#that's a lie i have a title for it already i'm just saving that for when i actually have enough to share
satowooo · 1 month
i. imgonnagetyouback
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The one and only son of the Gojo clan had fallen quite hard, completely and utterly, to a lowly woman who came from the dirt, and got his heart broken by her. Years had passed, he was still as angry since the day you left, but he only wanted you back.
contents. modern au, gojo satoru x reader, angst, not proofread.
Whether I'm gonna curse you out or take you back to my house, I haven't decided yet but I'm gonna get you back
next chapter
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It was pathetic. The sight of Gojo Satoru, a well-respected son of the Gojo clan, was down on his knees right in front of you, begging you to stay, a daughter of a mere servant.
It made him look pitiful and weak, a miserable prince who had his heart shattered by a low class woman like you. But he didn't really give it that much of a thought, ever since he first laid eyes on you. He didn't care what people might've said from the very first time, and he proved it to you a million times as he stubbornly and desperately showed you how much he loves and adores you. So, begging down on his knees is not that much of a deal now, no?
“Stand up, please.”
But you were firm, closing your eyes as you let out a shaky breath. You hated seeing him like this, but you were left with no other choice. Your love for him could risk even the dangers of your life, and you were sacrificing him to save him.
“I do not wish to be with you any longer, Young Master.” You said, uttering his title in a whisper. “What we had was wrong. It was a mistake on my side. And I thought I was in love with you, but it was just a pathetic infatuation and I realised that another man best suits me, and it's not you.”
Your words were nonstop, every single thing that you uttered was shattering his heart into pieces. But Satoru furiously shakes his head, his hands trembling on your lap as his forehead falls on your knees.
“T-that’s not… T-that's not true…”
You remembered everything from that day. Every little detail, every word, every touch, every action, of what had happened stayed forever in your mind. It never fails to shatter you. To make you cry every single time that you thought about him as you lie in the confinements of your small room.
“I have done what you asked for. What else do I need to do–” A whimper escaped your lips as a hand flew over your cheek. Breathing heavily, you felt the sting on your skin as you looked back at the person who had been the cause of your pain.
“Pack your things, and never show your face again.”
Gojo Satoru haunted your dreams and nightmares. He managed his way in your heart, and refused to leave. He was the ghost of your tragic love story, you could only wish that you never should've picked up the pen. It's already been two years since you left, and even until now, your heart only beats for one man and it will always be for Satoru.
So what are you going to do when he comes up at your door, claiming what used to be his?
It all happened so fast that your head can't fathom how you ended back to the place of your nightmares. The Gojo clan's mansion. The place where it all started between the two of you.
Every corner of this place was filled with memories of you and Satoru, all the good and bad. But what you remembered most was the torture, the consequences you had faced for falling in love. You felt like all your scars were slowly tearing apart, opening the wound that was almost healed as you looked back to the man who stood in front of you.
You never should've been back in this place.
“I expect you to work immediately.” Satoru's voice was different. It was laced with authority and demand, not the sweet ones that you remember back when he was yours. “Remember, your family is in the palm of my hands. Try to escape, and you'll face the consequences.”
His eyes looked at you with anger, a pent up emotion that he bottled up all these years. His hands were balled on a fist by his sides, almost trembling, but he wouldn't let you see just how much you still have an effect on him.
Right now, all he feels is anger and hatred for what you did. For leaving him. For running off with another man. For loving him only to break his heart. For letting him hold on to your empty promises.
For those two years, he only loathed you and he's not going to be a forgiving man, he'll make sure you regret. He'll make you beg on his knees, the way he did for you.
“I expect you to be in my office in five.”
Now, you're back to square one. Working as his maid was already bad enough back then, so what's going to happen now that you're back to serve him again?
You can't help but notice how much he changed. Somehow, you can tell that he was still the same, only that he was only mad at you. It was obvious already how he's showing indifference only to you but not to anyone else. His bubbly personality that used to welcome you with warm embraces is now replaced with an angry demeanour of a man who cold-heartedly took you away from your family and took you back to the house where you suffered.
How unfair.
This was not your Satoru.
As soon as Satoru turned around and left you standing, he heaved out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. His heart felt like it was trying to escape from his chest. For the first time since you left, he finally felt his heart beating again.
All throughout those years that you were gone, he relentlessly looked for you. Trying to search your face in unfamiliar places, sometimes getting himself into trouble when he mistakes someone for you. Everyday, he was turning angrier and angrier when you never showed up, while all he needed was proper answers and explanations. He hated all the memory that you had left, and how it tore him to pieces that all of it was just a lie.
He couldn't believe you had the nerve. A woman like you with no name for herself, telling him that a relationship with him was just a mistake as you sought another man. Gojo Satoru was everything anyone could have asked for, so how dare a woman like you? How dare a woman he loved…
Everything comes crashing down into his mind once again. From the first time he saw you and how you've caught his eye. His heart starts to beat frantically, his breath caught into his chest, his tongue tied together. Satoru slumps into his chair as he closes his eyes, letting the memory sink in.
“Who is that woman?” Satoru asked an older servant, seeing your unfamiliar face walking around the garden in a maid uniform as he stared down at you from his window.
“That's [M/L/N]’s daughter. She's here to take her place while her mother is recovering.” The servant answered as she poured him tea.
Satoru watched as you walked quietly, your movements looked calculated and careful. He watched your finger touch a ragged cloth, gracefully cleaning the dirty tables.
From afar, he can see how your skin looked soft and pale. You were a bit thin and looked weak. He can only assume that he could break you with one twist.
Your face didn't have any emotion in it which intrigued him. Even your lips were downturned, like you hated every second of working in his place. You caught his attention in a matter of seconds, a curiosity growing inside him while he watched your every move.
He noticed the way your mood changed when his family's dog, a small golden retriever, came running to you. A smile formed into your face and he swore he could feel all the flowers blooming all around the place. Everything seemed to have lighted up, his heart began to drum in his chest as you kneeled down to the dog, petting and rubbing the cute animal between your hands.
What's so fascinating about you?
He swallowed hard. Satoru felt like a teenage boy realising that he was staring a little too hard. He felt like a stalker for watching you, shivering at his thoughts.
But he wanted to meet you. Something was pulling him to be close to your presence. A magnetic force was drawing him to come near, and it was the very first time that he ever felt like this.
But he'll take his time first. For now, he's going to settle on just watching you from afar, memorising every detail of you, until he is ready.
A knock on the door woke Satoru back to his senses. He straightened up on his seat, erasing the memories out of his head as he coughed. “Come in.”
But how can Satoru completely forget?
You walked inside in your maid uniform, the same dress that you used to wear, and it only took Satoru a matter of seconds for all your pasts to remind him of how much he loved you. He felt a pain in his chest, and for a moment, he wanted to fall back on his knees and beg for you to love him again. But even you had changed.
Satoru was also back to square one. He looks at you, reminded of the first time he had seen your face. The lack of emotion, the frown, the gaze that used to intimidate him, and the wall you had built between the two of you was palpable.
“Take a seat.” Satoru gestured over the chair in front of his table.
He watched you carefully as you stepped inside his office, striding forward with a sense of hurry as you obviously refused to seat. You stood in front of him, an emotion in your eyes that he can't seem to read.
“I have to get back to my family–”
“They are fine.” Satoru immediately cut you off, his voice ringing over your ear. He looked at you with a glare, venom laced in his voice as he says, “You are bound to stay here, as I said so–”
“You can't keep me here!”
Your scream shocked the both of you, but Satoru kept a straight face as he stood up slowly. He chuckled with malice, staring at your helpless state.
“What makes you say that I can't?” He smirked. “I own you now. Every single thing that's yours is also mine, even your family.”
Your eyes fell to the floor, your hands trembling at your side. Your knees felt weak underneath his gaze, burning and crushing your soul.
Everything he said was true. You were in so much debt ever since you left the Gojo mansion, your family almost falling apart if he didn't show up to take you. And now he's claiming every single bit of what's yours, not leaving a single piece behind.
Satoru made it clear when he took you here. He'll pay for everything to save you and your family. Your mother's hospital bill, your father's gambling debts, your brother's education, their food, house, electricity, and all their livings, because you couldn't pay them off by yourself.
So now you're trapped. He's got you wrapped around his fingers.
“You need me, Y/N.” You closed your eyes at his voice, shaking your head in denial. “You can't afford to live without me, and that's the truth.”
It was the truth, Satoru taking her away from her old life.
You were doing just fine when he was gone. But now you don't know anymore.
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this is the part 1 of my mini (?) gojo series! i hope you'd like it and anticipate for what's next to come 🥺🫶🏻 [M/L/N] also stand for "mother's last name" in case you didn't knowww ^.^ I also hoped you understood the flashbacks and such.
this is just a prologue of the main story, sooo the real story starts at part 2.
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serafilms · 7 months
song 24! message in a bottle (taylor swift) + aang requested by @fylithia (spotify wrapped event)
but now you’re so far away and i’m down, feeling like a face in the crowd, i’m reaching for you, terrified
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It’s been years now since the war ended. Years since you and your friends saved the world, defeated Zuko’s father and brought peace to the four nations once more. Ever since, everyone’s been busy trying to piece the world back together. Katara’s been staging a feminist revolution in the water tribes, Toph has been reinventing Earth bending, Suki taking the Kyoshi Warriors all over and recruiting, Sokka inventing, Zuko rebuilding a nation and Aang flitting all over the place.
You, on the other hand… What have you achieved? You went back to your village and spent some time telling stories of your adventures to children, then picking up odd jobs on fishing boats and cargo ships to hitch a ride to wherever your friends are off making history. You tell yourself you like the simplicity, like not having to worry about the fate of the world, but you feel like about as insignificant as a speck of dust at your biannual (twice a year) catch ups.
I’m like an old lady telling stories to relive her glory days, you think bitterly.
But you like reliving them. You miss adventuring and seeing the world with your friends. You miss when you were all just kids and there were no real titles or duties in the way (aside from your common goal of ending the war, of course). You miss when Aang looked at you like you’d hung all the stars in the sky, when he was just a boy who liked you but never said it, and when you liked him but refused to show it. Now you feel like you’re miles apart, like he’s on the top of the mountain and you’re left waiting at the base.
You still all write each other, Aang more than the rest but you can’t shake the feeling that it’s out of pity; it’s an obligation to you as an old friend. They’re busy now and that’s not their fault, and you all really would have no reason to go back to camping out. In fact, with the Avatar and Fire Lord especially, it was probably a security risk.
You’re too busy drowning in your own misery to notice Katara until she’s already nudging you in the arm. “Hey, why aren’t you over there with everyone else?”
Starting a little in surprise, you stare at her for a second before sighing as you kick your foot into the dirt and watch the dust rise.
“No reason,” you lie. Because I don’t want to talk to you guys. Especially Aang.
Your time alone has dulled your social skills, because Katara stares at you for a good seven seconds before you realise she expects you to keep talking.
“I think it’s just a little overwhelming to be around many people when I’m usually by myself.”
Her face softens and she reaches out to put her hand on your knee. “But it’s us. We want to make you comfortable and be around you. You know that, right?”
You nod, and she squeezes then releases you. “Let’s start small. Aang!”
Your chest flickers with panic as his bright eyes locate you instantly and he leaves his conversation with Zuko without a second thought. Katara takes his place, striding back up to the group as Aang stops right in front of you.
You feel your heart lurch at finally seeing him up close after spirits knows how many months. He's taller than you now, so it's not hard to avoid his gaze, but you can't tear your eyes away yet. His eyes sparkle at you and you feel yourself flush at how cute he looks with faint freckles dusting the upper part of his cheeks.
"Hey," he greets you softly, taking a seat beside you. "How are you?"
"I'm good," you find yourself saying, despite your mind being devoid of any thought that's not of him. His smile that's as sweet as ever, his eyes, his pink lips. How he's so, so out of your league.
Much like Katara, Aang seems unsatisfied with your short reply. "What have you been up to?"
Thinking about how much I love you. You can't say that, of course, so you babble on about the courier job you did a few months ago, which was great because you helped find a few new Kyoshi Warriors for Suki. When you look back at him once more, Aang has a soft look on his face, and a smile that seems to be there without his knowledge. Your face flushes, stomach flips and something akin to hope rises within you.
His cheeks turn pink when you've trailed off and he realises you're looking at him.
"Wow," he says. "That sounds really great."
You roll your eyes a little, feeling a sense of familiarity. "It's fine, you don't have to pretend you're interested. I know it's all boring compared to the work of the great Avatar."
"No, really," he insists, and there's an urgency in his voice, as if he needs you to know how genuine he is. "I think everything you do is amazing."
You smile. "Really?"
Aang nods down at you, eyes wide. "Well, yeah. I mean, it's you."
Embarrassed but pleased, you look down at your shoes before looking back up at him. "Thanks, Aang."
He grins at you, before glancing over to the others. "Wanna go catch up with everyone else?"
You take a look over at your friends. They look normal now, like a group of friends laughing, instead of the incredible figures they are. You nod at him and he extends a hand out to help you up. You take it.
