#Snazzy sequel son
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fountainpenguin · 6 months ago
So I was rereading your lore on witches in your riddledeep au and um.
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Would this technically make Dev a witch??? lol. He also freebies a pizza across a digital title card that episode too.
😂 Y'know, it's funny you say that because for the past month, I've been wondering if anyone was going to ask me if Dale or Dev are witches. I don't know why I was wondering that, but it's been clinging to me. I couldn't think of a way to bring up "btw, they're not witches in my work" without it feeling weird.
My witch lore for context
Dale and Dev can specifically not be witches under my lore even if I wanted them to be, even if I were following a headcanon where the Dimmadomes get around the XYZ chromosome sterility through clones, because of something extremely specific that also exists in my lore that I cannot go back on.
Magic Colors
So, I have a whole magic system set up around the colors of magic. There are 6 possible colors in the OG series- 5 of which are represented on the Rainbow Bridge, 4 of which are represented on the Fairy Council, and 2 of which are extremely rare.
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I gave the Fairy Elder (namedropped in "Timmy's Secret Wish") yellow robes, thus tying the Fairy Council together.
Each magic color has a meaning associated with the mood or thought pattern behind magic use. I drew my original inspiration from the colors Timmy's brain turns when Poof's controlling his body in "He Poofs, He Scores."
For those interested, my Colors of Magic post (From May 2016, but has screenshots) & my worldbuilding sideblog's post on magic colors (Cleaned-up lore with no pictures). Short version below:
Red is an extremely uncommon magic color, though we see it when Foop is fighting Cosmo and Wanda in "Playdate of Doom" and when Wanda jumpstarts Timmy's heart in "Yoo-Doo." It's the color I associate with life and death magic. So, y'know... Foop is very okay.
There's also indigo (used by Juandissimo in "Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary"), which I consider a subset of blue.
Green is also extremely rare. Notably, it's the color Foop's magic slowly starts to turn throughout "Scary Godcouple"- He started off with blue, but sours to green in one of the only appearances we see of green in the entire series.
But you know what commonplace color we don't see?
In my lore, orange-haired magic users (both Fae and genies) are the equivalent of shiny Pokémon. Even two orange magic-users don't normally have orange offspring- They produce yellows and reds.
And the thing is... I've already set up Happy Peppy Gary to be the only orange witch in my lore. In fact, I have a WIP multi-chapter 'fic about Gary getting discovered by H.P. and Anti-Cosmo, who lose their minds when they realize what he is (Pink and Gray).
Shout-out to one of my favorite dialogue exchanges I've ever written, from H.P. trying to sus Gary out as genie-descended:
H.P. brought his hand up to fiddle with his glasses. "Okay. Completely random get-to-know-you question. By any chance, are you afraid of small spaces?" "Deathly. Why?"
And Dale is Gary's age - in the same city where the Pixies dropped Gary and Betty after taking them in - which means if he WAS an orange witch, he would've been clocked so hard, so fast. Also, since I'm going the route of H.P. being Dale's godfather, there's no way he wouldn't have noticed even though Dale was MIA for years.
Fun Fact! Gary and Juandissimo are "related!" Juandissimo was finger-snapped into existence by Gary's ancestor, Crimsona. He's arguably a great-great-great-great uncle (5 generations up from Gary). In Cloudlands AU, Gary's middle name is actually Juandissimo! That's because Juandissimo's been assigned to godparent to this family several times (We met Gary's dad and grandmother, Quincy and Eunice, in Baby, You're a Rich Man; Sanderson matches Eunice's name to Juandissimo's in Chapter 10 while looking through godkid files).
Anyway, I COULD have witch genes passed down through Dev's mom's side of the family (Leadlys in my headcanon), but that comes with its own issues: if Leadly had XYZ chromosomes, he can't have Hadley, and I'm not going back on that. I could make his wife a witch, but that STILL has issues.
In my 'fics I play Ed Leadly as a guy who's looking for magical creatures (hence him being willing to drop 17 million dollars on someone else's dog in "Dog Gone"). I have literally shown him onscreen holding a witch-detecting compass that points to Gary (in "Opportunity"). There is no way he would not have clocked his ex as a witch, sldkfj...
Closing Comments
Dale and Dev are some of the only characters in my universe who are absolutely confirmed to not be witches, despite how much I have actually wondered if it would be fun to portray them as such.
I don't have a lore reason for the visual gags in that episode- I sadly have to clock it up to random cartoon silliness akin to Jenkins exploding into pieces when Jasmine sings in "Fly" (or Hazel also falling apart or exploding when people expressed crushes on her in "Multiverse of Jenkins").
In my lore, I actually do have Gary set up to be able to pass his witch powers to people he kisses (Because I thought it would be funny if that's why Betty is taller in some scenes than others; yes, I am that pedantic and it makes Betty's "But I don't like you like that" line exponentially funnier), but I've established that only genie-descended witches can pass powers... That doesn't make sense for Dev in this episode either.
Technically all the fluids can pass magic, so a blood transfusion would make Dev "a permanent false witch" if I wanted to do that, but I'm not gonna bother when again, we have people exploding in this show as a gag. Cursed gags I cannot touch with lore 😔
If anyone else makes the Dimmadomes witches, I'd be totally down to read that. I think it would be extremely funny if Dale Dimm was also a witch despite sentencing Alden Bitterroot to 350+ years of clawing his way out of Dimmsdale's well for witch crimes, but my AUs have pretty firmly locked Dale and Dev out of that option.
Riddleverse Design Facts
Here's another fun fact for any new followers who don't know I do this: I draw witches with spirals in their hair! Pics under the cut due to length:
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Crocker has his in the back and Kevin has his on top!
You could TOTALLY make an argument that Leadly's spiral is in his mustache
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Also, it's a very good thing I do this- I joked in the past that Gary and Dev look eerily similar (even sharing lots of body language), so it's nice to have things like freckles and a hair spiral I can fall back on.
I'm VERY happy with my adult Dev design, but I definitely kept freckles and hair spirals away from him, haha. Sneak peek of him next to his mom:
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Note- Spiral headcanon excludes H.P., who has a unique family cowlick I gave him before doing this for witches. Poof doesn't count either since he's under Fae Get Alphabet Hair rules:
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Whistle and Anti-Whistle [Soren] (at the bottom) are some of my favorite designs... I can't get over his upside-down W hair sldkfj.
