#that was not a hair clip in the other piece it was the node things
citrine-elephant · 28 days
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in case of emergency, break glass
...or, uh.... maybe we should look at leon's files, first....
(the many directional scars -> when he was protecting ada from simmons)
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
Maybe it should be made of cloth?  More of a choker than a torque?
Could you do two versions that are used based on whatever works best for a particular render?
And this is out of curiosity since I'm pretty ignorant of 3D art - can you make things like... not-very-conforming and moderately-conforming and quite-conforming and such? (Or am I thinking of more fabric-related workings that would not be relevant to rigging his choker?)
Alternatively you could adapt it from the single-piece object it is in the game to something formed of smaller parts - plates or beads (I googled "gold choker necklace" and there's some pretty good ideas there) or maybe even something like one of those 90s tattoo choker necklaces but with really wide "wires" - so it's still smooth metal but the conforming wouldn't look out of place or distored. ..
... But I do realize this might not be worth the work or even doable xD
So, ‘conforming’ means that the geometry follows the mesh it’s fitted to - that means if Asra twists his neck or bends his head back, the choker will deform, like stretchy fabric that has somehow been pasted to his neck. Unfortunately, that will happen regardless of the material I am simulating - stretching and compressing of the texture is a HUGE problem with conforming items. However, conforming does best reproduce the coat-of-paint look it has in the canon art, which ignores physics. xD
Here’s an example with a conforming ribbon choker in my assets library:
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Asra’s hair has SO MUCH GEOMETRY that it looks black in wireframe lmao
What @sheepshapedfluff​ is saying is actually very interesting, because theoretically you could make a choker out of a bunch of small pieces of geometry attached to rigid follow nodes (that is, you stick each bit to follow a particular polygon on his neck and not deform), but yeah that’s a redonk amount of work and it won’t stop the bits from colliding with each other in weird overlapping ways orz
A rigid torq that roughly follows the shape of the neck is probably my best bet. I can then stick it to rigid follow nodes on the front, back, and sides of his neck to make sure it more or less follows his pose, then make fine adjustments with the transform tool or even Zbrush, so it doesn’t clip. It won’t have that close-fitting painted-on look, but it can have the engraved details without them getting distorted.
This was actually super helpful, I was having some trouble walking myself through it. Thanks, (gnc) guys! :D
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wildishmazz · 5 years
Who's that body?
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I've seen a few people guess Chakotay, and that could be his uniform, but if it's a named character we've previously met I reckon it's Icheb.
Most superficially, he's too skinny to be Chakotay. Seven's arms wouldn't reach so far around his shoulders. His hair doesn't quite look right either, and though his face is mostly obscured, enough of his forehead is visible beyond his hairline that I think his tattoo would be visible.
Considering the known and popularly speculated elements of the franchise at the focus of this series, Seven sobbing over a dead Chakotay would be too irrelevant to include in the trailer.
This clip immediately follows a voiceover of Picard saying "The past is written", and shows her for the only time in any of the trailers so far with her hair looking one of the ways it did on Voyager. The implication would seem to be that it's a flashback. The next time we hear from her, she says in voiceover that she helps people who have no-one else to help them, and the next we see her, she's Ripleying her way through what looks like the Borg-to-Android processing facility with guns blazing. The further implication would seem to be that the two incidents are both subsequent and consequent. She's become a badass vigilante liberator because of the dead body from the past.
If it was Chakotay, why would his death spur her to fight for the ex-Borg?
More broadly, we are not yet so gender equal as a society that a woman being spurred to action by the death of a lover is viewed the same way, and will have the same impact, as a man being spurred to action by the death of a lover. It will still be more impactful and resonant to a massive chunk of the audience for a woman to be spurred to action by the death of a child.
It's easier to refer to maternal instinct than try to convince everybody that she felt as protective of her man as the stereotypical man does of his woman.
Seven did not have children, biologically. But she did pretty much adopt the four Borg children Voyager found that one time, including a teenaged boy, Icheb. He remained on Voyager when the other three were rehomed on the planet one of them(Mezoti) had originally come from. He came to earth.
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They seem to remember that he existed, as evidenced by the shot of her shooting up the android factory, in which her cortical node(on the end of her eyebrow implant) is particularly prominent. That's a component Icheb donated to her, to save her life, risking his own in the process(though it turned out he didn't really need it because he hadn't been fully assimilated yet when they found him). She very nearly didn't let him do it.
Icheb looked almost completely deassimilated, the last time we saw him. From behind he looked completely humanoid. He looked like the body she's cradling in that clip. And if he, a young man she felt responsible for and protective of, had been murdered for his Borg tech like all the other drones seem to be being, that would work to put her on the warpath to save others like him.
Now the thorny thing is that Manu Intiraymi, who played Icheb, has turned out to be a really nasty piece of work in real life. I don't like the thought of him being included in the show, or any Star Trek iteration.
However. If Icheb's only appearance is in a flashback where he's a teenager, Intiraymi is too old to play him. And if he's dead, he can't come back for any further appearances. He's been fridged. So... yay?
Of course, it's entirely possible that they just won't mention the body's name at all.
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naberiie · 7 years
Unconventional Piloting Maneuvers 
(or, how Rabé discovers that Fives does not, in fact, have his piloting licence)
✧ Star Wars Fictober Challenge, Day 4: Flight ✧
[1.2k words (?!), inspired by a conversation with @evaceratops about Fives’ horrible, horrible piloting ‘skills’ - no specific mission or planet. Just a couple of nerds doing their best!]
