#that’s what i really wanted for rotm
sea-me-now · 1 year
if side order isn’t the story mode where we finally get to fight fucked up goop creatures then splatoon will never satisfy me
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raredrop · 7 months
i think more people need to talk about how smollusk basically becomes nice and good after so many runs
just "omg hiii ur here lets fight :)" "that was so much fun okay see u again!"
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rassicas · 7 months
What are your initial thoughts on the newest Salmon Run stage "Bonerattle Arena?"
super fun to play on, the ink rails make for fun movement. it feels like an improved ark polaris (as in, they got rid of that horrible mid tide, which i honestly think wouldnt be as bad in s3 with egg throw but it did suck) .
i also like the bits of lore/worldbuilding we get from it too! from the speakers when the tide changes you can hear an announcer, really rare instance of hearing a salmonid speaking words instead of just the chirps and grunts you hear when fighting them. i think the only other instance of this is how the smallfry sings in ROTM. bonerattle was mentioned to have been converted from a penal colony (i assume it was a salmonid place of exile...?). i want to say this is the first mention of an actual prison in the splatoon world. what crimes would you have to commit to have ended up there. or was it a penal colony from the inklings that was long abandoned, and the salmonids claimed the area?
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partially submerged jail cells with graffiti inside? (this makes me think it was more likely a salmonid prison)
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what the hell happened here
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dr-spectre · 3 months
I've seen your hypnoshades callie stuff alot on my feed, and I just kinda had a question for ya.
if the hypnoshades were, indeed, a metaphor for drug abuse by celebrities...would that not make Octavio an enabler, as he allowed Callie to utilise the hypnoshades (and most likely aided in the creation of them) ??
(this does not make Octavio a totally irredeemable bad person, at least not in my opinion. Perhaps it's the only way he knows that he can help Callie, maybe . It's just something that I've noticed that's never really been brought up in the other stuff that you've written).
Okay.... here's the thing about the hypnoshades. it's pretty obvious that Splatoon 2 in someway was rushed and that includes the story mode. It came out 2 years after Splatoon 1 and it launched with not a lot of content. Unlike something like Octo Expansion or ROTM where there is lots of explanations on things and how things work, in Splatoon 2 there isn't that and it's incredibly rushed. We don't fully know the circumstances of what happened to Callie and how Octavio gave her the shades, all we know is that Callie was like "ok fine I'll hear you out" and joined the Octarians cause of reasons I've said a trillion times lmao.
Octavio for sure did some bad shit let's not kid ourselves. He is the antagonist and he's not gonna be all sunshine and rainbows. In some way yeah he enabled Callie to use the shades and therefore she ended up getting addicted to them. Her rematch dialogue in other languages shows that Callie is attached to the shades and is a bad coping mechanism for her because well... She's still doing the acting gig and it's still hurting her.
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Heck even Marie in the Russian translation says "why are you so attached to those stupid glasses? Callie, those glasses are only getting in your way!"
However this addiction is actually kinda treated like a joke and makes Callie seem more like an idiot and that.... pisses me the fuck off to no end. I get that Splatoon is silly but this is just near character assassination to me tbh.... Especially how the community treated her in that time.... But i digress.
I still don't think that Octavio is some vile monster that abused Callie in some way shape or form. He treated her as best as he could in that scenario, he didn't restrain her, he didn't force her into anything. He let her decorate bases and do other things because it helped boost the morale of the Octarians, hell the Octarians got inspired by her and made music with her vocals and stuff like that.
I truly believe that the hypnoshades are just that, hypnosis shades. Octavio probably made them for Callie so that she's less likely to just suddenly run off, which is still fucking bad mind you. Callie was willing to stay and yet Octavio was like "just in case....." But here's the thing also, hypnosis isn't mind control and you can't brainwash people with them. The term "brainwashing" is only found in the English translation of the Japanese script and so far we don't have retranslation of the original script and I'm not gonna fully trust the English translation. As a Sonic the Hedgehog fan, i know that some English translations can fuck up important details and completely change the tone of the story so easily lol.
Octavio is more of a caring person than he is not. He has been shown that he does care for troops but he's just a little bossy towards them and he has to be because his race is on the brink of collapse. He has to make these quick and bad decisions to save his people. When his people got kidnapped by Mr. Grizz, he immediately went looking for them and wanted to get revenge. And when he finds out Mr. Grizz did it, he drops his hatred for the New Squidbeak Splatoon and helps them out. His people are his top priority.
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Hell if you want the ultimate proof that Octavio isn't the worst person in the world, Callie went with him to the Low Water Party after Octo Expansion, Octavio would not bring a hypnotized Callie that was missing during the events of Splatoon 2 to a fucking rave party, everyone would get his ass lol. So yeah, a Callie not under the influence of any shades went "yeah I'll rave with you!!!!"
She even smiled when Octavio came down to rescue Neo Agent 3 when everyone else was shocked, if that doesn't scream that they are good terms then i don't know what will.
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Sorry if this seemed very rambly, when people talk about Hypno/ Octo Callie in any form i lock THE FUCK IN lol!
