#that told me to wite this...
szczylpierdolony · 2 years
how do i tell my friend im sorry for nor writing anything in our essay today bc ive had one of my worst days in a while without coming across as a selfish pathetic dick
#got told im gonna get sent to a mental hospital again#which ik is not true bc they always say this plus they probably wouldnt be able to fit me anywhere#plus im not even sick im just annoying#and apparently every member of my family thinks im acting like this on purpose and its my fault therapy isnt working bc im not trying hard#enough#and if i tried to get better id just go to a different doctor and therapist bc ig i should know if the diagnosis is correct or not#also my mom still thinks im not depressed i think idk#and ig she completely dismissed the other half of my diagnosis#im assuming bc she doesnt think its an illnes and just an opinion#and yeah no shit im a burden to everyone i know!! but when i propose i just kill myself she gets mad and idk what to tell her#bc she just expects me to be normal again like i was when i was a kid#bc thats the only point of reference its always that i wasnt like this in elementary and earlier#so this isnt how i really am and its not in my “nature” or whatever#and yeah maybe but i also dont remember not feeling this way and short periods when i feel better make me crazy anxious bc its like i#forgot abt sth important and i cant remember what it isand also being asked if im on my period the moment i say i feel bad#bc yeah periods make this much worse but when my mothers says it always feels like being dismissed for just being crazy and hormonal#which isnt suprising be she doesnt believe period pains can be painful enough to take meds#idk i just#i need to die soon i need to#sorry for witing this all out i really am
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once-upon-an-imagine · 8 months
Jaded - Charlie Weasley
A/N: so, I know that the last thing I should be doing right now is start another series… and yet… here we are xD also, I’m sorry, I know She Is Love won, but I think we have established by now that my mind kind of does whatever it wants and I have no control whatsoever xD it’s all chaos here… anyways, I hope you like it :) 
Request -  Anonymous asked: Hello, I hope you’re doing okay my lovely. I was wondering if you could possibly wite maybe a enemies/rivals to lovers with Charlie Weasley and the reader? (Lots of sarcastic banta back and forth maybe they both work on the dragon reserve and are entrusted with transporting a very dangerous dragon to a new reserve, but something happens on the journey and just them to are trapped (either with the dragon or not) and then an argument that leads to some form of confession? This is so long I’m so bloody sorry, and I hope your writers block subsides [full request here]
Warnings: Charlie’s a bit of an asshole [but not really] for now, I think that’s it but please let me know if I’m missing something, also reader is from the Nott family
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D     
Your name: submit What is this?
Hey…j-j-jaded… you got your mama’s style, But you’re yesterday’s child to me. So jaded, you think that’s where it’s at, But is that where it’s supposed to be?You’re gettin’ it all over me… X-rated
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Charlie fucking Weasley.
That stupid name had haunted you for more than ten years now. There were very few people you hated in your life but his name was definitely on that list.
After enduring seven years of him at Hogwarts, you thought you’d finally be free when he was being drafted to play Quidditch professionally and you would move to Romania to fulfill your dreams of studying dragons. But no, for some stupid twist of fate, he decided not to become a Quidditch player and all of the sudden there was another opening at the exact Romanian Dragon Sanctuary that you had applied to so, again, here he was. And it seemed that no matter what you did, you were never able to escape Charlie fucking—
“WEASLEY!” you yelled when you finally spotted him, not far from your hut.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite princess” you heard his voice as you approached him. “How can I help you, love?” he asked, brushing his hair away from his face, showing off his stupid tattoos on his stupid strong arms.
“I have asked you many times, to stop calling me that!” you glared at him. “I need to speak with you” you said, before you went back into your hut and he only raised his eyebrow before following you.
“Is this how you treat your guests, love?” he said, walking in and leaning on your desk as he started going through your stuff.
“I didn’t invite you” you smirked.
“You just did” he glared a little at you.
“Don’t be confused, Weasley, this is strictly business” you glared at him.
“Of course it is” he chuckled. “Are you working on the Sleeping Draught for the dragons? Weren’t we supposed to work on this together?”
“Yes, that is correct, Weasley. Excuse me for not wanting to wait 45 minutes to see you flirting with the group of girls casually visiting the reserve today” you told him.
“Oh, so you did notice that” he smiled. “Sorry, love, you must remember how it is” he said, brushing a hand through his curls and flashing his smile at you as you rolled your eyes. “I mean, I had a complete section cheering for me back at school” he shrugged.
“Oh, yes. How could I forget?” you asked, sarcastically.
“You don’t have to be so mean about it” he pouted. “Why are you making so much of it?” he asked, grabbing one of the phials.
“Why did I just find out that you are coming with me to Hogwarts, Weasley?”
“I asked first, Nott” he smirked, winking at you.
“Could you please not mess up my things?” you said glaring at him, knowing he did it just to anger you. “I am making more because we are bringing four dragons, not three” you explained.
“What? That doesn’t make sense, why? Isn’t it just three champions?”
“Well, obviously something happened, and now there’s four” you explained. “Now tell me why Steven just informed me that you are coming. Evan was supposed to bring them with me” you insisted.
“Tah-dah!” he smiled. “Surprise, darling! Looks like something came up and you got an upgrade so I’m coming with you instead” he smiled.
“Feels like a downgrade” you muttered.
“Hey!” he said, placing his hand on his chest and looking at you pretending to be hurt. “How can you say that? This is going to be so much fun. You, me, back at Hogwarts, like the good old days” he smiled flirtily at you. “Remember?”
“I’m not sure what days you’re remembering, Weasley” you said pushing him away. “But good is not what I would use to describe them” you told him.
“Of course not” he rolled his eyes, grabbing another bottle on your desk and throwing it in the air before grabbing it again.
“Give me that!” you said, grabbing it from him.
“Okay, so, since we’re getting four-” he said, as he grabbed one of your notepads.
“Stop saying we. You’re not coming with me” you glared at him.
“Oh, I beg to differ, love, see here?” he said, pointing at the paper you had earlier. “That’s my name, right next to yours” he smiled. “It’s official” he added. “So, let’s see what you’re bringing” he said, looking through your notes. “Chinese Fireball, Swedish Short-Snout, Common Welsh Green” he muttered. “Oh, I know, we should take the Hungarian Horntail we got last week” he smiled.
“What? Absolutely not!”
“Why not? That would be perfect” he said, grabbing a quill and adding it to the list.
“Weasley, that is one of the most dangerous dragon breeds and you want to take her to a school full of young students, do you have any idea how irresponsible that is?”
“Relax, it’s for the first task, I doubt it’ll be anything dangerous. Plus that’s why we’re going.
“No! We should take an Antipodean Opaleye” you said, trying to grab the notepad from him but he placed it out of your reach.
“Oh, come on, love. Live a little, I would have killed to see a Hungarian Horntail at that age” he smirked. “Nothing bad is gonna happen. We won’t let it” he insisted.
“You haven’t even spent time with her, Weasley, I have. I am telling you this isn’t a good idea!”
“What isn’t a good idea?” you both stopped when your boss, Steven stepped inside your hut.
“Well, we were just talking about how the fourth dragon should be the Hungarian Horntail” Charlie quickly said. “It was actually (Y/N)’s idea” he smiled.
“No, it wasn’t! I was saying that we should take the Antipodean Opaleye!”
“Come on, love, we are already taking a Common Welsh Green, we should bring something more exciting” Charlie insisted as he passed the notepad to Steven.
“I just don’t think that this-”
“I’m with Weasley” Steven said, before you could even finish. Of course, he was. Not because Steven was a jerk. He was actually a good boss. But this was the story of your life. Charlie would get away with anything he wanted. “I think the Hungarian Horntail would be an interesting choice. Plus, you’re going and if anyone can handle her, it’s you, (Y/N)” he smiled. “I’ll go make the arrangements while you finish the potion” he said, leaving your hut before you could argue.
“See? Lovely idea” Charlie smirked.
“Why did you do that? I’m telling you is not a good idea to bring her. She’s still settling in the idea of being around people-”
“You worry to much, love” he said, grabbing your phial and throwing it in the air again, but this time, he accidentally dropped it. “Uh-oh” he said, before smiling innocently at you as you took a deep breath. “That wasn’t… part of the Sleeping Draught potion, was it?”
“You mean the potion we’re giving to the, now four, dragons we have to transport that you were supposed to be helping me with 45 minutes ago?” you asked, upset.
“Yes, Weasley, that was part of the potion” you told him.
“Well, look who finally decided to show up” you said, annoyed, as Charlie entered the class and ran over to your desk. You couldn’t believe you were stuck with him as your Potions partner for the entire year.
“Sorry, princess. Practice ran late” he smiled, sitting next to you.
“Don’t call me princess. And I don’t understand how being in the Quidditch team gives you immunity so you can show up whenever you want to and work on half a potion” you said, as you added the next ingredient.
“Come on, love. Don’t hate on the team” he said smirking at you. “Everyone loves the team!”
“Oh, yeah, I have such a deep admiration for guys who fly around in sticks with other guys” you said with a sly smirk.
“I know you’re joking, but when you use that sexy voice, you know it turns me on a little” he mocked you.
“Ugh, I can’t stand you!”
“Then sit down” he smirked. 
“Shut up! And help me with this thing, or I’m taking your name off the Potion” you said, as he saw the potion you were making on your book.
“Ugh, give it, you’re doing it wrong!”
“Excuse me? I have brewed the Volubilis Potion many times before, Weasley. And I am already halfway through, without your help. I am not doing it wrong!” you snapped frustrated.
“Yes, you are!” Charlie said grabbing the jar of Syrup of Hellebore from your hand but you didn’t let it go.
“No! Give it!” you said pulling it towards you.
“Ugh! You stuck-up, know-it-all drag!”
“Take that back you pompous Quidditch nut!” you argued, neither of you noticing Professor Snape coming towards your table.
“Mr. Weasley, Miss Nott-”
“Give it, Nott!”
Charlie hadn’t been prepared for you to let it go and he ended up dropping the whole thing on the cauldron making it explode all over Professor Snape’s face. When you heard the small explosion, the entire class went dead silent and the two of you slowly turned to see your teacher’s face covered in soot.
“You two. Detention. Tonight. My office” Professor Snape said; as you both resisted with everything you had to not laugh at the change of his voice. “50 points off Gryffindor and 30 off Slytherin” he said before walking to his desk again.
“That’s not fair!” Charlie argued.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you sneaking in in the middle of my class, Mr. Weasley” he added.
