#the angsty edm energy
jeonghansvalentine · 2 years
eye to eye by limelight and lovin me by fifty fifty sit at the same table
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jiamiuxin · 1 year
daiya no ace / ace of the diamond characters as edm genres + examples
raving is a common past time of a lot of asian americans so in an alt universe where they're as-am im gonna predict what subgenre they'd be into / what genre would represent them.
sawamura kuramochi and isashiki are def headbangers. sawamura would def ride the rail. haruichi would def be an illenium simp. miyuki and furuya would def be into john summit. idc.
im gonna focus on seido for this ! doing all of them would be hard so im just gonna pick a few characters i could definitely categorize.
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overall, i think seido would be dubstep, but a specific type (subgenre of a subgenre???) like edm songs that have very melodic verses but have a hard dubstep drop in either the middle or at the end. two songs came to mind.
for act I seido, i thought of dont look down (hold on) by excision, wooli, and codeko.
i feel like i can imagine the players singing the verses to each other: holding each other up, keeping each other focused, reminded each other of everything they did to get to the place where they are now. for both this song and the next song, i think the hard drop represents the burst of energy or passion they feel during critical points in a game.
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for act II seido, i thought of shivering by illenium and spiritbox.
similar to the last song, but i think this song is more angsty and intense, in a sense. i feel like the verses refer to a past in which they suffered or endured something difficult. i can feel this song being representative of the new team as they fight for their old third years and rebuild themselves from the bottom up. i imagine singing this song to their opponents and also each other, about what they've learned and the intense determination to succeed that they hold.
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with their loud personalities and fiery attitudes, i think kuramochi and sawamura would be hardstyle.
help kuramochi is definitely lil texas coded im crying just look at this album art
louder by lil texas
i dont think theres a moment in this song where it truly slows down. the pounding bass represents his footsteps, and the quick tempo represents his speed. truly encompasses the cheetah.
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as for sawamura, his take on hardstyle would definitely be the songs with epic sounding narration.
sub zero project has many songs like this, but path of the warrior is definitely sawamura's type. he would definitely call himself and his teammates warriors 💀💀
jokes aside, this type of hardstyle is also very uplifting. as "epic-sounding" the narration in the song is, it fits into his role as ace of lifting up the teams spirits. it also reminded me of his pre-game speech of asking for his teammates to prepare for any balls. best boy eijun :)
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literally just scrolling through my edm playlist while brainstorming and it hit me that furuya is so the dominate vip by space laces. i'd say this genre has both dubstep, techno, and big room influences.
[for those of you who are unfamiliar with edm terminology, vip stands for variation in production. similar meaning to remix, except a vip holds more of the original song content (i think lol)]
though his personality is not as intense as say, sawamura or kuramochi mentioned above, i dont think this means he's exactly a wallflower either. this song is more "laidback" in the sense of perhaps tempo, but the hard-hitting drop and the quick intervals between them reminded me of furuya's pitches; nonstop, heavy pitches. despite his chiller demeanor, do not underestimate him on-the-field.
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switching gears, haruichi is a quite positive and uplifting character that nicely balances out sawamura and furuya. as such, i felt that he would fit progressive house. still energetic, but has softer elements to it. i think he's pretty encouraging to his teammates and genuinely cares about them a lot, so superhuman by tritonal and codeko came to mind.
the lyrics make me imagine haruichi saying these uplifting words to his teammates, such as in moments when they doubt their abilities or begin to place blame on solely themselves. i think he'd be one to remind them that they're all in it together.
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as i was writing haruichi's entry, hollow by dabin, kai wachi, and lo spirit came on. immediately thought about okumura. it has elements of both dubstep and melodic bass.
the lyrics made me think about okumura being inspired by his seniors, particularly sawamura and miyuki. especially sawamura, who seemingly teaches okumura the art of being in a battery. when he was just getting used to the team, okumura did come off as hollow, but after getting to know sawamura, it seems that he's gaining valuable experience and knowledge in both life and baseball. i think the melodic bass aspect signifies the beauty of a baseball battery while the dubstep signifies okumura's solid presence and pressure on the field.
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lowest of keys had trouble of thinking of something for miyuki, but i decided on make u sweat! by knock2 !! this is bass house.
i think knock2 is pretty revered in the edm community for being revolutionary in his music. with this song, i go beyond relating miyuki to just the song, but also the dj, as both are highly respected/well-known in their communities. both are young with big careers ahead of them in their respective fields. as for the song itself, i felt like sweat in itself pretty much represented him in both a game and in practice LMFAO but i also think miyuki is clever and playful, much like this song and other of knock2's works. catchy (no pun intended), addictive, and unique. that is miyuki kazuya. that is knock2.
high praise as knock2 is my fav dj and miyuki is my fav character
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as a character, i thought chris you as comforting, soothing, and reliable. he's a little more lowkey, and so i knew to categorize him as house: miracle remix by calvin harris, ellie goulding, and mau p.
chris was vital to the series, not only to seido as a whole, but also for being a role model and inspiration to miyuku and sawamura, two very key players in the current seido team. his presence is a miracle as the song suggests. when i first heard this song, i was entranced by it; i was relaxed, yet i was also filled with energy. i think chris has the same effect: a comforting presence, but he inspires you to do more.
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as not only an anime/daiya no ace post, but also an edm post, i dont think this list is complete without mentioning subtronics. (dubstep)
isashiki is def subtronicscore: scream saver by subtronics.
this song bursts your ears; it's intense, heavy, ear-splitting, but you can't help to listen to it.
isashiki is loud, hence scream saver. particularly at the moment where it says "target marked," it made me think about him hitting the ball with his bat, sending it flying. he plays for "the kill," or for the win, in other words. i imagine him challenging his opponents and securing victory for his team with this song.
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it was really fun to write this post, as it's a combination of two of my two favorite things at the moment: edm and daiya no ace. these are the match ups that come to mind right now, but if more come to me later, i'll post a part 2 to this! :3
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amazingmsme · 1 year
The oc brainrot has set in so it’s about time I tell y’all about her! Thanks to everyone who voted on the name poll, it really helped!
Also, trigger warning for mentions of kidnapping, human trafficking & death, mainly in canon event 3 if you want to skip that sort of thing
Meet Briar Sparks aka Spider-Goth
Earth 80085
Pronouns: she/her
Age: mid 20’s
Height: 5’7 (6’2 with the boots)
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Briar grew up in the rural south with her parents & little sister & had to move to the city when she was 10 for her dad’s job. She spent most of her life in & out of hospitals because of health issues & underwent a handful of tests & surgeries to get answers (spoiler alert: they never got any straight answers & she felt like all of it was pointless torture) so she has a lot of medical trauma regarding doctors & hospitals & developed severe trust issues because of it.
Her personality is… not what you’d expect for the goth spider-woman. Or at least it used to be, she’s gotten way more angsty in recent years. She used to be really sweet & bubbly but now she’s very closed off & shy & just has this depressing aura wherever she goes. It’s a stark contrast to some of the older members of the Spider Society who knew her when she first joined. (“I just like the aesthetic & wanted something intimidating, it doesn’t mean I have to be a broody bitch.” *becomes a broody bitch*)
She likes a wide variety of music, mostly what you’d expect. Rock, alternative, edm, indie, but most shockingly showtunes. Enjoys singing, dancing, baking, art, video games, reading & writing. She was on the swim team & active in theatre in high school. She’s a horror buff & generic nerd. When not in her suit, her style is casual & full of splashes of color.
First canon event:
When she was 14, her younger sister Ashton went to the movies with a friend, & they never came back. Her family was used to the safety of the country & were used to letting their daughters go out on their own to play or head to town, as long as they let them know where they were going & when they’d be back. When she didn’t come home & they couldn’t get ahold of her when they tried to call, they started to worry. When the friend’s mom called to ask if they’d seen them, the panic set in. They checked the movies & asked to see the security footage from that day, & it confirmed their worst fear.
One of the parking lot camera’s saw the girls walking around the building on their way home when a car pulled up & threw them inside in a matter of seconds. The police immediately began investigating, they put out fliers & spoke on the news, begging for their safe return. It was a big story for a few months before the media lost interest, & eventually so did the police. People offered their condolences while insinuating that the girls were most likely dead by now & it was time to move on. This incident made her realize the horrific extent that crime can affect people and opened her eyes to the level of incompetence & neglect that law enforcement have towards victims of violent crime.
Second canon event:
In a matter of months after her sister went missing, Briar got deathly ill & had to be hospitalized. Long story short, she was finally properly diagnosed with a rare disease that shall go unnamed cause i can only self project so much
During her lengthy hospital stay, a spider escaped from the secret underground testing lab & managed to crawl its way to her room. She had been going downhill faster than the doctors could save her & she flatlined. As they tried to bring her back, the spider landed on her hand & bit her. The doctors & nurses were so busy trying to save her that they didn’t notice the loose radioactive experiment. The bite delivered a huge jolt of energy, managing to revive her.
At first she didn’t react well to the bite & was dry heaving for the better part of the next day before she started to make a miraculous recovery. Her symptoms went away on their own & her vitals improved drastically. They had no explanation for her sudden turn around, but there’s no need to hold on to a healthy patient. She developed her powers the day she was released from the hospital, but wasn’t aware of them until the following day when she wasn’t as exhausted.
Because she’s immunocompromised & her dna was already mutated, the bite went a little haywire with her new abilities. She got the regular super strength & speed, spidey sense & climbing abilities, but she also got organic webs that shoot from her wrists. She can also turn invisible & has an incredibly high pain tolerance. After the bite she got fangs & her venom causes muscle spasms/cramps, fever & vomiting. The base genes of the spider that bit her was a black widow so her venom is very similar to theirs. This isn’t a part of her powers, but it is a part of her suit: she has brass knuckles that can turn into claws when she flexes her fingers.
Third canon event:
2 & a half years after she became her earth’s spider-woman she started to really get the hang of it & went on patrol for hours every day. It was on one of these patrols when her senses picked up a disturbance in a hotel across the city. As she was swinging through the buildings, she saw a girl leap out of a window from one of the top floors. Briar swung as fast as she could & when she thought she was close enough to save her, it was too late & her body made impact before the web could catch her. She rushed over in a panic because nothing like this had ever happened before & when she got close enough she realized it had been her sister.
Ashton was covered in bruises & fresh scrapes from the shattered glass of the window & was only wearing underwear & a bra with a torn off strap. The realization that she had been alive all this time & was being abused while the police had given up searching for her made her boil over in anger. She lashed out at the onlookers who were gawking at her sister’s body, demanding they look away & be respectful. A mother in the crowd who was clearly on the way home from the water park offered her a towel to cover her & she immediately pulled her into a long, desperate hug as she sobbed.
She heard the sound of distant sirens & jumped onto the side of the building, running up to the room where Ashton had jumped from. When she burst in the room, a half dressed middle aged man was running around the room frantically gathering his things & yelling at a crying, cowering girl in the corner. He froze when he saw her & began stuttering out an excuse, but she was on him in an instant. She was cussing him out, demanding an explanation & telling him how disgusting & worthless he is all while beating the living shit out of him. She literally beat him within an inch of his life & left him with venom coursing through his veins & webbed to the bed. She wrote the words “pedophile, rapist, murderer” on the walls in his blood.