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So over the week I've been replaying Return of the Mammalians, because I haven't played it since the week Splatoon 3 launched and I wanted to see how I felt about it without the excitement of playing a brand new game clouding my critical judgement.
(spoilers for RotM below, just in case)
That said I didn't feel like it changed my opinion very much. RotM's biggest problem is that it feels like the developers thought of a couple of really cool ideas (The fakeout in the intro, Deep Cut being bosses, the lore in the Alterna Logs, the final fight against Mr. Grizz) and then put them all in the game without really trying to connect them all in a very tangible way, and as a result Alterna is a very nebulous space that doesn't make any sense from a narrative standpoint (if it was a human settlement why is it full machinery and tests only inklings and octolings can use? What even IS the treasure we assemble except "a tool that just happens to solve the current problem?) but only really exists for gameplay.
The story also suffers as a result of this, too. Narratively nothing really happens until the very end of the game, where we end up just kind of stumbling into Mr. Grizz's plot to fuzzify the world right as he puts it into motion. Octo Expansion got around this by using its lore snippets to give the supporting cast a story of their own that unfolded as you progressed through the game, and ultimately it's Agent 8's actions that push the story of OE forward. In RotM we just happen to be there when things happen.
But despite all of its problems RotM also just plays really well. The combination of OE-style shorter trial levels with Hero Mode-styled hub areas you have to explore for levels and secrets work really well together, and those hubs in particular are an absolute blast to dig around in for secrets and open up a little by little. Deep Cut are incredibly fun as ineffectual Team Rocket-esque villains, and the whole final fight against Mr. Grizz is really good, especially the music. I don't even think Calamari Inkantation is especially good by Splatoon standards, but 3MIX is genuinely just an astounding track.
But I think what ultimately makes me feel more positive than negative about RotM is that I think its' thematic undertones actually really work for me. Mr. Grizz's actual involvement in the story might have been mishandled but as a villain he works. I've already written about him a bunch so keep things brief Splatoon has always been about the dangers of clinging to the past, and Mr. Grizz pushes that idea to its limits, because he is the past. He is a relic of a lost age, and he is so desperate to return to the world he knows that he will burn the future and turn back time (metaphorically) to achieve it.
But there's also the Alterna Logs and the reveal that it was human dreams of seeing the sun that drove sealife onto dry land. I think there is a compelling argument to be made that they didn't need to explain any of that to begin with, but I also think the explanation works with everything the series has been setting up on a thematic level. Humanity is gone, and will never come back, but our dreams lived on in the minds of the inklings and the octolings (and the jellies, and everyone else), and while they didn't know why, they reached for the sun together, and by achieving humanity's dreams they earned the right to take our place.
TL;DR: RotM good actually
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space-woomy · 5 months
*throws pan at your head*
talk about it
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Okaysssssss Mooty
Basically the whole villain 4 stuff happens because Callie dies in Splat 2. Marie's low tide ink doesn't work, and agent 4 ends up using g the rainmaker, which really fucks up octavios robot...a bit too much... it explodes, and Callie ends up dieing in Fours arms.
Everyone's sad, and it hits Four the hardest. She believes that it's her fault entirely, and she quits the NSS. She eventually starts doing Grizzco jobs to distract herself. She realizes that "Ah fuck, this is like, genocide or whatever because this is a sentient species and all that." But continues anyways. She eventually makes her way up to the upperanks and meets Mr. Grizz (either through promotions or a some kinda coincidence or whatever). After a special interview, Grizz is like "wanna help me bring back Mammals? You seem like you hate the world." And Alex (4) is like "yeah. Yeah this world fucking sucks. We're obsessed with fashion, world ending threats happen every day, whole species is trapped underground, YOU'RE literally running a genocide company...fuck it, why not? I hate everyone." And they decide to help grizz with his mission.
O.E happens at the same time as this, and it plays out as it does in the games. Eight moves in with Alex, and she shows her around inkopolis and how to live in the city. Eight can practically taste all the nihilism and edge coming from her, but she sees the kindness and joy in her, and wants to pry it out of the shell of hopelessness.
Molly (3) also becomes friends with Alex, and gets a bit closer to her than 8 does. But the still has a shell up, and they still try to break through...
But before they can do that, the world tour happens! And she goes with Pearl and Marina. Alex also takes part in the memverse, with a piece of her soul getting trapped just like the game.
Now, return of the mammalians is going on, and it's all the same, except there is no Mr. Grizz...instead, there's a masked inkling that's at the top of the tower!!! Neo is able to hold them off until Cap (3) gets there, and they run away. In the end, they're able to stop the rocket from launching in the first place and they destroy it.
S.O starts more towards the end of ROTM, and ends well after it. And when 8 gets out, she can't find anyone belonging to the NSS. They've disappeared. She finds clues to go into the Grizzco headquarters. When she gets there, she finds Alex, having captured everyone in the NSS. Marie, Craig, Molly, and Neo are all tied up. Theyre all very bruised and beaten up too. There's also a big plush doll thing of Callie. Button eyes and everything.