You can't tell him how much he means to you, but you feel closer now. All you can do now is hope that one day, he gets the message.
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fluffyglass · 2 months
This is the "Cromdo did nothing wrong" post.
I'll start with what sparked this whole discussion; Cromdo being fully justified in "robbing" Liz and Egg's house. You may be thinking "what the hell that's obviously a terrible thing to do" NO. And here's why.
Cromdo states in his interview that he thought of sailing away when shit hit the fan, only to discover that the boat was gone (and some of Liz's belongings are nearby), which lead him to assume that Liz and Egg had abandoned everyone. Based on the evidence he had, this is a completely reasonable conclusion! Considering (in Cromdo's view) that Liz and Egg are no longer on the island, him salvaging their belongings is completely reasonable. Was trying to sell them cool? Not really. But taking them in general was completely justifiable.
Where do we go from here? Well, that leads me to another story that requires some context. For those who aren't in the Snakpack discord, I recently went on a three hour deep dive discussing when and why everyone left Snaxburg post-Liz's disappearance, and something came up regarding Cromdo that I couldn't come to a conclusion for- why Beffica planted evidence in his hut.
In Cromdo's interview, he claims that Beffica planted her diary in his hut to frame him.
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(I believe he's telling the truth here, because it's such a specific detail that I don't know if he'd make it up. Given it's something everyone would have known about, he'd be incredibly easily disproven, so I'm taking his word for it.)
Now, what motivation would Beffica have for falsifying evidence? Given her interview where she states she posted pics of all his little crimes, we can presume she had photographic evidence of Cromdo "robbing" Liz and Egg. So why would she need to fake a diary theft if she already had all the evidence she'd need against him?
This is the part where I go a little insane LET ME COOK.
I think that once Cromdo found the boat gone, he told everyone that Liz and Egg abandoned them. And yknow what? Some (maybe most?) of Snaxburg believed him. So when he started salvaging their belongings, nobody was too concerned - save for Beffica, of course. Beffica didn't believe Cromdo because she already had a bit of a vendetta against him, so I think she planted false evidence in Cromdo's hut to "prove" that Cromdo was lying and was just using the disappearance as an excuse to rob them. Because... why would she be so concerned about Cromdo "getting back" at her if everyone in Snaxburg was on her side?
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I think she was worried he'd call her out for falsifying evidence against him.
Now I'm not claiming Cromdo isn't a thief. He (presumably) stole one of Snorpy's lunch pads and enlists the journalist to steal Triffany's map. However, compared to some of the shit these grumps do (looks at Wambus, Beffica, Gramble, Wiggle and Snorpy) some petty theft is NOTHING. Snorpy had multiple lunch pads. Triffany was biased against Cromdo possibly because of the slander Beffica pulled about him, and yeah stealing it from her house was bad, but again. He isn't punching the shit out of someone or placing trackers on people without their knowledge.
In conclusion:
The title of this post is technically a lie. Yeah, Cromdo did some stuff wrong, HOWEVER, his petty theft is really all you can count against him. Cromdo was quite possibly framed and blackmailed and had the entire town turn against him when he was (kind of?) trying to help. Cromdo did some bad things, but given this island? Practically nothing. I will stand by this.
Thank you for your time. Cromdo did nothing wrong.
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vulpixisananimal · 2 months
(The plan was simple.)
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(You're currently sitting at a table in the small yard outside where you were staying. Carving away, seemingly without a care in the world. Just out of the way so that anyone coming to the front door through the yard wouldn't see you at first. Isabeau was just inside, Mirabelle right behind him. Madame Odile was at one of the windows, Nille and Bonnie were staying back, not wanting to put Bonbon in danger.)
(All the actors were in place, they had their stage direction, and you had yours. You were the star of the show, and you even had a speech ready for the big bad antagonist who was to show up soon.)
(You listened to the surrounding sounds. Some people walking past, chatting, gossip, you heard birds and insects. The hustle and bustle of Jouvente. You hear the unmistakable sound of the gate to the yard being pulled open.)
(You breathe in and out. Lights. . Curtains. . .)
(You held your breath as you saw your adversary walk right past you. They seemed, nervous. They paused at the front door. Rubbing their side and taking a few breaths. You wait, and speak up as they're about to knock on the door.)
(Ramos jumps, and turns around.) "Y-yes? Sorry do, do I know you?"
(You smile.) "Nope! But I know you! You're looking for Isabeau right?"
"Y-yeah! Yeah I am! We're old friends, do you know if he's in?"
(You shake your head.) "Not right now, everyone's gone out on their own errands. I'm holding down the fort until they're back."
"Everyone else-? Ooooh!!" (Ramos smiles and walks towards you. Hmm. They look genuinely excited.) "Wait, are you one of the saviors who helped stop The King?"
"Mmhm" (You twirl your knife.) "Siffrin your trusty traveling rogue at your service~"
(Rogue? Really? We are good with traps, but why rogue?)
(I read it in The Cursing of Château Castle, 4th issue, seemed like a fun title to have~)
"Haha! Well, I'm Ramos, but you already seem to know that." (They hold out a hand.)
(You wave back instead of shaking hands.) "Good to meet you finally, and sorry, I'm not good with touch."
"Ah that's alright!" (Ramos puts his hand down. Looking at their face, did they seem suspicious? Hmm, not likely. They take a seat.) "So, how do you know me?"
"Isabeau talked about you." (You talked so casually, expertly carving away with your knife.) "Quite a bit actually."
"Wh-" (Hmm? Ramos looked genuinely shocked. Their eyes were wide open in attention.) "I-I, what'd he- what'd he say?"
"That you two were friends. Helped each other with the Defenders exams." (That was the lie wasn't it? The one Ramos was spreading? Maybe they were surprised you already knew it.)
"I-. . ." (Ramos blinked, then looked away. They looked, ashamed? Confused?) ". . . He, really remembered me? Mentioned me?"
(You nod in response.)
"That's. . ." (They didn't look you in the eye. They were rubbing their shoulder and sinking into their seat.) "That's, not really true, haha."
(You stop carving.) "Oh?"
(They continue.) "Isabeau he. . . Well. . . I always looked up to him. We were friends, sure, but I was always trying my best to be just as strong as him. Brave as him. Really, he was the one helping me with exams."
(What in the stars. . .)
"I felt like an idiot when I didn't go with him in saving the world. 'That's what a true Defender is' was what I thought. I would have done anything to be as strong. . ."
(Now, cue the dramatic lighting.)
"And so you wished that everyone would see you as his equal." (You say, starting to carve again.)
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(Ramos glanced at you.) "H-huh? What do you-"
(You slice off a chunk of wood, it makes a loud sound.) "You made a wish to be just like Isabeau. Strong, brave, loved by everyone."
"I, I don't know what you're-"
"And what you got in return is a new little craft trick." (You emphasize by slicing off another piece of wood.) "Mind craft. Correct?"
(You look up into Ramos' eyes finally. They look terrified.) "H-how, how did you. How do you know."
"I have my ways." (You pause for dramatic effect.) "You touch someone and you change their memories. And You're doing that so everyone thinks You're the best~"
(You could see Ramos starting to sweat. To shake. Clearly, they had no plan to be confronted like this. Why would they? They get to change the script in the middle of the play. Too bad for them, you already had the whole thing memorized.)
"I. . . M-maybe. . ."
"There's no maybe about it." (You say harshly. Another chunk of wood gone.) "You wanted to be the best. Was that your plan yesterday, too? Kidnap Bonnie then show up like you found them yourself? Like you're the hero?"
"Now hold on!" (Ramos stood up.) "I, I-I may have messed around with mind craft but I didn't try to kidnap anyone!"
(You look up at them wearing a bored expression.) "Uh-huh, and so it was some other stranger with a wishing star pendant?"
"Some-" (They pause. Putting a hand up to feel around their neck, and then fiddle with the bandage they had.) "Y-you're just trying to get at me!"
(A strange reaction. Continue provoking them.)
"This isn't a joke Ramos." (You stare daggers into them.) "You tried kidnapping Bonnie. And wanted to change my friends memories. That means we're enemies."
"I didn't- look! I promise I didn't try and kidnap Bonnie, whoever that is." (They're getting desperate.) "Just, just, I can, I can make this right, alright? I'm not even doing anything bad! Right?"
"If You're trying to make yourself be a big strong hero You're doing a terrible job~"
"S-shove it! Go eat a crab! I-It doesn't matter if you know about any of this I just! I-I just need to change your memory a-and then, and then-" (They take a step towards you.)
(You stab your knife through the table. It forms a large, visible crack. Ramos stops in their tracks.)
"I'm not stupid like some people are~" (You wave a hand.) "Come on out."
(There's a click from the front door. Isabeau is standing there, Mirabelle beside him. The rest of the party was gathering behind them. Ramos turned to look.)
(Isabeau's face. . . He looked so pained. No, pained and scared. Scared. Mirabelle was ready to fight. Odile, Nille, Bonnie, all of them looked disappointed. You've seen that look before.)
(Slashing, beating, ripping and tearing away at sadness. That wasn't you, pre-se. But it was a memory you had access to, a Memory of Sadness. You already knew what must be going through Ramos' mind.)
("They're afraid of you")
"Why." (Isabeau cut them off.) "Ramos you, you didn't need to. . ."
(They didn't respond. They're shaking.)
(Mirabelle stepped forward.) "Why would you do something like that!? Change someone's memories just so they like you? I know it's hard to, well, fit in sometimes, but doing that's just wrong!"
(They stumble back. Covering their face with their hands.)
(. . . They're starting to cry.)
(You are very good at scaring people.)
(Thank you~ it's all in the eye. All I had to do was act like Stardust did at the last loop. You stand up.)
"You can't just wish your problems away, Ramos." (You walk over to them, now for the great redemption.) "You can just talk to him, y'know. Explain everything and-"
"Siffrin!!!" (Odile's voice, she had shoved past the others and had an outstretched hand. A moment later a wave of force, creative craft, blasted you away from Ramos!)
"M'dame!" (You shake your head and where about to curse out your researcher when you noticed it.)
(Tears. Big, thick tears that dripped like molasses.)
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"Gems alive. . ."
"Wh, what is. . ."
"Look out, everyone!"
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mae-gi-writes · 2 months
Finders Keepers | Gally [TMR] - Part 1
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In which Gally gets soft for one of the boys in the Glade, only…is it a boy? alternatively; In which Mai disguises herself into a boy to fit in the Glade, only to be suspected by the keen eyes of the Builder's Keeper.
"Enjoying life, Greenie?" 
Dark eyes framed by thick lashes look up with a scowl at the said Builder's voice. And here Mai had hoped for some peace and tranquility after having spent all day out in the sun pulling out weeds and listening to Zart talk incessantly about his love of plants and whatever. 
Gally stands ahead of the new boy, leaning against one of Homestead's supporting structures with the kind of grin that makes Mai want to run for it. No wonder so many new Greenies decide that the Maze is a fair chance. When Gally's out here storming through the grounds, Mai isn't quite sure that the Glade is as safe as they all make it out to be. His temper is something to be reckoned with. 
Mai's been here for only over a week and to say that it's comfortable would be a lie. It feels suffocating, all the more because of the number of people cramped into the Glade. 
Gally takes a step towards the Greenie and the latter freezes up for a second, inwardly screaming at him to go back where he comes from because god knows Mai does not want the peace created undisturbed. But seems that Gally doesn't read faces well, for he plonks himself down next to the new boy while pushing up his shirt sleeves currently caked with mud from all the hard work he's been doing around the Glade. 
The words fall from Mai's mouth without warning, "aren't you supposed to be with your Builders?" 
For a minute, Gally's eyebrows quirk up in surprise. Not a lot of people dare to stand up to him and yet, this new recruit has the kind of fire in his eyes that makes Gally smirk. Little smartass, he thinks to himself. 
"I'm their Keeper, I can do whatever I want." 
"Slacking off is also part of that job title?" 
"You've got quite a mouth on you for a Greenie." 
Mai's scowl merely deepens before he looks away. Gally's right. That's not the right way to keep a low profile here. In the Glade, hierarchy was everything and Mai is stupid to believe that Gally's interest in him excuses Mai from any sort of punishment he might have to offer. 
"Sorry," Mai mutters. 
Gally doesn't seem to mind, clapping a hand on the younger boy's back before he pulls himself back up, "Gotta go back to work Greenie. You coming?" 
Mai grumbles but does as told, already feeling the scars on his hands where he'd been pulling out weeds all morning. He just hopes that his phase with the Garden people is just what it is - a phase. There are far more fun things to be done around the Glade and unwillingly, the Greenie casts a glance back at Gally's broad back as the latter makes his way to his newest architectural invention.
Mai feels his face flush and quickly averts his gaze, knowing full well that he needs to get a hold of himself if he wants to survive in this place.
Well, she needs to get a hold of herself. 
Lie to them. And to yourself.
Lie, Mai.
