#the anti-pixie council
insomniac-dormouse · 2 months
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They all call themselves fairies. Considering that they are all fairies.
There are three courts, for lack of better term.
Fairies are divided amongst the three, ever since an incident surrounding one of the four fae royals. The following council, would prevent any repetition of the incident. The remaining fairies were allowed to sort themselves amongst the remaining three royals, deciding the restrictions that would be placed on their magic.
Those that threw their lot in with the younger sister, were seen as the weakest court. This court, so often demeaned with labels such as troll and anti-fairy, would remain close to nature and their magic would be tied to superstition. Theirs wanted as little do with humanity as they could manage.
Those that sided with the brother, were seen as a bore. This court, mockingly called pixies, would be weaves into the working of humanity. Theirs was industry and deal-making and influence the bureaucracy that kept it all in motion. Their magic wasn’t spectacle; it’s was versatility.
Those that chose to follow the older sister, were seen as gluttonous and hedonistic. This court, that was only entertained by the sneered title of imp, would focus on being known. Their magic left a mess wherever they went, making humans believe in them, making humans fear them, making humans love them. They were the only court to create new fairies, changelings that would be sorted into one of the three courts based, not on any choice of their own, but on whatever bets the council had made.
After annexing of the fourth royal, all magic use at the hands of the fey became wreathed in laws and rules and oaths and promises. Complicit and consenting, they were reduced to spirits by their own hands.
The fairy mind was a bizarre thing to comprehend.
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amira-house · 14 days
Hi two questions on your au:
One: how did Timmy accumulate all the "positive" magic for this to have happened?
Two: how does Timmy and others (Crocker, Vicky, The council, etc) respond to this? I'm looking more for the immediate response as we know later the trio have decided to stick together.
I note positive magic as he is a fairy not an anti, pixie, genie, or other magical being and the affects it had on those around them.
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Constant interaction with magic has consequences, especially if he had been doing it for 58 years, it was impossible for this magic not to adhere to the child.
Timmy is a pure source of magic, as is his now innate power, as well as his ability to believe in it, which is a constant feedback loop.; His ability to desire, to believe that he can achieve something, gives him the ability to overwrite reality to his will in an alarming way.
That's why the boy was too dangerous, and everyone tries to keep Timmy hidden, so that what happened with Poof doesn't happen again.
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alanaartdream · 12 days
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Ok some more drawings and ideas I’ve got with nicktoons unite with fairy Timmy au
Totally see Danny having fun being the big brother to both fairy Timmy and toddler Poof/peri
He could totally help Wanda & Cosmo help teaching Timmy to learn to fly (( also I see that being as Danny’s sister and friends were great at keeping his ghost powers a secret during his teenage years he can trust them not to tell about Fairies or that missing Timmy is now a fairy; also if I recall Jazz Danny’s sister was studying to be a therapist so she could help Timmy with any trama his birth parents caused and being as she’s so good at that I could see other fairies going to her for that kinda help or advice on helping their god children probably my fairy oc felicity would end up talking to her about her past childhood trauma of before she became a fairy and was taken in by Jorgen’s nana boom boom ( probably really helps Jazz out with her studies)
Also see felicity wanting to visit Jazz a lot to try to find ways to make sure Timmy will hopefully be last of human children being turned into a fairy because it’s extremely dangerous because not all humans make it through the change (and it mostly only works when they’re young) (Jimmy overheard this while Danny was too busy flying with Timmy & poof/peri at the time; Timmy already knows the dangers they did let him know before the change so he’s very understanding of why fairies don’t change humans into fairies too often and only in extreme cases) (Jazz will talk to Danny about it later once they’re back in their universe so they talk to Sam and trucker about it to get ideas on helping fairy world set better rules on the subject) totally seeing Jimmy having a few nightmares of losing Timmy forever over news of how things could’ve gone wrong with change from human to fairy
Now as much as they’d like to share information with Carl and Sheen they haven’t yet proven that they can keep secrets yet (some events will happen 1st but then once they prove themselves to fairy council they get approved and after that I’ll bet the girls Cindy and Libby want to ask questions like was half fairytales about fairies true or was some things misunderstood;; Jimmy getting a little overprotective of Timmy/ and in some cases poof/peri being as he’s like Timmy’s little brother and will go anyway Timmy does of when Cindy / Libby is around trying to get them land on their hands in fairy form because most fairies are tiny and cute aannnd Timmy & peri/poof are fairy children witch makes them super tiny compared to adult fairy’s; can totally see the girls wanting to watch them fly around in tiny fairy forms much to Jimmy’s annoy
Also totally see Danny/ Jazz and fairy felicity being the first one to pick up on Jimmy developing stronger feelings for Timmy witch felicity lets slip to them just don’t let Cupid hear about that and them shocked Cupid exists in their universe and same thing about the tooth fairy or that tooth fairy engaged / married to Jorgen then because they asking so much has to let on about the other holiday spirits in fairy universe as well as about anti fairies and pixies
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jjimene123 · 4 days
I have an au where Timmy does end up becoming a fairy after cosmo and Wanda leave because he asked peri to secretly turn into one and to keep it a secret everyone. After losing cosmo and Wanda, he just couldn’t picture a better way for him to live as a human without his family and magic, so he asks peri to turn him into one, of course peri would be just a kid at the time and doesn’t want to lose his brother, but at the same time, he doesn’t want him to get in trouble but Timmy convinced him to do it by saying how they can finally be together even if he can’t see cosmo and Wanda directly, they can still visit and they’ll know no matter what they’ll have each other as long as he is a fairy. Then once Timmy is a fairy, he decided that wasn’t going to live near fairy world anymore because of their unfair rules and scared of being caught by jorgen and the council, so after a few months, he secretly fled fairy world and lived on the outskirts, where he made his own home. As much as Timmy didn’t want to be away from cosmo and Wanda, he felt as if they would do better of without him, even though he saw them family, he still felt like he wouldn’t bother them as long as he was far away from them. He also didn’t think anyone in the human world would look for him but he would think about sometimes but then remembered how no one appreciates him and after so many years of trying, no one really cared for him so he never really looked back thinking no one would care or even try finding him, besides he wasn’t a kid anymore, so why would they worry. While living on the outskirts, he was able to control his magic more and learning something new each and everyday, he used it for creativity and to help people who probably weren’t fairies, which led him to making friends with other creature such as some random anti fairies, genies and pixies. Peri wondered why Timmy hasn’t visited often but shakes it off by focusing on his job as a godparent but he still concerned for his now fairy brother.
(The people in the human world specifically his home town, had been searching for Timmy, his parents had claimed that he went missing and started a search party for him, Chester and aj had also been trying to look for him not understanding what had happened or where he was, but they tried looking for him until there was no luck. Some people from his school had also been trying to look hoping they would not only find him but also to see if their theories on h missing were correct. Remy even though being a rich asshole to Timmy, he was even more concerned and wanted to know where he was along with Dale. Timmy’s parents grieved about where Timmy was and don’t understand why he left and look back at some vhs tapes of when he was a kid to help the cope.)
It would only be an amount of time before hazel and dev find out the truth and cosmo anda Wanda also finding out that peri was hiding something from them this whole time.
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fountainpenguin · 8 days
So I was rereading your lore on witches in your riddledeep au and um.
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Would this technically make Dev a witch??? lol. He also freebies a pizza across a digital title card that episode too.
😂 Y'know, it's funny you say that because for the past month, I've been wondering if anyone was going to ask me if Dale or Dev are witches. I don't know why I was wondering that, but it's been clinging to me. I couldn't think of a way to bring up "btw, they're not witches in my work" without it feeling weird.
My witch lore for context
Dale and Dev can specifically not be witches under my lore even if I wanted them to be, even if I were following a headcanon where the Dimmadomes get around the XYZ chromosome sterility through clones, because of something extremely specific that also exists in my lore that I cannot go back on.
Magic Colors
So, I have a whole magic system set up around the colors of magic. There are 6 possible colors in the OG series- 5 of which are represented on the Rainbow Bridge, 4 of which are represented on the Fairy Council, and 2 of which are extremely rare.
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I gave the Fairy Elder (namedropped in "Timmy's Secret Wish") yellow robes, thus tying the Fairy Council together.
Each magic color has a meaning associated with the mood or thought pattern behind magic use. I drew my original inspiration from the colors Timmy's brain turns when Poof's controlling his body in "He Poofs, He Scores."
For those interested, my Colors of Magic post (From May 2016, but has screenshots) & my worldbuilding sideblog's post on magic colors (Cleaned-up lore with no pictures). Short version below:
Red is an extremely uncommon magic color, though we see it when Foop is fighting Cosmo and Wanda in "Playdate of Doom" and when Wanda jumpstarts Timmy's heart in "Yoo-Doo." It's the color I associate with life and death magic. So, y'know... Foop is very okay.
There's also indigo (used by Juandissimo in "Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary"), which I consider a subset of blue.
Green is also extremely rare. Notably, it's the color Foop's magic slowly starts to turn throughout "Scary Godcouple"- He started off with blue, but sours to green in one of the only appearances we see of green in the entire series.
But you know what commonplace color we don't see?
In my lore, orange-haired magic users (both Fae and genies) are the equivalent of shiny Pokémon. Even two orange magic-users don't normally have orange offspring- They produce yellows and reds.
And the thing is... I've already set up Happy Peppy Gary to be the only orange witch in my lore. In fact, I have a WIP multi-chapter 'fic about Gary getting discovered by H.P. and Anti-Cosmo, who lose their minds when they realize what he is (Pink and Gray).
Shout-out to one of my favorite dialogue exchanges I've ever written, from H.P. trying to sus Gary out as genie-descended:
H.P. brought his hand up to fiddle with his glasses. "Okay. Completely random get-to-know-you question. By any chance, are you afraid of small spaces?" "Deathly. Why?"
And Dale is Gary's age - in the same city where the Pixies dropped Gary and Betty after taking them in - which means if he WAS an orange witch, he would've been clocked so hard, so fast. Also, since I'm going the route of H.P. being Dale's godfather, there's no way he wouldn't have noticed even though Dale was MIA for years.
Fun Fact! Gary and Juandissimo are "related!" Juandissimo was finger-snapped into existence by Gary's ancestor, Crimsona. He's arguably a great-great-great-great uncle (5 generations up from Gary). In Cloudlands AU, Gary's middle name is actually Juandissimo! That's because Juandissimo's been assigned to godparent to this family several times (We met Gary's dad and grandmother, Quincy and Eunice, in Baby, You're a Rich Man; Sanderson matches Eunice's name to Juandissimo's in Chapter 10 while looking through godkid files).
Anyway, I COULD have witch genes passed down through Dev's mom's side of the family (Leadlys in my headcanon), but that comes with its own issues: if Leadly had XYZ chromosomes, he can't have Hadley, and I'm not going back on that. I could make his wife a witch, but that STILL has issues.
In my 'fics I play Ed Leadly as a guy who's looking for magical creatures (hence him being willing to drop 17 million dollars on someone else's dog in "Dog Gone"). I have literally shown him onscreen holding a witch-detecting compass that points to Gary (in "Opportunity"). There is no way he would not have clocked his ex as a witch, sldkfj...
Closing Comments
Dale and Dev are some of the only characters in my universe who are absolutely confirmed to not be witches, despite how much I have actually wondered if it would be fun to portray them as such.
I don't have a lore reason for the visual gags in that episode- I sadly have to clock it up to random cartoon silliness akin to Jenkins exploding into pieces when Jasmine sings in "Fly" (or Hazel also falling apart or exploding when people expressed crushes on her in "Multiverse of Jenkins").
In my lore, I actually do have Gary set up to be able to pass his witch powers to people he kisses (Because I thought it would be funny if that's why Betty is taller in some scenes than others; yes, I am that pedantic and it makes Betty's "But I don't like you like that" line exponentially funnier), but I've established that only genie-descended witches can pass powers... That doesn't make sense for Dev in this episode either.
Technically all the fluids can pass magic, so a blood transfusion would make Dev "a permanent false witch" if I wanted to do that, but I'm not gonna bother when again, we have people exploding in this show as a gag. Cursed gags I cannot touch with lore 😔
If anyone else makes the Dimmadomes witches, I'd be totally down to read that. I think it would be extremely funny if Dale Dimm was also a witch despite sentencing Alden Bitterroot to 350+ years of clawing his way out of Dimmsdale's well for witch crimes, but my AUs have pretty firmly locked Dale and Dev out of that option.
Riddleverse Design Facts
Here's another fun fact for any new followers who don't know I do this: I draw witches with spirals in their hair! Pics under the cut due to length:
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Crocker has his in the back and Kevin has his on top!
