#the angst plus seeing them covered in blood would be good
honeyhotteoks · 10 months
this night together - in their hands (j.yh, s.mg, p.sh, c.sn)
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a 'this night together' deleted scene: in their hands
summary: chapter twelve of this night together from the boys perspectives, if you haven't read that yet, go here and read that first.
warnings: every warning that applies to chapter twelve, plus a lot of violence. blood, fighting, descriptions of body parts breaking, ideations of killing, and a lot of internal panic and emotion.
notes: this deleted scene is entirely dedicated to the person who commented and said it would be interesting to see chapter twelve from the boys perspective. i've never written from their povs before, so i hope this still flows well and feels good, but i couldn't get that thought out of my mind. i pretty much wrote this in one sitting and only edited it once..... so i hope it doesn't disappoint but i really just wanted to share it with you all.
there are some things that will be covered in chapter thirteen that are getting lightly spoiled here, but for the purpose of consistency i'm going for it.
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader plus alpha!san x alpha! seonghwa
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 7.8k
Yunho feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up and the air around him shift just enough to make his stomach tight about three seconds before he hears your scream. He doesn’t need to think through if it’s you or someone else, he feels it in his gut like a brick and he’s scrambling to his feet so fast his brain feels sluggishly behind. 
“Something’s wrong,” He manages as he starts to move, but Mingi is already gone like a flash and he follows at  breakneck speed behind his best friend. 
His heart feels heavy in his chest, his mouth is dry, and in the seconds it takes to run from the back office to the far studio rooms, he starts to realize that there is something very, very wrong with his omega. 
Footsteps behind him don’t deter him, his eyes are steady on Mingi’s back. 
“What the fuck was that?” San. 
“y/n,” Seonghwa, but Yunho stops listening the minute he watches Mingi push in the door to the practice room, the sound of it as it swings back on its hinges and collides with the wall stark and sharp. They take in so many little things at once before adrenaline pumps through their brains and throws them all forwards into action.
Mingi catalogs Minseok’s hands, one sunken into the back of your hair and pulling your head to the side, the other pressing you back into the wall at your chest. His knee is pressed between your thighs and the straps of your top are roughly wrenched to the side to bear the length of your throat. 
All Yunho can see is your face and everything in him is suddenly so full of cold fear. You look so blank, your body unmoving against the mirrored wall and palms upturned in submission. For a single second he thinks he’s lost you already, that the strange metallic taste in his mouth is the scent of your blood from Minseok’s successful claim and something strange and panicked bubbles out of his chest. It takes him a moment for his brain to catch up and to realize it's you, the metallic taste isn’t iron at all; it's ripe tannins, over-steeped tea, bitter and sudden and pulsating your fear and panic through the room. 
Mingi moves first. “Get the fuck off her!” His hands close over Minseok’s neck and shoulder, wrenching him backwards with a curt jerk of his arms. 
Your body tips sideways, but your face is still empty and Yunho’s mouth is so full of dry, acerbic chamomile and he can’t catch you, he can’t do anything. Everything goes absolutely silent in his mind. 
His fist connects with Minseok’s cheek first, but it doesn’t feel good enough. Mingi hauls him back up and Yunho throws a cross hard and with sure direction and then he feels the crunch of bone under his knuckles as Minseok’s nose snaps, the blood quick as he shouts and reaches to clutch at his face. 
If there’s one thing alphas typically aren’t good at it’s de-escalation, and whatever primal release of hormones his broken nose unlocked, Minseok shoves Mingi off and comes back up swinging. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Yunho narrowly misses the return shot, dipping to the side, and hands once again close down on Minseok, the combined weight of San and Seonghwa pressing him down towards the floor. 
“You broke my fucking nose!” Minseok scrambles against them. 
“Stay down,” San presses his knee square between Minseok’s shoulder blades and drops his weight. 
“Fuck you!”
Yunho drops fast, locking his hand over the back of Minseok’s neck to press his face into the wood floor and help hold him down. 
Mingi stumbles forwards after being pushed off balance, but then his eyes flick up past the scuffle and he sees you. You’re lying flat on your back on the practice room floor, eyes vacant and unfocused on the white ceiling, your leg bent in a strange position, one that can’t be comfortable but still you don’t move. 
He knows it all at once. 
“Oh, God,” His stomach turns as he ignores the writhing alpha on the floor and the others doing their best to pin him down so he can skid to your side and drop to his knees. 
Yunho can’t see you from his vantage point, he’s holding Minseok and facing the opposite direction and that wall of the practice room doesn’t have any mirrors to guide him, “Mingi, what? What’s going on?” 
“Baby,” Mingi’s so quiet as he shifts forwards, but Yunho hears it. 
“Is she alright?” Yunho can’t wait, he twists around and loses his steady grip on Minseok, but he has to know, “Mingi! Seriously, is she,” 
Mingi’s hands cup your cheeks, and he studies your empty expression for a moment but he doesn’t need to, “Jesus,” he manages, “he put her in subspace,” 
“He did what?” Seonghwa’s voice is sharp. 
“I’ll fucking kill him,” Mingi’s something else entirely when he’s angry, really and truly angry, and he has Minseok right where he wants him in a second. He cuts through the other alphas in a flash, rolling Minseok onto his back and straddling the smaller man’s hips to pin him in place. His fist has never felt as good as this moment, cracking across this coward’s teeth and splitting his skin again, and again, and again. 
The sound of your whimper only makes it feel better. 
Yunho suddenly and with perfect clarity knows what to do. In this moment you need him, even if you’re not in the presence of mind to ask, he knows. He looks you over fast as he slides close to you, relief flooding him when he sees the unbroken skin of your neck. He’ll process the redness later, the wet glisten of saliva over your gland, but his first conscious thought is that he’s strangely grateful for Minseok’s sadistic approach to claiming you against your will. He thought he had time to savor you, and those seconds of his carelessness saved your life. 
Despite your blank eyes, tears slip from the corners and snake down into your sweat-damp hair, and Yunho watches the quiver of your lip, the way your whole body seems to tremble right from its very center despite how still you really are. He drops his head to the side and calls back to the others, “Calm down or get out of here, do you understand me? You’re scaring her,” 
“Mingi,” San is wrapped around his friend’s back, trying to pull his arms into his chest, “Mingi, stop! Mingi, you’ll kill him, man, stop!” 
Minseok groans, spitting blood onto the practice room floor with choke, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, fuck,” 
“He,” Mingi’s voice is tight, “you saw what he did,” 
Minseok whines again, “Rut, it’s my rut,” 
Mingi’s nose crinkles at that and he has half a mind to keep swinging but San’s arms tighten, banded around him now and he lets him keep him still. 
“I know,” San soothes, ignoring Minseok and staying focused on his friend, “but she’s safe now,” 
“I,” Mingi breathes, but a voice breaks through the fray. 
“I called the police!” Everyone’s heads snaps up at the sound of Dahan in the doorway, her eyes shining and terrified, “they’re on their way…. I… I’ll get an ambulance too,” 
“Good,” San nods, “go wait for them out front, Dahan, tell them to hurry,” 
Her sneakers squeak on the hardwood as she darts away, her cellphone pressed against her ear. 
“We got him,” Seonghwa interjects, locking his hands down on one of Minseok’s arms, “San, help me get him to the office,” 
Everyone hears the soft, panicked noise that bubbles from the back of your throat. 
“G-go,” Mingi pushes himself back off Minseok’s hips and San finally releases his arms, “get him out of here,” 
San yanks Minseok up off the floor and winds an arm under him to hold him steady, Seonghwa on the opposite side so they can drag him up the hall to the back office. 
“Mingi,” Seonghwa manages, “please take care of her,” 
He nods once, annoyance bristling under his skin. Of course he will, you're his omega and no one, no one will ever care for you like him and Yunho. Even if you never want to talk to him again, even if he has to watch you go and let you live your life some other way with some other alpha, somehow he knows that truth down to his very soul. 
As Mingi returns to your side, Seonghwa allows his eyes to wander. He’d been trying to look anywhere else but you since he made it into the room, too afraid that he’d see the evidence of a violent claim on one of his best friends, too afraid he’d lost you. He’s never put an omega into subspace before, not even when they’ve wanted to be there, and now he doesn’t know if he’ll ever see anything but your empty eyes when he thinks of it. 
The last thought he has as he rounds the corner is that the man in his arms used to be his teammate, but now he thinks he’s as good as dead. 
Minseok groans between him and San and he can’t help but tighten his grip on the man just to make it hurt a little bit more. 
He groans again, but this time San’s the one who stops dead, “Stop whining,” his voice is cutting, “you don’t get to complain after what you’ve done,” 
A little huff of air passes through Minseok’s lips, “Some alphas you are,” 
“Excuse me?” San’s fingers tighten on Minseok’s arm where he still holds him upright. 
“There’s nothing wrong with taking what’s on offer,” Minseok says it like it’s obvious, “isn’t that right, Seonghwa?” 
Seonghwa’s stomach goes icy and he’s not really the type to get into a physical fight, but this? This is something altogether different. He has him back up against the wall of the hallway with a sharp knee to his gut, and then his mind goes absolutely blank. He’s never felt rage like this, true and deep compelling retribution singing through his blood and he just can’t help himself. 
“She’s a person,” Seonghwa lands a swift kick to the man’s ribs as he lets him drop to the floor, “and you’re a fucking waste of an alpha,” 
“Hwa,” San’s voice is low and calm, but he ignores it. 
Another kick, another. He feels ribs give way to make space for his rage, “Stand up if you’re such a big man,” 
Minseok groans again. 
“You’re alpha enough to terrify an omega,” Seonghwa spits, “come on, get up, try and terrify me,” 
He’s coughing now, fingers gripping the cold hard floor beneath him, “P-please,” 
“What was that?” Seonghwa lands a stiff punch to his gut. 
Minseok curls in on himself with a cry, “Please, you know what, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for what I said,” 
“I’d keep your mouth shut,” San again, but Seonghwa can’t conceive of where he is or what he’s doing, his eyes are so singularly focused on this man. 
“It was,” Minseok coughs, blood across his lips, “the rut, I just lost it, you know how the haze is,” 
“I don’t know a thing about how you are,” Seonghwa drops another punch. 
“No, no!” Minseok shrieks at the sensation of another rib popping. 
Minseok’s voice is getting threadier, “y/n, she,” 
Seonghwa’s hand redirects, a sharp strike across his face as he descends on the man in earnest, “Keep her name out of your fucking mouth,” 
He loses count of the number of punches it takes for Minseok’s jaw to pop and his eyes to roll back, and San knows he should have stopped it all sooner, but there’s a part of him that wanted to watch this man suffer too. 
Seonghwa is shaking, blood spattered across his gray sweatpants, smears darting up the sleeves of his white shirt. The soft skin of his knuckles is split open and angry, and San thinks if it was possible to love someone’s hands more, he does. San curls his body around Seonghwa from behind, but unlike Mingi, Seonghwa allows his arms to be pulled in by his sometimes lover. 
“Jagi,” San whispers low in his ear so only he can hear, “come back,” 
Minseok is still, his eyes closed, “Sannie,” Seonghwa’s voice cracks, “w-what did I do? Is he dead?” 
“No,” San squeezes him, “he’s just knocked out. An ambulance is coming, you did nothing wrong.”
“What did I do?” Seonghwa asks again, his voice small, and San knows he has to take care of things now. 
San pulls Seonghwa up to stand, turning him physically away from the bloodied man on the floor, “Jagi, come away with me, alright?” 
“What did I do?” 
“You’re in shock,” San says softly, “but I’m here,” 
“What did I do?” He repeats, empty as San steers him towards the back office. He’s never been in a fight, he’s never hurt someone like that in his life. He’s not prepared for the way that the feeling of a body under his angry hands replays on a loop in his mind, he didn’t know he was capable of things like that. 
“Shh,” San bids him as he gets him directed into a seat, “I’ll be right back, baby, but I need to take care of something first.” 
Seonghwa is vaguely aware of a shout from the far practice room, and down the length of the hall he finds Minseok’s body again with his eyes. 
San steps cleanly into his eyeline to break his gaze, “Stay right here, just breathe.” 
He manages to nod, and then San is gone and the door is shut. He wants to cry. 
Tone is not something Mingi has ever enjoyed using. He’s tried it, of course, every alpha has even when they say they haven’t. It’s natural, it’s a part of growing up, he just always hated the way tone seemed to change every boy around him. Mingi remembers the first time he ever tried it, in the mirror in the emptiness of his childhood home. His voice broke a little later than the other boys around him, but when it did it dropped fast and deep in the smack center of his chest. 
He remembers his middle school teacher’s eyebrows drawing high when he said hello to her the next day. He remembers how she smiled and the way she said - Maybe you’ll make a good alpha afterall. 
He started to speak less and less after that. He practiced at home in the mirror just to understand the shape of his voice like that, but unlike some of the other boys who couldn’t help but torment with their tone, he knew what it could do. Yunho was the first boy he ever met that didn’t need to use it to command respect on the school yard, and when Yunho swung an arm around Mingi’s shoulders and said he was with him, he got respect too. No one asked why he was so quiet after Yunho, they finally just let him be. 
Mingi hasn’t used tone since he was maybe sixteen, joking around with Yunho to make each other laugh trying to stay up late on a summer’s night. But an alpha never forgets how to do it, and Mingi just has to let it come. 
He’s crouched over your prone body now, his hands holding your face steady as he tries to get your eyes to focus on his. Yunho is practically a knot of panic next to him, but he can’t focus on him when he knows he has to focus on you to pull you out from under. He doesn’t know what Minseok said to you to put you this deep into headspace, but he knows he should have killed him for it. 
He watches tears track silently down your temples and over his shaking fingers as Yunho begs him, “Why isn’t this working?” 
“I’m not sure,” He answers quietly, but he knows exactly why, he just doesn’t for the life of him want to do it, so he tries one more time with his normal voice, “y/n. Omega. Listen to me now,” 
People respond to their designations, it’s natural, and in a state of submission like this the possibility that you’d be able to latch onto the word ‘omega’ alone is certainly possible. The noise you make is thready and tight, but at least Mingi knows he has your ear now.
  “Come up now,” He repeats, “right now. Listen to me, omega,” 
He might be able to get you up without using tone, but he doesn’t know for sure. You don’t make a single sound in response to his last plea, and suddenly he can’t stop it, he can’t lose this one chance of your conscious mind floating close enough to the surface. 
He takes a low inhale, letting the otherworldly calm fill his chest, the familiar feeling of his alpha tone building in his lower throat and then he says it, “Don’t disobey your alpha.” 
Your eyes finally flick to his, pupils dilating as you focus on Mingi’s face. 
Yunho draws in a sharp breath. 
Mingi remains passive, he doesn’t let himself feel the joy yet of knowing you’re okay, he has to get you there first. He needs you awake, talking, crying, screaming, anything to tell him that you’re here. He holds your eyes steady, “When you’re given a directive, you follow it.” He hates this part, the way an alpha’s bark can make an omega snap to attention, but he almost has you back. Shifting closer he levels his voice more and gives you a clear and present order, “Come. Up.” 
Mingi watches your face break from cold blankness, grief and panic etched into the lines on your forehead and by your eyes, your hands reflexively jerking up to defend yourself like it was your last thought before you lost the ability. 
“I’m sorry,” You choke out, and he watches you start to curl in on yourself. 
He’s not thinking anymore really, he just can’t let you hide away from them, and he pulls your body up into his shaking arms, “You’re here? You’re with us?” 
His name on your lips. 
Your body is vibrating with panicked sobs, and he feels you claw against him like you want to crawl into his chest, pushing your body against his with desperate heaving breaths. For a moment he’s so worried that his own use of alpha tone might have hurt you more than helped you and his mind spins. 
Yunho drops a heavy hand on Mingi’s thigh, a steadying comfort bringing him straight back to center. 
Mingi drops his face to your hair and strokes your back, “Shh,” his body rocks naturally to soothe you, “we’ve got you, we’re right here, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” 
“She’s bleeding,” The edge in Yunho’s voice scares him, and Mingi snaps to attention. 
His hands search over your body, looking for the source of pain, trying to find the problem that he can fix so you’ll just stay whole and here and with him. 
“Here,” Yunho says, stopping Mingi’s frantic movements, “it’s not too bad.” 
It’s not, rationally he knows that by the small amount of blood smeared across Yunho’s fingers, but Mingi’s never seen you bleed before and his stomach knots up tightly in rage. 
Mingi holds you while Yunho steps in, talking you through the moment as you come back to your senses. He can barely breathe at the way your body shakes in his arms, your nails digging into his thigh where you grip him unconsciously, and he hears your fast breath and the quick step flutter of your heart, but he can’t move. His hands keep making fists, he wants so badly to stalk down the halls and find this man. Nothing he did was good enough, not now that he’s hearing you cry. You were never supposed to be afraid like this, not ever. 
He comes back into his body when you pitch the contents of your stomach into the little plastic trash can that Yunho pushes into your hands, the sound of your tight wretch shocking enough to pull him back down. 
He gathers your hair back, “Okay,” he tries to soothe you, “you’re okay,” 
“He touched me,” You manage, and Mingi’s mind flashes with static images. His hand in your hair, on your chest, lips, tongue, teeth. 
Mingi and Yunho both hold you steady while you heave again, “The things he said,” 
“Shh,” Yunho tries now, “you’re safe, none of that is true.” 
“He talked to me like a dog, and I couldn’t move, he told me not to move and I just let him,”
Mingi finds his voice too quickly, “No.” 
The way you twitch under his hands makes him sick and he softens his voice as best he can despite the curl of anger in his belly, “He used alpha tone on you, he wanted you to stop fighting and he said it in tone until you couldn’t hear anything else.” 
Yunho’s hand lays over his on your back. 
“You didn’t let him do anything,” He needs you to understand. 
“I’ve never,” You heave again, nothing in your body this time. 
Mingi’s ears are ringing, but Yunho’s soothing you now like he’s so good at doing and you’re pushing back the plastic bin, but then you slide out of his arms and onto the wood floor and he doesn’t know if he should reach for you or not. 
“I’ve never been in subspace,” He hears you say. 
“You’re not there now,” 
“I don’t remember, it’s so muddled, I can’t remember,” 
Mingi watches you frantically check your body and he wishes he had had the foresight to fix your shirt from the way that it was pulled to the side over the cap of your shoulder because maybe you wouldn’t have had to remember that and he could have saved you this one small thing.
  Yunho dips lower in front of you to meet your eyes when he says, “What can’t you remember?” 
Mingi watches you reach up your hand, desperate to know. He remembers suddenly the moment in his bed all those months ago when you mistakenly thought in the haze of heat Yunho might have claimed you. Rage and sick guilt swirl in his gut and then he hears you ask it, soft and terrified, “Did he… did we?” 
“No,” Yunho brings you right out of that terror spiral and back to the moment, “absolutely not.” 
Mingi hates the smell of your fear and he’s learning that he hates the way you look when you’re scared. He never wants to see you like this again for as long as he lives. 
“All I can smell his him,” 
He has to get out of this room. 
“I can’t even breathe,” 
Mingi knows you need someone calm right now, someone centered and capable, but if he has to feel you shaking on his lap again he might just snap. His eyes flick to Yunho, “Take her,” 
There’s a question in his friend’s eyes but Yunho’s careful not to say it out loud. 
“I’m getting water,” Mingi says, and then he’s moving. 
In the hall his breath comes back in heaving gulps and he nearly slips in a little pool of blood on his frantic way to the locker room. 
San is up the hall, in front of the closed back office door with his cell phone tucked tightly against his ear but at the sight of Mingi he drops it immediately and presses it to his chest, “How is she?” 
“Awake,” Mingi responds, “alert,”
“Herself?” San asks. 
Mingi nods, “Where is he?” 
He’s not sure it’s actually best for him to know that information at this time, but he had to ask anyway. San nods his head to the right towards a smaller studio space, “He’s unconscious, don’t even think about it.” 
“I’m… I’m not, I,” Mingi feels dizzy, he needs to sit before gravity makes him. 
“I have to,” San shakes the phone, putting it back to his ear, “she’s okay, I’m telling you, she’s okay.” 
Mingi can’t be here, he can’t be anywhere. He pushes himself to the connecting hallway that leads to the locker room. 
“Wooyoungie,” He hears San say from behind him, “listen to me, she’s okay, I promise you.” 
Mingi cannot understand how this day went from normal, hopeful about Saturday, to catastrophically terrible in every way imaginable. 
In the locker room he collapses on one of the wooden benches, his mind pulsing with questions. He needs to get back to you, but he can’t let you see him like this, he knows he’d scare you after everything you’ve just been through. He wonders if this is a panic attack. 
The thought that presses into him sideways and buries deep in his brain is sickening. He left you alone with that man for three months. He was traveling, and laughing, and dancing, and eating stupid junk food thinking his biggest problem was whether or not you might be into Seonghwa. He was so selfish. He blanches when the next thought occurs to him. Have you been afraid of Seo Minseok this whole time, afraid in ways you felt you couldn’t tell them? 
Mingi rips open his locker and pulls out anything he can find to muffle his bubbling voice, a sweatshirt and a towel stuffed tightly against his mouth to capture his angry scream. He has to get this out of his body, and he has to get back to you, but he’s so, so angry in a way that feels uncontrollable. 
His body collides with the locker door, denting the middle inwards enough that it no longer properly latches shut, but he doesn’t care. The pain spiking up the side of his arm is good, it’s real, and it pumps his brain full of all the chemicals he needs to focus. 
He puts any thought of going across the hall into the practice room where Minseok lays unconscious. He ignores the little voice that says he would be justified in finishing him off. He forces himself to think about your face, your smile when he saw you at the party for the first time in months. 
He holds that image while he moves quickly, grabbing a few water bottles and turning right down the hallway towards you and away from every impulse flicking through his body.  He stops short at the door when he hears Yunho’s voice, “I’d put him on the floor faster than you could blink. Mingi and I both would.” 
He breathes through the spike of anger as he hears your soft voice in response. He hates that you’re still afraid, even with him here, but he knows he has to show you for you to believe it. 
“You are completely safe,” Yunho says, and at this moment Mingi is so grateful for Yunho’s steadfast calm. 
He takes one more deep, deep breath, and pushes through the doorway with as much softness as he can muster. 
San ignores his phone. He’s told Wooyoung everything he can about what happened and that you’re safe and now he has other problems to deal with. 
As Mingi disappears into the locker rooms, Dahan races back through the hallway, her eyes darting down at the puddle of blood, “Oh, god,” 
“It’s his,” San assuages her fears immediately, “are they on the way?” 
“Yes, I told them to hurry,” She nods, “does he need an ambulance too?” 
“The ambulance is for him,” San says, clearing his throat, “can you wait for them and show them where to come? I need to,” he jerks his head towards the back office. 
“Yes, yes, of course,” 
“And Dahan,” He remembers himself, “don’t go into studio two, okay?” 
Her eyes flick to the door, “Is he in there?” 
San nods, “He’s hurt, but still, he’s not safe to be around, okay?” 
Dahan might be a beta, but he’s not taking any risks where Minseok is concerned, not after he heard the way he talked so casually about what he did to you. She nods, stepping backwards down the hall once more. 
With everything taken care of, he can finally focus. 
San pulls open the door to the back office and Seonghwa jumps, his eyes going from unfocused to focused in a second. “It’s only me,” San says softly, “I’m here now,” 
“San,” Seonghwa’s eyes well up with tears, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” 
San shakes his head, dropping to crouch in front of him, and he gently lays his hands on Seonghwa’s knees, “There’s nothing wrong with you at all,” 
“I should be helping,” Seonghwa swallows tightly. 
San shakes his head again, “Everything’s handled,” he says, brushing his hand over Seonghwa’s long black hair, “there’s nothing to do right now.” 
“y/n?” Seonghwa murmurs. 
“She’s awake,” San repeats Mingi’s words from a few moments ago, “alert, and she’s herself,” 
“Thank god,” Seonghwa’s breath hitches, “and she’s alright? She’s not alone?” 
“They’re with her,” San soothes him, cupping his cheek, “she’s right where she needs to be,” 
“Good,” Seonghwa sinks back into his seat. 
San lets his hand drop back to Seonghwa’s thigh, his phone once again buzzing incessantly in his pocket. He’s sure Wooyoung is frantic, but right now he needs to focus here on the man in front of him. Wooyoung will have to wait. 
“Who’s calling?” Seonghwa nods towards San’s pocket. 
“You told him?” Seonghwa surmises. 
“I thought she might need him,” San confesses softly, “I don’t know what an omega would want at a time like this… I wouldn’t know what to do,” 
“You’re doing it now,” Seonghwa corrects, “you’re doing better than me,” 
San squeezes Seonghwa’s knee, giving him the smallest shake of his head, he never was one to accept that kind of self deprecating talk and he’s not about to start now. 
“I should,” Seonghwa starts to shift away from San and put space between them, but then he actually looks down at himself and his chest starts to pound, “oh, Jesus,” 
He hadn’t properly looked, he hadn’t really taken it in until this moment. He’s never seen so much blood before, and his hands are shaking as he turns them over to see his stained palms. 
“Shh,” San covers Seonghwa’s trembling hands with his own, “I’ve got you,” 
“H-he’s alive, right?” Seonghwa can’t think of anything except the way Minseok’s jaw felt coming loose under his fist, “Sannie, did I kill him?” 
“No, no,” San dips closer, pressing a warm kiss to Seonghwa’s forehead, “he’s fine, it looks worse than it is. You didn’t do that, you’d never do that, I know you,” 
Tears pool in Seonghwa’s eyes, tracking down his cheeks quickly as he drops his head against San’s clean knuckles, “I thought about it,” his voice is tight with tears, “what does that make me?” 
“Hey,” San moves in, pressing quick kisses along Seonghwa’s temple, any part of him that he can reach, “no, it makes you a person, alright? He did something awful to someone we love.” San squeezes his hands tight, “He hurt her, he could have claimed her, we all know what that means, okay? You were protecting her, you did nothing wrong,” 
Seonghwa stills, letting his words sink in. He thinks about what an unwanted claim would have done to you, who you would have become. 
“It wasn’t his rut either,” San leans his head against Seonghwa’s, his thumb caressing the back of his hand, “you know that’s just what these alphas say when they try to do what he did,” 
“I don’t understand why he would try it here,” Seonghwa lifts up, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“He thought we were all gone,” San says quietly, “I’m sure he thought y/n and maybe Dahan were the only ones working late. Yunho and Mingi had the back office door closed, I was in the gym, and you said you were leaving early. It was quiet,” 
“He planned it, then,” Seonghwa’s stomach rolls. 
“I think so,” San nods, “we just need the police to believe that.” 
“They’re coming?” Seonghwa murmurs. 
“Mhm,” San smiles, close lipped and then sighs, “jagi, I need you to do something for me,” 
Seonghwa studies his face, he hasn’t heard San call him that outside of bed in so long, “Why are you being so nice to me?” 
San sighs, eyes flicking away, “You know why,” 
The feeling sits between them for a moment, and then Seonghwa nods, “What do you need me to do?” 
“We need to get you out of these clothes,” San cups his cheek again, “and you need to wash your hands,” 
“San,” Seonghwa’s jaw tightens, realizing what San is pushing him to do, “I’m not lying to the police,” 
“It’s not lying,” San presses, “you’re just changing after work,” 
“If I get in trouble for what I did, I’m not going to get caught lying on top of that,” Seonghwa murmurs, “I know what you’re trying to do, but think it through.” 
San’s jaw tenses and relaxes and then he nods, “Alright, but I’m cleaning your cuts, and you’re not going to argue about that.” 
Seonghwa smiles softly and nods, “Okay,” 
San ignores the phone in his pocket again and finds the first aid kit in the cabinets, pulling out a pack of alcohol wipes and gauze. He doubles back for a water bottle and some paper towels, and then he pulls a chair close to Seonghwa to sit and take his hands back in his. 
Seonghwa is quiet while San works. He uses the water and the paper towel to effectively wash the blood away from his palms and the alcohol wipes to clean the broken skin of his knuckles. He works on him quickly and quietly, and he fights the urge to kiss his broken skin when he’s finished, he’s gotten away with too much today already. 
He holds Seonghwa’s hands in his, so much softer and more delicate than his. He thinks that after today he’ll have to take care to make sure he never has to use them in violence again. San thinks the next time he will do better, if Seonghwa ever has to kill, San will be the one to kill for him. 
San smooths his thumbs over the backs of Seonghwa’s hands, and this time he does give into temptation. Dipping forward he presses a kiss to each of his palms. 
“San,” Seonghwa’s voice is soft, “we’re alright,” 
“I know,” He whispers into the soft skin of the hands he misses so deeply, hands he aches for. If anyone ever touched him the way that Minseok touched you, he can’t even conceive of what he wouldn’t do. 
His phone rings again, and this time he answers it. 
“Now you answer?” Wooyoung’s voice is taut, “I’m downstairs,” 
“I had things to take care of,” San sighs, standing and giving Seonghwa’s hand one final squeeze. 
“I’m coming up,” Wooyoung ignores his excuse, “he better be in a fucking body bag when I get there,” 
The line goes dead, and San steps into the hall. He takes quick stock. Minseok is still unconscious in studio two, he can hear the tone of your voice from down the hall mixed with Yunho and Mingi’s. The slick patch of blood on the tile is gone, and San wonders if Dahan had the same idea he did about cleaning up before the police arrive. 
The door to the access stairs by the elevator swings open, Wooyoung looking wild and full of panicked rage, and San dives back into the chaos. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
For the first time in his life, Yunho wishes he wasn’t the designated driver for everything. He wishes Mingi had a license. He wishes that after the most uncomfortable and awful hospital trip of his life he could have tossed Mingi the keys and told him to drive and climbed in the backseat with you. Instead he’s stuck in the driver’s seat again, trying to focus on the road but finding himself glancing up every few seconds to check his rear view mirror just so he can see you asleep with your head in Mingi’s lap. 
“Green light,” Mingi murmurs with a nod of his head, and Yunho breaks his eyes away from the mirror to watch the road again and press the gas. 
“Sorry,” He manages. 
“I get it,” Mingi replies, his fingers slowly brushing along your temple, “I can’t believe she’s here either.” 
“Is she sleeping?” Yunho checks. 
“Mhm,” Mingi nods, “she’s out,” 
Yunho breathes a sigh of relief, he hated having to wake you up with Mingi every few minutes on the way to the hospital when they weren’t sure if you had a concussion or not, he’s just happy you can actually get some rest if you need it. 
“Yunho,” Mingi says quietly, a question in the lilt of his voice, “what did the police want to ask you?” 
“Um,” His eyes flick to the mirror and then back to the road, “they wanted to talk to the owner, but Jaemin obviously wasn’t there,” 
“Right,” Mingi nods. 
“I don’t know,” Yunho admits, “San gave them my name and said I could give a statement about what happened,” 
“Which was?” Mingi asks. 
Yunho watches your face for a moment, but it’s clear you’re still deep asleep and he shrugs, “The truth, that we heard a scream and that when we went into the room we saw him attempting to hurt her. It was clear he was trying to force a claim and that she was in subspace, and that Minseok fought us while we tried to subdue him.” 
“Do you think they believe that?” Mingi murmurs. 
“They have to,” Yunho won’t let that thought enter his mind, he knows what Mingi’s implying, they both heard the way your conversation with the police went at the hospital, but he can’t entertain the thought that the police would side with anyone but you. 
“Do they?” 
“Not tonight,” Yunho shakes his head, “not in front of her, she’s been through enough.” 
Mingi stays quiet, and Yunho drives on. 
When they pull into the alleyway that leads to their apartment, Yunho watches you start to stir. It’s like you have a sixth sense that the energy in the car is changing, and you make soft, sleepy noises as you come out of it. 
Mingi runs a hand soothingly up and down your back, “We’re home, okay? You’re with us,” 
Yunho watches the way you don’t respond. Your eyes look vacant again, unfocused and distant and when he pulls the car to a stop he watches the way you don’t wait to just step out yourself and start the familiar walk up to their front door. 
He exchanges a fast look with Mingi, and they follow you at a little distance to keep the pressure off until the door’s unlocked and you’re stepping over the threshold. Everything about this is wrong. Not you back in their home, that’s never felt so right to Yunho in his life, but you look glassy and scared and he wants nothing more than to take it away. 
“Hey,” He tries, waving a hand across your field of vision, “are you alright?” 
Your eyes flick away from his, a pregnant pause between you before you look back up, “I’m fine, sorry, it’s just been awhile.” 
He feels heat flood his cheeks, his ears warm. Of course you’re not alright, and he feels stupid and small at even asking the question. He feels foolish about every little thing until you walk down the hall and shut yourself away in the bathroom. 
“I don’t know what the fuck to do,” Mingi says suddenly, running a hand through his hair before moving towards the couch, “I still want to break something.” 
“I know,” Yunho nods, sitting next to him on the sofa, his knee bouncing nervously. 
Mingi shoots him a glance, his eyes flicking down to his knee, and Yunho freezes. They settle into the quiet of their apartment, and they listen. Yunho expects to hear you cry, something more than just the steady spray of the shower, but he doesn’t and that scares him more than anything. 
“Should we call the others?” Mingi clears his throat after a while, “Woo or,” 
“Seonghwa?” Yunho finishes his thought for him and then swallows tightly, “No, I, I wouldn’t know what to say.” 
“Me either,” Mingi nods. 
“She wants to be here,” Yunho remembers the way you clung to his shoulders at the studio, begging for home, and maybe tomorrow you’ll regret that decision but he’s done trying to think for you. 
“I know,” 
“Let’s just let her be here then,” Yunho murmurs. 
Yunho knows that Mingi doesn’t want to lose you just as much as he doesn’t. They agreed one night after just enough alcohol on tour how they felt, everything finally out in the open between them. They had never stopped and imagined a pack together, but they both know it feels right. 
“We’re her friends,” Mingi reasons quietly. 
“Friends,” Yunho nods, “and the fact that we’re both stupidly in love with her can wait,” 
“Yep,” Mingi sighs, “I think we’ve gotten pretty good at that,” 
Yunho huffs, a short breath of laughter through his nose and nods, “Yeah,” 
The sound of the shower turning off draws both their gazes up and down the hall, and then Mingi stands, “I’m going to make up my room in case she wants it,” 
Yunho watches him go. He listens to the stillness of the apartment around him. 
Mingi comes back and you’re still in the bathroom. They make themselves scarce. They listen as you come out of the bathroom and go straight into Mingi’s bedroom. The door shuts tight. Yunho listens but he doesn’t hear the turn of the lock. The bed creaks, sheets rustle, and then all is quiet. 
“What do we do now?” Mingi asks quietly. 
Yunho’s eyes flick over the closed door down the hall, “We wait.” 
Being pulled from sleep at four in the morning is never a good thing, but Yunho would put seeing you struggle through a night terror and a flash back at the absolute top of his most awful moments list. The way it took so much to get you to snap out of it and come back to them, the pile of Mingi’s bedding in the corner, the way your muscles stayed locked tight for minutes even with their arms around you. 
Holding you now with Mingi he keeps thinking of the purple bruises that litter your skin from where you rubbed your glands raw. He’s a swirling mix of emotion, but the worst part of it is that there’s nothing left to do. He can’t channel it anywhere, there’s no threat except the one in your mind now, and he doesn’t know how to make that kind of threat recede. 
He remembers the way you shrank back into his chest at the hospital at the glimpse of Minseok’s name on the hospital room door as you passed through to the exit. All he could do was wrap an arm around your body and try to steer you away, and he doesn’t know if that was even close to good enough. 
His mind turns it all over as light starts to spread in the sky outside, and he feels the way you’re shifting in the bed getting closer and closer to sleep. He hopes you can all get a few more hours before the reality of whatever tomorrow is going to bring. Your lips move against Yunho’s chest and he doesn’t risk shifting a muscle so he can hear your quiet words in the dark. It’s faint, but he hears it when you whisper, “Don’t let me go,” 
Yunho’s throat constricts, his eyes flooding with tears. He presses his eyes shut tight, trying to keep his breathing even and low so you don’t know he’s still awake. The weight of the night sinks into him, pushing against his chest and there are so many things he wants to say to you heavy on his tongue. 
It doesn’t take long for your breathing to level out and your body to unspool and relax, they both feel it when you do, and Yunho takes a shaky wet breath now that he knows he can. 
When he opens his eyes again it’s straight into Mingi’s and for some reason his friend’s unwavering gaze makes the tears come faster. 
Mingi waits, and Yunho looks away in discomfort at the raw moment of exposure. 
Quietly, and careful not to wake the woman in his arms, Mingi shifts closer to you and Yunho, his arm stretching across you both and settling on Yunho’s side. 
“It’s okay,” Mingi murmurs quietly. 
“How is this okay?” Yunho manages, getting his moment of overflowing emotion under control. 
“She’s here,” Mingi says simply, “even if it’s just tonight,” 
Yunho’s arms tighten around your sleeping form and he nods, “She’s here,” 
Mingi presses a kiss to your hair and squeezes Yunho’s side just once, “Sleep,” 
“What if she has another nightmare?” Yunho murmurs. 
“I’ve got her,” Mingi assures quietly, “you sleep,” 
You shift between them, winding your way deeper into Yunho’s embrace, and he passes a hand up and down your back until you sigh heavily against his skin. If this is all he has, he’s going to take it. He nods to Mingi, and despite the growing light leaking in through the curtains outside, sleep pulls him under. 
Mingi stays awake for as long as he can stand watching over you both, but held in their arms you barely stir. There are no nightmares, no subspace to hold you under. With the birds starting to sing, Mingi falls asleep. 
He wakes to the sound of a fist on their front door and the sinking feeling that last night might have really been their last with you. He hopes to god he’s wrong. He so badly wants to be wrong. 
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icyowl · 11 months
Gojo Soulmate AU
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x reader
Synopsis: angst, soulmates, what more could you want?
A/N: none
A wave, a flower, clouds, animals, rain, a sun setting over water. Soul marks were natural, tattoo-like birth marks possessed by everyone. It was up to each owner to understand the different forms or phases of their marks and what they meant. A fox chasing a hare might run across the body to convey glee or sorrow, or the fox could slow or change color. Maybe the hare would extend its lead every time the owner became lonely or perhaps a change of direction would indicate the health of the bond. Learning the various were fun but very necessary; bonds needed to cultivated. The repercussions were unsavory, dangerous even.
A tree grew at the base of your back, with boughs spreading across your body, extending down your limbs, and weaving up your neck until the ends just barely poked out from the collar of your shirts. You'd like to call it captivating — after all, not many had a soul mark so large — much like the man who it belonged to.
The mark didn't start so big. At first it was a sapling covering little more than the column of your spine. The branches were short and the whole thing was faint until you met him. When you did, the tingle in your spine turned into a singeing burn. Gojo caught you while you writhed. . . certainly not the best introduction.
Gojo's white beta fish swam up and down his right arm in response to his mood or outside stimuli. When you touched it the first time, it nuzzled and tried to nibble your finger, much to Gojo's embarassment. It was a tender moment that got swiftly interrupted by Gojo's phone. Again.
