#that’s growth babey!!!
pxrxmoore · 1 year
re buck's couch, i also think some people overlook an important detail? buck said his girlfriends "came with couches". so these couches he ended up having were not actually his at all – and we also see that when taylor moves out again and takes her own couch with her, leaving buck with no couch (because he got rid of his own couch for taylor).
it clearly shows that he was still not fully accepting the fact that whoever is his partner in life... must truly accept his baggage, his chaotic life, his messes. abby didn't, ali didn't, taylor didn't. then he threw everything about his life at natalia on their second (!) date, she was overwhelmed for a bit (rightfully so!), and then still chose to "step into [buck's] mess" (bobby said smth like this, if i recall correctly) with the whole childbirth scene. it showed natalie (and the audience) how buck's life is a mess – literally and metaphorically. and natalia stayed and helped.
people say buck did not "choose himself" in the finale of season 6 because he asked natalia to "help him pick a couch" (help! meaning he is still is the one choosing it!) but he literally did!!! natalia did not force him to go to IKEA with her. buck was the one who made the conscious decision to ask her for help. and thus invited her into his life, with her knowing everything about all his exes, his job risks, his biological baby. he did not have invite somebody new into his life, but he did. and it was at his own pace! 😭😭
moreover, he was sooo happy when he took his armchair (that only fits a single person) and put it in the place where taylor's couch once was. did everybody forget about that scene?? 😭 he was so at peace when he refused to let anyone pressure him into getting a new couch just because "it's weird" to others that he does not have one. he also happily accepted when his parents bought him that new couch, big smile on his face and all. and who says that he did have no say in choosing that couch either?? people act as if his parents are the devil but buck is obviously making his peace with the past and is happy to have his parents in his life to some capacity (we see that he is happy when they suggest buying a sleeper couch in case they visit him in LA!). we also saw that he gladly sacrificed his couch for kameron and the baby, which is beautiful imo.
buck actually did show agency, all decisions regarding the couch post-bucktaylor-breakup were actually his and his choices alone. and i'm so tired to see everyone ignore half of the essential couch scenes just because it does not fit the buddie agenda.
oooh yeah ur right!! he’s grown so much this season alone and he’s actually making these choices with himself in mind not giving away parts of himself to please others. like accepting his past with his parents and allowing them to gift him w the couch in the first place he rly let that weight lift off him.
i kind of love the full circle moment of the donor story arc that ends in a ruined couch where he chooses to start again rly soon afterwards and get a new one rather than it be months like after his breakup w taylor.
but yeah exactly he’s making these choices for himself and choosing to involve natalia. and he’s not hiding anything from her, he’s given her every detail and it must be a relief for him to have someone come back and stick around after giving away so much of himself. the finale shows a big difference to where we saw him at the beginning of the season imo!
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hinamie · 4 months
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summer is coming so i'm giving them the beach day they deserve
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dadralt · 1 year
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And if we must face the cold blue eyes of death, we will. But we will be the last to fall. Of that, I am sure.
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bunnymadeofyarn · 1 year
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steve through the seasons as images i already had saved in my phone
will / byler / mike / nancy / jonathan
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shroudandsands · 24 days
Prompt #10: Stable
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She fantasized about it more often than she’d like to admit. Was that something she shouldn’t say- even to herself? Inwardly, at least, she supposed it meant that she wasn’t entirely as well-adjusted as she’d prefer to pretend. But who really was?
Rakaso didn’t truly care to carry a weapon. Her cane, of course, was another matter entirely. A symbol of her work and something that might make another think twice before picking with a conjurer. It shielded her some of the time. Most of the time. But there was always someone… Too drunk, too high on their own importance, too possessed of a certain kind of self-righteousness… Her magicks dealt with some of them. Ice to bind their feet or chill them to the bone. To make them stop, wait, and contemplate if this was the hill they wished to die on- for she would surely oblige them even should it jeopardize her and them both. A healer could stop a heart just as easily as they could restart one after all. Of course. That was for some of them. Her fists handled the rest. The belligerent who wouldn’t see reason were always the first to see her gloves removed. The first to see stars, if they were lucky- The floor if they weren’t. Tossed out on their ass as need be. It rarely came to that. A few Adders officers had received that treatment in the past; something that she regretted insomuch that it caused her undue grief but found immense satisfaction in punching them in the face. She swirled her glass of wine as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She’d really changed if she found that an enjoyable experience.
