#the ancestor race diabolik lovers
jazzystudios82 · 2 months
Diabolik Lovers - An Angel's Embrace AU: Stella Tsukinami 🌟
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Bio for one of my DL OCs, Stella Tsukinami. Image was made in this picrew.
WARNING: Diabolik Lovers is a dark series with mature themes and topics. Discretion is advised. . . .
Biographical Information
Kanji: ステラ
Romaji: Sutera
Nickname(s): Little Lady (Carla); Sis (Shin)
Birthday: October 31st
Sign: Scorpio
Age: 14 (Physically; actual age is unknown)
Status: Alive
Physical and Vital Statistics
Race: First Blood
Ethnicity: Japanese
Gender: Female
Height: Average height for a fourteen year old
Weight: It's rude to ask a lady something like that
Blood Type: Info Coming Soon!
Hair: White with Purple-Brown tips
Eyes: Golden
Professional Status
Occupation: First Blood Princess; Student at Nevermore Academy
Affiliation: The Tsukinami Family
Personal Status
Family: Giesbach + (Father); Krone + (Mother); Feltzein (Paternal Uncle); Menae + (Maternal Aunt); Carla (Older Brother); Shin (Older Brother); Angelica (Half-Sister); Akira (Nephew); Sofia (Niece); Cordelia + (Cousin); Ayato (First Cousin once removed); Kanato (First Cousin once removed); Laito (First Cousin once removed)
Hobbies: Practicing Ballet
Favorite Food: Omurice
VC* (Voice Claim): Niffty from Hazbin Hotel (English); Nobara from Jujutsu Kaisen (Japanese)
Stella Tsukinami (. . . .) is the younger sister of Carla and Shin Tsukinami, and is only daughter of Giesbach and Krone Tsukinami. She is one the very few female First Bloods to be around after the near extinction of their race due to the Endzeit disease.
Stella looks pretty similar to her older brother Carla: she has white hair with purple-brown tips that she styles into a braid, white eyelashes, fair skin, and golden eyes with snake-like pupils. Like her other older brother Shin, Stella wears glasses and has pierced ears.
For clothes, Stella wears a lace white top with a black jacket, black shorts, black ripped tights, and black combat boots. She also wears star-shaped clips in her hair, a black choker with a ruby pendant, and light pink lipgloss.
While Stella appears as a regular fourteen year old girl, she is actually quite mature for her age and has a manipulative nature due to her being raised in the Tsukinami family. She is very loyal to those she considers friends and family, which can be quite rare as she doesn't trust easily.
She looks up to her two older brothers Carla and Shin.
Stella is the youngest and only daughter of the previous rulers of the Ancestor Race, Giesbach and Krone Tsukinami. Alongside her two older brothers, Carla and Shin, Stella is one of the very few pure blooded members of the founder's bloodline.
Stella, Carla, and Shin were left trapped in the demon world in their family's castle for several thousand years, leaving them trapped without a way out and having stopped aging until they awakened in modern times.
Stella's relationships with the Tsukinami family
Stella's relationships with the Sakamaki family
Stella's relationship with Yui Komori
Stella's relationships with the Mukami family
Stella's relationships with the Amor family
AU! Relationships
Info Coming Soon!
Powers and Abilities
Possesses all the basic racial skills of the four superior demonic sub-races (Vampire, Vibora, Wolves and Adler), but does not possess their weaknesses.
Stella's surname Tsukinami means "moon" (月) (tsuki) and "wandering, waves, billows" (浪) (nami).
Fun Facts
Stella is loosely based off of Abigail Lazar, the titular character from the 2024 horror comedy Abigail.
Due to her being the youngest, Carla and Shin don't show their more negative sides around her (most of the time), and are also very protective of her.
Like her older brother Carla, Stella gets her looks from their mother Krone. She was also close with her mother and aunt Menae and despised her father Giesbach.
Stella views Sofia as a little sister despite technically being her aunt.
Her favorite novel is Jane Eyre, while her least favorite novel is Wuthering Heights.
It is implied that Stella is jealous of Yui's blonde hair. One time she tried to dye her hair a similar shade, but neither Carla or Shin allowed her to go buy hair dye since they think her hair is fine and were able to talk her out of it.
She likes collab cafes and the collectibles/merchandise that’s sold there.
Stella likes to annoy Carla and Shin with jokes about how old they are.
Her favorite fruit is watermelon.
Stella claims that her favorite artist is Ozzy Osbourne, though her actual favorite musical artist is Chappell Roan.
When she was eight, Stella once constructed a series of tunnels under the Tsukinami castle so she could see her mother Krone in the dungeons after her father Giesbach had her imprisoned when he believed that she was a traitor.
Unlike her older brother Carla, Stella loves Japanese food.
She thinks Hikaru, the youngest of the Mukami brothers, is a little weird, but ultimately a good person.
Due to Shin training Stella how to use guns and with her practicing with most of her free time, Stella became the best shot in the family.
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Never thought that I'd make a Tsukinami OC for Diabolik Lovers, and yet, here we are. I'll update her bio the more I learn about the Tsukinami family and their history.
Edit: For those wondering, the idea of Stella being "the best shot of her family" comes from this 2016 comedy/drama movie called Almost Christmas.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Vol.1 Chapter of the Eclipse [TRACK 1]
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Vol.1 蝕の章
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Vol. 1 Chapter of the Eclipse
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Morikawa Toshiyuki & Morikubo Shoutaro
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4
Shin: Father, Father…!
Shin: Hang in there!
*Rustle rustle* 
Shin: Stay with me! Your very own son is right here with you, Father!
Carla: Shin…
Shin: Father…!
Carla: Shin!
Shin: …! …Nii-san…
Carla: Let him go. 
Shin: But…!
Carla: Do not make a fool out of yourself. 
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: Kuh…!
Carla: … ーー To us immortal beings, death is all we could ever wish for. It is worth celebrating. Remember? 
Shin: …!! I won’t question that it is for any old, regular immortal out there…But you know…
Giesbach passes away. 
Shin: Ah…! Father…!
Carla: …So he has passed. 
Shin: How can you stay so calm in this situation…!? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Shin: Father…! Open your eyes…! If you’re gone…What are we supposed to do!? Uu…
*Rustle rustle* 
Shin: Dad…! (1)
Carla punches the wall. 
Carla: …Ugh!
Shin: …!! 
Shin: Nii-san…
Carla: Am I calm, you ask…? What makes you think that? 
Shin: Ah…
Carla: How could I possibly be calm and composed right now? With Father’s passing, we are now the only two Founders left in this world. Oh how I would have loved to be able to see Father off with a smile instead…!
Shin: …I’m sorry. I lost my senses for a bit. Also, I said something very hurtful. Please forgive me. 
Carla: Our situations are completely different. I am the one who shall continue my Father - the Founder King Giesbach’s - legacy. ーー Shin. All you need to do is grieve his death in silence. Father always spoiled you rotten, therefore, it is your duty to do so. 
Shin: …I understand, Nii-san.
Carla: While I had mentally prepared myself for this moment…It came sooner than I expected.
Carla: ーー Well then, Shin, let us see Father off.
Shin: Farewell, Father… …
Carla: Heh…
Shin: …? Nii-san…? 
Carla: …I believe it might be my turn next. 
Shin: Nii-san…! Don’t tell me…? You contracted Endzeit…? 
Carla: No. That’s not what I meant. 
Shin: I see. …Good. 
Carla: That being said, we cannot rule out the possibility. The same can be said about you. 
Shin: An inescapable fate, huh? 
Carla: Exactly. 
Shin: …He vanished. 
Carla: Yet another Founder has been lost. 
Shin: Nii-san, I…
Carla: Yes? 
Shin: I…I will avenge Father. 
Carla: …
Shin: I shall never forget about all the times he cursed Karlheinz while on his deathbed. That bastard who had the audacity to betray us and banish all Founders to this purgatory known as Banmaden…!
Carla: Shin…There is something we must do before that. At this rate, our race will cease to exist, so before that happens…We must take action. 
Shin: But…
Carla: I know what you want to say. ‘We can still do that after we have dealt with that guy,’ correct? 
Shin: Exactly! First we have to escape this place and avenge Father!
Carla: However…How do you intend to get past the magic seal surrounding this castle which even our ancestors were unable to break? 
Shin: …! That’s…I mean, you do make a point but…
Carla: I loathe Karlheinz. However, right now we are amidst an emergency situation. Our bloodline could come to an end at literally any moment. 
