shiredded · 4 years
Bitches can’t even have an impassioned speech about the heat death of the universe without your roommate getting distracted by your extra row of teeth and saying you have a beautiful smile
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Tag List!
I want to start a permanent taglist for my fics. The question is whether anyone would want to be on it?
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thatfairyfangirl · 6 years
Written In The Stars Chapter 2
The stars twinkled bright in the night sky as Steluta slipped from Rivendell to the small caravan that sat just outside the borders, weeding through her belongings, removing flowing fabrics and the silver jeweled circlet that sat atop her brow, shedding down to just the leather armor underneath, finding all the daggers and pouches of Songmaster tricks that she felt would prove useful, fastening satchels of food and other supplies to the large steed that pulled her wagon as she unhooked the horse.
As dawn drew up over the land the rest of the group met with her and the Clydesdale horse. With a smile she passed out apples as she took stride next to Boromir, feeling far more comfortable with the familiar face by her side.
The fellowship of ten traveled slowly toward the east, Lenora the Clydesdale acting as the perfect steed for the Hobbits to ride to keep up with the group, the raven haired wanderer at the rains. Hours passed as the group moved silently, unsure what to say to the others, the rag tag group of missmatched heros knowing they were unlikely traveling companions.
“Steluta why not give us one of the songs your people are so known for?” Boromir finally asked as he lengthened his stride to keep up with her. She couldn't help smiling brightly at the request. She could recall many meetings with the son of Gondor, but none in which he neglected to hear her sing nor see her dance.
“No fair Boromir. Not while we travel.” She explained as she slid from the horse to give it a break from the weight. “It would attract unwanted attention. But I promise, I will find chance to sing for you before journey's end.”
“Apples are good and all...but I could really go for a roasted rabbit...or maybe some chicken.” Sam remarked offhandedly as he munched on his snack, already missing the food in the Shire.
Steluta looked to the little hobbit with a charmed smile before scanning the terrain. Suddenly seemingly without warning she drew a dagger from her boot and just as swiftly Legolas drew his bow, arrow and blade both flying through the air before the soft squeal of a now very dead rabbit could be heard.
The four hobbits drew back in fear at the sudden aggressive display from the girl before she rushed off to pluck the dead creature from the ground. Boromir simply chuckled. “The Princess of the road is a wonderful markswoman.” He explained to them as she held up lunch triumphantly.
“You'll have your wish little Samwise.” She announced lightly.
“I don't see why you are so proud of my arrow. It is obvious I slew the meal.” Legolas remarked as he hung his bow around his shoulder.
“Do elf eyes make you blind?” She asked with venomous words as she pulled the dagger from the small creative's neck. “It was obviously my blade.”
“It would have been if my arrow didn't pierce the skull first.” He corrected as he pulled the arrow from its head.
“A markswoman rivaled only by the arrows of Legolas.” Gandalf added as the argument between prince and princess grew louder, trading insults of race.
Aragorn rolled his eyes as he stepped to the two, plucking the rabbit from their hands. “Minimal blood pooling on both wounds...you both killed it.” He snapped before shoving it into Steluta's arms. “Now lets be on our way.”
“I'm still better.” She mumbled as she tied the soon to be lunch to her saddlebags.
“So Steluta...where do the gypsys come from?” Pippin asked innocently, genuinely believing that was what her people are called.
Dark waves of hair danced violently around her as she turned to face the insult, fingers caressing her blade out of instinct before she reminded herself he was from a simple place they rarely traveled...he didn't know any better. “Don't call my people that. Such a word is an insult.” She warned in a low gruff tone.
“Oh I'm sorry… it's just thats the only name I heard them be called by. What should I call your people then?” He asked politely, wanting nothing more than to get on the seemingly wild woman's good side.
“It seems that depends where you hail from. Some call us Songmasters, others call us the wandering kingdom…people of the road...”
“Elves call them Delebdang and Delebfura.” Legolas added in as if the elvish insults were nothing.
“What does that mean?” The young hobbit asked with a thirst for knowledge.
“Nothing courteous.” Was the only answer the elf was willing to give as the princess's eyes bore daggers into him.