She took the girl with her & dropped her off at a safe house with a way to get in touch with her family, & she gave her her personal contact info. Briar really cracked down on the human trafficking & abductions that were going on in the city & ended up finding the friend that had went missing with her sister. (But it wasn’t enough. Nothing would be enough to make up for what happened to her.)
Ok let’s lighten things up, that got a lil dark for a sec!
So how did she join the Spider Society? About 7 months after she was bit & became Spider-Goth, she was kiiinda getting her ass handed to her in a fight with her Green Goblin when this cool black & white detective type spider-man swoops in & helps out. She’s completely awestruck & begs for him to teach her how to be cool like him. So Spider-Noir takes pity on her & lets her tag along to HQ to see if he can pull a few strings. She’s still a bright eyed naive kid & just wants to be part of the superhero club so she just zones out the entire time Miguel is explaining how it all works.
She normally went on missions with Spider-Noir, Peter B, Jessica Drew & Hobie once he joined the society. (& of course my cousin’s spidersona, Go-Go Spider) But he called her a wanna-be poser cause she didn’t “live up to the aesthetic” when they first met & it really hurt her feelings. (No one knows how to hurt your feelings like a 15 year old you just met)
She’s managed to fly under Miguel’s radar- for the most part. She was introduced when she first joined (gotta get his seal of approval) but other than that tried to stay out of his way cause he intimidated her. She’s brushed him off when he’s called her for back up (she can’t help it if she’s sick or already in the middle of a fight! He just has bad timing! It totally has nothing to do with the fact she thinks he’s cute & thus tries to avoid him at all costs)
Tho she did have a little spat with him after her sister died. She was basically inconsolable & Jessica felt really bad for her & thought it might help if Miguel explained the whole canon event thing, & we all know how blunt he can be with that. He tried to tell her to move on & that this was destined to happen & it wasn’t her fault. She took it as him saying her sister’s only purpose was to die so that she could go on to do something great. It pissed her off & she punched him in the face & stormed off, & she’s kiiiinda been purposefully avoiding him since. Like if he calls she’ll stare at her watch until it stops ringing & then Noir calls right after & immediately picks up like omg hey bestie. Gets real awkward if they’re both calling her for the same mission ahshskdkd
Fr tho she has a big ol crush on Miguel & tries to avoid him at all costs because of it. She doesn’t even know what he looks like under the mask for the longest time, she’s just heard him talk & seen how he looks in the suit & decided that’s a purebred hunk right there & she’s angy about her feelings towards him. She goes the longest time without a proper introduction so he doesn’t even know her name. Hobie finds out & dares her to introduce herself as Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way. She says no of course but then he offers her 50 bucks if she does it so she says yes. He was lying, & she didn’t get her money but it was worth it to prank him.
I could honestly go on forever about her, but I’ll wrap it up here. Feel free to ask anything you want about her, I’d love to talk about her some more!
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Best of K-Pop 2021 - 10-1
All of these are SOTY material in my book...
10. Oneus - LUNA. I've been rooting for Oneus every since Bing Bing nearly topped my best of 2019 list. 2021 gave me two excellent title tracks from Oneus (and one awful one but we're gonna ignore). As with 2019's Lit, Oneus mixes traditional and contemporary music to great effect, but this time it's 80s pop so you know I ate it up. The way each version of Luna's chorus has different beat drops keeps it fresh throughout. Also, they had the great sense to leave the dance break off the album.
09. SHINee - Atlantis. Y’all can have View, but Atlantis is the summer sea epic that I deserve. Shinee picked up where Ateez left off, satisfying my previously unknown need for conceptual songs about the ocean. I can't tell you what SM was thinking with Don't Call Me, but they remembered who Shinee was for the repackage. Atlantis also has the best Minho rap in a title track since Lucifer - him saying “Atlantis” with 4 syllables is iconic.
08. aespa - YEPPI YEPPI. You know what, girl crush is great actually. I’m impressed but not surprised that SM figured out to elevate this generation of girl group k-pop – unlike their title track of the same name, Yeppix2 is actually the next level of the girl-crush genre. I love a confidence anthem, and this is the best one since Dalla Dalla. Nonstop hyperpop energy that adds 10 years to my life. Ok aespa, I see y'all.
07. Seventeen - Heaven's Cloud. Winner of my go-to serotonin booster award of 2021. Heaven's Cloud instantly became my favorite Seventeen song. The synths are literal heaven - boy groups, this is what happiness sounds like! Woozi was in his bag in 2021 I can't deny. Gimme your gimme your gimme your love love cloud.
06. SHINee - I Really Want You. Shinee being Shinee, we love to hear it. My favorite and most played song for most of the year. I literally cannot feel bad listening to this. Loud, brassy, shimmering funk music with Shinee’s undefeatable vocals. It's up there with Married to the Music and Dream Girl (should have been the title track, fu SM).
05. Seventeen - To You. I really didn't expect Seventeen to top Heaven's Cloud. And then I heard the teaser for Attaca, and I knew they were going to give me everything I wanted in 2021. To You hits all the beats of Heaven's Cloud but with a stronger beat, making it an intense and uplifting synth banger.
04. Golden Child - Spell. Sonic crack 😜. I don't know how else to describe how I feel when Spell comes on - I have to set a limit on how many times I can repeat this song so that my play metrics don't get screwed. The homies stole WJSN's music to great effect for Spell. Just pure glittery adrenaline, my boys are at their best when at 100% energy. Full8loom can’t miss - when Golden Child gets a Full8loom title track it's over for your favs I promise.
03. Key (SHINee) - Bad Love. Leave it to Shinee to outdo Shinee. I’ve been sleeping on Key’s solo potential – this blew every other solo out of the water. I'm genuinely surprised Key got better music that Kai or Taemin. Look at SM giving a sh** about the singers. Pounding 80’s beats are always welcome in my k-pop, and Key’s vocals make the song soar (the ending!!!). Everyone says this is copying the Weeknd, but I don't listen to the radio or go to the mall, so I don't know what y'all are talking about! Song must slap though, if it led to this!
02. Dreamcatcher - Poison Love. The only song to stay in my top 3 since January. I love edm dance tracks from the girlies (see Lovelyz's Temptation, f*cking love it), and Dreamcatcher has some of my favorite dark and bass-heavy edm b-sides (Sleepwalking and Silent Night are 👑). Poison Love is their best one yet - sleek, dramatic, and angsty. My previous best of year pics for 2019 (Woohyun - Just Look at Me) and 2020 (Pentagon - Asteroid) were synth edm tracks, so Poison Love was most poised to take the number 1 spot, at least until Shinee came back. But then...
01. Seventeen - Rock With You. I really thought Shinee would sweep my end of the year list, but I can't deny the hold Rock With You has on me. Seventeen has been giving all of their good songs to Japan ever since 2018's phenomenal Call Call Call. Not a bad decision, but as a result, I haven’t cared about a Seventeen Korean comeback since Thanks. Hit and Fear were good for like a week but had zero staying power, and I couldn't be bothered to buy or stream their 2020 K-releases. And in 2021, Heaven's Cloud was so good I completely forgot about Ready to Love. HOWEVER, with Attaca, Seventeen decided to give Korea the good sh** this time! Rock With You is now my favorite Seventeen song in a year that gave me my three favorite Seventeen songs ever. It's also their strongest comeback since Aju Nice (the good old days when Seventeen was fun). There's not a single flaw I can find in this comeback. The song is full of energy with hooks all over the place, the choreo is 10/10, everyone looks great (especially Jeonghan). Even though Shinee didn't take the top spot, I feel like Shinee is still responsible for this comeback - their return to k-pop encouraged Woozi and Hoshi and the rest of them to not flop in front of their favs. Seventeen is out here showing all these Super Junior clones with too many boys how it's done!
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melodam · 3 years
alright so the queen of good taste in music @cameronhvrley tagged me in a game so here we go
Rules: drop a screenshot of the top portion of your spotify home page, explain your playlists (if you have any), share your account (if you want to) and tag your mutuals to do the same!
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aight so the first one is my current playlist aka a rly angsty playlist tied together with latest releases from my faves
mood^tm is filled with (mostly) calm and vibey songs that you’d listen to in a dreamy summer night
suvi aka summer is basically my hot-girl-summer party playlist
iono is my past main playlist turned into an angsty breakup playlist complete with lil peep and fletcher. that kinda says it all lol
flether’s energy aka ‘im mad at u for breaking my heart but also im hot and over you’ filled with fletcher-esque songs. v angry and bothered 10/10 would recommend if ur mad at someone
edm is pretty self explanatory. basically 13h of good edm music to listen to while im driving in the car with my mom lol
my spot is here if anyones interested
and i tag @someethingg-beauttiful @theskystillwakesup @glossierjoon @ohnocarmillasmean and whoever else wants to do this
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straykidsupdate · 4 years
Stray Kids Members on GO LIVE and Making the Music They Want to Make
There's bedlam in the kitchen, as K-pop disruptors Stray Kids wreak delicious havoc on a sterile commercial space. They dance around wildly, waving stainless steel pots and pans in the air and tossing freshly pressed napkins and imaginary ingredients with relish and abandon. In the forefront, fiery rapper Changbin serves up his own potent sauce with a pummeling verse, while dancer Lee Know attempts to stir fry a handful of what appear to be rose petals behind him. A marching band, their plumes high and faces unbothered, carries on amidst the mess — a visual manifestation of the heavy bass ostinato that immediately invades the senses. It sounds disorienting, maybe even slightly dangerous. It looks like chaos.
Welcome to "God's Menu" ("神메뉴").
The Korean boy group's latest single boasts a big, brassy hook laced with trap beats and an addicting refrain ("this is our tang, tang, tang, tang," they shout), a recipe that has become their signature dish. A sonic successor to last fall's explosive "Double Knot," the track teems with a tireless energy and their hallmark bravado. The video imagines the eight members as chefs who confidently concoct their own art from scratch. "Taste so good, everyone loves it," Han raps, in a mix of Korean and English. "All our dishes taste so strong."
The culinary metaphor is laid on thick, bolstered by a charismatic performance that includes Korean formalities like "네, 손님" (which translates to "yes, sir and ma'am" in English) and TikTok-certified choreography that incorporates mixing, frying, seasoning, and, most notably, chopping. But for a group that's been cooking up homemade beats and flavorful lyrics in their bedrooms long before their 2018 debut, it's a savory declaration that feels more than earned. "We just keep on making new things," leader Bang Chan sings, cleansing the palate with a sweet melody. "Because we're one of a kind."
They bring that same level of confidence and clarity to their first full-length album Go生, a title that combines the English word "go" with the Chinese character for "life" and showcases the group's penchant for clever wordplay. Pronounced go-saeng in Korean, it translates to "hardship." The English title, GO LIVE, reflects their desire to move forward without any lingering inhibition. Consider the 14-track LP a reintroduction to Stray Kids.