Shin: …Haah. I guess we’re out of time, huh? 
Carla: I cannot sit around and simply wait for my own death here inside of Banmaden. For the sake of our race as well…
Shin: But…Do you have a plan? 
Carla: We have one final sliver of hope left. Right now, it is our only shot. First, we must ensure that our race has a future ahead of it. 
Shin: Heh…
Carla: ( It was on that day when our Father, the Founder King Giesbach, took his final breath at the Founder’s castle, Banmaden, located at the very edge of the Demon World and I succeeded to the throne, that I made up my mind. After breaking the Castle’s seal and making our escape, we decided to plot revenge against Karlheinz and the entire Vampire clan who had betrayed us. 
We were previously defeated in the war by the Karlheinz’ united troops and were then imprisoned in Banmaden as a result. We spent many decades in that castle which had been sealed with powerful magic. Those days on which all we could do was watch time slowly tick away, were filled with nothing but boredom. Dispirited and mentally exhausted, us Founders were reduced to nothing but living corpses. 
And as if that was not bad enough, we were plagued by yet another catastrophe. A mysterious illness dubbed the Doomdesire Diseaseーー also known as ‘Endzeit.’ Our comrades who were supposed to be immortal succumbed to this illness one after the other. And eventually, my Father also left this world at the hands of Endzeit. The only Founders left alive are myself, as well as my younger brother Shin. Just the two of us. 
As badly as my heart desires to take revenge on Karlheinz for his actions, it was necessary for us to secure our bloodline first. For now, we have silently drawn our swords, waiting for the right moment to strikeーー ) 
Translation notes
(1) Up until this point, Shin has referred to Giesbach as 父上 or ‘chichi-ue,’ which is a very polite and formal way to address one’s Father, conveying the immense amount of respect he feels towards him. Yet, here he uses the much more colloquial and familiar term of 父さん or ‘tou-san,’ which signifies that Shin probably suffered losing him on several levels. Of course, losing their King would greatly hurt the whole Founder population which was already on the verge of extinction due to Endzeit, but he was also just hurting on a much more personal level from losing his blood-related dad.
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natachasakamaki · 5 years
raças de Diabolik lovers / diabolik lovers races / razas de diabolik lovers
Ancestrais (ou Fundadores, clã First Blood): Eles são a raça ancestral de todos os tipos de demônios no Mundo Demônio. Eles possuem todas as habilidades raciais básicas das quatro sub-raças demoníacas superiores (Vampiro, Vibora, Lobos e Adler), mas não possuem suas fraquezas. Eles também têm a capacidade de se transformar em morcegos, cobras, lobos e águias. Eles têm alta força, velocidade e habilidades regenerativas. A maioria de seus sentidos é intensificada e inclui visão, olfato e audição. Eles só podem morrer como resultado da decapitação. Eles podem usar magia e convocar familiares. Eles são a raça mais forte no mundo dos demônios e no mundo humano.
Vampiros (clã dos morcegos) Durante a lua cheia, os vampiros de sangue puro podem voar e sempre podem se teletransportar. Os vampiros de sangue puro também têm alta força, velocidade, habilidades regenerativas, aumento da visão, olfato e audição. Os vampiros de sangue puro só podem morrer cortando suas cabeças; no entanto, se seu corpo estiver danificado demais para curar rápido o suficiente, pode ser fatal, mesmo que não diretamente. Eles podem usar magia e convocar familiares. Sua fraqueza é prata e sua visão diminui à luz do sol. Eles podem comer comida humana, mas não os nutre; o sangue é sua principal fonte de alimento.
Vampiros impuros (clã Bat) Os vampiros impuros são semelhantes aos vampiros de sangue puro, exceto que foram transformados, o que significa que não nasceram como vampiros. Vampiros impuros têm alta força, velocidade e habilidades regenerativas, aumento da visão, olfato e audição, mas não no mesmo grau que um vampiro puro sangue. Vampiros impuros sempre podem se teletransportar e voar durante a lua cheia. É muito mais fácil matar um vampiro impuro, porque suas habilidades e defesas são mais fracas. Eles não usam magia e não convocam familiares. A fraqueza deles é prata. Ao contrário dos vampiros de sangue puro, eles vêem perfeitamente à luz do sol. Todo alimento humano os nutre, mas o sangue ainda é sua principal fonte de alimento.
Ghouls (clã Crow)   Eles não possuem mágica, então são comparados aos humanos e usados ​​como escravos por outras raças de demônios (Vampiro, Vibora, Lobos e Adler). Eles podem se transformar em corvos e são uma sub-raça demoníaca inferior.
Vibora (Clã das serpentes) Não se sabe muito sobre essa raça, mas sabemos que eles eram aliados da raça dos vampiros. Ser inspirado por víboras pode significar que eles podem ter presas venenosas.
Lobos (clã Lobo) * Nenhuma informação ainda *
Adler (clã Águia)  * Nenhuma informação ainda *
Nota: Todas as raças sugam sangue, mas apenas para os vampiros o sangue é a principal fonte de alimento.
Vibora em espanhol (vìbora) significa víbora; lobos e adler em alemão significa respectivamente lobo e águia.
"Vampiro" é o nome oficial dos morcegos sugadores de sangue.
Para a raça demoníaca do morcego, os japoneses usam a palavra em inglês "vampiro" em vez da palavra japonesa "kyūketsuki".
Todas as raças de demônios são inspiradas por animais, exceto os ancestrais (porque são todas as raças de demônios em um ser).
A raça ancestral demoníaca pode usar todos os familiares de animais de todas as raças demoníacas.
Nos sites oficiais, Tsukinami e Kino são intencionalmente classificados erroneamente como "vampiros" para evitar spoilers (Tsukinami são ancestrais e Kino é uma raça desconhecida).
Ancestors (or Founders, First Blood clan): They are the ancestor race of all the demon kinds in the Demon World. They possess all the basic racial skills of the four superior demonic sub-races (Vampire, Vibora, Wolves and Adler), but they don't possess their weaknesses. They also have the ability to transform into bats, snakes, wolves, and eagles. They have high strength, speed, and regenerative abilities. Most of their senses are heightened, and these include vision, smell, and hearing. They can only die as a result of decapitation. They can use magic and summon familiars. They are the strongest race in both the Demon World and the Human World.
Vampires (Bat clan) During a full moon, pureblood vampires can fly, and can always teleport. Pureblood vampires also have high strength, speed, regenerative abilities, increased vision, sense of smell, and hearing. Pureblood vampires can only die by having their heads cut off, however, if their body is too damaged to heal fast enough, it can be life-threatening, even if not directly. They can use magic and summon familiars. Their weakness is silver and their vision diminishes in the sunlight. They can eat human food, but it doesn't nourish them; blood is their main source of food.
Impure Vampires (Bat clan) Impure vampires are similar to pureblood vampires, except that they were turned, meaning they weren't born as a vampire. Impure vampires have high strength, speed, and regenerative abilities, increased vision, smell and hearing, but not to the same degree as a pureblood vampire. Impure vampires can always teleport and fly during a full moon. It is much easier to kill an impure vampire because their skills and defences are weaker. They don't use magic and don't summon familiars. Their weakness is silver. Unlike the pureblood vampires, they see perfectly in the sunlight. All human food nourishes them, but blood is still their main food source.
Ghouls (Crow clan)  They possess no magic, so they are compared to humans and used as slaves by other demons races (Vampire, Vibora, Wolves and Adler). They can turn in crows, and they are an inferior demonic sub-race.
Vibora (Snake clan) There isn't much known about this race, but we do know that they were allies of the vampire race. Being inspired by vipers could mean that they may have poisonous fangs.
Wolves (Wolf clan) *No information yet*
Adler (Eagle clan)  *No information yet*
Note: All races suck blood, but only for the vampires is blood the main source of food.
Vibora in Spanish (vìbora) means viper; wolves and adler in German means respectively wolf and eagle.
"Vampire" is the official name of blood-sucking bats.
For the demonic race of the bat, the Japanese use the English word "vampire" instead of their Japanese word "kyūketsuki".
All demons race are inspired by animals, except for the ancestors (because they are all demons races in one being).
The demonic ancestor race can use all the animal familiars of the all demonic races.
In official websites the Tsukinami and Kino are intentionally wrongly classified as "vampires" to avoid spoilers (Tsukinami are ancestors and Kino is an unknown race).