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But Wanda and Anti-Wanda having completely different Ws is another favorite thing. I'm especially proud of Dusty's little D tuft.
I'm not sure why Smoky ended up with what looks like an F (unless it's a T since he was Talon before Talon was Talon), but I remember doing a lot of designs for him. Sometimes I don't commit to alphabet hair if letters are hard (Soren's top zigzag is meant to be an S, which is a very hard letter to incorporate, and I think I didn't want Smoky and Soren to have the same one). I've been wanting to redesign Smoky a bit, so I'll probably fix it then.
Goldie's is subtle and you can see it better in some drawings than others, but she has M hair because her full name is Marigold :)
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I should probably re-add her middle tuft to her official sideblog art, whoops.
Also, if this is how someone is finding out Poof and Foop literally were designed with alphabet hair, I have wonderful news for you. Fun fact, the "Anti-Poof" storyboard portrays Foop with a square spiral instead! It was the final detail of his design.
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unclefungusthegoat · 4 years ago
My comprehensive but not so comprehensive thoughts after finishing Ghost of Tsushima (spoilers!)
I’m going to put this under a read more because I have a lot of thoughts. I think I’d give it an 8/10 and I’m throwing out a definite cry to the universe to please give it a sequel! Just my opinions, of course!
Things I liked/loved:
JIN SAKAI - A king. An icon. A precious bean who needed to be hugged and protected. I need at least two more games of him tbh. Give me Jin in Kyoto. Give me the Ghost elsewhere in Japan, maybe even over in Mongolia or China. I need to know just what Jin does now that he’s no longer samurai and is being hunted by the shogun’s men.
Supporting characters. I really enjoyed Taka, Kenji, Lord Shimura, Yuriko (god, I LOVED Yuriko), Sensei Ishikawa and Tomoe.
The combat! Once I got the hang of it, it felt so great to do. All of the stealth and the different stances made me feel so epic, and GHOST STANCE was the best of all. I was always a bit crap at the archery lmao, but that’s a me problem, and not a game problem ahahahahaha.
YARIKAWA. I got the same swelling feeling of ‘oh my god, I’m such a badass’ as I did when I rode towards the oil factory in the final chapter of RDR2, which is EXCELLENT. BEST FEELING. Defending Yarikawa was an absolute highlight for me!
Poisoning the Mongols. Made me feel GUILTY, which was pitch perfect. I felt dirty almost, ashamed that I was killing all those people, even though they were my enemies. And the SCENE AFTER, WITH ‘I’M NOT YOUR SON. I’M THE GHOST’. Wow. INCREDIBLE. ACTUALLY SHOOK.
Some of the areas were gorgeous. The Golden Forest. Omi Village and monastery with the huge Buddah were a massive highlight. The hot springs near Sensei Ishikawa’s dojo. The field of the Equinox Flower. Akashima Village, especially at night. All the cemetaries.
Short side quests. Lots of stories with twists that surprised me!
Collectables were fun. Loved the haikus and range of hats. The shrines were always pretty, and I enjoyed the platforming. Petting the foxes was an excellent bonus. I liked the Mongol Artefacts and learning about them.
Variety of Character Customisation. Yes, most of my 73 hours gameplay was probably spent dressing Jin up and matching his sword and bow to his outfit, sue me ahahahaha
However, it was not a perfect game imo. There were definitely things I’d have liked to see more of/less of.
I wanted more of the supporting characters. Specifically Ryuzo and Khotun Khan. By the time I killed the Khan, I realised that idk, maybe he was a little one dimensional? I suppose maybe since the game was harking back to old samurai movies, maybe the villains weren’t always massively complex in those but... idk. Would have liked to see more of both of them. Feel like Ryuzo was DEFINITELY under used.
What happened to my buddies at the end???? Sensei Ishikawa, Lady Masako, Kenji and Norio just... vanished. Literally. I don’t even know if they survived the final battle. I assume they did but... ??????
The final battle with the Mongols. Was good, but Yarikawa and taking back Castle Shimura both felt more impactful for some reason?
Some areas weren’t so great. Those hideous sludge brown rice fields in Akashima lmao, and in that area, there’s also a random cut and paste hot springs asset which made me so angry, it was so out of place lmao. I agree with reviews that say it felt a little empty at times. Pretty but empty.
Also wish the map fog wasn’t a thing. I don’t mind it for some games, but Jin has lived on the island his entire life???? He knows where everything is lmao. And it didn’t clear away easily, often times I’d just have to ride around randomly in circles.
CLIMBING MOUNT JOGAKU. Took me FOREVER. Why put branches you can swing on when they lead to n o w h e r e. And then when you fall, they dump you back more than one checkpoint. And Jin only has 3 LINES of dialogue over and over again.
Getting a new horse so close to the end. Just... why? Why bother? I’d explored the whole upper third of the island on a stolen Mongol horse, my new snazzy white horse named Kage had nothing to do lmao. Also handing over all the Sashimono banners only to not have immediate access to my saddles was annoying.
There’s probably more but its midnight and sleep overwhelms me and this is way too long already ahahahaha. Overall, I had a great time playing it and am definitely going to revisit sometime in the future, with the DLC too! Heard there’s going to be a movie too? MAJOR HYPE FOR THAT, although I’ll be sad if anyone but Daisuke Tsuji plays Jin. <3
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
10 Injustice Characters the DC Animated Movie Needs to Get Right
As we wait an announcement pertaining to the existence of NetherRealm Studios’ Injustice 3, we at least know that Warner Bros. is set to adapt the games into a DC animated movie.
Ever since its release in 2013, the Injustice franchise has not only become a staple of NetherRealm’s roster, but the comic spinoffs have made it a beloved part of the DC multiverse. The plot revolves around a reality where the Joker was able to mess with Superman so badly that the Man of Steel gradually became a mass-murdering dictator, with the support of several members of the Justice League. Left without any other option, Batman brought in counterparts of the Justice League from the “mainstream” universe to help him fight a civil war against his former friend. It was a story that merged the Justice Lords two-parter from the Justice League cartoon with Marvel’s original Squadron Supreme comic series.
