#the arcana courtier au
vlgrlrd · 2 years
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the m e m e
pretty old one, but I still like it
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greyspirehollow · 16 days
Warnings : discussion of an on-going case ; allusions to medication ; possible signs of depression ;I might’ve not listed them all, I feel like this chapter is lighter than the others
I would rate this chapter and the overall fic 16 +
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Liam woke up around 10 AM Sunday. He groaned and rubbed his face, reaching for his phone on the night stand, checking for any notifications. No messages… He shouldn’t be surprised. He looked at his agenda. “oh yeah, right… The lab results” he mumbled, his voice hoarse with sleep. He rolled onto his back with a heavy sigh. Why was it so hard to get out of bed on Sundays…? It’s not like his mattress was overwhelmingly cozy. He took a moment to just lay there, and enjoy the feeling of the covers against himself, of the pillow under his head, of the gentle sound of the rain on his window and closed blinds, and the distant sound of cars passing by. Oh sweet, it was raining ! He smiled slightly and sat up in bed. Despite his lack of motivation, the weather was a bit of an encouragement. He always loved the rain… Sure, it was nicer in more rural areas, but rain is rain, and rain is nice. He stretched, and got up from the bed, yawning. He walked over the chair in the corner of his small bedroom, looking through the clothes carelessly discarded onto it and picking what he’d put on after breakfast. He then walked lazily towards the kitchen, opening the cabinets. Oh, he didn’t have any cookies left… He groaned and decided to make himself a simple hot chocolate. He grabbed his mug and got to the task.
All the blinds were almost fully closed, leaving the tiny apartment in a dull grey-ish morning light. Liam leaned back against the sink as he drank his hot chocolate. He let his gaze wander over what he called his place ; the bed sheets were messy, and the clothes onto the chair next to it didn’t help. There were no decorations, and the walls were a depressing blank white. He remembered he’d actually taken off the decorations, he’d come to dislike them after a while. The door to the bathroom was open ; the blue tiles made the inside look like a generic stock image and the shower’s glass door could use a good wipe, the thin layer of dried limestone residue from the water clinging to the transparent material like fungus. Near his closet in the bedroom was a desk, filled to the brim with endless papers : research, prescriptions, taxes, rent… He then spotted the familiar orange bottle of medication onto his night stand. It was almost the only touch of color amidst all thhis. The irony… There wasn’t much else to look at… It was a very small apartment after all. It was bland. A bit messy. This wasn’t a home. This was just… A place. His place.
He sighed as he finished his hot chocolate, a heavy feeling in his chest, and got ready to head out to the lab, grabbing his wallet, keys, and pack of cigarettes.
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It was around 2 PM when Liam headed towards the central-city’s gym. He’d sent a text to Vulgora about the results and they’d just asked him to go meet them there. He looked up at the building’s facade, then stepped in. He immediately felt a little self-conscious as he saw all those muscular people go about their workout routine. He felt his cheeks flush and a sad feeling tugging at his heartstrings – he’d never had the courage to start working out himself, and it was something he was… Ashamed of. He shook his head and focused on finding Vulgora, file tucked under his arm and hands in the pocket of his black hoodie.
He wandered towards the treadmills, but not finding them there he turned around and spotted them at the other side of the gym, towards the weights. He steeled himself and walked over there.
Vulgora didn’t hear him approach, their bluetooth earbuds blasting Rob Zombie into their eardrums as they focused on the weight at their feet which they were about to lift yet again. A thin layer of sweat coated their forehead, making a few strands of hair stick to it. They furrowed their brows, while Liam watched wide-eyed as they leaned down, picked up and lifted the bar with little to no struggle, their muscles flexing with practiced ease. ‘How much is that…?’ wondered Liam. Vulgora held the weights up for a good fifteen seconds before letting it drop back down on the floor with a loud THUD, a heavy sigh and a grunt. They shook their hands slightly, re-adjusting their gloves when they finally spotted Liam. He watched the other man and the way his jaw hung slack. “what?” they asked impatiently, removing their earbuds.
Liam tried to gather his thoughts, blinking a few times and remembering why he was there in the first place. “Uhm… here-” he held up the folder. “I’ve got the lab results.” he said, as Vulgora nodded before talking a gulp of water out of their bottle. They grabbed a towel which they carelessly threw over their shoulder before gathering their stuff back in their sport backpack. Liam couldn’t help but ask…
“How much was that?”
“170.” Vulgora responded nonchalantly. Liam raised an eyebrow, slightly confused.
The man felt as if his eyes were going to pop out of his sockets, but he was not prepared for what they said next. They grinned as they added : “And I’m a little rusty. I went up to 215 once.”
The air was positively knocked out of Liam’s lungs, which earned a prideful chuckle out of the red-haired police officer. “Come on ! We’ll go sit at the Rowdy Raven and you can tell me all about it.” they said, before walking towards the exit, Liam after them.
As they sat down at a table in a more secluded corner, and both ordered themselves a drink. As Vulgora flipped through the file, Liam lit himself a cigarette, waiting until they were done looking over it all. Their brows were furrowed as they focused, while Liam’s eyes wandered over the pictures from where he sat. A strange numbness overcame his mind – he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He was familiar with corpses, sure. But it was rare to stumble upon such a peculiar specimen… woah woah woah not the time to think like that Liam, someone died. He cleared his throat, awkwardly shifting in his seat and looking away, drawing a puff out of his cigarette. He looked up at the TV broadcasting the news, and focused on the headline : “Worrisome disappearances in South End” ; but before he could listen to any of the reports, Vulgora spoke up.
“That body was in Eltowen forest? That’s out the city…” they mused aloud. Liam nodded, his mind going back to the crime scene.
“It was dug up two days before we found it. Like I had suspected it was in a humid area, but it rains quite often around Eltowen so I’m not so surprised.”
Vulgora nodded slowly, their eyes going over the report. “Death by strangulation… And traces of stab wounds?”
Liam nodded, then commented “It’s possible Rick tried to defend himself and knocked the weapon out of the murderer’s hands, who then had to resort to strangling him. But it can also be the opposite, maybe they stabbed first and finished him by strangulation. I don’t know why they would, though.”
The way Liam was so nonchalant about this made them scrunch their nose slightly. But well, in his line of work, they could guess he had to separate himself from all this to not let the atrocities get to his head… They decided to shift the subject, if only a tiny bit.
“What about Rick himself? Do we know anything about him?”
Liam tapped some ash from his cigarette into the ash tray on the table while answering : “He lived in the Heart Disrtrict, around Red Street in a small average neighborhood. He worked at the concrete factory, uhm- I think it’s called Tower? And he has a wife and a single kid, a toddler.”
Vulgora nodded, their lips pursed in thought “So… A normal, respectable member of society…? Dammit, that doesn’t help much.” they sighed “We’ll have to interrogate the wife.” They weren’t too thrilled by the idea.
Liam nodded and added : “The wife, the friends, the coworkers, the superiors… We’ll have to see what kind of path he took every day to go to work, too.” Vulgora had to hold back a groan, already bored by the mere idea of doing all that. Liam continued, smiling slightly. “Then if we find anything we’ll have to get a warrant, and then try and search people’s homes, and-”
“uuuUUUGHHH-” Vulgora groaned as they leaned their head back against the wall, earning a chuckle out of the man sitting across them.