Those were the first few words that Mai heard echoing in the back of her brain the moment she'd stepped out of the metal box. The crowd of boys around her hadn't suspected a thing, considering that she was dressed as a boy, had close-cropped hair and was so scrawny one could barely believe a female's body laid underneath. The words were so poignant, dripping with venom of instructions, that Mai had done as told. She'd lied to them all, for the sake of safety.
And maybe that was what had saved her, in the long run.
It's complicated living in a Glade full of horny boys. Mai has to be careful because every second counts. When she goes to the toilet, for example, making up the excuse that she needs to do "a big one" as she'd mutter out to the other boys while averting her gaze elsewhere. Or when she's changing, always volunteering to go pick out weeds and quickly dropping into the Runner's chambers so she could get into fresh clothes. The biggest challenge had been the showers. It was communal and most boys didn't care at all for privacy. So Mai had to wait out in the dark. No boys enjoyed bathing in utter darkness, so night time was her best opportunity. She'd wait until everyone was drowsy enough not to realize that she was gone, scrubbing down her body in milliseconds before shoving on her new clothes.
Thankfully, the boys are either too dumb or too preoccupied with dealing with what the Maze has to offer to give her attention, and for that Mai is grateful.
"So have you decided?"
She looks up from her bowl of soup freshly made by Frypan and herself -- they'd decided to put her with the said young man for the day to see how she would fare and in all honesty, Mai thinks that this is probably the first time she's felt at ease with something -- into Alby's dark eyes.
Their leader is not one that speaks for nothing, and so everything that does come out of his mouth is of some importance.
"I definitely don't want to be a Slicer," she responds with a shrug, and takes another gulp of her soup. The leader takes a seat across from hers with an amused smile, "why not? I think it's fitting."
"Shut up Alby," she scowls at him.
"Alright alright," he lifts his hands in surrender, "considering your frame, I say we make you a Cook. Frypan needs all the help he can get anyway."
"That's offensive," Mai states, "what's wrong with my size?"
"C'mon Greenie, you're like four feet tall. You can't hold or build nothing, you suck at gardening, you've got no shuck stamina. I think the kitchen's where you belong."
"Thanks Alby, really shucking inspirational."
"You're welcome." Alby grins. Someone cries out his name then, something to do with the Runners, and he hits you lightly on the arm as he stands, "right. Off to work, shank."
Mai watches as his back shrinks with more distance, and wonders whether Alby suspects something off about her — or him. She's so careful, always double or triple checking, but she can never be too sure. Is that why he's sticking her into the kitchen where he thinks girls belong?
No, you're thinking too much into it, Mai thinks to herself. It's fine, you're doing fine.
Obviously, it's not just fine.
She busies herself all afternoon working as Frypan's assistant in the kitchen. He is easy-going and makes her feel a lot better, something about his presence reassures her, even though the close cooking quarters makes moving about impossible without touching one another. That's not something that Mai feels comfortable with, so she does try her best to avoid moving in the same direction.
Tonight is pork curry from the Slicer's last batch, paired with flavored rice and some green beans from the Track-Hoes gardens. The boys are hungry by the time evening falls and Mai busies herself by serving them one another another, until the familiar clamour of metal causes the entire Glade to freeze.
It's been a week, and yet Mai is still not comfortable hearing the gates close them in every night. The same gates keeping them from the outside. The same gates trapping them in, in a world that they can't even control.
Mai's fury burns as she thinks of it.
"Hey," she turns to see the blonde, the one that looks like an elf with features so delicate that she might swoon at the look of him. He's the next in line, amused by the fact that she seems distracted.
"O—Oh. Sorry," she quickly shoves a few pieces of Pork into his plate and loads it up with the greenbeans, "here you go."
"Thanks Greenie," he cocks his head st her curiously, "how you holding up?"
Mai shrugs, embarrassed that she can't seem to recall his name even though she knows he's second-in-command, "doing alright I suppose. Alby finally figured out what to do with me."
"Yeah I think you're better suited for it than picking out weeds. Zart wasn't impressed."
"It's not my fault your weeds seem to be ten meters long." Mai protests as a flush creeps up her neck.
Newt laughs, "I'm joking Greenie. Relax. Anyway," he lifts his plate in mock salute, "thanks for this. Hope I don't choke on it."
"Well I hope you do!" Mai yells out after him, only to add after some minor reflection, "—a little bit."
After having served all Gladers, Mai takes her own plate and tries to find a seat. Alas, the task proves itself hard upon noticing that all tables are already full. There's only one place open — and that one place is by the Runner's table.
Now, it's not that Mai wants to be rude and ignore them altogether. But the Runners only bring out the particular memory of her pathetic wheeze after having run merely a mile, deeming her not fit for the said job. That embarrassment had only made Mai want to avoid the Runners altogether if she could.
But alas, fate is not on her side today. She spots the asian boy called Minho, whose eyebrows quirk up when their eyes meet. He casts a quick glance at her tray, has a look around, before he grins and beckons her over.
"Hey Greenie," he says as soon as her butt hits her seat. His dimpled smile paired with his pretty crescent moon eyes doesn't help with her heart, "thought you'd never wanna show your shuck face around us after that run."
"Some people aren't Runners. Get over it," you say it more in a mutter but loud enough that it gets the entire table into chuckles.
"Well I think you might just be the next Frypan," another Runner says, "I'm Ben by the way."
"Mai," she responds, not enjoying the way his eyes seem to flicker over her face in thought, as if he's trying to figure out what's off with her.
Because there is something off, just not the kind that they'd expect.
"Huh, Mai." Ben tries it out on his tongue. He takes another bite of his curry, "how are you liking the glade?"
"S'alright. I just wish the Builders could maybe build us actual beds instead of having hammocks."
"Oh he said it," Minho claps Mai's back so hard she almost spits out her food, thankful he hasn't noticed when he only slings an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer, "hey Gally! Greenie here has a problem with your hammocks!"
Uh oh. Mai's horror triples as she watches the said Builder stand from his seat. Numerous eyes have swayed across tables to land on her now. Gally strides towards them slowly, a predator confident in his skin, she can't help but squirm back.
He's intimidating and scary. And yet, her stomach squeezed with an unfamiliar feeling altogether.
"You got a problem with the hammocks?"
Gally's voice brings her back to reality. Mai blinks, "uhm—no, not at all—"
"That's not what you said a few seconds ago Greenie," Minho grins, "come on. Tell him. He doesn't bite."
"He might," mutters Ben from your other side.
"Uh— I was saying how comfortable the hammocks were," Mai responds with a nervous laugh, "so yeah— good job Gally."
Gally doesn't seem convinced, but a call from Alby stating that he wishes to see the Keepers thankfully breaks the attention from Mai.
"Right," Minho quickly clears the plates  away, but not before ruffling Mai's hair as he does so, "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Try not to die Greenie."
Mai lets out a soft sigh as the asian boy makes a run for it, followed by Gally after having thrown her another glance. He doesn't say anything though and as the Glade slowly starts to die out — boys settling into their hammocks and others taking their turns in the showers — Mai is glad when no one seems to pay her attention in favor of sleep. No surprise there, considering how tiring they are after all this hard work.
She settles into her own hammock, tied up close to the elfin-looking blonde, and tries to get comfortable. The Maze walls look even larger as she stares up at them, her breath catching in her throat as she thinks of all the boys that have lived here for months without hope.
Mai falls asleep that night, dreaming of the what ifs and the endless possibilities of what the future might hold.
She just hopes that they'll make it out one day, hopes that the echoing voices at the back of her head are just that — voices.
A/N: AAANd that's a wrap for the first chapter! Like I said, I'm in a TMR brainrot so don't mind me or my obsessive behaviour towards Gally in these series. And can I just say that Will Poulter has aged like fine wine. See you in the next chapter! Do let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist <3
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bbrissonn · 9 months
𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐮 - 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐳𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬 (𝟏)
╰┈➤kinda nervous lol, making this on sept 22 at 11:51 pm. i came up with this idea for an au after seeing this post from @edwardslvrr like 2 hours ago
╰┈➤ october 8th bri bri here, decided to post this cause why not, it's all i've been thinking about since i started this au in my draft and i really want to make it public so yeah :))) hope you enjoy !!
╰┈➤ pairing: trevor zegras x ex!singer!reader
╰┈➤ masterlist
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: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram for the first time in a while
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liked by jamie.drysdale and 1.8M others
alannaoregon so excited to announce that my sophomore album Tired of U comes out on October 13th !! this has been a work for almost 6 months and i cant wait for all of you to hear it. starting off with “i regret you everyday” coming out September 22th
much love, lana 🩵
view all 5,042 comments
becky.rivera GO BEST FRIEND
alannaoregon @/becky.rivera I LOVE YOU BEST FRIEND
jamie.drysdale so proud
alannaoregon @/jamie.drysdale love you little one
user920 soooo we all agree on who all of these are gonna be about right…?
user726 trevor went from having 12 love songs written about him, to 14 breakup song 🫢
user02 @/user726 from obsessed with you to tired of u..
sabrinacarpenter so happy to be by ur side and see u grow, cant wait for everyone these masterpieces 🩷
alannaoregon @/sabrinacarpenter love you so much 🩷
user53 the way lana always uses a blue or white heart, but always a pink one for sabrina 🥹
user836 @/user53 glad im not the only one who noticed
load more…
: ̗̀➛ alanna oregon posted a new youtube video
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“Becky bring your butt over here.” Alanna called out, placing her camera on the counter of her bathroom. Her skincare products in front of her as Becca made her way into the room, waving at the camera once she was in frame.
"I'm here, I'm here." The Rivera girl said as Alanna grabbed her first product and started applying it to her face.
"Hi cuties, it's me, Lana." The singer said in a weird voice, one she used in every intro. Becca snorted a bit, making her best friend giggle a bit. "I am back with my girl Becky."
"That's me."
"And today, we're gonna take for a lake day with us. And through out the day, I am gonna explaining every single song from my next album, Tired of u, that comes out on October 14th." Alanna explained as she moved onto her second product. Next to her, Becca was nodding along to what she way saying, a proud smile on her face.
"Go pre-save it, guys!"
"And we're gonna be starting with a single, I regret you everyday, coming out on September 20th."
"Not gonna lie, I think that's one of my fav." Becky said as Alanna moved onto her third product. The singer had already made her best friend listen to the whole album, but the girl was there for the writing and producing process so she already had a good idea of what the song were like.
"So, I regret you everyday is a pretty self explanatory title for the song. It's pretty much about regretting ever getting into a relationship with someone, let alone even meeting them even if it's something you can't control." The girl started as she applied her sunscreen gently to her skin. "I think it was the second song I finished writing, maybe like a week after my break-up."
"Wasn't it two weeks?"
"I dunno know, doesn't matter. I was just crying on Becky's couch one day and just came up with it, she helped me write some of the lines."
"You can call me Shakespeare now." The Rivera girl joked, causing her best friend to giggle once again.
"Any who, I picked that song to be a single because I think it really gives off the vibe of what the album is gonna be. Also, because Becky said she'd hit me if I didn't put-"
"If I didn't put out as a single. So, yeah, now you know!" Alanna continued, ignoring the look her best friend was giving her. She quickly cut the camera after that, laughing at Becca's expression that still hadn't changed.
The next clip was of the two girls in the kitchen, preparing their breakfast for the day.
"I don't know if we said it before, but we're at Becky's family cottage for the weekend, so we're gonna go swimming this afternoon." Was the first thing said in the clip, Becky in the frame as she broke the eggs. Alanna was in the back, doors of the fridge opened as the looked for the milk.
"Then I am taking her out a date to the porch for dinner with the sunset."
"Fun fact for y'all, the photo on the back of the album was taken by the neighbors of me and Becky. So, thanks to them for their contribution to the album."
"And to my dock for being the front of it." Becca added as she now left the frame and Alanna was now the main focus.
"The next song we're gonna talk about is sunset chasing. Now that song was... very emotional to make, because as some of you might know, I am a whore for sunsets, and sunset chasing was something I did a lot with my ex." The girl started explaining.
"Big big whore for them!"
"In the song, the sunset represents like my relationship with said ex, and how I was like chasing after him and his attention even though we were together for years already. And I guess you could say there's like a double meaning I think, like how sunset chasing turned into me chasing him." She added, smiling slightly had Becca's words.
"I was once again present for the writing of this song and contributed." Becca said, walking back into the frame for a slight second, a proud smile on her face.
"The birds are trying to eat my food!" Becca yelled out, a loud laughing coming from Alanna as she filmed her best friend shoo away the birds. The two girls were now outside, their breakfast in front of them as they sat on the porch, from which they had a nice view of the lake.
"Becca, don't hurt them!" Alanna said from being the camera, making the girl in question look at her like she was crazy.
"They're going for my food, Lana." There was a cut after that, and then the two girls were sitting around a round table as they slowly ate their food.
"Can I introduce this song?"
"Even if I say no, you'll do it anyways, Becky."
"Damn right I will. Anyways, guys, the next song is called 11 feet behind!" Becca announced to the camera giggling a bit after saying the title of the song. "What's that song about, Lana?" She asked with wiggling eyebrows.
