#mentioned the duman job thing before
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spilledmilkfkdies · 10 months ago
Hi, me again! I was just wondering, following the ‘what if the wizards were actually surrendering’ ask, if the wizards really did give up fairy hunting, what do you think they’d do? (Sorry if I’m sending you too many asks, I just really like your takes.) Thank you!
Hiii sorry it took me a sec to get to this one!! I'll put a link to that ask right here for anyone who's wondering, since it's been a bit. Never worry about sending too many asks either, like I said a while back; I'll get to them eventually! If it takes some time before you hear back from me, sincerely <3 My bad <3 Was a little occupied with another fandom this time and actively participating in both got to me djsksdk
Moving on though!
In my mind they've really already been living normally, like between locking away the fairies and Roxy's magic making itself known I mean- Of course the logistics of it are a bit um. All over the place. Considering they're immortal, sort of. Do they have legal documents? Real or fake? Did they have any mortal friends and how would that work? And JOBS?? The way none of these are obstacles for Duman btw, that's why they killed him, they didn't want him to roam and do whatever anymore. Real and Canon.
Now in a post-alt ending-S4 timeline, the one where they did surrender, do we assume that they just can't use their magic, or that they don't have it anymore? Because that'd probably change the way they live afterwards pretty drastically. Aside from the fact some of them heavily depend on magic more than the others (Ogron and Duman get help smh), HORRENDOUS case scenario, they might all be mortal. For the sake of my own mental health though, I'm just gonna say they do still have magic and are in fact not mortal, just give them a fairy parole officer, some magic blocking thing, keep them around and use them for "good" stuff after a rehabilitation period or something. That's what I'd prefer anyway.
What would they be doing during said rehabilitation period? Started out as a bit of a shared joke, but tbh Anagan model career WHEN. He'd struggle with the lack of useable magic the least too, so he'd probably thrive during the whole thing more than the others, and as he should. Besides Anagan I don't have a whole lot ngl- I mean, I'd like to think Duman had lots of jobs back in the day, not sure if I mentioned that before, but I might make a separate post if I didn't, just because I have thoughts but other stuff to talk about rn sjsjksk
Ogron and Gantlos don't have a lot either MY BAD, but I do think Ogron might be more likely to have friends, maybe surprisingly. Meanwhile Gantlos has a bigger chance of being able to hold down a stable job. What job? Great question! I'm not sure yet. If that changes I'll be sharing with the class!
Moving on once again!! What could the "good" stuff I mentioned above be exactly? Education.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But are there no. Wizard or witch school on Earth?? I know they ended up opening a fairy school later on, but those aren't the only magic users suddenly learning of the dormant magic in their roots. Let's take the comic character Gregory for example. He learns he's a wizard, he tries to enroll into a wizard school(?) off planet. Nothing inherently wrong with going to a school off planet- The Winx did it too, lots of magic users do it, what is wrong though, is being turned down and having no alternatives. And even worse?? They tell him it's because. There's a darkness in him?? Or something?? I could excuse it slightly more if it was a case of "Oh your magic is dark aligned and this is a light magic school" because wizard canonically are known to be both, right? But aside from the fact that, again, there are no alternatives for him, as far as he knows, telling a newly awakened magic user that he's basically too evil to teach is CRAZY I'm sorry??
Here's where I cutely insert the Wizards of the Black Circle. Have them become the place to go when your magic energy alignment is dark (because it doesn't inherently have to mean evil and they're worthy of education in this essay I) on Earth, or even just. Any magic user who isn't a fairy. Just give them another Terrestrial option, options are always good. I think that'd be really neat.
You might sit here and go "The evil wizards are gonna teach the next generation of wizards? Could history not repeat itself??" Well. Yeah. But are the Terrestrial fairies not teaching their next generation now too? The same fairies who canonically turned on humanity at some point? These are all 'what if' scenarios, I'd just like to think that with proper communication this time around, things will be different and both fairy and wizard get to work towards that together. I'm normal and have slept a reasonable amount.
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crescentmoon-flower · 2 years ago
Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Why is this intro actually fire??!
