#that's why it's so priceless
NGL I have STRONG opinions about digital releases omitting the letters to the editor section of older comics. I feel like the letters are a part of comic history and should be aggressively preserved.
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n33dlew0rk · 3 months
Might have fucked around too close to the sun and, after leaving the cinema a sobbing mess last night, purchased a ticket to see A quiet place: day one again in like an hour and a half.
Went for the whimpering soaked man and the jumpscares stayed for the sobs and the wholesomeness.
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
I just noticed Janja’s clan and Kiburi’s float make the exact same faces
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Wao ni sawa, they really are the same lmaooooo
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
i was put on this earth to eat out and enjoy my food with such hedonistic, dionysiac abandon that the cook personally comes out of the kitchen to see what kinda animal they let into their establishment
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druidonity2 · 7 months
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Very often the only thing that gets me to work past adhd/depression/etc and actually draw and write my ideas down is the HOPE that someone will leave a comment or tag expressing a positive emotion in response. When no one says anything I often feel like I did something wrong. It's like that phrase 'silence is deafening'. I genuinely cannot even begin to explain how happy it makes me to see someone leave a sentence or paragraph in the tags. It reminds me I exist (in a good way).
It is people like you that keep artists alive. You are the backbone of art communities and fandoms.
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chaiichait · 7 months
Today I was reminded about how much people hate Taylor Swift and it made me think of a memory I had. Once in high school, I was mumbling a TS song in class and a row of boys sat behind me. Mind you, they HATED Taylor Swift, to the point where they would mock me and my friends for listening to her, but one of them told me, "You should be a songwriter, that's some nice lyrics you sang." I was in shock. This guy, who has outwardly showed disgust to TS when I talked about her, is saying that her lyrics are meaningful and nice?? This is proof that people only hate TS because it's a trend to. If they really listened to her songs, and I mean REALLY listened, they would not have any reason to hate her.
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lexicals · 10 days
Absolutely howling at jin ling being like "listen if you're gonna insist on being gay at least be faithful to your boyfriend. Smh"
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chiosblog · 1 year
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theicemer · 9 months
I think what takes the cake for me was the scene in the last ep where xuanji is frantically looking for sifeng who disappeared from his bed after being comatose for what seems like forever and for some reason when she finds him he's just?? standing on the roof???
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sentofight · 7 months
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"Who will I put this sweet and adorable toad in their tent?"
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willowcrowned · 1 year
in the Worse Tumblr universe it's considered rude to block someone without first sending them an ask telling them why
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noses-in-winter · 4 months
not sneeze but I need to know if I'm insane for letting this be the thing that sends me into a spiral tonight
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and I present to you...
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The hottest man alive (and fictional)
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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He's about to make them find out...
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magpiesbones · 1 month
worst thing about being disabled is that now I am fully and completely aware of exactly how much I am worth to everyone I know. And it is not a lot!!
#like. it gets to me. A lot of the time it’s ohhh your life is priceless and. Well. Okay I did just see you put a price on it though.#like. It’s not always blatant but the laziness comments get to me. The stupid comments get to me. The money comments also get to me.#Either all life is precious or I am a drain on society. you cannot have both.#Why is my life worth less than twenty dollars. Better yet why are YOU gambling with MY life. wear your FUCKING masks.#like I’m usually fine bc I simply do not have the capacity for any more shit. I am existing in less dimensions than most ppl and Not Aware#And then when I am better I experience two entire years of Concentrated Cosmic Horror before I fold back down into being two dimensional#Cosmic horror? Eldritch horror? I DONT ACTUALLY KNOW. what I do know is that I straight up Do Not believe in the soul anymore bc of this!#like I’m horrified!! It is literally horrifying. If I still had all of me I could write some deeply fucked up metaphor but rn what I’ve got#Is like. okay so I’m supposed to be like. A galaxy on the inside folded into a person shape. Right#there’s stuff happening in there. three to five trains of thought at once etc. etc. and that is not what I have anymore. what I have now is#like. One planet and a white dwarf. not even a neutron star. And everything else went out so gradually that I didn’t really notice but#I woke up one morning and it’s not there and then I got into the habit of not looking up bc that’s a lot of work and I have to keep paintin#galaxies on the ash of this stupid little planet. And then I experience random bandaid treatment and Have The Knowledge again and.#I get to experience Plato’s allegory of the cave in REAL TIME and involuntarily!!#It really does suck that the only time I am able to comprehend the magnitude of my loss is when I’m not experiencing it!! bad times!!#I’m tired of being agreeable. Wear masks. Petition for air purifiers in public spaces. Or I start biting for real#if you notice I’m dealing with long covid a. BADLY. you’re right!! Gold fucking star! I challenge ANYONE to deal with The Bullshit actually#I’m not going to let myself be martyred for the fucking. Economy. Bull FUCKING shit.
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 9 months
funniest part of when i say “x hurts worse/less than being run over by a bus” is that ppl think i’m joking until i offer to show the fuck ass scar on my left leg
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