He had to leave. Some save-the-world mission that only he could handle.
You'd been shy when you first met him. After all, Satoru was intimidating. Wealth, physical and political power, good looks; you were at first afraid to do anything the might out yourself as someone inferior. Now? Now you probably came across as any other fan, fawning over the scraps of his attention.
Desperate? Sure, yeah, you were desperate, but it had been weeks (maybe months) since you felt normal, let alone good. A perpetual weakness had overcome you as if your blood sugar had plummeted, exhaustion plagued you yet sleep was elusive, migraines turned overhead lights into suns and basic sounds into caterwauls, and a sickly wheeze could be heard when you breathed if one listened closely enough.
Your soul mark was suffering too. The stinging on your back had become unbearable. Such painful burning — plus all the other afflictions — dulled just a little any time you could get him to look at you.
The branches that had once wound heartily around your body now shrunk to half their reach, leaving black shadows in their wake, and the vibrant blue flowers adorning the limbs all but disappeared. Watching them shrivel up or break off the limbs and fall off your body put your stomach in knots that never unwound.
Satoru didn't visit often enough or stick around long enough to pick up on your plight; so much for the Six Eyes. It was easy enough to hide your state for the sparse few minutes you got to be with each other before he teleported off someplace else. He already held up the world. . . how could you make him choose between it and your silly little needs?
Shoko's treatments were beginning to lose their affect; Nanami would have tied you to Gojo himself if Gojo would ever pick up the phone; even Yaga yelled at you to figure it out or risk getting temporarily suspended.
A subtle pang of hunger came from your stomach.
You were impressed a body as sick as yours barely felt anything.
Several seconds passed from the time you stood until the time you made it to the door. If only you knew how close you were to danger.
“Where are you going?”
Satoru. His tone cheeky as always.
You turned to see your soulmate, seemingly non the worse for wear. Had the bond become so distant that he hadn't felt any of your pain? He teleported in and now stood before you without a hint of distress or concern from what you could see of his face. Satoru held the same casual posture he always did. Without worry. Without weakness. You wished you could say the same. Right now all you could comprehend were the the dark spots floating in your eyes and the desolate cold in your core. Finally the breaking point came. Satoru only had time to sense something was wrong — his mouth went slack, his brow line tightened — before he was rushing to catch your fall.
If it were anyone else, they may have failed. You didn't simply fall. You plummeted.
You didn't feel his hands under your body nor did you see his beta fish furiously trying to swim towards you from under Satoru's shirt sleeve. It was probably a good thing — your soul mark, or what was left of it, had begun to bleed, covering Satoru's hands. What would you see in his eyes if you removed the blindfold?
“Not you too.” He whispered.
Even in your delirium the words sunk in. There was someone else. All this time you foolishly, stupidly, blindly believed he was away for work. It all made sense now. Just as scorching hatred churned your blood to fire, the effects of bond abandonment finally consumed you. Your face contorted to one of rage before going slack altogether. Satoru, for all his faults, held your chilled body close to his. Could he salvage a bond on its deathbed?
-- -- -- -- -- --
You woke to elephants on your chest and cotton in your head. Some bus had hit you repeatedly. For fun.
“Hey.” Someone said next to you. It was soft, gentle, and would have put you at ease had you not looked up and realized you were sprawled over his naked chest. “You've got some serious bedhead.” Satoru added in jest, lithe knuckles kissing along your cheek.
With what little strength you regained you grabbed the railings of the hospital bed and struggled to pull your body off and away from him. Your feet had hardly touched the ground before you collapsed, and yet still you tried to distance yourself from him. Searing pain erupted from your spine to the point where you cried out at the agony. Your body was trying everything it could to keep you there but you ignored it, crawling towards the door to escape the man you should have felt blessed to be pressed against.
Satoru — rendered immobile by the shameful fact that his own soulmate was trying to escape him — rushed you as soon as your wail reached his ears. One hand around your wrist was all he needed to stop you. You turned to him, gazing at the fingers wrapped deftly around your arm, then onto the glacial eyes opened wide with shame and worry. With a lurch you took your arm back. Satoru seemed possessed; he hardly moved, only continued to stare and gawk. He didn't seem to be looking at you. Through you was more like it.
Cool blood disturbed the hairs on your hand as it dripped freely from a hole left by the I.V. you ripped out in your haste. Both of you watched it hit the ground blip blip blip blip but neither of you moved.
Satoru blinked, coming back to the present, and reached for the wound before you yanked it out of reach. “I know there's someone else. . .”
A full second passed before he reacted. “What?!”
“I don't remember much thanks to the side effects of abandonment, but 'not you too', that I remember. So? Get it over with. Break the bond already. I'm sure you want to move on.”
“You know that's not true.”
“Do I?”
“Yes, because if there was, my mark wouldn't look like this.”
For the first time since you woke you saw his soul mark — the white beta fish with piercing blue eyes. Again and again it attempted to swim to you until it came to the edge of his arm. That's when you began to notice the condition of it, too. Pure snowy white had turned grey and dingy, fins had become tattered, and the entire animal shrunk to barely an inch in size. It seemed the poor fish, in its plight, had begun to turn on its owner: bruises and bite marks from the fish positively covered Satoru's entire arm from shoulder to hand. The untouchable had been harmed.
“I once knew someone who. . . I missed the signs when he was hurting, too. I could have helped him, if I had seen it in time. The same thing almost happened to you. If there was someone else, this damn fish wouldn't have made me bleed every time I left you.”
You froze. All the worry and pain and loneliness had been ricocheting between both ends of the bond all this time. He really had felt everything. “But you didn't react. You acted like you were fine every time. You should have been in pain—”
“The Strongest can't be in pain.” Satoru said. His eyes were powerfully bright. “Or be lonely, or show fear. The Strongest can't show weakness. My emotions would have only added to yours.”
“At least I would have known you felt something!” You yelled hoarsely.
He startled while you continued.
“Did you really think that by closing yourself off, I would have somehow felt better than if you had shared your feelings? Who told you that?”
Again Satoru could do nothing but stare. Some family member said so at some point, right? Maybe? When? Now he wasn't sure. Only your feeble attempt to lift yourself off the ground brought him to the present. The moan of pain you tried to hide made him flinch as if he experiencing it, too. Satoru reached for you but immediately recoiled — what would he do if you pulled away again?
Instead, in a rare moment of maturity, he tried to get you to come to him. How ironic: he'd been doing the opposite while you yearned for his presence and now that he was willing to give it, you might already be gone. “It's really important right now that we touch. The bond could become damaged beyond repair at this point. You could get seriously hurt.”
“I'm already seriously hurt.” You replied. He looked at the concave shape of your cheeks, the pallor in your skin, the wobble in your muscles, and knew time was running out.
You looked deeply into his eyes, saw them wide and glistening, and felt a twinge through what remained of the connection. Maybe it was muscle weakness (after all, you felt like you might hurl or faint) but you relented, all but falling into his arms. He quickly pulled you sideways into his lap. One of his hands rubbed your back to ease the scorching heat in your spine while the other held the bleeding hand without hesitation. Immediately the blood began to ebb. After a few seconds the wound from the I.V. began to bring itself together. His heart, which pounded in your ear, steadied and quieted.
With a conscious effort you forced your body to relax, then sighed when it gave in (gave out, more like it) and sagged against him. Based on your inhale, Satoru knew you were about to speak, and shushed you before you had the chance. “Just breathe. You'll feel better soon.”
“You don't know that,” you quietly tutted, “the bond might already be broken.”
“I have faith. I'm The Strongest, and because of that, so are you.”
-- -- -- -- -- --
Satoru wouldn't move for over an hour. The hard floor was probably killing him, yet he remained with you in his lap, coaxing your head under his every time you grew restless. Only when the pain waned did you manage to sleep. Somewhere during that time, he moved the two of you back to your bed. It must have been a struggle to wedge all of himself into the single cot with you too, but when you woke, there you were, back in bed, laying atop your soulmate like he'd fashioned himself into your personal throne.
Shoko's prodding woke you up. “Hun? Just hear to get your blood pressure.”
“Mmm,” you replied noncommittally while she slid the cuff up your arm. Satoru pulled you closer and only when you looked up at him did you realize he did while still sleeping. He looked almost odd now that his visage was so relaxed — mouth barely open, lashes laying across his sharp cheeks . The gentle rises and falls of his chest were something you hadn't seen in a long time.
“You two sure cut it close.” She added.
“Not m' fault.”
“I know. I know he's tough to love, believe me, and I'm sure you couldn't feel much after the bond degraded to this point, but I took his vitals while you were asleep. You might not want to hear this, but he does have you as his emergency contact, so I'll share it since you're bonded.”
Your head lifted. The stiff squeeze of the inflating cuff was forgotten.
“His bloodwork was atrocious and his cursed energy was pitiful. Electrolytes, red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma; I could hardly even find a vein to pull from. If I didn't know better, I'd say he had cancer.” Shoko spoke quietly.
Your face must have given you away — she smoothed out the hair on the top of your head and tapped your nose once she was done examining you.
“He should be okay now. You're recovering slower than he is.”
“How long have we been sleeping?”
“About nine hours.”
You groaned. It felt like years. “How much longer till we're back to normal?”
“Give it time. Your bond took a major beating. If you rush things, you might end up here again.”
Your head slumped against Satoru's chest. “Okay.”
You watched her leave. Only when she was half way out the door did she fix you with a mischievous smirk and a devious wink. “The closer you are, the faster the bond will heal.”
Then Shoko left, with you likely gawking at the door.
“I like the sound of that.”
You whipped over to Satoru. He'd woken up at some point and was now staring at some spot on your neck before flicking his eyes to yours. The pulsing blue peaking out from under his bangs made your spine quake.
“But Shoko said you were sick. How can you—”
“Good. Maybe then I won't be so rough with you.”
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restinslices · 7 months
Hey sorry I’m the Liu Kang requester that accidentally put you through a tone of pain (sorry bout that)
Gimme angst of him seeing the woman he loves dying and getting reincarnated over and over again and no matter what she keeps dying in his arms by unnatural causes. This is his last time, his final try to save her. Will he save her? Or will she die again?
Firstly, no need to apologize lol. I’m just brain empty 6/7 days of the week. Funny enough, once you sent this I got more ideas for Liu Kang so we’ll see more of him once I finish all my requests. Secondly, I really like this prompt. I really like this trope in general. But I feel like I wrote it so bad😭. I don’t feel like I did it justice. As I was writing it I was like “the hoes not gon like this. Why is my brain buns?”. So, apologies in advance-
When Liu Kang returned with Raiden after speaking to the Elder Gods, the last thing he expected was to see a blood bath caused by Sindel. 
Bodies laid on the floor perfectly still. It was like someone laid a bunch of mannequins down and dressed them up to look exactly like the kombatants he cared for, and honestly if this was all just some cruel joke and everyone stood up and laughed, he would've breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe the anger would kick in later, but he'd sigh and say how happy he was to see everyone still alive. 
The only body that moved was yours. 
Your legs moved very slightly and your voice was so quiet, he was sure he wouldn't have been able to hear it if he wasn't silenced by shock. 
He ran over to you and crouched by your side, “you are alright” he tried to offer both of you some sort of hope even if he knew it was not true. In reality you looked terrible. There was a deep slash that went from the side of your neck and diagonal down your body. Blood covered your clothes and soaked the floor beneath you and in all honesty, he had no idea how you were still alive. Perhaps it had something to do with the theory about animals. He wasn't calling you an animal and he didn't see you as a pet, but there was a theory that pets waited for their owner to return to them before they died instead of dying on their own. No one knew why. For comfort in their final moments? To say goodbye? For one last moment together? It was a question that would never get an answer and Liu Kang wondered if that theory went for friends and lovers as well. 
“Don't speak. Preserve your strength. We'll find you help”. Your hand went up to caress his face and Liu Kang leaned into it, his face memorizing how your fingers felt against him. He wanted to have hope. You were strong enough to raise your hand to him so surely you'd be ok if they got you medical attention. 
That hope was snipped from him within seconds. 
As quickly as your hand raised, it fell back to the floor and your body went limp. That was it. There was no inspiration speech you gave before you died or some emotional moment he'd see in the plays he watched. It was over as soon as it started. 
Your death upset him, yes. What really pushed him over the edge though is that his trip to the Elder Gods meant nothing. Shao Khan got closer and closer to invading Earthrealm and the Elder Gods refused to intervene. Their absence should've meant something. He should've came back with good news, but instead he came back with no answers, no help, no idea what to do next and hardly any friends left. 
Your death plus the others is what ultimately led him to going against Raiden and his own untimely death.  
In one universe, that was it. His pain was over. Liu Kang died, Earthrealm was invaded and Shao Khan killed everyone else. It's not what he wanted but being dead meant no more sorrow. Your bloody body was no longer imprinted in his mind and he would never touch his own face while imagining it was your hand again. 
That's what happened in that timeline. 
In another timeline, things were different, yet you still fell victim to a brutal fate. 
The past and present merged for reasons unknown. You, Liu Kang and Kung Lao were sent to the Academy to make sure your enemies would not reach the Grotto. After dealing with traps, Scorpion and a Revenant Jade, he could feel how tense you were. 
“You are silent” he stated, “it is not like you to be so silent”
“It's nothing”. You responded too quickly, but Liu Kang knew you. Sure, you could be quiet at times but completely silent? Your face bunched together? Fingers tapping against your leg as you walk? It wasn't “nothing” and he was sure he knew what you were thinking. It was something both you and Kung Lao seemed to think. Kung Lao had just been the only one to voice his concerns. 
“They were mistakes-”
“How many mistakes can one person make?” You interrupted, “how many lives can be lost because of 'mistakes’? Raiden seems to make constant mistakes that hurt everyone around him, yet he escapes”. He understood your frustration. After all, he was told Raiden murders him himself, but was it murder if it was an accident? Could any of this be pinned on Raiden, the man he worships and respects?
No. This wasn't on him. Everyone made mistakes and some of your deaths weren't on Raiden at all. Some of you made your own stupid choices that led to your death. His version of Raiden would never do something so foul to any of his followers on purpose. 
Liu Kang grabbed your hand -ignored Kung Lao's immature disgusted noises- and stopped the both of you from walking any further. “You can't lose faith in Lord Raiden”, you went to protest but he stopped you “if you want to blame him, then you have to blame me as well”. 
You looked even more displeased than before, like he had said something treacherous. Was it though? Liu Kang didn't blame Raiden when it came to all of your deaths. He blamed himself. He's Earthrealm's champion, the chosen one if you will, and he couldn't save anyone? Wasn't that the point of him? To save everyone and give everyone a sense of hope? 
Then his mind went to his Revenant self. In this timeline he saw his friends slaughtered like pigs and lived with this guilt, even if it was only for a short while. And now they were all revenants and Liu Kang couldn't help but wonder if this twisted version of himself still carried that guilt or did he see it as a blessing now?��
Your fingers touching his cheek brought him back to reality, but that calming feeling only lasted so long. He didn't know how to describe it or why he was feeling this way, but he felt this tenseness all over his body like something terrible was going to happen. 
“Why would I blame you for my death?”
That tense feeling became worse and he couldn't help but look around as he spoke, “I accompanied Lord Raiden to speak with the Elder Gods. If I had been there, then perhaps…” he didn't have to finish for you to understand. You snapped your fingers in front of his face and drew his attention back to you, 
“I don't blame you for my death”
“And I don't blame you either. How sweet” Kung Lao said impatiently, sarcasm seeping through his words. “Now can we keep walking?”. He supposed he was right, even if he hated it. Before he started walking again, you placed a kiss on his cheek and Kung Lao once again voiced his disgust with sarcasm, “can I give you a kiss too?”. 
“Something you wish to tell us, Kung Lao?” You joked and if it wasn't for the danger you three were in, he'd say he was really enjoying the quality time you three were spending together. 
Kung Lao went to respond, but was interrupted when a figure came into view. A man with brown skin and these weird cracks that made him seem like he had been broken and put together multiple times and golden clothing. He was tampering with something he should not have been and Liu Kang knew he was in for another fight. 
“Is there any point to us asking you to put those back?” he asked. 
The male hardly regarded him and responded with “they said you'd come”. 
“Who said?”. 
An eerily familiar voice spoke out from the darkness, “who do you think Kung Lao?”. 
Bright red eyes. 
That's the first thing he saw. 
Three pairs of these eyes lit up in the darkness, and the only time Liu Kang was able to focus on anything other than that, is when they all came fully into view. They were you, but a twisted version. The versions of you that were corrupted and no longer cared for Earthrealm, but about what they could gain and destroy. Your revenants. That feeling of dread got stronger and he put his body in front of yours like a shield. 
Revenant him spoke next, “welcome to your future. Courtesy of Raiden”. 
“Our future may be tragic, but it's not Lord Raiden's fault. You've all been warped by Shinnock's evil”. 
“Raiden’s continued ignorance gets others killed” revenant you said, “how many times can he excuse deaths by saying they're mistakes? While he consulted with the Elder Gods, Sindel wiped us out”. 
“Shao Kahn snapped my neck in the arena” revenant Kung Lao said. “Raiden saw it coming, and did nothing!”. 
“I would have defeated Shao Kahn, but Raiden wanted the glory. His lightning cut me down”
“No!” Liu Kang exclaimed, “I don't believe that!”. 
“One day Raiden will betray you. Then you'll believe”. 
What happened next is something Liu Kang has tried on numerous occasions to forget. It's why he tries to stay busy. As long as he's busy and his mind is preoccupied, his mind will hopefully not replay the events that happened. 
“It happened so fast” is clichè to say. He knew this, but it genuinely went by so fast. One moment he was fighting against himself, and the next everything went wrong. 
That sense of dread and fear got worse and worse and it wasn't for Kung Lao. He worried about him the normal amount you'd worry about your friend in kombat. All these feelings were about you. He had been so distracted and constantly looking over his shoulders at you, that he hadn't realized how desperate the revenants had gotten for a win. They were losing and they had to do something about that. 
Liu Kang didn't see “Kung Lao” take off his hat and throw it at him. All he remembers is seeing you run at him, colliding with the floor after you kicked him away, and the hat decapitating you. 
It was one of those moments where everything seemed to stop. In reality, he only stared at you for a few seconds. In his mind it felt as though he stared at your limp frame for hours before the blood pooling out of your neck was too much for him and he had to look away. 
He had failed… again. 
It seemed as though the Elder Gods enjoyed laughing at his torment because they gave him what could be his final chance. 
“Are you upset with me?” Liu Kang asked. Not too long ago he was forced to reveal the truth about the past timelines and the danger you were all in and since then you kept quiet and to yourself. He wouldn't blame you for being upset, but he really hoped you weren't. Confused or shocked, yeah. Just not upset. 
“I'm just thinking about our plan against Quan Chi and Shang Tsung” you answered quietly. He hated you weren't looking at him and for the first time ever he wished he had the power to read minds instead of fire. Maybe that was a blessing though. Your thoughts could possibly destroy him. 
“But that is not all” he challenged. “Tell me”. 
“Is that an order from my creator?”
He frowned and although he wanted to touch you, he kept his distance. “It is a request from your lover and friend”. You turned to face him and thankfully, you didn't seem upset. He expected something worse, like you yelling and looking at him and horror but instead you just looked lost. That was the best way he could describe it. 
“I'm sorry, that's not fair to you”. 
“You don't have to apologize to me. Just please, tell me what you are thinking”. You sighed and after what seemed like some debating, you stepped closer to him and grabbed his hand and the beating in his chest slowed. 
“Were we lovers in the past timeline?”, he nodded and he had a feeling he knew where this was going. “We are replacements for what you lost and that means-”
“No” he said louder than he planned to. 
“The memories you have with me aren't actually with me. I'm not the actual person you're in love with. You want me because you want her”
“You're wrong” his voice came out stern and his eyebrows lowered, “the reason I am yours is because I adore everything about you. I brought you back because I valued who you are as a person, but I was not drawn to you because of who you were”. He brought your hand to his cheek, the feeling being familiar in a painful yet comforting way. “I see you for you, and our memories are ours to make”. 
You smiled at him and instead of feeling relief, a familiar feeling of dread creeped up on him. 
No… no this wouldn't happen again. It couldn't. 
His calm facade slipped and the pain of the memory showed on his face. He tried to cover it up, but he was too slow. “Memories?”, you asked. He nodded. “What happened to us in the past timeline?”. 
He shook his head, wanting the memories to go away. “A story for another time” he replied grimly and stepped away from you. As bad as it sounded, Liu Kang didn't want to love you. He wanted to bring everyone back, including you, but he wanted nothing to do with you romantically. A mentor type of relationship would hopefully make the possibility of losing you hurt less, but fate brought you back together again. When fate brought you together, it always seems to cut you down. Two steps forward and three steps back. 
“I don't know if this will help, but if something terrible happened to me… I don't blame you. None of us blame you for any of our untimely deaths”
“I don't blame you for my death”
That was the last thing you said to him. 
Your words were so similar yet different, and that uneasy feeling got stronger. 
“Perhaps it would be best if you stayed behind” he tried to say as calmly as he could. Maybe this was the wrong decision, but he didn't wanna scare you and telling you about your untimely deaths in both timelines seemed like the wrong idea. 
“What?” You asked confused, “we need all hands on deck. I'll be fine”. 
“You can help in your own way”
“How?”. He hadn't thought of a task or an excuse to use and as he tried to rack his brain for an answer, you spoke again “for your sake I can stay right on your tail. You'll always know I'm right there but Liu…” your hand found his again, “over worrying only leads to bad things. Remember that”. 
What he felt next was weird. He considered your words and as he did so, that feeling of dread started to slip away. He didn't understand why and he didn't realize what the best course of action was until it was too late. 
You accompanied him and many others to stop Shang Tsung and Quan Chi and that went as well as anyone with his luck could expect. He had found out Shang Tsung from the original timeline was still alive and actively trying to destroy his era of peace, and then to make matters worse, an evil Raiden and Sindel made their appearance. Raiden was simple but being there and watching Sindel challenge them all gave him memories he didn't even have. 
He wondered if this is what happened to the past version of you. He wondered how different it was. He knew Sindel killed you and other kombatants. Is this how it happened? His attention went to you and that feeling of dread got stronger and stronger. 
This was it. This is when it'd happen. 
He stayed close to you the entire time and since he was so distracted, Sindel took the opportunity to use her hair to grab both your ankles and knock you both down. 
Liu Kang saw you try to get up to assist Sindel with her evil counterpart, and he gripped your ankle and pulled you towards him. 
“What are you doing?!” he saw how angry you were and he hated it, but he'd hate you dying even more. He kept a grip on you, so concerned with keeping you down, that he stopped paying attention to Sindel. He was only alerted to what had happened when he heard Kitana and Mileena scream. 
Sindel had been fatally wounded. 
Guilt pushed down on his shoulders and he let you go. Why couldn't he do both? Protect you and save Sindel? Then he felt even more guilty because he let out a sigh of relief when he realized that he broke the cycle. He won! 
He won. 
He won?
Why did that feeling of dread get stronger?
The feeling of dread and death got so strong, his shoulders actually felt weight on them. It felt like multiple people were pushing his shoulders down, while he tried his best to stand up. 
One last battle was left and he knew you absolutely could not go. This timeline must've been different. It made sense. The first one Sindel killed you, the second one revenant Kung Lao killed you. It must be the battle that kills you in this timeline. 
He couldn't let that happen. 
“You've gone mad if you think I'll stay here!” You weren't exactly taking his command the best, but he knew this was for the better. This battle had to be what would kill you. You had to stay far away and locked away. 
“I realize now what I must do to save you. You have to stay here until the battle is over. You'll be safe”. He tried to stay calm, hoping it'd ease your mood but it seemed to do the opposite. You weren't known to be angry, so seeing you look so bitter and hateful made his heart ache but he knew he was making the right decision. 
“You're insane. I have to help” you tried to walk away but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him harder than he meant to. 
“No! Do as I say” he meant for it to come out commanding, but there was an edge of pleading. “Have faith in me”. 
“Faith?” You gawked, “faith? In you? What about you having faith in me?!” You yanked your wrist away from him and rubbed it. “I could've helped Sindel and saved her life, but you kept me down!”
“Sindel would have killed you! Forgive me if I can't allow that”
“So my life is more special than everyone else's? You let everyone fight, get hurt and die but somehow I'm more special? Do you not see how twisted that is?”. He didn't wanna think about it that way. He felt awful after Sindel's death, but he would've been paralyzed if it was you instead. It made him feel guilty, as if he personally killed Sindel himself. It wasn't like that though! You wouldn't have stood a chance! Why couldn't you see that?
“You never let me do anything. I love you, but you suffocate me! I can't be more than two steps away from you without there being a problem”. He was protecting you like he knew he had to. 
“I worry-”
“You worry too much! What good comes from being paranoid? I've said it before. Only bad things happen when you over worry”. You tried to walk away again and he grabbed your wrist again. 
“I can't let you fight with us!”
“Why can't I be your champion?!” You shouted. “Why Raiden instead of me?!”
“He won-”
“He won a mini tournament you didn't even let me participate in, even after I asked you to!”. You were right. He remembers you begging for days, but he always said no. He made the excuse that you were better by his side and for immediate support but in reality, you in Mortal Kombat was a risk he didn't want to take. 
You did something he didn't expect next. You pulled out the amulet Raiden was supposed to have, out of your pocket. “This should be mine”. 
“How do you have that?”
“Raiden is easy to steal from. I don't know how he's survived this long” you said dismissively. He didn't like it. That amulet gave you more confidence and he couldn't afford that. You'd understand why he was so protective once the fight was over. 
“It doesn't belong to you for a reason. You're not Earthrealm's champion for a reason. You can't fight in this war for a reason”
“You want to lock me up like I'm your enemy! Like I'm a prisoner! I'm not Bi-Han!”
“You are not a prisoner. You're protected”
You let out a frustrated sigh and took a moment to collect your thoughts. “I'll return this, but when are you gonna realize the only way we're gonna work is if you let me out this cage you built?”. The sudden softness of your words took him by surprise and his grip loosened enough so you could slip your wrist out. 
You walked away and the further you got, the more that pressure eased up on his shoulders. It didn't make sense. Why was that feeling changing now when you were leaving him? You weren't supposed to leave! You were supposed to stay here, safe and sound and wait for him to come back to you!
His mind was moving fast and without truly thinking, he shot fire in front of you. “Stop!”
He regretted it immediately. You had no warning and as the fireball passed you, it burnt one of your hands badly. You screamed and held your hand with your other, trying to soothe a wound he knew wouldn't stop aching that fast. 
His heart sunk and he froze. To say he felt awful would be an understatement. He wasn't quite sure how to place it, but “bad” or “awful” weren't the right words. He never meant to actually harm you. It was the last thing he wanted to do. 
Feelings of dread reached an all time high when you turned around, a mix of hurt and rage on your face. “You'd hurt me to make me stay?! Enough of your madness! If I have to fight you, then so be it!”. 
He felt the same feeling he had when he watched you die. Everything was so fast, yet slow at the same time. 
You pulled out the amulet and lightning flew. Liu Kang shot fire at it and that's when he realized his mistake. 
A reaction happened and since the lighting was attached to the amulet, all that power surged back at you, throwing you back and severely burning you. 
“By the gods! No!” he shouted and ran towards your body, which seized before going limp. 
No. This was not meant to happen. 
This isn't what he wanted. 
He held your now bloody and burnt form, hoping that someone you'd make a recovery. He wanted to scream and burn everything down to the ground. How did he manage to fail again?!
“Forgive me…” he muttered. 
You said nothing in return. 
As he sat there in complete silence, the smell of burnt flesh filling his nose and tears falling down his face, he thought back to your words from before. 
“Over worrying only leads to bad things. Remember that”. 
“You worry too much! What good comes from being paranoid? I've said it before. Only bad things happen when you over worry”.
That's when it hit him. 
Your death to Sindel may have not been his fault, but him carrying the guilt of your death plus others clouded his judgment. He refused to listen to reason. He attacked Raiden and he was killed because of it. 
He was so focused and worried about you during your battle against the revenants, that he became sloppy. If he was focused, he would've noticed Kung Lao throwing his hat at him. He would've reacted in time. You wouldn't have had to kick him away and you wouldn't have died. 
If he let you go, you could've helped and saved Sindel. 
If he let you join the final battle instead of being paranoid, he wouldn't have accidentally harmed you and you wouldn't have attacked him. He wouldn't have had to fight back and you wouldn't have died. 
If he wasn't so paranoid to begin with, you wouldn't have been as frustrated and maybe you would've actually stayed behind. 
How did he not see it before? He gave up his power as a Titan, fearing he'd go insane like Kronika, but in his own way he had done the same thing. His need to protect became over worrying and that became paranoia and he allowed it to destroy himself and worst of all, he allowed it to destroy you and your relationship. 
The crushing feeling getting lighter when you talked about him letting you go, or you walking away, was because that's what he was supposed to do. There was nothing wrong with protecting, but his paranoia led to your downfall more than once. Maybe there were even more timelines that ended in your death or both of your deaths. 
The more he understood, the more his chest burned and the louder his sobs got. How could he have been so blind? How many times had he failed? Why did the Elder Gods punish him instead of the actual evil people in the world? He wasn't perfect by any means, but where was this sort of punishment for people like Shao? Or Shang Tsung? Or Quan Chi? Or anyone else who had wickedness in their heart and fed off chaos and strife? Why did he have to suffer such a cruel fate over and over again?
Maybe if he could somehow get his powers back or see if Geras could reverse time or erase this timeline and start again, he could do better. 
He could erase all he did wrong. He could keep his era of peace. He could save everyone. He could save you. 
All he needed was one more chance. 
Although I think this is buns, the reader’s death mimicking Liu Kang’s death in MK9 eats down
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eleni-cherie · 3 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 0.5
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
19th October
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Taehyung watched Jimin return to their hide-out with evident disappointment settled across his face. Another indicator being the deep sigh which followed right as he closed the door behind himself.
He perked a suspicious eyebrow at Jimin, exchanging a glance with Yoongi then who was sitting across from him and sharpening his sword. "What happened?"
Jimin plopped next to him, sulking deeply. "Guess Bella won't help us out."
"I'll pretend being shocked," Yoongi snickered under his breath, only earning an annoyed glance from the younger one before he fell back into sulking.
Taehyung only rolled his eyes out of Jimin's sight and cleared his throat then. Trying to set the right tone to cover the fact he wholeheartedly agreed with Yoongi's sarcastic stance.
Why would Arabella Valentine help them out if it didn't benefit her?
That wasn't her style.
"Did she say why?"
"Yeah.." Jimin shifted in his seat, running his fingers through his light brown hair, "She prefers going after a rich heir in Cyprus." Mild jealously flickered through his features and Taehyung could tell but chose not to mention.
"Seriously, why are you so whipped for this woman?" he eventually wondered out, "She's manipulative and you can't trust her. I don't get it."
"Plus, she's screwed us over countless times.." Yoongi added with a mumble. Both now looking at him expectedly.
Pursing his plum lips, the thief in question fumbled with his fingers for the right words. "Well, first of all sh-"
"Don't you dare say 'she's hot'," Taehyung quickly countered, shooting him a serious glare to which Jimin only chuckled bashfully.
"Well, she is, but that isn't the main reason.." 
The anew sigh leaving his lips filled with awe and admiration this time, gaze wandering out the window into the sunlit capital of Argentina. A dreamy look on his eyes with possible hearts if he was a cartoon character, Taehyung was sure.
"You guys wouldn't get it.. I like that she's so sneaky and always keeps me on my toes. She's dangerous and mesmerising. She's.. she's simply one of a kind," he eventually settled.
And perhaps they really didn't get it because all they were able to see in her was a competitor, another thief who might occasionally help them out. But only for a price - which was usually betraying them with all the loot.
"It's kinda cute though. He's the literal definition of fool in love," Yoongi plainly stated then, trying keeping a straight face although they could see the ghost of a smile on his lips. His tease pulling Jimin out of his little daydream.
"Anyway," the master thief said then, dismissing his older friend's comment, "That means we need someone else to get us in there."
"We don't know any other female professionals though."
"At least, not personally."
All three fell into deep thoughts.
This wasn't good. They needed a woman to pull off this coup. Only women were invited to the embassandor's gala as it was specifically to celebrate female achievements. It was their only chance to get in the embassy.
- Well, not the only one, but surely the easiest one. Two would sneak in as staff members and the third one had to be among the guests. To keep an eye on the embassandor and the ball hall while the other two were breaking into the office room. And to be one of the guests he'd need to be the cavalier of a lady.
"The party's in a week, we need to come up with something. We're running out of time."
"Why did you only ask her now, if we knew beforehand-"
"I was sure Bella would be in.."
The oldest one shrugged, putting his katana aside. "Maybe we should just cancel it and instead go for a different coup."
At this, Jimin shot Yoongi an irritated glare before laughing out. "You're giving up too easily! I'm sure we'll fi-" Pausing himself mid-sentence, he faced Taehyung then who gulped at the mischieviously wide grin on his lips. "Say, what about your doctor fri-"
Before he could even complete, Taehyung already cut him off with a harsh glare. "No, forget it."
Jimin whined. "Why?"
Dumbfounded at the new level of idiocy his best friend had reached, the gunman exhaled with a huff. "Are you seriously asking? She's a civilist. I'm not getting her involved in this and besides, I doubt she even got time."
"How do you know, you haven't asked her?"
"She's an assistant physician in her second year, she's just working non-stop."
"Then a reason more for her to get out of the daily grid!" Jimin exclaimed, thrilled about his brilliant idea, "And didn't you say she's always curious about our work and finds it exciting? Yes, just imagine how thankful she'd be!"
Taehyung, however, was less and less inclined to the nonsense idea of getting Cassandra involved in this. He always tried his best to keep their friendship seperated from the rest of his life - or at least as seperate as possible. And he grew frustrated with Jimin's irrational enthusiasm.
"You can't be serious, this is way too dangerous for an outsider. What if something goes wrong?"
"Taehyung's right," Yoongi, who had been silently listening to their argument, eventually intervened, "She's completely unexperienced. We can't effort it."
"Guys, you're such naysayers!" Jimin groaned then, throwing his hands dramatically in the air, "This coup we'll be like walking into a candyshop, nice and easy. She won't need to do anything but look pretty and mingle with the other guests. That's it. She won't be anywhere near the action where we -" His finger wiggled between himself and Yoongi. "- would be."
"Wait, you and Yoongi are breaking in?"
He smirked. "Of course, since she's your friend you're gonna be her escort."
Taehyung became pale, all colour drained from his face. He and Cassandra in fancy attire in the middle of a ballroom? The thought making him swallow with an irrational flush colourings his cheeks.
"I mean.. putting it like this.." Yoongi mused with a small smile, earning a side-eye from Taehyung.
"You're seriously changing your mind on me now?"
The swordsman shrugged, sliding his katana back into its shealth as he had finished the sharpening, being content with his work. "I didn't think about the fact that she'd indeed not be directly involved in the heist. Her only role would be to get the third one - you - inside. That's it."
"Unbelievable," Taehyung dragged out a breath, shaking his head. 
He didn't like admitting it, but they had a point. Still a pretty dumb point, in his opinion, but nevertheless, a point. If they wanted to go through with the plan, the young physician was their only option in the moment. At least until he could come up with a better one. And he would try his best to do so.
"You guys really mean it, huh?"
"Look, Tae, I get it," Jimin said then, grabbing his shoulder with a sympathetic smile, "It's not like I'm keen about getting an outsider involved either, but she's our only option right now. And I wouldn't suggest it if I believed she could get in actual danger. You know me, I'd never endanger anyone on purpose. Especially not a pretty woman."
Of course Taehyung knew that. He knew Jimin for half of his life by now, he knew he wasn't reckless or mindless towards others. Only towards himself. And his look of appeal made Taehyung eventually sigh in defeat, nodding.
"Maybe she won't agree anyway," Yoongi argued then with raised brows. Partially in an attempt to calm Taehyung's mind. "What then?"
But Taehyung could only laugh out dryly at this. Already knowing her answer.
21st October
Barcelona, Spain
Cassandra's eyes widened while alternating between Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung, the latter one standing in the background with crossed arms and an annoyed scowl.
"Me?" She pointed at herself, still processing and not believing their surreal proposal.
When she had left the hospital after an early shift, the only thing she'd expected to find at home was her left-over food and the rest of a tv show which had been left in the middle - wishing her hospital life would've been just half as entertaining as in the show.
She hadn't expected, however, to find Taehyung and his friends waiting for her in front of her entrance door.
Now thinking about it, considering they were thieves and could break into anything they wanted, it was quite nice of them respecting her enough not to break into her apartment and instead wait outside.
"Cassandra, Cas," Jimin sighed in pity ploy, engulfing her hands in both of his. Taehyung only rolling his eyes in the back at the sight of his friend working his usual charms. "We wouldn't ask you if we weren't desperate. I swear, we wouldn't let you get in any danger. You just need to enter from the main entrance, have a good time at the gala and then leave again from the main entrance. That's all."
She blinked again, feeling her heart-beat picking up in excitement.
Was she even allowed to get excited? Shouldn't she be panicked and call them crazy?
She should, but for some insane reason she wasn't. She was indeed considering this.
"Just for the record, I was against this idea," Taehyung barked in, "Seriously, feel free to say no."
"Don't influence her!" Jimin's head snapped back. Making Taehyung scoff and look away again.
Cassandra took a moment to think about it. Although she was certain her answer was already set, she still tried staying objective and weighing out all factors.
"If I do it.. you'll keep me safe, right?" She timidly peeked up, seeing a smile spreading on Jimin's features.
"Of course! Well, not me directly.." His head returning to Taehyung with a smirk, "But Taehyunghie will. Considering he's unrivaled with his gun and good in combat, you'll be in good hands."
She smiled, knowing all that very well.
Her brown irises wandering to her friend who was about to protest again, but instead folded his lips when meeting her warm stare.
He already knew her answer anyway. That was why he was so against it in the first place. She might've not been naive enough to mistake her films for reality, but the way Jimin set it, it sounded exciting and risk free. Besides, she was someone who always helped others and only a blind person wouldn't see how much in need they were of her right now. Jimin had practically thrown himself to her feet after all. 
So he sighed, giving her an affirming nod. "I'll protect you, Cas."
She smiled gently. "I know."
If she didn't trust Taehyung, she wouldn't have even considered it.
Content with his sincere answer, she faced Jimin again. "I'll do it."
"Great!" he cheered and jumped onto his feet, pulling her with him before engulfing her into a tight hug. Making Cassandra laugh out as she hugged him back startled.
They must've been indeed quite desperate, she concluded.
"Y-you said it's next friday though. And where?"
"In Budepast at the French embassy," Yoongi, who hadn't tried persuading nor hindering her from participating, but instead had stayed pretty neutral next to Taehyung, said.
He'd been taking a look around her apartment instead. Small eyes growing round when seeing the film posters Taehyung had mentioned to them.
"You can travel around Europe freely, right?"
She hummed in affirmation.
She had always wanted to see Budapest anyway so that wouldn't be an inconvenience. However, she recalled her schedule.
