongdae, and Sehun. Sehun is the youngest of the pack.”
“I see,” you reply, digging into your meal as he does the same. “Have any of them also found their mate yet?”
“No, not yet,” he smiles slightly, proud to be the first of his pack to find their mate.
You smile back at him, and for the rest of the meal, the two of you keep a pleasant conversation going. You both ask each other questions, getting to know each other better over the next hour and a half. This is the happiest and most relaxed you’ve been in a while, you never want this night to end.
Once the two of you are finished eating, Junmyeon offers to pay for your food, but you refuse, wanting to pay for the meal yourself. The two of you end up bickering about it for a minute before you finally win the argument.
“How about this, you pay for me the next time we go out,” you reason with him, and immediately a grin breaks out onto his face at the promise of a next time with you.
“That sounds good to me,” he answers, smile never leaving his face.
He walks you out of the diner after the two of you bid goodnight to Saeyoung, walking down the street back the way you came. He walks close enough to you now that your shoulders brush every now and then.
“Thanks for showing me around town,” you say once the two of you make it back to the front of the atrium. “I had a really good time.”
“It was my pleasure,” he smiles, shoving his hands in his pockets to keep himself from reaching out to touch you. “Would you like me to drive you home? It’s pretty late.”
“No, that’s okay, I wouldn’t want to be a bother,” you smile. “My house isn’t too far anyways.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, reluctant to let you leave so quickly. He’s only known you for a short while, and already he loves being in your presence so much that the thought of you leaving him has his beast whining in discontent.
“I’ll be okay,” you reassure him. “Thank you, though.”
With that, you quickly place a kiss to the side of his cheek, turn around and begin to walk to the edge of the woods. To say Junmyeon is stunned would be an understatement, and he cannot help the content sigh that leaves his lips as he feels the spot on his cheek tingling where you kissed him.
“Wait!” He calls out to you, snapped out of his bliss in a short moment. His call has you turning around, seeing him jog slightly to catch up to your figure which is nearly at the tree line. You look at him expectantly. “When can I see you again?”
A smirk tugs at the corner of your lips as you watch him wait for your response with bated breath.
“Meet me tomorrow night at the clearing,” you tell him, and once you see him nod in understanding, you’re turning around once more to face the trees. You begin to walk away from him once more, but not before calling from over your shoulder, “goodnight, Junmyeon.”
He watches your figure disappear behind the trees, staring longingly after you. A smile soon breaks out onto his face as he thinks about being able to see you, and spend more time with you tomorrow night.
Heading back to his car, he unlocks it, and slides into the drivers seat. Starting the engine, he looks at his eyes in his rearview mirror, and notices how golden they’ve become. 
He lets out a content sigh, “until tomorrow.”
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bendthekneejon · 5 years
More Deleted Scenes
More deleted scenes from TBAWY.
These ones should go after the chapter “No More Fear”.
Olenna Tyrell gives Dany some useful advice ;)
Arianne went to get Dany out of the computer room. She had been there all evening. She hadn’t even noticed when had the night fallen. She pressed her fingers against her aching eyes. She had been extracting data from the Bloomberg computers and analyzing every single number she could see. She looked around at all the rows of computers with dark screens, only a couple of people were in the room besides her.
No one was keeping her there until late. Professor Tyrell did not demand her to do so. It was her own will to finish what she had started during the day instead of leaving it for the next one and losing track of what she was doing.
Besides Jon, her best friends were the only ones who knew about the problem with Viserys. It had also been a shock to Arianne to hear such news, as she had been close to the family since they were little. He was getting better, though. He had been in rehabilitation for a couple of months. It was difficult and he had wanted to leave a couple of times, but he had not done so, which at least was a good indicator. Her mother, Rhaegar and she had recovered from the initial shock and went on with their daily lives, which at least for Dany was the best way of coping instead of staying in her room crying or lying in her bed with her laptop watching Netflix until late, clicking on any movie or TV show and just staring at the screen, many times without actually being interested in what she was watching.
At least now she could focus more on work and school, but then Jon or her friends would insist that she spent too much time on those activities and needed more time to relax. She had said no multiple times to going out clubbing with her friends, which she hardly ever used to deny. She would prefer now to curl up in bed, most of the times with Jon but sometimes alone as well, and just put on a movie or read a book.
Yet Arianne wanted to take her out for a drink with their friends, insisting she would buy. Even though she was exhausted and her limbs felt heavy, pressing down her body, she agreed to go with her, Margaery and Myrcella to school’s pub and clear her head. Each took their glass of beer in their hands and walked from the bar to a wooden, round table. It was a Wednesday night, perhaps nine thirty, so not many people were there besides them.
They talked about their classes, internships they were looking for, their day, the party from the previous weekend, politics, feminism, what TV shows they were watching or how their love life was doing.
“Dany,” Margaery said. “How long have you and Jon been together exactly?”
“Almost three years now.”
Myrcella gasped. “Holy shit.”
“Time flies,” said Arianne. “Three years of getting laid every day.”
“I mean…not every day," Dany replied. "But…kinda, yeah.”
“Did you guys think we would be together for this long? Jon and I?” she dared to ask them.
Her three friends stayed silent, an obvious answer to her question.
“I’ll speak for myself and say no,” Margaery told her. “You guys were so different.”
“So different, Dany,” Arianne said.
“You’re…so extroverted and outgoing and he couldn’t even say more than three sentences together,” Myrcella said.
“But it’s so clear he loves you,” Margaery said. “What I couldn’t understand, though, was…what drew you so much into him? Into someone so different from you? Into someone you took to parties and just stood there awkwardly?”
Myrcella turned to Margaery and told her, “You know why.”
Margaery laughed out loud. “Ohhh! Because he’s great in bed!”
Dany laughed, “Come on, that’s not the reason. That’s not the only reason,” she said, making them laugh. “No, really, he was so nice, we had such a good time together. I don’t know, I felt good with him, he made me feel comfortable.”
“Awww,” said Margaery, “So it wasn’t the sex, then?”
“It wasn’t, cause, well…we didn’t have sex until our fourth month together.”
“What?!” said Myrcella.
“WHAT?! Shut the fuck up,” said Margaery.
Arianne only laughed with her beer in her hand, she already knew this. In fact, Dany had told her right after her first time.
“I know,” Dany smiled, looking down at the table.
“Why?” Margaery asked.
“He just wasn’t ready. He got…too nervous about it.”
“You are the definition of patience,” Arianne told her.
“Come on, four months is not that much!” Myrcella said, who hadn’t had sex yet.
“Was it worth waiting, though?” Margaery asked.
Dany smiled, “Totally.”
“I’ve always said so, shy guys are the best in bed,” Arianne said.
Dany laughed, “I can’t disagree. The first weeks after our first time were crazy.”
Arianne laughed. “Remember this Myrcella, after your first time you will be horny all the time.”
“All the time,” Dany agreed, and they all laughed.
She did not take for granted having people that cared for her—her friends, her boyfriend, her family. When she was born, her mother and her brothers had decided that she would never have a life like the one they had had with her father at home. Even Viserys.
Time flew by that night and Dany did not regret for a second coming along to meet her friends. They drank a little more than planned, not caring that it was a school night, they had such fun together they didn’t want to leave and stop joking and laughing. Her friends knew he was in rehab now, but they knew better not to bring up the topic tonight and ruin her mood. It had not been easy to laugh these past months as much as before.
With the passing of days, the thoughts of work and school took over the ones from her family, undermining them, pushing them to the back of her head. She usually went to class, have lunch, worked with Olenna Tyrell, go back to her dorm or to Jon’s place to spend the night there. Cuddling with him in bed, hugging him and feeling his body warmth and his scent on the sheets, was a somniferous. It lulled her to sleep as opposed to staying up, staring at the roof when she was in her bed on her own.