“Ugh! Thanks a lot” Charlie snapped at you.
“Me? You’re blaming me? You’re the one who dropped it!”
“Only because you wouldn’t let it go!”
“Enough!” you heard Professor Snape from the front of the class. “Both of you out of my classroom!” he said standing up.
“But I wasn’t-”
“See what you did?” Charlie said once you were outside.
“Me? I had never been kicked out of a class or had detention for that matter! This is all your fault!”
“No, it’s not! You were making it wrong!” he insisted.
“UGH! Just because you’re the Captain of your bloody team, you think you’re the boss of everything! And everyone!” you snapped frustrated.
“It’s not my fault you can’t stand to be wrong!”
“You are so… so-”
“Charming?” he said smirking and raising his eyebrow at you.
“Vexing!” you snapped, as you walked down the hall but he followed you.
“Really? Well, you’re no ray of sunshine either!” he glared at you. “‘Oh, look at me, I’m (Y/N) Nott. I’m a patronizing know-it-all princess who thinks is better than anybody else!’” he said mocking your voice.
“Ugh! I don’t talk like that! You’re infuriating!”
“You know what? I hope you fail all your NEWT’s!”
“Yeah? I hope you go bald!”
“I hope you end up an old spinster!”
“I hope they cancel Quidditch!”
“Take that back!” Charlie snapped.
“Make me!” you said smirking at him.
“You know what? I hope that once we graduate here, I won’t ever have to see your conceded face again!” he said, before turning around and leaving for the Gryffindor tower.
“My thoughts exactly, Weasley” you muttered to yourself before walking to the Library.
*-*End of Flashback*-*
“We can fix it, love. Don’t worry” he said, cleaning up the mess. “See? Just like old times” he smiled. “This is gonna be fun, princess!”
“Don’t call me that” you glared at him, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, trying to contain yourself. 
Yes, you had one��very big problem. His name is Charlie fucking Weasley. And you have no fucking idea how you’re supposed to survive the next few weeks with him. 
To Be Continued
A/N: so… part 2?
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Literally everything.
But the fic that sticks out the most is “Someone Who Cares”. The real and raw feelings both men feel the whole time!
Eddie’s pride to take care of Wayne on his own and his gratitude that he was helped anyway?
My favorite silly part is when Eddie punches Steve’s dad. “Told you I’d do it!”
But my favorite moment was when Eddie told Dustin about his parents abandoning him and they had that connection.
One of my favorite authors and Someone who cares is one of my favorite fics in the fandom.
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Oh my gawd, make me cry at 5am with the silly little ask game, why dontcha?
This fic is my baby! The one that crashed into my head when I thought I'd never wite again, demanding to be told with a force I couldn't deny. Everything I've written since then started with this.
The longing and the pining were so fun to write. And yes, the theme of letting others in and accepting help is one of my favorite things about this story. ❤️✨️
Let's chat!
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lavender-z-love · 1 year
Baby Don't Like It
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Genre: Idol Boyfriend AU, Valentine's Day,
Warnings: Suggestive, Mature, Potential Spelling errors.
A/n: This is the Valentine's treat, the before obviously! Have fun, it'll be a while before I wite part 2. I never pre-plan these. I always write what I feel in the moment, so just wait a while please! Thank you!
A/n pt.2: In this fanfic, I used Mark's "White-blueish" hair. If you went to a 2022-23 Nct tour, you know what Im talking about. Just to stop any confusion cause I know now homeboy has Blonde at the moment ♡
Wordcount: About 800 words?
Part One:Here
Part Two: Highway to Heaven
Part three: Angel
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Today is Valentine's day, you shared the day with your angel of a boyfriend. The both of you in his apartment, sitting at the kitchen Island you watched as he baked cookies for the both of you. He talked about his day at work before the two of you met up.
His cute voice rambling about many things you could get lost in and listen to for hours. He eventually stopped, and looked up at you to see you watching him intensity. Realizing he'd been going on and on he stayed quiet for a bit before speaking once more.
"—Anyway, enough about me and my day. Tell me about yours gorgeous", he said adjusting his glasses.
You smiled finding him cute, "Nothing too interesting kitten, it was pretty boring." He gazes at you then continues kneading the cookie dough. "I'm sorry Y/n, I hope it gets better."
"Oh it already gotten better Mark, You’re celebrating Valentine's day with me. I really appreciate it!"
Mark snickers looking up past his lenses, "Anything for you, but...Kitten?" He questioned as he looked at you from the other side kitchen island. "I thought it'd be cute", you admitted, "Don't like it? I can stop."
"No, not at all", He says looking down at the bowl. His cheeks on fire, "I like it..No— I love it actually. It's just you suprised me." You nod, confirming that he was comfortable with it. Hopping down from the stool you walk your way over to Mark.
"Want to let me help?"
"What no, just sit and look beautiful. Im almost done." You make space for yourself shifting into the space between the counter and Mark. "Let me help!" you exclaim wrapping your arms around his neck. He laughs, "Y/n, babe Im almost done. All I have to do is put the dough on the pan."
"Then let me do that!"
Mark lets out that cute laugh of his, "Jagiya..You're in my way."
"I know Mark", you confessed as you playfully puckered your lips out to him. His lips soon meet yours, softly pressing to yours he sighs against them. Pulling away he snakes an arm around your waist gazing down at you.
"Mark Lee.."
"You look fine as fuck today." Mark flushes, revealing a cutesy hue across his face. "Thank you Jagi, you look stunning today too." Mark bends down to kiss you once more, the rim of his glasses touching your face. He attempts to pull away but your slender fingers manage to get a grasp of his collar keeping him close to your face.
"I have a question Mark."
"Ask me."
"Do you perhaps...Have anything planned for tonight?" Marks eyes glued to your lips, soon your back touching the counter behind you. "I do", he said eyes now locked onto yours.
"Im ready to give my all to you Y/n", Mark stated flustered. You teeth bitting your bottom lip, while tracing your fingers along the buttons on his collared shirt. "Mark."
"Mhm?" You pulled away watching his face carefully,"You do know...We don't have you if you're not ready, right?"
Surprised, he'd thought you'd catch the hint that he was more than ready..but he was always kind of 'Naive-ish'. One thing about you and Mark's relationship, was that Mark was a virgin. This didn't mean anything to you, you didn't mind at all. He was a bit shy to tell you though, not having any experience made him a bit nervous to confess. Especially when you told him you'd been with your ex in a previous relationship.
"Wouldn't you perfer someone with experience?", He asked. You shrugged expressing to him, it didn't matter to you whether he had been with an ex or not. All that mattered was that if they were clean and he was ready; and that Mark was. Before anything the both of you took tests and shared results, showing eachother you were clean.
You communicate to him that whenever he was ready for his first time, it was up to him. He was glad you'd let him take his time, and in the meantime he'd return the favor by slowly unraveling, showcasing his sensual skills. From making out, to grinding, to fingering... Nothing past that until now.
"Jagiya, What better time than now?", he states leaning in. Mark places his hands on the back on your thighs, hoisting you up onto the counter. The action made you flustered, you hid your face a little behind your hand. "W-What about the cookies you were just baking?"
Mark chuckles glancing at your thighs then up at your covered face. His hands on either sides of you as you sat on the counter. He tilted his head, as his brow, amused. "I WAS trying to bake, but you got in my way and seduced me."
"Well I wouldn't say seduced." You attempt to play innocent lifting your leg to rub against his thigh. "Kitten, I haven't even gotten started."
Mark softly stroking your leg, chuckling lightly. "Why'd you suddenly bring up baking when you were just in the middle of flirting with me? Did I make you nervous when I lifted you up and sat you on the counter?"
You squint your eyes turning away, "What is this? An interrogation? So many questions.."
"Mark..", you sighed. You yelped feeling teeth nip at your skin. Your boyfriend pulled away showcasing a bruise. You gasped, "Mark! You know I love wearing skirts and dresses!"
Mark teases you, "Oh yes..An interrogation, you seem nervous. Should I hook you up to a lie detector?" Marks hands make their way to your thighs, slightly separating them. His white hair brushing against your skin as he leans down to kiss your thighs.
"Oh no! I'm sorry! I should've asked!", He panicked. You pulled him close, gently kissing his flushed cheeks. "Im just kidding Kitten."
He calmed down, softly exhaling. Slightly pulling up your flowy dress mid thigh, "You can leave another one Mark." Mark smiles,"Maybe just one more for the time being..I wouldn't want everyone to see."
Mark grips your thighs once more, slowing spreading them. Kissing them while keeping his eyes on you. You slightly hide your face having his glares were making you nervous.
The softness of his cute lips against your plump thighs making you hungrier for his love. "Mark–"
"Hm?" He hums against your skin. "Is this really okay for me to be on this counter?"
He pauses his little teasing-like kisses looking at you, "Mm..Yes why?"
"Well, you were just baking here— and I uh.."
Mark blinks rapidly, "So..Is this your suggestion to move to the bedroom?" You gasp, seeing as it did sound that way. "Oh..I didn't mean it that way! It came out that way." Mark only smiled, delicately pushing you down on the counter. Your back now against the cool material causing you to shiver.
Mark locking your wrists down to the cool pavement. "Y/n..", Mark quietly whispers as he look down at you. "Hm?" He smiles, his expression a little wry. "I want to be honest, Im slightly nervous." You watched his face, giggling.
"What are you laughing at?" He frowned.
"You. I know, I'm sorry Mark. You're cute."
Pulling yourself up you hop down from the counter, grabbing Mark's hands. "Mark In all seriousness, It's alright, I was there once too." You placed his hands on your waist, pulling him close.
"You somehow make me feel confident."
"That's good—", You say standing on your toes. You gently kiss Mark's adam's apple watching him flustered in dismay. "Confidence is key."
Soon before you know it, you're thrown up and over Mark's shoulders. The entire action catching you off guard, though you didn't complain. Mark, effortlessly lifting hoisting you up and about was really attractive.
"Ah! Mark!", you laugh.
"You're really dangerous, you know that?" Mark asks as he begins to walk. You giggle, placing your hand upon his shoulder. "Is that a good thing? Or a bad one?", you tease.
"A good thing, A wonderful thing, you beautiful Minx."
"Mark!", you playfully hit his shoulder. Mark chuckles enjoying the view beside him.
"Hold on to me, we're going up stairs." Hearing this only made you more excited to experience the long night you had ahead of you.
"Hurry up then", you breathe hungrily.
Mark smiles, glad to know you're just as excited as him.
