#the amount of trans mascs in this fan art (❁´◡`❁)
spoopy-sloth · 2 years
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Here it is! The first 6 fanart challenge of the year :D
Thanks to the following for suggestions: @planteria for Ling Yao @argothiathedreamer for Galo Thymos @ghostymarin for Og Greed @genderfluid-envy for Lio Fotia @boopboops22 for Mei Chang
and @ultraalittlebitofeverything for Bandit Thanks again!
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Okay, if you were asked who are in Merlin BBC that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they? Why?
I’m just gonna note that I’m not attached to any sexuality headcanon because people are going to have different opinions and it seems daft to lose more than half the fan content (art, fics, etc) just because of a headcanon. I’ll read more or less anything, I play around with queer themes in my writing fairly regularly and multiship everyone in the show, sometimes with characters from other fandoms too, but these are the sexualities I’ve written most of for each character otherwise this would be way too long.
And I know I’m assigning modern understandings of sexuality to medieval characters, but it’s a show with dragons and magic, also capes, a French castle, and whatever the hell that chainmail was so I think I can be excused for my historical inaccuracy.
Merlin: either gay or bi with a a preference for men. I could never get myself to really like Freya in the show, she wasn’t bad and I didn’t hate her, I usually just forget about her because it was one episode so I didn’t have enough time to get attached. She deserved more screen time and I love what the fandom has done with her character, but I usually see her where Merlin’s shipped with someone else so I honestly forget their romance exists most of the time. Other than that, I usually see him shipped with knights or Arthur or if he’s shipped with another woman, it’s someone who didn’t get enough screen time to get attached, or a mergwenthur (is that their ship name?) poly relationship.
Arthur: bi and demi. He needs time to like someone, canonically only started wearing a shirt after he got married but he walked around his chambers naked when it was just Merlin/no sexual implications in a servant of two masters. I’ve done deep dive character analysis into that and what it says for their trust of one another if anyone’s interested. It goes into them being platonic but acting like a couple and why meant so much for me to see as a kid and also why I think that proves their relationship is more than words can fully encapsulate. Also he’s had crushes on men and women so bi just fits.
Gwen: bi with a preference for men, she and Morgana had chemistry and I ship them pre season 3 but after that, not so much. Also had crushes on Lancelot, Merlin and married Arthur. They’re an adorable couple, honestly I love them. I don’t really have much else to say.
Morgana: aroace lesbian. Just my favourite headcanon, I like that she never had a canon relationship but she definitely had chemistry with Gwen. They’re just sweet together. I don’t know, mostly just vibes and my desire for more aroace rep.
Lancelot: bi with a preference for women. Gwen and Merlin. Yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to say. I just love that he’s such a great guy, I don’t think there’s anything more to it than two crushes in canon and vibes. I’ve written him as unlabelled or queer a fair amount, it really just depends.
Leon: Romance and sex averse aroace. Again, I just want representation and think he’s cool. I’ve seen him shipped with others, but I tend to default to aroace Leon in my own works more than anything else. Occasionally I’ll give him a qpr but it just depends on what I’m writing.
Gwaine: aromatic pansexual, he likes flirting but I think the idea of a permanent long term relationship would be “the one to tie him down” and it never entirely fits right. I’ve seen him shipped with Percival, I love that but usually if I’m writing it, I’ll have them in a qpr. I think he definitely feels low levels of romantic attraction but not enough to want a romantic relationship with someone, he loves so much, just not in the traditional ways and writing aroallo Gwaine is always super fun.
Elyan: I headcanon Elyan as trans masc but I don’t think I’ve got any specific headcanons for his sexuality. I’ve probably written him straight slightly more than anything else, but it’s a close tie between writing him straight and bi. It never usually comes up, so maybe just unlabelled or queer. I don’t know, he’s just Elyan. That’s all really.
Percival: I know in canon he had a wife and kids, I write him as being gay more than anything else, but my main headcanon tends to be that he’s bi or pan. Purely based on vibes but if it’s not relevant to the plot, I won’t bother mentioning it.
