#the arcana muriel kokhuri headcanons
muriels-brainrot · 11 days
Happy [Belated] Father's Day, everyone!
In light of Father's Day, I thought it would be fun to think of how Muriel would act as a dad. I only have one headcanon for it right now. But I hope I can add more scenarios in the future! I'd even be happy to do it as a request. But for now, this is:
How Muriel Will Act As A Father:
[Headcanon Scenes] [Post Upright Ending Muriel]
POV: You're the one giving birth to your child
Before being a dad, his only responsibility other than himself was you. The moment he learns that your baby is on the way, something in him snaps.
In the back of his mind, his coping mechanisms - though totally valid - meant that his trauma served as a big reason why he wouldn't go beyond his comfort zone.
But not anymore.
Interacting with people, cooking new foods, eating said new foods, going to the doctor, buying clothes, paying bills; he's taken it upon himself to get better at doing these things.
You never hear this from him, but there are rare moments you catch him walking into Julian's clinic or slipping into the marketplace by himself. When you follow him out of curiosity, you watch him try his trembling best to act out as being a normal participant in human society. It breaks your heart to watch him get discouraged when he stutters too much in dealing with vendors or staff, or struggle to even get the proper words out of his mouth.
But it warms your heart to see him step up and do his best. You know it's not your place to interfere, but you keep an eye on him anyway. Just in case. Sometimes Inanna goes with you, with her being just as curious as you are.
One sunny afternoon, you catch him slumped on a bench outside a store front. You'd never seen him look so disappointed - or ashamed in himself. Perhaps another attempt at talking with the cashier didn't go the way he expected it to - and he's had enough.
Before you could approach him, Julian walks by. Great. As if things couldn't get worse - or so Muriel thought as he tries to sink into his seat. But Julian notices anyway. You and Inanna share an amused look when the two men end up talking. Well, more like Julian talking at him. Though you can't make out the words that your red-head friend is making, Muriel slowly perks up, as if realizing something.
By the end, when they go their separate ways. A new goal forms in Muriel's mind and he makes a beeline towards wherever that goal is.
Within a few weeks, your shared home in the forest turns more into a house befitting of a small family. Though you knew some things needed to change, it's a surprise - as this much renovation would have taken a year's salary to accomplish this.
Muriel tells you that he did all of this with his two hands, from building the nursery to woodworking new dining chairs. Your heart squeezes with glee as he spares no detail in telling you how he got here. He looks so handsomely adorable in this rare moment where he talks this much.
It turns out that a certain someone told him to play to his strengths instead, and not get so hung up over his weaknesses. Whatever those weaknesses they may be, they may simply be what you, his partner, are better at than he is. And that's not a bad thing - but rather, one of the many luxuries afforded in a relationship such as the one you share with Muriel.
A few months fly by - and your child is born. Up until now, Muriel was a nervous wreck. Will he be a good dad? Can he ensure that he can carry his own weight in raising this child properly? Is he even sure that this child won't inherit the same fears and traumas he's had growing up?
It isn't until you gently place the small bundle in his arms. The first thing that surprises him is how warm the baby is in his embrace. The way their tiny chest rises and falls. Their skin is paper thin as Muriel watches their tiny heart beat for its life. So fragile. So small.
But baby doesn't like being away from you, the other parent. Opening and closing its tiny grasp, they fight against Muriel as they wriggle in frustration.
You expect Muriel to get flustered and pass them back to you. Instead, your partner's eyes soften with a kind of affection you only see him have for those he deeply cares for. He lets the baby use their tiny hand to grab their his big finger. A soft smile grows on his lips when the baby is soothed by that.
"It's okay", Muriel says, "You're gonna be okay."
Nothing warms your heart more than that. You watch him in quiet adoration as he and the baby spend a little time together like this.
And he was right. Everything turned out alright in the end
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The Arcana HCs: M6 and Kisses
~ enjoy :3 ~
Kissing him is never unemotional
Heated moments aside, Julian gives you both planned and unplanned kisses. Depending on the mood and context, how that feels and how that progresses can change drastically
He loves "occasion" kisses, tiny little pauses of the day's etiquette where he gets to swoop in and leave a peck on your cheek. Hello kisses, goodbye kisses, thanks-for-checking-on-me-at-2-AM-because-I'm-still-awake-from-thinking-too-much kisses ...
... though that last kind is less likely to be on the cheek, and more likely to be the most tired, grateful "thank you" you've ever heard, whispered against your lips as he trails after your touch
Unplanned kisses happen whenever someone says or does something that reminds him of what you mean to him. Between his scholar's brain and bleeding heart is a vast sea of sentiment
Maybe it's seeing one of the South End vendors, stooped with age, quietly lighting up as their equally weathered partner walks by on the other side of the canal and blows them a cheeky smooch
He never thought he'd live long enough to look like that, but now all he can think about is how he can't wait to be that with you
Then he's making good use of that massive coat of his, catching up to you in two long strides, pulling you into one of those all-encompassing hugs before he swoops the cape of it between you and prying eyes so he can pour his soul into a heartfelt kiss
Never the same and always the same, somehow
They don't care to be publicly vulnerable, so you're not going to get any lingering kisses in the street, or the market, or the tavern
But considering the extent to which his love for you has completely consumed him, he can't not express affection for you
And besides, they've never been conventional. Why limit themself to your face when you've got a whole body?
Unexpected kisses peppered across your knuckles when you hold hands. A subtle peck to the pulse point below your ear when he leans in to whisper something to you. The briefest brush of his lips against the back of your shoulder as you stand and wait together
All this without ever expecting anything in return - doing anything similarly sweet and subtle back will result in a blushing, stumbling, zoned-out magician and a laughing snake
Privately, kisses aren't about a heated moment (though they have been known to play into them, when you were interested ...)
They're about savoring you, lingering on the gift of your warm, living presence, delighting in their chance to luxuriate in finally expressing every ounce of devoted adoration for you
For someone as playful and creative as he is, every moment your mouths meet is a little different, a little new, that childlike curiosity excited to find yet another way to feel you
All while that loyal, bone-deep love feels like coming home
Kissing her feels like you're being blessed
Getting kissed in public is almost always a statement of some kind. Each brush of her lips against your skin carries the weight of an important message
Anything from a kiss to your wrist, telling you that you handled a tricky situation well, to a firm kiss on your mouth, telling everyone around you that you are her most important person
It could be easy to feel you're just another face orbiting her, with how naturally she commands the attention of a room and takes charge of any situation and brings it into line
But when every moment of contact is designed to honor you, to credit you with the leader she's become, you may find that not sharing the spotlight with her is almost impossible
In private, kisses are raw and unrefined
They're still purposeful, but there's no grand painting to be a part of. The woman next to you is not the Countess, but the person who trusts you wholeheartedly and expects no less in return
Dizzying intensity, feeling every emotion freely expressed against your lips, watching her thoughts flit across her open, unguarded face. She desires vulnerability and abandons ceremony in her rush to be close to you. If there's no walls between you, why hold back?
