#the Spanish guys having lunch together gotta speak English with each other because it would be unfair to the others to not be able to
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tardis--dreams · 2 years ago
We have a house rule here that is "in common spaces you have to speak English (otherwise you have to pay a small fine) (probably meanr as a joke)" because "No one here speaks your native language. You have to speak English!" Babe there's like 10 people from English speaking countries in this very room. Bit unfair don't you think-
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jaeyunluvs · 5 years ago
birthday surprises - arón piper imagine
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the positive comments I’ve got on my last headcanon im so happy sdfjsfhds okay anyways here’s the actual first fanfic here we go people!!
SECOND NOTE: There was a problem with my laptop so it doubled a paragraph i’m so so sorry :(( edit: I fixed it
you can read my headcanon here
warnings: nothing. fluff i guess ah and maybe a tiny angst in the beginning
a short disclaimer: i dont know any of these people personally! english is my second language i may have mistakes (let me know if i do) . also i dont really know how to speak spanish so im sorry!!! 
anyways enjoy!!
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“Do you think he’ll be here?” you asked your sister painfully while sitting on the table eating lunch. Your birthday was tomorrow and you were in your hometown to celebrate your birthday with your siblings and some friends from your childhood nothing much. But your boyfriend, Arón was in the shooting for Elite.
“Honey he’ll try his best but I don’t think he will. He’s a successful actor you know that.” your sister Maya said.
You tried to understand but you didn’t feel happy. You and your family adored him which is a good thing and this made you so happy because he meant a lot to you. But he was the only person you actually wanted to spend time with
“I’ll kill him and punch his face if he doesn’t show up! He’s a cool bro but tell me if you need anything.” your brother Leo told you.
“Leo calm down, stop planning on the poor boy!” your sister Maya defended him.
While they were arguing. You stared at the outside from the window, rain pouring down from the sky. Raindrops on the ground, the fresh feeling of rain, the smell of nature just made you feel better. 
After staring at the beauty of nature, Aron called. You immediately run to your room and accept the call from with your sweaty hands.
“Hola, amor”
“Hi aron, i miss you”
“Yo tambien amor, please forgive me but I won’t be able to make it to your birthday can we celebrate it later?” he says in the phone but actually suffering cause he hates it when you’re sad and not be able to spend time especially special times together.
“oh, okay sure” you said while tears pooling in your eyes trying not to make Aron notice. You tried to find an excuse to end the call “then we’ll talk later i gotta go mom’s looking for me.” 
“bye carina” you ended the call without hearing him saying bye but you didn’t want him to understand you’re crying and sad because you support his work and you didn’t want him to think you’re a baby (WHICH HE DOESNT I PROMISE). You sat on your bed cried for hours eating ice cream, hugging your dog and watching romcom movies with your sister. (A/N. typical lol)
Meanwhile in the Elite set:
After the call, Aron was actually very unhappy. Miguel and Omar tried to cheer him up. Their work was only waste of time because they know you’re the only person that could make him happy.
You met the elite cast in the first month you started dating Aron which right now it's been 6 months since you've started dating. Everyone loved you and very happy that their friend Aron is dating such a wonderful lady.
"I have an idea. Let's go all together. Aron call her Y/N's sister immediately we have a surprise to do!" Danna chirped.
"But how are we gonna go all together?" Aron asked still sad, in the verge of crying.
“Also The director said we can’t go.” said Claudia with a sad expression.
“I’ll go talk to him we can all have a day off can’t we?” Omar tried to cheer everyone up. He is one of the most cheerful person in the cast which this was the one of the reasons why you loved Omar. After the idea popping up, Itzan and Omar went to talk with the director.
10 minutes passed Aron was still stressing out and feeling unbelievably sad (a/n: this baby cares about you so much ahh sdfhsh <33). Danna and Ester being completely positive they tried to plan the surprise.
After 30 minutes Itzan and Omar came back with good news. They explained that they can have the day off but they begged the director so bad that the director was going to explode. 
“That cabron was being so rude! But he’s nice that he accepted so let’s go!” said Omar.
“Madre Mia, Aron you owe us a favor!” claimed Itzan laughing while watching Aron jumping in his seat.
The cast was extremely happy.
The car ride was so fun but weird at the same time. Maria and Jaime couldn’t come but they promised to celebrate it later. Jorge and Miguel partying in the background. Itzan and Aron chatting about rap. Omar and Alvaro sleeping. Last but not least all the girls were sitting together planning everything.
“Aron, what are the things she like? Like what’s her favorite movie?” Ester asked curiously so she can get an idea and brainstorm about the surprise.Aron answered with a low husky voice “She likes dogs, music, and her favorite movie is 10 Things I Hate About You. Mi amor loves oldies.” he smiled while thinking of what you like. He likes every single one of you. I guess this is called love. But are you also in love with him? Are you guys ready to tell that you guys love each other? Rejection. Fear. Concern. Little did he know that you felt the same.“oohh but 10 Things I-” Maria was interrupted by Aron.
“Ay dios mio! I have the perfect idea!” Aron said excitedly. He explained his dearest friends.
They called Maya and Leo to make the surprise possible. They were too happy and they told Aron that you were so sad he immediately felt like an evil and stopped talking. But the plan made him felt better.
It was going to be perfect.
Anyways after 8 hours of the car ride. Everyone was tired. They went on the ride at the night and now it was morning.
Aron was coming.
For his love
The girl he loved.
For you.
The Birthday Day
“WAKEY WAKEY Y/N IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY!” Your sister Maya and brother Leo shouted. They were so excited for the surprise. 