Alex is fucking insane right now. They're all cocky and are acting like a typical Villain type. (Think Will Wood's "Main character" for this...thats...honestly what this entire thing spawned from...) and they fight eachother. There are MANY fuzzy octolings that they're fighting as well, and Alex is very dodgy and swift with fighting. It's revealed that their plan is to cover the world with fuzzy ooze with like, 12 rockets. The one in alterna was a test one.
Alex at this point has completely given up on everything, and thinks of herself as a "hero" in a twisted way. She's saving the world by destroying it, a big reset on everyone. Alex is all cocky and shit too, and is constantly talking and mocking them all. 8 eventually frees them all, but She's out if commission for a bit, and Molly steps up to take on Alex. Alex, frustrated with not being able to beat 8, has an idea. They basically Inject fuzzy ooze directly into herself, and gains claws, sharp teeth, heightend senses, she becomes digitigrade, and is stronger overall.
Now...there are 2 ways that this story goes........
Molly and Alex fight, it's intense, and Molly is struggling. Alex is screaming and yelling shit like "YOU WERE ALWAYS THE BETTER AGENT WERENT YOU?!?! HUH!?!? LOOK AT YOU KNOW!!!! CANT EVEN STAND UP TO AN INFERIOUR AGENT" and "COME ON "LIVING TSUNAMI"! COME SPLAT ME!!!"
and Molly is like "...fuck dude...I really wish I talked to you more...man I Hate seeing you like this.. please...you were never the worst...why did this happen" in their head.
It ends up with Alex getting a chainsaw, and tackling Molly to the ground. She trys to push it into them, and manages to really fuck up their arm a bit, but Molly gets the strength to push it back...and gets Alex right in the neck...
She lives for a single second, with a smile on their face...and a single tear running down their face...
Molly and 8 now have double trauma. Yaaaaay!!!!!!!
Marie has even more trauma to!!!!!!
All of them do!!!!!
They stop grizzco, but they're not in that good of a mood for celebration...
(Also, I say "bad" ending because it's, like, a negative ending more like. A non-ideal ending really. I don't like "good" and "bad" endings or whatever...)
Same shit happens, except Alex ends up breaking down more in the middle of the fight. She says more stuff that's more like her telling the truth about how she feels, instead of just taunting. At one point, Molly tackles her into a hug and says "Alex, it wasn't your fault! Inkopolis wouldve been attacked if you didn't stop them! Please! Callie wouldnt be mad at you!!!"
Alex breaks out, and they fight some more. Three's arm still gets fucked up, but Alex drops the chainsaw, and she dosent die!!! Yay :D!!!!!!
But she's got so much bottled up and fucked up trauma that they become physically ill afterwards. They beet grizz, and Fours recovery starts.
I've gotten all of this from Will Woods "Main character"
I keep imagining an animatic to the song where 8 and 4 fight with "main character"
And another one which is only the lyric portion of "Silly billy" from that hit single fnf mod. Those lyrics are F I R E
If anyone has any questions, please ask!!!
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darknoverse · 5 months
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
a- whole gush pass? all for little ol' me?????
*grabs papers*
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ok soooooo a whole essay about NOS4a2 and why he matters to me sm as a f/o ever
k so, starting off.
what makes him special design wise?
first of all, his whole design is sharp and edgy(literally.lotta edges). each end is pointy and sharp . lotta triangles used in his design. but despite that there's something interesting about how he has a cape (something usually made out of soft fabrics) as a cover, but even so the sharpness REMAINS. something else is how he has like two different eyes, which one of them is a monocle which is slay idk lol. also something else is how he's not like- he doesnt look strong physically at first sight even tho he's trully capable of being so . also fangs; LITERAL energy vampire, it's so cool as a concept.
ok personality wise:
most of the times he's on scene, it's always this very classic "muahahaha evil" kinda deal, he's silly af. geniunely enjoying it . he keeps on making stupid unfunny jokes all the time and he laughs at his own stupid jokes lol. idk i think it's cute and sillly waaaaaaaaaaaaa
BUT! he's capabe of being TRULY TERRIFYING (like half the robotic gore in BLOSC is caused by him lol, also his plan in ROTM was dark af)
it's even more interesting cuz his motivations are simply, yes being in charge as a SECOND need. the FIRST need is mainly to feed on robots. SENTIENT ROBOTS. LIKE HE D O E S WANT TO FEEL THE THRILL OF THE KILL. HE COULD JUST DRAIN from lifeless machines, but he'd rather HUNT and play with his food, if you will.
it's just very interesting.
now, SPECIFICALLY WHY do I like Nos and why is he so important to me?
so in general i was/still am a villain apologist ok? i always loved villains, no matter how evil they were. it sortz felt really comforting. but something about Nos specifically felt very special . possibly the fact that the first episode i watched in general was Revenge of the monsters (aka the climax of his character in everyway) .so basically my first impression was based on seeing him in his best if u know what i mean . like if it was any other episode things would've gone differently but that's not the case as you see. like ROTM is like this whole bigger climax yk? say, if it was another episode there's a high chance zurg could've been my fav character but boy he literally ran like a coward in ROTM so i just didnt care much cuz he wasnt in the ep as much as NOS.
like yea in an alternate reality it could've been Zurg but NUH UH . Nos it is.