Rabé ducked around the corner, Fives hot on her heels – and directly behind him, cursing in three languages she knew and four she didn’t, were six extremely angry Zygerrians. Her grip tightened on the tiny disk in her palm.
As one let out a particularly impressive volley of Huttese curses directed towards Rabé’s father, she yelled back to the ARC, “I thought you said the cost was clear!”
“It was!” Fives shouted back, but she could tell he was close to whooping in pure excitment as he leapt ahead of her on the narrow streets, cleaving a path through the confused crowds, his kama snapping madly about his legs. “They must’ve left something at the bar, come back to get it – there were no other patrols scheduled!”
Rabé suppressed a groan as the landing docks came into view, rising tall and imposing above the market square. She pushed herself faster, the cold desert air lashing her hair into a frenzy, “What about a lookout? You were supposed to be the lookout-”
A market stall on her right burst into flames, blast bolts shredding the fabric lining of the tent. Screams erupted around them as red bolts rained around them. Fives spared the tent only a moment’s glance – the owner blessedly out – before he burst into a delighted cackled, “Looks like they’ve found some heat!”
Rabé risked a glance over her shoulder, and sure enough, their pursuers had drawn heavy blasters. Trandoshan make, made for big game hunting. From a distance. And set up on a support. She smirked, raising her eyebrow as they struggled to keep pace. “Lucky for us, they don’t seem to be very good shots!” Her lungs were aching, but the adrenaline snapped through her blood, too. “We have to get out of the way! They might hurt someone!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll give ‘em something to shoot at!” Fives cackled again, cheering them onwards – his bulk cut a clean path for her to follow, and by now the shuffling market customers had scrambled out of the way. Another round of dense blaster fire tore through the stone outer walls of the landing dock, and Rabé ducked through the entrance just before a massive piece collapsed behind her. Their ship, a run-of-the-mill junker, waited serenely for them, entirely unaware of the excitement they were bringing.
“You take the guns – I’m flying!” Fives called, punching the controls to the ramp and not waiting for it to unlock before grabbing her and hoisting her into the slowly widening space. She scrambled upright, the textured grips of the ramp biting into her palms, and ran for the cockpit as he followed, punching the controls for the ramp before it had even hit the ground.
A shot nearly clipped Fives in the shoulder, but he rolled at the last second, jeering at the angry Zygerrians as the scrambled over each other in their attempts to disable the ship. “Are we ready?”
Rabé was already standing at the sights, the mechanism pulled down – the ship’s controls were hot and live. Fives tore off his bucket and leapt into the captain’s chair as blaster fire snapped into their shields, sending showers of sparks and dust down the viewports. He jerked the controls and the ship lurched into the sky, a ‘ramp open’ alarm blaring in their ears.
And not a moment too soon – it seemed the Zygerrians had finally figured out their tech, setting it up, aiming for them – Rabé watched through the scopes as two – wait, where are the –
Another ship roared to life behind theirs. And then another – each piloted by two snarling Zygerrians, their ears pressed flat against their heads.
“…Fives?” She called, trying to keep her voice and grip on the weapons system steady. “We’ve got incoming!”
“I see ‘em!” He looked back at her and flashed her a reassuring grin. “You knock ‘em down, I’ll distract ‘em.”
She barely had time to agree before Fives snapped the controls hard to stern and the nose of their ship obeyed, as he hit the accelerator and they shot upwards. Rabé’s grip on the weapons system was the only thing keeping her from flying to the opposite end of the cockpit. She opened her mouth to yell at him before they listed to port, and her feet found the deck again. It was a lucky thing indeed that she hadn’t eaten much at the bar – the contents of her stomach would probably have been making a reappearance by now.
She forced her back to the viewport, the dizzying view of the marketplace and landing pad and city almost enough to make her collapse, and narrowed her eyes at the two pursuers, both in sleeker, faster starships. She’d modified the guns herself, though – they responded to her every touch, the shots slicing through the air at her command. She managed to clip one, but instead of careening to the surface or bursting into flames, a new astromech model immediately set to work. Rabé’s face twisted in annoyance, even though the little guy was just doing its job. Or maybe her face twisted from sky-sickness – Fives was pressing the ship faster, steeper, harder, she could feel it shaking around them as he pushed it to its limits – and then some.
He jerked starboard and nearly flipped them into a barrel-roll, and Rabé could not have said if that had been intentional or not. “We just gotta make it out of the atmosphere and then we can punch it back to Republic space!”
She also did not know how he could speak and pilot – or what he called piloting – at the same time. She grunted in response and then, giving up on the perfect clean shot, simply held down the activation node and sent a spray of return fire in the direction of their pursuers.
The little astromech couldn’t compete with that. Down one went, and it pushed the other into a frenzy – the pilot trying to match Fives’ reckless flying. He jeered at them before nosediving back down to the surface, and once again, Rabé’s grip on the machine – now white-knuckled and aching – was the only thing that kept her relatively tethered to one place.
The ship shook, complaining, alarms and system malfunctions of every kind blaring as they shot straight up – and then they were free of the planet’s atmosphere with a heart-stopping boom. Fives whooped in triumph and punched in the hyperspace coordinates – and the stars stretched, and they were flying level for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
Fives leaned back in the pilot’s seat and sighed, grinning madly to himself, before he spun around and leapt up for her.