The party was going to be in the house so Maya had to take you out of the house until night. 
(A/N: Just a side note sorry for interrupting but your parents are not gonna be in the party!)
You grumbled and mumbled a few curse words under your mouth and woke up.
“Today we’re gonna shop, go meet Y/B/F/N and go to the movies!! It’s gonna be so much fun!” Maya said excitedly.
You smiled at your sister and grateful that she wants you to be happy. You tried to forget Aron for that day and have a nice time. 
After eating breakfast you went out. Your phone was blowing with birthday messages and some dm’s from instagram about Aron’s arrival to the hometown by fans but Maya immediately caught the phone while she sent you to get something. 
The day went great, you went to see Avengers Endgame which is one of your favorite movies, you went to shopping, bought a sunglasses, ate junk food, done silly stuff. But Aron was nowhere to be found for you. There was no message or calls which made you feel so bad inside. 
On the other hand, the house was crazy, people trying to cook, plan, decorate the house... It was already a mess.
After the effort that almost 25 people given has done and it was the time that you were going to be taken back home by Maya.
“Y/N it was a great day. happy birthday te quiero mucho. Now go to house I’ll be back i’ll park the car ” she hugged you in the car, then you went out. While you were trying to open the door you heard a similar melody.
“You’re just to good to be true,”
“Can't take my eyes off of you“
“You’ll be like heaven to touch,”
“I wanna hold you so much”
“As long as love as arrived”
“And i thank god I’m alive”
“You’re just too good to be true,
“Can’t take my eyes off of you.” 
You saw Aron walking to you singing. You ran into him and kiss him so passionately. You were almost crying. Also he knew your favorite movie and always wanted to be surprised like this. 
“You’re here Aron! You’re here and you’re singing like Pat did to Kat.”
“Would never miss it, mi cabron!”
Then you heard a crowd shouting and singing happy birthday for you. You see the elite cast running for you. You hug every single of them and thank for their effort to come there.
You were so grateful to have such friends, family and a boyfriend like that.
It was too good to be true.
Song Credits: Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - Frankie Valli
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slasherscream · 6 years ago
yo I dunno if this is asked or not but can you write some headcannons of Billy and Stu with a super chill Latina?
A/N: anon i’m actually so happy you sent this because i want to make it super clear that i do not just write for black readers like myself. i want to write imagines for other poc as well. we all deserve to take up fandom space not to be sappy or anything-
     billy loomis x latina!reader x stu macher       ft. that's it .... that's the whole concept 
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What did you ever do .... to deserve this (meeting them). An unanswerable question. But there aren't many people of color in Woodsboro, CA         so they first noticed you at school, the new kid, just keeping to herself. People are already talking about you and how chill you are. You don't seem to notice. 
People tend to like things that are shiny and new in small towns which is exactly what you are. The fact that you're so unflinching about it makes you just seem even cooler. 
Stu is the one that gets caught up in the hubbub as he's one of the most popular guys in school. Billy is also popular but he doesn't        care about it. Or about anyone else who's popular (sans Stu), really. So Stu talks to you first.
Blown away by your personality. You're not sitting in the cafeteria even though you totally could and your table would fill up with people who want to get to know you instantly. Instead you're sitting in the grass under a tree .... straight chilling. Headphones on and eating your lunch in total quiet. 
Don't even get mad when he comes up to you with all his ...loud ass energy. Like he's not even being particularly loud (cause he saw how chill you were being and even he couldn't fuck up vibes like that) his energy is just loud. All you do is take off your headphones and give him a small smile and nod from your place on the ground, "sup?" 
He forgot what he was gonna say for 0.5 seconds. You turned off his extrovert, always talking brain for a solid 0.5 seconds with your cool and pretty, little smile. The talent! His brain rebooted and he'd never sat down so fast in his life. Too close to your personal space for a first meeting tbh ... shoulders... touching. But he's cute and tall so ... you let it slide. 
He talks to you the whole lunch period and Billy is wondering where the fuck he is honestly. Y'all are late to class and you all happen to have the next class together. Billy watches you walk in together. While you're talking to the teacher and making up some excuse for the two of you being like ... ten minutes late (which they're buying?? somehow??) Stu turns and wiggles his eyebrows at Billy. 
You sit down in a free seat that's unfortunately not near Stu and Billy (Stu woulda kicked the guy outta the seat next to him for you but you saw him about to and you shook your head as if to say "nah     i'm solid"  and how can he argue with that?). 
Billy watches Stu make heart-eyes at you the whole rest of class and when it's over he watches Stu pout about the fact that his next class is nowhere near yours but you insist he just head to his instead of walking you. Billy's class is your next class. Determined to see what could have made you so intriguing in what?? A fucking half hour? He offers to walk you. You know your way around by now but you shrug because why not. 
The walk to class is five minutes and yet somehow Billy gets it. Took Stu a half hour and it took Billy five-fucking minutes. Billy gets a text from Stu halfway through class that's just the smuggest ... most unbearable ...  fucking ':)'. He's going to bash Stu's fucking face in later but before that they GOTTA trap you. 
They are going to TRAP YOUR ASS. Oh my gosh you have no idea how hard they're gonna trap your ass. When they are working together to achieve a common goal they're incredible. 
The work begins immediately. Can they drive you home today? Can they carry all your shit for you? Don't talk to that guy. They've been to parties with that guy --- he's a total jack-ass. Wanna go to the mall? They'll bring you. Told Stu you wanted to watch a movie tonight? What a coincidence that Billy wanted to have a movie marathon tonight with him ... you can just tag along and join them! 
