#the album is quite sad. but thats the point i think
vriskaserketdaily · 25 days
brat summer vriska 🤔🤔 i dunno if she would like charli actually but if she was any track she would be mean girls . imo
this was sent on july 5th and i DID listen to (a version of) the album in july and also tonight and . . . i think you forgot meenah exists
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thats okay i remembered ^_^
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archerbeans · 9 months
So, I finally watched the Archer finale..
So, Archer has come to an end. Its a lot for me to process, this is a hard one for me, the past 6 months have been exclusively Archer for me, I've fallen so far for a fictional character. I'm going to try my absolute best to collect all of my thoughts in one post for this. I'll try not to spoiler too much. But I think this is necessary for me so I can help process this loss for me.
To say I'm happy is an understatement. I'm beyond relieved and grateful we got the proper Archer ending this show so badly deserved. The season 14 finale was a disgrace, and the way it could have ended would have been tragic. This show ending is tragic enough, but thats just my view on it. Hyperfixations are hard ya'll.
I think the way they ended the plot for this show was very cleverly done. While I don't think Adam Reed would have went in this direction, I'm still satisfied with what the writers did. Seeing everyone band together was wonderful, and there were a couple twists I wasn't expecting at all, but it goes without saying, nothing can be perfect.
Some initial thoughts, pros and cons if you may, but not really.
The growth the characters go through is really really cool to see, notably Archer. When he says he doesn't need to know who his father is, that's a huge milestone and a step towards some emotional maturity. Sterling has so much trauma and is overall a very impulsive character, but letting him have his moments of clarity is always nice to see. There is a good balance between his impulses and realizing that his actions have consequences. I don't think there was any way Slater could have been saved in the end anyways.
There was no main focus on any specific character. Every main reoccurring role in the show got their own moments in this finale, which I am super grateful for. Season 14 had a hard time dedicating specific episodes to certain characters like in the earlier seasons, so this finale did a great job at giving everyone a bit of spotlight.
Focusing on the main characters instead of random one off characters was super cool and something I appreciate as well. Katya, Barry, and Slater were all characters who made the biggest impacts on the show by far, not to mention they're also fan favourites. But seeing Rip Riley was super exciting as well!
The early season throwbacks!! In the elevator shaft you can see the old ISIS sign and an old Cherlene album :3 If there was anything else I probably missed it as there was a lot of clutter, but I always get so so excited when there's early season callbacks. It shows that's the writers really do care about these characters and their stories. I was happy to see Milton!! Milton supremacy!!
The ode to Malory was wonderful, I'm so so happy they did that. Lana's speech at the end was a good way to wrap everything up for the crew.
There isn't much to say negatively, these aren't necessarily things that make this finale bad, just things that made me sad and were a surprise to me that I'm not sure how I feel. This is completely opinion biased and you can disagree all you want!
Slater dying. I'm really sad that one of my favourites ended up dying. I loved the very erotic moments between Slater and Archer and their initial fight was really intense and fun. But seeing Slater die wasn't really all that satisfying for me, except it allowed Archer to grow more and let go of some of that trauma. RIP Slater </3 You were a son of a bitch
Morphing Barry and Katya.. This is a weird one for me. I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. I guess the only fun thing I can say about this is that we got some fun classic enemies to lovers. I dont particularly LOVE that trope, but with making Katya a antagonist, it was quite the choice.
The settings.. I think it was fitting to have some of the settings back in Russia, but Rio was quite the random choice. There was a lot going on and at one point I kind of got confused as to where everyone was at one point, in one scene they're at the Agency, the next they're in a safe house, the next they're in some other random area, that was a bit hard to follow, but a lot happened in an hour, and there was a lot going on. The title "Into the Cold" was clever. Also I hated the whole crypto thing. That genuinely felt like a cheap cop out for some plot holes. Cyril doesn't seem like the type of person to be interested in crypto as one would figure he'd be pretty knowledgeable on how that stuff is shitty. If Lana saw those mines you know she would lose her mind LOL
Overall, I am happy with how things were wrapped up. I was very worried near the end because we hadn't seen AJ at ALL, or had any mention of her, so seeing the scene at the end with her and Sterling made me really happy, knowing that Archer kept in contact with Lana but not anybody else really stung, but Sterling saying he "hates goodbyes" really stuck with me after this finale finished. Saying goodbye to this show is not easy whatsoever, I have such a strong connection with these characters and cast, and my love for Cheryl is eternal. Its hard for neurotypical people to fully understand, and this is a grieving process for me, but I have the support and friends to help me through this, and I will always have these guys around, since I can rewatch this show as many times as I want. I will continue to make content and hopefully start writing more maybe. This world is so expansive and so many things can be done as it falls on the line of realism, slice of life, and science fiction. I love everything this show had to offer, and I'm so grateful for the dedication and work that went into this show.
If you read this far for some reason, thanks for reading.
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smoke-and-silver · 7 months
so Im quite literally getting into ghost SINCE TODAY. Ive watched some youtube videos to figure out the like, Main Lore points and am currently listening to the albums chronologically. and JESUS CHRIST HOW ARE THERE SO MANY VIDEOS OF THE GHOULS (I havent seen a lot but I heard theres also a bunch of all the papa incarnations) BEING HORNY AND SENSUAL AS HELL.
I do have 1 question (and this is not meant in a mean or weird way, just, my brain is a dickhead that overthinks sometimes). what is the fandom and the band's like, stance in things like fanfic and stuff of the characters? cus my brain is like 'its on that line of real person fanfic' so thats why.
also, Any resources to learn more or good places to read stuff is Very Appreciated! (so far Ive watched 'ghost the story so far' by Raz Ben Ari on yt, the iceberg and 'unhelpful guides to ghost'+ 'the nameless ghouls' by just another sad zoomer on yt. and 'ghost most heterosexual moments' part 1 and 2 by kurtis on yt. I know sshshssssh)
(sorry for the rambling n stuff)
Welcome to the fandom! I know this is a little late.
In my opinion, although I don't know the general fandom opinions on the matter: the actors are playing characters, just like any other popular thing with fanart like Good Omens and Game of Thrones. All the different Papas and Ghouls are fictional characters with lore and their own stories, and so, especially since they all wear masks, the actors don't even have to see their own faces or likenesses being used. All the fanart you see of Copia for example looks nothing like his actor, Tobias, since it's a rubber/prosthetic mask. :) So, in my personal opinion, it does not cross into real person fanfic, since they are fictional characters and the actors' faces are hidden.
I honestly just stared at youtube and tumblr tags long enough to pick up on things, so I'm not much help on the resources lkgfdjgflkjhg sorry
I don't think you were rambling, no worries uwu
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tarotapprentice · 3 months
I think kpops going a bit mad these past few days and weeks either overdebuting too many groups instead of working with what its got (ie: less is often more), then theres all the shit in the media with idols being attacked left right and centre often for the most menial irrelevant (imho) things. Now its looking to keep debuting these exceedingly young groups and I honestly have already lost track atp. I also dont like how it expects their fans to do so much just to get small brief interactions either like bulk buying albums for fanmeet entries or whatnot. If im being honest only so much is going to hold my attention these days cause it seems like its just very um toxic rn.