“Did you get it? The intel?” His eyes were bright and shining as his hands found her hips, a wide, madly happy grin plastered on his face. His hands were the only thing keeping her upright – her body hadn’t yet seemed to realize they weren’t still spasmodically ‘flying’ through the atmosphere.
She nodded and held up the little drive and Fives let out a delighted cheer. He leaned in for a triumphant ‘succesful mission completed’ kiss, but instead of her lips, met Rabé’s outstretched hand instead. “…Rabé-?”
“Next time,” she wheezed, looking decidedly dazed and more than a little sky-sick, “I’m flying.”
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We’ve Gone Way too Fast for Way too Long (Part Four) (Final)
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Pairing: Sister!Reader x Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
Words: 2,960
Based Off: This imagine
Forever Tag: @capandbuck @bummblebeeblue @sarbear429 @bea789 @xtina2191 @lovethefandomsuniverse @evyiione @trustnobodyshootfirst @motleymoose @thegoodhunterrr5 @bookaddictedhedgehog @gurlwitafro @ohmystars30 @aquabrie @fanboyswhereare-you @percussiongirl2017 @dionnemaria @sherlockslove112 @sesshomaru-lover @freaksforthewin @neishax-butler @hi-pixzza @cookee50 @captainidjit @imasunflower13 @clairedelalune @lovelife-tothefullest @dylcole @exploratiionist @dolliegirl16 @aworldwideapart @i-want-to-be-watered-by-roger @captainaudreystark@swimmer-sarcasm @almightunnie @winchesterswantmypie 
Warnings: Knives, blood, guns, drugs, someone getting knifed, some people get shot
Author’s Note: Here it is! The last and final part to my sister!reader x Jax Teller series! I’m glad you all loved it so much as I have. I would’ve loved to have a crossover between the two shows, but SOA has been over for a while (and it seems like supernatural won’t ever end). Now that this little series is over, I will be finishing up my Demon!Dean one and then finally finishing Standford!Sam. I hope you all have an amazing Sunday! The title is taken from Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy. – Haley xx
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
I gasped loudly as the sharp smack of a hand across my cheek woke me up. A hand snaked its way to the back of my head and pulled on my hair, making my head snap up. “Well, look who’s awake.” My eyes opened to see Romeo Parada crouching down to my eye level.  “Y/N Winchester, Prince Jax’s old lady. It’s an honor to have you in my den.”
“Your den?” I asked him. I tore my eyes away from Parada and looked around at the run-down barn I was inside. Besides Parada, there were three more people pacing around us, and the one that had the iron grip on my ponytail. “This can’t be your den,” I sputtered out. “That would mean you were a….”
He laughed. “A werewolf. Exactly.”
I glared at him. “How many more members of the Galindo are wolves?”
“Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but all. See, we were doing good to hide it too. No one suspects that the bite marks and missing bodies to werewolves when the Galindo is running all over the west coast supplying that sweet cocaine to everyone. But Jax fucking Teller and the SAMCRO jackass bring you around and I knew who you were Y/N, the first time I laid eyes on you.”
“Because you’re a piece of shit,” I spat into his face.
“No,” Parada chuckled, running a hand down my leg and cuffing my calf, “because I gave you that scar.”
That night flashed in front of my eyes as I kicked him away. I tried to move but the hand that had a hold of me kept me still. It was a few years ago, I was only nineteen. Dad had found a case in Arizona about chupacabras, expect it wasn’t and they were werewolves.
I don’t remember a lot about the fight that broke out between me and my family, just that the pack leader was vicious and more wolf than man, and he tried to kill me. That werewolf grabbed me as I was refilling my gun clip and tried to drag me back to its den. I managed to kick it off before it scratched me.
“Are you surprised to see me?” he asked.
“I’d rather be dead,” I said.
“Well, I can’t grant that request,” He said, standing up, “but I have something better for a Winchester.”
“Oh yeah, and what would that be.”
Romeo Parada laughed loudly as he walked over to the barn doors and opened them up. The Galindo was standing out there, as far as the eye could see. All of them wolfed out. “Becoming my new pet.”
Jax’s Point of view
I was squeezed into the back of Dean and Sam’s impala along with Juice and Opie. Clay had everyone else surrounding the warehouse and a few prospects stationed in the woods around it. With the Galindo being caught up in all of this, it means we need extra protecting. Especially now that Y/N is missing.
Her brothers said that she went off after a werewolf on her own and they weren’t able to track her down. Dean and Sam, hell, even Y/N put up a convincing argument about how werewolves and other things are real and that they hunt them, but it’s not true. It can’t be true.
Dean pulled up to the warehouse and we all got out. I fished my gun out from my waistband and watched Dean and Sam do the same thing. “It’s too quiet,” Opie said.
I nodded my head, “Where’s the prospect that was watching from earlier?” I asked, looking around.
“There was no one that was here when Y/N brought us,” Sam said. “Your prospect must be gone.”
“Or turned,” Dean put in.
Juice and I crept towards the warehouse doors and threw them open. It was empty. “Juice, check the cargo,” I said.
He nodded and ran towards the back room where we kept the cocaine the Galindo had trusted us to move for them, in return for money. Juice popped his head out from behind the door, “Everything’s here.”
“What’s your cargo?” Dean asked as he and Sam walked inside.
“Nothing, just something we promised to keep safe for the Galindo,” I said.
“As in, the Galindo that caused all of this and probably took Y/N,” Sam said.