She had class in the mornings and worked after lunch, so she sometimes ate with Olenna in the cafeteria.
“I don’t think Margaery would ever sit with me in the cafeteria,” Olenna told her one time.
At the start, it felt funny to be sitting down with a professor, but then she stopped caring about it, she had the most interesting conversations about economics with her, and with every word she said, Dany admired her even more.
“Now, dear, I must say,” Olenna cleared her throat as she cut a piece of grilled fish. “I don’t want you to work excessively on this. No more than it’s good for you. Margaery told me you were not going through an easy time.” Dany sighed. She did not like being pitied or perceived as weak—as somebody who needs to say if work is too hard. She only wanted to get things done right. Olenna was such a remarkable woman, academically, that Dany wanted her to think the same about the work she was doing. “Don’t worry, she did it with the best intentions. She’s worried about you. I don’t want you to feel overloaded with work all day, alright? Let me know if it feels like too much or if you don’t feel okay and need to go. This should not make things worse for you.”
Dany nodded and smiled. “Thank you very much, professor. Much appreciated.”
“Now, I don’t want to intrude in your personal problems, you don’t have to tell me about them. I just want to let you know that they will pass. Look at me, I’m so old, am I not? Life hits you hard, I know it, dear.”
Dany gave her a tiny smile and nodded.
“Oh, to be your age again!” Olenna continued. “There's so much I wish I could have done when I was young. You’re in your early twenties, dear, the best years of your life.”
“I guess so. That’s what everyone says,” Dany replied.
“Daenerys, I’ll give you some advice.” She cleared her throat. “If I could go back in time to when I was your age…” she looked around, leaned in and silently, almost whispering, said, “I’d have so much sex.”
“What?” Dany laughed awkwardly.
“All you can, dear,” Olenna nodded.
“Professor…Tyrell,” Dany chuckled, foolishly trying to keep her cheeks from reddening.
“You’re luckier to live in a time when women are so…free when it comes to that topic. It’s not the solution for everything, but do you know how much serotonin you release by doing so? You have no idea how much you’ll miss it in the end. Now you’ve got all the energy in the world. In the blink of an eye, you’ll have children and there’ll be no more time for it,” Olenna continued.
Dany nodded, smiling nervously, “I guess so. I think we’re doing fine, my boyfriend and I.”
“Good,” Olenna replied. “Just don’t tell Margaery we’ve been talking about this, she’d never speak to me again.”
Dany laughed. Jon had to hear about this.
“Do you think it’s true, though?” she asked him, moving her bare feet in the air as her legs hung down the kitchen counter, as he washed the dishes at his place after dinner. “That we should have all the sex we can these years before work and children fuck it all up.”
“I guess. She’s old, she’s been through it. She must know,” he said, making her chuckle. “And couples over forty…I just don’t think they have much sex, you know? It shows. They're arguing all the time. They're sex-deprived.”
She laughed, but then asked, “Will that happen to us?”
He dried his hands with a kitchen towel and stood in front of her, placing them on the counter on either side of her.
“I hope the hell not. I mean, I hope we can bang this often our whole lives but…we won’t always have this energy and…flexibility and strength. So, why take risks?”
She grinned and nodded, “Yeah, you’re right.”
He held her face with both hands, cold from the sink water, and pressed a kiss to her lips.
“Now?” he asked.
She chuckled and said, “Okay.”
She opened her mouth wider against his lips. She had to do some reading for the following day, but thirty more minutes with her boyfriend would not do her any harm.
“Here?” she asked when she felt his fingers unzipping her pants. “In the kitchen? Like a freaking porn video?”
“We could go to bed if you want,” he said. “You choose.”
She hesitated, the kitchen was not too comfortable, but it could be good for a change.
“Okay, here," she smiled.
He chuckled and restarted the kiss, passing his hand underneath her blouse. Her stomach contracted by the touch of his cold hand. He slowly moved it up to her ribcage while she grabbed the nape of his neck with both hands.
She suddenly laughed between his kisses.
"What?" he asked.
"I just think the situation is funny," she said, pressing more kisses on his lips. "We're gonna fuck because my boss told me so. Because my friend's grandmother told me so."
Jon laughed, "And because we are," he kissed her lips, "such," one more kiss, "a horny," another kiss, "couple." He let go and said, “Wait, let me bring the vibrator.”
She laughed as he rushed into his room. “Hurry up!”
4 notes · View notes
freya-july · 4 years
ophelia || casseya
new discovery .  teasing  .  incest encounter
Freya July:
Freya hadn’t lied.  For the past week she’d been planted on her couch at night with her work phone talking to her clients and getting them off with nothing but the sound of her voice and a vivid imagination.  It was great seeing as she couldn’t really sleep most nights anyway, that meant more hours raking in cash since she legit had no other way of doing that now.  The med thing, with Cassie holding onto them, made her feel more at ease with the whole situation but it meant giving her a key so that she couldn’t outright refuse to let her in at night. Tonight was like all the other nights this week.  She sat on her couch in a pair of ivory linen bed pants that rode low on her hips and a matching baggy cotton crop top.  Her hair was up in a messy bun and her feet were bare.  The phone was held up to her ear as she talked to the third client of the evening.  “And I’m there at your feet, Miss.  Naked.  Needing, wanting, craving your touch.”  Her tone was seductive, her accent was English subtly so as to mask the American accent she normally had.  She added in a whimper for good measure.  “Please... please touch me?  I’ll be good.  I’ll be so good for you- your good girl.”  To any on looker she appeared to be having a normal conversation.  “.... if that’s what you want, Miss.  you know I will.  I’ll crawl, I’ll beg-  I’ll do whatever you want. “
Cassandra July:
Cassandra wasn’t someone who liked being cooped up, she needed to get out, be doing something, so when Rosalyn was fast asleep, Cassie was wide awake and in need of company. She figured annoying Freya would be a good option— she needed to give her her meds anyway so it was a win-win situation. She made her way down to her sister’s apartment and she didn’t bother knocking this tome, it was late maybe her roommate was asleep or out so Cassie didn’t see an issue with it. She lets herself in and stops dead in her tracks. The English accent sounds so familiar, it makes her brows knit together. She knows that voice. She stands there for a few moments her brain ticking away until her eyes widen, realisation hitting her. To get Freya’s attention she shuts the door and clears her throat in that obvious, obnoxious way you do when you want someone to know you’re there. She could have just left... but part of her really didn’t want to.
Freya July:
Freya was mid moan when she head the door close.  It was one of three people- roommate, Dani, or Cassandra- and either which way, they all knew what her little profession entailed.  The woman on the other end of the phone had a lot to say tonight and she found herself humming and whimpering for good measure here and there.  The Domme was close.  Blue eyes peaked up and over the couch, landing on the older woman, her cheeks flushed ever so slightly but it would be barely noticeable.  “.... What else, Miss?”  She gestures to the couch  silently to let her sister know she can sit and that she’ll be done soon.” “I’ll stay there on my knees with my head between your legs as long as you want me there, Miss.  I’d stay there all night if that’s where you wanted me.”  It isn’t often that she finds herself turned on by these calls.  She has one female Domme and one male Dom who actually get her worked up during their phone sessions and this Domme isn’t the one.  There’s something about her tone that is slightly different when she’s turned on, when she’s actually touching herself, when she’s truly imagining the scene.  Her eyes watch the Domme in the room as she continues the conversation to its close.  With one final moan she gives a small smile.  “I’m glad I was able to help too, Miss.  Of course.  Call in anytime you please.  Have a lovely evening.”  Hanging up, she gives a yawn and a stretch and sets the phone down.  “What, no text?  No knock? You just show up now?”  The American accent was back and her lips quirked into a small smirk.
