#the art of dantalian
khorona11037 · 4 months
Random doodle of the Abaddon boys whb
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New art style unlocked ?
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de1-os · 7 months
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Stream doodles
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ummthatsokiguess · 2 months
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saltkarinya · 1 year
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Well, my friends invited me to participate in the interactive and I couldn’t pass by. With the help of roulette I got my son Dantalian!
(to be honest, I don’t draw very often, so I’m not sure I drew him well, because my “anatomy” is a little lame)
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drondskaath · 1 year
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Veld | Daemonic: The Art of Dantalian | 2015
Belarusian Death Metal
Artwork by Vladimir Chebakov
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devilmen-collector · 4 months
Took me an eternity to finally send this ask cause I'm so shy (•-•)
But please, justice for the Abaddon boys, I need hcs for them 🙏🙏
Can be either sfw or nsfw and I'm a legal adult, tyvm
Also have a good day and I wish you happiness for everyday 🎉
Thank you for the well wishes :3
We don't have much info on Abaddon boys, so I don't think I'll have tok many hcs for them. But I hope you like the few ones I have :D
Warning: some dark demonic stuff
Some Headcanons for Abaddon Devils
Having a big collection of body parts, Ronové knows many ways to preserve them. So he's actually an expert at embalming dead bodies. He's very meticulous when it comes to preserving or embalming a body. The devil considers it an art. Though very few have seen his collection. Consider it a great privilege if you are ever invited to look at his collection. That means he sees you as someone important.
If you ever choose to have Ronové embalm your body after death, he may ask for an organ or two. But don't worry, you still have the option to refuse, unlike the enemies he has killed.
Sometimes, Phenix brings the body parts he chopped off to Ronové because he hopes Ronové can grow his collection. Though not all of them make it to the collection room as they have not been preserved very well by Phenix. However, Ronové appreciates the gesture and counts Phenix as one of his trusted partners.
Dantalian is considered "fashionable", not because he loves fashion itself, but because his weak-looking outfits keep getting damaged or destroyed during his quest to satisfy his kink, so he keeps buying new ones.
Dantalian was gifted a pink bow by Eligos once because the latter learned that the Abaddon devil bought a lot of cute (more like weak-looking) clothes (he didn't know the whole story behind it). Though Dantalian treasures the bow and never worn it to the battlefield to prevent it from being damaged.
Whenever Dantalian goes out to find a way to satisfy his kink, Ronové and Phenix secretly follow him. They care and want to protect Dantalian. It's totally fine to seek pleasure and orgasm, but it's another matter to get yourself killed while trying to seek pleasure. What's the point of pleasure when you are dead?
Phenix wears a special kind of underwear that won't make him feel uncomfortable whenever he has orgasm.
You have to be careful when approaching Phenix. Call out, wave or say hi first, you don't want to make Phenix moan or reach orgasm when you tap on his shoulder while reaching out for him from behind. There's a place and time for that, just not a random saying hello moment.
Although Phenix doesn't seem like it, he cares for those he loves a lot, especially you, "His Majesty Asmodeus", Ronové, and Dantalian. He will chop off anyone who dares to harm you.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 3 months
Did I Make Another WHB oc? Yes, yes I did. But this time it's a demon, so yeah.
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(Yet another picrew that I ended up editing in ibis paint, because I still couldn't be bothered to dig out my art skills from the attic.)
𝕭𝖊𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖍 - The devil who values Freedom above all else
Behemoth has no role. He was not created for any purpose nor has he found one to serve. Regardless of his old ties and commitments to Asmodeus and the role he played a bit too well back then, he is a wanderer now. Drifting along with the tide and figuring it out as he goes.
Despite living in Abbadon under Asmodeus' rule, Behemoth much prefers to abide by his own rules. While he'll certainly show up whenever his king calls for him, he usually does things for his own best interest or to satisfy the burning desire deep inside of him.
Behemoth was made around the time most other demons were. He wasn't one of the first nor one of the last; he was simply somewhere in the middle.
Despite living in Abbadon, Behemoth's personality is a lot more reminiscent of someone who would live in Niflheim with how laid back and seemingly uncaring he is. He prefers to simply go wher the wind takes him, unbothered by morality, order, social norms, or the many attempts of others to befriend him. Behemoth is a free spirit, a very permoscuous one, but a free spirit none the less. He is a both a friend and enemy to none, not bothering to tie himself down by the weight of the responsibility and commitment it takes to have friends and loved ones.
Scratching at the base of his horns, impulsively offering himself to strangers as a form of relief, biting the ball of his right palm when deep in thought, scratching patterns into his skin when bored, and mismanaging his money because he an impulsive spender.
Spontaneous sex with strangers, cloud watching, wandering the streets of Abbadon, dodging potential relationships, embracing freedom in all forms, weaving, and teasing Phenix.
