#the October Scare is real with these guys lol
clowningaroundmars · 1 month
the way that i am now downloading stock market news apps......... and squinting at these crazy ass news articles and learning finance terms n shit.... trying to read these number and graphs........
i am morphing into a middle aged dad of 3 kids. 🧍‍♂️
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agaypanic · 10 months
Benny Weir helps female reader conquer fears of ether small tight spaces heights or haunted houses
It's Not So Scary (Benny Weir X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Benny convinces you to go into a haunted house, so it’s only fair that you make him hold your hand the whole way through.
A/N: pretend that it’s still october lol feel like this can be read as romantic or platonic
Halloween was probably your favorite holiday. The fun costumes, the free candy, knowing that every monster that passed by was actually just a ten-year-old in a mask. Considering your friend group’s hobbies, you weren’t too scared of real monsters, but it was nice to have a break from that every once in a while.
Something you weren’t a fan of, however, was haunted houses. All your friends knew you’d rather fight an army of vampires than investigate a house filled with paranormal activity.
So it pissed you off when you all passed a haunted house at the Halloween fair and they all insisted on going in.
“I’ll just wait outside, guys.” You said, eyeing the building suspiciously. You obviously knew that the ‘haunted’ aspect was fake and that this was just a tourist attraction, but for some reason, that didn’t ease any of your worries.
“Nooo, come on,” Rory whined in disappointment. “You’re really gonna stay out here alone?”
“I’d rather do that than go in there!”
“Are you sure, Y/n?” Sarah asked. “If you want, one of us can stay out here with you.” You declined the suggestion with a wave of your hand.
“I’ll be fine, guys.” Reluctantly, your friends left you to get in line for the haunted house.
Everyone except for Benny.
“Aren’t you gonna go?” You asked him, confused as to why he was staying.
“Nah, I’ll stay with you.” He smiled before digging around in his candy bag. He offered you some candy, which you gladly accepted.
A few minutes passed, and you were sure that your friends were deep into the house now. Benny kept looking from you to the attraction, and you sensed that he wanted to check it out.
“You can go, Benny.” You said softly, patting him on the back. “I’ll be okay out here; I know you wanna go in.”
“But I don’t wanna leave you.” He said, looking sad at the mere thought of it. Then, his expression slowly lit up. “You know, you could come with me.”
“Absolutely not.” You responded immediately, getting a chuckle from him.
“Come on, I bet it’s not that bad.” Benny watched you look at the house nervously. “You can hold my hand the whole time.” It was probably said as a joke, but you didn’t take it as such. Deciding to bite the bullet, you got into the line for the haunted house, dragging Benny by the hand.
You gulped and squeezed Benny’s hand tighter when you reached the entrance. He pushed you to go ahead of him, making you grumble.
The house was dark, only having just enough light to see where you were supposed to go. A light blanket of fog was on the ground, and the floor creaked with every step you took. You took deep breaths as you walked, Benny holding your hand comforting you because it was a constant reminder that you weren’t alone.
“Ah!” You screamed, bumping into Benny as a scare actor jumped out at you. Although it had also spooked him, Benny laughed at your reaction. He rubbed your shoulders comfortingly with both hands before using them to guide you forward, a hand soon letting go to hold yours again. “It’s not funny!”
“It’s a little funny.” You smacked his chest, making him laugh more.
When you finally made it out of the house, you let out a sigh of relief.
“See? Wasn’t so bad, right?” He was right; the haunted house wasn’t as bad as you thought. Benny being there helped a lot, but you didn’t feel like boosting his ego by saying so.
“Yeah, I guess.” The two of you ventured back around to the front of the house, where you found your friends. They lit up when they saw you.
“There you are!” Sarah said. “We’ve been looking for you guys.”
“Yeah, well, I convinced somebody to go through the haunted house,” Benny said, tilting his head to gesture to you. Your friends congratulated you for getting through it, even though you thought it wasn’t that big of a deal.
“Does that mean we can all go back in together?” Rory asked hopefully, already making his way to the line. You groaned at the thought of going back in there, making everyone laugh. Even though you now knew it wasn’t that scary, you didn’t really feel like going back in.
Benny squeezed your hand, getting you to look up at him. Honestly, you didn’t realize you were still holding hands when you left the house.
“I’ll let you hold my hand again.” He said with a teasing grin. You rolled your eyes, but still walked with him to get in line with your friends.
“You guys owe me some of your candy for this.”
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soulsforsales · 1 year
Professor Steven Grant x Reader
Warning: This is my first fic (Idk if that should be a warning but I am scared lol), fluff, age gap, no use of Y/N, sorry for any grammatical mistakes
Summary: You always had a weak spot for nerds but Steven Grant might just be the man of your dreams.
Pairing: Steven Grant x reader (yes, we do have Marc and Jake in the next chapters!)
Thankyou @ivystoryweaver for your ideas and support <3
Chapter 1
It is a warm Tuesday afternoon in October. You are browsing the books in the "classics" section at the bookstore. Usually, you come to the bookstore on weekends but you've decided to meet a friend this week, so here you are.
Your eyes roam the bookshelf along with your hand in a straight line until you hit something. Someone. You step back, an apology already on your lips until you turn and see the man beside you and suddenly you are at a loss for words. You stare at him.
Normally, if you run into someone at the bookstore you would just turn away and apologize, which happened a lot since you were always lost searching for your book but it wasn't a rom-com movie where anyone you accidentally stumble upon turns out to be your soulmate - but, god, right now you wish it were.
Honestly, you have seen your fair share of good-looking men, but this guy was, you dare say it, gorgeous.
He had a defined, sharp jawline with dark brown eyes, and his hair was a mess of curls. He was wearing baggy clothes but it suited him just fine and a messenger bag slung on his shoulder. 'I'm sorry,' you hear him say and he gives an apologetic smile. O.K. If you thought he was good-looking a moment ago, his smile was absolutely beaming - and it wasn't even a real smile. 'You okay?' He asks, his fingers grazing your forearm for the slightest second, bringing you back to life. He is looking down at you, confused. Really? Could he not see what he was doing to you or did he not know how good-looking he was?
You nod, saying, 'I am fine. Sorry about that.' He waves his hand in front of his face, 'No worries,' he replies with a smile. He looks a bit older than you, thirteen years or some.
You are staring at him again. You can feel yourself getting red. So embarrassing.
'That's a nice book you've got there,' he says, pointing to the book in your hands that was now wrapped around your chest. The blush on your cheeks deepens, he doesn't notice.
"Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte" you trace your fingers over the cover of the book.
'Yeah,' you say, pushing the book closer to yourself, 'you too.' Alright, you do not know why you said that, but he was holding a book and it only felt right to return the compliment.
Or maybe you are just really bad when it comes to conversations with someone who's got you fawning.
He shows the book to you, "The Ennead" it reads. Suddenly, you are intrigued. Yes, you work for a textile company but History, especially Egyptian, has always been interesting to you. And before you know it, you are both somehow in a long, elaborated conversation about the Ennead, Egyptian history, and the pyramids.
He knew so much that it left you speechless. You could only admire him as he kept spitting engrossing Egyptian facts as if it were the weather report. He talked animatedly, with his hands moving and his eyes gleaming. His hands, wow, his perfect, sleek hands were totally distracting you from his stories.
He stopped abruptly when his phone rang. He was telling you something about Ammit, the sinister goddess of the Underworld but he had to stop and pick up the call.
He held the phone close to his chest, saying, 'Looks like I'll have to leave.' He looked like he was in a hurry but he glanced at you once more before walking out the place, as if he wanted to say more.
He disappeared soon as if he'd never even been here.
Your heart is beating fast and it feels almost as if, you have never had a conversation like this one before. Maybe it was the person more than the conversation itself.
You didn't even ask for his name, you wince at the realization. You should've totally asked for his name.
Maybe you'll see him again.
For some reason, you are sure you'll see him again.
You are a few feet away from the coffee shop's door when you notice your friend. She's sitting at the table with someone, you can't really see who, and is typing aggressively into her laptop.
Your friend is in the last year of her University, she's a year younger than you. You always knew that University was not your thing but you'd attended it anyway because your parents wanted you to and being exceedingly wealthy, they had proposed to pay your study loans for you.
So now you have a full-time job, a good paycheck, and an apartment of your own without any piles of loans above your head. While your friend, still in Uni was drowning in projects and assignments and you knew she needed to loosen up a bit, hence, the reason you two were meeting today.
You enter the shop with a smile, but it drops the moment you notice who your friend is with. You freeze a few feet away from the table. You couldn't be sure if it was him but the resemblance was there.
Your friend looks up from her laptop, noticing you. She waves at you, grinning, which makes, whoever it is, sitting in front of her turn to you.
You almost trip. He looks even better than the last time you'd seen him. He was still wearing baggy clothes, his hair tousled and curly but it looked purposely done. And he was wearing glasses, red colored glasses perched on the top of his nose. Adorable.
You always had a weak spot for nerds but he might just be the man of your dreams.
Your friend asks you to come over and have a seat and you do. You can tell that he remembers you. He's been staring at you ever since you walked in and you can't breathe. What's happening to you?
Your friend, however, is oblivious, she introduces you to the man, telling him your name and he introduces himself, 'Steven Grant,' he says, shaking your hand clumsily. You nod. His hand, oh god, the handshake sent tingles all over your skin.
'He was just helping me with a few assignments, thank you so much for this,' your friend adds and after telling her that it's no big deal Steven leaves the table to get his order.
You watch him go. Steven Grant. You had met him at the bookstore almost a week ago and yet, you couldn't stop thinking about him. It felt foolish but you'd never, in your life, daydreamed about a guy the way you'd daydreamed about Steven Grant.
'Stop drooling,' your friend says interrupting your rail of thoughts. A blush spreads on your cheeks. You aren't drooling... are you?
'How do you know him?' You ask her
Your friend grins, 'he's my history professor.'
Your jaw drops, 'he's a professor?' You repeat, placing your hands on your chest dramatically, 'he's like everything I've ever wanted.'
She chuckles, 'You should ask him out. He's exactly your type and I am sure he's single.'
Your eyes turn to Steven who's now getting his coffee, 'how's he still single?'
'Because he's the most awkward person you'll ever meet and the only friend he has is a goldfish named 'Gus', it is one-finned or something. He loves talking about it,' your friend tells
You smile to yourself but your heart's hammering against your chest and you know you'd never have the courage to ask him out.
'I could never,' you say, biting your lower lip. Before your friend can reply Steven comes back with a flask that the barista had filled for him.
Your friend smirks as she closes her laptop and leaves the table the next moment. You silently beg her to stay but it's too late.
Steven looks at you and you can't stop blushing. You are praying that your complexion doesn't give it away. 'Correct me if I'm wrong,' he speaks sweetly, 'but... have we met before?'
Your cheeks redden, 'yeah,' you say, 'Yes actually, at the bookstore... that day, I - I had no idea that you were, would be - what a coincidence, right?' You give yourself an imaginary facepalm. Someone must remind you how to form a coherent sentence again.
'You're at University too?' He asks
You shake your head, 'Oh no, not anymore.'
Steven smiles in reply and you two fall into an awkward silence. You want to say something - you know you should say something but he hasn't stopped smiling since you arrived and you can't think straight when he's looking at you with those deep, soft, brown eyes.
Maybe you should ask him something about his job - anything would be better than staring at him like an idiot.
You open your mouth to speak but Steven cuts you off, 'that day when we met,' he says, taking his glasses off, 'I wanted to ask you something, actually...' he pauses to take a good look at your face, you can swear you are as red as a tomato by now. 'I was wondering if - if you would want to - maybe - uh, have dinner with me sometime? I was just thinking if...' You don't hear the rest of the sentence. Your breath hitches in your throat. Was he asking you out? Was Steven Grant, the man you had been reeling after - asking you out on a date? This felt unreal.
'I'm sorry,' his voice reaches your ear, interrupting your thoughts, 'I think I might be reading too much into it. I understand if you're not interested.'
Your eyes visibly widen at his words. It wasn't that at all.
'No.' You almost yell, 'I - I am interested. I want to, I mean. I would love to go on a date with you.' You are smiling hard and you can feel the butterflies rummaging in your stomach. 'If - if that's what you are implying.' You add.
This is bad.
Steven lets out a small laugh, his cheeks turning pink, 'Yes. Yes, th - that's what I meant.'
You grin, not because you want to but because you can't help it. He's so nice and so absolutely beautiful.
Steven fiddles with his sleeves nervously, saying, 'Well, there's this really nice restaurant down the street. They have all kinds of food options. I - I was thinking maybe we could, you know, check it out.'
You nod, still smiling. Still feeling the butterflies in your stomach. He looked ten times better when he smiled.
'Yeah,' you say, 'yeah, sounds great.'
'I'll see you tomorrow then? If - if that's okay with you. I get off work at 5'
'Tomorrow's good.'
'Yeah?' He's smiling with his eyes now, crinkles appearing around them and oh, you could just die.
Steven's expression softens as he starts to get up, 'I am terribly sorry, love,' he says, with a weak smile, 'I would really like to stay but I have to leave now - I have a meeting at work. I could, uh, text you the details, though?'
You tell him that it's alright and exchange phone numbers.
'See you tomorrow, then?' He asks, sliding his messenger bag down his shoulder, his curls toss as he fixes the strap and you fight the urge to push your fingers through them. You really wanted to.
'It's a date then,' you say, biting your lower lip. It was hard to contain your giddiness.
'I'll call you.' He says, passing you a little smile before finally walking out the shop.
Oh my god. It happened! You are going out on a date with Steven Grant. You are acting like a teenager getting asked out for the first time but you're too happy to care. You are happy - excited even - for a date, you haven't felt this like this in a long time.
Your friend finally comes back to the table, holding a sandwich in one hand and a coffee cup in another.
'You were ages.' You say, adding Steven's phone number into your contacts
'Was I?' Your friend replies, slurping her drink, 'well, the barista was super cute - not really my fault, besides, what were you chatting with Mr. Grant about?'
You smile. Your cheeks hurt from smiling now but you can't help it, 'I am going on a date.' You tell her, 'With your professor.'