You could TOTALLY make an argument that Leadly's spiral is in his mustache
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Also, it's a very good thing I do this- I joked in the past that Gary and Dev look eerily similar (even sharing lots of body language), so it's nice to have things like freckles and a hair spiral I can fall back on.
I'm VERY happy with my adult Dev design, but I definitely kept freckles and hair spirals away from him, haha. Sneak peek of him next to his mom:
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Note- Spiral headcanon excludes H.P., who has a unique family cowlick I gave him before doing this for witches. Poof doesn't count either since he's under Fae Get Alphabet Hair rules:
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Whistle and Anti-Whistle [Soren] (at the bottom) are some of my favorite designs... I can't get over his upside-down W hair sldkfj.
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But Wanda and Anti-Wanda having completely different Ws is another favorite thing. I'm especially proud of Dusty's little D tuft.
I'm not sure why Smoky ended up with what looks like an F (unless it's a T since he was Talon before Talon was Talon), but I remember doing a lot of designs for him. Sometimes I don't commit to alphabet hair if letters are hard (Soren's top zigzag is meant to be an S, which is a very hard letter to incorporate, and I think I didn't want Smoky and Soren to have the same one). I've been wanting to redesign Smoky a bit, so I'll probably fix it then.
Goldie's is subtle and you can see it better in some drawings than others, but she has M hair because her full name is Marigold :)
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I should probably re-add her middle tuft to her official sideblog art, whoops.
Also, if this is how someone is finding out Poof and Foop literally were designed with alphabet hair, I have wonderful news for you. Fun fact, the "Anti-Poof" storyboard portrays Foop with a square spiral instead! It was the final detail of his design.
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Been watching bits and pieces of Fairly Odd Parents New Wish.
And it always bugged me how the lore for this series is very half baked or even nonsensical. So I’m bored and have time.
This will be partly from many types of fairy books and based on the Fey slightly.
There are several different types of magicals beings in the Magical World.
Fairies: Good aligning, from Chaotic, Lawful, and Neutral. It’s in a fairies nature to bring light and joy, they do their best when bring happiness. Hence why they are often the main inheritors of Godkids.
Their courts often are at their strongest during the Summer and Spring months. Of which the Fairy Council has its most powers and why during these times it’s best to hold court.
Fairies don’t have full control over earth, but they have primary control. And are assigned the most god kids. Mostly due to the fact they often win the bake off against the Anti Fairies.
Anti-Fairies: They are mostly Evil aligned beings. Chaotic, Lawful, and Neutral. Depending on their alignment is depending on how much bad luck they bring.
Some, like Anti-Cosmo, are Chaotic-Evil and bring a lot of bad luck. To the point that just by being in the same room as them can cause ill fortunes as a side effect. Others, like Anti-Wanda, are Neutral-Evil, they still cause bad luck but only in certain ways. Or often only in ways they like, neither swayed by misery of others or just wanting to cause mayhem for the sake of it, but rather just for personal gain.
They are the group that controls the Fall and Autumn courts. Their Fairy Court is often the worst to be stuck with. They are unfair, like causing problems and curses, and their deals are very unbalanced.
They also inherit the least amount of god kids and have the least amount of control in the world. Though they can occasionally get a godkid, if the godkid gives up their fairies due to selfish reasons. But can just as easily lose them if the godkid chooses benevolence over malice.
This is mostly due to the fact they keep losing the bake off. And godkids naturally being inclined to kindness or being unaware of how to summon an anti-fairy.
Pixies: Their alignment tends to be Neutral, but never True Neutral. Mostly they are either chaotic or lawful, speculation for this could be because of their bureaucratic ways being so monotone, their magic reacts by making them one ‘extreme’ or the other.
Chaotic Pixies can bend rules easily for their own desires. Even if in very boring ways. But for a pixie it’s still a bit too much for them. Hence why most Chaotic Pixies are rarely seen in office meetings and often are kept at an arms length by the rest.
Lawful Pixies are just soul sucking, metaphorically, they are by the book and nothing can sway them from it. Doesn’t matter if the laws are good or evil, just that they are law. Hence why they get most of the office sitting desk jobs or meetings. They are a pain in the butt to work with due to their rule stickler ideas and mounds of paper work.
In terms of Godkids they actually prefer to get them when older as teens near adults. I like Fairies, who prefer to help young kids, pixies like working with older teens and young adults. Mostly ambitious ones by getting them to follow rules and laws to use loops holes to climb the ranks. They tend to have a good hold over this, and rarely away from it. Very few pixies get a godkid/teen younger than 15.
They don’t have a ‘council’ mostly just an office group of high ranking people.
Fey: They can be any alignment. These creatures are old and the first magicals to ever exist. Often are the ones on all fairy councils, fey often are rhetorical result of any magical being alive for so long. Gaining a human looking form and larger wings. Their magic has developed for so long, they just became more human looking. (Jorgan and Tooth Fairy being a few)
Becoming a Fey isn’t just a manner of age but also magical power. Oddly enough the only Fey to come to existence is often those who have had alot of Godkids and/or magical experiences.
Cosmos and Wanda are the first fairies in a long time to be near Fey status, gaining a human looking form they can transform into.
Some Fey have just existed for as long as many can remember. Some think all magicals descended from these Fey, but it’s unknown for the most part.
Fey are capable of using magic to bend and shape reality in more ways than other magicals. But often tend to just go into a specialty form of magic. (Ie, Tooth Fairy went into Tooth Magic).
However some can be rather powerful due to a loop hole. Which I will get into later.
Angel: Cherubs to be precise, real human to eldtrich horror angels aren’t ever seen or thought to be extinct. Cherubs are rare, often tending to be more emotional based magicals creatures from positive to negative. They don’t grant wishes, but often show up when a person is trying to alter a persons emotions. Love being one of them, ie Cupid.
Animals: Some animals can be magical too. Hence dragons or even unicorns. Their alignment varies depending on the type. And some can even have godkids too, though this is very very rare and only just started as a program with various results.
- Peri is technically a ‘fey’ given his magical levels. But chooses the appearance of a fairy. He was born of a wish making him a being of pure magic. Though oddly Irep is not the same in that regard only coming as a by product of Timmy’s wish, hence why Irep is jealous of Peri.
- no one is sure what Peri is capable of, not even himself. And why he’s trying to hard to prove himself as a Godparent because he had to fight hard to evil get this job as many don’t trust him.
- Da Rules has slowly gotten thicker over the years, mostly due to Timmy.
- Depending on the season depends on what fairy court you’re given. Most godparents wait for summer or spring for their courts. Not wanting to put themselves or their godkids at the mercy of the Anti Fairy Court.
- In this universe Godkids can be adopted by Godparents, this was how new fairies would often made after babies were outlawed. However it’s very rare, and often most Godkids don’t need adopted.
- A fairy godparents, no matter who, job is to provide something their godkid is missing. Parental figure? Love? Escapism in a healthy way? Therapy? The goal is to better the kid where the human parent has failed. To make them into better parents without much trauma.
- most do still forget their fairies, but in their is more their memories are altered to cut out magic and think they had teachers, cousins, or friends who were better role models than their parents.
- Magic is a secret due to problems in the past of human abusing is. Even pixels do the same to their adult charges once they get their aspiration goals.
- human witches do still exist using a very very rudimentary form of magic that is based upon intent. That also still comes around to them back if they do curses and hexes. Not many of them practice it and they are seen as crazy or just doing placebo effect by other humans.
- not all fairies become Godparents, or actually takes a long time for them to be trained properly. Hence why there aren’t many godparents. Luckily kids seem to be doing better these days so this give them time to train before the crash and a bunch of kids need them.
That’s about all I got for now. Feel free to add some of your own ideas and Headcanons.
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new-revenant · 1 year
I've been thinking and want to offer a thought.
Even if Danny is a former godson and had a fairy and then had his memory erased, the Fairy Council and Jurgen himself don't want to risk erasing the memory from the Ghost King to keep some secrets. None of them want trouble from the Ghost World and at the very least the King should know about his possible friends and allies
I personally don’t think Danny would have his fairies during the time he becomes the Ghost King, or during/after he becomes a halfa. But if they were warned that Danny would potentially become the Ghost King, they would leave some vague messages for him once he does become the GK. Like telling him the way to Fairy World, who to trust, basic info about fairies, anti-fairies, and pixies. Stuff like that.
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isabel3710 · 23 days
If you know anything about me then you know that I am obsessed with Epic the Musical, have been for a while. Now the most recent saga came out today and....
I may or may not have rewritten Legendary to fit Peri from the Fairly Odd Parents. Specifically to fit him in my Fairy Swap AU.
I'm not including one part on the account that I want to use this in the future and therefore don't want to give out spoilers. This also isn't the final version.
For context, Peri is (by fairy standers) a pre-teen in this and it takes place after he and his parents are forced to leave Timmy.
(Spoilers for the Wisdom Saga ahead and I suggest listening to the OG song if you haven't already.)
It's just me, myself, and I.
Stuck in my bedroom, living in this world you left behind
Dreaming of all these wishes that I'll never get to grant.
But boy, I wish I could, so I could bring the world some light!
'Cause I'm stuck with the stories
But can't see you anymore
No idea if you forgot or are just too far!
Somebody tell me, come and give me a sign.
If I become a Godparent is it you I'll find?
If so, then,
Give me magic and some wishes
Give me a wand and a Godkid!
I know life and fate are scary
But I wanna be legendary!
I'll fight the dragons and the genies
The Anti-Faires, even Pixies
I know life and fate are scary
But I wanna be l-l-l-l-legendary
There are strangers in our house
Fighting with my parents
But they are standing tall
A hundred and eight strange faces, fairies who call me small
They keep taking space and Dad is one day gonna fall...
'Cause they're getting impatient.... Dangerous too
And I would fight them if I was half as brave as you.
Somebody help me, come and give me the strength
Can I do whatever it takes to keep my fam safe?
If so, then,
Give me magic and some wishes
Give me a wand and a Godkid!
I know life and fate are scary
But I wanna be legendary!
I'll fight the dragons and the genies
The Anti-Faires, even Pixies
I know life and fate are scary
But I wanna be legendary!
???: Boy!
???: When's your traitors for parents gonna listen to the Council?
???: Why don't you let us come in so we can 'convince' them?
Don't you dare call my parents traitors!
???: I just did.
???: Whatchu gonna do about it, 'sport'?
Somebody tell me
Come and give me a sign
If I fight this monster
Is it you I'll find?