Ah yes, now they're the teachers
I actually admire season 4 for allowing the protagonists to grow up
"it almost makes me miss the trix, even they were less agressive"
Grizelda, How exactly were they supposed to know that the room has been changed?
Also, ROOM singular? Are the teachers grouped too? Why don't the girls get their own rooms?
...griselda don't encourage students to be like the winx,  you don't want more girls to put themselves in mortal danger
Are the keys to the hall of enchantment custom made for each teacher? What about no fairy teachers? Do they just not get access?
Why is this hall inside a school? Actually maybe the building became a school after
Blooms picture is in the book of fairies, Why exactly?
"A level above enchantix" and here begins the contradiction
The animation here looks wierd?
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Yes bloom just walk off mid speech
Why was the wizard's painting covered?
Wait.... were they trapped in the painting? This brought up way too many questions
musa ruffling rivers hair
helia being a perfect jentleman
stella poking Brandon
Oh right He's king now. Ah plot consistency, may you rest in peace
Grizeda rocks that look though ngl
No previous planning? To shame bloom, to shame.
Yeah I honestly wouldn't be all that impressed with those tricks either
Actually good lesson here, good job techna and aisha
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Why don't bloom and Stella know the damn course plan?
Why is clarice saying this infront of several people?
How don't the teachers notice clarice just walk off?
How didn't Alice feel the box being put in her bag???
I like the original enchantix song more
What is the physics of that morphics surfboard?
Also Why did she use/make it? Feels useless to me
Why detonate it on the punching bag flora's turn?
Why did they have no protection in the first place? There was open fire?
Jeez, obviously alfea and cloud tower have very different punishments, the trix got away with so much worse, 
...actually maybe that's why the repercussions are so harsh now
Rip alfea's barrier (season 1 episode 2)
Ogron's so pale,  like did they forget to colour in his face??
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And here begins anagan x flora, with a single hello
Smh flora you naïve girl, did you learn nothing in these last three years?
Gantlos has anger issues confirmed, he's the stormy of the black circle
Why the flora abuse this episode??
How exactly does that magic work? Were the wizards invisible? Or did they teleport? And if they teleported how did they know to do it right then?
They know blooms name and not her face? Even more questions...
I like this version of duman's voice, it fits him (rai's wierd accent)
I'd actually like a musa- gantlos rivalry, being immune to each others sound based spells, sounds like a good plot point
"Well that was fun"
Ogron is a masochist confirmed
..Merlin? Did he exist in the magical universe?
...Dodging is impossible? Get Stella a basic self preservation class please
Ogrons magic is actually an interesting concept, too bad they don't use it to its full potential
Hold up are their fingers black? Why?
...but what if they last earth fairy is in alfea? Why give up on it so quick?
But why did clarice admit it?
"It's an ancient story"
Time line go brrrrr
Did faragonda give the girls an ancient important book? Why???? They didn't need the whole thing
...I'm not saying anything on faragonda's explanation mainly because of the utter confusion and amount of questions it brings up
Musas up for a fist fight
...maybe all of roxy's confusion would have been ended if she mentioned morgana's name,  the girls know she's the queen now
Again, Time line go brrrr
How does making humans belive in magic weaken the wizards? this was never actually explained? Like they still had power before humanity forgot fairies?
"Where are we even going?"
Why don't you start with,  oh I don't know... EARTH???
Drama King helia, love it
Word spread to the boy's that fast? Wow
Aaaawwwww rivusa, Riven picking up musa and lifting up her mood, even if he didn't think up of it himself
Riven king of common sense
Sky's entrance was actually adorable, and hilarious
The change of music really made my heart drop for a second
Why the secrecy though? Couldn't they just go with the winx ?
When did techna copy all the books without the others knowing?
A teacher is a teachers pet
Oh poor wizgiz
oh right the pixy plot, yeah I'm not comenting on it beyond it was stupid and pointless
What luck,  they just so happen to come across a randomly rare magic butterfly
"Light and darkness in perfect harmony"
And yet the tree shows only fairies?