"That song is about always feeling like you're always behind in your relationship. Like people know more what's going on in your relationship than you do, which, fucked up for one, and two really sucks, because it makes you feel like you mean nothing to your partner."
"Guys, let me tell, my girl did not hold back with this one." Becca giggled while talking to the camera. When Alanna had told her best friend she'd be using Trevor's number in one of her song titles, the girl gasped, calling her crazy because of it.
"I am speaking the truth."
"I'm so proud of you, lanny." Becca said randomly, looking over at her best friend. Alanna laughed a bit before giving the girl a big hug, laughing a little.
"We're getting Starbucks!" Becca yelled out as the next clip started, Alanna's laugh being heard once again. The two of them were now in the car, Becca driving as the other girl sat in the passenger seat, holding the camera so they were both in frame.
"Which is like totally crazy 'cause the next song was written in a Starbucks."
"What a coincidence."
"Right!" The two girl joked, their chuckles echoing in the car before Alanna focused back on the task at hand. "Anyways, it's called Friend Stealer. Long story short, it's about getting dumped by a guy so he can go date one of your friend, that he met through you."
"Snakes." Becky could be heard whispering in the back.
"And the reason why it was written in a Starbucks is because I just wanted to leave my house, get some caffein, and as I was just sitting there thinking about the whole thing, the lyrics just came to me. So, I wrote them down in my notes, typing like a crazy lady on my phone."
"She was gone for like three hours, I was so worried!" Becca said, making Alanna roll her eyes slightly.
"Okay, that's a bit dramatic, I was gone for like, forty-five minutes maybe."
"Still scared me."
"Moving on, that song was probably what helped me really get over my break-up, well more like started the whole moving on process. I was really just writing what I was feeling and yeah, that song was born. It was the first one that I found the melody for, but I think it was like, the forth I wrote, and that's when I decided I was making an album." The singer explained with a shy smile, recalling the happiness she had felt after finally writing out all her anger.
"We're back in the car! Becky, what'd you get, girl?"
"I got a grande iced coffee with a splash of cream, two pumps of vanilla and two pumps of hazelnut." The girl explained her order, shaking her drinks around. "How about you, m'lady?"
"I got the same as always, my sir. A venti brown sugar oatmilk shaken expresso, only three pumps of brown sugar, three pumps of white mocha and no cinnamon."
"For all of you who didn't know, Lana's my sugar mommy, and she paid for my drink." Becca spoke, grabbing the camera for it was focusing on her. Her best friend scoffed a bit before bringing back to camera on her as Becky started to drive.
"Killing us softly is the name of the next song we're gonna be talking about. The title pretty much says it all, it just talks about how someone in a relationship just doesn't care enough and it's slowly killing their relationship." The clip cut right after the girl was done talking, and the next clip was of her sitting in her bed, filming on her phone with her headphones on.
"Guys, my camera died, oops. And at first Becky and I were gonna go to Target, well we still did, and film the next song in the car. Obviously, we couldn't do that, and my dumb ass forgot to like, go to the song we were gonna do in the car. So, here it is!
It's called mascara stained cheeks, once again, title says it all. But, it goes more into details about how toxic my relationship with my ex got, and how much he made me cry. Small reminder, that crying often in a relationship because of your partner, is not a healthy relationship, never has been and never will be. With that being said, next clip! Wait no, disclaimer, I got a little lazy with these, oops again, so the clips are pretty short. Okay, now, next clip!"
The two girls were now laying on their chests on sun bathing chairs. The camera was set up on a small table in front of them as they both pushed themselves up on their chairs.
"30 seconds. Wanna do the honor's of explaining this one, Becky?"
"Yes please. This song is about how much of an asshole mister tiny dick was."
"What? He was. Mister tiny dick broke up with my goddess of a best friend over a phone call, that lasted a solid 30 seconds." The Rivera girl explained, as Alanna gave her stern look.
"Becky, I'm gonna get demonetized because of you."
"Not my fault he had a tiny dick."
"Guys, it's editing Lana here again." The girl said, once again sitting in her bed. " So, apparently, none of my footage for the next three songs saved, yay. So, I am gonna have to do this little explanation segment again.
Okay, crushed mind. My baby, the second song I wrote, uhm, I pretty much got emotionally cheated on, so, my mind crushed. Oh my, God, I suck at explaining when I am alone. I feel so awkward just talking to my phone. Ugh, anyways, yeah, I don't know what else to say for that one.
Moving on, i miss u, this one I'm gonna explain so good, just watch, well listen... and watch. It's about missing the person your partner used to be, feeling like they've just become this whole new different person than the one you feel in love with. Which hurts, a lot. But, you know, people change, you can't get mad at people because of that... but you can write songs about it." The girl said, giggling slightly at the end.
"Last song that vanished, spinning circle, talks about conversations with my ex, would just be a spinning circle, I know the saying is like cycle or whatever, but the circle part is explained in the song. I can't tell you right now though, 'cause then I'm... I'm spoiling the like plot twist in the lyrics. Anyways, my camera figured itself out after that clip, so yeah. Back to Lanny and Becky from a week ago."
The two young adults were sitting on the paddle board, which was tied to the dock so they didn't float away. The sun was beaming on them as their wet skin reflected the light slightly.
"I felt a fish touch me!" Becca gasped just as Alanna was about to speak.
"It's a fish, it's not gonna kill you."
"No, but you know what will, forgiving." Becca said, winking at the girl, clearly proud of herself for the word play. "Get it? 'Cause the next song is... forgive."
"Go you, girly. Forgive, is about forgiving myself for the pain I caused myself during the end of my relationship. Like, I knew it wasn't healthy and all, I knew I should've broken up with him, but I didn't. And it ended up hurting me a lot, and I wrote that song last, kinda like a letter to my past self, forgiving her for making me hurt."
"If any of you though it was about her forgiving mister tiny dick, you weren't alone. I though so too, and I almost wacked her when she told me." Becca said, using the nickname she had for Trevor once again. "Don't look at me like that, you're not gonna get demonetized!"
"Okay, friends, it's now bedtime for us. We decided not to film after dinner, because we ended having a little heart to heart in the car after, and we just didn't really feel like it. So, we're gonna speed run the last three."
"Heist!" Becca called out. The two best friends were once again in the bathroom, now doing their nightly skincare.
"Going on a heist to get the smallest bit of attention from your partner." Alanna answered.
"heart n soul."
"How hurt my heart and soul were after my break up."
"Last one, tired of u!"
"Tired of... them. Yeah! No, uhm, I am gonna take a little more time on this one since it's also the name of the album. Tired of u, is just about how tired I was of how my old boyfriend was treating me and acting around me. And the reason I picked that name for the album, is because it really describes how I feel towards him still, and our relationship, even now. Overall, just tired of everything related to my old relationship, the media, the comments, just all of it."
"I got tired of him, too, Lanny." Becky said right before the clip cut, making the singer chuckle slightly.
"Okay friends, we're now in our matching pjs, and we're gonna go to sleep now. So, thanks for hanging with us today."
"Don't forget to go pre-save the album!"
"And yeah, I'll see you guys soon. Bye bye!" Alanna said before leaning in and pressing a kiss to the lens, which Becca than repeated.
: ̗̀➛ comments
user80 the way every time she vlogs she always struggles with the camera- she's so me
user001 so excited to hear these songs, all of them sound so interesting !!!
user719 guys i think she's gonna release sunset chasing as a single before the album drops cause she did the whole album in order, expect for i regret you everyday and sunset chasing
user412 @/user719 OMG YOU'RE SO SMART alannaoregon @/user719 shhh bestie you're gonna ruin the surprise user719 @/alannaoregon OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HIIIII
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charmwasjess · 2 months
6, 13 and 18 (Dooku) for the fandom ask, please :D
6) Show us a bit of a WIP!
:D You get the Sifo + Dooku + Time Travel Piece that I'm "definitely" "not" "writing." Some Asajj + 20 year old Dooku team-up nobody asked for. Especially not Asajj. -
Asajj studied him again, more appraisingly this time. He did look disconcertingly familiar.
Did Dooku have an heir that she’d never heard about? She’d clocked the boy as younger, what with all his naivete and whining, but now that she really looked at him… Nineteen? Maybe twenty years old? The age lined up disconcertingly well with Dooku’s first days as Count. A hereditary title, after all, passed from father to son. The idea of Dooku reproducing was nauseating, of course, though it was at least a little funny to imagine the former Jedi’s face upon being informed that House Serenno required his “gift” to ensure the bloodline’s survival.
But no. Why would House Serenno surrender an heir to the Jedi? She didn’t need to see the long braid to recognize that this was clearly one of their Padawan Learners; he reeked of a sheltered Temple upbringing. She could practically smell the refectory milk on his breath.
“Why do you want to be the one to kill Count Dooku so badly, anyway?” she asked, instead.
“He killed my best friend!” His voice broke on the word best, but his fury streaked, vibrant as a comet in the Force.
Asajj almost choked on her laugh. It was so melodramatic. Cliche. Like a line from an overwrought holonovel, spinning out in predictable plot hooks before her eyes. This Jedi child was pathetic. She ought to get them into space and send him to look for Dooku out the airlock. It seemed like it would save her and the Jedi both a lot of trouble.
She thought of her sisters.
Vengeance. Thick and sweet and tangy, like spoiled cream clinging to her tongue. It belonged to her, but no less to the others whose lives Dooku had crushed out for no better reason than because he could. She was here to glut on the Count’s blood. Who was she to deny this hungry child his own right to the feast? Dooku made a big corpse. There was plenty for all.
“Do you know how to sit down and shut up?” Asajj turned briskly to the ship controls. They had already wasted too much time.
“Yes.” A lie. She could tell that without even looking at him.
“Yes, what?” She prompted, glancing back. Maybe she just wanted to hear him try to call her “my lady” in that ridiculous, overformal Coruscanti accent of his.
He swallowed audibly, clearly uncertain. He glanced again at the twin lightsabers at her waist and seemed to decide. “Yes, Master.”
Asajj couldn't help the small, startled laugh that broke from her chest. That hadn’t been what she was expecting. No one had ever called her that. She felt surprised at the strength of her own reaction. Perhaps this would actually be amusing. At least, for a little while.
“What is your name?”
“My name?”
Asajj rolled her eyes. “You have a name? Or should I just refer to you as ‘idiot’?”
She watched his hesitation, saw those big, guileless brown eyes drift and refocus. Black fucking stars, he lied artlessly, like a child.
“Sifo-Dyas. My name is Sifo-Dyas.”
13)What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
I know I went backwards here writing the most unknown/unpopular character in the series with Sifo-Dyas to the most popular, but I'd really like to spend a little bit more time with Obi-Wan. He's got a large role in the next chapter of Twelves Months to Murder Count Dooku and I'm really excited. I really like the character. Kenobi changed something for me about him.
18) Type [charater]'s name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word
Lolol. "Dooku FOUGHT." "Dooku only" and "Dooku Nu" were other suggestions. Yeah, that really says it all. No notes, google.
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skania · 8 months
Some OnK Chapter 131 Thoughts
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And by "OnK" thoughts, I predictably mean "Akane and AquaKane" thoughts lol
Once again, Akane is the one correcting surface-level statements and showing insight into Aqua (and even Ruby!).
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I've been wondering how Aka would have Akane and Aqua interact after Chapter 116. I'm actually surprised that they were so at ease with each other during this chapter, it's like they overcame a hurdle in Chapter 116.
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Akane knows where Aqua stands, just like Aqua knows where she stands. For Akane in particular, deciding to stop Aqua's plan likely gave her something tangible to hold onto; something practical that she can focus on, a way in which she can make an actual difference. For Aqua, knowing that Akane is planning to stop him told him that she will keep getting involved with him whether he likes it or not.
Of course, since Aqua is always fighting his own nature, he probably likes it in the same measure in which he hates it. Akane burning the bridge with him would be for Akane's own good, and thus what Aqua wants - but there's likely a part of him that is relieved to know that she is still there.
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He may not be able to rely on her, but the person who saved him little by little simply by acknowledging him, understanding him and choosing him is still there. She hasn't given up on him.
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And it just so happens that Akane is not willing to let Aqua forget that.
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I think Akane may have gone there for two reasons. On one hand, she is probably keeping an eye on his every move; she needs to, if she doesn't want to let Aqua catch her by surprise.
On the other hand, Akane likely knew that Aqua would have mixed feelings after meeting Ai's mother.
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So I think that by going there, Akane was also hoping to emotionally support Aqua. Just like she promised she would back in Chapter 51.
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After all, if Akane wanted to simply watch Aqua, she could've done so without revealing her presence; the same way she managed to follow him all the way there.
But just like Aqua wanted Akane to see him back in Chapter 116, Akane wanted Aqua to know she was there.
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The way she throws his stalker tendencies in his face is so funny! Despite the gloomy atmosphere, the two of them instantly fall into a very easy-going back-and-forth and I love that. It's not what I was expecting at all (I love tension), but I'll take it because it's positive that they can joke around about personal traits that anyone else would see as flaws lmao
Plus, good on her for serving Aqua some of his own medicine!
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I already mentioned this, but this exchange right here immediately made me think of Chapter 52.
