#that’s ​pretty smart tho considering their jobs
kaontic · 21 days
G1 Autobot holoform/human forms Part 3: The rest of the Ark crew
Okay, besides the rest of the Dinobots (cuz I already did Grimlock), but hang on. 😂
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signanothername · 1 month
I know next to nothing about Delta Sans lol... what are some of his main traits and characteristics? /nf
Funny enough, Delta’s canon material isn’t very vast, considering most his canon story is animated, so you can imagine how long it takes to animate and how few animations there are, despite that i just can’t help but love this bitch
Let’s start with basics since you don’t know much, you might see Delta’s Au with 3 names: Ultratale, Vitaltale, and Delta’s tale, which are all canon as they’re all used by Delta’s creator Animated Zorox
Ultratale is the Au’s series old name when it was first animated (and is now cancelled), Vitaltale is the Au’s current name which refers to the new repooted series, Delta’s tale use is honestly unclear for me, but i like to believe it’s more of a general name for the Au
Kay so with that out of the way, Delta is a sans that fused with the human soul of bravery, that’s why he has his signature orange gloves, (and Delta can talk and communicate with the bravery soul inside his head)
Delta is from a Genocide timeline and is the only survivor, so after he defeats Chara (who’s called “Omega Chara” in the Au) Delta takes it upon himself to become a protector of Aus (imagine it as his coping mechanism for losing his own Au fused with Bravery’s sense of protection) but he’s not a protector in the same sense that is Ink, Delta travels from Au to Au pretty much looking for a fight, looking to see if the Au he’s in is in trouble and fighting whoever causes it to save it from the same fate his own Au faced
So he’s kind, brave, righteous and honest… too honest chchchch
But he’s also egotistical, super hot headed, and can easily rage, and despite deeming himself a protector, he’s only a protector to those who need protection, so the poor bitches who threaten the Au? Yeah Delta isn’t above tainting his hands with someone else’s blood (ma boi is passionate about murdering fr fr) in his defense tho he tries listening and talking to them and convincing them (for roughly 10 seconds) if it doesn’t work then he goes for the kill
Look at him telling Cross he’ll kill him (god I love him)
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But he’s also willing to put himself in danger if it meant protecting someone else (basically putting the life of others above his own)
What’s also fun is the fact Delta can easily give up like a normal Sans would, It’s Bravery that keeps him going
But what I also really love is his way of fighting/using his powers, Delta tends to use his own blaster’s jaws as a super speed jet pack, and his fighting style tends to mostly be up close and personal, like this bitch will break bones with his bare hands, and believe me, this bitch sure got stamina cause DAMN
He can even fully fuse with Bravery, like he becomes a glowing orange lamp hcchchchch
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he’s a bit reckless but still smart to know when to stay a safe distance or change tactics
One of my fave things is him using his gloves as armored shoes cause why the fuck not y’know?
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Delta is also semi canonically friends with Color and Epic (semi-canon as in the creators of these three drew them together as the “Epic Sanses Trio” but are not necessarily part of their own respective timeline’s stories chchhcch) but it’s fully canon in my heart <3333
If you’d like to see the actual canon content for Delta, I recommend checking this doc made by @howlsofbloodhounds they’ve done an amazing job at collecting as much as they can <3
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dwindlinghaze · 10 months
a flight to paris
(remus lupin x reader)
summary: you and remus have been in an established relationship for years but one day you received an unexpected break up call from him.
contents: she/her pronouns, modern!au, angst (?), break up, inspired by a barbie movie, my horrible english, i wrote this out of boredom, oh and this is a multipart :)
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
on most days you enjoy your summer holiday. you have a part time job in which you worked for a magazine, having your own personal workspace in the office headquarters and all.
your days are mostly surrounded by the latest style, magazine covers, hollywood gossip, and beautiful photoshoots of women. it was fun, really. that is if mr. wellins wasn't your boss.
he's a walking patriarchal figure. hate is not enough to describe your feelings towards that man.
"i don't think that's a good idea to put in there," you spoke during one of the meetings.
"what do you mean? it's a good one, everybody will be intrigued!" he scoffed.
you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, glancing at the others but they just gave you a warning look. no one dared to go against mr. wellins. "it just doesn't feel right y'know- to put that in there considering it's just an allegation and not confirmed?"
"but we focus on marketing here! who will pay your wage if it weren't for these nosy people who read and buy our magazines? we have to find a way to get our sales higher!" he said sternly, glaring at you with cold eyes.
"look here, if you put that article, surely our reputation will be stained. you don't want that to happen do you? we just need to find something else- something more positive and harmless but still eye catching. like the new box office movie that everyone has been talking about lately. it doesn't harm anyone, in fact it's supporting them. what do you think?"
every one of your co-workers nodded in agreement, waiting for the boss to reply.
he looked bored. "you know that flapping thing you just did with your mouth?"
"you mean- expressing my opinion on what's better for the sake of your company?"
"yeah that," he rolled his eyes. "stop doing that."
"i think y/n's right, makes me wish she were the boss," one of your co-workers mumbled under her breath.
he looked sharply at the girl, "i can easily fire you."
"oh no no, i feel like we just- need to discuss about this more you know?" you defended.
"oh get off this place. end of discussion!"
"we can talk like in the coffee shop, or the commissary-"
"not me getting off, you getting off. get out you're fired!" he slammed his fist.
"wha- what? fired?" you said breathlessly, eyes widen in shock.
you got to your car, speeding to get home and just curl up in the arms of your boyfriend- remus lupin. you needed him. his constant whispering of sweet nothings, his warm embrace, his smile that can rip away all negativity.
just like magic, your phone started ringing with remus in the other line. screen lighting up, his pretty face on the screen. you smiled, so big and decided to stop at one of the parking lots nearby.
"hello?" you heard the sweet voice of remus lupin.
"oh rem! i'm so glad you called!" you exclaimed, heart warming at his comforting voice.
"things aren't right with us and you know it. they haven't been for a while," he said. his ever-lovely voice that makes you feel safe was nowhere to be heard. your heart dropped, chest hurting all of a sudden.
"what?" you choked on the verge of sobbing. "remus come on."
"i'm breaking up with you... right now." he said it like you don't matter to him at all. you clenched your phone, eyes already hurting from the incoming tears.
"you're not... are you serious? what are you saying?" you thought your day couldn't get worse, but the universe said otherwise.
"it's over. and if you're smart, you'll forget i exist."
and just like that, the line disconnected. you couldn't stop the tears from falling out of your eyes. not only have you lost your job, you also have lost your remus.
you never thought he would ever break up with you. especially since you both were in a strong relationship of four years. no matter what problems appeared on the surface, they always got resolved.
wiping your tears away, you tried to drive safely to lily's house. your best friend. you needed someone to talk to. someone to pour your heart out.
"i lost my job and he broke up with me," you said in shame when she opened the door to see you with red rimmed eyes.
"he broke up with you because you lost your job?" lily gasped.
"no... separately," you sobbed. then you told her the whole story of how you've had lost your job and how he broke up with you on the phone in your car just then.
"what kind of guy does that!" lily said in disbelief. it's so not remus to break up with you like that. knowing how much he loves you since forever ago. you two are perfect for each other. nothing could ever compare to the bond you both had.
"i guess a guy with no real emotions," you huffed, reaching for lily's tissue.
lily suggested for you to call remus again, 'cause no way is someone like him said something like that to you. there was no response though, he's not answering.
"maybe you misunderstood. what did he actually say?" lily asked once more.
"he said that it was over, and if i were smart i'd forget he ever existed," his words ringing in your ears.
"does he speak another language where it means 'i love you'," lily tried, you shook your head.
"that's it," she picked up your phone. "i'm blocking him from your cell, e-mail, everything! you do not break up with anyone like that! when i'm done, we're gonna go somewhere that you love. a place where you feel happy and good about yourself."
"i wanna go far away," you mumbled.
"that's right, you should go far away and clear your head! forget about them. men are getting harder to like these days," lily agreed, snapping her fingers.
"i'll go far away... like aunt milicent's!" you said.
"aunt millicents?" lily asked.
"yeah she's a designer in paris. has a fashion house and everything. i always loved being there. tons of people, energy, fabrics, and dresses... and my aunt in the middle of it all! oh how i want to be like her when i grow up. that's it i'm going there!"
"super fun!" lily exclaimed, truly happy for you. "when are you going?"
"right now! i can spend the last weeks of summer vacation with her," you managed to crack a smile, "i don't need remus. what i need is to book a flight to paris."
"remmy, you can't help me with our summer project if you're on the phone all the time," jessica said, snatching remus' phone out of his hand.
"i just don't get it, i can't get through y/n at all!" remus said in exasperation, brows furrowing in confusion and worry clouding up his head.
"i'm sure she's fine," jessica said, fluttering her lashes.
remus was unconvinced, he couldn't focus the whole time. "it has been since yesterday."