Cassandra July:
Cassie hadn't really expected Freya to just stop mid-conversation, after all it was here way of making money right now, but having her just gesture for the Domme to sit down made her smirk. She notes the flush on her sister's cheek and honestly, she can't blame her, it's not like either of them way shy about sex but this was a different situation - unbeknownst to Freya, though, they've been in a different situation that should cause her to blush more. The fact it's happened more than once is also a thing but Cassie hadn't known who was on the other end of the phone. As she sits, and watches as her sister continue the conversation with the stranger on the phone, she can't help but think this isn't the Ophelia she gets. She always seem like she's more involved, the tone of her voice is different to what Cassie has heard on the end of the phone. She feels smug knowing that, knowing Cassie must do a better job at the dirty talking and getting her off than her customer on the phone right now. Freya is doing a good job, though. When the conversation is over, Cassandra smirks back at her sister, arms crossing over her chest. "I thought it would have been more fun to just show up. And it certainly was," Cassie drawls, quirking her eyebrow. "Doesn't seem like you're having as much fun as you could have with those types of phone calls," she notes. She plans on telling Freya the truth but she's going to drag it out first.
Freya July:
That smirk is simply unfair.  Her thighs clench in those linen pants but otherwise she keeps her relaxed demeanor and has no trouble holding eye contact.  Freya gives a roll of those pretty eyes at her response but unlike other times it’s playful. Freya relaxes back into the pillows of the couch stretching her legs over her sister’s lap.  She lets her hair down and runs slender fingers through blond waves.  “Admittedly, there are only two people who get me worked up on those phone calls.  One woman.  One man.  The majority of the phone calls I just sit here and make voices and sounds, on those two it’s a different story.”  She leans on her elbow, cheek resting in her palm as she regards Cassandra.  “Always the English accent.  Everyone seems to enjoy the accent.”  She states in the accent mentioned.
Cassandra July:
Once Freya’s legs are over his lap, she rests his hands over them and then slowly starts to run his hand up and his her leg. She likes the moments like this between— sure their relationship runs on sassy comments, and snarky remarks, arguments that can last weeks, but this, this is a rarity and Cassie likes to take advantage of them. She watches as her sisters runs his fingers through his hair, his eyes following the movement. It distracts her so easily but she still manages to take on what her sister is saying. She smirks, again. Sure it may be big headed of her to think she’s the one woman Freya is talking about but she knows how Freya sounds with her compared to how she just sounded is not the same. “How often do you hear from this one woman, and one man?” she adds just to make it seems normal. She chuckles quietly, she missed admit she does personally like the English accent as well. “Us Americans do seem to like an English accent, I’m not sure why, though,” she muses.
Freya July:
Freya felt her breath catch in her throat as those hands smoothed along her legs.  She bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from blushing.  It was sort of nice to have these softer moments, she underestimated just how much she needed them. “The man calls in once a week for the past four years. Sometimes twice, all depends on his business schedule.  He travels so I usually get a call when he’s cooped up in a hotel room which is typically a Monday night.  I call him Master.  Most men prefer Sir.”  The switch rolled her ankles and pointed her toes with a hum, she had no intention of moving her legs from their place in Cassie’s lap especially now that the woman’s hands were on them.  “The woman... The only woman I call Mistress on these calls... I hear from her more sporadically.  More often recently.”  She recalled before dk she would hear from her weekly so she guessed that was the case here in this reality.  “I used to hear from her once a week as well but the day varied.  It’s been a bit more often since I’ve been back... which is nice since I’m not really supposed to be scening or having intense physical encounters until I’m fully cleared.”  A few blond strands are twirled between her finger tips idly as she speaks.  “I find the accent,” she speaks in it easily once more, “adds to the whole scene. I never slip out of it.  Go by Ophelia- my middle name.”
Cassandra July:
Cassie was the type of person to notice things about people. She was harsh with people, she didn't care about being rude, but she always noticed things about people. So the blush on her sister's cheeks she definitely noticed, easily. She liked it, whether she was okay with admitting it out loud or not she didn't know but to herself, running his hands up and down her leg, she liked it. She listens as Freya talks about the man and woman, not really caring about the man but listening anyway because it was polite, right? She teases his fingers under the fabric of Freya's trousers as she talks about the man because she wants Freya to be focused on her. But then she talks about the woman. Mistress, the name Cassie had wanted to be called. She calls, when she can, because she can't dominate Rosalyn as much as she used to be able to and the phone calls were just easier. Maybe she liked them so much because it was Freya and she just never understood until now. "What do you like about her - the Domme?" she asks. She can't help herself, she wants to know Freya's point of view before she admits the truth. She smirks as she sees Freya' play with the strands of her hair, noticing it more now she knows and it's addictive, seeing those little movements from her. "Ophelia," she replies, that smirk still set on her lips. Why did she never put two and two together? "I like it. The name and the accent," she admits despite the fact it's more than she usually would say.
Freya July:
The color in Freya’s cheeks darkens ever so slightly when Cassandra’s hand find her warm smooth skin.  A shiver dances along her spine at the sensation, she enjoys the way they feel against her and it’s hard to concentrate on anything other than the Domme beside her. The younger woman raises a brow at the question but then thinks about it as her fingers continue to tease blond strands, now attempting to distract herself from enjoying her sister’s attention more than she should.  Seeing that smirk has her biting her lower lip.  Her lips part a moment later to speak but the words don’t come because the way Cassie says that name stirs something in her she can’t explain.  It takes her a moment but she clears her throat gently.  “Well... she pushes me.  She doesn’t seem to buy into unauthentic sessions  like others do.  I find myself wanting to obey her... and I do.  If she tells me to get on my knees then I’m on my knees, if she tells me to take off my clothes then my clothes come off, if she tells me to touch myself then my hands are on my body for her... and so on...which really doesn’t happen with any other clients.  I like her voice.  When she talks to me it feels like she’s here.  I find myself looking forward to our calls, less of a job if you actually enjoy it, right?”
After a moment she realizes she’s said more than she meant to and gives a small shake of her head with a little laugh.  “Nice to know you approve.”September 13, 2020
Cassandra July:
Cassandra is having too much fun with this, being the one in the know and using it to her advantage. She wonders if Freya knew, would she still be as open about admitting all of that? Probably not. But as her sister speaks, she continues to stroke her leg, her eyes never leaving her sister’s. Every word she says she makes Cassie feel a little bit smug, knowing she gets all that from here. She does think that the call should be fun for both parties so why not? Her mind wanders to what she could get Freya to do in person, where she’s standing in front of her and being able to see her actually do it. It excites the Domme more than it probably but thoughts of seeing how far she can push her sister are the only things she can think about right now. “Look at you, being such a good girl for a stranger,” Cassie teases. “You’re correct, it is less of a job if you do enjoy it— quite a shame you don’t seem to enjoy as much with others,” she muses. And she doesn’t really think it’s that much of a shame but it Cassie can be the one caller to do that for her, she’s happy about that. She lets out a quiet laugh as Freya shakes her head. “I really, really do,” she says as she quirks her eyebrow. He hands move further up his leg, squeezing gently at her thigh. “Imagine if I had walked in on that call.”