"I'll need to pull in some favours and switch shifts then.."
Taehyung instantly straightened at this. "If that'll be a problem, we're gonna look for someo-"
"No, no, I'll do it. Don't worry," she giggled, seeing him shut his mouth and going back to sulking.
In all honestly, she felt quite flattered by his concerns. But she trusted their word that it wouldn't get dangerous for her. 
And a fancy gala at an embassy? Who would say no to that? It'd be the first time she ever attended something like this. 
Her smile dropped at this realisation. Now, this was actually concerning.
"It's gonna be so fancy.. " she mumbled. Chewing on her lips.
She didn't have any fancy clothes. Of course not, why would she? She had a few good clothes for special occasions and celebrations, but in no way would they be enough for an embassador's gala. She'd need to buy something, but did she even have money for a suitable dress for such an event?
She started mildly hyperventilating.
"Hey, hey, don't worry. Just wear a nice dress. It doesn't have to be some expensive designer piece, no one will tell," Jimin ensured her, patting her shoulder with a cheerful smile, "It's not the Milan fashion show. The people at the gala won't be able to tell the difference."
"Okay," she nodded when another question popped up in her mind. "But how will I even be allowed to enter? I don't have an invitation after all.."
At this the three thieves only exchanged a glance before their lips tucked into cheeky grins.
"Please, that's a piece of cake. Don't let that trouble you." Jimin winked.
26th October
Budapest, Hungary
It was 8 o'clock on the dot when Cassandra stepped out of the elevator that evening. It'd been awhile since she'd spent a night at a hotel and it felt odd.
The only good thing was that it was a rather small vintage one, meaning no cameras inside and not many guests as she made her way out of the old but well-preserved building. The reception at the foyer was currently empty, facilitating her departure. And she remembered to turn her face away from the camera at the entrace. Just like the guys' had instructed her. It was one out of only two, the other one being at the back entrance that led to the backyard.
Even if it wasn't their main intention to save her from embarrassment when choosing that hotel for her - the practical reasons being it not having much security and its suitable location - it saved her from nosey people wondering where she was heading to in such a fancy look. She had already felt insure enough, not being used to wearing anything but scrubs or normal clothes. She didn't need employees or guests' talking while walking around in a floor-long dress, heaving the fabric with her fists not to step onto it.
Cassandra knew there was no going back now that she had already exited the building. And she wondered if Taehyung would be there as settled.
The last contact had been back in Barcelona, when they'd given her location and pick-up time, keeping the risk of leaving traces as small as possible.
For all people knew, she was a mere tourist. Which she was, in a way. At least she'd passed the past two days by wandering around the city to all the touristy spots, making the most out of her trip there and acting unsuspicious.
Much to her relief she spotted Taehyung waiting at the end of the street. He was leaned against a black limousine with tinted windows, not having noticed her yet as he was too preoccupied with texting the others on a burner phone to see the startled expression on Cassandra's made-up eyes. 
His dark brown hair was combed back with the side parted, except for a rebellish curl that was falling on his forehead while he was hunching. The black tuxedo he wore perfectly underlining his tall and sturdy stature. Its suit jacket left unbuttoned and hanging losely over the black dress shirt he was wearing underneath it, adorned by an equally pitch-black neck tie.
Describing his appearance as 'handsome' felt like the understatement of the year. She needed a stronger word than that to express her exact thoughts in that moment. 
Of course she always thought of him as a good-looking guy with an enchanting smile, from the very first glance she'd laid on him. She wasn't blind after all. However, seeing him in such a fancy attire for the first time left her breathless. Just like that very night many years ago when their eyes had met for the first time. 
Usually she only saw him in casual fits. Loose shirts, wide trousers or big hoodies. Like a normal guy. However, she'd use anything but 'normal' for him right now.
Taehyung looked like straight out of a runway or no - a film! A spy movie!
Like a real-life James Bond.
And that realisation made a hot rush run through Cassandra's veins.
She inhaled sharply, about to move when his head perked up as if he had heard her screaming thoughts and their irises met. Both staring at each other, perplexed.
His lips parted, unintentionally allowing his eyes to wander over her dress all the way down and then up again.
Cassandra was standing there, a vision in dark vibrant green. Embroidered leaves and flowers covering her torso, flowing from her waist sporadically down the tulle fabric. Glistening faintly under the streetlamps, like an emerald. Contrasting her silky-shining coppery curls cascading over her shoulders.
First he hadn't been sure if it was really her or a mythological forest nymph, having lost her way to the magic world and instead found her way there to him.
But soon he realised that it was indeed Cassandra. And that he was holding his breath.
"Hey, cool guy," she eventually breathed out. Interrupting their little staring contest.
He swallowed, forcing his lips to move into a casual smile. "Hey, Doc."
With uncertain steps, she walked up to him and he pushed himself off the car. Holding the passenger door open for her.
"You.. you look.." He was flustered, to say the least. His mind on overdrive as he tried not to turn awkward, but he feared he was doing just that by stuttering and blushing. She looked even more stunning from up-close. Finally, he managed clearing his throat. "You might get a cold."
With a small laugh, she looked away and folded her arms in front of her décoleté. It was warm enough during the day, but now that the sun was setting, a coolish breeze was indeed picking up which the thin straps of her dress surely wouldn't shield her from. Especially not as her back was completely open, aside from the straps crossing and forming a bow on its lower half - which had taken her a solid ten minutes to tie on her own.
Taehyung catching that detail as well, looking away shyly. And Cassandra's insecurity only grew, misinterpreting his behaviour. 
She started seriously regretting all her choices in this moment. Back then she'd thought that if this was her only chance to wear a beautiful long dress, then so be it!.
- Why didn't she go for a simplier dress? Preferably in an ordinary colour like black or creme with long sleeves and maybe even a turtleneck, if dresses with turtlenecks even existed.
She feared making a fool of herself again.
"Uhm, no it's okay. I'll survive, don't worry. I didn't have anything suitable to wear on top and didn't want to show up in a random jacket.." she mumbled. About to enter the car when she felt something being slid over her shoulders, causing her to still. And she saw his suit jacket laying on them.
Her lips parted, her cheeks chrimson red by now. She held the collar together with one hand.
"Thank you," she quietly said, seeing him only offering her a quick nod before they bothed entered the parked limousine.
The French embassy was in the city centre, close to Danube's bank. An upmarket part with lots of cultural sights. Meaning the traffic would keep them from arriving there fast.
They remained silent for most of the drive, both unusually tense. Only stealing glances at the other when thinking they wouldn't notice.
"We can still turn back. I can return you to the hotel," Taehyung offered, glancing at her hopefully before redirecting his focus onto the road in front of them.
They were almost there, he could already spot the long line of expensive vehicles lining up to enter or depose guests.
"Again, don't feel obligated. You don't have to do this. I'll find another way to get in."
The young woman shook her head though, the grip she had onto his blazer to keep it from sliding off, tightening.
"No, I'm okay." And she was. Slightly nervous, yes, but also incredibly excited. "And besides, I got my lucky charm."
His brows knitted at her, seeing a toothy grin on her features and a small teddy bear dangling from her fingers next to it.
"Isn't it cute?"
He couldn't help but chuckle. Somehow he wasn't surprised she was  into superstition or at least lucky charms. And her beaming face was  adorable.
"Very cute actually."
"I know it's ridiculous," she sighed then with a coy smile as she looked down to the teddy bear in her folded hands, "And I don't really believe in superstition. But I figured, it wouldn't harm."
Shaking his head, he tugged at the golden necklace underneath his collar. "What do you think this is?"
Her eyes widened. "So it's also your lucky charm?"
He shrugged. "So far I always had luck, so it could be this. I always wear it after all." He tucked it back in as memories surged his mind. He tilted his head at her with a smirk then. "So it must bring me some luck. Don't you think?"
Cassandra smiled at him with a fond look, knowing how much it meant to him. And it was nice catching a new glimpse of his life from behind the curtains of his usual secrecy. She enjoyed collecting all those pieces of random information about him.
"By the way," she said then, stuffing the small stuffed animal back into her purse, "I got your postcard a few days ago. The one from New Delhi."
"Huh, you only got it now?" he huffed with a raised brow, "I was there a month ago."
"Well, it's quite far away, on the other side of the globe.. Was it fun there?"
"Curious as always.." He grinned, amusement in his eyes as he peeked at her. "But yeah, it was. Also far too warm though."
Cassandra giggled at his whining, remembering he didn't do well in temperatures over 25°C. Would explain why he was walking around with a thin coat in winter.
"Maybe next time don't do a heist in a hot subcontinent."
"It wasn't a heist," he plainly stated. Knowing far too well that would only intrigue her more. And indeed, she leaned over with curious eyes. Her eye make-up intenser now for the gala than her usual one, making her doe eyes appearing even bigger than usual. "No? What else did you do there?"
He simply shrugged with a cocky smirk, remaining quiet which he knew would drive her mad.
"Don't be so annonying," she groaned and puffed her cheeks in a childish manner, "You mentioned it, now you gotta tell me."
"Oh, do I?"
"Of course."
"Let's say we were on a little treasure hunt."
Her eyes grew even rounder. "Treasure hunt? Like Indiana Jones or something?"
"Or something."
And he bit back a laugh when hearing her scofd.
Taehyung entered an side-street behind the embassy then, deciding it'd be better to park there for an easier escape later.
He unbuckled his seatbelt then and got out. Walking around to help her out of the car by offering her his angled arm, which Cassandra gladly accepted by hooking hers around his elbow. Making their way towards the embassy.
Another uncommon thing for her, stilettos. She usually didn't wear anything that was higher than two centimetres and even then it was usually boots or sneakers. She just hoped her walk wasn't as wobbly as her legs felt in that moment.
It only now really downed to her that this was really happening and anxiety made a surprise appearance after all.
"Remember what I told you? About the cameras?"
She nodded at his question, recalling his and the guys' little prep talk. She'd taken notes. "One left at the gate, two left in the courtyard, one right at the entrance and one over the staircase. And another two in the ballroom, at the side of the stage."
His lips tucked into a lopsided smile. He was impressed. "Good girl."
The praise caused Cassandra's lips to press together, feeling her cheecks blushing along. She never knew words of affirmation could've such an affect on her. 
However, she also felt quite proud of herself. She'd done her best to memorise everything after all, not wanting to screw it up.
She had to turn her head away from them in case something went wrong and Jimin wasn't able to loop the security footage. It was a worst case scenario, but they had to be prepared for everything. And Taehyung surely didn't want risking her getting recognised on any footage.
Turning a corner, the embassy's aristocratic building came into full focus then. It was in a long row building which covered the whole block. Tall, rounded glass windows on the ground level, above them a terrace on the first level. The entrace was two tall rounded gates adorned with ornatements of metal. Between the two gates, a plaque that said 'Francia Köztársaság Nagykövetsége'.
- Overall, it looked indeed like a building where only the french would have their embassy in.
Taehyung pressed his in-ear monitor then to activate it. "Guys, we're about to enter."
"Cameras all set," Jimin answered from inside the building, "Have fun!" And Taehyung could hear the smirk in his friend's voice. Mumbling a quick 'thanks' before turning to Cassandra, catching her staring at the building with the line of well-dressed important people behind security guards.
Her steps slowed until she caused them both to stop, Taehyung giving her a questioning glance. "Just say the word and I'm driving you back," he whispered as he covered her hand that was wrapped around his arm. Giving her a soothing smile, only earning a wary one from her.
"I.. I just feel a little silly in this outfit, you know? I'm not used to anything but my normal clothes and.. I'm afraid I'm not fitting in. People might already be staring at me." She was looking around as paranoia briefly took over her while they passed by the iron gates. Perhaps she was only searching for excuses.
Her words made him frown as he also looked around, not noticing anyone looking funny at her. And he should, if it was the case, he was trained in observing people.
"Cas, calm down. You don't look out of place at all, you look.." His voice suddenly got caught in his throat as she her glance returned to him, looking expectantly at him. And the way the streetlights gleamed in her chestnut-coloured eyes made his mind blank out for a moment. He stuttered. "You look.. fitting."
Cassandra arched a brow at him, cocking her head. "Fitting?" She giggled, dumbfounded. It was so random, it genuinely distracted her from her worries. "Thanks, I take that." 
She took out the invitation and the fake ID Jimin had sent her way then. And Taehyung was astonished how naturally she looked while passing both to the security guard. If she was nervous - which he knew she must've been - he couldn't tell. The guards passed her the documents back and they entered. Going through the metal detectors and towards the corridor to the courtyard then.
The courtyard wasn't too big, or at least the numerous people in their gowns and tuxedos made it appear smaller. The building's facade was just as cream white there as outside from the street. A big french flag lazily waving in the night air over one of the side entrances, which was covered by a curved construction out of glass with everyone lining up in front to enter.
Cassandra put on a serious face again and closed her eyes. Taking in a deep breath. "I'm better than everyone else. I'm better than everyone else. I'm -"
"What?" His brows furrowed in confusion at her weird mantra.
"Getting mentally into my role. Can't look like a misfit among all those snobby people," she explained with a grin and Taehyung let out a genuine laugh.
This woman surely was full of surprised.
He nodded in approval before tucking her towards the entrance.
"Smart. Come, let's go inside."  
next chapter: 0.6 here
Don't forget to like, comment & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame @nanakamami @sweetmimosa28
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ohoh-inmortal · 2 years
A Good man
💀Summary: A mission in Mexico doesn't go according to plan and you end up saving two children's lives. Ghost lets the vulnerability he had hidden so much slip a bit.
💀Pairing: Ghost x F!Reader
💀Warnings: canon typical violence, angst, fluff, established relationship situationship, children!, Ghost being an emotional wreck, passionate lovemaking (blink and you'll miss it)
A/N: so this was originally half a chapter of a fanfic that I'm gathering the concentration to finish but I wanted to post something so here you go lol. If more people like it I might follow it up from here or just make a part 2.
Also this is no beta read and English is not my first language so if you see some grammar mistakes no you didn't.
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Fucking with cartels had never been easy, but now you had fucked up. Your mission was to infiltrate a neighborhood in a town near Las Almas and the rest of the team would follow up to take down one of their bases and get closer to capture their leader.
The first part went smoothly, until you noticed the civilians practically fleed the neighborhood in an instant and lots of cars full of armed men coming.
You had managed to make it past the Neighborhood into the rural area. Your legs burned from running so fast and for so long, there was a pressure in your chest from agitation and your lungs were full of the familiar smoke of dirt, gunpowder, and blood. The noise of war around you made it hard to concentrate on where you were going.
Ghost was some feet away from you, into an abandoned construction and directed you to stop and cover. Your body was grateful for the break.
"We need to get outta 'ere as fast as we can. These bastards won't give up" he had to speak on the radio, as you were hiding in different places of the construction.
"Roger that"
"Let's move" he ordered.
But as you grabbed your weapon closer to you, prepared to run again, you heard a shuffle between the pieces of wood that you were sure had been a closet before.
Warily, you got closer as your hand rested on the gun on your thigh; ready to shoot if someone jumped. As you tore open the door, you were found with runny noses and two little bodies hugged tightly. The oldest on was maybe about 7 years old, and the youngest could have been older than 3 years old.
"Ghost, you copy? There are children in here" You spoke on the radio again, shocked.
"There's two, they were hidden. I need help to take them to safety!" You said desperately.
"Negative. They're shooting at us, hunting us. It's too dangerous, both for them and for us"
Just as he ended that sentence, you started hearing explosions and guns again. They were near and you felt your heart sink. How were you going to leave those two poor kids scared and alone to die?
"I need you to come with me, I'm gonna make sure you are safe, okay?" You said to them as softly as you could in spanish.
The older one just nodded and you caged them in your arms, running outside. There you met Ghost, who as soon as he saw you with both children shook his head in disapproval but grabbed one in his arms nonetheless.
Soon you reached the extraction point, where an agitated Alejandro and Rudy were waiting outside the SUV and you could see the confusion on their faces.
"What the hell?" Alejandro whispered "We checked the area, and there were no civilians"
"They were hidden in an abandoned house" you explained "I couldn't let them there" you shook your head.
Alejandro just nodded and opened the door for you. On the other side, Ghost also sat in the backseat and Rudy got into the driver's seat.
The children's little bodies began to shake and tears left a clear path on their dirty cheeks, so you embraced one in each arm and rubbed their backs and arms encouragingly.
Ghost stared intensely at you, though you couldn’t figure out if he did it with admiration like Alejandro and Rudy or disapproval. Maybe none, maybe a mix of both. But the fact that he had such intense eyes plus his mask didn't help to calm the children.
He sensed it, so he moved closer to the door and away from you and the children, promising himself he would stop. He was used for people to fear him, the feeling should be nothing new yet something inside of him died when the fear in someone else's eyes reflected on his own.
He hadn't always been like this.
You noticed the kids staring at him warily.
"You must not fear him, he's a good man," you said to the kids in Spanish as you gazed at him "He protected you, he carried you here, remember?"
They nodded and their gaze softened on the soldier.
A knot formed on his throat and he had to tear his eyes from you and look away to the window. How, after all he has done, could he be a good man? Hadn't he killed thousands, a lot of them innocents and foreign to war like these children? How could you even dare to think he was good? You must be either blind or insane, he thought.
As soon as the truck stopped at the base he got out straight as a bullet to his room. He couldn't bear to see you now, he couldn't bear for you to see him like this; he was scared that accidentally he could let a bit of his tarnished soul slip and see the light of you.
In the meantime, you were in charge of the children so the team could do research to know who their parents were and what they would do with them.
You cleaned and fed them, and kept them distracted from the horrors they had lived just a few hours ago. Playing, drawing and reading tales with both until the sun went down and their tired round faces started to yawn. The older kid quickly fell asleep on the couch, but the youngest one extended his arms for you to grab them up.
His head was still a mess of fresh emotions and deeply set wounds, but he knew he couldn't just stay there for eternity. What he didn't expect was to see you pacing in the hallway quietly humming a lullaby, holding a small body against your own and caressing the messy-haired head on your chest.
You placed the youngest kid next to the other and when you noticed him, your gaze softened into almost a smile.
"Are you alright? We haven't seen you since we arrived here" you asked concerned.
"How are they?" He changed the subject away from him, and he sounded concerned too.
"They are fine, we played all afternoon so they got tired. Alejandro is looking for their parents or relatives" you explained, gazing at them.
He just nodded and silence flooded the room. You reached for your pocket and pulled out a folded paper, which you extended to him.
"They made this in the afternoon, they wanted to give it to you but we didn't find you"
He delicately grabbed the paper and his breath hitched when he saw it; It was a doodle of him in his mask smiling, and you, each kid grabbing one of your hands. In one of the corners, the phrase "I'm not scared of ghosts anymore" was written in wobbly letters and grammatical errors.
He traced his hand over the drawing, like if it was going to vanish any time, like he couldn't believe it was real.
You stepped closer to him and searched for his eyes, which were full of emotion. You knew he didn't like much physical contact but you couldn't find another way to show him how grateful you were without scaring him for good, so you softly placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you," you said in a small voice "Truly…for helping me to rescue them. I know I should've followed your orders but…"
"You don't need to apologize," he assured in a deep voice. I'm glad you didn't follow them, he almost added.
"I wasn't going to" you smirked.
You hated how unpredictable he was, how he looked at those he hated and those he didn't in the same intense way. When you saw his eyes linger too much on your lips you knew you were part of the second group.
With a small tug on your arm he pulled you closer to him as he kissed your lips over his balaclava.
You stumbled until you reached his room and as soon as both were inside he pulled the balaclava up until his lips were uncovered.
His kisses were hungry, not in a lustful way but in an emotional way. Like he needed something to ground himself and that something was your lips. Your hands found his face, caressing it so tenderly it made him hug you closer to his body.
You parted from his lips a bit, catching your breath. Still, you gazed at him for a moment.
"You are so good, Simon" you whispered sincerely, your hands still gently on his face.
His hand traveled from your waist to the back of your neck, and he pushed to kiss you again this time deeper. Soon his hands started to wander and you ended up naked with his towering body hovering yours.
It was the most sensual and passionate you both have ever been. Slow, yet powerful and deep. The way he grabbed and hugged you hard but also caressed you so softly. His head buried in the crook of your neck and his hips between your legs, which were caging his waist as tightly as your hands did with his back and shoulders.
That, until he remembered how you make him feel. The confusion and frustration you brought along into his life, the vulnerability he had deprived himself for so long. His thrusts became rougher, but he couldn't bring himself to be cold or distant with you. Not after today, not after you were so gentle even when he didn't deserve it.
His hips stutter and by the way you moaned into his ear he knew you were close too. Your foreheads met as he buried himself deeply within you and you gasped when you felt waves of pleasure through you.
He hovered over you, his eyes intensely didn't miss a second of your face.
"What?" You asked.
Of course, he didn't respond, instead laying beside you. You sat on the bed, ready to get your clothes and leave in silence.
"Hmm?" you asked, not sure of what he said.
"You can stay if you want" he ran a hand through his messy hair, trying to hide his face.
"Don't you mind they might see me coming out of your room in the morning?"
"No," he simply answered.
You gave him a little smile and lay down again.
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
hello!! i would like to request some sweet love making with johnny after being separated for months? thank you!!
meant to be suh.j
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GENRE: fluff, smut and angst.
WARNINGS: johnny has a mean/nice gf, second chance au, kissing, slight drinking, flirting, mentions of twins, divorced parents, unprotected sex, and crying.
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“but, mommy!” the girls whine. “girls— no! we’re not inviting your father to the cabin trip! plus, there isn’t room for him.” you shrug.
“he can sleep on the couch, mommy!” they girls pout and cling onto you. “aaannndd,” jaeri, your oldest extends. “we know you still love daddy.. right here.” she pokes above your left breast.
you sigh.
she’s right.
you hate how she’s exactly like her dad. maybe this could be a chance to build back the relationship you had with him months ago.
“fine. i guess i can ask him to come along. you girls owe me.” the girls cheer and run around while you cover your ears, keeping them from bleeding.
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“i’ll get it, mama!” jaeri squeals and darts for the door. “no, i’ll get it!” hewon chases after her sister and runs past her.
“girls, girls.” you sigh and speed walk towards them. “mommy will get the door.” the girls whine as you open the door to find a women standing there.
you look over her shoulder when hearing a door slam. your husband— ex. husband. your ex husband was walking up the walkway with two duffel bags.
“it is freezing!” the women says and pushes past you while rubbing her mittens together “maybe because you’re wearing a tennis skirt in the middle of winter.” you mutter under your breath.
“hey, y/n.” the gorgeous, 6’2 man smiles down at you. it was a pleased smile. a relieved smile. “johnny. good to see you, again.” he nods and the corners of his lips twitch.
you mentally smack yourself. “i’m sorry— come in.” johnny laughs and walks in. “wow,” johnny sighs and he looks around. “i haven’t been here in forever.”
he slightly jumps when seeing his girls. “daddy!” they both squeal and climb on his legs. “girls! girls! let your dad rest. i’m sure the drive was already tiring enough.” you pull the girls off while johnny laughs and watches you struggle.
“uh.. i see you brought someone with you.” johnny shrinks. the blood from his face drains and his eyebags deepen. “yeah.. mayce. she’s my girlfriend.” you bite your lip and nod. “since there’s two of you— i will take the pull out couch.”
“what, no?!” you’re shocked by johnnys reaction. “what do you mean no? there’s just me! i’m totally fine with sleeping on the pull out couch. now, cmon! let’s go bring your bags upstairs.” you grab his bags and run upstairs before he can say anything.
johnny sighs and drops his arms. “daddy! come play with us!” jaeri pulls johnnys hand and he chuckles. “yes, but can daddy rest first? daddy is very tired from driving.” jaeri and hewon frown. “okay, daddy. we understand.” hewon says with a firm nod.
you regret this.
inviting johnny to the rented out cabin you and him went to several years ago— you got pregnant after the trip.
“johnny,” mayce sighs as she kicks off her limited edition boots. “come rub my feet. they hurt from the long drive.” johnny takes a slow breath in and exhales slowly. “sure, babe.” johnny walks to the living room and starts to rub her feet.
“ow, babe!” mayce whines and yanks her feet from johnny. “you’re doing it too rough! do it softer.” she plants her foot back down in johnnys hands. “okay, im sorry.”
“hey guys. are you guys hungry? i’m just about to make some dinner.” johnny drops mayce’s feet causing a huff and a whine from her. “i’ll help. it’s the least i can do after letting you pay for this whole place.” you hesitate but then nod.
johnny follows you to the kitchen and washes his hands. “so, what can i help you with?” johnny asks while drying off his hands. “uh, you could.. cut up the meat.” you open up the fridge and pull out the pack of pork you bought before heading to the cabin.
“should i cut it into small pieces or big pieces?” johnny asks collecting the pack of meat from you. “small. the girls hate big chunks of meat.” johnny softly laughs and tears open the clear wrap. “right.”
“uh.. i’ll cut the veggies.” johnny nods and you grab the onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and broccoli from the fridge.
over five minutes you’d finished cutting up the bell peppers while johnny was taking his time cutting up the meat.
the onions were peeled so all you had to do was cut it. you cut the ends and stand it on one of the cut sides before cutting it straight down the middle. you grab one of the cut onions and you slice it thinly.
“oh, shit.” you mutter under your breath and feel your eyes start to tear when you move onto the other one.
you sniffle and johnny lifts his head to find you wiping your nose with the back of your hand. his eyebrows quirk up and he sets the knife down. “y/n?” you slightly jump when his voice is heard right next to your ear.
“hm?” you turn your head, eyes wide open when seeing how close his face was. “are you crying?” he cups your face and your eyes shift down to stare at his hands. “n—no—?” you go to shrug him off but he wipes your tears.
johnny then stops and brings his eyes back to yours. it’s full on silence in the kitchen— besides your daughters screaming in the other room over who’s doll gets a boyfriend.
“uh.. johnny.. i wasn’t crying.” he doesn’t budge— instead, his eyes move down to your lips. “i—it was the onions!” you say quickly and johnny looks down at your cutting board. “oh,” he steps back and stands up straight. “i’m sorry.” you shake your head and clear your throat. “it’s.. fine.”
johnny bites his lip and returns to his spot.
how fucking awkward.
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“kids! dinners ready! and, uh.. may.. cee—? come eat, everyone!” you say placing the last dish on the table while johnny grabs the cups from the cabinet.
“finally,” mayce sighs and sits down in an open seat. “it’s been hours.” she sets her phone down and then slightly gasps. “um.. hm.” she softly laughs and looks up at you. “i actually can’t eat meat— vegetarian.” she tucks her hair behind her ear.
you cover your mouth. “oh, i’m so sorry. i didn’t know— johnny didn’t inform me!” mayce bites her lip and looks to the side. “it’s fine.. i’ll just go to bed with an empty stomach.” she sighs and you shake your hands and head when she gets up to leave.
“no, no! stay! i can quickly whip something up for you— i’m sure we still have veggies!” you run to the kitchen and johnny looks at you in confusion. “what’s the rush?” you shake your head, grabbing a pan and grabbing a few extra veggies.
half an hour rolls by and johnny comes into the kitchen. “hey, we’ve been waiting for you. are you coming—?” he looks over your shoulder to see you presenting a veggie pasta.
“what’s that?” you hold up the plate. “it’s a veggie pasta!” you say with full satisfaction. “but we have dinner on the table?” johnnys thumb points back toward the door. “yes but, mayce’s a vegetarian— which, you didn’t inform me about— so, i told her i’d make something for her.”
johnny scoffs and you turn. “what?” you scrunch your face. “jealous that i didn’t cook you something personally?” you tease and johnny softly laughs. “no.. it’s just.. she isn’t a vegetarian.” your head jerks back with a shocked face.
“but, she— she said she is??” johnny laughs when hearing your squeaky voice. “no, she just doesn’t like vegetables.” he laughs and take the plate from you. “and she especially hates broccoli.” he says looking at the cutely places broccoli.
“goodness— she’s more picker than our girls over there.” johnny laughs and you join him. “she sure is. and on the topic of our girls— they’re super hangry so let’s go eat before they start eating their play doh.” you laugh and nod.
you follow johnny and mayce sets her phone down with a heavy sigh and a forced smile. “smells good— oh, broccoli.” she gulps and stares down at her plate that had broccoli on it. “it’s fine, i can just take it off.” she mutters quickly and picks up her fork.
not even a thank you?
“who’s hungry, huh?” johnny asks and sits next to mayce.
the girls cheer in excitement and stand on their knees.
“i am! i am!” jaeri yells.
“me! me!” hewon raises her hand.
johnny laughs and scoops some rice into their bowls— along with some of the meat you and him made together.
“mommy, i don’t like onion.” jaeri frowns and rubs her mouth when seeing the onions. “i do!” hewon squeals and moves her bowl towards jaeri’s bowl. “put yours in my bowl, please!”
jaeri does and then looks into hewon’s bowl. “mm.. can i have your bell peppers?” jaeri asks— her shy tone making you and johnny smile both at the same time. “sure! i don’t like them anyway.” jaeri shimmies and grabs the bell peppers from hewon’s bowl and into hers.
“thank you, hewon!” jaeri giggles and begins to eat.
you sigh and look down when seeing your bowl was filled up. you look up at johnny who grins at you before looking away and filling up his plate.
you bite your lip and smile, grabbing your utensils and digging in. “thank you for the food, y/n.” johnny says while blowing on his food. “mhm— thank you for helping me.” johnny nods.
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you sigh, grabbing your book off the wooden coffee table— along with your wine glass that was filled to the rim.
“hey,” you let out a scream before it’s muffled by an overly large hand. “shh shh,” johnny whispers and calms you down.
he finally removes his hand from your mouth and you heave. “what the absolute fuck, johnny?! i could’ve had a heart attack.” you set your wine down— plus your book.
“i’m sorry.” johnny apologizes and hugs his pillow.
wait, his pillow?
“mayce kicked me out of bed.” he says as if he’d read your mind. “oh,” you fiddle with your nails. “here, come have a drink with me and you can tell me what happened if you want.” johnny grins and walks around the couch, sitting on one side and leaving the other for you.
you leave and quickly come back with another wine glass. “so, what happened?” you ask, filling his glass up with wine. “well.. basically,” you hand johnny the wine and he says a quick ‘thank you’ before continuing.
“uhm, i’d told her that i wanted to.. end things.” you gasp and johnny softly chuckles. “because things with her didn’t feel right.” he finishes. “seriously?” johnny nods and sips his wine.
you grab your glass and you quickly gulp some wine.
johnnys a free man now.. he’s a free man again. he could be all yours— all you had to do was make a move—?
no! get your head out of your ass! he just broke up with the girl for gods sake!
“wow, im so sorry, johnny.” johnny laughs and shakes his head. “it’s fine. we were only together for two months.” johnny presses his lips together.
“well, since you’ve been kicked out of your only place,” you sigh. “i can help you with the pull out the bed and i can go sleep with the girls.” johnny shakes his head and quickly declines. “no, no, y/n.”
you go to protest but johnny stops you. “it’s fine if we share the pull out together— right? we’ve slept in the same bed before— i mean, o—only if you’re fine with it.” you laugh, he was so cute when flustered. “that’s fine, johnny. but, hey, if you didn’t want to be alone for the night— you could just say so.” you joke but johnny doesn’t laugh.
“right?” you laugh awkwardly and nervously.
“y/n, i don’t want to be alone.” johnny says and you blink repeatedly.
how do you respond?
johnnys thumb messes around with the rim of his glass. “not just for tonight.” more information, please johnny.
“not ever.” he sets his wine glass down.
“i— what.. what do you mean?” johnny grabs your wine glass and sets it down before grabbing you by the waist and pulling you on him. your leg straddling him, hands on his shoulders— your body stiff as ice.
his gaze made your panties dampen. “what i’m saying is that.. i miss you.” his thumbs rub circles on your hips. “i miss us.”
i miss us too; the voice in your head cried.
“johnny,” you could feel your eyes burning. “i miss you, too. i miss us.. so badly.” johnny bites his lips and softly laughs.
“oh, mama.” johnny coos and hugs you tightly. your hands hesitate to hug him back. “oh, how i’ve missed you.” he inhales your scent and you squeeze your eyes more tighter.
you didn’t want your tears to fall but they did either way.
“don’t cry, baby. please don’t cry.” johnny wipes your tears and presses his lips onto yours. “i’ve just— missed you so much.” you sigh and wipe your eyes. “i’ve missed you, too, baby.” johnny grins.
“i felt like.. without you i was gonna go nuts.” you confess and johnny laughs. “it’s so good to have you back in my arms. i tried so hard to not think about you whenever mayce was around. it was so hard.” you brush the back of his hair down.
“like, there would be times where she did the dishes— she’d have songs on just like you— and the songs would be the songs you to listen to.” you frown— johnny had a type.
secret eye roll.
johnny stares at you for a bit in silence before softly laughing with a smile. “god, i’ve missed you.” he sighs and grabs your cheeks, pulling your lips to his.
“uch,” johnny exclaims. “if only we had the bedroom right now.”
did he want to.. have sex?
“i mean, there isn’t anything wrong with.. doing it here?” johnnys lips part. “i meant.. to like.. sleep in. b— but that works, too!” he tugs you closer.
you bite your lip, holding yourself back from kissing him. “should we pull out the bed?” johnny nods and you hop off his lap.
you watch at johnny pushes the couch back a bit so there’s room. then the two of you pull the cushions off and toss them aside before johnny tugs out the bed where it unfolds into a queen size mattress.
johnny reaches down and pushes down on the mattress. the springs squeeze and johnny quickly jerks his head to the side before looking up at you.
“looks like we’re gonna have to be a bit more careful.” johnny grins at your flustered face. “climb on, mama.” you climb on the bed with caution as the bed sinks and the springs cry.
johnny joins and you bounce when he carefully plops down on his back. “careful— i don’t wanna pay for this if we break it!” you say, straddling johnny with his help. “if we break it, i’ve got it covered. no need to worry.”
you shimmy your hips, making yourself more comfortable in his lap. “fuck,” he groans and dips his head back. “i’ve missed this so much.” he rubs your thighs and rests them on your ass cheeks.
johnny then reaches over and grabs the folded blanket, unfolding it and covering his feet all the way to your waist.
“get these sweats off, ma.” the man is rock solid below you. “say it nicely.” you gasp as he flips you with your hands pinned above your head. “get your sweats off, ma.” he repeats.
“please.” he adds.
you bite your lip and shake your hips. johnny looks down and fixes the way his hands are pinning your down. he frees on hand and pulls down your sweats.
“looks like someone was planning to be fucked, hm?” you blush as johnny points out your baby blue panties. “was not.. just.. felt like wearing something sexy.” you say with a slight whine.
the baby blue panties johnny favorited when the two of youse were married.
johnny smirks, pushing it aside and uses his fingers to tease your slit. “fuck, you’re so wet, ma.” your knees buckle jerk with the way his fingers brush your clit.
“j—johnny,” you gasp and toss your hands around the back of his neck. “stop touching me like that and fuck me already.” you demand.
johnny chuckles at your needy whines. “i’ve gotta prep you, baby. it’s been months since we’ve last had sex.” you shudder at the feeling of his finger slipping into your pussy.
“oh, god.” you drop a hand on your forehead and stare at the wooden ceiling, afraid to meet the mans eyes. “look at me, baby.” you shut your eyes and shake your head. “cmon, baby.” johnny encourages you.
you slowly blink your eyes open and tilt your chin down, bringing your eyes onto his. “good girl.” you gasp and kick your knees against his hips when feeling him slip in another finger.
“goodness, ma. you’re so fucking tight.” you groan in embarrassment. “how long has it been since this pussy of yours been fucked?” your cheeks flush.
should you lie and brag about getting dick when you haven’t (just to piss him off) or should you just be straight up?
“i..” you start but stop. “you can tell me.” the movements of his fingers slow down. “ever since our divorce.” you whisper.
you had sex with someone a few weeks after the divorce. you’d slightly fell into a hole of depression and had a one night stand. a mistakenly one night stand.
“that’s alright, baby. i’ll take good care of you tonight. really good care.” johnny says planting a kiss all over your face.
your hands slip from his neck and to his jaw. you cup his face and stare into his eyes while he fingered you.
you could feel his fingers scissoring you and brushing your g-spot. “oh, johnny.” you moan and dig your nails below his ear.
“i—im cumming, jo—john—!” you squeal and johnny slaps a hand over your mouth. “shhh, shhh.” your wide eyes shaking in their sockets.
your legs tighten around johnnys waist when feeling your orgasm hit you. your eyes squeezing shut in fear of someone catching the two of you.
“fuck,” johnny groans softly.
you peek an eye open to see him tossing his head back and his neck flexing. you blink your eyes open to see johnny clearly as he tips his head back down.
“baby, you’re so fucking tight.” johnny hisses and pulls out his fingers. “fuck.” he clicks his tongue and plops his fingers into his mouth.
johnny groans around them and pulls them out. “you taste so sweet.” he licks his lips and undoes the strings of his sweats.
“i think you’re ready, don’t you?” you nod, eyes busy focusing on him sliding his sweats and briefs down to his knees.
“oh, shit.” you groan and drop your head back down onto your pillow when seeing the hard, nine inch dick standing and waiting and leaking precum.
johnny scoots up and sits up on his knees with your legs resting on his thighs. “i’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.” he holds his cock lightly and taps it along your slit.
“oh, god.” you moan, growing more needier for his cock. “please, johnny.” you beg, hands gripping the corners of the pillow.
“since you’re asking so nicely.” he dips his tip into you shallowly before pushing himself in fully.
you gasp loudly but johnny rests himself on you and quiets you.
your body quivers and you squeeze your eyes tight while your nails scratch his back. “fuck.” johnny curses and arches his back.
“let’s not leave marks, again, ma.” johnny grunts and pushes himself back up. “how are you? does anything hurt? any pain? discomfort?” you shake your head, letting out shallow breaths.
“um.. no, i feel fine. my hips feel a bit sore.. just a little bit.” you say with nods. “we can fix that later,” he leans down and presses a kiss on your forehead. “little massage later for the lady, yeah?” you nod.
there’s a silent pause— beside the wood cackling and popping. “you.. you can move now.” johnny massages your hips and nods his head to the side before picking up your hips and slowly forcing his hips forward.
you wince a bit and shift your hand to his chest, firmly resting it there, telling him to be gentle. “my god,” you sigh, curling up his cotton shirt in your fist.
“would you prefer to cockwarm?” you shake your head. “no, please, no. i’ve missed this. i’ve missed us. i want this, john.” johnny drops his head between your neck and groans.
his grip on your hips tighten and his hips start to thrust. minute by minute the bed springs start to squeak from the way johnny rocked his hips into yours.
“here we go, ma.” johnny yanks the pillow next to you and shoves it under your hips. “wha—? oh, my!” you gasp, johnnys cock bumping into your g-spot.
johnny rests his thumb on your clit and instantly, you melt. your body shrinks and shivers as your orgasm grows closer.
“fuck— don’t do that!” you laugh and attempt to push away johnnys hand but he pins it down beside your head before quickly bringing his hand back down to your hips.