Her stance on weaponry had changed not long after her late wife had disappeared. It was around then that she realized she’d needed more independence, as well, which had resulted in her taking up training her body as well as her mind. She blankly ignored any stray comments about “hitting the gym” after her wife left. But it was the dawning of another apocalypse that dragged forth something more inspired by her. A need for something more immediate than magicks. Something stronger than fists. In one hand, her wine glass. In the other, she lifted a conjured blade of jagged ice. It almost seemed to glow in the low light. She let it break apart into the grass as the magic holding it together dissipated with a breath of fog. She’d learned how to wield a sword in as much secrecy as one really could. There were many… adventurers and soldiers willing to part with their knowledge. And plenty of beasts, creatures, and oddities in the Twelveswood that warranted her practice on. She’d perhaps never intended to need it in such a situation as the end of all things. But it had been helpful then. More than such. But gods above did it have to make it a tempting option in her heart when she felt such visceral hate for someone?
That first dream of that soldier- agent, assassin, nuisance- and how she’d taken out her rage on that cat after she’d harassed Nathalie… It’d come to her multiple times. First with her guitar as a weapon. Then her fists. Her magic. Her sword. She took a long drink from her glass. Some part of her was amused. All it took was some of her walls cracking for the dam to break? For some part of her to admit that she did want to hurt someone. After so many years of her greatest fear being a death at her own hands. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was just what happened when you started screaming your heart out on a stage to your own music. The other part wished it had taken a little longer, at least. She’d’ve liked to pretend she was still that kinder woman. She took another drink.
She really was rotting from the inside.
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So we all agree that Lincoln gets to keep the catbus right?
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notasouleater · 4 months
okay wait sorry thinking about how the situation tha has resulted in seeing when he abandoned a past hero started with RGB trying to get the current one to let him handle danger alone
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ravendruid · 10 months
the character is vax but use an rng to pick the number
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Game
5. A five sentence fic. (oh fuck, okay. I can totally do this)
Vax'ildan loves Zephrah from the bottom of his heart, he truly does, but sometimes he wishes he had his super-powerful girlfriend's powers so he could open himself a door to another place, or teleport himself to another realm. These wishes come often—more than he cares to admit—during times when Keyleth has been gone for days straight on Ashari business, and, as of more recently, during the coldest days in the winter.
During the former, Vax would love nothing more than to create a stupid portal on the large cherry tree atop the hill and run to his lover's embrace, wherever she is in Exandria. As for the latter, Vax wishes he could take Keyleth's hand and teleport them to the Fey Realm, to wander through the lush grasses and forests of the permanent dusk realm, and perhaps even visit the theater for some fun.
But Vax has no magic powers other than the few healing abilities the Matron provided, and as such, he has to endure the days until Keyleth's return to Zephrah, and bundle up on clothes and blankets—and hold his intrinsically warm girlfriend—during the colder days.
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sonnettohara · 1 year
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just how fast the night changes
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dota2apologist · 4 months
okay on a very real note nathaniel would be so good for carver
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neuloef · 1 year
believe it or not, artistry is about development and growth as much as it is about expression and creation, especially beacuse sometimes there is creative expression in growth
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blorbodiaz · 2 years
guys what if we get a parallel from the 511 bar scene where eddie sees buck laughing in the crowd and flees but this time he walks back from the bathroom or sth in the casino and sees buck and he DOESNT LEAVE 😭
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kizzys · 4 months
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widowshill · 9 months
does it ever drive you crazy
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just how fast the night changes
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rcsplendent · 1 year
osiris - how do you feel about amin's engagement?
"  i  am  not. . . unhappy  for  them.  i  was  originally a bit . . . slow  to  warm  to  the  idea. but  i  have  met  the  prussian  prince,  &  i  can  see  that  he  makes  amin  very  happy. in  short. . . there  are  worse  things  that  could  happen,  i  suppose.  "
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transhawks · 1 year
me: Im absolutely a hawks hater. me, a stan??? this fandom has done NOTHING for me.
also me: pretty sure I'd still be feeling massive anxieties and repulsion towards anything trans masc if I hadn't decided to start HCIng Hawks as trans/roleplaying him as a trans man.
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