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thebearme · 2 years
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just going to warn you that this is long
EDgar Joseph
6'9 ft
Pisces 23 Y/o 3/2/1985
Film college major (Jobs: Indie horror film maker, Animal caretaker)
Butter toast & Gravy (duh)
Alien Boy - Oliver Tree
Eight Wonder - Lemon Demon
Turn the lights off - TallyHall
- Arts & craft master
- Has a fursona
- Learned what a shower is
- He's still is a lil gross
- Ed changed his name to Ed so he can match with Eddy when he was 6
- Ed real name is: Bob Horace Joseph
- Lemon demon fan
- The one ed to be dating a Kankers (May)
- The oldest ed (he got left-back a year)
- Has yellow teeth becuz he didn't brush his teeth when he was younger
- Has a pet chicken from Rolf but it's at the barn, can't stay at the dorms :(
- Takes care of Rolf's animals ever so often, he loves when he can help
- Thinks of Dee like a mom figure
- Is on better ground with Sarah after BPS and once she realizes how awful their mom was to Ed
- Ed's the only person with yellow skin that because of all the gravy grease he eats
- Drop the violin to play all types of weird instruments instead
- LOVES crytids, FNAF lore and SCP
- Likes going to haunted places for fun
- Ed's drawings are now ten times more disturbing
- Draws on mspaint
- Ed is a food stealer
- Ed and Edd bond with the unexplainable wonders of the world (Deep sea creatures)
- Instead of getting a chewy necklace he just buys chew toys for dogs, they're cheaper and cooler
- Uses weird emojis: 🧟‍♂️🦷🧠🪳🌚
* Has a fractured skull
* Brain hurts fr when he thinks hard
* Frequently lost of balance = needs a cane
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EDDward (Double dee) Johnson
6'3 ft
Trans-Masc & Bi
Aquarius 22 Y/o 2/10/1986
Psychology major / Science engineering minor (Jobs: none, scholarships & grants are paying the tuition)
Tuna fish gumbo
The machine - Lemon Demon
American healthcare - Penelope Scott
I threw out love of my dreams - Weezer
Pretty rave girl
- It was hard for Dee to not pick every major
- Double dee got overwhelmed with the college choices he had so he just followed the eds in to Peach Creek's community college
- The OCD got worse when he got older so the eds made a compromise to help clean the dorm often
- Santa believer
- Has a Costco supply of everything
- He likes scene but doesn't tell the eds
- Can't flirt for his life
- Dee Prays everyday that God will forgive the eds sins
- insomniac
- Double dee is trying to find a Scientific explanation for why their tongues are still dyed by the jawbreakers for years now
- Double dee has to braid his hair back before going to bed or else it would be wild in the morning
- Dee is comfortable in his body, doesn't need a bind all the time
- If you don't let Dee to say big words he'll start speaking like a bimbo unironically
- The Light-skin
- Is a ferret
- He got therapy for the 'dodgeball incident'
- Still wears his hat always, even when the eds already know about the scar
- Still passionate about learning but is slowly being a burnt out gifted student
- Even though Eddy tends to distract Dee from studying, if Eddy left college Double dee would have dropped out with him. A least for a gap year(s)
- Dee is a hugger
- Double dee found out that there's a Chemical compound with in shrooms that lessen the psychological symptoms of OCD...
- Dee has shrooms
- Dee is not afraid to be the bitchy friend to make sure the eds don't get themselves into jail
- Willing to kill for Eddy
- A certified forklift driver
- Mothers Ed
- Writes large paragraphs in text and the small amount of emoticons he uses are: =] >:-( :-D
* Asthma
* Diabetic (genetic, from both parents) Wears a insulin pump
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Edwin (EDDY) McGee
5'3 ft
Puerto Rican (1/2 mother's side)
Italian American (1/2 father's side)
Aries 21 Y/o 3/24/1987
Undeclared major
(Jobs: whatever job he has that week)
Crafts mac n cheese
Soft Fuzzy Man - Lemon Demon
What's New Pussycat - Tom Jones
Lyin' Awake - Steam Powered Giraffe
Cuphead Rap - JT Music
- Eddy frankly doesn't know how he graduated high school
- Eddy loves old stuff (music, clothes, technology)
- Eddy likes underrated/unappreciated historical figures
- He can still be erratic sometimes and still haves trust issues
- Eddy does his nails
- Once he stopped wearing his brother's clothes he started finding his own style
- He is a FASHION KING, never seen in the same clothes often
- Drag queen
- Still doesn't understand personal space or the difference from complements and flirting
- Still a big sap
- Constantly sleeps in Dee bedroom instead of his own
- Insecure with his curly hair so he gel's it most of the time
- Weed smoker
- Once had the eds do a breaking bad
- Surprisingly nice legs
- Insomniac
- Eddy tends to have depressive episodes
- Occasionally goes to therapy, but keeps making light of his issues or dodging them completely
- Writes his name on his food so Ed won't steal it (It doesn't work)
- Was a Premature baby
- Eddy is actually really smart and can make things, he just doesn't have the foresight or the motivation
- Eddy has a pet mouse
- He's flexible and can do acrobatics
- Eddy is still a little narcissistic
* Has a stiff right wrist (has a wrist brace that he doesn't wear, prefers to just use he's left hand)
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an-au-blog · 9 months
I think that with pregnancy in trans masc person it can vary from person to person.
