#the amazing digital funfair
tadc-funfair-au · 24 days
Ragatha hopelessly in love with Pomni is so true 😭
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Yep.... And its sad to see but no worries a'd wait for the future events in the au. 💗
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deltaswapjevil · 4 months
Caine Aus
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New thing where I take a character and do them in a swap universe, fell universe, and horror universe (based on arguably the three most popular Undertale Aus Underswap, Underfell, Horrortale). Swapping them with another character in their universe. Making them evil (or good if they already were evil)+angsty. And then making them in some sort of horror universe. Today's specimen is Caine from TADC
Swap: The Amazing Digital Funfair
Caine takes the role of bubble. He's a chatty little chattering teeth set that's always just yapping much to Bubbles annoyance. Not as unhinged as Bubble but is constantly interrupting Bubble and rambling so bubble forcefully shuts his trap, knocking all his teeth out
Fell: The Terrible Digital Circus
Caine is the main antagonist of this Au. He loves torturing the cast for amusement. He sets them on impossible missions that they are doomed to fail from the start and usually ends with all of them dying painfully only to be revived to do it all over again. He particularly likes to pick on Jax and sometimes Pomni. He is unable to feel any empathy so he sees the "Circus Freaks" as toys to play with and if he gets bored of a toy he'll make them more interesting like altering Gangles Mask to be angry or practically brainwashing Kinger to make him like a mini Caine. Some notes are that the shaded parts are meant to actually be golden not grey/black and also his one fang doesn't merge with his eye it goes behind it
Horror: The Amazing Digital Battle Royale
To make this different from the popular horror au Freakshow by @hootbon (tho I did take alot of inspiration) this one is set in a Hunger Games style Battle Royale but a bit worse. While they are battling to the death Caine will bring all the losers back to life after the battle to compete again so they're stuck in an infinite loop of dying and killing each other. If the battles too dull he'll add something interesting like acid candy, piranha like Gloinks, poison gas, or a psycho yandere moon. If the players refuse to fight each other Caine will have Bubble spread misinformation about each other in their voices (like uses Ragathas to make Pomni think she's gonna betray her) if that doesn't work he might take control of one of their bodies and force them to kill and maybe cannibalize their fellow players all while still conscious of their actions. But if a player is just too boring he'll abstract them by causing their insides to slowly destroy themselves giving them a slow painful death. So in short: He's kinda a meanie :(
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hazelthevixen · 3 months
First time at a circus! + How summer has been so far
Woah! I've never been to a circus before ^w^ Yesterday it was my first time and boy was it amazing :D I went with a friend and there was alotta cool tricks happening :3 Though one of the girls who was doing the trapeze almost looked like she was about to fall and crash onto us and my friend and I was scared OvO; you know fight, flight, and freeze? well I went into flight and my friend went into freeze, but my friend froze at where I was about to flight, but maybe it wasn't so bad that her freezeness stopped me from getting up and dodging, cos luckily the trapeze artist didn't actually fall and was still performing, so brave :o then again I didn't feel like I was in control of my "flight mode", perhaps it was instinct? anywho, I don't think I could ever have the confidence to do that kinda thing because I have basophobia, these people are so brave it's amazing It was also very cool to see people from around the world, and the ring master was a very little buff guy, I think it was dwarfism. I think I had a friend who had that in school once ^w^ my friend was very sweet. the ringmaster was also a clown I think :3 he was a funny guy too ^w^ there was a funny clown girl aswell, she did a few songs :3 I was told that modern clowns don't have the traditional look anymore, I didn't realise that they don't do that anymore with the frilly necks and the honk-honk noses. I think that's kinda sad that, maybe it was seen too much as a "horror" thing.. wish horror didn't have to ruin clowns and kid friendly things all the time.. :< but hey maybe in the future we could bring back traditions and shine some light with the whole clown thing. instead of ruining clowns by making them horror, maybe they could be goofy and funny but in a wholesome way instead ^-^ and maybe they could be cute and sweet like the pastel rainbow and gentle looking ones you often see in little ones things :3 clowns don't have to be scary! Speaking of which, I really like The Amazing Digital Circus aswell :3 it's a really good show and I really look forward to see their future episodes too ^w^ Anyway I had a hotdog and onions at the circus, I never tried it with ketchup and mayo before but it actually went really well with the hotdog ^w^ I think I might try a hotdog like that again :3 normally I have it with bbq sauce so it's good I tried it differently this time today :D I'll definitely try a hotdog like that again ^-^ I also had some fanta orange (the uk one, apparently I heard fanta is different for the americans?) and I had some candyfloss, all during the show UwU I brought my spinny light up wand with me though it was dying out halfway through the show so I figured I should give it a new battery when I'm home or something. also fun fact, I found my blue spinning light up wand when I was at the funfair one time. They were selling white ones at the stand, but someone lost their blue one and never really came back for it :< so I decided to keep it and give it a home because it was still working and still in good condition when I got it, it's a shame someone lost their's tho. and I know they're not here to see this but don't worry it's in a good home now :3 I am proudly autistic and I love colourful lights and rainbow things, so I really like looking at the wand it's fascinating and pretty. I love all my toys ^-^ I have my toy box out so lately I've been thinking about having fun and playing with them soon as age regressing is very comforting to me, it gives me a second chance to have a better childhood this time :> Sadly there hasn't been enough hot days this summer, but we did have a few! few weeks ago I was enjoying a very beachy weekend and I had lots of fun paddling in the sea and in the rockpools, I saw a starfish and even a whole school of fish that were swimming together all at the same time, it was amazing ^w^ they were little skinny fishes, some of them were tryna dig under the sand and I noticed they stick their tails out and I had a wee giggle when I petted their tails that were still sticking out XD I was like helloo I still see your tails lol, some of em either got lazy or played ded while some fully buried after that lol, cute wee things X3 as for the starfish, some of my friends will notice that i shared pictures of them in the furry pack which is my discord server :D I found it peeking under seaweed in a very shallow rockpool so i helped move it to a deeper rockpool with more water to help it survive :3 in one of my beach days, I found a very tired honeybee that was having trouble flying, so I packed it up in a spare tissue and asked the nice peeps at the hotdog stand for a doggy bag, they gave a disposable coffee cup which will do! I was greatful for their help so I put the tired honeybee in there so that I can take it home and give it sugared water and maybe some honey. I'm a modern day hippie, I've rescued bees and took care of a bumblebee before. me and the bumblebee use to chill and eat honey together, I think me and