Behemoth follows the notion of freedom; valuing any and all types, but personal freedom is what he cares for the most. From the moment he stepped out of Abbadon's prison as a free demon, the path of freedom and independence is the one that guided him. He is not tied down by, morals, choices, duties, relationships, responsibilities, or commitments, he is simply free.
Asmodeus: Due to his past with the lust devil, Behemoth has made an effort to avoid unnecessary contact with him. He will come of he is called, but other than that, they have little to no interaction.
Dantalian: Behemoth has seen Dantalian in passing on many occasions, however they've never once spoken. They acknowledge one another with a simple nod if they see each other, despite not even knowing each other's names.
Ronove: Ronove is actually the one who gave Behemoth the harness that he wears all the time; it was an offer of friendship that Behemoth reluctantly accepted.
Phenix: He and Phenix are acquaintances with benefits. They don't spend enough time around each other to be friends but they've done far too much with each other to be strangers.
MC: Honestly, to Behemoth, MC is not hot at all. Why is he suddenly a part of this human's enterage? He never made a contract with Solomon, so someone make this human stop trying to put their hands in his mouth.
⛧𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖇𝖆𝖙 𝕱𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓⛧
Brutal front line attacker:
Behemoth wields the chained leash of his collar as a weapon; whipping his chain up into the air, around the wings of attacking angels and yanking it back down with enough force to pull them from the air, ripping the wings from their backs. While he'd rather be lounging around in some rando's bed or sucking someone off, he'll still fight if he has to.
Performing most of not all acts of the sexual nature, persuasion, weaving various items, fighting with rope or chain like weaponry, body modification, and stress relief.
Most acts of sex, getting new tattoos and piercings, inflicting pain on himself of having other do so, inflicting lasting injuries (bites, nail indents, scratches), all kinds if personal and impersonal freedom, shitty junk food, being used by others, and going with the flow.
Being tied down in the metaphorical sense, having to sleep outside on the sidewalk, being asked about his incarceration, making serious or deeply important choices, making connections with others, sacrificing his freedom, and things that are 'not hot at all'.
Exhibitionism: gaining sexual gratification and excitement from the act of exposing oneself or one's genitalia in a public or semi-public space or in front of consenting or non-consenting parties; usually during intercourse or and act of foreplay.
The base of his horns has started itching again, he spent the last of his money so now he can't buy any snacks, the human that suddenly showed up won't leave him be with this whole contract thing, and his leash was cut from his collar by an angel.
Hypengyophobia: the intense or irrational fear of taking and admitting responsibility.
Soteriophobia: the intense or irrational fear of being or becoming dependent on another individual(s) or item(s).
Gamophobia: the intense or irrational fear of making short or longterm committments to actions, choices, or relationships.
Morality is not something Behemoth concerns himself with. He walks to the beat of his own drum, marching down the path of freedom he's chosen for himself with no worry of whether or not his choices, words, or actions are socially acceptable. But this is hell, so really, anything goes.
⛧𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝕽𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖞⛧
Behemoth has no home; he is a wanderer, never staying in one place for too long. While his days are spent walking the streets of Abbadon, his nights are spent in the beds of fellow horny strangers. It's a pretty good cycle, honestly.
Faux Leather Collar & Chain Leash:
The collar and leash that Behemoth seemingly never takes off. It's rumored to be a gift from Asmodeus himself, but Behemoth has yet to confirm or deny if it's true. If you ever come across absentminded demon wandering the alleyways of Abbadon and want to have some fun, give that leash a good tug, he won't mind at all!
⛧𝕱𝖚𝖓 𝕱𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘⛧
⸸ Behemoth is one of the demons that hadn't made a contract with Solomon. The sorcerer had offered but was declined, as Behemoth would rather keep his metaphorical freedom and autonomy instead.
⸸ Originally, Behemoth's appearance was that of a very tall and muscular demon that put even Mammon's figure to shame. Towering over most of the population of Abbadon; he was given the name 'Behemoth' by Asmodeus after stumbling upon the lust demon one day.
⸸ Not long after Solomon died, Behemoth was incarcerated in Abbadon's prison. The reason is only known by his Majesty Asmodeus and Behemoth himself and what went on in the prison during his years locked away is too a mystery.
⸸ Despite not having many friends, Behemoth is actually rather infamous among the dingy backstreets of Abbadon. Not for his free use, free stress relief policy when it comes to hookups, but for his terrifying strength that he displayed in the past. Before he was imprisoned, he was known for exacting the Asmodeus', wrath unto his enemies. Using his terrifying strength and abilities to level an entire block in one swing.
⸸ An innate talent that Behemoth has is his ability to change his bodily construction at will. Changing his size, shape, height, musculature, scale, etc. with only his thoughts, allowing him to take any shape he wishes.