And I agree. I think for me it's more of a "specifically about Yamato" thing, because of the way Oda draws him and the amount of overly-feminising fan art :/
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
Ask game, feel free to comment for both fandoms please or skip for one.
2,6,7,9 16, 17, 21, 22,
I'm going to like.... jump around to whatever fandom I feel like for each question.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Okay so I did this for Disco Elysium so -- He Xuan would never bottom. My compelling argument is he told me personally. Next question.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
I'm sorry but all ya'll Qi Rong fans who keep trying to find him a boyfriend... I support you, but maybe go stand over there? please????
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Again, did this one for Disco Elysium, so again tying into the above answer... Qi Rong is a character I'd like to be able to spend more braincells thinking about, because I think there COULD be some interesting meta I could make about him, but the fandom seems to have a very predetermined way of thinking about him and writing him that makes it so hard for me to want to engage.
9. worst part of canon
I feel like I can't speak on DE just because I haven't finished or explored it as thoroughly as I'd like to yet. For MXTX books... God I'll be so honest it was silly and fun the first time, but I cringe rereading the whole Statue Mecha scene near the end of TGCF. It's so ridiculous and outlandish that it breaks emersion for me a bit.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Okay, I'll be SO HONEST -- as someone who's come to better accept his trans masc-ness because of Kim Kitsuragi -- I'm kind of shocked at the sheer amount of trans!Kim fics. And I guess there's a part of me squinting at it going, "Isn't there something a little weird about ascribing transmasculinity to a character who -- in the real world -- is part of a race that's often feminized (the "pretty Asian boy" stereotype) and is visually the most slender and short of the male characters? Like? That feels a little weird to me, ya'll..."
(Like, not saying stop, I get it, and the fanfics handle it really well on the whole, but also like... I think it's worth asking ourselves (1) WHY Kim gets this treatment over Harry or another character and (2) WHAT kinds of queerness we're ascribing onto characters. Especially in light of stuff like me seeing KimHarry on a yuri poll.... like. come on ya'll. A tiny bit of critical thinking) (and again. not saying "don't write queer characters" but maybe like... consider diversifying your options).
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Tip Top Racer Kim. Why the fuck are none of you writing Tip Top Racer Kim Kitsuragi AUs. Why. Where's the art. Where's Kim in tight fitting racing uniform huh??? (which. uh. if anyone has a good artist you'd recommend for a commission....) (I am LEGALLY obligated to drop my favorite DE fic now just so you all can see THE POTENTIAL: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40802268) Also not enough Jean crossdressing fics, send tweet. That blonde wig is all I think about and there's so much unresolved in that choice....
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
In Disco Elysium, who the FUCK are these student communist dudes everyone is talking about because I LITERALLY haven't seen them.
Also for TGCF, the underwater kiss scene. The actual kiss is honestly secondary to me to EVERYTHING ELSE happening in that moment because people seem to forget how INSANE the circumstances are.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores Oh for my MXTX fandoms that's easy -- I am easily the second most Beefleaf brain rot person you'll ever meet and the Black Water Arc of TGCF is everything to me. Everyone always talks about the climax and the beheading and sure that's cool but the BUILD UP? The visit to Fu Gu and watching the performance of He Xuan's massacre? The Truth or Dare game in the temple? The foreshadowing with the Water and Wind master statues? The visit to Shi Qingxuan's terrace and the poetry written there? BREAKING SQX OUT OF HER PALACE BECAUSE SWD IMPRISONED HER? AND THEN SQX WALKING AWAY FROM YUSHI HUANG'S FARM AFTER "MING YI" TRIES TO GET HER TO STAY BEHIND? None of you talk enough about the LENGTHS He Xuan went to to try to avoid getting SQX involved in SWD's death and it makes me ABSOLUTELY INSANE ON A DAILY BASIS!!! I am chewing on glass about this!!!!