"y/n is a busy person. she'll call when she gets the chance... in the meantime...," she jerked her head towards the script.
"do we have to tape that again... i'm not an actor, i probably sounded stupid," remus scoffed.
"you sounded beautiful," she said, smiling flirtatiously at him.
remus was too fogged up on the thought of you to notice her behaviour. you never ignore him like this. no matter how busy your lives were, you two always made time for each other.
"lils look!" marlene gasped, pointing at remus and jessica sitting together on the table across the room.
"oh no. don't tell me that boy dumped y/n for jessica," lily said in annoyance and disbelief.
the two of them walked over, crossing their arms. "are you kidding?" lily said coldly, shooting daggers at remus.
"lily, marlene! where's y/n?" remus asked, sitting up from his chair. he didn't know why they looked upset.
"why do you want to know?" marlene questioned.
"i can't reach her! i've called, i've texted, i've emailed. nothing worked. is she okay?" remus said desperately.
"y/n's fine. she wants nothing to do with the twat who dumped her over the phone!" lily scolded.
"wha- huh- dumped her?" remus asked in shock. he would never dump you. you're everything to him. "i would never do that, c'mon you guys know how much she means to me!"
"you know what uhh i actually need to run, see you," jessica said, slipping away from the table. nobody paid attention to her though.
"don't play dumb! she told us what you said 'it's over and if you're smart you'll forget i exist'."
"wait what?" remus exclaimed, eyes travelling towards jessica who was chuckling guiltily. "that line... a part of the script i read yesterday. don't say you recorded it and play it back to y/n," he said, eyes closing painfully.
"i'd be happy to tell you that," jessica said, batting her lashes. oh what a nerve. "it was a joke. i never thought she'd actually believed it. she must have serious doubts about the relationship."
remus ignored her, turning towards lily and marlene. "where's y/n? i need to see her now," he said, heart racing at the thought of you.
"uh- she's kind of..." lily slowly replied, eyeing marlene, urging her to finish the sentence.
"in paris."
"paris? paris, france? since when was she going to paris?" remus was panicking. he knew he messed up and he's willing to make it right again.
"uh a long story..."
"what should i do? i need to talk to her as soon as possible," he scrunched his hair, brows knitting.
"y/n went through a lot yesterday... you know what you can do to make her feel better? a grand romantic gesture! don't just call her. go book yourself a flight to paris, show up to her aunt milicent's doorstep, and prove how much you love her!" lily said.
"she'll love it!" marlene agreed.
"i'm on it," he opened his phone to search for a plane ticket. "i'll book the next flight out of london."
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in-hav3n · 1 year
i just had this idea:
imagine current james hiring a young woman as his personal assistant, to help him organize his schedule and stuff like that.
she's good at her job but she's a dynamic and kind of stubborn person. one day james misunderstands something so he thinks that she messed up even tho HE was the one who actually messed up.
he started complaining about what he thinks she did wrong but then she manages to prove that she was right all along and that he had misunderstood the situation.
he gets turned on by her dynamism and the way she defended herself and proved him wrong so he ends up fucking her on his desk.
(please, write how you imagine the argument and of course the last part when he fucks her 🤭)
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Warnings : NSFW - sex scene - rough sex - age gap
"(X/Y) ? Can you come in my office, now ?".
James' voice interrupted you as you were sitting at the kitchen table, talking about a new vegetarian restaurant in town with Kirk. Your eyes landed on your boss and you nodded professionally.
"Yes, sure".
His appearance was enough to change the atmosphere of the room. Curiously, all the conversations stopped and everyone looked at James. Kirk looked at you with a curious frown too, wondering why his buddy adopted this particular tone to ask. You answered him with a shrug. You had no idea what he wanted since it was near the end of the day and you were all about to leave. Maybe he wanted to ask you one more important task that had to be done now ? Who knows with James...
You greeted goodbye to the guys and some management's member that were in the kitchen or in the recording room as following James through HQ's alleys. HQ was now a pretty big building the guys had fitted out through the years. Each rooms had its own purpose, going from recording room to instruments storage. They also thought to put a recreation room where they could play pool or have fun with a pinball machine when they needed to refresh their mind from talks and argues about the songs of the new album.
James' office was the last room at the end of the building, next to a tech room and the laundry room. You didn't know why he had chosen to have this one since the others were more close to the exit, on the other side of the building, but only assumed that it was his way to have his own personal space where he could be quiet. Which wouldn't surprised you considering his character.
James was a respectful, nice and empathic boss. When you were hired as his personal assistant, a year ago, you had fears since he was a big rockstar and seemed pretty intimidating but he was the exact opposite. He was really a gentle, down to earth man who let you do your job the best you could. He was very understanding and never complained. That's why his earlier attitude surprised you. He seemed concerned and his face showed no expressions. Which was even more stressful. But you had also learned that since his divorce, James seemed more introvert, sometimes quiet and with no expressions...
He opened his office door for you and moved to the side to let you in. You thanked him by passing by, still holding your agenda and your smart computer against your heart. As a good employee, you just stood in front of his desk and waited for him.
"Is there anything I can do ?", you finally asked, breaking the ice.
Usually he would have told you immediately what was the matter. His silence was uncomfortable. James closed the door when you got in and joined you, hands in his pocket. You follow each of his step with your glance, heart beating of anticipation.
"Actually yes. We have a problem", you frowned at his words.
The world "problem" was enough to feel even more nervous. You waited for an explanation he gave right away. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and open his mails, still in silence. You started to breathe deeper, holding tighter your personal stuffs against your chest as waiting for the reason of his disappointment. But even after searching in your mind, you found no reasons for him to be disappointed.
"Cigar Aficionado sent me an mail to confirm the photoshoot on Wednesday the 6th", he started as looking at you. "We talked about it and we both agreed on the 8th. If you wanted to change the date to match with one of my another appointment you could have told me before (X/Y). Now I have to change all my schedule cause I had planned something else on this date".
His tone was professional, direct and serious. You didn't recognize the James you knew and it was really curious. You listened at his speech and waited to defend yourself.
"I'm sorry Mr Hetfield but...", you gulped, shaking your head. "The date never changed. When we talked about this interview and photoshoot, you told me you preferred a Wednesday and it was the only date available", you explained, not believing your ears. James was thinking you completely messed up but you did nothing wrong. As always, he was the one choosing the date first.
"A Wednesday? I doubt it", he replied back, with a chuckle. "Now it's scheduled for a day that doesn't suit me at all and I'm really disappointed".
His words hurt like a knife. "Disappointed". It hurt cause you always did your best, everyday. You always checked everything twice to be sure. You were always reachable, day and night, and you always fulfilled all his ask. You wanted to show him your value and this was you got in return. You had to fight back.
"I'm deeply sorry but I have nothing to do with this", you added with a convinced tone. "I can prove it to you", you quickly opened your agenda, holding it against you carefully. James joined you to see but he didn't seem to be ready to believe you. You held your breath for a short brief when you feel his stature next to you. You finally found the page and pointed out the info for him with a shaken finger.
"There. 6th April. Photoshoot and interview. I wrote this with you, we were in your office. I even told you they were particularly fussy concerning the schedule and you told me you didn't care. You also did a joke about the name of their press manager".
James frowned at your explanation, with an expression that seemed to say "I'm still searching if I should believe you or not", but kept a inner chuckle when he heard you remembered one of his stupid joke. He was surprised you paid attention to this. But he was also surprised that you dared to say he was the one to be wrong. He always thought you were a nice shy girl and he was witnessing another side of your personality...and he was enjoying it.
"Maybe but still", he replied back. He had now an idea in mind and wanted to see where this could lead..."You did wrong and I'm really disappointed. I don't want this to happen again", he conclued as turning his back to leave.
You opened your mouth. It was incredible. You placed your stuffs on his desk in a too much harsh movement but you couldn't contain your frustration anymore. He was really stubborn and you were sure to be right. He had to listen. It wasn't fair to accuse you.
"Listen. Once again I'm sorry if this date doesn't suit you but I tell you, once again, I'm not responsible. You asked me to plan this on the 8th April and as your personal assistant, I scheduled it as you asked", you explained.
James turned over and looked at you. His no expression face disturbed you for a while but your envy of justice was enough to give your courage. But deep inside, James was enjoying this moment. There you were finally showing what he wanted to see and he was pleased. You had the guts to defy him and he liked it.
"Are you sure of it ?", he asked, wanting to push you to the limit. He wanted to see what you could do and what you'd be ready to do to prove you were right.
"Of course I am", you gasped in disbelief. "I'm sorry but I'm doing my job the best I can since you hired me ! Within a year, I don't think I've ever done a misstep. I'm giving myself every day for this job because I really like it and with all due respect I don't like hearing that I did something wrong when I know I didn't".
James smiled, amused and more impressed by your determination. He had to admitted that he always found you really pretty and beautiful but this character you had now was really turning him on. Your white shirt slightly opened revealed a bit your pink skin near your breasts and it was enough to make him burn of excitement.