Also what luck that roxy just so happen to be in......
Actually, theory time:
What if when daphne sent bloom through the portal aiming for earth, she opened it close to a strong magical source, Morgana.
That would make more sense that a huge coincidence of two of the only magical beings on earth being in the same city
A promise never fulfilled, I wish we actually saw roxy bond with a pixy
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smittenbyvillains · 2 years ago
well you probably did this one before but can you make a jealous headcanons of the wizards of the black circle or palladium please and btw great job on the ideas so far
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Every time to noticed any other person near you he would get upset and a bit annoyed. He would hide it well until you reached your bedroom in which he would make everyone know you were his only.
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Ogron- He hated how you were best friends with the fairies and didn't want you fighting him. Secret visits to you weren't ever enough. He was always in a sour mood after you left or after a fight. He tried multiple times to just kidnap you during a fight. He even hated how his friends looked at you. He made they didn't even more. He made sure you made a spell over you that protected you from other interested people.
Anagon- He hid his anger and jealousy well. He didn't mention anything to you not wanting you to run away from him. He would get a bit touchy whenever he had the chance to be with you. When he had you he didn't want you to have to leave.
Gantlos- He got extremely jealous and it was clear when he would start to throw things around and break things after someone just lightly touched you or talked to you. He never learned to control it. He wouldn't want to touch when he was jealous because he thought of any ways to mark up your body.
Duman- He would shapeshift into other people just to keep an eye on you everywhere. He didn't let you out of his sight. He would make sure you knew you were alone and often teased you in public and you could never know which person he was there. Then when you visited he would make sure you said you were his only.
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kdramachitchat · 4 years ago
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An uprising that created a dystopian Seoul gave birth to a monstrous judge and a live court trial setting.
The Devil Judge episode 1; A Monster Emerges
Episode 1 of The Devil Judge begins in a dystopian Seoul with chaos everywhere in the streets. There’s a unknown plague covering the entire country that made companies fallen and people homeless. The chaos which made the poor lead an arson and acts of terrorism. This created the Gwanghwamun riot and the Social Responsibility Foundation has send out a press conference.
The virus that created the monster
President Heo says a powerful speech. The economic troubles are part of the past. The plague will be forgotten as it’s been resolved by the government. While President Heo speaks this event, the important guests are being introduced: Seo Jeong Hak who is the Chairman of Social Responsibility Foundation, Cha Kyung Hee (Minister Of Justice), Min Yong Shik (Minbo Group Chairman) and Park Duman (Saram Media Chairman). The president also promises to create more jobs and to bring back Korea to the grand country as it was before. We also see on the screen how donations kept on rolling and another character was introduced. Jung Sun Ah (Executive Director of CSR Foundation) commented how the President overreacts whenever a camera is on his face. They know that he’s a clown and the attitude never goes away.
The president adds, they must rectify their law and order. He has passed a bill for a powerful judicial reform which allows the public to participate as jurors. Im not sure if that is such a good idea. Here comes Kang Yohan who is being introduced by the President as a ruthless judge. Judge Kang will preside over the trials and hands out sentences in a live television setting. Here comes the judge who exudes with much charisma and suave. Alot of concerned questions were raised like how the live broadcast is a anti-humanitarian act and it’s only for show. Another comment was mentioned that Judge Kang punishes too severely and are inconsiderate of the weak. Judge Kang interrupts and asks “Who’s weak?”.  The journalist made a sample of the disadvantage but he retaliates that they are still the defendants. He mentions that he doesnt care if there’s a powerful person or not. Another journalist asked if he can hand down a hefty sentence on a defendant for the live show. A sample was made with Chairman Joo Il Do, who is known for being well connected. He then makes a statement saying “I am power!” and how he exercises the judicial power that was delegate to him and who is above him (the public). He then ends his speech which made many people impressed especially the President and the Minister of Justice. After the speech, Sun Ah congratulates him for the sexy power he has and the rest of the influential people stares at him.
