#the anagan i turned him into
spilledmilkfkdies · 1 year
So know that we know Duman's and Gantlos's love language, all that's left is Anagan and Ogron. I especially can't wait for Ogron's since he probably isn't the type to show genuine love to someone that easily. So I can't wait to see how he shows affection to the other wizards (especially to Gantlos if you know what I mean :) )
Oh I know exactly what you mean.
WELL, if you can't wait any longer than I already made you I'm so sorry, I suppose we'll just start with Ogron:
I think you're onto something with him not being the type to show genuine love easily, I can see that for him. I'd maybe even add that the way he expresses love is more him tolerating the way others express their love, if I dare- Like he kinda adjusts to accommodate them? Cutely absorbs love language. Does this somewhat fall under acts of service? I don't know, where else would I put it pls-
But the way he'd like to receive love is really quite simple. I think he wants attention. Undivided attention. Quality time, final answer.
Now ANAGAN, my love, my pal, my morally ambiguous golden retriever- If we're here anyway, right- I think he's an affection/gift giver mix. He's very casually affectionate as well, hugs and holds his friends, throws an arm around someone if they're in arm-throwing range. In terms of gifts I'd say flowers are his specialty, or just a general "This made me think of you <3" *hands you a rock*. Could be a regular rock he found while out on a jog. Could be a very expensive one that's probably not his. But it sure is yours now.
And not to be LAZY or anything (because 2 of them already have a form of this one), but I'm putting him in the quality time appreciator box as well. I think everyone but Gantlos being in it is very funny. And it fits. I think it makes sense.
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lx1920jmax · 1 year
This time I wanted to draw something "large-scale" and kind of "stupid", and it turned out to be a mini-comic. The idea was spontaneous, and it seemed funny to me, so I brought it to life. However, I simplified the style a bit to make it look more like a comic and speed up the work process (it took a long time).😵😵😵
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As you probably guessed, the idea was to exchange clothes. Judging by Anagan's face, one can only guess how much Duman is smaller than him. (And the eye shadow is also surprisingly suitable for him.)😂😂😂
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At first I wanted Duman and Anagan to exchange clothes only among themselves. And then I wanted to try on other guys' clothes on them. (Anagan in Gantlos clothes looks purely like Van Helsing. I do not know why…😅😅😅)
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Duman had problems not only with the size of the clothes, but also with its "complexity". Gantlos' clothes, unlike his own, have too many different fasteners, rivets and straps, and Duman could not cope with them himself. (And he, of course, refused Anagan's help, even though he offered.😁😁😁)
If enough people appreciate it, then I will make a sequel with Ogron and Gantlos. (Everything is in your hands.)
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annikuza · 1 year
First time doing head cannons publicaly but let’s go
Wizards of the Black Circle head cannons
- earlier he def experimented on Ogron or Gantlos with makeup.
- I like to think his pink hair is natural (like most characters)
- he wasn’t very confident with his style at first but he began to like it more because people were scared of him
- very flirty 💯
- love language is touch omg
- he’s touch starved who agrees?
- turns into a hawk and steals Gantlos’s hat
- would paint someone’s nails with no hesitation
- giant soft spot for kids
- holding hands 😫😫
- he treats Duman like a son
- gets his hat stolen a lot
- tallest of the group and strongest (litterally)
- very quiet
- cries easily
- grumpy old guy yk
- coughs very loudly and a lot
- badonkers (I’m sorry but it’s true)
- gets made fun of for being a readhead (HAHA L SUCK IT [im a ginger])
- he gets mad easily
- he throws fits and throws stuff
- would probably smoke
- developed the style of the group (except Duman)
- bottles most emotions up
- also very quiet
- he’s sarcastic
- he’s the most genuinely nicest guy in the group
- he drinks his issues away
- he has a scar on his eye from one of Ogron fits
- self conscious of his magic and just himself
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Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Why is this intro actually fire??!
Ah yes, now they're the teachers
I actually admire season 4 for allowing the protagonists to grow up
"it almost makes me miss the trix, even they were less agressive"
Grizelda, How exactly were they supposed to know that the room has been changed?
Also, ROOM singular? Are the teachers grouped too? Why don't the girls get their own rooms?
...griselda don't encourage students to be like the winx,  you don't want more girls to put themselves in mortal danger
Are the keys to the hall of enchantment custom made for each teacher? What about no fairy teachers? Do they just not get access?
Why is this hall inside a school? Actually maybe the building became a school after
Blooms picture is in the book of fairies, Why exactly?
"A level above enchantix" and here begins the contradiction
The animation here looks wierd?
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Yes bloom just walk off mid speech
Why was the wizard's painting covered?
Wait.... were they trapped in the painting? This brought up way too many questions
musa ruffling rivers hair
helia being a perfect jentleman
stella poking Brandon
Oh right He's king now. Ah plot consistency, may you rest in peace
Grizeda rocks that look though ngl
No previous planning? To shame bloom, to shame.
Yeah I honestly wouldn't be all that impressed with those tricks either
Actually good lesson here, good job techna and aisha
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Why don't bloom and Stella know the damn course plan?
Why is clarice saying this infront of several people?
How don't the teachers notice clarice just walk off?
How didn't Alice feel the box being put in her bag???
I like the original enchantix song more
What is the physics of that morphics surfboard?
Also Why did she use/make it? Feels useless to me
Why detonate it on the punching bag flora's turn?
Why did they have no protection in the first place? There was open fire?
Jeez, obviously alfea and cloud tower have very different punishments, the trix got away with so much worse, 
...actually maybe that's why the repercussions are so harsh now
Rip alfea's barrier (season 1 episode 2)
Ogron's so pale,  like did they forget to colour in his face??
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And here begins anagan x flora, with a single hello
Smh flora you naïve girl, did you learn nothing in these last three years?
Gantlos has anger issues confirmed, he's the stormy of the black circle
Why the flora abuse this episode??
How exactly does that magic work? Were the wizards invisible? Or did they teleport? And if they teleported how did they know to do it right then?
They know blooms name and not her face? Even more questions...
I like this version of duman's voice, it fits him (rai's wierd accent)
I'd actually like a musa- gantlos rivalry, being immune to each others sound based spells, sounds like a good plot point
"Well that was fun"
Ogron is a masochist confirmed
..Merlin? Did he exist in the magical universe?
...Dodging is impossible? Get Stella a basic self preservation class please
Ogrons magic is actually an interesting concept, too bad they don't use it to its full potential
Hold up are their fingers black? Why?
...but what if they last earth fairy is in alfea? Why give up on it so quick?
But why did clarice admit it?
"It's an ancient story"
Time line go brrrrr
Did faragonda give the girls an ancient important book? Why???? They didn't need the whole thing
...I'm not saying anything on faragonda's explanation mainly because of the utter confusion and amount of questions it brings up
Musas up for a fist fight
...maybe all of roxy's confusion would have been ended if she mentioned morgana's name,  the girls know she's the queen now
Again, Time line go brrrr
How does making humans belive in magic weaken the wizards? this was never actually explained? Like they still had power before humanity forgot fairies?
"Where are we even going?"
Why don't you start with,  oh I don't know... EARTH???
Drama King helia, love it
Word spread to the boy's that fast? Wow
Aaaawwwww rivusa, Riven picking up musa and lifting up her mood, even if he didn't think up of it himself
Riven king of common sense
Sky's entrance was actually adorable, and hilarious
The change of music really made my heart drop for a second
Why the secrecy though? Couldn't they just go with the winx ?
When did techna copy all the books without the others knowing?
A teacher is a teachers pet
Oh poor wizgiz
oh right the pixy plot, yeah I'm not comenting on it beyond it was stupid and pointless
What luck,  they just so happen to come across a randomly rare magic butterfly
"Light and darkness in perfect harmony"
And yet the tree shows only fairies?
Also what luck that roxy just so happen to be in......
Actually, theory time:
What if when daphne sent bloom through the portal aiming for earth, she opened it close to a strong magical source, Morgana.
That would make more sense that a huge coincidence of two of the only magical beings on earth being in the same city
A promise never fulfilled, I wish we actually saw roxy bond with a pixy
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calissarowan · 1 month
You’d Be My Favourite
(I wrote a very short fanfic of Flora and Anagan’s points of view during their flirty interaction in episode 7. Everything in pink is Flora’s POV, and everything in black is Anagan’s.)
‘What are they doing?’ Bloom asks me curiously, watching Gantlos and Ogron inspecting the ground. It’s unclear to her, but I’ve got a pretty good idea that they’re trying to track Roxy. Well, that isn’t happening. Not today, not tomorrow, not Tuesday, not ever. I flutter my new Believix wings, landing gently about five metres away, my steps a little unsteady in my new boots. At least the soles of my feet aren’t exposed like in my Enchantix form.
Well, this got out of hand fast. How do Ogron’s plans always turn into fights? And this time, even though we’re easily holding our own, we’re certainly not leaving the Winx defeated on their knees. Roxy’s belief has made them stronger, for reasons I don’t really understand. Speaking of Roxy, I can see Ogron and Gantlos across the industrial estate, the former standing over the latter, watching him try and track the last fairy. And just over them, Bloom and Flora, watching curiously. Flora flies lower, coming into land, walking towards Gantlos and Ogron. If she interrupts Gantlos’s tracking spell, he’ll have to cast it again, and that’s time we really don’t need to lose. ‘Sorry, gotta go,’ I say to Stella and Aisha, giving them a casual salute. ‘It’s been fun dodging all your blasts and generally showing you up.’ Okay, I wouldn’t normally say something like that, but the look on Stella’s face is too priceless not to. Employing my super speed, I zip to where Flora’s about to reach Gantlos and Ogron, appearing in a blur of speed.