Tagging: @wittyjasontodd (I didn't know if you'd wanted to be tagged since this is not DC related but here it is!), @fandxmslxt69 (bcs I was inspired by your math professor lol >.<)
Anyone who wants to be tagged, just lmk!
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slippery-snake · 6 months
Biker!Logan & Biker!Remus x GN!Reader
AN: This idea has been haunting my mind since October last year akjssjsjdjdj. Ty lovely moot for helping give me ideas for this @darksides-dutchess
Warnings: Mention of possible injuries, mention of guys being pushy, Remus putting you in “danger” (he knows what he’s doing tho, overall wholesome
Keeps it secret
When you go to his place, he will NEVER let you enter his garage.
Staying with him after dark is a no no also
He claims that he just loves his free time
Totally not because he's actually going 100 mph every night on a customized bike
He's actually very good at keeping his secret
Unitl one day, after long night before, he left his helmet on the counter and you asked him about it
“It’s my friends’.”
“Your friend is a biker? That's so cool! Can I meet him!?”
He gets jealous lol
You keep pushing him until he breaks and confesses
At first, you’re surprised, then everything falls into place
You don’t think any differently of him, you actually think its kinda cool, and he appreciates it
not to mention its sexy as hell
He takes you riding sometimes, but double, triple and quadruple checks you have all your gear
NEVER taking you on the highway, fastest you’re going with him is 30 mph
Doesn’t bring you to street races, but doesn’t mind if you show up
He may or may not show off a bit for you
If you complain about some guy from work or school bothering you, he pulls up to the building/campus as loudly as possible to “pick you up”
Very chivalrous
Picks you up and takes you off the bike instead of letting you get off on your own
Doesn’t want you getting hurt
He also will just die if you ever get injured on his bike
You will never face a major injury, hes very careful
But if you sprain your ankle getting off, or have a rock hit your leg while riding, his boyfriend instincts kick in.
Instantly taking care of while feeling guilty
he’s having you take a break from the bike for few days
Extremely open about it
Everyone he knows is gonna know about it
It’s probably the first thing you know about him
He takes you riding everywhere, and may even consider getting you your own bike
Until then, he lets you make come decisions about customizing his bike
Or you’ll come back to his place to see your favorite color painted somewhere on his green and black biker as a surprise
Hes taking you to races all the time
Maybe even letting you ride with him
Occasionally, he makes a bet, saying the winner gets to take you home
At first you were mad at him for doing it
But after watching him race a couple of times, you realized remus was no fool
He was fast, obviously, but took risks that cost the other racer to lose.
He never really put a bid on you, since he always knew he was going to win from the beginning
While you loved going on rides with him, he could be a little punk at times
Sometimes, while riding casually, he just does wheelies with no real warning
Just a “Hey watch this” before you’re tilted towards the sky and holding onto him for dear life.
If theres a motorcycle in the lane next to you, he may rev his engine a bit to get them started, and next thing you know you’re 85 in a 30
He cares about your safety, but if you’re dating him you’re gonna have to be a bit rough at times.
If he sees you got a scratch, he gonna laugh it off
“You got your first mark, baby!”
Actually kinda proud, mostly since he has scars EVERYWHERE from falling off his bike so many time.
However, he makes the point that all of the falls he took were tactical and on purpose
If you do ever actually get hurt or feel scared, he doesn’t realize at first but oh boy when he does
Its like a different person
Instantly into protective bf mode
You’re riding in front of him, swaddling him as he speeds home or to the hospital
He doesn’t rest well until he knows for sure you’re okay, and the doctors or nurses will be getting an earful of insults if you think they aren’t listening to you or treating you right
He doesn’t get jealous often
Mostly because 90% of guys will be aware that you’re together
He is loud, everyone knows when your ride is outside
If you ever do get hit on, he's still not concerned.
He’ll just saunter on over and throw his arm over your shoulder, make you blush a lil, and look at the other guy like “yeah, they’re all mine”
If the guy is too pushy he just fights them, there is no inbetween.
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Pairing: Demon Lloyd Hansen/ Reader
Summary: Going to hang out with your friends on Halloween but what ends up happening is anything but normal.
Word Count: 3,448
Warnings: Smut,rough sex, sex with a demon, dub con (reader consents but is initially wary) use of pet names, Dom/sub vibes,P in V, Oral Sex (female receiving), swearing,blood,gore, violence, Demon Lloyd Hansen (he’s a warning ok)
Thank you to @jessybarnes my Tumblr bestie for the wonderful bingo card,@firefly-graphics for the consent divider and @saradika for the wonderful dividers and reblog dividers.
(Sorry this is WAY after October but I plan to upload more from this bingo board for Do It Up December. Also all mistakes are mine and mine alone google docs can only fix so much lol)
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After working you wanted nothing more than to get home, put on your softest pj's and watch something and crash, hard. But your friends had planned a sort of Halloween thing and you were practically forced to go, sighing you sent your friends a text letting them know you wanted to change and grab some snacks before heading over. Putting down your phone you made your way to the bedroom and changed into what you called “lazy” clothes, a simple pair of leggings and a t-shirt. Heading back out you grab the snacks you purchased a few days ago and bagged them before grabbing your phone and purse just in case and locking the door behind you. Walking the short distance to your friends house you had no idea it would be the last time things would ever be the same.
Walking up to your friend's house you frowned seeing no lights on “The hell?” taking out your phone you notice your original message was never opened, banging on the door you sigh “Hey this isn’t funny! Open the damn door! Bunch of morons….” Sighing, you slide your phone into your back pocket and glance around, finding the “special” rock you slide a key out from under it and open the front door. Walking in you glance around “Guys? If you're planning on scaring me I’m going to leave!”
Mumbling to yourself you walk further into the room, frowning you trip over something and stumble falling to the floor “What the hell” Your pants feel wet and your frown increases, moving to stand your hand slips on something. Turning on a nearby lamp a scream slides out of your mouth as you finally take in the scene around you, all your friends are dead laying lifeless and mutilated on the floor. Scrambling to get up all you end up doing is covering yourself in their blood and some vicera, fighting the urge to gag you manage to press into a corner.
Standing shakily you realize you were in a giant pentagram “The fuck happened here?!?!” Suddenly you hear a low chuckle and a voice “Well you see Sunshine you fuck around with things you don’t understand and well shit happens” Eyes wide you turn towards where the voice came from seeing nothing but darkness, swallowing hard you look at your hand seeing it covered in blood. “Aww first time seeing this much blood Sunshine? Good thing you weren’t here for the real fun….it got even messier”
Shaking your head you eye the door and hear someone clicking their tongue “I wouldn’t recommend that Sunshine, would really hate to kill you for something silly” Swallowing you shiver slightly “Well I would rather not stay uh here…pretty sure I’m going to puke” You hear velvety laughing making you shiver again “How about we talk about things somewhere less likely to make you throw up? Because we have a lot to discuss Sunshine” Mutely nodding you close your eyes and feel a hot breeze.
“Go on Sunshine, open those pretty eyes, you're safe for now” Slowly you open your eyes and see your back at your place frowning,you glance around seeing nobody “Uh thanks? Where are you?” More laughter this time much closer, turning quickly you see nobody. “Now the question Sunshine is, do you want to see the real me or the form I use the most?” Swallowing you, think for a second “Can I see your real form?” You can almost feel him smirk as he answers “Sure Sunshine if you think your pretty little head can handle it”
Nodding knowing he will see it you clear your throat before answering slightly annoyed “I wouldn’t have asked if I couldn’t handle it” This time the laugh sounds darker and almost sinister “You always such a spitfire Sunshine? Most of the times when people act like that with me it doesn’t go well, kind of like your friends, but you I don’t mind it. Does that mean I’ll keep liking it? Who knows” Again you can almost feel him at you neck smirking, goosebumps form on your skin as you wait for whatever is going to come next.
Suddenly the air feels charged, almost electric and it makes you want to close your eyes again and huddle into the corner. But you don’t do either, keeping your eyes focused to where you think the voice is coming from you slowly see a figure moving. The darkness manages to keep him well hidden until he steps out, the first thing you notice is the legs. Long and lean but muscular you frown slightly until you see the hooves, your eyes widen and he grins stepping out more. His torso is the same as his legs lean but muscular, thick arms and even larger hands draw your attention.
You’re both fascinated and horrified at the same time, you hear him chuckle drawing your attention back to his face. You would have gasped if you had any air in your lungs, his chest was broad and wide but not comically so. His face is what had you speechless, he was handsome and it made you imagine some sort of greek statue of one of the gods. His short black hair was meticulously groomed along with the mustache, taking another look you realized there were horns on the top of his head.
“Well this has got to be a first Sunshine, normally this is the point where people beg, plead, and offer whatever they have for me to leave and right now you're eyeing me like I’m the last piece of pie” You swallow and notice a tail moving behind him, sitting up you lean to get a better look making him laugh again “All you have to do is ask Sunshine, I don’t bite well not yet at least” He winks at you and you find yourself blushing at it, turning his tail flicks out almost annoyed. Then you notice the wings and you find yourself suddenly up and moving closer to him.
“Well aren’t you just a fascinating person Sunshine, well go on and get a good look if it will sate your curiosity” Licking your lips you are almost touching him, the heat radiating off of him is almost too much and yet not enough, reaching your hand out you gently touch his arm. The skin is soft, softer than it looks and your hands move to touch his horns. They feel just like how horns should, frowning as you move to his wings touching them almost cautiously. “Don’t be getting shy on me now Sunshine”
You nod slightly and gently stroke the wing, you hear him make a noise and you look at him with a blush creeping up on your face. He winks at you and you quickly turn away from him and lightly touch where his tail connects to him, and you swear you hear him groan “Sunshine I get your curious but better what what your touching” Pulling your hand away quickly you find yourself apologizing “Uh sorry….I don’t know how to ask this nicely so I’m just going to ask, what are you?”
He smiles and gently takes your hand kissing the top of it. “Some call me Lloyd, well the ones I like do” You nod “And the ones you don’t like?” He grins and you see the sharp canine teeth “Oh they don’t get to talk Sunshine and trust me when I say you would rather have me like you” You nod knowing he’s right “And for what I am, well I’m a demon. Your little friends were playing with a Ouija board thinking they were having a good time, well they did until they didn’t. See, messing with something like that is already stupid but messing with one and thinking you know what you’re doing well it gets you killed.”
You nod knowing that it was a dumb idea to play with anything that “opened” doors “That explains you but what happened to my friends?” Lloyd grins again “Oh they thought they could control me, guess they figured out real fast that wasn’t happening. And I don’t take too well to being controlled so I killed them” You should feel upset, mad, hell even sad but they got what they deserved. Who in the hell thinks they can control an ACTUAL demon? You look at him suddenly “Uh why haven’t you killed me then?”
Lloyd moves closer to you, almost touching but not quite, you could smell what smelled like a very expensive cologne and it made you want to press closer to him, nuzzle into his neck. Shaking your head slightly you look at him and see his smug smirk “Well you see Sunshine I came here because of you, these idiots happened to just be here.” You look up at him confused “Me? I don’t understand” Again Lloyd moved closer now touching you ever so slightly “Oh Sunshine have you forgotten already?”
“You’ve played with a Ouija board yourself a time or two haven’t you? But unlike these idiots you actually know what you're doing with one, and I have been watching you for such a very long time and I figured it was time to pay you a proper visit. And what a better time than Halloween when the veil is at its most thin, so here I am and here you are.” Suddenly you remember playing on a Ouija board as a little girl having the best time, and then once again as a party trick in college. 
“Ahh she finally remembers! Little did you know you summoned me Sunshine and now that I’m here I have some ideas about what we can do” The last part makes you shiver, your body reacting and you close your eyes to try and collect yourself. “And what are your ideas?” You cringe slightly hearing how breathy your voice sounds, there was no way you were getting turned on by a demon who had literally just murdered your friends. Lloyd laughs this time a full laugh and if it doesn’t make you clench and your pretty sure he knows it “See I knew you would be receptive to this Sunshine”
“And for the record my ideas are exactly what you think they are, I have  been waiting for this moment for years and after the long wait I can’t find myself wanting to be patient any more” You should move away from him but you instead move closer “Stop making me do this!” You feel Lloyds hand move through your hair “Oh Sunshine I’m not doing anything to you … well not yet at least, this is all you for the moment and I suggest just enjoying it. Now let’s take this somewhere more comfortable” You close your eyes and feel a thumb tracing your lips opening your mouth slightly. You take the thumb into your mouth and suck on it gently.
“So eager aren’t you Sunshine, but I need a taste first, it's only fair after such a long time waiting for you” You have no time to react,and suddenly you're thrown onto your bed and staring up at the ceiling and a hand pulling off your pants and panties. You can feel him looking at you and you feel the urge to squirm, your shirt is suddenly off and you're now totally bare. Grinning Lloyd looks you over and licks his lips “Well so far this has been worth the wait Sunshine, now I suggest you stay still wouldn’t want to accidentally hit something. Would hate for you to bleed out or die”
You nod and it seems like an eternity until you feel him touching you, he runs his hands up your legs and you feel one his claws gently tracing a pattern. Moving higher up he spreads your legs open and you let out a soft whimper but he hears it smirking “Well look at this, someone is excited to have a demon defile her, I knew you were worth the wait Sunshine” You feel his mouth suddenly at your core and you tense before you feel the first lick at your folds,almost hesitant as if testing you, gasping you realize his tongue is forked and you have the urge to want to feel it deep inside of you.
“Oh I intend to Sunshine no worries just lay there and behave like a good girl and maybe we can both enjoy this'' Giving you no warning he begins to eat you out like a starving man at a buffet, you try your hardest to no succeed in enjoying it but it's been too long and it feels too good and soon enough you find yourself moaning and grinding into his needy mouth. Lloyd smirks and takes your clit into his mouth sucking hard as his forked tongue licks and laps at every spot it can. You try your hardest to stay and not enjoy this but your body is telling a different story “Mmm Sunshine I can feel you clenching around me”
You blush trying to shake your head but you know he’s right, a low needy whimper slides out of your throat making him chuckle his tongue moving deeper. Your eyes close and you arch again sweat pools on your forehead as you're ravished by his sinful tongue and mouth, his mustache rubs against your walls sends a jolt into your very core. You feel the coil tightening and soon you hear yourself begging him to let you cum “Please….” the word tumbles out of your mouth, shaky and hoarse. One of his clawed hands grip your hips harder, puncturing the skin but you're too far gone to notice or care.
