#the ‘i heard u like magic i got a wand and a rabbit’ makes me laugh every time
skully-bones · 26 days
it always sucks just getting one or two parts of a song stuck in ur head, i’ve been tortured w “h-o-t-t-o-g-o u can take me hot to go” and “its like 199 degrees” all weekend
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everly-kindred · 5 years
Eve’s Diary - Entry #47
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Synopsis: With Rose Grams released at school as the Hearty Party approaches, Eve’s week gets much busier! 
Words: 1,075
Date: 31st of January, 2027
Dear Diary, 
It has been a busy week, and now, thankfully, it’s the weekend! But I fear it may not get any less busy for me. For good reasons, though! 
I met some new friends! One of them is a girl named Hailey, who is actually one of the other first years I share a dorm with. I’d seen her about in the common rooms, but we hadn’t actually spoken until recently. She seems nice! I also met an older boy named Shaun briefly, and his white cat, Snowy. 
I finally had a success of sorts, also! In herbology, I managed to successfully plant mint, wolfsbane, wormwood /and/ nettle! I’ve gotten a bit better with plants, which makes me really happy, since it’s my best subject on paper at least! 
And then we had Defense Against the Dark Arts, which… I definitely had nightmares after that one. The professor brought a hag in, and we all talked about how hags like eating the flesh of children and stuff, and he let her walk around the class and she kind of stood over me and messed with my hat? I was petrified! Marigold tried to offer her hat up to the hag, but the hag sort of ignored her, I guess. Anyways, I ran out of that class as fast as I could, once Vikander unlocked the door, and went straight to my dorm! I figured, if I’m safe anywhere, it’s there… Maybe hags melt when they get sprayed by vinegar, like the wicked witch of the west? Was she the one that melted? Anyways, it’s nice to know at least that a lot of hags choose to have a more… uh… people friendly diet so they can sort of be a part of society. 
We had astrology, which I always have a hard time waking up for. Nora had to help me with the telescope because I kept getting distracted, and I swear I had that one song that goes, ‘catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day,’ stuck in my head the entire night. I would certainly love to catch stars like I dream about, of course, but yeah. 
We had a test in transfigurations and I… couldn’t answer even one question. I completely blanked. And now that I think about it, I think that was my first test at Hogwarts? So… I’ll need to figure out why I panicked and how to… not do that next time. And I heard in the older kids Transfigurations that Gallo borrowed Waldgrave’s wand and transfigured himself into a chicken!
This weeks Care of Magical Creatures was about pygmy puffs, so I got to bring Cornelius to class with me, which was really sweet. He’s been rolling around in fireplaces lately, I guess ‘cause it’s warm and maybe he likes the smell, but it’s made him look like a ball of soot! I’ve thought about giving him a bath and asking Bonnie to make his fur pink for Valentines, but… He seems so happy covered in soot, and it feels wrong to take that away from him. 
In Ghoul Studies, we talked about animal ghosts, how animals are companions and protect us in real life, and how our spirit guardians are manifested as our patronuses in their own animal forms. I wonder what my patronus will be… I wonder what it is /now/, because I know they can change as you change. 
We also had Dueling today, and played this game where we have to sneak up on someone and then they turn around and hex whoever they can spot, and the person we’re sneaking up on is called, ‘Grandma.’ Octavia Dechants was grandma, and she ended up getting into a duel with Bonnie, who made her scarf attack her and then turned her into a turtle. We had Magical Theory right after that, so I had to let Professor Reuter know she’d be late due to being transfigured, and he said she would’ve made a better peacock or something like that…
The most exciting news, though, is that the Owl Post finally opened up Rose Grams and Cupid’s Corner! I put in requests to send them to all of my friends, and then I started delivering them! I also delivered a bouquet of them and a plate of biscuits to the professor’s lounge with a note I had written, because I wanted to send grams to a lot of professors and thought that would be easier. Gallo helped me and let me into the lounge so I could do it! It looked really interesting in there. I did something similar for Cupid’s Corner for my friends - wrote a message for no one in specific, just from me to my friends, because there’s… So many of them! Which is so nice to say! 