“you feel amazing.” johnny whispers and kisses your shoulder. “you’re amazing in general.” you slightly giggle but are interrupted by your orgasm smashing against you.
your knees fly up and together. your head flies back and your mouth hangs open.
“fuck,” johnny curse and rolls his hips once more before loading his load into you.
your hand finds his locks and your fingers are tangle themselves in his locks. johnny winces a bit as you yank on his hair.
you and johnny stay stuck for a while until he silently gets up and leaves to the dark kitchen. he comes back with several damp tissues and silently wipes your thighs and between them.
he was.. very silent.
had he regretted this?
a ping stung your heart as you started to overthink his silent-ness.
“johnny?” he hums and continues to wipe you clean. “can you look at me please?” he looks up as you but you can’t read his face or eyes.
“do you regret what we did? i mean.. i understand if you do—?” your eyes fly to the tissues being tossed onto the table next to the couch.
“regret? baby, no. i’m so happy we’re back together.” johnny cups your face and kisses you several times. “but, you’re being quiet.. really quiet.” you shrug and tug the blanket up to your chest.
johnny scoots closer and cups your face once, again. “i’m just processing what we did. it feels like.. if i blink.. you’re going to disappear and this whole thing was just a dream. i don’t want that, baby. i want you with me forever.”
you throw your arms around his and you yank him onto you. “i’m going to cry if you continue so please don’t.” you and him laugh before he pulls away.
“i can’t believe this is real.” his hands explore your face. “it feels like a dream.” johnny softly laughs and brings his lips onto yours.
“need a snack? water?” you shake your head, resting your forehead on his. “just sleep. my hips are killing me.” you laugh and johnny nods. “cmon, then.” he flips until he’s resting in his spot.
johnny turns his head to you and lays out his arm. “cuddle?” you nod and join him in bed.
once you’re laid down, johnny rolls his arm and tightens it around you. “hopefully when i wake up, you aren’t gone.”
johnny presses a kiss on your head and sighs. “i love you, y/n.” you sigh and smile widely. “i love you too, johnny.”
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“mommy and daddy are sleeping together!” a voice squeals and footsteps around heard jumping around.
you crack and eye open and attempt to sit up but a heavy arm pins you down. “don’t leave just yet.” a croaky voice croaks.
you sigh and give up in your attempt of trying to escape.
“mommy, mommy!” you groan when feeling a tiny yet heavy body land on your sore and aching hips. “i’m very hungry.” you turn your head to see jaeri straddling your hip.
“morning, mommy.” she giggles and flattens herself you. “morning, princess. what would you like to eat for breakfast?”
“waffles!” jaeri shouts.
“pancakes!” hewon side eyes her sister and puts on a face of disgust. “pancakes are better, riri.” jaeri disagrees strongly with a head shake.
“i think waffles are better. i like it when it’s hot and crunchy.” hewon tilts her head and nods.
you sigh and bring a hand up to johnnys cheek. “good morning, baby. i’m still here.” johnny holds your wrist and kisses your palm. “morning, gorgeous.” he releases your hand and brings it under the sheets and above your ass.
he tugs you closer to him and kisses you.
“girls,” the two girls hum at their dads sudden announcement call. “let mommy and daddy have their morning cuddle for ten more minutes.”
“mm, five.” hewon says holding up her five fingers. “okay, five minutes then. run along now.” the two girls whine as they slide off the bed.
“peace and quiet—?” before johnny finishes his sentence, squeals and crashing are heard. “or not.” you and him laugh.
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lovelyflowers-world · 9 months
Remember Me
Angsty angst angst
Tw: mentions of death
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Remember me
A girl of only the age of four sat on a man's lap while he brushed her hair and sang her a small tune it's only safe to assume it was her father as things seemed happy and calm. Well they say there's calm before a storm
Though I have to say goodbye
As the man stood with the girls in his arms to set her back into bed she didn't know this would be the last time she'd ever see her sweet father. He laid her oh so gently onto her bed pulling the covers just under her chin he stroked her hair and kissed her head
"You know I'll always love you dearly my little flame"
The girl nodded her head with a big smile on her face she loved her father more than there was stars in the sky and nothing could have changed that
"I love you too!"
The man smiled sadly at his daughter knowing this would be the last he'd ever see her it pained the man to leave his princess all alone to not be able to see her grow to a beautiful young woman but it whats done is done.
"Good night my little flame I'll see you again soon"
The girl giggled at her fathers choice of words and wished him a good night and as the man shut her door he was brought to tears he was never an emotional man but this hurt him deep to his core knowing he'll never hold his dear flame close to his heart ever again
Don't let it make you cry
The next morning when the small girl couldn't find her dad and saw her mother looking at her in pity it clicked in her head that she'd never see her dearest father again
"daddy's gone..?"
Her voice crack and big eyes filled with tears brought her mother to her knees to hug her only daughter oh so tight
"(Y/n) I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"
For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart
That was twelve years ago that little girl is now sixteen and a counselor at camp half blood one would think she despised her father but she could never blame him he was a god after all he wasn't going to stick around forever. Plus she had a pretty cool brother thanks to him
"(Y/n) get in your own bed!!"
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
As (Y/n) laid on the floor quietly singing the song her father sang to her when she was small she sighed and looked out the window watching as everyone walked around happily conversing with one another a few passed waving to her and she gladly waved back.
Remember me
One would think the girl was happy with her life she had everything she could ever need but it seemed the lack of a father seemed to eat her alive she looked back into her cabin and sighed sadly
"Do you ever think of me dad?..probably not"
She got up and walked out with the biggest smile on her face and went to sword training.
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Now we see our protagonist alongside Percy Jackson and Nico di angelo fighting off a monster. The protagonist giving it her all to make sure her companions get out alive even if it cost her life. As she looked to check on her brother's state she felt a sharp pain in her gut and she looked down she saw the red seeping out her shirt. Just then her brother and Percy seemed to be celebrating their success.
They looked over in time to see her fall to her knees the pain becoming unbearable
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
They run to her side pleading her to hold on a bit longer that they'd find a way to help her. They couldn't lose her not now when they've done their hardest when they were almost home. Tears were shed and she laughed and cupped her brothers cheek
"it's alright..I'll be with dad now I'll be okay.."
Just then a figure appeared over them towering and as they looked up he slowly took the girl out of the boys arms and held her close humming her a oh so familiar tune holding her head to his chest he nodded to the two boys and walked away
Until you're in my arms again
"It's time to go home now little flame"
The girl smiled and closed her eyes
"Okay daddy.."
And with that she took her final breaths
Remember me
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
heyyyyyyyy do you all still love me?
I love you guys <3
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cubeshapedlemon · 3 months
hii !!!! I think this is where we request! so I have some ideas for norm (ofc)
yk when vault 32 got attacked ?
what if YOU survived,and hid,trying to defend yourself and surviving by stealing in vault 33 (stole a pip boy to access it) food and other stuff,because u think that every vault got attacked (no communications) so u are always undercover for bad guys,
and even if sometimes rations were low nobody ever suspected a thing or saw you,until norm got charged with giving the prisoners food,and one day in the kitchen he caught u stealin,and he was like « i’ve never seen you around » so you’re scared obv but you open up when u realise he wouldn’t hurt a fly,and because lucy and his dad’s gone,he keeps u in his appartement in secret,stealing supplies for you,letting you use the shower,till you’re ready enough to wander in the vault because it’s safeee! (hes def in love with u)
that’s it bye :3
i finally finished this apologies for the wait🫶 i tweaked the plot a bit and this might be more angsty and smutty than originally expected but in my opinion its pretty good so enjoy and ty again for the request<3
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Two Slow Dancers
When the raiders first attacked 32, your life was forever changed. Going to 33 gave some insight, thanks to one sad-eyed Maclean
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Norm Maclean x f!reader
5.1k words
cw and tags: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut, piv, oral sex (f receiving), light biting, hair pulling, hickeys, love confessions, non-sexual intimacy, blink an you'll miss it lewd sexual harassment-esque comments (not by norm), brief description of panic attack, brief hospitalization from said panic attack, cannon typical descriptions of violence, parental death, the quickest slow burn you will ever read, gratuitous use of song lyrics in a narratively appropriate way ( i snuck a lyric in from two slow dancers by mitski in there so brownie points to you if you find it)
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authors note: hey! sorry this took so fucking long! so much stuff was happening plus laziness plus forgetfulness plus life in general so please forgive me! i really enjoyed writing this request and even though i tweaked your original request a bit i hope you still enjoy it! if i missed any misspellings or i missed something in the tags please lmk! anywho if you enjoy this please send me more requests! (info in pinned post) reblogs are greatly appreciated but please don't translate or repost this anywhere without my permission!
I will never forget that day. The sounds of shots ring out, followed by the useless fizz of tranq guns, skulls shattering against the walls with a now all too familiar crack. I lead my life holding onto aspirations and hope, the thought of a husband, children, of reclamation day. How stupid was I truly, to hold out hope for something like that. Gods, I never thought I would have to worry about anything else.
Until that day dawned, I could have fought and died honorably, my mother did, my father did. I never thought I would ever see my father cry. Nothing could have prepared me for the rageful sob that he let out once they got to my mother–the grief that beat through him with gnashing teeth and blood red rage. I could do nothing but follow my father's orders, dragging my mother and hoping somehow, somewhere, we could be safe.
The boiling hot tears in my eyes made it nearly impossible to see. My hands were occupied, trying to stop the bleeding. Nothing was working, every movement and bit of pressure lathering my hands in crimson. I never thought I would know what death looks like; that day I learned several versions of his ugly face. The endless, malice filled stare of my father, the desperate simpering expression of the children. The most memorable of them being the one that covered my mother.
Pity. A pitiful expression, a soft, challenging smile. She wiped my tears, her dying breath a word of comfort to me. “It's ok, you did what you could baby. It's my time, you need to promise me one thing though. Can you do that?” Anything I nod, slipping my fingers between hers. “Save yourself, make me proud.”
So I ran. I hid. I moved quickly when I needed to, stealing whatever I could from them, breaking into whatever room that had what I needed. I started hearing the footsteps less and less. After a day or two they ceased all together. I could wander freely, the click of my boots the only sound.
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The next few days pass in unimportant washes, each day I discover another body, another busted up apartment, another tragedy. I force myself to move on.
Resources are sparse. The raiders took anything that wasn't directly bolted down it seems. Even that didn't entirely stop them. It quickly became clear that I had no communication with the other vaults, the overseer's computer now a busted hunk of scrap.
Seemingly the only piece of tech they didn't destroy was the control panel to the door connecting us and 33. Oh gods, that means-
They've surely invaded them now too. Against my better judgment, I need to see the proof for myself. With shaking hands I press the button, the door slowly groaning open. A dark hall greets me, the deafening silence of my vault giving the air an eerie tinge that infests every corner of the room. Taking a deep breath, I step inside.
At first, I only hear my own steps. The same sound I have heard for weeks on end. Trudging forward, I start to hear more. Muffled speech, walking, the soundtrack of normalcy. It's not long before I see the creators of this sound. They seem to be true vault dwellers, though I have no evidence that they are. Sure they are wearing the suits of 33, but who knows? Maybe the raiders infiltrated them and decided to take over?
Either way I need to stay vigilant. I'll just do a quick scan for supplies then leave. It'll be ok. I can do this. Following the oddly familiar path I make my way to the pantry. Quickly checking the small glass panel in the door, I see that it's empty. Taking my chance I make my way inside, closing the door behind me silently.
I look at the labels for each of the cabinets. There are plenty of rations, much more than 32 ever had. Certainly more than we have now. Poking around a bit more I decide it's probably a good idea to only grab small amounts. I don't need someone finding me out. Distracted, I don't notice the door click open. That is until I hear the loud rumble of a cart. Drawing my tranq gun, I turn and point it at the unfortunate soul who found me.
Surprise befalls his face, hands going up. The man is rather small. Shorter than me with a slight build. Dark hair plastered into an unnaturally perfect styling. “Who are you?” I demand, my voice deepening as I attempt to intimidate him. He gapes pathetically at me for a few seconds, looking back towards the glass panel in the door, seeing no one in the surrounding halls.
“Norm- Norman Maclean.” he manages to get out, his eyes searching over my expression, looking for something.
“Maclean?” I question, why does that name sound so familiar? “As in overseer Maclean?” That seems to give him some relief, he lets out a held breath, arms sagging slightly.
“Yes! Please don't shoot me,” he says, his voice high pitched, as if he expected me to shoot him then and there.
“Fine,” I say, holstering the gun again. He's probably not dangerous.
Seeing that he lowers his arms, taking a step away from me. His eyes scan me more intensely now, gaze falling on the vault-identifying pin on my collar. Clearly not believing what he was seeing, he backs himself into a wall. “You're- from 32?” he asks, voice quivering slightly, though he was clearly trying to cover it up.
“Shhh,” I chastise, walking towards him, a hand smacking over his mouth in the process. “What's it to you?” He attempts to speak something into my hand, which obviously gets muffled. Moving my hand away he speaks again, in a now quieter tone.
“I thought all of you had died, because of the-” he looks to the side, as if looking at the walls would help sugarcoat his statement. “Raiders,” he completes his statement, crossing his arms defensively.
So he does know about them
“No,” a bitter laugh forces itself out, guarding whatever I had left in me. “I wasn't fortunate enough to.” My face is adorned by a tight-lipped grimace. Looking down I feel tears start to well up again. I force them away.
I look back up. The man's face is no longer defensive, it's almost solemn. His arms now at his side, “I-” he goes to speak, tone sympathetic but whatever pity he had prepared dying on his tongue. “Follow me,” is what he decides on. Wait, follow me? What the hell is he talking about? My internal reaction must have played out on my face, he goes to speak again.
“You need to get some rest, you look like you haven't slept in days.” Wow, rude, although true. “You can stay in my apartment for the time being, I need to tell our council that you're here.” Oh, gods no, what if they kick me out? I broke in! I'm not supposed to be here! My worry kicks up again, the energy filling the room.
“It will be ok, they just need to know, so you don't have to hide.” He places what is probably meant to be a comforting hand on my arm, though he removes it swiftly. Deciding to bite the bullet, I follow him.
☆ ☆ ☆
The door opens with a thunk, a home identical to mine in 32 stands before me, identical to what was in 32. “This is it.” He leads me inside with a hand hovering at the small of my back. Not touching, but just enough of a beckoning presence that I instinctively go. It's so clean. It's practically sterile compared to what 32 has been reduced to at this point.
“Make yourself at home, I'll be back soon.” With his last word, he promptly excuses himself. The home is eerily empty, like something is missing. Typical aspects of a lived-in home are present, dirty dishes, a half finished board game on the living room floor. Something distinct is off about it still.
Though, that is not something that is particularly important right now. Following his instructions, I make myself at home. It's been an unfortunate amount of time that I have been forced to go without the typical luxuries that the vaults provide. The luxuries I will not go without for any longer.
A shower being the first thing on that list. Unfortunately I don't have anything different to change into after, my once perfect blue suit now tinted with memories and rusty red stains. But, it will have to do.
☆ ☆ ☆
About half an hour later, I hear the distinct thunk of the door opening once more. Stepping out of the bathroom I see him waiting for me, what looks to be some folded regulation pj's and a fresh suit in his hands. “They uh, said you could stay with me for now,” he begins, tone nervous, as if I would turn him down in some way. “I grabbed you some clean clothes. I just took a guess for your size.” Letting out a sigh of relief, I walk forward grabbing the carefully stacked clothes from his arms. Our hands brushing briefly as he hands them over.
“Thank you, really.” My tone is much lighter than earlier today, though still firm, hoping that he would understand the honesty in my statement through it. If he believes me he doesn't show it, his eye contact breaking as he gives me a cordial nod. I return it, walking back into the bathroom to change. The smooth cotton of the t-shirt and the slightly loose sleep shorts give a simple level of comfort. He seems to have guessed correctly, almost impossibly so, when it comes to sizing. The basic outfit somehow looking vaguely flattering on my figure.
Stepping out of the bathroom once again I see that he has busied himself in the kitchen, something popping and sizzling in the pan in front of him. He acknowledges me with a slight turn of his head before going back to his task. Walking around a bit more, I find a collection of holotapes. Every genre you could think of, labeled and organized alphabetically.
Choosing a random one I click it into place on the player. With a press of the button a familiar tune fills the air.
…Everybody loves somebody sometime…
“So,” he says, voice raising over the soft playing of the music. “They want to meet you, the council,” he informs, tone conversational yet careful.
“Oh?” I question, walking over to him.
“Yeah, they uh- want to help you acclimate to the new environment and all.” The stove clicks off, turning around he brandishes two plates with a simple meal, handing one to me before walking over to the table.
“I-” he pauses, rethinking whatever he was about to say. “I think they might, make you talk to them. See them at least,” he says, tone careful. Pushing the food around his plate a bit, he takes a small bite. Them.
“You captured them? The raiders?” There is a bite to my words, accusatory and harsh. “You kept them alive? After all they have done?”
“Unfortunately.” His tone has a similar bitterness. At least he understands where I'm coming from. Walking to the table, I sit across from him, taking a few bites from my meal. Each of our frustrations and anger sizzling out slowly in favor of a comfortable silence. Every once and a while he would attempt to make polite conversation. I of course return it, continuing the conversation when I can. He really is quite nice, funny too. Really is a shame I had to meet him under such harsh circumstances.
☆ ☆ ☆
After the meal I offer to clean up out of politeness, he gives a grateful smile when he accepts. The picture was almost domestic, the scent of the sweetpea dish soap and the sound of some old Cooper Howard film in the background. This picture soon became part of a routine. Many would probably question how quickly Norm and I got along, though I don't. After what we have both gone through recently, normalcy is what we crave, and this is about as close as we could get to it.
Days pass, weeks along with them. The comfortable relationship we have formed only continues to get better. The council calls me in every once and a while, trying to figure out what to do with me. Placing me in a job for a while, moving me to another. While my number of attempted jobs aren't quite as impressive as Norm's they're still worth noting. He makes sure to mention this when I start a new one, adding a tally to the board he made on a whim one day.
Eventually they do make me see them. They assured me it would be ok, that I was safe, that nothing could hurt me. They know nothing about hurt. About that pain. Norm, of course, insisted on coming with me. Neither of us knew how much I would need that support.
The walk to the cell was silent. A deafening silence. Far away from the comfortable, peaceful, loving silence I had grown accustomed to with Norm. Getting closer the sounds of fists against metal walls and reinforced glass make themselves known. Peering in, I see them. Not many of them recognize me, nor do I recognize them. Except one.
I will never forget the expression on his face. The pure giddy delight at seeing me again, knowing what he had done. The beady eyes staring me down now, the very same ones that rolled back in almost orgasmic pleasure as he slashed down everyone I had ever known. His face still splattered with specks of the now crusted over blood of my mother. A scar on his neck now healing over, gifted to him by my father.
He walks slowly over to the window, holding eye contact with me as a sneer covers his face. Licking his rotted teeth he looks me up and down leisurely. Assessing me like I'm a piece of meat. I feel Norm tense beside me, his jaw clenching in anger. The raider looks to him and laughs, a loud, hacking laugh. “Come to visit me? Well ain't that just sweet. Your little lapdog there looks like he's ‘bout to burst a blood vessel.”
Truly he did, but he continued to hold his tongue. The piece of shit in the cell just turned his attention back to me anyway. “You know you look just like your mama? Pretty thing she was, your daddy didn't let me take a bite outta’ her but he's not here to keep you safe now is he?” That strikes a nerve, as hard as I might try to suppress it, I can't stop it. My eye twitches as I attempt to force back an onslaught of tears.
Noticing this, Norm places a comforting hand on my back, “We're done here.” His tone is firm, about as close to threatening as he can get. With a small push he leads me back down the hall. Though of course that fucker had to have the last word, lewd comments and insinuations of violence following us. As soon as they dissipated everything came crashing down. My legs crumble beneath me, heart thumping in my chest like I had just run a marathon. My diaphragm crushes my chest from the inside, constricting my breathing further. I hear blood rush to my ears, vision spotting. The last thing I see is Norm, his panicked expression as he holds the back of my head. It all goes black.
☆ ☆ ☆
“Please wake up please.” My eyes slowly flutter open, the familiar voice catching my attention. My back is stiff, the bed beneath me having only a thin mat-like excuse for a mattress. Bright fluorescents blind me, forcing me to turn my head to the side. Then I see him, sitting in a regulation chair, half bent over. Perfectly quaffed hair now rumpled, natural waves making their presence known. A few lone tear tracks are left on his face. His eyes are slightly bloodshot, ever-present bags under them deeper than usual.
“You look awful,” I say, voice still laced with a cotton-mouthed raspiness. That catches his attention, Looking up to meet my eyes, he lets out a breathy laugh. Pulling his chair closer to the bed he clasps his hand in mine, using the other to push his mess of hair off of his face.
“I feel it, good to know I'm giving off the right image.” A small smile works its way onto my face. He mirrors it, squeezing my hand. As much as I enjoyed the peaceful joy of the moment, there is a nagging question hanging in the air.
“What happened?” While my question did dampen the mood, he nods, giving me my answer.
“They said you probably had a panic attack, you passed out and I brought you here.” The memories of what transpired flood back, if not for the comforting weight of his hand in mine, I would have been swallowed whole by them. “They cleared you to leave, if you want to go home.”
Home. I want nothing more.
☆ ☆ ☆
The weeks following my hospital stay, Norm became more doteing than ever. I was not allowed to cook a single meal, make a pot of coffee, or clean up around the house. Really anything he could reasonably convince me of. Not that I was complaining. Something about the recent events must have struck him in some way. While he was always open about his past and the unfortunate things that had happened since the raiders, he truly started to bare his heart to me.
It just makes me wish I had known him longer. It would be a hundred times easier if we were young again. Starting fresh. Though, I could not be happier with how we have gotten to grow together. It's funny how long it took for us to realize our affections for each other. To identify the source of the pang in my heart when he smiled, the swell in his when I laughed.
This all culminated one night. Dinner had been cooked, eaten, and cleaned up. The credits of A Man and His Dog scrolling on the Tv. With a small sigh I get off the couch, turning off the Tv, and waltzing over to the holotape player, putting on one of my favorites.
… I don't want to set the world on fire…
Humming along with the music I walk over to Norm, grabbing at his hands and attempting to haul him up from the couch. “Come on dance with me,” I coo, putting on my best guilt-tripping doe eyes. With a huff, and a sarcastic eye roll he gets up, allowing me to drag him to the open space near the player. “You know,” I begin, grabbing his hand, “to dance you actually have to move.”
“Do I really?” he jokes back, his free hand going to the small of my back.
“Mm-hmm,” I hum, my other hand going to the back of his neck, cradling it as we begin to sway to the music.
… In my heart I have but one desire…
Sighing, I lean closer into him. A familiar ache finding itself in my chest. The lyrics of the song spell it out perfectly to an almost cliché level. Mirroring my own actions, he pulls me farther into him, delicately leaning his head across my shoulder. “Thank you,” I say, my tone is soft, almost unsure.
“For what?”
… I just want to be the one you love…
“For everything, for giving me a place that feels like home.” He makes a small sound of acknowledgement, squeezing me just a little tighter. “For being a person that feels like home,” I tack on, leaning my head against his.
“You don't have to thank me,” he says, almost absentmindedly. “I don't know what I would do without you at this point,” he says, a half laugh poorly covering the honesty in his statement.
And with your admission that you feel the same…
Letting out a hum of agreement, I throw caution to the wind. Placing a gentle kiss to his temple, I allow myself more. More of him, more of what I need. Raising his head from my shoulder in surprise he looks up to me, desire swirling in his eyes. “Please,” he whines, with a laugh I bring my lips to his, pausing just before they meet.
“Don't have to ask me twice,” I joke, finally locking our lips together.
… I don't want to set the world on fire, honey. I love you too much…
He returns my kiss straight away, whining something unintelligible into it. The saccharin sweet taste of Nuka Cola invades my senses. Deepening the kiss I run my tongue along the seam of his lips, asking for permission. Allowing me in, the kiss becomes mostly tongue and teeth. Removing my hand from his I place it on his hip, squeezing I begin to lead him back. My subconscious bringing us down the path to his bedroom.
… Darlin’ I have only one desire. And that one desire is you…
As soon as we are over the threshold of the doorway, both of us are in a rush to feel eachother skin to skin. Boots and socks toed off before either of us could get a breath in. He quickly unzips my suit, forcing the material down and off of me. My hands soon do the same. With a lonesome whine he breaks our kiss, running his hand across my waist he looks up at me with an expression of pure need. “Gods, you are gorgeous,” he professed, placing a languid trail of kisses along my neck and collarbone.
Taking hold of me, he turns us, pushing me back onto the bed. After a moment, in which he looks to be mostly admiring, he joins me on the bed. Scooting back, I lay against the pillows positioned at his headboard. Grabbing his wrist, I pull him up to meet me. One of my hands goes to the back of his neck, pulling his lips to mine once again.
The kiss is slow, passion dripping from the soft pillows of his lips. His hands work their way behind my back, undoing the clasps of my bra. Bringing his hands to my front again, he guides the straps off my arms, returning them to their original position after. Tossing the bra away, his hands busy themselves. Palms run across my stomach, moving up my torso to cup my breasts.
Squeezing softly, a thumb rubs across one of my nipples, the bud hardening to a peak. Breaking the kiss, he moves down my body, leaving light nips in his path until his face is even with my chest. Looking up to me he gives me a pleading expression, clearly asking for permission. With my nod, he quickly gets to work. His warm mouth envelopes one of my nipples, his tongue flicking at it. The sensation causing pleasure to spark, the feeling traveling downwards.
My hips buck up, independent from my body. Though, he pushes them back down with one of his hands. He releases from my breast with a pop, leaving a soft kiss on the side before swapping to the other. Sucking desperately, his hips begin to grind against mine, his hardness pressing against me with the subtlety of a freight train.
The hand that was currently occupied on my hip leisurely trails itself to my core. Middle and ring fingers pressing into the fabric. Finding the thin cotton to already be soaked through, he lets out a hum of surprise, pulling off my breast. He looks up, eyes filled with excitement, the silent question present as well.
“All for you, pretty boy,” I inform, letting out a giggle at how quickly he moves to remove my underwear, tossing it somewhere in the room. With an air of urgency, his hands venture down my body. Though, they stop every inch or so to give an appreciative squeeze. His lips follow the path, leaving a soft kiss or a teasing bite. Once his face is even with my core, he lets out a sigh of contentment.
Pulling my thighs apart, he settles between them, tossing my legs to rest on his shoulders. “All for me huh?” he asks, a teasing tone interwoven into his speech. Looking up to me, he begins his path down my inner thigh, his eyes stay locked on mine the whole way down. Though, he breaks once he finally gets to where I need him most. Breathing deeply, his eyes roll back. Placing a delicate kiss on my pubic bone, at long last, he indulges.
Two fingers move to separate my folds, the wetness there coating them. A satisfied groan racks itself through his body, fulfilling his ultimate need, he finally places his mouth on me. Flattening his tongue, he releases a whine, arms wrapping around my thighs, pulling me even closer.
“Fuck- just like that.” The firm strokes of his tongue start to push me towards the familiar edge. Waves crashing deep inside of me, another round of wetness releasing. His hips stutter into the mattress, his desperation becoming painfully obvious. With a well-timed grind of my hips, he slips his tongue inside of me. The bridge of his nose presses against my clit, the sensation causing me to clench around him.
The waves begin crashing harder, forcing me closer and closer to the precipice. His pace doesn't falter once, edging me closer and closer by the second. My hands tighten, fisting the sheets below me. It isn't enough, bringing one to his head, my nails scratch his scalp lightly before grasping firmly at the roots of his hair. The moan that he lets out against me is sensual, like nothing pleases him more than the light, stinging pain I'm currently inflicting on him.
With a new found ferocity, he moves to suction his lips around my clit, suckling lightly as his middle finger prods at my entrance. It slides in without a lick of resistance, which he seems quite pleased by. He thrusts the single finger in a few times, his ring finger joining it soon after. Curling his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion, the gradual crashing of the waves begins to spark into more.
The tips of his fingers press diligently against the spongy spot inside of me, forcing me to the edge. Sooner than I ever imagined, I was forced off of it. My eyes drag themselves closed, stars exploding behind them. My grip on his hair only gets firmer, which he seems all too pleased about. The consistent thrusts of his fingers and flicks of his tongue working me through it, only stopping once I pull his face away.
The entire lower half of his face is covered in my essence, his expression is divine. Lips reddened and plump, eyes dazed and pupils blown out. “Fuck, I love you,” he confesses, voice thick with both lust and honesty. I don't know if it was his confession, or the pure need for him deep within me, but I pull him up to me. Crashing my lips onto his I taste myself, grabbing at him urgently wherever I can reach.
“I love you too,” I breathe out, breaking the kiss briefly. My wandering hand makes its way down his body, finding the heavy tent in his pants. He whines, hips pressing forward into where my hand is cradled. I pull his head back, forcing him to look me in the eye. “Now fuck me like you need to prove it.”
Taking that as an order, he gives me a quick peck before kicking off his boxers. Reaching forward towards my head, he grabs a pillow, lifting my hips to place it under. Using his already slick fingers, he grabs hold of himself, rubbing the tip against me lightly before easing it in. Inch by inch my core swallows him down until he is buried to the hilt.
He pulses inside me, though Norm is clearly holding himself back. He nearly chokes on his own spit as he steadies himself with my hips. With an impatient mewl and circle of my hips, he gets the message to get on with it. His pelvis smacks into mine, the pace he set being slow, but intentionally firm. His fingers curl into the fat of my upper thighs, the pressure enough to leave bruises. Something that neither of us seem to mind.
He makes a small adjustment in his posture, sliding my hips up just slightly. The small change creates an ocean of impact. The slight upward curve of him now hitting perfectly inside of me on every stroke. My moans uptick, getting louder as they mingle with his own. The exquisite sensation reawakens the crashing of waves. Noticing this change in my demeanor, he moves one of his hands to my center, his thumb rubbing short circles on my clit.
His eyes are half lidded now, glazed over with lust, though his gaze could not be more loving. Giving him a lopsided smile I pull him close to me again, his head now cradled to my shoulder. The proximity gives me delicious access to his neck. Placing a few sloppy kisses, I latch on, my teeth sinking carefully into the flesh.
He lets out a guttural moan, a trail of mindless whimpers and mewls following. Breaking away for a moment I softly lick, soothing the now irritated skin. “P-Please, more- please,” he manages to whine out. His hips stutter for a moment before picking up again, his pace faster now. Smiling against him, I fulfill his wish.
Latching on again I suck a deep bruise into his skin. Moving down, I place another on his collar bone. The stimulation motivating him to pick up his pace even more. Reluctantly he leans back, allowing himself to reach deeper. This new deeper angle forces me to recognize the sparks deep in my stomach, the intensity of them catching up quicker than before.
I go to tell him, though he shakes his head, silencing me. “I know, I am too,” he establishes through a groan. The circles on my clit get faster and sloppier, shoving me closer and closer to the edge as every moment passes. I whine out his name, falling off the edge again.
He follows just behind me, thrusts deep and sure as he pulses inside of me, releasing himself, the pleasurable warmth of it consuming my being. He falls forward, catching himself, he falls to my side. An arm wraps around my waist, pulling me against him, he cuddles into the crook of my neck. A sigh of contentment is shared between us.
I can definitely get used to this.
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ultrone · 1 year
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🫀 ♰ ┈ motion sickness. vampire amber freeman
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🎧 𝙽𝙾𝚆 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙸𝙽𝙶 decode by paramore | 𝘁𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸
synopsis. you and your girlfriend attend a party with the intention of having a good time, but unexpectedly encounter an attack by Ghostface. Will Amber choose to let you go, or will she sacrifice your humanity to protect you from danger?
vampire amber headcanon // requested by @geico-insuranc
cw. angst, stabbing, blood, mentions of violence, fluff.
wc. 5.1k
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The Friday afternoon sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the suburban streets as you and Amber left school together. With backpacks slung over your shoulders, you made your way to Amber's house, chatting and laughing as you walked. But for a moment, you noticed that Amber looked a little pale and tired. You turned to her and asked, "Hey, are you feeling alright? You look a little drained."
Amber gave you a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tired, that's all."
You didn't want to push the issue, but you couldn't help but worry about her. You knew that being a vampire wasn't easy, and you wanted to make sure that she was taking care of herself. So, you decided to bring up something that had been on your mind for a while.
"Amber, I know we've talked about this before, but if you ever need to, you know, feed on me... I'm okay with it," you said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Plus, it's like donating blood at a hospital, right?" You quipped, trying to persuade her.
Amber's expression softened, but she shook her head. "I appreciate the offer, babe, but we've talked about this already. I don't want to risk liking it too much."
You understood where she was coming from. Amber had told you that your blood was different from others, that it smelled incredibly sweet to her, and that she had trouble controlling herself around it. She had even given you a special ring to wear that dampened the smell a bit, not only because of her, but she was afraid that other vampires might target you due to its unique scent.
You nodded, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. "Okay, I understand. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help, alright?"
Amber gave you a grateful smile and leaned in to give you a quick kiss on the lips. "Thanks, you're the best."
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As you arrived at Amber's house, you walked inside and were greeted by the warm aroma of home-cooked food wafting from the kitchen. Amber's mother was standing at the counter, chopping vegetables, and she looked up to see you both enter. With a bright smile, she asked, "Hey, you two! How was school today?"
You responded with a polite greeting and chatted with her for a moment before making your way up to Amber's room. The staircase leading up was old and creaky, but it added to the charm of the house. As you ascended the stairs, you could hear the sound of Amber's mother bustling about downstairs, pots and pans clanking together as she prepared dinner.
Amber had previously explained to you that as long as vampires consumed a regular supply of blood, their bodies functioned like those of humans. This meant that the dinner her mother was preparing was no different from what any other family would eat. However, if vampires went for a prolonged period without drinking blood, they could become lethargic and weak. In some cases, vampires could even become "ripper" vampires, which caused them to lose control and become excessively violent in their thirst for blood. As long as they maintained their blood intake, though, vampires could live normal lives, eating, sleeping, and drinking just like humans without any issues.
Once you reached Amber's room, you closed the door behind you and collapsed onto her bed, letting out a sigh. The walls were covered in posters of bands and TV shows that you knew she loved, and her bed was piled high with cozy blankets and pillows.
Once you were settled in, you started flipping through the options on Netflix before finally deciding on Twilight, causing Amber to roll her eyes at you.
"Really, Twilight?" Amber chuckled, her fangs glinting in the dim light of the room. "You know, just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I want to watch vampire movies all the time," she teased, nudging you with her elbow.
You chuckled, "Well, excuse me for trying to be on theme."
As the movie played, you snuggled close to her, resting your head on her chest. Amber's fingers started to caress your back, sending a warm and soothing sensation through your body. The soft hum of her voice as she talked about the movie and the feeling of her body pressing against yours was all you needed to feel content.
As the credits rolled, Amber turned to you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, I heard Liv is throwing a party tonight. You wanna go?"
"Sure, that sounds like fun," you replied, grinning at her. "But can we just stay like this for a little while longer?" You were in no rush to leave her embrace.
Amber smiled, pulling you closer to her and wrapping her arms around you. You snuggled into her embrace, feeling the warmth of her body mixed with the coolness of her touch, making you feel like you were in perfect balance. "I could stay like this forever," Amber whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You closed your eyes, feeling completely content in her arms. The two of you stayed like that for a few more minutes, enjoying the peace and quiet of each other's company.
Eventually, you reluctantly pulled away, sitting up and stretching. "Alright, let's go," you said with a smile, stretching your arms over your head. "Let me grab my jacket and we can head out."
Amber nodded, a playful grin on her face as she stood up from the bed. "I'll meet you downstairs," she said, making her way out of the room. You quickly grabbed your jacket and followed her, making your way down to the living room where Amber's mom was now sitting. "We're heading out to Liv's party, Mrs. Freeman," you said, giving her a smile.
"Alright, you two have fun," she replied with a smile, waving goodbye as you both made your way out the door.
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As you walked a few blocks to Liv's house, you and Amber held hands, enjoying the cool evening breeze. The neighborhood was quiet and peaceful, with only the occasional car passing by.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed with an alert. You pulled it out to see a notification from the news app about a new killing from Ghostface. Your heart sank as you read the details. The body had been found just an hour ago outside of a bar not too far from where you were.
"Another one," you muttered to Amber, showing her the notification on your phone.
Amber's expression turned serious as she looked at the screen. "Do you think it could be someone we know?"
"I don't know," you replied, feeling a sense of unease creeping up on you. "But it's just scary to think that there's someone out there doing this."
Amber squeezed your hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, I won't let anything or anybody hurt you," she said, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on your eyebrow.
As you smiled at Amber, thanking her for her words of comfort, you both continued to walk towards Liv's house. The soft, warm glow of the streetlights illuminated your path, casting long shadows behind you. Finally, you arrived at your destination, Liv's spacious two-story home with its sprawling backyard.
The lively sounds of laughter and music spilled out from within, letting you know that the party was already in full swing.
As you walked in, you noticed that the living room was already packed with people of all shapes and sizes, some of them familiar faces from school and others complete strangers. As you and Amber pushed your way through the crowd, the sound of music blaring from the speakers drowned out any chance of conversation, and the smell of pizza and alcohol filled your nostrils.
You quickly scanned the room for any sign of someone you knew, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in attendance. But then, a familiar face caught your eye. It was Tara waving at you from across the room.
"Hey, guys! What’s up?” Tara shouted over the music as she made her way towards you both.
"This place is crazy," you replied, trying to shout loud enough to be heard over the music.
"Yeah, it's a bit of a madhouse. But it's Friday night, what do you expect?" Tara said, grinning.
As Tara led you towards the kitchen, you could hear the sound of music and laughter growing louder. As you approached, the sight of your tipsy friends made you smile. Chad caught your eye and you playfully wrapped your arm around his shoulder.
"Hey man, you started the party without me?" you joked, giving him a nudge.
Chad turned to you with a goofy grin. "What can I say? I couldn't resist the siren call of the tequila," he replied, his words slightly slurred. He then grabbed a bottle of tequila and started mixing it with some soda and gummy candies, creating a colorful and fruity concoction.
"This is my latest creation," Chad announced, holding up his drink for you and Amber to see. "I call it the 'Chad-a-rita.' It's sweet and tangy, with a little kick of tequila," he explained, handing each of you a cup.
"Chad-a-rita? Really?" Amber chuckled, teasing him about the name.
"Hey, it's catchy," he said, winking at the both of you.
You took a sip, and the taste of tequila hit you immediately, but it was quickly followed by a burst of sweetness. The gummy candies gave the drink a fun and playful twist, and you were pleasantly surprised by how well it worked. "Shit, this is pretty good, Chad," you said, taking another sip.
Amber, on the other hand, took a small sip and made a face. "It's too sweet," she said bluntly. "But it's a creative idea, Chad," she added, trying to be polite.