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standing-restart · 2 years
So this post
I get where this was intended on going but when I saw it all I could think of was trans masc rope bunny reader getting tied up all pretty by a driver.
Which driver/drivers do you think are the ones who are really into shibari and restraints? Who's into the bondage side more vs who is into the artistic side more? Just all things rope my friend. That's about as coherent as I'm getting right now.
- 🔐
Wanders in here with my coffee and an unmatched determination to ramble about all things rope!
Once again, these are all my personal headcanons, and you don’t need to agree with them in the slightest. There are some other drivers I can see fitting in here, but I’ve already talked about them and rope on here, so to avoid repeating myself too much  -   a new list  (ft este, because I apparently wasn’t done rambling ...)
Guanyu:  believe me when I say that Guanyu is absolutely into the artistic side of shibari. He just gives me the vibes of someone who loves to make his partner look pretty. Skilled fingers tying the prettiest knots. He uses it to truly make you into an artwork  (and he includes props for that, too. think this as an example.)  Sessions with him are mostly focused on just one body part, due to the sheer amount of time he’ll take just focusing on your arm. It isn‘t at all sexual for him, he just loves showing you how pretty you are to him through the media of rope. I can also see him giving you something like this for a short lived public outing. The both of you play it off as fashion, even when it’s pushing it.
Esteban:  I’ve already talked about Este and suspension play ... and I’m honestly not done with that. So here’s round 2! His designs are intricate most of the time. He never really uses any other form of restrains  (unless you specifically ask you for it.)  he’s such a soft dom when working on you, showering you in praise when he uses his hands to create works like this. The suspension part of a session is his absolute favourite, and that does tend to turn sexual with him, even when it’s just a buildup of energy  -  slightly bubbling underneath every touch of his fingertips against your skin. He can tie you up without even getting hard, but the second you’re in the air, you know he’s straining against his underwear. Anyway, he’ll make sure you look absolutely gorgeous like this.
Max:  I strongly feel that Max would be in the whole power play side of the dynamic. He isn’t patient enough for artistic shibari. Doesn’t have the time to sit and learn. However, he’s more than happy to tie you up with a simple knot around the wrists and ankles.  He‘s a big fan of leather cuffs like this and this. Frankly, he does not have the patience to create the desired effect with rope by his own hands, and even trying would be too frustrating for the both of you anyway. Regardless, he loves putting you in restrains, as long as he doesn’t need to put too much manual labour into creating them ... oh, they’re absolutely marked with his name and/or the number 33 too.
Yuki:  he is an interesting mix between artistic shibari and sexual bondage. Whatever the mood might be, he’s always going to restrain you in one way or another. Cuffs around your wrists and ankles, or a design like this to wear when you’re kneeling at his feet. He says that it’s a Japanese art, so naturally, he has to be good at it. But the both of you know that it soothes him in the same manner that it does you. The shibari is for the both of you to relax, to gather your breath and to strengthen that trust. The bondage is for that too, but in a different way. When the bondage cuffs come out  -   you know it’s a whole different dynamic. It’s the difference between a soft dom and a hard dom.
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ghoulettedust · 2 years
Your art is stunning and as a trans masc person I truly appreciate the work you’ve done. Tbh I think more cis people should draw trans people. It should be no different than a cis man drawing a cis woman or vice versa. As long as it’s done with respect (and it’s clear to me that your portrayal of trans bodies comes from a place of respect), it can be a valuable thing for both artist and audience. For the audience, it normalizes transness and shows that our bodies can be admired in the same way cis bodies can. For the artist, it’s a chance to study anatomy that is rarely taught traditionally.
I can hypothetically understand where the pain is coming from in the people harassing you, but I don’t think any of it is your fault. It’s most likely frustration over frequent fetishization of our bodies in general leading to a distrust of any cis person attempting to portray a trans character. However, that is no excuse to harass a person. Nothing about your artwork fetishizes trans people in my eyes. It is also clear that many other trans masc people love your work as well and have gotten a huge amount of validation and joy from seeing it. So, I hope that you can find comfort in the portion of trans people you have brought happiness to, and in time be able to let go of the criticism from those of us too embittered by the society we live in to see the love and respect you have put into those pieces.