Being the sole focus of such a powerful, regal person feels a bit like taking the concentrated power of the sun. Except it's Nadia, and her neverending need to saturate you with her love
Kisses with him are tender
Halting and awkward, at first, and a little lost as he gets his practice, and much more involved and intense as time goes on, but never lacking in gentleness and consideration
You can count the amount of times he's kissed you in public on one hand. He is not into PDA by a long shot
Luckily for you, you two live in the woods. Being in public requires planning ahead. Being in private is another normal day
Casual kisses take time. They're never thoughtless, instead being something you receive in a split second after about ten minutes of intense mental planning and preparation on his part
Over time, you find it's easier for him to give you casual kisses with his fingertips - brushing your cheek gently, pressing one finger to his own lips before lightly tapping it to your nose
He has accidentally kissed your nose when he was aiming for your mouth multiple times now. The only way to convince him to get past it and keep initiating kisses was to make it an inside joke
Kisses for him are a way to reaffirm every silent promise he's made you. Whether it be his commitment to sticking life out with you, to healing, to growing, to protecting, to nurturing with you
To him, it's the weighty comfort of building a new home and family with you. To you, it's safety and trust and security and gentleness beyond imagining. Not the most heated, but always warm
Kissing her is like bubbling over
She loves fiercely and without restraint. If you're hers and she's yours, there is no reason to hold back
Kisses are her extension of general physical affection. She'll stand with her arm around you, nuzzling into your cheek as she teases you in conversation and planting a kiss there while she's at it
She's also so openly affectionate towards anyone she cares about that there's next to no room for anybody to feel awkward
If it's in reach and she's happy you're with her for the hundredth time that day, she's kissing it. Shoulders, arms, hands, elbows, nose, cheeks, hair - there are very few limits
Kisses in private don't get outrageously creative, but they take on a whole host of meanings for someone as expressive as she is
Frustrated kisses when she feels like she's failed, excited kisses when she's got a new idea, flirtatious kisses that make you feel those new couple butterflies after decades of life together
"You're irresistible with flour in your hair" kisses, scattered all across your face in her sunlit kitchen before she pulls you in for something longer and deeper and sweeter
"You make life feel like a storybook" kisses, full of suspended disbelief and excited giggles and romantic embraces
"You make me the main character of my story" kisses, lingering long as she holds you to her chest and savors your companionship
Kissing him is an adventure
He wasn't used to kisses meaning much more than a good time. At least, not before you. By the time he met you, the ability to feel warmth and basic touch was overwhelmingly precious
As easy at it is for casual affection to be simply casual for him, it's never unappreciated, and certainly not taken for granted
Has no issues with PDA. If he wants a kiss, and you want a kiss, then it's time to enjoy a kiss. Anybody who has a problem with it is free to look in any other direction (though he's not thinking that far)
From moment to moment, they're the added spice to a good life. Sudden, rushed, sloppy kisses on the road just because he can, and because he's about to disregard that "no trespassing" sign
In quieter moments, kisses become so precious that each one feels like a polished gemstone falling into your lap
He's been starving all his life for a true connection, for a reliable affection that tells him it's safe to believe you when you tell him that you love him. He may act entitled, but he's not oblivious
Holding such a rollercoaster of a man while he loses both himself and all of his emotions in the safety of your kisses is enough to get you a little lost too, if you let yourself get drawn in
As much as he might grandstand and monologue as he puts all that leadership charisma into charming you, the moment you hold his face in your hands, he's clinging to your soul and offering his own in return. Through his mouth. Into your mouth. Again, please -
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m-musings · 8 months
Headcanons: Cuddling with the Arcana Men
A/N: I love obsessing over a dead fandom, don't you? anyways, arcana time let's do thissssss (and yes, I am aware Asra is nonbinary, I just didn't know how else to address this group with them in it, so I figured men was the most appropriate seeing that Asra will use he/him pronouns on occasion but in the actual headcanons, I use they/them)
Word Count:599
Warnings: none just fluff :)
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Laying down and cuddling with Asra is always enjoyable!
They'll light up some colorful lanterns before hand and make sure your bed has any pillows and blankets you may want or need.
Once you're all settled down, Asra will scooch in closer just so they can feel the warmth that emanates from you.
They will tell you fantastical stories, using their magic to create scenes in midair as a way to entertain you as you smile up at them with an amused grin.
As you cling onto them, they smell like the most intoxicating combination of tea leaves and cinnamon, which can be very soothing if you've had a bit of a rough afternoon.
They will soak up any and all attention you give and will reciprocate that love tenfold as they squeeze you tightly to their chest.
Their favorite times are when the two of you have nothing to do so they can spend the entire day just relaxing with you in the calming silence of the shop.
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Julian is a lil bit awkward to cuddle with in the beginning.
He's just so damn tall that sometimes his limbs are a little odd to maneuver around.
But once you two figure out the positioning, he's a great cuddler!
After a long day at the marketplace or a fun night at the Rowdy Raven, it's so relaxing to lean up against his chest and listen to his heartbeat.
He loves to trace shapes across your skin as you two enjoy the peaceful quiet of your room.
Sometimes, he'll even sing you soft songs as you drift in and out of consciousness.
Also, If he falls asleep while you are cuddling, you are not getting up for the rest day. I'm not sorry to say you are now stuck in a bear hug with a very handsome doctor.
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Cuddling with Muriel is just so nice!
Once he gets over his initial apprehension, he will melt into it like its second nature.
He's always so warm and cozy which is perfect for cold nights in the Vesuvian forest.
If you ask him to, he will hold you so close and never let go for as long as you so want.
And if you're having a bad day, he'll hold you just slightly tighter as a way to reassure you that he's there for whatever you need from him.
Muriel will also pat the bed beside the two of you so that Inanna will jump up and snuggle with you two.
As you wrap your arms around her, Muriel will engulf the both of you in his, creating the perfect cuddle puddle and optimal nap conditions.
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Lucio will designate entire days dedicated to the two of you just spending time together in your home.