You couldn't help but chuckle at Amber's bluntness. Her straightforwardness was one of the things you loved about her, even if it sometimes caught you off guard. You laughed and nudged her playfully.
"Oh Amber, you always know how to make a guy feel good about his drink-making skills," he teased, taking a playful sip of his own concoction.
As you sipped on your drink, you caught Wes's eye from across the kitchen. The two of you had been best friends since childhood, and even though you didn’t have many classes together this semester, you still made time to catch up whenever you could. You were always excited to see him, and tonight was no exception.
The moment Wes noticed you were there, he grinned and made his way towards you. "Hey, you made it!" he said as he reached you and gave you a bear hug.
"Of course, wouldn't miss it," you replied, returning the hug.
Wes then turned to Amber and gave her a nod of acknowledgement, "Hey Amber, how's it going?"
Amber smiled and replied, "Good, thanks."
You and Wes then caught up on what you'd both been up to since you last saw each other. It had been a few weeks, but it felt like much longer. Between school and spending time with Amber since you started dating, you hadn't had a chance to hang out with Wes as much as you used to. But as you talked, it felt like no time had passed at all.
As you chatted with Wes, Mindy suddenly piped up from behind you, her eyes glued to her phone screen. "Guys, I just got a notification on my phone that a body was found at a bar a few blocks away," she said, her voice filled with excitement and concern.
You nodded, realizing that you had received the same notification on your phone about half an hour ago. "Yeah, I saw that too," you said, feeling a bit tense.
"Wait, what?!" Tara exclaimed, "I didn't get any notification on my phone."
"I just checked mine too, and I got it," Wes added, his eyes widening.
Mindy started speculating about who the murderer could be. "Sam is still the main suspect on my list," she said with a determined look in her eyes.
Tara rolled her eyes, "Mindy, you always think it's Sam. Maybe it's that Richie guy from Mr. Prescott's class. He's kind of a weirdo, I don't trust him."
Wes nodded in agreement, "Yeah, and didn't he always seem to have a thing for Sam?"
Liv chimed in, "Or maybe it's someone completely unrelated to our lives. The killer could be a complete stranger to us." The three of them continued to discuss different theories and possible suspects, trying to piece together the clues.
Chad couldn't resist adding to the conversation. "Who knows, maybe the killer is right here at the party. After all, that bar isn't too far from here, right?" he said with a mischievous grin, trying to spook everyone.
Everyone laughed, but you couldn't help feeling a bit tense. Sensing your turmoil, Amber spoke up, "Thanks for putting our minds at ease, Chad," trying to dissipate the tension in the air. Her words were a clear attempt to lighten the mood, and you appreciated the gesture.
As Amber made her sarcastic comment, you found yourself grinning, feeling the tension dissipate. Mindy's fixation on catching Ghostface had always been both amusing and slightly unnerving to you. "Yeah, Mindy's probably already created a whole crime board with pictures and a red string linking everyone together," you joked, earning a few chuckles from the group.
Mindy rolled her eyes, but couldn't help smiling. "Hey, you guys can laugh all you want, but when I catch Ghostface, you'll be thanking me," she said, with a determined look on her face.
Chad chuckled, "Okay, okay, enough ghost talk for now. Let's lighten up the mood, shall we? Anyone up for a game of beer pong?" he said, grinning mischievously.
Everyone seemed to perk up at the idea, and before you knew it, you were all making your way to the living room, ready for a round of the classic party game.
As you passed through the hallway, you noticed the eerie darkness outside, and shuddered. It felt like the perfect setting for a horror movie, but you shook off the feeling and focused on the game ahead. As you set up the cups and arranged the teams, you noticed that there weren't enough beers to fill them all. "Hey guys, we're running low on beers here," you said, looking around at the group.
"I have some more packs in a shed outside," Liv said, standing up. "I can go grab them."
"I'll come with you," you said, feeling a bit tipsy already from Chad's potent drink and wanting some fresh air.
Before leaving, you turned to Amber and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll be back in a bit," you said, smiling at her before following Liv through the hallway towards the back door.
As you and Liv walked towards your destination, a drunken douchebag suddenly jumped over a table in an attempt to show off. The table couldn't handle his weight and broke under him. "What the fuck, dude?" Liv yelled, clearly annoyed at the sight of the broken table.
Liv then turned to you and asked, "Hey, do you mind going to get the beers from the shed while I clean up this mess? My parents are coming home tomorrow at noon, and I don't want them to see this." She explained, her tone still tinged with irritation. Though you felt somewhat apprehensive about going out alone, you agreed and made your way outside.
As you stepped out into the cool night air, you couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. The house was situated in a secluded area, and the darkness added to its eeriness. You quickly made your way to the shed, and fortunately, Liv had left the light on for you. As you rummaged through the beer packs, you heard some rustling in the nearby bushes, which made you jump.
Cautiously, you peeked around the corner and spotted a group of teenagers walking down the street, laughing and shouting. You breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed the beers before heading outside.
As you were leaving the shed with the beer, you heard a rustling noise once again. Initially, you felt apprehensive, but then you thought to yourself that it was probably the same group of teenagers from before. However, before you could dismiss it entirely, you heard a voice call out, "Hey, Y/n." The voice made you jump, and you quickly turned around to face the source of the sound.
To your shock, it was Ghostface. You dropped the beers, and they shattered on the ground. "You gotta be shitting me," you thought to yourself, your heart pounding in your chest.
Ghostface chuckled sarcastically, "Oh, what's wrong, Y/n? Did I scare you?" Their tone was smug, and they took a step closer to you. You tried to back away, but before you could, they were already on top of you, ready to attack.
Your body tensed up, and you felt a surge of fear wash over you. You tried to fight back, but Ghostface was too strong. You struggled, but it was no use. You were trapped.
As Ghostface held you down, their cold breath lingered against your face. "I've been waiting for so long, Y/n," they whispered, his voice filled with malice. "But that Freeman bitch is always too close to you, and I couldn't find the right moment... until now."
Your mind raced, trying to make sense of what was happening. Why was Ghostface attacking you? What did he want?
Suddenly, they pulled out a knife and began to stab you repeatedly. You tried to scream, but their hand covered your mouth, muffling your cries for help. You struggled to break free, but Ghostface's grip only tightened, making it impossible for you to move.
The pain was unbearable, and you could feel the blood seeping out of your wounds. You tried to fight back with all your might, but it was no use. Ghostface was too strong, and they seemed to be enjoying every moment of your agony.
As the world around you began to fade, you realized with horror that this was the end.
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Amber started to worry as Liv and you were taking too long. She sensed that something was off and she didn’t like it, so she decided to go take a look. As she was walking towards the back, she saw Liv in the middle of the hallway scolding some guy. Amber quickly approached her and asked where you were.
Liv explained what had happened, and Amber's expression turned from concern to anger. "You sent her out there alone while there's a killer on the loose? What the fuck, Liv?" she exclaimed, looking at her with disgust. Without waiting for a response, Amber rushed outside to look for you.
As Amber stepped out into the cool night air, she called out your name. There was no answer, just an eerie silence that sent shivers down her spine. She felt her heart racing with fear as she walked around the dark yard, searching for any signs of you.
And then she saw you, lying on the ground, covered in blood. "Oh, my God," she gasped, Amber's heart sank as she rushed over to you, frantically checking for a pulse. She felt relieved when she found one, but the sight of your wounds made her feel sick to her stomach.
As she pulled out her phone to dial 911, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The sight of all the blood on you started to weigh on her, making her feel dizzy and lightheaded. She tried to ignore it, but the hunger pangs became more intense with every passing moment.
Amber knew that she needed to stay focused and keep her mind on the task at hand, but the mouthwatering scent of your blood was overpowering. She felt a primal urge to sink her fangs into your neck and drain you dry, but she knew that would only make things worse.
Instead, she forced herself to stay by your side, using every ounce of her willpower to resist the temptation.
As Amber looked at you lying on the ground, she knew that time was of the essence, and that he couldn't afford to wait for an ambulance. She quickly thought about using her abilities to get you to the hospital faster. She carefully picked you up in her arms, feeling the weight of your body against hers.
With a burst of supernatural speed, Amber dashed through the woods, weaving in and out of the trees and undergrowth. She tried to keep a steady pace, but her hunger was starting to get the better of her.
Halfway to the hospital, Amber began to hear your heartbeat slowing down. She knew that time was running out, and she had to get you there quickly.
With a renewed sense of urgency, she poured all her strength into her legs and sprinted towards the hospital, carrying you as gently as she could. But despite her best efforts, your heartbeats continued to slow down until they were almost imperceptible.
Amber could feel the panic rising inside her. She didn't know if she would make it in time to save you. But she refused to give up hope, and she pushed herself even harder, running faster and faster towards the hospital.
As she ran, she was so focused on getting to her destination and suppressing her hunger that she didn't notice your heartbeats had stopped. It wasn't until she felt your weight go limp in her arms that she realized what had happened. She stopped in her tracks and dropped you to the ground. She cradled you in her arms, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded with you not to leave her.
"No, no, no, babe, don't do this to me," she cried, holding you tightly. She didn't want to turn you into a vampire, but she knew it was the only way to save you. The thought of taking away your mortality frustrated her, but she couldn't bear the thought of living without you. You were the most important thing in her life, and she couldn't imagine going on without you.
As she cradled you in her arms, tears streaming down her face, she couldn't help but feel selfish for making this decision on her own. She knew it wasn't fair to you, but she couldn't bear the thought of losing you forever. She held you tighter, trying to will your heart to start beating again, but deep down, she knew it was too late. The only way to save you now, her only hope, was to turn you into a vampire.
With tears in her eyes, she softly held your neck and leaned in to bite, feeling the warm rush of your sweet blood fill her mouth. The temptation was almost too much for her to handle, but she pushed through, knowing that your life depended on it.
After she had drank enough, she bit into her own wrist and held it to your mouth, letting the blood flow into your throat. She hoped and prayed that you would survive the transformation and that you would forgive her for what she had done.
As you started to stir, she held you even closer, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety wash over her. She knew that being a vampire would change everything for both of you, but she was willing to face whatever challenges lay ahead, as long as it meant that you would still be by her side.
As you began to regain consciousness, you felt a searing pain in your throat and your vision was blurred. Amber looked at you with a mix of relief and guilt. "I'm sorry, but I had to do it. I couldn't let you go," she explained. You attempted to speak, but your throat was dry and sore. "Don't talk, you need to rest," she said softly while gently stroking your hair.
You slowly sat up, feeling weak but oddly rejuvenated at the same time. "What happened to me? What did you do?" you inquired, looking at Amber in confusion.
"I turned you into a vampire to save you," she replied, her eyes brimming with concern.
You experienced a wave of emotions — shock, confusion, fear, and a peculiar thrill. "I'm a vampire now?" you uttered, still grappling to come to terms with the situation.
Amber nodded, "Yes, but it won't be easy. There's much for you to learn, and I'll be there every step of the way. I promise you."
As your senses gradually returned, you sensed a curious feeling, like a surge of vitality coursing through your veins. You were still disoriented and dizzy, but you knew something had changed, although you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You attempted to concentrate on your surroundings, and then you realized where you were: deep in the woods, surrounded by trees and shrubs, and covered in blood.
You looked up, and there was Amber, standing in front of you, sweaty and bloody, holding out her wrist. "Drink," she said, her voice gentle but urgent. You hesitated at first, feeling a mix of fear and uncertainty, but you trusted her, and you knew that she was the only one who could help you.
So you took her wrist in your hand, feeling the warmth of her blood against your skin, and brought it to your mouth. The taste was unlike anything you had ever experienced before: sweet and rich, with a metallic tang that sent shivers down your spine. You drank hungrily, feeling the liquid coursing through your body, filling you with a renewed sense of energy and exuberance.
As you drank, you felt your body changing, transforming into something new and unfamiliar. You felt stronger, faster, and more alive than ever before. You felt like you could run for miles without getting tired, like you could jump higher than the tallest tree in the forest. And yet, at the same time, you felt strangely empty, like something vital had been taken away from you.
When you were done, you looked up at Amber, and you could see the concern etched on her face. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing. You nodded, still trying to wrap your head around everything that had happened. You were alive, yes, but at what cost? You were now a vampire, like Amber, and that meant giving up your old life, your friends, your family, everything.
But in that moment, none of that mattered. All that mattered was Amber, and the bond that you now shared. You took her in your arms, holding her tightly, feeling her warmth against your chest. You knew that things would never be the same again, but somehow, that was okay. You had each other, and that was all that mattered.
As Amber looked at you with tears in her eyes, she said, "I'm so sorry, baby. I had no other choice." She placed a hand on your cheek and wiped away a drop of blood. "But you're going to be okay now, I promise. I love you so much." Your heart swelled with emotion, and you managed to rasp, "I love you too." She leaned in and gave you a tender kiss on the forehead before scooping you up in her arms.
As she carried you through the woods, you felt dizzy and tired once again, but at the same time, you felt foreign. The world around you seemed to be sharper and more vibrant, and you could hear things that you never noticed before. You could even feel the pulse of the earth beneath your feet.
Amber's voice pulled you back to reality. "We're here," she said, entering her room through the window. She brought you inside and laid you on her bed, then went to her bathroom to run a bath for you.
As you lay there, you tried to piece together what had happened. You remembered being attacked by Ghostface, and then the sensation of Amber's teeth sinking into your neck. You felt a sense of fear and confusion, but at the same time, you felt a deep sense of love and comfort emanating from Amber.
When Amber returned, you noticed that she had changed and cleaned up. She helped you sit up, guided you to the bathroom, and gave you a warm bath, carefully washing away the blood from your body.
As she started to gently tend to your wounds, she reassured you, "You'll be sore for a while, but you'll heal quickly."
You gazed at her with a mix of love and admiration as she tended to your wounds, her hands moving with skilled precision. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper.
Amber smiled at you warmly. "Anything for you, my love," she said softly.
As she finished tending to your wounds, she helped you dry off and get dressed. You were still feeling weak and tired, but you knew you were in good hands with your girlfriend. She led you to her bed and helped you lie down, pulling the covers up to your chin.
"You rest now," she said, her voice soothing. "I'll be here if you need anything."
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, feeling a sense of relief and safety wash over you. You knew that Amber would always be there for you, no matter what. And with that thought in your mind, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
As Amber saw you drifting into sleep, her mind was still racing with anger and determination to find the person responsible for attacking you. She went back into the bathroom and picked up your dirty clothes, inhaling deeply. Her nostrils flared with anger as she instantly recognized the scent of the person who had attacked you. But she pushed the thoughts of vengeance aside for now, knowing that taking care of you was the priority.
Amber carefully folded your dirty clothes and placed them in a plastic bag before returning to the bed. She crawled under the covers next to you, holding you tightly and giving you a gentle kiss on the eyebrow. "I'm sorry this happened to you," she whispered. "But I promise you, I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."
She nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of your body against hers. The events of the night had left her emotionally drained, but she couldn't bear to be away from you. She murmured softly as she drifted off to sleep, her arms wrapped protectively around you.
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
On the Run - Chapter 4
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Summary: On the run and fearing for her safety along with both Joel and Negan, Y/N considers leaving to keep them safe but emotional entanglements persuade her to do otherwise.
Characters: Joel Miller (The Last of Us), Negan (The Walking Dead), the reader (OC, third person), etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47007172/chapters/118830283
Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut, etc.
Notes: I appreciate everyone that takes the time to read and comment on this. It means a lot to us writers getting reviews, no matter how long or short they are.
Everyone was quiet in the car. Most likely out of the fear of what had happened and could happen. For each person the experience was different. But one thing was for certain, they were all scared. Even if some of them were doing better jobs hiding it. For hours Joel drove with them constantly checking on Negan. It would have been a good time for the girls to rest, but they were too afraid of being followed so they kept watch. Plus, it was too cramped to really get any rest.
It felt like forever before Negan finally had woken up enough to interact with them. Although, it took him a while to really gather himself to be able to have a conversation with everyone. He was in pain and the color was drained from his features. It worried Y/N because even if Joel did know what he was doing in helping Negan, she didn’t want something worse to happen to Negan.
When they reached a small town, Negan had spotted a storage facility unit on the side of the road that had an SUV that was out front for sale. After Negan spotted it, he came up with a plan to head back there to store his Mustang and to buy the SUV. It wasn’t something they could just walk in and do though. In the town there was a park that was empty and they stopped there to get the blood washed off them that they had missed the night before. Going into a public place wouldn’t have looked good if they were covered in blood.
Poppy scoped the bathrooms out first since she was the only one that hadn’t gotten bloody last night. When they were certain they would be alone, Negan and Joel went into the men’s bathroom and Y/N headed into the women’s. Staring at herself in the mirror before her, Y/N could see that there were dark circles under her eyes and she looked awful. In her mind at least. Stress was eating away at her and her fears were certainly weighing down on everything. Looking down toward her hands she could see that she was having a hard time getting the dried blood from her skin. Letting out an overwhelmed sound, it made her close her eyes and remember what it was like when that fear overtook her and she saw Negan get shot. Knowing that it was his blood on her hands made her all the more upset. Desperately scrubbing at her hands she couldn’t help being overwhelmed by her own emotions when she started crying.
“Hey,” the weak, raspy voice muttered from behind her making her see that in the doorway Negan must have been standing waiting for her and she could see his reflection in the mirror. Moving into the bathroom with her, Negan moved in behind her to see that she was having a meltdown over the dried blood. “It’s okay.”
“I just keep remembering seeing you get shot and it’s your blood and…” Y/N felt him moving in behind her and his hands placed in over hers underneath the water. Negan’s nose nuzzled in against the side of her neck hushing her faintly while he attempted to help her get the blood from her hands with his gentle caress. “I thought you died when you first got shot.”
“I’m okay,” Negan whispered in her ear trying to calm her down hearing her crying at the thought of what happened to him. Wrapping his arms loosely around her, he could feel the pain from his shoulder radiating throughout his body, but right now it didn’t matter. “I’m still here.”
Negan carefully turned her in his arms after turning off the water. Pulling her in against him, he felt her head burying in against his chest while he squeezed her tightly in his arms in a protective manner, “I’m still here sweetheart. I’m right here. I’m gonna be okay.”
Closing her eyes, she took in the sensation of his fingertips stroking over the back of her head and over her neck. Soothing her the best way he could, Negan pressed a kiss over the top of her head. With her shaking in his arms he could see that the remainder of his blood on her really upset her reminding him all over how important they were for each other right now.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Negan promised her managing to get her to look up at him. Stroking his thumbs in over the sides of her face, he tried wiping at the tears that were there and he weakly smiled. “I swear, I’m not leaving you. I haven’t left you. Touch me.”
“I just,” she began reaching her arm up to caress over the side of his chiseled jawline making his eyes close firmly at her touch. “I never want anything bad to happen to you. There is only one thing in my life that has been a constant for a while and that’s you. I can’t lose you.”
“You haven’t, look at me,” Negan urged her once more taking in a shallow breath when he tenderly pressed his forehead to hers bringing them closer together. “Listen to the sound of my breathing. Feel the warmth of my breath. I’m right here before you. I’m not gone.”
“I just…” she nuzzled her nose in against his feeling his thumbs stroking over the sides of her face and she let out a tremoring breath. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Negan responded with a sigh, tipping his head back enough to press a kiss over her forehead. Pulling her in against his chest again, Negan made sure to hold onto her until he got her to calm down.
“Everything okay?” Poppy moved into the bathroom after they must have taken a while together. Meeting Negan’s eyes in the mirror, Poppy could see that they needed a minute and she pointed back toward the door. “I’m going to wait by the car.”
“We’ll be out soon,” Negan assured Poppy with a nod while Y/N stayed cuddled up to him and he knew that he felt fatigued but he was doing his best to keep it together. “I’m going to be here for you. I promise, I just might be a little closer to God.”
“That’s not funny,” she huffed back at him, her head lifting up to glare at him.
“I just meant because I was more holy,” Negan cracked a joke nodding toward his shoulder where he had been shot. “Get it? I have a hole from where I was…fuck, I was trying to be silly, but it’s probably not funny.”
“It would be funny if I wasn’t so worried about you,” she admitted seeing him dramatically tip his head to the side and it made her smile. “I’m sorry I’m such an emotional mess these last few days.”
“Hey, I am too,” Negan waved his hand in the air at himself bringing attention to the fact that his eyes were damp. “So I can’t blame you for being exactly like me. It’s an emotional fucking few days. So if you need me, I’m right here. I swear. We will take as much time as we need here. Okay?”
Lifting her hands she felt Negan’s fingers hooking with hers and she knew that she had to get it together in order to keep going. Stepping forward, she tipped up on her toes and pressed a kiss over the side of his face. Closing his eyes, Negan leaned into the kiss and felt a breath catch in his throat when she pulled back to stare up at him, “I couldn’t go on without you. I hope you realize how important you are to me.”
“Ditto,” Negan squeezed her fingers one final time before she finished cleaning herself up without Negan leaving her. In fact he waited for her to be done until she helped him out of the bathroom back to the car.
When they got to the storage facility, Y/N and Negan went inside together hopefully to get things done quickly when speaking to the owner. They were able to get a unit to store Negan’s Mustang and get the SUV under the table giving the owner a little extra money to make things hush-hush.
After getting the keys to the SUV and access to the storage unit, they all went back together to get Negan’s Mustang in the unit. Once Joel was done parking it, he got out of the car and wiped his hands off on his pants.
“You know, we listened to the radio and we heard the news. You and your father are the main topic of discussion right now,” Joel informed them of what he and Poppy had heard on the radio together while Negan and Y/N worked out their deal with the owner. “They said your father has been put in a secure location and they mentioned you. They thought you may be dead or missing. Said you were with friends the last time you were seen but didn’t mention any of our names.”
“That’s probably a good thing,” Y/N sighed seeing that everyone seemed exhausted. “It keeps everyone else safe if they don’t know your names. It brings less attention to your families and maybe that means they don’t know who the three of you actually are. Which is a good thing.”
“They would have to be the stupidest bad guys of all time if they didn’t know who we were,” Joel snorted with a wrinkle of his nose making Y/N frown. “It’s your best friend, your bodyguard and my truck was in front of the house. They know who we are.”
“I was trying,” she stated feeling guilty that the three of them were stuck in this position as it was with her. “I’m going to drive now. You and Negan can sit in the back and get some sleep. Poppy will sit up front with me. I have too much nervous energy to really sleep anyways.”
“Are you sure?” Joel confirmed with her seeing her wiggle the keys to the SUV to show that she already had them. With a nod, Joel helped Negan close up the storage unit and he handed Negan over the keys to it after they locked it up. “You doing okay?”
“Best I ever felt,” Negan lied making them all laugh. Sarcasm in a time like this was strange, but they all needed it to an extent. Getting back in the car, she made sure they had everything with them before taking off.
It didn’t take long for all three of them with her to fall asleep which left her alone in the quietness. Most people would have turned on the radio or something to make it through, but she just sat to herself. It helped her think while she drove. Following the back roads like Negan said, she thought about how she got in this situation and how she was dragging all of them along with her. Joel had a family. A life to get back to. Poppy was young and her best friend. Negan’s job was to watch over her. None of them asked for this. And none of them deserved this.
Focusing on everything she knew, she found herself stopping at an empty intersection to think about all of her negative thoughts. Maybe the best thing for her to do was just to leave all of them. They were all asleep. The last thing they really needed was to put their lives in jeopardy because of her. Guilt ate away at her. She kept driving, but the more she drove the worse she felt about things.
Stopping at an empty beach by the side of the road, she looked beside her to see that Poppy was deep in sleep. Gazing over her shoulder, she saw that Negan was behind her and he was completely out of it. Deep breaths were falling from him and she could see the bandaging from his opened shirt making her feel horrible that this happened to him. And then there was Joel who had taken off his plaid button-down shirt to roll it up and use it as a pillow leaving him in his white t-shirt. All of these three were innocent. Being with her had led both Negan and Joel to kill men which made her feel terrible. It should have never gotten to this. Not over her. She was nobody. Her father was something, but she was nobody. She was someone that her father was planning on writing off in a few months anyways. It almost seemed unfair that someone was trying to kill her in the name of a man who didn’t even love or care for her.
Getting out of the car, Y/N was careful in the way that she closed the door. Leaving the keys in the car, she headed for the water and stared out at it. Maybe it was best to make a run for it and hide. Keep the three that were in the car still safe. Closing her eyes, she took in the sounds of the wind around her trying to calm herself. Regardless of how any of them felt for her inside of that car, she loved all of them. Losing them or having them get hurt was the last possible thing she wanted.  
“What are you doing?” a voice called out from behind her making her sigh loudly. So much for having time to think things out. Footsteps were heard making her look over her shoulder to see that Joel’s messy hair was blowing in the wind as he approached her.
“Wishing you would still be asleep,” she muttered under her breath making Joel scoff from behind her. Sliding her hands into her pockets she turned back to the water and knew that she couldn’t look at him right now.
“I’m a parent Y/N. I was trained to wake up at the smallest sounds,” Joel spoke with a long, shallow breath. “You shouldn’t be stopping for breaks. Not yet, not until at least the evening. Even then, I don’t know. We need to put some distance in.”
“I think maybe you should go back with the other two and keep going,” she declared feeling her chest aching at the thought. “Just get in the car and leave me here.”
“Are you crazy?” Joel blurt out with a snort stepping in closer to her wondering why she didn’t even bother to look back at him at this point. “You’ve seen what they are willing to do to try to get you. You can’t take on these kind of people on your own. I’m not going to leave you here.”
“If you’re with me, your lives are in danger,” she emphasized her words making Joel huff and fold his arms out in front of his chest. “I’m not worth it Joel. You have a family waiting for you at home. Poppy has a life of…being Poppy. And Negan deserves a life beyond this. You shouldn’t have to be on the run because of me.”
“We’re all victims in this,” Joel stammered shaking his head feeling a small chill flood his body since he just followed her out of the car instead of grabbing his long sleeve shirt that he had taken off previously. “This is happening to all of us. Not just you. Running away on your own will do nothing but make sure that you do get hurt and everything that has happened so far will have been for nothing. You need to get back in the car and just keep driving.”
“Joel…” she felt her bottom lip trembling. Her heart was hammering in her chest while she thought about everything he had said to her in the last twenty-four hours. “You are right about me. I am a piece of shit. I am my father’s daughter and his blood runs inside of me. Maybe I am just as bad as he is. Bringing the three of you in on this…”
“We didn’t have a choice,” Joel reminded her stepping forward to place his hands in over her shoulders to squeeze over them firmly from behind. “Right now we’re all in this. Not because you forced us to be, but because situations made us here. And you’re not like your father Y/N. Your father would have never sacrificed himself to save a friend. The moment Negan’s life was on the line, you put yourself in harm’s way in attempts to keep him safe. Your father would have never done something like that. I watched you from where I was. I saw everything. Not many people would pick someone else’s life over their own.”
“I don’t want any of you to die because of me,” she alerted him with a whimpering sound as he approached her closer from behind. Joel wrapped his right arm around her shoulders to pull her back against him while his left wrapped around her waist to hug her from behind. She was crying and she couldn’t help it as Joel buried his nose against the side of her neck. “I love all of you so much.”
“We’re all in this together right now,” Joel’s breath lingered against her flesh making her close her eyes while he held onto her. With the way he was holding onto her right now it felt like how things were before and she wished it would have been that way. The last time they were together like this on a beach was on their trip they took together and back then she thought there was a future for them. “As long as we follow these rules that Negan is setting up, I think we’re going to be okay.”
“We thought we were all going to be okay at the safe house,” she recalled feeling scared and lost because she didn’t have an answer or a way out for things. “I guess you were right about me being a spoiled little rich kid because I have always been used to having things fixed for me. I’ve been trying to break away from my father for as long as I could remember. Now I’m away and I’m fucking scared. I’ve been shot, I almost lost Negan…”
“But you’re still here. We’re all still here,” Joel insisted, his lips grazing over her ear while he squeezed her tightly in his arms. “We just have to keep going and keep working together. There has to be a way out of this. We just have to figure it out. Together. I know you’re scared. I’m scared too. I think we all are scared Y/N. But you sacrificing yourself for us, that’s not the answer.”
“I can’t lose you,” she sniffled turning in Joel’s arms to see the way his brown eyes seemed worried about her. “If you’re not in my life, as long as you’re happy that’s all that matters to me. But not having you in my life because you’re not here? I can’t live with that. I can’t lose you or Negan or Poppy.”
“Look at me,” Joel interrupted her, palming in over the side of her face getting her eyes to lock with his. “We can’t think like this. Not yet. Not now. Because then we are already giving up. And I’m not ready to give up. Are you?”
“I just…” she started seeing Joel shake his head slowly.
“You’re not ready to give up because you’re strong. You’re brave,” Joel coached her, his thumb stroking over the side of her face making her eyes come to a tight close. “We’re going to figure all of this out, but we can’t do that if you give up on us.”
A shuddering exhale fell from her throat when Joel hooked his fingers around the back of her neck to pull her in for a hug. Allowing her to rest her head against the center of his chest, Joel pressed a kiss over her forehead. In this moment she knew how lucky she was to have both Negan and Joel supporting her like this. It was so much different than the Joel she had witnessed over the last few days, but this was what she needed to hear. “I won’t let you give up like this. You’re not going to hand yourself over to these people.”
Taking her time to calm down, she knew that they were probably out on the beach longer than they should have been. Once she stopped crying, Joel pulled back enough to stare down at her with his jaw flexing, “We’re going to go back to that car and we’re going to keep driving until the four of us no longer can take it. But we’re going to figure this out. Okay?”
“Okay,” she agreed with him finding herself touched that he was giving her this pep-talk even after everything that happened between the two of them. Joel released her from his arms and she tried to wipe at the tears that were over her face. “I’m sorry. My brain was just full of thoughts and I didn’t know what to do.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s a big deal. This is scary. What’s happened has been really fucking scary,” Joel reasoned with her knowing that she was embarrassed being emotional in front of him. His messy hair flopped with the movements when he reached for her hand and nodded back toward the SUV. “I’ll drive for a while, okay? We can move Poppy in the back with Negan. Then, when you’re feeling better, we can switch.”
“Alright,” she accepted his hand allowing him to lead her back toward the car with a sigh. When they returned Poppy was already getting out to see what was going on. When Joel explained that Y/N had fatigue instead of telling Poppy really what happened, she knew that Joel was covering for her. Joel grabbed his button down from the back and put it back on before getting in the driver’s seat. They checked on Negan to make sure he was still breathing seeing that he was still deep in sleep before leaving. How long actually Joel kept going impressed her. Poppy and Negan were out for hours in the back and she did her best to stay awake to make sure that Joel was safe. After a while she felt Joel’s right hand reaching out to place over hers, squeezing it in a supportive way. Hooking her fingers with Joel’s she didn’t know how to respond to it, but she wasn’t going to turn down any form of affection from him. “Everything good?”
“Very good,” Joel gave her a wink, his thumb stroking over the back of her hand while he continued to drive.
It was another hour or so before Poppy piped in telling them that she could drive. They stopped to switch up with Joel going into the passenger’s seat and Y/N went in the back with Negan. With them switching up their seats, it had woken Negan up enough for him to groggily look between everyone. Getting comfortable in the backseat, Y/N reached for Negan urging him to carefully lay down and rest in her lap.
“Are you sure?” Negan confirmed seeing her nod and he got more relaxed letting out a pained sound when he had to turn a certain way. Stroking her fingers through his dark hair made Negan’s jaw flex and he cuddled his head in closer to her lap.
“I think it might be time for you to take those pain pills,” Y/N suggested seeing the way that Joel looked back at Negan. Joel’s face twisted with an expression Y/N hadn’t seen before when he noticed the way that Y/N was stroking over Negan’s temple. “You’re going to have to at some point.”
“We’d have to get some food in him first. What about a burger? You want us to pick up a burger for you?” Joel offered making Negan groan against Y/N’s abdomen when he rolled in closer to her body. “You gotta eat something big man.”
“I’m going to throw up if I eat anything,” Negan hummed, tipping his head back when Y/N caressed over the side of his face in a tender sweep. “You should get yourself some food though.”
“When we see a burger place, we’ll grab four burgers and fries for all of us,” Poppy decided for them making Negan huff. Lifting his head enough, Negan looked to see where they were noticing that it was very deserted area on a back road at the moment. “Just rest right now Negan.”
After Joel’s order, Negan closed his eyes and his breathing got loud. He was comfortable. Appreciating the way that she touched him.
“You know how special you are to me, don’t you?” Y/N spoke quietly making Negan’s long eyelashes flutter with his head tipping back to stare up at her. “I mean it Negan. I can’t imagine a life without you. Not after having you in it so long.”
Smirking, Negan turned his head to press a delicate kiss over the center of her palm before getting comfortable in her lap again. It didn’t take long for Negan to fall asleep in her lap with her stroking her fingers through his hair. Honestly, it took a long time before they hit any kind of town. And when they did, the sun had started to go down. The town was small and lacking but was a good place to settle down and rest for all of them.
“I think we should stop. We’ll stop at this motel and get adjoining rooms. Once we get Negan settled, Poppy and I will run to go grab some food for all of us,” Joel told them the plan hearing Negan hiss out when he pulled himself up into a seated position in the back seat after he woke up. “It’s best if we don’t have you in public doing things Y/N. So one of the three of us should be the ones doing things with people in public.”
“That’s a good idea,” Negan spoke quietly, reaching for one of the water bottles that Poppy had grabbed for them before they left the safe house. Twisting the lid off, Negan drank down the water in loud, big gulps before shaking his head. “We’ll have to get back on the road by morning. I don’t think we’re far enough away yet.”
“I agree,” Joel got out of the car to get the two rooms after Y/N gave him a pretty decent sum of money to do so. After he got back to the car, they parked by their rooms and Joel helped Y/N get Negan into the room comfortably. Stopping at the doorway before they left Joel nodded to the bag of guns that they had brought in with them. “If you need protection, those are there. Don’t forget that.”
“We’ll be fine,” Y/N assumed they would be at least when Poppy and Joel left the room. Negan was propped up against the headboard of one of the beds. His long legs were stretched out and his back slouched against the headboard. His eyes were heavy with fatigue and she moved over toward the bed to sit down beside him. “You doing okay?”
“I’m fine,” he feigned a smile to her and he felt her fingers hooking with his. “I’ll be fine tomorrow. My body is just going through some shit right now, but I promise you I’m going to be okay.”
“I know. Because you’re the strongest person I know,” she brought his hand up to her lips to place a tender kiss over the back of his hand. Giving her a wink, Negan shook his head with a chuckle before resting his head against her shoulder. Cuddling in closer to him, Y/N sighed loudly and looked around the room that they were in. “My father would die before staying in a place like this.”
“Yup,” Negan snorted knowing that this wasn’t really that good of a motel, but it was good enough for them to get some rest as well as staying low. “Your father could be on the run, but he would only stop at the highest rated hotels that served caviar.”
They both snickered at the idea of her father being in the position that they were in right now, “I think he’d rather die than be caught in a place like this. He might lose some of his supporters,” she mocked her father knowing that while it was amusing, she still couldn’t help but think about him. “I wonder if he even cares that my life is on the line. If he regrets anything he said to me.”
Lifting his head, Negan could see that she was upset talking about her father and how he would react to all of the things that had been going on with her, “You know, it’s a parent’s job to take care of their children. To love their children unconditionally. I always wondered what that felt like because neither one of my parents were ever like that with me. My mother abandoned me and you see how my father is.”
“Sometimes people just suck Y/N,” Negan grumbled under his breath knowing that she was thinking poorly of herself again with her thoughts. “It doesn’t mean it’s your fault. Sometimes the world gives the strongest people the hardest situations because they know that they can survive it. No matter how much it hurts.”
“Is that how you feel after what happened to Lucille?” she wondered hearing Negan sigh loudly and he cleared his throat. Dragging his fingers across his chest, Negan grabbed a hold of the rings that were resting there from the necklace he wore to look at them. “That the world gave you that situation because they knew that you could survive it?”
“I didn’t say the world wasn’t a cruel bitch,” Negan bit down on his bottom lip hearing her let out an amused exhale. “Because she is. Lucille shouldn’t have had to suffer through the pain that she did. She was such a good person. She deserved a hell of a lot better than me, but she never left my side. Of the two, it should have been me. Not her.”
Y/N’s eyes were hooked on him watching his contemplation about everything and she noticed the way that his hand was shaking while he held onto the rings, “I wanted to die when she was gone. But I have to believe that I’m here for a reason.”
“Maybe you’re right,” she frowned, reaching out to brush her fingers through his dark hair noticing the way that Negan’s eyes lifted to hers. “You know, I know you’re strong. Because you aren’t even mine and I don’t know if I would be able to live in this world if I lost you. Lucille was your everything and look at you. I’m glad you’re still here. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever known.”
With a heavy breath, Negan shifted on the bed beside her pressing in closer to her. The warmth of his breath lingered over her lips, his nose slightly nudging hers with his thumb caressing in over her jawline. Skimming his lips in against hers made her eyes come to a tight close but the more that Negan thought about things the more he realized it wasn’t the right time. Kissing at her cheek, Negan heard the shallow breath that fell from her while she stroked her fingers at the back of his neck.
“You would have really liked each other,” Negan insisted when he thought about Lucille and Y/N. “You both have got a fire in you that she would have loved to see. From what she already knew about you, she thought you were great. The two of you had so much in common. Plus, you both are the only two people in this world that actually cared about me. Saw me for more than I am.”
“She was gorgeous,” she recalled how Lucille was before she got sick. Getting comfortable in the bed again beside Negan she knew that she didn’t want to get upset with him for not kissing her because it made sense. “I remember the first time I saw her I thought she had the prettiest eyes I had ever seen. Your wife was a babe.”
With a snort and a wrinkle of his nose, Negan looked to her and bobbed his head about, “She would appreciate hearing that. You’d probably be her favorite person after hearing that. People liked to bring her down a lot and she got used to it. The world was hard on her.”
“Of course it was because people can’t take seeing a beautiful woman that is absolutely thriving,” Y/N retorted with a shake of her head cuddling in closer to Negan while they kept holding hands. “From what you told me about her, she was an absolute badass.”
“Oh, she was,” Negan agreed with her statement a smirk pressing in over his features when he thought of his late wife. “It was the one woman I was terrified of. I knew that she could kick my ass easily. Even all the way until the end.”
“I’m glad you two had each other,” she stroked her fingers over Negan’s palm seeing the smirk that tugged at his handsome features with the shapes she was drawing over his flesh. “Not many people can say that they found the love of their lives so young. Now, I don’t think many people would say they have found the love of their lives at all.”
“I was pretty lucky,” Negan concluded, his eyebrows bouncing up as she tried to line her hand up with his. It looked like she was trying to compare the size of his hand to hers and he couldn’t help but be amused with it.  
“You have huge hands,” she commented lifting his hand up to look it over and Negan snickered at the way her eyes gazed over his fingers. “They are wow. Like, really big.”
“Thank you?” Negan’s right eyebrow arched making her cheeks flush over when she realized the way he was looking at her. “I take it you’re a hands person, huh?”