"We tried to not think too much," Bang Chan tells Teen Vogue from Seoul, South Korea, where he's currently huddled in a room with members Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. It's late June, and they're in the middle of their first week of promotions for the album, which means early mornings, long nights, and a whirlwind of music show performances, interviews, radio shows, and virtual fan engagements. And yet, even as it nears midnight, the members, ranging in ages from 19 to 22, are still easily excitable. Australia-raised Bang Chan acts as the group's tireless translator, and despite recent concerns, his accent sounds as prominent as ever as he explains how Stray Kids adopted a fresh mindset in preparation for Go生. "Of course, we thought a lot about what to put in the album and how we wanted to make it, but we went with the flow," he says. "We wanted everything to feel a bit more raw."
Stray Kids made their official debut under JYP Entertainment with the riotous and self-produced "District 9," an angsty blend of hip-hop and EDM that would ultimately define the group's characteristic intensity, both musically and lyrically. It laid the foundation for 2018's I Am… trilogy of EPs, which focused heavily on the theme of identity as they charged away from systems that sought to control them. The Clé series followed in 2019, which threw Stray Kids head-first into the thorny, often exhausting labyrinth of adulthood. Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han, who comprise the group's in-house production trio, known as 3RACHA, write about their own experiences, etching their personal dreams and worries into a diverse discography that spans six EPs, multiple mixtape singles, and special releases. But with Go生, they've emerged with newfound perspective.
For years, their music was fixated on the idea of bulldozing through obstacles that stood in their way. They wanted to outrun their problems. Now, it's clear: Growing up isn't about overcoming anxieties and struggles. Instead, it's learning to live in spite of them — to run freely alongside them.
As a result, Go生 is a release bursting with color and vitality, a celebration of life's mercurial nature. There's a song for every craving, and a tracklist that demonstrates the members' prismatic talents as rappers and vocalists. "Easy" delivers boundless swagger over a trap beat (and it's already been immortalized on stan Twitter); "Airplane" is Stray Kids at their most relaxed, a chill summertime vibe that's also a tremendous showcase for singer Seungmin; main rapper and all-rounder Han lets his voice soar on "Phobia," an electronic-synth track that examines the paranoia of losing someone (it was also the final song added to the album); "TA" is all high energy and thunderous chaos, perfect for a future encore set; and "Blueprint" shines with its funky bass line, bright verses, and fierce optimism ("I'll proudly achieve my dream," Felix sings in Korean, as translated to English).
"We wanted to show what Stray Kids is really about," Bang Chan says. And in doing so, Felix adds, they "experimented with a variety of genres." The fellow Aussie, who Bang Chan affectionately calls his little brother and who fans (known as Stay) refer to as their "sunshine," speaks with a warm timbre. His flow is even deeper and more distinct, and it's been a solid entry point for Stay and locals alike. Felix is a commanding presence on "God's Menu," a testament to his growth as a rapper and performer. When asked about his five-star performance, he gets shy. "I think everyone put their all into this song and into the album," he says. "Sit down, be humble," Bang Chan jokingly sings beside him, a reference to Kendrick Lamar's 2017 manifesto "Humble" and a demonstration of the leader's persistent playfulness.
"We've all improved a lot in terms of our performance," dance captain Lee Know says, much to the surprise of his members. It's not that they don't agree, it's just that his eager contribution to the conversation catches them off guard. He's not always so talkative during press interviews. And there's an audible cheer among the group as he continues. "Our dancing has gotten stronger. Our vocals have gotten stronger as well. But we're still honing those skills. And we'll continue to grow."
Hyunjin, whose own development as a rapper, dancer, and vocalist with a mellifluous falsetto is well-documented on the internet, agrees. "As we get older, we want to show Stay more sides to us," he says. The lithe performer's strength is his versatility. He's highly adaptable, so it's not surprising that he's been working on writing and composing his own music under Bang Chan's watchful guidance. "I want to show [Stay] something different," he adds. (And that's a promise he intends to keep.)
Youngest member I.N thinks they're maturing in other ways too. "We've all gotten a lot more good-looking," the lively vocalist says, very matter-of-factly. Laughter erupts in the room, and Changbin's cackle is unmistakable. Undeterred, I.N carries on. "When it comes to performance, I've personally gotten a lot faster at recording and memorizing choreography," he says. Lee Know is quick to jump in. "I.N's performance in 'TOP' really surprised me," the elder says. "He's in the center position for the hook, and watching him I saw just how much he's improved. He's more confident now."
I.N is happy he gave off such an aura. "When we were preparing for this album there were times when I didn't feel so confident," he says. So he turned to his members, who listened to his concerns and offered him feedback. He feels much lighter now. "One thing I realized after watching our 'God's Menu' stages is that we all look like we're enjoying ourselves more. We feel more free on stage. And it just feels easier."
The album's most surprising and reflective moment comes at the halfway point, courtesy of Han. Written by the teen multihyphenate, "Another Day" is soft and simple, but no less introspective than his previous cuts ("19" and "Sunshine"). It depicts a feeling of restlessness caused by burnout and the inability to "rest without worrying."
Han's inspiration for the song was largely himself. "It's been a tough year, and I knew it wasn't just me who felt that way," he says. "So I wanted to put those emotions into the song."
In front of the camera, Han exudes relentless charisma. He's quick-witted and wickedly funny. Off stage, he's one of the group's two MBTI-approved introverts (the other being Hyunjin), and he prefers to relax in a controlled environment: his room. In fact, if he doesn't have a schedule or a song to work on, he'd prefer not to leave his bed at all, choosing instead to watch YouTube and anime on his phone. As someone who's deeply inspired by visual mediums, it's in these calmer moments where creativity often strikes.
"Everyone goes through times where things don't work out the way you want them to," he says. "But I think it's important to remember that while you're going through a difficult time, you need to take a breath. Go do something for yourself … Break out of that negative mindset and open yourself up to new possibilities."
Each of the members has their own way of dealing with feelings of stress and anxiety. Changbin works on music. "It's my healing," he says. And he hopes it can be healing for Stay too; he teaches fans the basics of rap during semi-regular streams on V Live. Lee Know prefers to do nothing at all. This is why the members often say the self-assured performer is like water — whatever is bothering him just washes away by morning. But I.N needs time away from the older members. ("Leave me alone!" oldest member Bang Chan whines, mimicking the moody teen.) Hyunjin finds comfort in sentimental music and Korean dramas, and he's especially adept at communicating with fans on Instagram and V Live, where he addresses their worries and offers support in both Korean and English. "That heals my heart," he adds softly. Felix has taken up cooking and baking, even going so far as to buy an oven for their shared apartment's kitchen. His brownies are already beloved by the members and JYP staff. "Making something for someone and getting to share what I make… even a small compliment will make me feel relaxed and good about myself," he says.
Meanwhile, Bang Chan has a bad habit of "brainwashing myself into thinking that I'm not restless when I actually am." So he relies on the members, or "the kids" as he calls them, to help keep him in check. "Our first week of promotions was really tiring, but when I look on stage and see them — see Hyunjin, Changbin, Lee Know, see them all — it gives me a lot of strength. They make me feel at home." (The kids coo in jest beside him. "That's right!" Han shouts.)
Seungmin doesn't often feel anxious, but when he does there's nothing that a long walk and a good playlist can't fix. Lately, he's been listening to "Another Day." "Han surprised me [with this song]," the dynamic vocalist says. "I listen to it often, and it has inspired me a lot." Han, never one to pass up a compliment, replies, "Thanks, man."
While 3RACHA are largely responsible for crafting Stray Kids' music, the members are all integral to the process. "It's not 3RACHA's music, it's Stray Kids' music," Changbin says in English. "So the members' feedback is very important. I feel the best when they like it."
Case in point: "God's Menu." The group had originally recorded a different lead single, and they were in the throes of comeback preparations when Changbin played a demo of "God's Menu" for some of the members. According to Bang Chan, this happens a lot: "We go home, we play a demo, and we party to it." It's as simple as that. But then something unusual happened: Upon hearing "God's Menu," Hyunjin immediately knew he wanted to perform it. This was Stray Kids. The other members felt it too. "The lyrics expressed our music and confidence best," Changbin says in English, as his members cheer him on. ("Go, Changbin!" Bang Chan encourages.) "It's a song only Stray Kids could perform.”
And it was a theme that personally resonated with Bang Chan. "Back in the day, when we were releasing songs as 3RACHA, I always liked to relate my producing process with cooking and science," he adds. "It's just a really fun concept." (Astute fans might recall the 2017 3RACHA deep cut "Alchemistry," in which the industrious leader declares himself a "mad scientist.")
So 3RACHA went straight to the top — to the company's founder J. Y. Park — and asked if they could change the single to "God's Menu." They didn't expect much; the single had already been locked. To their surprise, however, JYP agreed with their judgement. And so have Stay: "God's Menu" is the group's fastest music video to reach 60 million views, and Go生 broke their previous first-week sales record.
"It's a really funny and very warm feeling knowing that he believes in what we do," Bang Chan says of JYP's support. "And it makes us want to try out even more of our various ideas."
Producer Mike Daley (Baekhyun's "Candy") experienced 3RACHA's creative process and various ideas first-hand in Los Angeles last May when Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han spent a day with him in the studio following the U.S. leg of the group's Unveil tour. They worked on two tracks, one of which would eventually become "Easy." Daley played an unfinished demo for the trio, and the reaction was immediate. "A few of the guys just started rapping," he tells Teen Vogue. Bang Chan workshopped the hook and melodies with a few of Daley's friends and collaborators, while Changbin and Han wrote the verses. "Spear [Changbin] and Han were in their own zone on their phones, writing," he recalls. According to Daley, Spear — a reference to Changbin's 3RACHA moniker SpearB — laid down the first verse, and the atmosphere was electric. "He was going crazy in the booth," he says. "It had a ton of energy. And that got everyone amped up to make the hook have as much energy as the verses were bringing."
Daley, a veteran of K-pop songwriting camps, was surprised by just how involved 3RACHA were in the studio. "They knew how to produce really well, so we were all arranging it together," he says. He also observed their teamwork. "It seemed like they each had their role and worked together well," he adds. "Spear and Han were focused on the verses, but when they heard a melody they liked, they'd look at Chris [Bang Chan]. They knew how to get the song done."
And that sense of creative autonomy isn't just exclusive to 3RACHA. Through self-produced digital projects like "SKZ-PLAYER," all of the members are encouraged to express themselves through their art. "It's a really good platform for us to showcase what we want to show Stay, something that they haven't seen before," Bang Chan says. In May, he surprised fans with "인정하기 싫어," which translates to "Don't Want To Admit," a vulnerable piano ballad that laid bare his heartache. Last year, Lee Know released "Dawn," a slinky dance performance he choreographed himself. Seungmin covered his favorite band, and fellow JYP artists, DAY6. "I am very grateful that we are able to sincerely connect with Stay through music," the floppy-haired vocalist notes. As for Changbin, he recently dropped "Streetlight," a solo track in which he wrestles with feelings of loneliness. And Hyunjin released his own video — a contemporary dance he produced and choreographed to Billie Eilish's "When The Party's Over." He titled it "Empty."