Hello! I apologize I never saw this but I 100% agree. I’m very open minded and understand from some fans who talked to me that not all of them are going to feel comfortable me at the time CIS drawing trans artwork because sadly there is people who are cis and do that with negative attentions, for popularity or clout and that is terrible. But I did find out many people, trans felt happy or the drawing brought them a little smile and that’s all I wanted to do! Not everyone needs to like it and that’s absolutely fine! :) have a good day 🤍
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transhawks · 3 years
In general, what’s your opinion on artists profiting off oc’s of there’s in fandoms? Like when they make little comics for them paired with a character, prints, etc from let’s say MHA? And they have people pay for exclusives such as Patreon and such. It’s ok if your not comfortable answering
Sorry about taking a while to get to asks. I'm really sick right now so finding strength to answer is hard. I don't think this is the right question. What we should be asking is should fandoms be profitable? And are there consequences if we have this mindset of profiting off of fandom?
Now, personally, I think OCs are much more fair game than characters that are the intellectual property of someone else, but everything else is very messy. I've paid artists for commissions and I think there's a lot of greyness here because people should be compensated for labor, but our current socioeconomic situation necessitates, more so than other generations, that we monetize our hobbies. That's definitely what's behind a lot of this - fandoms are profitable, artists especially can make livings off drawing fandom art, and I'd argue easier than with original art.
(there's another conversation to be had about the valuing of visual art over writing, especially in terms of fandom profitability. I've seen screenshots of zine runners outright telling writers that they weren't prioritized because people bought zines for art and I think this profit-maximizing hurts fandoms.)
When so much labor is spent on making art, and these days labor and time are expected to go into jobs full-time due to how high a cost of living is compared to stagnating wages worldwide, is it any surprise talented artists just realize that fandoms can be a primary source of income? No, not at all. But there's a question of how stable that is. Animanga fandoms also have issue of that Japan has long had a culture of doujins and unofficial works. I stumbled upon this article (it's a bit dated, though, as it's from 2011 and the landscape has irrevocably changed) while thinking how to answer this question and something stuck out to me:
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So, I feel like doujins are like zines in this way - slim profits (though zines unfortunately have the staff hoping to make as much as possible over a good product) that typically escape the notice of the large copyright holders of the properties they portray. But more and more people are attempting to make money, and not just based on commission, which I understand a bit more as a person to person transaction. I'm specifically talking about patreon here.
Not to bring up Twitter/IG drama on tumblr, but this makes me think of the issue surrounding Sofia Samara and her art. Here's a link to an explanation. Now while there's SO MUCH to unpack there, I keep thinking about how a minor was able to make massive amounts of money drawing nsfw art typically for adults (and was paid by adults), all of off fan content. and there's several things I think are also worth paying attention to -
On one hand, fans afraid of cease and desists or who have gotten cease and desists for very specific content will usually capitulate and either completely take down their stuff, or edit (censor) it to the copyright holder's standards.
On the other hand, when artists and writers realize something is profitable, they'll likely focus in on that rather than perhaps experimental content specifically due to perceived worth/value. Sofia had this issue with when there were request for 'PoC' version of her art (kind of fucked given the characters are /Japanese/) and for a trans masc version of some of the characters she was already drawing. Her first impulse was to question whether these were popular/profitable and some of her comments really make it clear that this art was done with the intent of maximizing profit. The representation mattered only in terms of monetary value. So, I think this is important to note. On one hand, you don't want a fandom so scared of corporations and governments that it doesn't make content whatsoever. Issues of what is ethical to produce aside, China's ban on fan content and AO3 silences so many people, especially vulnerable gender and sexuality minorities. It's a state enforcing what is acceptable and not on its citizens and so often that specifically targets queerness, which fandoms have often a small haven for.
On the other hand, the mainstreaming of fandom and when artists and writers only approach their stuff with the idea of market appeal, the unfortunate dynamics we see in the rest of the world get replicated. Not that haven't already - but there's a bitterness in the idea that fandom will prioritize content made not by marginalized voices who might not have the same access to make content like others. Or in Sofia's case, she traced art with the intent to make money, adding a whole other layer of "iffy" to this.