It almost seems too childish bc theres hardly anything for my age group to follow. skz and ateez are as young as I can go in terms of groups to follow just for their songs or performances, without it being so awkward and I also dont want it to be about having deep attachment issues to these groups either. Is there anything different or whacky out of the box, ever going to come about for kpop or is this all it is for now? cause groups I like either seem to be disbanding or being left behind or simply not getting the room to explore outside of what their image is supposed to be. It just seems albiet from some groups images that may differ quite drastically from other groups that again new groups tend to be boxed into one trend then another new group comes about doing a very similar thing so whats the point if kpop only does what is popular or trendy?
ie: they have one exceedingly young group out then another and a third one, maybe they have the opposite gender of a group thats already well estabilished and so its still not surprising. Thats why I tend to stick to what I like but not much of it is my taste anymore due to groups ages. ik they always debut them young yet theres nothing in the west that I like anymore about music and so kpop became popular mid 00s and onwards yet there also isnt much I like about besides what I already like do you get what I mean? And the ages of some of these groups honestly has me concerned for the members bc like p3d0s and all sorts of creeps can easily access this type of media online from anywhere. My other question is, is 15 the new 20? in general of what they seem to be looking for in someone to debut? is kpop so scared of stepping out of the box and doing something entirely different than relevant trends or aesthetics?
Why mamamoo get the most backlash / short end of the sticks it seems just for being mildly different aka older than the groups debuting nowadays? they have the most stable vocal abilities I have heard from a mature aged group than others much younger who are often just ok but idk what I even like about a lot of current music if im being honest there is that much of it. Lowkey wish I had a group like skz or ateez instead of the junk music we had as kids or teens.
It must really suck to feel like something that you really used to enjoy is not doing it for you anymore.
I can understand where you are coming from based on my own experience. But when it comes to my interest in k-pop, my reaction to it has been different.
I used to be more of a kpop listener in the past until I met BTS. Mind you this was 7 years ago. But I did not feel sad that other groups where not doing it for me anymore since BTS pretty much fulfilled me music and entertainment wise.
Since I never had an attachment to the genre, I cannot say I felt a similar sadness and frustration for it like you do.
I don't think there is much you can do than accept the changing times (you have changed and grown too). But, you do not have to force yourself to like it. If something does not resonate with you anymore, just appreciate what and when it did and just continue on (mourn some of it if necessary too). There is so much enjoyable music/content for you in the world that you have yet to discover.
I did a reading on kpop for this year that have been posted before:
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hotluncheddie · 3 months
20 Questions For Writers!
Tagged by @puppy-steve, @scoops-aboy86 and @steviewashere ty ty !!! :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count
78,658 which is honestly insane to me - it still feels unbelievable when I write like 1000 words comfortably.
(For a long time writing was something I could do but had to do, never wanted to do or enjoyed. So, I never ever imagined it being my main hobby - I honestly get insecure that everything I write is so short, especially compared to how people seem to bang out 10,000w like it's nothing)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie!!!!! so Stranger Things
And I have dabbled in Fargo for Gator Tillman :) Pillow
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Tiny Green Shorts 
Seasons change, but people don't. 
Wherever you go, thats where I am.
(Two old ones but the fact that both autistic Steve fic's are on there makes me SO happy!!)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yesssssssss but sometimes I really don't know what to say other than 'thank you' - which feels lame, but I love comments so I always answer
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's more of a drabble but maybe thats when boys kiss ? I wrote it with the idea of the end being hopeful, but I had a couple comments and it's very easy to read it in a more angsty way - basically if you read it with Eddie dying like canon, then it becomes pretty sad
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uh - all of them
But gonna go with Softly just because the whole thing is super soft - ooey gooey horny daddy kink my kryptonite
8. Do you get hate on fics?
One day I probably will however - my first cyber bully :]
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YA!! - all kinda - lots of freak kinks in this house - and a lot of love
I just think d/s is fun, you can play with so many kinks within the dynamic and its just cool and hot. And then you add established relationship on top, so like, that knowledge and love and like just being into stuff because your partner is - so good!
I explored a lot of kinks in my SubEddieWeek and definitely want to do more - need to write some sub Steve!
10. Do you write crossovers?
No but I do have notes for a Gator Tillman / Steddie fic so might write that at some point...
And have been dabbling with my lovely 🐶anon in some Gator Tillman / Kurt Kunkle ideas - as silly as that is lol - it's fun! - dunno if it'll ever turn into a fic though
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Don't think so! But would not be against it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Ye kinda!!! me and @scoops-aboy86 have our Office AU series :)
Oh and the Milk fic here on tumblr heheh - its a classic
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
Ugh my "Steve has known he’s bi for years and is more knowledgeable than Eddie. Eddie is queer in a kinda vague nebulous way and it stresses him out sometimes. Bruce Springsteen born in the USA album. Coming of age, dealing with change."
I love it and I do want to write more of it but it just doesn't have the sauce yet - haven't quite figured it all out. What's it's purpose you know? Or figured out how to use that album effectively for like, themes and stuff
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh well, right in this moment NOTHING bc I feel EMO and I'm too TIRED to write ANYTHING...
But I am happy with the sentence structure in my autistic Steve fic's - I tried to use very short and very long sentences to help express his thought processes when he's in different emotional states, and think I did it, effectively ?
Also I sometimes write stuff only bc I think it's funny - idk if it's funny for anyone else but I guess it means I have a lot of variety in my content... and silliness... which is good... (?)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Never knowing how much information to give. Sometimes i like to keep is sparse to keep the vibe going, like the tension or emotion. But sometimes I think I miss out on key descriptions and added context without noticing. Loosing more information about place and sometimes key movement and descriptions of the characters. What I lack is ✨world building✨
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I only speak little baby English so probably wouldn't do it personally - I have, like, nothing against it though?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
This one!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
hmmmmmm... I'm gonna go with three just because I wrote them all pretty recently and think they show some improvement, like I was able to express what i wanted in them. So;
Hug - Autistic Eddie my love - I like the pacing a the structure in this, I think I maybe do actually do some world building here, which gives nice context to this Eddie and where he is mentally in the moment of his meltdown.
Love in a safety pin - I think it's one of my favourite feedist kink fic's that I've written, just because I think it's a good mix of the kink and their developing relationship. Like it's not all just horny, there's plot and character development, along with being hot. Like, I think it does a good job of showing what the kink can be, because it maybe gets a bad rap. It's a lot of different things, and it's hot when its pleasurable for both parties, and it's still just people with the same emotions as any other kinks, still pining, still insecurity... ya idk :)
Bi Freak - I just really wanted to do a good degradation kink, like some straight masochism you know? And I think I did an okay job. Also this is a dom Steve that I think is very actually fitting for the character but I haven't really read before, so, I wanted to explore that too.
Not gonna tag bc I don't have the capacity too right now but i'm seriously not joking if you want to do this - here, you're tagged.
Tag me and I WILL shout in the comments about it
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bandomgay · 2 years
zane is literally so sweet about how he approaches questions so differently from other ppl to Alex like I love the way he's adapting to Alex's personality and he makes Alex comfortable
Mirrorball and do I wanna know being the ones that set the stage for the album really shows and that really makes me think about Alexs love for the aesthetics of music and whether consciously or not and it kinda goes back to all am albums are essentially a place that you go to not only musically even though that's the art medium you r using to get there it's also visually a place and Alex knows that and he sees that actively while writing and reflecting
Zane pointing out JUST how sad mirrorball is AND RADIO WANTED TO CUT THE INITIAL INTRODUCTION and we learn (if you haven't already by inferring) that theres a relationship between the intro and "don't get emotional" like....that's fucking amazing like I was thinking it but him saying it blew my mind like reacting to music within music...and how it's represented in the video somehow gave me even MORE astounding love for mirrorball and what it means to me, genuinely a breathtaking detail
More speak of the unrealeased song!!!! Hopefully we get a b side maybe but usually it's released under singles so maybe not but we can hope since they're actively expressing interest in it
This may be way to opinionated sorry lol but Alex saying the end of the tbhc tour made him want to get back out there so like wildly getting that energy in and it sounds like he may have been going for a big studio stadium sound ("let's do summat BIG" , "all down strokes") it reminds me of Halsey if you guys keep up with them about their decision to go with the softer sounds of "If I can't have love" after realizing they were to caught up in their angst or the negativity of their life in a bad way which made it's way into their single "nightmare" and it reminds me of the end of the tbhc tour and it hurts to think about but I'm glad, even though all these songs are gut wrenching it's being put out in a healthy way now after reflection and there's a lot of talk of that in this interview sometimes subtle sometimes not
Also I think adding on the fact that Zane said it sounds like the band is fighting there way out of the songs but are not,if this isn't to far fetched kinda way reminds me of how reserved (prone to very outlandish/lh levels of self editing/self control)Alex is and how he's trying to combat that more recently (in interviews and in song) though they are small changes they make quite mighty strides in the long run
Love the ideas of the band itself being an instrument for something grander on this album it's like it's supporting an idea or a feeling and thats just how large that feeling is that the band itself is serving the songs and emotion
Them talking about how crazy it was when it all first began even eluding to how stressful (even using the word traumatic which I agree with) that was being so young and having that much fame already Alex talking about how he literally doesn't remember playing the reading tent which is so :'(
ALEXS DEAD PAN "I think that were the intention" (or something along those lines) and Zane dying like u literally can tell if Alex is like being for real
ZANE BASICALLY TELLING HIM NOT TO BASICALLY RETREAT INTO HIMSELF WHEN ASKING HIM ABT MEMORIES IN A CAR ....Zane you bloody mindreader he knows fr (one of us! one of us one of us!)