Much as they think they're the smartest people in the room you do know what they're doing. You're on one of your many "so not a date-dates" when you just come out and say it, "are we all dating?"
They freeze like deer in headlights. They have been #Caught Red-handed. Billy tries to be cool about it and lean into your space like, "do you want us to be?" and somehow ....you stare down that smolder and just raise your eyebrow with a chuckle because you already asked your fucking question and you're not answering his dumb "answers a question with another question" ass. 
Stu jumps in eagerly like "Hell yeah we are!" ruining whatever tension Billy thinks he's establishing. You laugh and kiss Stu's cheek. Billy is enraged...If you don't...give him his cheek kiss- But too late you already moved to give Billy one too. Well then....back to the movie I guess. 
They are very aggressive against any perceived slight against you because you notice them but don't react to them because you have more important things to spend your time on. Guess what babe? They don't have anything to do but fight people all day long! 
This ...is all of you. You're straight chilling and they'll be flipping their shit over any and everything.
Billy pretends to be the calm level-headed one but he's actually not        you are. In private it makes him worse for awhile because like. He can just lose it with you! But then it makes him calm eventually because oh .... accidentally talked out my feelings. He can just rant in a room with you for twenty minutes and then his blood pressure is normal again. 
Your Stu's rock too. You get him to be just a little less on with you but he can also be on allllll the way and you can handle that??? Just as well. He loves you! Loves that you can love and handle him!  
You mediate between the two of them a lot and there are less fights over-all. So you both have a great relationship with the two of them and made their relationship with each other better. What can they give you for this miracle you've given them? New clothes? A movie night where you don't watch only horror movies? Orgasms? Can they give you some orgasms? An actual human heart? anYTHING, babe! 
Didn't think you spoke Spanish at first until you pick up the phone to answer your Mom one day and there you go ...Spanish. They like the way you sound when you're speaking it. Your calm voice flowing even nicer when you're speaking a language smoother than English. 
Stu wants to learn now! He is determined and it is ...terrible. He cannot sound anything but white. It makes you flinch every time he says a word. Billy actually can speak it much better. His pronunciation is nearly perfect but he can't remember any of the fucking words. Together they're the perfect duo of butchering a foreign language! Please stop
They do not tell you! They do not tell you they kill people! You figure it out because you notice an overlap in times when they are not with you or they're having their separate date nights and the murders. You come right out and say it one day.
They're shocked but mostly waiting for a ...secondary reaction that one might expect when their s/o accuses them of something this wild. It doesn't come. Their silence is an admission but you're not doing anything ...else?? What the fuck .. You walk away and they follow you...You're in the kitchen now?? Going towards the fridge?? You ... pulling out three fucking cokes? You sit down and open them and gesture for them to sit down too. Time to talk like you're always insisting they do for a #happy and healthy relationship.
They're screaming inside they thought your calm nature had to have #A Limit. Everyone has a limit! But you love them and apparently haven't found yours yet. Could they be more in love with you? Congratulations! Two shadows for the rest of your life. 
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ac-ars · 7 years ago
drunk talking
ayy she is there she is done, its ta au which is always sin, more sin than normally, plus the prompt is sin so here you have it i hope you have fun 
day 5 - “I called one of the telephone numbers written in the toilet stall and now I want to fuck your voice”
drunk talking
Luna Valente lucked out today despite the fact she very, very overslept. It’s the worst day possible to be late, since today is supposed to be some test on chemistry and she was studying probably too long, because this very chapter has been such a bitch. Longer than others and mentioning more difficult shit and in general Luna just never liked this part of chemistry. They will never be friends and she guesses that it’s okay. Anyway, she was running around her apartment like a tornado, starting one thing and then another, without finishing the first one. She ended up washing her teeth and brushing her hair while wearing her underwear, one sock and a skirt. And when she was buttoning up her flowy, short sleeve shirt, she was also eating her cereal. That’s called multitasking and no one but Luna Valente in hurry can master it to this level.
She managed to catch subway, the one before the last possible she could take to be on time, she finished her tea on the go, and then ran a little towards the building in the campus, so now she is heading to the toilet, to gather herself together and look less like messy mess.
Those dark circles under her eyes really need to disappear under the concealer and her face would love to use a little blush, and those brown hairs that are sticking in every side probably will be happy to be hang out with a brush.
In the middle of miracle makeover Luna gets a text from Pedro, asking her where she is. She hums and rolls her eyes at this impatient asshole and answers that she will be there soon soon. Her thoughts kinda run away in some weird directions to what else should she do, maybe buy a bottle of water, but now or later? Does she have time for that? Will she go for lunch with Pedro later or will he be drama queen about how she cheated from his test? This eats definitely too much time of Luna’s while she is trying to untangle this messy ball of her hair under right ear, she looks around the ugly mirror until she spots some writing with permanent marker right below the corner of said mirror.
This part of the campus, more like this very specific building is waiting for some renovations out and inside, this means the toilets aren’t in the best state here. Not that they are stinky and disgusting, but there are weird writings around, some doodles and curses, many, many phone numbers. Luna isn’t a fan of ruining something, writing over something, because there are usually people who will have to work and clean it later or fix, and she is just a good person, trying to get them as little of unneeded trouble, as possible.
But! She leans her head to the left, to make sure all her hair where the tangle ball used to be, are fine and there is nothing to brush else. Her eyes follow all the writings on the tiles on the wall, wondering why are people like this, covering almost every small tile with some drawing. There is, though, this one number, written with bold, bold font, the digits seem to be a creation of someone writing the same number over and over again in the very same place, just making it more visible and bolder. She hums, because what could be so important, or who, to be left like this for future in ladies’ toilet. Luna, completely not sure what she is going to do with it, just saves it on her contacts and runs towards the class, because boy, chemistry is watching for her.
