#the background is so boring sorry for that
kojitheopossum · 9 hours
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[Prologue] [Ch1] [Ch2] [Ch3] [Ch4] [Ch5] [Ch???]
Guess who’s back!! I know it’s been a bit— starting uni has been uh . hard but yknow fish yaoi persists. This chapters been stewing for awhile, so I’ve added some detail ramblings/clarifications below :D
The poster seen in the first panel was actually designed/painted by pearl. The background characters are mostly twt oomfs cause I didn’t wanna draw just boring silhouetted people. Also, etho didn’t genuinely believe bdubs would get fired because of etho being boring (although the idea did stun him momentarily), bdubs was just poking fun at him and etho was pleasantly surprised enough by bdubs snapping back he went along with the suggestion. Originally he thought of this as helping himself but seeing bdubs happy affected him more then he’d like to admit. The whole point of the chapter was really just the classic “oh… oh” moment :D p.s. don’t question how he’s blushing while being cold-blooded shhh
Next chapter will be them talking more i’m sorry to any action or horror enjoyers, hopefully it’ll be out faster then this one was 👍 and tysm to everyone who’s been supportive it means a lot :]
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0cta9on · 3 days
Length: 1.8k words
Genre: Fluff
Young Posse Sunhye x Male Reader
(Author's Note: Kind of a sequel to Sunburn! You don't have to read that to understand this, but I would appreciate it if you did :] Enjoy!)
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“When are you gonna let me see it?” Sunhye asks for the millionth time, nudging your ribs softly enough to not mess up your lines, but hard enough to still annoy you.
You sigh in frustration, hiding your notebook from her view. “If you keep asking, it’ll be never.”
The chirping cicadas fill the impending silence as Sunhye resigns herself to plucking blades of grass out of the ground. Sunlight peaks through the gaps in the branches above, yet the cooling breeze still offers solace against the summer heat. The air smells fresher on this secluded hill you’ve claimed as your “secret hangout spot”, away and untouched by judgemental eyes and prying hands. A simple spot just for the two of you to be who you want to be.
Sunhye lets out a long exhale, resting her head against the base of the tree you consider to be a second home. “I talked to my parents about the Korea trip,” she says.
Your hand freezes in the middle of shading. “What’d they say?”
“They’re still making me go.” She tosses the pieces of grass in the air, watching them flit against the current of the wind before disappearing into the surrounding greenery. “My cousin’s birthday is soon, so I don’t really have a choice.”
“Dammit,” you utter, brushing the eraser shavings off your notebook. “Is it a cool cousin?”
She sighs. “Yeah. She’s pretty cool. She owns a VR headset.”
“So you get to go to your cool cousin’s birthday while I have to spend the rest of my summer alone?!”
“Sorry, bud,” she says, patting your shoulder. A dejected huff leaves your lips as you whittle away at your pencil with your pocket knife, sharpening its tip. Suddenly, the undeniable grumble of a stomach cuts through the background noise. In the midst of the trees where time seems to fade from existence, it’s easy to forget that you’re still human.
“Hm… Ice cream?” Sunhye suggests.
You tuck your notebook under your arm and your tools in your pocket, patting the resulting bump at your side to make sure everything is there. 
Sweet, sweet vanilla, simplicity at its finest. Sunhye has given you more than enough crap for liking such a “boring” flavor, but you’ve learned to tune out most of her yapping at this point.
“…Hello?” She waves her hand in front of your face, forcibly ripping you from your daydreams. “Are you even listening to me?”
Sometimes you forget to flip the switch off.
“Totally,” you say, taking another slow lick at your ice cream. “But on the off chance I wasn’t, you should remind me again.”
Sunhye jabs your arm, making you nearly drop your vanilla cone. “You’re an ass.”
You lean back against the old wooden bench, carefully listening to the octave of its creak to ensure you don’t break through it. “Yeah yeah, my bad,” you offer. “What were you talking about?”
She shakes her head at you. “Nope.”
“C’mon, please?”
“Nuh uh.” A drop of rainbow-colored cream melts onto her hand, leaking through her fingers before hitting the burning concrete below. She takes a moment to lick away the meltier bits overflowing over the top of the cone, ensuring that the $5 you spent on her doesn’t go to waste. “You should’ve listened the first time.”
“I’ll listen the second time, promise.”
“Tsk, fine.” A beat passes before she continues, the silence brief yet noticeable. “The guy in my dance class asked me out.”
“Huh?” Your eyes widen in shock. “Which one? Backwards hat guy or weird jacket guy?”
Her cheeks burn redder than a sunburn from embarrassment. “U-uh, it was, uh, weird jacket guy.”
“Weird jack— What!?” You shoot up from your seat, flinging drops of melted vanilla everywhere. “What did you say to him?”
“No, obviously. He’s, um, not really my type.”
You nod, shifting your gaze to hide the inkling of a grin dancing on the corner of your lip. “Ah. Well, what can you do?”
“Y-yeah, right.”
More than half of your ice cream is reduced to a milky puddle before you have the sense to finish the rest of it. Even as the sun continues to beat down its unbearable heat on your head, the creamy notes of vanilla have never been more refreshing.