"Would you swear it ?", he asked, playing his game till the end, coming closer like a pretador. You didn't notice his play tough, neither what he was about to do. But stil, seeing him closer was enough to make you loose your breath a little.
"Of course, I-I'd", you said back, not understanding what was happening. "I swear... I- I din't nothing wrong. You misunderstood and...". You were cut off by James lips crashing on yours. You pulled away immediately, surprised, as placing your both palms on his strong chest.
Even with heels, you weren't tall enough to be face to face with him. You looked up at him, asking for an explanation but you only got a chuckle as James hands laid on your hips.
You were totally hypnotized by his beautiful blue eyes, his smirk and his delicate touch. But it was all wrong...Of course, you always found him really charming and gorgeous, who could resist to this man? Him holding you this way was a dream coming true. But you also remembered that he was older than you and most of all, he was your boss. It wasn't right at all.
Your butt landed against his desk and the air in the room became thick and extremely hot.
"You did wrong you know that...", James said with his husky voice. You didn't leave his gaze and shook your head. He wanted to get you on your nerves and it was working.
"I did not...", you challenged him with a more confident tone as diving into his beautiful blue eyes. One last corner smile and James bend again to kiss you, more hungrily, more deeper this time. And you let it go...One of your hand landed on his neck to push him further against your lips. They were soft, tasting sweetly cigar and mint and now that you tasted them, you wanted them more. You forgot all the previous thoughts you had and only focused on what was happening and how good this was.
James left your lips to devour your neck with wet kisses. You moaned shyly and closed your eyes, as one hand gripped his shirt whilst the other ran into his grey hair. James enjoyed your touch and let you know by a slight moan against your skin. His hungry fingers opened her shirt more and this made you looked at what he was doing in disbelief. You helped as putting off your shirt out of your skirt before he nearly ripped the last button. He opened the clothe in one movement to give attention to your breasts now.
"Oh god...", you moaned in a whisper as your head fell back and your hand gripped the edge of the desk to have a better support. No doubt James definitely knew what to do with his lips and tongue. He spread wet kisses on your skin whilst his fingers slowly pulled off your bra cup to expose your breast.
Being so exposed would had normally made you feel uncomfortable but with the adrenaline of the argument you had put you both in some sort of trance that couldn't stopped until the desire you felt would be fulfilled.
James looked up at you, while he was still feasting on your breasts, cupping them while he was sucking your already hard nipples. He was taking care of them like if it was a precious thing and this made you gasped of excitement as looking at him, caressing his face. He shifted into high gear without a word by pushing you on his desk to make you sit on it.
He knew what he wanted and you liked being conducted. But you also wanted to show him that you had guts for sex too and not only for argument. So your hands quickly found their way on his belt buckle and you opened his button, unzipped his jeans with shaking hands to reveal the huge bulge he was hiding in his boxer.
"In a hurry sweetheart?", he asked with a grin as he helped and pulled off his boxer along his thighs, his dick swinging proudly, hitting his lower belly. You bite your lower lip and looked at him with a grin. He played with you now it was time to play with him. Slowly, your palm embraced his hard member and your finger wrapped around his base as you gently started to stroke him. James groaned low and bend to kiss you softly.
"You seem to know what you want...", he whispered, adding another peck. You smiled and pecked him again while your hand was still working on him.
"I know I'm right...and I know what I want", you gasped in a sexy tone as using your other hand to stroke him better with two hands.
James eyes opened wilder and he chuckled at your answer.
"Then skirt up and take off that panties for me baby", he commanded again and as his nice and obedient employee, you did as he asked. You put your feet back on the ground, raised your skirt over your hips with your hands then sat again. James didn't stop looking, stroking himself as admiring the view. He didn't expect any of this but now he was craving for it. This argument and the guts you have showed were enough to awaken the beast.
With a swing, you roll on your butt and quickly pulled off your panties, your pussy shivering at the cold air of te room. You threw it somewhere, not caring, and opened your legs wide for him.
"You're ready for me sweetheart?", he asked and you checked on yourself on your own wetness, your fingers rubbing your wet lips. You were already wet and you've never been so wet so quickly before to be honest. This man really knew what he was doing and it was exciting as hell.
You nodded and James came closer, lining himself up with you. He pushed your pelvis further, with his hands gripping your butt to do so and you felt his tip hitting your entrance by surprise. You gasped a moan and looked beneath you whilst James giggled.
"Sensitive ?". He gently rubbed his tip on your wet lips with his right hand, collecting the wetness before he rubbed his tip on your clit. Another moan, louder this time, escaped your lips.
"Damn, fuck me!", you panted. You couldn't take this tease anymore and you needed him right now. James spat on his hand to add more wetness on his tip and then pushed inside you, with a slow but powerful thrust. His left hand gripped one of your thigh to keep you against him. He pushed enough to thrust deep and your hands had no choice but to grip his forearms. James pulled out and pushed in a few times to stretch you until he felt you were ready for a slow pace.
"Oh it's good...", you panted and moaned at the same time, your head rolling back and forth. You didn't want to miss any eye contact with him, noticing his pupils went darker, showing lust and excitement.
"Your pussy is so sweet and tight baby...", he groaned of pleasure and you grinned back at him, your nails digging inside his flesh.
"Faster please...fuck me harder", you commanded him as gripping one of his hips, pushing his lower back deeper inside you to show you the rhythm you want. He was so good at it that you couldn't resist to take the lead too. James moaned low and his hands gripped your both thighs, with a harder grip that would surely left marks tomorrow but you didn't care. You wanted him to ram into you now that he started this dance.
"FUCK yes! ", you moaned loud, not even thinking anymore that you were actually fucking your boss and this was real. Not even caring that someone might heard you behind the door. It was the end of the journey after all and everyone would left soon. No one was really coming in this side and maybe now you had found the reason why James' office was that far from the other rooms...
You started to move your pelvis at his pace, in unison, your hands now founding a better grip on his desk. His pubic hair were slightly scratching again your sensitive clit and it was extremely hot. But James didn't like sharing control and this attitude started to annoy him, but in a good way. It awakened the beast in him.
He suddenly pulled off in a move, his dick still hard and swollen from the fuck you just had. You whined of surprise, feeling completely empty.
"What's...?", you started to ask in a gasp, wondering what was happening. But James didn't let you finish your ask that he pushed you back on the ground and gently turned you over his desk. You have no other choice than to obey and this sudden change aroused you even more. He was taking control, he wanted to show you who was ruling.
"Ass up baby...", he groaned in a command tone. You moaned as doing what he asked, bending over the wooden table to grip the other edge of it, already anticipating what was about to come next. You felt your pussy pulsing of excitement, wanting him to fuck you again and more. James slapped your ass hard once and came behind you, his dick hitting your entrance from behind. You moaned and lifted a bit your ass to line up with him.
James bend his chest over your back, caught your throat with his palm as his face came closer. You felt his breath near your ear, making you shiver.
"I'm gonna fuck you so well...my dick is gonna pound into you so hard baby...", he whispered in a groan as slapping you again. You moaned loud.
"Oh yes please...I want it"
"Yes who?", he teased you, biting your earlobe as his catch around your throat tighten.
"Yes Mister Hetfield", you gasped of ecstasy, something deep inside you vibrating inside your entire body as you let out those words. This was turning you on in a level you've never experienced and you were sure you'd cum soon.
"That's better",he groaned before pulling away, pushing your lower back to line up properly. He rubbed his tip on your wet lips and you gasped again, waiting for the push. You wanted him more than anything. And in one deep thrust, James pushed inside you again. You moaned longer and higher, your fingers gripping the desk so hard it was hurtful.
"Look at you...", James groaned as spreading your ass to admire the view, "my cock is stretching your high pussy...you're so desperate for me...so wet for my cock". You whined hard and moved your body, fucking yourself against his cock. You desperately wanted to come since you felt you were over the edge. But James stopped when he felt your moves and slapped you again. You groaned low with an erotic moan.
"I command sweetheart...", he whispered with a strong tone, letting you know who was commanding again. His hand ran along your back, spreading the sweat drops that started to appear on your skin. You simply nodded and waited for your issuance. James hand went on his exploration as he thrusted very slow into you until this hand pushed you against him. Your back hit his chest and his strong inked arm wrapped around you to keep you there.
And now James gave you what you wanted. He started to ram into you, frantically. His pelvis hit your butt in harsh moves and this was providing good sensations too with his dick thrusting hard and deeper into you like this.
"Hold...on me...baby", he panted hard and you tried to hold on him the best you can to not fall.
"Oh my god yes...fuck me please", you begged as feeling a strong and powerful bund of energy blowing inside your lower belly, announcing your close orgasm. "I'm gonna cum", you panted and your eyes rolled back behind your eyes.