“Gondor once called them the Outcasts, but that was long before my time.” Boromir added.
“Why's that? Were you outcast from Gondor?” Pippin continued.
“From our homeland. We once lived in a lush green land with a mountain of fire bringing fertility to the land and warmth to our hearts…”
“Then why not go back?” Pippin's innocent question brought a single tear to the wanderer's eye as she recalled a land she's only remembered from the stories told of it but longed for with all of her.
“You would know the land better now as Mordor. It is a rather sore spot in their history.” Boromir explained as he placed a comforting hand around his friend's shoulder.
“So the stories are true?” He asked perking up with excitement, fascinated by the legends he's heard of them. “Can you really blind with a scream? And travel outside the borders of Middle Earth? Is that true too?”
She couldn't help laughing, charmed by his thirst for knowledge. “Yes, we travel over all of Arda in search of a new land to call home… But I'd hardly say our voice can blind.” No, that story was much more complicated than that yet so much simpler. She was sure in time the little one would have chance to see the truth behind that rumor.
~ ~ ~ ~
Hours on the road passed to her as effortlessly as eating the rabbit did to the hobbits, but even she had to admit it was nice to take a seat. Travel may be something she grew in but she how she missed her wagon, and the bed it held. Steluta's smile shone as she chuckled at the sight of Boromir teaching the halflings how to use the swords they were given. “Careful Boromir,” she teased, “the little ones will best you.” She chuckled as she watched them tackle her old friend playfully.
“What is that?” Frodo's hushed worried tone broke the laughter as his eyes focused on a dark shadow off in the distance.
“Nothing, just a wisp of cloud” Gimli answered as the elf took more heed of the warning, moving closer to the little ring bearer to see as well.
“Carbaen from Dunland!” He cried out.
“Hide!” Gandalf warned prompting a rush of bodies to put out the fire and mask all sign of their camp and themselves.
Steluta however held the true challenge, finding a spot for her larger horse leaving only her visible. Legolas muttered in elvish as his long milky fingers wrapped around her dark tanned wrist pulling her into the bush, holding her tight to him. “Let go of m-” his hand clamped over her lips cutting off her protest with a shush. Her dark eyes looked up to the fair elf prince Before glazing over, her sight thrusting her into a vision of her future - silky fair arms wrapped around her, long blond hair pouring over her dark skin as she let put a sigh of pleasure.
The dark birds passed just as quickly as they came. “We should move quickly.” Aragorn instructed as the company emerged from hiding.
But the princess did not move, her premonition not done with her just yet. “Steluta?” Legolas asked with a touch of concern as he held her limp body.
“What have you done to her?” Boromir demanded as he stepped closer, concern blanketing his face.
“I did nothing!” He insisted as he held her up.
Boromir placed fingers gently on her cheek as he looked into her eyes, once brown now a milky white before breathing a sigh of relief. “She is having a vision.” He smoothed the thick mess of raven hair planting a soft kiss atop her head letting the elf continue supporting her, aware changing her state may interrupt what she is seeing. “Let us hope it is something that will prove useful.”
Moments later she drew in a large gasp of air, the brown of her eyes returned as she came back into the now. She looked up to Legolas's soft blue eyes as he held her before shoving him away. “Get your string pulling hands off me!” She barked as she recomposed herself. “I hope you savored that moment Elf.” She continued as she gathered her horse. “Because if you put your hands on me again you'll lose them.” She added as she mounted.
“What did you see?” Boromir asked as he watched her, concern for her still lingering.
“Nothing good.” She answered, her eyes boring daggers into the elf as she passed him.
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oliverxmarks · 7 years
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@thats-how-i-roll-in-my-shire tagged me in the six selfies of 2017! I’m not gonna tag anyone because I don’t know who all has and has not done this so...
Things I’ve learned: I make the same fucking face. I look good with glasses. Lighting helps me out a lot. 
(Also there are captions because funny)
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thotinshield · 7 years
How about Thilbo for the ship thingy?