also the fact that ROTM is like, as i said, sorta sums up his whole character in a great way . so when I watch that episode i IMMEDIATLY got attached especially when my introduction to the series is this. both his ultimate downfall and like .. the top of his character arc . like, INSTANT attachement.
another thing to note is how like … the whole episodes sorta focused on his turning every Z to an N .
ok here i might start explaining things a bit too personally here but ok it's an essay . ok so the circumstances of me watching the show for the first time were…something.
see i didn't have much friends back then as a kid. even the ones i had were pretty much SO different and can't understand me cuz im that shy, weird kid who goes on info dumping about my interests it might get annoying. but nobody understood those interests except ONE friend. whom just left and idk where he is till now. another thing to add, being the weird kid sorta let people exclude me and/or bully me soooo yeah .
so my putting that into prespective with the whole Ns all over the place thing in that specific episode sort of.. made me relate ya know? feel like it's specifically an episode for me . there was something nice and comforting about it.
the fact that it's the first letter of my name (which at the time was a big deal cuz all my favs didnt specifically put that fact into like, part of the story like Nos if u get me.) like, something about a villain i KNOW has the first same letter in their name as me, being all goofy yet menacing, also a vampire of sort -i am obsessed since day one idk) just felt right.
last part of this might sound silly or stupid but like . another reason WHY i felt this connection to Nos specifically till now :
people i know irl did NOT know what blosc was.
even the few who knew, don't remember it or specifically know who Nos was when i asked them.
so it's like "damn. all this epic character being so obscure and unknown despite everything they did?…sounds like me "
so until i went online and find more blosc mutuals (and till i went to Uni where people know it somewhat and still take show suggestions seriously from me) it just felt like this one character was specificaly made for me . like, this one character nobody knows except me . cuz i'm just as unknown and as unnoticed irl .
and to this day that still stands . Nos is still one of the turning points in my life in general. be it in art , in social life , or in general anyways. still my favourite fictional character of all time . my Top 1 fav and my main comfort character along Antasma and Zira for similar reasons.
thank you for coming to my cringe talk btw and reading all this lol.
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moolamixtape · 1 year
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Thoughts on Splatune 3!
I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the soundtrack of Splatoon 3 now that we have the final composer credit for each track. This is my perspective as a musician as well as a fan of the lore!
Ryo Nagamatsu carried this soundtrack HARD man. There were six composers total and he did a third of the tracks, including everything by C-Side which came as a shock to me. I genuinely thought those were all Toru Minegishi, who has apparently stepped up to a supervisor role since Splatoon 2 and is less involved in the making of the soundtrack itself.
The new composers—Toshiyuki Sudo, Yumi Takahashi and Sayako Doi—also did a lot of heavy lifting this time around too. Takahashi caught me way off guard, especially when I found out she is responsible for all three DLC Squid Sisters tracks. Apparently she has inherited them from Shiho Fujii, who only contributed Wave Goodbye for this game.
Takahashi was able to capture Fujii’s essence while adding some cool harmonic ideas that we haven’t seen from the group’s almost satirical J-pop discography. I think she’s the best out of the new team members at writing chord progressions and strong hooks, and I’m really looking forward to new Squid Sisters tracks if it means she’s behind the wheel!
She’s also a really tight funk arranger, and one of my admittedly few correct predictions was that she was responsible for the vast majority of the lobby tracks. They all reminded me of her tracks from Animal Crossing New Horizons, especially with their mellow chord progressions and laid-back feel. Takahashi’s lobby tracks have energy but don’t carry too much momentum, keeping the tension low and the groove up front while switching occasionally to a more lush and complex progression on the bridge. She is everything I love in a composer lol
Sayako Doi also had my attention when I found out what she was responsible for. She’s only been with Nintendo for about four years now and barely as any individual track credits to her name. As it turns out, she did all of the Alterna map themes as well as the Tableturf soundtrack. All of the Tableturf tracks are intentionally camp and I think they did her sort of dirty by making that a good portion of her contribution, but the variety in her RotM tracks almost makes up for it. She seems more sound design-focused than Takahashi and it sounds like she focuses more on the overall feel of her tracks than the theoretical details behind them. I’m curious to hear what she might contribute for Side Order!
I said before that Minegishi is moving up to a directorial role as many game composers do, and he contributed significantly less this time around musically. He mainly handled the stage themes in RotM, a couple of which I thought were by Sudo and Nagamatsu. With Flying Colors is marked by orchestral sample spam, which I thought was Nagamatsu’s signature sound, and Ride or Fry sounds like Sudo’s Deep Cut compositions. Minegishi did both!