“You just have really nice hands,” she complimented him hearing his snort being dragged out and she rolled her eyes. “You’re making it weird.”
“You’re making it weird,” Negan joked back nudging her playfully with his hip from where he was lying beside her. With a long sigh, Negan made an arrogant expression drawing her to look at him with a tip of her head in curiosity. “Everything on me is pretty big.”
“Oh God,” she swatted his hand away from her hearing his silly laughter that followed. “Especially your head. I’m sorry I commented on your hands. Holy shit. Your ego is ridiculous.”
“I mean it ain’t ego if it’s true,” Negan tipped his head from side to side hearing her groan out and they both laughed together. With a long exhale, Negan felt her rest her head over the center of his chest and he watched over her closely finding himself enamored with her. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You know that, right?”
“I trust you more than I trust anyone,” she slurred out knowing that what he said wasn’t a promise that he could really make. It scared her knowing how far Negan was willing to go to keep her safe, but she knew he would. He proved that already. “Thinking back on the last few years, the best moments I’ve had are always with you.”
“Ah, but that’s because I had to be there,” he teased her seeing her adjust over him so that she was resting her head on his abdomen while she faced him still hooking her fingers with his. “Would I have been there if I didn’t have to be?”
“I think so,” she muttered noticing the way his dimples sank in and he gave her a single not. “I’m glad you’ve been there. You’re the best part of my life.”
“And you’re the best part of mine,” Negan repeated brushing her hair out of her face with his free hand. “I think you’re the thing that kept me up and moving. I would have just died to myself in my bed if you weren’t here. I had no reason to live. No reason to keep going. Other than you.”
“Negan…” she stared out at him, her eyes tearing over when she forced herself to sit up from the bed and pull herself over toward the edge of the bed. “You know that I’ve loved you for so long. Shit, the moment I saw you I fell in love with you. With that fucking smile and those damn dimples.”
“My mother always told me that my dimples were the things that kept me from getting in trouble,” Negan remembered his childhood while he raised up carefully on the bed. Moving in a way that wouldn’t hurt him, Negan slid in beside her and rest his head on her shoulder. “I guess you can blame my father for those.”
Leaning in closer, she rest her head over Negan’s and frowned, “You had to have known how I felt about you. How I feel about you.”
“I do,” Negan acknowledged keeping his fingers locked with hers while they held hands. “And if things were different, I think you and I both know that we would be together. I just was with Lucille and then you found Joel. And I understand why you love Joel,” Negan turned his head enough to press a kiss over her shoulder making her chest ache. “I don’t fault you for falling in love with someone else when I wasn’t available for you. It’s just the way things worked out and I get it.”
“He doesn’t even love me,” she shook her head with an uncomfortable sound making Negan grumble under his breath.
“We both know that’s not true. He didn’t show up at your party for your father, he showed up for you. He talked to the most important person in his life about you. He was telling you how much he cared about you, he just didn’t think he could love you because of his past,” Negan countered lifting his head to stare out at her seeing the confusion in her eyes. “Joel showed up at that party for you because he realized that after everything you two went through together, he fell in love with you. If the world didn’t fall to shit that night, you would have been going off with Joel. My guess is he would have apologized, told you everything and then the two of you probably would have had wild romantic sex under the stars in the back of his fucking truck.”
“Wow,” she snickered seeing the expression that Negan gave her. “You really think that?”
“I do actually,” Negan responded, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat hating to admit even after all the shitty things that Joel had said and done that he actually loved Y/N. “I know that he’s just mouthing off because he’s upset. Your father played him like a fiddle. Your dad knew exactly what to say to push his buttons and that’s what he did. It was your father firing him up. And Joel is worried about Sarah. A parent acts out when their baby is put in harm’s way. You have to understand that.”
“Why can’t he look at me the way you do though?” she questioned making a breath catch in Negan’s throat and he lowered his head down. With his good arm, he lifted it and stroked over the back of his neck before shrugging. “You’re not afraid to tell me that you love me.”
“Because your father didn’t hurt me like he did Joel,” Negan expressed why he thought Joel was the way he is. “I have gotten to know all of you over the last how many years? You know I love you. And if things were different, you know that I would…”
Negan’s words were caught up and he gave a weak smile, waving his hand in the air after he started to say it, “Shit, I shouldn’t even be saying this and you know that. We can’t talk about the what ifs of things. Just know that no matter what, I got you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“And I’ve got you,” she responded, leaning in to rest her forehead against his while she stroked her fingers over the back of his neck. A knock was heard on the door before it started to open alerting them that Poppy and Joel were back with their meals. “Hey you two.”
“Sorry we took so long. There was a clothing barn right next door and we figured we would grab some clothes for us to change into so we weren’t constantly in the same thing,” Joel fumbled with the multiple bags that were in his arms. It looked like Joel carried in everything along with the cup carrier from a fast-food restaurant while Poppy just had two food bags. “I kind of guessed on everyone’s size and…style. Not that this store had a lot of style but beggars can’t be choosers in this situation.”
“Everything was really ugly, but at least we won’t stink,” Poppy griped making both Negan and Y/N smirk when Joel nearly tripped over himself trying to set down all the bags that were in his arms. “I think Joel’s style was there though. It fit right up his alley. Lots of plaid and denim.”
Joel managed to juggle the drink carrier while Poppy kicked the door closed with her foot, “I’m going to take that as a compliment. I’m just a simple man. And I’m old. I don’t know shit about style nor do I care to. I’m just happy we’ve got some real food and not snacks.”
“We went all out because I was hungry,” Poppy exclaimed walking over to the small table at the corner of the room dropping down the bags that they had. “We got burgers, fries, shakes and apple pies. It smelled so good, I just had to get it.”
“That is all out,” Y/N almost teased watching Negan’s nose wrinkle when Joel set the cup holder of all the shakes down on the table.
“We got chocolate shakes because I assumed everyone likes chocolate?” Joel confirmed with the two of them seeing them both smirk and nod. “That’s what I thought. Who doesn’t fucking love chocolate. Poppy thought we should get two strawberry and two chocolate, but I went with this instead. We all just have the same thing. Less complicated.”
“Makes sense to me,” Negan squeezed Y/N’s hand one final time. Sounds of fumbling around were heard and Negan saw that Joel was digging around in the bag for a few things. When Joel pulled out two pill bottles Negan sighed knowing what he was doing.
“You both need to take some antibiotics and some pain medication with this food,” Joel worked the lids off the bottles pulling out one of each for both Negan and Y/N. “You’re going to take these and after we eat, I have to change your bandages. I need to work more with you Negan so we can make sure you’re okay and everything heals right.”
“Yes sir,” Negan accepted the pills and the meal that Joel had gotten for him using the nightstand for his meal. Y/N got up to sit at the table with Poppy, but they both had to make sure to take the pills with Joel watching them. “You really take this nursing shit seriously.”
“No one is dying from an infection on my watch,” Joel dropped down on the bed beside Negan to use the other table that was between the two beds as his table. Negan gazed over at Joel in amusement that Joel had become so relaxed with him, but it didn’t bother him as they ate. For their meal, everyone was ultimately quiet. They were all probably starving because they had gone a whole day without eating. “Who knew that a burger in the middle of nowhere would taste this fucking good?”
“Is it really that good or are we just that hungry?” Y/N spoke with a mouthful making Joel smirk before taking another big bite of the burger they had gotten for her. “Maybe they just do food better out here.”
“Oh, I saw them making it. It’s good because it’s so damn bad for you,” Poppy added her input in with a mouthful of the apple pie she had grabbed for herself. “I miss food like this. I don’t get much of it anymore.”
“You should really eat whatever makes you happy,” Negan frowned sucking down on the milkshake that they had gotten him. Noticing the way that Joel was dipping his fries into his milkshake made Negan snort. “Creative.”
“If it tastes good, there shouldn’t be a problem with it,” Joel shrugged his shoulders and it was nice for all of them to have a moment of downtime together. Especially after all they had been through. “Actually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about. You said you knew the man that I shot? Do you know his full name? Because there is a guy I know, his name is Bill. He’s a bit of a crazy, but he’s a survivalist and he can find out anything about anyone. Really smart guy. Maybe if I asked him for some help, he would be able to find out who is doing this and how we can stop this.”
“I mean, it wouldn’t hurt,” Negan acknowledged searching through the drawer in the nightstand for something to write. “Do you trust him?”
“Yes. I trust him. He might not trust me because he trusts no one, but I think he will deliver some results,” Joel rubbed his hands together after he finished off his fries. “I’ll call him from the room’s phone since no one knows we’re here and see what I can find out. Hopefully by the time we leave in the morning we will have some kind of results.”
“Do you think he could actually figure something out?” Y/N sat forward in her seat as Joel swallowed down hard with his last bite of food. “Like, we’d be able to do something with the information?”
“I hope so,” Joel shrugged his shoulders, his expressive eyes gazing between all three of them that were around him. “He’s the smartest person I know. If anyone would be able to help us. It’s Bill. I’ll give him the name of the person I shot. Tell him about our situation and hope he can pull a rabbit out of a hat.”
“You just now only thought about this guy?” Poppy questioned, tipping her head to the side while she continued to eat her pie.
“Well, like I said, he’s kind of crazy,” Joel reiterated with a scoff, heading over toward the phone that was in the room. “We are just on good terms because I was able to help him and his partner with some things that no one else could. Plus, my brain isn’t exactly thinking perfectly while I’m being chased down by people who are trying to kill us.”
“Touché,” Y/N stammered pointing her finger at Joel who went back to dialing a number to talk to this Bill guy. She didn’t want to get her hopes up thinking that someone could help them since this was a strange situation to begin with. “Hopefully he can figure things out for us. Sooner rather than later.”
“I hope so,” Joel hummed waiting for the phone to pick up and when it did, he turned away from the others to try to talk to Bill who he was obviously bickering with at first.
They all listened in, somewhat amused with the things that Joel was saying while he spoke to this person. It sounded like a complicated conversation, but once her father’s name was mentioned things seemed to turn around. Hearing her father’s name made things come into perspective for Y/N for her. Joel was only on the phone a few more minutes before coming to the edge of the bed Negan was on to sit on it.
“He wasn’t really interested until I mentioned your father and now he’s eagerly looking into it. Told me he needs about two days, but I will keep checking in just to make sure,” Joel repeated what Bill had told him just on the phone, his eyes gazing over to Negan. “Do you think you could call Rick so I can talk to Sarah?”
“Oh, yeah…,” Negan waved Joel forward and moved toward the phone with him leaving the two women to themselves.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” Poppy spoke in a whisper making Y/N lift her head up to meet her friend’s worried stare. “I’ve been thinking about last night when Negan was getting threatened by that guy and you went out. I stayed in the woods. Your lives were on the line and I did nothing.”
“What could you have done Poppy? I didn’t expect you to make some kind of big gesture,” Y/N realized her friend visibly felt guilty and she shook her head. “I was willing to give up my life for Negan’s. I didn’t expect you to do the same thing for Negan or I.”
“But doesn’t that make me a bad friend?” Poppy wondered knowing that Joel, Negan and Y/N were making a lot of grand gestures toward one another with this trip. “The three of you are all close and willing to do anything for each other. Yet, I just stayed in the woods terrified. I was scared. I didn’t want to die.”
“You’re not wrong for being scared Poppy,” Y/N slid closer to the edge of the bed hearing Joel talking in the background, but she was focusing on her friend right now. “Fear makes us react differently in certain situations. I’m not mad at you because I understand. If circumstances were different, I don’t think I would have done for anyone else what I’ve done for Negan. Except for maybe Joel.”
“You’re lucky,” Poppy stated cleaning up the mess from her meal so that way things were straightened up for them. “You have two men that love and care for you. Some people could only be so lucky.”
Hearing that made Y/N’s heart sink. Joel and Negan both meant so much to her but she didn’t know if she would describe how things were like that. With a ruckus behind her, Y/N could tell that Joel had just gotten off the phone and was starting to move around.
“Okay, so I’m going to take care of Negan’s wound and then we’re going to get to yours,” Joel informed them not giving Y/N enough time to respond to Poppy’s comment. Joel had Negan sit down in one of the chairs and Y/N scoot to the bottom of the bed to watch. Joel helped Negan get his shirt off and the bandages that Negan had were blood stained making her wince. Poppy moved to the bed beside her with the remote in her hand, turning on the television to keep herself distracted. When Joel got everything off Negan, she could see that Joel’s eyes were surveying everything closely. “Come into the bathroom with me. I want to get this blood off you and anything I do, it’s going to be easier to clean up in there.”
“Yes sir,” Negan got up slowly and Y/N’s fingers dragged against his when he walked past her with Joel. Watching, Y/N wondered if she should be going with them in attempts to help, but something on the television caught her attention with the news channel that Poppy was watching.
There was a war going on inside of her when she heard agonizing sounds coming from Negan inside of the bathroom which led to Negan and Joel bickering with one another. They probably could have used her in there, but the news report brought up her father’s picture and she reached for the remote to turn the volume up.
Listening to the segment, it focused mainly on her father and how someone was attempting to assassinate him for running for governor. That information pissed her off to hear. They weren’t trying to kill her father, they were trying to kill her. Anyone at that party would have known without a doubt they were aiming for her. Not her father. Her father was long gone before the bullets started being shot. In the segment she was mentioned once saying that multiple reports suggested that she may be missing, but there was nothing more. At this point, she thought there would have been some kind of story about the seven people that came to try to kill her, but there was nothing. Even the news reporters seemed to blow off the harm she was in to worry about her father hoping that the madman was caught. It was her in the real danger, but no one seemed to care.
“Y/N?” Poppy called out seeing her getting up from the bed and moving over toward the door that led to the other room that they had gotten. “Where are you going? Babe?”
“I just need some time to myself,” Y/N admitted going into the room and closing the door behind her. Heading over toward one of the beds, she dropped down at the center of the bed and looked up at the ceiling.
It felt like everything was spinning around her and she cussed out. Her father was probably in some rich, expensive place chowing down on expensive food and being pampered. Yet here she was in the middle of nowhere with the only three people in the world that she felt remotely close to worried if someone was going to find her and kill her along with them. It almost didn’t seem fair that she was going through all of this shit because of her father, but she knew her father was completely fine.
Closing her eyes, she listened to the sound of her breathing and it was uneven. Everything about this sucked. Of all the things that would finally get her away from her father, she didn’t think it would be this. Because of her father, both Joel and Negan had to kill people. Her and Negan both ended up shot. It almost didn’t seem fair to have all of this happen.
Looking to the windows, she could see even with the blinds closed that it was night and the streetlamps outside the motel were lighting up the area just outside the motel room. Her whole life she felt trapped and now she really was stuck. Thinking about her father made her picture what his response to this whole thing would be about her. Undoubtedly, he would shame her for being in such a shitty place. This motel was something that he would have snubbed his nose at and when she was younger, she probably would have too. Now that her life was on the line, she realized how fucking sad it was she used to be someone like that.
The sound of the adjoining door opening was heard and she lifted her head up to see that Joel was walking into the room with the med kit that they had. Closing the door behind him, she could see that Joel seemed worried about her as he approached the bed, “You know, you were supposed to wait for me to help you with your arm.”
“Let’s be honest, mine doesn’t compare to Negan’s,” she watched Joel sit down at the bottom of the bed and she frowned.
“We still need to keep it clean because if it gets infected things can go very wrong,” Joel reminded her, reaching out for her hand to help her get up to a seated position. Joel reached for the bottom of her shirt getting her to lift her arms so he could take it off her leaving her in her bra in front of him. “This shirt has blood on it, we’re going to have to get you another one.”
“Yes Mr. Miller,” she uttered in a joking fashion making Joel groan out and roll his eyes. Y/N winced with Joel getting the bandaging off her arm. While Joel worked on her arm, she was quiet thinking about the things that had been happening to her. “Someone really powerful has to be doing this. I don’t understand why they are going after me and not my father.”
“Do they get more powerful than your father?” Joel breathed out focusing intensely on keeping her wound clean and tending to it for her.
“Joel, think about it. I offered Perry anything and everything using my father as a source. He didn’t want it,” she reasoned with Joel, looking to see how he was delicately working on her. “That means the person he was working for already was giving him everything he wanted. Those seven people that were killed. Someone knew that they were there. They would have gone there and found out that they were all dead and we were alive. But there was nothing about it on the news? They could have modeled all of us out to be a group of killers, but we weren’t.”
“Thank God,” Joel piped in making her sigh.
“That’s not my point, someone is sweeping things under the rug,” she played everything out in her head trying to pull things together, but she had nothing. “I don’t get it Joel. If my father was risking someone’s position, what does killing me do for them?”
“Maybe your father pissed off the wrong person and they are going after you for revenge?” Joel’s chocolate brown eyes locked with hers and she sighed loudly. “Look at how stupid I was. Someone could be doing what I did but to the absolute extreme. Your father is known for pissing people off and ruining people’s lives.”
Hearing that really didn’t help, so she stayed quiet while Joel finished up with wrapping her wound up for her, “Thank you.”
“You’re a better patient than Negan,” Joel swiped his thumb across her arm making her smirk and lower her head down. “You don’t wiggle like hell and then get mad at me when something hurts.”
“To be fair, mine is a flesh wound and his is a bit more complicated,” she reasoned with Joel enjoying the closeness of having him near. At least they weren’t fighting and they were being civil with one another. “I guess I should also be thanking you for earlier.”
“With what?” Joel’s eyebrow arched with genuine curiosity because he really didn’t know.
“For stopping me from doing something stupid,” she countered thinking back to their moment on the beach together where she considered running off. “If you weren’t there to get me to think about what I was doing I probably would have left you and the other two in that SUV. I would have taken off and I’d probably be dead.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” Joel set the medical kit aside and then turned back to her to reach for her hands. “In fact, you don’t have to thank me for a lot of things. I’ve done nothing but cause you shit and trouble for the last twenty-four plus hours. Hell, maybe for the last two years. What I’ve been doing was wrong. It was your birthday yesterday and you were shot. You found out what I was doing. You watched the person you were closest to be shot. You risked your life for him and well, now we’re here. You were out in the open at your birthday party because I called you out there. I’m sorry.”
There was a silence that fell between them when she felt a lump growing in her throat and she didn’t know how to respond, “I’m also sorry I didn’t come out sooner when I was in the crawl space. I let my own fears get to me and I just let things go on with you and Negan. I should have been a hero like him and I should have done whatever it took to keep all of you safe.”
“But you did save me and you saved Negan,” she reminded Joel reaching up to brush her fingers throughout his dark hair making his eyes raise to hers. “You were brave. So that’s not something to apologize for. I think the two of us are still here because of you. You could have just stayed there and who knows. Negan and I could be dead right now if it wasn’t for you.”
“I promise I won’t let that happen again,” Joel whispered brushing his fingers through her hair when the distance between the two of them closed and she could feel the warmth of his lips over hers. “I won’t allow you to be in that position again. I swear.”
“You shouldn’t be risking your life for mine. You have a daughter Joel,” she chimed in feeling his nose nuzzling in against hers and it took her breath away having him this close to her. “I don’t want anything happening to you or Negan.”
“I do have a daughter at home who does know about you,” Joel acknowledged her statement dragging his thumb out over her bottom lip. With the way his eyes gazed over her lips it made a chill run up and down her spine. “What would she think of me if I let something bad happen to you? It’s not fair that she has a father that would be willing to do anything to keep her safe, but you have your father who is nowhere to be found when it comes to keeping you safe. So I think she would expect me to step up and take care of you. I would never forgive myself if I let something happen to you after everything we’ve been through.”
“I thought we were nothing,” she frowned pulling back enough away from him to stare him over. “You don’t have to pretend that we were something in order to make me feel better.”
“Negan pointed something out to me last night,” Joel informed her stroking his fingers over her shoulder and down her bare arm. His palm settled at the side of her body, caressing his fingers over her exposed flesh. “I let your father play me like a fiddle. I came to your house that night because I wanted to tell you the truth. I wanted to take you somewhere nice for your birthday, but I didn’t want to lie to you anymore. Talking to Sarah about you made me realize that you weren’t just some ploy. But then your father showed up and he got me fired up. I wrongfully erupted on you and I’m sorry. I care about you. I care about you more than I thought I ever would because this wasn’t supposed to be anything more than a jackass plan to fuck with your father, but I care about you. I’m a fool to think otherwise.”
“Joel,” she shuddered feeling his thumb sweeping in over her ribcage causing her to lean in closer to him to where her lips were hovering just over his. It made his eyes close tightly and his breathing was loud as well. “I don’t need you to make me feel better about things…”
“I’m just being honest. It’s something I’ve been really bad at for the last two years,” Joel admitted feeling her sliding in closer to him and he felt her grabbing a hold of the bottom of his shirt. Allowing her to pull the material up his body, Joel heard her drop it at the foot of the bed and he licked his lips. With her palms caressing up and over his chest, Joel looked down and swallowed hard. “I don’t want you to forgive me.”
“I don’t,” she slurred her lips faintly caressing over his making him moan into her mouth. “In fact I don’t forgive you at all.”
“Good,” Joel growled when her nails dug slightly into his flesh with her nibbling faintly at his bottom lip. “I want to make things up to you. Prove my worth in your life instead of having you forgive me immediately. What I did was fucked up.”
“It was,” she agreed with him, claiming his lips in a desperate sweep allowing him to kiss her over and over again. Tugging her fingers through his hair, she yanked back on his hair making him tip his head back. Licking over his lips had Joel panting before her and she shook her head. “You know how I feel about you. It hasn’t changed, but with what you’ve done…”
“I still need to earn it,” Joel hushed her, stroking his thumb over her cheek leaning up to kiss over her jawline while her fingers caressed through his thick hair. With a shallow pant, Joel watched her get up from the bed and he adjusted his positioning having one of his legs hanging over the side. With his eyes hooked on her, she didn’t know if this was the wrong move or not but it’s what she wanted. Using her arms, she winced when she reached behind her to unhook her bra allowing the material to fall from her body making Joel’s brown eyes gaze wantonly over her body. Hooking her fingers into her pants she pushed them down along with her panties. “Are you sure?”
“I am,” she assured him crawling in over him lowering her hands down to pull apart his pants making Joel huff out. Lifting his hips up, Joel helped her get the material down his body before she settled in over him. With ease, his mouth covered her breast caressing over her flesh with the warmth of his wet kisses. Joel’s tongue circled her nipple having her whimpering out. Pulling back with a wet sound his right arm hooked around her waist to pull her closer to him while her right arm hooked around his shoulders and her left hand braced her weight on the bed. Moaning in unison, she felt Joel entering her and his groan vibrated against her lips. It sent chills throughout her body and she was loving the close contact of the two of them together. Rolling her hips over Joel’s had him meeting her movements, thrusting up toward her time and time again. “Joel.”
Joel’s left hand was settled at the small of her back while his right was palming in over her bottom helping her with her movements over his cock. Usually they attempted to be quiet with one another when they were having sex, but this time they weren’t hiding anything. The position had Joel��s throbbing length plunging deeply within her and she was crying out his name. It was the first time in a long time where it felt like their bodies were working together in unison and it made her feel like her whole body was on fire.
Joel’s mouth kissed down over the side of her neck toward her chest while their movements grew in strength and speed with his palms bracing over her back caressing over her flesh in supportive motions. Bringing his mouth back to hers, Y/N was eager to have him kissing her knowing this was the most passionate moment they had shared together and her body was loving what this was doing for her. After all her pain and suffering, it felt good to be doing something that just got her mind off that fear, anguish and stress.
Gasping out, she felt Joel lowering her down so that her back was pressed against the bed and her fingers caressed down over the small of his back to squeeze at his bottom while it flexed with his thrusts upward toward her.
“You mean so much to me,” Joel growled against her flesh making her fingers curl around the back of his neck and stroke over it. Hearing him say that took her breath away as it was something that he hadn’t done for almost two years. While the timing may have been off this was something that she wanted for a long time and she was just happy to hear it in a time like this.
Shifting uncomfortable in the bed that she was sitting on, Poppy gazed over at Negan seeing that he was sitting up in the other bed that was in the room. Joel had helped put a black tank top on him and put him in a sling before going to help Y/N. Hearing the sounds that was coming from the other room, Poppy couldn’t help but feel awkward seeing the expression that was over Negan’s features.
“I am so sorry,” Poppy muttered watching Negan’s Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat when he gazed over at her and shook his head before dropping his head down. The walls were not thick here and that meant that they were hearing everything that was happening in the other room leaving both Poppy and Negan in an uneasy moment between the two of them. “I know how you feel about her and…”
“It’s fine,” Negan held his free hand up in the air and Poppy could see that it wasn’t okay. Negan was upset, but he was trying to hide it. He just wasn’t doing it well. “I know how she feels about Joel and if they are making up with her being happy that’s all that matters to me.”
“Are you sure?” Poppy knew the answer to that but she just didn’t know how to help Negan in the long run since there was no hiding what was happening. “Can I do something for you? I packed some alcohol when we left the house.”
“I can’t drink, I’m on some pain medication,” Negan reminded Poppy watching her pull her legs over the side of the bed and Negan just slowly slid down in the bed to lay on top of it. “I’m fine. Seriously. Don’t worry.”
“I’ve been on pain meds and alcohol before. It just intensifies the feeling of things,” Poppy almost seemed like she was trying to convince Negan to still drink even though he just took the pain medicine. “It will help ease the pain.”
“Poppy, I’m good,” Negan assured her with a shake of his head, his thick eyebrows bouncing up when he bobbed his head about. “Don’t worry about it. She’s been with Joel for two years. I can’t be upset by something like that.”
“I’ll have sex with you,” Poppy offered making Negan choke, his face twisting with confusion when she was so blunt like that. “I mean, it’s not that bad. She’s getting to have sex with him, I can come over there and you can just lay back…”
“Poppy, I hope I don’t offend you, but no thank you,” Negan turned her down, his hazel eyes shocked with her even suggesting that. “You’re…you’re a very beautiful girl. And I would be lucky to have that opportunity, but I’m not really interested in something like that. I hope you understand.”
“I’ll give you a hand job?” she followed up with making Negan feel even more uncomfortable with her throwing these things out there like that. “It could make you feel better.”
“I don’t think with the medicine I’ll be able to get a hard on,” Negan lied coming up with the first thing he could think of seeing the way that Poppy nodded her head. Getting up from the bed, Negan could hear the sounds from the other room intensifying and he grunted out. “I’m actually going to walk outside and get some air. Take like ten minutes and hopefully everything calms down by then.”
“You want me to come out with you just in case? You could pass out and…” Poppy watched Negan move for the door to leave and he held his hands up in the air to make her sit back down on the bed. “I just don’t want something happening to you.”
“If I don’t come back in ten minutes, just come looking for me, but I promise you I will be right outside the door,” Negan swiftly moved out of the room, closing the door shut behind him and letting out an overwhelmed sigh. Closing his eyes tightly, he didn’t understand why it was upsetting him so much hearing Joel and Y/N having sex. They were together long before this. It wasn’t his place to have these kind of feelings and emotions. Y/N wasn’t his to feel for. It was something he was just going to have to coach himself on focusing on because it was none of his business and he just needed to let things go.
“Joel,” Y/N whimpered out from where she was on her hands and knees before Joel at the center of the bed. Joel’s left hand was grasping tightly to her hip while his right was hooked around her shoulders helping to bring her back against him with every swift, forward thrust he was making inside of her. Cries were falling from her parted lips when she tried to keep herself balanced on her palms. “I think I heard a door. Do you think everyone is okay?”
“They would tell us if they weren’t,” Joel winced, his hips bucking up against her bottom repeatedly leaving smacking sounds filling the room around them. Their movements had the bed shaking with the headboard smacking up against the wall. Sharp breaths were falling from his throat with the warmth that was radiating through him. “Fuck.”
“Joel,” she dropped her head down feeling the depths of his thrusts short, but very powerful while the tip of his cock rubbed up against her g-spot over and over again. Reaching back, she hooked her fingers around his wrist feeling a hot liquid warmth flooding her veins. “God…please…don’t stop.”
Taking her words as encouragement, Joel quickened his movements making each thrust harder. His jaw flexed, his lips parted while his winces filled the air. He was trying not to focus on coming first. He already made her come once, but he wanted her to come again before he did. Everything felt so fucking good that he didn’t know if he’d be able to make it.
Looking down between them, Joel watched his cock filling her time and time again. It made his heart skip a bit and he growled. With her fingers tightened around his wrist and the way her thighs started shaking he could tell that she was right on the verge of her orgasm. Keeping up with the pace, he hissed out when he heard her broken cries start to fill the air.
Sliding his hand up from her hip to around her waist, Joel pulled her up from her hands just onto her knees so he could nuzzle his nose against the side of her neck. With the contractions from her orgasm surrounding his cock, he could feel his body tensing up. Cupping her breast in his hand and squeezing it firmly he bit at her jaw and heard her crying out his name.
Sharp thrusts followed when he moaned out against her flesh. Sliding his palm down her abdomen, her fingers hooked with his and squeezed them tightly while he bucked up against her feeling his orgasm hitting him hard. With sharp, powerful, very slowed down thrusts Joel continued while he spilled his release out inside of her.
“Y/N,” he growled her name out in her ear, kissing down over her jawline before nipping faintly at the flesh again. With her fingers holding onto his, Joel kept her back firmly against his chest while his thrusts started to die down. “I can’t not have you in my life.”
“I love you,” she whispered closing her eyes tightly when Joel’s warm breath panted against the side of her neck. With uneven breaths, she felt her chest ache when Joel didn’t say it in response. His free palm caressed over the lengths of her body while they both took their time coming down from their highs. “I think that was my favorite one thus far.”
With a chuckle, Joel kissed down over the side of her neck before moaning out when he pulled his length from her body. Closing her eyes, she felt Joel placing delicate kisses over her shoulders before kissing down over her spine making her coo out. Urging her to lay down on her side, Joel laid behind her and wrapped his arm tightly around her waist to pull her flush back against him. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the way his fingers hooked with hers again while he held onto her. Being this close to him felt incredible and right now she felt closer to him than she ever had.
Joel kissed over the back of her neck and she closed her eyes tightly. It was a while that they were together when she felt the warmth of his breath against her flesh. Caressing her thumb over Joel’s hand, she sucked at her bottom lip and thought of everything going on in her mind.
“What would you say if I told you I wanted to spend forever with you?” she questioned feeling her heart speaking for her in the moment. “Maybe if we make it through this I can get away from my father. Change my name. I can meet your family. One day maybe get married and have children of our own so Sarah can have a sibling?”
Silence followed and she was surprised she got nothing in response. Looking over her shoulder she saw that Joel was deep in sleep obviously comfortable for the first time in a few days making her sigh. Cuddling back further into Joel, she frowned and closed her eyes. Maybe it was for the best that Joel was sleeping. But for the first time in two days she also felt comfortable enough to finally get some sleep. Being wrapped up in Joel’s arms was everything she wanted and it felt like this was a promising look to their potential future together.
Tags: @jennydehavilland​ @de-gabyconamor​ @ibelongtonegan​ @smallsadjellyfish​ @labyrinthofheartagrams​  @msjamesmarch​ @thebeautysurrounds​ @hotfornegan​ @redmercysugar​ @caprithebunny​ @emoryhemsworth​ @a-girl-interupted​​ @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2​ @xsarcasticwriterx​  @insertneganhere​ @haleygreen23​ @xhannahbananax03​ @sanctuaryforthelost​ @burningredaffair​ @killaweiser​ @dead-of-niight​  @ayumi-wolf​ @hollyismentallyillhelp​ @tone-stark​ @wonwoosthetic​ @misskittydenoire​ @casangel1986​ @pedritosdarling​
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sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
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Sebastian Stan x Curvy!Female Reader 
A/N: Well I can blame the ladies in my discord for this little gem and sparking an idea. I did want to leave this story where it was but sometimes you just get one little idea and it just blows up. So I am back with one of my favorite couples i have ever written. This takes place just a few weeks after AngelEyes ended and if the cover doesn't give it away already oops i made a boo boo. I hope you all enjoy and again reglog it makes me happy. Boarders by @firefly-graphics
Here is the main story of AngelEyes
Warnings: Lots of fluff, some angst, maybe a little smut 18+ mdi some swearing.
It had been a few weeks since you left the hospital for the second time and you were heading back with Sebastian for your check up with Dr Roberts. His practice was at the same hospital so you didn't have to go somewhere unfamiliar.
You both entered the doctor's office and checked in for your appointment and then waited to be called back. You hadn't had any more lingering headaches in the weeks after which was good but you had started feeling a little off lately. After 15 mins you were called back by the nurse who you recognized as the one who was shamelessly eyeing Sebastian in the hospital that day. You put that in the back of your mind and followed her to the exam room. She started taking your vitals and temperature as well. She asked a few questions about how you had been after the hospital visit and then she was on her way, almost missing the way she looked back at you with something like disgust.
Sebastian was the first one to speak up after she left. “Sweetheart? Did you see the look she gave you? I don't like that.” 
“It’s okay baby, she doesn't intimidate me at all. She's just jealous of what I have right in front of me.” 
“That's right, and because of this you will be mine forever.” As he lifts up your hand and kisses your finger that has your engagement ring on it. He came and sat next to you on the exam table, holding your hand waiting for the doctor to come in which wasn’t too much longer. 
“Well hello you two, it's nice to see you both under better circumstances.”
“It’s good to see you too, Dr Roberts.” you both said. 
“Okay I’m just going to ask you a few questions since I last saw you and we will determine if we need to do any more scans. Have you had any more headaches in the past few weeks?” 
“No, nothing like I had before.” “Okay that's good.” 
Dr Roberts went through a few other routine questions and made his diagnosis. 
“Well unless you don't have anything else you need to inform me about, it looks like we don't need to do anymore scans everything seems to be back to normal.” 
You give a quick look at Sebastian before you turn back to the doctor. “Actually doctor I don't know if you can help me with this but I've been feeling a bit fatigued lately but nothing to do with the aftereffects of the amnesia, plus because of all the chaos of everything I don't remember when my last period was.”  At this information Sebastian looks at you with shocked eyes but softens them with you look a little freaked out.    
“Well then, how about we take a bit of blood and see what we can determine if there is a problem.”
“Thank you so much Dr Roberts.” 
As the doctor left you let out a breath you were holding the whole time. 
“Sweetheart, why haven’t you told me you were feeling this way?”
“I just thought it would go away but it never did and now I'm a little scared baby.” 
“Whatever it is, we will handle this together, okay?” With a nod of your head you agreed with Sebastian. The same nurse came in with a few empty vials and a needle to draw the blood. You weren't scared of needles so this would be nothing for you. After a few moments she was off to have you blood tested as you and Sebastian waited in the exam room. To pass the time away you both watched some funny videos on Instagram as well as lighten the mood. About 20 mins go by and there is a knock on the door. You both jump a bit too engrossed in the videos. Dr Roberts and the nurse return and the looks they have are hard to read. 
“Well we have the results of your blood work and so far everything looks good, but for one thing.” You both look at the doctor with baited breath. “Your HCG levels are high but that is normal for a pregnancy.” You and Sebastian have the same shocked look on your face, both of you unable to speak. Dr Roberts interrupts your shocked expressions. “I’m going to leave you 2 to think this over when you’re ready come down the hall to my office and I will give you some information on a wonderful OBGYN here in the hospital.”
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They both leave and the click of the door shutting brings you both out of your stoppers, Sebastian is the first to speak. “Baby, y/n how are you feeling? Are you okay?” You look at Sebastian with a few tears in your eyes, lips quivering.
“Are you okay with this? I mean, if you don't want this baby I understand. We haven’t known each other very long and I know we are getting married but if you don't want this baby I'm willing to raise it on my own.”
“Whoa whoa wait baby, please don't say that. Remember your promise, remember the post-it note baby please, don’t leave me.” Your heart is breaking hearing Sebastian asking you not to leave him, you hug him so tightly to you reassuring him you’re not going anywhere. “I won’t go anywhere angel eyes i’m right here i’m not going anywhere.” 
After you both have calmed down, you look each other in the eyes and have a silent conversation. Both of you realizing that, you’re going to be parents and you will conquer this together. Sebastian jumps off the exam table and extends his hand for you to take as you get off the table yourself and head over to Dr Roberts office. While all this is happening the nurse who you embarrassed is fuming. Asking herself how a big girl like you landed and kept a man like Sebastian Stan and then she found out you got pregnant and that just made her more angry so she had to do something to make your life miserable. Since she couldn’t have Sebastian she had to make you want to leave him. But she doesn't know the unbreakable bond you and Sebastian share that will never be broken no matter what bumps in the road come their way. 
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You both left the doctors office happy and light looking forward to being parents. The following week you had your appointment with the OBGYN Dr Roberts suggested. You found out you were 5 weeks pregnant and the doctor was able to give you both sonogram pictures of your baby bean, that's what you called the baby.
Later that week, Sebastian's mom Georgetta came down for a visit. After a few hours Sebastian has to leave for a meeting with his agent and manager, so you and Georgetta decide to have lunch together at Sebastian's favorite restaurant Rubirosa. It was a beautiful day out so you both asked to sit out on the small singular table the restaurant had. You weren't going to lie to yourself, you were a bit intimidated by Georgetta, you saw her as a strong woman leaving another country to give her and her son a better life and surviving. But her calming nature put you at ease.  
You both had a lovely lunch discussing what to buy for the baby and when you and Sebastian would get married. She commented on how beautifully her ring looked on you. “I gave Sebastian that ring years ago when he was in his 30s hoping for the day he would use it. After meeting you I know he made the right choice, you make my son so happy i don't think I've ever seen him this happy in a long time. And I have you to thank for that, even though how you both met was unconventional but fate.”
Her words made you want to cry or maybe it was your hormones running wild but it felt good to be so accepted by his mother. “Georgetta, it means so much to me to have your blessing. I absolutely love and adore Sebastian and would do anything and everything to protect him and this little bean growing inside me.” 
While you two were having your lunch, in the distance there was a pap taking pictures of you and Georgetta. They got a tip about a new woman in Sebastian's life that he was keeping under wraps and followed you from the apartment. You refused to let her pay for the meals, putting your card down before she could reach for hers. “You can get the next meal , deal?” “Okay dear I’ll take that deal.”
Getting up for the table Georgetta links her arm in yours and you both head off down the street towards prince st rounding the corner and stumbling in front of McNally Jackson books and deciding to go in and find a few children's books for the baby. After finding a few books you head out back onto the streets and back to the apartment. All while never knowing that the same pap has been following you both from the restaurant. Even getting a close up shot of you and Sebastian's mom carrying baby books. 
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Sebastian's mom left the following day with a promise to visit more often and for you to call her if Sebastian gets on your nerves or if you just want to have some mother-in-law daughter-in-law time. You laughed with her but Sebastian just pouted at you two. After she left you wanted to take a little nap since you were getting tired so easily because of the baby. “Baby, I'm going to the bedroom to take a nap. I'm just really tired.” “That's okay sweetheart, you go lay down there are a few scripts i have to look over so i’ll be in the living room if you need me.” “OOOOHHH is one of them from Marvel?” You giggled a little bit knowing he really can't say anything even if wanted to. “You know I can't tell you that baby.”