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Funnily enough, that Chapter was titled "Boyfriend x Girlfriend" and featured the moment Aqua and Akane truly started playing their parts. And in this chapter, we have Memcho describing Akane's current role in Aqua's life: His ex-girlfriend.
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Aqua and Akane have gone through so many stages in the manga, I can hardly keep count. Right now they're in their "Exes" era, yet they're still as entwined as ever lol
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And now we get to the part that truly caught my eye. I feel like this interaction can be read in different ways:
There's more to Ayumi Hoshino that meets the eye. Akane knows this but doesn't want Aqua to know, and he can tell but decides to play along.
Akane understands how frustrating it must be to find out that the tragedy that was Ai Hoshino began due to something like this. What's more, she understands how Aqua must feel seeing Ai's mother and knowing that... there's no point in him hating her, because she already hates herself enough for both of them.
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The first would fit the Masterminds™ game that these two are supposed to be playing, and as such it would be pretty fun. But we have seen Akane lie to Aqua in the past and she is... kind of very bad at it lol
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Maybe she's bringing her S Acting Skill Level to the game this time, and I'd applaud her for doing so if she is. But for the time being, I'm leaning towards the second option:
Akane knew that knowing Ayumi's truth would give Aqua mixed feelings and that he may stay stuck on that, and so she came to help take that burden off his shoulders.
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And good thing she did, because as Ichigo put it: Aqua is breaking.
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That said, there's something kind of ominous about the way we're shown Ai's mom looking at them in the last panel. I can't decide whether it symbolizes Ai's mom seeing her grandson (the one she thought she had no right to meet) leaving her and her pain behind, accompanied by someone who is obviously a part of his life - as well as Aqua deciding that indeed, Akane is right: there's no point in hating Ai's mom anymore, because she is already living in a hell of her own making.
Or if maybe Ai's mom is hiding something. I seem to remember one of the sidestories mentioning that she even put glass shards in Ai's food once, which kind of sent a very different image of her compared to the regretful woman we saw this chapter lol
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Alas, for now I'm going with Option 1 though, because I think there's something really beautiful in the symbolism of Akane coming to pick Aqua up, and the two walking away from that painful memory together so that Aqua doesn't have to wallow in it alone.
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Ruby was hoping that Aqua would start to lean on people soon. As it is, he can't lean on anyone - but Akane is still there to guide him home either way, and luckily Aqua let himself accept that much.
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alipeeps · 7 days
Episode 40 (aka Hold me, I am not ready for this!! 😭)
Gods I think I love Xue Li almost as much as Xiao Heng.
And that dude loves her a LOT.
LOOK at how he looks at her. LOOK!!
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"Kill Xiao Heng and we'll live happily ever after"... dude, you have completely lost touch of reality. How can you believe for even a fraction of a second that she'd do that, that she'd choose you over him? She just told you a moment ago that she'd rather die with him that be with you.
YES XUE LI!!! Put the next one through his eye please!
Actually no, don't kill him. Let him live and suffer and regret.
"Killing you would dirty my hands." You tell him girl. He's nothing. He's not worth the blood on your hands.
I reckon 75% chance he's gonna throw himself off the battlements anyway. Coward.
Ahahahaaaa he's standing on the edge! Am I right? Am I?
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Last thing he saw was her walking away. Love that for him.
Ooooh she's gonna cut her own throat on the sword....
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Shiiit where's that tumblr image of apollo's dodgeball? I'm getting too good at this.
There goes your last leverage, shithead.
Aaaaand there goes your ability to breathe anything other than blood.
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Yeah baby, get your revenge.
Ey up, the wind machine's back.
Hahahaa fucking hell grandpa Xiao making Xiao Heng serve him drinks on the excuse that he was injured saving Xue Li?! I'm pretty sure Xiao Heng was actually *more* injured - he took at least 3 sword slashes in the battle with Lord Cheng!
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Okay but now I am really intruiged/worried cos the rebellion is over and there's like 30-odd minutes (and the much giffed scene of Xiao Heng in his armour with the pendant in his teeth) left to go so... wtf is gonna happen now?
Oooh Xiao Heng's going north to protect the border...
Bros 4eva!
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Daddy Xue's back? For reals?
"She's got a husband now, how can she go back with us?" 😂
Awww and she's got daddy's approval for this one too! 😁
What do you think she means, Su Guogong, you dumbass? You gotta make that place fit for a wife! 😁
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Hahaha Xiao Heng has bluescreened again!
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It's kinda disturbing how rare it is in a cdrama for the main couple to get together, both survive and get to happily marry. HOWEVER... there's still 20 minutes and that scene to go!! 😭😭
Also am i the only one that keeps getting very nervous about the combination of wind machine, billowing drapes, and naked flame candles... 😬
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Is she gonna admit to pappa Jiang that she's not Jiang Li? I'm pretty sure he already knows...
Yeeeeeah that's a nice lie Xue Li but it's a lie nonetheless. She did suffer and she was in pain. But okay...
I want this to be between you and me - and all the servants that just overheard our conversation.
Shit I thought for a second there he'd stroked out and died on the spot! 😂
This feels like she's saying goodbye to the Jiang family for good. She's married into the Xiao family now and the Jiang family are leaving the capital... and she's not really related to them, she's got no real reason to see them again...
Shijie is just too goddamn good and precious.
Ooft one thing that bugs me about the subs in this is that they don't properly translate titles/honorifics, they translate everything to the person's name. So the significance of her calling him ge is entirely lost to anyone who doesn't understand at least a little bit of Chinese.
(Also they do this with single syllable names which is even more egregious. They translate didi as Zhao, they don't even have the fucking courtesy to make it A-Zhao)
Awww I am sad that the haircombing scene was just her imagination... and I'm also worried that it's some kind of portent... 😭
I don't deserve this. After 40 episodes i do not deserve this how could you do this to me
Okay but Wen Ji I feel you fam I really do but Xiao Heng needs help!!
WHYYYYYYYYY??!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME?!! Why could they not just have a happy ending? What plot purpose does this even serve at this point?
Oh thank fuck I genuinely thought it was gonna end with it implying he was about to die on the battlefield.
I am dead. RIP me.
This was a fucking RIDE and I LOVED IT.
(Apart from them killing Lu Ji and Wen Ji for no reason 😭😭😭)
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cerealboxlore · 1 month
For the WIP ask game!
There are so many intriguing choices! You're pretty good at coming up with fun and catchy titles!
I think I'll pick Killer Frequency
Hi, Wolf! Haha! I just can't help myself when it comes to new fic ideas, if only I had that kind of drive to actually finish them aa! Thanks, making the title for a fic is one of the best parts!
Alrighty, well, Killer Frequency is an idea of mine that came from a game I really enjoy, of the same name. The premise of that game is that a radio show host in a small town is the only source of help to call when a serial killer goes on the loose, and it's up to him to save the town and himself before it's too late. I went bouncing up and down the walls for that game, so I figured, I should combine this with my other hyper-fixation! Billy already is a radio show host and constantly has people trying to kill him, this is a perfect fit!
For my fic, the plot surrounds Billy Batson investigating a serial killer cold case with the help of the Fawcett News team (Sterling Morris, Helen Fidelity, Whitey Murphey, Joane Jameson, and Cissie Sommerly). Billy and Cissie aren't officially helping with the case, but whenever those two are brought into the office, they insist on helping in any way they can. Mr. Morris also couldn't find a babysitter in time.
They figured an old famous case like this would make for a good segment on their radio show, bringing in new and old fans of good journalism stories. They even joked on air that they would "solve the case once and for all" Never once did any of them anticipate one of the viewers calling into the show would be the killer themselves; promising to pay them a visit, real soon.
Danger would become eminent, as Fawcett City goes under a blackout/power outage. All emergency service calls are offline, with no internet, and no lines can get through. Whoever this killer is, or whatever they are, they seem to be rather keen on letting old dogs lie.
With it apparent that a serial killer is on the loose in Fawcett, heading straight to them, the Fawcett news team and Billy have to figure out the culprit and save the lives of the Fawcett people and theirs, before it's too late...
It's a bit of a mess, but it's a favorite of mine! I'm really excited to finish this one and ramble on more about it. Please, if you want to know more, let me know. I will not shut up about it!!
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riririnnnn · 3 months
Hello i just want to who do you think is gonna win bm or pxg i wanted to ask your opinion cause you theories are creative on completely different not we almost have same mbti im ENTP 7w6
You know, I don't actually know much about MBTI or Enneagram type much—I just took two quiz, got the results and then just went with it. Time to time, I do see some things related to ENFJ and 6w5 on any of my social media's feed, and I just go, "Yeah, same." And that's it, lol.
Jumping into your main question:
Did you just say my theories are creative?
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LMFAO, thanks <3
Anyway, so BM Vs PxG, huh?
Hooooooonestly, I'm not sure. I mean, I am sure, but at the same time, I'm not. The thing I'm thinking seems cliché, so it feels like a lie: BM will win.
Well, first of all, it's Isagi's team and:
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BM and PxG, both haven't lost a single game it now, so winning the match against eachother is like indirectly claiming the best team of NEL title, and the protagonist's team not being the best after the protagonist has gone through hardships and proved himself multiple times—doesn't sound right, you know.
But it's not uncommon for any Shōnen Mangas these days to have moments where the protagonist doesn't get the longer end of stick.
However, I have other reasons, other than Isagi, to think why BM will win:
1. Kunigami Rensuke
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Kunigami didn't have that much of moments to shine till now. Yeah, he did have some moments here and there, but it was pretty obvious to sense that Kaneshiro-san was saving him for PxG where he can go head to head with his real rival, Shidou Ryusei.
And hallelujah!
Kunigami has gone ham against Shidou and we have only seen them together in like one chapter? Just imagine what might happen in the future! Further, Shidou has already scored a goal and I don't see him scoring another one because:
Rin is there too. He will surely score a goal and for BM to win, max goal limit for PxG is 2.
Sure, Shidou can score two goals, it isn't a farfetched thing to say, but Rin scoring NO goal in a match? Nuh-uh, Sun might as well rise up from the west at that point.
2. Michael Kaiser
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You will never understand how much I want to just roundhouse kick those people that say, "Kaiser has gone downhill," or "Rin has devoured Kaiser," like, my brother in Christ, there are, literally, 2-3 people man-marking Kaiser—he is a great soccer player, but he isn't a God, he has his limits. Sure, Rin might one-up Kaiser in the future, but as of Chapter 256, he hasn't.
Secondly, the whole Kaiser Vs Isagi thing—trying to one-up eachother, they literally elevate eachother's level simultaneously, so I can imagine: Isagi blocks/steals a goal from PxG -> gets counter-attacked and blocked -> Kaiser comes to steal the goal and scores.
Why for the love of Blue Lock we are forgetting about Kaiser and Isagi teaming up together? It's something that has been anticipated for so long! I just bet that Kaiser x Isagi goal is going to be breathtaking! And no, I just can't imagine Kaiser x Isagi goal being blocked/unsuccessful.
3. Hiori Yo
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Without waiting for more chapters, we can confidently confirm that Hiori's matchup in PxG is Charles and though that 15 year old Imp is AWESOME, we can't forget the literal renaissance Hiori went through during the Ubers match—I don't think so that Kaneshiro-san will do all that just to make Hiori lose against Charles.
Further, Charles is the main gamemaker of PxG, if Hiori were to get a hold of him, it indirectly means that he got a hold of PxG. We have already seen (in Chapter 256) that Hiori was able to see through Charles, so the Cyan haired boy can win against the Imp in the future too.
4. Kiyora Jin
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This boy got to do something.
No, he literally has to do something at this point.
His anticipation has been built up for so long that it feels criminal if he doesn't do anything major in the match. With him as an element of surprise for us readers, he is the main one that has made the probability of BM winning, at least, for me.
Further, there is a high chance of him being a match up of Karasu and we all know how much of a smartass that crow is + his physique. Kiyora got to pull some life altering moves.
. . .
Now, to focus on PxG:
You know, when I started reading NEL, I thought it was unfair how PxG is so strong, but now that I look at them, they seem.. fair?
I mean, to be honest, after seeing BM's behaviour, I though every team was like them—hungry to score by themselves, but it seems like other teams are quite harmonious and they work as a team rather than a group of strikers.
The main group in PxG is, obviously, Rin's and Shidou's while Charles acts as the starting point of a goal or something.
However, Kunigami is doing a great job in keeping Shidou on his toes and by the looks of it, I can't think of anything other than that Demon pulling a red card to stop the Cyborg Hero.
Now, as for Rin, he got Isagi and we all know that Isagi can surely keep up with him and though Isagi has to keep up with Kaiser, Rin has to keep up with Kaiser too. Besides, it isn't Isagi's first time going against Kaiser while it's the first time for Rin to go against Kaiser. To add more gasoline to the fire, Isagi has been doing all that WHILE going head to head with the opposing team.