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It was around 4 PM when Liam and Vulgora finished discussing the investigation, and although the scientist had tried to make conversation through a bit of small talk, Vulgora seemed unusually closed off about their life at the moment. They’d left a little more pissed off than usual after downing their whiskey. He walked back towards his apartment complex. It was only a few minutes away, after all. He climbed the stairs, the sounds of his steps bouncing off the near walls until he reached the second floor, and opened the apartment’s door with his keys. It was exactly as he left it.
He sighed and went to wash his hands and face, then changed into something more comfortable. He walked over the window and opened it, leaning on the edge and lighting himself another cigarette, while looking at the rows of buildings and the sky above. The sun was already low, just touching the top of the buildings, another reminder that winter was coming closer each day that passed. He got lost in thoughts for a little longer when he was pulled out of his daze by his phone vibrating on the nightstand. Curious, he went over there and picked it up, expecting a text from Julian. He didn’t look at the screen before he was back on his spot at the window. His brows furrowed when he saw the message was from an unsaved number…
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Liam stared wide eyed at his screen as the conversation with the neurosurgeon ended. His fingers were burning with the need to talk more, to send them all the lab results that had come in today, to voice all his thoughts and freshly formed theories about the case… He sighed, drawing a puff of his cigarette, trying to clear his head. But he couldn’t help but wonder why the doctor was so interested in the investigation – besides, they were the top suspect… Did they have something to do with that murder? Were they toying with him? He bit down on his lip, the gears in his head churning. He let out a heavy sigh as he left the window, and plopped back down on his bed. At least, this was a welcome distraction from the monotony of his routine...
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Author's note : I'M SORRY THIS EPISODE IS SO RUSHED waaah - I just struggle a little with the story's progression,, I don't want to go TOO fast but at the same time I wanna write the SERIOUS STUFF ARGH
Feedback is always greatly appreciated !!
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liusia-piu · 1 year
Employee of the Month
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macabremayhem · 1 year
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I've tried to traditional art. :D /© Lunatic Sun/
Modern!Vulgora from our AU.
Thanks @bayadek for inspiration. 🖤
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rhazberriquartz · 1 year
I wonder what would swap!Rosie's relationships be with other swap AU characters (´,,•ω•,,) You don't have to write out them all, just the ones you consider to be important or fun
Oh man. I have a few thoughts so let's get into it. It's a lot.
Rosie's most toxic relationships would be with Nadia and Asra. To the point if given the chance she would absolutely eat them. Nadia and Asra managed to capture her inspite of her best efforts. Which is not an easy thing to do. And I'm sure it's due to Asra draining the magician that it's possible. Nadia treats her like an attack dog and keeps her away from anything that will boost her strength. Water, sunlight, prayer, and even has Asra put on a collar that silences her (she can only speak when spoken to by Nadia or Asra specifically.) AND dampens her Magic. So, there's a lot of turmoil there.
She cares about Ilya and Portia a lot. But also know that at this point they're both a little too far gone for her to be able to do anything on her own. So, she lends her help to MC to free these two. Though if she can save them she will she just needs help. Portia and Ilya try to be kind to her. But, Asra often reprimands them for doing so. I like to think Ilya has told both Asra and Nadia that she's let her own death into her home and it won't end well.
Muriel is a little easier to break through to on her own. And being their both in a similar spot (Rosie's used for war.) They're very kind to each other. This depending on route would be one where Muriel does break out of his mindset with MCs help and becomes an ally.
Vlastomil has some vague clue about what's going on and has tried to help her and failed. This incarnation definitely views her as a friend. And he tries to help her communicate to Count Montag what's happened to no avail.
Valerius, she loves to annoy him. Being an incarnation of The World she watches him garden in amusement. But, she never judges. Sometimes she'll help by over correcting a mistake he made. (His sweet potatoes have invaded his house before.) He gets annoyed, but it's quickly forgotten when he sees how big his fruits and vegetable are. Nadia keeps them apart as much as she can.
I haven't thought about Andrea and Agata. They probably don't interact with her a whole lot. But like her company.
Devarshi... oh man. If anyone has read my story Thistles and Thorns - you know why this one hurts. In this AU Rosie managed to make the deal with Death, but unlike Vlademar made damn sure Devarshi would live a normal life. Death happily let them be reincarnated into the life they have now after time passed. As both a show of good faith and to rub salt into her wounds. It's hard for her to look at Devarshi. But everyone does note how protective she is of them. Devarshi doesn't know and probably never will. But enjoys their time together and has learned a great deal from her. She seems familiar and they don't know why.
Count Montag. This blessed well meaning goober. He thought Nadia and Rosie were friends for a time. And before the plague and ritual is when he realized it wasn't the case and something sinister was going on. But if the AU follows the original to some degree well... *motions* he forgot and doesn't pick up on what's wrong until it's almost too late. He does end up asking for her help and freeing her.
And depending on the route MC takes. (My partner in this case.) Would depend on who she ends up with. If you chose Andrea she's with Montag. If you choose Nadia it's Valerius. And there's probably one where it's Devarshi or even Ilya by some miracle.
It all depends on who you like her with most. Rosie's core nature never changes, but her situation does. Which speaks volumes considering the plot of The Last Deal. She's just a deity like figure MC and Lucio call upon for extra support. Where here she's treated and used much differently. Being forced into whatever Nadia and Asra wants.
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sue-mizuyuu · 2 years
These two have a few things in common huh? 👀
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Wonder what it could be...
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iridescent-solstice · 2 months
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Yandere Asra Alnazar x reader based on an idea me and @stickystickyduck came up with 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️
Setting it back down on the table Asra sighs dreamily to himself. Mauve coloured eyes fixate on the crystal ball held safely within his arms. A soft glow reflecting in them as said eyes blink away tears that he refuses to shed tonight. No, this is a joyous moment; he reiterates to himself. Even if you wouldn't quite agree with his methods.
Despite that fact, he still feels bad for what he’s done . . . He didn't want to do this. Really, he didn't. Never was he one for being so straightforward, but you pushed his hand too far this time . . . So stubborn, you wouldn't listen to his pleas, not even his demands for your safety and then you left. Dashed away with nothing more than a mere note that said not to follow you . . . You left him. He couldn't just let you go like that . . .
Ran away. Far away to a place you thought he wouldn't be able to follow you to . . . Unfortunate for you though, there's no place left on Earth nor the arcana realm that he wouldn't follow after you to. Now, with an arm loosely holding the ball close, he hums to himself as he softly strokes the side of it that's closer to his face. The lilac fog that fills the orb parts without struggle at his command and reveals the apple of his eye. The one that filled his heart with delight and gave him purpose. You. He's admiring you . . . Holding it as gently as possible. Almost handling the crystal as if at any moment it could shatter from just the breeze of a wind. No . . . not the ball, but rather what's inside it has captured his attention.
A tenacious grip on his mind that not even the count's request for his presence could order him out of. The court's magician? Please, Asra has better things to do with his time. Better people to spend such precious moments with . . . You. You're what he wants to spend his time with. But unfortunately, that sentiment wasn't shared like he wanted it to be.
But that is preciously why he's so cautious when handling the glowing orb that lays within his arms. Cradled to his chest and swaddled in his magenta coloured and gold-tasselled shawl. If you look close enough, the magic swirling inside the translucent crystal ball isn't enough to hide the figure laid crawled up inside it. Shivering from the cold inside, you tuck your hands under you neck trying to gather warmth in your sleep. He might not be able to warm you back up but atleast here . . . you're safe. Safe from the plague. Safe from Lucio. Safe from everyone trying to force you away from him.