How did they they meet?
well as we all know! their first meeting in bag end 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
i tend to go back and forth between who i think developed romantic feelings first but i would like to say thorin. we know bilbo has trouble with his own feelings and naming them, so i think he probably doesn’t understand/realize his feelings for thorin at first. meanwhile thorin is already head-over-heels for his grump
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
ooh hmmm just by far, the company all together. theyre relieved the day bilbo and thorin finally get together 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
i wanna say their first kiss is like one of those ‘oh god youre alive’ moments, where just like theyre so overwhelmed seeing that the other is okay and they end up kissing. like. mid-battle field even? yes
Who confessed their feelings first?
i like to imagine it kind of happens at the same time?? where they just both plan to do it around the same time and its one of those ‘i have something to important to tell you’ at the same time, interrupting each other and its a back and forth of ‘no, you go first’ until one of them finally just says it. i feel its bilbo though. hes just like ‘alright we are getting NOWHERE’ 
What was their first official date?
hmmm going with a middle earth everyone lives au while answering this so... idk they go on walks and stuff, they spend a lot of time together pre confession, so maybe their first date is a simple walk around erebor! 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
they would definitely go on double/group dates with other dwarf couples around! but it just sort of ends up like theyre hanging out with all their friends 
What do they do in their down time?
since thorin is super super busy kinging, they dont have much down time. thorins ‘down time’ is usually doing extra paperwork while bilbo makes him tea and tries to get him to go to bed 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
WELL. their parents are... all dead? as far as we know. but maybe if thorins mother was alive they could meet and she just loves bilbo, they have tea all the time. also i love AUs of Thrain surviving (shoutout and rec to That Which Begets Affection (Is Silent) ) and loving Bilbo too 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
*side-eyes the whole Arkenstone fight* thats my only answer but i imagine it is something they spend time working on and regaining trust with each other 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
i dont really think either of them, thorin is confident in their relationship. if anything, bilbo is a little wary of the dwarves that probably faun over thorin as king but hey... hes king, its gonna happen
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
oh together i guess?? thorin will eat whatever bilbo makes, or at least he TRIES to... hes not a big fan of the greens but he wants to make bilbo happy and food is one way of doing that. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
thorin is a cuddly monster and he just loves to wrap around bilbo, spooning him basically. bilbo sort of rolls his eyes when it happens but hes secretly super happy about it. he also likes to hold bilbo in his lap 
Are they hand holders?
mostly in private but yes!!!! thorin likes to hold bilbos hand a lot and bilbo doesnt mind when he reading to hold thorins hand and just have him there 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
im assuming this is meant to be sexual, probably so... i say it takes them a while to get to this point, like they share a bed a night long before they ever actually engage in it. and i think it just happens. there isnt any big reason for it really, no special occasion. 
Who tops?
my personal opinion is that theyre super versatile so there really isnt particular roles. but you all know i love thorin bottoming the most 
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
probably the Arkenstone thing... 
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
mostly Bilbo. i think thorin sometime will do the shopping but he just doesnt always have the time to stop at the market and bilbo is a better cook (thorin can make a variety of dishes well but hes just not as talented as bilbo) 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
hmmm i wanna say thorin. we have seen bag end post quest and its kinda messy (its actually fairly messy before the quest, theres just books everywhere in piles) 
Who proposes?
similar to the confession, it happens at the same time. theyre both planning some sort of event with separate groups of dwarves and they dont realize until its too late! so bilbos trying to propose at the same thorin is and they keep interrupting each other until they see whats happening. 
yes i love this trope a lot 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
im just trying to imagine bilbo baggins at a bachelor party sorry its just really funny to me. i think they probably dont care but the dwarves would throw them separate ones
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
oh gosh well thorin’s best man would probably be dwalin?? and i guess bilbo’s would be bofur! but just probably imagine the entirety of the company is involved in the wedding party (and frodo is the ring bearer-- sorry this is a terrible joke--)
Big Ceremony or Small?
erebor wise it would be big since thorin is the king and i imagine that dwarves throw huge parties. the shire would be big too! hobbits love parties. 
in an alternate, they have a tiny ass marriage ceremony while theyre traveling around arda 
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?
they probably couldnt in an au where thorin is king but i always like the idea of them taking a holiday to explore the world 
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dawon · 8 years
Cruel Love (4)
Pairing: Hyuk(VIXX) x Reader x Hoseok(BTS)
Genre: gang au
Length: 4,100 words
Part: 4 / ?