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.25
Arbor Day (Philippines)
Barbed Wire Day
Blade Runner Day
Color TV Day
Cucumber Day (French Republic)
Custer’s Last Stand Day
Custom Officer’s Day (Ukraine)
Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs
Day of the Seafarer (UN)
Doonesbury Day (Washington, DC)
Feast of the Optional Holiday
Festival of Ranting and Vaporing
Flag Day (Finland)
Frelimo’s Foundation Day (Mozambique)
Global Beatles Day
Half-Christmas (from “Workaholics”)
International Hug a Deer Day
Korean War Remembrance Day
Lakota Victory Day
Leon Day
Log Cabin Day
Mitch Lane Day
National Camp Counts! Day
National Day (Day of Slovenian Sovereignty; Slovenia)
National Iodine Day (Thailand)
National Leon Day
National Olaplex Day
National Police Community Cooperative Day
No Prayer in School Day
Paddington Bear Day
Pixie Day (Devon, England)
Rainbow Flag Day
Reuben Day (625 Day; Lily & Stitch)
Salute Your Hometown Day
Sense of Humor in Bed Day
625 Day (South Korea)
Smurfs Day
Stripper Appreciation Day
Switch 625 Day
Teacher’s Day (Guatemala)
Tennis Shoe Day
UNICEF Maroon 5 Day
World Anti-Bullfighting Day
World Sand Dune Day
World Vitiligo Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Anthony Bourdain Day (a.k.a. Bourdain Day)
Goats Cheese Day
International Rosé' Day
National Catfish Day
National Croatian Wine Day
National Fried Okra Day
National Strawberry Parfait Day
Independence & Related Days
Croatia (Independence Memorial Day; 1991)
Détian Tsardom (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Florida (Readmitted to the Union; 1868)
Mozambique (from Portugal, 1975)
Norfolk Empire (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Slovenia (from Yugoslavia, 1991)
Virginia Statehood Day (#10; 1788)
4th & Last Tuesday in June
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
National Columnists Day [4th Tuesday]
Please Take My Children To Work Day [Last Monday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Festivals Beginning June 25, 2024
National Potato Council Summer Meeting (Fort Collins, Colorado) [thru 6.28]
Odessa Classics (Lucerne, Switzerland)
Organic Beer Fest (Portland, Oregon) [thru 6.27]
Resurrection Fest (Viveiro, Spain) [thru 6.29]
Southwest Fuel & Convenience Expo (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 6.27]
Feast Days
Adelbert of Northumberland (Christian; Saint)
Agoard and Aglibert, near Paris (Christian; Martyrs)
Antoni Gaudi (Artology)
Bonalu (Goddess Mahakali; Hindu Goddess of Time and Death)
Build on Relationships Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Charles Martel (Positivist; Saint)
David of Munktorp (Christian; Saint)
Ed Gein Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Elf Thumping Day (Shamanism)
Eurosia (Christian; Saint)
Febronia (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Gallicanus (Christian; Saint)
Gay Wiccan Pride Day (Everyday Wicca)
George Orwell (Writerism)
Gohard and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Humpty Dumpty (Muppetism)
Kay Sage (Artology)
Kristina Abelli Elander (Artology)
Ludi Taurii (Games of the Bull; Ancient Rome)
Maximus (a.k.a. Massimo) of Turin (Christian; Saint)
Melee of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Moloc (or Luan; Christian; Saint)
Molaugz (Christian; Saint)
Peter Blake (Artology)
Peyo (Artology)
Philipp Melanchthon (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
P.H. Newby (Writerism)
Presentation of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran)
Prosper of Aquitaine (Christian; Saint)
Prosper of Reggio (Christian; Saint)
Robert Henri (Artology)
Rose O'Neill (Artology)
Sam Francis (Artology)
Seamen Day (a.k.a. Seafarer Day; Pastafarian)
Thoth’s Day (Pagan)
William of Monte-Vergine (or Vercelli; Christian; Saint)
Yann Martel (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [25 of 53]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
All You Need is Love, by The Beatles (Song; 1967)
America the Beautiful (Disney 360° Film; 1967)
The Banker’s Daughter (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
The Betty Boop Movie Mystery (Animated Film; 1989)
Big Daddy (Film; 1999)
Blade Runner (Film; 1982)
Bosko’s Dog Race (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Country Girls, by Edna O'Brien (Novel; 1960)
Crockett-Doddle-Do (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
A Day at the Beach (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
The Diary of Anne Frank, by Anne Frank (Diary; 1947)
8-1/2 (Film; 1963)
The Firebird, by Igor Stravinsky (Ballet; 1910)
F9 (Film; 2021) [F&F #9]
The Fox Chase (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1928)
A Frenchman in New York, by Darius Milhaud (Orchestral Work; 1963)
Have You Got Any Castles (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
Herbie Goes Bananas (Film; 1980)
Hondo, by Louis L'Amour (Novel; 1953)
The Hungry Goat (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Indelibly Stamped, by Supertramp (Album; 1971)
The King of Staten Island (Film; 2020)
Kinky Boots: The Musical (Film; 2019)
Klute (Film; 1971)
The Last Flight of Noah’s Ark (Film; 1980)
Lumber Jerks (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Mass Mouse Meeting (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
The Mechanical Cow, featuring Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Mickey Mouse Disco (Disney Cartoon; 1980)
Monty Python: Live at the Hollywood Bowl (Comedy Concert Film; 1982)
Mopping Up (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
The Notebook (Film; 2004)
The Omen (Film; 1976)
On Being and Nothingness, by Jean-Paul Satre (Book; 1943)
One Size Fits All, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1975)
Porky’s Party (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Prime Suspect 1973 (UK TV Series; 2017)
Purple, by Stone Temple Pilots (Album; 1994)
Purple Rain, by Prince (Album; 1984)
The Queen of Hearts (Ub Iwerks ComiColor Cartoon; 1934)
Red-Headed Woman (Film; 1932)
Sleepless in Seattle (Film; 1983)
Technology, Phooey (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1969)
The Thing (Film; 1982)
25 or 6 to 4, by Chicago (Song; 1970)
Won’t Get Fooled Again, by The Who (Song; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Dorothea, Eleonora, Ella (Austria)
Adalbert, Dominik, Maksim (Croatia)
Ivan (Czech Republic)
Prosper (Denmark)
Inna, Lenna, Linda (Estonia)
Uuno (Finland)
Aliénor, Eléonore, Prosper, Salomon (France)
Doris, Dorothea, Eleonora, Ella (Germany)
Erotas, Fevronia (Greece)
Vilmos (Hungary)
Agato, Diogene, Guglielmo, Oriella, Orio (Italy)
Maiga, Milija (Latvia)
Baniutė, Geistautas, Geistautė, Vilhelmas (Lithuania)
Jørund, Jorunn (Norway)
Albrecht, Eulogiusz, Lucja, Łucja, Tolisława, Wilhelm (Poland)
Fevronia (România)
Tadeáš (Slovakia)
Guillermo, Máximo, Próspero (Spain)
David, Salomon (Sweden)
Bill, Billie, Billy, Guillermo, Liam, Mina, Minnie, Prosper, Velma, Vilma, Wilhelmina, Will, William, Willie, Willis, Wilma, Wilson (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 177 of 2024; 189 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 26 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 20 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 19 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 18 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 27 Blue; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 12 June 2024
Moon: 84%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 8 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Charles Martel]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 6 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 5 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.25
Arbor Day (Philippines)
Barbed Wire Day
Blade Runner Day
Color TV Day
Cucumber Day (French Republic)
Custer’s Last Stand Day
Custom Officer’s Day (Ukraine)
Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs
Day of the Seafarer (UN)
Doonesbury Day (Washington, DC)
Feast of the Optional Holiday
Festival of Ranting and Vaporing
Flag Day (Finland)
Frelimo’s Foundation Day (Mozambique)
Global Beatles Day
Half-Christmas (from “Workaholics”)
International Hug a Deer Day
Korean War Remembrance Day
Lakota Victory Day
Leon Day
Log Cabin Day
Mitch Lane Day
National Camp Counts! Day
National Day (Day of Slovenian Sovereignty; Slovenia)
National Iodine Day (Thailand)
National Leon Day
National Olaplex Day
National Police Community Cooperative Day
No Prayer in School Day
Paddington Bear Day
Pixie Day (Devon, England)
Rainbow Flag Day
Reuben Day (625 Day; Lily & Stitch)
Salute Your Hometown Day
Sense of Humor in Bed Day
625 Day (South Korea)
Smurfs Day
Stripper Appreciation Day
Switch 625 Day
Teacher’s Day (Guatemala)
Tennis Shoe Day
UNICEF Maroon 5 Day
World Anti-Bullfighting Day
World Sand Dune Day
World Vitiligo Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Anthony Bourdain Day (a.k.a. Bourdain Day)
Goats Cheese Day
International Rosé' Day
National Catfish Day
National Croatian Wine Day
National Fried Okra Day
National Strawberry Parfait Day
Independence & Related Days
Croatia (Independence Memorial Day; 1991)
Détian Tsardom (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Florida (Readmitted to the Union; 1868)
Mozambique (from Portugal, 1975)
Norfolk Empire (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Slovenia (from Yugoslavia, 1991)
Virginia Statehood Day (#10; 1788)
4th & Last Tuesday in June
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
National Columnists Day [4th Tuesday]
Please Take My Children To Work Day [Last Monday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Festivals Beginning June 25, 2024
National Potato Council Summer Meeting (Fort Collins, Colorado) [thru 6.28]
Odessa Classics (Lucerne, Switzerland)
Organic Beer Fest (Portland, Oregon) [thru 6.27]
Resurrection Fest (Viveiro, Spain) [thru 6.29]
Southwest Fuel & Convenience Expo (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 6.27]
Feast Days
Adelbert of Northumberland (Christian; Saint)
Agoard and Aglibert, near Paris (Christian; Martyrs)
Antoni Gaudi (Artology)
Bonalu (Goddess Mahakali; Hindu Goddess of Time and Death)
Build on Relationships Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Charles Martel (Positivist; Saint)
David of Munktorp (Christian; Saint)
Ed Gein Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Elf Thumping Day (Shamanism)
Eurosia (Christian; Saint)
Febronia (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Gallicanus (Christian; Saint)
Gay Wiccan Pride Day (Everyday Wicca)
George Orwell (Writerism)
Gohard and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Humpty Dumpty (Muppetism)
Kay Sage (Artology)
Kristina Abelli Elander (Artology)
Ludi Taurii (Games of the Bull; Ancient Rome)
Maximus (a.k.a. Massimo) of Turin (Christian; Saint)
Melee of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
Moloc (or Luan; Christian; Saint)
Molaugz (Christian; Saint)
Peter Blake (Artology)
Peyo (Artology)
Philipp Melanchthon (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
P.H. Newby (Writerism)
Presentation of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran)
Prosper of Aquitaine (Christian; Saint)
Prosper of Reggio (Christian; Saint)
Robert Henri (Artology)
Rose O'Neill (Artology)
Sam Francis (Artology)
Seamen Day (a.k.a. Seafarer Day; Pastafarian)
Thoth’s Day (Pagan)
William of Monte-Vergine (or Vercelli; Christian; Saint)
Yann Martel (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [25 of 53]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
All You Need is Love, by The Beatles (Song; 1967)
America the Beautiful (Disney 360° Film; 1967)
The Banker’s Daughter (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
The Betty Boop Movie Mystery (Animated Film; 1989)
Big Daddy (Film; 1999)
Blade Runner (Film; 1982)
Bosko’s Dog Race (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Country Girls, by Edna O'Brien (Novel; 1960)
Crockett-Doddle-Do (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
A Day at the Beach (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
The Diary of Anne Frank, by Anne Frank (Diary; 1947)
8-1/2 (Film; 1963)
The Firebird, by Igor Stravinsky (Ballet; 1910)
F9 (Film; 2021) [F&F #9]
The Fox Chase (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1928)
A Frenchman in New York, by Darius Milhaud (Orchestral Work; 1963)
Have You Got Any Castles (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
Herbie Goes Bananas (Film; 1980)
Hondo, by Louis L'Amour (Novel; 1953)
The Hungry Goat (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Indelibly Stamped, by Supertramp (Album; 1971)
The King of Staten Island (Film; 2020)
Kinky Boots: The Musical (Film; 2019)
Klute (Film; 1971)
The Last Flight of Noah’s Ark (Film; 1980)
Lumber Jerks (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Mass Mouse Meeting (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
The Mechanical Cow, featuring Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Mickey Mouse Disco (Disney Cartoon; 1980)
Monty Python: Live at the Hollywood Bowl (Comedy Concert Film; 1982)
Mopping Up (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
The Notebook (Film; 2004)
The Omen (Film; 1976)
On Being and Nothingness, by Jean-Paul Satre (Book; 1943)
One Size Fits All, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1975)
Porky’s Party (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Prime Suspect 1973 (UK TV Series; 2017)
Purple, by Stone Temple Pilots (Album; 1994)
Purple Rain, by Prince (Album; 1984)
The Queen of Hearts (Ub Iwerks ComiColor Cartoon; 1934)
Red-Headed Woman (Film; 1932)
Sleepless in Seattle (Film; 1983)
Technology, Phooey (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1969)
The Thing (Film; 1982)
25 or 6 to 4, by Chicago (Song; 1970)
Won��t Get Fooled Again, by The Who (Song; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Dorothea, Eleonora, Ella (Austria)
Adalbert, Dominik, Maksim (Croatia)
Ivan (Czech Republic)
Prosper (Denmark)
Inna, Lenna, Linda (Estonia)
Uuno (Finland)
Aliénor, Eléonore, Prosper, Salomon (France)
Doris, Dorothea, Eleonora, Ella (Germany)
Erotas, Fevronia (Greece)
Vilmos (Hungary)
Agato, Diogene, Guglielmo, Oriella, Orio (Italy)
Maiga, Milija (Latvia)
Baniutė, Geistautas, Geistautė, Vilhelmas (Lithuania)
Jørund, Jorunn (Norway)
Albrecht, Eulogiusz, Lucja, Łucja, Tolisława, Wilhelm (Poland)
Fevronia (România)
Tadeáš (Slovakia)
Guillermo, Máximo, Próspero (Spain)
David, Salomon (Sweden)
Bill, Billie, Billy, Guillermo, Liam, Mina, Minnie, Prosper, Velma, Vilma, Wilhelmina, Will, William, Willie, Willis, Wilma, Wilson (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 177 of 2024; 189 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 26 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 20 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 19 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 18 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 27 Blue; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 12 June 2024
Moon: 84%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 8 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Charles Martel]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 6 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 5 of 31)
0 notes
craziestxabnormal · 4 years
📖 + our Pervert!AU ~
Lit candles dotted about the bedroom as two naked figures occupied the disheveled bed, basking in the afterglow of their coupling. Erwin laid on his front, head resting on his crossed arms as the strokes of an ink brush tickled his muscular back. Feeling his partner straddling the back of his thighs, Erwin hummed every now and then in a post coital haze as Hange chatted away about potential anti-titan weaponry.