“What do we have tomorrow?” she asks lazily while playing with her empty glass after wine. Pedro looks at her with raised eyebrows and shrugs. “I don’t know. No test, that’s for sure, but I think we have physics.”
“Oh my, I don’t wanna,” Luna mumbles, cursing under her breath and he kicks her ankle softly. “Don’t pretend you don’t wanna go. You are dying to see that guy every damn week, Luna Valente.” He looks super smug right now and she opens her mouth wide, very offended.
“I very don’t are if it’s Matteo or not, the break is this weekend and everyone cancelled classes tomorrow except this asshole. I really don’t wanna see him.”
Her Spanish friend looks at her very skeptical and totally not believing her. “I can’t even imagine you looking or thinking about him anything but hungry, and it’s totally okay. We all have issues when it comes to hot people. For example I still can’t not stare at my English prof from the old times when I tried to study English.”
Luna rolls her eyes and crosses her legs. “I’m totally not staring at him any hungry.” The wine in her head isn’t really helping now when it gives her images of said Matteo Balsano, who looked incredibly attractive when she last time saw him. So attractive, that she actually missed what he was talking about at the end of the class, and missed why the whole group is so mad at him. Then Pedro told her, and now Luna and her brain have quiet days without imagining her ta before she goes to sleep.
“Yes, of course,” he says getting up and putting his empty glass on the coffee table and kissing top of the brunette’s head. “I’m gonna be going home since tomorrow we are seeing each other on physics. Please don’t waste yourself so I gotta come here and put you together.”
She pouts at this but sends him a kiss and he leaves, and she empties her own glass quickly, not sure what to do now. It’s gonna be probably boring, so she takes her phone and looks through all insta stories to check what’s going on around the world.
Ambar is hanging out with some weird goths again, but she seems happy or at least not annoyed so it’s a good thing already. Simon and his Roller bros are playing some concert in this small famous club on the other end of Buenos Aires and it’s like third Thursday in a row, so they told her she didn’t need to attend. Gastón is posting on his story some aesthetic pictures of student life in Oxford, selfies with some girl and generally pretty shit, while Nina is travelling around museums today, writing and writing. Not once has she said that art inspires her to make more art.
There is nothing much happening when it comes to people from uni, so Luna just opens her recently used apps, because why not really? She finds that she used contacts today, which is unusual; they don’t really call or text each other since she mostly uses whatsapp or messenger, or anything that requires only internet.
In her contacts she finds some new one, added today, and in a moment she remembers it’s the number from her uni toilet, which sounds all kinds of ridiculous, but also very appealing to her drunk, wasted and tired brain.
She clicks on it, her phone asks her if she wants to call or text, and first thing she does is pouring some more whine to her glass. It’s gonna be very interesting here and Luna giggles at herself, as she presses the call square on her screen. When she hears like fifth signal, she remembers what the fuck time it is, and calling anyone at this hour is super, super rude, but in the same moment she takes her phone away from her face to hang up, someone picks up.
“Hello?” some male, deep and raspy voice asks, and Luna’s first thought is oh fuck and second is oh fuck I woke this guy up. Before she manages to say anything, he adds impatient. “Is anyone there? If it’s nothing important, I’m ending this call, because I would really love to sleep-”
“Hi,” Luna jumps and he shuts up for a few super short seconds. “Um, I’m sorry, it’s a mistake.”
“A mistake?” he asks, “I don’t think calling anyone at this ungodly hour can be described as a mistake, little lady.”
She takes a deep breath and a sip of wine from her glass. “I, um, shouldn’t have called, but I am drunk and I was bored, and it just kinda happened. I’m sorry.”
The guy on the other side of the phone sighs heavily, even this sound is somehow hot, and at this point Luna can’t really care if he can be some disgusting creep, she will just block this number tomorrow plus she won’t really tell him any details. Bless her drunk brain always keeping her safe no matter what.
“Okay, tell me, should I have your number saved? Where did you even get mine?” he asks, his voice changes and maybe he is more awake now, which is bad and bad at the same time.
“No, no, I’m, it’s gonna be dumb as hell, but I found your number written on wall in the toilet in my faculty.”
The guy laughs quietly and sighs again. “Dear stars, why have I done this to myself? So you are a student?”
“Yeah, but that’s all I’m telling you. I don’t know who you are and I won’t tell you anything.”
Luna hears him humming longly. “You don’t know who I am then?”
“I just told you that!” She rolls her eyes and he laughs again, and she is kinda annoyed at this point. The guy seems amused, but then he clears his throat. He speaks, and his voice sounds kinda different. She is focusing on his voice too much. “I have few questions for you, actually, but they aren’t about any private shit, you don’t have to worry I will try to stalk you anywhere.” He stops for a moment and continues, Luna completely focused drinks her wine slowly, just to find her glass is empty and it’s a moment to fill it again, because she is oh so curious. “I’m just lowkey lost, it’s been years since I got this kinda call.”
“I get it, you know you can just hang up, though?” she asks, playing with a strand of her hair and makes herself more comfy on the couch. It’s dark, and quiet, and Luna wants him to talk to her endlessly.
“Nah, it’s okay, I wasn’t really sleeping anyway, so tell me, little lady I don’t know name of, why are you awake at this hour?”
Luna shrugs to herself, remembering just after a moment that he can’t see her. “I guess I’m not sleepy yet. Plus I still have wine to drink.”