bees both have some things in common: we're always busy, we love flowers and sweet food, and we're all fuzzy 'n' cute! I love bees, but I'm afraid of them, especially when they fly :< but I'd never kill them cos I still like them and appreciate what they do for us. I think it's their stingers that scare me most, but I don't think I get stung by them as I'm a cautious person who likes to step out their way when they fly. but they always go up to me cos they think I'm a flower XD one time I got scared by a bumblebee at the beach this year, I was tryna turn around to run off while I was paddling in the water, and the bee bumped into my head and we both got scared and ran off XDD well the bee flew off but you get what I mean! it was scary at the time but looking back on it now it was pretty funny lol X3 Anywho, back to the honeybee I was talking about. I knew I was gonna be at the beach for a while, so I picked some clover flowers to give to the bee so I can help keep it going for the journey, but sadly when I checked on it, it had already passed away :c r.i.p lil guy, sorry I couldn't save ya :< but at least I did what I could, maybe they passed of old age. bugs don't really live that long.. Ú.Ù I updated the peeps at the food stand and asked if we could recycle the coffee cup (I don't drink coffee btw), I also said thanks again because they also did what they could to help me with rescuing the bee. bees are an important part of the environment so it's important to care for them aswell as the environment. if you see a tired bee on the path, blow on it let it know to fly to a safer place where it wont get stepped on. sometimes I give it a gentle nudge with a leaf if it's extra tired, though if it can't fly well it might be a good idea to care for it, or take it to a safe naturey area with lots of flowers. though I would definitely recommend nursing it back to health especially There was also planes making colours in the sky when I was at the beach in the water, it was super pretty ^-^ I can be at the beach all day playing in the water X3 it's fun! before I catch the bus, I like to get an ice cream on the way home :3 they always sell really cool candies at ice cream shops, I love to buy some at times ^-^ we also get really cool flavours of ice cream here, I love bubblegum flavour ice cream! I also like irn bru ice cream aswell as turkish delight and white choccy flavour, yum! ^w^ I like to get 2 scoops of a different flavour in each one, though it can be hard to pick when there's so many delicious flavours to try <X3 I like alotta things :3 luckily the bus stop has lots of cool benches so I get to enjoy an ice cream while I wait for the bus home which is nice too ^-^ I like passing by the old castle with the highland cows and shetland ponies as I go home, it looks cool and Scotland needs more of that going on here :3 I uh..ran outta things to talk about.. ^-^; hope you liked the journal! :3
Please be nice when commenting! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that. If you're gonna be mean, don't say anything at all. Thankies for checking out my post! Meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ I'm on other places too! ^-^
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klaudiaspiechowicz · 5 years
Vector Artists
Olly Moss
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“Born in the UK, 1987. Currently living and working in`Winchester, UK. “
“He was commissioned by Marvel Entertainment executives Craig Kyle and Kevin Feige to createva poster for the cast of Thor. Other notable works include the cover artwork for the Resistance 3 video game, which prompted a trailer to be created in similar style. He also created the covers for the first digital copies of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series, as well as a seven-part series of prints based on each book. In February 2013, to coincide with the 85th Academy Awards, Moss released a poster wherein eighty-five years' worth of Best Picture winners are represented with individual Oscar statuettes.”
Moss uses a lot of natural backgrounds and has a very defined distinctive colour palette for each one of his pieces that makes them stand out from one another. I really love how he uses the environment in his pieces to create illusions of other objects like Darth Vaders’s/ Kylo Ren’s masks or using the 2 suns from Tatooine to create C3Po’s eyes, I feel it’s a very creative way  to make his pieces look natural and as if everything belongs meanwhile putting multiple references to the movies he’s creating the posters for.
He also includes an amazing amount of detail in his work like the trees or birds in the bottom picture or the branches of the trees on the previous one. It makes his work look very impressive and gives of a feeling that he puts great care in every one of his posters/designs.
I also really like his colour choices for each piece, they really do set the setting liken the bottom picture through the use of pink and orange he creates a feeling of a warm sunset on a campsite while his deep blues and greys in The Force Awakens poster gives off a gloomy dark feeling of unease. I really appreciate the attention Moss pays to his colour choices, they really do end up complementing his artwork.
Matthew Skiff
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I’m not really a fan of the black outlines Skiff uses in his pieces, they kind of defeat the purpose of Vector art for me because you can achieve the same line art comic effect in literally any other program so I don’t really know what makes his pieces special except the fact they were made in a Vector program which only achieved the fact that the artist has do spend way more time drawing this. There is no or barely any shading in his pieces making his works look really flat, some of them still manage to look good because of the thick black lines but those that don’t include these lines just look really obnoxious, the colour choices tend to be way too bright and there is no use of a colour palette it all seems to be chosen at random.
I also don’t like how his style changes between every one of his pieces. It makes his work way less recognisable unlike artists like Moss or Whalen that keep a consistent style throughout all their pieces. I think its a shame because I’ll admit few of his pieces are actually quite amazing but they look nothing like the others so you can literally look at 2 of his pieces endnote be able to tell he created both.
Tom Whalen
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“Tom Whalen is an illustrator and designer. His distinctive art style, described as "modern vintage", is inspired by Russian constructivist poster art, Saul Bass, comic books and horror film posters, among other things.”
I really like Whalen’s works they all look alike and he clearly keeps a theme with his use of similar colour pallets and oversimplified shapes to create faces and objects. I also really like the compositions he creates, every one of his works includes practically every character from the movie he’s presenting and the name of the movie and he makes them stand out from each other by using different compositions. He often makes the main characters of the movie the main focus of his pieces.
I also really like how he manages to include important parts of the story while not putting them up in your face, for example in the Thor Ragnarok poster he sneaked in the rainbow bridge as the floor pattern or in the Toy Story 4poster he sneaked the funfair that is a very important part of the movie.
Aaron Draplin
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“He started his career with a snowboard graphic for Solid Snowboards. In April 2000, he accepted an art director position at SNOWBOARDER magazine. He won Art Director of the Year for Primedia 2000.
In 2002, he became a senior designer at Cinco Design Office of Portland. His clients have included Nike, Burton Snowboards, Esquire, Red Wing, Ford Motor Company and the Obama Administration.