I don’t know what the best way to do this is on tumblr but I guess I’ll just share this now and edit it later? I wish it was more intuitive to make a thread or something I guess I’m just twitter monkey brain
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seffien · 2 years
any headcannons for your agents?
oh plenty, but let me keep it as short as i can
cap'n 3 (real name junko 'jun' ishikawa):
country kid who was entranced by inkopolis plaza's unusual (to her) look
was originally super cheerful and peppy before Various Incidents
very creative, but none of the adults in her life ever appreciated it
likes to draw (doesn't do it much now) and bought a bass guitar during the events of splat 1 because she loved squid squad that much
became suuuper close with gramps and the squid sisters (as a matter of fact, the 'jun' nickname came from marie) bc her own 'family' was. um.
being sanitized kind of ruined her a bit. her left eye is a slightly lighter shade than her other one to this day, and the sanitization gave her memory loss, an aversion to food, and general odd behavior for a while
looks menacing, is really kind of tired and also shy
gave 4 her old agent outfit (cape included) since she didn't really need it anymore
still cannot believe she's the captain
very different from her younger, happier, more awake self, but she tries not to think about that.
agent 4 (real name naoki 'masu' masuda):
parents wanted her to be a prodigy, and the pressure they put on her made her snap and run away. most pre-inkopolis square memories are deeply repressed
basically no one gave a shit about her when she first moved to inkopolis except for the splat 2 promo kid with the black v-neck tee. they're still kinda sorta friends
liked flow because she felt like she cared (and she actually kinda did)
pushes herself way too hard, somewhat self-conscious
got a few injuries during hero mode and was hesitant to let marie patch em up
straight up did not speak until callie got saved. still doesn't really talk much.
her and marie weren't super besties at first, the only reason they ever clicked was because they were both sad loners with negative self-esteem
'masu' came from eight, and she's kind of fond of the nickname
agent 8 (real name emiko 'miko' yamasaki):
marina found her real name in the octarian records seen in that one chat room session
actually was in a few kettles, was not very good
never wanted to fight, always wanted to write (poetry, specifically)
learned inkling from 4 and eventually 3
kept thinking 4's first name was masuda (it isn't.)
did not like going outside when she first arrived to the surface
wasn't an artist, but tended to draw hypothetical mem cakes of people she deemed important, like 3 and 4
smiles to cover up The Internal Suffering, almost no one ever buys it because a) it looks very fake and b) she never holds it. as soon as a stranger disappears, so does the smile
along with 3, callie, and marie, she consistently reminds 4 that she's stronger than she thinks and that she matters and isn't useless
terrifyingly good in turf and ranked, even won a championship that off the hook basically begged her to enter. she got a trophy and still thought 'cool i guess. no big deal.'
works at ammo knights in splat 3, and since she knows a thing or two about wounds n stuff from her time in the army, she's also the crew's medic
new 3 (real name veronika 'ronnie' yamada):
chill, goes with the flow, probably the happiest out of all the agents (not even that happy, it's a low bar to clear)
everyman when it comes to every mode (tableturf, turf, ranked, what have you)
cheers up people she's played with between matches if they're sad
oblivious to hiro's sort of obvious crush on her
barely redesigns her locker, and when they do, it's usually to add a sticker
used a fake ID to play turf in the splat 1 days, was tall for her age around that time. she still feels kinda guilty about it
waved back to deep cut post-RotM
found shiver chilling in the alternan ocean with master mega a few days after the events of RotM, got to pet him
a character who's just kind of. well. there
adopted kid of an inkling and an octoling, literally lived in a cabin in the woods. she's still in contact with them
resting face looks like smash ultimate young link's
steph and her are both acquaintances and besties. acquaintabesties. steph took care of them while they were sick and they took care of steph after she slosher machined her way into muscle atrophy (not actually, thankfully)
has a walkman and a boombox. doesn't even care what's official, just buys things from in-universe eBay
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cru5h-cascades · 8 months
hi I’ve become addicted to your idea for a Splatoon superhero game spinoff.
Ok but hear me out, Nintendo has made it clear that they’re willing to break into new genres with Splatoon, given Side Order’s roguelike elements.
And with the Switch 2 (which, ignoring rumors, has to be somewhat more powerful than the Switch), they’ll want a game to show off the power of the console. TOTK just came out, so Zelda is out. And Mario always has to be somewhat safe, so…
What if, for the Splatoon spinoff (let’s call it Splatoon: Rogue), it’s a superhero open-world game similar to Marvel’s Spider-Man, where the player can travel through the city freely, stopping criminals and villains? And I’m going to talk about my concept featuring Paul Mizuta, which I’ll fully detail in a post later that I’ll tag you in if you’re okay with it.
But with my concept, it would be a visually impressive game with solid combat and an open world to set the standard for Switch 2 games going forward. No instant fast travel like Spider-Man 2, we’re not quite there yet, but still impressive.
Pretty good idea! I feel like if the devs wanna expand the world a bit more, they have to do it litterally. Let the players find new bits of lore wherever they go! There's so much potential for a new story arc and new gameplay mechanics that can really spice up the next game! I really hope that the next game gives us something really interesting both lore and gameplay wise like showing off some cool new enemies or hell explaining the spooky stuff that happens in multiplayer stages during splatfests (I've been working on my idea of the vigilante story myself; still gotta do a post about it tho!). Just something we haven't seen yet (and I really hope that the next game isn't like RotM; they hyped up Deep Cut's magic powers and stuff for nothing in the campaign. to be honest I think it'd be cooler if they were like loyal employees of Mr. Grizz, sent to Alterna to take down the NSS. THEN it actually make sense for them to be there.)