“I know I just wanted to see if you would break. Okay I’m going to lay down now, I love you angel eyes.” “I love you too.” You give him a sweet kiss on the cheek and head to the bedroom to rest.
It had only been about 30 mins when Sebastian started getting a rapid amount of messages on his phone. Finding this strange he tore himself from the script he was reading to check his phone. He got messages from his manager, his agency, even from his assistant Ethan. He looks at all the texts and he is in shock all linking him to an article with his name plastered on it. He reluctantly opens the link and he starts to read it but what really gets him angry is the pictures of you and his mother. It is well known that his mother is never to be photographed, and it to be with you gets him even more angry. He calls his manager then she patches through his agent as well.
“Who is this reliable source they are talking about? No one knows about my relationship with y/n besides you both Ethan and my mother. I know Ethan would never betray my trust, so we need to find out who this is and get this article off the net.” His manager speaks first. “Sebastian we have been on this as soon as we got the notification we are working as fast we can to get this taken down.” “They mention that she is pregnant! How am i going to break this news to y/n. This is a delicate time in her pregnancy and i don’t want anything happening to her where if she's too upset something happens to the baby. I can't lose her!”  They could hear the pain and desperation in his voice, they were going to do everything they could to get this off the media. He finishes the phone call and sits on the couch wondering how he is going to tell you this. 
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You were roused from your nap when you heard yelling from the living room. You slowly got up from the bed not wanting to have a fainting spell like you’ve been having lately. Getting to the living room as Sebastian ended a phone call. “Baby, is everything okay? I heard you yelling? I thought maybe you were practicing a scene from one of your scripts.” From the look in his eyes this was not a fight in a script something happened. “Sweetheart, come here and sit with me, i have to tell you something.” “You’re kind of scaring me baby.” Sebastian sighed and got right to the point. He told you that it looked like someone followed you and his mom the other day having lunch as well as to the bookstore where you got the baby books. Then he told you about the article telling everyone you were pregnant and engaged to be married. 
You look at him in shock, trying to figure out who this reliable source was coming up with nothing. “Draga, I'm doing my best to get this out of the media as fast I can. My team says it's almost gone.”  “But how long has this been out? You know more than I do that people tend to screenshot these types of things. You know what we have to do?” Sebastian bows his head knowing what you mean. This is one of the reasons he practically left social media. He has to make some kind of statement about this but in his own words. But first they need to find out who this reliable source is. Since you don't have any immediate family you know it’s no one on your side of the family. So you both think about who else you might have told by accident. 
“Okay baby, you said that the only ones that you know for sure that you told or know about us are your manager, agent, your mom and Ethan?” “Yeah that's all that I know and the only ones that need to know. Do you think Dr Roberts may have said something?” “No, there's no way he would have said anything i mean he’s been so wonderful to us and very supportive for a doctor. Wait, I think I may have an idea of who it could be.”  “What, sweetheart, who do you think it is?” You look at Sebastian with rage in your eyes that this person might have done this out of jealousy and embarrassment. “We need to pay Dr Roberts a visit and quickly.”
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Before you headed to the appointment, Sebastian called his manager again and asked her to call the publication that ran the story and try and find out who this source was and they would pay to get the information. You enter his office and take a seat at the chairs facing his desk. “When you called it sounded very urgent, have you been feeling okay in your head any headache coming back?” “Oh everything's still fine with me but we came here on a different matter.” Sebastian was the next to speak. “There was an article published today stating from a “reliable source” that Y/n and I are engaged and that she is pregnant. They followed y/n and my mother the other day as they had lunch as well as to a book store down the street showing them buy books for the baby. Now we went through everyone in our inner circle that knows about all this and there are only 4 people who know.” 
Sebastian made a call to Dr Roberts saying that you both needed to come in and speak to him about an urgent matter in his private office. He could tell it was important so he was able to fit you in at the end of the day. At 4pm you head into the medical office building and up to the doctors office. When you told Sebastian who it might be it was almost the best logical reason and person. You head up to the nurses station and as suspected the nurse in question was at the desk surprised to see you both in the office. “Oh um, Miss y/l/n Mr Stan i didn't know you had an appointment so soon. I don't see you on the calendar.” She started to stutter out. “This was a last minute call to the doctor to discuss something else.” Just as you said that Dr Roberts comes from the back to greet you. “I’m glad you two were able to make it today, come to my office and let's talk. Nurse Stacy, could you please hang back? I may need you.” “Y-yes doctor of course.”
“Well i never said a thing about you both, that is a major violation of doctor /patient confidentiality i could lose my license.” “We have no doubt that it wasn’t you but we have a clue who it might be and that is why we are here.” Just a minute later Sebastian's phone rang. “This might be our confirmation. Hi Emily, yeah you have the name of the person? Okay great and are you sure this is who told them? Alright thank you Emily we will let him know. Dr Roberts, would it be possible to speak to Stacy please?” The doctor was in shock that someone on his staff would do this. Dr Roberts goes to the phone on his desk and dials the front desk. “Nurse Stacy, could you please come see me in my office?”  “O-of course, doctor.” You could tell by the way she spoke that she was nervous. 2 minutes later there is a knock on the door. “Come in.” the doctor says. Nurse Stacy enters with caution. “What can I help you with, Dr Roberts?” She was trying to steady her voice to not sound too scared. 
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“Stacy, Mr Stan and Miss y/l/n just told me something about you that has me very upset with you and your license is in jeopardy. Now I'm going to give you a chance to speak and tell me what it is that has me upset.” “I don't know what you would be speaking of Doctor?” “Okay just know i gave you that chance. Stacy, unfortunately I’m going to have to let you go and I will be speaking to the new york nursing board about revoking your certification.” “Please no Dr Roberts you can't do this, all of this is her fault if she didn't embarrass me in front of Mr Stan i would have never told the media about them!” 
“That doesn't give you the right to tell the whole world something about their private lives, especially concerning a pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy. This type of stress could be detrimental to the mother. Did you even think of that before you wanted to get revenge for being called out for inappropriate behavior towards a patient's partner?” “I wasn't thinking sir, i just thought that why a woman like her was with Mr Stan when he could be with someone like me?” This woman was really digging her a big grave at this point. Sebastian seemed more angry than me when she started insulting you. 
“Excuse me Dr Roberts, I have to interrupt. How dare you insult my fiancé and mother of my unborn child. You have no idea who my type really is, it sure as hell not someone who would blatantly put someone down for the way they look that makes you a very ugly person in my opinion. I hope you know that we will be suing you for this, this was supposed to be private information for us to tell not some scorned woman.” “Angel eyes we don't have to sue her, I think having her license revoked will be fine. What do you think Dr Roberts?” 
You looked over at Stacy at that moment terrified out of her mind. “Stacy, as of this moment you are fired and I will start the process of speaking to the nursing board about having your nurse certification revoked. If after the investigation they decided to revoke it you will not be able to practice nursing in the state of new york. Pack your desk and leave this building before I have security escort you out.” As Stacy starts to leave the office you stand up and lightly grab her hand. She turns around and looks at you like you burned her.
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“I hope you have learned something today sweetie?” You lean into her ear to whisper…”I told you what would happen if you fucked with me. This is all on you.”  And just like that she left the office. You waited a few minutes speaking to Dr Roberts about how you have been doing and informing him that when it happens he will be invited to the wedding. You both stood up and gave the doctor a hug and went on your way. 
When you got home you both decided to make dinner together and while eating you started to go over what and how you were going to tell the world about you and Sebastian. Even though he hasn't been active on social media since posting on his birthday last year he decided to do an Instagram live tomorrow afternoon to announce everything. Since it was such a stressful day Sebastian and you decided to take a nice long bath and relax. Sitting against his chest while he washed your entire body as well as washing your hair, you felt loved at that moment. Afterwards you just sat in silence with Sebastian wrapping his arms around you and occasionally rubbing your stomach. Just before the water got cold you got out and dried off and got dressed in one of your old journey t-shirts and underwear. 
When you left the closet you could hear the faint sound of music in the bedroom. Sebastian had put on his spotify playlist to play some 80s love songs. “Baby, what's with the music?” “I just thought we could just lay in bed and listen to music before we went to bed. I thought it would be a nice change.” “Well I do like this little change.” You crawled into bed laying your head on his chest as you quietly listened to the music in the room. As the music played on Sebastian was playing with your hand that was on his chest. Then one of your favorite songs started to play Madonna’s Crazy for you came on, you started to softly sing it. 
‘I'm crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new
You'll feel it in my kiss
I'm crazy for you
Crazy for you’ 
As you sang the last lyric Sebastian let go of your hand and tilted your head to look at him. He bent down and started to kiss your lips softly, you returned the kiss with more passion. Sebastian rolled you on your back to cage you in with his arms. He brought his legs between yours and you gladly spread them for him. He moved from your lips to your neck and started to trail kisses down to your chest as he lifted your shirt over your head. He started to suck on your right breast as he massaged the other. You arched your back at the sensitivity. “Sebastian.” he moved over to the other breast and gave it the same attention. Moving lower, kissing your stomach and he stopped for a moment just staring at your tummy. “I love you little baby bean.” You started to shed a few tears at his confession to your baby. He looked up at you as your tears started flowing. 
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“Sweetheart, why are you crying?”  “I'm just happy right now and what you just said to the baby damn hormones.” Sebastian came up and kissed your tears away and then kissed your lips again. Going back to his position near your mound and he noticed how wet you were. He licked the outside of your panties and moaned. He grabbed the waistband of your panties and began to remove them and threw them behind him. Kissing up from your thigh and up to your pussy where you needed him. “Damn baby, this is the best fucking pussy I've ever seen.” “Please Sebastian, I need you baby.” “I've got you baby, I'm gonna make you feel so good.” Before you could say anything else he licked a big strip from your pussy up to your clit and sucked it between his lips. He spread your lips and started eating you out like it was his last meal. His nose nudged your clit every time his tongue entered your pussy. 
“Oh god don't stop right there.” He hummed and you felt a shock wave through you. All of a sudden he inserted  his finger and started to pump it in and out slowly as he flicked your clit. Soon another finger joined the other and you started to feel the coil in you tighten. “Sebastian, I need more baby I’m almost there.”  “I know I feel you squeezing me, can you take another finger baby?” “Yes please oh fuck.” As you said the last word he inserted a 3rd finger and you felt full and ready to cum. Sebastian was pumping in and out at a fast pace as he curled his fingers and found your g-spot. When he found it he picked up the pace and then sucked your clit into his mouth and flicked it at the same time and that was your undoing. Arching your back off the bed your legs wrapped around his head and you shook from the intense organism. 
Sebastian helped you ride out your high slowly. He removed his finger and you opened your eyes just as he put his fingers in his mouth sucking your arousal from his hands. You pulled him from the collar of his shirt and brought him into a bruising kiss. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt you practically ripped it off him then went to the waistband of his sweats. “Take these off now, I need you inside me please.” “Well since you asked so nicely.” 
He stood up from the bed and pulled off his pants and came back between your legs nudging his cock into your clit. He swallowed your moans in the kiss and then he took his cock in his hand and started rubbing your pussy with it. Before you say anything he entered in one slow motion all the way to the hilt. “Oh shit sweetheart you feel so fucking perfect, you were made for me.” “Mmmm Sebastian, please move baby i’m ready.”  Sebastian moved in and out slowly but deep making you feel every vein and ridge of his cock. “Harder baby, I can take it.” “I don’t hurt the baby sweetheart.” “It’s okay I read all about it, you won’t the baby.” He kissed you then and fell into your request and practically fucked you into the mattress. So much so he held onto the headboard for support. “Oh god you feel so fucking good baby. You ‘re taking my cock so well.” Oh Sebastian right there i'm so close don't stop!” He reached down between your bodies and started rubbing clit in tight circles just how you like it. 
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With how hard he was fucking you he was hitting your g-spot so deliciously you arched your back off the bed. “Look at me sweetheart, I want to see those eyes when you cum.” You looked into his eyes as he kept up his rhythm. “I’m right with you baby, cum now.” Looking at lust blown eyes you grab his face and bring him into a kiss as you cum so hard. You’re squeezing him so tight he gives you 3 more thrust before he cums, painting your insides feeling the warmth. Sebastian lets go of the headboard and holds your hands in his and places his forehead to yours trying to calm his breathing. 
“I love you so fucking much sweetheart.” “I love you angeleyes. Always and forever.” “Damn I can’t wait to marry you. I never thought I wanted to get married until I met you. You changed my whole life in the span of a few weeks and I've never regretted it.” “I never thought I could be with anyone like you Sebastian. A woman like me to have someone like you to love me, you’ve made me feel so cherished.” Sebastian kisses you on the forehead and slowly removes himself from you, and lays next to you on his back bringing you into his arms. You bring the blankets up to cover you both, letting sleep overtake you. Sebastian rubs his hand up and down your arm drawing small patterns. Before he starts falling asleep he looks up above the bed at the post-it note you wrote. He thinks about what his life was like before he met you and it was lonely, hollow, never feeling a love so intense like the love he has with you. He thanks every deity out there that put you in his life before he falls asleep.
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The next afternoon, you and Sebastian set up his cell phone to get ready for his Instagram live. "Okay sweetheart are you ready for the world to meet you officially?" "As ready as I'll ever be." He had you sit off camera for a little bit.
"Hey everyone, wow i know i haven't been active on social media for a while now but something has happened that has brought me out of hiding and i wanted to tell all of you this from my mouth. A little over a month ago i met the most wonderful amazing woman ever under very strange circumstances. We feel madly in love so quickly it would give you whiplash. Everyone this is y/n." he reaches his hand out to you and you move over to him on the couch. "Hi everyone." you give a small wave to the camera. all the fans are going nuts.
"Now i know many of you had seen an article circulating around about her and our relationship and that very private information given out by someone who was jealous and decided to be very vindictive and out our relationship. As well as tell everyone that we are expecting" At that moment he places his hand on you tummy. You see a bunch of hearts coming up on the screen showing everyone likes the news. "I'm going to say this once and i hope i don't have to say anymore. Please respect our privacy during this time while we get ready to have this little baby bean. Sweetheart is there anything you would like to say to my fans?"
"I just want to say that i love all of Sebastian's fans and i hope you are happy for him." "That's all i have to say everyone, i'm not answering any questions right now i just wanted you all to hear this from me and that i am absolutely head over heals for this woman here." You both wave to the camera any your goodbyes.
Life is unexpected, grab it by the horns and don't let go. It’s not always smooth sailing because there will always be bumps in the road but never let go.
Tag List: @christycurlswrites @buckyalpine @povlvr @frostironfudge @peaches1958
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ennoshitas-princess · 6 months
That Flower in the Field
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Chikara Ennoshita x fem! reader
Warning: some angst at first, moving on to more fluff later
Synopsis: You are a florist in a flower shop and Enno visits to get flowers for his mom and has turned into a regular
Word Count: 1,509
This is held post time skip and manga spoilers aren't included. I will include an OC that belongs to me.
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The bell sang as the door opened by your favorite customer. He became a regular that by now you knew some things about him. Like, how his hairstyle is always neat, his dark sleepy eyes that you love to stare at, where he worked, that he had an interesting hobby in directing, how he played volleyball in high school.
You sat on your stool with the bouquet of colorful flora ready to hand to him, only to see him enter with a little boy holding his hand.
Your little heart shattered into quadrillion pieces. Of course he would have a beautiful wife and a child. He indeed is charming in his own way. He also had a good paying job. You felt so dumb for falling head over heels with this man.
“Hello Ennoshita-kun, here to pick up these flowers?” You smile sadly.
“Oh, yes. I need them for tonight. Today is a very special day and they are needed.” He smiled softly at you, cheeks dusting pink.
Your e/c eyes started to water. You found it hard to breathe and the back of your throat started to tighten up. Your blood started to boil in jealousy. Whoever the woman is, she must be very happy.
“I see.” You try to comprehend what just happened.
“Hey, you are the florist that my brother talks about. He says that-”
The little boy was interrupted by his brother's hand covering his lips.
“That is enough that came out of your little mouth. I am so sorry about him.” He bowed.
“It's fine.” You smile a little.
So, the little boy is Ennoshita-kun’s brother. You thought.
He picked up the sweet scented flowers from the counter gently.
“Oh, by the way. I wanted to invite you to a party. That’s if you are possibly free tonight?” He rubbed the back of his head.
Your face lit up at the invitation, but you hid how awful you felt if you showed up. His wife could end up saying. She might think you are a girl trying to hit on her husband. You wanted to decline.
“Sure, I would love to come!” You cheerfully open your mouth without a clue what you were saying.
��Great! I will come and get you from the flower shop at six.” He waved at you, holding his little brother's tiny hand.
The bell rang as you were in your train of thoughts. What should I wear?
Meanwhile, Ennoshita got bombed with a TON of questions from his tiny brother.
“Why didn't you ask her out?” His voice whispered.
“You like her, don't you?” He looked up at Ennoshita’s dark eyes.
“No!” He blushed.
“She knows about mommy's birthday, right?”
“I hope so.” Was all that came out of Ennoshita’s lips.
“Oooh, this is exciting! He finally asked you out.” The blonde girl shreaked.
“Emiko, he didn't ask me out. He only invited me to a party, nothing else. We are only friends.”
You rummaged in the bag your best friend brought you with clothes for the party.
You found a pretty breath of spring dress in there, plus a pair of tan colored flats to wear along with the light green dress.
“But, you like him.” She frowned.
“Well, he doesn't. He got a bouquet of flowers from my shop, and let's just say he said they were for a special occasion, which is today.” You look at her warm brown eyes.
“Come on, y/n. Let's be optimistic about the situation. I am pretty sure he doesn't have a wife.” She placed her soft hands on your shoulders.
“I wish I could.” You look down at the tiles of the flower shop.
“Do I look good?” Ennoshita frantically asked as he looked at himself up and down in the mirror.
“Sweetheart, I am pretty sure you do look great! You have already asked me and your baby brother twenty hundred times.”
“I know, I know. I just want to look great tonight. I mean I want to impress her and she is quite a charm just with casual clothing on.” He kept staring at himself.
“Dear, I am sure you will impress her. You two seem pretty in love with each other.”
His mother sat down in a soft chair with a lace texture. The cushions are a delicate lavender color.
She was sitting up nice and straight, head held up high.
Her pearl necklace was a charm to all the men out there, but Ennoshita’s father was the chosen one since they were very young, before they entered high school.
“I hope she does love me back.” He looked down at the wooden floor.
The nice cool breeze blew right through his neatly placed hair, but not messing it up. The setting sun kissed his skin delicately as he walked towards the little shop filled with the most gorgeous scented flowers ever.
He opened the little red door to be welcomed in by the little chime of the golden bell.
“L/n-san, I am here.” He walked in quietly.You rush out of the back to see him in a white cardigan. A light sage colored polo matching his eyes wonderfully. Khakis make him look simply charming. Oh, why did you fall for this married man?
“You look like a prince.”
You held your mouth agape, mesmerized by his way of charming people without even trying. Well, you were the only one in this world.
“Really? Thanks, I guess. Ready to go?” He reached for your hand.
“Yes, I am.” You move your hand quickly away from his.
You didn't want to let his wife know you were some side chick of his or something of the sort.
The two of you made it to a nice outside reception. The place is decorated with floral decorations with all the colors of the spectrum. The trees swayed in the wind, making emerald leaves come falling to the green blanket on the ground.
“Oh, Ennoshita-kun, this place is lovely! I bet your wife is in love with this party as much as she is with you.” You clasped your hands together.
“Huh? L/n-san, I don't have a wife at all.” His face flushed a tiny hue.
“Wait, you don't have a wife?”
Your face scrunched up in confusion. He would always have a ring on his ring finger with some initials carved into it. He had pictures of a woman in his wallet. You didn't know what else to think.
“Then, who is in the pictures in-”
“Those are of my mom and dad when they were around our age.” He showed them to you.
“Then, what about the ring you-”
“This is my dad's ring and he gave it to me as a gift for my fifteenth birthday.” He took it off.
“But, the flowers must be for-”
“I don't have a girlfriend either. These flowers are for my mom because it's my mother's birthday.” He extended the flowers out.
Your face turned a bright magenta on the spot. You had no words left in your brain. This whole time your blood boiled over a woman that never existed.
“I have one question still on my mind.” You step closer to him.
“Oh, umm yeah. What is it?” He looked away from you.
“Why would you invite me to your mom's birthday party?” You twist your foot around on the green blanket beneath your feet.
“Well, you are a very close friend of mine, so I decided-”
“Oh dear, stop with the lying already. You are indeed in love with the beautiful lady that stands right in front of you. Just stop and confess to her.” Ennoshita's mother walked into the scene.
“Mom! I- well- I…. Umm…. I don't want to make your birthday party all about me.” He looked at her.
“Come on, Chikara! I have been waiting for this moment. Make it as another birthday present for me.” She fixed her son's hair.
Ennoshita gave her a look that he gave at his mother's request.
He knelt down on one knee and held your warm hands into his. Your cheeks flushed a rosy tint before he could say a word.
“L/n-san, since I entered the flower shop to pick up a bouquet for my mother, you were the most beautiful flower in that whole garden. Your eyes gleamed like twinkling diamonds in the night sky. Your hair perfectly framed your face as I kept looking at you, examining every little detail. What I am trying to say is…” He looked down, cheeks as a crimson rose. “Ln-san, will you go out with me?”
Everything in that moment stopped or turned completely white out of the picture. Only you and Ennoshita are in the spotlight and everyone is a side character just like in the movies you watched in high school.
“Oh, Ennoshita-kun. I- yes!”
You jumped into a tight hug, almost making him collapse on the grass.
This marked the last time you doubted his love towards you.
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Hello guys!! Another Ennoshita x reader here bc I love him so much!!! Hope you enjoyed this one as much as the other Ennoshita x reader! Hope you are having/had/have a great day!!
If you loved this one check out this one below
↪↪↪↪Bakery treats
Love y'all
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fandom-trash-xl · 1 year
If you're still doing headcanons I have a few ideas, no pressure though! Feel free to ignore: 1: How do you think Zarbon, Dodoria, and the Ginyu force would be as babysitters for Kuriza? I can totally see them all being goofy uncles (especially the ginyus I mean, come on, you can’t say that’s not cute) 2: Hoo boy, I live for angst. (Kind of playing off the Kuriza in danger headcanons) How do you think Frieza would handle him going missing (via being kidnapped or assassins or something) and
Not a problem at all! I'm always up for headcanons.
In terms of the original Z Frieza Force as babysitters, I feel like Kuriza babysitting ends up being one of those out of the blue side assignments that eventually most of the elites have to take on at one point or another. Basically, if Frieza needs to take on something last minute and needs someone to watch Kuriza, usually in the event of Berryblue's unavailability (she'd definitely be elsewhere in the Force fleet during the events of Namek, else she wouldn't make it Super), it falls on one of his most trusted associates to take a temporary non-combatant position for this high honor- he doesn't let just anyone manage his son.
I headcanon Zarbon and Dodoria as babysitters as being similar to Dude Dad's "If Toddlers had Bodyguards" videos. The Ginyus are definitely more of the fun uncles. Guldo could probably get some entertainment going with his time-freezing ability. The gig is often a group effort, all members of the force willing to pitch it. However, Jeice, Burter, Guldo, and Recoome almost never get tasked with a solo job. This is because, out of the whole Ginyu Force, Kuriza imprints the most on Captain Ginyu himself- it's mainly because of the horns; Frieza would be in his First Form during this period. Ginyu doesn't mind at all- in fact, he welcomes the title of honorary uncle.
Kuriza of course picks up a plethora of poses from Uncle Ginyu... somewhat to Frieza's dismay once he starts striking said poses obsessively. It was a long week before that phase died down.
If we have Kuriza around during Namek era, I headcanon that he stayed with King Cold during that arc. Frieza deemed it a bit risky to take him along to Namek; good foresight there.
Now that we've covered the fluff, let's dive into the angst shall we?
Kuriza going missing would definitely send Frieza into an anxious frenzy, often going sleepless until Kuriza is found, deploying search parties and recovery teams to seek him out. Of course, there's great motivation in the teams' search efforts- they'll not only be spared the emperor's wrath but the first to find him will be rewarded handsomely.
At one point, Kuriza briefly wanders off to explore out of boredom during one of Frieza's conquests... not knowing that his brief little roaming would result in a pack of troops being sent to hunt him down. Frieza gets worried sick. What if he had gotten lost? What if he had gotten hurt? Kuriza wishes his hand would be held a bit less when he gets older.
On an unfamiliar planet, where his dominion has yet to be established, Frieza is given justifiable reason to worry, as Kuriza being the heir practically paints a target on his head. Kidnapping for a ransom can be a risky move, as it's rare that Frieza will pay up... instead the kidnapper may pay him in their own blood. Plus, Kuriza has powerful ki attacks on his side, a pretty effective "stranger danger" whistle.
Assassins are a whole different matter; even an attempt is an act of high treason. I've actually used this concept in some older one-shots. Assassins are dealt with swiftly and often very bloodily, and since most conspirators stem from within a planet's government as a coup, the punishment is often more widely spread across the lands.
In the very dark event of the assassins proving successful, Frieza enters a state of utmost fury, rational thought switching off, and the coup planet is destroyed without a second thought, no matter what value was left on its surface... his mentality is overwhelmed by his emotional half; why should he care about what valuable resources this planet of traitors has to offer when they've taken his most valuable resource from him? After the initial heat, there is a depression soon to follow. Negligent parties are reprimanded accordingly yet he feels there's a pang of blame to be put on himself.
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Code Blue Ch. 41- Eyes of a Stranger
Summary: Lee shuts down and Jo notices. She stumbles across vital information. Josie experiences a fear like no other....as does Lee. An argument ensues. Lee partially explains his actions. He soon makes a choice that leaves Jo exasperated and him in the dog house.
*Warnings* language, angst,
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Liz, Blaise, Angel
Salem, Massachusetts
March 16, 2023
The tv in the living room of the home Lee, Liz and Jacob had once shared, quietly displayed the movie Salem's Lot as your exhausted doctor love laid sleeping like a baby on the couch. When you both had returned from the hospital, he had went straight to the kitchen and being the creative chef he is, whipped up a meal fit for a Queen as he called it that he had promised he would do for you. What he didn't do as he had promised, was tell you what happened with Luke or what was bothering him so badly. Instead, he had sipped in silence on some whiskey and barely touched his Thanksgiving style buffet. You on the other hand, ate every delicious bite plus dessert and had well learned not to pressure him, knowing he would talk to you when he was ready.
After covering him up, you cleared the table that was still surrounded by half packed boxes, knowing Lee still hadn't made up his mind if he was going to sell or continue to rent the place yet, but you already knew what his decision would be. Since the miraculous moment of him seeing Jacob's apparition, there was no way he was going to part with it.
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After washing all the dishes, you sat at the table with a glass of red wine and decided to check on Gerry since Britt had told you he was worried about you. You were more concerned for the dashing detective though since Victor was not improving from what you had last been updated on.
There was no change with the Greek tycoon's status but one thing you did learn as well as Gerry was the discovery that his father had a DNR put in place...a medical order that meant do not resuscitate if he were to stop breathing. You supposed you could understand that considering Vic's age, but it didn't make it any easier nonetheless. Victor Kiriakis had always been good to you and that said a lot, for the man was notorious for being ruthless and heartless mostly. But underneath all that, your mother saw good in him and you knew deep down she loved him as he did her, although you were grateful she had chosen your father in the end. You supposed you understood that too. You loved Gerry once and always would, but you loved Lee more, more than you ever thought possible to love someone.
One more revelation came to light during the texting. One that Gerry was not so comfortable with. He learned he would be getting a new partner, which he hadn't had since your brother Bo, also his brother and that new partner was none other than Luke. He had done it, what he said he was going to do. Downgrade to police status and change his life to look out for Orlando. You could commend him for that indeed, but putting two hard heads like Gerry and Luke together was like trying to mix oil and water with both being of dominant and solitary nature.
You checked in with a few others such as your mom, Britt, Landy, Em and even Dave and Luke, which the two of them did not respond. You expected it from Dave since you had unintentionally made him feel like Liz couldn't possibly like him for who he was. You still felt that way too, because that's who SHE was, a cunning conniving cuntcake and you just knew she was using him to stick it to you.
Now Luke though, should have replied, which made you even more curious as to what had transpired between him and Lee, especially with Lee's sudden change in behavior after their meeting.
You then thought of Jason and how you were supposed to meet with him at midnight on the train bridge, which you still had to inform Lee about. How was all that going to go with Lee standing face to face with the blood father of Jacob, or the fact that Lee was happy with what Jason had put you through? And then of course, Jason was going to be livid that you not only exposed him to be of the living, but you were also bringing him with you to a place that was off limits to outsiders, per Jason's rules. Well, Lee was not an outsider and Jason was just going to have to suck it up.
Craig entered your mind, wondering if he knew about Liz being fired and was possibly celebrating over many glasses of wine as you sipped on your single one. You thought about texting him, but refrained since you didn't feel quite ready to speak with him yet, hence why you had been avoiding your own apartment. Would you give it up? You spent all your time at Lee's places anyways and it's right where you wanted to be. Yes...yes you would give it up, if Lee asked you to stay with him...but he hadn't. You had to wonder if he was still a bit leery of going down that road again, especially so soon, for you and he had literally only been together almost two months. You both had fallen so hard so fast....but it felt so right in every way. A destiny that could not be denied. Every sign, every occurrence, every step you both had ever taken...it all had led you to each other.
You were suddenly startled out of your hour long thoughts when you heard glass break.
"Lee???" you shouted as you ran into the living room to find him sitting up with his head in his hands and the glass he had on the coffee table, now shattered on the floor.
He lifted his head and gave a facade of a smile. "It's ok baby. I think I was dreaming and accidentally hit the glass with my arm or foot or something. I..I think I'm going to go upstairs and sleep. I barely fit on this damn couch."
Lee got up and began to head up the stairs without even looking back at you or asking you to come with him. Not even an acknowledgement that you had tried to speak to him.
You stood completely dumbfounded, mouth gaping and began to rub your tightening chest as your eyes stung with forming tears. There was no doubt now in your mind that he was avoiding you and that something was terribly wrong with him.
Angrily wiping your falling tears, you went to the kitchen to put the clean dishes away. He promised he would talk to you. He promised he wouldn't keep things from you again. Luke certainly must know something but he too was avoiding you.
"What...the..fuck....so much for trying to remain stress free. What are you hiding NOW Lee??" you found yourself loudly whispering with incredulous sarcasm while you vigorously scrubbed the countertops. You felt an abundance of mixed emotions but being pissed off superseded them all. You just got out of the hospital and it seemed as if that was the furthest thing from his mind.
"Damn it!" you snapped as you hurled the rag in the sink. You now felt guilty for being angry with him because he was obviously in some kind of distress and he was shutting you out. WHY?? Just like Orlando told you about. How Lee became so guarded and closed off after his time spent with Luke...which is what was happening now. Definitely not a coincidence.
Two car doors slammed from outside and women's muffled voices were heard. You peeked through the curtain to see Angel and Liz marching up to Angel's porch with Liz carrying a chocolate haired toddler that had to be Blaise. It unnerved you to no end that the two nurses were friends and even after being fired, Liz was still in close proximity to Lee. You didn't care for Angel either which you had never made that any secret and it said a lot about her for keeping such company as Elizabitch.
"What am I supposed to do now? How am I supposed to take care of my kid?? Craig will be all over this to try and take her from me which I know damn well that's why Cyrus fired me!" Liz reeled from the porch, just out of your sight but not your ears as you crept the window open.
"I said you can stay here with me and Dash until you find another job. There's plenty of hospitals and other relevant places for your qualifications. He can't just take her from you without just cause. You haven't done anything wrong. You gotta stop letting people like Craig, Cyrus and Ethan bully you around."
"Well that's easier said than done considering WHO they all are. You didn't see how Cyrus looked at me and then there's Ethan who has somehow gotten the idea in his head that Blaise is his kid. Seriously Angel...I can't stay here and put you and Dash in danger. Not to mention how fucking awkward it is to be next door to Lee and that pit bull of a girlfriend he has and besides...what about Mr. Carpenter? Aren't you still fucking him? I would just be in the way here."
Your hand flung over your gasping mouth as your eyes popped, trying to lean closer to the window to clearly hear the answer.
"Well yeah, but Warren comes here late at night when Dash is in bed so, you wouldn't even see him really and you know what...fuck Lee and Jolene or whatever the hell her name is. They're not here all the time or even right now and besides, they can't tell you where you can go."
Liz stepped off the porch into your view and looked at Lee's house. Gasping, you jumped back, knocking a glass over in which you quickly grabbed and stood frozen with a cringed up expression. Slowly peeking back, you saw Liz take another step down with her eyes scouring Lee's empty driveway, for he had parked in the garage out back, which you thought nothing of at the time but now, it did seem odd.
"Ok, yeah. I guess they're not here but still...again, what about Cyrus? I'm telling you, he's up to something and I'm a little...no...A LOT freaked out. You know damn well he can find a needle in a haystack and it's not exactly a secret that you and I are friends. I'm scared Angel."
"Well, why don't you bargain with him with what you know? I mean, his biggest enemy, besides Sonny, is alive and you could hand Jason Morgan right to him in exchange for your safety??"
You wanted to run straight to Lee and shake him awake, but you forced yourself to remain and listen to the rest of the conversation, because...how in the HELL did Liz know your brother was alive?? and now...her big stupid mouth has told Angel.
Elizabeth laughed. "Seriously?? There's no bargaining with a man like Cyrus Renault. He'll still kill me Angel and take my kid."
"Ok, then tell Ethan the truth. He's your friend isn't he? You and he can raise and protect Blaise together and he can protect you as well."
"Angel, you don't get it. Ethan don't want me or want to spend his life sheltering me, especially from Cyrus. He's infatuated with Lee and besides, I think Johnny, who also wants me dead, has poisoned Ethan's mind into believing I'm responsible for my own son's death and Ethan won't want me raising his kid, as if he is such a better role model than me and I also think Johnny is the one who put the idea in Ethan's head that Blaise is his."
"Well, she is isn't she?"
"That's besides the point. And there's also Jason being alive and I guarantee you he wants me dead too."
"All the more reason you should give him up to the enemy so you have one less enemy on your ass. I mean, you did play a hand in Morgan's so called demise and I surely wouldn't want him as my enemy. It's a damn good thing you overheard Lee and Jolene talking about it so you can at least be prepared for his wrath."
"Ok, you are so not helping right now. I'm fucking marked Angel. They'll find me here just as they will find me anywhere I go."
"Look, I'm only trying to offer you ideas because what else do you have?? I would at least try Ethan. He's way less edgy than Cyrus. Tell him about Blaise and about Jason too. You're the mother of his kid, he's gotta help you...right??"
Blaise became fussy and Liz was starting to panic as she angrily put her down her. 'Stop it Blaise. I don't need this crap right now!"
"I want daddy!!!" the little girl with braids cried, which broke your heart in two. You just wanted to scoop her up and rush her over to Craig.
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"Angel..if you want to help me, keep Blaise for me until I figure something out."
"I would but Liz...I kind of have a job."
"Dash can watch her, he's old enough."
"Dash goes to school Liz."
"Ok...then, use your PTO but don't tell anyone you have her. Please...I can't have the weight of a kid. I'll...I'll go talk to Ethan but I can't take her with me and I'll be damned if Craig is going to get his hands on her. If worse comes to worse, which I think it already has, I'll get passports and leave the country with her."
"Alright...for now and..."
"Ok, thank you!! I gotta run. I'll be back later!" Liz shouted as she ran off to her car without even saying goodbye to her daughter who then threw a screaming tantrum as Angel picked her up.
Jesus, you didn't know what to do. You couldn't just go over there and take Blaise. The child didn't even know you and you didn't want to end up in jail for kidnapping. Should you call Craig? No no no...Jason? Jason needed to know all of this first... ASAP.
You quickly texted the number he had texted you from that morning.
"CODE RED." A code warning of danger.
If he did not respond, then you would call Craig....or even Sonny, which made your stomach turn into a knot at the thought. You couldn't tell Gerry any of what you just heard which proved Liz's involvement in Jason's death because, well...he wasn't dead and it would give Jason up...and it wasn't like Angel or Liz would admit it. It would most likely be considered hearsay.
"Proceed as planned." was the reply five agonizing minutes later.
You did proceed, right up to Lee to tell him about meeting Jason, then about what you just witnessed.
Your breath was taken away as you walked in to see Lee sound asleep on his back and seemingly in his birthday suit, covered from the waist down by a single white sheet that showed in great detail, the contours of what lied beneath. How you could be thinking of ravaging him at a time like this was beyond you...but needless to say, you were.....immensely.
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You hated to disturb him, for he looked so beautifully peaceful in his sprawled out slumber and you knew how much he needed the rest since he had not slept more than a few winks at the hospital, but he needed to know what just transpired. There was just no way you could hold it all in until he awoke on his own.
A soft snore escaped his lips as you approached him and leaned over him to gently kiss his lips and as you did so, you were grabbed harshly by your wrists and flipped over so fast onto your back with no time to scream and your wrists now pinned tightly above your head by an unrecognizable man glaring down at you with the eyes of a stranger..
"Lee??? It's...it's me..." you squeaked in fear as you laid paralyzed in his death grip with his knee pinning your legs to the bed.
The light and sapphire color came back on in his eyes and immediately filled with a fearful remorse as he gasped and released you, then sprung off the bed like a frog. He stood panting with gaping eyes as he stared down at you, still in the position he placed you in, shaking like a leaf, afraid to move.
"Jo...I....my god...did I...hurt you?" he stuttered through his heavy breaths while frozen in place, eyes still glued open wide and welling up with tears.
You struggled to find words, any words at all. "I...I...don't...think so...I..."
Lee's hand went to his mouth, covering it in his frightened gaze and then he came to you so fast that your fight or flight instinct chose flight. You quickly scooted away, almost falling off the bed and it was then that Lee could see you had slightly relieved yourself.
"Jo, baby...I...I don't know what...happened...I..."
"The hell you don't!" you snapped, finally finding your voice as you stood up.
"W..what? No, Jo...you...you just startled me...that's all."
"Do you know how many times I have woke you from a deep sleep and you have NEVER reacted like that! And this morning, at the hospital...all I did was touch you and you awoke in a panic. What the FUCK is going on with you Lee???"
"Jo...I...I don't know...I..."
"Oh I do NOT have any more time for your lies and secrets!" you barked and stormed out of the room.
"Jo..wait...Jesus....fuck!" he reeled as he hopped into his sweats and ran after you. He came running down the stairs so fast, he missed a few, saving himself from falling as he grabbed the rail.
"Jo stop, please!" Lee pleaded as he took your arm.
You spun around so fast with maddening eyes, that even Lee took a step back, swiftly withdrawing his hand and closed his mouth with a hard gulp.
"Do you think I am stupid?? Gullible? Naive??? OBLIVIOUS?? Something happened with Luke and I want to know what is is...NOW...or I am walking out that door. He won't even talk to me now! You told me you would tell me when we got back and you have deflected the entire time, which is no shocker there."