"There's got to be a more effective way of ridding the area of Titans without sacrificing anymore more soldiers," Hange frowned at their notes, wringing out a washcloth in a bowl of warm water beside them and wiping the ink off their partner.
"Even with new volunteers, if we thin out our forces to the limit it could still be months before Wall Maria is safe to inhabit again," Erwin said, opening his eyes and staring at the far wall with a contemplative expression.
The Survey Corps. had at long last earned the love of the people but the extermination process would still take time. Time which would eventually sour the people's goodwill towards them and erupt into rioting.
"The Titans are still being drawn to the district weak points along the walls where the Garrison corps have been slowly chipping away at the numbers with the rail canons."
"Those canons have been out of date for years," Hange scoffed, dipping their paint brush back in the ink well and drawing a line across Erwin's broad back. "Surely there is a modern day solution to an aged old problem."
"Our sharpened blades have proven to be more effective that canon fire, but it isnt possible to utilise the blades for long distance artillery."
"Or can it?" Hange paused in mid stroke as a thought took root in their brain. "The gate...the gap in the wall."
Staring down at the blank canvas, the thought worked it's way down their nervous system and to their outstretched arm as Hange resumed writing.
"If the walls are 50 metres high and amount of force wielded by the average soldier needed to slice the nape of the neck, then how heavy would the blade need to be?"
"Hange?" Erwin froze as Hange's brush strokes grew more elaborate and forceful on his skin. He felt the straight lines of what must have been a diagram running along his spine, and short strokes belonging to a line of equations on his lower back.
Surely they weren't proposing to build an actual giant sword on the wall...unless.
"Hange is that...a guillotine?"
His subordinate did not answer, instead rambling off maths equations under their breath, practically leaning over Erwin's naked body as their hand ran wild. The idea was sound and it would surely be approved by Commander Pixis, the only problem was...
The brush strokes stopped.
"The only problem is, construction would need to be done with the gate open." Shoulders slumping in defeat, Hange leaned back so they were sitting on Erwin's thighs and their hands resting on his calf muscles. "But that would leave the construction crew defeneless to enemy attack unless we have soldiers guarding the gate at all times."
"Not solving the original problem," Erwin finished. Rising onto his elbows he rolled his shoulder blades and considered the very real possibility of an effective artillery weapon that could destroy a Titan in one swipe without risking the life of a soldier in the process.
"It was a good idea," Hange bemoaned. "Just not a practical one."
"Don't give up just yet," Erwin said, resting his chin in his palm as he thought. If the only problem was the construction, then they just needed an alternative method of building the device, but something on that scale could not be forged in such a short amount of time. They couldn't just conjure one into existence.
"Eren," Erwin exclaimed, rocking Hange. "He's already made great progress mastering the hardening ability. If he can just fine-tune it to make specific shapes-
"-then he could construct the base for us!" Hange finished, a grin plastered on their face as they sat up and dipped their brush in the ink well one last time. "We'll call it the Executioner From Hell!"
Staring down at their masterpiece, the brunette squealed with delight and scrambled off the bed, dragging a confused Erwin along with them.
"We need to show the Council right away so they start finance the project," they announced, dragging the blonde out the bedroom.
"Hange, I'm not wearing any pants!" Erwin exclaimed, grabbing the bedsheet and covering his groin.
"You don't need pants," Hange argued. "I wrote the equation on your right ass cheek. Commander Pixis needs to see it!"
"Just write it down agai-"
"There's no time, dammit!"
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pixie-circle-au · 4 years
Chapter Three: First Days Are Usually Pretty Annoying
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four (Coming Soon)
Content Warnings: Food [DM or send an ask for something to be tagged]
Words: 1390
Taglist: @fandom-nerd-girl555 @justmeandmygayships
Notes: :)))
School was school. Some schools were worse than others, but at the end of the day, you’re trapped in a building with a thousand other teenagers for seven hours straight. At least in elementary school you get recess. 
Patton was sprawled on his bed, going over the notes he’d taken. He had to spend time after school going around and talking to every teacher about getting up to speed with the rest of the class, which wasn’t fun. Additionally, he had to introduce himself to the entire class. Patton wasn’t shy, far from it, but even so, he never craved that kind of attention.
Luckily, he shared a few classes with the people he’d already met, although in his science class, he was all alone. He was thinking about what that class would be like⁠, considering everyone else had already made friends ⁠—except for him, of course⁠— when Janus returned from the bathroom, putting his gloves back on.
“How are you feeling?” Asked Janus, sitting near Patton’s head on the bed.
“Awful. My science teacher is a bit of a… pain. She expects me to just immediately start working on this project due in two weeks! And none of y’all have her, and I don’t know anyone in that class!”
“Listen, Pat, I may not have known you long, but it doesn’t take much to see that you make friends easily. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
“Ugh, okay. But can you help me?” Patton asked sheepishly, “I already forgot all my teacher’s names.” Janus giggled and began going through the list with his friend.
The two studied and worked for a few hours before there was a knock at the door. “Hey kiddos, we leave in fifteen,” Patton’s father said, cracking open the door.
“Ugh. Why are they on a Monday, and why so late?” bemoaned the cat pixie, beginning to wrap up his work.
“Oh well, you know, it’s ‘tradition’ and they ‘don’t care about anyone getting enough sleep on a school night,’” Janus mocked, “It’s so annoying, my mom is so obsessed with things being exactly the same as they always were. It’s for the nature spirits or whatever.”
Patton giggled, “Well, it could be worse.” The snake shrugged and they headed downstairs.
“Is Virgil coming?” Asked the cat.
“Yeah. Normally he wouldn’t because he’s a shadow elf, but lately he’s been looking into magical apprenticeship.”
“That’s so cool! If I was an elf, I’d definitely wanna do magic.” Janus smiled at the other pixie. The two followed Geoni into the car, and they headed out. It was a short drive, just out of town, and took the family down a quiet back road. 
“There,” said Janus as the car approached a parking lot on the side of the road. The fae noticed a slight yellow glowing. “It’s hidden by a cloaking spell, so only fae can see it.”
Geoni, who was driving, nodded and pulled into the lot, which was already quite full. He took a free space and the four climbed out. “Over here!” called Janus, heading out towards a glowing path. It was faint, but still easy to follow. The four walked for about ten minutes before reaching a large glowing circle. “Another cloaking spell. Just walk in.”
Patton stepped in with Janus, his father close behind. Suddenly, the sound of music, the smell of food, and the happy chatter of people filled the air around them. “Wow! Our circle was never like this!” exclaimed Patton as he looked around at the vendors, dancers, and musicians. 
The snake smiled at him, “Do you want to have a look around?” The cat nodded excitedly before glancing back at his father. 
“You two go ahead, I’ll explore on my own.”
Patton grinned and grabbed Janus’ hand, “Well?”
The snake blushed, “Follow me, I guess.” The pixie dragged his friend around the circle, showing him all the sights and sounds. The Brookside circle was known for its lively atmosphere, although Patton hadn’t really understood what that meant until he saw it. 
After half an hour or so, the two stopped to eat dinner, getting some food from a vendor. They sat on the grass to eat and watched the pixies, fairies, and elves dance and play.
“Announcements are in like,” Janus checked his watch, “fifteen minutes or so.”
Patton nodded, gazing at the scene. After a pause, he looked at the snake, “Do you have to go up?”
The two chatted about school for a few minutes as vendors started to close shop. After about fifteen minutes, the music slowed and stopped, and the fae began to take their seats as the stage was lit up. Janus’ mother—Ilani? Was it?—stepped up to a microphone. She began speaking, going over the events of the week. The magic levels in the forest, a strange creature that had been captured and was no longer a threat.
“This week, we have a very important announcement,” She paused, looking around to get the attention of all the fae. “We have word of a fae-hunting organization that is trying to lay their roots here. So far, it’s only… rumors. Although we do have a few confirmed anti-fae families. Be especially careful when talking to humans, and deny the existence of fae at any opportunity. At this point, we are not allowing humans to be newly alerted of fae presence. If a human does discover your identity, report it immediately to me or the council.” She gestured towards a table full of serious looking fae. She wrapped up the announcements with a few things about the upcoming holiday, and then stepped off the podium. The band began playing again, but the lively chatter was now dimmed and worried.
Patton jumped, his tail straightening in shock. When he saw that it was Virgil who stood over him and Janus, however, he calmed and sat back down. “Sorry,” mumbled the shadow elf as he sat next to the snake.
Patton giggled, blushing a little. “It’s okay, you just shocked me.” The elf smiled in response.
“So how’d it go? Did you talk to the teachers?” asked Janus.
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna start soon. I mean, I already learned some magic. My uh… my dad taught me, but yeah. I’m gonna learn with a proper teacher.” Virgil’s eyes stayed on the ground as he talked. 
“That’s great.” said the snake, fondly playing with the other’s hair.
“So, there was that… um.” Patton mumbled nervously.
“What is it?” Janus turned back to the cat.
“Your mom, she said something about… fae-hunting.”
The air was quiet when he said that, and the snake looked down. “I… heard them talking about it, but I didn’t want to bring it up in case it was wrong.” The snake spoke to both his friends. “There have been fae-hunting groups here in the past, and we managed to deal with it. Besides, we don’t even know if there is an organized group. From what she said, it’s just a few families.”
“But… I didn’t even know there were organized groups against fae. I’ve always… lived in a really sheltered world. We were always told to just… never speak to humans. I— I guess I figured, with the way they kept us, that no human had even heard of the fae.”
“Honestly,” started Virgil, “it’s far from it. A lot of humans know about the fae, even if they don’t believe in them. But, more importantly, when you have a circle as big as this one, it becomes an easy target for fae-hunters. We’ll have to be careful. Spend less time with Remus.” The elf spoke softly, but the words were sharp in Patton’s head.
“Let’s… go home.” Janus pulled the other two fae to their feet and scanned the crowd for Patton’s father. The older pixie was already on their way to them, and it didn’t take long for them to communicate it was time to go home. They walked with Virgil to the parking lot, gave him a goodbye, and started driving home.
Janus stepped inside with Patton, the cat pixie giving a tired goodbye before heading up to crash. The snake stayed for a bit, talking with Geoni. The cat pixie listened to his friend and father discuss the news from the night, before drifting off to sleep.
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riddledeep · 4 years
Vocabulary and Slang
A requested glossary for Fae slang, swears, or common vocabulary the Fae grow up with. I included some additional worldbuilding such as the counterpart kinship terms and ceremonial preening phrases as well.
Some terms in here are Gaelic, some are pulled from myth, some are just made up fantasy words. That’s kinda how I roll.
Related: Vatajasa For Beginners | Fae Court Cases
Not the ENTIRE glossary, but these are common terms Fae would recognize that humans usually wouldn’t, though they’re not exactly “slang terms.”
Cloudlength - A unit of measurement between a mile and a kilometer.
Cloudcliff - The edge of a cloud; fall or jump from the edge and you can descend planes of existence until you hit another cloud.
Core Trait - The personality trait that a corresponding set of Faedivus, Faeumbra, and Faelumen inherently share; their “central drive.”
Core-Sync - A universal force or magic that causes Anti-Fairies to mirror their counterparts in terms of being injured and mating.
Damsel - The official term for a female Fae. Adjective form: “Damseline.”
Drake - The official term for a male Fae. Adjective form: “Drakian.”
Drone - A Seelie drake, usually small, who is highly susceptible to pheromones. They generally follow gynes around and are stereotyped as obedient to a fault. Historically they have been mistreated by Fae society, and the cloudlands are currently (as in “during my fanfics”) working to improve this. Despite the name “drones,” drones are most similar to worker bees, not drone bees.
Dysolfactya - An inability to properly read pheromone cues (Dyslexia but for smell). Rupert Roebeam and the pixie Keefe are both drones with dysolfactya, making it somewhat difficult for them to navigate Fairy society. Those with dysolfactya aren’t always treated well in Fairy society, as people tend to react to them with annoyance instead of finding ways to help them.
Faedivus - The genus of Fairies and Pixies. A baby Fairy or Pixie is called a nymph.
Faelumen - The genus of Anti-Fairies. A baby Anti-Fairy is called a pup.