His eyes are glued to you. Worried that if he looks away for even a moment that you'd wake up and try to escape. The other courtiers might not respond as well to your meddling as he has. Though he's sure that the veins of violet fire that binds your limbs will be enough for now to subdue you inside. Like a delicate sculpture that must be preserved, Asra admires it silently. Waiting for you to wake up and grace him with your presence. Narrowed eyes watch as the crystal’s surface refracts light, casting ethereal hues upon the person inside. I sure hope you like surprises . . .
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[ ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇʀꜱ ʙʏ: @princessantisocial]
I fear this drabble is a little half-baked and has a long way to go, but it's just an introduction into this one au i'm planning. Been doing a lot of stuff lately so my brain is more than just a little tired and frazzled 😅 That being said though I hope this isn't too bad. I do plan on coming back to this when i'm feeling a little more up to it. As always thank you for reading tha blog, I hope this was up to par with my usual shennanigans haha 🙆🏻‍♀️
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frozenyogurrtt · 5 months
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arcana x warrior cats continued... :3
here's Buzzardclan, consisting of all the courtiers. (it's not an actual clan)
btw.... my ask box is open if you're curious about this au....
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angeledeggs · 1 year
I might just spontaneously combust if you answer but may I please request a Soulmate Au with our favorite incomprehensible Horror, Valdemar?
Of course! Valdemar has always been my favorite character from the arcana, after all, I love them so much. I decided to write with the red string soulmate au, since it's a classic and one of my favorite soulmate AUs. Oh, also, slight warning for mentions of death, plague, angst, etc.! Thanks for the request :)
You hated being around people.
It's not as though you were a horribly anxious person or extremely antisocial or anything (though you weren't quite extroverted, either). But going to a court meeting? It honestly sounded horrible to sit around the courtiers and more importantly, the Countess. She had requested your presence after your in depth and accurate reading of her as well as your headaches.
Now you waited nervously in the kitchen, pacing with nothing to do but wait for your carriage to come. You didn't even have your mentor Asra around to consult with your worries. Absentmindedly you pulled and twisted with the red string upon ring finger as you pace around the kitchen. And suddenly, a sharp knock on the front door. Hesitantly, you walk to he front door and peer out the blinds discreetly. You pull back immediately once you catch sight of the palace guard at your door and take a deep, slow breath in attempt to calm yourself. It couldn't go… too bad. So with one last deep breath and a hurried straightening to your outfit, you step outside to the carriage that awaits you.
The palace is… Enormous, to say the least. It stretches out wider than even the churches and the synagogues and mosques you've seen Vesuvia, which were big enough on their own. But the palace topped it all. Stepping into it made you feel nervous as you walked through the exquisite, marble halls. But it only grew as you glanced down at your string of fate across your finger. It trailed across the palace floor. Your soulmate was in the palace with you.
You walk faster.
When you enter the meeting room, conversation falls silent. You slowly continue through the room and nervously glance to the countess, just barely. She offers you the softest hint of a smile that makes you feel just a bit more at ease, so you take a seat at the empty chair at her side as conversation slowly starts back up. You look hesitantly up to Countess Nadia once more, but right as you are to speak, the meeting room doors open. Conversation falls silent immediately once more and you glance to the person entering. And suddenly, your heart sinks. The first thing you notice of them— before the horns, before the red eyes, before the layers of bandages— is their hands. Your string of fate connects to them.
Your soulmate.
Your eyes stay shakily locked on them as they take a seat directly across from you, seemingly bored. They catch your eye. A rush of something primal runs through you and you snap your gaze away, breath shallowing at simply their cool gaze. “Quaestor Valdemar, is there any reason why you have decided to show up late?” Countess Nadia says sternly to the figure. Quaestor Valdemar responds casually and sounds, frankly, unimpressed even by the Countess. “No, not in particular. I was… doing things.” They hum. Your hands dig into the fabric against your legs as you hear their voice, vaguely twinged with something vaguely European. “What sort of things?” Inquires Countess Nadia. You manage to flicker your gaze up to Quaestor Valdemar, who looks idley at the Countess. “…Work.” They drawl.
Their eyes are such a bright red, like blood. Their skin rather than being any sort of natural shade is instead green, though you can only see the skin of their face, the rest of their body covered by a uniform. Strangely enough you can barely even see their skin, as a white mask covers their mouth and nose. They must be not only the court treasurer, but a doctor of some sorts. Their hair and head is covered by some sort of bandaged contraption, but before you can examine the suspiciously horn shaped bandages, they look at you once more. You tilt your gaze to your lap and feel the red softness of your string feel like fire.You can barely pay attention to the meeting at all before you hurriedly rush out at the first instance you hear the Countess’ dismissal.
But you are barely 10 seconds out of the door before you hear heavy, quick footsteps following your own.
You need not even turn to know who it is.
You hurriedly begin to rush but they are faster and with no warning, Quaestor Valdemar suddenly snatches your wrist and yanks you into a more secluded hallway. You practically gape up at them, your eyes locking. Their touch is like fire on your wrists even though they are like ice to the touch. And when they lean closer, they whisper soft and harsh words. They hiss slowly. You can barely make out the imprint of sharp teeth through their face mask. Your gaze can't focus. It goes from their mask to their eyes. Mask, eyes, mask, eyes— “As far as I am concerned—” they choke out, sounding strangely worked up. You notice that they are not even looking at you. Their gaze is focused on your hand, on the red string that connects you both. “You— We— this will be nothing” they say hurriedly, angrily. You're speechless, shocked, really. Where did all of this come from? You hadn't even told them your name and here they are, cornering you and hissing hateful words through their mask. “I… what— what?” You manage to sputter, feeling a bit numb to this entire thing. Valdemar's eyes narrow upon your hand, though they still don't even look at you. They're much taller than you, much stronger.
“Listen to me carefully.” They whisper as they lean closer.
You can manage to see the imprint of a wide grin upon their face against their face mask, something much too big for a human face. Something primal stiffens the muscles around your spine, your hands. “We will be… Nothing. You hear me? Nothing.” You can't even respond to that, only stare at them in shock. And when they pull away and leave, you find yourself frozen for quite some time.
The ride back home seems longer than normal. When you enter, you feel the immediate and strong aura of your Master, Asra. He scurries towards you quickly, happily, but his face falls at your own expression. “Hey—” they say quickly. Your Master hurries over to you and grasps at your hand. “What is it? What's—” they look down at your hand. Your aura must have changed from the meeting. Asra’s eyes flicker with emotion. “Oh.” They murmur. He takes a deep breath and squeezes your hand with a gentle, comforting grip. “there's something… I need to tell you. Something about.. What happened. What happened before the plague. Before you…” You wince, feeling your soul practically shudder at the thought. “Before I died of the plague” Asra nods tearfully. “Yes..That.”
Very dizzy.
Asra's words still echo in your mind. Before the plague. You had met your soulmate. Before your death. And you're on your way to the palace before you can even fully comprehend this, running and rushing past guards and servants, hurrying. You don't even know where you're going. But you feel it. Something's pulling you somewhere and you end up in the library. The library? You spread your hands around the air, looking across the deserted room. There's a pull… somewhere. There! You hurry towards the pull you feel and tap around the shelves. Something clicks into place and suddenly the shelf slides out of its place. “Oh.” You mumble. How.. Convenient. You definitely shouldn't follow the dark staircase behind it. But you do, anyways.