⸸ Weaving is one of Behemoth's favorite hobbies. Usually its weaving together strips of leather to make into a fun toy that his flings can use on him, but he's also woven together several different tapestries and baskets, usually dismantling them after he gets a good picture.
⸸ Behemoth may or may not have slept with every demon in Abbadon; even he himself doesn't know because of his tendency not to pay attention to or bother to remember who he's with at any given time. Although, he's probably slept with even more people than that, but it's not like he's keeping count.
⸸ Behemoth's 'free use, free stress relief' policy is applied at anytime anywhere to anyone; he doesn't care if some stranger just walks up and has their way with him. He encourages it actually. It's a good way to relieve the build up of overwhelming desire that grows with each moment he spends under the influence of Asmodeus energy.
⸸ The dingy backstreets and alleyways of Abbadon is usually where you can find Behemoth. Because he has no home, he wanders about the cramped paths between buildings, looking for his next fling. When he finds them, he goes home with them for the night, having a nice warm bed to sleep in and a sometimes even a nice breakfast in the morning.
⸸ A good way to bribe Behemoth into helping you out is to offer him some sort of cheap junk food. None of that fancy healthy stuff, no, he wants the dirt cheap, super processed, incredibly unhealthy kind. He likes the feeling of the heartburn it gives him after he eats a lot, the masochist.
⛧𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘⛧
Lobby Interaction 1: ❝You're looking at me... You can touch if you want to. I don't mind. Just make sure you're prepared to finish what you start.❞
Lobby Interaction 2: ❝Contract? I didn't make one of those, remember? This is the fifth time you've asked... that's not hot at all...❞
Lobby Interaction 3: ❝His Majesty... he's alright. We don't talk much anymore. His energy is annoying though, just look at poor Phenix.❞
Lobby Interaction 4: ❝Hm? Oh. I went out for a while, don't worry about it.❞
Lobby Interaction 5: ❝Should I get more tats...? Eh... maybe I'll get a trampstamp this time.❞
Lobby Interaction 6: ❝Hey, do you want to play with me? I can see you staring, so don't try to pretend. You don't have to though, you can just watch. I love when people watch.❞
Lobby Interaction 7: ❝Ugh. My horns... so itchy...❞
Lobby Interaction 8: ❝I wonder if Ronove has another harness for me? One with studs... yeah, that's super hot...❞
Lobby Interaction 9: ❝Ah... the bites are starting to fade again... that's not hot at all...❞
Lobby Interaction 10: ❝I kind of want another piercing now... should I do my bellybutton or my lips...?❞
First Meeting: ❝Huh? Who're you? Ah, wait- actually, I don't care, so don't bother. Anyway, how long do you want to go for? You can be as rough as you like, I don't mind.❞
Level Up: ❝Shit‐! Do that again!❞
Evolve: ❝N-ngh! Th‐that's— that's so hot!❞
Death: ❝I feel... so free...❞
Ultimate Skill: ❝Let me show you what it's like to be truly free... in death!❞
Victory 1: ❝Good, it's over. I need to go and play for a while, so don't go looking for me.❞
Victory 2: ❝Winners are the ones who are able to live the freest lives, aren't they...?❞
Defeat: ❝Whuh? I lost? That's... not hot at all...❞
A while ago, Behemoth got into an altercation with another demon and ended up sustaining excessive damage to his horns, so he decided to cut them off down to the root. Currently, they are growing back at a steady pace, but due to how low he cut them, the skin of his scalp around the base of his horns stretches as they grow, causing them to itch. Behemoth's horns, originally glossy black in color and reaching 45.72 centimeters long where they curved backward around his head, have a tendency to continue growing even after reaching the previously mentioned length. He's made a habit of grinding his horns down to a more manageable size as a way to deal with it.
⛧𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓⛧
4%: His constellation is... Taurus. 36%: His favorite food is... Cheap Junk Food. 64%: His ideal type is... someone who's down for whatever.