Draplin has been featured on TED Talks and talks at Google. In 2019 he designed the Star Ribbon, a US postal stamp. Draplin is the co-founder of and designer for the Field Notes brand.”
I like how simplistic his voxel art is. its interesting how much he can convey by using only simple shapes and basic colour pallets. I especially like the last picture with the bridge, it stands out from all the other ones because it doesn’t include a solid black outline like all the other ones, I also think the colours in it work really well although I think the green would look better if it was slightly lighter.
I think his work could be even better if he kept a consistent colour pallets like Favre does but I guess he does have a theme anyway as most of his works include black lines.
Malika Favre
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“Malika Favre is a French artist based in London. Her bold, minimal style – often described as Pop Art meets OpArt – is a striking lesson in the use of positive/negative space and colour. Her unmistakable style has established her as one of the UK’s most sought after graphic artists. Malika’s clients include The New Yorker, Vogue, BAFTA, Sephora and Penguin Books, amongst many others.”
I really like the consistent colour pallet she uses infall her works, the individual colour very quite a bit but all her works include white, black, red and blue which makes all of them look very similar to each other and all the colour choices complement each other and stand out at the same time.The red on the white pops out making all the lip sticks and nails grab the attention of her viewers. 
I also really like the simple shapes she uses in her style, she doesn’t do anything overcomplicated making her works easy to understand and quite attention grasping. I like her use shadows and how she mostly uses navy-blue to create them making the shadows stand out more than the highlights which is quite unusual.
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CasinoFair Review
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CasinoFair Review
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CasinoFair powered by FunFair: Online Casino Games Done Right!
Created last year (2018), CasinoFair is easily one of the most revolutionary casino gaming websites that you will ever come across. The casino games make use of FunFairs‘ leading edge “blockchain technology” to power the entire casino, meaning no other casino website will be able to produce the same process as they do. It’s a big step in the right direction when it comes to online gambling and the results truly speak for themselves.
They operate with a license obtained from “Curacao Interactive Licensing N.V.” and every single game pertaining to this website is powered by the blockchain technology they’ve developed – meaning it’s going to be a high-quality experience. All transactions are handled by FunFairs’ “Fate Channels”, ensuring that the gameplay you experience is as smooth as possible (as well as making sure that payouts are made in a timely manner). You will be in complete control of your funds when you’re gaming with FunFair, which is why so many people continue to play here.
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How Does the FunFair Blockchain Technology Work?
There are plenty of lackluster online casinos that don’t put forth the effort needed to ensure that customers are getting their well-deserved money. Some casinos will take forever to make payouts or even deposits in many instances. This is not only a waste of time but essentially a waste of money as well. There is no wasting time nor money when you’re using CasinoFair, as the blockchain technology that they’ve implemented offers one of the most seamless experiences I’ve ever come across.
The blockchain itself is powered by Ethereum and is able to avoid the many risks that other online casino websites are associated with through the use of FunFair Technlogies independent platform. There are no in-house servers to be manipulated, nor are there any major security risks to be had. It’s the ultimate online gambling experience, thanks to the thousands of nodes worldwide that the blockchain is mapped across.
Whenever you can see the FunFair tick/check mark, you know that the games are guaranteed to be fair with every single roll of the dice (or flip of a card!). All of your gaming sessions will be funded directly from your cryptocurrency wallets, meaning that there is absolutely no connection with your bank account or any other financial assets. The wager that you make is held in an escrow fund, waiting to be released once the game outcome has been determined through smart contracts. There are absolutely no delays and when you win the payout is received immediately. There are no partial payments and no excuses to be made, just money in your pocket!
How Does the Website Look?
The website itself is simple and straight to the point – while that may be a bit problematic in other cases, it works out well here. There isn’t a lot of clutter, which means you can just sign in and get right down to playing. Although the look of a website doesn’t necessarily determine the quality of their service, it means that they cared enough to make sure the website was pretty.
There is a very user-friendly interface found on CasinoFair and the colour scheme is seemingly perfect, as it matches their logo colour scheme with ease. Most of the games that you can play are listed on the Home Page, so there’s no need to sift through a few dozen pages of useless slot machines. Anyone and their grandparents will be able to navigate this website without much of a hassle, and that’s really all you could ask for as a visitor.
Creating a Player Account
Creating a player account is very easy, and as long as you’ve got the proper wallet needed to fund your account, you are a few steps away from playing some of the fairest online casino games around. You might be wondering what the account creation process calls for and if it’s going to need personal information from you, but never fear! This is a very secure website that takes security pertaining to the personal information of users very seriously. Let’s take a look at the steps, shall we?
  Download the proper website browser – in this instance, Google Chrome is your best bet (but FireFox and Brave are supported as well)
  Create a digital wallet that will hold all of your funds – This can be done by downloading “MetaMask” or connecting your Ethereum wallet.
  Connect your digital wallet with CasinoFair – Once you’ve made the digital wallet, you will need to copy and paste the Token Contract Address into the respective box on CasinoFair.
  Ensure that the settings are correct – Make sure that you are using the “Main Ethereum Network” with MetaMask, and also be sure to double-check your TCA for any errors.
  CasinoFair: The Games Available
There are many different games available on CasinoFair, and while it isn’t the hundreds of different options that some regular online casinos might offer (although they are usually just re-skins of slot machine programs), the games that they do offer are high in quality. Not only that, but they’re the fairest casino games on the internet! It’s tough to get much better than that. Some of the games available on CasinoFair would be:
Blackjack – Regular and VIP
Poker – Three Card, Let It Ride and Video Poker
Roulette – European Roulette
Other – Hi-Lo Max and Caribbean Stud
Slots – Astro Wilds, Cyber Hunter 2080, Alice Cooper “School’s Out”, Bounty: On the High Seas, Fate of Thrones and Treasures From the Crypto
The blockchain technology implemented within all of these games makes them “provably fair”, which means the player is able to verify every transaction within each available game. Algorithms and randomization (alongside hashing and number generation) are present within the technology, ensuring that every spin and roll of the dice is completely balanced. The best part is that the fair-factor can be proven through the use of their FairChecker gaming tool (as well as Ethereum smart contracts).