You end up after a five minute walk, at a barred door. You considered knocking at it, but instead you attempt to jiggle it. It slides with ease and you step into the dungeons. It's illuminated in red and smells of blood, of death, of plague. Of something dangerously non-human.
”You shouldn't be here”
Their voice is whispered this time. You whirl around and face your soulmate in the flesh, your breath shakey. They don't look at you. “you—” and barely, can you even speak in their presence. The string connects you two with a sea of red, making your fates all too real. “You knew me before?” You choke out, your accusation stumbling into a question.
Your eyes are teary, wide, drinking the Quaestor in. They're so… Familiar. They look familiar. As if you knew them for years. Hell, you might've. But you rushed out of the shop as soon as Asra explained the situation to you. Explained that your soulmate was the one who watched you die. “Who told you?” They murmur harshly, coldly. It somehow, feels… fake. Their gaze is cold, and their voice is colder. But it strikes you as… not genuine. They don't mean this, you suddenly realize. You two had been together. They must still care for you. In some way. In some sort of way that this non human noble might be able to.
You step forward. The Quaestor’s eyes widen and flicker towards yours before they look away. They make no move forward or back. You take another step forward. And another. And more until you two are merely inches apart. The Quaestor finally meets your eyes. And they look… Hurt. Human.
The sight makes your expression break.
Hurriedly, Valdemar reaches out, pressing a cold and gloved hand against your face. “Don't.” They whisper. You shudder against their touch. It feels so familiar. And dangerous, and evil. But something deep in you kept you there, telling you that they wouldn't hurt you. Their thumb idley strokes the curve of your face and they tilt your chin up, meeting your eyes once more with their own red ones. With their other hand, Valdemar pulls their mask down revealing their nose and mouth. They let out a soft, breathless noise.
“You…” they sigh and take a deep breath.“I had thought you were a demon of my own making.” They whisper, holding your gaze. It feels as though you can't even focus on anything but then now, nothing but their eyes.
“I..” Valdemar shudders, the action so human on their demonic body. “I had assumed you were fake. A demon.” Their grip on you tightens. “A demon like me” they hiss. “My own soulmate, back to haunt me.” They whisper. Your gaze flickers and wavers on their own, filled with tears, emotions that you don't know how to name, emotions that have been buried beneath layers of amnesia, twisting and bubbling in your chest. Your hand reaches up quickly to their wrist, holding onto it tightly. “You still think that?” You sputter, your voice feeling hoarse and numb, even. Valdemar gazes at you, slow, long. They lean just the slightest bit forward.
“No.” They murmur softly.
You feel drawn in by their eyes, their voice, all of them. When they lean further, you also lean forward, just the slightest bit. “What… Why?” You manage to ask softly, chokedly. Valdemar tilts your chin up further, as if examining you. “Your eyes.” They whisper.
You blink hurriedly, feeling something fuzzy stir in your chest, your hands, your face. “W..Why?” You mumble softly. Valdemar says nothing for awhile. They merely lean closer, and closer, and closer still. You should feel afraid. And kind of, you still do. There's the slightest bit of tightness around your spine, the soft twinge if primal fear that lingers in your body. “You look at me like no one else does.” Valdemar whispers. “You look at me… Like I'm a person.” That makes you start in shock, in surprise. You knew that they were not human looking, but were you really the only one that looked at them as if they were deserving of respect?
”You are.” You say, feeling as though it is actually a bit obvious. Even with the horns.
Valdemar blinks. And with no warning, they kiss you. They kiss you as if they have been starved of any sort of affection, as if they are on her brink of death. Their lips are cold and yet, hot against yours, burning ice, making your body ice and fire all together and at the same time. And when they pull back, their eyes glimmer in something evil and joyous.
“There you are.” They whisper. A very slight, small giggle escapes them. "My Soulmate," they coo, hands slinking around your back, sharp, black nails very lightly pressing against your clothes. They soften, just slightly. “My dear. It's been.. Too long. And I have.. I have quite missed you, my love.”
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greyspirehollow · 9 days
Chapter 4
Warnings : detailed cadaver description ; panic attack / hallucinations ; character in an overwhelming scenario ; stressful scenario ; tw worms ; tw bugs ; I may have not listed it all, viewer discretion is advised
I would rate this chapter and the overall fic 16 +
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Eltowen forest was a good three hour drive from Vesuvia. Liam sat in the passenger seat of Vulgora’s car, silently watching as the city became fields, then the fields became hills, and hills became the forest. He watched the sky as it slowly changed from the bright blue of Vesuvia to a clear soothing gray, and as small droplets tapped against the windshield, growing in size and number as they progressed towards their destination. Vulgora turned on the windshield wipers when they passed the small village of Oretonhill. They hadn’t exchanged a word during the whole drive. It was… Relaxing, strangely enough. Although Liam could tell Vulgora wasn’t silent out of serenity, and more because of something on their mind. He wanted to ask what it was, just for the sake of having something mundane to talk about, but he remembered their small talk at the Rowdy Raven, and how that hadn’t given him any answers. They didn’t even notice his gaze on them, their eyes hard and focused on the road. And so the scientist took a while to really look at them – since it was probably his only chance to do so without them giving him shit about it –. He blinked a few times as he noticed that they had many scars on their arms. Cuts, burns… They blended with their pale skin so much he’d never noticed them before. He hadn’t even noticed the subtle one on their cheek… He wondered what kind of person they were before joining the police forces of Vesuvia. He’d heard from workplace gossip that they were in the army before, but had been cast out for their behavior. He thought about it : wasn’t that… A good thing? Wouldn’t they be a very fearsome soldier in that case? They knew his questions would go unanswered and so stopped silently asking, going back to his quiet observation. Their red hair were tied in a low ponytail, but a few wild strands fell around their face. They were… Pretty, actually. Their cheeks were slightly round and looked somewhat soft ; which would be ideal for kisses. He blinked a few times at his own thoughts and caught himself before he let the train run wild. Instead he looked back out the window.
Vulgora turned at a small dirt path and parked the police car somewhere somewhat a little out of sight, and turned off the engine. Liam took a deep breath before exiting the car to grab the bag in the trunk in which his gear was. Vulgora exited the car with a heavy sigh, checking if they had everything they needed on them, weapon and gun included. They grabbed their vest and put it on ; it was quite fresh around here. They grabbed a flashlight as well, just in case it got darker. Liam slung his bag of equipment over his shoulder and followed them into the forest. Sadly, the lab results couldn’t give much precision about where exactly in the forest the body had been… And Eltowen forest wasn’t the smallest area to cover. Nonetheless, they walked forward, their steps making squishing sounds against the humid, fallen leaves-covered dirt. Liam looked around : the trees were sparse for now, but he knew the deeper they trod, the denser they would get. He couldn’t help a slight rush of anxiety at the idea of going further into the forest with only Vulgora to defend him. He had no doubt about their intimidation and fighting skills, but the fact they were just a pair of people… That’s what really made him anxious. But he knew the whole crew would come along later on, when they’d found the crime scene itself. And so he continued to walk. He didn’t distance himself too much from them, the surroundings being almost stifling in both their size and repetitiveness. They stranded further away from the path, into areas where the vegetation was ever so slightly denser. Liam swallowed nervously and tried to focus on the task at hand ; this was a significant step in the investigation, whether he liked it or not.