In all, I seriously don't know if I have a stance on this as much a bunch of 'worries'. I have love for fan content and think it's as worthy of respect as other art or writing or other mediums. I also believe in the compensation of labor. But when people approach something like a hobby as a job, and a fandom as a market, there are going to be people shut out and hurt, and there's going to be a big change in what is made and prioritized by fandoms.
Additionally, when you add a barrier to access stuff, do you ask who sees your work? If I hid my best metas under a paywall, I'd exclude marginalized readers who cannot afford something like pay idk 10 bucks just to read my previously free content, would I? So I genuinely think this hurry to profit off fan content is something that should be questioned. We might lose a lot of the creativity and freedom that draws people to fandoms in the first place. We might shut out creators and consumers who simply don't have the resources compared to others to keep up. Is that really what we want?
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wagyubeefy · 5 years
Ur so handsome! Ive sent you a few asks over the years and I love your blog, I am so happy you are back and making art(not a naruto fan, just a fan of you) As a fellow nb dyke I am considering going on hormones, I just want some hair on my belly and a scruffier voice! Love the face fuzzy king, you look great!!!!! I missed you!!
ah hello!! and ty!!
on the subject of T! i think this is a very important thing for butches on T to talk about publicly because the research you do as a butch is mostly from trans men/firmly trans masc nb people. I might write an extended post on that subject (as I intended to when I initially started T, and didnt lmao)if you’re a butch, or anyone that wants Some changes on T but wouldn’t like Other changes on T...try alternatives first. Testosterone is an unpredictable hormone. It can change you in many ways at once, in can simply not do certain things, and it can take anywhere from 3 months or 2 years to do about the same amount of change depending in your body.  I have a friend thats much hairier but has almost no voice change after almost 2 years on T. I have another friend with little to no extra hair, a lot of acne and a much deeper voice on a year or so. That’s the kind of variability it comes with.If there is anything about the changes that come with T that you couldn’t handle/hope you’d not get, I’d tread carefully. You can stop anytime if you’re applying topically. It’s very easy to over or under dose when you’re applying topically though, so stay aware of that too.my dysphoria works in such a way that the more change is the better, so I had pretty much no fear. If I weren’t dysphoric in the way I am, I think this would have been alarming for me. T worked very fast and drastically in my case, and everything kicked in at once.(it should be noted that this is nothing like the experience of going on feminizing hormones - they work completely differently and have slightly more control, from what i understand!)
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powerandmagic · 7 years
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HEARTWOOD: Non-binary Tales of Sylvan Fantasy is the newest anthology from P&M Press.
Across time and cultures, humanity has spun tales about the forest: tales of caution, adventure, rites of passage, and discovery. Some of those stories persist as the folklore and fairy tales that delight our imaginations today, and the forest remains a symbol for facing the unknown and emerging transformed.
This anthology is for everyone who’s walked through the undergrowth, in the silence of nature, and longed for an adventure of their own to unfold. These stories of modern-day sylvan fantasy will showcase the best non-binary cartoonists of our day, guiding characters like us into the woods and back again.
Submission Period
Submissions will be open to the public from October 16th - November 13th. (A line-up of preselected creators will also be unveiled throughout this period!)
Who Can Participate
We want submissions from people who identify as nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, bigender, neutrois, twospirit, genderfluid, demigender, trans fem or trans masc, and other genders outside the “man or woman” binary. 
For team submissions, at least the writer must meet the above criteria. If two submissions are equally matched, the all non-binary team will be prioritized. Use #TeamHeartwood (Tumblr or Twitter) to find teammates!
Age Restrictions
All contributors must be 18 years or older. All content must be suitable for readers as young as 14 years old.
Comics from 4 - 12 pages long
6” x 9” trim size (template provided)
Bleed? Yes.
Black & White or Grayscale (no screentones please)
600 dpi
Selection Process (October 2017 - December 2017)
Project Announcement - 2 weeks
Open Submissions - 4 weeks
Final Selection - 2 weeks
Work Period (December 2017 - July 2018)
Creator Portraits - 1 week
Script + Thumbnails - 8 weeks
Pencils - 10 weeks
Inks - 6 weeks
Grayscale - 6 weeks
Letters - 2 weeks
Bios - 1 week
Kickstarter (Fall 2018)
Contributors to our first anthology were paid $100/page plus Kickstarter bonuses. In keeping with P&M Press’ founding goal of increasing pay with each successive campaign, HEARTWOOD contributors will be compensated at $105/page plus any Kickstarter bonuses.