⛧𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖙⛧
👤 <「H͟e͟y͟」
👤 <「W​̲h​̲o​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲n​̲u​̲m​̲b​̲e​̲r​̲ ​̲i​̲s​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲s​̲?​̲」
👤 <「I​̲t​̲ ​̲w​̲a​̲s​̲ ​̲i​̲n​̲ ​̲m​̲y​̲ ​̲c​̲o​̲n​̲t​̲a​̲c​̲t​̲s​̲ ​̲b​̲u​̲t​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲g​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲p​̲u​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲n​̲a​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲d​̲o​̲w​̲n​̲ ​̲o​̲r​̲ ​̲m​̲a​̲y​̲b​̲e​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲j​̲u​̲s​̲t​̲ ​̲d​̲i​̲d​̲n​̲'​̲t​̲ ​̲c​̲a​̲r​̲e​̲」
Choices: 「Y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲g​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲a​̲l​̲r​̲e​̲a​̲d​̲y​̲?​̲ ​̲I​̲'​̲m​̲ ​̲M​̲C​̲,​̲ ​̲w​̲e​̲ ​̲j​̲u​̲s​̲t​̲ ​̲t​̲a​̲l​̲k​̲e​̲d​̲」> or 「I​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲!​̲ ​̲M​̲C​̲!​̲」>
👤 <「O​̲h​̲」
👤 <「W​̲e​̲l​̲l​̲ ​̲m​̲y​̲ ​̲b​̲a​̲d​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲e​̲n​̲」
👤 <「A​̲c​̲t​̲u​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲y​̲,​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲w​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲I​̲'​̲m​̲ ​̲t​̲a​̲l​̲k​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲,​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲h​̲a​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲a​̲s​̲k​̲」
Choices: 「R​̲e​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲y​̲?​̲ ​̲T​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲u​̲n​̲e​̲x​̲p​̲e​̲c​̲t​̲e​̲d​̲」> or 「S​̲u​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲,​̲ ​̲w​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲u​̲p​̲?​̲」>
👤 <「C​̲a​̲n​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲l​̲e​̲n​̲d​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲o​̲n​̲e​̲y​̲?​̲」
👤 <「I​̲ ​̲s​̲p​̲e​̲n​̲t​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲e​̲ ​̲l​̲a​̲s​̲t​̲ ​̲o​̲f​̲ ​̲m​̲i​̲n​̲e​̲ ​̲o​̲n​̲ ​̲r​̲u​̲b​̲b​̲e​̲r​̲s​̲ ​̲a​̲n​̲d​̲ ​̲I​̲'​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲g​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲h​̲e​̲l​̲l​̲ ​̲o​̲f​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲c​̲r​̲a​̲v​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲s​̲h​̲i​̲t​̲t​̲y​̲ ​̲s​̲n​̲a​̲c​̲k​̲s​̲ ​̲r​̲i​̲g​̲h​̲t​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲w​̲」
👤 <「Y​̲o​̲u​̲'​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲f​̲r​̲i​̲e​̲n​̲d​̲s​̲ ​̲w​̲i​̲t​̲h​̲ ​̲T​̲a​̲r​̲t​̲a​̲r​̲o​̲s​̲'​̲ ​̲M​̲a​̲m​̲m​̲o​̲n​̲ ​̲o​̲r​̲ ​̲w​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲e​̲v​̲e​̲r​̲,​̲ ​̲r​̲i​̲g​̲h​̲t​̲?​̲ ​̲Y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲s​̲h​̲o​̲u​̲l​̲d​̲ ​̲h​̲a​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲o​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲n​̲ ​̲e​̲n​̲o​̲u​̲g​̲h​̲ ​̲c​̲a​̲s​̲h​̲ ​̲t​̲o​̲ ​̲s​̲p​̲a​̲r​̲e​̲」
Choices: 「I​̲ ​̲g​̲u​̲e​̲s​̲s​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲c​̲a​̲n​̲ ​̲l​̲e​̲n​̲d​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲m​̲e​̲」> or 「O​̲h​̲,​̲ ​̲s​̲u​̲r​̲e​̲,​̲ ​̲M​̲a​̲m​̲m​̲o​̲n​̲ ​̲d​̲i​̲d​̲ ​̲g​̲i​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲ ​̲a​̲ ​̲l​̲o​̲t​̲」>
👤 <「G​̲o​̲o​̲d​̲」
👤 <「I​̲ ​̲w​̲a​̲s​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲k​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲w​̲o​̲u​̲l​̲d​̲ ​̲s​̲a​̲y​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲,​̲ ​̲s​̲i​̲n​̲c​̲e​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲'​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲h​̲o​̲t​̲,​̲ ​̲y​̲a​̲'​̲k​̲n​̲o​̲w​̲?​̲ ​̲B​̲u​̲t​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲g​̲u​̲e​̲s​̲s​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲w​̲a​̲s​̲ ​̲w​̲r​̲o​̲n​̲g​̲,​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲'​̲r​̲e​̲ ​̲p​̲r​̲e​̲t​̲t​̲y​̲ ​̲h​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲f​̲t​̲e​̲r​̲ ​̲a​̲l​̲l​̲」
👤 <「O​̲h​̲,​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲'​̲s​̲ ​̲r​̲i​̲g​̲h​̲t​̲」
👤 <「I​̲'​̲m​̲ ​̲n​̲o​̲t​̲ ​̲p​̲a​̲y​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲y​̲o​̲u​̲ ​̲b​̲a​̲c​̲k​̲,​̲ ​̲s​̲o​̲ ​̲d​̲o​̲n​̲'​̲t​̲ ​̲e​̲x​̲p​̲e​̲c​̲t​̲ ​̲a​̲n​̲y​̲t​̲h​̲i​̲n​̲g​̲ ​̲f​̲r​̲o​̲m​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲,​̲ ​̲I​̲ ​̲p​̲r​̲o​̲b​̲a​̲b​̲l​̲y​̲ ​̲s​̲h​̲o​̲u​̲l​̲d​̲'​̲v​̲e​̲ ​̲m​̲e​̲n​̲t​̲i​̲o​̲n​̲e​̲d​̲ ​̲t​̲h​̲a​̲t​̲ ​̲b​̲e​̲f​̲o​̲r​̲e​̲」
⛧𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖈⛧
Sorry guys, no link on this one.