Among the remaining players, I can only imagine a goal from Karasu or Tokimitsu. No hate to Zantetsu or Nanase, but a goal from them.. doesn't seem much plausible. As for Charles, I don't think so that he has ever been shown to have interest in scoring a goal by himself, but if he were to turn out like Sae or Aiku, then maybe he can try for a goal too.
. . .
There are many more reasons and things I have, probably, missed out, but the above ones are the ones that I can think of currently. I understand that I didn't address the biggest elephant in the room: Julian Loki.
We don't know if the Master Coach of PxG will play or not, and even if he will, then will he try to score a goal by himself? Nevertheless, till now, I don't think so there have been any panels of him being in the field, let alone a goal by him in NEL. Still, that panel of Loki announcing him surpassing Noa makes me feel like these Master Coaches will step on the field too, but I think a 31 year old can easily win against a 17 year old.
So yeah, till now, my safe bet is on BM.
That's all, I guess.
For sure, I might be wrong in many things that I have said and most likely, I'll be wrong in everything that I said, but it's fun to make up theories!
Why you guys go anonymous to ask questions though? I won't eat you, I promise.
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lingy910y · 11 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks @energievie for the very thought-provoking questions 🤩
name: ling
age: 17
location: ny
what is your dj name? thank you rhymezone for ding-a-ling 💀
if you were a genre of music, what would it be? indie
what would you title your biography? The Garden Inside My Mind (i'm just winging it at this point)
what are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? this is a very lame answer but i wouldn't do anything i wouldn't do if i were visible because the guilt would consume me 😬 if i don't belong there, even if it's nothing serious, i don't want to lie and intrude someone else's privacy
what subject do you wish was taught in every school? economics (thank god it's required in my school)
when was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? i tried bubble tea (strawberry tea) for the first time when i met up with my friend who i haven't seen since elementary school, she was very kind and insisted on paying for everything lol
what is the most underrated city you have ever visited? i've only visited 4 cities so garden city? i've never visited a suburban place before and it was rly pretty
what day in your life would you like to relive? why am i tearing up over a tag game :') man it makes me wish i had more motivation to write in my journal. it has to be a day from my middle school years, genuinely the best years of my life. maybe the day before quarantine aka before everything went to shit, when we all thought we'll see each other again 😭😭😭😭😭 can you believe my hs graduation is this friday
if you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? ruminating and worrying and overthinking - oh please i would literally save hours 🙏
how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? i would hide but refuse to die. prob only the first week
what would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? excluding actual time travel that is straight-up impossible, a device that connects your brain to someone else's, like telepathy. but there's already ai controversies so...
if you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? just a nice scenery of trees so i won't get distracted
tagging @deedala, @michellemisfit, @mmmichyyy, @creepkinginc, @sgtmickeyslaughter
@iansw0rld, @doshiart, @mybrainismelted, @lupeloto, @burninface
@blue-disco-lights & @heymrspatel 🫡
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canirove · 4 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 29
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"What about this jacket?"
"What about it?" I ask.
"Does it look good with these jeans?"
"Val, you haven't looked at me."
"You look really good" I say, quickly looking at Pedri and then back at my laptop.
"You didn't have time to check me out."
"Pedri, right now I only have time to finish this before the last day of school. I'm sorry."
"You could do with a break."
"I actually could, yes" I sigh. "My eyes are starting to hurt."
"A good way to make them feel better is by looking at your hot and extremely handsome boyfriend."
"You are so modest" I laugh. 
"But I'm not lying, am I?" 
"Rude" Pedri says, sticking out his tongue. "What are you going to wear?" he says while getting changed.
"What do you mean?"
"The Barça party, Val. What are you going to wear?"
"What?" I ask with a confused look.
"Don't you remember? We talked about it a few days ago. The club is throwing an end of the season party to celebrate that we won the Copa del Rey."
"No, we didn't talk about it."
"We did, Val" he says, rolling his eyes. "It took me ages to convince you to come with me."
"You convinced me to go to Ter Stegen's party, not one by the club."
"You said yes to both!"
"I didn't!"
"You did! I already told them that you are coming with me and they saved you a seat!"
"Then tell them to cancel it, because I'm not going" I shrug.
"I'm not going" I repeat.
"Val, c'mon" he says, sitting down on the bed next to me. "It's just a party."
"I said no."
"But why? We promised we would tell each other everything, Val. That this time we were going to do it right."
"I know."
"Then why don't you want to go to the party? Are you afraid that because it is a Barça one, it may make Real Madrid finally forbid you from going back to the Bernabéu?" Pedri asks with a teasing smile.
"They've probably done that already. I'm sleeping with the enemy, stupidly in love with him, and a couple of weeks ago I celebrated that they won a title."
"I think Florentino will understand. He knows I'm irresistible."
"Maybe not so much if they didn't want to sign you" I smirk.
"That's low, Val" he chuckles. "Anyway, the party."
"Yeah, change the topic" I laugh.
"The party. Why don't you want to go?"
"Because…" I say, taking a deep breath. "Because it is a club party, and that means photographers waiting outside to catch you all arriving. The moment they see us together, they will go crazy and take a million photos of us that will end up on the internet five minutes later, and your fans will go nuts like happened after your interview on La Resistencia."
"That could happen, yes."
"It will happen. And things won't be nice after that. They will tear me to pieces and overanalyze everything, from what I'm wearing to the way we are looking at each other, holding hands… everything. And when they realize I am Ferran's supposed girlfriend, they'll start theorizing about me being the reason why he left, that I cheated on him with you, that I was seeing you both at the same time, that we were a threesome…"
"What?" he laughs.
"It's the internet" I shrug. "But there is more. Because the moment someone who knows me sees those photos, they'll start gossiping about it and judging me because I'm dating someone way younger and who happens to be a football player. And then whoever exposed me after the Camp Nou incident, which I believe was Isabel, will start posting photos about me, sharing details about my life, definitely lie… It will get nasty."
"Or not."
"It will, Pedri. You know it will. And I'm not ready to go through all that yet."
"Ok… But what if we don't arrive together? What if we do it in a group with Gavi and Eric and some others? That way they won't know who you are attending with."
"Then what if…"
"I said no, Pedro!"
"There is no need to yell, Valeria!"
"Then stop insisting! I don't even know why it is so important if I go to that stupid party or not."
"Because it isn't stupid?" he laughs. "We are celebrating that I won a title, remember?" 
"One we already celebrated when you won it. I don't need to do it again."
"Val…" Pedri sighs. "I'm tired."
"So am I. I've been working on this thing for ages."
"Not like that" he says, rolling his eyes. "I'm tired of this. Of us hiding our relationship, of arguing because of it." 
"We are not hiding anything, we are being private. It isn't the same."
"We are hiding it, Val. Since the world knows I have a girlfriend, we are constantly worried about someone seeing us together and taking a photo to the point that we don't even go outside for a walk around my neighborhood. And I can't keep living like this. I want to be able to do normal things with my girlfriend like we used to."
"It isn't that easy, Pedri."
"I know, but… There must be some middle ground, right? It doesn't have to be black or white. And I understand your fears, I truly do. The way some people will react also scares me. But I… I need more, Val."
"I'm already going to the other party" I say. "And I promise I will mingle with the others, that I won't sit down in a corner and look miserable."
"Ok" he says. "But what about us, Val? About not hiding?" 
"I can't give you more right now, Pedri. You know how chaotic things are at the school, and then with my mum nothing has improved, it has actually gotten worse. I can't add more to it, more worries."
"I'm sorry, Pedri" I say, reaching for his hand.
"It's ok" he replies, avoiding my touch before getting up from the bed and leaving the room. 
"Oh my God, it can't be. Valeria at a party? I must be dreaming."
"Shut up, Ferran."
"I've missed you too" he chuckles. "Hello, bro" he says to Pedri.
"Hi" he replies. "I'm gonna go get myself a beer."
"I also want… one" I say. But he has left already, definitely not hearing me. Or not wanting to.
"What happened, Val?" 
"Between you and Pedri. What happened to make him act like that?" Ferran asks me.
"I happened" I sigh. "But I don't want to bother you with our problems."
"Val, you guys are my friends. Let me help you."
Since he had left Barcelona, things between Ferran, Pedri and I had kind of gone back to normal. Or as normal as they could be. So maybe...
"Ok, fine" I sigh again. "Why don't you get me a beer and I tell you everything? We also have to catch up on your new life in Manchester."
"Perfect. But you go first."
"I go first" I say, trying to smile.
"I know, Ferran. I know."
"You have to do something."
"Yes, but what?"
"I… I don't know… But look at the people here at this party. You see some of the girls supporting their partners at their games and then don't hear about them again. It doesn't have to be hiding or posting about each other on Instagram 24/7, you know?"
"I know. Find a middle ground like Pedri said."
"But that's easier said than done, Ferran. Because these girls don't have an army of rabid teenagers following every step their boyfriend takes and tearing apart every woman who dares to go close to him" I say.
"Val, you need to stop worrying so much about the teenagers. Yes, they will cry, and get mad, and write disgusting things. But there will also be fans who will support your relationship and ship you like Marina says because they can see how happy Pedri is with you. Not all of them are brainless" he laughs.
"I know. The nasty ones usually are just a loud minority. Or a very loud minority in this case."
"Then let them scream all they want and live your life, Val. You've had a tough year, so enjoy your holidays with Pedri and don't give a shit about what anyone says. Just be happy."
"When did you become so wise, Ferran?" I laugh. "Is it the Manchester air?"
"The air… and a certain redhead perhaps" he smiles.
"What? Tell me everything. Now."
"Maybe another day. Now you are gonna go mingle with the other wags like you promised Pedri."
"Please don't call me a wag, I hate it."
"Ok" he laughs. "Now go talk with the girls."
"Fine, I'm going. But you owe me a conversation" I say, threatening him with my finger.
"And you will have it. Now go."
"Thank you, Ferran" I smile.
"Anything for you, Val" he replies.
"That was nice, wasn't it?" Pedri says on our way home after the party.
"Thank you for keeping your promise, by the way."
"About talking with the other girls. When I saw you with Ferran I thought you would spend the rest of the night with him."
"Nah… though he owes me a conversation. Did you know he is seeing someone?"
"He also owes me that conversation" Pedri laughs. "But what did you talk about, then?"
"Us. I mean, you and I. He gave me a really good piece of advice."
"May I ask what it is?"
"That I need to stop worrying about the crazy teenagers and live my life. So that's what I'm gonna do this summer. Enjoy my holidays and my boyfriend and not care about anything else."
"Yep. And since I'm into keeping my promises… I promise you I will do that. Enjoy the summer and you."
"And I promise I will make you enjoy the summer, me, and yourself" he smirks.
"Always thinking about the same, Pedro" I say, rolling my eyes. 
"I could promise you I will stop thinking with my dick, but…"
"Not happening."
"Nope" he laughs. "But I can promise you another thing."
"I'm listening."
"I can promise you that I will love you until the day I die."
"You are so cheesy" I laugh. "But I promise that too."
"You do?"
"I do. I love you, Pedri" I say, kissing his cheek.
"I love you too" he smiles.
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snowmist-hashira · 11 months
Hi Snow! How's life? I've read all of your fics, especially Yuichiro bcs I love him soo badd, but my favorite is Underneath the Moonlight, requested by Azira and her idea was so adorable. And a scenario about how Yuichiro and Y/n's relationship grow come to my mind, but feel free to ignore.
After the last fight and demons dissapeard, Y/n could finally go out in the nights without worrying about demons, but I would like to think that she still has some trauma of the dark from the last accident with Yuichiro.
But on the other hand, she was so excited about her first festival, because in all of her life, she only be able to see the fireworks from her house, which kinda far from the town. She wears a simple yet beautiful Yukata with some ornaments on her hair. Yuichiro couldn't take his eyes off of her~
She tried many foods and games with Yuichiro there (Muichiro and the others leave them alone to gave them some space, Muichiro is a shipper lol), pull Yuichiro's hand here and there, laughing when she saw cute things and never stop said thank you and how she was so happy and enjoy the festival!
After a while, Yuichiro guide her to a place where they could watch the fireworks clearly, far from the crowds, they have to pass the dark of the forest, but with Yuichiro, Y/n feel save.
I'll leave the rest to you, when they watch the fireworks together, how would their conversation go? Maybe about their relationship, or Yuichiro's confession. Maybe. Just maybe, but I hope, they would kiss under the fireworks, the moonlight.
I hope you have an amazing day reading this<3
[Chapter title: Underneath the Illuminations]
[Requested] Yuichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad:(One shots) Tokito Twins x Reader Archive:Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Twins x Reader Details: ♠ Information ♠ Master list: ♠ Yuichirou Tokitou ♠ Word count: 1,839
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Artist: TAMA [tama08080619]
Link; Twitter
Hello there, Anon! I'm doing quite alright, by the time this one uploads, I'm already studying so yeah (stressful moments) and I won't lie... This is such a heartwarming and delightful story, even as I wrote it, I couldn't help but squeal with joy. The requested idea was incredibly cute! I'm thrilled to see Yuichiro receiving so much attention and love from all of you. I must admit, I'm simping way too much for him right now, haha~
[Underneath the Moonlight] (Part 1, of Underneath the Illuminations) (Scheduled)
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The night sky regained its tranquility after Muzan's defeat and the disappearance of demons, everyone felt a sense of relief that the reign of terror was finally over. They could now venture out into the nights without the constant worry of demons lurking in the shadows. However, despite this newfound freedom, Y/n still carried the emotional scars of the past.