MR SCHWARTZ STAYING STRONG FOR THE CREW.....love that Zane straight up asks who this is and Alex gives and very great metaphor that I actually got when I listened to it!!! Like I literally saw the same thing mentally like I imagined the crew putting the king's theater stage together when listening to it if that's weird idk (definitely something hidden in this metaphor)
And that concludes my mini analysis I hope u guys enjoyed reading that and have ur own thoughts u wanna send me or comment, sorry! if this post is too long I'm just :')
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misslauwie · 1 year
Support Jimin til The End
I dont want to be labeled as Solo Stan but the recent sabotages and twitter feeds have been making me feel sad for Jimin. I feel that Face album face a great injustice with Hanteo, YT views, Spotify splitting the English and Korean version, & the sheer short period that it was allowed to air. Not to mention BB Hot 100 chart.
I am a baby army myself hence I was quite perplexed on how Hybe / BH could bungle Jimin solo debut badly. And thats an understatement from my part. Face to me is a masterpiece. From the concept, music, vocals, emotions transmitted by the lyrics, and the flow of the album itself. Its like Jimin is a story teller but his story is so relatable that it resonates to the General Public not just army. Hence the short period it was allowed to languish is just a TRAGEDY.
Some may say that lets be an adult here. Good music will last and eventually reach GP (general public). But we are currently living in a fast moving environment where news changes in the speed of light. Just take FED stance on US interest rates. They can change within weeks. My point being here is that if there is a way to put on more promotions to hype Face so it can reach GP then why not. Some may also argue that army is too fixated with charts and ranking. I would argue that for an artist song to trend and be pushed towards GP feeds / fyp, they need to trend. For that song to trend, statistics matter. Number of views matter. Number of plays matter. And I think the most basic description of a fan is basically spreading good music of their artist towards non fans.
So when wk 2 happened and Jimin was on an isolated basis booted off top 10 of BB hot 100.. I put on my investigative hat to determine whether Jimin was really sabotaged either by the industry or by his own Company.
I think we wont beat the dead horse with regards to being discriminated upon on BB charts because it didnt happen only to Jimin. But also BTS. So I started facts checking about the discrimination within Hybe / BH that was insinuated by many. And when Suga album dropped I can see discrepancy with regards to Hanteo chart as well as YT views. Hanteo didnt freeze for x hours and erase c. 700k of Jimin's album. YT also didnt delete as many views. So I admit I was a bit ticked and thought wow this narrative of him being sabotaged by his own Company must be true.
But then ... on my Twitter feed I came across PJM account twitting their playlists being reported because they solely have Jimin's songs in it and not Suga too. Please refer to pic below.
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Now the dots starting to connect for me. I was having trouble believing that Jimin was singlehandedly discriminated against at Hybe. Just because the set and cinematography they put out for Set Me Free Part 2 is BTS level and not B-side level. It must have cost a pretty penny for them to even involve so many dancers for SMF pt 2 not to mention the built up set.
Hence I came to the conclusion that its not so much a sabotage from Hybe / BH but a matter of prioritization. Hybe / BH is in a catch 22 situation where if they push or champion Jimin too much then they risk angering another part of BTS fandom; the toxic part of the fandom that is.
Eventhough Im a Jimin bias, I love many of BTS discography. Jimin recruited me during ON era and I came to love JK and Jhope. But the fandom need to understand that being human means that you will have your own preference / favorites. Liking 1 member more than the others does not equal to a collosal sin. OT7 or Nothing. I can be Jimin bias and still love on the street and put it on repeat because that genre is easy listening to my ear. Do I love all of Jimin's solo? Honestly serendipity never resonates within me but I put Promise, Filter and With You on repeated playlist.
I think some of the members have realized that Army is becoming so big that there are some solos that are toxic. This is why most of the members always hype the OT7 principles. But the message may be lost in translation. The members themselves said that if you are an army you would love all members. On the flipside of it is Jimin saying him cutting off friends who talked badly about any members of BTS. But in essence what they are trying to promote I think is "dont hate any of the members".
By now Im sure these nearing 30s boys are well verse in human relationship and its complicated dynamics. They themselves have members whom they are closer to as compared to the others. And this might change as they grow. Because people grow and change. Suga and Jimin himself said that human relationship is complicated but needed in life. Suga also stated that he is comfortable being in the back during performances because he believes in the 3Js delivering stunning performances. Remember what he said is that BTS works because they respect each other for the skills that each member has.
Healthy competition is good to keep them on their toes; striving to be the best, to be the trendsetter. But I believe they are also very much aware of their own specialities (edge) and shortcomings. Suga / RM are composers / producers. They have many credits on songwritings. They are set in life and I believe they know it too; especially Suga.
Would argue that even though I love Jimin but he coddled the army too much in the sense that he thinks army is teenage girls / boys. Well I wouldnt completely blame him with the way they are behaving currently. But I think the OT7 message that they are trying to deliver got lost in translation and they need to come up with a new way of delivering the true OT7 meaning; no hates just love. Fortunately with Chapter 2, seems like we are moving in the right direction where we see Suga breaking down the smoking stereotype, Jimin dancing to a more risque coreagraphy and RM calling out fans during his lives.
Army comes from different geographies and backgrounds. While some seems more well to do than others given that BTS concerts which is very costly always sold out, some stream members' song using prepaid data. Meaning its not even wifi or broadband internet. They are using quotas to stream songs. Hence its not fair to ask everyone to support all members' projects equally.
I wish Army will reflect and gather to spread positivity / love rather than hatred.
We certainly need a better game plan for PJM2. But in the meantime I will continue to stream Face.
With Jimin til the End.
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banghwa · 1 year
Hi. Honest question because I'm struggling with it. And I know I'm not the only one because I've seen quite a few people speak up about it here. How do you manage to enjoy face and everything about it so freely without being bitter about how the previous releases were treated compared to it? Is it just your love for jimin? In which case idk why it doesn't work for me since I love jimin too. Or is it because you don't think those things are important? It's just so unfair, the way I see it. And sometimes I think maybe these things aren't that important but then I think that they might be important to the members because their art is their life and then I get sad. Idk if they themselves see what's going on, they can't be blind and not see it right?