Summary: “I’m sorry you were not truly loved and that it made you cruel.”  — Warsan Shire
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part 3 | part 5
You wake up as you usually did, the familiar nightmare jolting you awake.  Breathing hard you look around the room trying to find any time telling surface.  You look to the wall behind your desk knowing there is a clock there and squint your eyes.  
Curse your blackout curtains, you can't see a thing.  You blindly search around your body for you phone.  Shivering as the cold air of your office infiltrates the warm cocoon of blanket.  Your fingers finally wrap around your warm phone, it being lodged in the crack of the couch right under you, and turn the screen on.
You see a couple missed calls from N followed by almost a hundred texts, none belonging to Hoseok.  You clear your screen and check the time.  8:27 am.  You flop your head back down onto your pillow and stretch your arms above your head.  
After staring at the dark ceiling and the constant whining of your stomach you decide it's time for breakfast.  You decide you don't want to leave your room so you text Ken and tell him to bring it to you.  He kindly obliges and brings you food for the next two days while you ‘did paperwork’.  
That's how the next couple days went.  You not leaving your office.  Ken bringing you three meals a day all four hours apart precisely and kindly eating with you.  Constantly checking your phone for calls or texts from Hoseok, while ignoring ones from N.  
N usually comes to knock and plead at your closed door at least two times a day.  You learned from Yoongi that Hope hasn't been showing up lately, due to having business somewhere else that needs to be sorted.  You sigh loudly and continue editing business receipts and writing letters to other gang leaders.  
Thanks to your self lock up your gang is now all up to date on debts, current loans and deadlines.  Precisely at five o’clock you hear the secret knock on the door that you and Ken made up the other day.  You open the door for him and he quickly shuffles in, setting the food down and takes a seat on the couch.  
You sit on the opposite couch and begin eating.  “Thank you Ken”  You choke out, mouth filled with delicious food.  He rolls his eyes at your disgusting food filled mouth and starts to eat his own food.  “How are things today?”  You say after swallowing your food.  
“Good.”  He replies taking a sip from his cup.  “Hongbin is still holding tight, the sales in all districts are looking good.  Jimin and V miss you tremendously, they want you to watch them play their video game.”  
You nod encouraging him to continue.  He sighs.  “Still no sign of Hope.”  You look down.  “It’s not your fault Y/n.”  He says.  You nod but can't help but think it must have been something you did.  “There is a hockey game in a couple days.. Wanna go?  Just like old times?”  He asks trying to raise the mood.  You smile.  “That would be nice.  Thank you Ken.”
The next morning you woke up with tears running down your face.  You wipe your cheeks and trying thinking of anything other that the nightmares from last night.  They were worse than usual.  Last night not only did Hyuk die, but also Hoseok.  
You get up off the couch and walk to the bathroom and check your appearance.  You have dark circles and your hair's a mess.  You quickly brush your hair and wash your face after deciding you need a glass of water and some fresh air.  You slowly unlock your door just incase there is a sleeping N waiting for you.  
Slowly you poke your head out of the crack and look both ways down the hall before stepping out.  Silently tiptoeing down the hall you stop when you hear the voice of Yoongi.  “What do you mean you aren't coming today?  We almost have this guy cracked.”  A couple seconds of silence follows.  “Hope, where are you?  You have been gone for five days.”  
Hope is he ok?  “Are you sick?  What's wrong?”  More silence.  “Ok, well call me if you need anything.”  You hear him set his phone down and you peek around the corner.  You see Yoongi sitting at the middle barstool of the counter sipping from a mug, and by the smell in the room it's most likely coffee.  
You slowly walk towards him.  “Is Hope okay?”  You ask.  Yoongi jumps at the sound of your voice, not knowing you were near.  “I don't know.”  He shrugs.  “Says he has some things to do, can't come in today.”  You nod your head and walk to the refrigerator.  
“How are you boss?  Haven't seen you in a couple days.”  You ignore his question not wanting to explain yourself.  “How is Hongbin..?”  You ask shuffling through the contents of the fridge.  “He is tougher than he looks.”  He laughs.  