Freya July:
Hearing that phrase, Freya flushes once more.  She doesn’t understand how her sister has that power, in her old reality she never used to be able to get her to blush so frequently.  Fuck Patrick for making that phrase effect her the way it does.  Freya gives a small shrug.  “I don’t know.  I don’t feel@like it’s a shame, it would be exhausting to get that into every call.  I’d probably always be naked.”  She admits.  It’s so easy to talk to her sister right now.  She hates to admit that she’s enjoying it. The laugh coupled with that touch has another shiver spiraling through her body. Hands on her bare thighs are something she hasn’t really felt in awhile and it’s a shock to the system.  Her brow arched again slightly.  The accent comes back, it was a wonder how easily she could slip in and out of it.  “Good to know... perhaps I’ll use it when I want something.”  She smirks a little but then she’s quick to bite her lip once more at the next comment that falls from Cassie’s mouth. Freya releases her lip only to press them together.  She knows her sister would have felt her thighs clench beneath her hands even at the thought of that scenario.  “You certainly would have gotten more of a show.  I don’t hang up on clients ... especially not her.  And I give her what she wants.”
Cassandra July:
Cassie hums in agreement. “You’re right you probably would be exhausted but it’d be a good kind of exhaustion,” she muses, smirking again. Maybe it would also help Freya sleep more but she doesn’t say that, they’re getting in so far, no need to push it with talk of health. She laughs softly, thinking Freya being tanked naked all the time probably wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. She scratched her fingers against his thigh now, tickling her flesh in a slow, teasing way. It’s just easy, touching her in a simple ways like that. She quirks an eyebrow, feigning a serious expression. “You can try it on me, we’ll see if it does actually make me give you what you want,” she teases. She’s doesn’t give into requests easily, it’s her stubbornness mixed with the fact she likes people to work for what they want. Cassie does in fact feel Freya’s thigh clench under her touch and it makes her smirk, she likes knowing she has some physically power over her sister. “Not even if I walked in, hm? You’d just keep going... doing whatever it is you for this Domme,” Cassandra challenges. “Does she really hold that much power over you?” she asks, keeping her eyes locked on Freya’s face.
Freya July:
Freya  sucks in an audible breath at the way those fingers scratch along her bare skin. She recovers quickly by biting the inside of her cheek hard.  “You think it won’t’?”  The accent continues and she feigns a pout.  “I think you enjoy it more than you’re letting on.”  Those long lashes bat slightly and brilliant blue eyes find her sister’s gaze and hold it.  She’s trying so hard to ignore her touch.  It gets harder by the moment and she has to remind herself to breathe. The switch mentally curses her sister when she smirks again and that smirk tells her what she needs to know, Cassie felt her thigh clench, the older woman knew that she was having a reaction to the thoughts taking up residence in her mind.  That’s a problem.  Cassandra can’t know that she’s pushing all the right buttons, it’ll be used against her in the future, she’s sure of it. The blonde shakes her head, unable to form words for a moment.  Eventually she finds her voice.  “Not even if you walked in.  It’s my job.  I didn’t end the phone call when you came in earlier, did I?”  She challenges.  Freya clears her throat gently, fingers raking through her hair, she tries to break eye contact, clearly she’s a bit flustered.  “She may....” she admits.
Cassandra July:
The Domme is having way too much fun with this, with touching Freya so simply and having such delicious responses from it. Her mind wanders to other ways she could touch Freya that would result in even better responses. Her sister seems like she responds easily to things she quite clearly likes. Cassie wants more. The pout makes Cassandra roll he eyes but it’s done fondly. “I think you’re getting too big for your boots,” she retorts. She does indeed really enjoy the accent but she’s not going to make it so easy for Freya. Waiting for Freya to speak seems to last a while, she wonders what is going on in that beautiful head of hers. “You weren’t doing anything in that phone call, though, fake moans, sitting doing nothing. Do you think you would keep it up, actually touching yourself if I walked in?” she asks, and she doesn’t look away. She won’t break eye contact, the challenge is evident in her gaze. “A stranger,” she drawls, “having that much of an affect on you? I never thought I’d see the day,” she teases. Knowing it’s her that has the affect just makes it so much better to tease her with.
Freya July:
The younger woman gives a roll of brilliant blue eyes when she sees Cassie do just that.  It almost annoys her that her sister doesn’t give in easily but at the same time she enjoys the challenge. Freya scoffs a little.  “I was basically having phone sex when you walked in- that’s hardly doing nothing.”  Swallowing back any nerves she has at that question, she takes a moment to really think about it.  “I would.  You of anyone should know I never do a job half assed and I set expectations with this particular person.”  She held her gaze once more accepting the challenge.  “I would continue until the end of the call.” The teasing has her heart racing a little more.  “We’ve been talking for years so.... she doesn’t feel like a stranger.”  The entire hypothetical situation has her heated, her skin a little warmer to the touch now.
Cassandra July:
Cassandra casually shrugs her shoulders as Freya argues her point. She knows she was having phone sex and yet the Domme wishes maybe she had walked in on more. “And what a wonderful job you were doing at it,” she replies with a charming smile. Cassie knows Freya works hard at what she does, the Domme is exactly the same. The pair have always been driven and wanted to succeed in whatever it is they do— it’s definitely a good trait to have. She loves that Freya holds her gaze as she says that last sentence. “And then I would have sat here until the end of the call,” she confirms, not a hint of teasing in her voice. Freya doesn’t have to know that would actually never happen because Cassie is the person on the other end of the call. “Is that so?” Cassie asks as her fingers trail to her sisters inner thigh. The moment is more intimate than she’s ever been with Freya. Something new. Something exciting. She brushes her fingers against her skin, shifting closer to her sister. She searches her face for a few long seconds before she smirks again. “You’re going to have to excuse me,” she says. “It’ll be right back.” As she speaks she removes her hand from under the fabric and then stands up before making her way into her sister’s bathroom.
Freya July:
The way Cassandra speaks to her pushes every damn button she has.  Their often times hostile banter has always gotten under her skin and the Domme very well knows it.  It’s unfair... 100% unfair. Until the end of the call?  “Oh, really?”  Hearing that made her both nervous and excited and she had to mentally scold herself for thinking that Cassandra was doing anything more than teasing the ever living hell out of her.  She couldn’t be serious.... could she?  Cassie’s voice had gone serious and it sent another shiver through her body.  She was serious.  Dead serious. As those fingers find her inner thigh, she sucks in a sharp breath and her cheeks flush the slightest bit.  She can’t help but squirm subtly beneath her touch.  The switch could hear the racing of her pulse ringing in her ears.  What was Cassandra playing at?  Freya gave a small nod, deciding she couldn’t back down now and held her gaze.  “It is.” Freya remained where she sat, she didn’t pull away as Cassandra got closer, she didn’t move forward either but she held her ground.  The Domme was close... so fucking close.  As she searches Freya’s face the younger woman studies those eyes, the smirk has her toes curling a bit.  Her brow scrunches as Cassie excuses herself to head to the bathroom.  Freya watches her go and releases a shaky breath.  She doesn’t have much time to recover before her work phone is going off. She didn’t have any appointments so when the caller id read Mistress she felt like she couldn’t breathe.  She looked over towards the bathroom for a long moment and picked up the phone, her accent picking up.  “Hello, Mistress... I’m so sorry I didn’t realize we had an appointment.”  She was genuinely apologetic.
Cassandra July:
At the ’oh really’ comment all Cassandra does is quirk her eyebrow in response. The tone was serious, she had been serious and despite that, she still didn’t feel like confirming it out loud for the switch— she wanted to keep her wondering and squirming about it because it was way more fun. Cassie sits on the toilet, seat down as she actually didn’t need to use the bathroom, as she easily calls Freya — or Ophelia should she say. Heading that English accent on the other end of the phone has her smirking to herself. She brushes his fingers through her hair, ready to have some fun with her sister sat in the other room. “Hello, sweetie,” she drawls easily. She never put an accent on but her Domme voice was slightly different to her usual voice and she never used it on Freya, she wasn’t her Domme, after all. “We didn’t, but I missed that voice of yours, so I thought I’d give you a call,” she explains. “Do you think you’re in the mood to be a good girl for me?” she asks even though she knows the answer will be yes. “I was hoping to have you moaning in my ear again, telling me how much you want to please me. It does get me going,” she admits and her voice is low as she speaks.