"I wanted to express a different feeling, one that I couldn't show through our own performances," the perceptive dancer says. He choreographed the piece to convey his longing to perform. That loneliness that comes at the end of a party, he says, is the same emptiness he feels when he leaves the stage. "That void I feel sometimes, I wanted to express that through choreography."
Han's "Close" was inspired by the 2004 film Closer, specifically its opening scene, in which a young woman locks eyes with a handsome stranger across the street. The idea of human connection, of seeing someone and wanting to know everything about that person, struck Han, especially at a time when people feel farther apart than ever. But it was too raw to share. "I didn't originally want to release 'Close.' I wanted to keep it to myself," he says. "But after showing it to the members, they encouraged me, and that motivated me to share it."
And they continue to share their artistry with Stay. Fans are getting an intimate look at the members' songwriting and melody-making prowess in "Two Kids Song," a web series that splits them into pairs and challenges each team to write, produce, and record an original song. For Stray Kids, the desire to keep learning and pushing themselves — as songwriters, as performers, and as young adults navigating the world around them — both inside and outside of the practice room, comes naturally. "We're artists," Bang Chan says. "It's right for us to express whatever we want through our creative process."
However, with unfiltered access also comes moments of real humility, a reminder that the relationship between idols and the community they foster isn't defined in scenes of uncritical loyalty and fan service, but rather in instances where they hold one another accountable. In a June livestream, Bang Chan reminded fans, "I don't want you guys to spread negative energy around. Stays, you guys are better than that." That sentiment was recently reciprocated when the group participated in a July variety show segment that many Black fans deemed racially insensitive. Stray Kids apologized in a personal statement posted to the members' shared Instagram account, in which they rejected all types of discrimination with a promise to do better by their fans everywhere around the world. "We are still lacking in many things and we are trying our hardest to become better," they wrote in Korean and English. "We would like to apologize to anyone if we have stepped on a rake. It was never our intention but due to our lack of understanding."
It's this honesty that resonates most with their fans. It's woven into heartfelt lyrics, tearful ending ments, social media posts, virtual hugs, home-cooked meals, and earnest reminders to deal with — not run away from — things that are difficult. It is the lens through which Stray Kids see themselves: never perfect, but always sincere. Mainly, it's how they expel their innermost thoughts and feelings, the joy and the agony of everyday life. Whether that's by working on music, or choreography, or refining a new dish, or bettering themselves, that's ultimately up for them to decide. It always has been. Their appetites are insatiable, after all. "The fact that we have the chance to make the music we want to make and talk about the things we want to talk about is really special," Changbin says. "It makes me more excited for what's next."
A day after talking to Teen Vogue, Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han set the KCON:TACT stage ablaze with an opening performance that showed the world just how hungry they are. “They always say the same excuses, while they’re complaining we’re producing," Bang Chan sings, the Auto-Tune heavy. "The passion I give it, nobody can kill." It's a bold statement for any group to make, especially one as young as Stray Kids. And yet, it's that measure of determination that's defined their careers since they were teens trapped on a hellevator with nowhere to go but up. One day they'll reach the penthouse. For now, they're learning to savor the ride and embrace the mess.
"We're going to enjoy this freedom," Bang Chan says, "and eventually we'll fly high."
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wings-of-a-storm · 6 years
I am so behind in my scene discussions, but Friday night’s clip (aka. the start of Lucas’ hell week) literally packed a punch, so I’m jumping straight to this one first! For full impact though, I need to go back a step and set the scene.
On Thursday, Lucas said some pretty stupid, ignorant things to Mika about what it means to be gay, and Mika completely lashed out at him. Anyone feeling as stung and guilty as Lucas would want to seek out someone to comfort them and make them feel like less of a terrible person. The first person Lucas goes to is Eliott. I love that so much, I could weep. (It’s telling on another level though, because it suggests Lucas came out to Mika in part for Eliott, in case Eliott’s problem was Lucas being so in the closet…)
But Eliott crushes Lucas in his time of need with what was essentially a break up text. Now Lucas needs even more comfort. He has no choice but to finally reach out to his friends even though he had been avoiding them for so long…
Cue the start of Lucas’ Friday night hell.
Lucas arranged to have his friends come over that Friday night because he really needed company and comfort. The problem is, he hasn’t felt completely connected to them for a while and he feels he can’t tell them anything about the stress he has been under. It means there is only so much his friends can do for him in that moment. So even though Lucas was the one who called them to come over, he isn’t present with them in that room. His grief is too great and he can’t share it.
How powerful is the use of silence in this scene! Where we go from the rowdy atmosphere of competitive gaming to the utter white noise of Lucas’ reality. He needs his friends there for comfort, to not feel so alone, but he is so far away from them. His world is nothing but silence and that dull elongated drone; there’s no more piano music in his heart. Even when Lucas has been sad before, we’ve had piano music! But this sadness has gone beyond that into numbness and depression.
I don’t think we have ever seen Lucas look more small and vulnerable than that shot we get of him on that couch, where he is literally separate from the others and wrapped up in his hoodie for comfort. I mean, the way he is sort of slumped into himself on the couch with his hoodie covering his ears like a warm blanket... The vulnerability is off the charts; it’s so goddamn painful.
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And then when you get a look at his phone screen (which he has clearly been staring at on and off the whole night!), you realise his relationship with Eliott has been so perfectly summed up on one screen: the warmth of an eager, smiley Eliott going to all sorts of lengths to spend time with Lucas -- and then a sudden barricade of silence and rejection. It is like staring at what once was and what could have been. Lucas must have read those words hundreds of times to try and figure out what went wrong and how he lost Eliott. Tonight with his friends, all he can do is continue to wonder…
The depressive funk Lucas has fallen into really shows in his slow amble to the fridge. He just seems so lifeless, like it’s so much effort just to cross the room. You can even hear in his voice how much effort it is to even speak. How painful was it to hear the way Lucas told Yann there was “No problem” with a voice so barely there! He can’t even lie properly anymore; his soul is just so sad and exhausted.
It reminded me straight away of Martino’s non-existent voice when he told his father he was ‘fine’ after breaking up with Nico. We’ve all been there when we’re trying so hard to repress that emotion to survive the conversation and not break down. It’s hard for the viewer to witness, and it would have been so hard for Yann to see as well.
It was so wonderful how Yann engineered the whole beer errand to get Lucas alone and finally broach the topic that something was really wrong. Yann had tried giving Lucas his space earlier, but it had clearly gotten too far now and he had to act. It is commendable that even when Lucas wasn’t ready to open up to him still, Yann swallowed his frustration and committed to at least giving Lucas the one thing Lucas asked for: to just have fun with the boys.
Unfortunately Arthur and Basile interrupted them when they probably could have used a bit more time together in their world of unspoken understanding… And to make matters even worse, the interruption was to guilt Lucas into going to Chloe’s party.
The way Lucas closed his eyes, sucked his lip in and then rubbed his face when Arthur and Basile were yabbering on! You could feel how at his limit he now was; how he didn’t have the strength to handle any of it anymore.
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Yann is fully switched on though; he knows Arthur and Basile are in another dimension right now and haven’t noticed how this whole Chloe thing is a huge wound for Lucas. I loved all the concerned and wary looks Yann gave Lucas while the other boys were talking.
I can’t lie though, I feel a little frustrated that Yann wasn’t completely getting what Lucas needed even though he was the most supportive one there. It seemed pretty obvious that Lucas wasn’t in the right state to go out and socialise, much less be at the party of someone who was clearly part of Lucas’ problem. I know Yann can only do so much but I can’t help but feel like he failed Lucas there by allowing the boys to guilt trip him into going out. I wish he had made sure Lucas was actually up for it no matter how eager Arthur and Basile were.
Like, sure it would be nice for Yann to see Lucas trying to make things up to Arthur and Basile, but at what cost for Lucas, you know? Maybe Yann thought a party would help distract Lucas, and maybe he thought that if Lucas’ problems had something to do with Chloe then maybe he could work on it at the party… But it just didn’t feel good enough…
My feelings of helplessness for Lucas’ state only grew when they were walking to the party and Lucas’ depressive bubble was still so painfully evident in the way he was dragging his feet along in a resigned amble. You can see how hard Lucas is trying though -- how he tried to reciprocate Basile’s affectionate side hug. I hope that even though Lucas was feeling like absolute shit and it was taking all of his energy just to walk anywhere, it gave him a small piece of happiness to know he was at least making Basile’s night…
Oh Basile. Where do we even begin with him. I really can’t stand his behaviour with women, even if he was kind to Daphne when she was dangerously intoxicated. I also dislike how he screamed at Lucas once just because he couldn’t go to one party. He is very emotionally immature compared to every other character. Yet…despite all of that, I can’t help but appreciate that he has a kind soul beneath it all.
That being said, I cannot state enough how much I dislike that the writers are making Daphne fall for Basile gradually. I think he needs more time to grow first, and I think Daphne needs to have more faith in what she is worth and not settle for the one guy giving her attention. Right now they just don’t feel compatible. In time, I don’t know, but right now definitely not. Their maturity is on different planes...
Can you believe Daphne actually seemed jealous that Basile was nice to other drunk girls? And can you believe that Maria seemed excited to recognise Basile as the guy who held her hair as she puked in episode one? She was definitely not happy at the time, as I recall. What changed, exactly?
It made me uncomfortable that Basile seemed to be rewarded in this episode from girls when he hasn’t earned it. Like yes looking after someone who is intoxicated is a kind act but in Maria’s case he abused that by touching her back and person and then trailing after her for more. That isn’t kind, that is lecherous. And we weren’t privy to what he was like after he lead Daphne away, so how are we to know he didn’t take small advantages there either?
So please, Skam France, can you please stop this Daphne and Basile thing? No one but Basile wants it.
We are now entering the Elu hell zone, guys. Buckle up.
In the past I have always enjoyed Nico’s and Eliott’s ‘parting the red seas’ scenes. But they have both officially been upstaged by Lucas because OH MY GOD WAS THAT ENTRY INTO THE PARTY AMAZING OR WHAT?!
When Lucas caught sight of Eliott across the room and his eyes just locked onto him and his body propelled him forward and he literally smashed through the crowd to reach him, I actually gasped and had to pause the clip because it was so savage!
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He was like a human torpedo. I mean, he collided so hard with someone at one point that he had to adjust his balance to stay on his feet! Nothing was stopping him from getting to Eliott. I truly wonder if he even felt any of those collisions though -- all of his senses seemed to be narrowed onto one person: Eliott Demaury.
Let’s be real though, the real song that should have been used here is:
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(Do yourselves a favour and watch the scene with this song over the top of it. It’s an experience! it works for Lucas’ exit too, obviously. ;)
What was so super angsty about this scene was that brick walls couldn’t have stopped Lucas from reaching Eliott, but seeing Lucille with him could. Realising that Lucille was there, that that was who Eliott had been smiling at… It just crushed Lucas and stopped him right in his tracks.