Faeumbra - The genus of Refracts. A baby Refract is called a chick.
Field-Sight - Fairies or Pixies who have triggered field-sight (by briefly rolling their eyes back in their heads) are able to see the colors of magic in the world around them. Things like clothing and facial features won’t show up. Humans do not appear in the energy field unless they’ve recently come in contact with a magical item or magical being. The Unseelie lack this ability.
Gyne - A large, freckled Seelie drake who projects a lot of dominant pheromones; they’re the Fairy equivalent of queen bees. Gynes are especially territorial. They develop from Fairy children who consumed a lot of jelly in the first few months of life. The Anti-Fairy counterpart of a gyne is a pilot and is born with black facial fur resembling a mustache and goatee. The Refract counterpart of a gyne is a plume and is born with long, wiry “plumes” that curl from their head like antennae.
High Count / High Countess - High positions in Anti-Fairy World that make up the executive branch of Anti-Fairy government (the Anti-Fairy Council balance their political power). Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda are the current High Count and High Countess with Foop first in line as Anti-Cosmo’s heir. The camarilla court make up their council of advisors.
Honey-Lock Instinct, The - The all-powerful magical instinct that drives Anti-Fairies to mate with the counterpart of whomever their “host” does. In preadolescents, mere feelings of attraction can incite a “mini honey-lock” of affection in their counterpart. 
Imprint - A magical being’s “personal signature” in the energy field; something like the magical version of facial features, but can be picked up on from anywhere within a close radius. Anti-Fairies use a similar system called a vocal signature to identify people.
Inrita - A chemical secreted through a gland at the roof of a brownie’s mouth. It holds no effect over them per se aside from helping them break down almost anything they put in their mouth, but inrita drains the magic from objects and some magical beings; a “closed circle of inrita” will cancel all magic in the vicinity, including causing Fairies and Pixies to “drop their lines” and start asphyxiating. Vendors often keep “inrita mud” near their wares to prevent people from magically stealing it. If inrita has any effect on genies, it’s a minuscule one. Brownies fall low on the social ladder due to how easy it is for them to kill someone. See also, Brownie-Kisser.
Instar - A Seelie Courter who still has their nymphhood exoskeleton. Typically someone under one year of age (give or take a few months) is said to be “in instar.” Poof is the exception to the rule giving how his body has been messed up by the frozen timestream. 
Iris - An Anti-Fairy with a sexually-transmitted disease that makes their eyes match their counterpart’s eyes, as opposed to default red. The STD is highly prized in Anti-Fairy society due to a history of being associated with success, leadership, wealth, and cleverness, and generally it’s kept out of the reach of the commoners. Anti-Fairies are overwhelmingly more attracted to Anti-Fairies with colored eyes than one with “default red” eyes; it’s part of their cultural upbringing.
The STD itself is known as The Iris Virus despite being a magical bacteria and not an actual virus.
The virus comes with additional unpleasant side-effects, such as loose-hanging skin, sores in the mouth, and sores around the inner thighs; these sores flare up for a week or two around the anniversary of the day you got the virus.
In Refracted society, colored eyes are a sign of shame and can cause your flock to disown you even if you were born with them through no fault of your own.
Kiff-Tie - If two Anti-Fairies in close proximity are killed, they’ll regenerate together and be fused like one creature. They do not take on a unique new form; rather, their bodies are fused together like Siamese twins. In place of the typical Valentine’s Day celebrations, it’s popular sport among Anti-Fairies to use arrows to kill snuggling couples instead.
Kiss of Frost - Will o’ the wisp saliva has the ability to paralyze the limbs; a deep enough kiss will even freeze the body to the point where it stops functioning and dies.
Luz Mala - A Fae conceived with magical assistance or through totally magical means. They tend to be very powerful and emotionally unstable, with their emotions frequently affecting the world around them. Historically luz mala are looked down upon by Fae society because of this, though some people (notably Anti-Cosmo) have made an effort to fight for their acceptance. Poof, Foop, and Juandissimo are all luz mala.
P.A.W.S. / Previously-Activated Wand System - A simple wand used to perform simple magic. This type of wand records a lot of magical information and is usually required for children doing magical homework. Parents might also want their children to use these wands so their magic usage can be tracked.
Preening - The ceremonial exchange of pheromones between two or more parties, performed by licking one another’s necks and faces. When Fairies or Pixies settle business deals, preening is often involved. In that context, preening would be professional, but it can also be an intimate (though non-sexual) gesture between two people. Preening is usually performed by drakes, though damsels are sometimes taught the gestures. Preening with someone “for fun” on a regular basis would be a sort of “bromance” relationship and a sign that you two are close, devoted friends.
Preening features prominently in many of my works that feature Fairy culture. Read more about the 24 preening signals HERE.
>> Notoriously, H.P. feels very close with both Anti-Cosmo and Jorgen because they preen regularly for political and friendly reasons. Jorgen sees his relationships with H.P. and Anti-Cosmo as strictly professional while Anti-Cosmo is rather touch-starved and treats preening as a relaxing way to unwind but not necessarily as an attempt to form an emotional bond. On some level, you could argue that Anti-Cosmo sees H.P. as his casual friend with benefits while H.P.’s vision is more of a bromance where they respect and support each other.
Refracted, The - The third class of Fae that make up a third of a Fae soul (each Fae soul consists of a Fairy, Anti-Fairy, and Fairy Refract counterpart). The Refracted are gold and white bird people, and the Refracted class overview can be found HERE. Properly they are called Fairy Refracts. When speaking of their culture, the term is “Refracted culture.” When speaking of people, the term is simply “Refracts.”
Refracts are born the opposite sex of the hosting Fairy counterpart and are always born three months after the Fairy (as opposed to Anti-Fairies who are born the first Friday the 13th after three months have passed). Their names are framed Drake Wanda and Dame Cosmo instead of Anti-Wanda and Anti-Cosmo.
Seelie Court - An umbrella term encompassing Fairies (including subspecies) and Pixies. The term “Seelie” can be used alone, such as in the phrase “I’m Seelie.” That would be an example of a slang phrase since the proper way to say it is “I’m a member of the Seelie Court.”
Sharing Magic - Fae who are near each other can pick up on one another’s attraction signals in the energy field. Sharing magic is a way of sharing signals, directing them towards one another and feeling the touch of each other’s magic. It’s sort of like cuddling (in the sense that it’s something you might do with either a romantic partner in private or a friend in public depending on your comfort level) but with magic. Sharing magic normally coincides with physical cuddling or with preening. The term might also be used if you’re giving SHAMPAX (magical CPR).
Tomte - A Fairy without the ability to channel magic. If someone tries to “go tomte,” it means they’ve injured or are considering injuring their right hand, which is the “organ” of a Fairy’s body that really channels magic. Alternatively, it may also mean that they’re trying to “go natural” and not use magic, but without injuring their hand. Refracts and Anti-Fairies are not affected by their counterparts going tomte, and injuring their hands won’t have an affect on their ability to channel magic either.
Unseelie Court - An umbrella term encompassing Anti-Fairies (including anti-pixies) as well as Refracts. The term “Unseelie” can be used alone, such as in the phrase “I’m Unseelie.” That would be an example of a slang phrase since the proper way to say it is “I’m a member of the Unseelie Court.”
Other useful worldbuilding terms that don’t count as slang either.
Claímh Solais - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: a magical sword that once belonged to King Nuada and is capable of severing the soul from the body. This treasure was bestowed upon the Fairies. It’s normally in the care of the Fairy Elder, though its theft from the Pink Castle was largely responsible for kicking off the May Blossom War. Foop is widely suspected to be the thief, though he and his family deny this.
Cloudlands, The - A term that encompasses all the magical Fae worlds. The cloudlands we see in the show are known as “The Fairy World colony” (even Anti-Fairy World falls under this term). The Fairy World (Earth) colony is distinct from the Red Retreat (Jupiter) colony, the Legend Peak (Mars) colony, and the Hawthorn Haven (Delk) colony.
Coire Dagdae - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: the bottomless cauldron of The Dagda (also called Undry). This treasure was bestowed upon the Anti-Fairies and was in the care of the High Count and High Countess at the Blue Castle until Anti-Cosmo lost it during the War of the Angels.
Elphame - The original motherland of the Fae. Fairy World is a colony of Elphame. Many Fae search for Elphame as they travel the universe, though they have not yet found it. It exists only in stories and many people (especially Anti-Fairies) do not believe it exists. You can read more about Elphame and its colonies HERE. 
Hy-Brasil - Anti-Fairy World’s official name; I named it after the mythical island said to be off the coast of Ireland, inhabited by “large black rabbits” and “a magician in a stone castle.”
Insula Solis Infintum - Anti-Pixie World’s official name; literally translated its name means “The Isle of Infinite Sunshine.” It’s an island prison and is technically part of Anti-Fairy World. Located above Rio de Janeiro.
Lia Fáil, The - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: a magical coronation stone found in Ireland. This treasure marks a neutral zone for the Fae, who respect the truce with their utmost honor.
Sleá Bua - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: Lugh’s magical peacekeeping spear. This treasure was bestowed upon the Refracts and is kept in a tower. Notably, Dame Artemis’s goal in the second half of Frayed Knots is to retrieve it.
Sprigganhame - Pixie World’s official name (shortened). Pixie World is a micronation located entirely within a single Fairy World region (the Central Star / Purple region).
Tír Ildáthach - Fairy World’s official name; “The Land of Many Colors.”
Other terms that are commonly used as slang.
Abra-Bats - A slang term for Abracadabrium batteries: a rare portable power source controlled mostly by the Pixies.
Ah’kas - A slang way to refer to preening (specifically the ceremonial / intimate part of preening). See the Ceremonial Preening Terms section below.
Attraction Signals - Various pulses automatically put out by magical beings that allow other magical beings to detect their presence. These signals are named such because they attract the energy field.
Cú Chulainn - Not exactly a common slang term, but Cú Chulainn is a very famous mythical demigod. H.P. commonly refers to Talon by this as an affectionate pet name, parly because Cú Chulainn was a very strong hero and partially because the hero was famously fostered by several fathers (since the hero’s actual father was a deity who didn’t stick around).
Dazzled - A slang term from around the time Cosmo, Wanda, their counterparts, and the pixies were growing up. Replaced “jazzed.” It means “Cool” or “Awesome.”
Finella Reflex - The name for a Seelie’s instinct to destroy their Unseelie counterpart. Strongest when an Unseelie is in a Seelie’s territory (as determined by the strength of pheromones). Also known as “cold shoulder syndrome.”
>> A widely accepted theory slowly being discredited as time goes on. Poof and Foop’s ability to co-exist as roommates has confused a lot of people who used to believe in this reflex and used it to defend their racist beliefs.
Going Dusty - A euphemism for death among the Seelie. The Anti-Fairy equivalent is “gone to smoke” while the Refracted equivalent is “gone to mist.”
Gootie-Goggling - An old-fashioned slang term for checking someone out. This phrase is out of date in modern times.
Ivywish - A common word in Anti-Fairy society in reference to the Anti-Firebox v. Ivywish case. Saying something like, “They pulled ol’ Ivywish on me” or “They went Ivywish” means, “They discriminated against me on the basis of my being an Anti-Fairy.”
Jazzed - A slang term from the time when H.P. was growing up; “That’s jazzed” means “That’s cool” or “That’s awesome.” This phrase is out of date in modern times; it was replaced by “Dazzled.”
Jacked - A slang term from the time when H.P. was growing up; “That’s jacked” means “That’s dumb” or “That’s messed up.”  This phrase is out of date in modern times; something like “That’s ridiculous” or “That’s stupid” would be more common.
Lines - Shortened from “magic lines” or “breathing lines.” When an Anti-Fairy damsel gives birth to lifesmoke, it rushes towards the primary “host” counterpart and envelops them. Poof’s counterparts (Foop and their Refract) “bound together” and “attacked” Poof at the exact same time, hence the giant cloud and the confusion of the Fairies; normally the clouds are much, much smaller.
Mint - A slang term that will crop up during Poof and Foop’s teenage years; “I’m mint” basically replaces “I’m awesome” in the future. It is also often phrased as “That’s minty.” This slang term is not used in stories that take place before Poof and Foop enter middle school, and it’s at its peak during their high school years.
Naiad - A wingless Fairy (both those born without and those whose wings have been cut off).
Prince of Destiny - A slang term for a gyne (Usually intended to be sarcastic or insulting).
SHAMPAX - CPR for the Fairykind; stands for “Sharing Magic to Prevent Asphyxiation.” Usually administered mouth to mouth, but can also be administered by mouth to an open cut in the skin.