Ancestros (o fundadores, primer clan de sangre): son la raza ancestral de todos los tipos de demonios en el mundo de los demonios. Poseen todas las habilidades raciales básicas de las cuatro subrazas demoníacas superiores (Vampiro, Vibora, Lobos y Adler), pero no poseen sus debilidades. También tienen la capacidad de transformarse en murciélagos, serpientes, lobos y águilas. Tienen alta fuerza, velocidad y habilidades regenerativas. La mayoría de sus sentidos se intensifican, y estos incluyen visión, olfato y audición. Solo pueden morir como resultado de la decapitación. Pueden usar magia y convocar a familiares. Son la raza más fuerte tanto en el mundo de los demonios como en el mundo humano.
Vampiros (clan de murciélagos) Durante la luna llena, los vampiros de sangre pura pueden volar y siempre pueden teletransportarse. Los vampiros de sangre pura también tienen alta fuerza, velocidad, habilidades regenerativas, mayor visión, sentido del olfato y oído. Los vampiros de sangre pura solo pueden morir si les cortan la cabeza, sin embargo, si su cuerpo está demasiado dañado para sanar lo suficientemente rápido, puede ser mortal, incluso si no directamente. Pueden usar magia y convocar a familiares. Su debilidad es plateada y su visión disminuye a la luz del sol. Pueden comer comida humana, pero no los nutre; La sangre es su principal fuente de alimento.
Vampiros impuros (clan Bat) Los vampiros impuros son similares a los vampiros de sangre pura, excepto que fueron convertidos, lo que significa que no nacieron como vampiros. Los vampiros impuros tienen una gran fuerza, velocidad y habilidades regenerativas, mayor visión, olfato y oído, pero no en el mismo grado que un vampiro de sangre pura. Los vampiros impuros siempre pueden teletransportarse y volar durante la luna llena. Es mucho más fácil matar a un vampiro impuro porque sus habilidades y defensas son más débiles. No usan magia y no convocan familiares. Su debilidad es la plata. A diferencia de los vampiros de sangre pura, ven perfectamente a la luz del sol. Toda la comida humana los nutre, pero la sangre sigue siendo su principal fuente de alimento.
Ghouls (clan Crow)   No poseen magia, por lo que son comparados con los humanos y utilizados como esclavos por otras razas de demonios (Vampire, Vibora, Wolves y Adler). Pueden convertirse en cuervos, y son una subraza demoníaca inferior.
Vibora (Clan Serpiente) No se sabe mucho sobre esta raza, pero sí sabemos que eran aliados de la raza vampiro. Estar inspirado en las víboras podría significar que pueden tener colmillos venenosos.
Lobos (clan de los lobos) * Todavía no hay información *
Adler (Eagle clan)  * No hay información todavía *
Nota: Todas las razas chupan sangre, pero solo para los vampiros es la sangre la principal fuente de alimento.
Vibora en español (vìbora) significa víbora; lobos y adler en alemán significan respectivamente lobo y águila.
"Vampiro" es el nombre oficial de los murciélagos chupadores de sangre.
Para la raza demoníaca del murciélago, los japoneses usan la palabra inglesa "vampiro" en lugar de su palabra japonesa "kyūketsuki".
Todas las razas de demonios están inspiradas en animales, excepto los ancestros (porque todas son razas de demonios en un solo ser).
La raza ancestral demoníaca puede usar todos los familiares animales de todas las razas demoníacas.
En los sitios web oficiales, Tsukinami y Kino están intencionalmente clasificados erróneamente como "vampiros" para evitar spoilers (Tsukinami son ancestros y Kino es una raza desconocida).
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What would be ranked above vampires? We've heard that humans and half breeds aren't their equals, but what's ABOVE vampires?
“I was originally just wanting the info, but if you're willing to do them reacting to their SOs ending up being ranked above them, that would be great too :)” -Unpolished-artist
Keith: I had to check this on the dialovers wiki too because I’m no expert of course. But there are different clans/sub-races in the diabolik lovers universe. About 4 of those are referred to as the ‘superior clans’, of which the vampires or bat clan are the ‘highest rank’. And apart from those, there is also the Founders, which is kinda like... The first ones or ancestors of all the sub-races. They possess all the powers and talents of all the 4 clans (and other sub-races) together. I know this explanation is a bit rough ^^’ But I’ve only played the first game so far (and parts of the 2nd) so I haven’t actually met the Founders yet. As far as I know Shin and Carla are the only remaining ones though.
・.━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
Shuu: I have no idea why someone like you would get involved with this family... You say it’s because you love me, but I can’t help but doubt your motivations...
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Reiji: There is no proof of your existence prior to this... I do hope you realize our ‘connection’ won’t stop me from finding out about your schemes and past endeavors.
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Ayato: Reiji told me you’re with those ‘Flounder’ guys, huh... I don’t see why that should matter to me. No matter what race you are, no one can surpass Yours truly!
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Kanato: You are already mine. But don’t think you can try anything funny on me just because you’re some ancestor. Isn’t there a reason most of you are dead? Fufu.
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Laito: Interesting... Very interesting indeed~ Don’t think about playing any tricks on me now, Bitch-chan. You’ve seen how powerful my magic can be... Or do I need to remind you? 
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Subaru: Hah!? What does it matter what you are or where you came from!? After all, you’ve already submitted your everything to me... So don’t go thinking about unecessary things now!
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A Brief Outline of the Diabolik Lovers Timeline
This post contains spoilers for Dark Fate and Lost Eden. However it is free of Chaos Lineage spoilers. Also note the spellings of some of the names here vary between translations. 
First of all I’m just going to give a quick outline of the world in which DL is set as of Lost Eden for anyone who hasn’t played the games. In the DL universe, there exists the human world and the demon world. In the demon world there are four different clans of demons, with links to four different animals; vampires (who are associated with bats), the Vibora (who are associated with snakes), the Adler (who are associated with eagles) and the wolf clan.
And then there are the founders (or originators depending on how the name is translated) who are also referred to as first bloods. The founders were the original demon race, and they are the ancestors of the four demon clans mentioned above. Because of this they possess abilities from all four clans and can transform into a bat, snake, eagle or wolf, as well as generally being considered stronger than the other demon races (with some exceptions).
On top of these races you also have the ghouls, who are first introduced in Lost Eden and are separate to the other demon races. Ghouls are very similar to humans in terms of abilities, although they can turn into crows. The main demon races mistreat the ghouls quite badly due to the distinct difference in their power levels. Humans who spend too long in the demon world become ghouls but ghouls can be conceived naturally between two ghoul parents as well. They have been forced to live in an area known as Rotigenberg, which is an unpleasant part of the demon world.
At the start of this timeline, Giesbach, Shin and Carla’s father, ruled over the founders and, although Karl Heinz was the vampire king around the same time, the founders were the ones effectively in charge of the demon world. They all lived in a castle known as Banmaden (the translation of which is Pandemonium, and you’ll often see it referenced using either of these names). I’m going to list the key events as bullet points because I think that makes it a little easier to read.
- Carla is born to Giesbach and his wife Krone.
- Endzeit first appears and begins to affect the founders. Endzeit is a fatal disease that is contracted through contact with infected blood, however it is completely unique to the founders and none of the other demon races can catch it. The illness presents with dark bruises on the skin sometime after infection, and later progresses to tuberculous-like symptoms, with the final stages involving a sort of paralysis.
- Karl visits Rotigenburg for unknown reasons and leaves some trace of his DNA behind. This fuses with the miasma present in the air to form Kino, who is later taken in by the ghouls. *
- Shin is born.*  
- Krone asks Karl Heinz for his help with Endzeit, as he was friends with her and Giesbach at the time. Karl asks Krone to send him a founder in order to conduct his research. Krone manages to get Menae, Shin and Carla’s aunt, to agree to this but they are not yet able to get her to Karl Heinz.
- Jealous of Karl’s power, Giesbach decides to wage war upon him and the demon lord Burai (who was one of the Vibora). Krone pleads with him not to but Giesbach locks her in dungeons.
- More founders are affected by Endzeit and confined to the dungeons, leading to Krone contracting the disease. As Carla visits her but remains fine, she realizes that it must be spread through blood.
- Krone gives a knife with her blood on it to Carla so that he can kill Giesbach and stop the war. Carla confronts his father and successfully infects him with Endzeit but becomes infected himself in the process. Unfortunately he is too late to save the founders and Karl Heinz seals them all in Banmaden using his magic.