Kim Gaon
We see another character who Kim Gaon using a public transportation watching the speech of Kang Yohan about to go to The Supreme Court. He then enters the office of Chief Justice Min Jungho who is apparently his former Professor. Gaon and Jungho discusses the live program which made Gaon question Yohan and his intentions. Jungho describes Yohan as no ordinary judge. He is a revolutionist who will eradicate court corruption. He is the nation’s only hope.This made Gaon realize that Yohan is extremely popular. As the riots dies down Jungho compares Yohan as a monster that emerges from turbulent times due to the absurb bills he keeps on passing. Yohan doesnt thinks more of a politician, politician for the people. Gaon realizes how Chief Jungho has a dislike with Yohan and asks why he wants him to be part of the live show. Jungho wants Gaon to observe Yohan and compares himself to Judas.
Gaon and Yohan finally meets at Yohan’s office. When Gaon left, Yohan opened his personal information file with a picture of his parents an a article title “We Just Wanted To Do A Good Deed”, “Conned Restaurant Owner Couple Kills Themselves”. He makes a comment on how he looks just like the father. I wonder if Yohan has met the parents before and if he has anything to do with them being dead.
Gaon enters to his office and we’re introduced with Oh Jinjoo (Associate Judge). They both introduced themselves and Jinjoo made a comment about Gaon’s smile. She mentions how he looks good when he smiles and realizes that there’s a criteria on picking judges base on their visuals. Being charming enough creates power.
Bus incident 
As Gaon leaves, we see a group of young students crossing with their teacher. There’s also a incoming bus that is speeding and out of control and is about to enter the Supreme Court entrance. This prompts Gaon to be alert as he sees a young girl about to get hit and covers to protect her. While he does, Yohan was seen shooting the bus driver which made the bus topple. The bus is about to explode with the driver still in it. Gaon continues to be a good citizen and saves the driver on time. There’s a news coverage with the important members of the live show watching. The coverage mentions a arrest warrant for the chairman of JU Chemical Joo Il Do (who was at the presscon) was suspended and the kindergarten driver is connected as a act of protest. The Ministry of Justice says to the President that its a challenge to the authority but SongA responses and says its a outcry. CEO Joo created an incident leak of toxic waste water. Another comment was raised that the many of the public are still out of work and the government can’t collect taxes. If they dont solve this, another revolt would break out. They move on to the live show and asked the Saram Media Chairman how the process is doing. The president mentions that Yohan wanted to do this case personally and makes sure that it goes well.
Gaon sees Yohan leaving and thanks him for saving his life but comments on how Yohan didnt hesitate to shoot. He asked Yohan if he was going to kill the bus driver and Yohan answers back to Gaon with a response like “If i had to?!”. Gaon unsure with his intentions, Yohan counteracts and says if he didnt do anything the bus wouldve continued to spiraled straight. Gaon says that Yohan doesnt care if the bus driver dies or not and makes a calculation stating saving 2 is better than 1.
1st case preparation
There’s a meeting discussing what case they’ll do for the first live show. Yohan wants to take on the JU Chemical case as his first states that it’s a appropriate case and is confident that he’ll go by the law. Yohan makes it clear that its not the people’s court and just wants to make the trials transparent.
Chairman Joo and his lawyer discusses before the first trial. They talk about how hard it is to get clear evidence related to environmental issues. Since itll be difficult to find evidence they’ll plead not guilty. If things turned not well, the judge will charge them with professional negligence resulting death which will lead to 5 years imprisonment. Chairman Joo asks if he can trust the lawyer and says that he will.
Gaon and Jungho talks privately. Jungho asks why Yohan wants the toxic waste case to be his first. Gaon answers the obvious. Jungho also added that Chairman Joo is the biggest donator of the Social Responsibility Foundation. The reason why Yohan is there is because of the Foundation and the Ministry of Justice being his back support. Jungho thinks he has a ulterior motive, despite being in a awkward situation and yet still took the case. Ji Yoonsik and Yohan discusses the bus incident. Ji tells Yohan that he doesnt want to create a scandal and thinks the incident is carelessness but Yohan mentions that its noise marketing (since the incident is related to Chairman Joo). I assume that Yohan only cares for his status and following the law without caring how it affects others.