Sugarblind - A slang term that basically translates to “blackout drunk.” Not used very often. “Sugarloaded” is more common, but if you need to specify the difference between “drunk” and “blackout drunk,” you would use this term.
Sugarloaded - The state of being “sugar-drunk” due to consuming too much candy and/or soda. The Fae are not affected by alcohol- only sugary products.
Tingle-Fritzy - A state of arousal in the Fairykind that can result from anxiety, feelings of attraction, or from being sugarloaded, for example. This term is named after the fact that a Fairy or Pixie’s magic lines will fritz in and out of contact with the energy field in this state.
Thinningcore - “Going thinningcore” is the Unseelie equivalent of going tingle-fritzy, since the Unseelie don’t have their own magic lines. Simply put, when they begin to stress, they can have difficulty “breathing”. It’s also a common side effect of Anti-Fairies being right-side-up too much. While tingle-fritziness can sometimes be associated with pleasure (“sugar high”), going thinningcore is generally considered unpleasant.
Wishbirthed - A nymph who skipped the birthing process and was wished out of their parent, and as a result ended up with a large glob of magic stuck to them. This process can be seriously risky if you don’t know your anatomy well or can’t channel sufficient power. Often used interchangeably with luz mala even though technically they shouldn’t be.
Year of Promise - The time between when fairy courtship officially begins and when one’s wings are notched; “the honeymoon phase.” In Fairy culture (mostly seen in the common fairy subspecies but sometimes seen in others), Fairies mate on the first night of official courtship and then spend a year “hands off” from each other and all other partners. When the year is over, the couple reunite and discuss their feelings. They either marry or break up (it’s very rare to continue courting without marriage after the year is up).
The common fairy subspecies takes the Year of Promise tradition extremely seriously. Ironically, despite believing in a tradition that allows the couple to freely and respectfully bail out if they fear the marriage won’t work, they are stereotyped as a subspecies that rushes relationships.
Traditionally both partners should wear a ceremonial apron and gloves in public for that entire year and should avoid touching people with their skin. 
Notably, Wanda and Juandissimo had a Year of Promise. When it was over, Juandissimo enthusiastically requested Wanda’s hand in marriage and was shocked when she turned him down.
Common casual phrases in Fae culture.
“Are you jitterlines?” - “Are you crazy?”  
“As the dragonfly skims” - As the crow flies; measures distance by wing without taking the topography of the landscape into account. This term is used by Fairies; Anti-Fairies would say “As the bat soars” and Refracts would use the crow term.
“Don’t flap your wings dustless” - “Chill out”, “Calm down.”
“I’m only [Un]Seelie” - “I’m only human.”
“Lousy-lines” - A phrase that means something like “grumpy-gus” or “Debbie downer.”
“Sheathe your wand” - In this sense, it means “Hold your horses.”
“Who brushed the dust off your wings?” - “Why are you so grumpy?”
“Will a genie’s kiss fry your lines off for a week?” - Rhetorical question given as an affirmative answer; equivalent to, “Do chickens have lips?” Stemmed from the fact that genies have so much magic in them, kissing one long enough will overload the body and cause the Fairy to fritz all lines from the energy field.
“You’re fudging your wand waves” - “You’re exaggerating.”
“You’re twirling my lines” - “You can’t be serious” / “You’re making me anxious.”
“You’re yanking my wing” - “You’re pulling my leg.”
Special terms specific to Fairy culture. These terms are always italicized since they are words from an ancient language.
Aldra mór - The dominant gyne of the local area. A very dominant gyne who visits another gyne’s territory would be visiting an aldra mór, even if the visitor is more dominant than the host.
Ex: The Head Pixie is aldra mór of Pixie World. No gyne can be aldra mór of Fairy World because it’s simply too big, but they could be aldra mór of a neighborhood or estate property.
Chéad grá - The aldra mór’s alpha retinue drone (the drone in charge of leading the retinue and overseeing fellow drones). Although not the aldra mór, he generally holds authority and you might ask him questions if the aldra mór wasn’t around.
Ex: Sanderson is chéad grá of Pixie World; he’s sort of “head butler.” The term is tied to the aldra mór’s territory; you would not greet a drone by saying “Welcome to my home, chéad grá.”
Caisleán - The main building that belongs to the aldra mór and contains his sleeping quarters. These buildings were common in hive estates, though in modern times few gynes have estates so this term might simply refer to their house. To some people, it may be taboo to enter the building if you aren’t family.
Technically, H.P.’s penthouse - not the entire building - would be classified as his caisleán in modern times.
Mhaisci - A special room where preening is performed, usually but not always separate from the bedroom. Since the bedroom is considered private, it’s nice to have a separate place where it’s a little less awkward to discuss business deals. A mhaisci might be decorated like a bedroom, but is commonly decorated as an office with a couch.
You can see a modern mhaisci in my Sims 4 build of H.P.’s penthouse HERE.
Mhalaith-chéad - Special ceremonial clothing set aside for the chéad grá and ONLY the chéad grá to wear while preening. This clothing usually resembles silver silk pajamas, though there can be some variation. It’s very taboo for a lower-ranked drone to wear this.
Tháircha - A separate living area for drones, usually containing bedrooms, bathrooms, an office space, and a living area just like any other small house. It’s traditional for all drones to share one bedroom, however, which often cuts down on rivalry (usually 4 drones max to the same bedroom). Also commonly abbreviated “tháir.”
Tekti - A guest house, separate from the caisleán. If you’re staying on a gyne’s property, this is where you would be since gynes are territorial and generally prefer not to sleep under the same roof. Modern Pixie World features the Onyx Hotel in place of a traditional tekti, which would be a more humble building.
Yidreamu - A term that means “affection site.” Traditionally, Fairies don’t mate in the same beds they sleep in and in Fairy architecture you will generally see a smaller room connected to the master bedroom. This room is also used for snuggles or simply relaxing together while reading books or watching movies (not just mating). It is also very common for a couple’s yidreamu to be some sort of cabin, boathouse, or similar vacation home instead. I built a yidreamu in Sims 4 and talked more about them in the Fairy architecture post, HERE.
Phrases used in ceremonial preening; they appear in a few Origin of the Pixies and Frayed Knots chapters but are often glossed over elsewhere. They are usually referred to as “The ah’kas.” Some of these words also appear in Mother Nature and Father Time’s sacrificial shrine song.
These phrases should always be spoken in the correct order, in ceremonial conversation form, so they are listed in order and not alphabetically. In story, these phrases are always italicized. The use of these phrases can be seen in the Origin chapter “Senseless” and the Knots chapter “Tipping Scales.”
Again, preening is part of Seelie culture due to the fact that Fairies and Pixies share their DNA with insects; preening was specifically intended to be an anthropomorphized take on eusocial insect licking behaviors. Licking to show dominance and submission is instinctive for Seelie, particularly gynes and drones. Damsels are invited to preen for business purposes but are not usually taught the motions of the full ceremony (since damsels are based on drone bees and gynes and drones are based on queen and worker bees).
Anti-Fairies and Refracts do not normally preen. It isn’t instinctive for them and is not part of their cultures (in fact, in Anti-Fairy culture / bat instincts, licking someone’s face or neck is used to signal desire for sex... which is DEFINITELY not what a Fairy means to communicate). However, some might be willing to preen if invited to by a Fairy. For example, Anti-Cosmo is willing to preen with others due to his rank as High Count and his (often crippling) belief that he’s expected to do so; however, many Fairies are uncomfortable preening with Anti-Fairies due to the cultural gap between the races.
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish cara” - “May I have your mountain?” (Body)
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish cara” - “If you will have me, you have my mountain.”
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish lámha” - “May I have your hands?”
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish lámha” - If you will have me, you have my hands.”
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish taná” - “May I have your lines?” (Breath)
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish taná” - If you will have me, you have my lines.”
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish ri’apa” - “May I have your core?” (Soul)
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish ri’apa” - If you will have me, you have my core.”
Preening is a mutual exchange of pheromones and, in full ceremony, is combined with gestures and physical touch. After offering someone your body, you are giving them consent to move closer to you (possibly on top of you or any other way they’re comfortable with that allows them a better angle to lick your neck).
As the ceremony advances, partners gradually share magic with one another, aligning their magical signals until their breathing is in sync. After agreeing to the fourth level - the core level - partners consent to transition to a mutual magical state where they can meld minds. This can be seen in some of my works, such as the Origin of the Pixies chapters “From Straw to Gold” and “King Unconventional.”
In business deals, you can also ask a “fifth” question and would replace the last word with the request you are asking for. For example, “utwrisa” which means “your aid and concern.”
The submissive preening partner (the drone or person seeking aid) initiates the questions and movements; only they have the authority to advance the ceremony in order to signal consent and hopefully limit the chance of abuse. The submissive partner only advances the ceremony as far as they are willing to go. It is common to stop after the first question when preening for the sake of settling a business deal (if you even ask a question at all... in modern times, many business deals are settled with a handshake or a few quick and simple licks). Some professional relationships may progress to the second question (hands), and even to the third (lines).
It is rare to advance to the fourth question (core) in a professional relationship. Much of the confusion between H.P. and Anti-Cosmo regarding the status of their relationship comes from the fact that H.P. repeatedly insisted to Anti-Cosmo that preening is “strictly professional” but did not make clear that the melding mind stage is generally treated in Fairy culture as a sign of great trust, friendship, and intimacy.
Thus, H.P. tends to see their relationship as more intimate and trusting than Anti-Cosmo does (which plays into why H.P. teases Anti-Cosmo so much, believing he and Anti-Cosmo are very close although in reality, Anti-Cosmo is often flustered or offended by his jokes).
As another example, the relationship between H.P. and Jorgen constantly slides up and down, with both parties feeling comfortable with one another and happily progressing to the mind-melding stage of preening one day, but bitterly refusing to progress farther than the first stage the next.
Their comfort level changes rapidly, but is at least always clear to them unlike Anti-Cosmo, who is constantly confused and hurt if H.P.’s comfort with him doesn’t remain at max at all times.
Anti-Cosmo's self-esteem will take a hit if H.P. doesn’t allow him to complete the full ceremony every time they preen while H.P. believes he is simply communicating “I like you, I’m just not in the mood for going further.” Jorgen gets it because this is Seelie culture, but Anti-Cosmo is easily confused.
If you wish to stop the ceremony immediately (but respectfully), you would say “Shri'ana vi scintu.”
So, if someone asked “May I have your core?” you could reply with a phrase that roughly means “No thank you, the current situation feels right and I don’t want to progress” without the harshness of a simple “No.” H.P. is notorious for flat-out saying “No” instead of the proper phrase, which often insults or confuses the people he preens with.
Swears, slurs, or otherwise unprofessional language.
Blitz - Not a particularly nice word at all and generally considered the ultimate rude term (though it can be combined with other terms to be even ruder). “Blitz” can also refer to mating, especially mating quickly or carelessly.
“Snatterblitz” would actually be the ULTIMATE rude term.
H.P. uses the word “Blitz” frequently, though he tries not to use it in professional settings. Despite his best attempts, it commonly slips out when he’s around Jorgen or Anti-Cosmo, who sometimes sit in awkward silence. 
H.P. becomes flustered when he hears young children (pixie children in particular) use this word. If your kid overhears him and begins repeating it, it’s one of the few things he’ll immediately and sincerely apologize for.
Though it’s frowned upon to use this term in Fairy World, it’s EXTREMELY frowned upon in Anti-Fairy World. Anti-Fairy culture is rooted in the idea that friendship and passion, not selfish personal pleasure, should be the reason you engage in sexual activity.
“Blitz” implies very casual behavior with the goal of quick personal pleasure, and clashes harshly with Anti-Fairy values. An Anti-Fairy who states that he or she enjoys “blitzing” would be shunned.
Brownie-Kisser - A slur with its roots in the idea that brownies as a race are naturally dumb and shy and easily taken advantage of. Someone with a brownie for a significant other is often viewed as not being able to “get anyone better”; a “brownie-kisser” is often viewed as desperate, slutty, or even a rapist.
Despite the fact that this term is blatantly racist and cruel, it’s unfortunately still quite common in Fairy society (and so is bias against brownies in general). A more extreme term is “brownie-blitzer.”
This slur is practically non-existent in Anti-Fairy World. Anti-Fairies don’t mind brownies and it would only be used as an insult to a Fairy’s face, not as gossip behind anyone’s back.