- Menae receives instructions from Karl on how to slip through the barrier surrounding the castle and leaves (presumably after being infected with Endzeit). Magic is used to erase any memories of her possessed by the founders remaining in the castle but it does not work properly on Carla.
- Menae conceives Cordelia with Burai (the demon lord of the Vibora), due to Karl’s influence, making Cordelia Shin and Carla’s first cousin (while the triplets are their second cousins). Now as for Cordelia’s race, it’s a little vague but as far as I can tell, only one parent needs to be a full first blood in order for their offspring to inherent founder blood. So although Cordelia is part Vibora, her race would be classified as first blood because she draws on the blood of all four demon clans through Menae.
- Menae passes away after Cordelia is born and as she grows up, Karl Heinz starts to court her. Cordelia falls in love with him and then marries him.
- In order to push Cordelia to have children with him, Karl takes Beatrix as his wife and he also proceeds to marry Christa, his cousin. Now depending on which game you go on, this is either because he wants to have an incest child for his experiments (DF) or because he actually has some feelings for her but I’d take the last one with a pinch of salt given Karl’s overall characterization throughout the series.
- Shuu is born to Beatrix and Karl, which incites Cordelia’s fury as this makes Shuu his heir, even though Beatrix is Karl’s second wife.
- Reiji is born.
- Cordelia gives birth to the triplets. Despite Cordelia having founder blood, the triplets are vampires. I can only conclude that this is because Cordelia was not a full founder while Karl was a pure blood vampire. 
- Christa has Subaru and subsequently starts to descend into madness.
- While Shuu is still a child he encounters Yuma, known then as Edgar, and the two are friends until Reiji burns down Edgar’s village. This leaves Edgar with amnesia. He runs into a boy named Lucks, and joins his gang, however Lucks is later killed and Yuma is sent to an orphanage.
- Around this time Kou and Azusa are living on the streets and they are sent to the same orphanage as Yuma. -Also around this time, Ruki’s once rich father loses all of their money and commits suicide. Ruki’s mother runs off with a lover and Ruki is beaten by the household servants until he runs and takes to living on the streets. Ruki is then also sent to the orphanage.
- The Mukami brothers meet at the orphanage and work together to form an escape plan. It fails and Ruki is branded by the people running the orphanage. Karl Heinz then appears before him and offers to make the Mukami brothers vampires in exchange for their loyalty and help with his plan. They accept and Karl takes them in.
- Reiji hires Seiji, a vampire hunter who later becomes Yui’s adoptive father, to kill Beatrix.
- Cordelia is killed by the triplets but her heart is taken from her body by Richter, Karl’s brother, and implanted into an infant Yui who is then given to Seiji Komori. 
- Yui grows up and is sent to live with the Sakamaki brothers.
- While all this is happening the founders are still trapped in Banmaden, however they are killed off by Endzeit. Giesbach finally dies, leaving only Carla and Shin and making Carla the first blood ruler. Carla recalls that they had an aunt and they find her brooch which is imbued with some type of magic. Using that they deduce she escaped on the night of a lunar eclipse, as during lunar eclipses, a vampire’s power will weaken while a founder’s grows stronger.
- Carla and Shin break the barrier on Banmaden, freeing them and this is where Dark Fate starts. They seek out Menae as they need a woman with founder blood to restore their race, however they encounter a poorly disguised Richter who tells them that although Menae is dead, the heart of her daughter resides inside a human woman.
- The Tsukinami brothers seek out Yui and from here things diverge depending on which route you play.
- Although it is not stated exactly when, at some point Kino ascertains that he is related to Karl Heinz, although he mistakenly thinks that he is Karl’s son and it is only revealed that this is not the case in the Manservant Ending of his LE route.
And that should cover it. I’ve gone into more details with the founders because I know more about them and that seems to be the part that people find confusing.  In terms of a timescale, it’s a little hard to discern. I’ve seen various theories on the ages of the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers but I personally I am unsure. One thing I will say is that the Tsukinami brothers are definitely a lot older than all of the other diaboys, as they were trapped in Banmaden before Cordelia was even born. It does confuse me as to why their physical ages are listed as being younger than some of the Sakamaki brothers, but I’ve decided to put this down to them having to say they’re a certain age when applying to school. 
*Regarding the order of Shin and Kino’s birth, I do not believe that the canon material gives enough information to determine which of the two of them is actually older and personally I think I could argue it either way. The reason I have listed them in the order above, is that this gives perhaps the simplest overview of the timeline and groups a bunch of the founder-centric events together. But yeah, keep this in mind and I find anything more on this I’ll update this post.
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the-madame21 · 5 years
How many races do you think are there in the Diabolik Lovers Universe ? ?
There’s five demon races: Vampire, Vibora (Snakes), Adler (Eagles) and then the Wolf clan which I think they just call Wolves. All stem from the Founders/First Bloods/Ancestor race.
From what I remember they don’t mention anything else but like I *think* the familiars are sometimes like...ghoul/ghost type things? And there’s probably a few other like small/inferior races that don’t hold nearly as much power. 
In the canon though that’s as far as I know. 
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shianhygge-imagines · 8 years
VoiD [undecided xReader] Prologue
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I’ve been listening to my drama cds recently and re-playing Dark Fate, recently... and I just couldn’t not write something for this fandom. Especially since I was a part of the fandom since the first year Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal released.
Jiangshi - Chinese ‘hopping’ vampire, ghost, or zombie. Usually depicted with a Chinese paper talisman on its forehead. Survives and reanimates through absorbing the qi or lifeforce of its victim. Pale skinned, and sometimes depicted as having pure white hair. [For the purposes of this story, I will write up a fact sheet about Jiangshi in the Dialovers world]
|Masterlist Link|
“You’re not a vampire.” you remember sitting next to him, the both of you young and barely ninety years of age, in an elegant white gazebo outside a massive castle of white. The castle of Karlheinz, King of Vampires. Your companion sat across from you, sipping regally from his teacup, purple tinted hair neatly combed and piercing red eyes not breaking contact from your own.
You chuckle, being the one to break the connection between you two, looking away to observe the setting sun. “No, I wouldn’t say that I am.” No, you were not a vampire, and you weren’t of any other clan either. Perhaps, one of your long dead clansmen was a First Blood, but your clan had long since deviated from the ways of the Demon World. “To be clear, I am of the ancient First Bloods, but not through the sub races. My clan had left the Demon World long ago, moving to Asia and becoming the ruling supernatural power.”
When you turned your head to look back at your companion, you saw the curious glint in his ruby orbs. He was older than you perhaps, but he had yet to learn and see the world as you have. So you smiled silently, waiting for the young vampire to ask you to answer in a straight manner. “What are you, Y/N?”
“First Bloods gave rise to the four other sub races, the vampires, the werewolves, the vabora, and the aquila. We are none of the sub races, yet we are all, but only by blood relation. We are called many names in the world, zombies, ghosts, ghouls, wraiths, even vampires.” You gave laid back smile at your companion’s expression of understanding. “In China we are called Jiangshi.”
“Jiangshi are reanimated corpses, Y/N.” Red eyes narrowed, looking to refute your claim.
“My ancestor was a reanimated First Blood, so yes, perhaps, in a sense, having the characteristics of the living dead might give others the impression that my clan are the walking dead.” You grinned slyly, “But legends aren’t always true. Vampires aren’t afraid of the cross, after all. Therefore, I am not a reanimated corpse, nor do I hop for mobility.”
“Hmph.” Your dearest smirked in amusement, bringing a gloved hand to adjust the glasses on his young face. “The idea of hopping to go from place to place is laughable.”
You could only laugh along.
“Y/N!” Your head turned to greet the triplets with a gentle smile, not missing the annoyed ‘tsk’ that Reiji made beside you. None of the Sakamaki brothers were very good with sharing. Ayato, the eldest, according to Japanese tradition, led his brothers towards the gazebo in a dead sprint, a cheerful smile on his cute little face.
“Hello, Ayato, Laito, Kanato.” you greeted, smile coming to your face naturally as the triplets begged for you to join them in their games. The three boys were so joyful that you found it astounding that any of them were the offspring of that hateful woman, Cordelia. In fact, only Reiji seemed to resemble any of his parents in terms of personality. Glancing over at the mature and ambitious boy as the triplets dragged you away, you saw the disapproving expression and mentally sighed. Indeed, it would do Reiji some good if he knew how to have fun while you were all still children. Even now, Shuu was off playing with his friend, Edgar, and Reiji was here being studious.
