#the art: hi im gonna turn out far above what u thought u had the skillset for
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dandyshucks · 1 year ago
being in love with a fictional character will make u produce art u didnt know u were capable of
[if ur part of the "fiction doesnt affect reality" crowd: please fuck off lol]
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yarichinbokutoclub · 4 years ago
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The train was packed. Who knew so many people would be milling about at 1 o’clock on a Wednesday afternoon. You hated it, being around so many people, but with your job at the museum you had learned to tolerate the crowds. This, however, was different, you were crammed in a tiny cabin with God knows how many other people. Don’t these people have work to do? It is a week day after all. So, to put things lightly, your day did not start off on a good note.
           You were, however, looking forward to the Café’s opening. It was your light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. With the café being a bit of a hole in the wall and lacking any media presence you knew it would not attract much of a crowd. The perfect place to work on your botany journal (basically just a journal with different plant clippings and facts and drawings. Think Hiccup’s journal in HTYD or Deku’s journal in BNHA.) You were really looking forward to the new pages you could add now that the museum had gotten in some new flora, that of course they let you be the first to see. The journal was a great help when you were giving tours as you wanted to be as thorough as possible in hopes that you might inspire a bright young mind, like what had happened to you so many years ago.
           The train finally came to a stop and you couldn’t have been more grateful. You got off as quickly as possible and stopped to take a deep breath, really appreciating the fresh air and the open space around you. After you got your bearings, you adjusted your outfit (gotta look good in case there are any cute boys at the café ;)) and got on your way. The café was only about 5 blocks from the train station so it didn’t take you long to get there at all. You turned off the main street onto a little side one, almost like an alley, and towards the end you saw the café.
           The vibe was immaculate. It was everything you could have wished for and more, no crowds and books everywhere, what’s not to love? Taking a deep breath to prepare yourself, you pushed open the front door. A small bell above you jingled to signal your arrival and you were immediately met with not only the eyes of your best friend, Yachi, but also a pair of wide yellow eyes which seemed to be taking in your appearance. Blushing, you tried not to think much of it and made your way to the counter and greeted the cute barista that you knew so well. “Yachi!!! You look so adorable in your apron.” you exclaimed upon getting to the counter, mindful of your volume of course. “Y/n, you actually came!” Yachi replied with a big grin.
“I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to check this place out and bug you on your first day. ;P Speaking of, how has it been, any rude customers yet?”
“It’s been a lot slower than we would have hoped but everyone has been really polite, I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better first day. Anyways, I should probably get back to work. What can I get you? I’ll bring it to your table when it’s ready.”
Yachi, always the positive one and a hard worker too. Scanning over the menu you quickly make your decision. “I’ll have a hot caramel latte and a blueberry muffin! Oh an make sure you do something extra cute for the latte art!!”
“Only the best for you, y/n! I’ll have it right out!”
           With that you made your way to a table near a window so you could attempt to people watch without being near any of the other patrons. It was a quiet corner just the way you liked. However, you could still feel those big yellow eyes on you. Looking up you finally made eye contact with the man who had been staring you down and boy was he cute. You could tell he was athletic too, giving him a curt smile you turned back to your table and pulled out your journal. Maybe this could be where you find your wattpad romance after all. Or so you thought.
           Yachi brought out your order and you got to journaling about the newest flower in the museum’s greenhouse, the Cytandra Vittata or Candy-Striped Violet. Particularly excited about this one due to the flower’s incredible beauty and unique petals, you made sure to put extra care into the pages. You were having a great time, the coffee was amazing and the atmosphere was perfect for getting your work done. That is until HE decided to stop staring at you and go back to reading his manga. Whatever it was, it must have been incredibly interesting because he was… engrossed to say the least.
           Not only did he seem to zone everything around him out, forgetting where he was, but he also felt the need to verbally or physically react to just about everything that was happening in his childish story. He was annoying, sure, but not loud enough to where he could be considered “disturbing the peace” even though he was certainly disturbing YOUR peace. Every two seconds there was an “oooh” or an “ahhhh” maybe even a “WHAT?!” thrown in there. Your patience was certainly running thin and you made sure to glare at him a few times, even hushing him along with the other patrons, but he just was not getting the hint. The next page must have had a huge plot twist or surprise thrown in there because this response, it was the most dramatic. Abruptly, he stood up out of his chair, knocking it to the ground in the process. His eyes were even bigger than before (was that even possible?) and he yelled (yes, this time it was a yell). His exact words were “NO!!! IT WAS HER BROTHER ALL ALONG?! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!.” Spoilers, am I right?
           At this you had had enough. Sure, you didn’t like confrontation, but it didn’t seem like anyone else was going to step in and you knew Yachi would be a nervous wreck if she had to. So, you marched over to his table with the most aggressive scowl you think you have ever sported on your face.
“Are you trying to piss off everyone in the store?! Because you’re doing a really good job if that was your plan!” You screamed at the stranger’s face.
He looked up at you confusion written all over his face. “…Huh?” he questioned.
“Are you trying to tell me you have no idea what you’ve been doing for the past 30 minutes?? Because I don’t buy it. You’re being incredibly loud and rude and you need to stop. This is not the place for that. Some people are trying to get work down and you’re making it incredibly difficult. If you wanna read your manga fine do it but do it quietly. Save the theatrics for your bedroom.” you weren’t trying to be mean but you couldn’t help it. Once you start talking you can’t stop yourself and this time you went a little too far. His hair seemed to deflate, something you certainly didn’t miss because was that even possible?
“I’m sorry miss, I didn’t realize I was being so loud I’ll try to quiet down.” He replied with a huge pout on his face.
“Thank you.” You replied and promptly turned on your heels to go back to the violet you were so excited to study.
