#the autism won
oldrudshore · 5 months
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Literally in the middle of doing something and I remembered this. Why the fuck did he do this
(MTMTE #40)
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semisentientseafood · 11 months
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Did some Zonai deep cut designs for fun! 🐍🐗🦉
Got the idea for these when wondering about these “Rulers of owls/dragons/boars” that speak to you in the lomei labyrinths
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then realized that those animal choices were very likely in reference to the three poisons so of course my splatoon rotten brain had to go “YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE REFERENCES THOSE-”
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cryoffearfan26 · 4 months
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x | x | x
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x | x | x
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@chaosteddybear tagged me in the following game and the autism won. I decided to make an extra challenge for myself: a themed playlist with 1 'outsider' or anachronistic track that still fits the overall vibe. We begin... with Disco Funk.
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End Credits song
Spotify Youtube Music
1. AFRO CUBAN BAND* - Something's Gotta Give -
Dreams have done their share of dying love cries out but no one hears - oh, Something Something's got to give We can't, We can't go on like this
Is it a little on the nose? Sure. But a midnight revelation that he simply couldn't continue his life as it was going put Zell on the road to discovering his own path. He aches for the hurting, broken world he was brought into; he may not have the answer for fixing things, but he has to try something. Even if he's unsure of himself, even if he's convinced of his own fragility, he can fake strength if he can get out. He can't do anything while locked away in a Hellknight compound in Lepistadt, so he goes. And so it goes...
2. ARTIE SHAW - Nightmare - (Instrumental)
The problem with having an unclear sense of purpose and underdeveloped, poor self-esteem is that it can lead one down a path of introspection that keeps one in a spiral. Zell is an outsider when he isn't a rebel, never fitting with any authority and rarely synchronizing with any group; uncomfortable in his own body even when he's done everything he can to feel like himself. He desperately wants to solve the conundrum of connection - even when he's successful he has doubts that haunt him, especially in the lonely hours in the night.
(It's called Depression but they haven't invented therapy in Golarion yet)
Why this is the Anachronistic Outsider - Zell himself is a man out of time... even he doesn't know how old he is or how long he spent in Areelu Vorlesh's "care."
3. DEODATO - Also Sprach Zarathustra (instrumental)
I'm being a little bit of a shit with this; historically the misinterpretation of Nietzsche's Zarathustra have been that the title character is a teacher of doctrine/great leader/himself the 'Übermensch' he urges humanity to become. The actions of someone who wishes not to speak to the masses but instead live his own life of contemplation - and if he ever leads, to do it by example - often get twisted into fanatic parasocialization... if that isn't the life of the Knight Commander I don't know what is. Plus, this is just a bop.
Ooh-ooh, it's a, oh-oh, it's a shame (Shame) oh-oh, it's a (Shame) mama** just don't understand Oh, how I love my man (shame) It's a, oh, it's a (shame)
Falling for someone when you already don't like yourself a whole lot can be hard, but it's much harder when nobody else likes the someone you love. Sometimes you just have to whip around and be assertive: the real shame would be abandoning what you have. Especially when it's this good.
5. C.J. & CO - Devil's Gun***
Get a new direction Well, well, well another resurrection Well now don't wait hesitate Or it's gonna be too late Flames are getting higher Got to jump out of the fire
I felt this fit as a big combat piece for Azata path especially; deeply anti-authoritarian theme about bringing together the community and avoiding the Devil (literal, figurative, and so on) and rebuilding? Yes please.
6. FRANCO MICALIZZI - Stridulum Theme (Instrumental)****
I wanted to close us out with something that felt a little magical and strange; this is a longtime favorite that really fit the bill.
TAGGING~ @Rlainarin @thedosianexplorer @arendaes I'm pretty sure two of you have already been tagged so feel no obligation, naturally.
*Had to transcribe the lyrics here myself so I'm not 100% sure I got them on the mark. Frustratingly I think this group only did one other track, which was the b-side for Something's Gotta Give. Real bummer, I love what I've found.
**Mama in this context is 100% Irabeth. She does NOT approve of this obviously farcical union. She's watching Arendae like a HAWK .
***YES, OF COURSE I played this during the Mephistopheles fight, who do you think I am?! TBH it was a real close call between this and Stayin' Alive but Devil's Gun won out for thematic reasons.
****I've had this track on Zell's playlist for a long time simply because I love the sound. It's the theme to a truly bizarre 70s Italian horror flick called The Visitor / Stridulum that's worth catching if you're curious. Free on youtube via the link.
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ashcarmine · 11 days
I kissed a guy but immediately told him I was obsessed with Hugh Jackman
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stupidscav · 5 months
dont let me near the game carrion i just got it and immediately played it for five hours straight
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silliestintheworld · 1 year
i am so NORMAL about milesganke guys i swear
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nullbutler · 2 years
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so the categorization autism and the alois autism fused into one
BUT I think it's an interesting question, what category of traits do you mostly write in Alois? He's kind of inconsistent in the actual show, but everyone on Tumblr seems to get him...with minor differences and personal flair here and there
Please reblog your personal takes >:)
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azucar-skull · 8 months
I need everyone to know that I'm having a fun sensory morning.