Gaon makes a comment that the 3 year old is a daughter of the bus driver is part of one of the many deceased related to the JU Chemical Case. The grandmother committed suicide over the case. Gaon internally looks frustrated after Yohan looks like he doesnt care. He says that Yohan rejected Chairman Joo’s warrant and yet want to incarcerate the bus driver.  Yohan mentions that the bus driver was caught on the scene but Gaon talks back and says that they must take the motive into consideration. Yohan says that despite being a victim, does this give them a right to hurt others? Well you have to agree with Yohan on that one though. Gaon then mentions that the bus driver is injured and Yohan says that they have a medical detention center so the issue is solved which lead Gaon to become quiet. Do you think Gaon is putting his emotions over the law?
A news report about the incident broke out that the child named Yu died from the toxic waste water leakage incident of JU Chemical. The grandmother of the child committed suicide. The result of the incident led 11 dead, the rest of the alive victims are receiving treatment.
Gaon and Jungho ate out. Gaon made a private investigation on Cha Kyunghee. During the time Chairman Joo caused trouble as a startup business, Ms. Cha was the person who helped him as a elite Seoul prosecutor. To return the favor when Cha became a assembly woman Chairman Joo is the head of her campaign club. Jungho made a assumption that theyre both helping each other and since Yohan was forced to be part of it, he still wanted to put Joo on a trial. Cha is watching on the sidelines with no objection. What do you think are the intentions of Cha and Joo? It’s not for the good right? Its all speculations for now. They compared the scenario as someone’s first love. Gaon continues to spy on Yohan to find more evidence and puts in spy devices around his office. Yohan almost caught him as he entered the office. Gaon continues to spy and spots Chairman Joo’s lawyer about to enter a restaurant meeting Kang Yohan. Gaon and Jungho meets up after discussing the scenes which makes them even more suspicious over Yohan. They just need to watch him closely at court.
Gaon’s childhood
As Gaon comes home, we are introduced to Soohyun who is a RIT Lietenant who is a childhood friend of his. Soohyun compares the 2 of them and says how the public loves judges with different backgrounds. We learned that Gaon doesnt want to move out as the place reminds him of his parents. Gaon and Soohyun continues to joke around, Soohyun mentions that she has a crush on him but he had rejected her. Gaon didnt want to lose his only best friend.
While Soohyun was doing her rounds, Soohyun hears a woman screaming for help. A highschool student was being attacked on the streets and saves her. This makes Soohyun becoming a likeable character. Ironically a poster above with the caption “A safe Korea will be realized from now on.”. Not so safe yet isnt it?
Ms Jung and Ministry Of Justice meeting
Ms Jung starts the discussion stating that the sponsors are becoming worried with the upcoming trial. The reason why theyre holding the mock trial is to ease the citizen’s anger over criminals. Suspicious to why they put a businessman on trial and if he receives a serious punishment, itll become a negative precedent for the business people. Cha says a rhetorical question if Yohan has ever made a mistake, but he hasnt. Song still adamant and wants the case to be a lighter trial. Asks why Cha is adamant about this being the first case and also mentions that Ms Song has overstepped by being arrogant. Before Jung leaves she commented on how everything from the office to her expensive car was paid by her foundation. Damn, straight fire. I like her. She also adds statistics information that the Ministry of Justice lacks budget and added that her foundation should create more prisons themselves. OMG
The First Live Trial
Before the trial begins, Yohan begins to be reminded of his past with a shadow that looked like Gaon surrounded with fire.
How to watch the trial?
Install the DIKE app, tap the statue and you’re in! While watching the trial 2 buttons will appear: Red button - To be punished and otherwise they can tap the other button. Votes will be collected and visualized in court. The judge will be able to see the people’s opinions and decide easily.
The court case is about a chemical company who caused sewage leak and didnt do any treatment. The water was used by the residents for their daily lives.