Freya July:
Freya’s face was flush, her body was flush, she was over heated and panicking a little but in the best way possible.  Hearing her voice was like something out of a dream right now and she couldn’t wrap her mind around it.  The switch feels automatic relief when she heard that she hadn’t in fact missed a scheduled call.  She had missed her voice?  That only makes her blush deepen and she can’t help but smile.  “...I ... missed yours as well, Mistress.”  She admits softly. “I am.. always in the mood to be a good girl for you, Mistress.”  It was true, the only person she always wanted to be good for was simply a voice at the other end of a phone line... was that sad?  Freya was committed to this job and apparently to pleasing this person.  She told Cassie what would happen were this to go down and she wasn’t about to back down from the challenge that had been set.  “I love pleasing you, love moaning for you... I’ll do whatever you want.”  Blue eyes glance over at the bathroom door, nervous knowing that Cassie will most certainly be back soon.  “What would please you this evening, Mistress?”
Cassandra July:
Cassandra smirks at the way the switch falters when she says she missed her voice as well. It's endearing, honestly, to see that side of Freya that isn't so sure and confident. Cassie likes it more than she will ever let on. "Good to know, sweetie," she replies, the teasing evident in her voice but it's all in good fun, she would never make Freya - Ophelia - feel bad. Unless, of course, that's what the switch asked for then she'd be more than willing to do just that. The words are like music to Cassie's ears, and it's even better now knowing exactly who's on the other end of the phone. "And you are always so good," she muses. She lets out a happy hum when Freya confirms she loves pleasing and moaning for her, she did already know that but hearing the switch say it out loud was something Cassie could definitely get used to hearing. "I want you to touch yourself. But first, go ahead and take your clothes off for me, there’s no need for them,” she says, smirking despite Freya not being able to see it. “Even though I’m not there, I want you to do it slowly, really put on a show, sweetie.” She waits a few moments, giving Freya time to get undressed before she speaks again. “Imagine it's me, start rubbing yourself. You're going to edge for me three times before I let you come," she explains and she knows in the back of her mind, the third time Freya edges herself, Cassie is going to go out and finish the job for her. "Imagine I'm there, sweetie, touching you with teasing fingers, over your breasts, giving attention to your nipples while I play with you. I'd make you feel so good," she promises. "And I know you'd beg so prettily for me to let you come, but I'd just keep teasing you." God, she so desperately wants that and has to keep herself planted on the toilet seat for the time being.
Freya July:
Freya’s heart is racing a mile a minute as she listens to the voice on the other end of the phone.  The blushing currently happening is out of control and she mentally scolds herself for it.  This is why she’s always liked this woman, she can control her with just her voice which for Freya, has never truly been the case with anyone else. She swallows hard. “Yes, Mistress.”. She stands without hesitation and slowly teases off her clothing as if the Domme is right in front of her.  “First my hands smooth up my stomach, my skin is warm to the touch.  My fingers sneak up beneath my crop top, thumbs teasing the hem.  I pull it over my head for you.”  Unless told otherwise, Freya always tells her what’s happening in this way.  She folds the shirt and sets it aside.  “My chest is bare and my nipples are hard for you.  My hands slip back down my body@and thumbs hook into my linen bed pants tracing all the way to the drawstring.  I slowly pull the bow and when it releases, my pants slink to the floor and pool at my feet to show you that I don’t have any panties on.  I’m naked for you, Mistress.”  She folds her pants quickly and lays back on the couch again.  Her entire body is heated and for a moment she wonders if Cassie died in the bathroom. She settles the phone between her ear and her shoulder.  “My hands are your hands Mistress.”  She murmurs.  She does as she’s told again without hesitation.  One hand goes to her hardened nipples while the other slips down to tease and rub at her pulsing clit.  The little blonde moans.  “My legs are spread for you.  Hands teasing.”  She whimpers softly and the sound is so distinctly different from the phone call earlier because it’s so very real.
“I’m so wet for you, Mistress.”  Her breath is a little shaky, her hips roll as she rubs at herself.  “Your hands feel perfect on my body.  Your one hand keeping my nipples hard while the other rubs my clit and gives it the attention I crave.  It really-mmmh- really doesn’t take much to get me to the edge tonight.”  And that was true, Cassie had already worked her up.. she moans and after another moment starts to beg.  “Please- please, Mistress? Please- I need to come for you - I’ll be so good for you - please.  I want to be so good- your good girl.  I’m so so close and-“ She whimpers again.  Her body feels like it’s on fire.  “Please. Mistresss!”
Cassandra July:
Knowing exactly where Freya is, and exactly what she’s wearing, it makes the whole experience a little bit more enjoyable. She can perfectly image her sister taking her clothes of for her, especially with the way Freya explains everything to her, she’s always been so good at that. So the switch knows she’s listening, she makes sounds of approval, throwing in the occasionally groan when Freya talks about how she’s touching herself. A louder groan falls from her lips when Freya says she doesn’t have any panties, she had no idea when she had her hands on her thighs and now she wishes she had teased further up. But she will. Soon. “Good girl. I bet you look so good, completely naked and ready for me,” she praises easily. She imagines Freya spread out on the couch for her, touching herself, having Cassie’s voice in her ear unaware it’s her. The whole situation spikes Cassie’s arousal in ways she hasn’t felt for a very long time Her her sister whimper has she touches herself is the best sound. “I love knowing you’re wet for me. My fingers could easily slip inside of you, I bet you’d taste so good,” she says, the need to taste her the only thought in her head right now. The begging that follows is amazing. She’s so good at begging for what she needs it makes Cassie want to just give in and give her it all. “You are my good girl, begging so prettily for me, for your release. Don’t come yet, keep begging. Show me how much you really want it.” As she speaks she gets up, she opens the bathroom door and makes her way back out to Freya. The nerves and excitement set her body alight. She can see Freya naked, touching herself, and she steps closer to her before she’s in front of her, the phone still in her hand. “How badly do you want to come, sweetie?” she asks, her voice dripping with arousal before she hangs the phone up, staring down at her sister who looks perfect like this, touching herself, completely naked , begging for Cassie to let her come.
Freya July:
Freya did as she was told, she kept herself on the edge and eased herself off it so that she wouldn’t cum just yet.  She definitely wouldn’t cum without permission.  Hearing that she is the Domme’s good girl has her rubbing herself a little harder, a little faster.  “Yes, M-Mistress-“. Her breathing is unsteady as she continues.  And even though The Domme mentioned how easy it would be to slip into her she knows better than to let her own fingers go there without express permission so instead she continues to rub her clit.
The whimpers and moans fill the room.  “Your hand teases my clit a little harder and it drives me insane.”  She follows this up with more begging.  The begging feels so natural with this woman even though Freya has never really been one to beg.  “Please, Mistress- god, please!  Mistress please let me cum I need to s-so badly please!” Freya knows better than to cum without permission.  She continues to touch herself, not hearing the door to the bathroom.  When she hears Cassie’s voice, those lust filled blue eyes gaze up and widen in realization. The phone falls away from her ear.  A shiver runs through her body, head to toe.  Her cheeks flush once more and she bites hard into her lower lip but her hand continues to move.
So many emotions course through her in the moment shock and surprise, among them but the over riding one is her need for release.  “So badly, Mistress.”  She whimpers, another moan following, she’s never called Cassie by a title and the feeling it sends through her now is like magic.  “Please! Please let me cum for you? Please, Mistress-!”