He also is always sure to take off his prosthetic so that you are as comfortable as possible.
As he holds you in his embrace, he will regale you with stories from his younger, wilder days, which leads you to giggle at his dramaticness.
On the days where he's a bit more subdued, he will invite you to lay directly on top of him while he just leans back and relishes in the moment.
Just like with Muriel and Inanna, Lucio's dogs will also join the two of you while you're chilling together!
Mercedes will lay next to you while Melchior will lay next to the former count on the opposite site of the mattress.
This leads to a chaotic but comforting tangle of appendages where you are able to let go of the stresses of the everyday.
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
MC Falling Asleep on M6's Lap (Baewatch)
It's been a hot minute since I posted anything and, unfortunately, I don't have the brain power to do any new content. But I figured I would post a headcanon from my old blog. Someone had requested this a long time ago and I loved writing it. The idea was so cute! I love the Baewatch tale and the bonfire scene at the end is so fun. So, here you go! Also, updated my banners just to try out something new :)
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Asra is more than prepared for you to fall asleep on his lap. In fact, he can sense your exhaustion before even you can. He gives you a knowing smirk at your first yawn, leans back where he’s seated in the sand, and offers up his lap for you to lay your head in.
“I’m not sleepy,” you insist, crossing your arms indignantly. But his lap looks pretty inviting. Within minutes, you’re conked out, head cradled by Asra’s legs. He tenderly runs his fingers through your hair, smiling softly down at your slumbering form.
When it’s time to leave, he gently rouses you from your sleep. “MC,” he whispers, carefully shifting you in his lap, “It’s time to go.” Groggily, you rise. Hand in hand, you and Asra walk the length of the beach, back to your room, where you get some much needed rest, snuggled up in his arms <3
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You’re already resting your head on Nadia’s lap when you feel the first twinge of exhaustion. Your eyes start to droop, though you try desperately to keep them open. You want to watch Julian’s magical fire display, but you’re just so tired.
Nadia discovers you’re asleep when she looks down to see if you’re enjoying yourself. She smiles to herself, moving a strand of your hair aside that’s fallen in front of your eyes. She thinks you look positively adorable. So adorable, in fact, she feels suddenly compelled to pinch your cheeks (but refrains, not wanting to rudely awaken you).
When it’s time to go, Nadia lays a soft kiss on your forehead and whispers your name. She guides you back to your room, holding you close and keeping you warm in the chilly night air. She makes sure you have everything you need before snuggling up beside you in bed<3
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You’re dazzled by the multicolored lights flashing before your eyes, changing with each powder Julian tosses into the fire. There’s so much joy floating around the campfire, you find yourself feeling utterly relaxed. So relaxed, in fact, that you lay your head down in Julian’s lap and pass out.
Julian’s too busy showing off his magical powders to notice you’ve fallen asleep, at first. But when he finally does take notice, he makes sure to quiet down. He rubs small circles on your back, gazing thoughtfully down at your peaceful face. He’s glad to see you so restful.
When it’s time to go, he doesn’t bother to try waking you. Instead, he carefully lifts you into his arms and carries you back to your room. He’s so very gentle when he tucks you in, stealthily sliding into bed beside you and cuddling you close <3
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Portia practically pulls you into her lap when she notices you yawning. With a wink, she promises she’ll wake you up if anything crazy exciting happens. You smile up at her before falling asleep to the comforting sensation of her combing her fingers through your hair.
You’re knocked out for the remainder of the bonfire. Portia makes mental notes of all the things you’re missing, ready to regale you with all of the nonsense that occurred while you slept. She marvels over the fact that you could sleep through Lucio’s racket (though she did see your face twist in what could’ve been annoyance when he was being particularly loud). She was quick to quiet him down, shooting him a dirty look.
When it’s time to leave, Portia leans in to whisper in your ear, “Come on, cuddle bug. It’s time to go.” She giggles as your eyes flutter open and you flash a quizzical look her way. She’s never called you “cuddle bug” before and you’re not sure how you feel about it. You can’t help but laugh a little as she guides you back to the room, ready to settle in for the night with you <3
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Muriel has been silent, as usual, the whole of the night. But you’ve caught him smiling a few times. He seems a bit mesmerized by the changing colors of the fire. Seeing him relaxed makes you feel even more relaxed than you already were. You lay your head down in Muriel’s lap, which startles him at first, and decide to close your eyes for a minute.
Well, a minute becomes a while. You’re lulled to sleep by Muriel’s warmth, the crackle of the fire, and the gentle rush of the waves. Muriel is rigid when he discovers you’ve fallen asleep on him. He doesn’t move a muscle the entire rest of the night, terrified to wake you up. In fact, he barely breathes in fear of rousing you (something you’ll laugh about later).
When it’s time to go, he awkwardly lifts you from the ground, cradling you gently in his arms. You wake up on the walk back to your room, but he keeps you snuggled up in his embrace. When you reach home, you fall asleep again, wrapped up in his arms <3
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In the brief moment that night when Lucio is actually sitting still, you manage to lay your head in his lap. “Don’t you go falling asleep on me, MC!” he teases, catching you yawning, “The night is young, yet!” You roll your eyes at him, settling further in. Secretly, he’s happy you’re cuddling up with him.
Despite Lucio’s hullabaloo, you manage to fall asleep. When he looks down to ask if you want anything else to eat or drink, he notices you’re passed out in his lap. A lot of things go through his mind, all at once. He has half a mind to draw a moustache on you, smiling devilishly at the thought. But he’s also just really delighted that you’re relaxed enough with him to fall asleep.
He lets you rest (though he’s not very good at keeping quiet for you and, in his excitement over the bonfire, he definitely bonks you in the head a couple times with his knee which is followed up by profuse apologies, smooches, and hushes for you to go back to sleep). When it’s time to go, he shakes you awake (a bit unceremoniously), but makes up for it when you return to your room by tucking you into bed and cuddling up beside you <3
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taduki · 2 months
Fun-Sized HCs: M6 walking in on MC hugging a pillow in their sleep
Asra: “IT SHOULD’VE BEEN MEEEEEE”, sobbing at the doorway before promptly spooning you. Honestly, Azz probably does the same thing too. It just hits different seeing you do it now that they know you might be imagining it’s him. 💕
Julian: Flustered for a moment before clasping his hands and watching you. Debates whether to leave you to rest and pester you about it later or join you. Do this when he’s very deprived of sleep and he might just give in!
Portia: Zero hesitation to remove the pillow and replace it with herself. Does so very carefully, as excited as she is. She’s so warm, you might not notice even if you’re a light sleeper. Teases you about it later.