"Come on my cock baby, do it", James helped you with his dirty talk as going faster, the faster he could, gripping your both arms from behind to slam more inside you until he felt you losing control. He caught you before you fell and didn't stop moving until you finished to cum.
You moaned loud, gasping and mumbling incoherent words such as "fuck me", "feels good". Your bit your lips so hard that you hurt yourself but you didn't care. The pleasure invading you was beyond any you've experienced before. Your pussy contracted around his dick and James groaned, feeling he could be closer too.
He gave you one last deep pound that made you scream loud one last time before falling on the desk. You took your breath the best you can as he kept moving slowly inside you, working on his own orgasm now. Your pussy were more sensitive and tight and this felt good on his dick.
"Where do you want me to cum baby?", he asked as placing his palm on your butt, keeping the track. You turned your head over and looked at him with a mischievous grin.
"Inside me please...cum inside me", you asked as opening your ass cheeks for him. James moaned at the view and helped you, placing his hands on yours.
"I'm gonna cum... inside your pretty pussy", he said as his head fell back, feeling the fire coming inside him. He felt it blowing inside his lower belly and he closed his eyes to abandon himself at this pleasure he was feeling. He heard your moans and whines while he pounded a few more times before he felt this was the time. He stopped and let it go.
"Fucking god...", he groaned loud, with a deep manly grunt as his fingers gripped your butt cheeks skin harder, spreading them open as he poured in his load inside you. You moaned in return, feeling his hot cum and smiling big. You were still having the delicious effects of your orgasm running through your veins.
"Fuck...", James groaned again as pulling off from you in a move, carefully to not hurt you and just stood there, looking at his cum going out of your pussy. You looked over and caught his lustful glance. You grinned and bite your lip, as feeling his load coming out your pussy to glide along your swollen lips. He slapped your butt one last time, enjoying it and so did you. You saw his chest raising slowly as he caught his breath.
"Oh my god...", you said in a gasp as taking back a normal position. Your legs and arms were completely sore but you stretched a little to ease it. James quickly pulled on his boxer and jeans while you moved back your skirt on your hips to cover you. You had no idea where your panties was...
"My personal assistant should be wrong more often", James suggested as taking your hand to pull you against his chest. You accepted the gesture even if you never expected sucked kindness and aftercare after this intense sex you had. You giggled as well, gently snapping his chest.
"I was right Mister Hetfield ! You were the one who was wrong. And you better accept it now that I proved it to you", you grinned, happy to finally have the last word on this story. But it was worth it...
AN : Thank you anon for this perfect ask ! <3 I love this kind of idea, even more with current James who fits perfectly for this! I hope you'll enjoy this, cause I really had fun and as you'll see, I couldn't stop writing lol!
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freyatarotreadings8 · 6 months
what new cards did you pull for charles' fs?
UPDATES ON CHARLES' FS FS personality The Strength   She is kind, compassionate, peaceful, courageous and confident. She has a strong willpower, self control. She is able to overcome challenges easy because she is emotionally intelligent. People calm down in her presence. Also she may be into some kind of sport or just have a healthy life style. 4 of Swords Again she is a calm person. She prioritize mental heath and emotional well being. She may enjoys meditations, yoga and any other activity that can help calm a mind. She is very thoughtful and probably know a lot about herself as a person. Sometimes she may be emotionally detached. Also it looks like she is a loner or just an introvert. Moreover, she may be though a lot in her life (some sort of mental breakdowns). 4 of Pentacles Well, she is security oriented, possessive, maybe even materialistic. She may have a fear of financial instability. She may struggle with letting go. She is guarded and protective of wha she has (including connections, space). It may be effect of a trauma tho. Possible occupation The Hierophant, The Emperor, The Death Well, there are so many things she can do, but her job can have a transformative aspects. Previously I wrote that she may be a therapist, consult, coach, mentor, psychologist. So, here I see the same idea. She may work on her own, be an entrepreneur. She is wise and smart, so others may consider her as a mentor. She cares a lot about emotional and physical well being. Also she may be a yoga teacher etc. She may teach others how to change their mindsets, lives, bodies for better. Major Guru Vibes. Has he met her already? 7 of Pentacles I don't think so
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Thats what I got. Pretty similar vibes to the fist one. The first reading on Charles' FS
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wantmangojuice · 10 months
The Disabled Tyrant's Pet Palm Fish - finished
I started this as a joke! WTH I didn't expect it to be so delightful!!
Premise: MC transmigrates into a webnovel... as a fish! He gets various missions from a system which he has to fulfill (while being a fish!); meanwhile he becomes the pet of the webnovel's OG protagonist tyrant mute prince (who's actually a sweetheart) who turns out to be the best pet owner ever and whose devotion to his pet fish is kind of insane. They fall in love! Shenanigans ensue!
Have you ever wanted to see a "face-slapping novel" wherein the literal face-slapping is performed via flailing fish-tail? Yes? Of course you do. It's epic.
How did this premise work so well. How.
The very definition of "comfort novel". So comfy.
Still kinda feel bad for Chu Yanyu tho, ooof. Wish he could've had a slightly better ending than what he got.
Considering that for a significant amount of the novel, one is mute and the other is a fish, I thought they manage to communicate pretty well?? All things considered, I mean.
I like that the reveal of Li Yu being the fishy comes at around the 50% mark and not later on; I was afraid that that misunderstanding would get drawn out more, but it's not. (Also, I really don't blame Li Yu for being reluctant to reveal "I'm actually your pet fish btw" because come on, it's bonkers.)
Li Yu is pretty smart in some ways and an utter buffoon in others I adore him.
The way he's convinced that he's doing a good job hiding his secret fishy identity; meanwhile ML's quietly like, 'You know I've figured out that you're a fish 20 chapters ago, right?' and helping him keep his fishy secret in the background.
Jing-wang!!!! You're so cute and sweet. You & Li Yu handled that surprise!4 kids like a champ.
That said, there's a part of me that wishes that ML's mutism didn't get cured by the end, because getting cured of your disability seems to be a lot more common than not in danmei. So far I've only had two mains who don't get "healed" at the end: TYQHM's Yu She's mental illness is managed but certainly not cured. And RGASHR's Gu Heyan gets his right hand permanently injured in the later chapters; he switches to using his left hand for swordsmanship, but his archery takes a severe (and likely unrecoverable) hit.
You've heard of "two-person love triangle", now get ready for "two-person love quadrangle".
Fish fam!!!!!!
Looking forward to the official release (next year!) so that I can read this all over again.
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kaphzzz · 6 months
Sorry for the out of nowhere question but in modern setting which works would Arthur and Charles take? 🤔
🤔 ahh do you mean what their jobs would be in a modern au? i hope im interpreting this correctly 🥺 im going to assume thats what ur asking but if not shoot me another ask lol. and its fine its not out of nowhere! i think about modern au charthur all day really. the brain is so rotting brace urself for a long answer 😈
so eh honestly. i think it depends on the upbringing specific to the au lol, there are fics out there where they are still brought up in the countryside and very similar to canon and fittingly they become ranchers or truckers etc.?
*personally* when i think modern au i really think *modern* so like. i think given a proper education they would both be too smart to be like hauling bricks all day (not saying its dumb!) or stuff but also i dont see either of them sitting in an office all day 🤔 theyd both suffocate honestly. and given their canon hobbies and skills i think they could be a lot of different things 👀
for arthur i've thought about maybe gun range instructor, or freelance artist, given his love for dogs he could possibly work at a dog shelter? or a leader for trailriding? maybe a job that requires a lot of drawing sketches, like architect or a designer of some sort? arthurs so artistic 😭 a bit of a stretch but he could even be a writer too. even further of a stretch if we're throwing ordinary out the window maybe some kinda special agent or a mercenary. idk about police tho. firefighter i kinda can see both of them being. ooh i also did briefly consider arthur being a commercial pilot too!
as for charles i keep thinking of him as a grad student. idk. hes young and i think hed be pretty smart. maybe hed study something related to nature or native americans? maybe even biology? i feel like hed be a stem person. either that or something like history. then again he could also be a craftsman like we cant let those carving skills go to waste! hes so musically talented too but i dont rly see him as a musician. altho now that i think about it i feel like a cello position in an orchestra suits him so well 🤤 and of course he could also be a professional boxer but personally i think hes had enough boxing in canon let my baby rest 😭 and of course, the air traffic controller or first officer for arthurs pilot... but that will have to be a fic for later ehehe.
and then of course we've got like the rock band aus. (personally i see arthur on the bass and charles on the drums. or vice versa.) and the coffee shop aus. heehee.
honestly i wonder about their modern occupations all the time. so many possibilities! for my modern au renders i've sorta established that rdr2 is a game they worked on together but thats not like their proper jobs. i'be settled on charles going back to grad school for that au but idk about arthur yet. man the downsides of two characters who have way too many talents and interests 😭🤤 if anyone has other ideas leave a comment i'd love to know!!
