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73 shades of Grey
This one tone weather is truly depressing grey grey and more grey every morning, just need to add some colour into my day.
Had a great weekend, wee man had his first serious game of football against his hero's Rangers, they were beaten fairly soundly but the signs were good that the newly formed team is trying to play the game in the right manner with the ball on the deck. So can't wait till next weekend's big game, neither can he.
Thoroughly enjoying the Paralympics, probably more than I thought I would, it's聽competitive, exciting and more importantly quite emotional at times, which is the essential ingredient for any sporting event. Great to see Lee McCulloch get over the 100 goals line, he is a聽fantastic聽professional footballer, and the perfect Captain to take Rangers back into the top division when ever that may be.
Interesting that the media in England seem to think that another runway at Heathrow is worthy of huge debate, and clinical聽analysis, when the real issue is how are we going to grow out of this聽recession, if a runway will do it then lets build 2, and speed up the recovery.
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Good Morning all, its another grey day in Glasgow, trying my best not to feel the same but the thought of the week ahead does not fill me with joy.
My new frames backing boards and sample boards arrived during the course of last week, and overall I am delighted with the results, and I am looking forward to showing them to my clients for approval and ordering.
Another exciting weekend of sport, unless like me you are a Rangers fan, the drivel we are serving up at the moment needs to come to an abrupt end, before fans really do start deserting in their droves.
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TGIF I really mean that
ell it's Friday again, it's grey again, and I am way behind with work, again. It's been a busy week, kids first full week back at school, lots of running around, new frames and prints ordered for the business, much mounting to be done ( not that kind) so a busy weekend ahead.
A big day for Norwegians today, we can only hope that Brevik being dealt with will help heal the many wounds in a normally peaceful and compliant country.
Unlucky for Hearts last night, thought they gave it a credible effort to try and win against Liverpool, but in the end just didn't have enough. Motherwell couldn't rise to the聽occasion, so it looks like Scotland's sole interest in Europe will be Celtic, despite my natural misgivings I have got to wish them the best, it's聽imperative聽that we聽retain聽the聽chance聽for Scottish Clubs to get into the Champions League.聽
I watched the Boccia Brothers last night on BBC 2, it was fantastic, a great story of hope, humour and belief, I will be supporting throughout their time at the Paralympics 2012.
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Back to blogging now on Google+
I have been away from my blog for several weeks now, started it a few times but never quite got back into it, but it's Monday a new week so here I go again.
聽Since my last blog, much has been happening, school holidays, continuation of horrendous weather, new lenses, more customers, market stall booked, Olympic success,聽Rangers聽start Div 3, Assange has become some kind of twisted hero,聽Tony Scott聽has died, we have been on聽holiday聽to Skye and Oban, Josh started high school, Rachie started 3rd year, we have changed cars, I am still trying to repair bathroom, Alison is back at work, and the economy gets weaker by the day.
I have managed to aquire two stunning vintage聽Kiron聽lenses early days but the quality of construction and images to date is outstanding but more testing needs to be done.
Our summer holidays involved going to see my Mum and Dad in Oban, the weather was ok, and it was great to be in the country again, the kids as always had a ball, fishing, shopping, reading and of course eating, where we spoiled once again by the offerings at聽Piazza Oban聽as well as great cakes and coffees at various local eateries. It's a great town well worth visiting, great food, and shopping, with the added benefit of stunning scenery.
We then headed off to Skye, we went via Mallaig taking the ferry across, the drive from Oban is breathtaking, and rewarded with a 聽very scenic trip across the Minch. The journey and the weather in Skye was spectacular, I and the kids were swimming in the sea at聽Glen Brittle, if you ever get the chance it's a place you must go and see, amazing聽mountains, finished off with a massive beach, with safe shallow and fairly warm water for a swim. We even fished for Sea Trout whilst waist deep the wee man loved it. It was also a chance for me to go to聽Glendale聽this is where our families crofts are, I have not been for a long time, and couldn't believe how built up the Glen now is, quite sad to see so many houses but i suppose that's progress, we had an excellent lunch at聽Ceiteags聽聽good value and homemade food, with a great wee gift shop.