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blimgus · 6 months
Okay since i don't have any funny arts ready yet i would want to rant a little about whb.
First of all, I kinda found out that there is a visible pattern connecting the affiliation to the diffrent parts of Hell of the demons and their types of roles in the battle:
Gehenna- we have typical long range marksmen with Astaroth, Leraye, Paimon and Belial using rifles and Satan and Ppyong using some sort of bazookas(?) The only exception from this rule is Sitri with his Iron Maiden, but that is explained by him being away studying in Hades (correct me if im wrong)
Hades - we have our beloved coffin summoners here as medium range marksmen. Leviathan,Barbietoes, Glasya, Foras and Orias are all coffin users and summoning beasts seeems to be unique to the demons of Hades( God I have to read the orias event bc i forgor to)
Tartaros - Classic defense characters aka tanks. Lower power more health,shielding,becoming invincible for a while, some characters have stalling if i remember??? Every characters design here mostly follows these rules, even though the have diffrent weapons yknow Bimet has the skulls, Valefor a sword and shield, Mammon has the pillars and hands, and eligos has uhmmmmmm
His cuteness. Ok next
Avisos- well here it starts to get interesting. I belive that the demons here are close-ranged attackers? Amon, Nabe and Stolas have their little weapon arsenals and Bael and Bell have their whips However some characters have a really big range for close range attackers ( bloodshed bell) so im not entirely sure about that
Abaddon- Phenix, Dantalian and Ronovè are all close range attackers, but their main role in game is supporting/buffing other characters (ronove/phenix combo carried me through most of main story). I guess we can assume that Asmodeus (bro i cant wait for him in game im gonna become his biggest simp) will have a simmilar role as a buffer/support.What if prettybusy makes him like the equivalence of Bennett from Genshin??
Nilfheim- the most problematic when it came to assigning the certain role until i looked up the characters. Both Gusion and Andrealphus can stun the enemies with their attacks, while Bathin can decrease the speed of enemies.That makes the Nilfheim crew being debuffers,stunners (if I remember mammon can also stun the enemies with his ult?? But he seems to be the only non-nilfheim character to do that)
Paradise Lost- healers my beloved... Buer, Morax and Marbas are all healers so Lucifer will most likely be one too. Gamigin also can revive a character, which is absolutely great when you try to keep your lower levelled characters alive. Really solid characters, i love using them in battle.
I really like that PB made each role in battle unique to residents of specific countries of Hell
Welp thats all for now, next time im making a little rant about the whole hell and the New event
Bye for now!
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Masterlist 2
Multi-Part fics
Tired dad! Lucifer: Intro Part 1 Part 2
Asmodeus' trip to the human world: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Whb thoughts and analysis
Leviathan with an angel kid
Leviathan and his relationship with childhood
Tf did they do to Asmodeus???
Pb please make Dantalian being Asmodeus' kid canon
What nobles parented the kings
Whb x reader headcanons
Making a pokémon team for the kings (+Gamigin)
Some whb characters reacting to being called coaie
Whb characters seeing MC pace around to music (MaDD edition)
First time meeting Gamigin
Gamigin lover headcanons
Showing whb characters animated movies
Whb nobles seeing MC with a random demon
Whb kings comforting MC after a wax
Marbas friendly firing
Avisos cuddle pile (fic)
Mc teaching whb characters a cultural dance
Satan comforting sex repulsed MC
Mc an Minhyeok being siblings (fic)
Paradise Lost misadventures
Mc wants a baby
Gamigin realises that Mc is mortal
Mc that has a plushie collection
Gamigin and Mc both having autism
Gamigin and death once more
Kings when MC dates one of their nobles
Whb kings when Mc gives them a heart-shaped necklace
Dantalian doesn't get his dick distroyed today :(
Nobles getting baby fever
NSFW and darker posts
Lucifer NSFW alphabet
Gamigin NSFW alphabet
Zagan NSFW alphabet
Dark headcanons
Being Asmo's fuck toy (dark hcs)
Platonic yandere Lucifer x Gamigin (dark hcs)
Raiting whb kings based on how much experience they have with humans
Show don't tell (Lucifer x Afab!Mc x Gamigin)
Asmodeus NSFW alphabet
Miscelanious whb hc
Lucifer is Satan's dad ?!?!?!?