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 10 months
Okay I’m on another thought train and you are the designated person to travel with me on these trips. So. Consider. Reverse omens, right? Classic. Sometimes it’s all the angels and demons flipped, sometimes it’s just the husbands. But consider. Reverse omens but ONLY ineffable bureaucracy gets switched. If anything I think this has the possibility to be the MOST interesting variation of this au because, like, if only Aziraphale and Crowley are switched it changes some things but they’re like…middle to upper-middle class in terms of ranking? Not much about the structure of how things work in heaven and hell changes. Everyone gets switched? More variation but arguably too many moving parts and characters to keep track of. Just Beelzebub and Gabriel (or as Beez would probably called according to our headcanons Zuriel. And …whatever Gabriel is called in this. Any thoughts?) get switched? Throws the whole system into chaos! Like here’s how I see it. Season 1 Gabriel was a total asshole. No doubts about it. Heaven was institutionally fucked up and half of it was probably his fault. Beelzebub though? I’ve always had more of an impression that hell was bad because it’s, y’know, hell. Not that Beelzebub themself was an awful boss. Like aside from killing Eric that one time and yelling a bunch they actually seem like a pretty fair boss. Just evil because that’s their job. So like in this universe hell would be like…infinitely worse. But heaven? I feel like it would actually be substantially less fucked up with Beelzebub calling the shots. The other archangels and the metatitty would likely still cause problems as always but I genuinely don’t think it would be as bad. Crowley likely has a bunch of trauma now so oops but like Aziraphales boss is pretty chill so he likely isn’t as messed up as usual. They probably do still have that firm belief in Armageddon and all that but there probably less “we’ll kill you if you don’t go along with this. pick a side Aziraphale” about it and more “Look man I’ve been ignoring you and my brothe- (yes I’m bringing ssiblingzz shit into this. You probably know my brainrot well enough by now to have guessed I would.) Crowley’s shit for millennia I can’t do that any more. It’s time to fight. Please stop being stubborn I don’t wanna have kill you you’re the only bitch I respect up here.” (Beelzebub has always seemed more aware of Aziraphale and Crowley’s situation than Gabe so I kind of think in this situation they’d actually be the type to turn a blind eye to it?)
I do have more thoughts but I need to make food so enjoy this for now and share any of your ideas. I’ll probably be back soon with more.
OOOOOH WAIT YOUVE GOT A POINT THERE- I think Gabe would be some demon like perhaps Camio (from googling, he seems to be "Demon of persuassion and communication", which seems very up his alley, and his Wikipedia article mentioned him being leader of a bunch of demons, so it makes sense-), and he'd treat Hastur, Shax, and Ligur like he treats Uriel, Michael, and Sandalphon. Beez would for sure be dry, and tired, but I think ze'd be a pretty good boss too- the other Archangels may treat zir with an actual respect! ze might also give Aziraphale some slack for interacting with Crowley, since a) it's zir brother, and b) ze might understand how he feels 👀 Demon!Gabe (Cammy?) tho, he'd smell more of plastic-promises, be more manipulative and conniving, and maybe even be more in his element, cuz being a demon doesn't take a "I'm smart and mighty, follow me" mentality, it takes an obey-or-die mentality. I mean, "t-o-s-t...e. TOAST!!" put great emphasis on that ADHFH- (also him possibly being considered as Lucifer's brother? and fellow starmaker with Angel!Crowley?? SO MANY ANGST OPPORTUNITIES-) however, he would probably be extra with keeping track of the intentions of Crowley's miracles, and yeahh poor Crowbro may be kinda frucked up even more-
I think once he sees how Zuriel actually cares about him and sees him as someone other than a big scary demon, as an actual friend and companion who understands him, he puts down his guard and fight-or-flight, and changes for the better with zir. (maybe he didn't particularly enjoy having to manipulate and scare others into doing what he'd been ordered to do, but had to in order to survive? or maybe he and his possible brother team up and are conniving little shits, whatever you think is best ^^)
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amyunshader · 5 months
Bungo Stray Dogs x Assassination Classroom prompts
Like usual Imma just throw the idea here and run
• Yokohama’s Port Mafia decides to have a try at Koro’s assassination. Fifteen ys old executive Dazai Osamu is sent to enroll at Kunugigaoka’s class 3-E.
• he spends his first week pretty quietly, collecting intel on the target from his classmates, after confirming first thing that Koro-sensei’s condition wasn’t a Special Ability he could cancel.
• Devise backup plan: assesses that if the deadline comes too close, he just need to: have Chuya transfer in => do handshake greeting with Koro => immobilize him with gravity power => checkmate
• decide to hold on killing Koro to keep watching the ‘Assassination Classroom’ project, both out of personal curiosity and with scouting ulterior motive.
• At the end of the first week, he executes a flashy super smart assassination plan—which turn out a failure, but a close one—and he reveals his identity as a mafioso, setting his persona for the rest of the year.
• he makes it clear of everyone that he’s a trained professional in the criminal industry, with fluent handling of gun and knife, hand-to-hand combat, but also generously demonstrating his cheating hand talents (coin, cards, pickpocket…).
• have knowing discussions in pretend-complicity with Irina, which disturb everyone around. (TO MAKE IT CLEAR, Dazai isn’t a specialized assassin, and not pretending to be one: he’s being a mafiosa, aka a versatile member of organized crime.) So talk with Irina a bit about seduction (tho Dazai is more versed in sweet talking/scamming than in physical whoring), about infiltration, tricks and lies.
• he enjoys messing with Karasuma, governmental agent, with the fact that he’s a part of the criminal world as there’s nothing the PE teacher can do about it, first because of Koro and second because of Koro: the threat of Koro forcing the government to use whatever has a chance to kill him, including criminals, and because Koro sensei protect his students regardless of their past and motives.
• Dazai also makes something churn inside Koro with his teasing, highlighting that he is part of the same fucked up world as the teachers that the students don’t know. The Reaper used to be considered an alien among humans, but Dazai is the same—no, he’s the real deal.
• with the students: despite his mafioso persona putting him a step above and aside from all of them, he doesn’t enter the class rivalry for best assassin: he makes clear that yes, he knows how to fight, but no, he has no intention to become pro assassin level — his position is not in the front of the assassination attempts, he’s more in amused support and advices if requested. He be Dazai and whine and sleep to skip training. He’s respected, at the same time intimately terrifying and absolutely charming. He be playing the oddball to get their guard down: he’s not here to compete, he need good relationships for future scouting after all!
• Studying is easy (of course), but such a botheeeeer
• in front of the boys trying to include him in some salacious voyeur plan, Dazai would dramatically gasp and gawk that he’s a gentleman seeking a lady and wouldn’t have any part in this kind of behavior; however his cold eyes fail to hide for half a second his inhuman disgust at the hormonal teen pulsions.
• in the save or kill brawl, he stays neutral. Anyway he has every single intent to finish the job himself if the class fail, regardless of what they decide or of the threat Koro poses to the Earth or not: to him it’s a matter of money and Boss’ orders.
• (I got no idea wether he ends up meddling in Koro’s death or not)
• anyway opens door on a second fic on Karma and/or Nagisa being recruited into the Port Mafia and ending up involved in the bsd plot *their rank would be that of good assassins, potentially punctual contract workers rather than subordinates, but not executive rank since u need a Special Ability to achieve that.
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taldigi · 5 months
What are your thoughts on all of the confidants so far? Considering your low tolerance for unnecessary and uncomfortable horniness does that stop you from enjoying the adult women who are confidants? Or does it not encroach enough on their stories to bother you?
yes and no.
I think Ren's allowed to be a dumb teen about olda girlz, but the attitude back is what might squick me out. Like death? She's clearly fucking with him whereas devil is.. well... Fake dating is one thing. But they do.. call it out. It's kinda yikes. It's very yikes. Temperance as well.
heres my thoughts, note that I just started palace... 6? The ship.
Fool: well..
Magician: Baby, darling, prince. You're so cute and perfect. I love that he cares, I love how he's passionate. He's the heart of the team, just after Chariot.
Priestess: Love her. She's so hardcore, I love how her resolve is so firm, and her introduction was just... mwah. She really does feel more like the leader of the operation tbh, and Ren is just the mascot.
Empress: princess, darling. She's such a wholly unnecessary member but she's amazing. She's so eager and determined, yet soft and thoughtful.
Emperor: I am SO autism aware of this guy. He's so fucking funny and he's so real. He's equal parts tragic and perfect, like some hammy actor but he's SO REAL. He's so passionate and in love with the world. Stop caring. Stop caring about the inherent beauty of the world and the people around you and your FRIENDS im going to CRY. Fox BOY fox BOY.
Hierophant: What a wonderful guy, I love how he slowly grows to really care about Ren, and he's so depth. I will honor your wishes and I won't even THINK about Futaba, sir. I promise.