Also, mum sent me a little enchanted stuffed rabbit with wings and a cupid’s bow and arrows, and he floats over my shoulder while I make deliveries. I’ve put on my most festive outfit for the occasion! 
I talked to Aures a bit, when I went to deliver her rose gram, and we talked about romance. I told her my mom had said I was a ‘hopeless romantic’ and that means I’m in love with love (I guess?) and Aures said she’d have to tell me about her parents, and then she… Well she mentioned that it’ll make things exciting when you can go to the Hearty Party with someone special, which… I suppose I /have/ daydreamed plenty of times about such things, but living at home with my parents for so long, I never thought it would actually be possible! And now it is I guess? Which is both exciting and scary.
I told Aures that I’d probably just wait and see if someone asks me, but not stress it either way, and that we could dance together when the Hearty Party comes. She said that if she asks someone, she’ll have gone to the dance all three ways - alone, having been asked by someone, and then having asked someone. And I told her if someone asked me, I could say the same! 
I’m not sure if anyone will ask me, though. Who knows. I don’t, for now, anyways. My dreams haven’t hinted at anything. Only time will tell! 
It is very late, so I suppose I shall go to bed now. 
Much love, Everly
About the Character: Everlina Rosemary Kindred is an imaginative Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She keeps up with her magical journey through a series of diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings, all documented for future reflection. Her diary is a small glimpse into her enchanted life, and her adventure into the wizarding world and all its splendors. If you’d like more information about Eve, visit her wiki page. 
About the Author: My name is Katherine! I am a 22-year-old Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie from Louisville, Kentucky. This page is my creative journey into the magical world, through the lenses of Second Life. Here I post diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings all from my character’s perspective. If you’d like more information about me, visit my Flickr! 
Outfit Credits:
Hair - [monso] My Hair - Gabriella
Glasses - .random.Matter. - Rose Glasses - Gold
Bandaid - m i z u ru -  nose bandage
Headband (flowers) - Mossu - Fleur.Wreath 
Headband (hearts) - Bowtique - Cupid Heart Headband (Pink)
Flower-crown - +Half-Deer+ Blossom Baby - Wildflower Crown - Mix
Scarf - FATEplay Scarf - Evans - Badger
Top - Stories&Co. Reverse Vneck - Heart 
Skirt - `M.BIRDIE / Merry look-skirtA1
Bouquet - Ariskea[amour]. Roses Bouquet Pink
Bunny - MishMish - Cupid Bunny / Chocolate Chip
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It’s here. I did it. Fuck my whole life I hope u like it bc this took ages and it’s so fucking long.
He would have the truth of it - all of it - from the whelp. Blinded by glee at the scandal of it, the idea that Percival might not have been such a paragon of propriety - but somehow deviant - using his powers as director for something other than good - he had made a mistake. Both of them men in Director Graves office had made a poor decision that day. His, however, had not been irreparable.
Coming to the lighthouse now - putting visits so close together was pressing his luck - and as such - he had deliberately delayed doing so as much as he was loathed to do so - forcing himself to use foresight and to think clearly. When he was certain - certain that it was safe - his time truly his own he appeared purposeful and powerful with intent. He would have the truth of what he had seen.
Percival said something as he strode across the limited space - he was aware of it without hearing it - a wave of his hand silenced his current doppelgänger more effectively than telling him - “Quiet - Percy - I’m not here to see you.” Although he did both.
She had gotten used to how different Percival looked - she no longer found discrepancies in what she expected to see and what she got. But the sight of him - healthy, whole and well groomed threw the impact of his confinement into sharp relief once more. Grindelwald had arranged his features into something akin to thunder - anger radiating off him like electricity - the face she had expected when admitting her failures.
It would have been terrifying anyway - had he not been making a beeline for her - bearing down on her - pinning her for the second time that day before she could even consider the futility of escape.