I gasp with surprise as a sudden wind whips my hair, blowing it into my face in a cloud of lavender-scented conditioner. I cough, spitting a chunk of it out and brushing the rest of it out of my eyes, gasping and stepping back in surprise to see Anagan in front of me. I have to admit that while Gantlos is more destructive, Duman is more versatile, and Ogron is more powerful, Anagan’s super speed is the most annoying. The way he can just pop up out of nowhere; not a fairy’s best friend.
I watch her splutter and choke on her own hair, my lips quirking into a small, unexpected smile at how cute it is. Her eyes widen as she sees me, and she steps back, but I note it’s more with surprise than fear, her green eyes narrowing as she realises it’s me. She brushes her hair out of her eyes, and I can’t help my gaze drawing to its long, soft waves falling down her back. ‘The nature fairy,’ I greet her, sweeping a bow I hadn’t really been planning on.
He’s…bowing to me? Not really what I’d been expecting. Anagan looks up at me, his dark eyes meeting mine, and I raise an eyebrow, my lips quirking into a curious smirk.
Maybe I’m still in a quippy mood from my remark to Stella and Aisha, but honestly? There’s truth in what I say next. ‘If we weren’t sworn enemies, you’d be my favourite.’
Is…is he flirting with me? I have heard our villains say a lot of things, but never once has one of them flirted with me. They barely acknowledge me, to be honest. The others draw a lot of attention. And yet…Anagan is quite definitely in a bow, looking up at me with a lightly teasing gaze. What do I say back? That he’ll never be mine? That would be a very smart, sensible answer. But instead, I smile. ‘Nice of you to say.’ I raise my arm above my head and summon one of my news spells; I will neither confirm nor deny whether I know that it’s actually the least harmful of my new arsenal. ‘Autumn Wind!’
I expected plenty of different responses to my words. Hers didn’t even make the top hundred most-likely. Was she…was she flirting with me? She seemed to be… Not to mention that she could hit so much harder. I know that. She knows that. Even if I didn’t run, I’d recover from the swirl of brightly-coloured leaves in a heartbeat. Is she holding back? Interesting…
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lonelybiscuits · 21 days
Ah yes, here are the head canons no one asked for, but Im hyper fixated on these four so here we go!
Ogron; [I actually had a dream that he had a boyfriend and I accidentally aliven’t him so we’re working with that] I believe that long before magic was erased earth had its own version of red fountain, specifically because other beings tended to look down on earth creatures. I believe in his youth, his father replaced his mother with a cruel fairy, who ended up killing his mother,. Though he couldn’t prove it was her. She treated him poorly, and as soon as he could escape he did. He then met his lover, and him and his boyfriend both attended this red fountain knock off school, but somewhere along the way a few rogue/evil fairies attacked the school and his bf was caught in the cross fire. Losing his mother and lover to fairies, Ogron hatred solidified and his hunt began.
Gantlos; Gantlos was actually also a victim of rogue fairies, but he was too young to witness the destruction itself, and only grew up in the aftermath. He lived in a very cold region where winter was long and harsh, and slowly watched his mother freeze/starve to death along with his siblings. He had tried to keep everyone alive after his mother’s demise, but the young ones just weren’t strong enough. This led to a magical awakening of sorts and he ended up causing miles of destruction in his grief. A fairy who was the daughter of one of the ones that destroyed his home town found him and took him in. Everything was starting to warm up, until he overheard a meeting in which his home’s destruction was mentioned. He immediately confronted the fairies, and though the young fairy tried to save him the anguish, he found out the truth and in a fit of rage decimated them all.
Anagan; Anagan has a much more mild backstory. He grew up in a town where nature was the center of everything. It was practically worshipped, so nature magic was looked up upon. He wasn’t exactly an outcast, but his lack of ability in the natural magic made him fall short of his social status. One night he was walking the trail of the forest when he heard a few people scheming in the woods to destroy an ancient magical tree and attempt to harvest its magic. He tried to intervene himself but wasn’t quick enough. The tree was destroyed, in order to prevent the bandits from doing anymore damage, he quickly absorbed the magic himself. By the time the people of town found out it was too late, he tried to tell everyone what happened but the nature fairies blamed him, and this the whole town. No matter how much he tried to explain, the evidence was against him. He was run out of town by the fairies. He resented them for not believing him, and that’s where it started for him, though the actual taking of wings didn’t start until after meeting the others
Duman: his powers are rare and desirable. Most shapeshifters are reclusive and try not to blend with other magic species for fear of exploitation. When he was young he ventured too far out towards a neighboring village. His mother caught up with him, scolding him for going so far out alone. They were heading back when a fairy stopped them. She attacked his mother and while distracted, Duman was taken. He was sold to a rich sisterhood of fairies who mistreated him frequently and displayed him like a circus animal, he was frequently forced to overuse his transformation abilities, and beaten if he couldn’t comply. They publicly humiliated him and paraded him around. One night , Ogron was at a gala, he was there looking for fairies he felt were unworthy of their wings. When the fairies arrived with Duman and began their gaudy display of him, Ogron knew he had to save him. He followed them home and once all had turned in for the night, he began destroying them one by one. He found Duman locked in a cage in a basement, after releasing him, they searched for the fairy that had attacked his mother, and Duman destroyed her.
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zachshivers · 2 months
{Anagan} - Help, Duman!
(Duman turns around and sees Anagan over 2000 feet away from him, running from a group of monsters. He shouts, because unlike himself, Anagan doesn't not have super hearing)
{Duman} - (smiles) What are you doing?
{Anagan} - (Panicked) They're after me!
{Duman} - Third kind, already? You better run, man. I think the fourth kind is the butt thing. (Laughing)
{Anagan} - Empathy, Duman. Empathy!
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crazy-queen-winx · 1 year
The last question I ask about those couples that I mentioned before in another question, do you have any headcanon?
As for Flora turning evil, I would like to see more fan content featuring the Winx as villains. Some could be interesting villains.
Sky x Icy - They think of each other badly at the start, but are also instantly attracted. Sky loves Icy's eyes and vice versa. He is intimidated by her even after they go on their first date. Icy dominates this relationship, which at first makes Sky nervous, but then he embraces it. He becomes malewife to Icy's girlboss. Nobody believed at first that they are dating. Erendor wanted them to break up and almost got a heart attack after he heard about them. But Sky doesn't want to leave Icy and also would be scared to do so.
Anagan x Flora - Anagan loves Earth and would show Flora all of his favourite places. Especially parks or gardens. They love teasing each other, which Stella thinks is sickingly sweet. I think that they would have a huge family. Others noticed that Flora becomes far more snarky when near Anagan and think that it's good for her after her forcing herself to be nice 24h.
Riven x Flora - they get together before s2 and girls would be worried that Riven will break Flora's heart, but I see them rarely fighting. Though some bottle up feelings may occur. They don't share hobbies, but they are very supportive of each other. Riven may not get poetry but he will read each of Flora's poems and ramble about them. Flora is interested in every weapon that Riven shows her. She tried to get him into gardening and now Riven has bonsai tree that he tries to take care of (Timmy helps with it, because he thinks that this whole situation is cute). Riven would confess first, but Flora would be the first to say I love you. I see Flora fantasizing about the wedding, but she is patient. Everyone would help Riven with proposal (even Musa).
Riven: Excuse me, she asked for no pickles.
Diaspro x Bloom - They would rock as royal couple. Nobody would dare to disrespect one of them, because they are both very protective of the other. Bloom calls Diaspro her princess and later queen. Diaspro sticks to 'my dear'. She is Bloom's impulse control and had to teach her more about royal etiquette, while Bloom introduced her to mundane things like pizza or movies. Her first date was going to romantic comedy and while Diaspro find movie to be a bit boring she remembers the event very fondly. Kiko considers Diaspro to be his second mom, but at first he was weary of her. Mike and Vanessa loved Diaspro from the start, but they were worried about girls future due to royal bussiness. Everything turns out fine after Diaspro deals with her strict parents. They would be the couple that wants to propose at the same time and later tease each other over who proposed to who.
Winx being villains is such a hot topic for video edits, actually :)). Sorry that I respond so late ;/.
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cerisia76 · 5 months
3, 18 and 20, Anagan!
The worst part of always losing track of what I have to do is that I always forget to answer asks. That's probably the reason why I don't receive much, people are used to it 😂
Thanks for the ask by the way!
3. A song that reminds me of them
Oh my god... First of all many songs make me think of him (for some reason, many funny/satirical songs). But the first one I have in mind when I think of him os Friends by Chase Atlantic... I wouldn't say the whole song makes me think about him but the first verse and chorus? It's so so him and how I imagine him seducing fairies by telling them he'll give them the world and that they shouldn't be on the other side.
But for the second part of the song where the singer wonders how much the other person played with their feelings we actually are in the fairies' minds after he got what he wanted.
He's a gentleman but the kind that'll leave you heartbroken.