Through all the hand cramps and itchy skin, you don’t stop moving. Create a line, create a few more, hate it just enough, and then erase and redo. Not the most productive cycle, but if every mistake brings you even a smidge closer to some form of “perfection”, then you’ll gladly stay under this tree for a thousand years until your pencil is reduced to a nub and your notebook has witnessed countless errors.
Only, you don’t have a thousand years.
Sunhye pokes a stick into the dirt, groaning impatiently as clueless little ants scale the makeshift pole. “Are you done yet? My flight is in a couple hours and my parents are gonna be pissed at me if I don’t get home in time.”
“Just… a second…” you mutter. Sweat beads on your forehead with each drag of the lead against the paper, your work growing sloppier and harsher by the second.
She sighs. “Just text me a pic when you’re done and I’ll see it when I land.”
“Wait!” You grab onto her shoulder just as she moves to get up, gripping harder than you probably should be. Sunhye furrows an eyebrow, yet sits back down anyways, reading the desperation in your eyes.
“Fine,” she huffs, “You get five minutes.”
A breath you didn’t know you were holding empties from your lungs as you release her shoulder from your grip. “Thanks.”
A thousand years wouldn’t have been enough to make it perfect. A billion years wouldn’t have been enough. Time could stand still, only unfreezing when you finally create the perfect drawing, but you would only be cursing yourself to a motionless fate. You wish you could play it cool and show it to her like the past couple weeks of your unyielding efforts were all just some show to build suspense, but you know the truth. She knows the truth — that brief moment of panic spoke volumes, even if you don’t want to admit it. 
“What are you gonna do while I’m gone?” Sunhye asks, waving the stick around aimlessly.
“I don’t know. What I’ve always done, I guess.”
She chuckles. “Lock yourself in your room all day?”
A small grin creeps up on your face. “Yeah. Probably.”
She nudges against your ribs, softly enough to not mess up your lines, but hard enough to produce a laugh from your lips. “If I come back and find you paler than when I left, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Fine,” you utter, rolling your eyes. “I’ll, uh, go on a walk every once in a while or something.”
“Everyday,” she states. “And you better send me picture proof.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then…” Sunhye grows uncharacteristically quiet. A gust of wind rustles the leaves to fill the silence, and for a moment, you two are the only people left on Earth. No trip to Korea, no end of summer, no impending dread, just you and Sunhye in your own little pocket of space.
“What? Come on, tell me.”
“Uh-h, it’s nothing.” She stands up, facing away from you. “Your five minutes are up. Are you done?”
You peer over your notebook one last time. It’s good. Great, even. Maybe not Picasso or Da Vinci, but that was never the goal. Art has always been an outlet to externalize everything you’ve held inside. The fear, the joy, the sorrow, everything that you can’t quite put to words makes its way onto the paper, whether you like it or not.
The grating sound of paper being torn from your notebook becomes the song of a finished job. “Here.” You hand Sunhye the paper, hoping that everything you feel is able to be seen and understood by the only person that truly gets you.
A grin is quick to make itself known on her face as her eyes glaze over the page. Even with the obvious positive reaction, you can’t quite quell the nervous thumping of your heart.
“Wow,” she utters in disbelief. “All that waiting was worth it, you’ve really outdone yourself.”
“Yeah?” You wring your hands together over and over as you contemplate whether to stay or to run away. Even underneath the shade of the tree, your cheeks burn like a thousand suns. “I’m glad you like it. I, uh… I’m gonna miss you.”
Sunhye chuckles in your face. “I’ll only be gone for three weeks, what are you getting all sappy for?”
“Yeah, I know, it’s just… whatever.” You avert your gaze, immediately regretting your choice of words. It’s just three weeks, they’ll go by in the blink of an eye. What are you getting so sappy for?
“Um… I’ll miss you too,” she murmurs awkwardly. Time crawls to a standstill, with the breeze being the only evidence that the world is still turning. You try to think of something to say, a snarky quip, a simple “thanks” even, but nothing comes out. Your cheeks start to burn, but you’re not sure if it’s from the sun or the feelings that you’ve kept inside, threatening to burst from your chest.
“I-I guess you should probably head back home, huh?” you mutter.
“Y-yeah, right.” Sunhye turns to leave, but freezes in her tracks. “U-um, what’s that over there?” she asks, pointing behind you with a shaky finger.
Curiously, you turn around, only to be met with green trees and blue skies, the same ones the two of you have spent everyday under.
And then it hits you: Brief, fleeting, tender, a little clumsy, but sweet nonetheless. A warm pressure against your cheek so quick that you wonder if it’s just your imagination, all punctuated by a gentle pop like blown up bubblegum. You bring your hand to your cheek, tracing the lingering sensation left behind.
“I-I, uh, I should, um… Bye!” Sunhye makes a dash in the opposite direction, clutching your drawing to her chest. A stupid grin grows on your face as you replay that singular moment again and again in your head, wondering what would’ve happened if you had turned your head just a fraction of a second sooner. You lay down in the grass to stare up at the perfectly cloudless sky, illuminated by that great big ball of fire millions of miles away. 
Three weeks. They’ll be long and difficult and no doubt boring, but you’ll live through them regardless. And after that, you’ll pick up right where you left off, hanging out and making stupid jokes like you’ve always done.
Even if this summer is ending, you know that you’ll have many more to spend with the girl that changed your life.