Lovers: DARLING PRINCESS. So heartwarming, she's so brave and beautiful. She's so confidant and so true to herself, but she loves so much and cares so much MORE. Lady ANN lady of my HEART
Chariot: All around good boy with too big a heart and too big a mouth. He's so ride or die coded and he's so stupid but he's all heart. I love that he loves. He cares and he's so vocal about it. He had a huge dumb head about fame but it's all built on a foundation of love and dumb. NO filter and deserves 2/3s the whacks on the head he gets. But.. he is treated pretty foul sometimes. You're all idiots, he's just the only one who is brave enough to say it.
Justice: They could have written him a litttttllee better. I think he's great though, he's so fun.
Hermit: put some pants on, you're like 12.
Fortune: She's sweet! I like her! I don't love her tho, she's one of those auxiliary tarots. She's got some fun story integration tho, and ultimately her story is good.
Strength: I love them, actually. The game kinda gives them... an odd look, but they are fantastic. I love the animation where one of them kicks Ren into the Velvet Room. They're funny, I love their dynamic and I'm very interested to see what happens next.
Hanged Man: Surprisingly, I like him a lot. He's got a great story! I wish it wasn't locked behind such a huge stat requirement. His son needs a talk portrait tho.
Death: So wonderful, actually. She's so kind, and smart, and uuugh. holds her. I love how much she cares, even though she's got that dark attitude. Her story rings so true with the themes of the game. I know she has a route, but the whole time her taunting felt very "Im fucking with him"
Temperance: Hgh, I hate how good her perks are. It's really creepy, and I wish she was more openly done about the job around you. Even if her speech was deadpan or annoyed rather than customer servicey. I haven't gotten to her later stages yet, since other confidants are way more important, but of the adult women- she's.. kind of the worst as a position of authority, but the game brushes it off. I also kinda hate her attitude- ever since the beginning.
Devil: Yeah I was interested at first, but then the plot began and I noped out. I can tolerate temperance for the gameplay but this ain't it, buddy. The game straight up calls this out and treats it like a funny. Nope Nope Nope.
Tower: He's great actually, I love his lil' brother thing he has goin' on with Ren and how he fucks up but after talking with him, he gets it. He's a good kid, but he's got issues. the story with his mom is really interesting and the VA really sells him.
Star: I'm.. not sure how to feel about her yet. She seems nice. I'm not too deep in yet.
Moon: A great story actually, he might not be blorbo material for me but he's a really great character. He's got flaws, but he's got a good heart. I like how you don't steal his heart, but still have a heart-to-heart. Which is great for him. Real growth. Real good.
Sun: Surprisingly engaging! I reallllyyy liked it. Even when he texts you after the fact, he's still on your side. You really feel like he's firm on sticking to his own heart, and he's a great example of why the thieves do what they do and is a shining star (hey! wow!) and a solid pilliar of proof that people can change and that there are people who WANT change.
Judge: Not super sold on her, but she does well in her role. Apparently she was going to be your caretaker in the beta instead of Sojiro, which is a neat fact.
Faith: So far so good, I know she's royal exclusive, so we'll see where she goes. She's very pretty.
Councillor: He's really kind, but he's.. up to something. I'm very very interested to see what they do with him.
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sugaroto · 5 months
No one asked but I'll give some lore on Ksit and Dog (my first ever ocs that I created when I was like 4) which were literally my right and left hand anthropomorphized in the imagination of a child
So, που λέτε. The plot changed a lot of times with a lot of uh... Time traveling (not canon, I think) cause I didn't know what was going on either
Ksit and Dog (PS I didn't know English he's not named dog🐶 he's named Ντογκ)were twins but in their world twins were forbidden cause people thought twins were evil and like, had evil plans to mock or fool people, with their evil plans
So they threw the babies away in an island, which was like, απέναντι. Either the parents went there with a boat to abandon the babies or, they like put them in a little boat to send them there idk
Now here's where the plot gets confusing. Cause I remember being a kid, Ksit and Dog worked in.... A studio? I'm not sure what the fuck was happening but it was technically my body, cause Γλωθθας (Tongue, mispronounced) was like the boss/god of the boys. I think Ksit might have been famous, but bc they were keeping their twiness a secret they might have been changing places idk
I picked favorites honestly and I don't think I liked dog very much...
... Also ksit had a second job undersea, like, he went to the sea, opened a door and went underground in a lab where there were miniatures of everyone and I think he was like, controlling? Or like looking after them, I'm not sure
Maybe dog messed reality once and that's why I don't like him idk
But like, idk if that's canon in the story, cause at some point
They do end up in the island (oh yeah not sure if this was clear, they weren't there so far)
Maybe they run away? Oh maybe the people found out about their double identity and they run away or something idk
But yeah, thing is they weren't babies when they went to the island and for some reason they were strong and smart
So at some point the find or see parents leaving their babies there
And they take care of them and raise them and at some point theres a whole mini town of kid twins and the bosses Ksit and Dog
Also they tame the wild animals like Leon or Leonard the lions, and I think they can speak with them cause they grew up there
Also not sure how timing works cause I'm pretty sure I never considered ksit and Dog old adults but there were kid twins they raised at like their 12-15 or something which I considered teenagers
I guess ksit and Dog were like in their 20s
Actually no. They didn't age. They were always an... age. Not sure what age
At some point I did give them girlfriends. I don't remember where they came from maybe they were homeless but they spawned in the island one day I think their names were Lily and Lila or something
I think by the end there's like a revolution or something or the people realize the law banning twins is stupid cause they go back to get their kids back
And ksit and Dog live with their parents at some point and I think the girls are neighbors
Now that I have written everything down, probably for the first time ever. I have a lot of plot holes lmao. Cause they lived in... The town? For a while but besides Tongue I don't remember them having parents but then I just made them roommates
Forgot to mention tho, the secondary characters Ksitdog and Dogksit which were my legs... They worked in the studio. I think they... Look the studio was my body, they might have been walls. Cause I was sitting on the floor. Or like helpers? For each hand idk idk
But they no longer existed after the studio arc disappeared
You know. This story was ongoing since I was 4 to like 11 (just repeating itself with very little progress when I was bored and just like thinking about them) well like, I thought this when I was trying to sleep so yeah
But if I have to guess now or like make the plot better I'd say maybe the law happened bc ksit and Dog fooled the people with whatever they were doing in the studio
Or you know I could make tongue the father who tried to hide the kids but like making then swap places but then they were found out and sent away
Okay enough
At this point I just want to apologize to any twins existing out there
I'm sorry the imaginary town in my head banned you cause of your evil plans
Not only was I a cringe teenager I was also a cringe toddler, why couldn't I have made a cool story with dragons or something why did I ban the twins
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gae-bug · 6 months
A slight hyper fixation is forming on the movie coco so here are some things I jotted down while rewatching it last night.
-We first see Dante next to a shop that sells a bunch of alebrijes
-miguel commenting on how cool de la curz’s guitar is And how his fav song is remember me little does he know that that's hectors guitar and the song he wrote for coco, also he knew they were connected in some way
-they keep up with the dimple only on one side thingy
-the talent of this kid for being able to make a functioning guitar from scraps lying around is fucking amazing, even if his shine for de la curz is a stong fire hazzard-
-learnt by just watching and hearing without actually being taught!!!?!?!?! Bro is insanely good
-"I'm gonna play even if it kills me!" The universe took that a Lil to literally lol
-oh Dante, he shall always be my favorite animal character in a movie
-the collective gasp
-at least Miguel's dad showed some sing of 'okay this is a little to far’ when she went to smash the gitaur
-the way he folds the picture the opposite way, so instead of Hector being the one left out its Imelda
-just casually stealing from the dead, smart move tho with the fire work.
-I like that the petals start to flicker
-how did people realize it was missing so fast bro
-"oh hey Miguel.….😨😨😨😨”
-the city in the land of the dead is so pretty but would also be terrifying as someone who is afraid of heights.
-Hector has no eyebrows, he does got some sick move tho
-I love that everybody's afraid of imelda lol
-imaging still having to work a service job in the after life-
-again Dante is my favorite
-Hector has a broken rib
-I also love Hector's confusion, he's like tf u mean that asshole has KIDSS!!!?!?!!?!??!
-Hector’s guitar has a golden tooth just like him!
-Dante being the best count like 15 lol
-would all these dancer s also get in legal trouble for faking unibrows or do they get a pass bc it was a celebrities idea?
-coresction, Hector had SEVERAL broken ribs.
-"what do you know" alot buddy, A LOT.
-bro took his femur, and DIDNT RETURN IT-
-okay, ik I said Hector had no eyebrows and that is true but basically nobody else really does either but it's more noticeable to me on Hector because of him taking off the fake eyebrows.
-the fucking detail on Miguels face, you can see his skin through the face paint as if it was real.
-the foreshadowing from looking at the shot glasses, one dunk, one still full.
-the nuns are also playing remember me before they even said that everybody is playing it
-one of his arm and one of his leg bones are also being held together by what I think is gauze? Idk it's blue it might be ribbon.