He didn’t know for how long they walked, but so far they’d been quite unsuccessful. In that moment, Liam wished that Vulgora would ramble and complain, because their silence was somehow more unnerving than this whole case. He was pretty sure the damp ground made some water soak through his shoes, and the raindrops were starting to make him feel cold ; he should’ve brought a vest as well… He let out a shuddering breath as they came across a boulder partially covered in moss. Vulgora shot him a glance but they didn’t say anything, their attention focusing on the rock instead. They pulled out their flashlight – and even if it was still daytime, details would be easier to notice this way – and directed the stream of light on the stone. It looked normal so far, with only moss and lichen being the noticeable things on it. They both circled the boulder, and Vulgora nudged a suspicious pile of dead leaves with their foot. It seemed there was something under there. “Wait-” Liam said, putting his bag of supplies aside and slipping on gloves to rummage through the pile. He nudged the leaves aside, and let out a little “ah-” when he brought up a decomposed hand from under it. Vulgora looked aside with a frown and a groan : “Gods damn it I almost touched it!” they mumbled under their breath.
Liam picked up the piece of cadaver, inspecting it. His eyes roamed over the rotten, dark and brown-ish, humid flesh, his eyes lingering on the very little spots of fungi that had started to develop. He looked closely and the dark bones just underneath as well. “It looks like it could be a piece of our victim’s carcass…” He stated. Vulgora groaned and rolled their eyes.
“Why do you call it a ‘carcass’?? Cadaver, corpse, carcass- can’t you just say ‘body’ like everyone else?!”
Liam held back a chuckled. There was the Vulgora he knew. He went on : “Now the question is… What is it doing here?” He paused. “I mean… It’s so carelessly hidden under a pile of leaves, next to a very obvious boulder ; besides, the rest of the body was transported to the hospital morgue, so why would the killer leave a morsel behind ?… That either has been put there on purpose or they simply didn’t care.”
Liam bit down on his lip as Vulgora hummed in thought, their brows subtly furrowed. “Ya think it’s on purpose? I mean it does look careless…”
They looked down around the pile of leaves, noticing slight traces on the floor “look-” they pointed at it with the flashlight, drawing Liam’s attention to it. The scientist nodded.
“Yes- those traces look like someone pushing something on the floor with their foot.” Liam said, contemplating the evidence. He then grabbed his camera from his bag, but paused, since he was still holding the decayed hand. He grabbed a large plastic specimen bag instead, put the hand in it, catching a finger that had fallen on the floor to put it in with the rest, sealed it, and put the specimen on the boulder – Vulgora scrunched their nose at that –. He paused again. “… Maybe I should’ve taken a picture of it before… Ah, too bad-” and focused on the traces in the dirt. He took a few pictures before resuming his train of thoughts. “So. Why could it be there? I mean could it be that the killer wanted us to find it as well?”
Vulgora hummed, in slight disagreement. “I mean… Why not take it to the hospital as well? Why leave the hand here?”
Liam tilted his head and thought. “… Maybe he got lazy with that bit of the body…” his eyes widened slightly as he got an idea “Oh wait- see how the finger fell off when I picked up the hand?”
Vulgora hissed in disgust. “Yeeaaah…?”
Liam smiled – why did he smile – “Maybe the hand just fell off the body while the killer transported it ! You know, in the euphoria of the moment, under the adrenaline rush of transporting it to the hospital the- the hand just fell and the killer didn’t bother picking it up !”
Vulgora felt themselves cringe slightly – why the hell did he sound so enthusiastic about it ?? – they took a deep breath before replying.
“I don’t know, I never killed anyone Liam.”
The scientist let out a sheepish chuckle.
“Ah- well, uhm… Just imagine for a moment-”
Vulgora cut him off :
“I am NOT going to imagine myself as a killer !”
Liam shook his head and continued :
“No no no, I’m not asking you to do that- just… Imagine. You have a surprise planned for someone. Yeah? You are so excited as you get everything ready, you just want them to see it and can’t wait a second longer. Yes? Well. In the rush, you… I don’t know, knock a glass of water off the table with your elbow- and you just think to yourself ‘I’ll just fix it when I’m done with the surprise and I come back’.”
Vulgora frowned, not liking how they actually understood the man’s analogy.
“So… You’re saying the killer was so excited to… Do whatever he’d planned to do that he uh… Didn’t bother picking up the hand that fell off?”
Liam nodded excitedly.
“Yes ! That’s what I mean- You know, this actually tells us a little more about them ; an experienced killer wouldn’t dare make that mistake unless it’s on purpose – so maybe, just maybe, our perpetrator has killed before, but this is actually the first time they’ve… Uhm- how do I say it- Puts it out, like makes it known, y’know? Just like uh- I don’t know, you’ve been learning to do a thing, like play and instrument, and you decide for the first time to play in front of a crowd-”
Vulgora sighed. They hated how he made sense.
“… I should never have given Valdemar your number… Alright ! Ok, I get it, our guy was so happy to turn the morgue into an exhibition that he left the hand here and didn’t pick it back up.”
Liam’s head shot up to look at Vulgora, his eyes slightly wide and focused, as if something had just clicked in his head.
“… Exhibition, you said?” Vulgora raised an eyebrow.
“uh… Yeah, yeah I did.”
Liam took out a small notebook and began writing down.
“What if this had a link to like a form of art?”
Vulgora’s head leaned back as they groaned, exasperated
“uuugh- no ! No time for that !! we still gotta find just where the body was buried ! Keep your wacky ass theories for Valdemar !”
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Liam apologized and packed up his things and the evidence as he followed Vulgora further into the forest again. The sounds of the rain getting heavier filled his ears, accompanied by the soft creaking of the branches far above. Despite his somewhat exciting little discovery, the feeling of unease was quick to creep back in, as he looked around the increasingly vast forest. Vulgora was still there, thank the gods, and he knew they’d find the way back if necessary. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, Vulgora’s steps quickened : “I see something !” they said, and Liam quickly followed.
They reached a small area with clearer space between the trees, the floor still covered in dead, orange leaves. The soil was just as humid, and their footsteps still made those squishing sounds. Not too far away from the middle was a hole in the ground. The police officer and the scientist carefully approached it : it was an imperfect rectangular in shape, man made, and about six feet deep. The bottom had been slightly mushed by the frequent rain, leaving small puddles of water to occupy the empty space. Liam gulped. The wet dark dirt made this hole look much deeper than it probably was… He felt slightly uneasy. He could see a few worms wriggle around in the spongy dirt at the bottom of the pit, his mind inevitably going back to the corpse they’d all found at the morgue…
“… If that ain’t a grave, I don’t know what is…” Vulgora mumbled, their brows furrowed. “You think that’s where our guy was buried ?”
Liam nodded, his eyes still fixated on the pit.
“Most definitely…”
The cop sighed, before giving Liam the flashlight and turning around, walking back.
“You stay here, I’ll go back to the car and get the tape…”
Liam felt his heart sink to his stomach. He whipped around, anxiously watching them walk away.
“Wh-what ? Vulgora, you can’t leave me here, I don’t-!!”
“I’ll be quick !” The officer replied, walking further away. Gods, they walked so fast…
Liam felt the urge to rush after them, but he found himself frozen in place. It’s as if his very bones were trying to tug at his muscles, urging them, pleading them to move and catch up to the red-haired officer who was only getting farther away.