She can’t see him either, but she is sure that he is smiling right now. And it feels weirdly good. “Perfect, I’m going to help you with falling asleep today, because I think it’s unfair to leave you alone, not being able to sleep, even if, as you said, you called by mistake.”
This is getting weirder, and weirder, and Luna Valente doesn’t mind at all. “How would you help me from there, wherever you are?”
“Oh don’t worry about that. Will you do what I tell you, though?”
She bites on her lower lip, thinking, and wine answers for her. “Sure.”
Damn, damn, damn. Damn everything, because here she is, late again, and it’s probably Pedro ringing her door bell. It’s a disaster, she went to sleep definitely too late for it to be any accepted and her friend is gonna kick her ass in a minute. Wanting or not, Luna needs to open him, he looks at her super angry, but as soon as he sees her, he laughs so loudly.
She pouts, but honestly she can’t be stressed at all after last night’s letting all tension out. She isn’t even feeling any disgust with herself as she is planning to block the number to this guy, in case he calls her or something. Pedro seems to be very smug, but she ignores that.
“How late are we?” The brunette asks, running around as he just goes to the kitchen and makes himself a coffee.
“We are on perfect time to manage. I decided to scare you a little so you hurry up your little butt faster around.”
As soon as she sees that, she growls and huffs and goes to her bedroom to get dressed, and bless this bastard for driving her today, because she isn’t in a mood for subway today. She will be paranoid and think that every hot guy is the guy. His voice and his ideas were hot as fuck, so it’s obvious her brain will just go towards the attractive men.
“What is wrong with you, little one? You seem absent today. Tell me, what time did you go to sleep?”
She just rolls her eyes and pushes him out of her apartment, despite the fact that he is still holding one of her cat mugs.
Pedro is driving very weirdly, or at least Luna thinks that. He is a mess, but she feels with him always safe, right now safe enough to focus on her thoughts as she is wondering what the fuck is wrong with her that she called this guy last night. What the fuck is wrong with her at all? She has no idea, but this was so weird and so hot, and the wine didn’t help her to chill. Her eyes are set on the road in front of them, and before she can wake up, they are on uni’s parking lot and Pedro is poking her on the cheek to leave the car.
“Okay, I know,” he says and Luna throws him a weird look. “You know what?”
“Drugs. I’m sure it’s this, because you haven’t trashed me one single time during the way here, and usually you keep telling me how to drive, even if you don’t own a car.”
She rolls her eyes. “I have just other stuff on my head. I will tell you later, but now I gotta go to bathroom, because you idiot didn’t let me brush my hair.”
“You look pretty, maybe Balsano will think your bed head is hot.” Pedro hums, but she just shakes her head and walks quickly to the closest bathroom, since she hates being late.
Her eyes are focused on the phone as she is checking the hour, until she bumps into someone violently; the other person steadies her with their hands on her shoulders. The brunette looks up and blinks surprised, seeing no one else, but her physics ta, leaving toilet for women, which is weird, but his eyes sparkling with amusement, and this smirk don’t really let her think longer about how unusual this is.
“Watch out, Luna, please. We don’t want you to end up on the floor, do we?” he asks with small smirk and she needs to calm her hormones, and this is going to be a problem, since all tension that left her last night is all back, twice as strong, because so close to Matteo she has never been.
The brunette manages to speak, though. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry about that. I hope nothing happened to you.”
He sends her a smile. “Oh, don’t worry about that.”
With this, he caresses her shoulders last time, and leaves, probably to his small office and then to class, which means she doesn’t have much time. She still needs to brush her hair, even if he already seen her. Pedro is gonna pay for saying it and messing with her (bad) luck.
She enters the bathroom and without anything just searches for her brush in the back. Her eyes automatically swim towards the bolded number on the wall.
It’s not there anymore.
Sitting on her seat in physics class, next to her best friend who knows fucking nothing, is the most difficult thing. She has no idea what people around her are speaking, but now her mind is busy with the fact, how something written who knows when, could go off so easily, when just the very day before it was there visible and healthy.
She has really no idea, this is so, so confusing and she can’t tell Pedro, because this asshole is going to make fun of her and say that she seriously needs to drink less and get laid properly, not by herself on the phone, but he is ridiculous jerk with issues, so maybe it won’t be that bad.
For now, Matteo is talking something to them, she doesn’t understand, her mind keeps repeating how he said oh, don’t worry about that and with each and every time she is less calm. He eventually lies his eyes on her, there is something in his look that messes with her every thought.
He winks.
She gasps.
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crackedmirrorseries-blog · 8 years ago
Chapter 2
Parker can’t remember a time when she didn’t dream.
Let’s rephrase that, she can’t remember a time before her dreams gave her insight into a parallel universe. It wasn’t until she was 12 that she realized her dreams weren’t normal; that they were too clear. It wasn’t until she was 15 that she even decided to look into the phenomena she was experiencing,  and came up empty handed. It’s not like there’s a guidebook on interdimensional cerebral communication in dreams, and if there were, she certainly wouldn’t have believed that’s what was happening to her, at least not back then.
She can’t remember the first time she saw Parker II’s world, but she remembers the first time she saw it after Emmet died. Typically, in her dreams she would be doing normal, everyday things with Emmet and her family. Sometimes they all ate breakfast together, sometimes they all went to the moves, and sometimes they had family game night. But this dream was different.
Parker had not wanted to fall asleep since her brother had died earlier that day, but eventually emotional and physical exhaustion took over. The dream started out nice; Parker and Emmet were walking home from school discussing the merits of being the Hulk over being Captain America. It was reminiscent of conversations and arguments they used to have in real life, so it soothed Parker for a bit. But when they got home, the argument turned heated.