Promotions and Offers for CasinoFair
There are a few promotions and sign-up offers going on for CasinoFair, all of which will allow you to make the most out of your bets. The first one that they have to offer is the “Welcome Package”, which is approximately $30 USD in funds free of charge (0.005ETH). There are certain steps that need to be taken before you can claim your funds though, and they are as follows:
Sign up at CasinoFair.com and receive both 500 FUN and 0.005 ETH
Make a combined wager amount of 75,000 FUN across the entirety of CasinoFair within 7 days of signing up to receive an additional 4,500 FUN
They will give you these bonuses with no deposit required, so you could even get lucky and ride a hot streak all the way to the 75,000 FUN mark. Not only does CasinoFair focus on having the fairest games on the internet, but they also pride themselves in offering up amazing sign-up promotions as well.
Overview: CasinoFair Truly is Fair!
While it might seem too good to be true at first, CasinoFair is easily one of the fairest cryptocurrency casino websites that I’ve ever come across. Personally, I like the look of the website and the promotions that they have in place are more than enough to warrant signing up. If you have a cryptocurrency wallet that has funds in it, why not take a chance at doubling it? You already know that CasinoFair isn’t going to screw the customer over, as there is always a fair chance at winning – that’s something that most other online gambling websites cannot claim.
The blockchain technology being used is some of the most innovative stuff I’ve ever seen alongside a casino gaming page because most of the time they are simply money pits. CasinoFair isn’t like that at all, and it’s obvious that people are beginning to catch on. The only con I could find is that there isn’t a way to fund your account with regular money. In the end, you could always just buy ETH and then fund your account that way.
They have an abundance of different games to choose from and the payouts are immediate, so your money isn’t going to be stuck in limbo for an extended period of time. CasinoFair truly is the ultimate online gambling experience, and it’s a surprise that more people aren’t talking about it right now!
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
The Europas Awards and Unconference for tech and crypto startups will be held on July 3, in London. Tickets are selling fast, so grab yours here to mingle with the cream of Europe’s startups, VCs and entrepreneurs. The event is run in association with TechCrunch, and all attendees get first access to offers for TechCrunch events later this year.
We have some amazing speakers coming, panels and breakout sessions, and even a way to get your ticket for free.
The public online voting, running for the last month, and the Europas Advisory Board of judges have submitted their results. The two have been merged and we now have our finalists. The winners will be revealed on the night.
A huge thanks to our awesome sponsors so far: Bayer Fieldhouse Associates JAG Shaw Baker Orrick IoT Tribe Outlier Ventures Coinweb Malta Blockchain Summit Burlington PR Barclays CEW ihorizon Bizzabo Isotoma TechCrunch Colombus Capital AiPod
If there are any last minute requests to sponsor the awards and get in front of the best of Europe, you can email [email protected]
The Europas will take place at a ridiculously cool London venue, The Brewery, in the heart of London’s ‘Tech City’.
Below you will find lots more information, but for now, here are our finalists for the awards, all of whom are listed on Crunchbase should you require more information.
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Hottest FinTech Startup Monzo https://ift.tt/1TQINEE Curve https://ift.tt/1PbkG4H YoYo Wallet https://ift.tt/2JEzZWR Habito https://ift.tt/2ydxaqt Starling Bank https://ift.tt/2JHET5v Revolut
Hottest Games Startup Supercell https://ift.tt/1lE4V1W Small Giant Games https://ift.tt/2MulfHR Seriously.com https://ift.tt/1L1jREG DOJO Madness https://ift.tt/2oDrCPR Bossa Studios https://ift.tt/2JLKOlJ Space Ape Games https://ift.tt/2MrlxPL
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Hottest Hardware Startup MysteryVibe https://ift.tt/1TQI9XU Kokoon https://ift.tt/1Pblcjn Kano Computing https://ift.tt/1P8tlUY Lilium https://ift.tt/2MultyH Ultrahaptics https://ift.tt/1TQIiun Ava https://ift.tt/1NHhbPU
Hottest Platform Economy / Marketplace DRIVY https://ift.tt/1TQHZQd Syft https://ift.tt/2JU9eNe Glovo App https://ift.tt/2JM7kLf LoveCrafts https://ift.tt/2JX53QI Lemoncat https://ift.tt/2HQ10kj Stowga https://ift.tt/2JX54UM
Hottest Health Startup Lifesum https://ift.tt/1TQIr13 Echo https://ift.tt/2JU9gVm Ada Health https://ift.tt/2HPWWk2 Lantum https://ift.tt/2MuZpDR Tictrac https://ift.tt/2y9KprY Touch Surgery https://ift.tt/1PbkJNX
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Hottest Travel & Mobility Startup Daytrip https://ift.tt/1VojQQm https://ift.tt/2LSPaZ6 SilverRail https://ift.tt/2JU9lbC KOMPAS https://ift.tt/2fT3C2Q; https://ift.tt/2JRQuLi Hole19 https://ift.tt/2HQ5irO Blacklane https://ift.tt/2JSfOnn Seatfrog https://ift.tt/2MqEYrM
Hottest Internet of Things Startup Smarter https://ift.tt/2JU9lZa HUB Controls https://ift.tt/1sGGJ95 Kontakt https://ift.tt/UGvEnh Withings https://ift.tt/1snROKn Pycom https://ift.tt/2Mspune Puick
Hottest Technology Innovation Bragi (The Dash) https://ift.tt/1LdCA0l Ultrahaptics https://ift.tt/1TQIiun Speechmatics https://ift.tt/2Mwd51E WeTransfer https://ift.tt/1lvQELo Devialet https://ift.tt/2MsptQc SNIPS
Hottest FashionTech Startup VideDressing https://ift.tt/1Agd09Q Snaps https://ift.tt/1PbkPVY Metail https://ift.tt/2JU9o7i 21Buttons https://ift.tt/2LSPjf6 Outfittery https://ift.tt/2bc14LG
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
50 documentaries you need to see
Ten of the best nonfiction film-makers today choose their own favourites, from serial murderer tales to meta pranks.
Joshua Oppenheimer
The Texan directors feature debut, The Act of Killing ( 2012 ), and its follow-up, The Look of Silence ( 2014 ), explore the consequences of the carnages in Indonesia. Both were nominated for Oscars .