“Oh Sunshine you taste divine and the begging well I’m almost tempted to let you cum just because it was so good, but we have lots of time and I want to explore you fully” Letting his tongue continue to lap at your juices he looks up at you, and you moan seeing his mustache wet with your arousal. Large fat tears roll down your face as all the sensations become too much “Need to cum! Please!” Lloyd looks at you and strokes your cheek smirking “Aww Sunshine is it too much for you? Let me help you” Your gaze moves down to see his thick hard cock nudging your core, your eyes widen and a sliver of panic sets in “That will not fit!” Lloyd laughs and smirks “I appreciate the compliment but it will I’ll make sure of it Sunshine”
You feel him thick and hot pushing harder and you find yourself opening your legs wider for him, your hand moving to your clit rubbing it as you moan loudly “Fuck Sunshine look at you going to make  you mine, well you were already mine this seals the deal” Gripping your hips you feel him slam into you fully taking the breath from your lungs, the stretch brings tears to your eyes but that soon give way to unrivaled pleasure. As he thrusts into you, your eyes close and your hips grind into him pushing him deeper “Oh god, I’m so close!” Leaning down to look at you he smirks but there is another look within his eyes but your too far gone to appreciate it “I’m going to fill you up Sunshine and you’ll never be alone again I swear it”
His thrusts become more and more erratic as he slams into you, your body bouncing as his hand continues to grip your hips, his free hand rubs your clit and you almost scream his name “Can I cum please? Please please please!” Lloyd grunts with each thrust and chuckles “How can I deny you when you ask you pretty Sunshine, go on and coat my cock and I’ll fill you up nice and full. You nod and feel him thrusting faster and harder, his hand rubs your clit faster and the coil inside of you snaps, with a loud moan you shout his name as your orgasm crashes into you. You can vaguely feel him throb and twitch as he buries himself deep, pulling you up he kisses you hard and you can taste yourself in his mouth. He smirks and his voice is low, almost a growl as whispers into your ear “You’re mine Sunshine forever” You feel his claw like nails moving along your skin leaving hot angry scratches behind making you whimper softly.
Lloyd grins and bites down on your lower lip as you hear him growl, his cock jerks hard and he explodes and ropes of his thick seed pump into you. You can feel every bit of it being pumped into you and you find yourself moaning loudly, black spots fill your vision as you finally accept this. Wrapping your legs around him, he smirks and holds you close to him as he continues to thrust and fill you. Your eyes drift close and you hear him laugh “Aww wore you out Sunshine? Get some sleep I’ll make sure you're nice and full” You sag into him feeling him continuing to pound into you.
Waking after what seems like hours, you feel someone stroking your hair.. Groaning softly you press into a warm body and your eyes shoot open and you glance around trying to get your bearings, hearing a soft chuckle you look at the man stroking your hair “About time you woke up Sunshine, I thought maybe I had actually broken you” You glance at him and talk but your voice is raspy and hoarse from moaning “Lloyd?” He smirks and nods “The one and only Sunshine, and now you’ve seen both my forms. This one is less fun but also less likely to have a mob on my hands” Looking him over he looked almost the same, minus the horns,tail and cloven hooves you almost liked this form better.
“I’m wounded Sunshine and here I thought you loved my horns and tail, now shall we discuss things?” You nod slowly, your body feels like a semi ran over it then backed over it about a hundred times “Alright uh what things are we discussing?” Lloyd smirks and you catch the faintest glimpse of fang “Your marriage arrangement to myself of course” Your eyes widen and you're suddenly very much awake “My whatnow?!” Laughing Lloyd looks at you and the room feels suddenly smaller and darker a chill moving through your body “Aww Sunshine you’re breaking my demonic heart here, see little did you know that when you played with those Ouija boards you had actually made a vow to me that one day you would be mine, and well here we are.”
You look at him shocked. “What?” Lloyd strokes your cheek and smiles “See should have been paying better attention Sunshine, see when you were graciously giving me orgasm after orgasm I was reciting what comes down to a marriage pact and when you were moaning my name and calling me god that is what sealed the literal deal. Don’t deny that you wanted this Sunshine, some darker part of you did, your life was nothing and at least now you have me. Besides, the only way out of this is if I break the contract but we both know we don’t want that.” You stare at him before realizing his words are true, you did want this well not this exactly but you wanted more.
“So what happens now?” Lloyd grins and places a kiss on your bare shoulder trailing a long jagged scratch with a smirk. “Well Sunshine I stay here with you, and after 3 months when the wedding happens you get to come with me forever” You swallow hard and he kisses your cheek whispering softly “I can feel your tension from here Sunshine but you’ll fit into your role, I have no doubt about that. Now you relax and let me take care of you” You nod slowly letting everything sink in, realizing that things were definitely different … and you hoped that you could handle it.
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jellieclogs · 10 months
october media recap ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
i love music, movies, tv, podcasts, games, books, and more. here's a recap of things i watched in october 2023!!
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music ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚
i've been really into more indie blues type music as autumn comes to a head, my playlist autumn girls this is for you has a bit more songs that i really associate with this season. anyway heres the list!
mitski - my love mine all mine
mitski - i'm your man
these two songs are phenomenal, as is mitski's album "the land is inhospitable and so are we" i actually wrote a brief analysis on my love mine all mine as a love song and breakup song. the feeling it invokes in me is second to none, what a beautiful song.
olivia rodrigo - lacy
sixpence none the richer - kiss me
jane remover - search party
searows - used to be friends
phoebe briders - moon song
iron & wine - flightless bird, american mouth
mazzy star - fade into you
sting - shape of my heart
yeule - software update
yeule - sulky baby
taylor swift - "slut!"
rachel chinouriri - maybe i'm lonely
emile mosseri - jacob and the stone
i actually listen to this song to fall asleep, but i can assure you that i also cry every time i watch those videos on the internet with this song playing in the background. it perfectly encapsulates a feeling of hope and loss. beautifully done. minari was a phenomenal as a (real) movie lover, i love when movies have tracks like this that so clearly stand out from the soundtrack and score.
movies 🎞️✮⋆˙
i haven't watched as many movies as i'd have liked in october, it has been an emotional month to say the least. but, now im on anti-depressants so our regularly scheduled slaying is back. movies will be rated a 1-5 star based on how much i enjoyed it! and NO NOT EVERY MOVIE IS FROM THIS YEAR OR EVEN THIS DECADE <3
talk to me (2022) ★★★★
pearl (2022) ★★★★
the invisible man (2020) ★★★★
child's play (1988) ★★★★
doctor sleep (2019) (fucking insanely good) ★★★★★
bodies bodies bodies (2022) (so camp??) ★★★
call me by your name (2017) ★★★★
silence of the lambs (1991) (this is a perfectly made film. argue with the wall!) ★★★★★
and thats about it, i genuinely have been too busy with school to watch as many films, still have not seen barbie or the fnaf movie because im so busy and too broke to go to the movies constantly LOL. however, i will say what my favorite youtube video topics are currently in my honorable mentions section!!
honorable mentions ˙˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚
my current fave youtubers or streamers :3
dead meat (james and chelsea constantly demonstrate a genuine love for horror and have recently been branching out to video games amidst the SAG strike! love them and their work so much, they have definitely made me into more of a horror movie buff)
wendigoon (i will listen to this man talk about anything, but he constantly raises the bar with how informed he is on topics. he just likes to talk abt weird shit and thats really neat idk)
supertf (ive been watching this guy for over 5 years he is still the funniest ow streamer out there sorry)
kyedae (she is rlly funny and even though valorant is boring to watch i watch her play mostly, however i LOVE when she does variety or horror its so funny how scared she gets)
jacksepticeye (watching him play spiderman 2 bc i don't own a ps5, BUT ALSO sean just has the best playthroughs of games like this. love his takes on the game!!)
mike's mic (olivia wilde nodding gif like if you get it you get it!)
games im playing right now :3
the sims 4 (do i need to explain this rlly... i have 2000 hours on sims... currently building a tiny town for the new expansion pack :3 pics here)
sun haven (started playing with my bf, feels like stardew valley with a bigger world and more things to do! i HATE the fishing mechanic. it is not for me babes)
valorant (playing occasionally as i am not very good, but i have alot of skins so yipee)
overwatch (i have 1600 hours in the game unfortunately. addiction is real guys)
fall guys (just recently started playing with my friends again, idk why anyone wouldnt want to play this its free and fun. theres a hatsune miku skin in the game like CMON)
genshin impact (im actually really invested in fontaine's story, if i had multiple hours a day to game i would do all the story quests and things but again, im so b u s y. still farming for arataki itto, pls come home)
bloons td6 (i've somehow racked up 60 hours on this game...its so fun...i love it...)
lastly, my october hyperfixation was...
horror movies and true crime!! i watched over 100 hours of movies, video essays, podcasts, and documentaries relating to horror and true crime. i'm officially burnt out of it though, so i will be back next month to once again happily share my interests!! byeee
- jane ⋆。° ✮
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agp · 6 months
i dont know how to share my confidence on anything honestly around here you know how it is. but its over. we won tabarnac. the communists win. i told opirg today. you dont need to dig very far to see how game over it is. we have world peace by christmas and i believe it for real. gg guys.
peace and love on planet ottawa! peace and love on turtle island! peace and love in palestine! we have negotiation tables in qatar again monday morning!! did that 20 million year old fossil in washington need a slap from his buddy justin or did this not even need to happen?
there are a lot of doors everywhere. there are a lot of keys everywhere. people love to just leave their keys everywhere, especially still in the ignition in this stupid city and im the biggest thief here. de toute facon comme jte disais..
the iron dome has security measures. i have good reason to believe i am aware of a particular security vulnerabilty on the israeli side and ive been telling everyone to change their passwords forever you know how crazy it is out there.
i shared a particular code with an antizionist mensch that has been coming to the solidarity demonstrations held every weekend in ottawa since netenyahu and his genocidal regime escalated the situation to a war months ago last october. i shared other strategic victory plans with the pym and they all know where to find each other.
ill go bug embassy security about nonsense at 3am on my way back from the bar if anyones around. its warm as shit out here this month idk they might be out for a smoke or something. its not like the palestinians have much of an equivalent but im in the market so yall know exactly where i wanna go.
long story but my favourite tree in town survived the two years of peace i gave canada and the rest of the world from my bullshit! i think qatar or some other gulf state is building its embassy around it. i want to convince them to save this thing and integrate it into their design so bad. her name is grandmother acab!! forreal guys. if theres another close favourite its the apple tree near the aviation museum that fruits like a maniac. im just too shy to bug the ppl at city hall about it if they already offered it to another gulf state in that alley (the japanese and south korean embassies arent far either, its just behind global affairs lmao).
i wanted to play more concerts in that field with my friends. as far as i can tell mitski and lady lamb are interested in playing there again. i need to hit them up when shit gets less crazy again. i dont even know if they realized this was communist bullshit and theyre americans lmao.
its been left to fallow for sooo long and its one of my favourite spots in town. ive offered to kill suicidal friends there before idk. its very sacred to me. and im so glad the bulldozing hasnt started yet really. the shit they did down by the marina and the path down to the kichi zibi (ottawa/great river) from the north end of lowertown hurt me sooo much my god. i was scared i lost so much more behind the mint too dear lord.
sorry for making the good news so long and silly tonight. i need to hustle more responsibly lol. ily all. if i dont see you again good morning good afternoon and goodnight bozos! this truman show with the rcmp bugging my life needs to stop already. check out lady lamb! sound of the summer!
with solidarity and friendship,
audrey, jeanne, and friends
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strawbrygashez · 10 months
💀, 🎃, and 🧨 for p1 or p2?
Thanks for asking!!!!!!!
A injury headcanon
P1- He rarely tries to ever take care of any injuries he gets. Self inflicted, by accident, or made by someone else. He might if it’s really bad but I think his depression & whatnot makes it to the point he doesn’t even bother trying to help it heal. That is of course if he isn’t thinking about the ‘infection’ that he thinks is going around.
He’d let someone else help him patch his wounds up if he trusted them enough. But he’s really quiet when they do & he’s either just looking completely away or just stares at the wound & what they are doing pretty hard.
P2- makes more of a effort to patch himself up. Not all of his ways about doing so are ideal of course. He thinks smoking is probably the best way to heal himself. Otherwise he just slaps on a small band-aid over a huge gash and calls it a day 💀 but maybe after his wife leaves him, he feels more of a reason to be kinder to himself so he tries to actually bandage himself up properly & looks into getting disinfectants. Maybe even puts together a first-aid kit.
Also I think he used to feel really sick when he would have to give himself stitches but he got numb to doing it after a bit :/ and he honestly kinda forgets not everyone sees that every day so he’d so do it in front of his s/o with no warning at least once💀 he’d be momentarily confused why they look pale or whatever until he remembers ‘oh yeah, it’s not exactly usual.’
A Halloween headcanon
P1- I still can’t even decide after being in this fandom for years now, if p1 would love or hate horror movies. I can see him hating them because he already is scared of everything else so why would he wanna put on something that has violence he can just “see it everyday already” according to him. But I can see him loving them too because he gives off the vibe of being a little bit of a geek & he would know all types of old horror films. Personally I go with the idea he hates them a little more so I’ll say, he kinda skips over all the Halloween stuff they play on the TV during October. Maybe if there is some cartoon Halloween episode he’d watch it tho.
If someone asked him why he doesn’t wanna watch scary things he’s gonna def say something about how he can “see the real scary stuff on the news.”
P2- he has some good fun on Halloween. He’s not over the moon about the holiday but like in the game he yells trick or treat & shit while goin on his way so I imagine he likes to be a little bit more of a shit on that day more than usual. He buys a few decorations here and there but nothing too over the top. I imagine they don’t have a lot of room in the trailer so he doesn’t wanna clutter it up too much with seasonal things if he can have a say in it.