"God, no baby. I would never think that about you. I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I..."
"I don't want your damn apologies Lee. I want the TRUTH."
His hands went to his hips as his head fell with a light bob, then he vigorously rubbed his mouth in frustration.
"Ok fine. We fought, alright? Over YOU. That's it. And I told him to stay away because he's overstepping. You don't know him Jo. Not like I do."
"Right now...I feel like I don't know you. You're telling me all of that made you just act like some ninja?? And fought how? Verbally? Physically?"
Lee rubbed his mouth again and sighed as he placed it back on his hip.
"Well I...I kind of...smashed a vase over his very deserving head."
You stood temporarily speechless as you stared into his unashamed eyes.
"Who ARE you???" you asked loudly, in complete shock.
"Don't say that. Please. I'm the same man you fell in love with. I'm just...it's all this shit going on. It's getting to me just like it got to you Jo. And I guess we all deal with things in different ways."
"And yours is violence? I understand jealousy and revenge very much Lee, but Jesus. And then there was Mr. Carpenter..."
"Who, by the way, also deserved it! And did you forget what Luke did to Landy?? And just like that, you forgave him. He even pulled a knife on me...yes, after the fact of the vase but still. I...I was just protecting what is mine. If anyone is violent Jo, it's Luke and if anything is clear...he wants my girlfriend."
"SO that means I want him??"
"It's not about that Jo! It's about him and fucking boundaries. This is what he does. Goes after what does not belong to him. Landy even told you that!"
"Landy told me quite a lot of things. Like how you changed after your time spent with Luke. Kind of like your acting now. Something is triggering you to behave this way out of freaking nowhere. You just basically attacked me Lee!"
"You know I didn't mean to do that. I didn't realize it was you. I would never hurt you Jo, my god."
"Right, just like before??"
Lee stood stunned as he stared at you. "Wow...I...I'm going back to bed. Fuck this right now."
You shouldn't have let him go, but you did...and you shouldn't have said that to him because what happened back then was an accident...even just like this was and now you felt incredibly awful. God, what was happening? you thought as you laid on the couch and silently cried yourself to sleep. You would just have to tell him everything else when he got up and was hopefully cooled off.
It was dark when you awoke. Gasping, you looked at the grandfather clock that chimed nine times. You had slept the entire day away and were now three hours from seeing your brother.
A blanket laid snuggly tucked over you that you did not cover up with and soft music was coming from the kitchen with the aroma of Lee's Drakkar cologne gracing your nose.
Feeling like you had to walk on eggshells around him for the first time ever, you made enough noise to alert him to your presence. Lee sat at the table drinking a beer, nicely groomed and dressed in all black, consisting of a sweater, jeans and boots. He turned to look at you, his face expressionless yet full of sorrow....and then he spoke.
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"After what happened with Luke, I saw Ethan and Luke Sr in the lobby. They didn't see me but I watched them, trying to figure out why they were there. I came to the conclusion it was because of Liz since I had seen Ethan with her just prior and they seemed to be in an argument. Their presence...and Luke's...and what happened to you...I don't know Jo...it was all so overwhelming. I just...I feel like I have no control over anything. Everywhere I look, my past is there, taunting me and I feel helpless to protect you. I feel responsible for what happened to you yesterday and I feel a thousand times worse over scaring you like I did. The way you looked at me...you were...scared of me Jo. I...I never want to see you look at me that way again. I can't handle it. It was like before, when I hallucinated and thought you were Liz. You were so frightened."
His eyes gleamed of turmoil and tears which tugged at your heart strings terribly. You walked over and sat on his lap, hugging him so tight, and he quickly returned the embrace.
"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so so sorry. I would never hurt you." Lee sobbed into your neck as you cradled the back of his head. One thing you couldn't handle was hearing and seeing him cry.
"Shhhh. Lee, I know that and I'm sorry too. What I said to you was so shitty and god, I did not mean it. You know I forgave you for that. It was an accident and I forgive you now too."
"I deserved what you said Jo. Then and now. I don't know what the hell's wrong with me. You're the one person in this world who has ever truly loved me and all I do is hurt you in some way."
"No...you didn't deserve that. What's wrong is everyone else. It's not you baby. Look at me Lee. It's...not...you."
"How do you know? Earlier you said you don't know me." he asked as you wiped away a stray tear from his eye.
"You know that's not how I meant it. Of course I know you, the real you...I just meant that..."
A door closed from outside again, abruptly ending your words and then your hand went firmly over Lee's mouth.
"Shhhh!" you whispered with widened eyes.
"I mimn't may anyming." he muffled through your hand with an arched brow in question as you slowly ascended enough to see over the window sill.
There stood Angel on the porch, in her robe as she lit up a cigarette and then she turned to face your window.
"Eeeek!" you gasped and ducked down, still holding your hand over Lee's mouth and now yours too.
"Mo..." Lee mumbled and then pulled your hand away in frustration. "Damn it. Jo. What is going on?"
"Will you be quiet?? She'll hear you." you sternly whispered.
"Angel! She doesn't think we are here and I need to tell you about her and Liz."
"Jo...she saw me standing in the window earlier when she went out to smoke. You were sleeping."
"Oh...well that explains her coming out in a robe now."
"What does it matter if she knows you are here and what do you mean about her and Liz?"
"Well for one thing. Liz was fired today."
You went and got yourself a beer and another for Lee, then told him all about what you saw and heard.
"Wow....well why am I not surprised? I forgot to tell you that I think Angel is the one who was relaying information to Mr. Carpenter and I guess that pretty much confirms it. Fucking Liz...damn it. She was always hanging out with Angel and telling our business when we were together. At least I won't have to work with her now... And...I can't believe it, well yes I can, that Liz was involved in Jason's take down."
"Yeah. I'd say you're lucky you got away from her when you did."
"Jacob not so much." Lee reeled and stood up, beginning to pace about. "So now, Angel has Craig's kid. I suppose anywhere is better for a child than being in Liz's care."
You stood up at the window's edge to where she couldn't see you and peeked out again.
"Ughh...what a skank."
'Well, let's give her what she wants."
"Errr, what??"
"I can get her to talk Jo. Think about it."
"Ohhhh HELL no. No way. Nope. Lee seriously?"
"Jo...she hasn't seen you and thinks I'm here alone. I can go over and feed her some bullshit that we're fighting. I can act all upset and..."
"Lee NO. She's not just going to rat Liz out and even so, that's not hard proof. It's no different than me overhearing them."
"You overheard it. That's different than someone straight up telling it to your face."
"Lee...there's no evidence. Have you heard of the corpus delicti rule? A confession is not enough, not to mention it would only be said to you and it would not even be coming from Liz's mouth Lee. And before you even suggest it, you can't record it either. It's not submissible. Yeah, your plan would probably work because it's obvious she wants you but it could go soooo wrong. I mean, Mr. Carpenter is probably going there tonight for one thing. I don't think you need to run into him again and then also, what if she does tell you. Then what? You just up and leave? She'll know you played her when you don't give her what she wants and what about Dash? That kid adores you. She most likely won't let you see him anymore. And Jesus Lee, then Liz will know too. This is too messy."
"Liz ain't going to know. Do you honestly think Angel would tell her? I guarantee you Liz don't even know I drunkenly slept with Angel the night of the funeral. Angel is clearly in this well up to her damn neck from what you heard and I mean, she's whoring around with a married man and harboring a mobster's kid. That's messy. This will be easy. It may be pointless in getting either of them prosecuted, but I still want to hear it and anything she knows about Jacob because my gut is screaming at me that she knows something about his death. Angel and Liz always were and still are thick as thieves."
"So, this is more about Jacob then and wanting to see what Angel knows?"
"Mostly yes and any other information I can extract from her traitorous mouth."
"Ok, the way you speak sometimes, that's what I meant when I said I didn't know you. It's like some other person lives inside of you with how you've been acting...acting like Luke actually and now you're talking about doing something off the wall bat shit crazy. THIS part Lee, this part is NOT you. We need to see Jason first ok??. He texted me this morning Lee. I have to meet him at midnight."
"Wait...what?? Midnight?? In the pitch dark?? Where???"
"The train bridge I showed you from afar down by the bay. Hey, well at least your dressed for the occasion. You and Jay will be twins." you jested in regards to his all black attire.
"Umm...then he'll know I know he's alive Jo which you weren't supposed to tell me remember?"
"Yeah well I suppose I don't care. Jason will just have to deal with it and...I wouldn't go without you....I won't keep secrets from you. We promised each other, remember? It destroys trust and without that, what is left?"
The look in your honey hues made Lee's guilt intensify. He could see it and feel it, that you knew he was hiding something and that he was jeopardizing the trust you had left in him. And he knew damn well he couldn't ask you to marry him without you knowing everything. It wouldn't be right nor honest.
"You're right. Trust and even honesty is the glue that bonds two people together. Jo...I...I need to tel...."
"LEEEE!!!" Angel screeched to the back of his head from her porch, waving like a lunatic.
"Fuck...." he whispered as his entire body tensed up, realizing he was standing in front of the window again. His face went from cringed to a forced smile in a matter of seconds as he slowly turned around and reluctantly waved back.
"Lee, come on over! I have beer and Dash would like to see you before he goes to bed."
"Well now you've gone and done it." you quietly snapped as you stayed out of sight. "Guess you got your wish."
"Shhhh." he whistled through closed teeth as he still looked at and smiled to an awaiting Angel.
"Uh sure, give me a few minutes." he replied as he leaned into the open window and then he closed it, whipping the curtains closed.
"Ok, just no! You can't do this Lee. We HAVE to go meet Jason!"
"Jo..it's only 9:30. Give me two hours tops and I'll get her to squeal."
You eyes bulged at his statement.
"Oh god... bad choice of words. You KNOW what I meant."
"Are you freaking serious right now??? You expect me to wait here while you're in her house doing god knows what and..."
You were pulled into a deep full kiss, soft tongue swirls included that ignited your core into a raging wildfire and you made a whining whimper when he pulled away.
"My sweet girl...you have nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING to worry about. She does nothing for me. No one does but you. I love you so much and YOU are all that I want. Ok, listen...you watch for Carpenter and call my phone if you see him. I'll head out the back door and I will make sure to try and stand by the window so you can see and if she makes any kind of move on me, take it with a grain of salt."
"What??? Take her hands on you with a grain of salt??? Did you really just say that??" you reeled as he turned off the kitchen light, making it easy for you to see and be unnoticed.
"Do you have a better idea? Because I know yours would be kidnapping Liz and beating the snot out of her until she confessed every sin she ever committed."
"Yeah ok well, that's pretty accurate but......YES! I do have a better idea. You could have said NO, that you were busy or some shit, but nOOOooooo....you accepted because you wanted to do it!"
"Just trust me ok beautiful? I know what I'm doing."
"Yeah ok....that's what I'm afraid of." you snapped as he walked out the front door.
Was this really happening right now??? You felt like you were on some kind of stakeout. This was the kind of shit you did in high school for pranks, not when you were 30. Is this the kind of stuff he did in his past with Luke to KNOW what he was doing? You're mind was in a free fall of thoughts. You understood, he needed to know things about Jacob for some type of closure per se, but this wasn't the way to go about getting it.
You stood in the darkened kitchen like some peeping tom at the window where you could see the driveway to Angel's house in case Warren showed up and also where you could see inside Angel's window to her lighted living room that was dressed with sheer curtains, but you didn't see Lee yet. You did see Dash bolting by in excitement so you figured Lee must be inside. Not being able to see him was triggering your anxiety so you poured some wine, for it usually helped calm you if consumed in moderation.
You could hear Lee's muffled laughter and then...you saw him and Dash, then Angel...but..where was Blaise? Most likely asleep you figured.
Although Lee couldn't see you, he still glanced your way, seemingly making perfect eye contact with you and then winked.
"Oh no you didn't..." you growled and took a gulp of the sweet red vintage. Every car that drove by made your heart sink into your stomach. This was the DUMBEST fucking idea ever!
Lee's head darted to the ceiling and then he looked at Angel, saying something to her and then Dash and Angel walked out. Lee watched them in a leaning position and then quickly called you.
"Lee what the hell are you doing??" you whispered, wondering why in the hell you were whispering.
"Blaise...she's upstairs and crying." he said, barely audible as he kept his eyes on the path of their exit. "She told me she was babysitting but didn't say for who."
"Of course she's not going to tell you it's Liz's kid. Will you just come back already?? This is INSANE."
"I just got here Jo and I....shit..."
You saw him end the call and swiftly shove the phone back in his pocket, then Angel came back in...alone. Now all you could do was view your man be ogled by a dark angel that should have black wings bursting out of her back at any moment and wrapping him up like a burrito to suck him dry.
"Sorry." Angel said with a flirty smile and handed Lee a beer. "Dash is going to stay up there with her. She's not used to being here. Now, where were we?"
Lee knew he now had to be the man he didn't want to be anymore and mentally put on his acting shoes as he sat down on the couch that was inconveniently in front of the window, so now, all you could see was the back of his head.
"Lee? Are you alright? You seem...depressed?" Angel then asked him as she sat down beside him, quite close and placed her hand on his shoulder, which you could see.
"Why is every damn woman the same Angel? Why do they always want another man?"
Her face became surprised and seemingly sympathetic. "Lee...what...what happened sweetie? Did Jolene leave you for another dude?"
"She's still hung up on that ex of hers, the cop. I caught her in his arms this morning before we left the hospital and it looked far from innocent."
"Oh, you mean that hot detective who's dad is in ICU?"
"Oh so you think he's hot too? Figures..." Lee retorted with a frown and pretended to take a sip of his already opened beer. If there's one thing he learned not to do, it was to drink any beverage brought to him that he didn't open or to ever leave one unattended....all thanks to Ethan's drugging of him.
"Oh gosh, sorry, no. Lee, you're way better than he is. Why in the world would she want to go back to that when she had someone like you???"
"You tell me? I've racked my brain over and over about it. She turned out to be no better than Lizzie. I guess they both like men with guns better."
"Well...if it's any consolation, I like your gun better."
"My gun?? Oh....OHHHHH...wow um yeah...I get it."
Lee faked laughed, thinking to himself of absolutely ridiculous she was...and bold.
"Sorry...I..I have just never forgotten our night together. I never would have done any of this to you. Yeah, I don't get Liz sometimes and her choice in men...oh, I don't mean you of course and well Jolene, she seemed too stuck up for you and so not your type."
"Hmmm...and let me guess. My type is...you?"
"Well you certainly thought so the night in your attic."
"I was shit faced and in mourning....sorry...that...that didn't come out right."
"No, no, it's ok. I do understand that. But, it was 4 years ago. Maaaaaybe things could be...different now?"
"Yeah, I don't know Angel. I'm literally only hours free of a two month relationship and besides...you hang with Liz all the time. For one thing, it would be awkward and second...I, to this day, still believe she caused Jacob's death. Honestly, how are you friends with someone like her?"
"Ohhhh, we're not THAT good of friends. I mean, she don't even know you and I slept together and she never had much time for me anyways. Always messing with all these guys. I mean, why did she even get married?? Good thing you never married her. I will say though, she isn't a good mother."
"How so?"
"Just the way she is with her kid now, that I've seen, and even with Jacob. She's even been nasty to Dash. I never even saw her cry once after Jacob died. She needs fixed, let me tell ya."
"Angel...do...do you think it was intentional? That she forgot, so she says, to buckle his seatbelt on his car seat?" Lee asked with sorrowful eyes...sorrowful eyes that were very real in that fake moment.
Angel's eyes diverted away from Lee's as she paused.
Lee desperately took her face into his hands.
"Angel...you're a parent. Please...for the love of god, if you know anything, tell me. I...I need to know."
Angel became all serious. "You're just playing me aren't you? If I tell you what you want to know, IF there is anything to even tell you, then you'll just leave. You ask why you aren't good enough for women, well why am I not good enough for you? Because you were always good enough for me."
She knew something, that was now blatantly clear and he knew what he had to do to find out, which was going to make his stomach turn and you livid.
Lee swallowed his pride, for Jacob, and pulled Angel into a kiss, deep and long...too damn long or even conceivable at all for your staggered eyes.
"Mmmmm, oh Lee." Angel moaned and slid her hand between his legs.
"Whoa!!!" he shouted and shoved himself back with a befuddled chuckle. "Wow...ok...I um...I need to use your restroom."
Lee got up and bee lined down her hall, locking the door behind him then grabbed some of the toothpaste, squirting it right into his mouth and vigorously brushing his teeth and tongue with his finger. Appalled was an understatement as to what he was feeling. Even his cock despised Angel, for it was dead as a doornail.
As soon as he was done, he quickly called you as his stomach twisted into a constrictor knot and when you didn't answer, he knew he was up shit creek without a paddle.
Lee came back out and drank his beer down in two swift gulps, not giving a shit if it were poisoned, for that fate was far better than your wrath.
"I probably should head out now. This is too fast Angel. Maybe we can pick this up another time??"
"Oh, but the party's just getting started Lee." Angel grinned seductively and shoved him onto the couch and then to his shocking dismay, flung her robe off to reveal a black laced next to nothing lingerie ensemble.
"Does this change your mind??"
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It didn't change a damn thing, for him or his cock.
"Angel...I'm sorry. Not tonight. Please understand that I need a little time after what Jo did to me."
She slipped her robe back on, feeling utterly embarrassed.
"O...ok. Umm...will you...call me soon though?"
"Yeah...of course beautiful. Talk soon."
Lee couldn't get out the door fast enough and back to you, in which you were standing right there in the kitchen...in the dark where he had left you.
"Jo, baby..let me explain what happ..."
Lee was greeted with a slap across his face before you walked out the backdoor.
"Take THAT move on you with a grain of salt."
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firebloodanddragons · 2 years
Chapter Summary: There are two rules you should take into consideration. One, you should never insult Prince Aemond Targaryen. Two, you should never forget him. Because he remembers you and the riddle you asked him when you two were just children.
Tags for this chapter: Slow Burn / Sexual Tension/ Angst / Canon-Typical Violence / Blood and Gore/ Children Abuse / Explicit Language
Author’s notes: As you will see, I’m started building the relationship between Reader and Aemond and we’re now entering the “slow burn” part of this fan fiction. If you find the tension between those two intense, you haven’t seen anything yet.
/!\ I repost this chapter because it never appeared in the tags
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120AC - King’s Landing (9 years ago)
         Aemond could feel his scar burning and tightening under the many layers of bandage covering half of his childish and pale face. He wanted to get rid of them, rip them off and his skin along with them. He wanted to shout his rage and his pain as loud as he could as his little fingers would struggle to prise the white cloth loose. But he did none of these things. Instead, he stared blankly at his mother talking to the maester.   “Are you certain the infection will not spread or fester, maester?” The Queen worried. Her son had spent days in bed with the highest fever she had ever seen, tossing and turning endlessly, moaning in pain even though he had never been the type to complain. A vision of horror for any mother.     “The eye has been removed. Fever might persist for a few more days but the prince is out of danger. He just needs to rest now.”         The Queen thanked the old maester and he left. Once the door shut, Alicent rushed to her son and sat on the bed to cup his face between her hands and kiss the top of his silver head. The young prince winced but the pain was not what bothered him the most. What bothered him the most was his mother’s pity. He was tired of it. Ever since Lucerys took his eye, that’s the only emotion he had seen on his mother’s face.         “My poor sweet son.”     “I told you, mother. There is no need to mourn me.” Aemond finally spoke with a weak voice that made Alicent tighten her embrace around her second son. “Besides, aren’t you expected somewhere else?”         “What are you talking about? A mother’s place is by her son.”         “But today is the beginning of the celebrations, isn’t it?”     Despite his current health condition, Aemond had somehow not lose track of time. He knew which day it was for he had seen the colourful lanterns in the streets and heard the joyful hubbub through his bedroom windows. Plus, his older siblings, Aegon and Helaena, had mentioned the event a few times during their visits. And while his sister had wished him a good recovery and expressed her hope to see him back on his feet for the very special day, Aegon had only talked about all the depravity he had planned. “Ale and girls. Soon, you’ll know how good both are.” Which certainly was Aegon’s clumsy way to show he wanted his brother to get better. “I do not need to go.”     “Yes, you do. It’s your duty as queen.”     Alicent’s almond eyes widened, stunned once more by her son’s maturity and his sense of duty which he had undoubtedly inherited from her.       She stood up, speechless and left his room in silence. Only when she closed the door did she realise she had forgotten to tell Aemond that her duty as his mother was more important.
The young prince stayed in bed for the rest of day, alone, his short nails furiously scratching the bandage around his face hoping it would ease the annoying itching and the endless burn. He couldn’t sleep, the anger fuming inside of him preventing him from finding any rest. All he could do was waiting and let his hatred boil and boil like a fire growing in a dragon’s throat before it spits. And soon he found the cheerful noise outside infuriating. How could people be so happy when he was in such pain?           In a thoughtless display of rage, Aemond grabbed one of the many pillows on his bed and threw it through the window with a muffled scream. Only when the pillow landed in the yard outside, did he realise what he had done.       “Fuck.” For a moment, he thought about what his mother would say and what pathetic excuse he could find. But he didn’t want to find an excuse. He didn’t want Alicent to find out what he had done, that he had lost control. So, he slowly got up.           His legs were wobbly and weak and it took the young prince a few seconds to make his first step. With a slow and heavy hand, he grabbed a cloak and put it on his shoulder. And then he hid his face under the dark hood before leaving his room.    
The stairs leading to the yard seemed endless but not once did Aemond think about going back to his room, his determination stronger than his pain. But when he finally arrived outside, exhausted and dizzy, he didn’t find the pillow on the sandy ground. He found it in a possession of a girl. You. You were Aemond’s age or perhaps slightly older, small, with a floral dress as pink as your childish rosy cheeks. And within your thin arms there was the feather pillow the prince had thrown out of the window. You were looking up clearly searching for the provenance of the flying object with an interrogative frown when the young boy approached you and snatched it from you. You gasped and protested immediately.     “What do you think you’re doing?”           “It’s mine.”       “Yours, huh? Then mayhaps you should be careful with your belongings. It almost fell on my head.” “My deepest sympathies.” Aemond replied with sarcasm before wincing. His grimace didn’t go unnoticed and you frowned at his bandage-covered face concealed under his hood. He immediately looked down and tried to hide himself even more under his cloak as he found you curious eyes rather disconcerting.       “May I ask—”   “It’s greyscale!!” Aemond snarled. It was a lie obviously but he told it hoping the fear of contagion would make you run away. But you weirdly remained as close as you were.           “I just wished to know why you threw a pillow out of a window.” You said. “It was never my intention to make you feel uncomfortable or to believe I was rude enough to ask what happened to you when it is clearly not my concern. I am sorry.”     Aemond’s both eyes slightly widened in confusion even the one that was not in its socket anymore. A ghost reflex he hoped would be gone one day. He grimaced but your apologetic words were more overwhelming than the pain caused by his fresh scar. Never in his young life had anyone apologized to him. Not Aegon for all his high jinks. Not his nephews and cousins for beating him up. Not Lucerys for taking his eye. And even less his father for ignoring him. “Who are you?” “I am Y/N Stokeworth. And you?”           “My name has no importance.” The silver-haired prince declared. The last thing he wanted was for his mother to know he had left his chambers or for anyone to discover that this mutilated face was once the face of the second son of Viserys Targaryen. “So, you can know my name but I am not allowed to know yours?”             Aemond shrugged. “You can ask another question if you wish.”       “Fine.” You knew exactly which question to ask. “Why did you throw your pillow out of the window?” You wanted to giggle but you quickly reconsidered. Clearly the boy before you was more of the serious type.   “I was angry.” He confessed though he felt weird to do so.     “At whom?”       “At the rat who did this to me. The bastard took my eye.” Aemond snarled as he pointed at his missing eye. So much rage in such a little body was impressive and most unusual to you. So, you stared at the fiery emotion struggling to pop out of its flesh prison wondering how such a young boy could carry so much hatred. It was insane to see how it kept his fist clenched and ready to fight and how intense it burnt in his dark lilac iris. “What happened to it? The rat I mean.”   “That’s the unfair part of the story. Nothing happened to it. His rat mother made sure of it.” The rage was now tinted by bitterness and disappointment, a thirst for justice that could be consuming.         “I am not sure I understand.”       “Rats are sneakier than dragons.”             You frowned once more. The boy’s words sounded like nonsense to you. Rats and Dragons? What was that supposed to mean? “Have you been given milk of the poppy?”           “Why?” “You’re talking in riddles.”         “And you don’t like riddles?”       “I don’t know if I like them. My handmaiden, Brunwina, often gives me a riddle when I’m being too … restless, to help me focus. But I haven’t been able to solve the last one she gave me actually. Would you like to help?”       The proposition was not without a purpose. By offering Aemond to think about your riddle, you hoped that you could help him forget his rage for a short moment. A technique you had learnt from your handmaiden.     Aemond shrugged, pretending to be cool, but deep down his usual love for challenge was exciting him. “What is your riddle?” You grinned and sat on one of the steps behind you. “We are going to be here for a while. You should sit down.” You tapped the stone and invited the boy to sit by your side. He stared at your hand for an instant before eventually joining you on the steps, careful to leave a seemly space between the two of you.       “I am of no use to one, yet I am absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to steal it. The old man has to buy it. To the young girl, I am faith. To the married woman, hope. And to the old maid, charity.”         “Bread?”           “I’ve already tried that. Let’s keep thinking.” You encouraged as you gazed with pride and joy at Aemond’s hands slowly relaxing on his thighs and at the rage leaving his lilac eyes. Lilac eyes??
129AC - King’s Landing (Today)
Only twice in your life have you feared to die.             The first time was thirteen years ago when, on a trip back from Pentos, you had started experiencing the worst nausea ever. It could have been a mere sea sickness but after further examination, the maester in Stokeworth had come to the conclusion that you had caught a highly infectious disease.     Despite the possibility of contagion, your mother, who was with child during that time, had refused to leave your bedside and she had powerlessly watched you losing more and more weight every day. She had prayed for days. She had begged the seven gods for your recovery until her wishes were finally granted. But soon the sickness came for her and she took your place in the very same bed you had been lying for more than a week. “It’s better to keep the contagion contained” The maester had said. Your mother died three days after and her baby along with her. And as if your own grief and guilt were not burdening enough for your small shoulders you had to carry the weight of your father’s rage and sorrow. “You’re going to sleep in that bed until you realise what you’ve done!” The punishment lasted for over a year until your father remarried and his new lady-wife reasoned with him.       The second time was today. And even though the experience had been less traumatic, the terror had been more than overwhelming. You had always wished to see a dragon but you had never thought you’d see one up close, yet alone one so enraged. Princess Rhaenys and her dragon Meleys had made quite a brutal entrance during King Aegon’s coronation today. The large and formidable beast had popped out from the ground, roaring and furious and with her thorny body and tail she had started crushing all the citizens around her. Luckily for you, you had been in the balcony when it happened and you had only received a few stones during Meleys’ deadly rampage.     Your husband, also present during the coronation, had shielded you the best he could. But no one had protected the woman next to you when a heavy rock had hit her head, crushing her skull like an eggshell before she fell to the ground, bleeding and dead, and all the people around you started trampling on her corpse, breaking each bone in her body. Seven hells, you could still hear the sounds in your head.  
A knock to your door called you back to a most-welcome reality and you invited the person to come in. When you saw your handmaiden enter the room, the smile you thought could only be polite or sad today turned into a beam of joy and relief.     “Brunwina!” You exclaimed as you stood up to take her in your arms.   You were aware that this kind of familiar gesture was not conventional but you had stopped seeing Brunwina as a mere handmaiden years ago. The six-and-thirty years-old woman was your confident, your friend, the mother you had lost long ago. There was no one you could trust more than her.         “Seven heavens, my lady. Are you alright?” She touched your face where a stone had hit you and left a bruise and a red scratch.         “I am, yes. It is merely a scratch. The maester said it won’t leave any mark.”           “When I heard you were at the Dragonpit when the attack happened, I got so scared for you, my lady.” You reassured your handmaid with a soft smile and a gentle grasp around her arms and she immediately relaxed. “I am surprised the King let you out of your cell already, Brunwina. But I am glad to have you back. I could use your nimble fingers.” “Of course, you could, my lady. Look at you. I can’t let you attend a royal feast with your hair dressed like that.” You both laughed but she was right. Your hair was indeed a real mess. The braids you had attempted to do for tonight coronation feast were barely symmetrical and none of them seemed to have a similar thickness.   “Thank the Seven and Prince Aemond for releasing me.”   “Prince Aemond? You weren’t release on King Aegon’s command?”           Brunwina shook her head. “I am as surprised as you are, my lady. But Prince Aemond himself escorted the guards to my cell and demanded my immediate release. He said you needed me, my lady and that your septa and I were no longer hostages. What a strange young man.”       “Indeed, and rude as well.” You could remember your meeting, how he had circled you, observed you and talked about you as if you were not standing before him.           “If you say so, my lady. Although, if I may, he seemed very distinguished to me, at least more than his brother the King. He also looked more impressive than him and … weirdly older. It is hard to believe he is the second son.”       “Careful Brunwina, one might think you are not insensible to young men or to Prince Aemond’s charms.” You teased. “Oh seven heavens no, my lady.” Brunwina shook her head frantically as she blushed in embarrassment. “I am a handmaiden. I know my place. And besides, I find him too menacing. I don’t know how one can even look at him in the eyes.”             “In the eye, you mean.” You quickly corrected and immediately tried to hide your mischievous smirk, knowing how inappropriate it was to joke or let alone laugh at that sort of thing. But Brunwina’s funny astonishment forced the giggle out of your mouth. And soon your handmaid followed you in a burst of laughter that you both needed after such a rough day.     Unfortunately, the reckless amusement was short-lived, stopped by the appalled stare of a young handmaid standing at the door with a green dress in her hands. When you and Brunwina noticed her, she walked away as quickly as she could. “Seven hells.” You cursed. You knew where the girl was going and what she was about to do. So did Brunwina who started shaking in terror.       So, you rushed after the handmaiden, hoping to stop her but the Red Keep was a maze of corridors and by the time you exited your chambers the servant was already out of sight as if she had vanished in thin air.           “Shit!”
         Her hands flat on the cold stone ground, her head between her arms, Brunwina was crying on her knees, begging for Prince Aemond’s pardon and mercy. But he didn’t seem to care about her mumbling words or her undeniable submission to him. Actually, he didn’t seem to care about her presence at all. It was as if she did not exist, as if she was yet another carpet in his room, one he could walk upon without concern.     He didn’t care about his own handmaiden either, who was standing a couple of steps behind him, still like a candelabrum, her brown eyes looking down at her feet. No all he seemed to care about was you, the only person in this room who dared staring back at him.             “I could have you two back in your cell or maimed for being so insulting!” He roared; his voice as enraged as the darkness in his dark lilac eye.           “Prince Aemond, I am so sorry. Please accept my apologies, my prince. Please, I beg your forgiveness.” Brunwina kept crying. “You may act as you wish in Castle Stokeworth, my lady. But in the Red Keep, people have eyes and ears everywhere. And you are a silly girl if you think you could mock your prince and then expect no one to find out.”   “I didn’t think when I spoke, my prince, and I regret my offense.” You confessed with honesty. “But my handmaiden did not say anything, I swear to you on the old gods and the new. If someone deserve to be punished, it is I and I only.” The prince chuckled at your brave and honourable words and you wondered why. Was your behaviour misplaced? Amusing? Did he find you ridiculous? Or was he simply enjoying the fear he instilled in people, the power his royal status granted him?           “She still laughed at your … little joke.”   “She did not. She laughed at me for being so … silly.” You repeated his words, hoping agreeing with him a little would soothe him. “And I know I shouldn’t have joked, my prince. It was highly inappropriate and rude and I understand why it offended you. Please accept my apology and know it was never my attention to show you any lack of respect.”         Your unwavering calm and strength plunged the room in a sudden dreadful silence. Prince Aemond’s glare lingered upon your face, his purple eye piercing as a thousand blades. But you remained as strong and proud as you could be, supporting his fiery look.         “Leave us.” He commanded without looking away from you and you from him. Prince Aemond’s handmaid obeyed without an ounce of hesitation but Brunwina tried to fight his command with the little courage she had. You sensed her terrified look on you, her refusal to leave you alone. You even felt her tremble when the King’s brother said “Now!”.             You gave her a quick nod to dismiss her and she eventually left.                         “Do you have any idea what happens to subjects who dare insult a member of the royal family?” Aemond finally asked when the door was closed.   “I may have one but mayhaps my prince can enlighten me.”           “We cut out their tongue or worse.” The silver-haired man declared with the intention to scare you. “Surely you must have heard what happened to Lord Vaemond Velaryon.” He added as he approached you and closed the small gap between the two of you. He was tall, way taller than you but your eyes didn’t look away from his. If he meant to impress you or to break you by towering you it would not work.     “If it’s a tongue you want, take mine. I am the one who uttered what you consider an insult, not my handmaiden.” “You would accept a punishment that could leave you scarred for life when it can befall on your handmaiden?” “If it the kind of justice the Prince deems fair, then yes. Besides, it would not be the worst punishment of my life”
Perhaps you should have refrained from saying these last words because they certainly awoke whatever dragon was sleeping inside Prince Aemond who grabbed your jaw in his firm burning hand and brought your face closer to his. You were breathless now but your eyes could not leave his. But this time it was not boldness or courage, it was indeed fear, a fear that was so cold in comparison to the Targaryen’s hot breath on your face.         You had seen the dagger strapped to his waist and you knew just by looking at him he would not hesitate to use it. He was a hot-tempered man and clearly unforgiving. That was a certainty. The only mystery that remained was; was he going to cut your tongue or slit your throat like a lamb?             You gasped and closed your eyes tightly when you felt something touch your lips. But that something was too soft and too hot to be a blade. So, you opened your eyes again to see what was threatening you.         It was a thumb. Prince Aemond’s thumb tugging at your lower lip, playing with the pulpy rosy flesh, slowly and rather … gently?           Puzzled, you watched him gaze at your mouth with a burning curiosity, wondering what he could be thinking right now.           “I will not cut out your tongue, my lady.” He finally said without removing his finger. “It would be ill-timed to enforce such a cruel punishment on a day of celebration. Besides, my brother might want to use that tongue.” Aemond tugged at your lower lip a little bit more, forcing your mouth to open enough to reveal your teeth and the tip of your tongue. Still and breathless, you kept observing him when his thumb came to brush your wet pink flesh and he consequently pursed his lips to prevent an inconvenient moan from escaping his mouth. But you heard it rumble in his chest and in his throat as if the sound had come from you. The proximity of his body perhaps. After all, his young scared face was so close now, you could hardly see the whole of it.       “It’s a kiss.” He declared; his lips close to yours.       “I beg you pardon.” You were choked up, your strangled voice as low as whisper. But you were not scared anymore. You were intrigued, disoriented and almost dizzy. Your cheeks were burning, your heart was pounding and you could feel a knot growing in your stomach. “I am of no use to one, yet I am absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to steal it. The old man has to buy it. To the young girl, I am faith. To the married woman, hope. And to the old maid, charity. The answer is a kiss.” And as if your lips had just burnt him, Aemond let go of your face and stepped back. You gazed at him incredulous and lost but all his dark lilac eyes gave you was stoicism. The rage was gone, almost as if it had never been. And without saying another word, he stormed out of his own apartment, leaving you all alone.   “Lilac eyes?” You whispered to yourself.  
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grimalkinmessor · 11 months
for no reason in particular, whats your favorite thing about the ladychako ship? whether thats a specific interaction, a scene idea, or a dynamic they could fit :3
No but I originally stuck them together as part of a fic idea, where Midoriya, Uraraka, and Todoroki are all villains (and in relationships with their respective canon rival), and all three of them are being fucking HOUNDED by older heroes ho just want them to stop being evil for like five seconds so they can see that they're just kids and 1) changing the world shouldn't be their job, 2) (contradictorily) they could do so much good in the world if they just learned how to go about things. YES this is vaguely/highly condescending depending on the hero, but these tired strung-out heroes are pinning all their tattered hopes and faith in humanity on this one kid (possibly kidS again depending). Aizawa is running after Izuku, Hawks is gunning for Shoto, and Nagant is trying to pin down Uraraka. Sexual tension and jealousy and angst and drama abound.
ANYWAY back to the matter at hand: that's when I realized that I really like it in general?? Like Ochako is kind of the reverse of Kaina in a way—she went in to the hero business with a more cynical outlook (she needed the paycheck, her family was struggling, heroism was a job to her, not a dream) and eventually grew into her optimism and hope for the future whereas Kaina was lured in by promises of a brighter future only to be submerged in the gritty politics of hero work. Ochako goes into it thinking she'll be a government dog but comes out the other side with new conviction for a hopeful future, while Kaina goes in bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and stumbles out the other side dull-eyed and covered in blood.
I really like the idea of Nagant meeting Ochako either post-war, or even in an AU where she never defected, and trying to give her the doom-and-gloom talk, "This isn't the shit they preach on TV kid" and Ochako just coming back at her like "Yeah I already knew that thanks I got over it" aND IT JUST. STUNS HER. GOBSMACKED. OFFENDED. I imagine them having a full on argument about it at a bar or something and then Nagant's fucking hooked. Ochako is the bright spot she's been looking for, something she can cling to (and also butt up against because they definitely have a lot of differing opinions).
Uraraka on the other hand, is captivated more by Kaina's vibes. I mean come on, are you telling me if this tall lady in sleek dark clothes with pretty hair, gun holsters on her thighs, and a war-torn look on her face glanced you across the bar and gave you her full attention that you wouldn't immediately be enratured? Seduced, even? I sure as hell would.
(Though I am a Nagant simp maybe I don't count lmao—)
Plus,,,,I imagine that Ochako emulates Izuku in that her desire to save people overcomes their desire to be saved. She sees that Kaina is wounded and full of guilt and anger and she pulls the classic "I CAN FIX HER" before leaping headfirst into trying to do so. Nagant probably isn't sure whether she wants to be helped or not—but it's no biggie. Ochako will help her decide :) *the Midoriya-Izuku-friendship-threat theme starts playing but with ominous background Kirby music* You Have No Choice Ochako Is Helping You 💗
On a more risque note, I also like the image of them meeting at a hero event, having a one night stand, and Nagant being unable to get Ochako out of her head. Or even a before-UA thing where Nagant is on a rescue mission and she finds Ochako just like,,,,holding up an entire building with her Quirk and becoming both concerned and intrigued. Because one, Lady Nagant knows what the HPSC does to (seemingly) powerful people—what they offer them—and it doesn't sit right with her to think of Ochako going down her path (there's little chance of that but this is where Kaina's mind goes), and two, this kid just held up a whole ass building for an hour so everyone could escape the collapse even as she shook and sweated and cried and strained, and again. Nagant is cynical. Pessimistic. So seeing Ochako be so selfless for zero net gain, on instinct no less, would definitely catch her eye. Maybe even enough to offer an apprenticeship ;3
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