Joshua Oppenheimer, photographed at home in Copenhagen. Photograph: Katherine Anne Rose for the Observer
Salaam Cinema, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, 1995
For this film, Mohsen Makhmalbaf announces a casting call: thousands of people turn up and theres a riot to get in. Each participant is channelling their worries and hopes into the desire to be in a movie. He interacts with them in this autocratic route, which builds the cinema ultimately about power and authority. He demands that people scream on command. One girl becomes so frustrated that she does start to cry, so he tells OK, youve attained it. And shes so happy, but then theres the frustration as she realises this was her moment on screen. She thought thered be a script and a real movie to make afterwards. Its a devastating, beautiful film.
A scene from Close-Up by Abbas Kiarostami.
Close Up, Abbas Kiarostami, 1990
A man pretends to be Mohsen Makhmalbaf, the director of Salaam Cinema . He insinuates himself into a familys life out of loneliness, to make friends. At one point the family realise hes not really the director and have him apprehended. The cinema follows this mans trial in an Iranian court, and then the real Mohsen Makhmalbaf satisfies the man and takes him to the family.
The impostors fragility ultimately embodies what it means to be poor and fighting in life, and through that you feel how sad it is that we live in a world where people are measured by wealth and power, and the cruelty that any human being could ever feel insignificant.
Gates of Heaven, Errol Morris, 1978
This was Errol Morriss first cinema. He was taking his time with it so Werner Herzog promised If you finish this film I will eat my shoe, which he did. Its about two families in California who operate pet graveyards, and it looks at humen relationships to their pets. Its an odd mystery, a pet. We eat animals, we use them for labor, but then we keep them in our home as objects upon which we project love that we maybe lack elsewhere. Morris has these carefully crafted tableaux: theres one continuous shooting where a woman has a 15 -minute lament, complaining about aspects of their own lives, and thats where the movie becomes something altogether greater and more mysterious.
Loss Is to Be Expected, Ulrich Seidl, 1992
This was constructed shortly after the fall of communism in eastern Europe and it looks at two communities on either side of the Czech-Austrian border. Theres an elderly human in Austria looking for a new spouse, and he fulfils a lone single woman on the Czech side of the border.
There are these amazing scenes where they go on a date to a funfair and then to a sexuality museum. Shes much more sexually comfy than he is, which is a source of incredible comedy. But its about passion and love and the fulfilling of our quotidian needs and the necessary, wilful blindness towards our deeper needs because ultimately, to contemplate those requires is to contemplate our own mortality.
A scene from The Hour of the Furnaces. Photograph: Tricontinental films
The Hour of the Furnaces, Octavia Getino and Fernando e Solanas, 1968
This is a furious, angry cinema about neocolonialism in Argentina, and its the most devastating look at colonialism Ive seen in nonfiction films. The sections about Argentinas oligarchy, and the exploitation on which they flourished, are so poetically rendered that you relate to the horror of totalitarianism purely through your emotions.
It was built secretly and was screened at illegal opponent meetings, in defiance of the authoritarian rule. People were arrested for screening it. I imagine that ensure it at the time you would come out feeling like youd “re going to have to” do something about the situation. There are segments of The Act of Killing where I surely had this film in the back of my head. KB
Lucy Walker: The Up series showed me what the medium was capable of
Director Lucy Walker. Photo: Linda Nylind for the Guardian
British director Lucy Walker has been Oscar-nominated twice, for Waste Land ( 2010) and The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom ( 2011 ). She is currently working on a remaking of Buena Vista Social Club .
Hoop Dreams, Steve James, 1994
Hoop Dreams follows two very talented African American boys in Chicago who get a basketball scholarship to go to a prestigious, predominantly white high school. It follows them for five years and its a spectacular example of a longitudinal documentary where you get to glimpse the machinery of life. You get a real sense of hour unfold and the big forces that act on us. The twistings and turnings are subtle , nothing much happens, and yet it feels unbelievably dramatic and compelling because its so well crafted and the characters are so beautifully rendered. I watched it repeatedly when I was stimulating my first cinema, Devils Playground , because it follows young people through this pivotal period in “peoples lives”, and I was trying to understand how you could get so much narrative, feeling and character into a movie. Theres a scene where the mum is icing a birthday cake for her sons 16 th birthday. Its an interview, in the sense that the film-maker is asking her the issues and shes talking to camera, but it doesnt feel like one, its so much more cinematic and compelling and the activity is so perfect.
Streetwise, Martin Bell, 1984
This film had its beginnings in a photojournalism assignment for Life magazine by the photographer Mary Ellen Markabout a group of street kids living in Seattle. She persuaded her husband, Martin Bell, to make a film about them. Its just so intimate that its hard to believe the film-maker is actually in the room with these kids. Its like hes put on a cloak of invisibility. I could have chosen any number of cinema vrit masterpieces but for some reason this moves me. Ive made quite a few films with young people and its fascinating because the plot of their lives is so close to the surface: one conversation can change the course of your life when youre young in a way that is rare when youre older and you are able to capture that nano-second when the course of a lifes direction is altered. When you put a camera and a cinema crew into a room, the observers paradox is almost always true you cant capture life because youre in the way of it. But these kids seem unaware of the camera and theyre behaving in a way that feels like life unfolding. The filmmaker is so present with them, you cant help but understand what theyre “re going through”, and to understand is to feel empathy and to want to help.
The Five Obstructions by Lars Von Trier.
The Five Obstructions, Lars von Trier and Jrgen Leth, 2003
In this underrated cinema the iconoclastic Danish director Lars von Trier challenges experimental film-maker Jrgen Leth to remake one of his earlier movies, The Perfect Human , 5 times, each time with a different creative constraint. The first obstruction imposed by von Trier, for example, was that the cinema had to be made in Cuba, using shootings of no more than 12 frames. Another was that it had to be made as a cartoon. Its basically these two creative egos going up against one another and it dedicates a fascinating insight into the film-making process, what goes on in a directors head and how you cope with stress and constraint and challenge. Its delicious and playful and theres never a dull moment watching these two maestros needling each other.
The Gleaners and I, Agns Varda, 2000
This film was made during the early days of the hand-held digital camera, when for the first time you could capture something high-quality enough to show on a big screen on a camera that would fit in your handbag. Its an essay about the people who pick through other peoples leftovers, whether it be the remains of the harvest in the countryside, or in cities. Its very casual, but Varda is so astute and the quality of the film-making is such that it becomes something very beautiful, a meditation on life. Were having this golden age of documentary right now and its being driving in technology. In the past you would need to write a script first because the editing process was so laborious but now you are able to shoot a whole bunch of stuff and capture life in a way that you couldnt before and this movie, shot by a 72 -year-old woman employing a very low-key format, shows you just what level of artistry is possible.