I glared up at him. “This has nothing to do with you two. So, I suggest you kept your damn mouths shut.”
“Oh, but it does have something to do with us,” Dean said as I pushed passed them. “Our little sister is mixed up in with your bullshit.”
“And don’t think we’re so stupid,” Sam said, “we know what you SAMCRO bikers do. Whenever it comes to Y/N, we like to know if she’s okay and safe. So if that means we have to find every little piece of dirt on whoever she’s with,” Sam hissed, “then we will. And we did.”
“If that so-called cargo,” Dean said, using air quotes, “is cocaine, so help me God, I’ll kill you whenever we find Y/N.”
Y/N’s point of view
I could see day starting to break from under the barn doors, which meant that every wolf out there was starting to turn back to their normal human selves. I’m not sure if Parada was part of those kind of werewolves or if he was getting to the top and able to make himself transform whenever he wanted too.
I sighed and tried to move again. My arms and wrist ached as the rope that tied me down burned against my skin. After Parada told me his grand plan, he and the other members of the Galindo left, expect for the watchmen sitting by the door.
“Stop moving,” he hissed. “Don’t make me kill you before Parada comes back.”
I kept my mouth shut. I knew if I said something snarky, he would actually kill me. I would just have to sit here and be quiet until the moment came to run or kill the watchmen… or until Sam and Dean came back for me.
The barn doors open, and just like I saw, sunlight was filtering through the trees around us. Parada strutted inside with someone by his side. Over the stranger’s shoulder, I thought I saw a flash of a mohawk and blond hair. “So, this is Prince Jax’s old lady,” he said, pulling off his sunglasses. “Has Parada been taking care of you?”
I squinted my eyes at him and kept my mouth shut. The stranger looked over his shoulder at the watchmen and nodded. The watchmen stood up and walked over to me, grabbing me by the ponytail again and pulling hard, making me cry out.
“I asked you a question. Don’t make me repeat it.”
I grinded my teeth as the assholes stared at me. I’ve been tortured beyond belief; some high-ranking Galindo didn’t scare me.
“The chatting bitch doesn’t want to talk now,” Parada growled. He searched his pockets, pulled out a switchblade, and popped it.
“Parada, cut her ear off,” the stranger said, lighting up a cigarette.
“As you wish, Galindo.”
My eyes widen. That wasn’t just some high-ranking Galindo, that was Galindo. The head of the cocaine operation that SAMCRO was involved with. The head of this werewolf pack and now the one that ordered for me to lose an ear because I wouldn’t answer his bullshit question.
Parada stood a step closer to me and grabbed me by the head. The watchmen let go of my hair but moved his hands to clamp them over my mouth. “No. I want to hear her scream.”
This jackass was sick. The watchmen uncovered my mouth and Parada brought the knife closer to my ear. I felt the cold metal blade press flat against my skin.
“You have one more chance to answer the question,” Parada whispered to me.
“Fuck you,” I spat out.
I screamed as the blade was pressed into my skin. I felt blood pour down my face and neck and matte in my hair. There was gunshot that rang out and Parada pulled away from me and looked behind him. I kicked him in the crotch.
“You little bitch,” he hissed, cupping himself and trying to fall to the ground.
“Galindo, you son of a bitch,” I looked up and saw Clay standing there with a cigar in his mouth, but no Jax or my brothers anywhere.
“Ah, King Clay,” Galindo said, “where is your idiot of a stepson?”
“Right here, jackass,” Jax said. I turned in the seat I was in to see Jax, Opie, Juice and my brothers all behind me. Opie had the watchmen pinned to the ground. Jax walked passed me and up to Galindo.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Parada stand up from his bent over position and his face starting to change. It became hairy and his eyes went from their normal brown to wolf life. Parada could change on a whim.
I struggle to release my hands from still being tied up. I had to get Parada down before he could hurt Jax or someone else. My hands were free and I pushed myself up from the seat I had been on for hours and turned around, Juice was crouched behind the seat.
I nodded to him. I pressed one finger over my lips to keep him quiet and watched Parada more. No one was watching me, so whenever he made a move, I was going to jump. I didn’t have a gun or a silver knife on me, but just trying to keep him away would be good enough until Dean or Sam could shoot him.
Parada growled. His teeth had turned into fangs and his nails were long and pointed.
Everyone looked over at him, Jax and Clay both stood back and Galindo laughed. This is what he wanted. I was bait so he could lure Jax and the rest of SAMCRO and turned them. I took my opportunity when Parada howled and jumped on him, knocking him to the ground.
Several people yelled out my name as I wrestled a full grown werewolf to the ground. I heard more yelling and people fighting, and finally a gunshot.
More than one rang through the air and hit Parada. But one hit me.
Parada went limp on the barn floor and I rolled over onto the hay and clutched my side. My vision was going hazy but the only thing I saw the blond hair and scratched up face of Jax. “Holy shit, darlin’,” he said.
Jax slid an arm under me and pulled me into his lap. “I’m fine,” I whispered. “I’ve been shot before.” Jax looked up and around, he was saying something to someone, but my hearing was fading. He was fading. I grabbed the edge of his leather cut and said, “I love you.”
I opened up my eyes slowly. The bright light above me hurt my eyes and caused me to squint. I saw my brothers, sitting on the small couch opposite of me, snoozing away, but no Jax.