-I love hectors excitement when migeul stars playing poco loca, especially considering that it was most likely a song HE wrote about Imelda
-he called Miguel's musical fantasy stupid bc his got him killed.
-skeleton horses have been spotted, plus 10 points(I say as if I'm keeping a point counter lmao)
-him laughing and genuinely having fun with people who actually enjoyed his music
-he looks better as a skeleton low key- (de la cruz)
- yk there's a thing called stairs Miguel…
-the shock on del la curz’s face bc he knows he DID NOT have children, but he sees this as an opportunity to get more famous so he runs with it
- notice how he doesn't mention him leaving his family bc he didn't leave a family
-can't believe this dude has pools in the shape of the gitaur that he murdered his best friend for.
-he murdered his best friend, stole his guitar, stole his songs AND profited off his death by putting in a move and making himself seem like the victim in that situation.
-all Hector cares about is seeing his daughter one last time
-takes his guitar before Hector even hits the ground.
-when Imelda says I give you my blessing the petal lights up but when de la curz says it the petals stays normal
-as soon as de la curz is meant to be seen as the bad guy you see him in green and purple lighting, colors Disney like to use for villains.
-even though he is fading hectors first priority was comforting miguel
-seeing Hector with skin is weird to me for some reason, maybe it's just because I'm so used to seeing him without it.
-Dante very well has over a hundred points for being the best at this point
-hector holding his hat like a sad wet cat.
-Imelda has earings but no ears-
-"she’s talking about me! I'm the love of your life!?" One of my favorite moments lol
-bro was stupid enough to keep the photo in his pocket.
-"I don't know what I said" "that's what I heard 🤭😏"
-'that's interesting yk why,’ 'why?' 'Because- *runs away*' seriously tho the run he does lmao
-this entire family got moves bro, and are also very good at avoiding the cops.
-I hate this fucking asshole
-dont you fucking call him 'old freond' you fucking bitch
-yes boo him off the stage! Throw your tomatoes!!!!
-bell: 2 Ernesto: 0
-you can start to see Miguel's skull through his skin
-her earrings are just pierced through her cheekbones-
-he follows the petals home
-"not all of us" STOPPPPP.
-I'm glad they didn't try to make it seem like he was singing perfectly and instead had it so you can hear the tears in his voice
-it's dirty gauze and duct tape that's holding his bones together btw
- it's been a year and bro has not gotten better clothes.
Edit: ok hector actually did get some slightly better clothes I think but like they are very similar to his old clothes and seem a lot worse compared to the rest of his family’s
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eternalpassions · 10 months
I used to be really hard on Yuuki and don’t get me wrong she still kind of annoys me sometimes but I learned to appreciate her and give her more grace. Yes, she’s naive to her detriment sometimes but it is because of this softness she has that she’s able to unconditionally love Kaname and try to understand him when no one else did. Even if you disregard the romance, she was the one who never gave up on him and never stopped caring about him. She did some pretty crazy things for Kaname too if you think about it. She didn’t want him throwing his heart in the furnace despite the fact that humanity needed it. That’s a really big deal. She would basically sacrifice humanity to have Kaname alive. In vkm she was in a depressive state and considering murdering all purebloods so she could revive Kaname again willing to put aside her previous beliefs to have Kaname alive.
I know that was a hard time for her but it really shows where her heart is at. She is also similar to Kaname in a way because she has more goals and desires in life than simply romance. This is something both sides don’t really consider but it’s very easy to miss but it’s there. I don’t even think she’s aware of it herself. She just helps without expecting anything in return because it’s her nature.
She spent a big portion of her life trying to help people and she took on the job of a politician even tho it’s not her thing. I wish vkm did more favors to her and focused on her development as an individual lol it is what it is. The main series even said she learned to be affectionate from Kaname and he inspired her coexistence beliefs. It’s good to have opposites together because they bring different things to the table. If we had Kaname be with a “strong” female then that wouldn’t have ended well I mean look at him and the Hooded woman xD Besides the idea of what a strong female is so complex and different to each person.
Not only that but she is brave enough to love Kaname while being able to call him out when he’s in the wrong like she did many times in the manga and he loved her for that too. Her morals were pretty consistent throughout the manga which is pretty cool. She’s a bit idealistic but that’s a good thing we need the positivity. The only times she almost strayed from her morals are when it comes to Kaname and he stops her or in vkm when she was so frustrated at the vampire king wannabe (forgot the exact plot line lol) that she almost killed him and ultimately it was Kaname who stopped her and reminded her of who she is and cuz he didn’t ever want her to lose her sweetness and light like he did. Yuuki might not be academically smart but she ultimately has a good heart and she was brave enough to step up and be a leader and take action. Oh and forgot that she’s a good mother to Ai too. It must have been hard being alone but she did it and made it through. This is especially surprising given the fact in the original series she never mentioned wanting kids. Idk if this was intentional but she ended up maybe surprising herself and stepping up to become a mother and become more mature
Might add to it later
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fiskesprett · 3 months
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*crowd boos* yea ok so i know i owe a lot of threads rn and as someone who is in as big of a debt as i am i have no place bringing in another muse but also i have no self control so. yeah im back with jaden fanning who's really the face of the formerly gifted child! he's an allara native paired with an unhealthy dose of escapism which brings him to terra! ...for work, of course! you know the drill: hit that LIKE button and i'll come running for plots again!
aquarius sun / virgo moon / libra rising
born and raised in los angeles! he's got a cookie cutter life with upper middle class parents who stuck together and 3 sisters, 1 older and 2 younger, and they're all relatively close in age! being the middle child and only boy means he basically gets to do anything he wants so even though his sisters pretty much gang up on him, life is pretty breezy honestly
jaden's also a really smart kid and he's one of those weirdos who genuinely enjoys maths so he really excelled in school! him and his sisters are all pretty high achievers in general, so growing up in that environment really helped foster his education
he gets into the compsci program in whatever version of mit is present a millennium later in allara and this is really where his life starts! living away from his childhood home, he was really able to break out of his mould! it's very much like if you've always been a class clown in hs, people expect you to only be a class clown and similarly in his home, people expected him to be jaden, their son / brother / whiz kid, but for once he was really able to just be whoever and do whatever he wanted!
absolutely bombs his first yr in uni thanks to his newfound freedom ( tho bomb in his family's standards is like a B- ) so his parents start calling, sisters start teasing him, everyone starts to get a little concerned for him and he kinda doesn't like disappointing people so he locks in! one thing he's learnt from this tho is that he kind of realises that he can never really be who he wants to be fully, because his family will always kind of be hovering over him ( like family ought to do but yk men n their need for independence )
anw he graduates thankfully and manages to snag an internship with allara's version of terrascape ( allarascape or sumn idk ) as an engineer! has been working there since and he's got some good critical thinking, work ethic & he's got an easygoing personality so he climbs the ranks pretty easily!!
only for things to grow so mundane again? his now 5y old job is very reminiscent of his childhood, how he's now shelved as a can-do engineer and everyone knows and expects him to always act in a certain way
at this point he starts looking for other jobs ( doesn't tell his parents tho bc they'd call him crazy and talk him out of it considering allara(scape) is like. the biggest company in allara im guessing ) and around sometime end of last year, he finds an opening at his company to transfer to terra as an inter-server compatibility engineer! it genuinely felt like the perfect opportunity for him so he applied immediately
doesn't tell his parents until he actually gets approved for the job and is told that he needs to relocate in like a month, and his parents are naturally sad about losing their son but he convinces them like hey, it's only semi-permanent and he can come back anytime if he doesn't like it, he's only doing this to move up in his career and what better way than to be in touch with the other part of his culture ( all lies btw he just wants some excitement in his life ) and his parents eat it up so they agree that he should take the job
but yes! that brings him to terra! he's moved over to the server for about a month or so now so he's literally a fresh face!
personality-wise jaden is really easygoing and has a very try anything once type of mentality! recently, he's been getting into the music of terra ( ngl he found it a lil rocky at the start but it's grown on him ), the games ( iron fist rocks btw ) and their cool dating app, but yeah he'll literally try anything to keep himself entertained!
in saying so jaden bores very easily... he's truly an aquarius at heart in that he loves to try new things but he also learns very quickly and gets bored of them once he does, so he'll run through many different hobbies and interests until he runs out then that jaded feeling leading into escapism comes creeping back in... luckily he's only on his first month in terra tho so the shine's gonna stay for at least 1-2 years still!
ironic but maybe the reason why he bores easily is because he's fostered a pretty boring life for himself 😖 definitely a lot more boy-next-door compared to some of the muses here so really, he's just your typical dude!