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
I do think he lost his family really young. I found a fanfiction where his mother was a Nature fairy and his father a man who left her for a winter fairy which lead her to kill him and his girlfriend in an angry moment. She got immediately into prison and Anagan was left with nothing. I just love this version of his story because I find it sweet. Especially when he explains to someone that he loves Nature Fairies because they are strong, always true to their feelings, ready to do everything for love. (just like his mother) but also because they are so funny when they blush because of him (this guy is just SO FLIRTY... like I'm weak for him.).
So sadly as a child he had to take care of himself and didn't really got to have an amazing childhood. But he survived thanks to his charisma. He really reads people well and used his smile and his cutie face (because he was adorable as a child).
i think he met Duman in his childhood and they became chaotic best friends immediately. Duman was younger but always played with Anagan's naivety. Because Anagan was such a naive child (and he still falls for Duman's traps).
So basically: he has no family (his mother died in prison because as a Nature Fairy she couldn't survive being trapped), met Duman first out of the wizards, is naive, is charming, charismatic and reads people well.
20. A weird headcanon
It's probably not weird but a friend had a really surprised reaction when I said it but I do think he never experienced "true" love. He's seductive, loves to be seduced, loves physical contact and all this stuff but he never experienced the feeling that true love is. And it's not something he misses. He already has inconditional love for the other wizards and for him, this family he built by himself is way more important than any person he would ever fall in love with. But all of this is before Flora of course because, with her, he discovered that sometimes wanting to seduce someone isn't enough. There is more to discover.
Also I do believe he has the weakest immune system of the wizards. HE. IS. ALWAYS. SICK. That's why he cares so much about his sports routine. It gives him the sensation that he has some control of the situation but no matter how hard he tries, the smallest virus meeting his way will turn him into a wreck. And the other wizards hate it because he turns into a whiny child.
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godofalgebra · 1 year
Hey hey heeeey
And here I am again with an au that I will just drop here, yeAsss
To make long story short this is a 1800's au, where the ✨gang™✨ of Black Circle is ended up in Russian Empire in some town named N (Pushkin and Gogol, we are with you, dudes), where they had lived their lifes like normal people
Who are just hunt fairies, yeah
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Even have a fanfic in this setting, if you know Russian you're welcome!
And of course there are some headcanons!!!
His name now is Dunaev Oleg Nikodimovich
He is a professional musician, often plays piano
Someone's saying (mostly himself) that he can play the hardest music piece even with closed eyes!
But no one really cares about it, and that makes him angry
Spoke only French infront public until this little jerk Napoleon and his war ruined it to him
Doesn't smoke because his lungs rejects smoke
But compensates it with a loooot of alcohol, can even determine the taste of different types of vodka
His initials from Mamedov Anar Gaidarovich are form word wizard in Russian (МАГ)
An artist with a really huge experience in drawing everything
Sometimes this everything is not clothed and even doing something with their naked bodies, o-la-la!
Always searching for the ways to make money
Can spend the whole day in chair doing nothing
Will never put a finger on something until there's no benefits for him like money and money and sex and mone-
Tells everyone that he is a child of Russian soldier and Turkish woman
Smokes like a train
His name is List Grigory Anatolievich
Have bought some of his awards on his soldier's uniform
Working with budgets of this town
He was calculating numbers so much that he remember all of these sums and differences
(Really wanted him to help me with my math exam🥲)
Never dancing on balls, a lot of girls and women were rejected by him
Can't sleep for weeks and even months, some sort of mental disorder, and because of that sometimes just laying in armchair with closed eyes for several hours to give his brain a little rest
He is a poet whose name is Dymkov Dmitriy Alekseevich
Always talking abour others poets and authors and had never published his works
In their home he's called Dimitrushka
Sometimes transforms into woman Tatiana to talk with others on balls
No, he never tried to jerk off as female, no, he is not-
Really loves graphomans like Tolstoy and Gogol, and eve did know Pushkin and was a good friend to him until his death
Splits his mohawk to looks normal to public
Knows everyone in N town, but not everyone's know him
Name is Diakova Alina Feodorovna, on French maner would be Eileen
Her birthmark on face is disturbs her sometimes but everyone's thinks it's unique and charming
Never had a thought about how everything around her turns into dust but she is still looks like some twenty years old girly
Firstly was scared of Gantlos 'cause she was making a lot of mistakes in front of him, and now is still scared, but not so much
She's Kuban Cossack and made her way to N town to make some money
(or she was running from her past...?)
Phew, that was really a huge post, huh😅🙃
I'm sorry if I made some grammatical mistakes in this one
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spilledmilkfkdies · 2 months
Hi, me again! I was just wondering, following the ‘what if the wizards were actually surrendering’ ask, if the wizards really did give up fairy hunting, what do you think they’d do? (Sorry if I’m sending you too many asks, I just really like your takes.) Thank you!
Hiii sorry it took me a sec to get to this one!! I'll put a link to that ask right here for anyone who's wondering, since it's been a bit. Never worry about sending too many asks either, like I said a while back; I'll get to them eventually! If it takes some time before you hear back from me, sincerely <3 My bad <3 Was a little occupied with another fandom this time and actively participating in both got to me djsksdk
Moving on though!
In my mind they've really already been living normally, like between locking away the fairies and Roxy's magic making itself known I mean- Of course the logistics of it are a bit um. All over the place. Considering they're immortal, sort of. Do they have legal documents? Real or fake? Did they have any mortal friends and how would that work? And JOBS?? The way none of these are obstacles for Duman btw, that's why they killed him, they didn't want him to roam and do whatever anymore. Real and Canon.
Now in a post-alt ending-S4 timeline, the one where they did surrender, do we assume that they just can't use their magic, or that they don't have it anymore? Because that'd probably change the way they live afterwards pretty drastically. Aside from the fact some of them heavily depend on magic more than the others (Ogron and Duman get help smh), HORRENDOUS case scenario, they might all be mortal. For the sake of my own mental health though, I'm just gonna say they do still have magic and are in fact not mortal, just give them a fairy parole officer, some magic blocking thing, keep them around and use them for "good" stuff after a rehabilitation period or something. That's what I'd prefer anyway.
What would they be doing during said rehabilitation period? Started out as a bit of a shared joke, but tbh Anagan model career WHEN. He'd struggle with the lack of useable magic the least too, so he'd probably thrive during the whole thing more than the others, and as he should. Besides Anagan I don't have a whole lot ngl- I mean, I'd like to think Duman had lots of jobs back in the day, not sure if I mentioned that before, but I might make a separate post if I didn't, just because I have thoughts but other stuff to talk about rn sjsjksk
Ogron and Gantlos don't have a lot either MY BAD, but I do think Ogron might be more likely to have friends, maybe surprisingly. Meanwhile Gantlos has a bigger chance of being able to hold down a stable job. What job? Great question! I'm not sure yet. If that changes I'll be sharing with the class!
Moving on once again!! What could the "good" stuff I mentioned above be exactly? Education.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But are there no. Wizard or witch school on Earth?? I know they ended up opening a fairy school later on, but those aren't the only magic users suddenly learning of the dormant magic in their roots. Let's take the comic character Gregory for example. He learns he's a wizard, he tries to enroll into a wizard school(?) off planet. Nothing inherently wrong with going to a school off planet- The Winx did it too, lots of magic users do it, what is wrong though, is being turned down and having no alternatives. And even worse?? They tell him it's because. There's a darkness in him?? Or something?? I could excuse it slightly more if it was a case of "Oh your magic is dark aligned and this is a light magic school" because wizard canonically are known to be both, right? But aside from the fact that, again, there are no alternatives for him, as far as he knows, telling a newly awakened magic user that he's basically too evil to teach is CRAZY I'm sorry??
Here's where I cutely insert the Wizards of the Black Circle. Have them become the place to go when your magic energy alignment is dark (because it doesn't inherently have to mean evil and they're worthy of education in this essay I) on Earth, or even just. Any magic user who isn't a fairy. Just give them another Terrestrial option, options are always good. I think that'd be really neat.
You might sit here and go "The evil wizards are gonna teach the next generation of wizards? Could history not repeat itself??" Well. Yeah. But are the Terrestrial fairies not teaching their next generation now too? The same fairies who canonically turned on humanity at some point? These are all 'what if' scenarios, I'd just like to think that with proper communication this time around, things will be different and both fairy and wizard get to work towards that together. I'm normal and have slept a reasonable amount.
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winxngasks · 3 years
Winx Club Next-Gen AU: Stormy/Anagan’s Kids
Next up for the AU kids, we have the children of Stormy and Anagan! Like with Vale from my Icy/Valtor kids, the two oldest children here, Gale and Rain were also adopted from @purfectprincessgirl from her former AU! Also like with the Icy/Valtor post, she also gets credit for some of the ideas used below. I hope you enjoy reading~ :3
- Backstory: Stormy was the second one to break off from her villainous days of being apart of the Trix, eventually finding herself bored with the lifestyle and wanted to find a new purpose in life. She did not know what to do at first, just went through life and traveled around, till one day she stumbled across a peculiar wizard who was recently revived and traveling around too. He had no idea what happened to him, where he came from, or anything about his past, just that his name was “Anagan”. Confused about himself, he goes out to try and figure out what his place in the world is supposed to be, before he comes across the lone Stormy. Together they made an unlikely team as they decided to journey throughout the Magic Dimension together. At first they did not get along the best, as Stormy found him to be unbearable with all his cockiness, but that did not stop Anagan from still sticking by her anyway. Soon though, she would come to appreciate his confidence and loyalty to her more-and-more, as all the men in her life before him found her to be too intimidating or irritable to approach. Anagan himself always found her to be rather charming in her own way despite her more grumpy nature, finding her flustered reactions to him to be cute. After a while on their journey they decide to settle down together, finding themselves a home to relax in from their crazy adventures. Even if his past memories were still missing from his mind, Anagan did not mind much anymore, as he was just happy and content to be making new memories with the beautiful and huffy love of his life.