An unexpected headcanon
P1- after I’ve seen a lot of fanart of p1 one dancing for some reason I accepted it as a hc that he likes to dance 💀 he rarely shows any emotion while he does so and he would never dance in public but I think on a good day you could hypothetically catch him rocking out to some metal or rock. Maybe even some pop if you’re real lucky.
Also I dunno why but I hold onto the hc he has one random plush maybe uncle Dave gave to him as a kid & still has it around. Maybe laying on the bed all the time or he brings it around the house with him as a comfort item. He’d be kinda embarrassed if someone noticed tho and would try to come up with a lie that he barely cares about it or that he’s holding onto it for a relative or something lol
P2- he actually is a pretty good ‘peoples person’ when the other person doesn’t do some dumb shit. Now if it’s just because he acts friendly to stay out of trouble or if it’s because he’s genuinely like that is up for debate I guess. But I think if the world didn’t throw so much shit at him and people treated him like any decent person would, I think he’d be a very friendly guy who’s easy to get along with :) but with the way things are in p2 I imagine he has kinda a wall built up around him from anyone getting too close & they just see what’s only on the surface. He just kinda learned how to act in a way that will hopefully prevent people from flying off the handles at him.
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powerfulkicks · 2 years
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I posted 20,417 times in 2022
That's 8,893 more posts than 2021!
900 posts created (4%)
19,517 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,947 of my posts in 2022
#real - 52 posts
#ref - 52 posts
#:) - 52 posts
#me - 47 posts
#lol - 33 posts
#awesome - 33 posts
#unreality - 30 posts
#:( - 29 posts
#toh - 25 posts
#wwdits - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#fortunelty the positives outweigh the negatives so i’ll take my six note flops. thank u my beautiful followers i’m kissing you on the head
My Top Posts in 2022:
The best thing about being asexual is that you can say something like “making fun of people for their orientation is mean and you shouldn’t do it” and you WILL get hateful messages because that’s apparently too much for people
486 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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See the full post
862 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
under communism there is only one autism and you have to share it with this guy
can someone add a funny image to this post im too scared
1,223 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
ill just reblog any old thing to my blog i was raised to not waste posts
1,438 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
We need to start sexualizing mobility aids
16,378 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ofbetterbodies · 2 years
for date night: this is going to be a multiseries ask because shit is complex, BUT, here is a summary of a very complicated situation that has been going on for 3+ years... I work with a guy six years older than me. Over this time we have become really good friends, but also definitely more than ~friends~. He initiated us talking back in 2019, and since then anytime he would get drunk at work events he couldn't leave me alone. During 2021 we became closer, talking every day. (Part 1)
DATE NIGHT!!!! Send asks about dates and romance!!
(Anon's full story under the cut)
ANON. Hi love. Ok reading this made me want to give you the worlds biggest bear hug because oh my god?? Oh my goddd? First off you seem like such a genuinely sweet person and I'm so sorry this guy has been stringing you along for so long. I do want you to genuinely ask yourself what *you* want with him because ultimately that's all that matters. I hope he gets his shit together and realizes what's right in front of him- as a grown ass man. I think this gets even more complicated because you work together and no matter what happens, there will be consequences in the place you work,,, which is never good. My wish for you anon is to find the kind of shining love you deserve, in whatever manner you need it 💗💗 but also. He was cruel, you were so real for that. Clown away my babe 🤡
Pt 2). Over the years i have had fleeting crushes. But last year around March, my friendship feelings had turned into waaaaaaaaaaay more. We had over the course of the past year and a half been talking way too much, every day, for hours on end. There have been numerous times we have been chatting until 3am. We tell each other vastly too much. We are also chaotic shits at work, and are definitely constantly flirting (which is funny cause we're radiographers at a major trauma centre haha). 3. In May last year we spoke until maybe 2am one night and he asked if i wanted to get breakfast with him the following day post his nightshift. I said sure (I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON). We met up at a quite cafe in the city and had breakfast for two hours, we were just chatting so much. he paid and he also walked me to my car. i was so unsure about what to think of this, like was this a date? A few days later he called me beautiful in a different language (a friend had to translate it for me).
Pt 4. He went overseas in june. And during that time was sending me so many photos and selfies!!!! which was interesting because he hates being in photos. We were still chatting all the time, even though he was on the other side of the world. over this time, my feels had fully developed. At the start of august my cat died, and he invited me to his house to like "sleep" or "not sleep" lol. I wasn't up for driving. I had decided i needed to say something because all i was getting was mixed signals. Pt 5. I wrote a note on my phone app, but never sent it because i was scared. It got to october and we were meant to hand out, but never made concrete plans. we had a really weird conversation that turned a bit hmm not great. i told him he was confusing me, he asked for a list of i did, and then he gave me a piss poor response. i called him cruel. we stopped talking. i cried so much. it was awful in person, we were so awkward, wouldn't talk and wouldn't look at each other. People noticed...
Pt 6. I tried to get over my feelings and things started going back to normal in Nov. we were consistently talking again. Well then it was the work xmas party. he asked my opinion on what he should wear. He kind of avoided me for the first hour and a bit. Everyone was telling me i looked really nice and i just wanted him! to! comment! everyone was progressively getting drunk (i don't drink). i was chatting to one of my male coworkers and he literally cut in and sat between us, lol. Pt 7. We got chatting and he brought up me calling him cruel the month prior (we had never discussed those texts, but knew we had to that night). We moved outside and like started kind of chatting, but like he could not stop touching me, he went to kiss me at one point and i was like stop what are you doing, there are people here. I ended up taking him home (which was an effort). I also ended up staying with him for four/five hours... um we had a very big chat about many things. we both admitted. Pt 8. that we like each other a lot. like more than friends. i asked him how long he had liked me for. he said a long time, and i was like how long is long. he said as long as we'd been talking, and i was like but thats THREE YEARS.... he tried to kiss me again, and i was like i'm not kissing you while you're drunk. i told him i didn't want to be a drunken mistake. he said i wouldn't be, but i was scared. i changed out of my dress because stuff happened lol and had on one of his tshirts. Pt 9. i ended up leaving his house cause i got my period, so i left him a note being like we need to chat tomorrow and that i would text him when i woke up. i got home at 4am anme at like 7:30am. i was so angry and tired. we texted all day off and on. but didn't end up chatting in person for another two days. i was so anxious. we ended up chatting for over 4 hours. i cried. it was a hard conversation. we admitted that we both like each other. but he doesn't want a relationship with anyone ever. Pt 10. we gave each other some space, lol that lasted 3 days before he messaged. i cried a lot again. and now its 2023 and we are back to what we were, which is openly flirting, now in front of other people to the point they mention it to me... we chat every day. we know too much about each other. our physical contact is more than friendly.. i worked with him alone for 5 hours the other night and boy did we flirt, i could say so much, but, i am a clown over this man, and 2023 is my clown year.
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gay-shii · 3 years
slashers with a halloween freak gn s/o + what they do on trick or treat/halloween
Jason Voorhees
Jason likes your enthusiasm. He doesn't let you decorate outside the house but the inside is free range. Its a 'secret cabin' for a reason. The last thing Jason needs is someone finding it because you put up glow in the dark spiderwebs.
When he sees what you've done with the place he's impressed. The house looks real corny with the paper "ghosts" (white shapeless blobs) on the walls but it was the best you could do.
That relatable moment when Jason comes home to Y/N reading latin from a book with a pentagram on it. Silly Y/N :)
jasons pumpkin - he took his sweet time
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Michael Myers
Don't you have babysitters to traumatize?
You love Halloween? You wanna decorate the house? You wanna put out candy??? What is wrong with you?
He lets you give the kids candy only when hes out doing shit but thats it. Once he comes home its all getting shut down.
He does nothing. No decorations, no summoning satan, nothing. He's a little boring but he might watch a couple scary movies with you if you look too bummed. And by might I mean definitely.
michaels pumpkin - he punched it bc his knife got stuck
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Bubba Sawyer
The ppl that come to his house get eaten, so candy isn't necessary. He really wants to decorate the house but Draytons a dick. Y'all get to decorate Bubbas room.
When you guys are done the room looks like a haunted house. Good for aesthetic, bad for sleeping. Theres fake blood splattered on the walls, fake (real) skeletons hung on the walls, and everything else you could find at that wack ass dollar store in town.
With all the scary movies you and Bubs watch, he finds it hard to sleep, especially Nightmare on Elm Street. Now we have a tired, whiny Bubba. Never remind him of that movie again.
Bubbas pumpkin - he's proud of it don't be mean
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Stu Macher
Stu is a halloween freak too dw. He's hooking kids up at his house. Big ass candy bars, fancy chocolate and he always saves some extra for the two of you. The outside of his house is decorated to the max.
He might throw on a costume if theres a party or something. Don't get your hopes up, its going to be a very cheap/DIY ass costume. A white sheet with two holes poked through it? Are you serious Stu?..
Stu sees you doing voodoo magic shit at the party and he's just like "shits bouta get interesting" He likes you because you spark the mood with your halloween spirit.
Stus pumpkin - "haha because hes the murderer guy yk... people are scared of him :)"
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms will let you do whatever you want as long as you're happy and wont leave him. He's gonna ask questions about this "human sacrifice" thing you've been talking about?? Y/N??
He quite likes the decor since it reminds him of the childhood he never had. He wants to decorate with you and do all the fun halloween activities.
He expects a good halloween dinner every night for the whole of October. Pumpkin pie every meal gets old pretty fast.
"Brahms why cant I give out candy?"
"I don't need you talking to them, they're gonna take you away."
"...They're kids, Brahms."
Brahms' pumpkin - got a little carried away
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Billy Lenz
He thinks Halloween is alright. He never really cared for holidays, they were just an excuse for people to get together. Now he has you so he doesn't know how to feel about it.
Yes, decorate the house however you'd like. Billy likes the fall colors, he thinks you look amazing with them on.
Billy is head over heels with you and will do anything you ask. "A cat boy maid dress for a halloween costume? Thats not very scary Y/N." He questions as he immediately puts it on. He knows what you're doing.
Billys Pumpkin - a nice pumpkin that you basically did all the work for
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Hope u enjoyed lol
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justalads · 3 years
c!niki and c!wilbur enjoyers. pspspspspspsps
alright guys so last night i rewatched pretty much all of the pogtopia arc. and this isn’t meant to be a big, important analysis post (it’s kind of incomprehensible), because my brain is fried from, you know. rewatching pretty much all of pogtopia. but i do have some stuff i’d like to say.
(this also just became a niki meta sorry i love her. i really just got emo about her during the second half of this and it got long. i have a lot of feelings about her and wilbur’s friendship.)
it’s a pretty general conclusion that wilbur’s real “downfall” began on october 8th, during the stream “who are you go away”. of course, his spiral and the process of him losing faith had begun much earlier, more around the end of the first war or during the election. but the big switch, so to say, was definitely here, when as wilbur walks back from schlatt’s announcement, he asks tommy if they’re the bad guys.
this entire scene was so interesting to me. wilbur here is a man who has lost hope, someone who is backed into a corner morally and has nothing left. he points out that they can never really reclaim l’manburg without forever tainting it, and that schlatt knows this. the entire half an hour or so before, schlatt has been taunting wilbur about losing that power. the emphasis of the festival on “democracy” is so clearly a barb thrown at wilbur, and it works.
wilbur’s “nothing left to lose” in this vod is a mirror to niki’s “you know what they say about a woman who has nothing left to lose”. this will not be the first time they mirror each other.
basically, wilbur’s angry. when schlatt announced the festival, wilbur realized that maybe it wasn’t a terrible thing. so once he worked around into the mindset of “we’re the bad guys”, he was able to justify saying he was going to blow up the nation with no remorse. he wants chaos! he wants no survivors!
does he do it? god no.
during the streams leading up to november 16th, wilbur is consistently scared. he goes back and forth on it, and makes multiple “conditions” that determine whether he’s going to do it or not, almost begging someone to stop him. he whispers to himself that he’s scared, that his hands are shaking, that he’s not sure if it’s the right thing to do. because despite what he says about “not caring about any of them”, the instant niki is threatened after tubbo’s death, wilbur walks up to schlatt and tells him that if he’s going to kill anyone it should be him. later, when quackity and tommy talk him down from pressing the button, he can’t press it because they’re there and he can’t bring himself to kill them as well.
but he has no problems with putting his own life at risk. he refuses to wear armor half the time, and actively places himself in harm’s way to save others. he still cares about everyone else, as much as he says he doesn’t. even when he does cause harm to others, during november 16th, he immediately begs phil to kill him. “look, they all want you to.” he can’t live with what he’s done, and how he’s hurt people, but he couldn’t allow manburg to continue.
the man is terrified and angry and he can’t win. and even as he tries to stuff himself into the mind of someone who doesn’t care, he cannot. when he finally does, he cannot live with being that person.
but the reason i rewatched this arc was to see niki’s point of view, especially after her statements during her last stream. i genuinely think that wilbur’s only betrayal of her was pressing the button, because he betrayed everyone. they might have known he was going to do it, but they had faith he wouldn’t.
wilbur cared a lot about niki. her life under schlatt was awful, wilbur hated that she was suffering, and the scene where wilbur plants himself directly in the center of the festival and tells schlatt to kill him instead hits pretty hard. he has the argument with schlatt, and then turns to niki and tells her to run. he then hits people and sprints away, trying to give her time to escape.
this is also when he asks her to join pogtopia, because now that schlatt has said he’d kill her, it’s a safer place for her.
so the man did care about her. niki is angry at the memory of him that she has. it’s been twisted by time and her own grief and paranoia.
in rewatching pogtopia, i realized that a lot of people hate the memory of wilbur. not him, and what he did. they think he didn’t care. and to quote hamilton (apologies):
“history obliteratesit paints me in all my mistakes”
does niki have a right to be mad at him? absolutely. he caused direct harm to her by blowing up l’manburg, once it was reclaimed. but she’s wrong that he never cared.