Cassandra July:
Cassandra had no idea how Freya would react once she knew the Domme on the end of the phone was here. I could either way. Standing there, watching and waiting, feels like a life-time but then Freya continues to beg, calling Cassie Mistress to her face and god, the Domme loves that. She could get used to having Freya call her that. It's unreal, now actually seeing the scene unfold rather than just hearing it over the phone, she gets to see Freya look so desperate. She's going to get to see her come, right here right now and she's never wanted anything more. "Such a good girl, begging for me like that," she says as he steps closer to Freya, her eyes flicking down to see her sister touching herself, wet for Cassie and her words. Fuck. She's addicted to it. "You can come for me, sweetie," she says, finally giving her permission mostly because she wants to see it first hand, in person, what it looks like when her sister comes. She knows it sounds good but she's never actually seen it but she has a feeling it's going to be a delightful sight.
Freya July:
Freya’s entire aura is lit up like the night sky filled with stars.  Her body is flushed.  Her mind is reeling.  She needs release more than she’s ever needed release before in her entire life.  The way those eyes look at her, the way they take her in, the way Cassie’s gaze and voice touch her without so much as laying a finger upon her skin- it’s min blowing and she knows it’s dangerous.  She was already very much addicted to their phone sessions and this was.... far beyond that. She knows that Cassandra can see just how wet she is, she can see how her body is reacting- she hates to admit it but her sister already had her slick with need before the phone call.  When she gives her permission to cum it doesn’t even take a second for Freya to obey.  The orgasm takes hold of her and washes over her like a tidal wave.  It’s quite literally the best orgasm she’s ever had and she hates Cassie for it.  Her body arches and she cries out as it rips through her, she never takes her eyes from the Domme’s face as she rises out every ripple of intense sensations.
Cassandra July:
As Freya hits her release, and keeps her eyes glued to Cassie, the Dom can't look away. She locks eyes with her when the orgasm first hits but then her eyes trail down her body, taking in how she reacts to it, how her body reacts to it. She looks so good. Cassandra bites her bottom lip gently, loving the sight before her, she doesn't want it to end. It's such a new development in their relationship and yet it doesn't feel odd or wrong or weird on Cassandra's part. She wants more of it, of Freya, or bringing her to her release and having her moan for whatever Cassie gives her. She's wet herself, she knows she is, from touching Freya previously, seeing her reactions, and then the phone call and now this. She is so glad she turned up interrupted tonight, it has taken a turn she never expected and yet it was nothing short of amazing. "Look at you," she says, eyes lust blown and she moves to kneel on the couch beside Freya. She runs her fingers over the switch's thigh again, this time edging closer and closer to where she really wants to touch.
Freya July:
Freya moans again as her body experiences the aftershocks.  She’s trembling ever so slightly and all words seem to be lost on her for the moment.  She whimpers a little as Cassie speaks.  The younger woman can’t take her eyes from the Domme.  It seems damn near impossible.  She expects to see the ‘I win’ expression on the older woman’s face, the one she’d adopted over several years of sisterly challenges.... but she didn’t see it.  All she sees is a woman who wants her, who enjoys what she is seeing, a dominant who seems just as addicted as she is. Freya sucks in a sharp breath at the feeling of those fingers again her heated flesh and she gives a little whine.  Her heart seems to be up in her throat and she can feel it racing.  The switch doesn’t move to stop the older woman, her hips push up a little as if to silently beg but soon she does find her words.  “Please-“. She breathes... but it’s her voice now, not Ophelia.  The accent is gone.  “Please, Mistress-“ she begs, her voice cracking a little.
Cassandra July:
Cassandra is so close to her that she can hear the sharp breath, she looks at her sister in question and then she whines and there isn’t any hesitation from the switch, no signs of question or concern. Seeing her hips push up in that needy way is amazing, Cassie wants more of that, more of Freya being needy for her in ways she’s never seen before. It’s intoxicating. Freya has already come once for her and now Cassie wants to make her come with her touch, feeling it around her fingers. Hearing Freya’s accent revert back to the one she’s known her whole life, it shifts something inside of her. Freya is begging for her as Freya and not Ophelia and that really is something else. “You beg so nicely, pretty girl,” she praises easily as she rubs at her clit, slowly, watching for her reaction. She can’t believe shes touching her like this, feeling how wet she is. It’s amazing. The circular motions become more eager, switching that action with running his fingers in between that sensitive spot. “You’re dripping, Freya, look at you,” she says, her voice low, desperate. It isn’t longe before she’s pushing fingers inside of her sister, two of them going in so easy. She groans at the hot, wet heat around her fingers. “Fuck,” she says quietly as he works her fingers inside of her, pushing them in deeply before crooking them against her g-sport.
Freya July:
As subtle as it is, Freya can see the switch in her sister’s eyes.  She can see the moment that something shifts in her and it’s that moment that tells her she’s made the right choice in switching back, in the back of her mind had been a worry after she changed her accent back that she questioned whether or not Cassandra would come to her sense and decide she couldn’t do this but it seemed to have the opposite affect.  At the compliment and the pet name her cheeks darken.  As those fingers find her clit she can’t help but cry out, hips thrusting up into her touch.  “Please, Mistress!”  She’s already so close. Freya gives another little whine followed by a breathy moan.  “Just for-nnnngh - for you, Mistress-“ Freya lets a small cry leave her lips as she feels Cassie penetrate her for the first time.  As slick as she is, as easy as it is for those fingers to push into her, she’s quite tight and her inner walls grip and clench around her sister.  She loves hearing Cassandra swear, it has always hit her just the right way.  Those fingers tease at her relentlessly and she writhes beneath the Domme’s touch.  “Pleaaase- pleaaase- please Mistress, please-“ The stimulation is so intense that she feels like she might burst into a million pieces.  Her words are desperate she needs the release that only her sister, her Domme, can give her.
Cassandra July:
It’s the first time Cassie is touching Freya so she wants to make sure it’s good for her, that’s she’s hitting all the right places. From her sister’s reactions, those whines and the way she clenches around her fingers, she would say she’s doing a stand up job of it. She can’t get over how good she feels, how good it is to have her here, letting the Domme touch her and begging like she is. She’s never seen her sister like this. She knows the phone calls are a thing but now they both now exactly who’s who and what is happening right now. It’s different. A good different. This is all just for Cassandra. She knows, even before Freya knew it was here, that she was the Mistress who could make her moan this way. It’s so good. She keeps working her fingers inside of Freya, loving the feel of it. “You feel so good,” Cassie praises as her free hand begins to circle her clit as the fingers inside her work over time, making sure to pay extra attention to her g-spot. “You can come, when you’re ready. Come for your Mistress, nice and loud,” she says.
Freya July:
Freya has never in her life felt like this.  It feels incredible and she never in a million years dreamed this would ever happen.  She never thought she’d ever meet her Mistress, not that she didn’t want to but she never thought it was a possibility.  Now they were here and all she can think about is the Domme who is currently deep inside of her and how perfect it feels and how natural and how good.  Her hips roll up into each thrust.  “Mistress...” She breathes the word.  It’s the only thing she can handle.. she’s so close- so close to cumming.  So close to something else that she couldn’t fully define.  Her body was humming. When she is told she’s allowed to cum her body obeys immediately.  Her body tenses, her inner walls spasming around those fingers and then clamping down hard.  She cries out, her voice echoing through the apartment as wave after wave of her orgasm hit her and send her soaring.  For the first time in her life she finds herself in sub space and she’s never trusted anyone more.