           Everything was going smoothly now, sure you didn’t mean to be that harsh and you could’ve asked him nicely but your anger took over and you couldn’t help it, though you did feel a bit bad. It certainly didn’t help that your day had started out as poorly as it did and you were so looking forward to the peace and quiet of the café, something that had been so rudely ripped away from you. Another 15 minutes passed by and the silence was amazing, you made some real progress in your journal, even completing a detailed sketch of the flower. After the 15 minutes was up however, the reactions started to seep back out from the yellow eyed man again. He seemed to be over his pouting now. His reactions, although much quieter this time were still quite annoying. You decided to ignore them though, thinking you had been a little too harsh the first time around, and hoping he just slipped up and will go back to being quiet. This, however, was not the case and the disruptions continued for another 10 minutes when you decided you better just leave. Fate is tricky and maybe you just weren’t fated to be at the café today, meaning you’ll try again tomorrow after work. You said your goodbyes to Yachi and made your way to the train station, looking forward to the peace and quiet of your apartment and the soft cuddles of your two cats, Kyo and Tohru.
           What you didn’t know, was that Yachi, deciding it was time to be bold, went over to the loud and excitable customer. She decided it best, for business and for her own sanity, if she politely asked him to leave. And she did just that. The man apologized and made his way out of the café feeling a bit defeated but determined to come back again and next time hopefully not get kicked out.
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fear & love
4. series of unfortunate events
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PLOT - y/n is in her first year of college at tokyo u., she has a great friend group, a fantastic internship, life is good… that is until she meets bokuto koutarou. this loud and brash volleyball star is about to turn y/n’s life upside down. the question is, will it be a good change or a bad one?
a/n - Im gonna be honest, not really loving this fic but I am pretty happy with how this chapter turned out, as always any advice is welcomed and pls if there's anything you want to see happen just ask!
taglist (open, send an ask) - @dumbb1tc4 @fleurishnblotts@coffeeaddictedmay@bigchaosenergy @noliamallpayne @evan-rose​ @bokutowo​
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wistfulkitten · 5 years ago
i dream you'd love me again (2) || jk
sadness, guilt, regret. all things jeongguk felt after reading her letter.
genre: angst and fluff? childhood friends, cheating, sisters boyfriend au
pairing: jeongguk x reader
word count: 2.3k
posted: 200518
warnings: longing, infidelity, profanity (kinda), mentions of sex, probably inconsistent punctuation 
a/n: theres probably gonna be minor grammar issues because grammarly is shit and im tired. n e way i tried making this longer, it took me like four hours believe it or not. funni how i can make time for writing but not for my hw. silly me. i tried explained why he did what he did and im sorry if it was crappy. thank u to yall who read the first one. if you guys have any requests or ideas feel free to send me something in my inbox or message me. tyty:))
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sadness. sadness is what jeongguk felt at the end of ___’s letter. sad that he hurt her enough to the point that she thought of herself as anything but perfect. sad that she doubted his feelings for her. sad that despite everything he put her through, she still loved him and still wished him the best. he always knew she had a big heart. it's one of the many reasons he was drawn to her in the beginning, but it was also one of her biggest weaknesses. her heart was too big for her own good and it scared him. ___ was always too quick to forgive and forget and most of the time it came back to bite her in the ass.
 he saw it time after time when her dad had left. he had had an affair and left his wife and two kids for a younger woman and yet she never got mad or ever blamed her father in contrary to yoona. while yoona never gave her father the time of day after the separation, ___ always made sure to set time aside for him even when he never put in enough effort to interacting with his daughters. he was a pretty crappy father, content with his new life. and though it made her sad that her family was no longer whole and her mother was practically always crying herself to sleep, it made her happy that her dad was happy. she was just about twelve then and still, she never gave into childish grudges. thirteen year old jeongguk found her slightly stupid for this trait but as they grew up, he found it quite endearing. 
guilt. after the sadness had settled in, a great wave of guilt washed over his being. while he was here, newly married with a whole life ahead of him, you were somewhere out there living the life you always wanted sad and lonely. too heartbroken to even enjoy it properly. he didn't deserve it, the comfort and security his new marriage gave him, he didn't deserve it. 
 jeongguk was merely seventeen when he fell in love with a sixteen year old ___ all the while he dated yoona, her older sister. he’d known them practically his whole life and it was such a small town that it was simply impossible for you not to know anyone and everyone. everyone went to the same schools and hardly anyone moved out of the godforsaken town. he and yoona started dating in the sixth grade. much too young to be dating but their families were long time friends and saw it appropriate for the two to start early. so that one day the two families would unite. jeongguk hadn’t minded at first. he was eleven at the time but yoona had always been a good friend. they played together all the time so nothing really changed except for the frequent hugs and occasional kiss on the cheek.
 as they grew older they graduated into more mature ways of affection but it never bothered him too much. though he was friends with yoona, he was always closer to ___. sure at first, he had trouble expressing but afterward never once did they ever feel reserved towards one another, only ever honest with every bit of their being.  while yoona was more reserved and occasionally bratty, ___ was outspoken and adventurous. always willing to try something new even if it wasn't exactly encouraged. she never shied away from speaking her mind and that was something jeongguk always aspired to be. she was everything he wasn’t.  she expressed herself in every possible way. hair color was constantly changing since the start of high school. she pulled off any type of style you could think of. you could pick her out of any crowd in an instant. she painted, wrote poems and songs, sang, played various instruments, even took up photography. she turned any type of art form into a way for people to understand her, every single part of her. she was good at so many things and jeongukk, jeongukk was good at one thing. basketball. yet she never made him feel bad about it, instead she went to every game. cheering him on. she was mesmerizing in every single way. 
 while they had their good moments, yoona had a knack of patronizing him for every fault and imperfection. when they started high school she had tried so hard to be looked at as the perfect couple. she made it a point to show that they ‘never fought’ and were always ‘happy’. he never spent too much time with his friends because ‘every boyfriend had to put his girlfriend first’. this is the exact reason jimin never liked her and why jin always referred to her as a pain in the ass. it was safe to say his friends weren't exactly fond of her either. she was so different from ___ which was good or bad, depending on who you were asking. 