You mentally agree with him.  “He wouldn't have lasted so long in this business if he wasn't tough.”  You reply a smile gracing your face as you find what you were looking for.  You hear his stool scrape the tile floor.  “Speaking of Hongbin.  Gotta go boss.  Duty calls.”  You hear him call over his shoulder as he walks out the door.  
You close the fridge and open the adjoining freezer.  Grabbing your favorite flavor of toaster strudels you turn and walk to the toaster.  You pop them in and pull your phone out of your bra.  You open up Hoseok’s number and quickly type up a message.  
You:  I miss you.  Please come back.
You quickly tuck your phone back into your bra at the sound of fake coughing behind you.  You turn and lock eyes with the last person you wanted to see.  “Why have you been avoiding me Y/n?”
“I was disappointed in your attitude at the restaurant and didn't feel like seeing you at all.”  You shrug and turn around to face the toaster.  The room is silent and you almost thought he left until he spoke.  “Go out with me again.”  He says taking a step closer to you.  
You turn to look at him.  Disbelief gracing every feature of your face.  “Please.  Just one more chance.  Let me make it up to you.”  You laugh.  “So you can beat up another waiter?  I don't think so N.”  He runs his hand through his hair.  “Please.”  He whispers.  His voice sounds so broken and you swear there are tears in his eyes.  
“One more chance.  Just me and you.  We can go anywhere.  Anywhere you want.  I’ll even go through the Wendy’s drive through if that’s what you want.  Just go on one more date with me.”  You turn back around at the sound of the toaster popping.  “N you promised if I didn't want a second date you would be ok with that.”  
He grabs your shoulders and turns you to face him again.  “Tell me you don't want a second date.  Tell me you don't feel anything between us.”  “What are you talking about N?  We are just friends.”  He groans and turns away from you.  “What is so special about that boy?”  He asks.  “Who?”  “You know who!”  He yells.  
Turning to face you and punching the cabinet next to your head.  “That boy Hope.  What makes him so special.  I’ve been in love with you for years.  Years.  I've been by your side through all the ups and downs.   When Hyuk asked you out,  when you were accepted to your favorite university, when you went to tour europe and when Hyuk died.  That boy comes along for a week and he already has your heart?”  He was full on yelling at you.  
You can't say anything and just stare at him.  Thats a lot to take in.  One of your best friends loves you, has been in love with you for years.  “Do you love him?”  He asks softly.  Finally calming down a little.  “I don't know..”  You say.  “I don't know..”  He pushes you back hard against the cabinets.  
“Tell me the truth.  You love him don't you.”  You whimper as his grip on your arms goes from painful to extremely painful.  “N, you're hurting me..”  
“ANSWER ME.”  You can feel his hot breath as he yells.  “N let go.”  You whisper.  “Not until you answer me.”  You says.  His lips brushing the skin under your ear.  
“She said to let her go.”  Your heartbeat increases as you recognize the voice.  N lets go of your shoulders and turns to face Hope.  He scowls and starts to walk towards the door bumping Hoseok’s shoulder.  “You are going to regret this Y/n.”  He calls over his shoulder.  “Soon you'll realize that you are meant to be with me.”  Then he was gone.
You made eye contact with Hoseok before turning around to finish making your breakfast.  He stood behind you silently observing you.  You picked up your plate and made your way to the living room closely followed by him.  You were relieved to see Jimin and V sitting on the couch already watching some TV game show.  You plopped down right in between them.  
“Boss what are you doing?”  Jimin groans.  Scooting away from you rubbing his leg.  “If you wanted us to move you could have just asked.”  V whines stretching his leg out in front of him.  
“Sorry I just missed you two rascals.”  You pout looking at them both.  “Whatever..”  Jimin mumbles before returning his attention to the TV.  You finish eating and place the plate on the side table.  You can feel Hoseok staring at you.  
You ignore his gaze and lay down on the two boys next to you.  Your head resting on Jimin’s lap and legs resting on V’s lap.  “Y/n.. Can we talk?”  Hoseok asks, but you ignore him, keeping your eyes glued to the TV.  You can see Jimin and V exchanging confused glances so you pull out your phone and set up a group chat between you and the two boys.  