Somewhere along the way it had morphed from a light-hearted conversation about superheroes into a full-fledged argument about the kids at school. Emmet had recently started hanging out with some of the cool kids who did dangerous stuff, things that might end up getting him killed. It seemed to be the same in Parker II’s world as well, but Emmet was not backing down.
“You’re just saying that they’re dangerous because you’re jealous that you don’t have any friends!” Emmet screamed in her face as they walked through the front door.
“You know that’s not true! It’s because James and Jack are dangerous and like to get into trouble that isn’t needed.”
“Whatever, why does it matter what you think?!”
As Emmet stormed away, Parker’s mind began racing as her body slumped down onto the couch. Go after him! He can’t be friends with them! Please! DO SOMETHING! Don’t give up or you’ll never see him again. Parker, GO! Please, please, please, please, please…
Parker isn’t sure how long she sat slumped onto the couch but quietly Emmet tiptoed his way down the stairs and sat next to her. It was silent for a moment before he spoke, “Listen, I didn’t mean what I said earlier, about you being jealous. I know it’s been… hard on you since we moved here, but you’re an awesome person, Parker. You’ll find your place; it’s only been three weeks.”
Parker quickly found herself wrapped up in a hug from her younger brother, but her mind continued to race. He came back. He didn’t leave. He didn’t die. Why can’t this be real?
“Thanks, Emmet. But in all seriousness, those guys are bad news, I heard one of them the other day talking about how they had set someone’s house on fire as a prank. Please, be careful.” Parker drew him in for another hug and squeezes her eyes shut. When she opened them, she was in her own room with a pounding headache and a drained body, not the sunlight front room hugging her brother
It was a dream. It had all felt so real. Parker immediately felt tears run down her face. Instead of Emmet’s twig arms wrapped around her, she felt her own clutching at her sides as she gasped for breath.
After Emmet’s death, her whole family went to therapy for a while. Her mother was too despondent and wouldn’t speak or acknowledge the counselor they talked to. Her father tried his best, but he was never one who had an easy time expressing emotion. But Parker lived with two worlds in her brain; one where Emmet was alive, and one where he wasn’t. Every morning she was forced to face the reality of her situation, she would never get to see Emmet again while she was awake. Her therapist urged her to let go of Emmet, to find a healthy coping mechanism for his passing. How am I supposed to do that when I still see him all the time? They didn’t stay in therapy for long.
When Parker woke up after she learned Salma’s name, she was brought back to her dream about Emmet. Instead the of sadness and terror she felt back then, she was curious and confused, but the base thought stayed the same: I will never forget this.
When her Dad walked by her room as he headed towards the kitchen, he saw her sprawled out on her bed with her hands pressed to her eyes. “Hey kiddo, you think you’re going to school today?”
Parker took stock of her emotions before answering, “Yeah, Dad. It wasn’t him, it was just a weird dream.”
Therapy was good for one thing at least; Parker’s Dad knew that she frequently had dreams about Emmet. They never said Emmet’s name to each other, except for on the anniversary of his death. There were too many emotions that spiked when they thought about him concretely, so they tended to steer clear of the topic. But he understood and respected that she would need more mental health days than most kids her age.
“Alright, if you hurry it up a bit I can drop you off on my way to the Station.” That’s another big difference between her world and the other world. In this world, after Emmet’s death, her father found his purpose in being a police officer and was eventually elected sheriff. In the other world, since Emmet was still alive, her father remained at his old job as a math teacher at the high school.
“Ok, I’ll be ready in a bit.”
Parker was dreading the rest of the day. She had to sit through all her classes knowing what Salma’s lips felt like against her own. Thinking about what Salma’s hair felt like cascading down her back in a neat ponytail. Remembering the broken feeling that permeated her body as she clutched onto the other girl. She had to make it through a day of AP Biology, AP English, AP Psychology, AP Calculus, Economics, and Spanish knowing she won’t be able to pay full attention, if any at all.
She dragged herself out of bed and quickly got ready for the day. The ride to school with her dad was quiet as they enjoyed the moment together before both of their days got too hectic. Parker closed her eyes for a moment to psych herself up for the day but as soon as she did she saw flashed of the dream: lips on lips, hands in hair, arms wrapped around her. Her eyes flew open and a soft blush crept to her cheeks as she sat up straight in her seat.
“You sure you’re okay today, kiddo? You’re looking a little red and flu season is just around the corner. Someone’s gotta be the first one to get sick.”
“Yeah, I’m fine, dad. I’m just tired is all.”
Once Parker finally arrived to school, things seemed to settle down. Although she thought her mind would be preoccupied the whole day with memories of the dream, she found school to actually be distracting her. Midterms were in a couple weeks and her AP classes were really pushing her to pay attention and study more, which today was a blessing.
At lunch, Parker finally got a break from a constant barrage of information and her mind began to wander again. This time, instead of concentrating on the kiss and the physical aspects she had experienced, she tried to reason out what spurred this moment. It wasn’t as if she had been having visions of different things, nothing was out of the ordinary. So, for Parker II to show such raw panic and sadness was something she needed to figure out.
She started with when the dream had turned into a memory. Usually, the transition was very clear cut, but this time it seemed that she phased into the memory as Parker was sitting on the bed. On very rare occasions, Parker could feel Parker II’s emotions bleeding over into her mind but the emotions didn’t help her narrow down the cause.