Cassandra July:
Cassie can’t stop staring at Freya as her hips keep rolling up, meeting each thrust of the Dom’s fingers. It’s intoxicating, watching her sister like this, hearing her beg and call her Mistress. “Such a good girl,” she praises. When Freya’s orgasm hits her for a second time, Cassie’s jaw goes slack, it’s even better seeing this, feeling her clench around her fingers. She keeps fucking her fingers into her, riding her through the orgasm. Her fingers become more and more drenched with Freya’s come and it’s something Cassie could definitely get used to. “That’s it, sweetie,” she says as Freya cries out. She loves hearing her be loud.
Freya July:
Freya can feel those eyes on her and it only serves to make the experience heightened even further.  Being told she’s a good girl has her entire body flushing once more and a whine pushes past pink lips as she hangs onto her last shred of sanity and forces herself not to cum. Her climax is all consuming and she’s released all sense of self consciousness, she’s completely handed over all control to Cassandra.  Her cries continue to ring through the room until she finally rides the last of the wave.  Her body trembles and blue eyes gaze up as the after shocks hit.  She feels this almost as an out of body experience.  Sub space isn’t a place she’s ever mentally been before but she knows she’s safe with her sister, she’s always safe with her sister.September 16, 2020
Cassandra July:
Cassie doesn't let up for a second as she rides her through her orgasm, it's amazing having her fall apart like this and the Domme wants to savour every second of it. She only stills her fingers when Freya's done with her orgasm. She slowly removes her fingers, that are so wet from Freya it's intoxicating. "Such a good girl," she says, his voice quiet and soothing. She brushes her fingers through Freya's hair with her clean hand, smiling at the blissed out expression on her sister's face. It's calming, seeing her like this, she hopes it's something she's get to expression again some time soon. "Come here," she says as he pulls Freya closer to her, wrapping her arms around her.
Freya July:
Freya leans into the touch as Cassie’s hand works through her hair.  Her breathing is still shaky, her body still trembling slightly.  This experience had been so unexpected and so intense that all the emotions she felt seem suspended in mid air as the high post orgasm keeps her in its embrace. At the Domme’s words she doesn’t hesitate, she moves into the woman’s arms and curls up in them, her face turning into her neck to hide in it.  Breathing in the Domme is soothing.  Freya closes her eyes, she knows that if she allows herself to come out of this headspace then the emotions will crash into her like a tidal wave and she’ll cry so she lets herself stay there.Message #casseya-ophelia
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roseonhissleeve · 7 years
Have A Little Faith: Chapter One
“Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke
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My feet were killing me.
I could practically hear my mother scolding me from miles away as I walked down the unfamiliar street, sharp pangs of pain shooting up the soles of my feet and my calves every time I stepped. My parents had both told me before I left on my trip that I shouldn’t pack sandals, and that if I’m going to be walking every single day I should be using runners. But I am my father’s daughter, which meant that I would end up packing three pair of sandals just to spite them—I wore them today to prove a point, which ended up backfiring gravely.
But the pain was worth it, because Barcelona was absolutely breathtaking.
“Are you doing okay, Rosie?”
I looked over at my friend Danielle, flashing her a small smile of reassurance. Dani was a petite blonde that I’d met that morning in a small Spanish café. She had long curls that had taken her about forty five minutes to get perfect that morning, only to go flat the second we stepped out into the humidity. Her lips were tainted with bright pink lipstick and she had freshly manicured nails.
The tour agency that I’d used to help plan my backpacking trip had stops in every city where you could meet up with people who were also travelling on their own, and today I’d had the pleasure of meeting her.
At first I was a tad overwhelmed by her enthusiasm, but she enjoyed talking and I enjoyed listening, so we ended up being a great pair. Her voice was loud and unapologetic, the way I wished mine could be sometimes.
I quickly learned that she was an over-sharer—within the first hour of our walk I knew everything about her family and way too much about her sexual history. Her cheeks were bright red due to the heat yet she refused to put her hair up, and her orange shorts clashed with the pink tank top she’d chosen for today, but overall I didn’t mind her company one bit.
“Yep, just tired,” I replied. “I think I’m going to sit for a little bit, you go ahead and I’ll catch up, okay?”
Dani nodded her head in agreement. She flashed a quick smile and blew me a kiss (which I didn’t really know what to do with, so I just stood there awkardly) before turning to continue down the main path we’d been taking.
I took a few steps down the collestone path to sit down on a small bench and looked at the setting before me, exhaling a soft sigh that I didn’t know I’d been holding in. The air seemed quiet and more peaceful, and I realized how much I was craving the time alone.
We’d been walking down a narrow pathway, and it was clearly designed with pedestrians in mind. It was just barely wide enough for a large van to drive through and nowhere near large enough for a tour bus. The large rocks that functioned as tiles on the ground were uneven in certain places and seemed unkempt, but no one minded.
It smelled of the rain that had fallen the night before, but the sun was so bright that all the puddles had dried up by the time we went outside. The stones that made up the buildings on either side of the path were partially covered in moss, seemingly untouched and absolutely beautiful.
That was the thing I loved about Barcelona so far—back home everything was artificially made, and everything was wasted.
Here, it all just seemed simpler.
Dani and I had decided that we didn’t want to hit the typical touristy locations, which is why we’d chosen this street to take—for the most part it was occupied by locals. Parents and little children walking down the same road that they always did, seemingly immune to how awestruck I was at the breathtaking simplicity of this part of the world. It was as if it was another planet entirely, and it was almost as if I was looking at it through a painting rather than living it.
Eventually I stood up and began walking further down the pathway, when I heard soft music coming from a distance. It wasn’t a tune that I recognized at all—although I wasn’t very familiar with classical music to begin with—but it’d been forever since I’d heard live music, and my curiosity got the best of me.
I located the source of the music from a distance, and I immediately walked over to get a better look.
A small elderly lady was sitting in front of what I could only assume was her home, playing the violin. Her frail little body sat on the top step in front of her door, and her face reminded me of my own mother—soft and sweet, but there was history behind the gleam of her dark brown eyes.
She had nothing in front of her to collect change with. She was playing for the sake of making music, and not to make any sort of profit off it. When was the last time I’d seen anyone do anything without an ulterior motive?
The pain in my feet was suddenly nonexistent as I made my way closer to the stranger with slow steps, afraid to break her concentration. I didn’t know how she’d feel about someone she’d never met listening in on her seemingly private moment, so I approached hesitantly. An amicable smile appeared on my lips as I sat down on the ground in front of her and set my travel pack in my lap, content to just sit and listen.
“Hola, bella.” Her voice was soft and soothing, the same way that a mother’s voice can scare away the monsters under your bed. I simply replied with a smile; I knew a tiny bit of Spanish, enough to know that “bella” meant “beautiful,” but I wasn’t fluent enough to produce any speech.
I lifted my hand in a small wave, lips twitching as my smile widened. She delivered a wink in my direction before continuing to play. I spent a few moments repositioning myself on the ground, tugging slightly at my tank top that was sticking to my skin because of the humidity.
The soft notes of the violin filled the air like mist, the way that sleep slowly creeps up on you after a sad day.
Eventually I mustered up the courage to pull out my sketchbook from my backpack.
I flipped the front cover open to reveal the many pages that I’d already covered with drawings of my travels. It was a ratty and torn book – the front cover was a bright yellow, my favorite color. It was filled with dog-eared pages with my favorite drawings and missing pages I’d torn out when I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. My mother and father had given it to me when I moved back home a few months ago—at first I’d reacted to it with hostility, but I eventually fell back into my love for art.
I looked up to meet the woman’s gaze again, tilting my book up slightly in the form of a nonverbal question. I watched her smile with a slight nod, agreeing to my request.