Although you were promised to Reiji in an arranged marriage, and you were very sure that you were fond of Reiji, you were unsure if he could love you. The disapproving expression that marred his youthful face gave you a slight hint, and when you found that the expression burned, you turned away to run with the triplets. No. If Reiji saw you when you dropped the act of propriety… when he saw how rough you acted… how unladylike you truly were… he’d shun you.
Hours of playing later, when the moon was in the sky, you could be found laying on the grass with the triplets, exhausted from the endless childish games. Distantly, audible to only your ears, a faint chime of a bell rang, and you were forced to stand elegantly, midnight blue dress shifting with your motion.
“Do you have to leave, Y/N?” Kanato whimpered, catching your sleeve in his small hands, large eyes staring up at you sadly.
Loud shouting echoed through the night and you froze when your father came sprinting out of the castle and towards you, “Y/N, we must leave. NOW!” you protested loudly as your father dragged you away from the triplets forcefully.
You continued to struggle and reach out towards the triplets, “No! I don’t want to leave yet!” Your eyes met three pairs of eyes as they ran after you, trying to hold onto your outstretched hands. You couldn’t leave the triplets. You couldn’t leave Reiji or Shuu. Or even little Subaru, trapped up in the tower.
“Y/N!” Laito cried out, fiercely trying to hold onto your hand with Kanato clutching your dress, having abandoned Teddy in the grass behind.
“Tsk! Little brats. Let go of my daughter! If your father won’t honor the deal then we have no reason to stay allies.” You father stopped, raising a hand to strike Kanato, only for you to throw yourself in the way, receiving your father’s strike full force into the stomach as you shielded the middle triplet. “Stubborn daughter.” Your father hissed, watching as you doubled over in pain, the triplets hovering around you in worry. Before you were able to register what happened, your father had thrown the triplets back and had you in his arms, sprinting away from the Vampire King’s castle.
Weakly, you tried to reach out to Laito, whose tiny body struggled stand and look at you.
Your father resolved to seal you in your room when you returned home, not explaining why relations with the Sakamaki Family had soured.
Eventually, through sheer stubbornness, you were able to escape your room and return to that white castle… to the white gazebo, where Reiji once again sat. But as you approached, the young vampire only directed a glare at you, and you recoiled visibly. “What do you think you’re doing here?”
Giving a shaky smile, your eyes met his sharp ruby orbs. “I never miss an appointment with a friend.”
“Friend.” Reiji scoffed in disgust. “You are an enemy of my father. We are not friends.”
Bewildered, you spoke up with a distressed expression, “Our fathers are enemies, but it doesn’t mean that our friendship shouldn’t continue, Reiji.”
The glare sharpened, “Any enemy of my father is my enemy. Now leave. Before I call the guards.”
“Reiji…” you tried to step forward, only to feel a sharp pain on your face and recoil in pain. In your friend’s hand was a whip, and it took you a few moments to realize that he had struck you.
“Leave.” no temper, just a cold and frigid expression.
A tear dripped down your face as you turned and walked away. You never returned to that white castle. Because when Karlheinz declared war on your clan, you and your family were killed only a few decades later.
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lulu27eien · 8 years
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Diabolik Lovers First Blood/Primera Sangre The residents of the demon world can be classified broadly into four categories: snacks, eadgles, wolves and us, bats. Respectively, they'rr also know as vibora, adley, wolf and vampire. "First Blood" refers to a certain family who has tje blood of those four races. To begin witht hose who live in the demon world originally emerged from their blood... and so they're also know as ancestors. Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate Vol. 03 Mukami, pist 03 Los residentes de el mundo de los demonios pueden ser clasificados en cuatro categorías: serpientes, águilas, lobos, y nosotros murciélagos. Respectivamente, tambiem conocidos como: vibora, águila, lobo y vampiro. "Primera Sangre" se refiere a ciertos familias que tienen la sangre de estas cuatro razas. Para empezar, los que viven en el mundo de los demonios surgieron de esta sangre... y los primera sangre también son conocidos como ancestros. Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate Vol. 03 Mukami, pista 03
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jazzystudios82 · 2 months
Diabolik Lovers: An Angel's Embrace AU - Sofia's relationships with the Tsukinami Family 🥀
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Image made with a picrew. I'll probably change it when I learn to draw digitally for a more accurate depiction of the character.
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WARNING: Diabolik Lovers is a dark series with mature themes and topics. Discretion is advised. . . .
Also, keep in mind that some of the information is for an upcoming story and some of it may change in the near future.
Carla Tsukinami 👑
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Carla is Sofia's uncle through her mother Angelica: they share the same biological father, Giesbach Tsukinami, the previous First Blood king until his demise.
When Carla and his younger brother Shin sent their wolves to attack the Sakamaki mansion and bring Yui to them, one of the wolves got into a scuffle with the hellhound Howl when it got too close to Sofia and her mother Angelica. The wolf had recognized their scent as being that of a First Blood, and left to report to its masters about its discovery when the wolf and the rest of the pack left.
Carla and Shin were both shocked to learn that there was a First Blood and her hybrid child (Angelica and Sofia) living with the Sakamakis, they had planned to not only capture Yui and make her their shared bride, but to do the same with Angelica so they could repopulate the First Blood race (like check the wiki, I'm pretty sure it states that Carla and Shin were planning to do this with Cordelia's mother, their aunt Menae, and later her when they realized she was dead). For Sofia, Carla and Shin agreed that they'd raise her as their own and how to be a proper First Blood and Tsukinami.
Upon meeting Angelica and Sofia for the first time, Carla and his brother were very shocked to see that they resembled Carmen, their father's bodyguard from back when their parents were alive, and he immediately realized their connection to them. Carla was aware of his father's affair with his bodyguard, but he never thought that it'd result in him getting a sister and niece.
When Carla realizes this, he failed to realize in time that Angelica had charged at him with a sword, telling him to "stay away from her family", allowing him to realize that the full moon that gives First Bloods power was disappearing. An injured Carla and a pissed off Shin realized that they had to retreat, but not before they grabbed ahold of Sofia and took her with them.
Upon taking Sofia with them to the old Tsukinami castle, where they locked her in an old nursery and while Carla rested, Shin was to keep an eye on the girl so she didn't try anything.
As Carla rested, he tried to use this moment to make a plan with Sofia as a bargaining chip to get the Sakamakis and the Mukamis (will explain later with a pt. 2 of Angelica's relationships) to give Yui and Angelica to him and Shin.
When he healed and was well rested, Carla was shocked to see his brother playing with Sofia in his wolf form in the courtyard. Carla was a bit annoyed with Shin, and reminded him that the girl was their prisoner and that he wasn't allowed to play games with her, even though Shin claimed that the only reason he did this to get her to stop crying.
A couple days had pass, and when Carla and Shin enrolled themselves in the same school the Sakamakis and Mukamis go to, they had the wolves look after Sofia and gave them strict orders to not allow her out of their sight.
Before Carla left, he went to check on Sofia and saw that she refused to get out of bed and her eyes were red from crying the night before. Though Carla didn't care why she was crying, he still had a "familiar" of theirs, Anselm, bring the girl a glass of water in case she had a headache from all the crying. (Go to Akira's section)
Even though Carla hates that Sofia is a First Blood/Vampire hybrid, he doesn't put the blame on her since. . . .well, it's not like Sofia can control it, can she?
When he saw that Sofia was trying to clean up around the castle, he thought it was a bit odd. A part of him thought that she was doing this with the hope that they'll let her go back to her family, so he decided to ignore it. When he learned from Shin that Sofia was just doing this to make the place look nice, he was genuinely surprised.
After a month passed, Carla began to grow a little fond of the girl, as she kind of reminded him of him and Shin when they were around her age. He even began to feel a little bit of guilt for taking her away from the people she cares about.
However, he still planned to use her against Karlheinz, since Carla blames her father for the near destruction of his race: in this AU, there are still a few First Bloods around, but a majority of them are men with the very few girls around being the same age/or even younger than Sofia, who is currently 12.
What really got the two to bond was when Carla and Sofia talked about their mothers, Krone and Angelica respectively, as the two both have close bonds with them.