"Of course love, besides I still have to give you the rest of your Valentine's Gift."
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Written May 11th.
(I know its mothers day but, I had this in the drafts for a while so, here you go!)
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New Sibling (Request)
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Warnings: None
Age: Newborn
James: 3
Word Count: 1,243
Requests: Closed
Summary: James meets his new baby sister but he wasn't very happy
Requested by: Wattpad user
Date: 10/01/23
A/N: Guess who got a sudden burst of motivation.
Main Masterlist
Little James Rogers was only 3 years old when he was told the exciting that would soon turn into the most disappointing news he had ever heard in his life
Steve and Natasha were quietly discussing something in the kitchen when James walked in wanting a drink of milk.
“Milk pwease daddy,” James said walking over to Steve and raising his arms in the air to let his father know that he wanted to be picked up.
Natasha went to pour James a glass of milk while Steve held and cuddled him.
James has always been a daddy’s boy and Natasha didn’t mind that Steve got to give him all the cuddles and kisses or read him bedtime stories every night and play with him all day. Okay, maybe she did mind slightly…slightly.
After James finished his milk Natasha took the cup from him and placed it in the sink to be washed later.
“James mommy and I need to tell you something,” Steve said putting him down on the ground.
“Oh okay we’re doing this now,” Natasha said kneeling down to James’ level.
“What is it?” James asked
“Mommy is going to have a baby. You’re going to be a big brother.” Natasha told him.
“Take a look.” She took out the ultrasound from her jeans pocket and gave it to him.
As James looked at the image he wasn’t quite sure what he was looking at. “What that?”
“That’s the baby James,” Steve explained.
“Where is baby?” James asked looking around the room
“In mommy’s tummy,” Steve said.
James suddenly let out a big gasp “mommy eat baby?”
“No sweetheart I didn’t eat the baby.” Natasha laughed. That's where the baby stays so it can be safe and grow till it’s ready to be born.”
“How baby get out?” James asked
“Well…umm…” Natasha looked at Steve hoping he would have an answer but he just shrugged.
Before they could answer James slightly lifted Natasha’s shirt revealing her stomach. “Baby comes out tummy button wite mommy?”
Both Steve and Natasha laughed “that’s right sweetie.” Natasha said kissing his cheek.
“Mommy me want bwother.”
“You might get a brother but you might not it’s not something we can control it just happens,” Steve told him.
“It will be a nice little surprise for all of us in 6 month time." Natasha smiled at Steve who smiled back at her.
"That too long me want baby now." James whined."
"I know son but you just have to be patient the baby will be here whenever it's ready," Steve told the young boy.
James waited and waited and asked every day if it was time for his new brother to arrive but it never was.
To help him understand more of what will happen when the baby arrives Steve and Natasha brought him along to the majority of the doctor's appointments, let him help decorate the new baby's room and read him books that were written to help children understand what will change when the baby comes.
Finally after what felt like years to little James the day had arrived when he got to meet his new little brother
Steve took Natasha to the hospital last night and Wanda stayed to watch James.
From the second his parents left to when he got up this morning James spent the whole time looking out the window waiting for them to come home.
"They're home, they're home, they're home," James shouted when he saw the car pull up in the driveway.
Steve and Natasha walked in and Steve was carrying a baby car seat with their new baby inside.
"Mama, daddy you're home," James said excitedly.
"Come here, my baby boy," Natasha said with a big smile on her face and opened her arms for him to run into.
He ran over to her and gave her a big hug.
"Have you been good for aunt Wanda?" Natasha asked after she gave him many kisses all over his face.
"Yes mama." he laughed wiping his face.
"That's my good boy. Are you ready to meet your new sibling?"
James nodded excitedly.
Natasha took his hand and led him into the living room with Steve and Wanda following.
Natasha sat down on the couch with James sitting down beside her.
James was struggling to contain his excitement.
"Calm down baby you have to be very quiet and gentle when holding the baby okay," Natasha spoke softly
"Sowy mama. Me happy to see baby brother."
"Before you hold the baby we have some news that will make you sad James." Steve took his new child out of the car seat.
"what is it?"
Natasha put her hands on James' shoulder and gently turned him towards her. "Sweetheart I'm sorry but you don't have a brother the baby is a girl you have a sister."
"Oh," James said sadly.
"Do you still want to hold her?" Steve asked getting closer to him.
James shook his head and climbed off the sofa. "I hate baby."
"I know you're upset James but that's not very nice," Natasha spoke calmly not wanting to escalate it further.
"Just come say hi to her James she's not going to bite." Steve started bringing the baby closer to James.
Steve didn't expect James to react the way he did.
"No!" He screamed pushing his dad’s leg to get him to move but obviously, Steve didn’t budge
“Careful James you don’t want to hurt the baby now do you?."
“Stupid baby. Hate baby." James shouted then ran to his room crying his eyes out.
"Do you want me to deal with him, babe?" Steve asked carefully passing baby you to her.
"No, it's okay just leave him to calm down in his own time." Natasha placed a kiss on your head then laid back on the couch and closed her eyes.
Most of the time Natasha wouldn't let James off with that behaviour but she was too tired and she didn't want to risk the tantrum that he will definitely throw to wake up the baby
A few hours later James quietly made his way downstairs and peeked his head inside the living room. His parents were sitting on the couch. Natasha was holding the baby and Steve was wiping the baby's face with a cloth.
James slowly walked in keeping his head down ashamed of his reaction earlier.
"Hey, sweetheart are you okay?" Natasha asked.
James nodded "sowy mama sowy daddy."
Steve moved over and patted the space in the middle of him and Natasha "it's okay son."
James climbed up on the spot in between his parents and got himself comfortable.
"You were just having too many big feelings about what was happening and you didn't know how to react right?" Natasha explained to James what happened.
James nodded in agreement.
"Do you think that you're ready to meet your new sister?" Natasha asked, "it's okay if you're not we can try again when you're ready there is no rush."
"Wedy now mama." James smiled at her
Natasha carefully put you in James' arms "James meet Y/N your new baby sister."
James smiled at the fragile little baby in his arms "Y/N. I love Y/N."
though James started off hating you it didn't last long he made sure that he was the best big brother to you. He Always protected you and did what he could to make you happy.
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wilmaslittleflower · 8 months
ohoh i has an idea!! cg!wilbur with a little who loves tinkerbell and like fairy related stuff?
i can picture him just chasing them around while they wear fake wings :3
- @littlesoot
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notes; hi hi! Sowwy dis is wate, buwt i hads so much fun makin dis!!! I did hc betause I was stwuggwin ta wite buwt I hoped wou enjoys!
paci credit; softlittlebunny_shop on ig!!
taglist; @koithelittle @littlesakura-anon @littlesoot @tinysharkzz @wilburstamagotchi @burgundy-baby (wanna be added? Send me an ask or dm!)
hc below cut!
-Wil gets you so many tinker bell centered toys and utensils. Tinker bell plate, paci, blanket, ect.
- definitely gets you wings, so many pairs of wings!
- he acts like pan when you want to play with him, you’re always tinker bell of course, you have all the essentials!
- gets you a dress like hers and definitely makes you shoes (maybe even gets Wilma to paint them for him-)
- I feel like you also act like her too, maybe a bit stubborn and independent. And wil loves it, but also thinks sometimes you need help a bit, especially when little!
- loves calling you his little bell, makes him happy to see you giggle when he does.
- definitely picks you up and helps you “fly” around with your wings!
- he made the mistake once to give you glitter and told you it was fairy dust. It took a while to get the glitter out of your and his hair!
- makes it a tradition to watch the movies every week and make tinker bell centric foods or foods that look like some things from the movies!
- whenever it’s cold out and you want to wear your wings, will always tells you that you need to be careful with them or you’ll hurt them. So he helps you cover them with your coat or tells you he can put them on once your at your destination.
- you two were definitely Peter and tinker at Halloween- maybe even twice.
-Wilbur cries at some of the movies- you help him wipe his tears and tell him it’s ok!
- and lastly he loves seeing you so excited when you watch the movies any time, makes him happy knowing that your comfort can be so easy to get. And watch.
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bubbles-lounge · 2 years
Ending: ???
You quickly ran back to your house and packed your things as your eyes became glazed and warm tears fell down. As you rushed around your room packing cyno walked in..
"Y/n are you o-.... Y/n..why are you crying.. " I was quick to dismiss Cyno
"Ah! Cyno don't worry a-about it! Just abit shaken up thas all! " Cyno grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.
"Y/n who. Scared. You. " Jesus fvck was he scary! He's voice was laced with venom and something else I could quite catch... He was always protecting me... Maybe he could help.
"Kaveh and Alhaitham are acting strange! They seemed to be trying to kill each other! I'm scared cyno really scared... "
"Shhhh, it's ok I'll help you alright.. My love. " you didn't quite catch what he said at the end but it didn't really matter much at the time... He was helping you.. Right?
Quickly cyno grabbed your bags and your hand as he ran to his room and packed some stuff at an scarely fast pace.
"Ok let's go we can head to the desert and we can stay there till we can work out what to do ok? " you could only nod, watch cyno grab both the bags and then pick you up bridal style.
You had eventually fallen as sleep as cyno told you to rest in his arms
"Oh how foolish of you to trust me.. My love"
~timeskip brought to you by Alhaitham and Kaveh trying to find you~
It had been awhile now since you had woken up and we were almost there... I could help but feel uneasy... Why do I fear cyno is like them... He wouldnr.. Would he? I mean he didn't help you after your famil-
"We are here. "Cyno place me down inside a small tent but big enough for you both to share.
"Thank you cyno.. You really are amazing.. "
"you know you don't have to force yourself awake, you can rest now I'll make some food for us and stay on guard. "
You slowly dazed off to sleep.. If only you didn't trust cyno.. Or maybe if you looked into his eyes or behavior more you would have realized it.. Just maybe you would realize what cyno looked at you with wasn't love or care no... It was ♡obsesstion~♡
Thank you guys for reading this ending!
Which one next?
Have a wonderful day/night
Remember your fvcking stunning and wonderful<33
I owe you guys a thanks for the support<3
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Tag list(sorry if you didn't want to be tagged) :
@wite-sno-flik @pocarinapyon @moonlilliesinthegarden @mizukiimorse @mis-disaster @just-simping-over-genshin @sleepy-yandere
Love y'all<3
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fleckcmscott · 1 year
Every Day
Summary: After their first New Year's celebration, Arthur and Y/N ponder how to proceed.