A popular prequel series was released, mostly written by Tom Taylor, that explained the five years in-between Superman killing the Joker in cold blood and Batman’s last stand. Sometime later, the game’s story was adapted into the comic Injustice: Ground Zero. And the Injustice universe has only continued to grow since then.
As snazzy as NetherRealm’s story modes are, they are going to have to make some changes to the narrative for the animated movie. It’s not like every character is going to stumble into exactly four best-two-out-of-three fights in a row before someone else is the focus. Knowing that there will be alterations, some characters are really going to need some tender love and care.
Superman (Both of Them)
Injustice: Gods Among Us didn’t invent the idea of an evil Superman, but things are a bit over-saturated these days. Face it, “Dark Superman” has been done to death, what with Brightburn, The Boys, Invincible, and everything Zack Snyder intended with his Justice League movies.
It’s important that the animated movie really get into the WHY of what turned Superman evil instead of the Joker just getting a tragic win over him. The Injustice comic nudged him over and over again with multiple betrayals and manipulations before he finally snapped and angrily broke every bone in Green Arrow’s body. Hit all that, or at least enough of it.
More importantly, Injustice is a story of two different Supermen. The mainstream Superman has to ring true. He has to be the beacon of hope and positivity that pop culture has been missing for the past decade.
Ultimately, as long as they don’t do that minigame where Superman blows up cars and the people in them with his eye-lasers, we’re cool.
In this DC take of Marvel’s Civil War, Batman is by default the better person when compared to Superman. He has a line he won’t cross and that means no murder and no tyranny. That said, he still needs to be portrayed as a flawed hero. He may be competent, but he still behaves like a total douche at times and deserves to take one to the chin every now and then.
Being a paranoid futurist who buries himself in contingency plans means alienating allies, friends, and even family members. There’s a great moment in the Injustice comic where he reveals that he infected Cyborg with a virus within a week of meeting (you know, just in case), which Killer Croc says is outright sinister. It’s this kind of behavior that led to Superman’s fall to darkness, because even if Bruce wasn’t behind any of the horrors, he still chose coldness and paranoia over being there for a friend who was going through some serious shit.
Harley Quinn
A hype trailer for Harley painted her as a major protagonist in the first game but the game’s story mode just didn’t measure up. The comics did a better job and the Ground Zero volume was specifically about telling the game’s story from Harley’s perspective. I’m not saying that she should be joined by her team of BFF henchmen from Ground Zero, but she should definitely be a prominent hero.
Similar to the Mark Waid comic series Irredeemable and Incorruptible (also about an evil take on Superman), Harley’s turn to heroism is the universe’s response to Superman’s actions. She’s done some horrible things and may never make up for her actions under the Joker’s thumb, but she’ll keep fighting to stop Superman’s atrocities.
Wonder Woman
While Batman did a bad job trying to pull Superman from the darkness, Wonder Woman succeeded in pushing him in. It’s noted here and there, but this Wonder Woman was also altered by tragedy. In this timeline, Steve Trevor turned out to be a Nazi traitor. His betrayal left Diana feeling much less optimistic and hopeful than her mainstream self.
Wonder Woman’s villainy isn’t as pronounced as Superman’s, but she’s definitely the friendly face who eggs him on and wants him to stand over all mankind. As Superman uses her to fill the void left from Lois Lane’s death, the power couple become very good at bringing out the worst in each other.
Damian Wayne
The Injustice game did Damian a little dirty, revealing deep into the story that the Nightwing fighting on Superman’s side was not Dick Grayson, but Damian. According to Batman, Damian murdered Dick. The comics dove deeper into that and made it more of a freak accident brought on by Damian being an impulsive and angry child. Still, Bruce and his son were unable to make amends due to their shared lack of warmth.
Later stories, and even Injustice 2, added more depth to Damian. It always made sense that he’d join Superman’s Regime, but there was a soul in there who would eventually see that this wasn’t the right path. In the comic Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe, which was treated as a sequel to Injustice 2’s dark ending, Damian took up the mantle of Batman to oppose Superman and even grew a long-missing sense of humor in the process.
Lex Luthor
The great tragedy of the DC multiverse is that Superman and Lex Luthor just can’t get along. They will always be at odds no matter what Earth they come from. The Injustice universe was the one exception, as Luthor was portrayed as fairly warm and altruistic. Much like Batman, he has contingency plans up the wazoo, but they don’t come off as creepy.
Seeing him there as Superman’s longtime friend who sadly has to stab him in the back brings back that multiversal truth about the duo. Just because this is a world where Superman kills and things get very bleak doesn’t mean it’s the worst world and that it isn’t worth saving. The mainstream Cyborg is reluctant to come to terms with this heroic Luthor, but he ultimately accepts the miracle that this universe created a Luthor worth befriending and even looking up to.
Hal Jordan
Maybe it’s just me, but I was never a fan of how Geoff Johns retconned Hal’s past and gave him deniability for everything he did as Parallax. I liked that a boring hero dude like Hal snapped, did some bad stuff, and then had to accept his failures in an attempt to be better. With Injustice, they gave us that exact Hal.
Read more
Injustice Beat Zack Snyder’s Justice League to the Punch
By Matthew Byrd
Injustice: Year Zero Brings the Justice Society to DC Alternate Universe
By Jim Dandy
Overflowing with willpower and being an otherwise competent space cop, Hal is still something of a dunce at times, and he’s susceptible to manipulation in the right situation. He’s already following Superman’s lead, but having Sinestro pop in to indoctrinate him into the Sinestro Corps makes him actually interesting. Let Hal be the worst version of himself here so he can double back on it in the sequel and beg Guy Gardner’s ghost for forgiveness.
Injustice may be the B-side to Mortal Kombat, but the game itself is fairly tame on the violence. Joker’s death isn’t actually shown on screen, Luthor’s end is fairly clean, and Grodd taking a trident to the torso is relatively tame.
But what we absolutely, positively have to see in the animated movie is Shazam’s death scene to really give an idea of how far gone Superman is. It’s bloodless from our point of view, but it’s grisly as hell and made worse when you remember that Shazam is a literal child under all the mystical power.