Obviously, she’s upset about something to do with Salma, which is weird. It wouldn’t be my parents having an issue with it but maybe her parents? Or maybe it was something to do with Dirk since he hasn’t been in my dreams in a couple nights. Maybe it was the kids at school? Or the people from in town? Or maybe-
Her thoughts ran in never ending circles for the rest of lunch, not clearing up any of her confusion. The rest of the day was an easier course load and Parker found her mind drifting back to when Salma had first walked into the room. She had walked in and hadn’t made eye contact until she had fully shut the door. She also was hesitant to move too close until Parker had stepped forward and met her halfway. These points brought about even more cognitive circles to run in.
Why did she avoid my eyes? Were they fighting? Certainly, not while they were kissing. I don’t think I would ever kiss someone to end a fight. But why was she being so hesitant? Why would she kiss me back if she didn’t want to? Why-
By the end of the school day, Parker just wanted to get to sleep, eager to get back to the other world. After she walked home and finished her homework, she decided to take a quick nap. It wasn’t always certain she would dream is she napped, but it did happen sometimes. She wanted get all the chances she could to see into the other world. She texted her dad to let him know if she didn’t respond when he came home it was because she was napping.
She cozied down in her bed and was drifting off, eager to get new information about Salma, maybe even figure out her last name. It took a bit for her to fall asleep and once she did, she was in a normal dream. It was dark and she seemed to be in a forest walking around looking up to catch a glimpse of the sky between the trees. She kept wandering and eventually came upon a thicket where the trees were getting closer and closer together. When she turned around to head a different way, all the trees were slowly but surely moving closer to her. She watched them move in by inch with no escape, until all her vision was blacked out.
She found herself moving and walking in the darkness. Instead of the pressure of trees she thought would be surrounding her, she was met with no physical resistance. She was walking, and then she was jogging, and then she was running; the only sound to accompany her was her own breath. She paused for a moment, spinning around trying to right herself in some sort of direction when she heard a faint noise from behind her. When she turned around there was a smattering of light off in the distance. Parker ran as hard as she could and was eventually close enough to almost touch the light. She blinked for a second and when she opened her eyes, she was in the bathroom staring at her own reflection, at Parker II′s reflection.
She wasn’t able to control the motions in her memories, but it didn’t stop her from trying. For what felt like hours, she observed Parker II’s eyes staring into her reflection which a confused look on her face. Everything seemed to have stopped for her, but Parker could hear the faint rushing of water. Just when Parker thought she might just wake up once she runs out of time, her mouth opened.
“I know you’re in there and we haven’t got much time, but there is something you need to know.”
Who is she talking to. Why is someone else in the bathroom?
“No one else is here, it’s just us.”
Wait, you can hear me?
“Yes but that’s not what’s important right now.”
Uhh, it’s pretty important, dude.
“Can we just move on for a second?”
Yeah, I guess. I mean, I can’t control you, so do whatever.
“You need to be careful Parker; you need to watch out for yourself when you wake up.”
“I can’t explain much right now since we’re almost out of time, but you need to know that you’re special, but you’re not alone. They’re hunting you, but they only know about you. With Salma and Dirk, you’re stronger. You always work better as a team.”
Work better towards what?
“Towards dreaming.”
With that, the lights in the bathroom flickered out and Parker was thrown into the darkness. When she woke up a couple of second later, she ran over to her desk to write down everything she remembered from the dream while Parker II’s words bounced around in her head.
“They’re hunting you.”
Start | Next Chapter
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oh-barcelona-blog1 · 8 years ago
Middle of nowhere, Portugal !
My newly minted boyfriend is Portuguese. So last weekend, we embarked on a 24 hour adventure to surprise one of his best friends on his 30th birthday.
Day 1:
We landed in Porto at around 1300. It was my first time in Porto, so I had some important things that I needed to see! We only had 4 hours to be tourists, but my dude is pretty awesome so we managed.
The fanciest McDonald’s in the world
Had the taxi drop us off there. Saw the eagle. And off we went immediately after to do more touristing!
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(not my pictures - grabbed off the internet/pinterest. if you know the owner let me know so i can credit)
Lunch was in a small place somewhere where old people (locals) were eating. Always a good sign. And a ton of food for 2 was just 20€ (a lunch menu in BCN will probably be 12-14/person)! Don’t even get me started on the food... More on that later.
The Duoro River
Water, post-card friendly view, a ton of tourists eating by the water, and seagulls. SEAGULLS. A TON OF THEM. Stealing food from tables. It was hilarious. It was also warm which was nice. Considering it’s still the middle of February.
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Livraria Lello
One of the oldest bookstores in Portugal. And one of the prettiest too! Neo-gothic feel. Lighting done right. And tourists mostly inside. To be honest, it has a Harry Potter feel to it. Didn’t buy anything. Sad.
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One of my favourite things from that 4 hours of touristing was the street-art. Gotta give props to Porto local government for encouraging street artists to put their work on street structures to make them more easy on the eyes.
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Meeting the friends
So this is the first time I’m meeting my boyfriend’s friends. All Portuguese, of course. My Spanish isn’t even good enough to have a casual conversation in Barcelona. It didn’t allow me to survive in Portugal. I know they speak a different language --- but if the dude can survive in BCN with his Portuñol --- i should be able to do the same the other way around, right? Wrong!
We met up with Nuno’s (let’s use names now, it’ll be easier) friend from Lisbon so we can all drive together to Cabeceiras de Basto -- or as I would like to call it: Middle of Nowhere, Portugal. It was a 1hour drive from Porto - a small municipality which has a population of probably less than 20k (and maybe less than 5k in the town center). 