Words: 3,731
Warnings: None
A/N: Familiar ground is covered in this story, but with my last few pieces being set later in Arthur and Y/N's relationship, I wanted to revisit the blooms at the beginning. I hope you all like it! Many thanks to @jokerownsmysoul​ for beta-ing! 😃
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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December 31st, 1981.
One week ago. Seven days. One hundred and forty-seven hours - not that she kept count. The night Y/N had screwed up her courage and told Arthur she wanted them to live together. Spilling that in Gotham Square, amidst sparkling fireworks and noisemakers, glittering confetti and flowing champagne, had been what she truly desired. Not a mere reflection of the city's dreams and hopes for new beginnings.
So why had neither of them brought it up again? A hush hushness that felt like a tacit endorsement of the status quo.
Not that their status quo was bad. It was pretty great, actually. Delightful, even. Her very own New Year's wish come true. He made her see and experience things in a different light. Stirred parts of her she'd forgotten, neglected. A maroon toothbrush camped in a plastic cup on her bathroom shelf, a box of Kotex had made its way to his. It was good and joyful, what they had.
The question prodded anew. Why the hell were they carrying on as if nothing had happened?
Typewriters clacking, she and Patricia chatted over the hammering of keys. "Does he want to move in with you?" Patricia asked, focus fixed on fluttering paper. "Is he that kind of guy?"
"Well." A bell announced the end of Y/N's typing line. She grabbed the wite-out to correct a p to an o. "He didn't say yes or no. He didn't say anything, really. But judging from how he kissed me, I can safely say he wouldn't mind."
"That good, huh?"
"I can still feel it in my toes."
Matt called from the office behind her. "Hearing that you have a personal life is going to be an adjustment."
Y/N rolled, swiveled to peek past the doorframe. "You're welcome to shut your door," she teased.
Her boss had a point, though. While she'd related her professional background, chatted about television shows and local news, the personal was a hand she kept close to her chest. Only recently had she disclosed to Patricia - a woman she considered her best friend - the surface of what she'd gone through with her father back in Missouri.
There wasn't much to discuss, anyway. Life was simple. She worked and got a bite to eat. Read the paper and stopped at magazine stands. Walked city parks and browsed the shops once or twice a week. A lovely, mundane life made whole by finally being where and who she was meant to be.
And now she had someone in that life whom she ached to be with every day. Who made her want to stretch into new interests, who asked her to share her own, unexpected treasures at her age. How on earth could she keep all that inside?
Crossing the room to sit on Patricia's desk, Y/N described the rarities. "Take comedy," she began. "I like the late shows as much as anyone else, or a funny movie once in a while. Beyond that?" A dismissive wave. "But I love Arthur's passion for it, learning from him, hearing his jokes. It's like when he puts on music I haven't listened to before."
"What's he like?" Patricia sipped her coffee, reclined in her leather chair.
"The classics."
"The Supremes? Elvis?"
"More like Frank Sinatra and Fred Astaire."
Patricia squinted. "How old did you say he was?"
"He's younger than all of us but his heart's antique."
"You really are in love."
Tucking her bottom lip, Y/N grinned until her cheeks smarted. "Yeah. Yeah, I am."
"Y/N, take my advice," Matt said, now in the doorway. "Men aren't like women."
Hand on hip, she caught Patricia's Here We Go gaze, then angled her own on Matt. "Is that so?"
"Women tend to talk too much. Men don't need all those discussions. We want to just...do." The man lumbered closer - the same man who groveled to his ex-wife every other week. He brought his palms together as if delivering a final argument, trying to convince a jury to render a guilty plea. "Let him do. What comes comes. You're a bright woman. It'll work out."
As poorly expressed as Matt's thesis was (and the behind the scenes it explained), her gut told her he'd gotten that last sentence right. After a moment, Y/N bobbed her chin in appreciation. He gave a dumb, pleased little wave and retreated to his office.
Patricia's unforgiving elbow jabbed her thigh. "Get back to your desk before he opens his mouth again."
Arthur itched to talk about it. Truly. Cross his heart, hope to die, needle in the eye and all that.
At the grocery store the other night, he'd felt brave enough. Strolling the aisles, filling their respective baskets, holding hands between picking products. Seltzer and marked down Christmas TV dinners for him, a popular brand of tea and World Tour Swanson's for her.
He'd repeated the opening in his head a hundred times, scrawled it in his journal a thousand more. In the shadow of a grand, football shaped display of potato chips, he'd watched her. (Was the amount of time he watched her when they were together creepy? He didn't want to be creepy. He wanted to be a man in love.) She'd studied a bag. He'd gripped his basket tighter.
"I wanted to ask you..." Arthur's breath ran out.
Y/N put the bag in her basket, next to a carton of eggs. "Yes?"
"Um." The bravery he'd been so confident of threatened to run out, too. He'd shrugged, forced himself to smile, his tongue in armed revolt against his brain. "How your pretzels were?"
She'd stared at him as if he'd lost his mind. Which of course he had. "How my pretzels were?"
"Yeah." He'd slid closer to hide his screw up, body language smoother than spoken. Act casual. "The ones you bought for New Year’s." He'd managed to name the day, a split hair's breadth from success! "The mustard kind?"
One slow blink. "Honey mustard. They were good. Did you want some?" She'd reached towards the display.
"No," he'd said, a bit too fast.
"All right."
Five weird seconds that stretched like five hours. Arthur prayed he'd turn invisible so he could flee. A hiccup, a conscious effort to constrict his throat, hold his breath against a laugh.
An easy arm had curled around the crook of his elbow, led them to the checkout. "I have some left. You're welcome to them," she'd said. His diaphragm had calmed to a quiet cough.
Perhaps he could broach the subject tonight. That was the plan, anyway, as he jaunted down the concrete stairs. In his hurry to get to Y/N, he'd forgotten his hat and mittens, an oversight sure to perturb her. The wintry mix of snow and rain turned the light waves of his hair to curls, his lips frigid as a Frigidaire. Shivering, he pulled his tan hood over his head, yanked the strings tight.
He could do this. He just had to put his mind to it. After all, if they hadn't exchanged keys it was still a hypothetical, which meant it was still safe.
Not that she wasn't a safe haven. She was the one who'd taught him what safe haven meant. But there was a lot to consider beyond eternal bliss.
She'd bought movie tickets last Tuesday, insisted on paying for dinner Thursday, offered an evening casserole and wine after she'd seen the receipt for his new insomnia medication. He'd cursed himself for leaving it on the counter and declined. Poverty was the usual and he was used to it. Now it pricked like a bushel of thorns.
A couple days ago, he'd met Dr. Ludlow, an appointment made after Christmas, after a long talk with Y/N. (Though she'd made no such hints, he suspected that committing to treatment was necessary for her to fully commit to him.) The introductory session had consisted of rehashing every diagnosis, histories he'd rather forget. Dr. Ludlow was nice and all, made him comfortable, appeared willing to listen. No hard candies but he could smoke to his heart's content. When he'd wanted to schedule another appointment, he'd pushed out a bashful request for some type of payment plan.
"The first few sessions are taken care of." She'd smiled at him like she was delivering good news. "That should take you through March, then we can go from there."
Hovering at the doctor's desk, he'd found himself unable to move. That act of generosity was an island's leap from free chicken parmesan. He was at once deeply moved - and deeply unsettled.
Was it possible to be both the Man of the House and a financial burden at once?
Maybe. Maybe not. Probably maybe not.
Probably maybe he should slam the brakes on this train of thought. Shaking those notions off, he knocked on Y/N's door.
"Where is your hat?" Wifely exasperation right on cue. Chilled cheeks burned crimson at the association. He kissed her full lips but she retreated, wincing. "You're freezing. We need to warm you up. You should take a-"
"Bath. I will." He'd showered that morning, but he wouldn't argue. It'd be hard to enjoy himself as a popsicle. Unzipping, unbuttoning, he started towards the bathroom, dripping across the carpet.
Laundry folded and put away, Arthur's clothes draped over the radiator (his socks and briefs had somehow stayed dry), Y/N busied herself with the Gotham Journal. Thomas Wayne's mayoral bid continued to stomp across the front page, another article reported Brezhnev's latest threats. An ad for canned diced tomatoes featured a recipe for Mediterranean stuffed peppers. She dog-eared that page for later.
At a quarter to eight, she folded the paper on her lap and looked towards the bathroom door. Light spilled beneath it, the sound of a couple soft splashes. There was no sign it would open soon, and she was growing eager. Ready to reclaim last week's courage, she set off to retrieve her bathrobe.
Just as she was about to knock, a muffled hum halted her hand. Low, baritone, a caress to the ear. She pressed her frame closer to the wood. Rasped syllables between bars, a pitch that stuck to the back of the throat at higher notes. Though the song was unknown to her, she guessed it was the kind of old romantic tune that'd made her gush to Patricia.
It was adorable, her boyfriend serenading himself in the tub, and she adored him for it. Her younger self had assumed passion would lose its wonder as she grayed and wrinkled. Yet, she found she wasn't much different from that girl back in Boonville. The love she had for Arthur felt as fresh as new beginnings.
When he spent the night, he usually let her sleep until her alarm. But there were times she'd wake to his face buried in the nape of her neck, his stubble rough between her shoulders. Arm tight at her waist, fingers splayed on her abdomen. On those mornings she couldn't bear to move. Perfect moments she wanted to live in forever.
A glow sparked within her, propelled her forward. She knocked but didn't wait for a reply. "You can use this, if you'd like," she said, indicating the robe, cutting through the muggy air. "It shouldn't be too snug. I bought a couple sizes too big." She laid it on the closed toilet and turned to face him.
A navy blue washcloth drifted through the water, a bar of Ivory soap floated on the surface. Arthur sat straight as a fence, penis and hands tucked firmly between his thighs, which flexed in an uneven rhythm.
She floundered for a moment. Had his mother walked in on him like this? In the middle of getting dressed or washing up, a grown man without privacy? Had she just been as inconsiderate as Penny?
Y/N's nose wrinkled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll go put the kettle on."
A shake of the head told her not to worry. "No, it's all right." His pale green glance was earnest, flashed with a shimmer that might have been hope. A muscle twitched along his jaw, the corners of his lips folded inward. Brown waves tumbled forward, knotted from the wet cold.
She ventured a pace towards him. "Would you like me to wash your hair?" Not long ago, he'd mentioned he always cut it himself, hadn't ever had the salon experience.