Bael is done with Beelzebub's bs (Teambuilding edit)
Pokémon team for whb characters
Random headcanons about some whb characters
Gamigin calling Lucifer dad
Rating Paradise Lost demons on how safe you are going to them
Paradise Lost is so silly
Whb characters' opinion on manele: Gehenna
Lucifer x Gamigin platonic hc
Paradise Lost nobles being called babygirl
Avisos nobles being called babygirl
Marbas and Buer being silly (tw: romanian)
Rating Avisos nobles on how eadible is their cooking
Lucifer's experience
Asexual hc for whb
Tartaros is Romanian inspired
Mammon x Mc propaganda (Emirate edit)
Jjyu getting burned
Abaddon headcanons
Why Satan hates Asmodeus
Leviathan lost his uncle priveldge
Not now sweaty, mommy's cyberbullying
What social medias do the kings use
Raphael's a gamer
Asmodeus visiting Eater in the human world
Dantalian being a prince hc
Dantalian need a new suit
Paradise Lost hcs
Meeting with all the kings
Levi trans real
Lucifer being orthodox on main
Paradise Lost nobles when Gamigin draws them as dragons
Relationship between Dantalian and the kings
Shipper Au
The nobles being wingmen for their kings
Average ship war in the MCxking community
Mc trolling the shipping forums (and getting doxxed in the process)
How the kings would react to seeing the ships about them and MC
Ppyong posting ship art of him and Paimon
Kings reacting to King x Seraph fics written by MC
Shipping tier list
"I owe Bimet so much money"
The Seraphs reacting to King x Seraph fics
Morax being a supportive older brother
Nobles reacting to their ship coming true
Nobles reacting to Mc being in a poly relationship with all the kings
Kings reacting to Mc shipping their nobles with angels (or themselves)
Bimet selling merch
Shippers when Mc x Sitri is trending
Mc that wants a secret relationships due to the shippers
Mc that ships the shippers with their king
Mc x Glasylabolas gone wrong
Artist!Mc drawing ship art of the kings
Lucy Dulap (my Mc)
Double standerds
Gabriel's priorities
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zemfruit · 1 year
i have lots of artbooks btw (some are in cbz which needs a reader, i recommend sumatra pdf for windows, most are zip files with jpegs tho) most of these i got from nyaa dot si (if you torrent it'll go heaps quicker)
i might be a little slow with setting things up (megadrive or googledrive, i haven't uploaded most of these yet) but hit me up if you're interested in any of the following ;-)
angel sanctuary - angel cage artbook
angel sanctuary - lost angel artbook
abe yoshitoshi artist compilation
akira 1988 (storyboard + artbook)
akamichi art works
berserk mini art collections
berserk movie artbook (bg art edition)
blasphemous artbook
boogiepop phantom artbook - kouji ogata
claymore memorabilia illustration book / artbook + promo
cowboy bebop artbooks
dantalian animation artbook
exist - takeshi okazaki (popular edition artbook)
fool's art gallery (homare) - purple hair
final fantasy X-2 visual arts collection v2
ffix visual arts collection
halo artbook
hell girl artbook - kyouka suigetsu
jojo's bizzare adventure (artbooks & spinoffs)
kingdom hearts visual art collection
kenichi sonoda artworks 1983-1997
love hina art collection
makai kingdom mini artworks
metal gear solid artbook - yoji shinkawa
memories off 2nd - suzuna takano
made in abyss official artbooks
mushishi artbook
madoka scans (manga, artbooks, magazines (ALL untranslated!!!))
neon genesis evangelion artbook mega pack
ocean 3 eternal materials (art only)
overlord II and III artbooks
persona 3 artbook
persona 4 artbook
plastic little original art
ranma artbook - takahashi rumiko
rahxephon artbook collection
rumbling hearts memorial artbook
romancing saga - time weaver artbook
range murata artbook collection
scorn artbook
shida atsuko artbook
satoshi kon 1982-2010 artbook
tactics ogre: wheel of fate art works
tales artbook collection
trigun artbook
valkyria chronicles 3 artworks
world of warcraft artbook
yuu kinutani's art works
yoshitaka amano's art works
help me complete the alphabet <|:-]
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jotun-philosopher · 6 months
Half meta, half ramble
Not entirely sure where this post is going, tbh... Let's find out, eh?