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muwapsturniolo · 1 day
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First post in the AU!
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"Matthew Bernard Sturniolo, a 24-year-old triplet native to Boston Massachusetts. According to his parents, from a young age he and his youngest brother Christopher Owen Sturniolo, were always interested in sports. Seeing this, the parents decided to throw the boys in any sport they could. They started off playing for their town's soccer team, a typical thing for most kids to do. However, it seemed as if the sport wasn't enough for a young Matthew. It was too easy, he cleared all the other kids without even trying. Seeing this, his parents threw him into another sport, lacrosse. Now this held Matthew over for a long time until it became boring, he needed something more.
That's when hockey came into play, a sport most boys in Boston find solace in during the cold months. The sport seemed to be Matt's calling, the ice feeling like a second home. His talent was natural, something most people couldn't obtain no matter how much they trained. He ended up loving the sport so much, he made it his full-time career.
At age 17, he graduated high school alongside his two brothers and their childhood best friend. All four boys managed to get full-ride scholarships to Boston University, a school that had many NCAA wins, and has sent many players to the NHL. Matt took control of the Terriers by force, quickly becoming the captain when only being a freshman. Many of his former teammates and coaches had good things to say about him, but something stood out to me. That something was his anger.
"He was a hothead, always shouting and yelling at us during practice"
"There were a couple of times where he broke his stick and punched a locker after losing a game"
"I remember he argued with our coach one day. The argument was so bad, both of them just ripping into each other. It escalated so quick, one second they were shouting and the next Matt was throwing punches."
All of these are quotes by old teammates who would like to stay anonymous.
It was an evident pattern that managed to follow him to where he is now, the lucky star of the Boston Bruins. I had the specialty of sitting in on some of the practices, seeing how the men work with each other. Just like I expected, Matt was a force to be reckoned with. He yelled and berated some of his teammates, even going as far as getting into an argument with his own brother. It's hard to tell if it's just him being driven by passion, or if he simply has anger issues. I chose to go with the latter considering what I saw during the first game of the preseason.
The Bruins were losing against the New York Rangers, not that the score mattered. The preseason is mainly for the coaches to evaluate their team and see who fits where. So why was Matt Sturniolo causing fights, yelling at refs, and being an overall hothead? He resembled the Hulk, the brute green giant who was also a hothead when angry. It seems as if no matter the situation, training, preseason, or the actual NHL season, he was locked in and out for blood.
He's passionate about the sport, perhaps too passionate. Would it be his downfall? Would the Bruins let him go and leave him to reminisce about his glory days while he rots? We will have to tune in to this year's NHL season to find out."
Y/n Y/L * october 3rd, 2024
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for your aniversary can u do aventurine w/ Forcing them to divulge past tramaus or secrets and calling them a mocking name or title?
Oh- being sadistic much aren’t we? (Edit: I went overboard)
Mean!reader x Aventurine (?) - reader is gon
Warning: no smut lul, reader’s real egotistic, bringing up past trauma, dark content (?)
Anniversary event
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Loud and obnoxious, with flashing lights all over the establishment. The quiet lobby music fading in and out of the conversations, with the sound of dice and cards taking the front stage. Occasionally, a cry for help or laughter would break out, or a scream of despair. Indeed, so was the never changing atmosphere of the casino. You sat by the bar counter, clicking the metal rod that came with your drink against the glass. Then, you took a sip of it.
Long have you gotten bored of these simple stimulations, the feeling of life and death being at stake was no where to be found. That’s because you overdid it, you found out all the tricks to success, and now you were waiting for someone else to notice as well, to have a fair and unpredictable game with them. One of the reasons of why you didn’t stop coming to the gamblers house, the other one being it has become a part of your routine.
And, as if your prayers have been heard by the aeons, the day where you’d met such a person really came. It came in the form of a surprising defeat. You stared at the cards of your opponent, glistening sweat rolling down the side of your forehead, hieratic heart beat pounding in your head. “I lost.” A small whisper among all the other noises in the background, then the corners of your mouth twitched upwards.
“Fuck- haha, I really lost huh?” Your tone was a little irritated but all in all amused. Then you turned your gaze to your opponent, eyeing him up and down. A handsome young man with blond hair and fancy clothing, a soft smile plastered on his face. “Sorry, pal, but that’s what it means to gamble.” You shook your head, grinning, “no need to apologise, I should thank you.. erm?” “Aventurine.” “Ahh~ aventurine, from the IPC huh? A big shot, thanks for doing me the honours of playing with you. Seems like the rumours aren’t just rumours this time.”
It was the truth, you weren’t mad in the slightest, no, you were glad you found a new challenge to overcome. Though, this was a difficulty you didn’t expect, because the next time and the time after you did nothing but lose. This was more than skill, there was something else about him that causes him to win. You were sure of it after playing against him so often. That’s why you decided to play dirty.
By the next time you two played, you’ve done some background check on him. Well, not just some, you knew everything about him afterwards. From the smallest things to some high peaks and lows of his life. Once again, you entered the casino, an unusual confidence in your steps as you headed straight for the table where Aven was playing. “Hey Aven! Still on your winning streak aren’t ya?” Due to your many encounters, you’ve grown accustomed to calling each other by a nickname.