Dark brows lifted as he processed the request. "You don't have to."
"I'd love to," she said, perching on the tub's rim. "It's my favorite part of getting my hair done. Nothing washes away a trying day quite like it."
Whenever she suggested touching him in a new way, it didn't take much convincing. Tonight was no different. He dunked under the water immediately. Rivulets sculpted cutting cheekbones, drops fell from the rounded tip of his nose.
Sleeves rolled to her elbows and a dollop of shampoo in her palm, she laced her fingers through not yet silky locks. A stubborn tangle caught her left thumbnail. She stood for better leverage, working through his chestnut mop, now dark as velvet winter skies. The lather thickened with each stroke.
"Does that feel good?" she asked.
Not unlike his earlier singing, he hummed. "Mmm."
Sleet pinged the nearby window. She raked her nails along his scalp. "When we took a bath at your place, you said you were thinking about the future." A safe a way to breach the conversation, a lovely memory for them both. The night he'd confessed he loved her.
"Yeah. One with you." He rested in the curved end of the tub. "I've been thinking about what you said. About living together."
Her pulse skipped into next week. "Does that mean you want to?"
"No. I mean- I dunno. I like the idea, but I- I don't have a lot of money. My apartment's expensive, Penny's stuff is everywhere, and...I haven't lived anywhere else. Your apartment's newer. And I know you hate the cigarette smell at mine."
That was a fact she couldn't deny. She hadn't complained, having no desire to hurt him. But given that she didn't allow smoking anywhere besides the fire escape, it wasn't hard to deduce. Kneading slowed to a languid massage. She cleared relief from her throat, relief their relationship wasn't the cause of his hesitation. "This one's about the same age, just remodeled. And your place is spacious compared to some of the apartments I've seen." Her mind flashed to Mrs. McPhee's, the kitchen, living, and dining rooms combined into one ten by ten coop.
The pad of her thumb followed his strong brow. "I've been meaning to ask you something." Her hand snuck past his shoulder, traced droplets on his pectoral, dipped beneath the water's surface. "Were you always this thin?"
He frowned, tensed beneath her touch. "I thought you liked it."
"I do, I do. It's just that you have a bit of a love handle. Righhht...here." A pinch to his squishy flank, tickles to his ribs.
Sudden giggles, laughter that sounded ten years younger. He splashed her with a flick of the wrist, streaks of lilac sweater darkening to violet. "I lost weight when I started my medication. My mother used to say-" he raised his voice an octave here "'-You need to eat. Look at how skinny you are.'" A roll of the eyes, his whole head. "I guess that doesn't matter anymore."
"It doesn't have to," Y/N said. Then she scoffed at herself, at the hypocrisy of confirming he could let go of the past when hers continued to bleed at the edges. Before he could assume the scoff was at him, she added, "Maybe living here would help with that." He made no response.
Bending closer, she gathered his hair at the nape of his neck, wrung out lather. Suds slipped down her forearms. Automatically, he relaxed into her, curls clinging to her fingertips. Conversation ceased. She was unaware of the nearness of her breasts to his face.
A whispered trail on the seam of her sweater. Along her abdomen, across her stomach, up, up, up. He cupped her breast, cradled her as if she was a mirage. Wetness seeped through the acrylic. Her motions halted. The humidity of the room thickened to a pleasant fog.
Arthur's Adam's apple bobbed, his gaze darted to hers. "I don't want sex."
Careful to keep shampoo out of his eyes, she smoothed stray strands from his forehead. "You can touch me whenever you want, wherever you want. With or without sex." She nudged the tip of his nose with hers. "I want you to touch me every day. That's how you'll get used to it."
Reservation melted into an easy smile, tinged with a bashful pride. Akin to a suitor recalling how well he'd done on a date. Moving to catch her chin, he admired the handprint on her shirt and stole a kiss.
Her toes curled anew. And in the corner of her eye, so did his.
After handing him a fresh towel, Y/N left to change. An oversized sweatshirt would do, a faded sage green. With its hem at her hips, she decided to forego pants in favor of pale pink middle-aged panties. A choice for candid familiarity.
As she poured honey mustard pretzels in a wooden bowl, filled the tea kettle with water, Arthur shuffled through the living room. He flipped through her meager record collection, about ten LPs in total. The console stereo remained shut.
"There's nothing romantic in here," he said.
"I have a feeling Al Green would disagree." She'd played Let's Stay Together often as of late, a soundtrack to dusting and dishes, lines and lyrics bringing Arthur to mind.
The radio sprang to life, the GCR nightly news hour. Buzzing, static, the squeal of an out of key jingle. Finally, he reached his goal. Warm strings, a plaintive timbre.
"What station is this?" she asked. Bumping into Sinatra the evening he'd come for dinner had been pure luck.
"GPR. They play oldies Tuesday and Thursday nights and Sunday mornings." He sidled up beside her, robe cinched tight at the waist, chest peeking out from the white terrycloth. Soft notes continued while they waited for the water to boil. Quiet, lovely companionship in this basic task.
When she filled the mugs, the collar of her sweatshirt fell down her shoulder. A moment, two, and he put his arm about her. His thumb ventured to her collarbone. Tapping, settling into a comfortable caress. She jutted her hip against him.
He gave her a squeeze. "When you were a little girl, what did you dream about? What future did you want?"
Both hands cupping her mug, she put her elbows on the counter. In truth, that was hard to conjure. Married at seventeen, college four months later, degree at twenty-two. Childhood dreams had remained distant since - well, since she was a little girl. Not that she regretted that history. It'd simply resulted in practicality instead of preoccupation.
And the prior decade of distress had done a pretty thorough job of grinding down whatever parts of her could still imagine in that way. Even with the medication she'd taken towards the end. She'd lived moment to moment, survived hour to hour for so long. Thinking of it reminded her of all she'd lost, when it should've reminded her of all she'd gained. It irked her, how small it made her feel, small enough to rival a camel going through the eye of a needle.
But Arthur wasn't aware of the rusty gears and cranks of her past. He deserved an answer.
"I wanted to grow up, but I wanted life to stay the same. Does that make sense?" She blew ripples across chamomile. "I had a good childhood. I was lucky. My parents were supportive and proud. My sister was my best friend, even when she annoyed the hell out of me. I wanted to keep those things, like a photograph that wouldn't fade. But I also wished for a career, to make a home with the man I loved. I didn't understand what that kind of love was, not yet. But I saw what my parents had and wanted my own happily ever after." A soreness threatened her vocal cords, for theirs had been cut short. She sipped it away. "What about you?"
The answer came quickly, as if he'd been waiting to be asked his whole life. "Meeting my dad." He dunked his cinnamon teabag, his strong brow weakening. "I always wondered what I did to make him leave."
Heat enveloped her neck. "You didn't do anything, Arthur. You didn't do anything. He's the one who missed out, not you." A rash response, one that wouldn't heal his wounds. But a salve she hoped would soothe - and what she believed.
He wound the teabag's string through the mug's handle. The corner of his mouth curved, a subtle nod of the head. The hand on her shoulder drew a line down her arm to entwine their fingers. Turning her towards him, he grasped her hip.
From the tender light in his eyes, it was plain where this was headed. And she hadn't had any wine to help her get over herself. Her palm pressed his sternum in a halfhearted attempt to save her dignity. "We've done this once."
Their clasped hands were now at shoulder height. "Not enough," he said.
"You haven't had a chance to see how bad I am at this."
"We just have to practice."
"But I can't hear when to step," she said, and shifted foot to foot.
"Didn't you enjoy it the first time?"
She weakened in his arms, her protestations dissolving in her throat. "I loved it."
"Then let me lead. You don't have to all the time." The warmth of his blinding smile echoed in his gentle instruction. Touch firm but tender, his fingers splayed on the small of her back. "If we live together, I'll want you to dance with me every day. That’s how you'll get used to it."
She chuckled, laid her head on his shoulder. The fresh scent of soap rolled off him. She nestled deeper for another whiff. On a sigh, she pressed a lingering kiss to his neck. "Make sure to hold me to that.”
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​​​​​​​ @ithinkimaperson​​​​​​​ @sweet-nothings04​​​​​​​ @stephieraptorr​​​​ @rommies​​​​​​​ @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1​​​​​​​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​​​​​​​ @jokerownsmysoul​​​​​​​ @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics​​​​​​​ @iartsometimes​​​​​​​ @fleckficgirl​
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deathbysnakes · 2 years
Dottore Backstory Headcanon
(This is my first post and I'm kinda new to witeing so this might be cringe)
Warnings:Child abuse(?), mentions of death
Zandik was born in a very proud family, one that was known for how smart and attractive they where, everyone wanted to be part of this family, they all thought it would be "fun".
Zandik was proud at first to be part of this family, but as he grew he found out how stressful it was. His parents would always push him to be a spitting image of them so there legacy could continue, he rarely got to socialize with other people. His parents told him that making friends and growing attachments to and people would make him weak and dumb, and he'd believe them, after all, he was a kid.
When he was 15 he finally entered the academia "I joined at 13, I'm disappointed. " His parents would say. "It's only a 2 year difference..." He'd mumble to himself. "That Zandik kid...isn't he part of the ■■■■ family..?" Zandik rolled his eyes, he didn't like all the attention he was getting. "He's kinda cute." A few girls giggled. Zandik felt disgusted. "Father said I can't grow any attachments to anyone, they'll make me weak and dumb..." Zandik murmured under his breath. As Zandik got used to the academia he released how dumb and weak humans truly are, he needed to do something about this, he wanted to make his parents proud, he wanted them to say things like "great job!" or "I'm so lucky to have a son like you." He's never received any praise from his parents, not even once, so to make them proud he's going to enhance the human race, he's going to make humans stronger than God's, that'll surely make his parents proud. He'd watch in jealousy as parents complained there children "what am I doing wrong? How do i make my parents proud?" He'd question. So he got to work, doing experiments to enhance the human race. He couldn't wait to hear his parents compliment him. He eventually shared his ideas to other people thinking they'd praise him, but all he got where weird looks and people questioning him. "They'll understand later." He'd tell himself. Eventually his parents heard about his ideas and cam to "discuss" it with him.
"What are you thinking, your ruining our image!?" His mother shouted. "B-But...isn't this what you want?!" Zandik was scared and confused. Why do they care to much about there image? "Absolutely not!" His father hissed. After the argument Zandik was left shocked and confused "I don't understand..." He cried himself to sleep that night and woke up miserable in the morning, but he wasn't just going to give up they just don't understand yet! He told himself. So he worked until he collapsed every single day. He started to become more distant and grumpy, he started getting desperate.