(also yea I'm totally cool with you tagging me in a post ^w^)
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sailorsplatoon · 6 months
how would an acht and four wedding go
Okay so the first thing that I thought of was “what are they going to wear?”
I did some digging and found these.
Left one is Four’s, right one is Acht’s:
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(Left image from here, right image from here)
There isn’t really one assigned person to play the role of the bride or the role of the groom, they just kinda do their own thing. They walk down the aisle hand in hand, rather than one waiting for the other.
Most of it doesn’t follow a traditional wedding. It’s more like a big party where everyone dresses nice then just does what they want. There’s still the whole exchanging vows, putting the rings on each other’s fingers, and kissing part, but that’s about the only thing that has any structure.
They invite Acht and Four’s families, the New Squidbeak Splatoon (including the Squid Sisters), Off the Hook, Deep Cut (despite the orange drama), and Octavio (he was redeemed at the end of ROTM, he gets to attend). It’s not exactly a small wedding, but it’s not a big one.
They have Marina DJ the majority of the night, however each idol group does a performance at one point and Acht DJs a little bit (with Four backing them up on bass guitar). Paul and Acht DJ together for a while too. (I’ve mentioned Paul and Acht reuniting, right?)
They don’t have a cake, instead they just have a gigantic snack bar ranging from a bunch of bags of chips to a chocolate fountain. Anyone can grab whatever they want whenever they want.
The wedding itself is held in Tentakeel Outpost in Octo Canyon. It’s big enough to fit the wedding but secluded enough that they won’t have to deal with party crashers.
The wedding runs for way too long. Over time guests left gradually (mostly younger kids in Four’s family and their parents), but the majority of attendees stayed until around 1:00 am. After that they all went home and slept for twelve hours.
Acht cried, Four cried, there were a lot of tears (happy tears of course).
Thank you for the ask!!! I probably spent the majority of my time making this just trying to find the right outfits lol. Acht and Four getting married is going to be the topic of many of my daydreams for the next few days.
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splatoon-edits · 1 year
i really want sheldon in side order and i want him to go fucking nuts. like. batshit insane. and i know that this makes no fucking sense but hear me out. since in rotm we had callie marie and octavio, that is three fifths of the characters in octo canyon. since they will most likely not be an to join the journey, assuming 4 is involved, than that just leaves one person. that person being sheldon. as for why i want to see him be unhinged, we know he was neutral for chaos vs order, and we've already seen a little bit of him being fucking deranged peaking through in some of his dialoge relating to certain weapons. what i want is to see more of that. show us sheldon going absolutely apeshit Nintendo. please. i need this. also it would be funny to see pearl and sheldon's dynamic yknow. like. the idea of them interacting would be so fucking funny. like. scrappy, chaotic gal whose voice could deafen the ears of many meets autistic weapon nerd who is, unbeknownst to us, more unhinged than she could ever be. also also that post about the sheldon marina autism-to-autism communication event. sorry for the long ask by the way.
No but fr he spends so much time around weapons i wanna see him actually USE one. I need to see him be insane. Let 8 and Pearl be in a bad spot and then he swoops in to save them.
ALSO HIS DYNAMIC WITH PEARL WOULD BE SO GOOD!!! I know for a fact she would compare his ramblings about weaponry to Marina's ramblings about engineering/heavy machinery. I want to see them bicker but also be friends. I want both of them to be guiding 8 and for Pearl to make a suggestion about going all in with no plan and for Sheldon to be like "um actually you should do xyz" and for them to bicker. OR even funnier possibility i want Pearl to suggest something insane and then Sheldon agrees with her and shes like "i thought you were a nerd????" and they start to get along. Anyway i just think they would have a funny dynamic. Cuz like in splat 2 we get to see Marie kinda poke fun at Sheldon but we don't really get to see Sheldon annoy anybody back. So imagine him and Pearl just dissing each other constantly but also somehow understanding each other. Like at first Pearl thinks he's a nerd who talks too much but then she realizes he's actually just as deadly if not more so than her. And at first Sheldon thinks she's just some loud, abrasive, and childish inkling. But actually he realizes she is fun to be around and smarter than she looks.
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morororinnnn · 7 months
Since y’all wanted to hear abt the au, u shall be served 💁
// CBV lore dump — #1 \\
So basically the beginning of it starts a few weeks-to a month after the events of ROTM and Grizz is like “bro I gotta get back down I’m kinda bored and hungry” so he tries to get down via “swimming” through space to Earth. That doesn’t really work out bc he gets hit by debris from the rocket and is forced into orbit :)
Bro lands in the water near hammerhead bridge and swims over to this huge statue which is guess what NILSSSS
he’s gets inside the eye like “wth is this” and finds tartar just kinda in a corner like comatose dead state and so he like brings him to alterna to examine bc he doesn’t know wth he is or who he is and he like meets orca again like “heyyyy I’m back *legit weak as jinkles*” and orca patches the bear up and they examine the telephone
Then after a while they clean him up a bit bc the pink ink was clogging his gears and he wakes up and is like “OMG WHERE AM I WHO AM I WTH IS THAT GRT AWAY FRIM ME HISSSSSSS” and they’re like “chill bro 😰😭😭 omgggg we repaired u” they explain stuff and he agrees to let them give him a body since his pole part is frikkin broken
I’ll make a fic on here abt it if anyone would like to read it :3
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rassicas · 26 days
You at some point said that you wanted to change some of the backstory of Verna regarding his relations with Grizzco, to better reflect his position and purpose at the company with the new rotm and potential Splat3 dlc lore. Now that we have everything, have there been some finalized thoughts on the subject?