I can't believe that it is as clear as day, the way the different albums were treated differently, and yet people pretend it's not the case (I'm not talking about you here! But you know, the fandom has always said everything was the members' choice and therefore everything is perfect which is. Not.) So how do you do it?
ooooooh please i am so bitter i just cant say anything abt it bcs im too exhausted to deal w ppl accusing me of being a solo over it :'))) im still like. rly upset over how the jitb roll out went and the thing is i know im not imagining it bcs even non-bts fans have been weirded out by the sheer irresponsibility behind it. which i think that might help ? in a weird way? the fact that it was so clearly mismanaged to the point that ppl outside of the fandom took note of it means that we are rightfully concerned about it. and every subsequent release just further proves it. so to me idk i just feel resigned. like yeah ofc we knew all along thats what this was. and i think those of us who have been into bts for a while were unfortunately not that shocked that every single subsequent release no matter how small got smt bigger than he did. like idk its a day in the life of a hoseok fan i think to me in a weird way made me relax a bit bcs like. i can no longer be disappointed lol. it also helps that i have a rly good and positive but appropriately critical circle of ppl i follow who are on one hand never shy to speak their honest thoughts while authentically enjoying other things. so its a space that makes it rly easy to feel like my bitterness and disappointment is justified all the while feeling like im still allowed to enjoy things at the end of the day im still incredibly sad that i will never have a jitb physical to play on my cd player or a photobook to look through but. idk theres nothing i can do abt it theres nothing that can be done abt it anymore. admittedly though it all makes it rly hard to buy other physicals :(( that still doesnt feel right :((
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amoveablejake · 1 year
Album of the Week: ‘Smoochy’ by Ryuichi Sakamoto
Stand out song: ‘A Day In the Park’.
When an actor, writer, artist, athlete, person of note that you like passes away it can feel a little odd. It can feel odd because the passing can feel quite personal although you never knew that person, not on a personal level at least but ofcourse to feel sad at their passing you did know them to some extent. You engaged with their work, in whatever field that it may have been in, and you absorbed it as it became a part of you. The passing of that person though, is not the death of aspect of yourself, if anything I have found that when someone that I like passes away it strengthens the feelings that were already there for them. When actors pass away, their films become even more special and for athletes, the stories of their accomplishments become that much greater. For musicians though, it can be a bit different. Their voice is still reaching out and filling the air around you even if they may have moved on. But it still stands that the connection does become stronger. Their work becoming finite means you have a complete (sort of) discography and as a result can engage with it that much more because thats just it, someone passing doesn’t mean that you have to stop engaging with their work or thoughts of them, you carry on, keeping them with you because when it comes down to it, no one is ever really gone. 
When I read this morning that Ryuichi Sakamoto had passed away I was quite taken aback. Sakamoto was one of those people who for some reason I thought would always be around. His being seemed eternal and to hear that he had passed away was, unexpected even though yes, he had been ill for sometime. For those who may be unfamiliar, Ryuichi Sakamoto was a true maestro of the Japanese music scene and the world music scene. His talent was all encompassing and his work will be eternal as it damn well deserves to be. For me, it is his solo work that is of particular note although to look passed his work as a member of the group Yellow Magic Orchestra would be deeply foolish as YMO were one of the pioneering electronic music bands who helped to populairse the genre. Sakamoto though, whilst being part of one of a truly magnificent band, shone the brightest on his individual projects and through being by himself was able to step into the light in a whole new way. He can be seen performing alongside David Bowie in ‘Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence’, the 1983 film that Sakamoto also made a breathtaking score for. Sakamoto could be remembered for any number of his projects but for me I know exactly which one it will be. 
I remember exactly where I was when I heard ‘Smoochy’ for the first time. It was when I used to study from home in the house I grew up in, on a cold, winter’s day when I stumbled across ‘Smoochy’ and was left speechless. When I heard ‘Smoochy’ my eyes were opened to a whole new world of music and Sakamoto opened that door but not only did he open the door, he always stayed with me throughout my journeys into this brave new world and continued to be one of my guys as he grew to be one of my favourite artists. If I was to go on Desert Island Discs, I think that I would have to pick a Sakamoto song because of how much his music has meant and continues to mean to me and how important it has been in developing my musical tastes. And I know exactly which song I would go for. Ofcourse it would be from ‘Smoochy’ and it would be ‘A Day in the Park’. ‘A Day in the Park’ is probably a top ten song for me, where it is in that top ten, I don’t know and thats more because it is a fluid list that is changing often but the point is, its there and there it will remain. Forever. There is no question about it as everytime I listen to it I can feel something click. There is no other way to describe it really. Sometimes with certain films, teams, books, albums, songs they just hit something inside of you straight away which means you know from that second that they are truly special to you. They click. And ‘A Day in the Park’ and Ryuichi Sakamoto’s work at large clicked for me from the moment I heard it and will continue to do so as I keep it playing on and on and on.
Rest easy Sakamoto, thank you everything. Truly. 
-Jake, a man watching the sunset, 03/04/2023 
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. clean overpacker old head lefty eyebag 😅
Yes maam, you are older. You so old, you a mtlf. Hahahaha oh sheesh I'm sorry if I crossed the line there. And you'll just be old meanie head. I haven't seen your nice side yet 🤔 just kidding just kidding.
But you really mean for doing that! Now I gotta just come up with the ending while you having fun and not writing 🤣
You got everything packed though and ready to go?
See, this is why I can't write. If I make a story, it'll start mysterious. Then I will end it with a joke or something else. My readers will go wtf hahahaha
I had a Miley phase when I was younger. But not like crazy or anything. I just love her voice. But no, I would not have played her over and over again if I work. Whenever I work in the kitchen while opening, I usually play rock alternative songs. So I can be more awake 🤣
Oh you be flirting with people on your asks?? You sly fox. Hm, she pointed it out, was she jealous? 🤔
Which do you like more though, NSync or Backstreet Boys?
My teenage years, I'm probably the same.. and Maroon 5. I love Maroon 5. I think I also listen to Maroon 5, the songs about Jane album when I am sad.
There are songs that give out sexy vibe. I have a few actually that I know on top of my head that I would play if I wanna set the mood 😅 how about you?
Okay, since we're on a song list questions. Name 3 songs that reminds you of your favorite person.
Hahaha wow, u just like to rub it in my face that i'm old huh? 😅🤣
Oh wow, i thought u r older than i am.. because the way u talk about backpain like u r almost 40 😅🤣
Mtlf? What is mtlf? Is it a typo from what u meant milf? Because if it is what u meant, then i will say no i'm not..😅🤣 yes i am a mom. But no, im not a milf. Because milf r hot n im not. Im far from that. 😊 but thank u.
Its okay, u didnt cross the line. I got that quite a few times in here just because of i'm a mom n my age. 😅
Haha well, u havent seen my nice side yet? Thats because i take it slow on showing how nice i am.😅 did u forget that i'm a shy person?
Yeah im already kinda packed. 1 suitcase was ready but i gotta re-arrange it.😩
I never heard of her songs, only the wrecking ball one.
Haha u can still be a writer, u can write however u wanna write even though ur follower will be "wtf" because it's ur story.
Well, i thought i wasnt flirting with people on my asks (including u) but she told me that i was.. 😅🤣 yes, she got jealous but then she understand n know i didnt mean it so she let it pass. Lol. But yeah she said that i was flirting in the ask all the time. Then i got really confused.🤣🤣
I love both of them. All their songs r good. But if i hv to pick britney or christina aguilera, i would pick britney..
Ah yeah! Maroon 5! Oh my gosh, how come i forgot about them. Yeah their songs about jane album was really good. Have u heard the accoustic album for that album yet? It's really good. Whats ur favorite of their songs? Mine is Sweetest Goodbye.. dang now i wanna listen to them.
Yes i think there are songs that's sexy. I usually listen to them when i write smut. Some of them sometimes dont have sexy lyrics but the vibe n beat give a sexy vibes. Oh okay, gimmie the songs please?maybe i will.listen to it when i write my next smut.😁
1. Annie's song
2. Let it go frozen soundtrack (my daughter)
3. Goodbye the saddest world (my mom)
4. Any jazz songs (my dad)
What about urs?