(an interesting note: wilbur only blows it up after techno starts fighting people outside. he hears it, and says “look, they’re fighting”. he didn’t re-initiate the conflict of the country. the fact that even after peace was won people were fighting just gave evidence to his belief that the entire country was corrupted.)
niki has been hurt a lot, and wilbur has things to answer for. but we as the audience know that her statements are just her perception. she is a character who acts on perceptions. the entire stream was in black and white. during doomsday, upon seeing wilbur log on (as ghostbur), niki has a panic attack and destroys her bakery, trying to rid herself of the pain of the memories. her lines during this stream are chilling, whispered repetitions that are a mirror of wilbur’s end.
(paraphrased, it was long and confusing but there are a few bits and this was the essence of it)
“wilbur is gone. this isn’t happening. he is dead. l’manburg is gone.”“it is real, i am real, he is real and he is dead.”“l’manburg is gone, i am real, i am l’manburg”.
(god. dude i could spend Months analyzing this one stream alone. there’s so much here.)
doesn’t that sound a bit like “my unfinished symphony”? wilbur and niki both attach their own self to the nation they fought for, and can see it as an extension of themself. they both destroy parts of it in acts of fear, attempting to save everyone else from what they’ve made.
what i pulled away from niki’s stream is that she’s not healing. i remember the chamber she locks herself in at night. i remember her refusal to eat. i remember how she was so angry at tommy, and she later realized that anger was misguided. niki genuinely believes that wilbur did not care about her, and that’s not surprising: when he died, she denied the fact that he was gone. she represses the things that she can’t handle, same as lots of other people. it is easier for her to pin her hurt on wilbur, because she needs somewhere to pin it. people feel more in control if they’re angry, not sad.
the song cc!niki said was for her character really emphasizes this. it’s a coping mechanism.
but even condemning wilbur won’t help, because she will still never get closure. niki cares about what others think of her, and so she can’t move on from someone hurting her. she can’t move on because she thinks he hated her. she is angry that he is back, but it is an opportunity for her to heal. she couldn’t heal when he was gone. she’s not the only one with a negative perception of wilbur, after all. he has one too. the two of them really need to talk.
i want niki to be healthy and safe. i want to see her heal so badly, and i do think it will happen. after wilbur died, his betrayal of her stayed with her, and it eventually became her memory of the betrayal that she hated, not the thing itself. it’s been months since it happened. niki wants to find an outlet for her hurt, because she wants to feel better. there’s a pattern i noticed: she only gets mad at people once she hasn’t seen the person themself for a while. and once she sees them and talks to them, and realizes that they care about her and don’t want to hurt her, she stops blaming them for it. she only hates her perception of them. example one? tommy.
man was in exile for a long time, and when he came back he “brought” fighting. that’s how niki saw it. but the fact that after she spent time with tommy (trying to kill him but. details, details) she forgave him because she saw it wasn’t his fault is a really good sign.
i genuinely think that speaking to wilbur will help niki, and it will also help wilbur. after all, they both hate wilbur. the entire perception of wilbur as some heartless, crazy manipulator needs to be shattered for both of their sakes. they both buy into it.
i want niki to know that others care about her, and that she has places she can feel safe. she hates that wilbur is invading the syndicate, because she’s scared of his memory hurting her. i don’t think wilbur will hurt her on purpose, because even though he sees himself as awful, he doesn’t hate her. he never did. usually, with people who have hurt someone else, i want them as far away from the person they hurt as possible. if wilbur does hurt niki i’ll probably cry. but again, it’s not him that hated her, or really him that hurt her in the way she thinks he did. when wilbur was dead, niki didn’t get any better. her memory of him festered and made her feel worse. that’s also why niki killing wilbur or hurting him somehow wouldn’t help her heal. i want wilbur to explain that he didn’t hate her. is wilbur even close to self aware enough to help niki? nah. this is going to take a Long time, and it’s going to hurt.
last thing i swear lol
during niki’s stream, she says that wilbur manipulated her. again, i watched pogtopia last night, and i’ve watched the rest of season one recently as well. i genuinely don’t see it. but i do think i know why she said it.
during season one, wilbur doesn’t manipulate niki. he doesn’t have a chance to later, he’s dead. so then, what is she talking about? of course it’s a perception, same as a lot of her other claims. i think she’s talking about how she cared for l’manburg.
niki joined the server as wilbur’s friend, to join his nation. she grew to care for l’manburg. she devoted herself to it, same as he did. but doomsday showed us that she hates that. in niki’s eyes, l’manburg only brought pain for people, and because she ties herself to it, she hates that she ever cared about it. she can’t allow herself to care for it, because it was used to hurt. so how does she cope with knowing that she once did? she pretends she didn’t.
if she can convince herself that it was wilbur who convinced her to care about l’manburg, she can avoid blaming herself for her own pain. and yeah, she shouldn’t blame herself for it. it’s not her fault. the entire situation is tragic and a little hopeless and once again really makes me hope that she recovers. l’manburg was ruined for her by others. schlatt, techno, dream, wilbur. again another place where she and wilbur are similar: they convince themselves they never cared about l’manburg because of the hurt it caused.
to summarize: wilbur’s going to get a shock soon. don’t know when, but probably the prison visit. something is going to shake his perception, the story is hurtling towards that. once he is able to take responsibility for what he did, and feel safe (because a lot of what he does now is out of fear of being alone or useless), then he and niki need to talk. niki needs something to get her out of her own head. she’s spiraling too. they are essential to each other’s recovery because of how much they meant (and mean) to each other.
anyways i miss early season one niki i liked it when she was happy :(
~ Lad 2
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Vampire! King! Ardyn Izunia!- Sadistic
Hey guys! Let’s kick off October with a bang!!! 
Sooo Ardyn is a guilty pleasure of mine. Feel free to do what you want with these prompts, I won’t judge lol. They are all from the prompt list.
7. You like when I choke you don’t you?
62. What a gorgeous dress…but it’d look better torn to ribbons don’t you think?
70. You know…it’s dangerous being out like this. A pretty little sla- I mean thing like you out here all alone.
Thank you for including the actual prompt in the ask!! I may or may not have made him slightly sadistic. Also I got a rude ask telling me to put a read more break...so on purpose I didn’t add one here. It pays to be polite.
The hem of your gown was torn to shreds as you ran through the forest. You were barefoot running through the cold and wet dirt. Your feet were starting to itch from the scratching of small twigs against your skin. You were running away from your parents’ palace. 
You were to be married to someone. Someone you were disgusted by. You had two options. Marry or Be disowned. You chose to escape through your window and jump down. You almost hurt yourself on the way down, but it was worth it. 
You had been running for what felt like hours with the moon on your tail. You finally stopped as soon as your palace was nothing but a silhouette in the distance. 
“Guess I’m homeless now.” you sighed, sitting on a small log. “What am I supposed to do?” you groaned. It was dark and you could barely make out the moon amongst the smog. Lucky for you the wind was slightly picking up allowing you to feel the breeze on your skin.
“What’s this?” a low vibrating tone allowed you to come back to your senses. 
You instantly rose to your feet, turning to meet the face of tall man. He looked as if he was dressed for the middle of the winter time with his heavy trench coat and scarf. 
“A scared little lamb all by herself in such a place. You’re a long way from home aren’t you, young one?”
“Don’t speak down on me as if I’m a child, sir.” you narrowed your eyebrows at the strangers. “I’m far from it.”
“Hm.” he smirked. “My apologies.” he gave a slight bow. “What’s a young soul like you doing out in these parts so late in the night?”
“I don’t believe that is any business of yours, sir.” you took a step back. “Now I’ll be taking my leave now.” your voice wavered as you turned aroundd. But just as you turned to walk away, a man, the same man appeared before you.
“ You know…it’s dangerous being out like this. A pretty little sla- I mean thing like you out here all alone. “ he said with his hand held out. “If I may be so bold, I can escort you out of these parts.” his eyes practically glowed in the dark.
“No thank you.” you stepped back. “I know my way very well, thank you.”
Just as you turned around again, he appeared in front of you once more.
“Darling little girl-”
“Don’t call me a little girl!” you seethed.
“Hm, touchy are we. Young one doesn’t like being called a pathetic...little...girl.” he towered over you. “And don’t even think about grabbing the dagger I know is strapped to your thigh...you won’t get to use it.”
“What are you?” your voice slightly wavered.
“Ardyn Izunia...is what I am.”
Ardyn, where have you heard that name. The man seemed to laugh as the look of realization crossed your face. King Ardyn? The ‘Father’ of all vampires. He cackled at your fear struck expression. Your father had told you stories of his evil. 
“Ah the young princess Y/N knows of me?”
“How did you-”
“Know your name, love? Everyone knows of the, most beautiful, kindest and giving of her time. You should know better, how forgetful we are.” he raised an eyebrow.
“You stay away from me.” you warned. 
“Hm are you’re guards going to come and kill me, love?”
“I have no guards...not anymore.” you found yourself saying. You had your hand on your thigh under the slit of your dress. You wrapped your hand around your dagger. “Leave me...now.”
“Hm...anymore? Why? Was the little princess disowned?” he laughed. “Did their royal highnesses finally get rid of their problem child?”
You suddenly felt small and inadequate. “That’s none of your business.”
“Oh yes you have.” he took a step towards you. “You’re all alone, with no one?” he cooed. “Which means there’s no one to hear you scream.”
“Hear me sc-”
You were tackled to the floor, your weapon flying out of your hand. Ardyn bared his fangs towards you...” You like when I choke you don’t you? “ he cackled as he tightened his hands around your throat. You felt dizzy, very...fucking..dizzy.
”I must admit, darling girl...you look so delectable. It’s a shame I must kill you...but a vampire must drink.” he moved his hands from your neck allowing you to inhale sharply.
With his arm wrapped around your wrist and bought your shaky arm to his mouth. You were too frozen to even try and move. Adryn inhaled your scent, smiling sadistically down at you. 
You held in your pain as he sunk his needle like fangs into your skin. You wouldn’t scream or cry.
“...So...divine.” the man shuddered. “S-so...addicting.” Was that normal? 
You had no idea why, but feeling this. It was supposed to be painful, it was supposed to be what happened before you died a terrible death. So why were you seeing images...images you shouldn’t have seen.
“You look so beautiful in the sun, my darling.” the man beside you caressed your face as you both laid in the gardens. “You are the most beautiful of my fledglings.”
“I’d just better be the only one you treat like this.”
“Trust me darling, there are other people who will sire for me...my fangs will only ever touch your skin...when I’m not feeding or killing.” he smirked. “Come, it’s been a busy day. Lay your head on my chest...rest with me.”
You laid on his chest, the sun casting a glare over your naked bodies. “Can I ask you a question, Ardyn? Is this whole laying naked in the sun a regular thing?”
“Clothes are for humans with no free time...Now hush my dear...rest.”
and everything else went black.
You awoke on a plush surface. It was soft and velvety. A large, black comforter was covering your body. 
“Oh fuck, am I dead?” was your first thought. You swung your legs around the bed and planted your feet on the floor. Why were you so cold. You walked over to a vanity, standing in front of a mirror. Your arm was bandaged up. “No...I’m not dead.”
“You’re finally awake.”
You whipped around. Ardyn was sitting in an armchair wearing only a silk bathrobe. “I was beginning to think you’d never wake up.”
“W-what? What did you do to me?”
“I didn’t kill you, I know that much.” he rose from his seat.
“What?...Where am I??”
“My home...well. Our home now.” he walked towards you. “I know what you’re thinking-”
“You saw it too didn’t you?” you cut him off. “I know you know what it means...so tell me.”
“I’m not sure...all I know is that I couldn’t kill you. Before I knew it, I bit my own hand and made you take my own blood...I’ve never done that when changing someone.”
“Changing?!” you widened your eyes. “You...you PEICE OF!” you raised your fist when you realized just how clearly you could make out every crevice and divot on your hand and nails. “N-no this isn’t real!”
“Oh it is, my sweet.” he tiptoes his fingers up arm. You took a small step back, staring down at yourself. 
“ What a gorgeous dress…but it’d look better torn to ribbons don’t you think? “ he grabbed your hands in his. “Stop resisting and accept your new fate.”
“I feel strange.” you expressed honestly. “Is it supposed to feel like this?” you stared up at him.
He tilted your head up, staring at your innocence. 
“It can feel even better. Vampires are godly lovers...very few have laid with me...if you agree, you can be mine.”
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hrina · 4 years
Something Strange
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uhhhh hi. so. this is my (first ever) halloween fic, ft. infuriatingly cocky ghostbuster!harry. i really hope you guys enjoy it, and just like every other writer on this godforsaken site, i’d love to hear any feedback that you might have. ok im done now lol go forth and read :)
warnings: cursing, brief nsfw content, a nasty habit of jumping to conclusions, and harry being an asshole with a secret heart of gold.
    October 2nd, 2021
Your attention is first caught by the massive, obnoxiously-coloured truck parked in Mindy and Gerald’s driveway. The entire vehicle is a shade of navy blue, though its sophistication is ruined by the neon green bubble lettering streaked across its doors.
Spooked? Call Styles’ Scares!
Beneath that, there’s a promise painted in bright pink:
Lasting results or your money back!
“What the hell?” you mutter.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and exit your car, momentarily forgetting about the groceries sitting in the trunk. Mindy and Gerald are standing on their porch, absorbed in a light-hearted conversation. When they catch sight of you trekking across the lawn, they smile brightly and offer up a pair of welcoming waves.
“Hi, there!” you call, shoving your hands into the back pockets of your jeans. “What’s all this?”
“Good afternoon, dear!” Mindy replies. She quickly descends the front steps, meeting you halfway and enveloping you in a tight hug. “How are you? It’s been a while since we last spoke.”
“You can drop in whenever you want,” you say, chuckling. “It’s not like I live very far away.”
“How have you been?” Gerald follows his wife, steadily making his way off the porch. “How’s school?”
“It’s alright.” You shrug. “Things are picking up, now, but I’m trying my best to stay on top of them.”