Yohan comes a conclusion and decides that there was intent murder. Five years is the maximum. As mentioned during the beginning of the episode, Yohan became a monstrous judge by passing insane bills. One of the bills is about the number of years accumulated for the sentences, based on the victims. To make it more dramatic since its a live tv show, he lowered down the blinds and lights mentioning all the names of the victims. He also mentions that there were 11 dead and 36 disabilities. The case resulted from 5 to 235 years of imprisonment, which equates to a life sentence. Ministry Of Justice watching from behind the tv looked in shock. While Yohan mentions the names the President continues to watches and compliments how Yohan is a true master.
The trial resulted to professional negligence and 235 years of imprisonment. The ratings also were soaring high and the Ministry of Justice is pissed while the President smirks. Yohan speaks to Chairman Joo and wishes him a long life..
The live trial ends and a victim’s relative thanks Judge Yohan. While the victim’s relative was crying and hugging Yohan, Yohan was seen yawning as if he was bored. Gaon saw it and continued to stare at him. Yohan stared back acting like a devil. We see a flashback of Yohan handing out a USB and mentions that there will be a flash of the victim’s pictures will be put out during the show. Yohan then smirks at Gaon. The scene fades with Yohan standing facing off with Gaon. A flashback of his tragic past shows him and a look-a-like Gaon (Yohan’s brother or a former colleague maybe) facing each other surrounded by which looks like a burnt old church. They both continued to stare at each other as the scene concludes. It looks like there’s a past which needs to be disclosed.
+ Good acting (Ji Sung, Kim Minjung, Jang Youngnam)
+ Live trial setting
+ Buildups of the faceoffs: Yohan vs Gaon / Ms Jung vs Ms Cha
+ Buildups of the 1st case
+ Good suspenseful bgm
+Script looks full and engaging
- Dystopian setting looks poor production wise but is made up by the + cinematography
+/- Needs a 2nd rewatch for the pilot incase you miss something out
7/10 so far for the pilot. I look forward for the rivalries and the upcoming cases.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years ago
Hey, can you please write something for Icy/Ogron? I dont know where that comes from...I just though of it and idk really liked it. Maybe their first kiss?
Sorry for the wait lol. Warning for drug abuse mentions. 
Also sorry for the formatting issues; idk why some letters are bolded lol.
The lights cut out and the final echos of a wailing guitar lose themselves in a fair sized crowd. They are lost further beneath a round of cheers and claps. It is an exhilarating energy. Yet Icy can’t say that she shares it. In fact she is the first to leave the stage. She takes her guitar and heads off. She is certain that Darcy and Stormy aren’t particularly pleased with this new habit of hers. 
It is better than her old habit.
Perhaps if they knew then they would understand. But she has kept things under wraps.
She probably shouldn’t have come along on the tour at all, she can hardly last a full setlist, by the end of it she is physically shaky and exhausted.  
She leans her guitar against the wall and runs a hand through her hair. God, her head hurt. She can hear Darcy making their closing statements and Stormy promising an acapella encore. The third one of the tour.
The crowds are probably getting aggravated with her for leaving the stage so early. She wonders if she should even be in the band anymore. 
Icy rummages through her purse and picks out a stick of peppermint. It does a decent job of stimulating the feeling of a cigarette between her lips, but it lacks the kick she craves. That her body craves. 
The withdrawal symptoms are tapering off, but not enough to alleviate the longing. She tries to focus in on the taste of peppermint. It is strong and potent and somehow soothing. She leans back in her chair and stares at the ceiling. 
Icy’s head snaps in the direction of the voice. 
“Sorry.” Ogron mutters. 
“I thought that you went back to your tour bus.”
“I left my wallet here somewhere, I think.”  
“And here I thought I’d get to keep it.” She reaches into her pocket and holds it up. 
“How’d your show go?” He asks as he takes the wallet. 
“Not as well as yours. Perhaps your band ought to headline instead.” 
He pulls out a chair. “Eh…” He shrugs. “Wizards Of The Black Circle isn’t as well known as The Trix.” 