- Their Kids
* Gale
. Age: 17
. Magic Title: Witch of the Howling Storms
. Physical Description: tall with a toned hourglass figure, long and dark brown hair usually done up in a braided high-ponytail style, dark brown skin, dark teal eyes, silver and dangly lightning bolt-shaped earrings
. Bio: Oldest child and daughter of Stormy and Anagan, currently attending Cloud Tower. Out of her siblings, Gale seems to take after their father the most in looks and personality. She is a very sly and resourceful young lady, with a natural confidence about her. She is talented in smooth-talking, knowing just the right words to get what she wants, no matter who it is from. Though despite her usually using her charms on guys, it is actually the ladies she is into though she tends to turn into a flustered mess whenever a girl likes her back, so she has not had much luck finding dates. Perhaps too prideful in herself and her abilities, she usually does not listening to others for long as she would rather go by her own plans instead. This leaves her with little genuine friends to hang out with, so she ends up feeling pretty lonely at times. Though, with the influence of some calmer people in her life she has started reconsidering some of her actions, but she still has a ways to go. As she takes after her mother in having more storm-based magical abilities, she has been pretty favored by her as of late, much to her younger sister Rain’s annoyance. The two do not have the best relationship, as Rain has always found it rather difficult keeping up with her or having the attention be on her, as it usually all goes to Gale.
* Rain
. Age: 15
. Magic Title: Fairy of the Dark Wind
. Physical Description: short with a small and petite frame but with some slight pear-shaped curves, short and frizzy lilac hair done in a simple afro-mohawk style, light brown skin, hooded and deep indigo eyes
. Bio: Middle child and second daughter of Stormy and Anagan, currently attending Alfea. Growing up, Rain has always found it difficult to stand out and find her own place in the world. Aside from not getting along with her older sister Gale, she has also found it hard to connect with her mother Stormy, due to their magical alignment differences and mutual stubborn attitudes. At first she wanted to impress her by attending Beta Academy, a place known for dark and unruly fairies. This ended up backfiring on her though, as she ended up getting in trouble by starting fights with some bullies there, soon promptly getting transferred to Alfea to “straighten out” her behavior. Even with her not being on the best of terms with either her sister or mother, she at least has some solace with being closer to her father and younger brother. Rain is a rather huffy and insecure girl, having a hard time standing out against her family or keeping a good impression among her fellow fairies. Since transferring over to Alfea from Beta Academy she has felt unsure how to fit in with her new peers, not being as ‘bright’ or ‘preppy’ as them.
* Malik
. Age: 10
. Magic Title: none atm
. Physical Description: average height and build, medium-length and frizzy dark blue hair, medium brown skin, brown eyes
. Bio: Youngest child and only son of Stormy and Anagan, currently just attending a normal public school. Malik is probably the most calm and easy-going of his siblings, though is a bit hyperactive with a lot of energy. Always running around and checking things out, whether in the woods near his home or when out-and-about with his family, he is definitely a “shiny objects” child. His naturally curious nature along with this has gotten him into trouble one way or another, but he truly means well as he just wants to explore all that he can. He loves all of his family but adores his mother and older sister Rain, despite their more huffy attitudes at times. Currently he is still too young to gain any magic, and though part of him finds the idea of being a wizard or something someday to be cool, he is not really focused on all that at the moment as he would rather just have fun.
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The Return of the Wizards of the Black Circle: How that could go down
At this point it’s an open secret that I want them to return. And the following scenario takes what happened in the comics into consideration, so take that in mind.
The last time we saw the wizards in the comics was when the Winx left them behind in their prison in Solaria, so the Winx thought that they were done with them and basically banished all thoughts of the Black Circle from their minds.
Some time after the events of season 8, a thin, scruffy looking black cat with several burn-marks starts skulking around Alfea and gets taken in by a group of new arrivals at the school. They bring the cat to Roxy, who is immediately suspicious of the animal because no matter how hard she tries, she can’t establish any kind of connection to it. And on top of that, the cat doesn’t seem to like her too much either, scratching up her hands and hissing at her as soon as she tries to come closer, which the other fairies blame on the cat possibly having been abused or abandoned.
As the other fairies carry it away, Roxy could swear that the cat was smirking at her, so she immediately goes to the Winx to tell them of the furry visitor. The Winx promise to help her and seek out the young fairies who took it in.
They attempt to cast a spell that would lift any kind of magic on the cat, but are thwarted by the fairies who accuse them of just wanting to take out their hero complex on a defenseless animal, and once again, it seems to be smirking.
Days go by and nothing suspicious happens. At least nothing Roxy or the Winx would notice, so Roxy begins to doubt herself and wonders if it is really just a cat and she let the trauma of having to deal with the Wizards of the Black Circle get the better of her.
Meanwhile, the fairies that took in the cat notice that they have been feeling oddly tired lately, but blame it on stress and too much homework. And while the fairies grow weaker, the cat thrives. The burn-marks heal, only leaving very faint scars, and the cat grows more and more active.
Then one weekend, a few weeks after the cat first appeared at Alfea, Stella decides to go visit her father on Solaria, and unbeknownst to her, the cat managed to hide in her luggage.
On Solaria, where the remaining three wizards are being held, nobody pays much attention to the stray cat. But Ogron, Gantlos and Anagan immediately recognize their believed-to-be-dead companion, Duman. Turns out that Nabu’s spell did not entirely kill him, but in addition to the illness weakened him so much that he could only survive by assuming a weak, small form. He chose the form of a harmless stray cat, which would make it easy for him to get close to the Winx and find out what happened to the other wizards..
With the magic he had slowly sucked out of the young fairies, he manages to free the remaining wizards. They return to earth, leaving illusions that look like them behind to fool the guards, and plan their new attack, which involves messing with Roxy’s mind a lot. Briefly showing themselves in reflections on water or in mirrors. Always just brief enough so she can’t be sure if she really saw them, until Roxy doesn’t trust her own senses anymore.
Roxy again asks the Winx for help, who try to calm her down.
Then the earth fairies start to disappear again, and that’s when everyone realizes that the Black Circle is back. And this time, it’s personal.
@duman-anon what do you think?
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duman-anon · 4 years
Wizarsa of the black circle: Biggest fears
Hmmm, great challenge accepted!
Ogron; Death
Obviously, very cliche. But did you see his face in the final battle with Winx? Terrified when they shot the last spell and I think he thought that was his last moment ever. He has been living for centuries! Ogron knows he isn’t immortal or can’t die, he very much can. But with all the magic he had made him almost immortal.
Duman; Small Spaces (aka Claustrophobic)
Ironically for someone who can turn himself to a fly and that makes the room bigger. But in a room that is small and he can’t escape? That is his worst fear.
Gantlos; Ocean
I think this man doesn’t know how to swim. A lake is fine, and some water won’t hurt him. But the ocean? The big blue ocean? I also think his powers doesn’t work well underneath the surface and no one knows what exists in the deep blue.
Anagan; Falling
We see Anagan (when the three remaining Wizards escape Winx in Tir Na Gan) hesitating with jumping over a cliff. Thinking he won’t make it. After he jumps he almost falls down but Gantlos is fast to take a grip and save Anagan. I think he had that fear for a long time, especially when we see him hesitate, can have been a fear ever since his childhood.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
WINX REDUX AU SUMMARIZED: Season 4 (The White and Black Circles)
Or, in which I give the basics of what I’ve changed about the story for the AU. It was originally way more descriptive but if I kept it in that style I would have finished in 2039 and I ain’t got time for that. Let’s cover Season 4!
    WINX REDUX AU SEASON 4 - The White and Black Circles
The summer break has ended, and the girls are back in school, still somewhat tired from the last adventure but better overall.
The first week goes more or less as usual, but on the first Sunday, at 4AM, Bloom realizes she’s being observed. She turns around and sees a shadow in her room, and immediately transforms.
The shadow leaves just as fast, and after a small chase, the other Winx also wake up and help Bloom chase the shadow, who in the meantime has turned into a wolf.
Some teachers catch wind of this and also go after them, but the shadow-turned-wolf turns into a bird and escapes through a window.
The Winx and teachers are worried about this, and a quick check-up with the girls as well as the magical analysis performed on the school reveals the person that entered was a Witch, and that he seemed to have a very worrying aura mark on him - the Black Circle.
The girls are confused as to what is an aura mark, and Faragonda elaborates that some groups of magi used to “bind” their Auras together via a ritual, that left an imprint on them in an agreed shape.
The Black Circle being after Bloom worries everyone, as they might think her dangerous, but Faragonda herself admits she doesn’t know much about them - information has been scarce for millenia. (if ya want info, look here!)
On Earth, in a dark forgotten place, Duman arrives back with information - Bloom hasn’t come back to Earth all summer, so the recent magic outburst in Gardenia wasn’t from her.
This worries Ogron, as if it’s not Bloom and it’s not Selina (who they have finally added to their ranks), that means there’s another magi on that city.