Jackie in 21 Up, 1978. Photo: ITV
Up series, Michael Apted, 1964
Im fascinated by longitudinal film-making and this series, which has followed the lives of 14 British infants since 1964, when they were seven years old, showed me what the medium was capable of. This series is head and shoulders above any other attempt to record dramatically a whole human life. And because its a whole group of people, you learn not just about the individual but also about the organizations of the system in which theyre living. I cant think of any other artefact in our culture that can tell us so much about Britain in our lifetime and how society is evolving as this body of work. Its light and fascinating and its one of the things that inspired me to do the work that I do. JOC
Alex Gibney: Fake home movies dont bother me you might as well object to dreams
Going Clear director Alex Gibney. Photo: Larry Busacca/ Getty Images
Alex Gibneys award-winning films include Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room ( 2005 ), Taxi to the Dark Side ( 2007) and Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God ( 2012 ). Last year he released documentaries on Scientology and Steve Jobs. He tells: I dont believe in five best films. But I do believe in influential films. These are five of mine .
Night and Fog, Alain Resnais, 1955
What really impressed me about this movie was its concision. Its about the Holocaust, but it has a simple and horrible beauty to it, because it describes the scaring nature of the Holocaust through a powerful series of images and a narration that was specific, naming the collections of items of the prisoners and survivors. Its the cruel verse of detail that is so heartbreaking: the handles of the ovens, the fingernail scrapings on the ceilings of the cells. We assure piles of combs, shaving brushes, shoes and a vast mountain of human hair. It took something so horrible but discovered a way to go to the heart of the matter through simple details.
Gimme Shelter , Albert and David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin 1970
Here you assure the Rolling Stones on tour singing about empathy for the demon, but their posturing about satanism blows back at them at the Altamont music festival. Its structured like a detective tale: it starts with a assassination a Hells Angel stabs somebody who seems to have a gun in the audience and then you go back in time. Maybe one of the most powerful scenes is of the Stones listening to a playback of Wild Ponies in the studio. Its stunning in its simplicity. That movie went route beyond a concert reveal; it celebrates music but its really about a few moments in time and how dark forces-out get unleashed. Its powerful both in its observation and its analysis, which is a rare combination.
Leon Gasts When We Were Kings. Photograph: Sportsphoto Ltd/ Allstar
When We Were Kings , Leon Gast, 1996
This is perhaps the greatest sport cinema ever attained. It has wonderful cinema vrit footage of the Rumble in the Jungle, the famous 1974 battle between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. Gast has the most magnificent material, particularly in Muhammad Ali on a running, dancing, gooning for the camera, at his most charismatic. And then the dwell figure of George Foreman. But Gast wasnt be permitted to put that footage together, and in arrives Taylor Hackford, shoots some interviews with people who were there , notably George Plimpton and Norman Mailer, and through their recollection you also have a sense of analysis and understanding rather than mere observation. So its combining those two things in the film that really is magnificent.
Stories We Tell , Sarah Polley, 2012
This is a detective narrative thats very much in the first person. Its about identity, trying to understand your childhood, and ultimately paternity. Sarah Polley is digging back into the relationship between her mother and father, who she discovers isnt her biological father. In some quarters she was criticised for using a series of fictional home movies that she manufactured, but it didnt bother me at all they might as well any objections to dreamings and memories, because those are everyday recreations. The trick is receiving the verse in their own homes. Its a very powerful movie about memory and exploration and love, because she comes to appreciate her adoptive father in a manner that is she might not otherwise have done.
Waltz With Bashir, an animated documentary.
Waltz With Bashir , Ari Folman, 2008
Part of the small but growing category of the animated documentary, Waltz With Bashir is actually a film about repressed memory, and the recollection of Israeli soldiers trying to understand why theyre having these nightmares. The notion of using animation to convey what is mostly going on inside their heads, in their imaginations, is such a powerful one. It doesnt become clear until nearly the end that the soldiers all took part in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp massacre in Lebanon in 1982. And the very end of the movie includes just the slightest bit of real footage: a woman whimpering in the wake of that carnage. It really is one of the most poignant movies about the trauma of war. KB
Kim Longinotto: All the very best Tv documentaries are on the BBC at the moment
Film-maker Kim Longinotto. Photo: Martin Godwin for the Guardian
British film-maker Kim Longinotto tackles topics such as female genital mutilation ( The Day I Will Never Forget ) and women opposing abuse ( Sisters in Law ). Her most recent cinema, Dreamcatcher , is on Chicago females trying to leave the sexuality industry .
Shermans March, Ross McElwee, 1986
I saw this at film school, then watched it again at a festival a couple of years ago and thought it was so charming, so good. It has a very simple premise. The director is meant to be making a film about General Shermans march through Georgia during the course of its American civil war, but he falls out of love with the idea. Instead, the film becomes about his attempts to find a girlfriend, shooting as a kind of video diary an approach that was completely new at the time. Its so candid and affectionate and lovely, and everyone at the celebration loved it. Not many cinemas bear rewatching, but this one does.
Tales of the Grim Sleeper, Nick Broomfield, 21
Nick Broomfield has become much more serious and political in recent years and this is a difficult and perpetrated cinema. Its about a man who was arrested in 2010 for killing as many as 100 prostitutes in Los Angeles over a period of 25 years. Whats extraordinary is how he managed to get away with it for so long the police didnt seek because his victims were mostly black prostitutes. Its a very timely cinema, in terms of Black Lives Matter and police abuses in the US, and I thought he got it just right. Its also a really good crime story.
Solar Mamas.
Solar Mamas, Jehane Noujaim and Mona Eldaief, 2012
This is a film about Bedouin women trying to get solar energy in their village in Jordan. It follows one woman travelling to a college in India to become a solar engineer. I like it because its not saying, Oh, look at these poor women. Instead, it presents women actively changing their lives and I found that very inspiring. So many documentaries tell you what to think. This one doesnt it puts you straight into the story and you get to know the characters merely by watching them. It was part of a very good BBC series on poverty. Thats where all the good Tv documentaries are at the moment: on the BBC.