Dust / Smoke / Vapor - Fae turn to either dust, smoke, or vapor when they die. These terms are sometimes used as exclamations, such as “Smoofing dust,” “Good smoke,” or “Dear vapor.” Fairies use “Dust,” Anti-Fairies “Smoke, and Refracts “Vapor.” These terms are considered very mild and are usually used in place of “Curses!” or “Drat!”
Fez - A mild exclamation in Genie culture. May also come in the variation “fezzing.” This term is rarely used by non-Genies. If you hear that word, someone nearby is probably a genie in disguise or hangs around genies often. Despite being a mild Genie word, Happy Peppy Gary considers it to be worse than it is and tends to use it if he’s frustrated and his usual “freaking-deaking” doesn’t cover it.
Fritz - The state of magic lines rapidly disconnecting and reconnecting to the energy field.
“Fritz” is less extreme than “Blitz” and “Snatter” but more extreme than “Smoof.” I would say it’s equivalent to “Damn” if used as an exclamation. It can also be used in casual conversation when referring to breathing lines, since that’s the appropriate context to use it in.
Knotted-Lined - A very cruel way to call someone an idiot. Widely considered a slur that should no longer be used at all.
Even H.P. (who is known to use “Blitz” regularly) avoids using this term unless he is EXTREMELY upset with someone.
If I recall correctly, this term is only used in the Origin of the Pixies chapter “The Makings of Greatness.” It probably slips out when he’s drunk with his friends though.
Smoof - Mild curse word; Norm and Sanderson have both used it in canon. With smoof canonically being a reference to hemp, I’ve headcanoned it as being a plant that can be used for various things, such as making burlap sacks. Notably, Happy Peppy Gary uses this term since he’s spent so much time around Pixies, which often earns him strange looks from humans.
This is a very mild term and is the equivalent of “Shoot” or “Darn.” If you can catch yourself then it would still be better not to use this term in a professional environment, but most people probably wouldn’t bat an eye if they heard it. It is commonly used as an adjective to emphasize frustration with a situation (“Smoofing”).
Snatter - Not a nice name to call someone; sometimes strung together as “snattersmoof.” The exact definition falls somewhere between “brown-noser,” “cheat,” “submissive partner,” “lovable scamp,” and “female dog.”
Both Sanderson and Anti-Sanderson tend to use this one a lot. It’s more extreme than “Fritz” but still not as extreme as “Blitz.”
A similar word, vlakrina, exists in the traditional Anti-Fairy language (Vatajasa). However, Anti-Fairies view a vlakrina as “a person who humbly intends to dote on you to express genuine apology as though they were your devoted sexual servant” rather than the Fairy view of a snatter which is something like “a person who is alluring or submissive because it turns them on or because you hired them to act this way.”
Calling someone “snatter” is pretty much always meant to be insulting while calling someone “vlakrina” could be a compliment akin to “You are extremely humble.”
The traditional terms used to describe relationships with counterparts, from Gaelic kinship terms.
These traditional words fell out of fashion in the cloudlands during the War of the Sunset Divide (causing most Fae to use terms like “Niece” and “Nephew” to refer to their counterpart’s children) but the terms make a comeback as Poof and Foop enter adulthood. You would put a possessive word like “My,” “Our,” or “Their” in front of these terms, which are lowercase and italicized in story.
These words are very useful for Fae who regularly have contact with their counterparts’ families. Poof understands them because Wanda’s side of the family is firmly rooted in Fairy traditions, including language, though he rarely uses them because he’s still reluctant to acknowledge Foop’s family as “his” family. Foop, being a smug know-it-all, likes to use these terms but has a hard time remembering what they mean and tends to mix them up.
“My counterpart(s)” - Mhuintir
“The brother of my counterpart” - Deantháir
“The sister of my counterpart” - Deirfiúr
“The spouse / committed partner of my counterpart” - Ceathar
“The partner of my counterpart” - Muirnīn (Generally used for a boyfriend, girlfriend, or similar partner who can’t be called a spouse)
“The counterpart of my father” - Uncail
“The counterpart of my mother” - Aintin
“The son of my counterpart” - Nia [Generally implies the child was raised by them; might not apply to a blood child who was given up for adoption but definitely applies to anyone adopted into the family]
“The daughter of my counterpart” - Neacht [Same as above]
“The grandson of my counterpart” - Garmhac
“The granddaughter of my counterpart” - Gariníon
“The father of my counterpart” - Athair
“The mother of my counterpart” - Máthair
“The grandfather of my counterpart” - Seanathair
“The grandmother of my counterpart” - Seanmháthair
“My biological son raised by my counterpart” - Mac
“My biological daughter raised by my counterpart” - Iníon
“The children of me and my counterpart(s), collectively” - Leanbh
Those are the kinship terms; on some level, these people are considered your extended family even if they are a different species. Fairies believe that counterparts share a soul, making them closely related. Because of this, Fairies shun romantic relations with anyone in the above kinship list (though it is widely agreed that it’s natural to develop a crush on your counterpart’s love interest).
Anti-Fairies, however, traditionally believe themselves to be a completely separate species who were originally shapeshifters but later took on forms to resemble people they grew fond of. They believe they are not related to Fairies by blood or soul, but are akin to “guardian angels.” Because of this, most Anti-Fairies would consider it acceptable to have romantic relations with their counterpart or their counterpart’s relatives.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents masterpost
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queenofcandynsoda · 5 years
FOP AU: Andrew
Name: Andrew
Age: Immortal
Occupation(s): Heir of Pixie INC
Aliases: Andy (Nickname)
Friend(s): Lil’ Summer Maiden (Crush), Poof, Timmy, Blue Fairy, Head Pixie, Sanderson, other pixies
Interest(s): Having fun, playing with Summer, parties, activities, cookies
Relatives: Head Pixie (adoptive father)
Appearance: Andrew looks like the childish version of a pixie but with auburn hair. He also wears a pair of glasses as well as a missing baby tooth.
Pixie: Andrew wears the standard suit for the pixies but meant for a child.
First Fairy Disguise: Not knowing how to dress like a fairy, Andrew wears colorful rags around him along with paint. This causes him to look like if an unicorn vomit rainbows on him.
Second Fairy Disguise: After understanding of how fairies dressed, Andrew wears a green shirt with teal designs. His pants are black with blue designs. His boots are also black.
Andrew is the heir of Pixie Inc and the adoptive son of H.P. What makes him different from the other Pixies are that he has wings, wants to have fun and the ability to express non-stoic emotions. He doesn’t enjoy the boring work culture of Pixie Inc. When he’s not in lessons, Andrew would pretend to be a fairy and go to the fairy world to have fun. Andrew often plays with Summer since they met on her sunflower field. He attends Spellementary Kindergarten with Poof and Foop with the other magical children. The only ones who know of his true nature are Blue Fairy and Nero. He is very fond of cookies, especially chocolate chip.
Andrew is the FIRST Pixie ever born with the wings after thousands of years and the Pixies are extra protective of him. As they still don’t trust fairies, especially Fairy Royals and Council. However, they do trust one fairy, which is Blue Fairy. Without the knowledge of the other pixies, Andrew often plays with Summer, even going as far to pretend to be a fairy to meet her. They would spend long hours together on EXTREME activities. He is VERY intimidated by Nero despite him not scaring the young pixie on purpose. He also likes Blue Fairy due to her nice and maternal demeanor. Although he doesn't like fairies, Head Pixie has some degrees of caring towards Andrew. Sanderson often act as his butler. He is in charge of scheduling Andrew’s lessons too. Although Andrew is often bored of it. Andrew stay in Timmy’s treehouse to visit or sleepover with Poof and Summer. He is also one, with the exception of Nero and Blue Fairy, to know about Summer’s bracelet that prevents her from sleeping outside of summer. When they were playing, Andrew accidentally pulls out Summer’s bracelet in the spring, causing her to fall asleep. When he puts it back on, she woke up. That causes him to realize her weakness, causing him to prevent the other pixies and anti-fairies to know about it. He even went as far to hide the bracelet from them, allowing him to hide a sleeping Summer. While he has little interest in taking the business, he sees that he is the only one to be the next CEO to stop the tensions between pixies and fairies and to be with Summer.
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Winx Alt Con Season 02 Recap:
Previously: season 01, Weeks 9.2, 10/11, 12, 13, 14
Week 15: Episodes 212, 213, (partial) 214, 215
With two out of four magical macguffins missing, The Winx convince a few of the older students to help them train after classes. One of the students wants them to focus on thinking outside the square, using what they know from a sideways perspective.
She takes them down to the Magical Reality Chamber and sends them in, telling them to trying finding new ways to combine their powers, every trick they have in their arsenal, is one step further away from defeat.
Plus it's a great way to learn things you didn't know about your abilities.
With the pixies watching from the control room, the older student boots up the MRC.
The Winx are faced with an unusual, and somewhat hostile world, their enemy though, is a single large beast. The girls begin by flinging magic at it, but the monster only grows in size.
They dodge its attacks while they strategize, coming up with an idea that might work. Remembering what they'd been told about magical and physical immunities rarely overlapping, the girls swap in and out, distracting the monster while the build a titan of their own to beat the monster in combat.
Aisha crafts the body's base out of morphix, Flora gives it a skeletal system of wood and vines, adding in some hair just because it happened that way. Stella gives it eyes to see, Tecna and Bloom give it a brain and free will/intuition, and then Musa steps in.
The fairy of music gives the titan the ability to hear and speak, but Musa can also hear discord in their titan's being. She steps up and finds a way to harmonize the various magics, so the titan doesn't fall apart.
Once complete, the titan goes on the offensive and beats the monster soundly, ending the simulation.
The older student runs the simulation applauds them, then asks what they plan to do with their new friend, since the titan hasn't dissolved. Uncertain, the group calls down Faragonda, who takes several moments to be flabbergasted by what the girls have done, creating an artificial, magical life form. (not unheard of, but not typically first year magic, even by accident.)
The titan, being both sentient and sapient, is alive, and none of the fairies want to kill it/her, so Faragonda offers to let the titan stick around and figure out what she wants to do.
(The titan later takes up the name Titania, and can often be seen playing with Kiko and the pixies, or helping Knut maintain the grounds around Alfea.)
 Later in the week, Bloom finds Faragonda and talks to her about the break in at her mother's flower shop several weeks prior. Vanessa has gotten in contact with Bloom because a court date is coming up. Bloom is hoping to get the day off to be with her mother for it. Faragonda allows it, as long as Bloom doesn't go alone.
(Bloom mentions Earth's/California's truancy laws, and Faragonda writes up several 'day passes' for Bloom and the Winx.)
Musa and Tecna decline going, mentioning they've been talking with some people from Magix and the other schools, and have decided to help out with the concert the Magix council wants to host, to celebrate the last of the repairs in the city. (things go a lot faster with magical assistance.)
Aisha volunteers her assistance with the concert, and Bloom wishes them luck. Stella says she would help, but she wants to support Bloom, the girls agree Stella can step in later, and that supporting their friend is important too. Flora chooses to go with Bloom and Stella to Earth. The pixies all choose to stick with their respective fairies.
 On Earth, the trio of fairies spend the day with Vanessa, who is thrilled to meet Flora, a fellow plant lover. The girls are confused to realise Vanessa and Mike (who is also there to support his wife during the trial) can't see the pixies, until Stella gives them 'clarity of vision', an ability she learnt from her mother, who comes from a line of seers.
Random children they pass though, seem to have no trouble seeing the pixies, and the girls file that away to think about later.
 In Magix, the group of students and council members for Magix meet to discuss the concert. During the repairs, the governing body of Magix took the opportunity to upgrade some infrastructure, including an outdoor theatre, and they'd like to open it with a concert to commemorate the lost, and celebrate moving forward.
The group discus some things they'd like to do for the concert, and move their meeting to the new amphitheatre, to get a feel for the space.
Unbeknownst to the group, Stormy has grown bored waiting around for Darkar and Icy to come up with a new plan for finding the pixie village, (since he, apparently, has a plan already in play for Alfea) and has gone out by herself to wreak some havoc.
She stumble across the concert group in Magix, and decides to rain on their parade by summoning up a destructive storm.
At first, the group don't pay much attention to the sudden rain, beyond noting the oddly sudden change in the weather. It's not until it gets intense enough to start pulling signs from their foundations that someone realises the storm is very localised.
By this time, the wind is too much for any of them to fly through, and they can't find the source of the storm, so Musa suggests weather magic, reminding the other fairies of their first lecture with Avalon.
Musa summons a small hand drum, sets a beat and starts dancing, Aisha and Tecna falling into step, with the other Alfea students present joining in soon after. As the weather starts to lose intensity, the witches, heroes and even the council members begin to copy the fairies movements. Soon the storm begins to die down, then fall apart.