“Oh, hey palm still haven’t given up?” The boy asked you, turning his head around to give you a small greeting. He was still in the middle of a game, though he looked unfocused now that you came. “You bet, I won’t stop until I’ve won.” Suddenly, he laughed, pushing his bangs back. “That’s the spirit! Fine, let me finish this one first.” It didn’t take long until he was done, and without doubt, he won. Afterward he pointed at the chair next to him, hinting at you to sit down.
“No, I have something special planned for this match. I booked us a vip room.” You moved your head in the direction of the single rooms, smiling brightly. “Ah? My, you are making me excited, lead the way my friend.” He said, voice rid of any suspicion. After all, even in the worst case scenario, he could still take you in a fight. Your grin widened as you walked over to the rooms, opening a door and making a hand gesture at him, “after you.”
He nodded, as a way of saying thanks, then sat down all comfortable onto the couch. “This room sure is fancier than the rest, even the couch is softer.” You popped onto the armchair opposite of him, taking out the cards, and mixing them. “The atmosphere is so different, it’s so quiet.” Aven stared at your hands, wondering if he should trust you with the task of dealing, “hey, pal, we gon’ switch who’s dealing every turn?” You answered, “of course.”
After you were done with the mixing, you asked him, “what do you want to play?” The Blondie chirped, “your choice, you wanted to challenge me after all.” You hummed in acknowledgment, cooing delighted, “how about hold ‘em?” In return he responded, “bring it on.” While you were busy laying out the cards, he opened a suitcase and took out come chips, commenting, “say, how much do you want to bet?” You glanced at him for a split second, then said, “how about we start with 88 million?” Aven smirked, “sounds good to me.”
A few drinks and quite a few poker games later, the game was finally spiralling towards the end. Playing something like this in a one on one situation was way different than in a big group, it depended a tad more on luck than probability. Even so, his luck seems to be as unfair as ever, with how he was holding almost all of the chips now. “You really don’t disappoint, IPC big shot.” You chuckled, slumping back to carefully think it through.
“Hehe, it’s all a coincidence.” Aventurine said, while raising the stakes by 15 million. “Ah? Why the rush, peacock boy?” He was trying to make you fold or go all in, though were your cards really good enough? “Well it’s getting late. So, what’ll it be, my friend?” You smiled, but it wasn’t just a simple smile, it had something sinister and ugly behind it. “You are really dying to get back to the lion’s den, huh?”
A frown appeared on his pretty face, it was gone as fast as it popped up, and he tried to ignore it, “haha, you didn’t brush me as someone opposed to the IPC.” You shook your head, “no, i’m not, not necessarily so. Rather, I’m wondering what you think about it, former slave Aven?” He clenched his fists, a drop of sweat rolling down the side of his face, his usual cheekiness was gone, instead replaced with a sense of dread, “Y/n, you know what I could do to you when you call me with such a detestable title.”
“Oh? Did I hit a nerve there? Please pardon me then, I was simply joking.” You shrugged, then continued with, “or rather, I was intrigued to know if the rumours are true.” Out of nowhere, he leaned over the table and grabbed you by the collar, chips and cards long discarded on the floor. “What rumours?” Your irritating smirk didn’t dissipate, instead you kept your composure and told him, “how you came from an eradicated planet, and was passed around like an object.”
Something shattered inside him, his hand that was grabbing you felt weak. His stomach curled as he remembered all these ancient— long forgotten times he had eradicated from his storybook, his script. Yet somehow, you still found out, and if he could take you by your word, you weren’t the only one who knew. The overwhelming pounding of his hearts beats were almost hurting, he starred at you, are your lips that were moving, but he couldn’t focus.
Your voice rang in his ears, uncomfortably so, loud, obnoxious yet unclear, a high pitched beep was all that reached him before suddenly— all sounds vanished, leaving him alone with his own thoughts. It was quiet, as if he was stuck battling his own consciousness, plagued by memories he tried to seal away. Did you stop talking? Is that why he couldn’t hear a thing? Though your voice made him furious before, now he was in desperate need to hear you, to block out his terrible, horrible thoughts, to overshadow them.
In the midst of it all, you reached a hand out to him, rubbing the tattoo on his neck. “This is proof for your previous life, ain’t it, slave?” Then you stared right into his hypnotising eyes, a bright shade of magenta paired with a piercing royal blue, the most recognisable feature of him. “I guess everyone wanted a piece of those mesmerising eyes of yours.” His back was soaked in cold sweat now, chills ran down his spine while he dreaded your touch. It was awful, it creeped him out, it make his skin crawl, so much that he wished to scratch and rid his skin to shreds.
“Y-y/n, stop this at once, it’s not funny anymore.” He stumbled over his voice, the confidence he once had was long gone, leaving behind this broken and lazily fixed up man who was still showing signs of being worn out. The often times he was used, sold, and played with, you knew all about it, didn’t you? And instead of feeling a shred of pity —something you seemingly didn’t have— you taunted him.
A giggled erupted from you, then two and more to come. “What a lucky dog you are, since you are still standing as of today. Not as sane as before, but we can overlook that.” He clenched his teeth, forcing himself to speak up, uttering quieter than he wanted, “what do you want, y/n?” There wasn’t a hint of conviction in the way he talked, you had caught him on your hook. “Oh no, nothing, really. Just, isn’t it funny? How a slave like you managed to increase your worth by selling yourself? Like that deal you made with-” “shut up. Just- shut up y/n, stop.. please.”
