#the anointed
needlemeister · 3 months
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a dead god tiered goldblood from a doomed timeline in the distant future, the frigid, desolate aftermath of alternia being pelted with meteors by sgrub
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judahmaccabees · 4 months
your limp bystanding fairy false jesus dies with you.
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the-tell-tale-poet · 2 years
A little of chelles backstory
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Lachelle was once a lost soul in heaven with no real memeories of her own life, that is until chuck needed a way to slow down the winchesters. chuck wiped all her memories of heaven and the broken memories of her life lived previously then planted fake ones into her head before giving her a gift and sending her to them.
what chuck had gifted chelle effectively gave her the powers and abilities of his angels without any of their weakness or short comings. The other supernatural beings have annoyingly titled her and her kind as the anointed, only problem is he has trouble keeping her in line unlike the others of her kind which for him proves harder than it sounds.
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sylvialovej · 1 year
Governments on Planet Earth, I am Free!
Governments of Planet Earth, together with your humanity enslavement arms, and humanity terrorising methods, aka your legalese fraud system, your debt system and the Rothschild “guard” known as police force, I am Free. I’m done with your enslaving scam. Your fear and terror driven brainwashing weapons against humanity . Your manipulation, deception, coercion, monopolisation of our survival by…
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sheilamurrey · 1 year
the whole value of the Nazarene’s life
Silver Birch was a spirit guide who spoke through Maurice Barbanellthe whole value of the Nazarene’s life
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dianaleaghmatthews · 1 year
Names of Jesus: The Anointed
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cursedimagedump · 2 years
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jasgyal · 3 months
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bogcreacher · 4 months
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kociamieta · 1 year
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apostate superstructure abomination
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goatfactsofficial · 1 month
Jews: *Exist* Antisemites: "Go back to where you came from!" Jews: *Goes back to Israel*
Antisemites: "Go back to where you came from!" Jews: *Goes back to the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel* Antisemites: "Go back to where you came from!" Jews: *Goes back to Babylon* Antisemites: "Go back to where you came from!" Jews: *Goes back to Judea and Israel again* Jews: *Goes back to wandering in the desert* Antisemites: "Go back to where you came from!" Jews: *Goes back to Egypt* Antisemites: "Go back to where you came from!" Jews: *Goes back to Judea and Israel AGAIN* Antisemites: "Go back to where you came from!" Jews: *Retreats into the primordial ooze of the creation circa 5 minutes after the Big Bang* Antisemites: "Somehow this is still not enough for me!"
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kazanskyy · 1 year
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heresylog · 5 months
Is posthumous baptism a thing? I mean, as in, a person who had no opportunity to become baptized prior to death, but had accepted Jesus christ and did want to be baptized. Would that be worth anything since the ... [baptee?] Has since passed on?
Hi Wagyusaichi,
There is no point baptizing someone who is dead since their body and soul have been…disconnected.
Deathbed conversion aka imperfect or perfect contritions are valid, even if it seems unfair to us that someone can be sinful and horrible their whole life but can have a conversion of heart at the last second before death (Ezekiel 33:14-17). You don’t actually need to be baptized in order for this to happen, but it is nice.
For those who are already baptized Catholic but haven’t been practicing can have a priest do the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
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canisalbus · 8 months
it wasn't quite a dream, but more a rambling thought as i was falling asleep, but, was a cardinal like Machete ever asked to officiate weddings? I dont even know if thats a thing cardinals would be asked to do, much less had the personal for that kind of thing, but imagine being asked by a major political hardcore catholic family to do so and only accepting because you know your secret boyfriend is also attending as a political figure and you get to almost secret pretend its your twos wedding
I'm actually not sure, I've never thought about it. He'd definitely have the full rights to officiate weddings, you don't lose the eligibility to perform sacraments when you get elevated from an ordinary priest to a bishop and then a cardinal. But I think once you get into these high positions you kind of grow out of the priestly role and spend less time doing ground-level work. I imagine that weddings of important nobles and royalty were likely presided over by bishops and cardinals.
The scenario is endearing so I choose to believe that it could've happened.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 14 days
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Anointed Procession
"The gods here may walk among the people, but they are not with them." —Gideon Jura
Artist: Victor Adame Minguez TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ardentpoop · 7 months
truly cannot express often enuf that if sam doesnt stand out to you like a guiding light cutting through the bleak mire of supernatural's bloated canon i do not trust your taste in Literally Anything
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