Sooo... I was browsing the Final Fantasy wiki (as one does) and the article for Tantarian (an optional/missable boss in FF9) caught my attention. Y'see, Tantarian is a demon found in a library, hiding in a possessed book -- and is based on the Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion (or Dantalian, the spelling can be inconsistent). How the ever-loving wossname, I hear you cry, does this relate to Good Omens????
Let's take a closer look! (this got longer than I anticipated, hence the cut)
From the Wikipedia article 'List of demons in the Ars Goetia':
"The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men's and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will. He can cause Love, and show the Similitude of any person, and show the same by a Vision, let them be in what part of the World they Will."
Bolded details:
"Duke Great and Mighty" -- evocative of the whole "Thin Dark Duke" thing <3
" [...] he hath a Book in his right hand." -- pretty obvious GO connection there!
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(best 'Azzy+book(s)' gif I could find quickly...although on a second look, this might well be from the body swap bit in S1 XD Mr Sheen, you ludicrously talented chaos gremlin, you <3 )
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(Ok, this one's definitely Crowley XD)
Mah point is dolphins they both match up to the book thing!
"His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences [...]" -- leaning slightly more towards a Crowley parallel here, with the apple thing partly symbolising intellectual curiosity (essential part of arts and sciences!), but Aziraphale giving away the flaming sword would've helped humanity figure things out in that area as well (even if indirectly)
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(I want to boop the snek!!!)
"[...] knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will [...]" -- mind-reading! Seems to be sliiiiiightly more of a demon thing from what we've seen (e.g. "Nina: It's like you've seen into my secret soul. Crowley: Yeah, it's a knack.", Shax picking at insecurities in the bookshop battle), but both the Ineffables have directly influenced human minds on screen (e.g. Sitis, the Shopkeepers' Ball)
"[...] can cause Love [...]" -- well, they certainly tried! Operation: Shop Lesbians :D
"[...] show the Similitude of any person [...]" -- mostly seen with the body swap bit so far (where A+C are concerned), but given that for angels and demons, size and shape are merely options, and Beelzebub canonically changed their face, it's not outwith the bounds of possibility that the Ineffable Husbands could disguise themselves as people other than each other (if that makes sense)(and assuming they'd *want* to, of course)
Plus, if you go with the 'Dantalion' spelling, the last four letters form the word 'lion', which is a motif the show ties pretty strongly to Aziraphale via the signet ring on his right hand. Fierce protector angel! <3
Plus plus, from what I've been able to gather, Dantalion is supposed to be one of the more benevolently-inclined Goetic demons -- both the Ineffables are pretty dang benevolent!
The point I'm stumbling towards (stone-cold sober, but with about 3,000,000 on the ND Scoville scale) is that Dantalian/Dantalion has some pretty interesting parallels to both the Ineffable Husbands and so, within the GO verse, could be either another alias of Crowley's or a name Aziraphale might take if he Fell (AU fic writers, start your engines!) :D
As a small bonus, I saw the name 'Shax' mentioned in the list of Marquises of Hell!
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The characteristics given for the Goetic Shax don't really match up to TV!Shax that I can tell, apart from the stork symbolism and the "hoarse but subtle voice" (and maaaybe 'is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar'), but given all the other Goetic parallels, it wouldn't surprise me to see elements of the Goetic description popping up in Shax's S3 arc -- likely in unexpected ways!
Hope you enjoyed reading that ^^ Have fun fic-writing!
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
Well hello there you fabulous creature.
Here I am as always with some headcanon request for none other than our beloved devils from WHB.
How would they react to an overworked, burnt out or art/writer blocked MC ?
Who would offer cuddles ? A little date ? Maybe help them get through it directly ? How would they proceed ?
- 🪰
🪰!!! I feel personally attacked by this ask. You know I've been in a funk lately and could use some sweet motivation. Devil snuggles would be the best...