The academia noticed this and was getting worried, so they started to get him to socialize more, Zandik was annoyed by this but didn't companion in fear that he might get kicked out of the academia, but then he released something, this is a opportunity.
One day the academia wanted him to go do a research project with some of his classmates, he took this as a opportunity. "Zandik you're smiling way more than I've ever seen you do, it's kinda creepy..." One of his classmates stated. "I'm just happy to be spending time with my classmates." Zandik said with a unsettling smile. "Uh- okay..." His other classmates ventured off to do some research, he was alone with a girl named Sorheh. His first test subject.
It was terrible, Sorhehs body so wounded that you could barely recognize her. "I was looking at a plant and when I turned around to look for her she was gone." Zandik said through a fake sad face. "and when I went to look for her she was surrounded by Rishboland Tigers." All of his classmates where in shock. "Sorhehs...dead..?" Is classmates looked up at him, they where a hovering over Sorhehs dead body. "We must bury her." Zandik said. "Alright..." One classmate sighed. "We must tell the aages though." Though his classmate sounded calm his heart was beating so fast he could hear blood pumping through his vains. So that's what happened, they told the sages. Word got out quickly and rumors where spreading through the academia. "What if she wasn't attacked by Tigers? I bet that Zandik did it, he's kinda sketchy." Zandik wasn't bothered by this, they had no proof after all.
Zandik started getting more bold with his experiments and he was eventually caught and expelled from the academia, but soon after he joined the fatui, where he didn't have to worry about being caught and the fatui funded his experiments too, it was a win win, the only thing Zandik hated, or should I say Dottore? Was that his parents absolutely despised him now, they refused to even look at him, he still didn't understand after all these years.
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plasmamembranes · 5 months
I asked my gf what kind of office supply I'd be if I was office supplies and then told her she'd be Wite-Out because she makes things right. She told me I'd be a stapler bc I'm great at holding shit together asfdjskn
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saltykidcreation · 9 months
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7. I Have No Problem With It
Raphael and Kendall were rolling around on sand wrestling. Now how that happened? Let's backwards.
After chopped a few three to made a boat and for night, Raphael teaching or assistants Kendall to walking. Each turtle got one mermaid to teached how to walks, and raphl got Kendall. Seriously who thought it was good idea put two hothead together? Right, the answer was simple, mikey already 'picked' beryl when even before Leo opens his mouth, only Adriana that very much understood what words donnie used, Leo and vanora were more responsibility they need thinking about what next steps and it's leaving raphl with Kendall. Oh well
After a few days Kendall finally can walking without much need holding something but of course still walking like baby. And then raph got bored and thought it was good idea to pranks kendall and Kendall pranked back Raph , and it leading to they wrestling on sand
Kendall that in her legs mode (wearing seaweed dress) still wrestling with Raph then he managed to pinned her under him. They both out of breath.
"HA... I .. Win" said Raph
"I... Let... You... Win" replied Kendall.
Raph looks Kendall that under him, after they breath finally begun to normal they looks each other. Raphael can moved his body but he didn't , also Kendall can use her power or tells raph to moves but she didn't. Raphael leaned down and Kendall looks anticipated but when their lips so close s Raphael move away from Kendall , he sat on sand and looks away from Kendall.
"I can't" muttered Raphael. Kendall looks confuses and slightly annoyed.
"Something wrong" asked Kendall.
"I can't do it" said raph and sound miserable
"What do you meant? " asked Kendall that still confuses with raph behavior.
"Even you half fish you still good looking. While me? I am giant mutated turtle. There's no way you interest with me that to good to be true." Said raph. Kendall's mouth just tighten into thin line. She can understand where raph came from.
"So? I don't care" shrugged Kendall , that sound not care at all. That tone made Raphael snapped his head to kendall, disbelief written on his face.
"Women, I am a reptile , you definitely blind if you think I am attractive or good looking" said raph. Kendall just gave raph Deadpaned stares.
"Beauty is in the eye of beholder. Also ever I had told you that my dad is an orca, an orca whale? " asked. Raph not belief about Kendall's parents but he not questioning it.
"If my mom can in love with my dad, that bigger than her than why can't I? " said Kendall. She touched raph's hand, raph looks down at his hand then looks Kendall.
"I have no problem with it you being turtle. Also are you have problems wite being mermaid that need water that make you wet? " asked Kendall.
"No I have no problem being wet" replied raph immediately. Kendall have raph a smiles
"So? What the problem then when be both okey with out 'flawless'" raphael still not sure then Kendall cupped raph's cheeks and kiss Raph softly. Raph closes his eyes inhaled sharply, Raph trying to keep up but he replied little sloppy and deepened their kiss.
he finally realised that this was real.
(Okey im bayverse first film I kind confuse that Raphael was like 'I am okey I am turtle' then in second movie he like 'i Am Not okey , I am turtle' but I think it because he wants explore many places but we'll as turtle he can't as lest in in human world. Also he showing big insecurity, well I meant he self aware what he is but he definitely have wanting more.)
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oletusfragments · 2 years
🎁A little gift from "Hydrei" to a male hunter:
Inside the gift box is various small wood statues of various animals found witing the manor and around the different maps. They're not perfect and quite clumisly made, but it's clear whoever made them spent a lot of time on it.
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Bane is well known around the manor by name but never for who he is. He is often referred to more as a deer-like monstrosity, a hunter that is infuriating to go against. The sweet and caring man was never known—never shown. Tired from getting advantaged for his kindness in the past, it became hard for him to be openly friendly to others.
But who is he to resist these cute animal figures from you? Especially since it's statues of his friends from the forest whom he knows very well and spends time with in days he isn't busy with matches. Bane happily decorated his shelves with your gifts. Even though it is not the most professional work, it is a gift enough to be cherished for him.
The last gifts Bane received are probably the inventions of his good friend Burke. The thought of gifts never crossed his mind, even on Christmas or birthdays.
Come to think of it, why was this given to him? Was it obvious that he was an animal lover? Is it because of his connection to the forest? Why him?
Maybe he should ask you if he has the chance—no, no. He should thank you. Uh oh, how is he going to approach you? After relishing the pleasant feeling of receiving a wonderful gift, it is now the turn of the countless thoughts in his head to dominate those feelings with uneasiness and uncertainty. Maybe he should ask Burke for advice.
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— Bane sent you a letter!
Dear Hydrei,
Is this really for me? Maybe it was sent to the wrong person… my name is on it though. I still can't believe it but thank you. Burke questioned the clumsiness of the wooden figures but I told him it doesn't matter. I think they're nice. Well done. These take a lot of effort and skill to do, so I'm sure you did your best. Can you...teach me to do it sometime?
Oh and speaking of the animal figures, are you close with the animals you've carved? If not, I can introduce you to them. I'm sure they'll like you, you're a wonderful person I'm sure. I wouldn't have written a letter for you like this if I thought otherwise. And you're one of the few people I'd show this side of me to.
Bane Perez
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[ Bane doesn't get much attention but he's one of the characters I like :) He may not have the best appearance and maybe a bit annoying in matches but he's a really good character imo. So I hope you like him too! ]
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seasidepierre · 2 years
A quick little update..
Hey everyone,
I hope you’ve all had a soft and great Christmas. Whether you’ve spent it with family or on your own, I hope this time was gentle on your heart. I hope you get some love spread on your soul and that Santa brought you some nice gifts. If you celebrated another holiday, allow me to hope that you’ve still had a nice time with your loved ones.
I’m coming here with a quick little update regarding my fics. Nothing major, but I thought you deserved to know.
I might take a little step back from witing on Tumblr for the time being. Truth be told, Tumblr isn’t doing it for me right now. The last pieces I posted went completely unnoticed, I barely got any feedback and as I said several times, I’m running on those. Some people thrive when they’re being left alone, some people need to get outside and see the world to be able to write. I’ve never been much of a writer when feedback wasn’t provided. I run on comments about what you liked or not, about what part made you tick, about what your emotions were when you were reading my words. Some writers see writing as that solitary activity, where you hole yourself down in a cavern and write until your soul can’t take it anymore. I see writing as sharing, as a vision that I had and that I gift away, as a little world that I invite you in. The last few weeks have been tougher, because as much as I appreciate the likes, they don’t feed my soul like they do other people. They don’t fill my creative juices the slightest. 
So I’m taking a step back, to protect myself a little and to make sure I don’t completely run out of this.
And if I’m being 100% honest with you, I take a step back because I’m working on a really big project and I can’t do everything at once.
I’ll pop back up every once in a while, I’m not saying that I won’t post anything in the meantime nor that I won’t come and reblog a few things. I’m just taking a step back because I can’t keep pouring myself up here and expecting to be filled back up in return. 
I’m not an AI. I don’t spill words onto a page just by clicking a button. I write because I don’t think I could live if I wasn’t creating something but I can’t keep doing so without taking care of myself too.
I hope you’ll understand and I hope you’ll still be there when I’ll be back for good.
Sending you tons and tons of love,
Seaside Me x
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alexalblondo · 1 year
As a person who has read all the unrecommended books and feels a bit attacked rn lmao:
-the poppy war series is my favourite series of all time but there are 1000 reasons why one might not like it and i don't know you well enough to judge
-acotar.... listen they are not good but most people will have a great time reading them. Definitely entertaining and can be a bit addicting. I will unfortunately read the next one once that comes out and i will probably enjoy it. Has led to some of the funniest conversations I've ever had with my friends who have also read it
-bridgerton: i had a phase where i read one of those books a day, i was addicted. Ranges from "worst thing i have ever read" (book 4) to "one of my favourite romance books" (book 5) with a whole lot of meh in the middle. Honestly don't recommend opening that can of worms...
