#thats a lot of guys hdfsgjhk
zartophski · 2 years
I know nothing so tell me about your Four Swords Link if you got him and/or Shadow please and thank you
Oh boy do I have some guys for you! >:) the Four Swords Links account for 8/33 of the Links in my au, so here's an info dump of what I have for them so far:
Four Swords:
So, the Four Swords game is going to be one set of FS wielders. These Links were actually quadruplets and so, when one of them pulled the sword, it was just the sword that split into four, because it recognized four heroes already existing. In this au, their nicknames are One, Two, Three, and Four, which sounds kinda strange but I have a Reason for it.
I'm taking these four guys and giving them the upper class background. They're from a noble family, been childhood friends with Zelda but in a semi-diplomatic way, etc etc. But they're all named Link. So they got numbered, I guess, when they were born because blah blah father worried about inheritance claims so Link the First, Link the Second, etc etc so they have known birth order and known placement in the political family hierarchy. Now, this used to go to One's head as the "I'm the first born so I'm the most important" and the whole group squabbled all the time about it because that's just how they were treated growing up. But they had some rough times during their quest and definitely said some things in the heat of the moment that had to be talked over at some point so now they're mostly chill. And they're now very attached to each other, because they went through hell and back and figured out they were all miserable because of the family issues and they're making amends now and looking out for each other.
Four Swords Adventures:
These guys. These are the Colors that might be more familiar to most people. I'm not basing their entire vibes on the Manga, but if I do pull ideas from the Manga it'd be for this quad. They're Green, Blue, Red, Vio, and they did know a Shadow Link, but I'm still on the fence on what Shadow's role will be here.
Their story follows the plot line of the game: rescue the six maidens, find the four stones, save the brainwashed knights, climb the Tower of the Winds and save Zelda. And then they fight Ganon. I'm thinking their backstory would be, again, kind of like the Manga. He was one Link, the son of a knight who was one of Zelda's personal guards. The sword splits him into the four, and doesn't revert him back to one ever. So now his dad is kinda like "damn okay ive got four sons now" and Zelda's like "sick more friends" and the four are generally unbothered. It was a shaky start, but they're generally a lot more in sync than the Numbers are.
And for funsies, here's some more tidbits about the individual fighting styles of the Numbers and the Colors
One: ranged support, big fan of bombs
Two: Uses the bow mostly, also the one with the Gnat Hat, so pretty good with stealth too
Three: Puzzle solver, sword wielder, really good with the boomerang
Four: the best in the group with hand to hand and general melee combat. prefers the sword for sure
Green: Fire rod fire rod fire rod fire-- It's the only magic item they have that he's not terrible at. But recognizes that not every solution is fire, so mostly uses the sword
Red: Mostly sword-based combat, really good eye for details and clues and puzzles
Blue: Magic! Holding on to both the bombos medallion and the quake medallion. Very big and powerful magic, definitely prefers that over the sword
Vio: ranged support with the bow, but he also has a hammer that he is not afraid to use
I still have more to figure out about them, but this is the basic rundown of what I have so far <3
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