Our time in Skye was greatly enhanced by the weather and by the fantastic food we had at both the聽Bosville Hotel and Marmalade聽these Hotels offer the best of Skye in terms of聽hospitality and quality of food, can't recommend highly enough.
photorammy聽is going from聽strength聽to strength, gaining more business as each day goes by, much work still needs to be done on the website, it's becoming a bit of a saga but I will get there.
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Don't mention the Flag
Good Afternoon,
You really do have to laugh, Scotland's聽contribution聽to the Olympic Games is to cause a diplomatic incident, cause a football match to start late and generally get the whole event off to a blinding start.
I suppose London 2012 will take the blame but the custodians of Hampden, the SFA have got to take some of the blame, these self-important egomaniacs have much to answer of late, this is just another example of their聽incompetency.
So a new Chancellor could be on it's way, I can't wait, lets face it not one of the possible alternatives have one idea between them, it will be a new face same聽policy. 聽
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Double Dip? -Only if it's Sherbet
Good Morning,
聽Proper blue skies this morning, might even be warm outside.
Usual news on the economy, continued Double Dip, recession, without the Sherbet, Osbourne has to come up with a better plan than pumping more money into the banks, just give the money directly to the public and let us decide what to do with the cash, spend, save, invest all of this will make a genuine 聽positive impact on the economy.
Olympic hype starting to take over all of the media now, I am looking forward to the games, but an over the top media response to the least bit of news will soon take the sheen of this massive event..
Our trusted allies the Russians have assured everyone that Syria's Chemical Weapons are under the Assad regimes protection, and that there is nothing to worry about, well that works for me.
I send my best wished to Portsmouth fans, it's a difficult time for a Club and it's fans, hopefully thay can be rescued and made financially secure.聽
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Tuesday - Bluesday
Good Morning,
Well it's Chemical Time in Syria, looks like Assad is finally calling the UN's bluff, what stance will we take, how will we react, the one thing is for sure it will be in the strongest terms in a memo.
Great to see all the praise and support in the media for Bradley Wiggins, let's hope the positivity remains during the games.
It's a dry start here today, would be nice if it remained the same for the rest of the week, not likely though.
Struggling today to say anything of interest, not that I have set the bar very high in that department , will try better tomorrow.
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I'm back I know it's been a while
Good Morning,
Well despite the continued gloom, I have had a pretty good weekend, continued the fitness push with tennis on Saturday, still feeling the effects, and I had a quick blast up the road to Oban to see my mum and dad, the weather was appalling, wet and windy, so not the best of drives, but it was great to see them both.
Busy week ahead, got to try and sort new banking arrangements hopefully get sorted with the Co-Op, no point in bumping my gums about bankers if I don't get into gear and change my accounts.
Over the moon for Bradley Wiggins, a truly wonderful achievement, he is a great character does not conform to the press stereotype, always has something interesting to say and is a聽fantastic聽example for kids.聽
Well well the Big Easy Ernie Els wins the Open, great credit to him, and he deserved it, the Championship as a whole was disappointing, not much to excited about, fairly muted crowds and a final day scorecard that was poor at best.
Alonso triumphs again, you have to hand it to the former World Champion, he does seem to be able to surmount car problems with his own skill and will, he was now be the favourite for the championship.
Another week begins for Rangers, I wonder what's next, if the authorities keep this up, then I think we should pull out completely for a season.
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It's Follow Friday
Good Morning,
Well it's dry and fairly bright here today, almost exceptional given recent conditions.
Funny how stuff becomes part of our culture very quickly, I am a twitter user, fairly new at it but still very aware of the etiquette of following, responding to mentions and of course taking part in #ff absurd as it all is, I still take part, and will be asking people to follow people I like?
Good start at the Open yesterday, my man Martin Laird did ok, but Paul Lawrie was brilliant, he was never given the credit he deserved for his Open win, it's always been that Van de Velde blew it, but he only crumbled, because of the聽unbelievable聽final round that Lawrie, so fingers crossed for Paul.
Bradley Wiggins is getting closer by the day to make the sort of sporting history you can only dream of, I hope nothing goes wrong, so close but not done yet.
Just watching the news this morning, and yet another mass shooting in America, I don't know if it's terrorist, or a loner etc, 聽but the people in America must be fed up with this type of incident seems to happen in form or another every other month.
HSBC the bank that likes to launder money, Lloyds the bank that's just been redeemed by the Co-Op,
what next from the Banks who have received 拢325 billion pounds of our money, our future money, and our kids future money.
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