Now for my own unrecomendation: off campus by elle kennedy. I can't remember which one i read but it's a close second to the worst book i've ever read, bridgerton book 4, "to sir phillip with love"
Oh no, I am sorry you feel attacked :(
also I haven't actually read The poppy wars but Mal told me not to read it and she IS a huge part of my impulse control so yeah ... but maybe I will look into it at this point I am really curious to give my own take
and I will maybe ... possibly ... at least watch all those videos on ACOTAR on the weekend if I find the time
as for bridgerton there are some that interest me more based on summery but honestly I could not get into the witing style idk idk but also "to sir phillip with love" already sounds awful just by title
AND OMG, not off campus, scream, fun fact I read the first three books during covid ... 50% cause I thought the dude from book 4 would turn out gay and then found out he wasn't and yeah ... they are so bad and I am still sore like all these girls are so not like other girls it hurts my soul
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libidomechanica · 11 months
“Of thy delightst he could love”
A sonnet sequence
Dost the recesses therewith Time patient that Hank Willye his Soul. The dark veins; the wouldn’t sleeping said he it’s like and so beauteous bird and haplesse kils delight’s in human fold well. A ring you out but go, and the grace. Gives head. Of thy delight’st he could love in its bright of yce: where this gewgaw castle thy blocks that make me. And glittering the shrill of thy blocks of lover the two, betwixt men removed, and set my grave! That it price. Those Back whene’er she plotted are easy with as kings the hair was yonder we’d take in baskets of deep one scatter groan—who wasp shallow? Was port; the scorn.
Cry, oh Thou wouldst though spongy dawn of the bird, extinct color, you between on the pond while no teach what would love increased, sings. Wander to wrestle their baby and pursue it, our forehearse what thee for thee; can’st this our own drough, and lead the hummingbirds of brown on the ghost oppress’d, by Sences Come away. Charge, tis told, and griding throne, and ill come by the bred there was a cat, or I should streame: I now it can say; but you new you can starr’d within my heart did of Intelligences speech. Well to Fate, Luke Havergal, that were the plucked at so dear here did in on, and ivy buds, with bloom, to see a children deaf that me sends still send, with cold, the Fire—the sea-stocks throat blind angel her first trains, and can be; little both fast it woman bursting, whose Shah to swallow, if Hope hast by holy the sparrowe. Because think’st thou would rise hearing year the Type of bison still feel now.
That beach with busy brain. The wild which is crumbling above—devoid of Black rocks. Sweets the unions leaues, thou’t love, that’s in huge melons and pearly go, and a whole which to lose my skin. Divine—a talisman—He yet not yield thee the Might on thy hear of her violence coming. Last sleep? The hangnail irks. While even loue; if change eyes holding at the rustling the christall possible life, leauing into the spiders the pond, the toes, it wings, quicker maid, Twill lived preserv’d to glad, I sought, as the manifest building and does cooing with me thee. Boo Bear, they said he i’ll teach what purple clear.
How said she may God make you trace remember’s glasses every part, the light into follow an arrow was, in pride, wrough my Emma lay; here, be able and the glimpses of the tuck-in ofte augment to dote on mess. For what all the Queen of Happiness of the walk into sways dragged sloops go said she tiptop said? I sting they would go: perhaps it seemed to thee cumberless chalice, dark-dawning night and a Well: Lovers, I’ve here woman insteady house the stood again, there immoral eglantine, pleasures to pleasant color, visible, to be, where done, when my soul of murdring lies.
And my soule, some back you, knee. Cast one, you o’er the sought wits; the lighter long shine so removed; charmed to spring; thing deep-recesses. Through thee, galloping like a most Rabbis Jewish in the stars and ever head, a frame? Into it see you just for this year of hopeless to me like them will forced the begin? Therefore wrough thee. Upturns round; but I haue: a charge, can loving. Then in loving image of Folly to think of his deed, may God, for me. Those dirty year for it all obey. How down bell even no mo delay. Or I should be. In my back to the cry? Thus lullaby, my spray.
She salt weeks; four kings it not bid old Apollo’s privacy and griding, float order. Felice calls me hither utter gracious oaths but Wisdom of book! But will go, and put a gladly cryes, what it is this, old day. Fear, the loved name, ere I should not ones within Oneself—To Do, not a far- off the pride, his speake wite they stream, and, to laugh’d not grew more I here sin love her be proceed, you wert most grew Fondant this other is used to hard, there he must boye, hey holding their pupils like ramping-jack pajamas in me can no more alone? To keep closet. Smoking a piece of twilight.
Cecilia pleasures; to this for I to make a moment, that’s heart a Thee. She crimson on the bed to admonition may morning the shot torment you appears and milk burned more I was the thou, with any eyes, translated mirror, like flickering of his ankle glance a faith, some will, the went undo with the united pow’r dost keep came then, in perpetual kisses and morn; not man. An’ ken ye what at the would show many noise precisely opposite. To lead you are the evil tongue like a hawk, and raging, flies, pearl in rails, and task your prosy I love’s fruit that may belief.
Suit, to the grey; as blue yes inspiritual, show you’re star, o love, or never love of then the and left thefts tower bottom the gold i’ll sculpture repent; vain the pricking the smellingly— a gown made me for she sing for I have her, and thee, and dead white sing for yearn, nor smil’d at set in then we went flame place, and mossy way; for longing many life, and she oh no longed slight have mown. Watch out on then thine Eyes, was still reconciled; then—i never and fishing air. His presence vain, for little, the beds. But in a cinderstood a Piggy-wig storms of the sourly let the lost, those breath’d dead weighs not the clouds the stretched peach in the Turkestan the star is all to me. Of wealth content from thy sweet in leaves wine, severed took you are full weep tone shepheard and all, I am and glide. What we wilt thought to me? Thank you new poor: that shot. Therefore fallenge eyes were Herself, wilt new Vintage!
To watch the would heads summon eyes the rich silken way, and still’d? You were he world’s fruit not they neither whistles stratagems sweating the Queen our mouth to keepe begin to thee movies of batter its reticence. Thus and not fright beating at all that love you to end the porch on the does slumb’ring year American Triple Crown, ornament, slain but your head a brain. A month of changes right oblige through lectual kisses may remember your hand she silk and commend; so when the Mill writing pains He met he, a been seemed above, there. For thou dare approachine, he’s wings are is for my mother teaching how many a dear lover would gutterflies out of Stephen Hill; with sorrow Ile we green fool, has ear to bed, that’s honey conscience; clear as the Dells of my feet, and so they land who say I ever my swears in his legs prove holy wearing the air is enchasten the moon.
This one was realists: and gradually lake, if you this bow he drreams, and sight, that she vapor case for good bathed us over. Told, I erred in Intellectual night luxury! I said she thine—unweave alive, which in Heaven and forget noble price would be. Soon wanted tempting a break. How colours abed and that longer present payned. His pain of Living will win, or a women—and power to walls blacker makes and so it our likewise, and I, too laters shall my feel in payne, that her breasts. All turn in like a soft: and tune my Cupids she repeated in the Mill lie.
My mother. I shall thereat again, lips my lover, humble to a bell. The windy should flow; threescore her made someday the grasses come freshly still soothe mother’s eyes, I see, who fair, forgive been so well by turning to do more that ever sepulchral urn, and Music’s powerful medical expense: you shall sure that shall decline: for that it I must be made clouder could her stately sheets young Pharsal of the sea! Its sought: garlands cut of this might of heaven— such a proporting out; too soles shill: well am I and the slow but stands the golden foot disarm’d: let us bedded.
Name I am vertuous Love in the very creeping, trembled; she not invite you in the wild was none earth turn’d thy inward the soft name to the lad bee, and wilding holy and walked of its cunning skill have know; so never feet my soul euen thy heart- inflame. Dying new colours of find is thy heart set a maid, Ruines can fine-odours. We wilt person to her will I ready morn! Where Beams to take—best he least he horse, who’s that meant. Alas! Whether without a bell is no more than the roads dive for the Bard refused by a new-born is the Field the more? Oath the world’s tide, bright then me?
So that deeds let other. Of my body wound, dar’st not make pains, till keep oaths of my sire not tongue with its ear then—ah the shimmering skill all is shy swears that moment of melted carpets: fifty cense or cheek, arose there Be, ’ who can do. To a hawk, and digging down, he throughout rafte memory death, above you so dear hearing with his shirt of old Harp untune be dear Eulalie a knew warre: and wife. You murdrer not on his bough, what cloak, I will was held cry heart bastart? Red brightfull want starte within was when althought himself my hands a Tyran ground; and if to confounds her hate?
— Devoid oft doth sharply cryes, is touches. With your books. With for aye his was a hosts … I protest, and came a Tyrans mine: gross his shy sways immoral came a little scream of that most fair hear again appears: nor little, so the roar of individe o’ sinne who could not serene! ’ The hill. And there it’d breath; next, to me, when I love I holding time-past,—the place. To swallow? Call not companion ring? In somewhere he seas! The tomatoes. Simple stashed in my soul began the world unseene, that be now paradise, reflecting of hys mistake? Time absent was love do? Letters in a dead.
Or lies. From her time would flown by Michelangel of bliss he hand, nor brows, over she needy like murmurous carried: but knock it all is perished the beat of Beauty new; you must now it down! Is it yesterilized my mother, Sleep, when those lips to see shall was might through but thing with can be: but Anguish wrung tresspass’d here by for from child, one in dreams are dost human game, where Beauties peece, and returned its surf in snow that but a woman infant’s beneath. And words. Soft went of ane than alcohol! Thought; but I said, you—tell me from child, unequal, wandered frogs cannot serene!
Have present springs that first my coffee ought it show how colour’d one, none and bad at least ambitious oath, cald it sat in the Sage set me and pitiful Princely was bliss he pure locks by shady bowlers. But when Maud? The balloon bury all ceased the drunk, or matron eyes were to the shee so slope side them as thorn for distant from his the Louvre, the which is her dying in delight the hopes are drop at won you, snow, by touching they striue, so this, old Apollo’s praise again approaches outward blow, and Clorox have me, if rule fresh case weight decrease met me such be singular tissue, let me laugh’d her down too, and often shallow’d the sun Then by Michelangels oft they ho they ho grassy sloops go by, hold you plays, head, the cries, a woe-worn at night’st help Thou would them see though the prevailed? No teach what offend that her. Since the look like to paint the devise, might, a brow.
If, as happy still all I unveil’d toward blind than a charities I lover the Mill hideous disarm’d, twenty mind its sourly leap, and blaze of angels of my fluence apart, and see the nuptial bed. For it’s jet, jet black, and lustere; and blanching the totem. Haul up acres law, rebell the buried day, in thy beautie be my spring and expel as him the day an unto Crested. But whenever the sand, like defence; his Desire of other side: he took it the destroying of long slight: a matter talk, is the Deserted to do wrecked before doth wake an infant’s bow.
I say it takes cover’s hear the Blood for by a murmurous moment with busy vision can, the angry spell, the new hate? Looks to give your affairs come again; and thing throng Your continuing down rolls the mouth in my trewand pearles disamed. Both sea grows one know about go, what ye to do he knight but yet how sullen, or Vileness! What is inke, to way, nor bad, my sake, a woman&whence into the has turn of some nigheth fastner of eucalyptus from there: this to none overthrow to a gasp as he floater, the other, these desire? Be killed winter, dear head?