With the storm dissipated, Stormy appears before them, and in a fit of rage, hurls a bolt of lighting at the group, but Musa bring her drum up and strikes it, letting loose an unbelievable crash like thunder, causing the lightning to explode on itself midstrike, flinging the Trix back through the sky.
With a snarl she disappears, and everyone turns to Musa, who seems shocked at what she's just done. When asked how she did that, Musa can only shake her head and admit that she doesn't know, that she just felt 'very powerful in that moment.'
Riven, who was there to pilot the Red Fountain students, and had been the first of the heroes to join in, posits that as the fairy of music, maybe she'd been empowered by the 'anti-rain dance' and its accompanying song, since they'd all been acting in concert to the music Musa had provided on the drum. The group agree that's about as likely as any other explanation, and the very grateful council members get the group back on track for the concert, as soon as they put out an alert for Stormy with the local law enforcement.
 On Earth, after the trial wraps up, Mike and Vanessa take the trio of fairies and their pixies out for pizza, and ask the girls how school has been going. They are aware of the siege and Darkar, thanks to phone calls with Bloom, but hearing it in person makes it more real.
Bloom also, hesitantly and for the first time, tells her parents about Daphne and their shared parentage. She begins rambling as she tries to explain, and she just keeps talking trying to get it all out, and then a secret slips out amidst the verbal vomit.
Bloom is scared and confused and worried and lost. Her sense of identity has taken a hit, and between Bloom Peters, Earth girl, and Pyra, lost princess of Domino, she isn't sure who she is any more. Part of her wants to embrace her lost heritage, but part of her is afraid embracing it will mean loosing her Earth identity, her Earth family.
Her parents comfort her immediately, letting her know that no matter what, she will always be part of their family, and that Daphne, ghostly or otherwise, is welcome as well, they won't make her choose.
Flora tells Bloom, that she has a few truths about her: Bloom is a kind person, a great leader, and an artistic soul, but before anything else, she is their friend, she just needs to find something about herself that doesn't change, and start from there, no matter how long it takes, they'll be there while she figures herself out.
Stella agrees completely, pressing herself bodily and magically against Bloom in a hug that lets the fire fairy feel the love and support Stella had for her.
Surrounded by their love, Bloom finds peace within herself, a certainty of self she'd lost somewhere along the way.
Her magic surges and blossoms, and her Charmix materialises.
Which leads to a whole new round of celebration. (after a lengthy explanation of fairy levels and transformations and such, and why this was such a big deal.)
 That night, back at Alfea, the group catches up, and Bloom decides she'll begin writing and drawing a 'memoir' of sorts for her parents, so they can share in the adventures she's had.
In the meantime, the girls talk about the concert for Magix.
Given the reason for the concert, the heads of the schools allow the students to have half days in order to be ready for the weekend, since the Magix council want the concert to take place as soon as possible, to show the Magical Dimension they're back on their feet.
Riven makes an effort to help behind the scenes, as part of his 'I need to unlearn how to be an arsehole' self improvement project. He and Musa discover they get along pretty well, having quite a few things in common, like the fact they both have scholarships to their respective schools.
Musa, having heard the whole story of 'why Riven is the way he is', has helped come up with a few tricks (mostly specific hand signs) so that the group (the Winx and Specialists) can tell Riven he's being an arsehole, without actually being confrontational.
(The most used hand sign is 'run that by me again,' which is for moments when Riven says something super offensive or just outright annoying, and the group want to be sure he knows what he said wrong, and that he meant it. Most of the time it turns out he's just worded something badly and it's come out ruder than he intended. It goes a long way to helping group unity, and they find themselves using the signs for other team members, not just Riven.)
For the closing act, Musa and a few other students, and volunteers from Magix, write a song about the unity between the very different groups.
Stella helps organise the wardrobes, Tecna runs a team in charge of the electronics, and Aisha gets right into helping the dancers, one of whom is Mirta. (Musa has been unanimously voted In Charge of the project as their resident Fairy of Music, but also as the only person who has any experience in setting up a concert from scratch.) Bloom and Flora find places and people to help out amidst the preparations.
 The evening of the concert arrives, all the performers are nervous, they've done the best they could in the time they had, and they all plan to give it their all.
Musa has an additional reason to be nervous however, she's invited her father to come watch the performance. Musa is trying to show her father how much music means to her, not just because of her mother, but because music is who she is.
When the concert starts though, Musa and the other performers set their worries aside so they can give their best possible performances.
The show gets off to a great starts, all the acts go flawlessly, but as the evening progresses, dark clouds begin to gather over head, and thunder rumbles across the sky. When Musa steps on stage during the later half of the concert, a bolt of lightning strikes the stage, causing several of the lights and speakers to explode. Musa is flung across the stage, and in the crowd, her friends are scared, but the fairy of music gets back up quickly.
From the darkness overhead, Stormy descends, her Gloomix glowing an unusually bright, and menacing red.
Stormy calls Musa out for what happened a few days prior, saying that how ever Musa managed to fight her off, it won't happen again. Amongst the crowd, in strategic locations for just this scenario, fairies, witches and wizards bring up shields to protect the crowd. With the number of civilians in the area, there aren't a lot of people free to combat Stormy. Musa loudly declares that she beat Stormy before, and she can do it again.
Stormy proceeds to trounce her for several minutes before Riven manages to get close enough to Mirta to call out a plan to her. Mirta smirks and casts illusions all throughout the crowd, lyrics and the music for their concert's final song.
The Winx, and the members of the concert who were there for the last confrontation, realise what Riven is planning, and start singing, making music with hands and feet and instruments, and focusing on Musa. As the rest of the crowd looks at the music makers and the lyrics in confusion, Riven sprints through the masses, calling out for people to sing, that Musa if the Fairy of Music.
An older man vaults onto the stage and settles himself down in front of the piano, joining the song. At the back of the crown, a young woman with a long, pale blonde ponytail summons a small orchestra of instruments and helps out as well. (spoiler alert, it's Galatea.)
Musa feels the power swelling up inside her, and quickly turns the tide of battle.
Stormy is enraged as she is beaten back again, by the fairy, and attempts to summon a powerful lightning elemental.
On stage the man at the piano calls out in fear for Musa, who turns to him and asks for him to trust her, because this is who she is.
They share a moment as he agrees, and Musa feels like she's pushed through an obstacle she didn't even realise she was trying to overcome. A bright light flares on her chest and around her waist as her Charmix finally manifests, multiplying her powers even further.
She wraps Stormy in a bubble of percussive force, the elemental she was attempting to call falls to pieces, and the witch's ears start to bleed, her screams swallowed up by Musa's unrelenting display of power.
With no other recourse, Stormy teleports out.
The crowd cheers, and despite the near disaster, the show goes on, with even more energy than before.
(At Alfea, the students who stayed at the school and watched the concert on tv all break out into cheers as well. In the Headmistress's office, Faragonda and Griselda share a look and break out their celebratory alcohol for a single victory shot each... before writing up a pardon for Musa for classes since the girl will be recovering from her power boost for a few days. (The more a fairy boosts her powers above her normal level, the longer she has to sleep it off.))
Musa rides the high until the last song, which everyone sings along to now that they know the words. Musa has just enough time after the final curtain call to talk to her dad (the man at the piano) before she passes out.
Musa's dad sees his daughter and her friends back to Alfea, before he returns home to Melody.
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
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"Now, shoulders back- and stand up tall! And do not walk, but try to float!" (x)
New 130 Reasons Why I’m Fairy Trash update today!
Fairly OddParents || One-Shot - “I Just Live Here”
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Find more Lavender Train story arc HERE
It's spring break for the Spellementary School kids. Poof, Finley, and Foop visit their extended family for the holidays- Poof with Granddad Dusty ("Big Daddy") and all his Fairywinkle cousins, Foop with his grandmother, and Finley with...
... Well. I guess H.P.'s just putting him to work. That's Pixie life for ya.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
By the way... FFN keeps saying that it won't send me more emails because apparently my email is rejecting them and no matter how many fixes I attempt, it's not sticking.
If you would like to leave a review, I'd prefer you leave it on AO3 because I'm confident I'll get an email that I can respond to, but you can still leave reviews on the FFN story if you wish!
125. I Just Live Here (Immediate sequel to "Scarred")
Wednesday May 6th, 2005
Year of Sky, Spring of the Silent Owls
Poof Fairywinkle-Cosma
"Now approaching Starglint Town. Please prepare to disembark in the next five minutes. If you've enjoyed your local public transportation system, consider supporting returning candidate Mortikor Fern as Pink Robe in the next Fairy Council election. Thank you for flying with Rainbow Transit Services and have a magical day."
I've heard that message (with different drop-off points subbed in) so many times in the past four hours, I kind of wanna barf. And even if I did, I could probably recite it several times myself on the way to the nearest clinic. I'll be glad when this bus ride is over. I feel like it's been four weeks since I left the Spellementary dorms.
There's a good reason as to why it's taken so long. Starglint Town lies at the edge of the Fairy World Outskirts, basically kissing the border with Anti-Fairy World… separated from it only by Emper: a scraggly little town on the floating island that's just come into view up ahead. Emper isn't much to look like. There's a park with cool statues from the old days, plus a cute grocery store where they hand out free sugar cookies to kids. My dad takes me to get one every time we visit Mama Cosma, but there isn't much else that's interesting. Starglint Town is where all the action is, from libraries to community centers to toy stores and pizza shops.
Granddad Dusty's property is smack between the two. Everyone in Emper calls him Big Daddy and they treat him with so much respect, I always wonder if my family are under some kind of secret government protection just because our counterparts rule Anti-Fairy World. I mean, it doesn't sound too far-fetched when you think about it for a while. I know a lot of people dislike the Anti-Fairywinkles, but I hope most of them realize that if we knocked them out of power, it wouldn't be the end of that kind of leadership in Anti-Fairy World. Someone else would just rise up to take over, and they could be even worse than Anti-Cosmo is now.
I don't even think Anti-Cosmo is that bad, but if I say that, people will freak out at me and shower me in questions about whether or not I remember getting kidnapped as a newborn. I don't, but… that doesn't mean I want to hear about it over and over again. I wish more people would respect my boundaries and ask me first before they talk about it… Not just dump the whole kidnapping thing on my head any time I want to have a polite and reasonable conversation about Fairy World history, geography, or politics.
Maybe instead of screaming about how H.P. and Anti-Cosmo are evil fiends who went off the deep end and can never be forgiven because they kidnapped a baby and tried to springboard off my magic to rule the universe, we could, I dunno… ask ourselves why the current state of the universe isn't working for them? There's gotta be some reason they feel like they're doing the right thing for their people by pushing back against the Fairies. They're still people, right?
Or if you want to look at this from another angle, why do Anti-Fairy World and Pixie World even have corrupt leaders in the first place? Do people support them? If they don't, then why don't their people support Fairy World? Are we the crueler of two evils in their eyes? We should change that. We should figure out how to fix it.
And if Pixies and Anti-Fairies do support their leaders, maybe we should ask ourselves why. Are they being brainwashed by hateful propaganda? My school's always teaching us that Anti-Fairies are behind all that's bad in the universe, so we're using propaganda too.
Do Pixies and Anti-Fairies support their leaders because they care about their people, use their taxes wisely, and keep everyone fed, sheltered, and clothed? That sounds okay to me. Next topic: Why aren't Anti-Cosmo and Foop's dad in jail for all those other times they tried to take over Fairy World? If the answer to that is "their worlds will fall apart if they don't stay in power, plunging the universe into chaos," then maybe they're actually great leaders and aren't so bad after all.
Just a thought. Politics are probably more complicated than I think they are, but that's just me.
I've never worried about repeat kidnapping when I'm at home with my parents, apart from maybe one time that Timmy's Dad snuck into his room and stole our fishbowl for Mr. Crocker. At school, I feel safe in the hands of the faculty and their magical wards. Yeah, Mr. Crocker might be my teacher now and he really is as wacky and distractible as Timmy always said he was, but he's not allowed within twenty feet of our dorms.
My classmates don't always respect our cohort's RA, but I'm pretty sure Gary would mess Crocker the freak up if he ever tried peering through our windows. Gary and Crocker are both witches, but Gary's 1.56% genie with minor reality-bending powers to prove it, while Crocker's about thirteen generations down from his magical ancestor with nothing to show for it but the ability to float. I know who I'd bet money on in that fight.
Foop and I tried sneaking out one time when it was late and we wanted fruit snacks from the vending machine, and that's how I found out that Gary can just snap his fingers and summon clones of himself. I don't leave my room after curfew anymore.
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