sparrowlucero · 3 months
The greatest injustice ever faced is that I almost certainly started the still thriving "clown husbandry" tag on here, but any discussion about it (from a know your meme page to a youtube video with 500k views) says it's a joke of "unknown origin" or credited to this post, likely bouncing off of mine (which was actively circulating at the time with like 30k notes):
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This is a tragedy for many reasons, most of all because it wasn't just an offhand joke but actually a direct response to some of the funniest online hate I ever got:
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They're erasing the truest history of tumblr: its desperate need to seethe and argue over every obvious joke with more than 10 notes.
anyways here is the canonical pet clown. according to me
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davidtennussy · 4 months
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dandelionjack · 5 months
moffat said i only get one chance i HAVE to fucking kill the companion and bring them back to life in 45 minutes if that’s all the time i have. companions have to be dead for a little while, it’s good for them, it’s like enrichment. adds flavour. and he was right
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giphit · 5 months
Moffat will come up with the sickest concepts ever when writing under RTD's showrunning but when he's showrunning himself he creates the power ranger daleks
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thesuburbanerd · 5 months
Steven Moffat coming back to Doctor Who after years away just to go after capitalism, organized religion as a cover for violence, the military industrial complex, AI, and “thoughts and prayers” in 46 minutes.
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paintdoktahwho · 5 months
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easy mistake to make
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cyber-corp · 5 months
“War is business, and business is booming.”
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akajustmerry · 4 months
I think the nice thing about the Doctor and Rogue that is SHOCKINGLY NEW in terms of romance in the show is that there's no power imbalance. When you think of past romances between Doctors and companions, and even River and the Doctor to a certain extent, whoever the love interest is has usually been deferential in some way to the Doctor as an authority figure (which, yes, is very difficult not to do when the show often positions the Doctor as an ultimate authority). However, Rogue isn't dependent on the Doctor. The Doctor isn't a point of reference for him, a leader, a guide, or even a ride home to him. So to me, what makes that romance so sweet and so startlingly fresh even for something in 2024 is not really that it's gay, but that it's a more egalitarian/equal courtship than literally any romance on the show before. I fucking love that honestly.
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khunkiseia · 2 months
Honestly i dont care if River Song is badly written or whatever. She makes my mom happy that theres a woman around her age thats presented as sexy and thats kinda all that matters
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I love the doctor who fandom. For pretty much any given episode, half the fandom will love it, and the other half think it's the worst thing to ever exist. (This goes for doctors, companions, seasons, and creatures too)
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The handling of Gallifrey in new who is genuinely the funniest thing ever. The Doctor is given this huge tragic backstory about being the last of his kind and spends seven seasons mourning the loss of his beloved home. Than he triumphiantly manages to save Gallifrey as this huge moment to celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who. Hype about The Doctor's eventual return to Gallifrey builds up for two years. Than he gets back to Gallifrey and both The Doctor and Steven Moffat decided "Wait a minute this place fucking sucks actually. Clara is cooler than all you motherfuckers put together" and then two seasons later Chibnall blows it up again offscreen. Only on Doctor Who.
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tinkerbitch69 · 5 months
I think the thing I love the most about Boom is that it’s such a simple but effective premise. No aliens, limited special effects, one simple set that’s more or less just a pile of rocks but still choc full of tension. Steven Moffat came back with the promise of Disney money and used precisely none of it lmao.
Say what you will about him but Moffat knows what doctor who is really about! Fucking around and finding out in some old quarry.
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dandelionjack · 4 months
do you think a susan twist copy has ever interacted with a clara oswald echo as they unconsciously battled for dominance along the strands of the doctor’s twisted timestream and despite both of them believing themselves to be ordinary humans with normal lives they looked into each other’s eyes and felt a glimmer of uncanny recollection of horrors yet to come
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wispedvellichor · 7 months
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Your Honour he is so fucking goofy
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fanonical · 1 year
all steven moffat episode titles be like "The Impossible Of The Doctor"
all chris chibnall episode titles be like "The Timaeus Event PART 3: Proliferation of the [classic who monster]"
all RTD episode titles be like "grass"
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it is very funny seeing how many people are sullenly going "i hate moffat but that was a good episode" "okay moffat can churn out a good episode once in a while if someone's wrangling him" like guys, it's 2024. 12's run was the peak of doctor who. the war's over, you can go home
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