The Barbara Gordon version of Batgirl was one of the first DLC characters added to Injustice, but it’s unfortunate that she’s not in the main story mode — something the animated movie could fix by giving her a more prominent role in the fight against the Regime. Her ending gives her a kickass backstory where she returns to the cowl after her father dies at Superman’s hands. The comics go deeper into this, even making it so that Superman doesn’t directly kill Commissioner Gordon.
In this continuity, she was already wheelchair-bound as Oracle. She had to go under a very dangerous procedure under Luthor’s care in order to walk again. This is one of the storylines that could make for a captivating arc in the movie.
Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred isn’t in either Injustice game. He’s already dead by the start of the first game. But I don’t care. Alfred needs to be in the animated movie because he is the heart and soul of the Injustice comics. While others bow to Superman, follow him, or even try to reason with him, Alfred Pennyworth doesn’t play those games. He will straight-up verbally clown Superman for his actions without flinching. He is not afraid of the Kryptonian, no matter how red his glowing eyes get.
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This comes to a head in the comics when Alfred takes a pill that gives him Kryptonian strength and he kicks the absolute shit out of Superman for ruining his family. I know I’m asking for a lot, but I simply need to see Alfred stomp a mudhole in Superman so hard that his own shoe explodes from the impact.
The post 10 Injustice Characters the DC Animated Movie Needs to Get Right appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3hIQH7h
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twistedtummies2 · 4 years ago
31 Days of Disney Villainy - Number 10
The 31 Days of Disney Villainy Continues! I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Villains from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ film output. We’re now in the Top 10! Today’s two-faced son of a jackal is anything but Second Rate. Number 10 is…Jafar, from Aladdin.
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Tenacity, thy name is Jafar. Jafar is one of the most perennial Disney Villains, and honestly, I think it’s the simple fact he keeps popping up everywhere that makes me love him so much. Not that the character doesn’t already have PLENTY of great merits just looking at the original Aladdin, mind you: I love how he can go from slippery and sophisticated to laughing like a maniac in a matter of moments. I love his theatrical personality, his snakish tendencies, his crooked design, etc. Like so many villains here, he’s both funny and frightening, as he has an immense sense of humor (albeit a dark and twisted one), and whether he’s on his own or bouncing off of Iago, he’s just a joy to watch. The voice of Jonathan Freeman – who has continued to play Jafar in voiceover roles, AND even got to play him live in the Original Broadway Cast of the stage version of “Aladdin” – helps a lot; much like Scar with Jeremy Irons, it’s practically impossible to separate the actor and the character now. However, I think what appeals to me most about Jafar, at the end of the day, is his sheer determination. Within the film itself, he has multiple chances to take out the hero, and nearly succeeds every single time, taking on various forms and disguises. In fact, Jafar SURVIVES his first encounter with his nemesis; apparently, the creators felt that the audience would come to like Jafar so much, they wouldn’t want to see him killed. Plus, it left him open to return…and return he would, in the sequel spin-off fittingly titled “Return of Jafar.” At the end of THAT movie, Jafar actually DID perish…but that STILL wasn’t the end. In various spin-offs (all of dubious canon), including a crossover with “Hercules” and a couple of video games, Jafar would return and continue causing trouble as he sought revenge on Aladdin, and that most humble of goals to – you guessed it – take over the world. There was just NO getting rid of the guy! And even with that franchise more or less finished, he has still managed to keep showing up everywhere! Not only that, but very often he’s one of the leaders of the villains; alongside Scar and maybe Hades, he’s arguably the most popular male villain in Disney’s catalogue. And, perhaps because he’s more easy to costume than either of those two, he’s probably the one you see most often at the parks out of the three. Reimaginings of the character – like “Once Upon a Time” and its spinoff, “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” – have proved that even without Freeman’s voice and gestures, the character can continue to thrive. Not even the incredibly boring version from the recent live-action remake could TOTALLY destroy things! (Hey, at least that one is a snazzy dresser.) Whenever you need a bad guy, Jafar is your boy to go to, as he seems to fit in almost anywhere a dastardly adversary is required. He very well deserves his place in the Top 10. Tomorrow, the countdown continues with my 9th Favorite Disney Villain! HINT: Who is the Wickedest One of All?
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riotatthemovies · 6 years ago
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Ohhhh fucking Shit watch Robowar right now.. originally title battle bots but the distributor changed the title so you would think it was other products but not to be mixed with the Reb Brown movie. .. buuut seriously Robowar is streaming now so fucking watch it now.. it is amazingly cutting every fucking corner.. soooo much passion made out of household items found in your kitchen. Soooo much intensity by actors who have no idea what acting is. A dollar store Robot jox and Fury Road done the way of Hardware Wars budget yet done dead seriously.   
A post apocalyptic world taken over by a silver man known as Cesar (played by Jeff Kirkendall one of the main stays of the recent Polonia universe) and his army of androids who are about to make a final strike against a rebel group low rent soldiers and mutants (very low rent). The rebels plan to take over one of the old giant mechs from the old war and use it to fight back, but Cesar is taking over one of the last giant robots as well. .... Sounds good right... well it is to me.. buuuuuuuut maybe just not good in the way you think, buuuut if you know me then you know where I am going with this. 
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The giant mechs are guys in not terrible but definitely not good home made robot suits and they do not try very hard to make you feel that they are giant except to have them fight in a quarry like a Power ranger villian that only fights using the Captain Kirk double axe handle attack ... good enough folks.. good a fucking nuff.
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Cheaper and weaker then most fan films. But for all the quality nerd effects and cosplayer costume magic Polonia backyard movies have more love to give.
Rocking full length which the snazzy polished fan films of the internet cant say and taking more chances with bozo ridiculous ideas then any snobby internet tech nerd ever would. 
Oh that halloween mask on the mutant Squirrel and those garage band sound effects that I used a lot in Personal Space Invader 2 haha.. good shit guys good shit. Big rubber novelty thumb up. 
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Yes sometimes you are laughing at this more than with this but the insane dialogue and recognisable household products or Spirits of halloween items as props and costumes will bring a  wonderfully innocent laughter even if it is a bit mocking. Wait till Mark Polonia cameos and has a speech only to be followed up by a scene with the worlds worst super imposed fire.  Ohhh when the one guys mask is upside down in a scene you honestly can not tell if that is an inside joke or a mistake. That is the magical wonder of taking a shitty b movie dead seriously. I commend the crew so much for it.  