Faragonda then relays the girls what they DO know about the Black Circle - and how they’re responsible for Earth’s magic stagnation. Given they targeted Bloom specifically the Winx think they might be looking for another magi on Gardenia, as they knew who she was and where she probably lived.
At this point, Bloom is determined to learn more about them and see if there’s another magi on Gardenia and hopefully save them. Faragonda advises against this but Bloom goes regardless, as she feels responsible for the town she’s lived in all her life’s safety.
The other Winx plus Diaspro decide to go as well, but Bloom tells Dia that she should remain here. They have a small argument about it but Bloom points out they’re gonna need someone as backup in case something bad goes down, and she can contact everyone they might not be able to on Earth.
Reluctantly, she agrees, and after some preparations (involving Bloom leaving Kiko with Daphne, which also had to take much convincing in not going with the Winx), the Winx teleport to Earth at last.
They stay with Bloom’s parents for a few days (who are happy to see their daughter again but also trying to see how can they handle 6 girls living in their tiny house), but soon the girls start looking for jobs after forging some identity stuff since the girls don’t have any of that that would work on Earth.
It takes a few weeks but soon everyone gets a job (Bloom is a waitress at the Frutti Music Bar, Stella works in a clothing store, Flora got a place as a security guard on a supermarket, Musa’s helping out Vanessa in her flower shop, Aisha is working at a gym, and Tecna got a place as a tech repairer), as well as a nice-size apartment they can all fit in.
Bloom meets up again with Andy while working, and catch up on lost time, while also meeting Roxy for the first time as her co-worker. She feels weird around her, for some reason.
Days go by and Bloom meets up with Mitzi again, telling her that she’s taking a free year and decided to get back to Gardenia for it. Mitzi informs her that she doesn’t see Selina as often, apparently working with her grandma Eldora on the outskirts of the city.
Bloom thinks back on that weird feeling she had about her around 2 years ago, and considers some things about it that don’t make her particularly excited.
She keeps this to herself, however, as she’s not sure if she’s overthinking stuff again.
The Black Circle members have arrived at Gardenia, starting to pick up faint magic traces around the places the Winx are working, but more specifically around the Frutti Music Bar.
After a few days of looking it up, they realize the extra energy comes from Roxy, meaning she’s the magi they’ve been looking for. Bloom realizes the same after seeing her interact with Artu and some other dogs, feeling the magic around her.
The Winx and the Black Circle both discuss and decide to simply ask Roxy outright, but it doesn’t go well. The Winx approach her first but she simply believes they’re insane and runs away, and the Black Circle try to convince her but the Winx’s interference makes them turn hostile. Battle ensues.
The girls are barely even damaging them - Gantlos’s good at disrupting their magic, Anagan is too fast for them, Duman’s shapeshifting is hard to deal with and Ogron’s control over blood is hard to fight against even with Aisha’s help. Roxy hides as far away from the fight as she can, scared out of her mind.
The Winx are more or less beaten but still give a fight, trusting each other completely even when they might be dealt even more pain.
This act is what finally earns them Believix, the culmination of the last 3 years of friendship and loyalty, and the tides of battle start to turn.
However, the battle is abruptly cut when both parties realize Roxy isn’t there anymore, and not wanting to cause a scene (as they definitely made some noise), they call it even and retreat.
The Winx believe the Black Circle wants to take Roxy’s powers away for their own gain, and refuse to tell Faragonda for now until they get confirmation. Black Circle 4 believes the Winx have other plans with Roxy and become paranoid they involve the White Circle, and refuse to tell this to Ydillith or Eldora for now until they get proof.
The Winx meet up with Roxy again and start explaining stuff properly this time, as well as analyze her magic level and Source thanks to Tecna.
She’s a morpher and has a source of Animals, they ask Roxy if she wants to come to Magix for safety but refuses, she still does not trust them much and she would like to remain on Earth thank you very much.
Few days pass, Bloom slowly teaches her about magic, Roxy starts having weird dreams about a woman in white, supposedly a fairy who reaches out to her.
She tells this to the Winx and also tells them she’s been having weird visions of a barn, and after looking some stuff off she actually has pictures of said barn in her room despite never having gone there.
The Winx plus Roxy then decide to go check it out after a quick google search, and the Black Circle takes notice of this, following them from afar.
The barn has been abandoned for a few years by now and the Winx are wary, but Roxy can feel something calling to her in that place.
The Black Circle appears and the Winx immediately start a fight, not letting Ogron talk at all.
During the fight one of Bloom’s spells gets redirected and the barn is set on fire. The barn Roxy is currently investigating.
Everyone mildly panics and in a weird twist of fate both Aisha and Ogron use their powers to douse most of the fire while Bloom absorbs the smoke, and in the ashes inside Roxy finds a white ring.
Ogron gets in and tries to get her out, but freezes when he sees the ring on her hand. He tries to warn her about it but she ends up blasting him away, her powers starting to show.
The Black Circle bails out and the Winx then start fixing the damages, even if the place is abandoned it doesn’t deserve to be destroyed.
On the trip back home everyone reminisces about why the Black Circle got so scared about the ring, and start to see if they can find any info about it.
A few days pass, and the girls have made no progress - if info about the Black Circle was scarce in Alfea, info about the ring is even more scarce - but they do learn about the White Circle, and what is known about it.
At the same time, Andy’s band is practicing on the Frutti Music Bar, and after seeing Musa sing a bit they decide to invite her for practice, which she accepts.
After the jam session, they ask her if she wants to sing with them for their next concert, which she agrees to - she’s excited, it’s been a while since she has performed in public.
Roxy decided to keep the ring rather than giving it to the Winx at the moment due to her connection to it, but she can feel it becoming… stronger somehow.
The ring is shining brighter and brighter and it’s starting to encircle her, she can feel a voice (tired, vengeful, bitter, angry) screaming in her head, getting louder and louder.
A red and gold aura surrounds her, fiery wings sprout from her back, magic comes from her eyes, a red witch mark on her left eye, now also red, a look of anger in her face.
“Roxy” immediately leaves the bar, ring floating in her hand, looking for “them” and rising to the skies.
Musa takes notice of this, however, and notifies the Winx, who then transform in a hidden place and start following her as well.
The Black Circle 4 are on their “base” (Ogron’s temporary house near the docks), planning what to do next. They still don’t want to contact the higher-ups in case they’re just paranoid, but as they try to come up with something “Roxy” shows up, wrecking the place.
Her voice is warped and echoing, and the Black Circle recognize it - Nebula, the Witch of War, has taken over Roxy, and is using her body to enact her revenge.
She makes quick work of the 4 men and is about to deal the final blow when she’s stopped by the Winx, demanding to know who she is and why did she take over Roxy.
Nebula tries to ignore them but the girls are adamant, and don’t notice the Black Circle getting away.
The Winx use their Essence Dust in a convergence spell on the ring itself rather than on Roxy, and manage to undo the possession, Roxy falling to the ground unconscious.
The Black Circle realize it’s time to finally talk about this and finally contact Eldora, who was going to Gardenia with Selina anyways soon.
The Winx also realize it’s time to finally update people so they contact Faragonda, telling her about Roxy and what they’ve found.
Faragonda immediately offers to study the ring on Alfea as it will be safer than to keep it around there, and also notifies the Winx that they will have to redo their year as they’ve already spent way too long on Earth to just be a short trip.
The Winx also take the chance to get an update on their friends and partners - Diaspro is doing well but has spent most of the year in Quarzis due to some political affairs having gone south, and might have to redo the year as well. Sky and Riven are doing fine though they’re going through a lover’s spat at the moment, Nabu has started to consider enrolling into Alfea to expand his knowledge, and Helia has managed to achieve Enchantix. Brandon, Nex and Timmy are doing fine as well, though they are tired of having to deal with the aforementioned lover’s spat.
Daphne gets contacted later by Bloom alone, and after talking about Kiko and their parents Bloom confides in Daphne that aside from Roxy, she feels an old friend of hers might also be a magi and is worried about her.
Daphne asks if it's that Selina girl she met a few years ago, and Bloom is dumbfounded - the blonde explains she felt strong magic around her when she was last on Earth but didn’t mention it to Bloom as she wasn’t sure it was her magic or just Earth’s low ambient energy screwing with her.
Bloom starts to get worried about it more but thanks Daphne and cuts the call, immediately calling Selina to see if she’s available soon. She tells her she’s currently out of town but she will be there in a few weeks, so they can meet then.
A few days pass, and Roxy’s getting a better handle on her powers after becoming afraid of them thanks to Nebula - enough that when a fire breaks out near them with the Winx going to help, she finally manages to transform into her Charmix, and now the Winx can start teaching her more advanced stuff. Roxy also tells her dad about her magic at around the same time, and he’s surprised but not overtly, and tells her about how he became her dad, having found her one day at the beach with a very weird cloth around her.
Several more incidents start to happen on Gardenia, and the Winx start to gather a reputation as heroines, though thanks to Believix’s changes to their form their identities are still hidden.
Around the same time, Musa keeps helping Andy’s band with their work, and during a performance at the Frutti Music Bar they get noticed by Jason Queen, a famous talent scout that offers them a small gig.
Everyone is excited about it but also clarify that Musa’s not really part of their group, and since he commented on her voice they’re not sure what to think.
Jason offers them the gig regardless, and does mention that Musa can simply work as a solo act later on to differentiate - after all, collabs are a thing.