The camerawork here was phenomenal -- how the camera pans out from Lucas to emphasise his shock. And then Lucas’ view of Eliott goes blurry as if Lucas is in so much shock, his ability to see is failing:
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I mean, the last thing Lucas was expecting was to see Lucille with Eliott at that party -- even despite the ‘I need space’ text. And boy did you feel that shock with him. The frantic EDM playing at the party really didn’t help…
(Side note: It looked like Eliott had a cigarette or joint hanging from his mouth as he was putting his jacket on. If it was a joint, Lucille must have been really out of sorts if he was comfortable enough to have it ready for use in front of her. I feel like something even as small as that says a lot about their relationship right now: that Lucille seems to have backed down with that stuff after their awful double date fight. Unless that was just a cigarette and I’m talking nonsense.)
I mentioned this in an earlier post but I find Eliott’s clothing choice pretty interesting here.
Clothing is a pretty useful tool for any filmmaker because clothes act as visual representation of our selves and our moods.
For Eliott, he stans one jacket and one jacket only. We basically always see him in that camel bomber jacket. Maybe he feels safest in it; maybe because it is so large, he feels like he is wrapped in armour. Whatever the reason, it is his go-to jacket. And the fact that we see Eliott wearing it in almost every scene he is in, primes us to heavily associate Eliott with it. That has meant that whenever we see a blurry brown shape in the background of a scene, we know Eliott is approaching before we even see his face. That jacket is Eliott.
The Polaris escapade was the first time we saw Eliott in any other jacket. (Sure, we had seen other jackets hanging up on his coat rack the day Lucas came over to listen to dubstep, but since Eliott never wears them, they may as well have been an art exhibit.)
I’m not sure why Eliott chose to wear a different jacket with Lucas that night but perhaps since he knew he wanted to take Lucas to the tunnel, he wanted to be as stealthy as possible in that slimming dark number. The better to scare him with and all that. I dunno. (We, er, won’t go into the mysteriously changed pants.) But since Eliott wasn’t wearing his usual giant bomber jacket that night, he did feel a little different, a little more exposed and open.
The jacket he was wearing at Chloe’s party though? So very unfamiliar. For starters, it was a black leather jacket (or at least it looked like one). He gave off such a ‘cool’ or 'bad boy’ vibe with it (that is how we are primed in general to think of that type of jacket right?). It made him feel so...other. So unfamiliar. So out of reach…
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I think that clothing choice was so effective because Eliott is supposed to feel like a different person, doing things we just cannot comprehend. We are supposed to feel disconnected from him; we are supposed to doubt with Lucas that we ever really properly knew him. We are supposed to feel like he is hiding another ‘side’ of him. And it may seem small, but a change in outfit to a jacket so ‘cool’ and completely unfamiliar goes a long way to jarring us and setting that mood up.
While Lucas is frozen in place before Eliott and Lucille, he doesn’t even have time to process his heartbreak before the one person who could make this whole situation worse manages to bump into him.
Oh Chloe. The last we heard from Chloe, Lucas had essentially disregarded her anguish with a “…” text. It did not end well between them and a confrontation was inevitable. Chloe was owed that much. (I mean seriously, Lucas, “…”?)
I wasn’t prepared for how distraught she was going to sound when she confronted him though. I wasn’t prepared for the way her voice was going to break or that she would end up screaming at him. The pain in her voice really hit me and I felt so sorry for whatever private hell she has been going through because of Lucas’ treatment. Like many people, she is the first version of the Emma character that I actually felt for as much as I did for Lucas in that moment. I believed in her anguish and I wanted to hug her. I mean, the guy who had absolutely broken her heart and played with her over and over again had suddenly invaded her safe space -- her own private home -- and she was in shock to see him there.
That being said, of course it was absolutely not okay that she outed him; that she threw his biggest vulnerability into his face and inadvertently into the crowd. She was pretty ignorant as to how terrifying being in the closet is or how someone else’s sexuality isn’t up for your public interpretation. She has no idea how much she has inadvertently opened Lucas up to a lot of physical and emotional danger now.
And it was really hard watching Lucas’ face when Chloe was screaming at him. He was absolutely devastated to hear his name associated with the word ‘gay’ in such a confronting way. He wasn’t ready for it, and he has good reason for that.
And um…. Yep, people heard Lucas’ outing. There were definitely some looks exchanged and they didn’t appear too friendly either (whether that was because of his sexuality or because of the way he had obviously mistreated Chloe, it’s hard to know. To be honest, it felt like more the latter from the women).
Lucas’ life is clearly about to change and we just stepped over that precipice...
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talesofnetline · 6 years
Writeblr Tag Game
Tagged by @writingonesdreams . Thank you.
Let's get into this.
Current WIP:
My current WIP is the Shadows Child series. For now, I will just explain the first of the series, Multiverse.
The main theme of my WIP is the Multiverse theory, hence its name, where Lucius is brought to another universe, where he struggles to adapt at first. But in the end, He started to get used to stuffs. In there, he also learned a lot of stuffs that developed him into being better.
Meanwhile in Lucius' universe, his parallel version, call him Anakin, entered the universe, and he is trained to take over his place and to control the energy [Egni is the name] that he has recently generated.
Fantasy, Anime-ish, probable Shounen (?), Maybe (no, definitely) Angsty, maybe slightly ecchi if the situation rolls by, Magic, a little scientific (for some stuffs), etc.
My Fandoms or Interests are a lot.
An otaku, but recently only watching a little anime. For now, I'm Currently watching SAO Alicization and Cardfight!!! Vanguard (2018). Might continue AOT S3 when it releases, or probably get impatient and look for spoilers.
I am also a roleplayer, though I usually RP with my OCs from this series. I usually RP in the social media LINE. In Line too, I usually find random memes and shitposts.
I also like Superhero genres, being a fan of both Marvel and DC.
The musics that I like includes Classical, Some J-Rock, a little K-pop (which is very weird), Electronic (or Melodic in general) sub-genre of EDM, and some more.
And I usually like to get into deep philosophical stuffs for no reasons, even though in the end, I will sound blaberish.
What can you find on my blog?
Reblogs about stuffs that I like, Random writings that I would like to post here, rants about things, overview of my WIP, and some Writeblr stuffs that I'm tagged in.
@mastery-in-procrastination @abalonetea @sweetsweetbabytree @emilyelizabethfowl @writings-of-a-narwhal
2 notes · View notes
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Track Listing:
1. Split Personality 2. Narcissist 3. freak show 4. KISSING ON A BALCONY 5. hate you to love myself 6. Nobody Listens To Me! 
Francisco Martin is sharing his vicious truth in Manic (19 Recordings). A darker vein to last year’s debut Beautiful Ramblings of a Restless Mind, his sophomore effort gives space to his own reflections on mental health, relationships, and what it means to truly connect in today’s social climate. It’s easy to add an edge to one’s music by way of pulsating production; however, I feel like Martin’s sonic growth is well-earned. The trust he both gives and receives through the EP is woven throughout, songs created for people who “feel like the world is a little jaded sometimes.” 
“Split Personality” doesn’t pull punches with its lyrics of self-medicating, and serves as an emotional introduction for the grittier act to follow. It’s a building agony, and one where the production lends itself to a false sense of security in its dreamier textures. 
Martin implores compassion in “Narcissist,” a grungy pop rock cut born out of recognizing his own tendencies during his manic episodes. It’s an elevated energy – self-importance and a need for admiration, justified by either one’s manic moments, or basic needs not being met. It’s certainly a thoughtful take, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the writing was influenced by his move to Los Angeles: the pressures put on young stars in Hollywood, lack of support, and unreasonable expectations carried over to content consumers. At the end of the day, it’s a universal question (“who doesn’t want to be loved?”) and Martin uses the metaphor to shed light on entitlement and its varying contexts. The driving beat accentuates his apprehensive tone.
“freak show” has an underlying cynical annoyance, an exhaustion of mundane living and wanting an unattainable ‘more.’ I love the structure and vocal layering, making use of Martin’s deeper and higher registers. I’d call this one more of a ballad with its simmering, slower pace. 
I’m not going to lie, “KISSING ON A BALCONY” stands out for its sunshine and exuberance not as plentiful across the other tracks. I’m not sure it’s a perfect fit for cohesion, but gives off Chainsmokers meets Zayn vibes for the falsetto and tasteful pop/EDM elements. It details the warm anticipation of a new love, and hoping for that reciprocation.  
He carries guilt and understanding into the anthemic “hate you to love myself.” The electric guitars and fast-paced drums work well here, I imagine it’s a showstopper live. Having felt “constantly on the brink of anger and anxiety” during 2021, the song comes to terms with past behaviour towards himself and those closest to him. It talks about therapy, name triggers, and working towards a healthy change without forgetting transgressions. It takes courage to accept wrongs and show remorse, all part of self-growth that is not always linear and kind. 
“Nobody Listens To Me!” is my favourite from the EP, ever since it was teased on TikTok back in March. It’s angsty and tired. In sound, it’s reminiscent of mid-2000′s punk, punchy and raw but with polished production. We all have instances, some more than others, feeling useless and underappreciated. It’s a lingering feeling that wields its own dangerous power, and therefore important to remember that there are others in our corner and we carry significance (“there’s no team without me”). While it references year 2020, and I feel like the start of the pandemic without a doubt amplified fraught feelings, it’s a common predicament. I feel caught up in the chaos, but less alone. 
Martin approaches his craft with humbling candor, music that demonstrates attack and perception. Co-produced with Nick Sarpa, overall it felt high octane while still following the grounded impulses of the songs. I’ve admired his songwriting by not romanticizing aspects of mental health and struggle, but validating feelings as they are experienced. In another strong release, Martin is proving his post American Idol days are yet to come.  
Written by: Chloe Hoy
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onestowatch · 6 years
“Brown Paper Bag” Is Proof That Yoshi Flower Doesn’t Give a Damn About Genres
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Multi-genre writer and producer Yoshi Flower takes the best parts of rock, hip-hop, and electronic music to create a charming new type of grungy, computerized indie music. Emerging as the mysterious talented roommate of fellow producer Elohim, Yoshi debuted with his downcast, airy single “Movies” back in March. He quickly followed up with a collaboration with Elohim, a soft, breathy track littered with piano entitled “Panic Attacks,” and joined his friend and roommate on tour shortly after. Today, Yoshi Flower is back with a new single and the announcement that he’s officially signed with the esteemed Interscope Records. 
"Brown Paper Bag” reveals a more edgy sound that’s heavy on dark guitar solos and angsty vocals. It feels like rock and hip-hop melted together to produce a heavenly crossover of trap beats and rockstar rebellion. It’s like Yoshi’s softer, melodic side and his fiery, chaotic side are fighting for reign over the track, and the result is a glorious fusion of the two. Yoshi’s music possesses a certain kind of underlying enticing energy that draws you in and sends you floating down a river of lingering heartache and nostalgia. Yoshi explained what the song means to him:
"This one is for freedom, sonically and all else. The beginning of the new alternative. We think the things that matter to us are the superficial things...our phones, our cars, our clothes. Things that we believe give us serenity, they are fleeting and damaging to our psyche and environment. But when you think about what really gets you through this life it is the little things. For me, it is a brown paper bag. It held my lunch when I was bullied, it holds my 40oz and more when I want to get high, it helps me breathe and calms me down when life gets too lifey."