The traumatic encounter with demons during the last attack, especially with Yuichiro involved, had left a lasting impact on Y/n's psyche. The memories of that dreadful night lingered, and the darkness itself became a trigger for anxiety and fear.
On the other hand, Y/n couldn't contain her excitement as the night of the festival approached since it would be the first time in her life that she would be able to experience a festival up close and without fear. For so long, the threat of demons had prevented her from venturing out into the night, robbing her of the joy and wonder that such events could bring.
As the sun set and the first stars appeared in the sky, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of nervousness mixed with her enthusiasm. The atmosphere in the town was electrifying, colorful lanterns adorned the streets, and the tantalizing aroma of various street foods filled the air. Y/n walked to the festival grounds in her simple yet beautiful Yukata, adorned with delicate ornaments in her hair, she felt a mix of nerves and excitement.
The soft glow of the lanterns illuminated her path, creating a magical atmosphere around her, approaching the meeting spot where her friends, including Yuichiro, were waiting, she noticed him standing there. The moment their eyes met, something stirred within Yuichiro, he couldn't take his eyes off her; she looked absolutely stunning.
Seeing his intense gaze, Y/n fidgeted and shyly asked, "is there something wrong with my outfit?" This caused Yuichiro to quickly realize that he might have been staring a bit too intently. He blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed at being caught in his trance.
His cheeks flushed as he averted his gaze, he gently shook his head, trying to compose himself, "No, it's nothing. You look beautiful, Y/n."
Yuichiro's words made her heart skip a beat, and she blushed at the rush of warmth they brought. "Thank you, Yuichiro," she replied, trying to hide her flustered state. "You don't look so bad either," she added with a playful chuckle.
Yuichiro replied, "well, I'm glad you think so," a faint blush gracing his cheeks at Y/n's playful remark, running a hand through his hair.
The sight before her– Yuichiro was in a yukata, looking handsome and endearing in a way she hadn't seen before. His usual tough exterior seemed to soften in the elegant simplicity of the traditional attire, and his signature ponytail added a touch of familiarity amidst the change.
Muichiro couldn't help but chuckle, sensing the subtle tension between the two. "You know what, why don’t you two explore the festival together?" he suggested, playfully nudging them to be alone.
Yuichiro's cheeks turned a shade of pink as he realized what his younger twin was up to. He knew that Muichiro was trying to push him and Y/n together, and while he appreciated his brother's intentions, he couldn't help feeling a bit flustered by the situation.
Unaware of Muichiro's subtle matchmaking attempt, Y/n inquired with genuine curiosity, "Oh, really? Are you sure? Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to explore the festival together as a group?"
She glanced at Muichiro, who had a knowing smile on his face, and then back at Yuichiro, whose cheeks were slightly flushed with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.
Y/n's innocent and genuine response caused Muichiro to shrug playfully, trying to act nonchalant despite his intentions being seen through by his older twin.
"Sure, exploring together is fun," Muichiro said with a mischievous smirk. "But I thought it might be nice for you two to have some alone time, you know? Enjoy the festival at your own pace."
Yuichiro glanced at Muichiro, who just smiled knowingly, and then turned his attention back to Y/n. "Well, yeah, it would be fun to explore the festival together," he replied, a hint of shyness in his voice. "But maybe we can start by exploring it together... just the two of us?" he suggested, his cheeks slightly pink.
Y/n couldn't help but be taken aback by Yuichiro's suggestion and the unexpected display of warmth and affection. She had known him for quite some time, and he had always been the stoic and serious type, often keeping his emotions close to his chest. To see him open up like this and express his feelings so genuinely was a heartwarming surprise.
Over time, it's quite evident that their relationship has blossomed and evolved, hasn't it? So, she nodded at his remark, smiling warmly.
The next hours were spent with Y/n and Yuichiro exploring the together, savoring the joy and excitement of each moment. Y/n's enthusiasm was infectious, and Yuichiro found himself laughing and smiling more than he had in a long time.
They tried various festival foods, from savory takoyaki to sweet taiyaki, enjoying every flavor and texture. Y/n's eyes lit up with delight as she discovered new favorites and insisted on sharing each treat with Yuichiro.
Whenever they came across a cute or quirky attraction, Y/n would eagerly pull him along to experience it together. She couldn't contain her excitement, and her laughter filled the air as they played games and won small prizes.
Their winning streak reached such a level that they amassed an overwhelming number of prizes, which they happily gave to the other children at the festival. Yuichiro's uncanny accuracy with caught the attention of the organizers, and they were eventually asked to leave. He had won every game with such precision and skill that they had to ban from playing further to give others a fair chance.
“Pfft…” Y/n softly giggled at this.
“Guess, I got carried away haha.”
After a while, Yuichiro led Y/n away from the bustling festival crowds, he guided her to a quiet and serene place where they could watch the fireworks in peace, however, before they could reach the place, they had to pass through a dense forest.
The moonlight filtered through the branches, casting eerie shadows on the ground. Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, as memories of a past traumatic experience resurfaced.
Yuichiro noticed her tension and gently took her hand, lightly squeezing it, offering silent reassurance, Y/n's tense shoulders gradually relaxed as his touch was like a balm to her anxiety, and she found comfort in the simple gesture of his hand holding hers.
As they continued walking, Yuichiro stayed close to her, his presence a calming presence. He didn't say anything, knowing that sometimes silence was the best comfort, he guided her with a protective instinct, and the way he kept a watchful eye on their surroundings.
The moonlight filtered through the trees, now creating a soft and serene atmosphere. She began to relax with each step they took together, her tension slowly easing.
They finally emerged from the dense forest, an old temple stood tall, its ancient architecture adding a sense of charm and mystique to the scene. They climbed the stairs of the temple, finding a comfortable spot to sit and enjoy the view. From there, they had a clear view of the night sky, unobstructed by the bustling festival below.
As they settled in, the first burst of fireworks painted the sky with a dazzling array of colors. Y/n gasped in awe at the beauty of the display, her eyes wide with wonder. She gazed upward, admiring the colorful fireworks, her orbs reflecting the wonderful hues.
Y/n orbs were fixated upward, her eyes locked onto the mesmerizing display of colorful fireworks. Each burst painted the sky with brilliant hues of red, blue, green, and gold. The dazzling lights reflected in her wide, awe-filled eyes, mirroring the wonder she felt in her heart.
Yuichiro couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of her, her face illuminated by the vibrant lights overhead. He had seen many fireworks displays before, but witnessing it with Y/n by his side made it feel like an entirely new experience.
"It's breathtaking," Y/n said softly, her voice filled with awe.
Yuichiro nodded, his gaze never leaving her. "You're breathtaking," he whispered, his words meant only for her. He found himself falling in love with the way her face lit up with delight, how her eyes sparkled with wonder and perhaps even more than that.
A soft blush tinted Y/n’s cheek, she turned to look at him, and Yuichiro couldn't help but be enchanted by the adorable blush on Y/n's cheeks, making her look even more radiant under the night sky. Her sparkling eyes held a mixture of affection and happiness, and he couldn't tear his gaze away from her.
The fireworks continued to light up the night, he found himself captivated not by the colorful display but by the moment they were sharing. The beauty of the fireworks paled in comparison to the joy he felt from being with her.
Yuichiro shifted his body towards Y/n as he leaned closer, the air between them was charged with electricity. Y/n's breath hitched, her eyes fixated on his lips, and she felt a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Y/n felt her heart racing in anticipation. She could see the affection and desire in his eyes, and a shiver of excitement ran down her spine.
Yuichiro's fingers softly caressed her cheeks, and his touch was like a gentle caress that sent a rush of warmth through her entire being. In that moment, words were unnecessary– the connection between them was conveyed through their unspoken emotions.
With each passing second, their faces drew nearer, and the distance between them vanished. Their lips were mere inches apart, and a delicate tension filled the air.
In that moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for their connection to be sealed with a kiss.
And then, it happened. Yuichiro's lips met Y/n's in a tender and passionate kiss. It was a moment that felt like an eternity, and yet, it was over in the blink of an eye. The kiss was soft and sweet, filled with the promise of a love that had blossomed between them.
As they pulled away, their foreheads gently touching, Y/n's eyes remained closed for a moment, savoring the feeling of his lips on hers. When she opened her eyes, she was met with Yuichiro's warm and affectionate gaze, and her heart swelled with happiness.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," he whispered, his voice laced with tenderness.
Y/n smiled; her cheeks tinted with a soft blush. "Me too," she replied, her voice filled with emotion.
The last echoes of the fireworks faded away, as they found themselves basking in the quiet beauty of the night, illuminated by the brilliance of the fireworks and its soft glow, underneath the moonlight.
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noforkingclue · 2 years
Hello again, Darling. I'm glad you're okay with that. But, again, if you are not pleased or not interested, everything is fine, just refuse.
You are in an established relationship with Homelander. You never show up with him at events, but, literally, the whole country knows, that his strongest supe has a girlfriend without powers. You are known by sight only in the Tower. And Homelander himself "protects" you from all this. He's not an obsessive possessive creep, no. How could you think that, no. He's just caring. And he is not suffocates you with his perverted notion of love, of course not. You are not under his eternal control, and he has not scared away your entire environment from you. Of course not, you're just imagining it.
In general, you are not so unhappy with him in a relationship. At times, he's very passable, even cute. Well, you youself, almost voluntarily, agreed to his offer to be together. You know, he's a monster, but, you almost feel sorry for him..? You're already used to him. You don't think it's Stockholm Syndrome, rather you've just always seen a little bit of good in Homelander. Well, probably yes, you probably love him. At least, that's what you think.
You have a pretty reliable, happy relationship. That's what he always thought. But after lunch, almost everyone in the building is kind of tense, and cautiously squint at him. And then, poor Ashley asks him to sit down and informs him, that you are no longer with them. That you're gone. And you did it to yourself. No note, no explanation, nothing. And that there was no way to save you.
But Homelander saw you this morning. You didn't cry, you didn't say stupid things. Everything was fine. You even kissed him goodbye. No, of course he knew, that you had such problems in the past, but he thought you were lying.
And what should he do now? How to react? What should he think now, how to live on?
Note: requests are currently closed
So I hope I got all the details in this request. I know I have quite a few long requests like this so if I don't get all the details in it I do apologise. Just the way my brain works!
Title: Gone
Warnings: suicide, unhealthy relationship
The Boys tag list: @captainofmybigwetdream, @scraftskhu35, @zannemes, @holy-minseok
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
It was a lie.
It couldn’t be true.
It wasn’t true.
Homelander didn’t believe it.
He didn’t want to believe it.
Ashley’s stuttering voice seemed to disappear into the background as he looked out of the window, jaw clenched. He heard everything. The voices, heartbeats, breathes of everyone in the city below him. He could hear the lives of everyone.
Apart from the one person he wanted to hear.
He looked over his shoulder at Ashley who cringed back. He turned around so he was facing her fully and took a measure stepped towards her. Ashley staggered back on her heels, terror crossing her face.
“What. Did. You. Say.” Said Homelander
“That… that.”
“We’re all so sorr-“
Ashley didn’t get to finish her sentence before Homelander’s hand clenched around her throat. He slammed her against the wall, smirking at the slight crunch of her ribs. Ashley clawed at his hand and he took a step closer, squeezing harshly. He closed his eyes and shuddered as Ashley’s nail dug into his hand and when he opened his eyes they were glowing red.
“Your heart is racing,” he said quietly, “Tends to happen when people are lying.”
“I-“ Ashley managed to choke out
“I don’t like it when people lie to me, Ashley.”
“Why are you lying to me Ashley? Why are you keeping her from me.”
“Put Ashley down.”
The calm voice of Stan cut through the tension. Homelander looked over at him, eyes still glowing red. Stan raised an eyebrow and after a second Homelander let go of Ashley. She fell to the ground, gasping in deep breaths of air.
“Ashley, I need to speak to Homelander. Alone.”
Ashley staggered to her feet and scuttled out of the room. Neither Stan nor Homelander spoke. Homelander walked back over to the window and said,
“Where is she.”
“Y/n is gone.”
“I want her back.”
“She’s dead.”
“She can’t be.”
“She is.”
“She promised that she’d always be there with me,” Homelander said, his voice shaking just slightly, “She promised. She was there with e this morning. She was happy. Why would she do this to me?”
“I think you know the answer to that.”
“We were happy.”
“You kept her locked up.”
“She’s human. She’s weak. She needs me to look after her, to protect her.”
“She was human,” Stan corrected coldly, “But she wasn’t weak.”
Homelander spun around to glare at Stan, eye glowing red. Stan didn’t flinch away and Homelander said,
“I love her.”
“As much as you are capable of loving anyone,” said Stan, “We’re already working on a story. I don’t believe that you’d want the public knowing that the girlfriend of America’s greatest superhero killed herself. Some of sort tragic, sudden illness I think.”