A few more days pass of the Winx training Roxy, but she starts having dreams again with the lady in white, and the girls get concerned a bit, though they are surprised when Roxy mentions she keeps talking about the “White Circle”, and the name similarities catch everyone’s attention as they start investigating.
It was the official name of the kingdom of magi that existed almost 2 millennia ago, that was wiped out by the Black Circle, info about them as scarce as info on their destroyers. (You can, however, learn about them here!)
The Winx start believing the White Circle might still exist, and that they could be what the people trying to contact Roxy want - to free them from their prison.
A few more quiet days go by before the Black Circle 4 suddenly break into their dorm, trying to talk with them and also get the White Ring, wanting to properly explain everything since they might not be aware of what the White Circle truly is.
They’re not given the chance, however, as the Winx immediately transform and start attacking them aided by Roxy.
The Winx do have the Ring back with them as Faragonda couldn’t detect anything about it, and the fight goes on long enough that they end up going around the entire city.
Bloom and Roxy end up cornered by Ogron in a train station and Roxy uses the ring again, this time channeling the Fairy in White, who still gives Roxy more control. Bloom has fainted at this point.
At least, she does up until Ogron falls into the train tracks, as a train is coming fast.
Roxy tries to help him as she does not want him to die like that, but the Ring removes all control, the voice in her head telling her this is what he deserves for opposing “them”.
Roxy is confused and scared once more before an elderly Fairy in pink and a young Witch in green stop the train dead in its track, saving Ogron and taking him.
The Fairy in pink warns Roxy about the ring and that she would like to explain everything properly, and the Witch in green seems to be focused on Bloom before leaving with the rest of the Black Circle.
The rest of the Winx regroup and Bloom wakes up thanks to Flora’s magic, and Roxy tells them about what happened. Bloom has a bad feeling about the Witch in green, and decides that they need to solve the Ring’s mystery right now and see what the White Circle deal is.
After a ritual, the Winx learn about the Island of Tir Nan Og and how it was the place of the main castle of their kingdom, and thanks to Bloom being a folklore nut the girls also learn of its placement near Ireland.
After a few days of preparations and with Stella’s crosier, the Winx teleport to the island with Roxy in the hopes everything will be explained soon.
After some mishaps with shadow monsters and everyone giving Stella the biggest side-eye of the century, the girls finally figure out what the Ring is for - it’s a key, specifically the last key needed to undo the barrier spell on the island and finally free the White Circle.
At around the same time, Eldora shows up again at the Peters’s house to see if they know about Bloom, and finally reveals who she is - she’s a founding member of the Black Circle, and after the last incident she wanted to properly explain everything.
However, Mike and Vanessa tell them about the Winx’s trip to Tir Nan Og, and she panics, realizing it’s too late.
The Winx plus Roxy finally meet the White Circle, and are surprised at their appearance - 5 Ascendix magi are at the front, followed by an army of Glamourix, Enchantix and Valiantix magi, with some seemingly wearing a transformation they weren’t aware of, matching each Ascendix.
Morgana formally introduces herself to the Winx alongside her Generals (Diana, Aurora, Nebula and Sibylla). Roxy recognizes Morgana as the Fairy in White and Nebula as the woman that possessed her, and is reluctant around them.
Morgana then starts talking about her plans of reconquest, of how they’ve lost much land during their imprisonment and that it’s gonna take quite a while before they can “enforce” their will over the planet again.
The Winx pick up on what she means and confront her, about how she’s planning to basically take over the world. Morgana counters with saying that it’s only natural, the world has been overrun with non-magi and they cannot govern themselves.
Morgana offers them a place in her ranks as thanks for freeing her but they immediately refuse, telling her they will not allow her to simply take over the world - it’s doing just fine without them.
Nebula and Sybilla are angered by this but Morgana stops them, letting them go but warning them that if they interfere, she will not show mercy.
The girls go back to their dorm and find the Black Circle 4 there, and after what just happened they decide to finally learn their story.
Eldora is also there, and after the 4 finish, she calls Yllidith and tells him they will need to call up some reinforcements, meaning they need to start communication with the Naerys System again.
A portal appears in front of them, with Diaspro, Helia, Nabu, Daphne and the Specialists coming out of it, the girls having contacted them on their way back.
They’re all worried about what happened and are surprised by the Black Circle,but they listen to their story and decide to start planning for what will happen now.
A few days of calm pass before the city is suddenly overrun with giant plants, destroying some buildings as well as giant bugs appearing on the streets.
The Winx plus the Black Circle and their friends start trying to save as many people they see, and they decide to split to cover more area.
Bloom finds her parents as well as Mitzi and her sister Macy being cornered by a giant spider, and while she immediately jumps to save them giant mushrooms start surrounding the arachnid, warding it off.
Bloom looks for who could have done that and sees a Witch in green in the roofs.
She recognizes the Witch as Selina and immediately goes to confront her, having her suspicious confirmed that she was a magi.
Selina confronts her as well about the fact she never told her about her powers, but they’re both immediately called out by Mitzi after Stella frees her from the web, demanding the two of them to come down right now.
They have a stern talk about magic and about how long they’ve had these powers, and about how neither of them saw it fit to tell each other, their oldest friends, about the fact they can sprout wings from their backs now. Mitzi is hurt but overall not surprised, and after calming down starts teasing them about how their childhood fantasies are true now.
Everyone is able to laugh about it after finally properly talking about it, and having been open with her emotions also earns Selina her Glamourix. Mitzi questions what that is, but Bloom tells her she will explain everything properly once everyone is safe.
They rally everyone back to the Frutti Music Bar (as the vines don’t seem to affect that place for some reason), and after meeting with the Black Circle again they believe this is the work of Diana, the Witch of Lush Nature. 
The gang also meets Yllidith there, an elderly man who claims to be the Fairy of Dawn Fire.
With Flora’s help and some extra magic, they manage to find from where Diana’s magic comes from - the Amazon.
After some planning and with stronger rituals the Winx, Eldora and Ydillith teleport to the Rainforest, everyone else left back in Gardenia in case things go south again.
They manage to travel the land more or less fine, but they somehow stumble into a small secluded area, a small spring marked by pillars.
The Winx decide to approach it as it irradiated strong magic, with Ydillith and Eldora looking out for any signs of trouble.
The girls find a small, almost translucent flower floating in the middle of the spring, and when the girls interact with it they can feel a rush of energy coursing through them.
They look at each other and realize that a) holy crap Tecna’s hair is brown, and b) they all seem to be in that weird transformation they saw the Earth magis in.
They reunite with Eldora and Yllidith and they elaborate that they found the Shrine of Dianix, Diana’s handcrafted form to differentiate her followers from the rest.
at around the same time some of Diana’s followers find them and start chasing them, and a fight ensues.
After a bit Diana herself joins the fight, calling Eldora and Yllidith traitors to the White Circle and elaborating on who they are.
Diana also reveals that Eldora was once her tutor in magic having the same Source, and feels personally betrayed by how she left the White Circle.
The battle goes on, and after a bit both sides start getting tired. However, their fighting has masked another sound - a sound of destruction.
They all stop and decide to rush to the origin of the sound, finding Nebula and her followers destroying part of the forest, taking wood to craft more weapons, as her forge has been lost to time and has to do with what she can.
This makes Diana livid, and starts attacking Nebula for having destroyed her sanctum all willy-nilly. The Winx and the Black Circle decide to help as well, and being outnumbered, Nebula retreats.
Diana manages to calm herself down, and renounces her title as General of the White Circle - she cannot support those that will destroy nature for their own goals.
She joins the Black Circle officially now, and Eldora is happy to be able to connect with her former student once more, seeing her as a second daughter.
Diana undoes the spell on Gardenia and everyone returns to as close as normalcy as they can, with the Winx telling everyone else of how it went.
Yllidith and Eldora try to contact the other realms for help and do manage to get with the Order of Mana, but sadly preparations will take quite a bit, so they might need to wait.
A few more days pass and news come from Northern Italy that several towns have pledged alliance with the White Circle, claiming to “return to their rightful place as their servants”. This is, quite obviously, suspicious as all hell, and our heroes aided by the Black Circle 4 and Selina teleport to some caves near the Sibillini Mountains, where the “servants” seem to be working.
Ogron recalls the place as Sibylla’s sanctum, a place where she acted as the Judge of the White Circle.
Bloom and Selina have a proper talk on the way about how and when they discovered their magic, and of how each girl chose the path of fairy or witch.
Roxy starts to be more or less harassed by Morgana, using magic to get inside her head trying to convince her to come to their side. She doesn’t tell everyone yet, but they start to become more frequent.
On the way they are attacked by some of Sibylla’s magi followers as well as their mind-controlled servants, which forces the gang to be careful with their attacks.
The Winx default to fighting off the magi, while the Specialists try to contain the brainwashed folks as the Black Circle makes a convergence spell to dispel the mind-control (they tried Essence Dust, didn’t work on its own).
They succeed in freeing the people and defeating the magi, and finally reach the deepest part of the caves.
Sibylla decries them as traitors to the true kingdom much like Diana did and that they will face “Justice”, before starting a fight with them aided by some of her followers, displaying Sibyllix.
The fight is long, but they manage to overpower Sibylla and defeat her. She retreats back to Tir Nan Og, and her influence also disappears from the place.
Everyone goes back to Gardenia once more and start planning on what else to do, as the White Circle is starting to advance even further and they need to strike soon.