I spent the entire drive up to CdB, fighting off sleep. Which was pretty hard considering we just had a company offsite the day before (a nice way to say drinking with your co-workers for 2 days straight). I was hungover and sleepy, which were not good things when you’re trying to impress your boyfriend’s friends ---- in a mix of Spanish, Portuñol, and fast English (because fast is the only speed setting I have when I’m feeling anxious). 
Fast forward to the actual party and many glasses of wine later --- we were asked to wear robes. Monk-ish robes. Birthday celebrant was part of a cultural/theatre group in CdB so his surprise birthday party was an elaborate event more fitting for a wedding rather than a 30th birthday party. But with costumes. And it was great! It was the first time I was meeting the dude too so I felt like an outsider in a sea of friends who somehow all knew each other. And then there’s me. New face. Definitely not the face of a European. It was pretty hard not to stand out when all I wanted to do was just blend in. 
I did manage to get over my anxiety and my shyness though. Most of Nuno’s friends were pretty cool. Making sure that I’m having fun. Or that I know what I’m eating. Getting invited to join them for a smoke. I did the Limbo and nearly broke my back. I danced -- as in really danced. Because bobbing my head and pointing a finger at the ceiling wasn’t enough dancing for these guys. And as much as I tried to avoid drinking any alcohol (because I’m still drunk from the previous nights) -- the abundance of good wine, plus the open bar at midnight was just too much to resist. 
I have to say that these guys know how to party. And eat. And drink. Everybody keeps talking about the Italians and the Spanish and the French when it comes to food and wine. With the Italians I think they’re right. With the Spanish though? Meh. But I think the Portuguese are Europe's best kept secret (I just hope my boyfriend never finds out that I said that. Otherwise, the gloating will never end) when it comes to food and wine. The food is mostly simple. The kind of food your grandma will make for you on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Comfort food. And their rice. These guys know how to make their rice! Cooked in olive oil and onions! The red wine is strong and fruity and full bodied. The green wine is actually white but delightful. And their pastel de natas! And let’s not forget their coffee. OY!
We had to chip in for the party of course. 25EU/person. To pay for the buffet of starters. The overflowing wine, and sangria. The open bar. The 3 course dinner. And the 12 types of desser that were served. All these in ballroom, on top of a hill that we had to ourselves until 4am. 25EU. That’s a lot cheaper than a normal dinner I would have here in Barcelona at a Mexican restaurant. 
By 4am I was ready to pass out. But we were staying for the night at the celebrant’s house -- and well I didn’t want to be the boring girlfriend that Nuno introduced them too I powered through. Sneaking in little naps as much as I can. Like during the 15m drive we took from the venue back to the center so we can go to this “underground” (literally) club for more drinking and more dancing. I was barely standing up. 
Small towns are amazing though. I heard the celebrant ask the owner of the bar/club for the bill so he can pay for everybody’s beers but the guy just blinked at him and said “Happy Birthday”. Perks of everybody knowing everybody. 
There were 2 more clubs after that and I barely remembered what happened during those 2 hours. Except for 2 things: 1) me grabbing every chair opportunity I can find 2) and one of Nuno’s friends saying to his other friend “She’s from fucking Philippines” while pointing at me, after he found out where I am from. I didn’t know whether to be offended or amused. I chose the latter instead.
It was nearly 7am when they finally decided to head home. Them still brimming with energy and chatter. Me, nearly dead. I guess it’s hard to be on the same page of enthusiasm when a) I just met them b) I have no idea what they’re talking about most of the time. Standing there, nodding, smiling, while my brain furiously tries to translate it an exhausting ordeal. 
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Day 2:
How they were up and awake and actually alive before noon was a huge mystery to me. But suddenly we were in a flurry of getting ready for a big lunch. 
And lunch was a huge ordeal of 6 tables put together to accommodate our big group. Wine for lunch. Beef with mushrooms. Cotolette. Some sausage. A ton of fries. And even more ries. Coffee, of course was served after. And nobody even blinks at indoor smoking. There were still left over cake from the previous night’s party. Energy was high - even though everybody looked fogged over. 
And just like the bar/club from the previous night -- payment was made in the form of a blink, a handshake, and a back clap, along with the reassurances that the birthday celebrant can pay whenever he’s able to swing by. 
Cabeceiras de Basto had a tiny museum that we went to after food. It was a town museum just to show the history, topography, and neat facts about the town. Of course it was cool. I’m also a huge sucker for these things. We ended the tour with a short tourism video about CdB -- which of course was in Portuguese so I just appreciated the images instead.
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We still had some hours before we had to fly back. So we went back to the house to chill and smoke some more of course. These kids (I would say kids because most of them are a year or 2 younger than I am) have such strong lungs! So we talked about (well they did, I just listened and tried to contribute to the conversation every once in a while) the rent in CdB (200 for their entire apartment which was a 3 bedroom, 2 baths, beauty compared to my 850 mess in Barcelona), the small town life, and some stories from their childhood here and there. 
It was nice to see my boyfriend in his element -- with his friends, relaxed, not bombarded with big city annoyances. 
Then it was time to go home. 
Hugs were exchanged. And a promise to learn the language so not to be left out of the conversation anymore next time. 
Went to Portugal for my boyfriend’s friend’s surprise birthday party. Took a quick tour of Porto before driving up to Cabeceiras de Basto - a small municipality an hour away from Porto. People were awesome. Food was even more awesome. The wine was divine. And I had a ton of fun.
Of course by the time we got back to Barcelona I was practically crawling to my apartment. And I remained dead for the next couple of days. 
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