You toss your thumb over your shoulder, gesturing to the bright pickup truck parked in their driveway. (It really is ugly, you think. Probably one of the ugliest vehicles that you’ve ever had the displeasure of perceiving.)
“What’s going on?”
“Oh!” Mindy lifts her hands to her mouth, gazing at you with wide, serious eyes. “Our house is haunted.”
You balk. “Pardon me?”
“I know, I know,” she sighs, shaking her head. “It sounds silly. I didn’t believe it at first either, but—something keeps knocking our picture frames off the wall. And the lights! They start flickering at random intervals throughout the day.”
“Are you sure it’s not just rats?” you joke.
Gerald, who has now joined you on the lawn, holds up his hand solemnly. “We tried using traps, but they haven’t been touched at all.”
“Exactly.” Mindy nods, turning back to you. “We’re already worried about Joseph’s wedding next week, so one of the ladies at the community centre recommended Harry. That same day, Gerald gave him a call, and that was the end of it.”
“Who’s Harry?” you ask, brows knitting together in confusion.
“Er—” A deep voice sounds from behind you. “I am.”
When you turn around, you come face-to-face with one of the prettiest men you’ve ever seen. He’s got mossy green eyes, dark pink lips, and brown hair that curls around his temples and behind his ears. Smooth skin stretches out over high, chiseled cheekbones and a sharp jaw. He’s wearing a pair of light-wash jeans and matching white sneakers. A black hoodie covers his broad chest; upon taking a closer look, you note that the two front strings have been tied into a picturesque little bow.
Mindy wastes no time, introducing the two of you immediately. When Harry holds out his hand for you to shake, you don’t hesitate.
“Did you want my card?” he asks, peering at you curiously.
You study his expression. Beneath his seemingly sincere exterior, arrogance runs wild and unchecked. You know this man. You’ve met him a hundred different times under a hundred different circumstances, and you’ve learned to recognize a lost cause when you’re staring it square in the face.
“Not at all.” You shoot him a fake smile. “I’m just the neighbour.”
“Right.” His lips twitch. He steps back, rolling his shoulders and lifting his chin in the direction of the house. “Well, I should probably get to work. It was nice meeting you, babe.”
Your nose wrinkles as the pet name sinks in.
When you turn back around to resume your conversation with Mindy and Gerald, they’re gone. Your eyes bounce to the right, where you find them guiding Harry up the porch steps. Mindy has one hand on his bicep whilst gesturing animatedly with the other. Gerald opens the front door and holds out his arm, welcoming Harry inside.
You scoff, shaking your head in disdain.
“Ghosts aren’t real,” you mumble as you make your way back across the lawn. The trunk of your car squeaks when you pull it open, and plastic bags rustle as you gather your groceries into your arms.
Ghosts aren’t real. And Harry is obviously a scammer, based on…well, based on everything. The tacky design on his truck. The unprofessional wardrobe. The self-assuredness emanating from every cell in his body. Babe.
But Mindy and Gerald truly believe that their home is haunted. Trying to change their minds without a shred of physical proof is pointless. You blow out a soft sigh, accepting the grim reality of your situation.
Your neighbours are gullible, trusting people. And for the next few days—whether you like it or not—Harry is here to stay.
      October 5th, 2021
You’re approximately two seconds away from chucking your textbook against the far wall.
You’ve been trying to finish this chapter for the past hour. And though you pride yourself on being tolerant when it comes to petty annoyances, your patience is wearing thin. A quick glance out of your bedroom window reveals Harry’s hideous pickup truck parked—yet again—in Mindy and Gerald’s driveway.
You roll your eyes. Of course.
The piercing, raucous whirring starts up again; you release a frustrated yell, slamming your book shut and leaping off your bed. You’re muttering obscenities under your breath as you stalk down the hall, stopping briefly to slide on a pair of fuzzy slippers. When you yank your front door open, the chilly autumn air settles into your bones.
The clamour grows louder as you stomp across your shared lawn. When you knock on Mindy and Gerald’s door, the commotion is nearly unbearable. A few seconds go by, during which your presence remains unacknowledged; you rap once again on the wood, hoping that the sound will be conspicuous enough amidst all of the background noise.
Sure enough, everything goes quiet. Your shoulders slump with relief just as the door opens. Mindy greets you with a friendly smile.
“Hi, dear,” she says kindly. “What can I do for you?”
“Hi.” You force yourself to mirror her affable expression, hoping that she can’t see the pained exhaustion brewing in your eyes. “Could I just—could I speak with Harry, please? It won’t take long.”
“Of course.” She nods before peering at you anxiously. “Don’t tell me that you’ve got ghosts, too.”
“No.” You shake your head. Ghosts aren’t real, you want to say, but you hold your tongue. “No, I just—I just need to have a quick word with him, that’s all.”
“Alright. I’ll go fetch him.” She turns around and totters away.
You hear her call his name, followed by the telltale sound of shuffling. After a few long moments, he’s there, leaning against the doorway with a bemused look on his face.
“Evening, babe,” he says coolly. “What’s up?”
“Don’t call me that,” you snap, folding your arms over your chest.
Harry’s eyebrows shoot upward. He hadn’t expected you to greet him with such animosity, you suppose. His outfit is nearly identical to that of the other day, save for the red bandana perched atop his head. He buries his fingers into the pockets of his jeans, shrugging nonchalantly and pinning you with a blasé, unimpressed gaze.
“Noted,” he says. The corners of his lips curl up into a crooked smirk as he repeats, “What’s up?”
“You need to keep it down,” you say flatly. “I don’t know what kind of fake ‘exorcism’ bullshit you’re trying to pull off, but the noise is driving me insane. I need to study.”
“‘Fake’?” Harry parrots. “You don’t believe in spirits?”
“No,” you deadpan. “I don’t.” You narrow your eyes, studying the subtle movements of his face. “And if I had to take a wild guess, neither do you.”
“Really,” he says, chuckling softly. It isn’t a question.
Harry watches you, tickled by your obvious exasperation. “I get the feeling that you don’t like me very much.”
“Look at that,” you say, rolling your eyes. “He does have a brain.”
“You’re so judgmental.” He laughs, shaking his head. “How can you dislike me when you barely even know me?”
“I know enough,” you reply, scowling. “I know that you’re a fraud who takes advantage of people and their fears. And for what? Just so that you can take home a paycheque at the end of the day?”
“Ouch.” Harry feigns injury, placing a large hand over his heart. “That hurts, babe.”
There it is again. Babe.
“You know what?” Your nostrils flare. “Forget this—it’s like trying to explain rocket science to a toddler.”
He grins. “Yeah, I suppose. I’m much cuter, though, don’t you think?”
You scoff, pedalling backward. ���In your dreams.”
His delight only seems to grow when your retort sinks in. You whip around, descending the porch steps and storming back toward your house. When you chance a glance over your shoulder, Harry is still standing in the doorway, a shit-eating smile stretched wide across his cheeks.
“Just keep it down, okay?” you call irritably.
He raises two fingers to his temple in a mock-salute, and you march away without another word.
      October 8th, 2021
“You’re sure?”
You laugh. “Yes, Mindy, I’m sure. I promise.”
“Alright,” she assents, blowing out a quiet sigh through the phone. “I went grocery shopping today, so our cupboards are fully stocked—help yourself to anything you’d like. Also, when you flush the downstairs toilet, the water may look like it’s rising, but it goes down after a second or two.”
“Noted.” You snicker. “Anything else?”
“That’s it,” she says. “Thank you so much.”
“No problem,” you reply. “Tell Joseph and Amy that I said congratulations, yeah?”
“We will! See you later, dear.”
“See you later.”
      October 9th, 2021
When Mindy and Gerald get back tomorrow afternoon, you’re going to wring their necks.
Agreeing to housesit whilst they celebrated their son’s wedding a few cities away? Sure. Fine. You had a long night full of nothing planned—sitting in front of the television, munching on some snacks, relaxing for the evening and trying to forget about all of the schoolwork waiting for you at home. You were in the middle of watching a Golden Girls rerun when, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
“Coming!” You stood, setting your bowl of popcorn aside. The knocking continued as you made your way to the front entrance, wiping your buttery fingers against the dark leggings covering your thighs.
“I’m coming,” you said exasperatedly. You opened the door, ready to shoo away whoever it was—a salesperson, probably.
Instead, you came face-to-face with Harry.
And now, you’re here—slumped on the couch, angrily shovelling popcorn into your mouth. You keep your gaze trained on the television, trying your hardest to avoid the man who is setting up his “equipment” in the middle of the room.
“Can’t you do this in the kitchen?” you deadpan.
He flicks a switch on his machine—it looks an awful lot like a standard centrifuge. What a fraud.
“Spirit energy’s strongest in here,” he grunts. His knees scuff against the carpeted floor.
A derisive laugh falls from your lips. “Mindy and Gerald aren’t here—you can drop the act.”
Harry glances up at you, his pretty green irises glimmering. “What act?”
You roll your eyes and look away, fixing your attention back on the grainy screen.
Neither of you say anything for the next few minutes; tension builds, saturating the air and making it hard for you to breathe. Eventually, Harry breaks through the awkward silence. You want to scream.
“Er—” he starts, expectant. “Do you mind stepping out for a second? I need the room.”
Your nostrils flare. “Excuse me?”
“I need the—”
“I heard you,” you say, sitting up straight. “You don’t need anything. What the hell are you playing at?”
“I’m not quite sure what you mean, babe.” His tone is genuine, but you can sense the mirth simmering just beneath the surface. His lips twitch, and your frustration boils like water over a stove.
“Stop calling me that,” you snap, folding your arms across your chest. “And stop playing dumb. Other people might put up with your pseudo-spooky bullshit, but I won’t. Ghosts aren’t real!”
The lights go out.
You gasp, straining your eyes in an attempt to regain your bearings. Slowly, blurry shapes and shadows materialise in front of you. You fumble around for your phone, picking it up and tapping the screen. A moment later, the device’s flash lights up the room. You shine it from side to side, eventually settling on Harry, who is looking up at the ceiling in complete and utter bewilderment.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “Now you’ve done it.”
“Done what?” you squawk, glaring at him. “The power went out. Big deal.”
The lights flicker fleetingly, and then the room is dark again. Your eyes drift over to Harry; he’s smirking.
“This isn’t a ghost,” you say stubbornly, waving your phone around. The bright light bounces across the walls before you steady yourself, positioning the beam back on him. He stands, sinking his hands into the deep pockets of his sweatpants.
“And how would you know?” he teases, cocking one eyebrow challengingly.
“Because,” you scoff. “Ghosts aren’t real.”
Something crashes to the floor. You yelp in surprise, your head snapping to the right. When you shine your light in the direction of the noise, you find a shattered picture frame lying on the ground.
“What the fuck?” Harry murmurs, advancing toward the mess.
“Careful!” you say, holding up your hand. He stops in his tracks, peering over at you in confusion. “There’s glass, idiot,” you explain, climbing to your feet. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”
He shoots you a crooked smile. “You do care.”
“I don’t.” Your response is curt. “I just don’t feel like driving you to the hospital so that they can remove fragments from your foot.”
Harry chuckles.
You sigh, squinting at the fallen frame. “We can clean it up when the lights come back on,” you say, mostly to yourself. “I don’t want to risk anything.”
He nods and yawns, stretching his arms out above his head. “Suit yourself, babe.”
“The next time you call me that, I’m going to—”
“What?” he asks, padding over to the sofa. You watch him approach with a deep scowl on your face. He collapses onto the couch, slouching and spreading his legs obnoxiously wide. “You gonna beat me up or something?”
You shake your head in disbelief, stepping away from him. “You’re a piece of shit.”
“So you say,” he replies, unbothered.
“You’re so—”
You break off, producing an angry noise in the back of your throat. Harry winks at you; in response, you whip around and storm away, carving out a path from the living room to the kitchen.
You shine the light from your phone across the cupboards, making a beeline for the fridge. When you pull it open, the cold compartment is dark. Squinting, you reach for one of the many water bottles stacked on the top shelf.
Stupid Harry, with his stupid smile and his stupid eyes and his stupid attitude and his stupid bogus business. You can’t believe that Mindy and Gerald were naïve enough to fall for his bullshit. You need to have a long talk with them when they get back, you think—to ensure that they never swallow a pill this big ever again.
You nearly jump out of your skin, pointing your phone toward the kitchen’s exit. Harry is standing there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his broad chest. You bring one hand up to your sternum, trying to calm your racing heart.
“Jesus Christ,” you hiss, shaking your head. “You scared the shit out of me!”
He snickers lowly. You turn your attention back to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle and uncapping it quickly. Through the darkness, Harry watches you gulp down the cool liquid; you pretend not to notice.
“Can I help you?” you finally ask, wiping your mouth with the heel of your palm.
“No.” He shrugs. “Just…looking, I guess.”
“That’s creepy,” you reply flatly. He laughs.
“May I steal a bottle?” he says, padding across the tiles. “I’m parched.”
You chew on the inside of your cheek. “I—sure. Whatever.”
And though you try, you can’t seem to tear your gaze away from him. He hums as he opens up the fridge, leaning forward to get a better look inside. You play with the hem of your sweater, standing behind him awkwardly. When he peers over his shoulder, you quickly look away, feigning interest in the marble countertop next to the sink.
“Er—” he starts. He fixes you with an inquisitive look, glancing down at the device in your hand. “Would you mind? I can’t see anything.”
“Don’t you have your own?” you ask.
“Yeah, but you’re already holding yours. Come on.”
You roll your eyes. “Fine.”
You draw nearer, lifting your phone and shining its flash into the fridge. Harry hums, plucking a water bottle off the top shelf with a satisfied smile. When he turns to face you, a puff of air catches in your throat; he’s awfully close, his torso brushing almost imperceptibly against yours.
You stare up at him, stunned. There’s a small mole beneath the left corner of his mouth. Part of you—an insignificant, microscopic part—fights the urge to reach out and run your thumb over the mark.
“I’m sorry for calling you a piece of shit,” you blurt.
He inhales deeply, chest expanding and fitting a bit more firmly against your own.
The contact snaps you out of your trance. You retreat, backing up against the counter to maintain your balance. Harry clears his throat and glances away.