He felt his breath quicken, his eyes fixated on Vulgora until they disappeared. Their sudden absence felt absolutely deafening, as it was slowly replaced by the sound of the rain ; Liam was almost hyper-aware of the cold drops of water falling onto his head and shoulders, of the way his heart thumped against his ribs. He looked around, seeing nothing but the trees, the orange leaves on the floor, the dark soil and the rain. His mind raced ; anything could happen. What if the murderer was near? What if anyone was near? He was no fighter, he wasn’t even sure he could defend himself. Only the forest’s silence answered his silent pleas for reassurance as his hand tightly clutched the flashlight. He turned back to look at the grave again, pointing the stream of light to the bottom. The water coated dirt glistened under the light, the slender, slick and pinkish bodies of worms wriggled around the dirt’s humid surface, and the cold raindrops rhythmically falling onto his neck were this close from driving him mad.
“I wa s h ere.”
Liam’s heart lurched in his throat as he whipped around with a startled gasp at the sudden slurred words spoken behind him. Each of his vertebrae tingled uncomfortably as he was overcome with an overwhelming sense of dread. He clutched the flashlight like a lifeline as his hands shook, his eyes landing on the source of the noise. It was standing there, a little further ahead into the small clearing, its dark figure the same color as the humid dirt below its feet. Each of its bones looked like it barely held itself together, as if a gush of strong wind could knock it over. A few sparse maggots writhed on its surface, amidst the specks of humid dirt clinging to its skeleton. Its cranium and overall frame was slightly tilted, just slightly, not enough to make it loose its balance, but enough to be deeply uncomfortable. Liam’s heart hammered wildly in his chest as he stared at the corpse’s lifeless, pitch black orbits, his limbs shaking. He was tempted to take a few steps backwards, but the hole was still behind him – he was going to fall, wasn’t he? –. The concept of reality briefly lost all meaning as he stared at Rick’s standing corpse, his mind consumed and overwhelmed by fear, even as one rational thought rang in his mind : “where are my meds?” That thing felt much closer to him than it probably was. He could almost feel tears welling up in his eyes as he saw the cadaver’s jaw move, slowly, almost malfunctioning with how it successively tilted from side as it moved up and down :
“S p ec ia l n ot I wa s.”
Liam’s lower lip quivered as he breathlessly mumbled :
“what are you talking about…?”
The carcass did not answer just yet. Its empty orbits fixed Liam, who was still paralyzed by fear. It did not move. Not even as a bug crawled out and roamed briefly around its cranium.
“D e a d he wa n t s.”
Liam couldn’t even speak anymore. He only swallowed thickly, his mouth opening and closing, without any sound coming out of it.
That’s when he heard his name being called – well, he didn’t exactly hear it, but knew he was being called – and whipped around once more, sucking in a sharp breath. He yelped in shock as he almost fell in the grave beside him, quickly scurrying away from it as he got the use of his legs back. He saw Vulgora approach with the yellow tape and a puzzled look on their face, and he had to resist the urge to jump at them in relief. He took a deep, shaky breath, and shook his head, trying to calm down. The officer walked up to him, confused :
“You good? You look like you seen a ghost or something.”
Liam swallowed as he managed to catch his breath, looking at the rest of the clearing from the corner of his eye – that thing was gone –.
“I’m fine. I just… I didn’t like you leaving me alone like that”
Vulgora huffed, in slight disbelief.
“Please, you’re a grown ass man ! I can leave you five minutes alone in a forest !”
Their annoyed demeanor faltered slightly when they caught a spark in Liam’s eyes : a genuinely petrified spark. They rolled their eyes and patted his shoulder with a bit of exaggeration, their tone nonchalant.
“There there, don’t cry, I’m back, see? No need to shiver your timbers, gods…”
After calming down, Liam helped Vulgora wrap the yellow tape around the area where they’d both found the hand and the corpse, which will be investigated further tomorrow. They both walked back towards the car, and took the road again towards Vesuvia. Vulgora didn’t ask any questions when they saw Liam swallow down a few pills from an orange bottle that had probably fell from his bag into the car.
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Julian sat in front of his microscope as usual. He felt a little more relaxed than the previous days, his mind having gotten busy with work again. He’d been itching to call Liam, but held back, not wanting to look pushy or weird. As he made the lens focus on the red and white blood cells, a familiar tingle of unease crept up in his neck, disturbing the slight moment of peace. He sighed as he looked away from the microscope, turning his chair to reluctantly face the familiar figure standing in the doorway. The corridor’s lights weren’t on – it was the evening –, making them look even more scary than they already were.
“… Valdemar.” He greeted warily.
“Devorak.” They answered, their voice carefully neutral.
After a beat of silence they stepped in the lab, looking around seemingly mindlessly, but Julian knew they were here for a reason. He sat straighter in his chair, and despite his best efforts to look somewhat intimidating, there was no denying he was terrified of them.
“… Your friend, from the scientific police…” they started, inquisitive. Julian tensed up. Why the hell were they interested in anything regarding Liam? They continued : “Have you gotten to talk to him at all, recently?”
Julian swallowed. He had to tread carefully with them… “No, not really…”
Valdemar hummed, their gaze lingering on some blood-filled test tubes. “I was just wondering what kind of man he was…” Their head turned to look at Julian, making him tense up even more. “Am I not allowed to?”
The doctor shook his head. “N-no, I mean… You’re not forbidden from being curious, it’s just.. You know what I’m talking about.” He replied, shooting them an almost accusatory glance.
They only replied by an amused chuckle : “Whatever do you mean?”
Julian’s teeth gritted, the feelings of fear and annoyance battling in his heart and mind. They continued looking around for another beat of silence before they went on :
“How do you feel about him?” a pause “In terms of personality, I mean.”
Julian hesitated to answer again. He didn’t want to give them what they wanted, but… At the same time he wouldn’t mind a bit of… Perspective.
“He’s… Special. Not in a bad way, I mean- he seems fun to be around… He likes his job, and…” he remembered something “… Vulgora was quite reluctant about the idea of you two meeting.”
Valdemar’s held tilted, interested “Were they now? That is most surprising.” They regarded Julian for a little longer ; the doctor felt as if they could just tear him apart with their gaze alone. He swallowed nervously and cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. Valdemar spoke again :
“… It would be nice if we could meet over a cup of coffee. I do dislike having a first impression of someone through…” their nose briefly scrunched “… text.”
They turned around and were about to leave, when Julian’s eyes widened as he realized something. He hastily spoke up : “W-wait ! You have his number ??”
Valdemar didn’t answer, and simply shot one last glance in Julian’s direction with a knowing smile. Julian felt his heart drop in his stomach.
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Author's note : here is the next chapter ! I know I don't have a regular posting schedule, but the chapters might come out slower because of work I have to do.
Feedback is always greatly appreciated!!
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Hi there! Have you seen Heather's? Well, I've been obsessed with the musical for a while now, and naturally at some point my two obsessions (Heather's and The Arcana) collided.
Some months ago I thought Lucio would make an amazing Heather Chandler, and of course he would be her in an AU, also Julian as Veronica, just because, I think the dinamic works XD
But I can't figure out who the other characters would be, including the courtiers, I could use some help cause I can't take The Arcana×Heather's off my head
I got stuck at "OMG LUCIO AS HEATHER CHANDLER" and made Julian Veronica mainly because I'm, sadly, a JD kinnie, so of course my MC would be him
@samtheplatypus you're so real for that, I can't count how many times I've gotten mentally stuck on crossovers!!