Next question?
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shotorozu · 4 years
what their wallpaper would look like while dating you
Tumblr media
— *♡∞:。.。 2k followers special —
character(s) : multiple (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specified
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : okay so,, school has made me a little busy today so i kind of just whipped this up for no reason. this isn’t really lengthy but i hope you guys liked it :))
theres no proof read, again :,) but thats bc i was rushing on this one lol (will edit later)
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midoriya izuku
i’m going to be honest, his wallpaper is going to change every single time you guys go out to eat. he takes so many pictures of you— it literally eats up his storage.
it came to the point that he made a collage of all of the candid pictures he took of you, and saved it as his wallpaper. that way, he wouldn’t have to change his wallpaper every 3 days
but he can’t help it! you’re just so,, attractive ❤️👄❤️ eventually, his mom will comment on how his wallpaper changes every single week— and that’s how he decided that “wait.. collaging exists!” and his life became 10x easier. but he still won’t delete the pictures so 🗿
bakugou katsuki
he has plenty of pictures of you that are nice, but he just won’t set it to any of those— you’ll never catch him setting his wallpaper as a good picture of you. but, katsuki will set it to a picture of you choking on spices, because he’s kind of a bitch lmao sorry
but he oddly likes that picture?? no matter how many pictures he’ll take of you, you’ll always find his wallpaper to be set to that picture, you can’t even do anything about it. you always stare at him like 🤨 when you catch him admiring the photo— “ITS NOT EVEN A GOOD PICTURE”
but GOD FORBID his parents actually coming across his wallpaper, he’ll get scolded by his mom because “Y/N WOULDNT APPRECIATE THAT, KATSUKI” and he’s just like 🧍 “it’s been that way for 7 months, old hag”
todoroki shouto
surprise! it’s a normal picture. it’s really just a picture of you and him at lunch, specifically your first date with him. and you looked SO good in that outfit. so, how could he not take 50 pictures of you in that one specific outfit? he must print them, and frame them properly
his head will peak on the phone’s corner, because, while he still wants to be in the picture, you’re the main focus SOOO,, yeah. he has other pictures, sure— but that one hits so differently
his mom and sister will end up coming across his wallpaper, when he was showing pictures of his class. they’ll basically fawn over every single detail of the picture. what more— when shouto outwardly says “yes. my s/o is so beautiful. how could i not have this picture as my wallpaper?” its cute
bonus : his wallpaper is sometimes a picture of you using your quirk. he loves how focused you look in that picture
kirishima eijirou
most likely, a picture of you resting your face against his arm. it’s such a confidence booster just seeing the picture— how could he not set it as his wallpaper? it makes him feel so manly
i think he has a separate album for that picture. an album with only one picture— yeah, definitely plausible for eijirou. it’s just such a good picture, how could he not have it’s own dedicated section? the picture never gets old to him.
he’ll also be that person that’ll have a really detailed background on why the picture happened. why, you may ask? it all started because of kaminari randomly asking him about it one day— and that was when he couldn’t stop talking he just loves flexing you, it makes him feel manly
kaminari denki
a picture of you sleeping— most likely a really ugly one, (to you, anyway) it’ll still be a nice picture to him, deadass <3
it’s a picture of you with your mouth half open, drool this 🤏 close from escaping your mouth. and your eyes are barely open— but enough to see the whites of your eyes. it was so funny to him that he just had to snap a picture.
regardless— it makes him feel better when he most especially feels insecure about himself, y’know, because everyone has those days. but don’t worry, you’re still absolutely beautiful to denki.
shinsou hitoshi
it’s a picture he snapped of you when he managed to get you in a position where you’re hanging upside down, wrapped in his capture tape. it’s quite a rare photo to anyone else that wasn’t him.
it’s his wallpaper because one, your expression is PRICELESS, and two— there was just so much to talk about, regarding the photo’s backstory. it’s also because of how cute your expression was, he could talk about it for days.
he’ll shamelessly set the picture as his lockscreen, and his homescreen. at some point, i think aizawa saw it too— but he thought nothing of it because “shinsou’s being shinsou again. i should let him.” everytime shinsou looks at his wallpaper, he can only chuckle— admiring it’s details (you can only glare at him💀)
iida tenya
i have included iida on this one, because i thought of it while i was brushing my teeth. LMAO SORRY, but his wallpaper would probably be your provisional license picture— or even a polaroid picture of the both of you
you stare at him, completely baffled “out of all of the pictures, tenya.” and he protests— explaining on how and why his wallpaper is just your provisional license’s picture, i don’t know! he was really shy when it came to taking pictures of you, so he resorted to using your license picture and it’s also a really professional picture of you so.. bonus!
but, if you do protest— he’ll set his wallpaper as a really blurry shot of you from afar🗿 due to the fact that he was literally running towards you when the picture was being taken. i also headcanon that iida isn’t really the best photographer, at least when it comes to phones.
monoma neito
its a picture of you crying while watching a sad movie 🗿 it’s not even full on ugly crying YET, but he does find it hilarious (but it’s also really pretty)
monoma forever holds it up your head, that “oh poor Y/N can’t hold in their tears for a movie” and he was going to use it for teasing purposes, but the more he observed the picture, the more he realized how good the picture is— like holy heck, it looks like an editorial shot from a magazine, and only YOU could do that.
class 1-b can only silently judge him 💀
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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phoneybeatlemania · 2 years
What made you so interested in Lennon and Janov thing?
Anon, I love you for asking this!! :)) 
What I initially wanted to make a post on was simply whether Arthur Janov gave John Lennon gay-conversion therapy (which I ofc did make a post on, here). It was originally going to be just that singular post on the subject, which I wanted to make because I had new contributions to offer to the discussion.
But while I was researching that project, I began reading up on who Arthur Janov was, and what primal scream therapy actually is, and although its a bit of a task finding sources directly related to John Lennon, I found that theres actually a lot of literature dedicated to critiquing Primal Therapies and Arthur Janov specifically (as well the centre for Feeling Therapy, which I will probably discuss in my third essay).
So although I didn’t intend to acquire the amount of knowledge on PST as I have now, it just became very clear to me during my research that theres still a lot to be talked about in terms of Arthur Janov’s influence on John Lennon, and so my interest in the subject has just spiralled from there. Its almost like John is a case study in why the therapy just doesn’t work, and is generally harmful to its patients [and ik that sounds a little cold and detached, but I don’t think it will come off that way in part 2 and 3 of the series, since Im still ofc very sympathetic towards John. Like it just makes me Sad that he never got the type of therapy (and therapist) he really needed and deserved :/]
I don’t want to reveal too much here on what the next additions to the series will be on, just because the Evil Egomaniac in my brain doesn’t want people to 'steal' my ideas before I get a chance to talk about them—although if anyone would like to know just shoot me a dm and Ill tell you the gist of my plans for the future additions! 
Im also planning to write a book on this someday, since despite there being so much literature written by psychologists dedicated to discrediting and debunking Arthur Janov’s primal therapy, there’s very little—if any—Beatle-related literature dedicated to the topic. Most biographers tend to only dedicate a few pages to it, either saying effectively: “the therapy was GREAT for him because it inspired him to make the Plastic Ono Band album!” [RUBBISH take] or “it was just a weird seventies fad” [a better take, but still not nearly as in depth as this topic deserves—PLUS they still tend to conclude the same point that: none of the harmful stuff matters because of one (1) album].
So theres definitely a gap in the Beatles book market there which needs filling—but I guess thats actually where a large part of the interest comes from: since its such an under-explored topic, it sets of the little investigative journalist in my head. It does require a lot of time for me to make these essays, but I kind of…….like that? Its obviously not a Fun topic since its pretty heavy (fr, the further into it you go The Worse It Gets), but I just love researching things and Piecing The Puzzle Together.