“Thanks,” he says, his voice hoarse.
Unable to find the right words, you simply nod.
The two of you stand there for a long moment, sinking into a pool of uncomfortable silence. Just when you think that you’re going to choke on the invisible tension, a faint buzz resonates through the air. Less than a second later, the power returns, illuminating the kitchen in a wash of warm, brilliant light.
“Thank God,” you mutter. You shut the flash on your phone, sliding the device beneath the waistband of your leggings.
Harry blinks rapidly, disoriented. “Shit.”
“What’s wrong?” you ask, tilting your head to the side.
He waves your question away. “No, it’s—it’s nothing.”
And you don’t really feel like pressing the subject, so you let it go. A tired sigh falls from your mouth as you scan your surroundings.
“Help me find a broom,” you tell him. “We need to sweep up the glass in the other room.”
His lips twitch. “What’s the magic word?”
There he is. The same insufferable man who has been pushing your buttons all week. You scowl, shooting him a displeased glare.
“Forget it.” You drag your fingers down the left side of your face. “I’ll do it myself.”
“You sure you don’t want my help?” Harry calls, kicking his feet up onto the sofa.
You grunt, crouching next to the shattered glass on the floor. “Positive.”
The broom and dustpan that you’ve acquired from the laundry room are old and frail, but you suppose that they’ll get the job done. You set the dustpan down on the ground, wrapping your fingers around the broom’s handle and trying to maneuver it in an efficient way. It’s no easy feat, but eventually, you manage to create a small, compact pile of shards. Gingerly, you reach for the picture frame, plucking it up from the ground and setting it off to the side. Next, you take your time sweeping all of the fragments into the dustpan, inspecting the floor for any lingering bits.
“Struggling over there?” Harry asks.
You grit your teeth.
“No,” you counter in a matter-of-fact tone. “I think I got it all, actually. No thanks to you.”
You throw the last part over your shoulder, coupling it with an accusatory frown. Harry holds up his hands in surrender, suppressing his amusement.
“Shouldn’t you be exorcising spirits?” you ask. Sarcasm drips from your words.
He chuckles. The couch squeaks as he shuffles around; a moment later, the sound of approaching footsteps reaches your ears. You stiffen when he stops next to your squatted form.
“To be quite honest,” he begins, and you can practically hear the smirk in his voice, “I’m having a much better time watching you.”
“Creepy,” you say. “Again.”
He laughs, lowering himself to his knees. In the periphery of your vision, you watch him pick up the abandoned picture frame, turning it around and studying the photograph inside. His cheeks lift with the slope of a familiar smile, but somehow, this one is different from the others that you’ve witnessed.
It’s real. Sincere.
“Nice, don’t you think?” Harry asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
He extends his arm, revealing the photograph. Mindy and Gerald’s beaming faces stare up at you, a balance of bright grins and crinkled eyes. Subconsciously, your lips curl upward, and you take the frame from Harry’s hands.
“Yeah,” you murmur, running your fingertips over the photo. “They look happy.”
“How long have you known them?” he asks. There’s no malice behind the question.
“Since I moved in,” you say absentmindedly, admiring the ornate frame around the picture. “A few years, now.”
He hums in response. “They talk about you a lot.”
“All good things, I hope.” You cast a wry look in his direction.
He chuckles and nods. “Yeah. They look out for you, it seems.”
“I try to look out for them, too.” You sit back on your haunches, groaning quietly. “Which is why I was surprised that they didn’t come to me when they first thought their house was ‘haunted’.”
Your intonation changes on the last word; you still don’t believe that your neighbours are being plagued by spirits, despite the plethora of peculiarity that you’ve witnessed tonight.
“Maybe they didn’t want to worry you,” Harry suggests.
You roll your eyes. Even now, he refuses to drop the act.
“Sure,” you say. “So, hiring a spirit exterminator—or whatever you pretend to be—was a better move?” You snort softly, climbing to your feet. “How much are they paying you, anyway?”
He purses his lips. “They’re not.”
You freeze.
A beat of silence drags out, during which you swallow your shock. You clear your throat and lift your chin, staring down at Harry banally.
“You’re lying.”
“You are!” you insist. A short, incredulous laugh tumbles off your tongue. “You are one hundred percent fucking with me.”
“I’m afraid not,” he says.
“Your truck, though...” you say. “‘Lasting results, or your money back’?”
“I’ve got to make it look legitimate, don’t I?” He smirks. “But it’s cute that you remembered.”
Your eyes lock with his, and suddenly, it’s almost impossible to breathe. His gaze is deep, open, and honest. Your lips part, but no sound comes out. Instinctively, your legs carry you a few paces back, veering toward the sofa. You plop down onto the plush cushions, clutching the picture frame tightly between your fingers.
“Then, why—?” you break off, shaking your head. “Why would you—?”
“Peace of mind,” Harry shrugs, still rooted to his spot on the floor. “Ever heard of the placebo effect?”
“You admit it, then,” you say, sitting up straight. “There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
He nods, blinking languidly. “There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“So,” you start, trying to make sense of the situation, “you let them believe that you’re actually cleansing the house—for free, too—just to—?” You glance around the room, searching for the right words. “—just to put them at ease?”
Sweet. Thoughtful.
Harry chuckles. “Thanks.”
“I—” You hesitate, depositing the photograph next to you on the couch. “This whole time, I thought you were just…”
“A con?”
You bring your fingers up to your mouth, nodding silently and studying him with big, rounded eyes.
He shrugs.
“I mean, I never really got the chance to explain myself. You’d already made up your mind about me, hadn’t you? So, I thought I’d just let you stick with your assumptions—it didn’t bother me much.”
“I’m a horrible person,” you say, mostly to yourself.
Harry laughs, shaking his head. “No, you’re not. You’re just a bit judgmental, that’s all.”
“You’re right.” You nod again, bowing your head in shame. “I am. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, babe, really.”
You stand abruptly, abandoning your spot on the sofa.
“I should finish up,” you state, embarrassed beyond belief. Harry watches you closely as you approach. You crouch down next to him, reaching for the dustpan with shaky hands. A few small shards of glass are littered at the brink of the collector; you nudge them away from the edge, trying to be as careful as possible.
“Ow!” you suddenly hiss, retracting your arm quickly. You twist your wrist, fixing your attention on a thin cut engraved into the pad of your index finger.
“What happened?” Harry asks, leaning forward.
You shake your head, waving away his worries. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Just got nicked, that’s all.”
“Let me see,” he requests, holding out his own hand.
You pause, taking your bottom lip between your teeth and stealing a quick glance at his face. His expression is concerned, but neutral. Your hesitation is silly, you think—he may be a bit of a jackass, but he’s not going to hurt you. You’ve already condemned him once before, and you were wrong.
You don’t want to make that mistake again.
After a brief moment, you give in, sliding your knuckles into his open palm.
“It’s alright, really,” you say, speaking around the lump in your throat. “The piece was tiny—it hardly broke the surface.”
Harry inspects the laceration closely, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
It’s not that serious, you want to tell him, but you refrain from letting the words escape. Part of you is enjoying the way your hands fit together so perfectly. You don’t want it to end—not yet.
“You’re bleeding a bit, babe,” he announces faintly, brows cinched in concentration.
“I am?” You try to tug your arm back, but he keeps a firm grip on your wrist. A low, confused noise echoes in the back of your throat; Harry peers up at you, his features unreadable.
“It’s just a spot,” he murmurs. “Let me.”
And before you can say or do anything else, he’s taking your finger past his lips and giving an easy, gentle suck.
You squeak.
The sound snaps Harry out of his trance; he releases your hand and recoils hastily. You exhale, driving out the stale air gathered in your lungs. When you peek up at him from beneath your lashes, he’s already watching you, shoulders taut with anxiety.
“Sorry,” he stammers. His nostrils flare. “That was weird—sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you say, shaking your head. “Er…thanks.”
“No worries.” He swallows.
Awkwardly, you wipe your clammy palms against your thighs. Harry seems to be looking at everything except for you; his gaze flits to the ceiling, then to the couch, then to the floor. You gnaw on the inside of your cheek and push yourself up off the ground. The room is painfully quiet as you slowly slink back toward to the sofa.
“I should probably put this somewhere safe,” you mumble, picking up the forgotten picture frame.
Warm air floats over the nape of your neck. You gasp and spin around, nearly toppling over in your haste. Harry’s hands find your shoulders, steadying you and crowding you closer to his chest. You glance up at him; your shallow breaths mingle together in the narrow space, noses only inches apart.
“Is this okay?” he asks, his voice no higher than a gruff whisper. “Tell me. Please.”
In response, you fumble for one of his hands, grappling at his wrist; he loosens his hold on your arms, confused but willing. He’s motionless as you lift his knuckles up to your mouth. You glance down, tilting your head to the side and studying them carefully. Harry says nothing when you press a soft, feathery kiss to the pad of his index finger.
But then you’re dipping the tip of the digit between your lips, and suddenly, he’s undone.
He grabs your face in his palms and seals his mouth to yours.
The two of you stagger backward, tumbling onto the couch. Mindy and Gerald’s picture frame slips from your grasp, landing on a neighbouring cushion with a faint thud. Reflexively, your legs part; Harry takes his rightful place between them, slanting his body accordingly. When he applies the faintest hint of pressure, you moan.
“Fuck.” He draws back, his warm breath wafting over your chin. “Don’t.”
“‘Don’t’ what?” you ask, puzzled.
He shakes his head. “Don’t make those noises. It’s—you’re—I’m—”
He curses quietly and reaches for one of your hands. You allow him to guide your palm lower, inhaling sharply when you feel the slight bulge protruding from his trousers. Instinctively, your fingers close over the subtle ridge of his cock. His shoulders stiffen, and his eyes squeeze shut.
“You’re hard,” you murmur, as though it’s the most fascinating thing in the world.
“Not fully.” He swallows. “But I’m getting there.”
“Because of me?” you ask, peering up at him innocently.
“Yeah.” Harry expels a wobbly, disbelieving laugh. “Yeah, babe—because of you.”
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as the familiar moniker falls from his mouth. He notices your unusual reaction, mouth curling into teasing smirk.
“What?” he says, lifting one eyebrow. “No nagging, this time? I thought you hated that nickname.”
You grip the collar of his sweater and give a gentle tug, guiding him down for another kiss. When the two of you finally break apart, you shrug. “It’s growing on me.”
He smiles.
“Do you—?” you pause, pursing your lips. The question sounds silly—presumptuous, even. Rather than finishing your sentence, you lift your chin, gazing up evenly into Harry’s green eyes and declaring, “I think I want to sleep with you.”
His cheeks dimple with a wide grin. “Is that so?”
You nod.
“Right, then.” He kisses your nose and pulls away. “There’s a condom in my wallet, but…I may or may not have left it in my truck.”
You groan, allowing your head to fall back against the sofa with a heavy thump. Harry chuckles at your theatrics. After a brief moment of contemplation, you compose yourself and sit up quickly.
“That works, actually,” you say, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “Grab your wallet, and then we can go to my place. I don’t think my neighbours would be very happy if we fucked on their couch.”
He laughs, climbing eagerly to his feet and shooting you a smug wink. “You got it, babe.”
      October 10th, 2021
It’s nearly half past noon when you step out onto the porch the next day. You yawn, squinting up at the sun shining brightly in the sky. There are no clouds in sight; the slight chill of the autumn air tickles your exposed arms. You tug on the waistband of your sweatpants, keeping the material seated firmly on your hips.
“Good morning, dear!”
You jump, head snapping in the direction of a familiar voice. Mindy and Gerald are sitting on their veranda, nursing twin cups of coffee and looking awfully cozy. Gerald smiles at you, folding up his newspaper and setting it on his lap.
“Good morning!” You wave before re-evaluating your words. “Well, it’s technically past twelve, so good afternoon.”
Mindy laughs.
“How was the wedding?” you ask, approaching the side of your deck. You lean against the thin metal railing, combing your fingers through your messy hair. “I wasn’t expecting you to be back this soon.”
“We woke up early,” Mindy explains. “And the wedding was fabulous. Amy wore the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen.”
“Really?” You grin. “Do you have any pictures?”
“Of course! Just let me run inside and grab my phone—”
“Mornin’,” a gruff voice says from behind you.
You gasp and spin around, bringing a hand to your chest. The sight laid out before you has your heart speeding up, galloping wildly and battering against the confines of your ribs.
Harry’s wearing that same hoodie from last night. Your gaze trails lower—he’s also sporting a pair of grey boxers and white socks. There’s a mug nestled in each of his large hands, his spindly fingers wrapped around the handles comfortably. Your eyes lock with his sleepy ones, and your breathing hitches in your throat.
“Morning,” you whisper, unable to muster up anything louder.
“I—” Harry clears his throat, stepping closer and extending his left arm. “I, er, took the liberty of making us some tea. Hope you don’t mind.”
“No, it’s—” You swallow as you accept one of the mugs, suppressing a giddy smile. “It’s completely fine. Thank you.”
“Of course.” He leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Sleep well?”
“Mhm.” You nod shyly.
He chuckles. “Good.”
His gaze wanders over your shoulder, and it’s then that he notices Mindy and Gerald sat on the neighbouring porch. Without even batting an eye, he lifts his hand in a friendly wave. “Morning, you two. How was the wedding?”
You turn back toward the couple, a sheepish look on your face. Mindy is beaming, and Gerald is trying to hold back a laugh. Heat creeps up your neck; you wish that the ground would just open up and swallow you whole.
“It was wonderful!” Mindy trills. Her enthusiasm has skyrocketed. You pinch the bridge of your nose, utterly mortified.
“Yes.” Gerald finally pipes up, smirking knowingly. “It was great. What about you, though? How was your night?”
“Fine,” you blurt before Harry can respond. “It was fine.”
The duo share a look, and then Mindy giggles girlishly. You bring your mug up to your mouth, taking a long sip and groaning into the cup. Harry’s arm snakes around your waist, making you jump. You steal a glance at him out of the corner of your eye; he’s fighting a smile.