Nadia: She’s used to being out and about, so she opens the door to her chambers secretly hoping to see you like this every time. It warms her little romantic heart! Starts spritzing a bit of her perfume on the pillowcases when you aren’t looking.
Muriel: As if you weren’t already beaming with cuteness… Fighting the urge to nap next to you in fear that he might wake you. He catches himself staring and goes to occupy himself until you’re awake. Is way more inclined to give you hugs now. 🥰
Lucio: Covers his mouth and hunches over the mantle, trying not to squeal. Gently gives you a kiss on the cheek either holds you or removes the pillow and snuggles into your arms. He claims he can’t do magic, but the pillow has disappeared after that…
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mjart12699 · 3 months
MC: one of the roosters ran up to me, gave me a pebble and did a flirty little dance while making happy noises. Which is the rooster equivalent of a proposal. A truly devastating blow to my boyfriend (Muriel), the man who helped raise him.
Based on this post
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ultimafranfan · 2 years
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has this been done before
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Mentioning M6, perhaps a typical morning with each of them after they wake up? 🛏️☀️ I love the hcs you wrote for Lucio btw! They were very spot on (:
I’m so glad you liked them 🥹 and yeah count goat man is fun to write for 😆
Wakes up first but likes to admire you as you’re still asleep
Likes to pepper teasing kisses along your face, cheeks, and neck before they get more cheeky but by then you’re awake in his arms
You wake him up because the snores get the best of him, but when he does, sometimes Jules likes it when you spoon him or let him rest on your chest before starting the day
He is still out like a light but holds onto you tightly if you wake up before him, gentle snores and heartbeat soothing you back to sleep against his warm chest
Spooning you when you wake up, long beautiful hair tickling your face, she’ll call for breakfast in bed for you both and your start to the day is a whole spa day arranged for you both
She woke up before you and lies on your stomach to watch you wake up, smiling when you wipe the sleep form your eyes, and has some kisses to spare too
A big baby OML!!
You may as well just surrender to his hold because he refuses to get out of bed until midday, so enjoy all of the Count’s attention
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blackered · 1 year
this is The Arcana Brazilian AU: June edition!🎉
June feasts are the most incredible thing ever and it's literally my favorite time of the year. amazing food, nice music, tacky outfits and lots of fun activities. it's just perfect, man
so, i couldn't pass on the opportunity to make some AU content hehe
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elsyrel · 1 year
Arcana headcanons: main 6 and how they give physical affection
More cheesy headcanons \o/!! Kisses, Hugs and caresses... with their respective favourite forms of affection in the first place!
Asra's kisses are never the same. Sometimes sweet, sometimes spicy... slow and deliberate, or delicate and subdued as the touch of a feather. There is always a slight indescribable sensation, a special warmth that connects you both, but that you wouldn't know how to describe with words. It's like electricity, an ancient sensation like the warmth of the sun, a feeling of transcendence that transports you to a higher place where only the two of you exist. There's something exotic about the way his lips press against yours, but at the same time there's something familiar that makes you feel safe.
His hugs are very sweet and warm, they never feel forceful in any way. Usually he holds you lovingly while he strokes your back, squeezing gently. He has a gift for calming you down as your auras melt into each other. Yet you always sense a hint of despair when he wraps his arms around you; a faint fear, as if he was afraid that you could disappear at any moment.
He loves to hold hands. Whenever he can, specially if you two are walking on the street side by side, he will reach out to take your hand. Sometimes it begins with a light touch with the tip of his fingers, an attempt, and soon after he entwines all his fingers with yours. He uses his thumb to stroke the back of your hand, or gently rubs his palm against yours. He likes to use caresses as a form of meditation; sometimes, when you need to calm down, he will gently instruct you to focus solely on the contact of his fingers on your arms, hands, and face.
He has a thing for scratches, both giving and receiving. The back is his favorite place, he will fall asleep in a matter of a few minutes if you scratch him there. He lets out short, breathy laughs when you reach a specially nice spot. When it's your turn, he runs his delicate, filed nails across your skin, soft enough not to hurt you, but strong enough to leave faint lines on your skin.
Nadia’s favourite form of giving affection are caresses. Her touches vary in form all the time: scratching gently with her nails, walking her fingertips gently, squeezing her palm firmly against you... she loves feeling your skin and reactions, and has a gift to make you shiver; she always chuckles when she feels your hair standing on end. She will caress you all the time: absentmindedly while you talk, sweetly while you take a walk together, brushing your lips lovingly with her thumb while you are lying on bed... and provocatively while you are in public situations in which you definitely shouldn’t be caressing each other. She feels a special pleasure in caressing you in secret while you are in company of other people; unseen caresses under the table, rubbing your knee or thigh... if you get flustered, she’ll find it amusing and next time she’ll become even bolder.
Her kisses are demanding and fierce, her lips full and thick. She almost always leads, and she likes to drive you to the limit until you are breathless and have to stop for air. She uses her tongue... a lot. You feel at her mercy, which she has none. Also, she bites. However, some other times, on special occasions where she feels a little lost... her kisses are really vulnerable, with an almost invisible touch of insecurity.
She doesn’t give hugs very often but, when she does, they are firm and strong, possessive. More often than not, she hugs just with one arm: she surrounds your waist and pulls gently but demandly until your body is pressed against hers. When she gives a full hug, the air leaves your lungs, and you feel both completely protected and safe, but also a little small. 
Unless you ask otherwise... she will give you SO MANY love marks. She even gets a little smug about it. However, she is sensible and prudent, and always leaves the marks on hidden places, like the inner thigh... she feels like those marks are little secrets you two share.
Soooooooooo sweet when giving, soooooooooo brutish when receiving. He’s an addict for love marks, hickeys, bites and scratches. His love language is “letting you do whatever the fuck you want to him”, and will lose his mind if he sees the mark of your teeth on his skin. Even though he is so willing to let you put all your marks on him, he is a little reluctant at first to do the same to you (he doesn’t want to hurt you). However, if you insist juuuuust a little bit, he will succumb to temptation: he will observe the purplish marks appear on your skin like he’s witnessing a fucking miracle, incredulous that he was the one who did it.
Julian’s kisses are fervent like in a fever. If you kiss him a just a liiittle passionately, after you finish he will look at you like his head is still spinning. He wets, bites and licks his lips a lot, his lips are always a little swollen and reddish after you two kiss. But he also has a sweet side: he always asks for pecks on the cheek, and gives them in return too. He gives pecks for literally everything, every time: he’s going to work? First he needs his cheek kiss. He goes shopping? Cheek kiss. He goes to throw out the trash? Cheek kiss. He goes to the fucking bathroom? CHEEK KISS.