She felt it this time - the invasion - trying to rake deeper and shrieked - something incomprehensible - trying to run, despite having nowhere to run to.
The Junior Auror was resisting him - clearly warned of his legilimency by Percival - Tim was trying to keep him out. Surprisingly strong willed for someone so young - it made no matter - he had broken into Percival’s mind, he would break into Tim’s. His patience, however, was thinning. Torture and starvation had been the tools he’d had to use on the Director - and that had taken some time - he wanted his satisfaction now.
He considered the trembling boy in his arms - cheeks glistening with tears - arms bound magically - gagged because his mind was more useful in this than his tongue (and stopping the pleading as soon as it started would serve to speed up the process) and inspiration struck.
He turned his gaze from Tim to Percival. “Look at him, Percy.” He practically sang, using his wheedling voice - the one full of venom - and yet - irresistible. He curled his fingers through Tim’s hair, wrenching his head so the two had no choice but to look at each other. “Trying to do you proud. Still trying to snatch a glimpse of respect… Have you not told him how easily I broke you? How I’ve not had to read you anymore - because you volunteer your information now - rather than face it again?
He’s doing well. But I think he’ll break so much more spectacularly than you did… It might delight me if my time was not so short. Don’t you want to help him, Perce? Tell him to stop, to let me in… That it will hurt less.
He won’t disobey you.”
The silence stretched - pulling so thin that it might snap - and then.
“Do as he says.” Defeated, dejected, desolate but desperate to do some good - Percival said it and then - as another silence began to build. “That’s an order, Jewkes.”
He watched - he made himself watch - he did not hear the sob but saw the boys chest heave as he released one anyway and Grindelwald, presumably, plundered his mind for whatever it was he wanted. He hated himself in that moment - more than he had thus far.
Once the command was given - all it took was a lightest press against the walls the boy had been building - and they crumbled and he was free to take whatever he wished.
He saw it again - the kiss - frankly boring and chased after anything connected to it. The other memories he’d snatched at earlier presented themselves and revealed themselves as what they truly were - bookended by solitude, usually in the dark, but sometimes at Tim’s desk simple day dreams - fantasies as a delicate hand slid down a hitching stomach or up a quivering thigh. He hit resistance again, saw the haze lingering in the fantasies, hiding something - he pushed - and watched it snap.
The themes remained the same here - and the co-star of the boy's visions was still Percival - but Timothy had changed. Softer somehow - with long curling hair and the whispered words - a voice telling her what a good girl she was, what a beautiful girl she was. Not the oddest fetish, but certainly worth hiding-
It was joined by the sudden feeling of rejection - trying to force him out again - what else was there that the boy wanted to keep private? He could see it all - like a fox, watching a rabbit turn and run - he gave chase following the flash of white into the twisting warren of thoughts bursting through scenes, letting them flash past, breathing heavily, hoovering them up with each pull of his lungs.
“A squib! I have a squib for a son! And you-” The angry woman turned on the child who had been watching her berate her squib son, seizing the front of their robes. “You are just as useless! What are we supposed to do now, Timberly? Put you in your brother's clothes and send you instead? This is your fault! You - you sucked the magic out of him!” It was a ludicrous suggestion - and both children were now crying as their father removed their hysterical mother.
The boy rounded on his sister. “Give it back!” He demanded shrilly. Nine years old and realising his impotence in the wizarding world without magic he shoved her - hard - so that she fell over. “You stole my magic and I want it back!”
The mother was trying to be calm, holding her daughter down with one hand, trimming her hair - shorter, shorter, shorter still - with a wand held in a shaking hand.
“It has to be hidden - at any cost - we have to hide it. A girl without magic? Well that happens sometimes… But a son? Who will carry on the family name? No. We’ve got to hide it-”
“Shhh, Timbe- Timothy.” She chided, resuming her muttering.
“Timothy-” The father again, sounding long-suffering, stood on the ground looking up at his teenager - currently residing in a tree.