yoona was pretty, though jeongguk would say ___ was prettier. soft features, soft personality, light colors were a constant, skirt never too short, hair never too long. she was a straight line kind of girl like the majority of girls in town. grades never faltering. she always believed in the whole study hard, get a good job, have kids plan everyone stuck to and it was always so suffocating. 
he wanted more out of life, he wanted to explore places, explore himself. he wanted to get to know himself in more ways than one because he had yet to know all of it. all of him. but by the time he was sixteen, jeongguk already had a career to work towards and a girl everyone was so sure would be his wife. it was like his life was a book and everyone but him was the author. he had no control and he started to dread the future. he was running and he knew what would be at the finish line, so he slowed down. while yoona was running full speed, he was jogging at most. he started faking a persona in front of his family and yoona because they simply didn’t get it and they never would. 
when he couldn’t exactly talk to his own girlfriend about his feelings and problems ___ was always there to listen. she was good at that. listening. she never judged, instead always reassuring him that when the time came he’ll know what to do. she had an easygoing way of living and he longed to live like that too. though her mother didn't agree and favored yoona more, she simply took it as it was and cherished what she had for the time being. her love for her mother and sister never faltered even if their love never measured up. ___ had a way of looking at the world that could get her far, far away from here and jeongguk envied that. she said all his feelings were valid and no one should be mad at him for simply feeling. once he had slowed down enough for the once blurry images to become clear, he’d realized that running with yoona was far too tiring and that walking with ___ was far more fulfilling.
 jeongguk was merely seventeen when he fell in love with a sixteen year old ___ and it was the most exhilarating feeling ever. it had started out as just a friend being there for a friend, but one day it turned into something more. they had been out on one for their many infamous nightly drives when they had stopped at a cliff, a pretty view of their small town in sight. pretty lights below and above. the stars were out that night just like them, watching the rest of the world sleep. she’d looked into his eyes, simultaneously looking into his soul. with anyone else, he would’ve felt naked and exposed but with her, he wanted her to see everything and to understand everything. he realized he only ever wanted one person to do that and he wanted to express it in the best way possible. he kissed her. really kissed her and she didn't shy away. he knew it was wrong, they both did, but it felt so good. so good that it felt right. right there, in the back of jeongguk’s first car, clothes disappeared one by one and they wrote love poems into the bareness of their skin. so passionate, so raw that it was impossible to stop afterward. they did it again and again behind closed doors, behind the curtain they drew in the depths of night. it was nothing they ever felt before. when they weren’t tangled within each other they explored as much as the city would let them. talking about anything and everything. no boundaries. 
___ planned on leaving once she graduated, didn’t know where to but the farther the better. she hated it here and so did he. it made jeongguk sick to even think about a life without her in it. he was selfish, he knows. he had them both and it was very clear which of them he loved more yet it saddened him that the one he favored more would ever leave him here. alone. that was until she asked him to come with. she asked him to run away with her. he swears if he wasn't deeply in love with her then, he was now. of course he said yes. running away and seeing the world with his favorite girl was a dream. a dream he truly wanted to become reality. 
they planned it out. jeongguk and yoona graduated and while ___ finished her final year in high school and yoona stared college, jeongguk took a gap year waiting for ___. waiting for their dream while working jobs here and there, financially preparing. he also took a business internship so that his family would get off his back for working instead of college. it was full proof, even the boys knew. though they thought it was risky, they supported them both. they had grown fond of ___.  they’d both work jobs to add onto their savings and the day after ___ graduated they’d leave and never come back. that was the plan, the dream. and yet they never made it.  
regret. he regretted it so much. the faithful day came but jeongguk didn’t. she waited and waited but he couldn’t do it. he watched from afar, luggage in hand. watch her wait. watched her cry when she realized. he cried with her. he was just so damn scared. a coward is what he was. he was scared of the unknown, something he craved so much and yet he was scared of it. and that's exactly how he felt for ___ at that moment. he craved her so much, loved her so much, and yet he was scared of her. scared that her spontaneous ways would one day be the end of them. he thought of yoona, at least with yoona he knew what he was getting. knew exactly where they’d end up. he wanted certainty and that's why he watched her leave. but to his surprise, she didn't leave, not yet. she stayed and waited, waited long enough for everyone else to find out. she was then branded as a little slut that wanted a taste of the forbidden fruit, the one he didn't choose. it was far from the truth but its what everyone believed. and so she left far far away and he didn't chase after her. god did he regret it. every day since that day he’s felt nothing but regret. he was back to putting the mask on trying to appease everyone. surprisingly no one reprimanded him and for that he felt anger, anger he’d only felt towards himself.
___ was the love of his life so it hurt. it hurt to see that she didn’t think of herself like he did. he wasn't aware she felt that way. like she was in yoona’s shadow. to him, it had never been like that because she’d been the one he sought to look at first in every room. it hurt to see she thought so low of herself but you could say he wasn't any better. he was newly married and yet he was miserable. it had only been a few months since he and yoona got married and people were already asking when they were having a baby. straight out of college and things were moving so fast. he was nauseated and lived life in such a lethargic manner. he needed her. 
she said she still loved him. maybe it wasn’t too late. maybe he could turn things around and fulfill the dream they never reached. so he picks up the phone and dialed the number he used to call every night. it was so familiar that he didn’t need to think twice about it.
it rang once, twice, and finally, on the third ring, she answered.
he cried at the sound of her voice. he missed her so much. after a while, he could hear soft sniffling from the other line.
“can i come home?” he asked, voice so hoarse it hurt.
“you are home… aren’t you?” voice strained, sounding confused.
“no no, you’re my home ___. i need to come home. “
with that jeongguk couldn’t help but cry harder.