Virunga, Orlando von Einsiedel, 2014
I watched this in the cinema, which was good because its very beautifully filmed a real spectacle. Its set in a reserve in the Congo, which is home to the last mountain gorillas on earth and it follows the people who are trying to save them, as well as the corrupted people trying to get the land to drill petroleum. Theres a moment when the person or persons in a neighbouring village are assaulted. It was filmed so well, I dont know how they did it. Youre right in the thick of it and you feel so angry, because you know it all come to corrupt practices and greed.
Five Broken Cameras.
Five Broken Cameras, Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi, 2011
This is about a Palestinian man who films the destruction of his villages olive orchards by the Israeli army. His cameras maintain get broken by the Israelis, hence the title, but he just maintained filming. I think he was feeling: Theres an incredible incorrect being done to my people, Im going to film it, even if I succumb doing it. Then he linked up with an Israeli film-maker, who edited the footage. I recollect people saying he shouldnt have worked with an Israeli, but I thought it was so great that they came together and made something very powerful which showed us what is really going on in Palestine. KF
James Marsh: In my view there should be no borders to film-making
James Marsh at the 2015 Palm Springs film festival. Photo: C Flanigan/ Getty Images
James Marsh is a British film-maker, best known for the Oscar-winning documentary Man on Wire ( 2008) and the acclaimed Stephen Hawking biopic, The Theory of Everything .
Man with a Movie Camera , Dziga Vertov, 1929
This was the first truly subversive, playful documentary. Its notionally a day in the life of a city in the Soviet Union and so it has, on a purely sociological/ historical level, great value. But what it does beyond that is to show you the means of production: the filming, the trim room, the editing all the things that are going into the stimulating of this film. Its style before its period, the Tristram Shandy of documentaries, if you like. Its so inventive and it has techniques that, 87 years later, still look pretty revolutionary: the freeze frames and slow motion. Its simply full of inventive and brilliant formal ideas as well as being a very beautiful cinema to watch. And its informative too, showing us the Soviet Union in a halcyon period before Stalins terror, when you felt that things were still possible in a new political context. Of course we now know that Vertov suffered in the Stalin era, as many other independent artists would have done, but theres a sort of optimism and a playfulness to it that you wouldnt expect from a Soviet documentary from 1929.
Le Sang des Btes , Georges Franju, 1949
This is a documentary about an abattoir that was built in Paris just after the second world war. If the cinema had been shot in colouring it would be unwatchable, its so gory and weird and disturbing, but its in black and white and so it becomes a bit more abstract. There are images in that cinema that I think are some of the most powerful Ive ever seen. Theres a surreal sequence where lots of sheep have been beheaded and theyre all dancing without their heads on this conveyor belt. Its like a bit of choreographed horror, but its all real. The director Georges Franju went on to have a career doing very artistic horror movies in French cinema, most famously a cinema called Les Yeux Sans Visage .
The War game by Peter Watkins.
The War Game , Peter Watkins, 1965
In this film, Watkins takes a possible scenario a nuclear attack on London and shows you very carefully, each step of the style, what is likely to happen. It was banned by the BBC for many years because it was just too harrowing a depiction of a reality that all individuals at that time was very concerned about: this was in the middle of the cold warand at the time there were dozens of warheads pointing at us. Its like a documentary made by Brecht youre staging something to flush out a reaction in the audience, and that reaction is one of utter horror. Some people would say this is not a documentary because everything was staged, but its a speculative documentary the director is saying: This is how it could be and Im going to show you this in a way thats very truthful.Its very responsible, even if the imagery is very disturbing: youre find bobbies firing at people in the street, people with their clothes burned off. His information is sourced directly from the government and based on scientific fact, so the bed of it is factual, and people responded to it “as if its” a real documentary.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post 50 documentaries you need to see appeared first on Top Rated Solar Panels.
from Top Rated Solar Panels http://ift.tt/2gSH9Zk via IFTTT
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Another Amazing Kickstarter (BLACK SHORE a short film, stars Matthew Steer & Gemma Whelan by WHITE RABBIT —Kickstarter) has been published on http://crowdmonsters.com/new-kickstarters/black-shore-a-short-film-stars-matthew-steer-gemma-whelan-by-white-rabbit-kickstarter/
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Four years since she vanished, Ben’s wife, Ailsa has reappeared. She has seemingly been trapped within a time loop. Ben’s confusion is only deepened when she reveals that the recurring symbol he has been seeing is actually a signal, forewarning him of the arrival of ‘The Machine’. As time and reality begin to break down, Ben must unravel the secrets of Black Shore, figure out the mystery of what has happened to Ailsa and protect his son Michael from the unknown menace.
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    A feeling of suspense and horror permeates Black Shore as we uncover the mystery of Ailsa’s disappearance. This feeling is only accentuated by a deranged, down the rabbit hole experience and the realisation, that this is not just about a missing person but about something more sinister.
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Ben and ‘The Machine’ Concept
The film will have a bleak, realistic look and corroded feel, set during the middle of winter, in the cold, deserted, seaside town of Black Shore.
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Black Shore look and feel mood board
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Michael’s room, original concept art.
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  The structure, original concept art.
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  Ben enters the structure, original concept art.
 The concept art by Markus Lovadina 
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  We have managed to pull a lot of favours already, so many of the usual big expenses like editing, post production and sound design are not going to be too expensive. Also much of the camera equipment is being supplied by our Director of Photography Zoran. But we still need to raise enough money to cover the major filming costs, such as location hire, cast and crew, lighting, art department, wardrobe, transport, insurance and food.
The other 20k will be raised through a combination of self-funding, private funding and film grants.
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    The bleak windswept English coast has been a breeding ground for folklore, myth, and eccentricity for centuries. Coastal towns tend to be a bit strange. Black Shore is no different. A small village, made up of few houses, a beachfront promenade, a fairground and a lighthouse and diner overlooking the bay.
The diner sits, boarded up, abandoned on the promenade. A lighthouse towers behind it, casting a long shadow out to the water. Further along the coast the town’s main street stretches off with houses dotted on either side into the distance. A few shops line the promenade down to the sandy beachfront. A funfair, shut for the season, marks the end of the shops. 
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Map of Black Shore
We plan on filming in and around the funfair rides, beaches and caravan parks of Selsey in West Sussex on the south coast of England during the winter season. An area where Grant spent much of his childhood. 