The planning takes a week and a half before Aurora herself shows up on their makeshift base, freaking everyone out.
She tells them that she’s there to join them - she was never interested in this reconquest, she just wanted to be back home with her followers. However, Nebula and Sibylla are making that difficult, wanting her back on their side and wrecking havoc on Antarctica, her sanctum.
Aurora also notices Roxy’s pains and, as proof of her turning, undoes Morgana’s spell - Morgana may be queen, but she’s not stronger than her (in her case former) Generals.
She requests the specific help of the Winx and Roxy, as Morgana seems to have a special interest in them, Roxy more than the others.
After a bit of last-minute planning Aurora, the Winx and Roxy depart for Antarctica, thought first Aurora brings them to a different place in the frozen scape - a small shrine-like ice construction near the shorelines close to Argentina.
She asks the Winx to enter it, and when they do, they gain Aurorix - the form created by her. She keeps Roxy from gaining it as she wants the Winx to blend in in her troops, and for Roxy to be noticeable in her Charmix.
Once everything is prepared, they go to her actual sanctum - a giant tower of pure ice slightly levitating above the ground. They find Nebula there trying to rally her followers to action, aided by Sibylla, but they remain loyal to Aurora and no one else.
The Winx quickly disperse into her people to go unnoticed, and Aurora and Roxy rise to her tower’s entrance.
Aurora tells her that she has managed to gain Roxy to her side, and if they manage an agreement, Roxy will willingly join Morgana for whatever she wants - they all know Morgana is strangely fixated on her, and they’re curious as for why.
Aurora wants details on what Morgana’s overall plan for the Earth is, and if they tell her, Roxy will go with them.
Nebula is eager to share the plans, but Sibylla can sense Aurora’s hiding something, and before Nebula can speak Sibylla activates the tower’s magical flight, rising it to the air.
The Winx immediately drop their pretense and chase after the tower, and with this Nebula recognizes them.
Sibylla stops the tower again and calls out Aurora for her betrayal, as the Winx join her sides. Nebula immediately gets a hold of Roxy and tries to simply kidnap her, but Aurora immediately freezes her to the ground.
At the same time, however, Sibylla does the same for her, disrupting her magic with her own control over sound and rocks and tries to make a deal: if she leaves them leave with Roxy, she’ll leave the tower alone and will let them go scot-free.
Nebula objects to this, wanting proper revenge on the Winx, and this gives Bloom an idea.
She jumps to the Ascendix magi and decides on another deal - she and Nebula will have a duel. If Bloom wins, Nebula and Sibylla leave the frozen continent with nothing, leaving Roxy behind, but if Nebula wins, they get them all as prisoners.
Sibylla considers it for a bit but Nebula immediately agrees, wanting a fight at last and not leaving Sibylla with a choice.
Bloom drops her Aurorix form and goes back not to Believix but to Enchantix, as a sort of handicap - Believix would give her an unfair advantage as being near the Winx makes Believix stronger.
The duel starts, and it initially it goes more on less in favor of Nebula (what with being in the currently most powerful transformation discovered and all), but Nebula’s more impatient and close-combat than Bloom is, which leads to her getting tired faster.
Bloom plays a long game evading and defending and nailing her with arrows when possible, and after a sudden attack on her Bloom finally uses her Dragon Aura fully, knocking Nebula out and winning the duel.
Sibylla angrily holds her promise and leaves with Nebula, but tells them this isn’t over yet, and that the worst is yet to come.
Everyone regroups on the South Pole after bringing back Aurora’s tower, and with the promise of her support, they start planning the last stages of the conflict.
On the way back, Aurora does seem fit to inform them that even if they defeat Morgana, her daughter might still remain - Aelianna, the Princess of Tir Nan Og who was sealed away for millenia in the hopes she could come free them.
Everyone is surprised about this, as nothing they’ve found on the White Circle ever mentioned a daughter - and after mentioning this to Yllidith and Eldora, they were also unaware of this.
Roxy feels her throat tighten at this news, worrisome thoughts filling her head.
Reinforcements from the Naerys System have arrived, and with their help they manage to force the White Circle’s forces back and back even further.
This last move will decide the outcome of the war - an all out assault on the Castle of Tir Nan Og, forcing a siege on them and breaking them apart entirely in the process.
The White Circle starts preparing for said siege, knowing it imminent and concocting a last-ditch resort plan.
Preparations are complete, everyone is as ready as they can be, and the trip starts.
The Black Circle alongside the reinforcements arrive first to Tir Nan Og, and manage to more or less easily deal with the first lines of defense.
The second lines prove more difficult, but the aid of Diana and Aurora make the duels more smooth overall, reaching the courtyards of the castle.
Sibylla, Nebula and Morgana are there, calmly waiting still, and before a fight breaks out Morgana announces their surrender, throwing everyone off.
As proof of her word, she gives Ogron the White Ring, holding most of her power, as she claims. All the magis around them also drop their weapons, which adds to her claims.
Everyone can tell something’s suspicious going on, buy Ogron does accept the ring.
Morgana smirks, and the ring explodes into a beam of pure shadows.
Ogron manages to back away fast enough, but the power expands, destroying everything around it turning into ash.
The White Circle retreats further into the castle as they cast a barrier around the entrance, and slowly everything starts to be absorbed into the darkness.
Everyone tries to contain the spell but it’s almost impossible, and a retreat is ordered.
However, Nabu rushes to the front - after all, his Source is Darkness, he might be able to do something about it.
Summoning his staff he manages to redirect the spell back to their casters and most of it dissipates against the castle taking a few towers with it, but there’s still some of it left and it threatens to expand once more.
Nabu then decides to absorb the darkness into his staff and into himself, pushing his magic to the limit and almost overloading his body.
He does manage to absorb all of the spell but his body ends up incredibly damaged, and he falls to the ground seemingly dying.
This great act manages something else - achieving Enchantix, removing most of the negative effects of what he just did.
He’s still dying, however, as the pain remains and it’s close to overtake him fully.
Most of the healers rush in and try to keep him alive for as long as they can before he can receive proper treatment, Helia between them.
In a desperate move to save his friend, and despite most of the team’s protests, Helia uses the Spell of Renewed Life on him, removing the last of his injuries and revitalizing him almost fully, earning Altheix.
However, Nabu has fallen into a deep coma, and detransforms while unconscious.
Helia and the Specialists offer to take care of him for the time being while everyone else charges after the remaining members of the White Circle, and the team advances into the castle proper.
Once there they manage to defeat the last few warriors inside, cornering Nebula, Sibylla and Morgana in the throne room.
In a last ditch attempt to get her to her side, Morgana reveals to Roxy that she’s her mother, and that she is Princess Aelianna of Tir Nan Og.
She tells her that this is her kingdom, this is her birthright, and that she should be alongside her, overseeing the planet, guiding them with their magical might - without them, the world has fallen into strife and pain. She has been attempting to contact her all this time in her dreams, trying to push her to do what she should, but she has refused, and she doesn’t understand why. Can't she see that we’re doing what’s best?
This is Roxy’s absolute breaking point, and angrily spits back to Morgana that she will never join them - she has done nothing but harass her, get inside her head, try to break her inside and out so she can join her side, and she thinks being her mother is gonna change that? The White Circle needs to be stopped, and the Earth does not need rulers like her.
Her blunt answer and outing of her feelings manages to earn her Glamourix, and Nebula and Sibylla are livid at this. If she dares to reject the crown like that, then she will die with the rest.
Morgana runs deeper into the castle even still, Nebula and Sibylla remaining to fight.
They’re vastly outnumbered, however, and while they gave a great fight, they’re soundly defeated and taken prisoner.
The Winx plus Roxy rush after Morgana during this, and in the deepest part of the building, they finally fight her.
She proves a difficult fight, as her powers over light are immense and even together they barely make a scratch.
Despite everything, however, she cannot bring herself to hurt Roxy, and after a few moments, the Winx use this to their advantage.
Roxy puts herself between every single attack Morgana makes, forcing her to undo the magic and try again, tiring her out and make her careless.
Getting even more frustrated she finally breaks, and simply starts attacking everything at once.
This ends up exhausting her greatly, and with the best opening they can get, the Winx plus Roxy use a convergence spell on her, knocking her out of her transformation and ending the war. The Black Circle has won, and Earth has gotten its freedom back.
Some weeks have passed, and everything is a mess: Nebula, Morgana and Sibylla have been taken to Magix for their crimes, and there’s a high chance their magic will permanently be limited to the point its unusable. The entire planet has to deal with the fact magic exists, has always existed, and it’s now coming back, with more and more people discovering they can use it, not to mention the fact life on other planets exist and they now have communication with them.
Thanks to the Black Circle’s help, however, the process has been smoother than it would have been otherwise, even if dealing with politics is a pain.
Those from other planets go back, the Specialists and Diaspro having to deal with the fact they more or less ditched school to go save another planet, and worried of what consequences they will face, same goes for Daphne.
Roxy is now an official member of the Black Circle, and she’s helping with searching for new magis around the country and trying to explain everything as she can. She will enroll to Alfea next year to further develop her magic in a more controlled space, as Earth will remain a mess for a few more years.
Eldora is considering getting help from the System again to build their own school dedicated to the use of magic, as most people will not trust interplanetary trips yet, and so magic can be better studied and controlled, avoiding a repeat of the White Circle’s situation.