Sofia is currently the only one Carla didn't refer to with the nickname "kisama":  In contemporary Japanese, this is a derogatory second-person pronoun ("you"), however, in ancient Japanese, this was a formal pronoun, and is likely used to reflect Carla's age as a First Blood.
When everyone realizes that Karlheinz was directly behind every tragedy that occurred in their lives, the Sakamakis, Mukamis, and Tsukinamis forges a temporary alliance and got a few notable families to join them in overthrowing the Vampire King. When this happened, Carla had allowed his niece to reunite with her family.
After the new "War of Kings and Demons" ended, Carla and Shin decided to try and rectify their relationship with the Sakamakis and Mukamis for the sake of the future of their families.
When his relationship with Sofia got better, Carla would visit her and try to be more like an uncle to her.
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Shin Tsukinami 🐺
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Like with Carla, Shin is Sofia's uncle through Angelica: all three share the same birth father, Giesbach Tsukinami, the previous First Blood king.
When Shin and his older brother Carla learned from their wolves that there were was a pure First Blood woman (Angelica) who had a hybrid child (Sofia) living with the Sakamakis and Mukamis, Carla and Shin made a new plan: get both Yui and Angelica so they can repopulate their race as they teach Sofia how to be a proper First Blood.
When Carla and Shin infiltrate the Sakamaki mansion and fought against the two families, Shin had managed to get a good look at Sofia, who was being protected by her hellhound Howl, and was shocked to see that she greatly resembled his and Carla's late father's bodyguard, a fellow First Blood named Carmen.
Unlike Carla, however, Shin didn't realize that there was a possibility his father Giesbach cheated on their mother with another woman: though due to Shin's poor relationship with his mother, it's most likely that he wouldn't care.
When Carla got injured and with the Full Moon almost ending, an angered Shin had grabbed a frightened Sofia by the wrist and took her with him and a retreating Carla to the old Tsukinami castle.
After Carla made Shin keep an eye on the pink haired vampire, Shin was getting annoyed with Sofia's cries and when he went in to tell her to stop crying and get her to reveal her father Karlheinz's secrets, the plan ultimately backfired when she was able to agree to stop crying if he played a game of tag with her in the courtyard.
As they played tag, Shin noticed that Sofia wasn't smiling at all during their game, though he was more surprised that she didn't try to runaway: he even had a couple of wolves surround the castle in case she tried to make a break for it.
When he asked, Sofia said that it wouldn't make sense for her to runaway because she doesn't know how far their castle from her home, and because there was a possibility that Carla and Shin had familiars or guards that protect the place that could prevent her from escaping. Shin was surprised that she'd think of that right away, and realized that that was probably why she didn't try anything when they were walking to the courtyard.
There was something about Sofia that made Shin lower his guard, which made him think that she was like some kind of trained spy: though this obviously isn't the case.
But nevertheless, Shin would be the first one of the Tsukinami brothers to bond with the girl.
When Sofia thought about her family and was about to cry again, Shin panicked and decided to shape shift into his wolf form to distract her for the time being.
This worked for a while up until a fully healed Carla found out. When his older brother asked why he was playing with the prisoner, an embarrassed Shin came up with the excuse that it was just to get her to stop crying: which wasn't really a lie.
During the daytime when Sofia had to rest, because that's when vampires sleep, Shin would periodically check on her and would get caught off-guard when she asks if she'll see her family again. He knows better than to make a promise one can't keep, so Shin replies with something like, "I don't know. Probably."
When Shin and his brother enrolled themselves into the same school the Sakamakis and Mukamis go to, Shin had assigned two wolves with looking after Sofia while they were away. He even has them bring her food and fresh blood when she gets hungry.
Shin would pay attention to Sofia's behavior around him and Carla, which is when he'd notice that she doesn't seem to be as scared of them like before, more specifically with him. He first thought that this could be a bad sign and that she'd try to overpower the two and run away, so he tried to get her scared of them again. This didn't work.
Like Carla, Shin hates that Sofia is a First Blood/Vampire hybrid. And like his brother, Shin doesn't blame her for this, due to her being a child and because she didn't choose this. Doesn't mean that he doesn't blame one of her parents: Karlheinz.
When Carla and Shin realize that Karlheinz was behind the tragedies that led them to this place, they formed a temporary alliance with the Sakamakis, Mukamis, and any noble demon family that was also against the Vampire King.
When the second demon war ended, Shin and Carla both decided to become co-rulers of the Ancestor race and the two heads of their family, and they officially made Sofia and her mother Angelica a part of the family as way to make amends.
Between him and Carla, Shin is most definitely the fun uncle, since Sofia likes to play games with him the most.
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Stella Tsukinami 🌟
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Stella Tsukinami, much like her two older brothers, is Sofia's aunt through her mother Angelica: the three of them share the sam biological father, Giesbach Tsukinami.
Much like her brothers, Stella was shocked to learn that there were two female First Bloods other than Cordelia (whom her brothers were looking for to repopulate their race with).
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jazzystudios82 · 3 months
Diabolik Lovers: The Tsukinami Brothers (Genderbent Edition) 🥀
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Carmilla 👑 (Carla Tsukinami)
Bio: Carmilla Tsukinami is the current First Blood Queen. She is the older sister of Shoko, and the elder sister of the founders, the ancestor race of demons. Intelligent, reasonable, but also sadistic and violent, Carmilla is not someone you want to mess with. Alongside her younger sister, Carmilla is one of the last remaining members of the Ancestor race, and is also slowly dying from a deadly disease known as "Endzeit". If she wasn't sick from this illness, Carmilla would be much more powerful than the Vampire Queen, Katharina Sakamaki.
Name: Carmilla Tsukinami Age: 19 (Physically; actual age is unknown) Voice Claim: Octavia from Helluva Boss Occupation: 3rd year student at Ryoutei Academy Likes: Art, collecting paintings, her father Dislikes: Vampires and their smell, Japanese food, her mother
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Shoko 🐺 (Shin Tsukinami)
Bio: Shoko is the younger sister of the First Blood Queen Carmilla Tsukinami. She possesses a very high pride due to her being a Founder, and also looks down on others from other demonic races, like vampires. Alongside her sister, Shoko is one of the last two remaining members of the Founders race, as the others died from the Endzeit disease ages ago. Name: Shoko Tsukinami Age: 17 (Physically; actual age is unknown) Voice Claim: Velvette from Hazbin Hotel Occupation: 2nd year student at Ryoutei Academy Likes: Sword fighting, violence, taking long baths, all kinds of nuts, Carmilla, Her mother, running around in her wolf form, basketball Dislikes: Vampires, her father ----------------------------------------
I made picrew pics for these two b…… as well.
Edit: I have to admit, it was hard to come up with a different name for Carla's gender bent counterpart. . . .because of course it was. I then thought that maybe "Carmilla" would work as it predates the Count Dracula himself, and I thought that in this AU, Carla's counterpart could have been named after a First Blood Queen with the same name.
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jazzystudios82 · 3 months
Diabolik Lovers Genderbent Edition - The Extras Pt. 1 🥀
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Sera 🛐 (Seiji Komori)
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Bio: Sera Komori is the adoptive mother of Yu. In her youth, she was hired by Reina to kill her father Benjamin. Later on, she was told by the church to raise the recently orphaned baby Yu, who was handed in by a "mysterious stranger". Name: Sera Komori Age: 30s to 40s Voice Claim: Info Coming Soon! Occupation: Nun; Vampire Hunter Likes: Yu, gardening Dislikes: Vampires
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Gisele ♙ (Giesbach Tsukinami)
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Bio: Gisele was the previous First Blood Queen, wife of Klaus, and the mother of Carmilla and Shoko. Name: Gisele Tsukinami Age: Unknown Voice Claim: Info Coming Soon! Occupation: First Blood Queen (Former) Likes: Power, handsome men, her daughter Shoko Dislikes: Katharina and the possibility of her beating her, her daughter Carmilla, vampires
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Klaus 👑 (Krone)
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Bio: Klaus is the previous First Blood King, husband of Gisele, and the father of Carmilla and Shoko. Name: Klaus Tsukinmai Age: Unknown Voice Claim: Info Coming Soon! Occupation: First Blood King (Former) Likes: His daughter Carmilla, the prosperity of the Ancestor race Dislikes: Gisele putting the Ancestor race in danger, Endzeit, Gisele tormenting Carmilla
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Meyer 💎 (Menae)
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Bio: Meyer is the brother of Klaus, brother-in-law of Gisele, the uncle of Carmilla and Shoko, the father of Cornelius, and the grandfather of the triplets. Name: Meyer Age: Unknown Voice Claim: Info Coming Soon! Occupation: Lover of Vibora Queen Bella (Former) Likes: His brother Klaus, his nieces Carmilla and Shoko, the success of the Ancestor race, Bella Dislikes: Endzeit, Gisele's pride, Gisele mistreating Carmilla
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Bella 🐍 (Burai)
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Bio: Bella is the leader of the Vibora Clan, the mother of Cornelius, and the grandmother of the triplets. Not much information is known about her, other than that she allied herself with the Vampire Queen Katharina Sakamaki against the First Blood Queen Gisele Tsukinami when she waged war against the vampire race. Name: Bella Age: 200 + (?) Voice Claim: Info Coming Soon! Occupation: Queen of the Vibora Clan Likes: Power, Katharina Sakamaki Dislikes: Gisele Tsukinami
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As you can see, since these characters haven't really gotten official character designs or concept art over the years DL has been around, I had to get a bit creative for how I'd think their gender-bent counterparts would look with the little clues we'd get here and there.