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For my Bad movie Christmas party we watched the Polonia bros wonder known as Feeders 2 Slay Bells. Staring Mark Polonia himself and his family as their home is attacked by tiny vicious aliens (made out of styrofoam balls and pipe cleaners) and only Santa himself can save the family before Christmas is ruined. Filled in with a huge flash back to the first movie that has next to nothing to do with the sequel. I always loved that movie and was shocked how much my club members loved seeing it at the party. People were having so much fun laughing at it and yet cheering on the characters to keep doing what they were doing. Fun at the expense of the actors yet praising them so hard as well for trying so gosh darn hard... yes gosh darn.. i said it gosh fucking darn,
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I really hope the club and all of you get to see RoboWar and Frozen Sasquatch as they are the movies Mark Polonia and his regular posse made in the last year. Cheaper and worse than an Asylum movie yet so much fucking better at the same time.  Here is a much quicker article I wrote on Frozen Sasquatch if you dare https://riotatthemovies.tumblr.com/post/179910556272/oh-shit-son-the-polonia-bros-movie-frozen
Thank you for still doing this Mark FN Polonia
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abalonetea · 6 years ago
so probably best to start the whole thing off with a post about the main character himself, Skittles!
this is going to bounce around a lot, sorry y’all
okay, so, Skittles. he’s a mess, and i’m throwing that disclaimer out right now. the whole story hinges on the fact that he has a Rough Life that gets better for a little bit and then Gets Bad Again. this is rectified for good in the sequel series, but whatever!
he’s from a small town out in the middle of nowhere, New Jersey. it’s from the region closer to New York, but i’ve elected not to pick an actual existing home town because that seems complicated. anyway! Skittles is obviously not his real name, but he hates his real name and refuses to use it with anyone, pretty much ever. even his twin, Asher, just calls him Skittles.
they grew up in the sort of town where everyone knows everyone, probably a little more strictly religious than anyone would like. the basic idea is that their mother, Cynthia, had an affair, and Skittles ended up looking exactly like the guy she cheated on Hank with. his upbringing ends up being rough because of this - Hank’s not that great of a guy, big drinking problem, big anger problem, big issue with their wiley red-headed son. so even though Asher is the Official Bad Kid, Skittles gets the rotten end of the stick.
add in the fact that he gets picked on a lot out at school, particularly once he hits his older years and his natural flamboyant self started showing up. eventually, he comes to think “well fuck them if that’s what they think of me” and it’s partially where his nickname comes from. he embraces the rainbow, so to speak, and thinks that it’s Way More Funny Than It Is.
flash forward a few years. Skittles gets kicked out of school, and then he gets kicked out of his house. Asher hooks him up with the Friend Of A Friend’s Brother down in Florida, and Skittles couch surfs and hitch hikes his way there.
enter Eric.
Eric is Not A Good Guy.
he’s the kind of guy that see’s you’ve got a lot of broken edges and uses that to his advantage. he’s the kind of guy with a mean temper. the kind of guy that seems Really Great until you’ve known him too long to back out without help. 
he’s a dick, but one with a silver tongue and a charming persona. 
still, for a while, things are okay. Skittles and Eric get along well enough, and eventually they go out to a concert together. it’s just some little thing at a local bar, and the lead singer has a horrible voice but their style catches Skittles attention and he realizes that he really, genuinely can make a go at being that rockstar he always talked about back home.
enter Vipers N Honey.
they genuinely think that Skittles is Much Older Than He Is. he’s got a pretty face, wears a ton of make-up, has already had a rough go of it, and carries himself like a twenty year old that’s angry at the world. plus, he’s got a killer fake ID. 
so he sweet talks and sweet sings his way into the band; they really just want a pretty face as their cover, not realizing that it’s Skittles vocals and lyrics that are going to take them on a straight streak to the top.
so that’s how it starts.
and then a little about Skittles in general!
*he has undiagnosed BPD and DID *brilliant red hair. paler skin. tons and tons of freckles. his thighs look like someone’s splattered paint on them, and he burns like a biscuit. *grows to consider VNH not just a way out of his bad life, but as a family. once he gets his own apartment, thanks to Tony and Snazzy, he has an open door policy that most band members take up. it kills him when VNH breaks up. *eyebrows pierced. naval pierced. ears pierced. nipples pierced. other things pierced. wanted to get his tongue pierced, too, but was scared it might mess him up on set. *genuinely loves the aesthetic of the glam rock scene. loves the make-up, the hair, the clothes. has a pair of leather red thigh high boots that become part of his Most Iconic Look and years later people will still ask, “do you still have those?” and the answer is yes but Skittles always says no, because he doesn’t like being mistaken for the same person as back then.
*has a high, warbling laugh. has steady hands. smokes too much but it’s the 80′s and he’s famous so no  one’s going to say anything to him. prefers fruity flavored drinks but will down a bottle of jack in a heartbeat if he’s In A Mood
*is best friends with Marcello, a Brazillian guitarist that follows the band for a while, and has a bit of a crush on William, but that never comes into being until the Sequel Series.
*goes hard or goes home. likes to talk. likes to make jokes. has a bad temper and likes the thrill of the fight. adrenaline makes him feel more steady, more stable. it’s why he takes up drums after VPN ends.
*hates even the idea of pity for a really long time. if he’s made it this far on his own, he can make it the rest of the way on his own. also hates to be considered a failure, because that’s what people have called him for years. quickest way to make him mad, tbh.
*has a very complicated relationship with Asher. they lovingly call each other “bitch” and “fag” but will break the nose of anyone else who says it. will punch each other in the guts without a thought and grew up getting into very violent fights with each other because they both Have Issues but will also give each other their last buck and the only chunk of chicken in the fridge without batting an eye. 