“Did I go too far? I’m sorry. Though, you did as well, didn’t you? You dirtied your hands and killed your owner.” He laughed in your face, “I don’t have an owner, I’m not a slave anymore.” Suddenly you have a face as if you’ve been waiting for this moment, grinning from ear to ear as you spoke, “Aha! So you aren’t denying my accusations. Then it must be true that the hands of all these filthy men touched and soiled you, no?”
To your surprise, or as you expected, he slammed his fist onto the table and shouted, “y/n, stop it right now with your ridiculous imagination. I don’t know what it is that you want from me, but leave me the fuck alone.” His face was red, with anger probably, but he trembled, he was scared, disgusted, repulsed even.
You sighed disappointed, before saying, “then, let’s finish this game of poker first. Alright slav—ehem— Aven?” He glared at you, he wanted nothing else but to leave, though he couldn’t when there were still money at stake. “Damn it, you played me, you never wanted to win the poker game- you wanted something else.” In response to his statement, you shrugged with your shoulders again, scoffing, “I’m no big, evil mastermind like that. In fact, it’s much more simple. I am chasing the thrill of it, and the high of a win. Though…”
You trailed off, leaned down to the floor to pick up the cards from the boy, then looking up at him, “I want it to feel like life-and-death for the both of us.” After you collected the two cards from him, he was still standing next to the desk, unmoving. But you ignored it, instead explaining, “since you threw them on the ground, I take it you folded? So, my win this time.” Normally he’s argue, obviously, but this time he was still in tumour, his inner conflicts haven’t been solved yet, he could only watch in despicable silence.
“Don’t look at me like that, wasnt I your old pal? Ah, that reminds me, 88 million— is a pretty number, no? It’s said to be a lucky number, and the price of your body during your first auction.”
At this point, his knees gave out, he felt back onto the couch, eyes blank as he stared at you, cursing underneath his breath. This game has been going on for too long, and it was only going to be worse from here on.
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kalifornia1025 · 3 days
The Resident Patient Pt. 1 (SPOILERS)
Pt. 1 notes for Resident Patient, let’s go!!!
“I need a catchphrase”- sir you already have a bunch, just take your pick
Gross, weird, and spooky? SAY LESS!
He’s getting the mic fixed…not replaced…I can’t even be mad about his dedication to the mic 
“You ever dropped it?” “About 16 times, yeah”- HOW DID IT NOT BREAK SOONER?!
John you seriously share your Dad Jokes with anyone, huh?
Murder case already? Splendid
Ooh, John and Sherlock alternating clever deductions between each other, love it LOVE IT!
“Hips don’t lie, mate” SHAKIRA SHAKIRA (…sorry)
…there’s a what on his WHAT?
Oh wow, love affair turned murder? Nice
“Well observed Doctor” “Thank you Detective” YOU TWO STOP BEING SO CUTE
Sherlock is so real about not wanting cold butter for his toast, because I’ve lost so many good toasts when trying to spread cold butter on them…I’d rather have a plain toast than a massacred one
“To the dead condom man” - now John why did you have to say that?
“We are [magnetic] aren’t we? Opposites attract and all that sort of thing” - sir you can’t just say that and be surprised we ship you two (don’t even get me STARTED on the mailbag episodes…)!
Hehe more canon acknowledgment of Sherlock’s neurodiversity
“Just…a little bored” “You just solved a murder” - no joke this immediately make me think of that one scene from BBC Sherlock 
“Ugh” - why were so SASSY with that, Sherlock????
Aww John already knows to calm Sherlock down from getting worked up without cases, he knows him so well!
“Christ sake you sound like the bloody listeners” - ope, I feel called out (not a shoutout, but close enough)
“Fill a brother in” - oh…oh no John why
I like how Sherlock isn’t always right, like sometimes he’ll be SO CLOSE but get it wrong and go “bugger”, it reminds us that he’s not too perfect (which I prefer)
Oh nice, I like when John brings up his educational background!
I REALLY like Percy’s voice <3 <3
“Little prick, but enough of me!” - John if want the short jokes to stop THIS ISN’T HELPING
‘Chugging along’, ‘Deduction Junction’, ‘little observations may leave the carriage’…Sherlock you REALLY do like trains and it’s the cutest thing 
Okay, NOW we’re getting into the main case!
Oooh spooky element! That’s a little different from the main story, but in a good way
Sleepy John is so cute to me!
“Heysville, ugh God I’m starting to sound like you [John], yuck” - rude but you’re not wrong
Mic shenanigans seem to be an ongoing theme right now, first it was the audio distortions in Red Circle and now the mic is magnetic
Oh hello…random nurse lady?
Well that interaction was certainly rushed, and TOTALLY not suspicious (she says sarcastically)
‘Johnny boy’? Wow, that’s a first
Oh God this is reminding me of Creeping Man pt. 2 cliffhanger…
So…that was part 1…and the case already sounds promising! I didn’t think we’d get such a dramatic cliffhanger in the first part, yet here we are. I’m REALLY liking the dynamic of John and Sherlock in this episode. They seem more in-tuned with each other! Unfortunately not a lot of Mariana but at least we got a heads that she wasn’t gonna be in this case much (plus she mentioned she was glad not to be ‘dealing with this case’…so that’s foreboding). Anyway STRONG start to the case, and we’ve still got two more parts so stay tuned (and hang tight John, Sherlock will be there soon)!