Yoshi recently played Lollapalooza this past weekend, and is set to join Whethan, one of EDM’s fastest rising star’s, on his upcoming tour. If the second half of 2018 is anything like the first half, it looks like Yoshi Flower won’t be slowing down anytime soon. While we anticipate what genre barriers he breaks down next, you can listen to Yoshi’s latest single “Brown Paper Bag” here:
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kevindurkiin · 4 years
Decadon Releases Heavy New EP Dedicated To His Father Who Passed Away Just Months Ago
They say that some of the best music is created during times of great personal turmoil. For Decadon, it was the perfect storm of his father tragically and unexpectedly passing away this past Valentine’s Day and the world being forced inside due to a global pandemic.
Through this adversity, he was able to channel that energy into one of the constants in his life: music. As a producer, it’s not only his job to make music but also an outlet, and in that sense, The Don is a stellar piece of work.
With three new original compositions, The Don is a new beginning for Decadon in more ways than one. The track are harder and heavier, stemming from his own emotional turmoil, of course. They also feature a lot of Decadon’s angsty guitar riffs as he’s fully incorporated the instrument into his own live sets, as well.
“This body of work means so much to me because it was written during a time of such sadness and uncertainty in both the world as a whole & my own personal existence. It is written in dedication to my father Don Miller Jr. who I lose suddenly on Valentine’s Day of this year. This record has provided me with an outlet and has been my therapy. being forced to quarantine during a pandemic & grieve simultaneously has allowed me to focus solely on this music & I am so excited to share this with all of you. I hope it brings you an outlet & as much joy as it has brought me.” – Decadon
Check out The Don below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Decadon Releases Heavy New EP Dedicated To His Father Who Passed Away Just Months Ago
Decadon Releases Heavy New EP Dedicated To His Father Who Passed Away Just Months Ago published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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bluebuzzmusic · 4 years
Decadon Releases Heavy New EP Dedicated To His Father Who Passed Away Just Months Ago
They say that some of the best music is created during times of great personal turmoil. For Decadon, it was the perfect storm of his father tragically and unexpectedly passing away this past Valentine’s Day and the world being forced inside due to a global pandemic.
Through this adversity, he was able to channel that energy into one of the constants in his life: music. As a producer, it’s not only his job to make music but also an outlet, and in that sense, The Don is a stellar piece of work.
With three new original compositions, The Don is a new beginning for Decadon in more ways than one. The track are harder and heavier, stemming from his own emotional turmoil, of course. They also feature a lot of Decadon’s angsty guitar riffs as he’s fully incorporated the instrument into his own live sets, as well.
“This body of work means so much to me because it was written during a time of such sadness and uncertainty in both the world as a whole & my own personal existence. It is written in dedication to my father Don Miller Jr. who I lose suddenly on Valentine’s Day of this year. This record has provided me with an outlet and has been my therapy. being forced to quarantine during a pandemic & grieve simultaneously has allowed me to focus solely on this music & I am so excited to share this with all of you. I hope it brings you an outlet & as much joy as it has brought me.” – Decadon
Check out The Don below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Decadon Releases Heavy New EP Dedicated To His Father Who Passed Away Just Months Ago
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/06/24/decadon-releases-heavy-new-ep-dedicated-to-his-father-who-passed-away-just-months-ago/
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#DiamondEdgeinJakarta , Placed Me on the Edge of Joyful Tears
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- Saturday, September 23rd 2017 -
That day is definitely going to be one of the most memorable days in 2017. I finally accomplished one of my life goals, to see Seventeen live.
Truth be told, there was a backstory behind this. Flashback to 2016, during their Asia Pacific Fanmeeting Tour. Well, my country was on the list. But the date was just not so compatible with my schedule because during that time I had to undergo a series of freshmen orientation program. August 20th 2016 was the first day of the orientation program so it was a logical reason to not attend their fanmeeting. Disappointed? Yes. Mad? Most definitely. But I made a promise to myself.
‘If the next year they will hold a world tour, I’m definitely going.’
I could say that I am pretty determined, and lucky, that I could actually prove my words.
And with that, here is the story of my amazing Saturday Night with the boys, and my family, the Rose Quartz and Serenity.
It’s happening! It’s finally happening! My long wait has come to an end. The crowd cheers as the opening VCR is played on the screen. The VCR is so bright and colorful it satisfies my eyes. Shortly after VCR ended...
I know that voice. I know it too well. It was no other than Seventeen’s very own Happy Virus, Dokyeom. As he said so, the members are starting to appear one by one. I was in the edge of crying because THEY.ARE.SO.HANDSOME.IN.REAL.LIFE. For real!
And with that, the concert is opened with one of their hit songs... Pretty U.
Pretty U is one of my favorite songs. It’s just so sweet and light. Along with the cute and romantic meaning of the song, that’s my type of bubbly music. Not forgetting about the boys as well. They look so cute in those colorful suits. Cuteness just went up to a whole new level.
Once the first song was finished, Beautiful is up next.
Okay. Let me be honest. This is even bubblier(?) than Pretty U. And I swear, I saw Dino and The8 doing the backpack dance when Dokyeom was singing his first line. Everyone was just so sweet. Throwing hearts here and there. Waving to us with a smile painted on their faces. It’s so refreshing to see them do their thing like that. There’s also a snippet of JeongHao moment during the performance. Basically, this performance is fluffy explosion everywhere.
Once Beautiful is over, they move on to the last song of the session, Adore U
Adore U was a good ol’ classic. It just brings out their natural stage appeal. Along with the fun bickers by the members during the performance, it’s another type of stage that lifts up the audience’s mood. The highlight part is definitely Dokyeom’s ‘Baby you are my angel~’. For a moment, the whole audience and Seventeen became one when that line was sung. Overall, the opening sequence is amazing! What a way to start a day, or a concert in this case.
Next...  They introduced themselves in Bahasa Indonesia. Indonesia 101, in terms of K-Pop Concerts, the most common way to greet the audience is by saying ‘Apa kabar? Nama saya ...’ which translates as ‘How are you? My name is ...’ . Seventeen did a really good job at that. I would like to point out that Jeonghan, has the cutest voice when he was greeting the audiences in Bahas Indonesia.
Again, Dokyeom is the one with the most energy in here. Oh, scratch that. Hoshi is probably the one with the most energy during their introduction. Hoshi used his iconic 10:10 introduction. In which the the audience replied as expected! The rest? As an Indonesia, I’m pretty impressed with their introductions. Pronunciation wise, they are pretty good for beginners. If they ever planned for another concert here, I hope they could improve their skill more.
Introduction took quite some time, perhaps 10 minutes or so. Once they finished, the stage continues with ‘Still Lonely’ and Performance Team’s ‘Swimming Fool’. Again, the last song to close the second song session is the hit song, ‘Very Nice’. With that, the first part of the concert was over.
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Second part starts with the screen displaying a few photos of Seventeen during their childhood. I gotta say, Joshua, Jun, Vernon, and Mingyu has the best childhood photos. Jeonghan looks really plain back then. Well, now, he’s slaying, at the very least. So I guess that’s quite an upgrade for him. After the VCR ended, we were greeted with Seventeen in uniforms of black and white. Probably a High School Uniform and they are performing Mansae.
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I would like to state that I love how they wrote ‘Jakarta Mansae’ on the blackboard. And Jeonghan sounded so clear when they were performing this song.
Mansae ends. Boom Boom starts.
You may notice by now that my fancams usually starts with Jeonghan singing. It’s just because I love him so much. :3 Also, Hoshi in sleeveless tops are the death of me.
After Boom Boom ended, the members returned to their respective places to prepare for the next stage. Well, everyone but two, S.Coups and Wonwoo.
They are holding the ‘Going Seventeen’ camera and doing little talk sessions with us. S.Coups is quite known with his sweet talks. Basically S.Coups is just babying us Carats to the point where Wonwoo said ‘If you guys could scream loudly, S.Coups hyung will do aegyo’. Oh yeah we screamed alright. Who doesn’t want to see the leader’s aegyo anyways. Once they finished their talk, it marks as the end for the first quarter as well.
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After the talks, S.Coups and Wonwoo introduced the next stage. I was expecting a unit performance. And guess what? Yep. We’re going to watch the units in action. First up for the session, Vocal Team.
Click Here (So apparently tumblr doesn’t allow adding more than 5 videos. What a bummer.)
They performed two songs. We Gonna Make It Shine, the new version, and Don’t Listen Secretly.
I have a question. Do Vocal Team sound like angels or angels sounded like Vocal Team? That’s a conspiracy circle that I will always wonder at.
No, for real. They sounded so clear and so good! I took special attention to my biases since I know that they didn’t have much lines compared to the other three. When I was listening... Wow, my ears has never been this blessed. You know the difference in quality between a live broadcast on a music show and actually hearing them live. Like they’re singing in front of you. Their voices are crystal clear. Dokyeom, this guy, never fails to amaze me with his vocals. Seungkwan, can’t say any other thing about his vocal range as well. Woozi, his sweet soft voice is enough for me to squeal on him. Jeonghan, his part snatched my life. Literally. IT WAS THAT GOOD AND IT SUITED HIS VOICE WELL. Joshua, his voice is soft, but not the Woozi kind of soft. It’s soothing enough to sing you a lullaby. I swear I could got diabetes from watching this unit just because how sweet and tender their voices are.
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I would like to talk about their performance of Don’t Listen Secretly. It was the second song, right after We Gonna Make It Shine. The stage went dark for a few moments and then when it lights up again, there’s a small setting in the lower back stage that sort of resembles an old Victorian-styled office room. Dokyeom, Joshua, and Seungkwan were sitting in an old-fashioned chair while the remaining two stayed standing. And when the music plays, it got me off guard. The song was remixed in some sort of angsty horror manner and it clicked me. They were doing the Don’t Listen Secretly stage with a vampire concept. These lonely vampires just want some love. XDD
Vocal Team brought the crowd into one with their vocals. Now it’s time for the next unit to lift up the mood again. The visual, I mean, Hip-Hop Team is up next!
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They performed two songs. 언행일치 and Check In. To be honest, I haven’t laid my ear on the first song. So I got a little confused with the it. I was expecting for either 기대 or Fronting. But oh well, I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the other songs. The once mellow atmosphere that the Vocal Team set was turned into something hot like Show Me The Money.
What can I say about them? They’re called visuals for a reason. Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo, especially him. To me, he was the member that looks BEST when I see the live. Like, he has this stage presence that could captivate the whole audience hearts. He’s what I call, the bias wrecker.
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Second song, Check In. See, I was actually glad that this song was performed. Because of that one line, that one specific line, that goes ‘Yeah I check in Jakarta City~’. And yes, that part was the most lit one in my case, or rather, in the audiences case. Because they’re singing that line in the very same place. The crowd goes wild when they got to that part. It was lit. I could feel the tension and the burning atmosphere. Feels like I’m watching Unpretty Rap Star or something.
Last unit is up! And the air just got even hotter.
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Performance Team, the multi-talented unit. Rap? Check. Vocals? Check. Dance? They are called for that. They got on stage in full whites and started performing their signature song, OMG, as their first song. What’s interesting is this performance of OMG had a mix of rock music in it. Who knew that EDM would sound so majestic when you add a pinch of Rock into it? Now I’m wishing I had the clean version of this remix...