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Black Shore locations mood board
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  Black Shore locations mood board
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      Emmy and Gold British Arrow Award winning and BAFTA nominated, filmmakers and VFX artists Jon Park and Grant White have over 13 years’ experience in the film and animation industry. They have directed a number of acclaimed commercials, music videos and documentaries, for Burberry, Nokia, Bose, Barclays, The Horrors and Daft Punk. Grant trained at Ealing College before joining The Jim Henson Company, working on many high profile film and television shows, later partnering in creative production company Minivegas. Jon studied animation at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and began his career in Bristol, working on BBC Natural History shows. The pair first met whilst working at Glassworks London and have more recently been working as VFX Supervisors at MPC London and freelance directors for Saatchi and Saatchi. 
With a background in journalism and radio, Leah has over 12 years of production experience, working for a number of the top UK production companies and their clients. Her career has covered a diverse output, from Broadcast: factual entertainment, AFP, game shows and TVC’s, to Digital: documentary shorts, corporate film, branded content, educational programming and live online broadcasting.
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Zoran Veljkovic
An Award winning cinematographer with over 30 years behind the camera. Zoran Veljkovic SAS  has assembled a serious body of work. He has been living and working in the UK since 1991. His feature films have received BAFTA and EMI nominations as well as prestigious festival awards in America, UK, Italy, Spain, Japan, Holland and Yugoslavia. He received Best Cinematography Award for his work on the feature film “After Fall, Winter”. Zoran’s rigorous early training enables him to push the envelope of modern technologies. He flawlessly moves between the worlds of features, dramas, commercials, and TV series. Zoran is a member of Serbian Society of Cinematographers (SAS) as well as a BAFTA member.
A London-based Production Designer and Art Director with over 15 years professional experience. Steven specialise in commercials, features and digital content but also works on TV, Shorts and Promos.
MPC is a global leader in VFX. Renowned for their creative expertise in the advertising, film and entertainment industries, some of their most famous projects include a string of blockbuster movies and famous advertising campaigns for brands such as John Lewis, Channel 4 Paralympics, Three Mobile and First Direct.
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Keyboardist and lead guitarist in The Horrors.
Writers John Roman and Ossian Ritchie have been writing together for the last five years. Ossian wrote a fictitious monthly advice column for Sheffield City Press, listings magazine for two years and has had numerous short stories published online. John has written and illustrated his own comics. He has been commissioned for fashion label DIY Couture and comedian Phil Nichol’s Award Winning show The Naked Racist. They are both regular contributors to the irregular Entropy Now, online magazine. John’s encyclopaedic knowledge of graphic novels and films and Ossian’s love of literature have collided to produce unexpected, modern stories.
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  Matthew Steer in ‘Partners in Crime’
Matthew Steer recently played alongside Benedict Cumberbatch in Hamlet at the Barbican as ‘Rosencrantz’ and can be seen in the current series of Drunk History. Other credits include the feature film Urban Hymn, regular character ‘Albert’ in Partners in Crime, Cider With Rosie (BBC), Drunk History (Comedy Central), Utopia series 2 (C4), ‘Halberdier’ in Ken Branagh’s feature film Cinderella.
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  Gemma Whelan is an English actress and comedian, known for playing Yara Greyjoy in the HBO fantasy-drama series ‘Game of Thrones’ 
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Austin Taylor ‘Pink Elephant’ Mr Kipling
  Austin Taylor recently appeared as ‘Gavroche’ in Les Miserables in the West End. You may also recognise him as the boy dancing with an imaginary, pink elephant in the Mr Kipling commercial. He has also recently been cast alongside Rachel Weisz in ‘My Cousin Rachel’ Other credits include Quacks (BBC) Doctor Who (BBC) Doc Martin (ITV) and Grantchester (ITV)
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Making films is a costly business, and we based our funding goal on what is needed to make sure we do this story justice, giving it the time and attention it deserves. The money will go toward covering the team’s production costs, including.
Cast and Crew Expenses 
Food and Catering 
Sound Recording Equipment hire 
Location and Studio hire
Art Department, Set and Props hire.  
Wardrobe, Hair and Makeup
Shoot Insurance
We’ve also applied for film funding, taking our total film budget to nearly £40K. 
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      T-shirt design
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  Poster design
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This signed, life casting for VFX will be one of the props available.
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    The shoot is scheduled for April 2017, it will be a 7 days shoot, 6 days on location and 1 day in the studio. We then go into post production immediately after delivering the film around summer, 2017.
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   A huge thank you to everyone thats helped us get this far. 
Please share with friends and family to help us reach our goal of making Black Shore.   
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        INFORMATION PROVIDED BY Kickstarter.com and Kicktraq.com VISIT PAGE SOURCE
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Ragatha : 🩵TRAILER 6🩵
candy sales
Teddy Pull rope
games of chance
+ the little character in the caravan is "Agnabelle", mimine and pomni 4th child !
💌{precedent ref sheet link below}💌
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tadc-funfair-au · 1 month
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{🎭Side cast character sheet and sprite🎭}
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💌{precedent ref sheet link below}💌
🎁NEXT SUPRISE : gummies ref sheet 🎁
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tadc-funfair-au · 10 days
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Original by gooseworks
Knock knock ~ i redrew the poster entierly that was hella hard but fun bahahah 💕🪄
If you appreciate my work don't hesitate to share ! Im working hard on this au !
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tadc-funfair-au · 2 months
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Exotic and dangerous animals
Dismemberment show
Capturing monsters
+ the little character in the caravan is "Blandine", mimine and pomni second child !
💌{precedent ref sheet link below}💌
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tadc-funfair-au · 14 days
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Mischefious baby ... Im working on a meme animation called : nasty dog on tiktok...
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tadc-funfair-au · 2 months
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Pomnee : 💙TRAILER 3💙
stand-up comedy
Hunting and sleeping place
+ (the character you see is "Leopold" he/him who is pomni and mimine's 5th child)
💌{precedent ref sheet link below}💌
🎁next surprise : mimine's and caine's ref sheet🎁
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tadc-funfair-au · 1 month
Summary of caravans in transparent png because we never know if I need it in the future
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tadc-funfair-au · 2 months
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Kinger 🤎TRAILER 1🤎
Magic tricks
chess games
Mostly the main entrance of the caravanes
+ the little character in the caravan is "Esmey", mimine and pomni 7th child !
💌{precedent ref sheet link below}💌
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