He likes to spin you around when he hugs you, and he always laugh when he does. He says he has everything under control, but it's not true: you're going to end up on the ground nine times out of ten... and somehow, he always looks surprised of that result. He's skinny and his arms are a little lanky, so his hugs aren't the most comfortable ones... but there's something sweet about watching Julian try to accommodate his long arms and hands around you.
His caresses are devoted, admired, almost timorous... as if he was praying to a saint and wasn’t totally sure to be allowed to touch them. He’ll make sure you like the contact by checking your expression all the time... but, to be honest, he lets the caresses almost always for the sexy times. Nonetheless, he is really fond of pats on the back, hand shakes and the like.
He gives the sweetest hugs you will ever receive in your life. It’s unbelievable how, as big as he is, he can be so delicate, warm and soft. You can bury yourself in him, his wide chest and big arms feel like the safest place on earth. His chest always rumbles with the low and deep drums of his heart; it’s adorable when he gets embarrassed and his heart starts going fast... and suddenly he wants to end the hug so you don’t notice (too late, you always notice cause he’s not subtle). He gets addicted to hugs, he wants them aaaaall the time. After some time, you instinctively know when he wants one. He gives you that look, like an abandoned cub, and you know already that he’s desperate to cuddle.
His kisses are very chaste, you must not expect very steamy sessions out of him. He mostly gives sweet pecks; his lips are always soft, warm and a little humid (he unconsciously licks his lips a lot when you are around). It won’t come out of him to use his tongue or anything like that... but if it is YOU the one who gets steamy, you will presence a real show of him getting really into it while simultaneously wanting to run away in a matter of seconds. 
Any caress you give him will make him sigh with contentment. He falls asleep easily if you caress his back or his arms: he loves cuddling together in silence for HOURS. He will be the happiest person on earth if you scratch his scalp, and then he’ll try to reciprocate shyly. He is very generous, and will absentmindedly rub your back or play with your hair for as long as you’ll take it.
He will never dream of giving you any mark, he is so careful... if by accident he gives you a faint scratch or mark, he will stare at it frowning everytime he sees it, until it disappears. However, he gets a strange high from you giving him hickeys; it a weird mix of embarrassment and feeling proud. 
BEAR HUGS TM. Her body is so chubby, soft and warm, her arms so strong and reassuring. Her body feels like a giant pillow where you can sink to rest. When she hugs you it feels like you passed away and went to heaven, it’s like swimming in clouds. She always smells so good, with a faint sweet scent that reminds you of pastries or petrichor. She likes to pick you up with her strong arms and spin around until you both are dizzy (it doesn’t matter if you are tall or short, big or small... she will manage somehow). Portia is a A+ hugger... except when she chooses to give you a “Soul Crusher“. In those moments when you can see the mischief in her eyes and ear her theatrical evil laugh... you better run.
Her kisses are almost always short, playful pecks... she gives so many of them. She likes to play a game to give you as many kisses in your face as she can, as fast as she can... and she makes it a competition. You cannot win, she will give you a million kisses in two seconds! You both will end up laughing and with your whole face wet.
An expert on body care. She has lots of skin creams and oils,soaps and shampoos of all kinds of smells. She even tries to make her own, and then asks for your opinion on them. Sometimes, she will just say that you need to hydrate your skin, open up some bottle, and moisture your face or legs with its mysterious contents. Her hands are always warm, even in winter, you don’t understand how; but you don’t complain: feeling her hands against your skin is the best thing in the world (even if they're a little calloused from all the work she does).
Bad news... she loves to tickle. Tickles are a love language, and she speaks it too well. She just can’t help it... you look too cute!! When she thinks you look adorable, it activates her Cute-Aggression instinct, and she must just attack you with all the fury of her fingers.
The King of Kisses. Lucio has an undeniable "Gomez Addams" style: he loves to charm you by kissing your entire arm, from the hand, wrist and inside of the elbow, to the shoulder and neck. He takes his sweet time in every kiss, like each is the last: his kisses are deliberate and wet, he does not mind leaving a faint trail of moisture behind him. He pouts and fervently presses his lips against your skin, he's a little messy and sloppy. Actually, he loves to kiss you anywhere: legs and feet are also some of his favorite spots; he’s not ashamed of a little body worship. If he's kissing you on the lips, his kisses can be bruising and demanding, but if you take the lead he'll submit immediately and he'll let little moans scape his throat.
His hugs are needy, like a child in search for comfort and reaffirmation. He especially likes to hug you while you lie down, while he rests on top of you; then, he buries his face in your hair or your axila, rubs his face against your chest, bites you... he whines a lot if you don’t comply, and can be a little annoying at times. The more you give the more he wants, so you’ll have to put a stop at some point or he will hug you at the most inconvenient of times. However, if you reciprocate and do the same things to him, he will absolutely melt at the spot.
He loooooves caresses, specially massages. Lucio loves taking turns to make each other relax, and he’s not sure what he likes more: feeling your hands wandering around his body, or watching your reactions when his hands wanders yours. He NEEDS continuous contact, at all times, no matter where you two are. Are you just talking or chilling? Ok, but just touch him somewhere. Even if it’s just your feet or knees touching, but something, or he will die of cold and loneliness :(
He’s just playing, but sometimes Lucio goes a little overboard with his bites. If he loses control and bites harder than he pretended, he will be the first one to get surprised and will sheepylish apologize with a nervous smile (it was a little oopsie?).
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rasby · 9 months
How the M6 laugh
This one has the most "x reader" vibe to it. I tried to keep it vague before but idk this feels a lot better in my opinion (will probably still keep it vauge in the future tho :))
• A lot of wheezing
• A lot of that silent laugh with flappy hands
• When he says he's "rolling", he means it
• Very often starts to cry as well
• If he makes noise it's a mix of "Hehe"s, "Hihi"s and "Hoho"s
• Mostly chuckles
• If it's really funny she'll let out a "Haha" but never goes over the top
• Also does the occasional "Ohoho" when you two are alone
• You've seen her laugh so hard she snorted only once, but she was drunk and definitely does not remember that happening
• Chokes every time he laughs
• Snorts very often
• Hasn't yet cried of laughter, unless you count tickle torture
• Has that kind of...almost evil laugh vibe sometimes
• Cannot keep quiet, he may be an actor but if it's funny, it's funny! He has to let it out!