Contributors also receive a minimum of 10 complimentary copies of the anthology, royalties on all digital sales, and royalties on any print runs of the anthology after the first printing sells out.
Creators will cede exclusive first worldwide print and digital rights to their stories for a full calendar year from the date of publication, and non-exclusive worldwide print and digital rights in perpetuity. Ownership remains with the creators.
What We Want
Previously unpublished stories.
Forests. Jungles. Decaying structures reclaimed by nature. Trees, trees, and - oh yeah - more trees! Deep, lush settings that have character. (If you absolutely hate drawing backgrounds/characters interacting with their environment, you may want to sit this one out.)
At least one protagonist must be non-binary.
At least one non-binary protagonist must be human (they can be half magical-species-you-made-up, but their gender should not be portrayed as a “fantastical” result of that).
Stories set now-ish (a hard date isn’t necessary, but keep the human fashion and any tech to post-1990 and pre-2030).
Movement from one space to another (entering, leaving, traveling), literally and/or metaphorically.
Personified aspects of the natural world (e.g. whispering winds, walking plants, talking animals, etc).
Original fantastical creatures/beings.
Discovery and Understanding.
Tests (of will, wits, ethics, etc).
Person Allied With Nature.
A spirit of adventure!
What We DON’T Want
No fan works. No auto-bio. No prose. No one-off illustrations.
Stories that basically amount to “protagonist realizes they are non-binary and explains gender to the other characters/the reader.” Your character can come to understand their gender better by the end of the story, but there should be a plot beyond that.
Meet-cutes. (“Two people meet and crush at first sight, the end.”)
Horror: this includes horror tropes, body horror, classic horror monsters like werewolves or vampires, popular cryptids/urban legends like Slender Man or the Jersey Devil, and so on. Your story can use fear and danger as plot elements, but if instilling fear/existential dread in the reader is the overarching theme, this is the wrong anthology.
Tolkienian fantasy: no elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. We won’t freak out if you make something up that’s very loosely(!) inspired by any of these (unless it replicates the problematic elements of Tolkien’s work, in which case your work will not be accepted).
Cursing is permitted as long as words aren’t used literally (i.e. “Shit, you scared me!” as opposed to “Let’s go shit in the woods!”) and are used very sparingly when used at all. In general, we’d prefer not.
No porn. No references to specific sexual acts. No explicit nudity whether sexual or non-sexual (sorry, folks). “Consensual fade-to-black sex between legal adults” is fine.
No depictions of abuse (sexual, physical, psychological) whether pictorial or written. Characters may vaguely reference (in non-graphic language) abuse that they have suffered in the past if doing so serves the story or is integral to the character (i.e. maybe the story is about a survivor working on their agoraphobia by going on what they believe will be a brief, non-magical hike...).
No gore. People can get hurt, bleed, die, etc, but not in a grossly over-the-top way that fetishizes violence.
No slurs, no racism (not even “fantasy racism”), no misogyny, no transphobia, no ableism, no xenophobia, no white supremacist nonsense in general. (And please, no stories whose sole purpose is to teach that these things are bad.)
Ready? Here’s How To Pitch
Send us an email at [email protected] with the subject line “Heartwood Pitch” that includes the following information/attachments:
The name, pronouns, and role of everyone on your team (or just yourself for solo submissions). Give the name(s) you want used during communications with you, marketing of your contribution, and credits in the book (even if those are all different).
A working title and page count for your comic (doesn’t have to be exact).
A synopsis of your story, including a beginning, middle, and end. Spoil everything, but try to keep it under 500 words.
Preliminary sketches associated with your pitch: character ideas, important creature designs, environment concepts (the latter is especially important if your portfolio lacks strong examples of background art), etc. These don’t need to be final or polished pieces! Just detailed enough to give us an idea.
Links to any relevant publishing credits (whether you’re writing the comic, drawing it, lettering it, or doing everything yourself). Self-published works and webcomics count as credits! Choose examples that best reflect the style you intend to use for this comic. You may simply include a link to your portfolio if you have no pre-existing credits, but please note that folks with sequential storytelling examples will receive preference.
Tell us about yourself, your cultural and artistic background, and why you want to be in HEARTWOOD. Short and sweet is best!
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