“Fiancé,” said Homelander, “Tell them y/n is, was, my fiancé.”
“Was she?”
“Eventually she would be.”
“Very well. I’ll tell the press office.”
As Stan left the room Maeve entered it. She pursed her lips as she remained by the door, not wanting to get any closer than necessary.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “About y/n.”
“You really mean that,” said Homelander, “You’re the first person who has genuinely meant that. Why?”
“Simple,” Maeve grimaced before fixing Homelander with a harsh glare, “She was too good for you.”
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oneatlatime · 11 months
The Northern Air Temple
Some thoughts before we get into the episode:
-I feel like Sokka got more lines in the first half of the season. Don't know if that's true, but that's what it feels like.
-I feel like Katara and Zuko have evened out a bit compared to the first half of the season. Certainly Katara hasn't done anything too annoying in a few episodes, and Zuko at least makes (a very small amount of) sense now, thanks to The Storm.
-I need more Appa.
Episode Time!
This episode apparently has the option of commentary. I'll save that for a rewatch.
Now it's episode time
A surprisingly ominous musical sting for the opening title card. Kind of reminiscent of Jet's musical sting.
We must be getting pretty close to the north pole because the parkas are back.
Oh my god actual airbenders? Is this show's title a lie? Avatar: Upon Further Investigation, One of Several Airbenders.
Also did that storytelling guy just charge his own great-grandfather for listening to his own story told back to him? Who's the real cheapskate?
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Sokka whittles! That's a nice touch. Gotta have something to occupy your time on long polar nights. I think it's a beaver with a hat? How does Sokka know what a beaver is? There are no trees at the south pole. Unless it's a chipmunk. But those don't exist at the south pole either.
optimist = liar is an underrated take. And very Sokka.
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The southern Air Temple was much more colourful than this. Maybe sunsets suck up north? Also those are live people. Living breathing non-corpses. Doing airbendy things. I am confused.
ok paragliders! Not airbenders. You know Aang must have been crushed by that bait and switch. He copes with it better than I would.
They may not be airbenders but this is still some pretty fancy flying. Obviously these glider people have been at this for a while. Do you think, in the absence of airbenders, non-benders were like "welp, somebody's gotta do it"?
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Nailed it. Meng's right. He does have big ears.
My god I hope this kid does regular maintenance on his brakes. He came in hot.
This kid (Tayo?) is really sweet actually. He's got that same sort of sincere joy that Aang does when he's happy. Like when he was laughing at Pipsqueak's name. An ersatz airbender having an airbender's joy is cleverly done.
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You couldn't have moved that pipe six inches up? Tayo may call his dad a mastermind, but this reeks of sloppy planning and building on the fly. This is the kind of plumbing dead end I'd plumb myself into, because I don't know how to plumb. What's the plumbing equivalent of cable management? Because these people need it.
I get it. This episode is going to be a commentary on the world moving on during the last century.
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There was a deliberate conscious choice made here. You couldn't accidentally decapitate the monks every time you installed a pipe. Even if there wasn't a conscious choice to be destructive, there had to have been a conscious choice to be callous. Poor Aang's day is just getting worse and worse.
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How does piping hot air everywhere result in goop?
Now moved on to literally decapitating monks. Come on guys, I was being facetious.
"This whole place stinks!" Buddy I could not agree more.
Then again: "Who said you could be here?" Can't agree with this one. How could they have asked for permission to move in? The only airbender around was frozen. This conflict is going to have to find a middle ground. Obviously these new guys are taking it way too far, but Aang has no right to expect the world to have been left unchanged for a century. Honestly I'm surprised that no one had moved in to the Southern Air Temple. It didn't occur to me when I watched that episode, but we've seen enough war-torn villages since that I'm surprised the air temples haven't been claimed by refugees.
"We're just in the process of improving upon what's already here" would be a much more convincing justification if it wasn't being spouted by someone standing in a giant hole created by a wrecking ball. Although kudos to this guy for seeing an opportunity to help his son and his people. Heart's in the right place, but I'm kind of questioning the execution.
"Progress has a way of getting away from us" another underrated take!
Tayo's dad's mannerisms are strange. He's giving me Willy Wonka vibes (Gene Wilder, not Johnny Depp).
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Four o'Candle. I won't lie, that's funny. Gotta wonder how the rest of the world tells the time, if this guy invented timekeeping.
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I regret taking this screenshot.
That's sweet, showing Aang the one untouched room. This Tayo is quite empathetic and perceptive, unlike his father. Also a good point about the animals. They never left.
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I'm sorry, but the Southern Air Temple is just so much prettier.
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Interesting storage choice. Do you think that was an airbender thing or a later addition?
Aren't fireflies a warm weather thing? Maybe someone at the temple has a pet firefly colony?
A natural gas PSA. Was not expecting that. Huh.
Pretty neat that Tayo has intuitively figured out what airbenders need to fly, even if he doesn't have the vocabulary to express it. Once again Aang recovering from disappointments way faster than I could. He said he wouldn't open the door maybe three minutes ago? And now he will. Truly too pure for this world.
This episode is going all over the place but the bug jokes are good.
What do you want to bet that the airbending door opening is footage reused from the Southern Air Temple?
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I'm enjoying Sokka having someone to vibe with intellectually (who respects him as an equal - yay!) but I also feel like I'm seeing thirty years into Sokka's future if for some reason Katara stops with the occasional smacks upside the head.
Do you think Tayo's dad is so loopy because his head's in the clouds?
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Did not see that coming. Also how many times is poor Aang going to get kicked around this episode? The airbenders that weren't, the temple that was modified to high hell, now the temple sanctum as a fire nation weapons vault. Ouch.
It does track though. Imprisoned shows that the Fire Nation has no qualms about exploitation - in that case, prison labour to build their fleet, and earth kingdom coal to power it. Makes sense that they would strong arm the mechanically minded into helping them as soon as an opportunity presented. Is that how the Fire Nation has gotten so far, shamelessly using anything and anyone that can be exploited? How many Fire Nation innovations are originally someone else's? Hot take: the Fire Nation is Thomas Edison.
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Aang can do Bitchslaps!!!! This is wonderful! I demand more of these in future.
"We control the sky. That's something the Fire Nation can't do." So that fire nation hot air balloon I saw in the sanctum was for exploring the sea floor?
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Ever seen that thing where two incredibly smart people get together and somehow manage to completely cancel out each others' intellects?
Ever-vigilant to roasting opportunities, Katara lands a perfect burn.
I guess actual murder bombs don't fly in a kids' show. But why not? Flaming fire ball catapults, crack archery squads, and actual past genocide are ok, but bombs aren't?
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Aang, squadrons aren't very pacifist of you.
All those guys Aang buried with the air scooter are dead. Also not very pacifist.
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Winchable tanks. Very clever. Wanna bet they stole that idea too?
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This made me laugh. I was expecting some sort of advanced flamethrower technology but it's actually the bending equivalent of leaning out a hole in the wall to throw rocks. This is Flintstones Technology.
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Since when are Katara's pants white?
Winchable, self-righting tanks? That's far too cool for the bad guys to have.
Told you it wasn't Fire Nation tech. Although Tayo's pride in his dad's counterbalancing system is maybe a tad misplaced, saying as that system is being used to attack his home. Oops?
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Upon being informed that the tanks run on a water counterbalance system, Katara, instead of exploiting this, decides that now is the time to remember that she is a waterbender (something she forgot despite spending the last few days (?) surrounded by snow), and uses ice to take the wheels off, what - two tanks? - and then decides to retreat and wait for her brother to save the day. See, this is what happens when Sokka isn't there to do her thinking for her.
Isn't wearing the enemy' insignia a big nono? Then again, a century of war is a big nono too, so I doubt anyone's going to quibble it.
Why are they dropping slime on tanks? How does slime stop them?
In a rare moment of Katara-thought, Sokka loses his mind and throws the whole furnace out of the balloon, rather than just opening it and scooping out some burning fuel. Sokka is so used to doing Katara's thinking for her that he's out of practice at doing his own thinking.
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And the temple is still standing, how? Sokka just killed like hundreds of fire nation guys.
Note to self: always pack a spare firebender when travelling by hot air balloon.
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Sigh. Saw it coming. Do you think Tayo's dad got the inspiration for the balloon's shape from those guys' hats?
Final thoughts
This episode was a bit of a mess, wasn't it? How many plot threads are they trying to juggle here? -preservation v. innovation -the spirit of airbending living on in Tayo -collaborating with the enemy -the plight of refugees -Natural gas PSA -Sokka the genius -Disability opening up alternate abilities -Guess who now has the ability to meet Aang on his own playing field?
These are all worth talking about, but maybe over the course of two episodes, maybe even three. Cramming this all into one episode means at best that your characters are going to be doing 180s at record speed (Aang and the airbending door), at worst that your characters are going to be nonsensical pastiches that serve the plot rather than act as humans (Tayo's dad is disturbingly all over the place).
The ever-present tensions between the preservation of the past and the needs of the present - in other words - honouring the ancestors v. supporting the descendants, is a very real, very ongoing conflict inherent to humanity as a whole. It's a whole industry: Cultural Resource Management. It's definitely worth talking about. But this was so ham-fisted. Avatar doesn't usually do ham-fisted; they've set a high standard for themselves in other episodes and I will hold them to that. I think sticking this theme into an episode that included so much else was what caused the less-than-subtle handling. There simply wasn't time to do it justice.
I would have liked if Aang and the temple dwellers reached a compromise at the end, rather than Aang completely giving over. Keep Aang's dialogue about Hermit Crabs (why are they black and white?) but then add a couple of lines about how now that the fire nation are gone, the sanctum can be returned to how it ought to be, or promise to decapitate no more monks. Just a couple of lines. Ultimately the temple dwellers are right that they need a place to live, but you can be right in a wrong way. A wrecking ball way. And you can preserve while innovating. It's possible. Wouldn't it have been on-brand if the episode ended with a compromise - you know, balance?
That being said, there was a lot that was good this episode. Tayo is a sweetheart. I loved the fact that he's in a wheelchair and it's not even really mentioned. His wheelchair doesn't even figure in the plot - it's just part of his character design. It's given the same weight as a character wearing glasses would have. I would love it if all physical differences could be treated with the same level of 'I don't care' as a character having glasses. So often in fiction, disabled characters are written with a disability rather than a personality, so it's nice to see it done properly here.
The unwilling Fire Nation collaborator thing definitely feels like a situation that could happen, but I don't like that Tayo's dad was so intent on not being blamed for it. He's an adult, and sometimes being an adult means owning up to stuff. Obviously he's in a rock and a hard place situation, and it's not his fault that he's stuck there (not like he had a choice) but he seemed more intent on getting Tayo to absolve him of blame than to actually explain. His first line upon being confronted being "you don't understand!" rankled.
There's no way that every adult in the temple didn't know it was happening, right? But they agreed to keep it from the kids? We see that Tayo's dad works with a crew when he's wrecking stuff for a bathouse (!!!), and I sincerely doubt that the stuff he built in the air sanctum was the work of only one person. That would have been a cool angle to explore, not that this episode needed yet more angles: The lies we tell our children.
The natural gas PSA didn't bother me at all. It did feel ham-fisted, but if this episode taught even one kid to look out for the smell of rotten eggs, then it's a win. Natural gas is serious stuff and not to be messed with. Anything that teaches kids that is good, no matter how ham-fisted.
Regarding the natural gas, I guess it came from the slime? But I don't know where the slime came from? It could also be unrelated to the slime, in which case the original airbenders would have kept it under control by airbending it away? It's a shoehorned-in PSA, I'm probably giving it too much thought.
Sokka collaborating with an equally intellectual adult that actively seeks his input is lovely to see, although I personally found Tayo's dad to be off-putting. Must have been a confidence boost for Sokka though.
Sokka and Katara both having brainfarts this episode was some rare sibling solidarity.
Poor Aang this episode just kept getting stomped on. This has been a rough few episodes for Aang. He majorly goofs up in Bato of the Water Tribe, he majorly goofs up (this time with consequences) in the Deserter, and now he gets to see that there is truly nothing the fire nation hasn't gotten their grubby hands on - and if there is, others have ruined it anyway. Can this poor guy have a break next episode? Maybe ride some giant animals? Giant hybrid animals?
I do like Tayo as kind of the next generation of airbenders. Iroh and the Deserter (not spelling that guy's name) both give me the impression that bending is as much philosophy as it is physical thing. It's neat to see that, while airbending is gone, airbending philosophy can remain. Can in fact pretty much spontaneously regenerate under the right conditions. I wonder, after enough generations of nonbenders thinking like airbenders, could airbending reappear?
The word I keep coming back to is ham-fisted. We're nearing the end of the season; maybe the writers had a bunch of leftover ideas they really wanted to use that they couldn't fit elsewhere? I'll rewatch this one just to listen to the commentary, but otherwise I think it's pretty meh.
Appa unleashing beast mode on a couple of tanks may well be the highlight of this episode.
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