#that’s my official PSA
chibipandaao3 · 6 months
Upcoming Pit Babe fics
KP PB crossover: Price Paid chapter 3 will be up once I’m off work and can edit.
Charlie’s dealt with some unsavory clients while a freelancer — he’s never said anything or complained, because he’s always needed the money to support Jeff and himself. That’s about to change. — this fic is in progress, hopefully it will be up Tuesday.
The sequel to What You Don’t Know has been started — I like to get big projects prepared in advance, so it’s probably at least a good week before I’ll post anything. It will be brother heavy, slightly more angsty, and a bit longer probably than the first part.
There’s a Way as big villain fic that’s been on the back burner for a months — basically, is Way can make someone sleep with a suggestion then what else can he do? Obviously, as I’m sure y’all have figured out, Charlie would likely be the one suffering ‘cause I’m nothing if not constant.
I’ve got another that focuses of Charlie’s guilt post canon — and ties into his survival mode/trauma.
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
Ashton performing with Eternity Speedway @ Desert 5 Spot LA - 11 April 2024
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felixknow · 23 days
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I'm in the fanfic trenches with nothing but hopes and dreams
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jazzzzzzhands · 11 months
Hello Hello!!
So WOW the Groovy AU!!
Firstly I want to thank you all! I never expected for this to get so much love!! This silly little Idea is just so much fun!
Groovy Au is about Fashion, Aesthetic, and Music!!
It is HEAVILY inspired by the 70's (and 60s!)
It will be for funsies! A slice of life sort of thing!
For Play! for FUN!!
This all started because of the Wally Plush that said 70's slang in Clown's Commercial Lmaoo
(and ofc all AU stuff is silly nonsense that is just us playing with Clowns characters like dolls. Fanart!)
This Au is in Development! In Progress!!
I would love for it to be interactive!!
So please Ask Away! Send me Songs for the Playlists!!
Play with me!
But big announcement!!
And I would love to Officially Announce @sketchy-tour
As my Partner in this AU!!
They are a BLESSED BEAN!
Please go Follow them!!
So Check out the Groovy Tag!
And I hope you will enjoy a Fun and Groovy Time with us!
Stay Groovy!!
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gotham-response · 7 months
Don't try driving across the Trigate Bridge unless you're in some military grade SUV. Condiment King had a field day, and now the whole bridge is caked in mayo and congealed relish
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age-of-moonknight · 4 months
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Night Moves. Marvel Superheroes: Official Game Adventure (Vol. 1/1990), pg. 19.
Designer: Anthony Herring; Editor: Karen S. Boomgarden; Illustrator: John Statema
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milk-motel · 2 years
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the world is their shoujo anime and the rest of the cast are just living in it
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adhbabey · 9 months
really. truly. how insecure do you have to be to assume other self diagnosed people MUST be wrong. How insecure, indecisive, uncertain and confused do you have to be to be struggling with your own self worth and your own confidence, that you project your insecurities, your fears, your mistakes of being wrong, onto other people.
How desperately afraid of failure are you, that you struggle to understand why other people, through deliberation and analysis, may believe that they are right with their self diagnosis. That they have the confidence to say that what they believe is actually true?
We don't need to show you our imposter syndrome, our struggles with acceptance, our identity crisis, our inklings of something amiss, our education on the subject, for you to respect and accept us. We don't need you to question or to psychoanalyze me. I don't need you to demand explanations of me. Because it's none of your fucking business, and it never will be.
I honestly don't care if I'm being rude or offensive or socially inept, maybe that should be expected from someone with pervasive social issues. I don't care if my self diagnosis is good enough for you. It's real and true to me. And if you have a problem with that, you can shove it up your ass.
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aquarri · 1 year
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starliit · 4 months
Activity PSA.
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Hey all, just letting yall know my health isn't doing too great and we're going through the wringer. I am ALSO in the process of moving this week and next I guess, so I'm going to be all over the place for the next few weeks it seems. I'll be trying to get to replies, but I apologize in advance if I'm absent or lurking. Love yall bunches!
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starlitangels · 1 year
OOO!!! Could we get a happy Elliot and Sunshine microfic?! I miss them being happy 🥲
They were together for a year and a half before Brachium reached out and asked for help and we barely got to see any of that Erik please give me more of my sunshine dream babies being happy together before everything went to Hell in a Handbasket please I beg
Elliott inhaled deeply and sighed, smiling. "God, I love summer," he said. "People give it a lot of grief for being hot because it's so hard to cool down but you really can't beat bright sunlight and longer days." He leaned back on his hands, basking. "And before you go and call me an anthropomorphic houseplant: that's my joke, sunshine."
I laughed. "I wasn't going to say anything," I said, putting my hands up as though surrendering.
Elliott leaned over, playfully grinning as he leaned his head against my arm. I wrapped my arms around him.
"Thank you, baby, for letting us do this for date night."
I raked my fingers through his dirty-blond curls, knocking his grey beanie off his head. "You say that like I'm some controlling tyrant," I said.
"Well, I mean... it was your turn to pick but you let me do what I wanted."