It's raining so I got to hear the pitter patter of rainfall on my umbrella to and from my class.
And my class this morning was astronomy which is in a FUCKING PLANETARIUM so we got to see the stars and shit.
I had to take BREAKS to go to a restroom stall and stim. (Yes, I'm hiding my autism around here. This area is actually pretty dangerous so yeah no risks, thank you.) BUT STILL.
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blueseraphim · 1 year
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skrimbloz · 9 months
A tiny bit drunk rn but i just got back from present exchange with my freidns and I GOT LOADS OF NINJO STUFF EHEHEHRHEHEHEN I CANT WAIT TO SHOW THEM!!!!!!!! :DDD
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selfspinninglies · 1 year
Sometimes my brain likes to mix my interests together so now I have a rottmnt x csm thing in my head and I drew what donnie would be as a devil I guess (although i have thought about it being a devil hunter. Coming soon maybe)
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krscblw · 1 year
ok the ghoul perfume list is officially drafted, i just have to proofread it tomorrow. but fair warning y'all it is almost 2000 words. so. sorry?
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The best part of making playlists is you sometimes stumble on something you might never have heard before, and it ROCKS YOUR FUCKING WORLD.
Tiantang (Heaven) by Tengeer. Absolute banger, completely blew me away.
The live performance from 2018 is also excellent
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alien-wooliee · 1 year
Yes tell me about your gilded city lore pls
OOH OKAY this might be a bit rambly sorry in advance
An adventurer from a kingdom forgotten mostly by time, save for a few scant records, discovered a massive cavern in the cave systems of a land he was exploring that's essentially analogous to America. A giant crystal hanging off of a massive stalactite that somehow supported it shone brightly in the dim abyss of the cave, providing light and warmth.
This would be relevant to him soon, as several natives from the land that they were attempting to colonize, y'know, didn't like the colonization efforts. Unable to defend themselves due to getting pittance from the kings back home, the explorer escaped underground with his settlers and came across that same gaping cavern, deciding to build a fortress there for the time being.
They discovered something strange about the focal point crystal, though; it had the same properties as the sun. They could grow crops, they could feel beams of light touching their cold skin, and it was bright enough to illuminate the town in a silver light. Unable to return to the surface, the adventurer and his people bunkered down and began to build a small village underground. Eventually, this village expanded into a town, and this town, into a city- but something in the darkness disliked this encroaching on its property.
A powerful force known as "The Voice" attacked, upset that the people were building in its property and removing its land, and the baron of the city had to make an accord- he'd sacrifice two people every month, all in order to keep the Voice appeased.
The Voice, amused by this proposition, decided to allow them to stay, in exchange for the sacrifices. The Baron had another idea on his mind, though- he would have to keep the sacrifices secret, so people would no longer be scared of that possibility of being sacrificed, and move into the underground city. As such, every single sacrifice was an immigrant, a poor person, or anybody else on the fringes of society.
This kept going for hundreds of years, the city growing and cycling kings, until eventually, the current king was reigning from the cliffside palace that had been built for all of those years. This all changed, however, when people began to catch on after the sudden disappearance of a rather popular figure in the community, as the King had no idea he was anybody but one of those vermin; an immigrant named Yoshie who had become very good friends with many people in the main city, despite living in the slums. It was a ticking time bomb, and it's a miracle people only began to catch on now.
News spread and people began to catch on to the sudden disappearance of several people throughout the community. Soon, people began to riot, tearing through the streets and protesting the king's rule- causing the man to panic, and turn back to that voice from the dark. He begged for a solution- for a quick fix to the rioting. The Voice, of course, complied in the most malicious way possible; slaughtering the entirety of the people of the golden city, save one homeless child in the slums, and leaving the great city an abandoned site.
The souls of the people slaughtered were restless, however, and soon manifested physically in the form of "Amygdala," a deadly entity that was the embodiment of the rage and grief of the people of the city. It was so dangerous in its rampaging through cities that even the gods watching over the ordeal had to intervene- but gods cannot directly interact with the world below, so they sent apostles and messengers to keep it at bay and eventually push it deeper and deeper into the ruins of the city. People swiftly built a dungeon around the beast and kept it contained within, locking Amygdala away and preventing it from escaping by using the magical abilities of the four apostles of the gods to keep it locked within the dungeon.
Amygdala still waits within, consumed by its rage against the world, and against the Voice, who mocks it at every opportunity. And that brings us to today.
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jaydawnsin · 2 years
Take a break, I said. Catch up on chores and homework, I said. Not even 12 hours after saying such scandalous things, I’m back on my bullshit, writing the outline for chapter 3.
For once, I may actually finish a multichapter fic. I think we’re at the halfway point, but I’m not certain.
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