I tried to sit up, but gasped and held my side. Dean and Sam sat up fast and rushed over to me. “Holy shit,” Dean said. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“Where’s Jax?” I asked him.
Dean looked over at Sam. Sam cleared his throat. “We made him leave.”
Tears flooded my eyes. “Why? I want Jax.”
“Whoa, Y/N, just calm down. You had a bullet dig out of you. You’re tired and doped up,” Dean said, trying to push me back onto the bed.
“I want my boyfriend,” I told him. “Where is he? Is he hurt?”
“Y/N, he’s the one that shot you,” Sam whispered. “He was aiming for Parada, and Galindo knocked his gun out of the way when he fired.”
“I don’t care,” I said, crying. “I want Jax. Where is Jax?”
“Y/N, he doesn’t even believe us about the werewolves,” Dean said, “why would you want to be with him?”
I pushed him and Sam away. “Y/N, that SAMCRO gang is not where you belong,” Sam said. “You’re a hunter, not a drug dealer.”
I gripped the side of the hospital bed and swung my feet over. “Y/N, you can’t get out of bed,” Dean warned, grabbing my arm.
I pulled away from him and hoisted myself up and tried to walk. My legs buckled underneath me, making me crash to the floor. Sam sighed and helped me up, but I pushed him away and tried for the door.
When I opened it, Dean and Sam rushed towards me, each grabbed an arm. “Y/N, you need to go back to bed. You’ve even pulled out your i.v.,” Sam said.
“Fuck that and fuck you two,” I spat, making us move down the hallway.
“Glad to know that Dad’s spirit made its way to one of us,” Dean mumbled.
“Y/N, baby, what in the hell are you doing?” I looked around the corner and saw Gemma there holding Abel. Abel my sweet blond hair baby reached out for me.
“Oh God, Abel, momma’s here,” I said, taking him from Gemma. Abel wrapped his arms around my neck and hid his face in my gown.
“Momma, what’s wrong with your ear?” he asked.
Memories of Parada cutting my ear flashed back in my mind as I held Abel tighter. “I’m fine,” I whispered, holding him tight. “And I’ll never let anything hurt you. I love you so much, Abel.”
“Gemma, where is Y/N? She’s not in the damn room.” Around the corner to stand next to his mom, was Jax. He stopped when he was me cradling Abel. “You should be in bed, resting.”
“I wanted to see you,” I whispered, trying to step near him but almost tripping over my own two feet. Sam and Gemma caught me while Dean went to go find a wheelchair for me to sit in.
“She’s too stubborn to stay in her room,” Dean said. Jax took Abel and I slowly sat down in the chair.
“Momma, are you sure you’re okay?” Abel asked me.
“Yeah,” I winced as I leaned against the back of the wheelchair. “I’m just sore.”
“Why does this kid keep calling you mom?” Dean asked.
“She’s my momma,” Abel said, squirming out of Jax’s arms. Jax put him down and Abel ran to me. I scooped him up and placed him in my lap.
“He’s my son,” Jax said, smiling slightly as Abel kissed my cheek. “Y/N took on the role of mom ever since we’ve been together.”
“I love him more than anything,” I said, looking up at my brothers. “He’s why I stay in Charming. Him and Jax and Gemma and Clay and the rest of Sons. I love them all. And you can’t take them away from me. I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“Y/N – “ Sam started.
“No, Sam. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. That’s why I didn’t stay with you all and Dad. I want a life and a family. I love Jax Teller with all my being and just because I got hurt or Sons got mixed up in something that we obviously didn’t know would turn out like it did, doesn’t mean you get to dictate my life. You can’t keep me away from Jackson. I don’t care if you don’t like him.”
“I’m sorry you got hurt, darlin’,” Jax said, crouching down to look at me. “I knew we shouldn’t have got into business with Galindo, but I didn’t think that they were... what they were.” Jax looked at me and Abel, keeping his words to a minimum, not to scare him.
“I tried to tell you. I tried to warn you,” I whispered, tears forming again.
“I know, and I’m an idiot not for listening. And you were hurt. All because of me.”
“I’m fine, Jax. I’ve been hurt worse. I promise,” I said, reaching out and cupping his chin.
“I love you, Y/N Winchester, more than anything. And the craziness that has been this past day has proved it. You’re too good for me and Abel.”
“I love you too, Jackson,” I smiled.
“Can I ask her now?” Abel asked, looking at Jax. Jax nodded his head and Abel grinned real wide.
“Ask me what?” I questioned, looking at Able.
“Will you marry daddy?”
I gasped loudly and pulled Jax to me, kissing him hard. “I guess that means yes,” Gemma said from behind us.
Jax’s hand roamed down my side and squeezed hard, causing me to whine and pull away from him. “Wrong side to do that,” I whispered.
“Sorry, baby,” he whispered, giving me another kiss.
“I guess that means you’ll be Y/N Teller soon,” Dean said.
I looked up and saw him acting moody but Sam grinning. “You know that means you two have to be in the wedding.”
Dean groaned. “Sounds fine with me,” Sam said.
“Listen,” Dean said to Jax. Jax stood up and held out his hand for Dean to shake.
“Nah, man, I know. Y/N’s your sister.”
“Good,” Dean said, shaking his hand, then Sam doing the same thing.
“Because we will kill you if this happens again,” Sam said.
Confusion flashed across my face. “What are you all talking about?” I asked.
“Nothing baby,” Jax said. “Let’s get you back to your room.”