*Skittles is actually a more stable influence than anyone else in the band. he’s kind of the Dad Friend, even with all his Issues and Life Happenings. this only becomes more apparent later on in life, during the sequel.
and i’ll tag @simplelinesunfashiond because she prompted this whole debacle, and @deadlyessencewhispers because she has to deal with looking at everything that i write!
this was so much fun sorry i rambled
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attract-mode-collective · 8 years ago
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The Hottest Fashion Accessory For 2017 Is The HuCard
Behold the latest from THUNDERBOX, a Japanese fashion label that not only uses video games as an accessory in various product shots, but as inspiration for threads as well. The two highlights of the SHOTSHOT STAGE3 would have to be appearance of HuCards, or Turbo Chips in the West…
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And this Takahashi Meijin (from his appearance in the GAME KING mockumentary) inspired top…
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You can either watch GAME KING here or simply refer to this collage that miki800 whipped up…
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As for other game-centric attire from THUNDERBOX, here’s this snazzy Famicom inspired button up, from their CASE FOURTEEN line…
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And this jack and suit combo from SHOTSHOT STAGE1…
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Sticking with the subject of apparel real quick, @HeavyViper recently tweeted a pic of himself wearing Mountain Graphics’ STAR SOLDIUS shirt (grab yours here, BTW) while making boops and beep on stage with a Game Boy…
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So GDC was this past week, a place not normally known for cosplay, yet when the creator of Seaman shows up… as well as @TheAnnaTheRed…
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As I’m sure everyone already knows, the NintendoSwitch also finally came out, and there’s been lots of celebrating online. This is perhaps my fave piece of fan art I’ve seen thus far, by quistal…
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BTW, I’m not making the biggest deal about the release because, I dunno, I simply don’t have one yet? Though I will say, leading up the launch, I did find myself somewhat swept up in the excitement, which wasn’t quite as big, yet in some ways managed to echo the buzz that surrounded the the original Wii’s release.
I also came across something that’s related, which I’ll be sharing in the next installment of the Super Attractive Club newsletter, but until then, please enjoy this recap of a Nintendo hardware launch over 10 years ago, when I was just starting my tenure at GameSetWatch. I wonder if this girl got the Switch?
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According to Arcade Crusade, a proposed Sega Classic Arcade Machines Lego set reached the 10,000 supporters necessary to be considered for a real thing, so that’s pretty neat! Personally, I’d rather have a Lego Virtua Racing cab, but I’ll get whatever set that includes a Lego Yu Suzuki…
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Coming soon to Japanese airwaves is Final Fantasy 14: Daddy Of Light, a show about a father and son that become closer while playing FF14 together. Here’s the intro, and... how many times have you watched something and wondered if it was some Saturday Night Live parody? Does Japan have something along the lines of SNL?
And speaking of Final Fantasy, remember this? Well, here’s something along those lines (via the-entire-furry-fandom)…
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Does anyone out there also remember CRT Souls? Well, didn’t realize it until recently but there’s been updates since last time. Here are my faves from parts 4 and 5…
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Much news has been made with the recently unveiled Video Game History Foundation, and for good reason. Though it’s worth being reminded of the Japanese Game Preservation Society, which I’ve mentioned previously. And sixteen-bit recently posted a fairly recent profile produced by NHK World that’s an absolute must watch for anyone interested in the preservation of old Japanese games, in the mother land…
On a related note, here we have a 40-minute long video featuring Primal Rage 2. The play through is based upon a recovered work in progress ROM dump. It’s worth noting how the Friday Night Fisticuffs crew initially thinks it’s going to be dumb yet they become fans real quick. I myself was a huge fan of the original, cuz of my love for stop motion plus, of course, dinosaurs.
The sequel has humanoids (they’re actually gods, I think) that transform into dinos, plus vice versa, which would be so dumb if not for how well animated said deities are. Also, I absolutely love the cue given, to signal the usage of a fatality: “DO IT!”
For whatever reason, I am fascinated with this look at games that attempt to deal with a player’s indecisiveness when being asked to continue (via meldowiseau)…
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Swarm explains: “Bungie using a bunch of unnamed icons to make images inside folders in OS9. I’m ready for this to make a comeback.” Me too buddy, me too…
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It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned Toco Toco around these parts, so here we have the latest episode, featuring the director of Persona 5 discussing the usage of Tokyo as the setting for the game (be sure to turn on subtitles)…
Wait a minute; there was an Uzumaki game for the WonderSwan (via vgjunk)?!?!
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This week’s recommended reading is this post entitled: “How to get good at Pinball”. A small taste…
“Here’s something newbies don’t often know: not only is it okay to nudge and tilt the playfield, the game actually assumes you will and incorporates that into play. Don’t do it too roughly or the ball will void, but yes, you can nudge the table, usually twice each ball. To quote Dr. Strangelove, ‘it is not only possible, it is essential.’”
Which do you prefer? This Ulala Figma, coming later this year…
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Or these vinyl Morolians, available now…
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Time for some random bits of Sonic! Starting with this illustration in which Knuckles seems generally happy with the train wreck of that 32X game that he stars in (via vice-s-assistant)…
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Then there’s Knuckles in a hospital bed, with Sonic and Tails looking on, somewhat non-plussed. It really feels like Knuckles did something stupid or the like (via hypostatics)…
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Here’s what Sonic would look like if he was human (via finalfantasyvii)…
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And here’s from the intro to some Sega Saturn game in which a girl has Sonic and Tails dolls stuck to her head (via sonicthehedgeblog)…
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Now might be a good time to also share some highlights from Super Mario Broth. Like the sculpture created to raise awareness for I think a koala hospital in Australia…
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This bad ending in a choose your adventure book in which Mario accidentally causes the death of Luigi…
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Mario with Buzz Aldrin…
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And Mario with some Russian, who apparently had the rights to Tetris that Nintendo needed…
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Speaking of Tetris, I have no idea what the deal is with this scantily clad animu babe (via larvalhex)…
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For whatever reason, this oldie but goodie from around these parts got reblogged like crazy a few days ago, on PlayStation 1 audiophiles…
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And finally, yet another quality head-to-head from VCDECIDE, this time of two separate Sakura Taisen stage productions…
Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year ago
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"Suspense is controlling my mind... I can't find a way out of here..."
New 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash update today!
Fairly OddParents || One-Shot - “Approval”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
Find more Lavender Train story arc HERE
A glimpse into 155,000-year-old Foop's life on the student council as he decorates the gym for a high school dance. Guest appearances by Poof, Denzel, Kevin, the von Strangle twins, the O'Terrae clones, Whistle, and Foop's betrothed: Anti-Coriander.