“True.” She mutters her agreement. “Our band is the greatest band in the magical dimension.” But she wouldn’t mind passing the headline act to the Wizards if it means a break from the headache inducing flashing lights. “You haven’t heard, have you?”
“Heard what?” Ogron inquires.
“That the quality of our shows have been declining and that it’s my fault.” She shrugs.
“No, I haven’t heard anything of the sort. I feel like your shoes have been excellent.” He replies.
Icy gives an indignant sniff. “They have been subpar.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I have a tendency to leave stage early. It’s hard to have an encore with no guitar.”
“Why don’t you go back on then?”
“I probably shouldn’t be performing in the first place.” Icy shrugs. “That’s what my doctor says. My addiction therapist says that I should leave the rock scene entirely.” She takes a small bite if the peppermint stick. “Too many drugs here or something like that.” She is well aware that Ogron reeks of tobacco. Whether it is from his own cigarettes or the perfume of his tour bus, she can’t say.
“How long you been clean for?”
She twirls the peppermint stick between her fingers, “about a month and a half.”
“Oh so pretty recent then…” He trails off. “Gotta give you props for going on stage at all. Been a little over a year for me.” He nods. “Gantlos doesn’t make staying that way easy. I know he means well when offering me a light, but I’m worried that one of these days I’ll say yes.”
Icy nods. She supposes that Stormy’s offers have the same effect. It helps even less when Lucy and her crew blow smoke in her face and ask when she’d become such a buzzkill. “Sex drugs and rock n roll.” Lucy quoted. “You used to be fun. You used to be the most badass rocker in the industry.” Icy is almost certain that this is what her therapist meant by the rock scene being detrimental to her progress.
And perhaps Lucy’s commentary was justified after years of Icy mocking her for being new to the industry. Not that that had stopped Icy from snapping at her. She snaps at Darcy when the woman suggests that she tries to last a full show.
She goes off on most everyone for the simplest things. Her hair stylist had quit some days back.
“It gets easier the longer you’re clean.”
It sounds about right, but at the moment Icy isn’t so certain, “sure, if you say so.” She rolls her eyes.
“It does.” He insists and she decides that he is probably right. She has gone through the worst of it; the sleepless nights of sweating and inexplicable anxiety. The nausea and the unbearable headaches.
Her concentration still wavers and sleep is still hard to come by, especially when the headaches persist; even if they aren’t so intense as they were the first few days. She is irritable and edgy on most days but at least the sickly feeling has gone. At least she can take care of herself again.
“Lucy is a pain in the ass.” She grumbles.
“The front woman of Draconian Era?”
Icy nods.
“I’m sure she won’t be as unbearable when her voice is hoarse while yours is still strong.”
“I don’t do vocals.” Icy mutters, “that’s Darcy’s job.”
“Still.” Ogron shrugs. “I feel like it’s some kind of display of strength and power to resist the cravings.”
Icy almost laughs. So the man knew what to say to get her to see his point. “I do like power…”
She isn’t sure why she hasn’t talked to him more before tonight.
“I’ve heard.” He chuckles. “Weren’t you trying to take over the world before this?”
Icy nods.
“So how do three witches go from conquerors to rockstars?”
“The same way that evil fairy hunters do, I imagine. Honestly having a large fandom is close enough to having subjects.” Icy finishes her peppermint stick. “They do what I tell them to; I say sing along, they do. I say clap, they clap. I’ve gotten my fans to buy my drinks and carry my guitar. That’s close enough to taking over the world for me.”
“Brilliant.” Ogron laughs, “I wish I thought of that.”
She catches him looking at his watch. She can feel the headache coming on anyhow and realizes that she is well overdue for a cup of tea. That usually helps with the pounding.
“Hey, well, we can chat more before the show tomorrow” he offers, “maybe go out for drinks…or lunch.”
“Sure.” Icy says.
He leans over and kisses her forehead. “Night.” He gives her a small salute and begins walking away.
She lets him walk a few paces before deciding that she doesn’t want to spend another night alone–not that she hasn’t requested such and left Darcy and Stormy in a separate hotel room. “Come to the tour bus with me?” She requests.