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marchsfreakshow · 4 hours
Dinner Blues [Warren Lipka]
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Angst / fluff ending because duh
Warren promised dinner. Because you set it up. So, where was he come day of your planned dinner together?
Ooooooo yeah. Angst. I love this idea, and I consistently have Warren brainrot I'm so sorry I'll never shut up about him.
No one's perspective
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
It had been a year.
You never thought it was possible. In your head, Warren would get bored a month or two in then leave. He was never a committal type of guy, even when the two of you were just friends. You'd see him go through hookups and month-long relationships like it was no one's business. Maybe he'd stay single for a few months after one person, but one day, boom. Another hazy girl hanging off his arm purely because she complimented Warren's hair and his eyes.
That just made it all the more surprising when you made Warren celebrate 3 months with you. Then 6. Then 10. Now 12. Even more surprising to Spencer as well, he'd never seen his friend become so, whipped for someone before. Warren's eyes never strayed at parties. He was always touching you in some way at those parties, keeping you close to him. His hand staying on your hip as you walked around, drunkenly rambling to whoever about your current favourite movie or TV show. Everyone around you was surprised at it in some way.
A few days before today, you made silent plans for dinner. What you were going to cook, how long, and what else the rest of the day was going to look like. It was gonna be perfect, and you were 100% sure Warren would be up for it. He's always been up for that before, why would it change today?
But...he let the phone ring. He didn't answer you. Warren always answered you. No matter what time you called, he would be right there at your front door with weed and snacks. Instead, you figured Spencer would know where Warren was. As soon as you pressed call on Spencer's number, someone picked up. "Heyy sunshine..."
"Warren. What the fuck...w-where are you? Why didn't you answer me on your phone? Why didn't you come over if your phone was broken or something? That's what you always do." Your voice was a mix of frustration and sadness, that much was obvious.
"Okay..so..listen.." Warren started, his voice slightly slurred. Great, he was drunk...how wonderful! "I kinda just...got busy."
"With?" You never doubted your relationship with Warren, at least, not until now. In the back of your head, you just had a nagging that he just stole Spencer's phone, and wasn't even with him anymore. There was no raving music in the background, no people shouting or screaming. No footsteps bouncing. So he wasn't anywhere where a party was. Maybe he was on his own.
Figured. "Figured."
Warren hung on silence. An excruciating silence. It got worse with every second that passed; like a ticking time bomb. "Warren.."
"ssshhhh! Listen! Okay... okay..so like, Spencer knows more romantic shit than me. Right?" He hung on a few seconds of silence again. "Rriiiggghhhtt?"
"I went over. Asked him for help. He's bullshit at that by the way I'm never asking for his help again." Despite how upset and annoyed you currently felt, you couldn't stop a little chuckle from leaving your lips. "...pretty little laugh." The stoner remarked quietly, smiling to himself as he heard your chuckle through the phone.
"Bet you got that small smile on ya face huh sunshine?" He tried to coax his way out of the hard conversation, not like it would work though. Not fully.
"Warren." You stated, your voice firm, attempting to not betray yourself of the anger. "Come on...carry on. What else?"
He sighed deeply, now figuring he couldn't worm his way out of this one with charm. "Okay, so basically...basically...I continued to ask as we just drunk. Then, I sorta..just..forgot."
"not the first time you've forgotten."
And he suddenly hung up. He..hung up. That'd never happened before. The whiplash whipped the breath out of your lungs for a moment, eyes suddenly wide. Tears made your vision blurry, and glossy. Mouth agape slightly. Suddenly your chest hurt..like your heart psychically broke at the sound. Like the phenomenon of someone dying from a broken heart. You knew Warren wouldn't turn up at your doorstep. He wasn't that type of person. He never would be.
The ingredients laid out on your kitchen counter suddenly seemed uninteresting. They seemed like the least fun things in the world. Your empty house seemed a lot more empty and silent. The phone in your hand vibrated occasionally with a message, but you couldn't find the right motivation to check it. Instead, you placed your phone down on your bedside table and went out silently.
No music in your earphones, no phone in your pocket. It felt cliché, and it was not lost on you as you walked around aimlessly. You certainly didn't need to walk somewhere specific. Thoughts were passing by nonchalantly. The walk went on for an hour, you probably circled a few streets over and over. But, you just stopped for a moment, staring at the ground and taking another deep sigh. "Sunshinee.." a voice crept up on you, arms wrapping over your shoulders, bringing you close to his chest. Warren pressed kisses to your cheek, smiling cheesily. Like nothing had ever happened. "Why'd you go somewhere without telling me huh? Visited your place but you weren't there..."
"...Because I did." You sighed, barely hugging Warren back. "You disappointed me Warren. Today was supposed to be a nice day. I haven't seen you all day."
Warren's heart felt like it dropped in his chest at your words. Your own heartbreak was obvious. "No..nononono baby listen to me.." Your eyes avoided his eyes. His sudden worry, scared look. It made your heartbreak worse. Another blink, and another load of tears brimming your eyes. Warren stuttered out his answer quietly, holding onto your shoulders a bit too tightly. "I. I just...I really did forget. I want... wanted to make you happy today. I promise I did! Y-you know I love you.."