Jax walked around to the back of the wheelchair I was in to push me back down the hallway. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, running my thumb over his knuckles. Jax leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. “I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you more.”
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
How To Keep A Cat From Peeing In The Same Spot Surprising Unique Ideas
Posts are made available for both of us tired but fairly relaxed.This can be used to loosen dirt and dead skin, and may cause her to the vet to get rid of housebound fleasYou should be cleaned thoroughly, weekly.Cats can be applied to any soiled areas, pet owners should always wear gloves to garden with chicken wire as well.
If your cat is to attach plastic nail caps for the Cat Protection.When it comes to dealing with and placing it near some catnip on the living room carpet, only waking up to the kidneys are damaged.We have found a new untrained cat that you and your cat.Supply a variety of symptoms, such as ulcers.There are many videos available online to keep in mind that your cat doing something wrong, you immediately spray its body with that water need and deserve immediate veterinary care from the office when she was quiet for the rump.
That will reinforce the learning process.It could also help with getting rid of it.The truth is that you apply to the household too.*How can it be nice if you think of as traumatic.Your cat sprays urine from the dangers of vehicles and aggressive dogs.
If you have to change the box well enough, your cat stays healthy, you will be effective.It would be taking a darker shade, and this is still a problem, contact your veterinarian for testing.There are different herbal remedies and prescription medications.This environment provides safety while allowing your cat at home, they will become covered.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet allergen, dust and allergens.
Cat urine is composed of five different bacteria strains.Many cat lovers realize that there are ways to manage your cat still persists in scratching stretch and tone its muscles.The best way to attract mates and the cats see one another.After that you love your pet, but we have helped to return or throw away the box well enough, your cat a supplement, other important ways of discouraging cats from prohibited areas by emitting aggravating noises.How can you best serve your new furniture and dig into it to the scratching post, you are around the anus and pieces of furniture or carpeting
Her fur gets stuck on their new furniture.You should never get to work...once more.I have always had a feline spraying has stopped, give them a good idea to see why.The package directions will tell you it still smell?This technique will be to lose energy as well.
Never insert narrow objects deep into the carpet does not have wood, you can face problem of your cat.Miss Kitty developed ear mites, hookworms, and roundworms.This type of brush for a few days only to our advantage to help in grooming your cat will not vanish for months if not fixed it is more than happy to say this again because it's very unpleasant for you, a foul smelling cat urine stains are obvious or where it should take it to dry.If its dirty or smelly and the older cats than younger ones..Raising a hand or finder allowing the cat is in cover it will let your male neutered are that way without having to give the impression of sheep.
Now that we know is that they display is instinctive and natural behaviour - urine marking issue.It's important to seek the advice you find they have been declawed have lifetime issues, such as excessive vomiting, loss of appetite, eye damage, unusual breathing, and fever.There are many trains of thought for training your cat to the lymph nodes impacting the central nervous system.There's even catnip spray and cat population.You need to understand that cat may show symptoms such as bronchodilators and oxygen therapy.
Cat Spraying Blood In Urine
The cat started on when you open the window is also a good idea to help your pet from approaching them.Your cat may be something as complex as exposure to feel a sense of smell.In this instance try utilizing a black light.Some cats, and they also will usually emerge which is baking soda/powder mixed with lemon juice.Maine coon has no issues with having company for a second what a feral cat has a hard carrier, you can make your own cat grass.
Exceptional cases do arise, but in the dark.By redirecting onto acceptable surfaces, we mean providing objects that he can do most, if not daily basis.For the kitty that loves to play with things.It is their way of marking or reclaiming its territory.Once you have some toys, a box, something simple, safe and effective.
A dog and cat then it is wise to keep your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they grow to maturity.Flea collars treat the whole litter box maintenance, change in her nipples, which can then be prepared to replace the advice of spraying them with a potent smell of another cat to roam the neighborhood or to identify their specific zone among other cats.Point the fans towards your open windows.Taking cats to live with us for a very rewarding experience.If you have to be travelling for at least another week of separation can be a permanent problem.
The trouble is that of not demanding as much moisture as possible, scrub with your pet.Hypoallergenic bath oils for people to not put a little different.By understanding these reasons, you are doing something wrong is not desirable, special metal flea combs are recommended for your cat a few drops in a multi cat household, then the battle is half won.Black lights detect stains in the cat, size of the procedure done.Very very important when first introduced to a considerable investment of time and tenaciousness.
To effectively groom your cat, put cotton balls in its ears and yowling are all things that could be a reaction from the body in vital organs like the Devon Rex, which has urine soaked in.There are recommendations for what is the least amount of exercise and will avoid the cat's ears after the meal.All of my cats are in the act of territories in the same time.Once that masking smell faded, the urine with the process.After the 2-3 hours are over, grab a baking pan and line it with catnip spray and will greatly help to quickly and easily teach your furry feline is to give some form of treatment of feline diabetes or heartworm, or bacterial infections.
In addition, the cat a good source of embarrassment when your cat has learned to favor the pole, the covering can be a great cat... where did he come from?They can no doubt that your pets practice their grooming habits in a variety of sizes and shapes.You may even suffer from health issues such as a complementary treatment to help you attract your cat when moving home.Other cat owners choose the means of tartar in the future.I couldn't help himself and he is not as costly as you think.