Following the next song, which is by far my favorite song from the unit, Highlight.
GODDAMN WHY ARE THEY SO HOT? They were literally covered with burning aura, no kidding. Like, Even when I’m not that close to the stage, and their aura just spreads everywhere like wildfire. It was hot in the concert hall thanks to this unit. And boy, they even added a dance break to this performance. The whole hall just felt like an oven. Hip-Hop Team was lit, but Performance Team is on fire at this rate.
Second quarter of the concert passed. Time for the real deal. Because everything hyped always happens at the third quarter. (Wth, this ain’t basketball)
The atmosphere was still hot as ever. Perhaps Performance Team set the temperature a bit too high. Hall was dark, until I saw the screen turning all red and displaying a visualization of flames. Wow shit, it’s gonna get ugly, in a good way. Click Here And as I expected, it’s gonna be lit for the rest of the quarter. The first song is ‘Crazy in Love’, my favorite song from the latest album. With all the red themed visualizations, and Seventeen wearing red, I’m practically a boiling water at this rate. Also, during Mingyu’s ‘Can’t stop it, neukkim, woo!’, I had the urge to dab. Just because I saw Wonwoo doing so during their dance practice. And yea, I dabbed. Click Here Click Here As if the torture wasn’t enough, they continued with another series of unit performances. This time it goes by the order : Vocal, Performance, and Hip-Hop Team. THEY ARE ALL FLAWLESS! And I figured, this quarter is the time where the fully perform their songs from their latest album. Minus Swimming Fool. Performance Team sent Jun and The8 to perform their duet song.  Boy, there’s a bit of hot moment during their performance that made the crowd go crazy. (I don’t have the footage of Jun and The8′s performance. Sorry.) Finished with the unit performances. It’s Talk Time again! They did a lot of commentaries about the stage they just did, Indonesian Carats, and they did a little bit of dance battle! Click Here Joshua is just the cutest fluffball. And the leaders tho. Not forgetting to mention the amazing Diva Boo. His dances is literally the most lit one in my opinion. And last but not least, Wonwoo demonstrated Hip-Hop Team’s dance for their ‘If I’ stage. The moment he did that, I saw heaven. :’)) Click Here After they finished the dance battle, the performance continues to again, my personal favorites. Rock and Chuck. Now that the concert has finally come to an end, well, you know what I mean. They expressed their gratitude and the last song soon follows. The song we’ve been waiting for.
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I would like to point out a few stuffs that I didn’t get to record. Before the actual song was starting, there was a dance part performed by Dokyeom, and maybe, Jeonghan? I couldn’t see clearly because he was facing the opposite side. BUT HEY. THAT WAS THE MOST MAJESTIC THING I’VE EVER WITNESS. Jeonghan is a blessing. ;’))
The song finished. The screen went black. And the crowd?
Before the encore stage played, there was a VCR showing each of Seventeen’s members thoughts about Carats. To them, Carats are their energy, friend, air, something they could never live without. To sum up, Carats are their everything. What a sweet bunch of boys.
And the VCR ends... When another voice continues.
‘Slip into the Diamond Life...’
WOW. Just wow. Everyone showed up with their Diamond Edge tee. You know, the pink and blue one. Basically everything is so hyped and there was a lot of fanservice going on.
Click Here Click Here
That was so lit! It really brings back a lot of memories to me knowing that I’ve liked Seventeen back when they were still on Seventeen TV. I kinda teared up a bit despite the song being an upbeat one. Memories will be forever...
And the next song, the very last song, really makes the crowd heals. Yep, it’s Healing. :)
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There was a fan project going on. And everything went really smoothly. I hope we got the be in the next episode of Going Seventeen. Teehee~
As the song ends, it is finally the time to say goodbye. They bid their messages to us. And I’m surprised that they actually brought up a lot of memories during their tour last year. Mingyu, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, S.Coups, Hoshi, Dokyeom, and Vernon talked about their first ever visit to Indonesia last year. I’m ... Impressed actually. I assume that maybe, Indonesia left a good impression to them.  So they were actually pretty glad to visit here again. And I’m glad that they are glad to feel that way.
It’s finally the time to say goodbye. For real. But I clearly remembered Mingyu’s words.
‘If you live your life happily while you’re waiting for us, I’m sure that the next time we meet will come faster.’
I’m taking that as a promise that one day, they will return. And the day of their return, I’ll be there to watch them again.
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Looking back to that moment, I’ve never been so blessed in my entire life that I could finally meet them in such a close distance.
As I reflect on Mingyu’s words, I made a new promise to myself...
I will meet them again one day, in a closer distance. Where I can fully immerse myself in their stage presence.
And that closes the story of my amazing night with my boys, Seventeen. And my family, the Rose Quartz and Serenity.
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maynardtrash · 7 years
Hurting Pt. 2~Jack Maynard
A/N: this is a part two of an angsty angst imagine i wrote bc i was just getting over a boy who lowkey fucked me up but its life so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. anywayzilz ill link pt 1 here or you can go to my masterlist or not read it at all idc what you do its your life dude this ones a long boi tho sorry guys.
     I prepared myself to be the hottest I could be. I did my hair, wore my favorite skimpy and sexy dress, and my makeup was *snatched*. It was the first time I had gone out in a few months. It was the first time I had gone out since the incident. I didn’t like speaking about it because I would only think about it. I would relive the whole thing over again. I was going to have fun tonight. I was going to be happy again, even if it killed me. I couldn’t waste my time and energy on him. He was no longer in my life and I had to accept that. I had to accept that he wasn’t worth me or my time.
     I grabbed my clutch and joined my friends as we went to grab our Uber. We were going to a club opening and nothing said forgetting a shitty ex like free booze from greasey men trying to get into my pants and me trying to deny them as gently and politely as possible. We showed up to a long line of people dying to get in. But with great friends comes great opportunities. My friend (Y/F/N) was hooking up with the club owner. The bouncer recognized her immediately as he let us passed while we left behind groans and shouting from the queue.
     We were faced with mulitcolored lights, a sea of people, and booming EDM. My friends and I were all pulled to the bar as we squeezed through the crowd. Another friend of mine ordered a round of shots, and they all lifted their glasses to me. “To (Y/N)!” my friend shouted over the music. “Because fuck men and fuck men, amiright!?” We all laughed hysterically at her speech, cheers-ed, then threw them back. We had some more drinks before my group moved to the dance floor. We danced for a bit, grabbed drinks, went back to the dance floor, bought more drinks, and the cycle continued. 
     After what felt like an eternity, I decided it was time to sit down. I didn’t care who’s table I was going to, and neither did my feet. Heels in hand, I climbed into the closest booth to me, sighed in relief, and closed my eyes. “Long time no see, stranger,” a familiar voice shouted at me. My tired eyes fluttered open and laid upon a sight that made them sore. It was my ex boyfriend’s brother, Conor. He was giving me a warm smile, but I had never felt colder. My eyes widened and I began to panic. “Sorry, sorry,” I said, not caring if he heard.
     As I began to get up, I felt myself press against a warm force. I looked up to see a set of familiar blue eyes. Jack looked at me with a mix of sadness, elation, and guilt. “(Y/N), it’s so good to see you,” he said desperately. I said nothing in return, but I made a straight b-line to the bathroom. I ran to a stall and began to dry heave and cry and resort back to square one. “Tonight was supposed to be my night,” I thought to myself. “It was supposed to be my comeback.” Then a light bulb went off. It could still be my night.
     I got up from the ground, flushed, brushed myself off, and went to the mirrors. I touched up my makeup, grabbed a drink, chugged it, then went to the dance floor. I grabbed a random man and began to grind on him. He was getting into it, and I tried. Then I felt a strong hand grab my wrist and pull me away. Before I looked up, we were outside. I picked my head up and looked at my captor. “What the fuck, Jack!?” I screamed as I saw my ex glare at me.
     “I should be asking you that, (Y/N)!” he yelled back.
     “Why!? You’re not my boyfriend anymore! I’m no longer your damsel to save! I’m no longer your issue!”
     “To hell you aren’t! I still love you!”
     “Is that so? Certainly didn’t look that way when you were plowing another girl!” 
     “You don’t think I don’t think about that every god damn day!? You don’t think that’s one of my biggest regrets!?”
     “Then why did you do it, Jack? Why did you cheat on me?” At this point we had drawn a small crowd and I was on the verge of tears. “It’s a shitty excuse,” he grumbled.
     “I don’t care,” I told him. “It kills me even more that I don’t know why you decided to do that.”
     “Because... because you were the first girl I cared about,” he said. “Genuinely. You weren’t just another fuck and chuck. You were different. But then I got scared. I thought you would leave me because I thought karma would bite me in the ass. So I did what I’m best at and I hurt you first. But when I saw that look in your eyes I regret it with all my heart.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Please,” I retorted. 
     “Do you want me to prove it to you?” he asked angrily. I threw my arms in the air, gesturing him to go on his Casanova rant to save his ass and win the girl. “Art museum, food from a food truck, exploring the city we’re doing that in and finding non-touristy things to do. Your perfect date. You want someone to give you grape hyacinths on Valentine’s Day because they’re still beautiful but aren’t typical. You prefer silver over gold because it feels more classic. You think your best angle is your left but I think all angles of you are beautiful. And you hate that I say that because you think I’m lying. I could go on but if I did you would probably try to punch me for doing something as cheesy as this.”
     I was angry, but only because he made me not want to hate him. I wanted nothing more to go tell him to go fuck himself, that I wanted nothing to do with him. Then he said, “Let me have one more chance. Just one. Let me do all those things I should have done the first time.” I began to cry because I felt weak. But I agreed, and his eyes lit up. He rushed over and hugged me, and we started anew.
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straykidsupdate · 5 years
Stray Kids are fighting with their fans to determine who adores the other most. The fans started it, erupting into an impromptu chant inside Microsoft Theater in downtown Los Angeles: "We love you! We love you!," they shout, repeatedly. The sound is deafening, catching the boy band off guard. The eight members retaliate with their own impassioned chorus. "We love Stay," they respond, referencing their legions of international devotees. Both sides scream until, ultimately, Stray Kids admit defeat; they stand awkwardly onstage, apparently unsure how to receive the unrivaled adulation. Bang Chan, the Korean group's steadfast leader, looks around the venue in awe, while sensible vocalist Seungmin makes a heart with his hands and points to the crowd, resolved to have the last word.
This is not the first time Stray Kids has lost the battle of who-loves-who. It’s happened in cities across the United States, from New York to Dallas, amidst their District 9: Unlock world tour. It's canon, chiseled into the group's short but colorful history, alongside such viral moments as "Seungmin in the building" and "I'm not gonna leave you behind." Displays of affection between idols and fans are nothing new but, with Stray Kids, they’re never forced.
"It doesn't matter how old you are," Bang Chan tells the crowd mid-show, intensity building with every word. "It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, or whoever you choose to be. It doesn't matter where you're from — everyone is welcome in our special district."