Tells them to get over it (meanie)
>Leviathan, Glasyalabolas
Offers a sympathetic ear while they rant and/or talk through their ideas and plans
>Satan, Lucifer, Gusion, Foras, Marbas, Buer, Bimet (listening is free), Bael, Amon, Sitri, Zagan, Belial
Distracts them (via dates, watching videos, sex, or the like)
>Beelzebub, Barbatos, Orias, Bathin, Ronove, Eligos (petting him is a distraction right?), Stolas, Paimon,
Cuddles, probably with tea or coco and snacks
>Mammon, Andrealphus, Phenix (he tries), Dantalian, Gamigin, Morax, Valefor, Naberius, Leraye
Offers to switch projects so they can both get some new eyes on their project and hopefully figure out what they're getting stuck on
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d34dlysinner · 1 year
So you have any thoughts about the prologue ?👀
The gasp I unleashed when I saw that the post was 16 minutes long. I knew that they were going to show the prologue from earlier posts, but didn't expect it to be longer than 5 - 10 minutes. I was happy though! What's insane about the game is first of all the work that has been thrown into it. Loading screens, comics, and the overall layout seems like something I would expect from HUGE companies with more than 20-30 people working. Of course, we don't know when they started creating the game, but assuming that they maybe started a bit before December, and seeing what they bring to the table is a real shock. The chapters seem to have a lot of scenes/episodes. You could see that chapter one already has 50+ scenes/episodes. That's a lot since the prologue on its own was already above 10 minutes. The content of the prologue itself wasn't much different from the information we knew before. I do love that the sprites have different expressions. I love how Minhyeok is taking care of us. Though I feel like he knows MC too well to the point where I would think that they just should be dating. Also... MC using Min's PC for you know what. I could never, but the MC of the game has guts so XDD. Min died at the start. Even if it's for a second I feel sad about that. I love that he played a hero role at the start. Gabriel just seemed confused half of the time. Like... he just asks "Didn't I tell you?". He does this multiple times so XD confused old man vibes. If I were MC I would have pushed Gabriel back into the screen the moment I saw his head pop out. Satan just made me scream the entire time. The way he just handles the situation made me feral for an entire day. It was insane. Also, I noticed that he referred to Minhyeok as "that" and "it". I don't know if that's intentional or not, but the disrespect T^T, poor Min. Also at first, I didn't know how I would react to the new voice, but the voice fits him in my opinion so XDD. I guess I'm satisfied with the prologue. PS: I love the little comic with Dantalian and Phenix. The art style is cute T^T
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WHB Lesser key: Abaddon
Did you wonder how much inspo they drew from the descriptions of the different demons of the Ars Goetia to create their characters and what that could point towards in terms of personality and powers? I did. You can find each character with it's respective descriptions here, divided by their respective factions.
The main link is this helpful little list of the 72 with summarized descriptions, so it's not an exhaustive list, just an organized one.
Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Avisos | Abaddon | Paradise Lost | Niflheim
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Phenex (also Pheynix, Phoenix, Phoeniex) is a Great Marquis of Hell and has twenty legions of demons under his command. He teaches all wonderful sciences, is an excellent poet, and is very obedient to the conjuror. Phenex hopes to return to Heaven after 1,200 years, but he is deceived in this hope. He is depicted as a phoenix, which sings sweet notes with the voice of a child, but the conjurer must warn his companions (for he has not to be alone) not to hear them and ask him to put in human shape, which the demon supposedly does after a certain amount of time.
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Dantalion (or Dantalian) is a powerful Great Duke of Hell, with thirty-six legions of demons under his command; he is the 71st of 72 spirits of Solomon. He teaches all arts and sciences, and also declares the secret counsel of anyone, given that he knows the thoughts of all people and can change them at his will. He can also cause love and show the similitude of any person, show the same by means of a vision, and let them be in any part of the world they will. He is depicted as a man with many appearances, which means the faces of all men and women. There are also many depictions in which he is said to hold a book in one of his hands
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Ronové (also Ronove, Roneve, Ronwe) is a Marquis and Great Earl of Hell, commanding twenty legions of demons. He teaches Rhetoric, languages, and gives good and loyal servants and the favour of friends and foes. He is described as a monster holding a staff, without detailing his appearance.
He is also described as taker of old souls; often coming to earth to harvest souls of decrepit humans and animals near death
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thewapolls · 10 months
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BRANDT Not sure where this came from, and it's generic enough a word/name that it could be almost anything. Maybe a reference to Joseph "Monster" Brant, aka Thayendanegea, a famous native american soldier and politician who notably sided with the British against colonists during the American Revolution??? But that'd be pretty obtuse even by WA standards.
SADAS & JR. we saw in the boss tournament. Another name of unclear origin. Google returns are Wild Arms, so it may very well be completely original.
ZABAT appears to be a mislocalization of TZEVAOT or SABAOTH, considered one of the names of the abrahamic god, an epithet from the hebrew word[צְבָאֽוֹת] meaning "armies." For lack of a better image here's the SMT art,
DANTALION/DANTALIAN is another Ars Goetia demon. I don't actually know why he's got the big star design. The original WA1 one i kinda get since he's just generally a sort of wonder worker, i guess he just kinda got tied to DECARABIA and carried forward from there.
speaking of which.... DECARABIA is the Ars Goetia demon specifically associated with appearing as a pentagram that changes into the form of a man. It's the real basis of this whole family tree.
BUER is yet another demon ins the Ars Goetia, originally described as a centaur famous illustration by Louis Le Breton solidified the popular image of BUER as a wheel of goat legs emanating from the head of a lion. From that image we get the 5 legs association with the star shape shared by the monsters here.
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dantahlian · 3 years
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patron of desire
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