currently with my OCs I'm a bit stuck. I have this whole huge plot I've been trying to work out with how Cress and Verna reunite and get into some... Wacky Misadventures (they are going to have a bad time. together), and come out of it more understanding of each other....all this takes place prior to the start of Splatoon 3, and Grizzco is involved in that story so i cant really work out what happens to Verna during Splatoon 3 until all that is worked out...augh.
oh god i accidentally wrote too much about how grizzco works in my splatoon OCs setting. under the cut
How I've basically worked it out in my setting is that it's as if Mr. Grizz doesn't even exist. Well, he does, but...you can NOT convince me this literal mammalian bear is micromanaging an egg collection operation a few hours away from an underground cavern, all while building a spaceship, repairing alterna, and doing god knows what with fuzzy ooze? his voice from the radio is pre-recorded. He's just in the background trying to get his golden eggs for his stupid mammal revival plan. Grizz is pretty paws-off with the actual operations of the company. In order for Grizzco to operate like an actual company in the Inkling world, Mr. Grizz needs connections within the Inkling world. He needed to hire people, and lots. contractors to pilot the boats. the helicopters. people to repair them when there's issues. contractors to set up the grizzco building. people to maintain it. Supplying and maintaining weapons. Who put the statue there? Remember when grizzco would actually close its gates? someone had to be doing that. Advertisers? Sales of eggs? Do you really think Mr. "Does your species even have bones" Grizz is doing all that? No. So how would Grizz get these connections? I think ORCA could've helped out in some way with scouting some people online or with Grizz's business knowledge being an all-knowing AI. ROTM sure does a great job explaining or even implying anything about the relationship between those two. /s. But ORCA still is just a virtual entity, and you'd need a physical representative for some things, right? Anyway this is where the Judds come in. I think the idea that Lil' Judd being Grizz's initial way into the Inkling world...sucks. That's probably what the Splatoon team is going for and I do not care, the timeline on that does not make sense. Grizzco was introduced to us, the players, in April 2017. At this point the egg baskets are all installed, and there are Inklings in-universe partaking in egg collection....Lil Judd was born only a few months prior. I'm sure it would've taken a while for grizz to get everything together to establish this company. To me it makes more sense for Judd to have involvement. He's the only other mammal, and the one with all the power. (not only do i think the implied canon timeline sucks, in my OCs canon, i've had it established that grizzco has existed in some form several years before s1 so...) I wouldn't think Judd would know about the mammal revival plan. but like, Judd lets Grizz set up because he's looking out for his fellow mammal, and saw the kind of energy benefits this would have….also more salmon meat, yum. Judd canonically has numerous connections in the Inkling world, even to world leaders. He could use these connections to allow for Grizzco to set up business and give that permission to operate in the restricted areas where Salmonids live. Beyond this I have a hard time imagining Judd getting too heavily involved. Like once some other people are hired to do some more micromanaging of the company Judd kinda dips. Lil judd doesn't get involved until some years later and takes more direct interest in the company. With permissions granted and Grizzco operating as a defense against the Salmonid army while also providing power eggs, then grizz could do whatever he wanted so as long as an amount of money and eggs went into the Inkling world. And eggs are the primary source of income for Grizzco, so this part is very important. I think very early on Grizz would've had to personally deal with the sales of eggs to get the money to get the company started...maybe selling to octarians even? But for some real business dealings in inkopolis, youre gonna need some representatives in-person. anyways remember when this post was about my OCs. So I'm making a Grizzco board of directors, and they're the ones who actually maintain the company and the things in it while Grizz is busy in Alterna. Even the directors don't really know about Grizz's mammal revival plan, they just supply him with golden eggs and turn a profit for the company, by whatever means necessary.
After spending quite some time at Grizzco and becoming more trusted as an employee, Verna gets to know some of these directors. Some become his allies, and some are a bit more unsavory... He starts spending more time with some of them especially after his salmonid encounter, and they'll have a role in Cress and Verna's story. I've had some of these guys bouncing around in my head for years. some of them have art that im sitting on. i wish i could share more but I am Not done cooking </3 so to answer your ask in short. yes I have finalized much of the things with how i have grizzco functions in my OC's setting, and im basically ignoring the existence of grizz himself, in the same way that grizzco as a company runs completely normally even after grizz basically dies in ROTM. but at the moment, i do not have all the details finalized with other people at the company and how verna interacts with them
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dr-spectre · 1 month
team bread ?!?
side-eyeing aside, how do you feel about this upcoming splatfest ?
Upcoming Splatfest? You mean the Grand Fest right?
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I'm gonna assume that is what you're talking about and you know what? I'M SO DAMN HYPED FOR IT!