“shhh shhh gukk, it's ok. everything will be ok.” she cooed familiar words he hadn’t heard in a while. “ok, come home. come to me baby.”
he booked the first flight he could as soon as she said where she was and packed up as much as he could. he was gonna stop living this lie and start living for himself. something he should have done four years ago. and in a few hours, that’s exactly what he was gonna do. live the life he dreamed of with her, no holding back. he needed to stop being afraid. he was on his way, without a care in the world. jeongguk loved ___ and ___ loved him. that's all that mattered.
he’d send the divorce papers over tomorrow.
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celestines · 5 years ago
                have   you   seen   JUNG   SOMI   around   campus   ?   i   hear   they’re   a   SECOND   YEAR   ,   SUMMER   witch   with   a   specialty   in   FORTUNE   TELLING   .   i almost   never   see   them   without   their   FENNEC   FOX   .   if   they   ever   want   to   be   a   FORTUNE   TELLER   someday   they   should   ease   up   on   being   OVERSENSITIVE   &   POSSESSIVE   .   at   least   you   can   say   they’re   ANIMATED   &   LOYAL   ,   too   .
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              hello  angels    !    im   xan   and   im   late   as   usual   but   that’s   just   the   way   it   is   …   😔   im   22   ,   from   the   est   timezone   &   i   go   by   she   /   her   pronouns   !   i   truly   …   never   know   what   im   doing   with   intros   they   just   turn   out   super   long   &   messy   so   aha   …  are   u   ready   for   this   ?   here   is   intro   number   one   out   of   two   baby   !   😋
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK  STATS  !
full  name  :   jung   somi   .
nickname(s)  :   mimi   .    
zodiac  :   leo   sun   ,   sagittarius   moon   (  click   !  )
sexuality  :   bisexual   .
alignment   :   chaotic   good   .
pinterest   :   (   tba !   )  
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY  !  
she   was   an   accidental   pregnancy   ,    born   shortly   after   the   marriage   of    her    parents   ,   but    they    were   far   from   mad   about   it   .   her   father   was   a   well   regarded   summer   warlock   ,   a   famous   entertainer   known   for   his   long   and   successful   career    in   the   spotlight   with   his   sister   ,   a    man   who’d   been   the   object   of   many   summer    witches’   affections   .   it   was   a   shock   to   everyone   when   he    retired    from   show   business   to   settle   down   with   his   old   academy   sweetheart   ,   a    soft   spoken    spring   witch   with   a   passion   for   healing   .   
somi’s   father   was   delighted   that   their   first   born   was   a   summer   witch   ,   but   her   mother   intended   to   raise   all   their   children   with   a   blend   of   beliefs   from   both   the   spring   and   summer   covens   ,   and   that’s   exactly   what   they   did   .   since   her   father   had   been   a   famous   entertainer   ,   his   social   circle   extended   far   beyond   just   the   summer   coven   .   although   it   was   obvious   he   had   pride   as   most   summer   witches   and   warlocks   do   ,   he   was   never   the   type   to   discriminate   even   against   those   from   the   winter   covens   ,   a   habit   he   learned   from   his   wife   .     
somi   was   their   only   child   for   the   first   half   of   her   life   (   as   her   parents   were   relatively   young   when   they’d   had   her   )   .   because   of   this   she   was   spoiled   by   the   excited   new   parents   ,   attention   and   support   never   lacking   at   home   .   she   was   raised   to   believe   she   could   do   whatever   she   put   her   mind   to   ,   no   matter   how   big   those   dreams   were   . 
  however   ,    once   she   entered   her   teenage   years   and   her   baby   fat   was   gone   ,    and   she   could   no   longer   rely   on   being   “   that   cute   and   friendly   girl   ”   to   get   her   where   she   wanted   to   go    ,    things   got   a    little   harder   .   she   had   no   problem   with   confidence   ,    but   motivation   was   not   one   of    her   strong   suits   ,    unintentionally   growing   up   with   the   mentality   that   things   would   just   magically   fall   into   place   if    she   wanted   them   hard   enough   .
this   was   also   around   the   time   her   parents   had   their   second   baby   ,   a   boy   born   in   the   spring   .   naturally   he   became   the   object   of   her   parent’s   attention   which   only   made   somi   feel   more   lost   ,    like   maybe   she   wasn’t   as   special   or   important   as   her   parents   had   made   her   feel   .   but   when   her   parents   had   another   child   a   little   over   a   year   later   ,   another  summer   witch   ,   somi   realized    it   was   pretty   dumb   to   be   jealous   of    babies   ,   and   that   it   would   be    better   if   she   focused   her   time   on   becoming   the   type   of   older   sister   her   siblings   could   eventually   look   up   to   !
once   she   started   at   arcane   somi   vowed   she’d   take   her   studies   more   seriously   and   not   get   too   distracted   by   her   social   life   .   while   her   talent   for   fortune   telling   had   manifested   pretty   early   on   in   her   life   ,    and   while   she   was   good   at   it   ,   she   would   be   lying   if   she   said   she   was   interested   in   studying   it   in   a   scholarly   way   .   (   she   has   way   more   fun   sneaking   off   the   island   with   her   best   friend   and   fortune   telling   for   humans   for   some   quick   cash   )   .   still   ,   she’s   trying   her   best   to   keep   her   grades   up   ,    all   the   while   making   sure   she   doesn’t   miss   out   on   a   single   party   ...   and   boy   are   there   lots   of   parties   ...                 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY  +  TIDBITS  !
she’s   a   leo   and   it   shows   JWDBJWDBJWDW    full   of   energy   and   confidence   at   almost   all   times   so   it’s   pretty   easy   to   tell   when   she’s   upset   because   she’ll   finally   be   quiet   .   a   big   social   butterfly   with   no   real   opinions   about   house   rivalries    ,   BUT    she’s   super   proud   to   be   a   summer   witch   so   if   you   try   to   put   her   down   because   of    it   that’s   when   she’d   be   upset   /:
she   might   be   the   oldest   sibling   in   her   family   but   that   definitely   doesn’t   show   .   has   big   i’m   baby   energy   and   is   quite   literally   the   embodiment   of   this   emoji   🥺   at   all   times   but   especially   when   she’s   trying   to   get   out   of   trouble   .