• Laughs often
• Everything can be funny
• Snorts a lot aswell, which then turns into even more snorting and laughing
• Also subjected to crying of laughter
• Likes to kick her feet when she laughs or giggles
• Has a VERY infectious laugh. If she's laughing, everyone is laughing!
• He doesn't laugh, what do you mean
• He never laughed in his life
• Is what he would say
• But you make it your mission to try making him laugh as often as possible
• You mostly get a smile and maybe and exhale of air through his nose or a quiet "heh"
• Tickling doesn't work either, he's a stone
• Once, ONCE you've seen him laugh really hard
• It sounded more like a croak honestly and he kept hiding his face
• But it was all you ever wanted <3
• He likes to laugh
• He doesn't do it too much because he's scared of the wrinkles he'll get
• But around you, sometimes he can't help it
• And damn it, it feels good!
• Has a bad habit of hitting things (and people) when he laughs
• He likes to scream instead of laughing like a normal person
• It doesn't sound evil...more maniacal
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muriels-brainrot · 7 days
Mini Muriel Headcanon #1:
You know how people have small hobbies or traits that they don't normally show off because they don't really get to?
For Muriel, one of those things is his laugh
You've heard him laugh. But there is this one type of laugh that only happens once in a blue moon. If something is really funny to him, he can laugh so hard that it steals his lungs. It's like squeezing a squeaky toy but with no squeaker - it's in between a wheeze and a cough
He'll never tell anyone. Not even you. Although Inanna's heard it once or twice - and she tries to get you to be in the same room when it looks like it might happen. But it never does.
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Hello! Could you please write full headcanons on the M6 getting home one day to find MC dead? They're not actually dead, their body is just vacant after a spell went horribly wrong, but M6 have no way of knowing that.
Thank you!
The Arcana HCs: When M6 think MC is dead
~ @arson-the-ace oh, this. this is going to hurt, isn't it. ~
CW for descriptions of panic attacks, bodies that seem dead, references to past trauma, and your beloved in lots of pain
-- to set the scene --
It was supposed to be an experiment, to see if it was possible to put your body in a preserved or frozen state when you left it behind to visit the magical realms. You did not expect the result to be your body looking and acting like a fresh corpse, or for the spell to have a three hour cooldown time before you could reinhabit it. Your incorporeal self sighs and sits next to your body, resigned to the boredom of waiting it out.
Until, minutes later, the door opens and your beloved walks in, and you have no way of telling them what happened.
Already fears the worst as soon as he sees you sprawled on the floor - his plague doctor experience with visiting the sick has his instincts fine-tuned for recognizing an unrecoverable patient
Trips over himself in his scramble to get to you and gets a nasty bump on his knee, but doesn't register a thing because he's finally reached for you and he's looking for a sign of life
A pulse. An exhale. The twitch of your eyes moving below your eyelids, anything, anything to tell him that you can be saved
He rolls you onto your back and tries to give you CPR, but he's breaking down too much already for any of it to be effective
Chest compressions turn into him ripping his gloves off, trying to find any of the warmth you've shared with him
Mouth-to-mouth turns into a choked sob against your cold cheek
He can't bring himself to keep going. Each failed attempt at reviving you gets his hopes up only to rip them to shreds again
He doesn't want to move forward. He doesn't want to go ahead with laying you to rest. He doesn't want to leave this drafty wooden floor, without a blanket or a pillow to keep you comfortable
And he can't stand up
He sits cross-legged on the floor, lifting your head onto his lap and laying his coat over you in lieu of a quilt
You watch him droop over your body, shivering in the drafty room without his layers, voice catching and breaking on quiet sobs as he sings you the lullaby his parents sang him before the shipwreck
By the time your eyes flutter open, his voice is gone
He's happy to see you - he's so, so happy to see you, but he keeps hovering over you like he never knows if you're about to collapse for good next time
If you love him, you'll wait a long, long time to do any more magic
They thought you were playing some kind of game, at first
He walked into the upstairs apartment to see you sprawled on the floor and teasingly called out your name, playfully asking what new mischief you were up to as he hung up his coat
And then you didn't answer them
As soon as he felt that old dread seize his stomach, he was hurrying across the room and asking you what was wrong
They can feel their own body growing cold as they touch your frozen one, pressing a trembling hand to your chest in search of the heartbeat they moved heaven and hell to give you
He's panicking, breaths coming quick and short. The motions of his arms trying to pull you closer to him are far too similar to his frantic digging in the ash filled sands of the Lazaret
They don't know what's worse - the images flashing across their eyes of your charred bone fragments splintering in their bleeding fingers, or your lifeless face lying heavy against their knees
His heart can't take it. The tears give way to an ongoing numb tremor. He places a preservation spell on your body as his last conscious thought before he lies down next to you on the floor
They put their arm under your limp neck and cuddle up to you like it's just another day's end, just another snuggle before sleep while they lay their head down on your icy, silent chest
You watch him hold your body in shock. He seems like he's caught between worlds, alternating between staring at your unmoving stomach while his shaky tears land and pool on your shirt
And reflexively whispering apologies as they mop up their tears with their sleeve, asking if they're squeezing you too tightly
He's quick to check your memories when you wake up, but no matter how healthy you are, he can't leave your side for a week
Her intuition is telling her something is wrong as soon as she's approaching her chambers. Seeing you on the ground is her worst nightmare coming true
You're cold to the touch. You don't respond to her voice. You don't respond ... at all. She needs help, you need help, you need help now, she's going to get you everything you need, just hang on
She lifts you into her bed, and the chilly deadweight of your body is more than she can take. When she throws open the door and yells for a doctor, every servant in earshot hears her panicked sobs
She hasn't had a panic attack like this in years
Servants rush in and out in a blur, hurried murmurs and muffled exclamations fading into the background. She feels like she's been plunged underwater, unable to scream as her lungs fill with salt
She sits by your side with your hand in both of hers, clinging to the only part of you she's allowed to touch while the closest physician pokes and prods at your lifeless body. She can't see you anymore
And everyone else? They can't see their Countess at all
They see a broken-hearted woman holding steadfast to her lover's limp hand, breaths jagged and unpredictable as she wails through her teeth. Mercifully, her hair comes undone and hides her wrenched face and streaming tears behind a curtain of purple
You woke her, first from her dreams, then from her apathy, and finally from her loneliness. Watching you succumb to a sleep far stronger than the one that trapped her is wretched beyond words