So tldr: basically just accidentally accumulated a lot of Shit on PST and Janov throughout my research and now I need to talk about it more + Im a research nerd so doing my Little Investigation is kind of a hobby (if thats not weird???) + I also just want to educate more people on the topic since its obviously quite difficult to talk about if you Don't Know A Lot about it
P.S. for people as obsessed with the subject as I am I will again be putting a bibliography at the end of the essay in case you want to read up more on the subject yourself! :)
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Hi! I’m so sorry to be that bitch, but I do have to say I agree with the previous anon about the 7 tattoo. It’s something that’s significant to them, and I get that 7 is important to fans as well, but I wish the boys could have something that other people won’t take for once.
Even seemingly insignificant and small tattoos hold so much meaning, and especially considering it was some of their firsts that they got as a team. As someone with quite a few tattoos, I’d be really upset even if my smallest tattoo was copied..
It’s different when it’s thing like the album art (the flowers, the hearts,) because that’s not on their bodies, and it was created by them for their fans. I can just imagine how many people are now going to get the same tattoo, and it’s kind of sad. I feel like it’s something for them to share, not ours.
I guess views are different, but again, as someone with quite a few tattoos, i can imagine it would be disheartening for them if people were to suddenly want something just because they got it. I mean, army’s sell out clothing, furniture, artwork, and merch (obviously,) just because of the association with the boys.
I promise I don’t want to be mean! I’m just passionate about tattoos and the boys finally having something for them. But obviously I can’t make your choices for you, and we may have differing opinions, but YEH okay I’m sorry for my rant, I got a bit too into it. I apologise if I came off as mean, that really wasn’t what I was trying to do, sorry!
i think the issue with this is that people have already gotten seven tattoos for bts and did get them before the boys announced that they where going to get them at all? so if you say 'okay no one can get them after this point' that seems a little too late. should the people who already got 7 tattoos for bts get them removed? should we all never get bts tattoos just because jk one day might decided to add to his army hand ones?
If i get a 7 tattoo it will be because it's a symbol of the love i have for Bts and their importance in my life- i wouldn't be getting it to try and be apart of their friendship bond or to copy their tattoos and be like them. the seven is such a ubiquitous symbol- i'd bet more than 50k people have a 7 tattoo?
like- if i get a 7 tattoo- it's a bts seven tattoo. but when they get the tattoo its a tattoo that connects the 7 of them and a representation of the effort they've put in to make their family of 7 work. people can get the same tattoo for so many reasons and i don't think we would be getting them for the same reason? especially because i'm not going to pull up a picture of hobi's, namjoon's, or jimin's tattoo and be like "yeah give me EXACTLY this one'
and a bunch of armies have already been talking like "what about a 7 with a little purple line through the centre?" like i'd love to get one in deep purple ink, or maybe more of a red purple. you can make the 7 your own with it being a bts tattoo and it not touching theirs- thats my point
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ah-yes-paris · 3 years
beatles harmonies that cured my depression.
It is important that i discuss this. Well, not really important I just really wanted to share. This is in no particular order either it's just the ones that come to the top of my head lol. Feel free to reblog and share your own 😎
1. The "Woahoooah AHHHHH" from When I Get Home.
Not even words can describe the battery power that starts coursing through my veins when I hear this harmony. I cant even,....LIKE HELLO??? i have never heard such a blessing... Such a well-fitting triplet of voices singing a vowel thats made me feel like i can run 10 miles straight. They aren't real. The Beatles, of course. To this day I don't understand how this harmony exists in this universe. My ears melt everytime. One of my favorites, in case you couldn't tell.
2. The obvious.. "yeah yeah yeah YEAHH" from She Loves You :)
LET ME TELL YOU. oh my god let me tell yo u .. Way back when, when I was a new fan... Good lord. I was literally ascending. ASCENDING. i felt every inch of my body start to lift off the ground. Im sure im not the only one who's experienced this. I remember thinking 'how the wiggle wubble do 3 men sound so GOOD TOGETHER' IT DOES NOT ADD UP PEOPLE THE BEATLES HAVE TO BE SOME SORT OF ROBOTIC BOY BAND GROWN IN A LAB THIS ISNT POSSIBLE how do we live on the same dimensional plane that this harmony lives on..
3. "The magical mystery tour, is coming to take you away, Coming to take you away!" from Magical Mystery Tour.
guys. Guys you dont understand. This one line, adds, YEARS. LITERAL YEARS TO MY LIFE SPAN. At this point I am fully immortal. The "coming to take you awayyy" makes my heart POUND. i love this song so much... And this line especially... It makes me go insane. Basically the beatles are manic melody genuises that have successfully spread one of the biggest diseases in musical history. Personally, I think this line was a clear example of why.
4. "Last night I said these words to my girl", "Please pleaase me, oh yeah, like i please you...", "...With you! Oh yeah, why do you make me blue" from Please Please Me.
do i even have to say anything. Well, i dont but i will for the sake of the post. There is so much. So much. About this song that I. I cant even,,. I would choose this song over SO MANY BEATLES SONGS DUDE. not that its cause i think its better than all the others but it just holds such a special place in my heart. Its the only song thats Ever made me feel some intense wave of nostalgia for a decade i wasnt even born in. Its one of the songs that continue to make me question the beatles existance. How could something like this ever come to reality. My brain has never been so pleased in its life.
5. "Carve your number on my wall and maybe you will get a call from me" from If I Needed Someone.
The way that this song was added into my Liked playlist SO QUICKLY...... God. I love george. Hes my favorite after all. Rubber Soul as a whole makes me feel warm inside but this song and this one line just hits so much more intensely for some reason... Their voices just flow insanely well and I just DONT UNDERSTAND HOW. its like an angel choir making its way through the clouds as you see the gate to heaven start to appear. Wonderful song and mind-blowing harmony... The beat is so good too and i just explode.
6. The "ahhhhh Ahhhhh AHhhhh *inhale* AHHHhhhh AHHHHH *inhale* AHHHHHH" from Day Tripper.
HOLY JESUS CHIRST THIS SONG HAS SO MUCH TO UNPACK... There are undeniably A BUNCH of other flawless harmonies in this song but my god the beatles knew what they were doing. Thats all I'm going to say really.... But once again. Power. In my veins. A few listens to this song and you'll find yourself having the strength of 1,000 men.
7. "Oh, now", "All I want is you" from Dig a Pony.
FIRST LYRIC... ITS LITERALLY 2 WORDS AND YET IT CONTINUES TO BLOW MY MIND. Something about the "Oh" ...... Its like an arrow passing through my heart I dont even know guys. Im not lying when I say it makes me feel like im floating. It makes me feel like i can quite literally grow wings and fling myself towards the sun. Dont even get me started on "All I want is you".......it literally triples the effect. It makes me go ballistic. The song is just mindless lyrics but the harmonieeesss.....
8. "Ah girlll.... *inhaeahelrlsseeesh* Girrll...." from Girl.
no words. Like. No words. I cant even. I seriously dont need to explain this one. Im just going to drop the isolated vocals version because if you havent listened to it you are MISSING OUT... you thought the originally recorded song was the greatest cause of your heart palpitations? Well you thought WRONG.
9. "I love youwoowooowoowoooo...", "ask me WHYY..", "I can't believe.. Its happened to MEeee", "i cant concieve *doo doo doo do doo* of anymore *dun dun dun* MISERY" from Ask Me Why.