Beat of silence between you, as you both took in his words. Warren looked slightly surprised that he said those words too. Like his brain didn't connect with his mouth. It hung in the air for a few minutes. Unblinking stares. Neither of you wanted to say anything for a moment, just making sure you heard him correctly the first time. "You love me?"
"I love you." His response was quick. Like he couldn't help himself.
"if you love me why did you leave me alone on the most important day in our lives?"
The excruciating quiet came back. Warren didn't know what to say, or how to say what was on his mind. The ambience of cars going past and people talking about their own lives and worries. "C-c'mon now sweet...I..you know..I just.." Your lack of response spoke a lot to Warren. "...f-fine! Fine! Jesus..okay..look! I'm sorry okay? I'm really fuckin sorry."
A deep, shaky sigh left you as a response, and your words were left. "Just..just come on. L-lemme drive you home. Please. Please sweet..y-ya don't have to say anything." Warren immediately took your hand, trying to lead you to the car. The more he spoke, the worse you felt. Wait. Why should you feel bad? He's the one who skipped out on your anniversary. You sat down in the passenger seat, a musk of weed and general cigarette stink in the car. His hand on your thigh felt uncomfortably familiar.
As the car started, you finally found something to say. "... where's your phone?" He held his phone up from the middle section. Of fucking course. "Jesus Warren.."
"I didn't realise it was there until I got in my car earlier."
You sighed deeply, used to this type of bullshit now, but today it felt worse. The town ran past you, full of dim lights and passing cars. You never felt an awkward silence between the two of you before. What on earth were going to do? The drive went as slowly as it felt like it was. Warren hesitated to rest his hand on your thigh, but did so anyway, the cold palm against your skin making the drive a bit more bearable. He occasionally looked over at you, feeling the guilt wring up more in his heart. Why did you have to be so beautiful when you were upset? Puffy eyes, red cheeks. Being lit and unlit by the street lamps that you drove past together. "You really are a pretty thing.."
You looked over to Warren, giving him a little smile. He's pretty sure he could watch you smile like that for hours on end. The drive was a bit eased now as Warren complimented you, finally making it to your place after what felt like hours. Watching your house for a second, Warren grabbed your hand, subconsciously playing with your fingers. "Sweet.." He started, making you look over to him. Eyes met his, practically melting you despite the ache in your heart.
"...I do love you.."
You could almost see the relief and light come back in his eyes and a smile graced Warren's face. He immediately held your face, stroking your cheeks with a wide smile. "T-thank fuck...I love you..how can I make this shit up to you? Just tell me.."
A glance back to your place, and a little idea came to you. "just come inside..okay?" Once you got an okay from Warren, you stepped out of the car, immediately heading down to the front door. The stoner trailed behind you like some sort of pup, bound to be by your side 24/7. He held the door open, immediately took your shoes off for you and picked you up. Taking you up to your room, and throwing gently placing you down on your bed. Wrapping your blankets around you, not particularly choosing to listen to your no's between small giggles.
"Alright. You're in bed. Tight." He grinned, smiling down at you from slightly straddling you. With a little grin, Warren leaned down, kissing your face, not giving you a moment to breathe. Eventually, though, he sat up, still grinning. "Okay. How about this? Weed, Scream, and Halloween?"
"...yeah that sounds good." You replied, slightly breathless but with a smile.
"Good. I love you."
"fuck... you're an idiot...I love you Warren.."
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tags: @babygorewhore / @taintandviolent / @oceanblvd111 / @nahoyasboyfriend / @coentinim / @slutforgarlogan / @briaroftheroses @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re /. @evanpeterspeter / @feefymo / @fear-is-truth / @lacucarachapisser / @marchsfreak / @saintlucretia / @jazz-berry / @t8-ak47 / @lemoniiiiiii
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beetlerings · 3 months
Colored this doodle
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Hehe I luv yucky green overlays
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
This little NPC is lost. The Narrator [Black] has come to guide her back to where she needs to be. [Blank Scripts AU]
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I imagine Black would be a lot more tolerant toward his NPCs since they're basically just the Dungeons spawns, and by extension, his own creations.
[If you're familiar with manhwas / manhuas that features the dungeon / system genre, you'd be able to understand this AU a lot easier. The majority of my inspiration for worldbuilding came from those specific genres.]
[NOTE: 'Dungeon' is just another term for the Parable. Technically, Black owns a Dungeon and the Parable is just a small part of it. The Dungeon itself is much, much larger.]
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For context, the comic below references this post about the Dungeon's children/guard dogs.
[They're more like the immune system since all they do is make sure the (body) is safe.]
[The reason the Narrator [Black] considers them his children is that the Dungeon is feeding off his energy and in turn shares the 'nutrients' to the monsters it produces, which transforms them into an image that resembles his power.]
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And the old man below is Joseph!
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Joseph is NOT AN NPC! He is a person who exists outside of the Dungeon!
[There are two separate 'worlds' for this AU. Inside the Dungeon (where most of the game-like stuff is happening) and the world outside (pretty much their normal world.)]
[There is a secret third world, and that's our world. Our reality.]