“Well—” Gerald clears his throat, plucking his folded newspaper from his lap and rising to his feet. “I think I’ll be going, now. Need to catch up on those few extra hours of sleep.”
“Me too,” Mindy says, nodding fervently. She directs her next words at you. “If you pop by later, I’ll show you those photos, okay?”
“Okay,” you croak.
She shoots you one last grin before disappearing inside.
“God,” you say immediately, hanging your head. “That was torture.”
Next to you, Harry laughs. You aim a weak swat at his chest. He snickers, catching your palm and ducking down to drop a gentle kiss against your knuckles. You exhale shakily, twisting your body around so that you can face him.
“Your hair’s a mess,” you murmur, running your free hand through his dishevelled curls.
He cocks one eyebrow. “And whose fault is that?”
You scoff. “Shut up.”
He chuckles quietly and steps closer to you, holding out his mug. You smile in assent, mirroring his movements and clinking your cups together.
“So,” Harry starts, sipping his tea casually, “you gonna let me take you out on a proper date, sometime?”
“That depends,” you say, trying to ignore the flurry of butterflies flapping around in your stomach. “I’ll go—but only if we take my car. I refuse to drive around town in your tacky truck.”
“It’s not that bad!” he protests.
“It’s awful,” you tell him, shaking your head. “It looks it was decorated by a preschooler during arts and crafts.”
“Fine.” He rolls his eyes playfully, giving in. “Any other requests?”
You pause, lost in thought.
“One more, actually,” you say, fixing him with a challenging stare. “You need to come clean to Mindy and Gerald.”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “Alright.”
“Really?” You balk, taken aback by his compliance. “That’s it? But I—I had a whole speech prepared.”
Harry laughs softly, cradling your face with his free hand and kissing you slowly. Your fingers tighten around your mug. When the two of you break apart for air, he shrugs.
“I started considering it after everything that happened last night. Keep your speech, though.” His lips twitch. “You’ll be needing to scold me again in no time, I’m sure.”
Your shoulders shake with a silent giggle. “You’re probably right.”
“Also—” Harry clears his throat, soothing the ache with another sip of tea. “You may want to suggest that they hire an exterminator.”
“An exterminator?” you repeat, blinking in surprise. “But…they don’t have rats. Gerald said that the traps hadn’t been touched.”
“Not rats,” he hums. “Squirrels, I believe. Living in the walls.”
“And how did you reach that conclusion?”
“I’ve been doing this for a while, babe—I’ve seen my fair share of pests. Plus,” he clucks his tongue, “they like to chew on wires.”
“Really?” You sigh distantly, pinching your bottom lip. “God, that sucks.”
“It does.” He nods, wrapping his fingers around your forearm. “But you can tell them later.”
“Later?” you say, brows knitting together. “Why not right now?”
“Because,” Harry grunts. You squeal when he crowds you up against your front door. He cups your jaw and tilts your chin up with his thumb, handsome face splitting into an easy, salacious grin.
“Right now, I’m taking you back to bed.”
thanks for reading! if you enjoyed this piece, please consider donating to my ko-fi! and as always, don’t forget to share your thoughts. thank you bunches <3
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chitsangenthusiast · 3 years
What family Halloween costumes would Zuko, Sokka and Izumi wear? (with or without Varrick and Senna as I just like the idea of them also being their children with a big family,,) ❤❤
honestly for the first few years they prob just put her in some really adorable halloween-themed onesies bc it's easiest and those can be useful even after the holiday bc izumi won't stop growing lol
the first year she and all the other gaang babies are old enough to walk on their own tho? pumpkin patch family group costume!!! where there's just a slew of lil baby pumpkins running around!!! while all their parents are dressed as pumpkin farmers!!!!
(katara obv makes fun of zuko all night bc he looks "less like a farmer and more like the town's delinquent kid who's trying to get with the local farmerboy." at one point she asks whether he actually knew farms had mud lol)
in the years after that, izumi goes through this period where at first she hates all scary things—then one day does a complete 180 and loves everything creepy, so there's a wide range of costumes she's done, including:
blue from blue's clues, with zuko as steve and sokka as a vampire
a kitty! with baba kitty!! and sokka as a vampire with cat ears
kim possible, with zuko as ron stoppable (lol) and sokka as a guy in some old skeleton shirt bc the fangs scared izumi this year :(
rapunzel, featuring zuko as flynn rider and sokka as the vampire carrying the frying pan for most of the night (and a head of cabbage bc unlike those two over there he knows the real story)
the blue spirit!! she and zuko were twinsies, and sokka was a vampire
a rocker, which sokka liked bc he got to see zuko dress like how he used to in college—and zuko also liked, bc he's had a thing for edgy vampires since he was a teenager lmao
danny phantom! she forced zuko to be a ghost and pretended to "capture" him all night lol (sokka was a vampire)
literally some kind of demon/zombie creature. she had a vision that involved a lot of fake blood, and zuko went as a skeleton bc he had no clue how to match her. sokka got to take advantage of the fake blood for the vampire costume tho!
a vampire, which is the only time they all ever looked like they planned a family costume lol
okay.....in sokka's defense, he doesn't really have the time to think of a good costume every year! he's too busy in the months leading up to october planning and making their home the hottest halloween yard attraction in the neighborhood!!!
(bc listen hahn on the corner deserves to be knocked down several pegs for thinking he could ever hold that title with his dumb store-bought inflatables, and lbr sokka will happily be the man to knock that cocky smirk right off his face)
((also zuko likes the fangs lol))
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corpsentry · 4 years
january: an art retrospective
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i did some stuff last month (but it’s a lot of stuff and there’s a photodump + some Serious Fucking Reflection, so it’s all below the cut)
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so ok, let’s start with this. here are some heads. each head has a red arrow. that red arrow is what i call the red line of the devil. it’s the slope of the face from the side of the eye to the cheekbone and then down towards the chin. up until like 2 weeks ago, i couldn’t draw it. i couldn’t fucking draw it. i would edit over that part of the face over and over again until i was frustrated and tired and i had a raging homosexual headache and it still never looked right. notice that each head is different. notice that each head looks wrong.
at the start of 2021 i finally admitted to myself, as per the image above, that i was deeply, deeply unhappy with my art. what was the problem? i dunno. but i decided i was going to fix it and i was going to do so via another one scribble a day event wherein for every day of january i would find a photo of a human head, and i would draw it.
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january 1st, 2021. i was embarrassed to tweet this even on my private account where like 5 friends and a rock would see it. in retrospect, you can also see all of my bad habits emerging like dicks from a hole in the ground. it’s disproportionate. the brows look flat. the eyes are slanting upwards. the entire drawing looks flat, like this isn’t a 3d person but a caricature of one.
january 2nd, 3rd, 4th:
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on the 2nd i decided to start a separate thread for doodles and applied learning. here’s the first set of tests
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the rest of the week is kind of uneventful so we’re going to skip those. fast forward to january 11th
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this one is especially bad. i am acutely aware, suddenly, that i am not changing anything at all. i’m stressed and miserable about it because i’m still trying to see people as people and trying to draw people that look attractive and proportionate and hot. my friend, leny, reminds me that i need to think about faces in terms of planes. i have a moment. my other friend masha sends me some links to anatomy tutorials. i have another moment.
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january 11th. applied sketch
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january 13th is when i start the troubleshooting process. the link above drives me mad because i’m pretty happy with the face but then i realize that there’s something very fucking wrong with the shape of the head LOL and then i realize that i’ve never had any idea what the proportion of the face to the rest of the skull is so i grit my teeth and i open a new canvas and i
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bald studies. it seemed like the right thing to do. can’t draw heads? ok draw some heads. look at some photographs. i traced each photo but tried to stick to straight lines so that i could replicate the shapes more easily. i broke each face down into shapes. i thought about airplanes
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i got really excited. i started doing studies, then applied studies, then stylized studies.
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sketches. i’m not sure what’s going on (as always) and it’s very rough, but they look different from the sketches i did on january 2nd. that’s a start
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january 16th’s daily study. looks more like a person now. juuuuuust a bit
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more applied studies
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on the 18th i take a break and go stare at some lips because i don’t understand how the fuck they work. again, i focus on shapes, on volume, on the fact that these things exist in 3d. holy fuck lips exist in 3d. holy fuck we are real
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january 19th. i’m working on it.
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january 22nd. some sketches + a daily study. it has finally occurred to me that heads can tilt up and down and that things look different accordingly. yes i was not aware of this before. yes i have been drawing for over a decade.
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january 23rd. by this point after doing my daily sketch i almost always go back and do an applied study which is basically to say i drew a lot of fucking links. this one looks kind of okay. i’m kind of proud
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january 25th. links. trying to make sense of everything i’ve learned
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26th, 27th, 28th. daily studies
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january 1st. january 31st
The End Of The Photo Dump (dab)
ok NOW i get to talk about what i discovered while studying the shit out of human beings
FIRST OF ALL, there is something precious and magical about drawing shit without the explicit knowledge that you’re going to tweet that shit out to 45 people later. it takes the burden of perception off your shoulders and that does something to you, or at least that’s my theory. i told myself i wouldn’t post any of this stuff until the end of the month (if i wanted to post it at all) and kept everything off my public social media accounts and that meant i could draw ugly as hell without worrying about who would point and laugh, which i absolutely fucking did. a lot of these are fucking trainwrecks. most of these are fucking trainwrecks. why do they look like that?? why??? this doesn’t look like the work of someone who’s allegedly been drawing since they were in kindergarten, does it?????
here’s why: because that person took a huge motherfucking swing at everything they’d ever known about art and spent a month building something new in its place. the abstract explanation is that i grew up on shoujo and weird old anime and my understanding of anatomy was unironically kamichama karin and while i love kamichama karin, when kamichama karin is your rule even if you try to break it, you’re going to end up going nowhere. “you have to know the rules to break them”, yeah? well i didn’t know shit. the abstract explanation is i’ve been miserable about my art for a few years now because i saw other people doing things effortlessly which i couldn’t and instead of going back to the basics, i tried to do what they did (not plagiarism, mind you, i mean i literally tried to copy the red line of the devil i mentioned above because i couldn’t even make that happen) and then i fucking failed.
the simple explanation is this. i had to unlearn everything, and relearn it again (like some kind of new renaissance clown, what the fuck is this?)
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take this for example. all my life i’ve drawn faces in the order: eyes, nose, mouth, face shape, head. this works for some people, im aware, but it was something central to how i had always drawn, so i decentralized it. i said fuck you to the old me and changed the order up. now i start with the nose, then the eyes, mouth, the chin line, and the sides of the face. now i force myself to think about the human head as a series of parts interacting with each other instead of a bunch of disparate features which i want to look pretty.
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or let’s use this zelda from last year. something about this looked wrong last october, the way something about all of my drawings looked wrong, but i couldn’t pinpoint it for hell the way i couldn’t articulate Any of my feelings about the visual arts. now, looking back, here’s what i see. that nose is sticking out far too much given how she’s not really facing very far away from the camera. that ear at the back shouldn’t be there. her forehead is too big. she doesn’t have a forehead. what the fuck is up with the shape of her head?
so apparently reject modernity embrace tradition has its roots in alt-right terminology and i’m not very horny for the alt-right (you understand), but the spirit survives here. you know sometimes you have to admit that you have no idea what the fuck you’re doing and draw people for 31 days. i’ve spent my whole life drawing stylized people and while again there are artists who have no issue with this, i veered off the track of the Good and the Holy and couldn’t get back on. i had no point of reference because i’d never thought about what an actual human being looks like, so i had no way to fix what i knew in my gut looked wrong but wouldn’t come out better.
this was hard. this was like oikawa tooru swallowing his worthless pride and admitting that ushijima wakatoshi had gotten the best of him for the last time in his high school career, but in haikyuu!! by furudate haruichi oikawa tooru fucks off to argentina and then joins the argentinean national team, and you know what, i think i’ve made it to argentina (not the team just the country). as per the golden rule of dont fucking move until you’re at least two thirds of the way through the month, i only started trying to draw Shit shit on like the 22nd or something, but i was happy with that i created. i am happy with what i’ve done. i’ve posted like 2 things this month that involve people with what i now call ~applied Knowledge~~ and they’re, like, not perfect obviously (perfection is an unattainable ideal), but i’m fucking proud of them. i didn’t spend 5 hours hunched over my laptop adjusting the red line of the devil because it’s not a devil’s line anymore. because i finally sorta get how people work. because i sat down and i said ‘we are not going to fuck with this misery shit anymore’ and then i did that. it’s just a line now.
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here are 2 collages tracking my painstakingly carved out progress from january 2nd to february 2nd because i’m a slut for collages
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and here’s what i’ve done to my art! the same person drew these but also Not Really! you know! for the first time in a year i don’t immediately hate what i’ve drawn. you know what guys? art is fucking fun. zelda’s forehead doesn’t scare me anymore because i know how foreheads fucking work now, and i don’t know everything, and i’m going to keep troubleshooting stuff as i go (i want to draw a skeleton. like a. i want to draw a goddamn skeleton guys) but i’m honestly and genuinely proud of what i’ve done in the span of a month, and i’m also in disbelief. i started this month-long challenge out as a last ditch effort to make peace with my art because i’ve been tired for a long time and i was ready to kick the bucket on drawing people altogether. i didn’t think anything would happen. nothing’s happened for years. i’ve been miserable for years.
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this was the caption for january 1st, 2021. i was super, super fucking embarrassed and it looks like super fucking shit, but you know what, i think i did in fact triumph over the bullshit. surprisingly enough, when you put in consistent effort into something, You Will See Results. didn’t see that coming, did you? i know i didn’t.
this isn’t a success story. it’s a happiness story. i never gave a shit damn about the institute of art or whatever, i was just mad at myself because what i saw in my head didn’t match up with what was on the canvas. and now it’s getting better. now i’m calibrating the compass. now drawing not just backgrounds but also people is exciting to me, and i can stick my links in your face and tell you ‘they hot’. i’m going to keep doing that. i’m going to keep going until i drop off the side of the earth and then spiral towards mars like some kind of fairy, and then i’m going to create something beautiful.
thanks for reading. here’s a pr department link for sticking around until the end
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