For example, I read somewhere that apparently Karlheinz stated that Carla looked a lot like his mother Krone when she was alive, meaning that Carla got his looks from his mother while Shin had to have gotten his looks from their father, right? This is why I made the picrews the way I did. The only issue I had was whether or not to give both of them golden eyes, since I'm pretty sure that having golden eyes isn't a trait that all First Bloods have.
As for Menae and Burai, Cordelia's mother and father, I used Cordelia and the triplets as a reference. I assume that since Cordelia inherited her mother's First Blood genes, then that probably meant that Menae looked a lot like her daughter before she passed, making it possible that she had purple hair and fair skin. The eyes were a bit trickier for me to decide on since they could have been either green, purple, or even gold since Menae is Krone's sister, who also possibly had gold eyes. But I decided to just make it a situation where the child inherited a trait from each of their parents.
For Seiji, I used a panel of him from a DL manga to figure out how "Sera" would part her hair, though obviously the hair would still be styled a little differently. I also had to go with my memory from the anime where Seiji was in a picture with baby Yui, and I'm pretty sure in the anime, there's a very small part where some of Seiji's hair is shown to be a sandy blonde color. For the eyes, I had to assume that they were a dark color since both the anime and manga have the trope of not showing the person's eyes.
Picrews used: (Male ⚦) (Female ♀)
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jazzystudios82 · 4 months
Diabolik Lovers OC Lore: Angelica 🥀
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Warning ⚠️: Diabolik Lovers is a dark game series with mature themes. Discretion is HIGHLY advised before looking it up.
NOTICE: This contains old and outdated information. This will be updated in the future.
Name: Angelica Amor-Sakamaki
Race: First Blood/Vampire
Birthday: February 14th
Age: Several Centuries Old
Nickname(s): Angie; Mom/Mama (Akira & Sofia); Mama Angie (The Sakamaki Brothers); Ms Angie (Yui Komori); My Dear (Karlheinz); Tramp (Cordelia)
Gender: Female
Hair: Light Pink
Eyes: Silver
Height: Around Cordelia's and Beatrix's height)
Weight: It's a secret
Home: Sakamaki Mansion
Status: Alive (Cursed)
Family: Giesbach + (Biological Father); Carmen (Mother) +; Gabriel (Step-Father); Camilo (Younger Half-Brother); Victor (Younger Half-Brother); Carla (Younger Half-Brother); Shin (Younger Half-Brother); Karlheinz (Husband); Richter (Brother-in-Law); Akira + (Biological Son); Shu (Step-Son); Reiji (Step-Son); Ayato (Step-Son); Kanato (Step-Son); Laito (Step-Son); Subaru (Step-Son); Kino (Step-Son); Sofia (Daughter)
Blood Type: Unknown
Hobbies: Writing
Occupation: Model/Actress
Voice Claim*: Miyuki Sawashiro (Japanese); Salma Hayek (English)
Angelica is an important character from an AU known as "An Angel's Embrace". She was born from a love affair between Giesbach, the King of the First Bloods (the Ancestor Race of demons), and Carmen, a vampire woman who was from Mexico that worked as a lady-in-waiting for Giesbach's wife, Krone.
Carmen, fearing for her and her unborn baby's life, was able to escape and met her future husband, a powerful witch named Gabriel Amor, and after spending time with him in his estate, the two fell deeply in love and got married, sometime before Angelica's birth. She would later get two younger brothers from this union, whom she loved dearly. Angelica is completely unaware that she had two younger brothers through her father Giesbach, Carla and Shin Tsukinami.
Upon reaching adulthood, Angelica became the first wife of Karlheinz Sakamaki, the Vampire King, and gave birth to his eldest son and heir, Akira. However, despite having Karlheinz being truly devoted to her, he married Cordelia, Beatrix, and Christa so he could have other children as precautionary heirs in case something happened to Akira. While Angelica knew this, she had a small voice in the back of her head telling her he'd leave her and her son, though she'd do her best to ignore it. It also didn't help that the second wife, Cordelia, wasn't great to her and her son Akira, and would claim that Karlheinz loved her more and that she was more important as the daughter of the Demon King Burai.
Though she initially didn't really care for her husband's other children when they were first born, Angelica was quick to develop a fondness for them and treat them as if they were her own, since their biological mothers either didn't care for them/or were unable. Her son Akira loved spending time with them, often teasing them and taking them with him to spend time with his friends.
However, tragedy strikes when an assassin, who was hired by Cordelia, snuck into the Sakamaki mansion and attempted to murder Angelica and Akira. However, the 19 year old Akira was able to defend his mother from her would-be killer's attacks, but he unfortunately fell victim to the assassin's knife, and died shortly afterwards.
While the assassin was taken care of, Angelica mourned her son's death, and rarely left her room for two months after the funeral. But after remembering that the boys were miserable (particularly the triplets and Subaru), she picked herself back up again and looked after the Sakamaki Brothers up until their teen years, since she became pregnant with her and Karl's second child, and she was made to live with him in his castle for her and the baby's safety. This was around the time Beatrix and Cordelia were killed by Reiji and the triplets respectively.
She'd later gave birth to a baby girl, whom Karlheinz named Sofia, since Angelica always wanted to have a daughter named "Sofia". However, while Angelica was resting, Karlheinz had put her under a sleeping curse, and told his sons that she died due to complications with giving birth. The reason he did this was to have her close to him, and as a twisted way of "protecting" her. He didn't even give his sons time to grieve since he had them care for their new baby sister for him. Fortunately, the brothers couldn't find it in their hearts to despise her, since they viewed Sofia as one final gift from their beloved mother.
Despite being in a death-like slumber, Angelica was aware of nearly everything that was happening around her: Cordelia and Beatrix's deaths, Karlheinz's "love"/obsession with her, and his "Adam & Eve" project that involved her sons. Since she couldn't do anything, Angelica began to hate her husband, and waited for the day her curse was broken so she could be reunited her family.
Years passed, and when the brothers learned that Angelica was alive, they defeated their father and brought her back home, where Reiji made an antidote for her curse. Upon waking up, she tearfully reunited with the boys and promised to make up for lost time, especially with her daughter, whom she never really got the chance to officially meet. She also meets Yui, whom she treats like a daughter-figure.
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jazzystudios82 · 2 months
Diabolik Lovers: An Angel’s Embrace AU - Akira Amor-Sakamaki as “Anselm”🥀
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WARNING: Diabolik Lovers is a dark series with mature themes and topics. Discretion is advised. . . .
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Akira before the Tsukinami brothers found him (Image made in a Picrew).
After Akira's death and resurrection, Karlheinz was deeply surprised to see his eldest son had become practically feral and extremely dangerous due to the fact that his soul had already moved on, and was nowhere to be found in the spirit realm. When Karlheinz attempted to reach out to Akira, the pink haired young man had attacked him, and tried to gouge out his eyes and rip out his throat. He was knocked unconscious by his father before he could do any serious harm.
Since Akira was nowhere near ready to be reunited with his mother and half-brothers (and also because Sofia had just been born), Karlheinz had his Akira locked in a cell in his castle with guards and caretakers to look after him while Karlheinz did extensive research on Akira's condition.