When you finally stir awake, she refuses to leave your side as the doctors work to ensure that your vitals are stable and to try to figure out what happened and if there are any repercussions
She's glad you're back, but she can't stop herself from waking you in the middle of the night to make sure you're just sleeping
He's already convinced of the worst before he can prove it
He knows what a body collapsed in sudden death looks like. He's seen them countless times on the sand of the Coliseum floor, slaughtered at his own shackled hands, but now it's you
Now it's the only person he trusted to never leave his side
He can't register Inanna beginning to whine and pace, he can't register the sounds of the forest outside, he can't register the fire slowly burning down and out in the back of the hut
A lifetime of trained alertness, muted, because his subconscious has decided it can't take paying attention to a world that doesn't have you in it any more
He's finally able to move again when he takes his first shuddering breath in minutes, and he begins to walk and reach towards you in the vague hope that all is not as it seems
But that's when some small, sick part of his brain starts up its tiny chant that he deserves this, that this is the effect of giving in to your misguided desire for his touch, that this is somehow his doing
But the larger part of him, the part of him that loves you and aches for you and is dedicated to you, leans past the furious pain and lifts your head and shoulders off of the floor, enough so he can lower his head and listen for a heartbeat, feel for breath on his cheek
And there isn't any. Your body is as still and lifeless as his hope for something better, and he can't breathe. He can't breathe, and he's curled up in a ball with you in his arms, and he can't breathe
It takes a few hours before he can master his thoughts enough to think. This has happened before, and it was possible for you to come back. Asra, he has to bring you to Asra, he'll give anything
You wake up as he's carrying you through the woods, and it's the first time you've seen his body go so completely weak with relief
At first, she thinks you're feeling a little silly and sleeping on the floor just to mess with Pepi. Though the way you're lying, you almost look like you've collapsed. That can't be comfortable
It's when she crouches down to wake you up that she can tell something's wrong. Your shoulder is cold - way too cold
She's already got tears running down her face, but never in her life has she let her sadness stop her from caring for those she loves. She shakes you, back and forth, calling your name over and over
At some point she realizes that it's too late, there's nothing she can do, and that's when she starts wracking her brain for someone who can do something. Anything. She's not giving up on you
She's small, but she's strong and she's in pain. She lifts your body and begins to stumble through the Palace garden with you. She leans into the volume of her wails, using them to call for help
First through the gardens, then through the Palace halls, unable to recognize the blurry faces through her tears, but determinedly blubbering out what's happened and how she needs help for you
When someone who might have been the Countess informs her that the physician is out, she walks out the front gates of the Palace. Her ears are deaf to the offer of a carriage into town
Vesuvia still remembers its plague. It has never before heard cries as anguished as the ones Portia sent echoing down the canals as she ran and stumbled with your body to Mazelinka's house
Mazlinka will be there. Ilya will be there. They both know plenty about medicine, they should be able to help, just hang on. Hang on, she tells your cold body, hang on for me
You stir awake just as she crosses the threshold into the basement dwelling, and the emotions she feels are so overwhelming that she almost punches you for scaring her. She can't stop crying
When he walks into the room in the inn after his trip to the outhouse, he avoids the sinking feeling in his gut by telling himself you're just napping. On the floor. Without moving
And then he can't take the way his conscience is nagging at him, so he snaps and (not unkindly, but brashly) tells you to get up and get moving already, we're wasting daylight!
But you don't move. You don't give him a disapproving look. You don't grumble when he shakes your shoulder, or open your eyes when he pats your cheek, or smile when you hear your name
He doesn't understand. You're brave, you're strong, you're loving, you're good, you're full of goodness and you're better than anything he ever deserved after what you suffered because of him
Because of ... him
This must be his fault. This must be his actions catching up with him. This must be the fallout of all those rash deals, some forgotten deity must have run out of patience and come to collect
Of course this would happen. It would take a hundred lifetimes to sift through the pile of selfish bargains, of course he missed one, of course he failed to make up for his past deeds, of course ...
Of course an oversight like that would cost him you
But he's not going to let this go. You deserve better. He hauls you into his arms, ignoring the way he chokes at your dangling limbs, and rushes out of the inn and into the deep, deep woods beyond
He screams and cries and yells and threatens and pleads and begs until his voice falls silent and he can taste blood in his throat
He calls out to any angry being listening to tell him, tell him what this is in payment for, tell him what he can put on the bargaining table that would pay back the debt that demanded your soul
You wake up before he can do anything rash, but he squeezes you in his sleep now, as if to challenge any more soul thieves
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pandemoniclucio · 3 months
MC: [Moving In To Give Muriel A Hug] Muriel: [Flinches] MC: Why'd you move? Muriel: I thought you were gonna hit me. MC: I was going to hug you. Muriel: Why would you hug me? MC: WHY WOULD I HIT YOU?!
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may-be-rae · 1 year
The Arcana Headcanons
Nights with the M6
Asra tends to go to bed rather late. He’s not the type to get a full 8 hours, but instead takes a lot of smaller naps through the day. I’d say they’re usually in bed no earlier than 2:00 am.
He does take the time to eat with you and tuck you into bed. He’ll lay with you, kissing your forehead, holding you until you fall asleep. It’s only once your breathing deepens and steadies that he dares to pry himself away from you. He tells Faust to care for you in his absence.
Asra prefers to be awake at these hours because the stars and celestial bodies are something he finds deep inspiration in. His magic is the closest to him in these moments, and he enjoys dwelling in that presence. He’ll sit on the roof and either work on astrological charts or document spells. Sometimes, he’ll just lay there and simply meditate beneath the night sky.
Asra is also a habitual midnight snacker. It’s the time when his appetite kicks up the most. Their favorite is sesame crackers with either cheese or almond butter and preserves.
When Asra does come to bed, he tries not to wake you. He doesn’t wear nightclothes, but simply takes off his shirt and slides under the covers. If the weather is hot, he’ll strip to his undergarments.
They love to watch you sleep. (Yes, it did occur to him that that’s slightly strange, and he had to laugh at himself.) The little sounds and faces you make during dreams amuses them. “Sometimes you look like you’ve bit into a lemon.” He laughed one day.
Once asleep, he’s gone. Very heavy sleeper. They sleep on their stomach while hugging their pillow, and you’ve notice that he’ll smack his lips in his sleep. It’s terribly cute. Often whispers things between dreams and will sleep talk if you engage in his mutterings.