GOD OK LISTEN im just gonna say this now i absolutely adore and favor the please please me album so much i dont care what anyone says ok im such a sucker for their early sappy love songs ITS SO MANY GOOD HARMONIES ESPECIALLY FROM THIS ONE. MY GOD i listen to this and i feel like im with a lover late at night and we're like at one or the others house keeping each other warm and being all romantic and happy. Specifically the part that goes "ask me whyy I say i love you.. (OOOOHHHOOOO) and im always thinking of youuhoohohoo..." LIKE COME ON PLEAEE IT MAKES ME FEEL SO WARM INSIDE AND I SMILE IN AN INSTANT GOD I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. Whenever i think im sad i go "no im not because Please Please Me." And its like all the sudden everything im sad about just poof disappears!
10. "If theres anything that you want.. IF THERES ANYTHING I CAN DOOOO" from From Me To You.
I am so in love with this song you guys i have no idea I LOVE IT SO MUCH. IT HAS THIS LITTLE SWING TO IT SPECIFICALLY BETWEEN THESE 2 LINES THAT MY BRAIN SEEKS FOR NEARLY EVERY DAY. the amount of blessing i get from this song is more than i can comprehend its literally insane i cant even. How does someone do this how did the beatles make music guys I am seriously so dumbfounded like they just sat there and wrote banger after banger like WHAT. this song makes me believe that life isnt as horrible as it seems and if im lucky enough i can just sing and dance to this song for all of eternity. There are also so many other good harmonies in this one as well...
In conclusion the beatles have had a chokehold on me for 3 years but I mean their stupid groundbreaking songs keep drawing me back in so.... This has also made me come to the conclusion that the Beatles simply arent real because I still dont believe a band can not only write consistent hits, but also harmonize in a way that causes me to spin around while doing backflips.
Thank you for your time.
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aurorasillusion · 3 years
bts release two !!!!TWO!!!! english songs NOT AN ENGLISH ALBUM but english songs yh and suddenly everyone thinks they can't go back to how they "used to be."
pls ppl they've not really changed its two bloody songs. yes theyre in english but english is quite a wide spread language, even if it's not everyones first language. Dare i say it's more or less a universal language, most people understand it to a certain point individual to them. You know where im going with this right? ALSO Joon stated his reasons before for his change in mind about now making TWO english songs, go check them out again for me yh?
Not to mention they STILL MAKE SONGS IN KOREAN. After dynamite, they made a whole album in what? you guessed it korean ffs. (thank you that one anon who reminded me to include that to remind people)
And people who wanna say they're not kpop anymore, tell me you don't know the definition of kpop without telling me you don't know the definition of kpop. Allow me to inform you Kpop is short for korean pop and pop is short for popular. So add that all together and it's short for Korean popular music. Same way pop in america is short for popular music. Still sounds like bts to me 🤷‍♀️
Also some of you lot show you really don't listen or maybe you don't trust them when Namjoon gave his reasons behind the english songs. And some of you (not all okay) kinda come across like you're dictating what language they can and can't sing in. That sounds a little you know like the same thing you claim not to be because you're not outright doing things those types of people do.
If you don't like them fair enough not everything is going to be to everyone's taste. But some of you lot are really acting like they always gonna make english songs now. Like they're gonna stop talking about deep things in their songs, stop sharing their stories through their songs.
Would you think the same if they released a hoe anthem? if they just dropped a few sexy songs thats just full of 🍆🍑💦👉👌. Would you think they've lost who they used to be, that they're loosing touch with who they are, begging for a certain market to pay attention to them.
Do you think the same about other groups that release songs in all english?
And no in my opinion they don't care that bad about america, I mean who does these days fuck america and their shitty music market/awards honestly biggest waste of space.
They're not desperate. Ambitious yes but thats completely different. Sure they had hopes that maybe they could achieve certain awards and certain recognition its called having aspirations and dreams. But after seeing how everything went down the first time and the amount of racism (not naming no names you shitty stuck up piece of shit award shows, fucking equivalent to tories) I personally doubt they're going to subject themselves to that again.
If it happens it happens if they get these american awards good for them but i don't think they're trying their absolutely damned desperate hardest to make it happen. And if they don't get the awards, sound it makes no difference to who they are they're still bts, sure ill be sad for them because it's something they hoped for got teased with only to get told essentially "ahaha fuck offffff. You're having a laugh aren't you, thinking us who favour white artists would give you an asian group any awards. We just used you for views." which is despicable.
Maybe I'm naive and all of what I've just said is absolute bullshit compared to what's possibly happening behind to scenes. But I personally don't think bts are like that, they're very honest about their music that much I can confidently say. Maybe I also don't think the writing credits tell a story of bts wanting to gain more attention and praise from america. Like yeah maybe they have quite a few americans (or just non korean) (? correct me if im wrong I haven't checked the writing credits properly) on writing credits but maybe they're just branching out to write with more/other people and condering english isn't bts first language maybe the writers helped to support with the english.
I respect other people having differ opinions even if some of you just sound daft. Again not all but some. Just enjoy the comeback and stop sounding like a crazy conspiracy theory youtube channel with your broken records on repeat.
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notsosmexy · 4 years
Heavens Love || Reggie x reader
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Chapter four of ‘Heavens Love’ 
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 5 
A/N: OOooOo we back! Enjoy!
Word count: 3k
Wanna be added to the series taglist? Just send an ask!
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You walked up to your locker and put your code in. Once you had all your books, someone tapped your shoulder, making you turn around quickly. To your surprise, it was Carrie. She pointed at something not too far away and left. You arched your brow but looked at where she had pointed. 
It was Julie, singing in the middle of the hallway, doing some amazing dance. You wanted to stop her, so she didn't embarrass herself. But you couldn't move. You could tell she didn't mind, or she didn't notice. Either way, you stared at her like everyone else. Her eyes were closed and she had a huge smile on her face.  
You leaned on your locker with a smirk, when she came to get her books. She gave a small smile and took her headphones out. A boy who you had seen once or twice, tapped her shoulder.  
'Are you done?' visible confusion could be seen on her face. You suppressed a laugh. ' Can I have those back?' he pointed towards Julie's back pocket. 
'Oh..' she grabbed them and gave them to the guy. She turned on her heels and faced her locker once again. You and Julie were both laughing and you could hear Flynn running up to you both. 
'Omg Julie!' she smiled. 
'Whats up?'
'Nothing, glad to see you back to your…weirdo self' You laughed
Julie rolled her shoulders and gave a small chuckle 'Thanks?'
Flynn playfully rolled her eyes 'So, how's the band? Still hot? Still talented? Still..dead?' 
You put your head in your hands. 'Flynn..' you couldn't help but laugh a little. 'They can't be… undead'
Flynn shrugged her shoulders 'We're undead' you blinked once or twice. What goes on in this kids brain? Is all you could think.
Julie looked between both you and Flynn. 'Anywayssss, Luke and I spent all weekend writing songs… wanna hear some of them?' 
'Duh!' you and Flynn both said. Julie nodded her head and you both walked towards the music room. On your way there you saw Carrie form the corner of your eye. You gave a small wave but she didn't seem to notice, instead she was looking at something or someone in front of you. You stopped in your tracks and followed her gaze. Your eyes went big once you realized who she was looking at.
'Could be nothing' you tried to reassure yourself. You ran to the music room, to make sure you didn't miss any of Julie's music playing. 
'So this is-' 
'I'M HERE!' You shouted while panting a bit. You weren't the greatest at running you had it admit. Flynn smiled and Julie cleared her throat. 
'Right, here's the first song them and I wrote.' she sat down at the piano. 'Here's some of the chorus' she started playing and you smiled. It was amazing and had a fun beat to it. 
'Wow! I like it! Def Gaga vibes' Flynn stated. You nodded your head to show you agreed. Julie smiled. 
'Now um...here's something me and my mom were working on' Your smile faltered a little. She started playing once again and once again, you love it. You could tell Julie worked hard to get it right. 
'thats- that's beautiful' You and Flynn said at the same time. 