You:  Please don't leave me alone with him. V:  Why? You:  He has been ignoring me for the past five days so i'm just returning the favor. Jimin:  That's not very nice Boss. V:  He has been staring at you for the past hour.  Just talk to him. You:  No.  I won't give in so easily. V:  He is seriously starting to creep me out. Jimin:  Me too. You:  Just ignore him. V:  I’m trying.  His eyes are just so big. You:  He has pretty eyes. V:  Pretty?... Boss.. Jimin:  Do you have a crush?? You:  NO why does everyone keep asking me that? Jimin:  You totally do V:  Our little boss is growing up so fast.. You:  Shut up.  I don't like him… that much.. V:  You gotta tell him!  Its obvious he likes you. You:  I barely know him.   Jimin:  Good luck boss. You:  What?  I'm not going to tell him.
Before you could even send the message you were being lifted and moved as the two giggling boys ran off down the hall.  You quickly realized what the ‘Good luck boss.’ was about.  You silently curse the boys and stand up.  
“Y/n..”  He says.  You can't look at him.  You look and you crack.  “What.”  You respond.  “Look at me..”  You shake your head.  “Please look at me.”  You start to walk away when you feel his wrist on your arm.  
“I’m so sorry I left.  I'm back now though.”  You pull your arm away.  “Why should I care if you left?”  You say starting to walk back to your office.  “It's not like we are in a relationship.”  You walk faster.  
You walk into your office and quickly turn to close the door.  The door is almost closed when a hand stops the door from moving.  “Don't you want to know why I was gone?”  He puts his hand through the crack of the door showing you the screen of his phone.  
There on his phone screen was a box of baby kittens.  You stare at his phone confused.  “I was driving to my house when I saw them in the street.  Their mom got ran over and they were all cuddling up to her dead body.  It kinda reminded me of myself.  My mom also died when I was younger.  So I have been.. I guess raising them..  I was planning on coming back as soon as I found them someplace to stay.”  
You open the door wider, looking up at him.  “Why didn't you answer my texts?”  You ask.  He says nothing.  You can't help it anymore.  You step forward wrapping your arms around his waist.  He hugs you tighter pushing you into the room so he can close the door.  
“I'm so scared..”  You mumble into his chest.  “I'm so scared of these things i'm feeling.”  You lift your head from his chest looking up at him.  “Why did you ignore me so long?”  You ask.  
“I was mad..”  He sighs.  “How can you like a guy like N?  He is such a jerk.  You deserve so much better.”  You laugh.  
“I don't like N like that..”  You unwrap your arms from his waist.  You walk to your computer desk and sit down.  “You don't?”  He asks.  You shake your head and turn on the computer.  
“Did you find the kittens a place to stay?”  You turn your eyes on him.  “Yeah.  The neighbor has a cat that lost all her kittens recently.”  He says with a smile.  “The cat is treating them as if they are her own!  Isn't that so cool!”  
You smile at how happy he is.  He tells you all about the kittens and how you have to come see them.  You smile and nod your head but don't have the heart to tell him that you are allergic to cats.  “Hoseok..”  You say looking away from the computer screen.  
“How did you get into this business?  You don't seem like the type who comes looking for it.”  He looks down at his feet.  He seems so innocent.  So pure.  Why is he here.  You are torn away from your thoughts by your phone ringing.  “Ken.”  You say into the phone turning your chair away from Hoseok.  
“Hey boss.. I'm going to have to cancel our hockey date.. Something came up and I gotta take care of it.”  “What's wrong Ken?”  You ask.   “uggghhh….”  You can hear the faint chants of ‘don't tell her’  ‘she'll kill us!’  ‘please don't tell!  I'll be your servant for a week.’  You smile.  
“They broke the TV again didn't they.”  He laughs nervously.  “haha.. I gotta go.. The tickets are on the counter if you want to take someone else.  Maybe next time. Bye.”  
You laugh at his flustered state.  You turn back around and look at Hope waiting for him to continue.  He was silent leaving you once again to your thoughts.  You were really looking forward to going..  You haven't been to a hockey game in so long.  