Two weeks prior to this performance, Stray Kids — Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N — are gazing from a conference room in a Times Square skyscraper. The sky is gray, but that doesn't deter Hyunjin from posing for a series of selfies against the floor-to-ceiling window. As the lithe dancer works his angles, his bandmates are scattered throughout the room. Han props his phone against the room’s A/V controls to watch an anime; Bang Chan hunches over his own phone, thumbing the screen intently; Lee Know rests his eyes; and Australia-born Felix gossips about last night's Grammy Awards. Like any teen, he's obsessed with Billie Eilish, and her historic Grammys sweep is hard for him to fathom. "Can you believe it?" he says, eyes wide and sparkling. "She's only 18. It's amazing."
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But at 19, the deep-voiced rapper, whose delicate features betray his cherry-red hair, has similarly found success at a young age. Within a year of their 2018 debut, Stray Kids received 11 rookie awards and released five EPs. In fact, while Eilish and her brother Finneas were crafting homemade beats in a Highland Park bedroom, JYP Entertainment's tenacious boy wonders were honing their own unique sound in a small studio in Seoul, South Korea. Members Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han comprise the group's primary production trio, 3RACHA, and they've been making music together since their trainee days in 2017. Introspective early tracks like "Start Line" and "Runner's High" laid the foundation for Stray Kids' sonic identity: With the disruptive power of punk, they deliver astute, poignant lyrics about the bristly experience of growing up and its side effects.
"The things we worry about and the things Stay worry about — we share a lot of the same struggles," Han tells MTV News. "Even though our ambitions are different, we work hard just the same. It becomes our inspiration musically." As the creative force behind two of the group's more vulnerable cuts, "19" and "Sunshine," the 19-year-old rapper reveals his innermost thoughts and anxieties to the fans. But that honesty can be frightening.
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"It's nerve-racking for us," Bang Chan says. "Sometimes we think, 'If we talk about this, will people understand? Will they relate?' We're always thinking about how we can reach people through our lyrics because we want our music to help."
That empathy has been woven throughout their music from the beginning. Stray Kids’ first singles, the pre-debut track "Hellevator" and the darkly riotous "District 9," are full of angst and aggression, soundtracks for those who balk at societal pressures and follow their own rules. "My Pace" is an empowering anthem teeming with energy and affirmations. ("Don't compare yourself with others," Bang Chan sings on the hook. "It's OK to run slower.") Songs like "Voices" and "Side Effects" offer an intimate glimpse into the tumultuous mind of a young person still figuring out their place in the world, while "Miroh" and "Victory Song" are bursting with big sounds and youthful bravado.
"Young people today may feel a bit trapped, like you're constantly being told what to do and you feel like you can't speak for yourself," Bang Chan says. "So we want people our age to feel comfortable speaking out and talking about what they think."
By encouraging their fans to examine their own growing pains, to feel everything, they ensure that their message is never didactic. "All strayed steps come together to make a new road," they say at their concert. And with their latest release, "Levanter," off their sixth EP Clé: Levanter, Stray Kids come to the understanding that the journey is more meaningful than the destination, and the path ahead is ultimately theirs to define. So they double knot their shoelaces and dash full-speed ahead. "We might not know what the actual goal is, but as long as we're running hard and we're running as a group, whatever comes is going to be good anyway," Bang Chan says. "We just wish that a lot of people out there could listen to our music and get a lot of energy and hope from it."
Like 25-year-old Selina, who connects to their lyrics because she's "still on that journey of figuring out what I want to do and who I want to be," she says, clutching her Stray Kids light stick (a compass, now featuring Bang Chan's name written on the handle) outside of Microsoft Theater. Her friend Joseline, 18, likes that the members "have other priorities and interests outside of being a K-pop idol" that they reveal through daily Instagram posts, livestreams on the V Live app, TikToks, and weekly YouTube videos and vlogs. "He's not just Han from Stray Kids, he's Han Jisung — rapper, producer, and person," she adds.
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For Kambree, 17, the group has a "positive vibe" that makes her feel happy and accepted. "They make us feel like family, no matter who you are or what you look like," she adds. Her best friend Lexxie, 17, says Stray Kids "make me feel like I'm not alone with my issues." And So Yun, 30, finds their mix of "hard-hitting EDM" and "super angsty" lyrics reminiscent of the emo bands she listened to in high school. "It's the same rebellious spirit that I felt as a teen when you want to be your own person and figure out your own voice."
Their music has given Louis, 30, a newfound perspective. "I like the ['Levanter'] lyric, 'I want to be myself, I don't care' — that line resonates with me because we live in a society where people try to mold you, but at the same time, I just want to myself and at this point, I really don't care!"
Best friends Ella and Jazlynn, both 19, met online through their mutual love of Stray Kids, and they've customized their light sticks with glitters and holographic stickers of their favorite members' names. "Half of the group is technically my age, so I can look at them and see how successful they are, and it gives me inspiration to work harder," Jazlynn says, an I.N banner at her side. And while they do feel comforted by the authenticity in the group's songs, as Ella explains, it's who they are off-stage that many fans connect with most. "When you see Felix do the Renegade, it's like, 'I do that too!'"
Their ability to ignite the stage with powerful performances while staying true to themselves behind the scenes — as both K-pop's reigning meme kings and young men navigating adulthood — is what makes Stray Kids so relatable to a generation that experiences much of their lives online. "This generation is comfortable being alone," Changbin says. "We have our phones. We don't always need to be talking to each other to be together. Sometimes a text is fine."
And they're pretty normal, too. Bang Chan and Changbin watch videos from Tomorrowland and Ultra Music Festival to help clear their minds in the studio; the tracks "Road Not Taken" and "Stop" are the direct results of such self-care. Han's idea of a perfect day would be to "not come out of my room for 24 hours." If he could spend all day watching YouTube videos, he would. In fact, he says "Sunshine" was inspired by a scene in the Korean drama Boys Over Flowers, where the main characters travel to an idyllic private island. Though Han’s larger-than-life presence dominates the stage, he identifies as an introvert and admits he hopes to "overcome" his shyness. "On my ideal perfect day, I'd try new experiences and meet new people comfortably," he says. "You can do it!" Bang Chan adds, encouragingly.
Youngest member I.N makes time to go shopping, though he prefers to "chill" on his days off. And when Felix isn't playing video games or destroying kitchens with Seungmin, he frequents Seoul's finest dog cafes. "We have so many dog lovers in our group," he says, smiling. "I've been looking at a lot of dogs, and I feel like they help you feel better. I really want a dog with the team." Jisung points at Seungmin, whose nickname is "puppy," and Bang Chan adds, "We already have one." Seungmin scrunches his nose and says, "No way!" (But Han insists he's a "really bad boy.")
Meanwhile, Hyunjin, who’s known by fans for his theatrics and commanding stage presence is extremely open with his emotions. He frequents V Live, where he offers personal advice to viewers of his video series Hyunjin’s Counseling Center. But the 19-year-old admits that opening up to Stay has helped him, too. "I don't always have a lot of confidence," he says. “When I want to be comforted or when I’m feeling kind of sad, Stay are really good at consoling me. I want to be able to repay that comfort in full."
"The connection between Stay and Stray Kids would be family," Felix adds. Han jokes that they're the "annoying and mischievous" little brothers. But it's that sense of connection, among the group as well as with their fans, that has cemented Stray Kids as the vital voices of their generation.
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"The struggles we're going through — anxiety, stress, school, love — they tell us to take our time and see where our path leads," Selina says. "It's OK to stray from it. Just stay true to yourself. I always associate that with them. The idea of 'You Make Stray Kids Stay' is to find out what it is that grounds you and just keep going."
And Stray Kids don't plan to slow down any time soon. Having wrapped their Clé series at the end of last year with Levanter, 2020 offers an exciting fresh page for new musical experimentations, starting with the three original unit songs the group produced for the tour. "Wow" is a sexy R&B track from dancers Lee Know, Hyunjin, and Felix. It's also their first explicit love song. "We wanted to try a sexy song because it's a special stage," Hyunjin says, explaining that the dancers worked on their own lyrics in addition to helping with the slinky choreography. "We wanted to include moves that we haven't tried before," Lee Know adds, noting that they wanted something sexy and powerful. "So it was a new experience."
"My Universe," featuring vocalists Seungmin and I.N with an assist from Changbin, is a bright pop ballad. "I always wanted to try something like that," I.N says, eyes smiling. Seungmin tells Changbin from across the table, "Thanks for helping." And 3RACHA's "We Go" oozes confidence over a scorching trap beat. "We made 'We Go' last time we were here [in the United States]," Bang Chan says. "We made around three to four songs in one day… The performance is really fun as well. And those two [he points to Han and Changbin] got to have the chance to use Autotune live."
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They also released their first English singles in January, a process that rapper Changbin, known for his furious flow, calls "difficult." ("It was fun," Hyunjin argues beside him.) "I was listening to Changbin's rap [in 'Double Knot'] like, 'Why is this so fast? What am I going to write?'" Bang Chan says. "I tried to write it as easy as possible so that he could speak it well. I'm really glad that they could record it really well for me."
In March, they'll debut in Japan. And there's another mixtape project in the works, kicked off by the digital release of "Gone Days," a relaxed, Autotune-laced anthem for the "OK Boomer" generation. A play on the Korean word kkondae, it describes someone who pushes outdated ideas and expectations onto another based only on their age and status — and signals the arrival of a bold new direction. "I think [young people] now just need to be more comfortable with themselves," Bang Chan says of his inspiration for the track. "By being yourself, you never know what's going to happen."
"I always believe that one person can change the world," he adds. "So if you have a thought or an idea, just let it out. Because who knows? You can make the world a much better place."
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mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
Take a Journey Through Khiva’s “Road to Bamboo” Mix
Bamboo Bass Festival is just a few weeks away! Excitement is brimming, and the low frequency vibrations are buzzing. Today comes a gift for the spirit of Bamboo, from the netherworld of the Deep Dark & Dangerous. 
Khiva‘s new “Road to Bamboo” mix. Whether you’re preparing for Bamboo, or just seeking some dank vibes, this mix is a refreshing and welcome escape from the norm.
“Road to Bamboo” is an eclectic, and heavy deep dub, mix loaded with driving beats, trippy compositions, dark surreal soundscapes, and a dash of lighthearted energy to provide some warmth. She takes us on the complete journey, starting where most holidays begin, “Stressed”. It’s not soon before the tension dissolves into the sub-bass waves of some chilled out reggae, cheeky bossa nova bass, a touch of house, and plenty of angsty subterranean wubs.
Venture forth on the “Road to Bamboo 2019”.
Khiva – Road to Bamboo 2019
Those joining us for Bass in Paradise, don’t miss Khiva during the Deep Dark & Dangerous takeover.
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Bamboo Bass Festival
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Tickets and layaway plans still available.
'Take a Journey Through Khiva’s “Road to Bamboo” Mix
The post Take a Journey Through Khiva’s “Road to Bamboo” Mix appeared first on Run The Trap: The Best EDM, Hip Hop & Trap Music.
from Run The Trap: The Best EDM, Hip Hop & Trap Music http://bit.ly/2DcsKz6
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