(First 1000 words under the cut)
40. Approval (~5,000 years after "Temptation" and 5,000 before "All I Ever Wanted")
Wednesday February 8th, Aurora 177
Year of Water, Winter of the Powerful Rapids
If Foop had truly had an inkling of how much work it takes to run the school as its student body secretary, he may not have bothered campaigning. Honestly they were three years into the current zodiac cycle and he still hadn't decided if he'll run for the position again.
He probably would. He most definitely would, so he didn't even know why he was complaining. The one and only cycle that he reigned as student body president with Poof as his secretary, half the meetings didn't get their minutes recorded in any real detail, and Poof had typed every single document using the Central Star region's way of spelling Snobbish words.
And other minor annoyances… like, he'd written out directions once and called the first floor "second floor" and Foop spent 30 minutes flitting around in puzzled circles until it clicked that he and Poof were using different terms for their destination. He walked in late and his snacks were cold. Hmph. No one ever seemed to have that problem when it was him sending out newsletters. Atrocious.
And when Poof had double-dipped his hand briefly into the role of student body treasurer, the budget may as well have been sliced in half with the way Poof divvied up their things. Honestly, it felt sometimes like his counterpart flopped in his various roles on purpose just to make him miserable. He'd like to believe Poof was better than that level of petty, but sometimes when you were dripping with exhaustion and low on caffeine, it was impossible to tell.
Poof's on freaking peppermint a solid 70% of his waking hours anyway. A lot of help HE is. He supposed he could thank his counterpart for getting addicted to candy in a way that let Foop operate sober and without temptation of any kind. That was the only silver lining to any of this.
Foop despised his counterpart's peppermint habit, but like Darkness would he ever rat Poofy out to his mummy and daddy. No. They both relied on their parents' approval- if not for physical comfort and safety, then certainly for emotional support. Hard pass. Disgrace. Poof had far too much dirt on him to ever make him risk tipping their mutually assured destruction too far to one side.
My secret affairs with Anti-Marigold come to mind… His father will flay him alive when he finds out about that. An anti-will o' the wisp… Really. The prince of Anti-Fairy World could have done "so much better in a mistress" (and High Count Anti-Cosmo will painfully let him know it). His lecherous father was a textbook nymphomaniac. Foop would rather die than allow the pooferazzi to document Anti-Cosmo dragging his son out to all his old brothel haunts or… or… something like that.
Do we even have brothels in Anti-Fairy World? Who knows. That's not the point. The High Count undoubtedly did something scandalous with his spare time when he wasn't holed up plotting world domination, and whatever that thing may be, Foop would sooner sprint one billion kilometers in the other direction than ever face it head-on.
Anti-Cosmo didn't approve of the fact that Foop ended up on student council in the first place. Foop had cheated some of the vote (as he'd cheated it for years) by relying on bashful simpletons like Whistle to campaign in his favor while simultaneously threatening others into voting for him. He'd stuffed the ballot box and didn't even care. Honestly, part of him suspected the school knew what he was up to, and Foop took cruel pride in the fact that if he managed to do a good enough job keeping the school activities flowing, the faculty might simply look the other way. Oh, there's such a great joy in being wanted as a leader instead of merely feared…
Not that my father understands that. My position is secured someday, especially if I don't have heirs until I'm so old that my wand sparks when I use it. Meanwhile, my father will be twisting his neck, peering anxiously over one shoulder in cold anticipation of my rise to power until the day he dies.
Ah, youth. He reveled in it.
At least Poof knew how to lead a meeting that kept all the officers engaged. Poof had this animated way of speaking where he sort of gushed over his words, the long tails of his blue bandana ribbon snapping behind him in an imaginary wind every time he paced. He could sell a genie on underwater real estate. Maybe that was why the people kept electing him student body president year after year.
They'd been setting up for tonight's dance since before the window for early-morning breakfast wishes closed off. Well… Foop had, anyway. It wasn't really necessary. In a pinch, magic could always be whipped out to speed the process along, but Foop had his own… reasons for wanting to keep eyes on their location for hours at a time.
He traced the pad of one finger along the dark scar that curled around his neck. Left side, just above the collarbone…
Cavatina Sanderson had slit that scar across Poof's innocent skin 20,000 years ago, during the same Autumn Masquerade where Foop first met Anti-Coriander. Foop had even died and regenerated a few times since then - not on purpose! (mostly) - but the scar wasn't his to heal. This same scar branded his counterpart's neck. It had been given to Poof first, and the stupid sync between their cores kept it firmly in place like a teeter-totter. Terribly annoying.
He never knew how to explain it when strangers asked. Wasn't even his battle wound to brag about. Or Poof's, for that matter… That infuriating pixie had simply backed his counterpart against a wall and shoved a blade right up to his neck. Poof just let it happen. And if he'd done it at one dance, Foop had no reason to believe he wouldn't make another appearance tonight.
Therein lay the anxieties.
[Cnt’d - FFN and AO3 links above]
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fountainpenguin · 2 years ago
How did cosmo get fairy kids banned?
Hello, thank you for the ask! Sorry for the delay, I've been on Tumblr hiatus for a while.
Short answer: "Cosmo's Terrible Twos were dramatic and bad"
~ In my fanfics, the official answer is that Fairy World put a temporary block on reproduction because they wanted to spend more time investigating the effects of a weird mutation that had cropped up in some fairy kids.
~ The plan was always to lift it "someday in the future," but Timmy forced the Fairy Council's hand by wishing for Cosmo and Wanda to have a kid.
~ Only the "common fairy" subspecies carries the mutation. Or, more specifically, children of common fairies who crossbred with other races. This means other species under the general Fairy umbrella don't carry the mutation and were not banned from reproducing
-> This was my explanation for why we see fae younger than Cosmo in some episodes [Ex: university students]
-> This also means Cosmo is not the youngest fairy in my worldbuilding, but there are only a small handful of kids born after him. No pregnancies were forcibly canceled.
Side-Comments on Lifting the Ban
~ After Poof, the Council just lifted the ban because it had been like 300k years, plus they didn't have much support to keep it when [canonically] it was never officially added to Da Rules as anything more than a sticky note.