blindingly   loyal   to   her   friends   and   the   people   she   loves   to   the   point   where   if   they   murdered   someone   she   would   wholeheartedly   believe   they   were   right   in   doing   so   .   friendships   are   very   important   to   her   and   so   is   getting   back   the   energy   she   gives   out   .   she’s   the   type   to   drop   anything   to   help   a   friend   in   need   !
struggles   a   lot   with   acting   out   when   she   feels   neglected   or   like   someone   doesn’t   care   about   her   as   much   as   she   thought   .   usually   it’s   short   lived   dramatic   bursts   of   anger   ,   and   she   might   give   you   the   silent   treatment   for   an   hour   or   two   before   finally   confessing   how   she’s   feeling   (   and   yes   ,   asking   you   for   reassurance   )   .
she   can   also   be   a   little   possessive   at   times   both   platonically   and   romatically   .    absolutely   loves   the   thought   of   being   everyone’s   favorite   person   but   she’s   also   aware   it’s   highly   unrealistic   </3   still   ,   that   won’t   stop   her   from   being   a   little   dramatic   about   it   ...   as   a   treat   .
she   has   a   huge   heart    😌    and   it   would   be   easy   to   just   cast   her   off   as   a   softie   because   in   lots   of   ways   she   is   one   .   eliciting   real   anger   from   somi   is   pretty   rare   ,   but   hurting   someone   she   cares   about   is   the   quickest   way   to   get   you   there   .   she’s   100%   the   type   to   not   like   someone   because   one   of   her   friends   has   a   problem   with   them   which   can   sometimes   be   hard   considering   she’s   also   the   type   to   try   and   be   everyone’s   friend   ...   it’s   complicated   😭   
she   hates   bullies   😡   will   threaten   to   fight   them   despite   having   no   combat   skills   .        
her   love   life   is   also   complicated   ...   she   gets   crushes   super   easily   and   her   infatuations   are   always   super   consuming   ,    like   she   swears   she’s   gonna   marry   the   person  consuming   ,   but   her   attention   is   always   broken   by   someone  else   so   they   never   last   .   she   wants   to   find   her   true   love   at   the   academy   the   way   her   parents   found   each   other   🥺   she’s   a   romantic   and   proud   <3     
gets   grumpy   when   she’s   hungry
her   familiar   is   a   fennec   fox   named   pancake   and   they’re   the   best   of   friends   except   when   somi   is   acting   up   JDBWJDBWJDW 
 she’s   in   the   art   club   !   originally   joined    because   she   thought   she   could   be   a   muse   and   sit   in   the   middle   of   a   circle   and   have   everyone   paint   her   ...   but   she   stayed   because   she   really   does   love   art   !
so   lazy   and   she   says   she’s   trying   but   she’s   probably   rotated   through   at   least   3   different   tutors   because   they   couldn’t   stand   it    /:   she   just   thinks   the   classroom   isn’t   the   right   place   for   her   and   that’s   ok
will   tell   you   your   fortune   even   if   you   didn’t   ask   ...   it’s   her   party   trick   she’s   still   going   strong   
nothing   good   happens   when   she   drinks   .   is   a   lightweight   AND   a   chaotic   drunk   but   it’s   pretty   fun   to   watch   
has   a   lot   of   respect   for   anyone   older   than   her   in   grades   above   her   UNLESS   they   use   their   seniority   to   be   assholes   ,    then   she’ll   no   longer   look   up   to   them   </3      
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     WANTED  CONNECTIONS  !  (  all  open  to  all  genders  )
tutors   !   past   failed   ones   who   tried   to   help   her   out   &   maybe   a   current   one   whose   patience   she’s   testing   SJDBJWDBJWW
someone   she   defended   once   and   ever   since   then   she   keeps   asking   them   if    there’s   someone   they   need   her   to   fight   even   though   they   literally   did   not   ask   and   they   both   know   somi   would   lose   
unlikely   friendships   !    maybe   your   muse   usually   steers   clear   of   summer   witches   ,    or    maybe   your   muse    and   somi   just   have   opposite   personalities   ,    either   way   they   became   friends   despite   their   differences   
maybe   an   ex   or   two   .   their   relationship   would   have   been   short   lived   despite   how   into   it   somi   seemed   .   maybe   they’re   still   kinda   resentful   about   it   ,   or   maybe   they   feel   as   if   they   dodged   a   bullet   .   or   maybe   an  ex   that   dumped   somi   before   she   could   dump   them   and   she   hasn’t  been   able   to   let   it   go  
current   infatuations   !   her   list   of   crushes   is   ridiculously   long   ,    but   there   would   be   a   handful   of   people   who   have   surpassed   crush   status   and   she’s   full   on   head   over   heels   for    .   i   feel   like   this   would   work   really   well   with   3rd   or   4th   year   witches   since  somi   already   tends   to   idolize   them   ,   but   it   definitely   isn’t  exclusive   to   older   witches   !   maybe   they   have   no   idea   how   she   feels   (   although   she   makes   it   obvious   )   ,   maybe  they   pretend   not   to   notice   to   tease   her   ,   maybe   they   try   and   use   her   feelings   to   their   advantage   ,   or   maybe   they   just   think   it’s   cute  the   possibilities   are   endless   hehe
second   years   she   can   bond   with   🥺   maybe   a   first   year   she’s   taken   under   her   wing   despite   only   being   grade   above   them   and   acts   like   she’s   showing   them   the   ropes   SJDBWJDBWJDW   but   they’re   realizing   her   best   places   to   nap   and   not   get   caught   tour   won’t   really   help   them   ...