“That’s not my name!” The girl - with a boys haircut shrieked it - sobbing so hard she thought she might be sick. “Stop calling me that! Stop it!”
“Tim- please…” Her father entreated and with a surreptitious glance around, he grew closer. “Timberly. Please. It’s your birthday, no father wants to see his daughter crying - I’ve got you something special - no need to tell your mother… But you have to come out of the tree…”
“I don’t want to take it! It tastes awful!” The girl was crying again, chest heaving, face pressed into her father's lap as he stroked her hair.
“I know - I know…” He didn’t but what both of them did know was that she would drink it eventually. She had woken up in a bed of blood that morning and her mother had suddenly remembered that biologically - her son was not her son at all - but developing into a young woman - and had been for some time. It had to be prevented before it got worse. It had to be hidden, at any cost.
“You need to stop staring at him.” The girl marching next to her hissed. She was impossibly short - but the boy stood next to her only had two inches in her, so the reason behind the choice was somewhat obvious.
“I wasn’t staring!”
“… Every time I look up, Tim, you’re making eyes at MacDempsey.”
“I am not! We’ve got a match coming up. I’m scanning him for weaknesses.”
“Uh-huh. Well. Be careful. People will start thinking that it’s you that’s sick, not your sister if you keep on scanning him like that. Now - give me any books and a kiss.”
“I know that it almost cost us the match but can we just appreciate - please - the mess Tim made of Robert’s pretty face with that bludger? Please?”
“It was amazing to be fair - Pretty Boy MacDempsey’s not gonna look so pretty with a broken nose!”
A quieter voice - one of the other players - seeking her out under the cheers and pantomime of the boys in the locker room. “Did he say something to you, Tim?”
“Yeah… Something… Something stupid. Some kinda come on…”
“All right - all right! Enough!” Their captain roared as one of the chasers, doing a rather fabulous rendition of how Robert had come off his broom landed on him. “Hit the showers.” He stripped off his kit - revealing a perfectly flat - normal male chest. Frowning at a point somewhere past his sternum, Tim stood up suddenly.
“I’ll see you back in the common room - I need to… Clear my head.” As she left broom slung over her shoulder she heard it.
“D’ y’ think Bobby was right? Maybe Tiny Tim does… You know-”
“Don’t call him that. You heard Garret. Hit the showers.”
“Absolutely not. I will not allow it.”
“But mother-!”
“I said no - no son of mine will be a healer.”
“You’re right! He won’t but I will!”
“That is not-! That is not what I meant and you damn well know it.”
“I can’t pretend to be him for the rest of my life mother! I’ve finished school! I want to live my own life! I want to make my own choices!”
“Please! You’re still a child-”
“I am Eighteen next week! I have been of age for nearly a whole year!”
“And look at how mature you are, yelling at your own mother. I’ve said no Timothy, that’s an end of it. People are already talking about you. You’ve got an interview at the department of magical law in for enforcement next Tuesday and you will be going!”
“Have you completely lost your mind mother? What do you think will happen on our wedding night when she realises the man she’s married will be no husband - but a wife?”
Her mother strode across the room and such was her fury that she didn’t even pull out her wand - but instead - slapped Timberly across the face with all the strength she could muster. With an imprint of her mother's hand on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks - Timberly looked at her mother.
“I am a girl, mother! A woman! Your daughter! I know it’s not what you wanted from me - or from Tim but it’s not our fault-!”
“And I suppose you’re blaming-!”
“No one is blaming you mother! But you have to stop this! I can’t be your son for the rest of my life!”
“Fine! Leave then! Go on - leave! Go be a girl! Take all the OWLs and NEWTs Timberly got - and go get a job with those - because you will not get a penny from us! Go, go on! Live your life! And when you’re starving and alone - you can come back here and you can get married!”
“You want to go to America, do you laddie?” The smooth Scottish accent from her superior did not seem to be calming her at all
“Yes, Mr Pilliwickle-”
“You do realise, the deadline for applications… Was today?”