“Who was that?”  he asks avoiding your earlier question.  “Ken.  He cancelled our hockey night.”  You say with disappointment lacing your voice.  “You like hockey?”  He asks.  You nod your head.  “I do too!  I’ll go with you if that's okay.”  
“You wanna go to a hockey game?”  He nods.  “Sure why not!  I haven't been in years!”  You smile and stand up walking around your desk and grabbing his hand.  “Well then!  Let's go!”
You drove this time.  Not wanting to risk your life for a hockey game.  You arrived just on time.  Not too late and not to early.  You hand the ticket man your tickets and he gives you the vague directions to find your seats.  
Luckily you used to come here a lot and know exactly where your seats are.  You sit down instantly becoming entranced in the game, barely noticing when Hoseok taps your shoulder mumbling something about going to buy snacks.  You stand up and cheer loudly as your favorite team scores the first goal.  
He hands you some nachos which you thank him for.  You almost drop your nachos from cheering loudly when your favorite player does a sick body check.  Hoseok just smiles at you and takes another bite from his burger.  
He was very much enjoying your enthusiasm for the game.  You finish your nachos just before half-time.  You watch the big screen as they replay the highlights of the game.  You like when they show the goals in slow motion.  Your smile only gets wider when the mascot comes out and does his signature dance.  He climbs up into the stands when his dance is over and starts to hug and high five all the excited kids.  
Your eyes are glued to the sweet faces of the children when you hear the chant that means your favorite part of the night, hands down, has began.  ‘Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss’  You join in with the chant looking up to the couple on the Kiss Cam.  Your jaw drops when you look at the screen immediately recognizing the two faces, one being your own face.  The other being the boy next to you.  You turn to look at Hoseok and see his face is as red as a tomato.  An idea immediately forms in your mind and a sly smile finds its way onto your face.
‘Kiss kiss’  You close your mouth. ‘Kiss kiss’  You smile at him.  ‘kiss kiss’  You grab his red face intertwining your fingers with his soft hair.  ‘Kiss kiss’  You lean in close enough so your noses are touching.  ‘Kiss kiss’  You shift your head so your lips barely touch his before you whisper,  “There is sesame seed on your lip.”  You press your lips to his in a chaste kiss.  
You can barely hear the cheering from all the fans over the sound of blood pumping in your ears.  You enter your own world as the crowd loses interest, the screen moving to the next couple.  You pull away, looking straight into his eyes.  “But don’t worry, I got it.”  
You couldn't look at him for the rest of the game.  A couple minutes after the kiss it finally sunk in.  You kissed Hoseok.  In front of all these people.  And you liked it… a lot.  You wanted to do it again.  You felt your heart skip a beat at the thought of his lips on yours again.  If only for a second.  
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye every couple seconds but he never moved.  His body facing forward eyes glued to the game.  Ahhh why did you have to do these kinds of things.  Your mind was all over the place.  Thinking of excuses as to why you didn't resist the crowds peer pressure.  
‘I was just giving the crowd what they wanted?  You don't want to be the couple that won't kiss and gets food thrown at them do you?’  It's not like you could just tell him that you wanted to kiss him,  you have wanted to kiss him ever since that game of laser tag.  What if he has a girlfriend?  Maybe that's why he is acting so weird?  No.. He wouldn’t be hanging out with me all the time if he did.. Would he?  
You looked back over at him just studying his side profile.  You didn't try to hide the fact you were staring at him.  You wanted him to turn.  To look at you.  He didn’t though.  His eyes stayed glued to the match.  You sigh and turn your attention back to the game.  Noticing there was only about  a minute left and your team was up by two points.  You had been lost in your thoughts for a long time.  
You get up and walk through the aisle towards the exit.  You mutter a quick excuse to Hoseok as you passed not even looking at his confused face.  You walk to the bathroom studying your face in the mirror.  You run your hands through your hair and let out a loud groan.  
You pull your phone out sending a quick text to him telling him you would be waiting in the car and that he can come out whenever he is ready.  You slowly walk through the hot humid air coming to an abrupt stop as you lay eyes on a figure leaning up against your car.  You stay still eyeing the figure as they stand up straight and turn to face you.  