'Now,' Flynn smirked at Julie, changing the subject. 'You have a crush. And this name is Luke.'
'And he's a ghost!' you finished her sentence and Flynn pointed towards you. Julie's mouth fell agape.
'What? No! Luke's a ghost.' she stated, but you knew Flynn wasn't having any of it.  
'A cute ghost.' Flynn stated.
Julie scrunched her nose up. 'with a perfect smile.' she finally gave in.
'Ha! We knew it's you said to Julie while Flynn high fives you but missed. You rubbed your shoulder where she accidentally hit you and she gave a quite sorry. 
Flynn looked back at Julie, you doing the same. 'Just don't get hurt'
'Obviously you guys have a connection' you added. 
'Everyone’s been talking about when you're going to play again' Flynn put her hand on her hip and took out her phone. 
'Lucky for youuu…' You waited for Flynn to finish.
'Your marketing team has been way ahead of it.' Flynn smirked and gave a small flick of her hair.  
'I… I don't have a marketing team.' Julie gave you both a confused look. 
'Yes you do!' you pulled out a flyer from your backpack and Flynn did some jazz hands.
'No wait-' 
'it's all over the school!' before Julie could protest again Flynn's phone buzzed. 'Sorry, it already has 66 likes' you. Shook your head with a smile.  You and Flynn walked don't, leaving Julie behind. You could hear her telling you guys to wait and you both just laughed. 
As you all walked down the hallway to get to your class, you once again saw Carrie. She didn't seem to care that you were walking past. She was busy on her phone, like always, but you could tell something was different. 
'Guys, go without me, I gotta do something.' Both girls looked at you but nodded their heads. You waved goodbye and turned around to go see Carrie. She was walking towards the bathroom and you knew this was  going to be so awkward.
You walked into the light pink washroom and stood in front of a mirror. You waited a couple of seconds and soon enough Carrie walked out. She gave you a small glare, but it seemed fake. 
'Carrie, you don't need to pretend it's just me and you. Nobody else.'
She licked her lips and thought for a moment. She sighed and nodded her head. 
‘Hi Y/N’ she mumbled and turned to look at herself in the mirror. 
You nodded your head slightly and looked around. ‘So, I uh, I saw you staring at-’
‘Don’t’ Carrie quickly interrupted. ‘Its nothing. I don’t- i don’t like her’ She looked like she was going to cry. ‘Even if I-i did, she’d n-never like me’ 
You gave her a sad look and opened her arms. She practically ran into them, her arms around your neck. She smelt good, like honey and sugar. Her cold wet tears were hitting the cloth on your shoulder. Every single one slowly crept through the fabric, making your shoulder wet. After a while she let go and stepped back. She gave you a small smile and rubbed her eyes.
‘Sorry’ She sniffed. You shook your head and gave her a small toothy grin.
‘Don’t be… i’m sure she likes you to’ To be honest you had no idea if Flynn did. She’s never been one to talk about who she likes. She’d never even spread Carrie a glance after… the thing happened. 
‘Maybe…’ Before either of you could say anything else, the bell rang. You both walked out of the bathroom and went  your separate ways. The whole time you were walking to your class, you couldn’t stop thinking about...everything. There was Luke and Julie, Willy and Alex, Flynn and Carrie and You and Reggie. Too many people were falling in love.
‘I wasn't in love with the idea at first as well, but it'll be a great way to up our following.’ Julie was watering the plants, while you, Luke and Reggie stood around the piano. Reggie gently put the paper down and nodded his head a bit.
‘Ya, ya! We can play wherever we can and whenever we can’ Reggie stated and a smile had grown on his face. 
‘And then, you guys put out a new album!’ You said happily and Reggie snapped his fingers and pointed at Julie. 
‘Than release a country album’ You shook your head. ‘That does surprisingly well’ He turned towards you but you keep shaking your head. Julie gave Reggie a look and Luke looked a little disgusted. ‘I shred on the banjo so...’ Reggie shrugged his shoulders and acted like it was no big deal.
‘Then i'll  learn how to play the fiddle,’ You said jokingly and Reggie gave you a side hug. 
‘And before you know it, we're being inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.’ Luke gazed into the distance. He snapped out of it once Reggie started talking. 
‘But one of us isn't there’ you stared at him, half confused, half emmussed. ‘ Because we had a blowout in 2032. My moneys on Alex, he's just to sensitive.’ he shrugged his shoulders and you laughed quietly. 
‘Let’s get rehearsing!’ Luke pushed himself off the piano and spun on his heels. You turned around but remembered Alex wasn't there. Julie must have read your mind cause the next thing she said was exactly what you were going to say.
‘Wheres Alex?’
‘We can start without him.. He’ll be back soon’ Luke reassured you all. You leaned against something and watched them all get ready. Reggie gave you a wink and they all started playing. You blushed and looked at the ground for a few seconds. 
Once you lifted your head again, you heard a poof and Alex was suddenly through the door.
‘Hey Y/N’ you smiled and gave him a wave. 
‘Dude, where have you been?’ Luke stopped playing and let his guitar dangle. ‘We need to practice.’
‘Oh, really?’ Alex looked at Julie, his eyebrows scrunched together. ‘For what?’ 
Before anyone could answer, the door opened only to reveal Flynn. She was wearing her vibrant pink beanie, her lock necklace and the jean jacket you gave to her last year.
‘Dance news!’ she practically screamed while doing some weird pose. ‘I don't have a date but, I'm so psyched to see you guys perform!’ 
‘Oh man! We're playing a dance?’ Alex whined and looked at the guys. 
‘Course, man’ Luke sat on a red chair. ‘That's how we get a following nowadays’
‘Ya, get with the program Alex’ Julie mocked and Luke playfully scoffed. Flynn looked at you and Julie.  
‘What? They guys are here?’ she tutted and flipped her hair casually.’Hey guys!’ she waved in the opposite direction.
‘Other way, sweetie’ you said, giving her a taunting smirk. Oh was all she said and turned to wave at them. All  of them waved back, not that she could tell.
‘OK, well, now that Alex has graced us with his presence-’ you cut Luke off.
‘You should start practicing!’ You threw your hands in the air and Julie looked amused. ‘Wanna stick around?’ You turned around and asked Flynn. 
‘Im supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance..’ she sighed but smiled. ‘This sounds way more fun though’ you all laughed. 
‘Hey Julie!’ Carlos walked into the studio and you heard Luke sigh. ‘Remember those orbs in dad's pictures? I...I think their ghosts.’ You turned to the boys with wide eyes, them doing the same to you. 
‘But don't worry!’ He slammed the pictures onto the piano. ‘ This room is...is’ he did a whole 360. ‘This room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies’ He whispered the last part like it was a secret. 
‘Wrong again little dude’ You all gave Reggie an amused look. Suddenly Carlos started yelling. 
‘Have no fear! If they come back I will protect you! Because I am the man of this house!’ Carlos stated, looking proud of himself.
‘Isn't dad the man of the house?’ Julie asked. 
‘There can be two’ they both chuckled. ‘Dad needs all the help he can get right? Now, according to the internet, salt burns their souls out.’ Everyone turned towards each other with panic written all over their faces. ‘A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming here’ He threw it everywhere and some landed on Alex.
‘No! Oh! Oh god im…’ he looked at his hands. ‘Im fine. I'm totally fine.’ he raised his head with a proud smile. 
‘Oh! Carlos you know who's hungry? Me and...Y/N. Why don't you salt us a path to the kitchen’ You gave Flynn a look and shook your head. 
‘No, I need to-’ before you could continue, Carlos took your arm and started dragging you along, while salting a path. 
‘Don't worry Y/N you won't miss much!’ Your boyfrie- Reggie yelled behind you.
@tclerateit @sarcasticallywitty15 @killingbxys @calltothewild @well-hes-just-too-cute​ 
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