people   who   only   really   know   her   from   parties   !   maybe   they   don’t   really   hang   out   outside   of    parties   so   it’s   kind   of   awkward   when   they   bump   into   each   other   ,    but   as   soon   as   they’re   in   a   setting   with   alcohol   it’s   all   good   again
sibling   like   friendships   !   i   would   definitely   love   some   older   sibling  figures   in   her   life   since   she’s   never   had   one   🥺
people   who    were   big   fans   of    her   dad   JWDBWJBDWJ   since   he   was   well   known   i   think   it   would   be   funny   to   have   people   know   her   because   of   him   and   even   more   funny   to   have   them   be   fans   because   somi   would   pretend   to   be   grossed   out   if   they   ever   tried   to   tell   her   how   awesome   they   think   he   is   </3 
enemies   (:<   she   tries   not   to   have   any   ,   but   she’s   bound   to   butt   heads   with   people   .   she   can   definitely   be   a   lot   ...   maybe   it’s   a   personality   thing   ,   or   a   we   have   different   values   thing   ,   or   maybe   there   was   an   unfortunate   incident   where   your   muse   stole   somi’s   favorite  pen   then   lied   about   it   to   her   face   and   to   this   day   they   are   her   sworn   nemesis   because   of   it   ...
a   sub   point   to   the   enemies   ...   JDWJDBWJD   i   think   it   would   be   so   funny   to   have   someone   she   started   out   as   enemies   with   but   who   she’s   starting   to   realize   she   might  actually   have   a   lot   in   common   with   and   actually   get  along   with   but   they   both   try   to   deny   it   because   they’re   so   used   to   hating   each   other   although   it’s   clearly   not   the   case   anymore       
i   wont   lie   to   u   this  got   longer   than   i   thought   it   would   😭😭😭   im   sosososo  sorry   for   the   length   …   also   i   feel   like   my   charas   always   change   a  lil   once   i   actually   start   plotting   &   writing   so   sorry   again   if   u   see   me   finally   writing   as   somi   on   the   dash   and   ur   like   literally   who   is   that   …  JSDBWJBDWBDJ   PLEASE  come  message  me  on  discord  to  plot   !   if   u   prefer   im’s   that’s   perfectly   ok   too   im   just   warning   u   now   it’s   gonna   be   a    much   slower   process   so   if   u   want   speedier   replies   …  u   can   message   me   @ glo lovecore ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172   maybe  …   give   this   a   like   if   u   wanna   …   plot   hehehe   thank   u   for   reading   all   this   im   sorry   again   ur   so   brave   for   making   it   x   
11 notes · View notes
ghoulsandsunflowers · 7 years ago
Raindrop Prelude - Chapter 7 (Epilogue)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12988278/chapters/33339309 ___________________________________________________________
Pathetic fallacy, as courtesy of Google, is The attribution of human feelings and responses to inanimate things or animals, especially in art and literature.
Hide remembered learning about it in literature. the use of certain types of weather in fiction would convey the mood of the scene - for example, a storm if it was sad, sunshine if it was happy, so on and so forth.
He couldn't say he was inclined to agree that it had ever applied to his own life.
Hide liked the rain.
He liked the sound of it hammering outside when he was curled up and warm on a sofa with Kaneki snoring gently on his shoulder. He liked the thrill of running through the sleet with kaneki clutching onto his hand, laughing maniacally at the hopelessness of staying dry.
It only seemed appropriate that it rained on Hide and Kaneki's wedding day.
Hide span around and slammed the door shut behind him, panting for breath. as always, the bell above the door rang distantly.
"Ken? Babe? I got your text, is everything okay?"
Usually Kaneki would call out to him from the counter at the back of the shop, but Hide didn't hear anything besides his own deep breaths and the patter of rain on the roof. He brought up his phone to check his text history, just in case Kaneki had replied.
> hide!! are you free right now?
< from the constraints of societal expectations and crushing social pressures? no. am i busy today? also no, whats up
> that sounds like something I'd say. you've been hanging around me too much.
< ken darling i do believe we've been dating for four years now. its too late to get rid of me
< xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> guess im stuck with you, huh. anyhow if youre not busy would you mind coming down to the shop?
< sure thing baaabbee im omw
< do u need me for something?? ur not gonna make me change carry all that compost again are u
< my limp noodle arms cant take it
> maybe. just get over here you donut
> Xxx
There had been no more messages since.
Hide shrugged and slid his phone back into his pocket. Whatever Kaneki wanted, it better have been important. Despite getting the bus to avoid the rain, the walk from the nearest bus stop still left Hide utterly drenched.
(Who was he kidding, Hide would have come over in a hurricane even if Kaneki just wanted a back rub.)
He trudged through the shop as he had hundreds of times before. It wasn't hugely different from his first time visiting, though he was proud to say his influence had certainly called for some changes. He'd convinced Kaneki to repaint the door after months of insisting it would boost business. There was bunting hanging off the walls from when Hide had surprised Kaneki on his birthday and neither of them had the heart to take it down afterwards.
There was also now an additional chair perched in front of the counter, for when Hide visited for either a chat with a coffee, or to serenade Kaneki with an old second hand guitar that lived in the back room of the shop.
Hide had also tried serenading customers.
Hide was now banned from serenading customers.
From where he was, Hide could make out the counter, as well as the distinct lack of a certain somebody behind it.
"Kaneki? You alright? Are you in the back?"
No response.
The closer Hide got to the counter, the more he noticed how much less it looked as to usual. "Usual" meaning dusted with soil, a till hastily pushed to the far side by discarded flower ends, tools and unwashed coffee mugs.
Instead, the top had been wiped clean. More noticeably, it was decorated with sunflower petals, lovingly spread over the otherwise empty surface. Sitting in the middle was a small black box. An open black box. Resting on a bed of red velvet was a simple gold band.
Hide barely heard his own voice over the thumping of his own heart against his ribcage.
He heard someone clear their throat from behind the counter. Trying his best to stay calm, Hide took slow shaky steps round to the back of the counter.