I can't help unfortunately because I've never seen Heathers (though I've heard about it a lot!) but hopefully someone else has and can see this and share their own thoughts!
Is JD the one who sings that tiktok sound asking Veronica to open the door? (please excuse my poor cultural education, I'm 23 and have never watched a spongebob episode)
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kurjakani · 7 months
4,8,12 for courtiers? hehe.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Gonna answer this one overall - again, I WISH I COULD STEALL THEMM BROOOO
But also. My interest w Arcana cross imtwracted w my interest in Baldurs Gate 3 time wise p strongly, so I would love. That au???? Idk what that would entail. I may have to think abt it. What dnd races & classes would the courtiers even be idk enough abt rhis stuff
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I'm actually generally pretty chill when it comes to... literally any and all fandom content, i rly don't care abt what other ppl do with characters :0
W two exeptions.
Not enough love for Vlastomil out there !!!! He's so nastygross and delightful, slithery hot fuck, dilf... ough.
Anddd Vulgoras modern design for that dorian story thingy the arcana instagram account was promoting a bit back. TAKE THAT SHIT BACK. TAKE IT BACK. THEY DO NOT FUCKING LOOK LIKE THAT. (Well rly its just the hair & style that bugs me)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Valdemar: i think this is. Affected by the fact that they're just so gangly, but I feel like they would just... have a very thin PRESENCE. At least most of the time. I think it has to do with skin. I feel like their more humanoid form would psychologically feel like standing next to a cartboard cutout, or a paper shell. And that people are shaken and surprised when they touch you - their physical body actually feeling solid would be odd and uncanny. You know how chickens legs look delicate and gentle but they grip you oddly strong? I think it would feel similiar. And just as cold !!!
Volta: I often think about what kind of assistants she would have... its such an addicting thought idk why 😭 she seems so scattered, it's hard to imagine her as Vesuvias procurator... of course it's canonical fact that she wasn't very good at it. But. She can't run... i assume some kind of warehouses?? Food collection??? No idea how it would work. But she cant run it all by herself. Needs people to do things for her. I love to imagine he's the most PLEASANT but like. Annoyingly distracted boss to ever exist..
Vulgora: i am SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO upset we didn't get to go to Vulgoras estate in Nadias route 😭😭😭 i havent finished the route fully yet (i do need to. I love it)but i don't think we do..? Anyways I imagine it's WILD. All red everywhere, and pretty... wild. Idk how to explain this but I feel like it would be a fully red, slightly lesser version of Howls room but more focused on weaponry etc. Idk for some reason I imagine velvet sofas with really asymmetrical, wild flowing embroidery work, maybe covering scratches recieved during some brawling...? Tinted glass windows in some rooms fully casting them in red light. Obviously a training yard... and WILD parties. Bacchanalian celebratios that feel great in the moment but leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
Vlastomil: the freakiness does not end at worms. A lot of rep for him has him completely focused on his worms- which is reasonable, that's the canonical version, but idk I do like the idea... maybe im mirroring. But that he is capable of obsessing over other things and just becoming this tooth clenching mess over them. He has side interests. Often relating to worms: dirt quality, nature preservation, and he has a mild interest in decomposition.
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alnazarcana · 1 year
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‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ASH ╱ ASHLEY ✦ she ╱ they ✦ queer
howdy ! this is a sideblog for the arcana game, where i archive anything & everything! i'm an arcana veteran but relatively new to the online fandom. 🛑 BYF ❚ MAIN , MULTI/AES , 🫖 .
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𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 asra , julian , lucio , courtiers , marais
𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒 the arcana board , modern au , marais
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 self-indulgent lucio fic — current word count: 145,000 ★ [paused]
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rhazberriquartz · 1 year
Take The Spring: Swap!Arcana AU
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AU by: @drakonishe go support them!
Writing: Rhazberriquartz
Note: This isn't edited or beta read. So, ignore my atrocious grammar errors. I have nothing posted about Rosie here. So, ha good luck. Also, big love letter to American Gods in a way. If you know you know.
The masquerade had been a disaster. My former wife, whom I had mourned had become our greatest enemy and the biggest threat Vesuvia has ever seen. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as she left with the members of her court. They held no loyalty to me or the city. But, as I watched her slink away with the others I noted a very important piece of her court missing.
“It couldn’t be…”
I looked at Andrea and the others, my hand threaded through my hair.
“What are we going to do?!” Andrea was distressed as we all were.
“I don’t know. This isn’t good.” Vlastomil Mused as he tried calming Agata.
I could barely hear anyone over my own thoughts as my mind reeled with possibilities. It wasn’t until Devarshi pulled me out of my own head that I realized I had been dissociated.
“You noticed too?” They asked me gently.
I nodded, “And I let my wife… Twenty One forgive me. I’ll be back!”
I turned on my heel and I sprinted for the terrarium room my wife kept her in. Did Nadia truly leave behind such an important piece of her plan? Or did she see herself above it? And how could I have not known? How could I have let the others torment her so? I felt guilt bubbling up in my belly like a geyser about to blow.
I let this happen. All of her approaches. Her clues. I ignored them! She knew what Nadia was up to and tried telling me. 
She was here.
When I reached the terrarium I entered hoping the half baked plan I had would work. That she would agree to it. I looked around the terrarium in wonder. Her work had always been glorious. She and Valerius always made a team even the Gods would blush at. It showed even now. Monstrous flowers and plants bloomed in every corner of this room. It was almost unnatural.
But, I knew she was here waiting. If my theory was right - she was on our side and has been waiting for me to notice. To approach and ask for help.
“Ms. Lovecraft?” my voice echoed through the room, bioluminescent plants lit up around me.
She could eat me alive if she wished. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw her sitting on a bench. My shoulders fell as I noted the gentle smile she gave me.
“Please, I’m sorry. You gave me so many warning signs and I ignored them.”
I thought back to the books and notes she left. She never spoke a word. But, I had a feeling that was the work of Asra and Nadia, and the collar he forced her to wear. I could feel my knees shaking as I recalled the first time I saw Nadia sick her on some opponents in the battle field.
“You know what happened?” I asked.
Her brow quirked and she smirked looking at the view above us and then back to me.
“Ms. Lo- Rosie…” I carefully approached noting the moving flora around us, “I apologize for my discrepancies. I know who and what you are now. And… I need your help. We need your help.”
I watched her body language as she leaned back into her seat watching me intently.
“I…” I was looking for the words, but was failing to find what I wanted to say.
When Nadia said she had The World in her hands. I thought it was figurative. But, I now knew she was speaking in literal terms. I kneeled in front of her and bowed my head. Tears welling up in my eyes. I was about to speak again when I felt her hand on my shoulder.
“I want to make a deal. Please, I wouldn’t ask for your help if this wasn’t important. And… I don’t expect you to accept. Not after I- I let them treat you the way they did.” I looked up.
“I’ll free you and serve you from here on out. But, please help us conquer Nadia and the others.”
My platinum eyes met her amber eyes. A smile appeared on her face as the flowers in the room bloomed. I took that as a yes as I kissed her hand making the pact.
She gently pulled on the collar around her neck. With my left hand I grabbed where the lock was and squeezed it as tightly as possible, breaking it. It fell to the ground with a clunk.