10/10 cutie pie
Nadia has a strict night routine that consists mostly of beauty regimens. It starts with a long bath, then a thorough brushing of her hair, and ends with skin care. She enjoys when you participate as she’s always ready to spoil you.
Afterwards, she goes into her tower for a private meditation. As much as she loves you, she requests to be alone at this time. It’s a time of deep self-reflection. Nadia is not only conscious of her physical health, but also her inner being. She puts on a brave face, but her time with Lucio made her so lost to her own self. Not to mention, she’d been asleep for so long…lost so many memories. You were the catalyst for Nadia to find herself again, but her past is still a heavy burden. The time in her tower is her own promise to to herself to never stop fighting.
When she returns from her tower, she’ll find you. Her mind and heart are tender in this moment, and she wants to be near someone she trusts. She’ll take you to a balcony that overlooks beautiful Vesuvia. The city market lights are just beginning to dim, and the dock is alive with ships mooring for the night. She’ll hold you with her head on your shoulder, sometimes sharing the reflections she had in the tower.
Hand in hand, you both will make your way to bed. She’ll wrap you in the covers before making herself comfortable. Even though she was once married, Nadia isn’t accustomed to sleeping with someone. She’d always avoided staying in a bed too long with Lucio, and when she did, she tried her best to maintain distance. You’ll often startle her with your affections. You go slow so as not to scare her, and soon enough she’ll snuggle into you.
Although Nadia does her best to be in bed by 10:00 pm, she does push that back if your cuddling lasts a little longer than anticipated. 🙃💕
Julian does his best to be home by nightfall, but as a doctor, that’s a hard promise to keep. When emergencies arise, his heart is too soft to deny his patients, even if that means sacrificing his own needs and desires.
If he does return on time, his routine is fairly sporadic. He’ll cater it to whatever you’d like to do, whether that’s a night in or some fun at the Raven.
One constant is he takes a long bath before bed regardless of the time he comes home. He’ll sprinkle the water with salts, light incense, and dim the lights to a single candle. He finds this to do wonders for his senses, which tend to be overwound at the end of the day. Sometimes, you’ll overhear him singing Nevivon songs from his childhood.
After his bath, it’s often well past dinner. Since you worry for his health, he’ll take time for a snack. Most often, it’s a slice of rye or pumpernickel with butter.
Afterwards, he’ll read a book until he starts to nod off. Then, he’ll clamber into bed with you and try his best not to wake you with his limbs. He does indulge in a kiss though, usually to your temple or pressed into your hair.
Despite his tiredness, it’s still hard for him to fall asleep, but with you near, his thought are so much kinder. He’ll think of his day and the changes in his life. While there’s much less adventure…much less drama…his heart has always longed for stillness, for a place that he didn’t have to leave.
He’s a very happy man.
Portia’s evening are much calmer than her mornings. After a long day at work, she comes home drained. And while her energy levels are still unmatched, they’re drastically lowered by Portia’s standards.
Despite her schedule, she’s much more faithful about coming home on time. Nadia is also insistent that her greatest assistant and confidant has a life outside of the Palace. She ensures Portia’s schedule is never overbearing.
When Portia returns, she greets everyone in a healthy round of hugs and kisses. There’s no point in trying to escape her suffocating affections. She swaddles you in a blanket and tackles you to the couch, nuzzling into your neck to plant tickling kisses.
After, the two of you will stroll through her gardens and pick any ripened produce. You’ll talk about each others day and laugh as Pepi chases butterflies.
By now, you can see the weariness on Portia’s features. She still insists on cooking since it’s something she enjoys, so you do your best to wash dishes as she goes to make clean up easier.
Once dinner is done, she drags you into the bath with her. You’ll help wash her long curls, and she’ll nestle into your arms. Over time, you’ll feel her breath become heavy and slow. You know it’s time to get your love into bed.
Muriel retires to bed early due to his early rise with the chickens. After dinner, you two will clean up the hut as he prefers to awaken to a clean space. Then, he’ll venture out to bathe and collect water for tomorrow. He enjoys it when you decide to join him.
There is a local waterfall deep in the woods that he bathes in. He brings his own homemade eucalyptus and rose soap. It’s a stark but lovely contrast to the usual myrrh.
Back home, you’ll sometimes offer to braid his hair. Since it’s coarser, he like to use a bit of rosemary oil. At first, this practice sent tension throughout his body, but in time he’s relaxed into you. It’s not uncommon to catch him dozing off in your lap. He’ll also offer to do your hair or give you a massage.
Afterwards, it’s very much time for bed. Muriel sleeps on the edge of the bed, so that you and Innana are safe to snuggle into him.
For some reason, he’s much bolder in his affections at this time. He loves the softness of you, loves tracing the gentle curves around your face. It’s so different from the contours he sees in himself. Again, at first, this made him horribly nervous. Would his callouses scratch you? Would he pull your hair too hard? But in time, it actually helped him be more comfortable and attune to his strength.
He realizes that he can be soft, too.
Lucio’s energy tends to manifest itself the most once the sun goes down. Want to visit Prakra? Let’s load up the horses. Craving another pumpkin bread? I’m sure Selasi won’t mind! You’ll have to somewhat force him into a night routine if you ever expect to get this man to stop.
You’ve noticed food is key to getting him to wind down. A nice hot meal that sits in his belly and weights his eyelids. Usually, it’s in the form of stew with fresh bread and dessert (he has an undeniable sweet tooth). While he’s balked that’s he can provide you much better cuisine from world class chefs, he secretly loves when you cook for him and you know how to satisfy his picky palate.
After dinner, he’s noticeably more docile. He’ll hold out his arms and ask for you to sit in his lap by the fire. He’ll nuzzle into you and chuckle when you play with his hair. It’s not uncommon for you to fall asleep in his arms.
Afterwards, he’ll carry you to bed. The two will help each other dress for the night and curl into the sheets. He appreciates it when you take his golden arm off for him. The glove’s purpose was to hide from his insecurities. When he takes it off, it’s a harsh reminder of how he really sees himself. You are so much kinder towards him than he is to himself.
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taduki · 8 months
M6's Stupid, Sickly Sweet Petnames
Asra: The Great Magician, beanie bear, schnookums, hot hand, lulu-belle
Julian: Birdie, fluffy, crownose, fire-of-my-heart
Portia: Honey bun, pumpkin pie, lovey, bunny
Nadia: Darlington, rosebud, beauty bun, softie puff
Muriel: Hubbington, blueberry muffin, scruffy bear, pudding pot
Lucio: Blondie, old man, peepaw, knight in shining armor, big boots, pillow puncher
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