Ogron pauses. “I guess I can use a break from cigarette smoke and Duman’s sexcapades. "Let me just tell the guys.”
“Works for me.” Icy replies. “Going to the hotel separate will probably spare us some headlines anyhow.”
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crescentmoon-flower · 2 years ago
Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Ep. 5
And even though they said they don't want attention, they're flying?
Homeless man cameo at perfect irony point
...I just noticed this but why do they always stand on their toes when in fairy form?
I feel sorry for roxy, imagine being told that not only are you a different species than you thought, but also the balance of the entire world is riding on you.
What are duman's transformation limits?
This whole break in and set a trap is actually clever, if only the trap was better
Cute kiko
Why did they all kneel if only Ogron cast the spell?
Ok that interaction between riven and Brandon was cute.
They kind of already do, except nabu though, he looks like a monk
Well at least helia's got his priorities straight
Also nice world building, gardenia is expensive to live in
Riven defying physics with a newspaper, also smart for looking at newspaper adds
Sassy brandon
You know what, not a bad idea to try mechanics
Also I love how nabu didn't change and still looks like a monk and the mechanic isn't questioning it
Oh my god this is painfully awkward
Did Riven break the hood of that car?
Ok that has got to be illegal or at least questionable, did they file tax before giving blooms parents their investment back?
Eh, I'm not going to question these details
Oh my god musa PRINTED the pictures of Stella half awake
Also this is a very fair concern to have when dealing with animals, they didn't mention some of the darker things that could happen to a pet after adoption but it is always a valid thing to keep in mind
Wow, mitzi is annoying
At least they came to the correct conclusion, but aren't they going to question how the wizards managed to cast the spell?
Property damage nullifies the closed sign Stella put up
I don't think what's good or bad for business is relevant when propert damage or bodily harm are bigger concerns
Did duman have to get close to cat the spell? It's seems redundant and frankly an unnecessary risk
... did.. did anagan get rid of the Sound waves with sound waves????
What even were either of those spells bloom? They did like nothing
ALIENS!!!!! I mean he's technically not wrong though
Ok creative Stella good job
Riven raising good points
Ditching jobs, to shame
Aw naw! Oh my god gantlos sounds adorable
What was gantlos's idea?
Thank you timmy, thievery is bad boys
Ok Riven, and probably all the boys, shouldn't be driving
Oh my god this interaction is so awkward and honestly I feel for mitzi here, she literally knows nothing and suddenly they're at her door
aisha and nabu are adorable
Oh no, mitzi and her obsesion
Both stella and Brandon are in the wrong here
"A girl never let's her Prince charming go" Ironic
I mean an actual valid reason for being fired
....I feel awful for only now noticing timmy wasn't there, but also why wasn't he?
Half packed apartment, realistic
I don't know how to feel about watching Stella eat for several unnecessary seconds
Huh didn't expect musa to be the most invested in the book
Also I wish we had more world building for believix, I have so many questions
Noooooo, helia's hair cut
Ok Riven is my spirit animal
Stalker nightmare
Note, if someone is doing something you don't like and makes you uncomfortable you have every right to tell them to stop, no matter their feelings
Tecna has good points
Aisha your great, never change
Oh my god are they seriously painting with several colours on top of each other wet?? This is a disaster
Uhhhng, this second hand embarrassment is horrible
Thank you tecna for stating the obvious
That's creepy, just knock girls
Roxy you are acting suspicious
What was Stella hanging from?
Well their tone changed drastically
Also roxy, crazy people are dangerous
What is this silent conversation between bloom and roxy
Well that could've gone far worse
You lost one group of loonies and found another
Oh my god roxy needs therapy after this
Also irony for artu to bite duman
I love Cute villains
Bouncy light, makes sense
Aisha? Love you
Creepy duman love it
Holy shit ogron is strong
I love ogro
Get the poor girl some therapy
Roxy your awesome, insult them more
I do actually love believix, it looks really pretty and has a nice concept
Roxy looks pissed
Ah, cliff hanger
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