“We have to find them. I… I know what must be done.”I looked down ashamed before standing up.
“My tribe… we used to fast. A form of ancient prayer to the deities we worshipped.” I watched her face contort into a dark smile, her eyes lighting up. “My people have never had to starve, to fight to survive in such a manner.”
I took another breath, “And while I do pride myself in taking care of my people and creating such a place where that hardship is not needed… right now - we need a motivator. My people will forgive me once they are aware of the seriousness of what’s happening.”
I held out my hands and let her place hers in mine. I knew if we did this it wouldn’t be for long. So, I held no qualms in inconveniencing my people. And by forcing people to pray to her it would increase her strength. And she would need it for this fight.
“It will draw them out and restore your magic in full. I will take full blame. I’m so sorry…”
There was a soft huff, “Sacrificing your clean name and reputation for me. What a dedication my dear starlight.”
My eyes widened as she spoke. I had never heard her voice before today and it was worth the years of waiting.
“Let’s go.” She said leading the way.
I kept up pace. I felt the ground shake with each step she took. Not even in her true form and it was affecting our surroundings. Had the collar dampened her magic? When we got to the main ballroom we passed the others heading outside.
“Montag what’s going on?” Devarshi asked.
“Rosie and I know how to draw them out, but…” I started.
“You’re not…” Valerius stared at me wide eyed before his gaze moved to Rosie who was in front of the steps to the palace.
“Montag! This will devastate the entire city!” Agata protested.
“No, he’s onto something. If she drains the city… it will take almost all magic with it. Which means…” Andrea started.
“They won’t be able to hide or draw magic from this place.” Vlastomil stated, “Montag how did you…”
“I ignored a lot during my time as Count. And even more when everything started happening. I let her be abused by the others. Thinking it was family bonding.” I stated as we watched as the spring disappeared. Color draining from Vesuvia.
Then her form shifted. Bones and muscle cracked and changed her form shifting into one I knew all too well. Teeth bared and claws dug into the ground below as she drained the magic from the city. There was a roar almost like the sound of a whale in distress as the flowers that adorned her bloomed.
I could hear whispered panic as Rosie left only existing produce and food.
“You better be right about this.” Andrea said, looking at me.
“I have to be…” I swallowed watching as Rosie’s true form let out another cry before I spoke.
“Citizens of Vesuvia. I have taken the magic and spring until we have Captured Nadia and her Court. It turns out she isn’t the ally she promised to be. And The World has agreed to help, but we must work together! This is the only way.” I let my voice boom though it was filled with regret.
I could hear the chatter. Most folks seemed to show understanding and agreed to help, while a few did throw some colorful names my way. I looked at Rosie watching her form shift back into something more human. I could see the colors swirling around her, whorls of magic zipped about as she bowed to the citizens.
She looked like herself. Her Rose Crown was in full bloom and the tendrils adorned with teeth no longer hidden in hair and ribbons. She was no longer weak and frail. I offered her my hand as she took it. I prayed I was right in doing this.
And in the end I was.
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masochismustango · 2 years
I know, it may sound too weird, but… What about Zigzag being a demon courtier from “Arcana”? Or “Arcana” just as a possible variant of TTaTC’s AU?
Yeah, it’s weird, and I haven’t started playing it yet, unless…
Like, really! Courtiers remind me somehow Zigzag and Zigzag reminds me somehow courtiers. And its town seems to be similar to Golden Land
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exhaustedbeauty · 3 years
Leeches Suck
prompt: Inspired by @drakonishe 's incredible courtier swap au, I decided I wanted to have my canon apprentice interact with their swapped! courtier Julian. Apprentice Farah walks in on Dr. Devorak at a rather...sucky time.
fandom: The Arcana
pairings: none
word count: 672
warnings: uhhhh leeches and general julian masochism horniness
“I’m sorry for interrupting, Dr. Devorak, but Count Montag needs you to–oH MY GOD?!”
Farah stopped dead in the doorway of the Court Physician’s chambers at the sight displayed before her; Dr. Devorak currently lying on a medical examination table, stripped of any top clothing, with what appeared to be at least ten swollen leeches clinging to the skin of his arms, chest and stomach.
Mason jars of all shapes and sizes were lined around the bottom of the examination table, positioned purposefully underneath his outstretched arms to catch the parasites if they fell.
The expression on his face was almost lustful, a deep blush tinting his pale cheeks and eyes staring into space, far off and glazed, his mouth open in a wanton display. The opening of the door seemed to bring him down from his erotic daydreaming for his eyes widened upon seeing her standing there.
“Apprentice!” His face flushed red once more. “I-I’m so sorry! I wasn’t expecting anyone! I-I was just feeding my dear leeches, y-you see…” Farah’s expression was torn between shock and sheer disgust.
“I-I, um…I-I do see, yes.” She stumbled over her words, her brain finally catching up to her and she fully registered what she was looking at. She cleared her throat, trying not to gag as she tore her eyes away from the large leeches to his face. “I-I should have knocked. M-My apologies.”
She cleared her throat again and glanced away from him, taking in a deep breath. Don’t throw up. Don’t throw up. “It’s just...Count Montag needs your assistance in the parlor and he asked me to fetch you.”
“I cannot leave now! My pets are feeding! I cannot leave until they are full!”
“Y-You...you feed your leeches your own….” She swallowed thickly in an attempt to save her lunch from coming back up. “Your own blood…?”
“Well, of course! Who else’s blood would I feed them?!”
She couldn’t help it. She turned her head and covered her mouth, coughing a bit to suppress a gag. Dr. Devorak blinked his lone red eye at her and tilted his head.
“Oh my...Kind apprentice, are you sick?” His eyes seemed to glimmer with eagerness. “Do you require assistance? I’d be most obliged to heal you...” Farah immediately shook her head.
“N-No!” She realized how quickly she had rejected, given the immediate fall of his hopeful expression and opted to dial it back, attempting to give him a slight smile. “No...thank you, Dr. Devorak, but I’m sure it was just something I ate.”
“Oh…” The doctor didn’t even attempt to hide his disappointment and sighed. “Very well then. Tell the Count I will be there as soon as possible. Allow me to just...finish up with what I’m doing here–Aah!” Farah jumped when he suddenly yelped unprompted.
“What’s wrong?!”
“A-Aah...my little ones are just feeding,” That deep lustful blush was back and Dr. Devorak’s chest heaved a bit with shuddering breaths. “Leeches have serrated jaws, y-you see, and every once in a while I can feel their teeth dig in deliciously as they suck up my delectable blood–Auh!!”
He straight up moaned that time and Farah could swear she saw his eyes roll back into his head.
“Is it...painful?”
“It feels as if many tiny hot needles are stabbing into my skin~!” The court physician laid back on the examination table. “It’s an exquisite pain....” He sighed as he arched his back, breath shuddering as the leeches dug their teeth again. “Yes, my little ones–feed on me until you are satisfied...I am a slave to your desire–Haaah! Yeeees!!”
“aLRIGHT THEN!” That was the last straw for her. In a completely flustered panic, Farah hurriedly grabbed the door handle and stepped back out of the room, eager to leave. “I’ll, uh, I’ll just go tell the Count that you’re...er...busy...” Dr. Devorak gave a curt sigh as if exasperated that she was still there.
“Yes, yes, please do! And shut the door on your way out!”
He didn’t have to tell her twice.
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