considering the event that just concluded i should also say that he's a terra glazer, given that he works with the code he does find it hard to admit that there's anything wrong with the code so if your muse is out here saying that terra is lying and all that he's treating them like scientists treat covid deniers : >> will kinda write them off eek but in saying this he's also not very self-aware lol prob rates himself pretty high on the nice, down to earth scale so take that how you will
you'd never imagine that i'd be able to rattle on about some random guy uve met on the street yet here we are... anw here's some plot bunnies for ya!
i'd love for him to kinda meet anyone working @ terrascape! whether it be thru their mentor-mentee program or if they're chillin at the canteen tgt, he's ur man! he also likes going out for tgif drinks w his colleagues so !
as i said he's getting used to a lot in terra so you can definitely find him in random spots across town! whether it be the quaint bakery no one knows about or that coffee shop everyone knows AND WARNS everyone about! i assume culture is quite different between servers too so maybe he does something that's a little outside of the culture of terra? like if he tries to tip a waiter and they find him rude as hell... ye come educate this white man
honestly he's really getting into iron fist at the moment so i can see him gaming a lot! would love for him to have gaming friends he met thru iron fist and maybe your muse has decided to take pity on this literal noob lol... maybe even games other than iron fist while we're here? he's really trying anyth rn gang! while we're at it i'm also looking for someone he's a big fan of!
speaking of fans and celebrities, he's a compatibility engineer btwn terra and allara, so your muse has thought to transfer to allara briefly for a tour / to go on holiday? he doesn't usually deal with the customer aspect of things and is more present behind the scenes, but maybe bc your muse is famous the ceo employs "a professional" to handle the case and greet you so you feel special and feel enticed to keep spending your merits using this service
he's also been getting used to coach rn so maybe you've matched w him! watch him bring u around to the lamest places bc he doesn't know any place...😌
because he's moved here for his job, (allara)scape's also placed him in the megabuildings! neighbour plots would be kinda cute huh?
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spidercrusadersworld · 10 months
hiii!! I'm here to ask about Maya🕵🏽
I'm curious about her age, since she was married and had a job at some stage which is really cool!! I keep forgetting that point and imagining she's like.. 18 which I'm not sure is right😅 unless maya and jade were like child prodigies or something🤔
SPEAKING OF JADE, how did the 2 meet? who asked out who? who proposed? what was their wedding and wedding outfits like👀👀
(unrealted: I'm kinda curious what maya and fern's (my spidersona) dynamic would be like if they ever met. they're both characters who suffer through a lot of grief and idk I think it would be interesting)
sorry for the word vomit🏃🏽‍♀️
That’s a good question! To be honest, when I made Maya’s backstory, I never actually considered what age she would be. But in my mind, the education system in Mayas universe is different, as well as the average age of employment and marriage. Keep in mind, Maya is not Married, but she was engaged. (Tho I don’t blame you for thinking that I’m pretty sure at one point I said she was married)
So I imagine that high school is instead of further learning, taking notes, ect, it’s hands on learning applying what you’ve learned. In Mayas universe, elementary school is very effective, it covers most high school topics, of course there are more traditional schools that students can choose to go to, but they mean that you are less likely to get a steady job, most people go to those kinds of schools, but some, like maya, found the thought of the hands on experience, more beneficial than sitting in a desk all day writing stuff down. But to be honest, most people who go to “schools for higher education” are forced to by parents. In these high schools, you are given an option of three subjects you excelled at in elementary, and you get to choose the one you are the most passionate about.
For maya that was biological sciences. Where she was partnered with Jade at age fourteen Both of them chose to go to the schools of higher education, and had seen each other around there elementary school for higher education. Maya may or may not have had a major crush on Jade, but never said anything due to social anxiety. But when given the option to choose a lab partner, Jade b-lined to maya.
Maya assumed it was for any other reason than the fact that she had any positive emotions towards maya, and often lost sleep wondering why a popular, smart, cute NO CAPABLE girl, would choose an anxiety ridden mess like her, over all the other popular and smart guys in the class.
Jade was very outgoing, and was very good at reading people. Maya was quiet and curious. So when Maya was thinking of something but was to nervous to say it, Jade could get her to say it, not in a forceful way, in a natural way, that made her feel heard and valued. And when Jade would go rambling on with theory’s Maya would be right there with her, admiring her innovating and different way of thinking. I wouldn’t be wrong to say that they where perfect for each other. You really couldn’t blame Maya for developing feelings.
One day Maya really wanted to ask Jade out on a date. Jade could tell something was up, so she as usual, encouraged maya to get it off her chest, and was quite pleasantly surprised when Maya had very nervously (she found her tripping over her words very cute and endearing) asked her out on a date. And she said yes.
So they went out, on a date to get bubble tea, and they hit. It. Off! they have many common interest, and on the walk back home, when passing the alchemax building, they see large vibrantly coloured spider, spinning a glowing web. Jade getting curious, trappes the spider in a container, and is about to poke holes in it, when they see it jutting out solid sharp, almost needle like strands of webbing, to poke out holes itself.
That is what finally gets maya to agree to take it back to the lab for further observation. The high schools for higher education are different, due to the fact that, if your project gets noticed by someone, they might ask to hire you and have your project funded in a better place with better equipment for further studies. Meaning that you can graduate early and continue being employed for doing your field of study.
And that’s exactly what happened with Jade and maya. Just over three months after finding the spider, they where payed top dollar to continue researching it under employment at Alchemax. It was more than either of them could ever dare hope for, so of course they took the job. And at fifteen years old they where both official employees at the most prestigious scientific lab in the UKA (United Kingdoms of America). Their official tittle being Bioharmonic Alchemist (remember all science and math sounds like magic in her universe)
They continued to date for four years, Jade was working on the bus since she was thirteen, and after meeting Maya they started to work on it together, by the age of eighteen it was finally finished. so at the age of nineteen Maya proposed to Jade in the forest, amongst all the colossal trees, she said yes. Maya got bit the Jade died when she was just under the age of twenty, and by the time the stories start with Peter, she is twenty two and a half. BOOM TIMELINE.
As for fern, it’s hard to find her whole narrative by looking on your page, could you maybe give me a run down of her character so far, just so that I can see it all in one place (and assume I will draw the two of them together lol) anyway thank you so much for asking, any more questions are TOTALLY welcome! I love sharing Mayas story with people! I know it’s HELLA LONG so I thought I would leave it here and then go into fern later, if you could reblog this with a rundown of her backstory, personality, lore, abilities, likes and dislikes ect, I would love to go into further detail about her relationship, sorry this took so long btw!
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kwangyanese · 5 months
idc i thought this was funny as hell. i personally find that flamboyant gay men can be annoying sometimes but seokcheon is an exception (it's so exagerated it becomes funny in a good way), and considering how other episodes go i thought this was pretty light hearted, they really went easy on the boys. and you could tell riize was extremely nervous and not knowing how to react but they were just going with the flow. also kinda smart of them to make this 2 episodes and cut right when it's wonbin's turn, who i think is the one most viewers were waiting for & the one seokcheon is obsessed with. i get the feeling the next episode is gonna be 30 mins full of wonbin just to get as many views as possible lol 🤣 i get the hustle tho
now i saw sooooo many briizes being homophobic to the hosts and to riize themselves on twt and yt comments. which is hilarious cos if you click on their profile it's full of riize x reader smut or them thirsting over them. this is my problem being in a fandom with young people like what type of backwards thinking is that are you twelve. and saying they were forced to go there when shotaro literally asked to be invited and wonbin watched the episodes that seokcheon namedropped him??? like cmon now these are grown ass men. if they didn't want to go they wouldn't have.
now on reactions... personally i enjoy when the guests are not flustered or shy and actually fully play along, after all this show is basically some guy complimenting you over and over, just own it. i was actually surprised shotaro and sungchan got shy lol especially considering they were in a group with jungwoo who has a similar personality to the main host. taro looked really nice up close, i wish he wasnt wearing contact lenses tho :( and btw what a missed oportunity of showing his legs properly!!!!! like slow down man wonbin's not going anywhere. sungchan showing his abs is great actually #kingoffanservice, if i had a 8 pack i would never wear a shirt. he's soooo pretty up close, seokcheon saying he is as beautiful as a woman is SOOOO real.
i thought it was hilarious that sohee acted like a deer in headlights lol and the hosts teased him a lot being basically predators vs prey (loved the lion vs antelope comparison), which was kinda nice. however when seokcheon asked sohee to touch his head you could tell he would rather cut his hand off with a dull knife 😭 poor lil guy was disgusted
eunseok acted exactly the way i like it and he only broke character once <3 he actually looks very pretty up close. anton was having the time of his life when he was sitting down and really stepped up when it was his turn, even if you could tell he was still a lil embarassed. i hope they never give him a nose job lol
overall they were laughing a lot and the atmosphere didn't seem tense, so it's a success in my eyes. if they were to bring another bg there i hope it's zb1, i would kill to see hanbin up close.
also it'd be so nice if there was a lesbian version of this show 😭😭😭😭😭😭 there is so many pretty girls that i'd love to see up close.
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