A grin appeared on my own features as I dug through my backpack for a pencil—I had a bad habit of losing all of them in the bottom of my bag and forgetting about them. Once I’d located one I grabbed my glasses from the front pocket of my knapsack, pulling them out of the compartment to settle them atop of the bridge of my nose. I reached behind my head to quickly tighten my ponytail, the heat causing my hair to feel hotter than usual.
Once I was finally comfortable, I began to sketch.
It had been a very long time since I sketched regularly. Years, even, though I loved it in high school and I’d even applied (and gotten accepted) to go to an arts school after graduation. But life got in the way, and it wasn’t until a handful of months ago that I’d felt capable of picking up a pencil again.
Since then I’d drawn everything I possibly could—anything that I found beautiful, really. People and faces were my favorite, but I was also a fan of architecture, or anything that I simply wanted to remember.
I lost track of how long she and I sat there. She played her violin and I pressed my pencil to the page, as if I was part of her music myself. When I was about halfway done the sketch I sensed a pair of feet standing behind me, but I was so immersed in what I was doing that I didn’t bother looking. Soon I was adding the finishing touches—right on time, as well, because the violinist was now playing her outro. When the drawing was complete I lifted my book to show her.
Her face crumpled slightly for a moment as she processed the image in front of her, and I was afraid that maybe she hated it—until her face spread to reveal the widest smile I’d ever seen. The crinkles by her eyes tightened with happiness and I couldn’t help but smile myself, proud of my work.
As she stood up off her porch step I removed my glasses and hooked them so they hung off the front of my shirt. I pressed my hands against the stone pathway and stood as well, surprised to be pulled into a hug.
She pressed a quick kiss to my cheek which caused a nervous yet content laugh to spill from my lips. I wasn’t one for unsolicited physical affection, but I didn’t mind it coming from her.
“Wait!” I exclaimed as she pulled apart and began to turn to walk into her home. She turned to face me once again.
“One sec…” I mumbled more to myself than to her, unaware of her gaze flickering between me and the stranger who was still standing behind me. I pinched the page of my sketchbook between my fingers and carefully tore it from its binding, giving it one last glance before holding it out to her.
I could see the shock register across her features, but as her lips widened once again to reveal a crinkly smile, I knew it was worth it.
“Que dios te bendiga, mija,” she whispered in the foreign language, taking the sketch that I’d made. Her smile never dissipated, and soon she had returned safely to her house. I stood there silently, my smile remaining as well, hugging my bright yellow sketchbook to my chest.
“I think you made her day,” A voice behind me said, causing me to jump a bit. My smile faltered, and I spun around to face the stranger behind me, grasping onto my sketchbook defensively.
My lips remained parted as I found myself face to face with a young man who couldn’t be more than twenty-five years of age—maybe a bit younger—looking at me with a friendly smile.
I quickly averted his gaze, lowering my own to the ground. It took me a couple of seconds to find the confidence to look up at his features again, this time met with a flash of confusion behind his expression.
The silence between us lingered for a long moment as I looked at his piercing green eyes. There was a sort of resilient kindness about his features, and I got the sense that he’d seen and done a lot, despite his relatively young age. His lips were a bright pink that reminded me of Dani’s lipstick, but they were softer, and it reminded me of blooming flowers as opposed to a punch in the face like Dani’s. His cropped hair hidden beneath a beanie even though it was easily one of the hottest days of the year.
My brows furrowing at this realization, and I had the sense that he was about to walk away before I finally blurted out,
“What’s with the hat? It’s like a thousand degrees outside, I mean, are you hiding a bad haircut or something?”
His eyes widened slightly at my words and for a split-second I felt a flash of guilt, afraid that I’d maybe gone too far.
But I was surprised when he suddenly grinned, and even that lasted only a split second before he began to laugh. I bit my lip to hold back my own smile; I was under the impression that he was laughing at some sort of inside joke that I wasn’t aware of yet.
“Somethin’ like that,” he replied, his smile never faltering. He lifted his hand to adjust the hat on his head subconsciously.
His accent was evident the second time he spoke—either that or I was more attentive—and I could tell that he was not from the same part of the world that I was. His voice was soft yet sure of himself, which I wasn’t used to.
He extended his hand in my direction, and with a calm and friendly voice he said, “I’m Harry.”
I stared at his hand for a moment before reaching out to settle my own in his. My fingers felt small in his large palm, and it was the most contact I’d had with a man in a long time. I was also suddenly hyperaware of the pencil smudges along my fingers that would probably get on his hand, but he didn’t seem to mind.
He gave my hand a quick and soft shake before releasing it, not holding on for a moment longer than he needed to. He was watching me, and I could tell that he was waiting for my name, but I was hesitant to reveal it. Old habits die hard, and even though I’d spend months talking through and attempting to get over my trust issues, I still felt myself being held back.
“It’s nice to meet you, Harry,” I replied, and I could tell that he was amused by my formality. I almost expected him to ask me for my name, but he simply watched my features again, as if he was trying to read my mind. I stood there under his gaze, and I swear it felt like he could see right through me. I wasn’t sure if that made me more inclined to trust him or less.
I was just about to make up an excuse to leave when he spoke again.
“Like I said, I think yeh made that woman’s day. Where’dya learn to draw like that?”
I smiled at his words, partly because of my relief when he didn’t pry further into my identity, and also partly because of my work being acknowledged. I didn’t show people my art often, and when I had in the past it wasn’t always complimented. It was strange to be seen under positive light for once.
“Um, my mom was an artist, so I’ve kinda been drawing all my life,” I spoke quietly, more out of habit than shyness. A part of me was wondering why I was disclosing this information to a stranger. “Are you an artist?”
Once again, he chuckled, like he was laughing at some sort of joke that I wasn’t in on. I could see him hesitating, but eventually he shook his head, lips tilted into a crooked smile before responding.
“Yeah, I’m a musician…” I could see that he was toying around with something in his mind, but then decided to ignore it. I had to admit that Harry was attractive. I’d be a fool not to notice, but I wasn’t looking for anything. If Danielle were here she would be all over him…
“Crap!” My eyes widened slightly at the realization that Dani was probably waiting for me, and I lowered my gaze to the black watch that was on my wrist. I’d been delayed for about forty minutes, and she’d definitely be wondering where I was.
“Somethin’ wrong, love?” A little part of me was caught off-guard by the pet name, and as I looked up at him again I was surprised to see genuine concern in his features.
“No I’m fine,” I shook my head, voice a bit rushed. “My friend that I was with was supposed to be waiting for me, she’s probably wondering where I am. I’m sorry, I have to go, it was nice meeting you—”
“Wait, will I be able to see you again?” He interrupted, and I couldn’t help but pick up a hint of hope in his voice. It wasn’t until then that I realized that he was travelling alone, by the looks of it.
“Probably not…” I replied, and I had to admit that there was a part of me deep down that was saddened by my own statement. There was a part of me that wanted to keep talking to him.
“Oh…” He mused, and he began to watch my features again, debating what he should do. For a second I felt like he was going to hug me or something, but he just nodded his head and smiled. “It was nice meeting you.”
“You too, Harry,” I replied.
We stood, watching each other, waiting for something to happen. I didn’t know why it was so hard for my mind to tell my feet to walk away, but it was, which caused a bit of panic to stir inside of me.
Soon enough my fight or flight response kicked in, and I was ready for flight.
I was the first one to break eye contact, turning around and walking in the same direction that I had been going in with Danielle. I looked over my shoulder once I’d taken about ten steps down the path, and Harry was no longer there.
I didn’t know why, but I felt a wave of disappointment washed through my body, as if I was hoping he’d stay.
Have A Little Faith: Chapter Two
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