Kaneki was there, bent down onto one knee. His face was bright red, and Hide could see him steady his own breathing to try and keep calm. He was wearing pinstripe trousers and a cream dress shirt underneath his classic work apron, which was unusually clean. It was the single stupidest and cutest thing Hide had ever seen.
Both of them had yet to say anything more.
Kaneki stared up at Hide, who had brought one hand up to cover his mouth and the other grasping his elbow.
Hide stared down at Kaneki, who eventually gulped, took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
"Hid-Hideyoshi, ever since I met you at this counter, since you came into my life, I - I have been happier than I ever had before. Could you - um - w-would you please make-" he stopped for breath and looked up to meet Hide's eyes. "If you wouldn't mind, I want to spend the rest of my life as happy as you've made me now, and make you as happy in turn. C-could I have the honour of making you my husband?" Kaneki looked down and fiddled with his thumbs, adding a tiny "please" under his breath.
Hide burst into tears.
The rain began to fall before either Hide or Kaneki had woken up on the morning they were to be married. The first thing Hide remembered of that day was being shaken gently awake by Kaneki.
"Hey, Hide. Wake up."
"Mmph. Five more minutes."
"Get your head out the pillow," he laughed gently. "Do you want to be late for your own wedding?"
Hide lifted his head from the pillow, only to bury it in the crook of Kaneki's neck and sigh, wrapping his arms around his back and closing his eyes.
"We can reschedule. I hear next week has good weather," he murmured, dropping a sleepy kiss underneath Kaneki's jawline.
Kaneki hummed appreciatively and brought a hand up to thread through Hide's hair.
"I'd rather not. I'm happy with the weather we have today."
"You’d better be. Only the best for the most beautiful boy in the world."
Kaneki's chest bounced with silent laughter. "Why thankyou, Hide."
"Who says I was talking about you."
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding," Hide lifted his face and brought his arms up so that his hands cupped Kaneki's cheeks. "You're perfect. God, I can't believe you're letting me marry you." Hide allowed a sleepy grin to spread across his face.
"Me neither," Kaneki agreed. "But at this rate it won't happen. Get your cute butt out of bed before I have to use brute force."
"You think my butt is cute?"
"I'm never complimenting you again."
"Fine, fine. I'll get up. For a kiss."
Kaneki raised an eyebrow. "You'll be getting one later if only you'd move, Hide."
"I'm gonna get out of bed! I swear! But I am a goblin who needs payment for the simplest of tasks." Hide pouted and patted his lips with one finger. "My price."
Kaneki sighed with a small smile before leaning down to peck Hide on the nose, who scrunched up his face in response. Kaneki sniggered and moved down to press his lips onto Hide's.
"Better," Hide mused once Kaneki had moved away and sat back up. "I guess I can move now." He propped himself up on his elbows and, with great effort, heaved himself into a sitting position. He looked past Kaneki to the window, though which he decided that Kaneki's evaluation of the weather had not been entirely accurate.
"It's raining!" Hide wailed dramatically, flinging himself over Kaneki's lap. "The whole day is ruined! And after I’d planned it so perfectly."
Kaneki laughed and hoisted Hide up so he was sitting up again, though allowing him to rest on his shoulder.
"You had a plan for today? That doesn't sound like you."
"Don't be rude! Of course I did. I go down the aisle in heelies, you're so love struck that it takes four attempts to get your vows out. After you do, we go for the wedding reception that was paid for entirely by a lawsuit that I filed after slipping in KFC where they didn't put down a wet floor sign."
Kaneki raised his eyebrows skeptically as if to say "go on".
"Once the guests leave, I carry you back to our hotel room to make love to my gorgeous husband. We never get round to it because you can't stop laughing at my dick, so we eventually give up and watch Shark Tale instead. Then we fall asleep in each other's arms, and it's the romantic thing ever."
Kaneki nodded slowly, looking pensive.
"That could work. Except you know i couldn't laugh at your dick. I exhausted myself after the first five times I saw it."
Hide rolled his eyes. "Oh ha ha. eat my ass, Ken doll."
"Maybe later."
"Oh, you-" Hide gave Kaneki a light push, who laughed and stuck his tongue out.
After a couple of minutes of comfortable silence, Kaneki spoke up.
"Now I don't want to get up. I blame you entirely."
"It's not my fault being in bed with me is so thrilling. But no need to worry, it'll be here when you get back. And I'll be in it as an added bonus."
Kaneki laughed, light and sweet. "What, you'll just be chilling there and waiting for me?"
Hide nodded. "Absolutely. And again tomorrow night." He kissed Kaneki gently on the lips. "And then the night after that." He brought his lips down to Kaneki's jaw. "And the night after that." He smiled against Kaneki's collarbone. "And the night after that." Chest. "And after that." Hide kissed down to his stomach.
"Save it!" Hide barely had time to shield his head before Kaneki whopped him with a pillow.
"No unnecessarily sexy behaviour before eight am. Not when we have more important things to be doing," Kaneki scolded with a grin.
"You're the boss," came Hide's muffled reply, face still squished against Kaneki's stomach.
When neither of them made to move, they burst out laughing.
"Good to see how well we motivate each other, huh," Kaneki mused.
"Oh Ken," Hide sighed, reaching to hold Kaneki's left hand and run his thumb along the ring gleaming on his fourth finger. He looked up and into Kaneki's eyes with a smile he thought he could never be able to wipe off his face.
"I can't wait to grow old with you."
Sometimes Hide wondered what his life would have been like if things had been ever so slightly different. Say, if he'd gone into a different shop to shelter from the rain that fateful day, or if someone else had been working the till.
They say ignorance is bliss, and Hide had never welcomed ignorance so lovingly.
Hide would never know what it would have been like if he'd continued smoking for the rest of his life. He didn't know if he'd ever have been able, or willing, to quit on his own.
He would never know what it would have been like to wake up to an empty bed for the years to come, without a warm body to hold.
He would never know what it would have been like to have noone tell him they loved him. And he may have never got to say it back.
Hide didn't know a lot of things.
