#that was fun right
this is your random reminder to CHECK IF YOU'RE STILL HAVING FUN
are you enjoying scrolling tumblr? watching youtube? reading that book? playing that game? drawing that art? doing that activity? if not,
you don't have to stick to something that you are doing for fun if it isn't fun for you anymore. You can come back! If you've loved it before you are likely to love it again! but you can stop!
Don't get stuck in a loop of doing something that you think should be fun when it isn't! You can put it down for a bit! Maybe that's the very thing that will make it fun again later!
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aniseandspearmint · 1 month
just having some fun with interesting fantasy imagery! Give it a reblog, if you play, please? And tell me WHY you picked what you picked if you want?
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william-snekspeare · 10 months
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This is so real
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aleatoryw · 1 year
getting blazed as fuck in public, thinking "boy I sure hope no one knows how high I am right now", and then having the jumpscare of your life when duolingo gives you this notification
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kirnet · 7 months
LOVE when a video game protag is called a title. The Warden, the Watcher, the Exile…. Yessss be defined by a concept greater than yourself that will ultimately overtake your life
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modmad · 10 days
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I love terrible comic day can we make this an international holiday
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redsray · 27 days
i love the trope of Bruce's kids being yoinked by different parent figures in their lives, and the kids knowing full well and using it to their advantage when they've got any problems with him.
Tim, pissed at Bruce: That's it, I'm staying with Shiva for the week. Cass is now my official sister 2/3 of the way.
Cass, grinning: Baby brother.
Jason, annoyed with Bruce (more than usual): 'Kay I'm gonna go bunker up with Talia for a bit before I put a bullet through you. Cya.
Damian: Say hi to her for me.
Jason, with finger guns on the way out: Will do.
Dick, needing a break from Bruce (again): If anyone needs me I'll be in Kansas.
Tim, nodding: Understandable.
Steph: Kansas?
Dick: I need Uncle Clark therapy.
Duke: Alright I'm gonna go crash at Jeff's for a bit.
Cass: B?
Duke: ... A bit overbearing. I'll tell Anissa you said hi.
Cass, grinning: Good. Bring back Grace's cookies.
Duke, laughing: Got it.
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foolsocracy · 1 month
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identity reveals are always fun
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eatyourdamnpears · 9 months
I’ve been in such a funk since the concert. I’m not even sure I enjoyed myself that much. maybe I did. I don’t know
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ear-motif · 1 year
fanfic is so good bc the premise of some genres of fic are just inherently funny. I want these two grizzled crime drama protagonists to have some fucking fun for once, so they go to a water park. I dont care how i have to logic my way into them going there i dont care who has to drag them Theyre Going
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criticalrolo · 9 months
are you guys ready to admit that ofmd, good omens, and what we do in the shadows have Extreme SuperWhoLock energies or do I need to wait another year to post this take
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o0kawaii0o · 2 months
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egophiliac · 1 month
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tsum events really are just the best, huh
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quadrantadvisor · 3 months
Imagine if the GIW started gunning for Jason without the Batfam ever meeting Phantom. Like, Bruce has to figure out on his own that the guys in white suits with Lazarus guns are 1. a legitimate government agency, and 2. are perfectly within their rights to hunt Jason like an animal, because 3. there's secret government legislation that says that since Jason's body processes ectaplasm, he's classified as non-sapient and has no legal protections.
Bruce calling up Clark like
Bruce: I am currently in the process of breaking into a government facility in order to dismantle their operations.
Clark: Okay? Do you need... help?
Bruce: Yes.
Clark: Sure, I'll be right there.
Bruce: Not that kind of help. Oracle is sending you the files now. I'd like you and Ms. Lane to make these people wish they were never born.
Clark: [speed-reading the documents] Oh yeah, can do. This is truly disgusting. If the public is half as outraged as I am, we'll get this sorted as fast as the courts can manage.
So Clark Kent acts as a whistle-blower, the Justice League publicly condems the Anti-Ecto Acts as inhumane, the GIW is disbanded, and Batman gets pardoned for all of those crimes that he technically did by assaulting federal agents. And after all that gets sorted, some white haired kid pops up in the Watchtower like "haha thanks for that I really didn't want a war between Earth and the Infinite Realms" and the League are like "wait what"
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jattendschaton · 2 months
Ladybug and Chat Noir hosting a podcast where they're going to interview Adrien Agreste and so Adrien has to enlist Félix to pretend to be him and Félix gets to just. Make fun of Adrien to his face and to a national audience. Chat Noir keeps arguing with Félix’s Adrien about his own opinions so the next day all the news is about how much everyone thinks Chat Noir hates Adrien Agreste
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wispscribbles · 3 months
you know the art you made of Soap "accidentally" giving Ghost a kiss before going on a mission? (before they started dating) what do you think happened when Soap came back from the mission? :3c
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They start dating of course! <3
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