These characters are not actually important or anything, I just made them to make the AU feel more lively. To make a world that exists, you know?
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When the Narrator [Black] first established himself in their world, he found a growing problem with homelessness. Not understanding human norms or why this has become a problem in the first place, he offers (tricks) them into working for him as janitors for the Dungeon and they accept for the money.
Most of them left after they got paid, but Joseph was one of the people who stayed. He doesn't have anywhere else to go and has no ambitions in life. He just wishes to live a peaceful life with food and a roof over his head.
Joseph defaults to referring to the Narrator [Black] with feminine terms due to his appearance despite his voice. The Narrator [Black] is not the type to care for such terms anyway so he doesn't care how other people refer to him as long as there's respect.
This post focuses more on the worldbuilding and background aspects of the AU! There are a lot more in store for the Blank Scripts AU, and I want to explore more on how the characters might interact with their surroundings and how this would work to make a world that makes sense.
It would be so cool if people made self-inserts or OCs for my AU actually. I'd love to see how you guys would work with my stuff. Play around with it like a barbie world for your little barbie dolls. Be canon compliant, be canon divergent, who cares, have fun.
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de-adend-archived · 2 years
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2018!🐢💜 [ft puppet history]
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imjustspacetrash · 2 months
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Some fanart for a fanfic that I love! Honest Man by girlpigeon. I'm obsessed with their fics (babe wake up, they just dropped a new fic for serirei week 2024).
Here we have my visual interpretation of Reigen's sister and brother-in-law! Love how they are written in the fanfic, they are so canon to me now, this is how I imagen the Reigen Family to be. And I love the Reigen's dyed hair detail!, I headcanon that his original color is his manga colors.
My Carrd
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synesthete-sylke · 3 months
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do you think it hurts, when you fly too close to the sun? or is it really the fall that kills you?
anyways scotts sos ending huh. dude needs to stop killing himself lol but i can at least Try and make it a bit angsty :b
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flustersnaggle · 10 months
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aurelia aquareine (she/her), sage of alchemy — cheerful // creative // perfectionist
general: face skinblend // facekit 1 // facekit 2 // face highlights (highlight N1) // face undertones // hairline // brows // eye preset // lashes // eye base // eye sparkle // eyeshadow (eyeshadows N9 glitter only) // eyeliner // blush—... hey, where did it go? // mouth corners // teeth // body preset // skinblend (skin N13 overlay) // skin tints // nails // wrist tattoo everyday: hair (my wedding stories) // hat (helia hat V3) // earrings // choker // dress // boots formal: hair (my wedding stories) // earrings // necklace // lipstick // dress (high school years) // arm bracelet (realm of magic) // shoes (base game) athletic: hair (fashima fro) & headwrap overlay // earrings (base game) // top (throwback fit) // shorts (daisy shorts V1) // socks (artemis socks) // shoes (incheon arrivals) sleep: bonnet (V2) // robes (vintage glamour) // shoes (spa day) party: hair (lisa low fro) // earrings (ashley earrings) // necklace (poolside splash) // lipstick // dress (naomi dress) // bracelets // shoes swimwear: hair (pam puff V1) // top (island living) // bottom (base game) // bracelet (base game) // feet hot weather: hair (penny puff V3) // earrings (base game) // top (eco lifestyle) // shorts (realm of magic) // bracelet (base game) // shoes (incheon arrivals) cold weather: hair (lisa low fro) // hat (seasons) // earrings // coat // gloves (get to work) // shoes (get together) extras: poses 1 & potion // poses 2 // poses 3 // realm of magic icons rip
thank you! — @atomiclight, @pyxiidis, @okruee, @ddarkstonee, @serawis, @sayasims, @meghewlett, @obscurus-sims, @miikocc, @pralinesims, @xiamdeathx, @goppolsme, @squea, @magic-bot, @crilender, @ms-marysims, @clumsyalienn, @raccoonium, @philosimy, @mysteriousdane, @crypticsim, @sheabuttyr, @aharris00britney, @ayoshi, @mapleseed, @qwertysims, @arethabee, @sentate, @lady-moriel, @makesims, @dearie-sim, @hula-zombie
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squishosaur · 6 months
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t4t marriage for your dashboard
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princncess · 10 days
hdg is the forcemasc of petplay ok this one doesn’t even make sense why do you make me say these things [loud bang, muffled voice] okokokok i’m sorry i’m sorry i’ll keep reading the cards-
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emerxshiu · 5 months
i still struggle so much drawing the creature in a non gijinka way
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also i know the background is horrible but uhhhhh
i have been drawing basically like, the entire week lol to try to lift my mood up since last post, yknow so i at least know i can still draw, and i made a list with stuff to draw, i have a few of em done but i wanna upload them in the same post so it will take a while (its nothing much, just some silly un-shaded quick drawings) i also im doing this one drawing and im trying something different so uh, i very much have no idea of what the fuck im trying to do in that one (it has a bit to do with chaos elfilis as in im tryna remake their gijinka and going crazy on not being satisfied with the designs i came up with and cool ideas i dont have the skill to do)
went in a bit of rant there, huh? well, i just wanted to post something already (i was planning to upload this tmrrw)
uh Jambuhbye! :D
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theshmeepking · 1 year
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himb ❤️
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