“Yes, sir- I stayed up all night-”
“So a sudden choice, eh, laddie?”
“Oh no - sir. I just- I wasn’t sure. But you’ll see I’ve got everything in there. Peer recommendations, my full training record, and-and a personal commendation from both my Senior Auror and the minister himself sir-”
“Aye, yes. I can see- ah. I remember. You were the champion in the departmental games…”
“You, you know about those sir?”
“Know about them? I was a champion in my day. You impersonated the Ministers secretary, did you not? Isn’t his secretary, female?”
“Yes sir, for the whole day - the heels were almost worth it to win though…”
“An excellent disguise I’ve no doubt…”
“I won’t let you down sir, I-I promise. And isn’t field experience… The best kind you can get? I can only learn so much chained to a desk…”
“Alright, laddie. You can go - but mind me now - you work hard, don’t show us up. Their laws are different to ours and their Head of Magical Law enforcement - he’s a right wee beast… He’ll make you into a damn fine Auror if you let him…”
Grindelwald reeled back slightly. His entire foray through the young man's life had taken seconds once the walls came down. It was almost like he had wanted to tell someone… But no. Not he… Not a boy at all.
“Does he know?” He almost whispered it. One hand was curled around her throat another holding her bound wrists, keeping her upright against him, like a personal shield. His eyes glittered as he regarded Percy from over Tim’s head. Percival Graves as an immoral man who slept with his Aurors was delightful. Percival Graves who was lied to, deceived to by his Aurors was ambrosial. Tim whimpered and shook her head. “Not figured it out yet, hmm? You’ve been hiding it still? He’ll get there eventually - there’s nowhere you can hide here.”
He felt vindicated. There had been a scandal there - not the one he had thought at first - but still, it had been there. Practically holding the boy- no the girl up - he released her - watching her sink to floor boneless now without him or his ropes to hold her up - chest heaving with silent sobs.
“I could tell him…” He mused quietly, but then, plunged his hand into a pocket - pulling out a watch that was glowing. His fun was being interrupted- unfortunate - but not enough to bring him down from this high. “Or perhaps you can do it yourself - we can continue this discussion later.” And he swept up the spiral stairs, not sparing a backwards glance.
Percival had not taken his eyes from Tim - who was shaking so badly he might have been having a seizure. It appeared Gellert had been no more gentle with the boy than he had with him. Once he was sure that Grindelwald was not lurking in the shadows, that he would not return, he called out “Tim?” to clean no response. Not even when he summoned The Voice and demanded “Jewkes. Answer me!” Did the boy reply.
What had Tim known that he hadn’t? That Grindelwald had needed? What information could he have had? His heart leapt foolishly and somewhat selfishly. Was it..? A rescue? Was there a chance? He crawled over to Tim, hauling the mess into his lap, trying to soothe him - the well of his patience infinitely deeper than Gellert’s.
When the sobbing and shaking had subsided he tried again. “Tim - what did he want? Can you tell me?”
Tim lifted his head turning his face up and a more wretched sight Percival had not seen - he sincerely hoped this was not how he had looked once Grindelwald had been done with him. Tim opened his mouth and a croaking noise came out - before the Junior Auror shook his head.
“Can I-? Can I look?” He breathed. “I’ll be gentle.” He promised.
Grindelwald was right - there was only so long she could hide in this confined space. And maybe… Maybe… if she volunteered the information - rather than waiting to be discovered, it would be better.
Breath hitching desperately, she nodded and as Percival reached out a hand towards her, she resisted the urge to lean into his hand, to seek comfort there. She gasped as she felt him - the second invasion of her privacy within the hour. There was no denying it hurt less - but as soon as he was done - she jerked away from him, unable to look him in the face.
She should have refused - should have said no - once more she cursed the circular room, which offered her no escape from Percival Graves - and whatever judgement he had made, certain it would not be kind - certain that she could not face him.
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