“Took you long enough, i've been out here for almost ten minutes.”  Your body relaxes at the familiar voice but soon tenses up once again, this time in anger.  “You scared the crap out of me Hoseok.”  You lunge forward hitting him hard in the arm.  
He just laughs and waits for you to unlock the car before ducking through the door.  You stand there for a couple seconds staring up at the dark sky filled with bright stars.  I can't lose him.  I have to apologize.  
You start the car and busy your hands with adjusting the air conditioner, changing the radio station and buckling your seatbelt.  You adjust your mirror before letting out a sigh.  Do it.  “Hoseok i’m sorry for kissing you like that back there.”  He doesn't move.  
“Why would you be sorry?”  He asks.  “I… I kissed you without your permission, I should have asked if you wanted to.  You probably have a girlfriend and now you have to go and tell her and I might have ruined your whole relationship.. I just don't want to ruin what we have….”  
He cuts you off with his soft lips pressed firmly against yours.  “I don't have a girlfriend,”  He says pulling back.  “And nothing you do will ever ruin what we have.”  He leans in lightly brushing his lips against yours once more.  He abruptly pulls away.  
You open your eyes wide in shock.  “I love this song!”  He yells as he cranks up the volume and sends a wink your way.  You can't help the cheek splitting smile that graces your face for the entire drive home.  
You told him he didn't have to but he insisted on walking you to your room.  You stop at your door slowly opening it just incase N was sleeping.  You were happy when you saw N wasnt lying in his bed but that soon faded when you realized you would have to sleep alone tonight.  
You stretched your arms above your head and plopped down onto your bed.  You felt the bed dip at the foot and looked up to see Hoseok sitting criss cross.  You sit up and plug your phone into the charger on your nightside table a thought running through your mind.  
“Do you have a room at the warehouse Hoseok?”  You ask.  He nods his head.  “Yeah my room is right next to Yoongi’s.”  You bust out laughing.  “You don't stay in your room often do you.”  You knowingly smile at him and he returns it.  
“That guy never sleeps.  Always playing music and talking to himself.  He is so loud.”  You can see the slight irritation on his face as he recalls the noise.  You let out a yawn and he hops off your bed.  “I’ll let you go to sleep.  You know where to find me if you need anything.”  
He turns and takes a step towards the door.  “Wait..”  You call.  He turns back staring at you with large doe eyes.  “Don’t laugh.. But ever since the Hyuk incident I get really bad nightmares..  That's why I share a room with N..  I don’t like being alone..”  You didn't realize he was already by your side hand cupping your cheek wiping away the tears you didn't know where falling.  
“Do you want me to stay with you?” He asks.  You nod your head.  “Just until I fall asleep and then you can leave..”  He takes off his shoes and lifts the blanket for you to slide under.  He lays on top of the blankets.  Leaning up on one elbow to look at you.  
“I’ll stay as long as you want.”  He says as he turns off the bedside lamp.  You can feel his body warmth through the covers and it isn't long before you are falling into the first peaceful sleep you have had in months.  
part 3 | part 5
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dripgoldnaj · 5 years
I wore a cape and shouted thats how we roll in the shire . But no understood me and im in pain.
How do i sell my family
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angelshawke · 9 years
happy birthday! x
thank you!!
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beauty-at-matrix · 10 years
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amautifect · 10 years
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eventuallyhome · 10 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
too-punk-to-function (5%)
thats-how-we-roll-in-the-shire (4%)
ahobbitinhogwarts (4%)
avenger-of-time (3%)
ulatbukuletih (3%)
thesoundofnat (2%)
gingerpineappleofassbutt (2%)
toofandomtolivetoohipstertodie (2%)
thatonenarwhal (2%)
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kapfranos · 10 years
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I thought this was rather funny
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telegraftelegrafovich · 10 years
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Excuse my piss poor handwriting. If you've been tagged answer the q's in your own handwriting :)
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5. Crush
6. Something all in caps
7. Favourite bands
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9. Favourite drink
10. Tag ten people
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insaneyetkaneki · 10 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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