Akira was basically like an emotionless doll who only expressed rage whenever Karlheinz was nearby or mentioned around him. Once when a poor maid who was in charge of his meals barely muttered his father's name, Akira attacked and killed her. After this incident, it became more and more difficult for the servants to want to even go near him, as they worried what he'd do if one of them had a slip up that'd cost them their lives. After that, Karlheinz had replaced Akira's old caretakers with ones who didn't mind giving up their lives.
Overtime, bits and pieces of Akira's soul that Karlheinz found were returned to his body, allowing him to gain some form of sentience, but he still had no memory of his old life or of who Karlheinz was. All he saw him as was his warden, and he did not like him one bit.
For clothing, Akira's clothes were typically old hand-me-downs from Karlheinz as they had similar sizes when he was Akira's age. But because of their old age, Akira would look out of place if he had ever set foot out of his father's castle and found himself in the modern world. He'd also become very overwhelmed as the outside world would be different from what he was used to in Karlheinz's castle.
Another thing to take note was that the serum Karlheinz created to bring his son back had caused some kind of mutation, making Akira stronger and his powers much more frightening than what they used to be. . . .
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Akira after the Tsukinami brothers found him (Image made in a Picrew).
One day, during a Blood Moon, Akira noticed that Karlheinz had seemed much weaker, and that when the white haired vampire went back to get some rest, Akira had decided that that was the moment for him to make his move.
Later on, Akira managed to knock out a guard and steal the key to his cell, unlocking it with ease. And since he was much stronger than the familiars Karlheinz had standing guard, Akira was able to subdue them without killing them and made his escape before the Blood Moon ended.
While he managed to make it to the human realm, Akira was apprehended by Carla, Shin, and Stella Tsukinami, the last three pureblooded members of the Ancestor race of demons. The three were quick to notice Akira's status as a First Blood/Vampire hybrid, and his resemblance to their father's old bodyguard Selena, who'd later on go by a different name (Carmen). Realizing that he was Selena/Carmen's descendant, and having seen his feats of strength through the damage he caused in the woods, Carla and Shin decided that he'd make a good bodyguard for them and their younger sister Stella and gave him the name "Anselm", since Akira still couldn't remember his birth name at this point.
After agreeing to become their bodyguard, Akira, now "Anselm", followed their orders to the letter, and was also eager in helping them take down Karlheinz and his family, as he wanted to make the man who kept him captive as miserable as possible. . . .
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Akira when he returns to the Sakamaki family (Image made in a Picrew).
When Akira regained all of his memories, he returned to his family and tried to readjust himself to the new status quo, which was a long and slow process for him. His brothers and mother were there for him every step of the way, and he was able to meet his little sister and Yui for the first time: he even was able to reunite with Kino, a young demon Akira met in his teens that he saw as a little brother.
Akira's relationship with his father Karlheinz would never go back to what it once was, especially when he learned of his father's 'Adam and Eve' plan. . . .
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Picrew here 👇🏻
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jazzystudios82 · 2 months
Diabolik Lovers - An Angel's Embrace Au: Hikaru Mukami ♡
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Bio for a new DL OC, Hikaru Mukami. Image made in Picrew.
Biographical Information
Kanji: ヒカル
Romaji: Mukami Hikaru
Nickname(s): Sofia's friend (Yui); Baby Bro (Kou & Yuma) The Doll Boy (Kanato); Little Brother (Ruki and Azusa); The Dhampir (Karlheinz)
Birthday: December 25th
Sign: Capricorn
Age: 12 to 13
Status: Alive
Physical and Vital Statistics
Race: Dhampir (Half Human, Half Vampire)
Ethnicity: Romanian and Japanese
Gender: Male
Height: Two inches taller than Sofia
Weight: Unknown
Blood Type: AB
Hair: Honey Blonde
Eyes: Amethyst
Professional Status
Occupation: Student at Nevermore Academy
Affiliation: The Mukami Family
Personal Status
Abraham Van Helsing + (Maternal Ancestor); Dracula (Paternal Grandfather); Abbigail + (Birth Mother); Alucard + (Birth Father); Ruki (Adoptive Older Brother); Kou (Adoptive Older Brother); Yuma (Adoptive Older Brother); Azusa (Adoptive Older Brother)
Hobbies: Listening to music, reading, and watching horror movies
Favorite Food: Strawberry Shortcake
VC (Voice Claim): Cardamon from Bee and Puppycat
Hikaru Mukami (. . . .) is the youngest member of the Mukami family. He was found by Karlheinz, the father of the Sakamakis and the current Vampire King, who then gave the baby Hikaru to his future adoptive brothers, the Mukamis.
Hikaru is a young boy who has a doll-like appearance: pale skin, soft rounded eyes, and a frail looking body. He keeps his honey blonde hair a bit long, long enough for him to have some of it kept in a small braid on the left side of his head. Hikaru has eyes that are similar in color the amethyst gems, and his face has a light scattering of freckles.
For casual wear, Hikaru typically wears loose clothes that one would think wouldn't fit his slightly girlish appearance: sports clothes. He wears a red letterman jacket, a black short sleeved shirt, dark gray shorts, and red sneakers. He also is never seen without his silvery white headphones.
His Nevermore Academy uniform consists of a white buttoned shirt, a raven black vest with silver embellishments, black shorts, white socks, and black shoes.
Hikaru is a soft spoken, shy, and rather anti-social young boy. He likes to go on with life without getting involved in other people's problems (unless they're his brothers).
However, despite being a loner, Hikaru does want to form connections with other people who aren't his brothers, as he often finds himself watching other kids his age and gets lonely.
When Hikaru does find make friends of his own, like Sofia, he becomes very loyal and protective.
Hikaru is the youngest brother of the Mukami family. Unlike his brothers, Hikaru had two parents who were a human and a vampire: Alucard, the son of the high ranking Count Dracula, and Abbigail, the descendant of Abraham Van Helsing and the arch nemesis of the count and all Vampires.
When Hikaru is born, his mother and father attempted to go into hiding in Japan and make new identities for themselves so their son could have a normal-ish childhood. Unfortunately, Abigail was killed in a car accident while Alucard was killed by a rogue vampire hunter from Seiji Komori's church. However, before the vampire hunter could harm the baby Hikaru, Karlheinz, a close friend of Alucard and his family, had sent a familiar of his to kill the hunter and take Alucard's son to his castle.
After Karlheinz checked the baby for injuries, he had taken Hikaru with him to the Mukami household, and after explaining the situation to the four vampires, had them raise Hikaru as their little brother while making a deal with Ruki that he and his brothers would hand Hikaru over to the Vampire King when the boy turns eighteen so he would become a bodyguard for his daughter, Sofia.
What Karlheinz didn't plan for was that the Mukami brothers would actually grow to care for Hikaru, and would that Ruki would try to find a way to break the deal without earning Karlheinz's wrath. . . .
Hikaru's relationships with the Mukami family.
For Hikaru's relationships with the Sakamaki family.
For Hikaru's relationship with Yui Komori.
For Hikaru's relationships with the Tsukinami family.
Powers and Abilities
Superhuman strength; enhanced smell; enhanced vision; enhanced hearing; bat transformation; fast healing
Info Coming Soon!
Fun Facts
Hikaru is the only known Dhampir in the story so far.
According to Ruki, Hikaru eats ice cream like a six year old despite being 12 to 13.
Kou is the one to style Hikaru's hair in the morning.
Yuma has Hikaru help him with his garden.
Azusa gets the most worried about Hikaru when he gets sick due to his half human heritage.
Despite being rather young, Hikaru has seen some classic horror movies such as Friday the 13th, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Ring (Ringu), Frankenstein, Candyman, Carrie, The Exorcist, The Shining, It, etc. This upsets Ruki since he thinks Hikaru is too young to watch them.
For some reason, Hikaru doesn't believe in curses, but he does believe in crystals.
He enjoys reading webcomics and getting the comics in print.
Hikaru believes fortune tellings are scams. The reason why is unknown, even to his older brothers.
Due to him being half human, Hikaru doesn't need to drink blood as often as his brothers.
Hikaru knows nothing about his birth parents.
One of his favorite bands to listen to is One Direction.
He currently considers Sofia to be his only friend.
Whenever he gets nervous, Hikaru cuts his nails.
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Here's my boy! I initially planned for him to look more "doll-like" since that was what I thought of his appearance to be when I first came up with the character, but there were only so many options that I could use from the picrew I used to get him as close as I imagined him.
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