I shrugged. "If someone makes you happy, you try to make them happier. I knew you needed this." I kissed his soft hair and dropped my voice to a whisper, "And now I get to pick two weeks in a row too."
Elliott burst into laughter, sitting up as he did so. "Ah-ha-ha! I see your ulterior motives!" he said playfully, moving to tickle-attack me. I grabbed his hands before he could make his assault on my neck and sides and shoved away from me.
"Oh no you don't!" I exclaimed. "No tickling!"
"Oh come onnn, sunshine! It's a dream—it doesn't count!" he teased sarcastically. We both knew that was a lie.
"Just because it's a dream doesn't mean the tickles don't feel real, you jerk!" I retorted.
The sun shone brighter and warmer with Elliott's laughter. "Fine, fine, fine," he said. "Peace treaty signed. I won't tickle. For now."
I narrowed my eyes suspiciously but released his hands. "Good. I take no responsibility for the injuries you sustain from tickling me. It's your fault I thrash around."
Elliott just grinned. "You make a good point," he said.
I leaned closer and puckered my lips. "Of course I do. I'm your partner—I'm always right," I said.
He snorted and met me in the middle for a kiss. I pushed my fingers into his hair and drew him close to me, pulling his head. He scooted over the blanket until our legs pressed together. I let his hands roam, sliding around my body and hooking around one of my legs, pulling me until I was straddling his lap.
He withdrew from the kiss just enough to look up at me. "Perfect view," he breathed. "The sunlight behind you making you glow. My incredible sunshine."
I chuckled. "I think I have the perfect view," I said. "Because I have my best friend and the love of my life right where I want him." I wound his curls through my hair and tugged gently at the roots. Elliott's eyes rolled back and his eyelids fluttered. He released a little sigh.
"Oh God, sunshine," he breathed. "How do you always get to me so easily?"
Grinning, I twirled a curl around my thumb. "I know all your spots. I pay attention," I replied in a whisper.
"Mm. Yeah," he agreed.
His eyelids fluttered again. His violet eyes fighting not to roll back.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too, El. I'm so lucky to have you."
"I think I'm the lucky one, sunshine." He dug his fingers into the small of my back. "Because I also know all of your spots."
I ducked down to kiss him—hard. "Good thing this is a dream and there's no one here to perv on us," I whispered. "Because I don't plan on keeping my hands to myself."
"Mm. Only if I don't have to either."
"Please, Eli. I'm all yours."
He kissed me again. "Not a bad date night. Summer sun and warmth in the middle of winter."
"Perks of dating a Dreamwalker," I remarked.
He laughed and slid his hands under my shirt. "Come here, sunshine."
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spring-lxcked · 9 months
thinking i might forcibly make myself take a week where i put no expectations on myself to write even though i desperately want to . i think i'm in burnout from just being in survival mode for almost 2 years straight ( arguably longer, but things have been rougher more recently ). btw this doesn't mean i won't still be around either lurking or posting / replying ooc, i'm fine with that. i just think i need to decompress as best i can under the current circumstances
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viisiond · 11 months
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arrives bearing news- I am apologizing beforehand to people I've discussed Genshin ships with where Mateo is concerned but I have officially decided to close him off from Shipping. Especially since his muse is so fucking picky and his personality clashes with too many people--
Mateo is now single ship with @tevystar's Shinji Hirako.
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more-than-a-princess · 6 months
Vacation Hiatus!
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I'm on a vacation hiatus until Monday, April 22! As of April 5, all threads and asks I owe replies to have been queued. Otherwise, replies and new threads will continue when I return. I can't wait to write with you when I get back!
I'll be checking the dash occasionally, but I'll be much easier to get ahold of on Discord. Especially if you want to see travel photos.
This post will be reblogged periodically throughout the next two weeks.
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sharkneto · 1 year
Do you think any of the siblings will die in s4? I’ve seen many people say that they think Five would die
Honestly? Probably. As to which or how or why, I don't have any thoughts. Five does feel most likely, although I hope it's not him. He deserves something nice for once, not necessarily a happy ending but a hopeful one. But thematically he makes the most sense to die - he's the only one who hasn't done it yet.
This next little bit isn't at you, anon, but your ask reminded me that I should do this now that filming is done and we're steaming towards S4 things: I am a spoiler free blog coming into S4, and I am actively trying to avoid spoilers or too much information on S4 before I see it. I'm not putting much thought towards what I think or hope will happen in S4, I don't want to set myself up for disappointment for things they were never going to do in the first place. I am forever chasing the high that was watching S1 and S2 with zero prior knowledge on what the show was.
I love talking meta and whatnot, and love it when you guys ask me really fun, cool questions to ponder, but please do not ask me about S4 specifics. Things shared via official TUA channels are fair game, but behind the scenes fan pics or things learned from watching filming I'd rather not know about until after I've watched S4.
Thank you for your support and help in Shark's Great Attempt To Avoid TUA S4 Spoilers :)
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sparklingpax · 2 years
the way omni productions was like “ah yes, and here we’ve got the fearsome...” 
*checks smudged notes* 
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