Nabu has not woken up yet, and an analysis shows the spell absorption has more or less put him into a magic-induced dream of sorts, so for now Helia will take him to Ohm so he can be under the care of actual professionals, him also wanting to help out.
Bloom, Aisha and Stella are more or less forced to come back to their kingdoms as they need to act as ambassadors for both their realms and Earth, having experienced first hand everything that went down, with the other Winx going back as well to check on their families and help integrate Earth into their world.
Bloom, Mitzi and Selina promise to keep in contact fully this time, and after saying goodbye, everyone goes back to Magix, happy to have restored Earth’s magic even if that wasn’t the plan.
Everything is more or less peaceful once more, even if the path is still bumpy, and for now, everyone can relax...
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Our First Times: Duman
Another few months passed. Winter turned to spring, and the wizards and I returned to our routine of spending nights camping in forests or by the side of the road.
It was early evening, but we had decided to set up camp already. The spot at the border of a forest, with a nearby stream of fresh, clean water had just seemed to be a good choice. Duman and I were tasked with pitching up the tents, and while I did so, I was suddenly overcome by the unpleasant feeling of being watched. I finished hammering the last tent peg into the ground and got up. Maybe my companions had come back from gathering firewood and getting water from the nearby stream sooner than I expected and had been watching me work. But when I turned around, there was nobody there. I could distantly hear Anagan and Ogron having a cheerful conversation at the stream and Gantlos was still somewhere in the forest, picking up dry sticks and moss for the fire. And Duman… was nowhere to be found.
I bit my lip, looked around nervously and called out:„Duman?“
No answer but for the quiet sound of a twig snapping somewhere between the trees. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
Shit. There was… something there, I had no magic, only a small dagger to defend myself with, and the wizards would probably not be here in time to save me if it attacked me.
A pair of red-glowing eyes appeared in the shadows of the undergrowth. My breath hitched in my throat. Time seemed to slow down as that animal, looking like a huge black wolf, leapt at me. Its huge, heavy body collided with mine, knocking the air out of my lungs and throwing me to the ground.
At that point, my survival instincts flared up. I grabbed the dagger from the sheath fastened to my thigh and threw myself around, so I was now on top of the animal, poised to slit its throat. But suddenly it didn‘t seem aggressive anymore. Not at all. It stared at me with wide eyes, it‘s fanged maw wide open in an expression that almost seemed… like it was laughing?
The fangs started retreating back into its jaw, and so did the fur into its skin. The snout became shorter until it was flat and turned into a very familiar hawkish nose. And as soon as Duman had the vocal cords to do it again, he started laughing hysterically.
„Y-you should see your face right now!“
I inhaled sharply. „Not. Funny.“ But my righteous indignation only seemed to amuse him further, causing him to laugh louder. Until I grabbed his shoulders and let myself drop onto him to pin him in place. Then he stopped laughing, his cackling replaced with stunned silence. I realized that this was a very… compromising position, with me holding him down by the shoulders while straddling his hips, but I was too angry to think of the implications.
„So. You thought that it was funny to scare a helpless girl half to death, did you?“
Just a few months ago I wouldn‘t have dreamed to speak to the wizards in that tone.
His surprised expression turned to a smirk. „You don‘t seem so helpless right now. In fact, I believe I am the helpless one right now.“ And he didn‘t seem to mind in the slightest. In fact, there was a gleam in his eyes that I had seen in Ogron‘s and Anagan‘s eyes many times before. And as a few seconds passed, I felt slight movement between my thighs.
„So?“, he asked. „Aren‘t you going to punish me for my little prank?“
I sat up straight. „You know, if you wanted to sleep with me, all you had to do was ask.“
„True, but I had to know if you would be able to be dominant. And just asking you would have been less funny.“
„We‘ll see who gets the last laugh. Ogron has shown me some things I‘m dying to try out on you now.“
Ogron and Anagan were completely okay with me also sleeping with Duman. In fact, when I brought it up that I would spend the night with Duman, Ogron was quick to give me advice on how to be a good dominant. He warned me not to try out anything he hadn‘t tried out on me first, and to always be make sure to keep an eye on how Duman reacted to the things I did. Being too adventurous could very very easily go sideways and leave one or both partners with physical or emotional damage, especially if the dominant was as inexperienced as I was. With that in mind, Duman and I retreated to my tent.
I hugged him from behind once the tent flap was closed, leaving us alone with each other.
„Nervous?“, he asked.
„A little“, I admitted. „Just… tell me to stop if you need to.“
„I‘m not doing this for the first time, Evie.“
„But I am.“ My fingers slid under his belt, loosening it so I could pull the long tunic over his head. „And I don‘t want to hurt you.“
„You won‘t.“ He cupped my face with his hands. „I‘m all yours tonight, little huntress. Make the most of it.“
A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. „Do you have rope?“
He conjured it up and handed it to me.
„Lay down on the bedroll.“
He did so without hesitation, and allowed me to grab his wrists and tie them together, with the same knot Ogron always used on me. Of course, the tent had no bedpost I could tie them to, but I noticed that someone, presumably Duman, had driven another tent peg into the ground just above the bedroll. I gave him a smirk and leaned over him so I could finish his restraint, not paying any mind to how close my breasts came to his face while doing that. I only realized it when he tugged the lacing of my shirt open with his teeth and pressed his hot lips onto my sternum.
I sat up again. „Now now. Did I allow you to do that?“
He inhaled sharply, and again I felt his member twitch against me. „No, Evie. I‘m sorry, Evie.“
I hummed in vague acknowledgement of his apology. I had to admit I could definitely see why Ogron adored tying me up so much. The look on Duman‘s face, half-closed eyes, cheeks flushed with arousal despite me not even touching him all that much yet, so helpless and eager… it was too good to be true.
I kissed him, then let my lips wander down, over his jaw, his neck with the rapid pulse beating under the soft skin, his shoulders, chest and stomach… the closer I came to the hem of his pants, the faster his breathing became. I dipped my tongue into his belly button, making him gasp, kissed my way along the barrier of fabric separating me from the spot where he really wanted me.
I pulled his pants down, slowly, ever so slowly, with his erection straining against what was keeping it down. Then it jumped free, hitting his stomach with a lewd slap that caused a twitch between my legs.
„Everything alright so far?“, I asked.
„Yes… everything is just perfect. Please… please go on.“
I smirked and continued my trail of kisses where I had left off. Though I purposefully avoided his member. I kissed everything around it, his stomach, his hips, his thighs. But not the spot he wanted.
„E...Evie… please… k...kiss it too.“
„Kiss what?“, I inquired with a devilish smirk.
His breathing got even quicker. „F...fuck, Evie, please kiss and lick my cock. Please, I beg you, let me feel your amazing mouth on it.“
The feeling of pure lust that washed over me at those words was indescribable. And since he asked so nicely…
I started with the base, dragging my tongue along the length of the shaft, up, then down again, coming closer to the tip every time. Duman was moaning at this point, loudly begging for more and reflexively thrusting against my movement. He threw his head back and let out an almost animal-like cry when I took the tip into my mouth, letting my tongue dance around it. Then I let him slip in deeper, taking in the heat of his skin and the slightly salty taste of his arousal. And once I felt that he was about to cum… I stopped.
He let out a whine that wasn‘t entirely unlike a dog‘s.
„Now now. You‘ve got to earn your happy ending.“ I quickly got up, shed my clothes and sat down on his stomach, so that his erection was pressed flat against my slit causing my juices to get mixed with the precum leaking from his tip. Slowly I started moving my hips back and forth, enjoying the friction of him against my clit and his wanton moaning. I couldn‘t take this much longer. I wanted him inside me, wanted to make him come undone, hear him scream my name as he was driven over the edge. So finally, I let him slip inside of me, eliciting another loud cry of pleasure from him. I dragged my nails over his chest, not hard enough to draw blood or even really hurt, but just enough to leave some marks that would be visible until tomorrow, and began to ride him, lifting my hips and slamming them down against his over and over again. And every time, he hit that sweet spot inside of me that made my heart skip and my core twitch.
„Evie… Evie I‘m… fuck… I‘m about to cum-!!“
„Not without me you‘re not“, I replied, upping the movement. I already felt the familiar pressure between my legs, it wouldn‘t be long.
He came with a loud, hoarse moan, slamming his hips against mine. The heat and pressure of his hot seed spurting against the entrance of my womb sent me over the edge as well. I screamed my lust into the night, and then let myself drop onto Duman‘s chest.
We were both breathing heavily, and while I sluggishly reached up to free his hands, he peppered my breasts with gentle kisses.
He sat up once he was free, with me still in his arms, and it was an odd feeling, like we were now completely different people than we had bee just a few seconds prior. He wasn‘t my submissive toy anymore; I wasn‘t his huntress. We were Duman and Evanora; the powerful wizard and the magic-less fairy.
„Are your wrists alright?“, I asked.
„Yes. They‘re fine.“
„And you?“
„I‘m fine, too.“
I grabbed the waterskin I always kept at my bedside and handed it to him. „Here, drink something.“
He did so, taking a long gulp before handing the waterskin to me again. Then I leaned on his chest, languidly tracing the outlines of his muscles.
„Is there anything else you need?“, I mumbled.
He chuckled. „Just you.“
I kissed the scratches I had left on his chest. Soft, gentle caresses meant to soothe and relax. And while I did so, he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around us.
„I‘d love for this to become a regular thing, you know“, Duman said. „You did great.“
„Sure. Whenever you want.“
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