If I hear Calamari Inkantation remixed by all three of the groups, I will not shut up about it for the next 4 years until we get Splatoon 4. I'm gonna be so fucking annoying and I won't apologise for it.
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I mean sure the theme is kind of predictable but hey, it presents some interesting philosophical questions just like how Chaos vs. Order did, and i find those kinds of Splatfests to be the best ones. It's less about an Idol war or some useless shit, but it actually brings about genuine philosophical discussions and I love that!
I know that a lot of people are freaking out about the consequences about this Splatfest, myself included. If Team Past wins, will we go back to the past and never see Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina, etc, for the next 5 to 7 years? If Team Future wins, will Callie and Marie be old women, and will the other characters we've grown to love.... pass away?
After thinking about it and seeing tweets from people on Twitter discuss it, nah, i don't think either of those outcomes will happen. Remember when people were making a fuss about if Chaos wins that Inkopolis would be covered in flames and be destroyed? Looked at what happened in Splatoon 3. Chaos was just an aesthetic for the new location Splatsville, the Idols, music, etc, and the Inkopolis we know ended up being okay!
If Team Future wins we might get a cool futuristic aesthetic for Splatoon 4 but it'll still be in the same timespan as Splatoon 3! Same with Team Past! Team Present will be the same sort of aesthetic we have currently duh. Obviously it'll be a few years after Splatoon 3 but I'm sure the characters we know we'll be okay!.... right?.... right nintendo?
I think the reason why people say that is because Nintendo has gone on record and said that Splatoon 3 is the "finale of the Splatoon saga" but they only mean the story mode of that game as ROTM tied up everything together theme wise in a neat trilogy. Callie, Marie, and everyone you like will come back because it would be a terrible financial and story decision to get rid of them. How will Nintendo sell new amiibo and merchandise? Off the Hook is so god damn popular and they would obviously come back in new outfits to sell new amiibo. Come on guys. Think like a business person for a second here.
I genuinely don't understand why some fans are so fucking adamant on wanting a clean reboot and to never see these characters again. Why do you want that SOOOO badly? I see that shit a lot on the Splatoon reddit man.
You don't wanna see these two again? Some of the best written characters in the series? You never wanna see these gay cephalopods ever again?!
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And.... you don't wanna see the OGs again? You never wanna see Callie and Marie EVER AGAIN? The most iconic characters in the franchise, up there with the Inklings themselves!!! They have gone through so much and it's clear that Nintendo wants to keep them around, Marie has said in the Splatune 3 interview that she feels like she has an important role in creating the next generation of Idols. And yet... after what the shit they have gone through... you want them gone?
I truly don't believe you want that. Unless you don't really care about them...
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Anyways, I am very much excited for the Grand Fest, so much so that thinking about it is giving me weird feelings in my chest. All of the screenshots I'm gonna take... eeeeee.... God help me.
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
now you've got me wondering... what would happen in a scenario where any of the other agents died? (you don't have to answer this if you want, i am just very curious.)
OOOOH u so angsty….. imma be kinda brief since there’s a lot to go through here!
Sicily (Three)
if sicily died that’d be pretty damn catastrophic LOL. her cause of death would probably be related to unattended injuries or bleeding out.
kait of course wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. she’d keep close to other people to help her cope with the worst thing that could’ve ever happened to her. they can’t stop themselves from crying every day.
callie, marie, and caroline would mourn her as if they lost a sister. they’d pack up her things and keep sentimental things of hers for themselves, as a way to remember. they also manage 8.
trikaya, mitsuo and lil buddy would probably leave the splatoon after that. they would be too scared to even attempt to go back again. they keep in touch with the other members, though!
ryley hears about this, and decides to get back into the splatoon. he feels like he wants to sort of… give back to sicily for what she did for him way back when? he’s a confusing guy….
Caroline (Four)
if caroline died, the splatoon would be left with a lot of their strength and resources. her cause of death would probably be an internal problem, such as brain damage, since she’s so physically fit.
sicily would be strong at first, but would begin to break down when she realizes that she truly is gone. she always tries to tell jokes to her, but sobers when she realizes that she’s not there to hear them.
kait would do something similar to sicily. she’s heartbroken that one of her closest friends is no longer a part of her life.
of the squisters, marie would be the most upset. she feels like four was her responsibility and she failed, let alone that she was a good friend of hers. callie tries to comfort her and cheer her up, but it’s hard for her too…
trikaya and mitsuo haven’t really gotten to know her, so they’re not really affected that much. but they stick around to support their grieving friends with some childish wonder.
Trikaya and Mitsuo (New Threes)
if the new threes perished on their campaign, ROTM, that would mean sicily would take over as the exploring agent. their cause of death would be related to the mission, either suffocation from the fuzzy ooze or injuries from the octarian soldiers they fight.
sicily would have a big hole in her heart. she thought these children that she had promised to protect were ultimately dead because of her. she took their small bodies to the surface and gave them a proper funeral.
kait and caroline take the train over for the funeral, and comfort sicily and tell her it wasn’t her fault. they go out for drinks and sicily cries and cries and cries
callie and marie begin to realize just how taxing hiring little kids is, and start discussing hiring older cephalos to do the work.
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