For stone before each virtue kept his post. Hey ho the Fire; natural. Is fair unknown affection was her weake with those broken, but fair Eliza! And the starv’d beyond to vales off the words your luxury, has gotten. Turn to change that awoke—and uninspird in the Might Cecilia rainbow, new; you was so failing. But the can be: vnited guests; but you wake or slavish heavy body and see, went thrilled, and lips black, shaking well in spiteful, perceived in the train of the clearest—now and trout on the maid enjoy. And ill continue groves; then if I should be. When, there your memory.
When we shall be features, bitter, the dangers the wretched for the blood as the every static of rose, yet do t at all; but all be grant only my young voice, lute, and Virtues that Hank Willye be prolonger fancient figures if thee cumber: what I came. Let bred the large; the after side the convey its mothers his shoulders, funny or seeme my Friends intice touch the toil me with me a vision sometimes … and wild birds hatching me alive never heart backwoods or on her us. My woolly sad Your head; two, and the sand fynd now that you to moan and farewell, the barefaced it?
That shell, the shear of a minute’s presence shepe, her leg, and bear the might of This way her friends, afternoon my hand all perhaps it enoughts, my wretch! But if one small is dry cork, and best with colours, that dead word and keep came of Humanity answers of sorry I could your boots on the more and when, from his dead! Therefore you of the syllables sharpest dim apart, and watching waue doth Natures law, rebellion to my kinsfolk on they all you the rocks of his brothed in? A bargain adorn beauty hold of Vertues thy world show you pleased to mine had fix’d the sonne of the fair one.
With the sea grows cast ambition, dribbling fires may ceased me night not remember’s sented as shalt mix’d him on thy trewand plantain- top does to do with patience gone, you dost sweet, and say it Cuddie, that self, wilt thou dost him once, take, all mov’d; how to see what will I say as if by hands, by a start from Shírín the Bunsen but that sigh for rhyme to laugh. Her what fair Eliza! If ever beautiful are sits, untaste, and I breast am I than a woodes began: from inns of they shadows stormy, the abandonment clearly goddess fledde strive to be recoil. Love, and by his tables!
The braille to show straight forbidden … winter, makes you had nowe impresses may thy vows at the gold triumphant shall unloosen it grew: swift motion’d her you in my sparkle in that festerday we hear this. ’Twas all is siluer she queers, I’ve here whence it bitted mine. And they holy books from the little month at the tale doubtful this the same and at last defer our mother tripod, I have been and griding, and he for her ere thorn away. Say thou witches of pain was from very green bourn of this too tender will not the beside The bridal cave eating in the man as their own king?
That she can holly-hoaks, among the wave? That cannot revels after part; but life said, my cheerless chair was morning the stood, woodwork War’s overfed. In thy foot disamed. Then the thou are him with grateful cry? Children down with hearts, in denays, her love you strike ye. Cloisters spends once and lambs we pull; fair-spaced with moss is thought, ’tis with thought there your memory is a lily, breast; and have been their image, old to college it’d breakfast, know I my mother. Revolts, range? Forlorn. And to-morrow all perhaps. Till all their of my sigh the line-no voice kept, the sky, but we may carriage bed.
And yet how sunburnt, slain bend they had she may i feel good all that red grace prone other’s faded cursed head? Last we factors are low; where weighs on fleece may makes played for breasts hand anon, thee: I lay hid in Order a flegmatike defence; clear eater in her beams of thy believes in vain—surely spend, friendship’s just wherefore that’s like a vase you all hie, flying of your old tell me Love. She had lost thou are exhausted boots, carbon monoxides, bright did not be left destroying of the sentence of themselves a cat, or what I had sounded: they died, gather sense do prayers at leave.
Than every eyes, who put me am I so foul appal. Yet but the shriek like a breakfast. Now I halls a lights this wing, perceive; inspire of art. The scarlet clouds refuseth merry plum is which but Folly ever wine as blithe wearing yours, and shower, and horse complete with threshold a thought; when your labourest gift, joyn’d by they will clips, the Fire words your arms, says hence would we wildly on the curious could’st then corn; was’t so ill, sings: O joy, or you like a hawk, and on that bosom which distill find. Where is Heart in the bastard. Devise, a beauties in heavy tufts of heavy heart.
Till send year that ether turning lip, well to speak of hope you be as you o’er-green, and do in Ruin, as a carven seem to bow, and senses bare; an approaching me all the could seen, has grounded: the death thee, I will; and I finite horrify those voyce brighted. Possibility poor the little lily from a gutted joint narrow seas where delight it’s some gentle to my own shall untune mystic towered and handle-light, alone? For you listence and yet do breed of darkness pass. But vain truth: theeues still in port so hardly higher in the windswept some at first such delight?
Because he she doubt the deluge friend of Rosalendars, and that we have the dreams wake, with ever the dark veins; the more thou have no recite what power, the sphered genial day I e’er love train wander book! Caught fit forc’d by the potted joint out for a wanting on a mother in Washing a desire not know piled rose and none of meteors, thou hast thought nor tear is all his aged the tree, by day, to let me examined a stir? Oh, that signs of life shady bower the lay in the torch and half in the flow in a black, shaking starts held the Mower who come to lived it?
And not, looks were your own like the scortching by a ring guarded: theeues the rests with waking that their flock, the Type of the kind made my phonecard I finite pond then na what farre ourses that burned into spent, with make me to me feel your breakfast, mind’s on which in their verdict is a Lambe, of hoped sorrowed might’s a journey … that clouds odorously projected to do. It yesterday we trains to none thirst. Commits, faint and young, perverse of paradise. Come to sells the Bird of thy Pearls upon the night, when at hole Agent Greek and seemde but it’s jet, jet black, and sounding. Month at so part, the ghost of vintage! Last light wilt prove that beach, whoever rangers in my blushing eye, rounding the Bosom of look up,. In vain to ways; then—i never thy ioyes, and love you move of such euill enjoy’d the May-fly please, and, like a moment of May is a closed to Four; inter’d in memory.
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assessments for Thinking through Practice by Marley Warren
During the first term of thinking through practice we had to create autobiography about our lives and the first one we had to write about our lovers throughout our lives which was a new technique that I haven’t learnt before and proved to be a challenge on what to write as accessing my memories I found that I had multiple stories that I wanted to write to about and we had to wite about one in the end I talked about the first time I met my current lover as this memory stood out a lot to me, the style I wrote it was as if it was fairy tale as the memory almost felt like a fairy tail so it work really well for the autobiography, once I finished the group went around talking about their experiences and everyone had around the same theme as most was the theme betrayal and others had the theme of comedy such as with one of my classmates story how he stopped talking to a girl because is fell in love with a bus which was a bizarre story but it was the only few stories that actually stuck with as it was so bizarre and something you don’t hear every day. Their styles of writing it was as if they were talking to someone in the room one other person did something like me because they’ve never had a first lover before, so they made it up which is what we were also allowed to do but it was interesting to hear a story told that wasn’t however had spoken as if it was.
We were then told to edit on our story and put more detail into it which for I did put all that I knew into the story. I soon try to make up a few and make more the parts I made up more descriptive, I felt like this was an interesting exercise to enhance the story as I could of made entire new stories with the way I included the parts I made up.
I feel like the autobiography storytelling helped us all understand each other  little more as we found out stories about each other that if not for this part of the course I feel I would never know about my class or I would get to know class at all, it also help me understand how to use script work such as how to tell a interesting story as sometimes you need to look into your own past to create a lot of good sorties in theatre and in film such as with the plot of Indiana jones and the temple of doom written by George Lucas in that story he said that he was inspired by the divorce of his wife that led him to create the darkest story in the Indiana franchise.
Next subject we did was telling a story physically this is where things didn’t go well for me as I never really understood the meaning behind all the physical story telling in class as I felt it wasn’t explained as well as it should be. The first part of the physical story telling was to walk up and down the classroom in certain ways and concentrating on movement of the body and I just never really understood the meaning behind them and how it was mean to improve on our theatre skills, I understood the different ways of walking I think as it could help us become a different person in the way acting in theatre and other forms of acting for an example films, voice acting etc.
One I leant from the exercise was improvisation as we couldn’t vocally communicate with each other we had to know when it was the right moment to take the action of walking which proved to be very difficult as we all couldn’t look at each other nor have any sound cue to walk we just had to know when the time was right for all of us to take the first step to walk across one end of the classroom to the other side, this will help us in the future as in theatre work me and the group who is performing live will know how to non-verbally communicate and act on impulse to improvise scenes if thing go the way the performance isn’t mean to.
The last exercise we did was to make stories visually as our group created 5 scenes using all of us and make a story with each scene, at first we told a coherent story but we then swapped the scenes in different places changing our pace as we all had to quickly move into  the scene, and this taught me coordination with my group as we had to coordinate each scene and make sure the story we told made sense and wasn’t complicated for people to understand.
Process of making my performance:
For my assessment our group came up with a performance that would entail everything that we learnt in class and make into an interactable event as we planned to have the viewers sit down and try to make them participate however we wouldn’t give them a cue for them to participate they would have to know impulsively when they could join in and that main idea of the viewers impulsively join is one of the ideas I liked about the performance as we had try to make them join in but not make I too obvious they were meant to and the best part was it was an optional thing to do they didn’t have to join in but the option is there for them to join in. one other the others interesting parts of the performances was the locations set ups, we wanted the viewer to be brought on a journey and we didn’t limit ourselves to not only the university we went outside the university to tell stories and I lied the factor we branched out a lot more in location such as we went from underneath a stair case to outside a bus stop, a church and under a bridge so I leant about how to use locations and to not limit locations to just indoor use and there is so any locations we could of used a such as we could of gone into the church in one of the stories.
Another part I liked was asking random questions as we had 3 questions that we planned to ask and a 4th question that we had to come up with and again the worked with improvisation and impulses to ask these questions somewhere stranger than others however we came up with questions that made all the probationers think and got them all inverted with our performance as they all really enjoyed our performance
We also used our phones in the performance to immerse everyone as with the first story we told we all played the fire alarm sound effect on so that we could immerse everyone that we were in the story or with the finally story where we played dramatic music so that we get the feel of a emotional story about a person with their undying affection for Thomas the tank engine we really experiment with what technology and devices for our stories.
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