Some things, he did.
He now knew that the guitar part for Wonderwall is not that hard. (He also knew that if he didn't get his shit together and learn a different song, he might find his guitar mysteriously smashed to pieces.)
He knew that quitting his job at that café was a good idea after all, and opening a quaint little botanical gardens with Kaneki had been his best career move yet.
He knew that terrible movies were ten times the fun with someone to laugh at them with. Or cry. Or just be emotionally open in general.
They had both been happy with this development.
He knew that his new favourite author was Oscar Wilde, and that Kaneki's favourite composer was Stravinsky.
He knew where he liked to be kissed and touched, and how to love Kaneki in turn.
He knew that he was loved, and that was something he had never known before.
Hide was, undeniably, indisputably happy.
It was fine to not know things, he supposed.
After all, that's what the future is for.
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jujyfru1t · 8 years ago
So who are your fave Furuba characters and ships and why? Least fave characters and ships? :D
Dear sweet anon, what have you done. Hold on to your hat bc this turned into a novel (urlucky I haven’t caught up on Furuba Another or I’d have EVEN MORE TO SAY)
Least fave characters: Gonna answer the leasts first, it’ll be shorter lmao. My least favcharacters are… Ren and Akira, I guess? They’re Akito’s parents after all and if they hadn’t emotionally and psychologically abused her, the curse/Akito’s treatment of the Zodiac members would have turned out very differently (captain understatement here)
Least fav ships: have one canon and one non-canon~ Hana/Kazuma(Shishou) because, age gap much? Plus it didn’t have much development as far as I remember, really felt like it came out of left field and like Takaya-sensei was hurrying to pair everyone off XD also I ship Uo/Hana like whoa so I’m a tiny bit salty about it
Also also Akito/Tohru (I see it a lot on FF.net) holy crap the power imbalance/age gap again, it’s way WAY too squicky for me
Fav characters? All of them sorry that’s a cop-out+notentirely true (see above) but honestly I love them all (yes even Akito with reservations). Well let’s see, top 5 I guess, pardon the genericness I suppose.
1 TOHRU HONDA. She was a cinnamon roll before cinnamon rolls were a thing!! I love love love how her insecurities are slowly revealed (could apply to a lot of them tbh), that you think she’s a Pollyanna but she’s trying so hard to help literally everyone because she’s terrified of facing her past (but like she does genuinelywant to help everyone)… she is my eternal daughter and I’ll love her forever ok
2 Yuki-kuuuuun~ Full disclosure: he was my first 2D crush(my sis got vol 1 for my 15th birthday so yeah) ❤quite possibly kickstarted my love for pretty boys. I kinda shipped Kyoru and Yukiru at first and had trouble choosing (not these days *coughs*) but I felt 100% ok if Tohru picked Kyonkichi bc then I could steal Yun-chan hahaha I was a dork
3 Kyo-kun. Like, I can feel myself devolving into incoherent asdgljh but I’ll try to have reasons… kind of like Tohru’s bubbliness, prickly Kyonkichi is a defense mechanism. It’s just, so great that Takaya-sensei didn’t make him a total asshole and had Kyoru happen anyway, y’know? All the bad boy/good girl stuff that happens in romance where bad boy = actual douche, Takaya wasn’t having any of that, there are depths to everyone like real people. ALSO. Kyo seeing past Tohru’s positivity to her fears and accepting them, how he slowly warms up to her, I just *screeches*
4 Momiji. MY SON. With so many tragic backstories, this poor kid?? Really gets to me??? And his unrequited love for Tohru and letting her go bc he knows she and Kyo belong together and he wants her to be happy uuuughhhhe’s too pure
5 Kyoko *cries endlessly* she was a BAMF in so many ways, I dunnoI can’t think of much else, my feels
Fav ships: oh booooyyy *deep breath* Furuba has the longest entry in my shipping list hahahaaaaaa
I’m a helpless multishipper, ok, i’m happy w/ 99% of the canon ships but u want my favs soooo from “smallest” fav to “largest”:
ShigurexAkito because it’s multilayered and messed up and I find it fascinating
KyokoxKatsuya because *delighted pterodatctyl noises* IM SORRY I CAN’T WORD
Kyoru for the reasons haphazardly stated above
ArisaxSaki *shoves AU-ish fic in your face* because someone made a joke in the manga (I think?) that they’re like Tohru’s parents, so protective, and my imagination took off from there/I learned more about them in canon. They complement each other imo but at the same time their personalities are so different– thought I’d have more to say about them bc they’re so important to me but…
My number one ship that blows all others out of the water iiiiis! KyoxTohruxYuki. and it’s terrible because it’s the rareship hell to end all rareship hells but also wonderful because I feel free to write whatever i want on them fic-wise *flings all my Yukyoru stuff at you bc ego* I’ve shipped them together for i dunno 5 years now? I don’t remember what started it. i know I found some semi-Yukyoru fic on FF.net that is long and amazing and will never be finished whyyyy
but at some point i started shipping love triangles as OT3s to amuse myself (cuz srsly, screw that noise) and/or found ships that screamed OT3 at me– but the usual way for me to OT3 something is, well I ship pair A and pair B and kinda like Pair C so I’ma mush them together! a mix of that led me to Yukyoru. honestly though. in CANON you can see how much Tohru cares for both of them and how much Yuki and Kyo care for her (Yuki seeing her as a motherly figure never quite sat right with me btw) AND! Kyo and Yuki way deep down respect each other (they were my first rivalship. do not tell me Takaya-sensei didn’t know exactly what she was doing drawing this ha!) so it’s not total crack to say feelings could be mutual all around. also official art of those three is everywhere so it’s just fuel for the shipping fire now. nothing will ever be enough to show how damn hard I ship them, everything is beautiful and everything hurts.
here is a fic about them I treasure (the only one TT__TT)
and if you made it this far, thanks for reading my epic blabbings. and THANK YOU for sending me Furuba asks!!
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