-> In my work, the next fairy baby born after Poof is Whistle [His blog tag is "Snazzy sequel son"]. Whistle is a big fanboy of Poof, Foop, and Goldie, probably because they're all celebrities and his parents are obsessed with trying to be better than Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof. Cosmo and Wanda literally do not care and just try to smile and keep the peace.
-> His counterpart [Soren, AKA Anti-Whistle, AKA "Panicked sequel son"] is a nervous suck-up who tags on Foop's heels a lot. They are ex-roommates and not friends.
The Mutation
The mutation prevents a fairy from correctly managing some of the nutrients their body needs to produce magic. Fairies with the mutation also exhaust their magic quickly [especially the males; generally the stereotype is male fae have more powerful bursts but females have more endurance and can use magic longer without a rest, so Cosmo's at a definite endurance disadvantage].
~ Cosmo has to drink nursing milk to get the nutrients he needs to use magic because his body never learned to produce them on his own.
-> When he doesn't drink milk for a while, he can just produce small sparks, if anything.
-> I haven't shown this in Frayed Knots as much as I would like to, but sometimes Anti-Cosmo straight-up can't use magic. A.C. has a habit of just... not using magic much in Knots because he's often reading or traveling, but we'll see more of that during the war. When Anti-Cosmo's magic fails, it's because Cosmo hasn't been drinking milk and, as the host counterpart, Cosmo has to do that to support Anti-Cosmo's ability to use magic.
-> I absolutely do not put it past Cosmo "Lock Juandissimo in the freezer because I don't like him" Cosma to stop drinking milk sometimes to frustrate A.C. just because he gets petty, lol.
Cosmo's Magic
~ Cosmo carries the mutation. It's named the Cosma Mutation because he became the poster child for it after his Terrible Twos (i.e. the event that caused Jorgen to label Cosmo "cute and deadly," and thereafter led the Fairy Council to determine he was so deadly that more mutations needed to be prevented until further study).
~ There is honestly nothing to study about the mutation; it doesn't do anything the Council needs to be concerned about, it really just comes down to bodies needing milk. It's Not That Deep™
~ Cosmo has a lot of magic in his body, especially compared to Anti-Cosmo. In my fanfics, the magical abilities that counterparts share are called "magic pools" and the size of a pool is inherited. Here are some old notes:
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Jorgen for example has a very large pool because he's from a genetically pure line. However, his share of the pool is smaller than Cupid's share. Cupid's family specifically bred to ensure the cherubs held significant power, even if it meant pairing up outside the aristocracy or crossbreeding; they did not care for status, only power. Cupid is undeniably one of the most powerful fae out there, rivaled only by his own family members.
Fun fact: In both "The Same Game" and the live-action movie "Grow Up, Timmy Turner," Cosmo is visibly portrayed as burning through his magic faster than Wanda (In one he explodes first, in the other his health meter hits the critical danger zone before Wanda's and Poof's health bars even get close).
Cosmo's Terrible Twos
When Cosmo's Terrible Twos hit, it was very destructive because there was a lot of power in Cosmo's body. It's irrelevant that he was young at the time; he had high amounts of power and no restraint.
Specifically [in my 'fics], baby Cosmo is famous for setting up a bubble around Fairy World's capital city - Faeheim - which sealed off a lot of people. He didn't lift the bubble and a lot of Fairies asphyxiated from lack of incoming magic. Among the lost fae were Queen Shoulath [one of the common fairy leaders] and Cosmo's own father.
-> Queen Shoulath is the mother of Prince Eastkal [i.e. the fairy prince who dies during the flashbacks in "Balance of Flour"]. With both the queen and prince gone, the royal line ends with King Northiae after the war. Mentioning this since it's a political side plot in both Origin of the Pixies and Frayed Knots.
-> Cosmo's dad [Robin Sr.] died trying to get Cosmo out of that situation; Cosmo barely remembers him and blames himself even though he didn't have control of the situation.
-> Schnozmo holds a lot of resentment towards Cosmo towards this, even though he also feels guilty because Cosmo was a baby.
-> Anti-Cosmo actually doesn't blame Cosmo. He's a little bitter and sad about the fact that his own father is dead, but despite all his faults, Anti-Cosmo is pretty rational and doesn't see a point in getting upset at him for something he couldn't control. Kind of for the best honestly because even though A.C. misses his dad throughout Knots, Anti-Robin Sr. was pretty flawed and wouldn't have been the best father figure. A.C.'s honestly happier living with the fantasy of him.
Basically, the Fairy Council sort of blamed Cosmo's "cute and deadly" vibes on the nutrient mutation he has and stopped the common fairy subspecies from reproducing. However it was really the Terrible Twos here that led to the destruction.
Thanks for asking!
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fountainpenguin · 5 years ago
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Rough sketches of two characters we’ll be meeting soon in the Prompts!
Whistle was the first fairy baby born after Poof. His parents are fabulously wealthy snobs constantly trying to one-up Cosmo and Wanda and make their precious son as big a celebrity as Poof is. No one cares. Whistle is on the saucerbee team with Poof and they work out together.
Despite his pushy parents, Whistle doesn’t expect to become a celebrity himself. Still, he’s constantly giddy that he gets to hang out with famous faces like Poof, Foop, and Goldie... He has a crush on all three and would date all of them if he could. No one is sure if they should classify Whistle as a stalker or not. I am also unsure.
Anti-Whistle (Soren) is a regular little socialite who had the misfortune of being born to rich parents who couldn’t care less about their image. He spends most of his life freaking out and trying to fix everything they ruin. Anti-Whistle is a massive suck-up who tries to impress Foop with his overachieving and political skills... Foop knows Anti-Whistle will be useful someday so he doesn’t want to cut ties, but he finds him really annoying.
Foop’s dream is to be the first Anti-Fairy to graduate from the Fairy Academy and he sees Anti-Whistle as the rival who stands in his way. After Anti-Cosmo returned from his mysterious disappearance (à la “You’ll Never Know”), Foop went back to Fairy school and was assigned to be Anti-Whistle’s roommate. That did not last long, and Foop was placed with Poof again instead.
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fountainpenguin · 6 years ago
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Base sketches of some Fae kids (Westley, Whistle, Talon, and Goldie)
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