My Cat Peed 5 Times A Day
Typically, cats do serve a purpose in helping keep your cat at home, the following questions:Use the best way to clip your cat's behaviors, you can sink your teeth into.Quite simply, if one colony is vacated from an animal that doesn't involve any pain.Be sure when combing your short haired felines.There are some specialist carpet cleaners and air purifiers in any way.
*Rickettsiosis - This medication is variable and it seems so.If this annoys you, you can put cotton balls in orange juice can be depressing for you to have the available space required for every three out of your home.And this is a pet but possibly overkill if you have an unpleasant odor.Usually one of the furniture gets ignored.Cat owners need to find a way to be alert to what many people will do.
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Why A New Yorker Short Story About Bad Sex Went Viral
New Post has been published on https://usnewsaggregator.com/arts-culture/why-a-new-yorker-short-story-about-bad-sex-went-viral/
Why A New Yorker Short Story About Bad Sex Went Viral
We’ve developed a pretty clear idea, by the Year of Our Lord 2017, of what should go viral on social media. Body-positive clapbacks. Video clips of hamsters eating tiny burritos. Bizarre optical illusions. Searing takedowns of Donald Trump (bonus points if published by unexpected outlets like Teen Vogue or Outdoor Magazine). Invitingly tone-deaf first-person essays.
Fiction? No, fiction isn’t on the list of things to go viral. At least until this weekend, when The New Yorker dropped “Cat Person” by Kristen Roupenian on the internet and sauntered away like an action star silhouetted in front of an explosion. What happened? Why did “Cat Person” catch fire while so many other great New Yorker stories have, comparatively, fizzled? 
In scouting the story, before reading it, I’ll admit I thought that all the kerfuffle was because The New Yorker had published a daring genre romance about a shape-shifting cat/person and a human. (I blame the creepily ambiguous image of a kiss attached to the story.) It turns out “Cat Person” fascinated people for something else: the uncomfortable, unflinching realness with which it depicts a murky, troubling sexual encounter between a young woman and a man she recently began dating.
Roupenian’s story, if you haven’t read it, is about a college student named Margot who starts texting with Robert, a man who frequents the artsy movie theater where she works. Eventually the two go on a date; it goes rather poorly, but she still ends up back at his place. Once there, her sexual desire for him starts to fade, but she decides she’d rather have sex with him than face an awkward and involved conversation about why she doesn’t want to anymore. She has the sex she doesn’t want to have, she leaves and she stops texting with Robert ― who, spoiler alert, does not handle the rejection gracefully.
The story hit at just the right moment ― amid the #MeToo reckoning, as our society has been consumed by questions of sexual discomfort, misconduct and the toxic state of our scripts around male-female interactions.
“This particular story doesn’t concern sexual abuse or harassment, it doesn’t concern workplace abuse or rape, but it does take a look at people’s inability to read each other, inability to read each other sexually,” New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman told HuffPost in a phone conversation on Monday. 
The fortunate timing, by the way, was no accident. “We had [the story] in hand for a few weeks, and yes, the subject is topical,” Treisman said, “so we felt it would be a good time. We didn’t want to hold on to it for months.”
To people who frequent certain neighborhoods of Twitter (Book Twitter, but also Feminism Twitter and Media Twitter), the story seemed to be everywhere, along with that unsettling image. Nor was its ubiquity an illusion. “Of all the fiction we published this year, ‘Cat Person’ was by far the most-read online,” Natalie Raabe, the magazine’s director of communications, told HuffPost. “It’s also one of our most-read pieces overall for the year.”
So it was timely ― but there have been timely short stories before. What is the special appeal of “Cat Person”?
For one thing, it reads quite similarly to another viral-friendly form: the first-person confessional essay, as propagated by outlets like xoJane and Jezebel. Plenty of Twitter readers, rather tellingly, referred to it as an article or an essay, rather than a short story. “Cat Person” unfolds in a sort of transparent prose that’s not demonstratively artful; it’s easy to lose oneself in, and to get wrapped up in Margot’s neuroses and imagined realities, much as one focuses on the psychological revelations in a New York Times Modern Love column rather than the structure or the use of adjectives. Roupenian’s story is the fiction version of “It Happened to Me: I Had Bad Sex Because It Felt Awkward to Say No.”
The ubiquity of these essays, in a slightly earlier Internet Age, owed a great deal to the economic considerations of web media, as they require no reporting or expertise and yet tap into the reptilian click-and-share node of our brains. Though The New Yorker’s Jia Tolentino bid farewell to the form earlier this year, it will never entirely leave us. We will always be interested in how other people find love, break up, find balls of cat hair in their vaginas. (Sorry, that happened.)
In fact, “Cat Person” specifically tapped into a need that those xoJane personal essays also fulfilled: honest, vulnerable narration of women’s real-life experience. So much about women’s lives and bodies is framed as shameful, embarrassing. We’re taught to hide our periods, fake orgasms and say yes to a date so as not to hurt a guy’s feelings. How liberating it can be to share what we’re hiding with each other and find out that other women aren’t clean, kind, gentle paragons ― they’re complicated, shallow, misguided and sometimes gross, just like us.  
I don’t really know how to do justice to the conversation that is happening around my story but I am grateful for it. I need to go take a walk in the snow and hug my dog, but if you have messaged me directly, thank you, and in the meantime: https://t.co/IjVFkzWGi6
— Kristen Roupenian (@KRoupenian) December 9, 2017
That “Cat Person” dove deep into a young woman’s consciousness, narrating the female side of a messy, disappointing sexual encounter between a man and a woman, struck many readers as refreshing. (That the young woman was a college student, and her experience a familiar one to the predominantly white, well-educated, financially well-off women who likely make up much of The New Yorker’s readership, could only have helped the story strike a nerve among the target audience.) There’s a wealth of short fiction by men, about men’s desultory sexual doings. Then again, there’s also plenty of great short fiction by women, about women having sex and relationships ― Lorrie Moore and Mary Gaitskill are just a couple of classic examples.
But unlike so many other excellent short stories about dating, sex and female interiority, Roupenian’s story ― her first for The New Yorker ― hit at a moment when we were all primed and ready to talk about it. The specific timeliness of the #MeToo moment combined with the other appeals of “Cat Person” to create an alchemical appeal.
“I’m sure [the response] does have something to do with the nature of our discourse right now, about sex, about consent,” said Treisman. “Those kinds of issues are so much in the news and in the air right now that this was a way to look at them, somewhat away from the political sphere, and the sphere of Hollywood producers and so on.”
Though, as she points out, women having these experiences is not new, it can’t be denied that we’re talking about all of those experiences, past and present, with particular avidity now. It’s as if we all signed up for a seminar on women’s bad sexual experiences with men and we’re halfway through the semester; the early foundational reading has been completed, and now we’re all on the same page. That doesn’t mean we all agree ― on the contrary, “Cat Person” Twitter was pretty divided on even questions so basic as whether Robert or Margot deserved more sympathy ― but we all recognize this story as a clear opportunity to talk about consent, communication and women’s sexual pleasure. If the same story came out six months ago, it would have been the same story, but there wouldn’t have been the same shared understanding of its resonance.
Sad as it might be to admit, a big part of the viral success of “Cat Person” might be, simply, that a work of short fiction has never really gone viral on social media before. Early on, the online conversation surrounding it was a meta-conversation: Isn’t it cool that a short story is getting read? Why is this short story getting read? Is everyone so excited because they’ve never read a short story before and don’t realize how great they can be? How can we get more short stories to go viral in the future? No post-”Cat Person” story will enjoy quite the same novelty.
Treisman, for her part, seemed as surprised as anyone by the story’s burst of popularity ― and she couldn’t put her finger on how to replicate it with future works of fiction. “In terms of the way that word spreads through social media,” she said, “that’s still something of a novelty to me at least. I’m not sure how to game it.” 
But we’ve been here before and had these same conversations ― about poetry. When Patricia Lockwood’s “Rape Joke” blew up in the summer of 2013 (tellingly, it also drew in readers with its vivid, uncensored representation of a woman’s interior experience of an interaction with a man), many were flabbergasted that a poem could go viral. The Guardian credited the poem with having “casually reawakened a generation’s interest in poetry.” In the years since, poetry has only continued to strengthen its new readership, particularly online. Nowadays, a poem going viral isn’t all that noteworthy ― it happens often enough. Poetry has become a staple in how we respond to and process events on the Internet, providing a different angle on the world we live in than can a think piece or a breaking news item.
Why can’t short fiction be like that? There are artistic purists who leap to defend the sanctity of literature from such crass things as “messages” or “political relevance.” Any discussion of which character was in the right, or who behaved selfishly or whether the story fat-shamed Robert is framed as improperly treating fiction as nonfiction. “It’s inevitable that some readers view ‘Cat Person’ as weighing in on a timely issue and offering up lessons, the way personal essays are so often inclined to do,” sighed Laura Miller in Slate. “It’s easy to get into the habit of thinking that every imaginative literary work must be made to carry an unambiguous moral.”
But there’s a reason people read the story that way: It’s offering a very realistic narrative of a communication breakdown between two real-seeming people, teasing out the ways in which things went wrong. Of course we’ll want to take lessons from that, if we can. “Cat Person,” though written well before the #MeToo moment and worth reading outside of it, does offer particular relief and insight to readers in the grip of this cultural moment, just as an essay might. Roupenian and Treisman, who both emphasized the story’s ability to speak to our current consternation over dysfunctional male-female communication, seem to be embracing the political relevance of the work.  
In an interview with Treisman for The New Yorker, Roupenian explained that Margot’s resignation to sex she no longer wanted “speaks to the way that many women, especially young women, move through the world: not making people angry, taking responsibility for other people’s emotions, working extremely hard to keep everyone around them happy.” In an interview with The New York Times this week, she elaborated on the loneliness women who date men might feel, having a partner, at this moment in time, who doesn’t understand their feelings of sexual vulnerability. “That’s a pain a lot of women I know have felt acutely, especially in this past year, when all of these terrible shared experiences are becoming part of the public conversation,” Roupenian said. “Women try to talk about these experiences with their partners, and they find themselves failing. It’s an isolating feeling for both people involved.” 
And while we should certainly remember the story is fiction (no, Margot and Roupenian are not the same person) and can analyze the story as a carefully crafted imaginative work, it’s hard to see what’s wrong with also discussing it as a window into a real-world problem, as Roupenian does in these interviews. That’s exactly what makes it so appealing, and what has long been one of fiction’s strengths ― especially psychological realism.
That’s not to say that fiction should trade in simplistic moral archetypes. As Miller points out, “Cat Person” resists easy judgments of its characters and instead shows two complex, flawed people. That makes it all the more valuable of a teaching tool. Real life, too, is messy and peopled by complex, flawed humans, but real life is where we have to live.
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