#that the cells dont die and disappear
theblindhakune · 2 years
Suddenly remembered that one post about how "depression causes brain damage".
That's both slightly true and incredibly false. Depression causes your neurons to athropy, NOT DIE, due to less cytokines and neurotransmitters being excreted. This of course causes problems with behavior, sleep, appetite, memory and everything else (making the overall situation even worse of course).
But the thing is that when properly treated, be it through medication or therapy (preferably both, along with possible lifestyle changes), those athropied neurons will become more robust than they once were. By that I mean that they'll grow more dendrites and their size increases.
So your neurons aren't going anywhere, they're just a little starved and, given the chance, they will get better. I believe that's also the mechanism behind how being on antidepressants for an X amount of time will lessen the chance of depression re-emerging later
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southislandwren · 1 year
kind of tired of professors thinking they're the only class that matters. sorry i cant drop everything to study for a quiz tomorrow that only covers today's lecture content. turns out i do actually have other classes
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justtogetthrough · 2 years
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Speaking of hospital grade first aid. I have no idea where this came from but I just googled it and it's a mesh thing used to stop bleeding of small wounds.
How the FUCK did this come to be in my possession lmao wtf
It's also used to pack wounds so I'm wondering if it's from surgical homecare but it was years ago my belly button needed to be packed and I'm pretty sure it wasn't this they used?
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musicoftheheart · 3 months
Number 10 please!! I'm a huge Avatar:TLA fan and would be really interested to see which marauders character you'd assign where 👀
so this is still very much in the planning phase, however i do have a vague idea of characters’ roles in the plot and story. its been changing a bit as ive been rewatching the original show and taking notes but as it stands:
it will be endgame jegulus and wolfstar :)
regulus and sirius are from the southern water tribe. its been difficult deciding which of them can bend, but right now ive settled with regulus being a water bender, and sirius a nonbender. ofc the personalities of sokka and katara are switched in this case
james is aang, the optimistic and kindhearted avatar, who just so happened to disappear right at the start of a hundred-year war. this was the plan from the start tbh; i couldnt imagine anything else
remus, ive decided, is toph. blind and forever underestimated by his parents, remus competes in underground earth bending tournaments and always comes out on top. when a trio of reckless, idiotic, stupid boys (barring regulus, to an extent. he seemed to be the only one amongst them with a brain cell) offers him a journey of a lifetime, remus takes it, despite his hesitance at first
the roles of zuko and azula were hard to fill, at first. originally, these were going to be sirius and regulus, but obviously that’s changed. instead, im considering narcissa and bellatrix respectively. there’s a reason andromeda is not included in this bit, and i have an explanation as to why the black sisters are fire nation royalty, while the black brothers are in the water tribe, however that will have to wait for the fic
iroh, i think, would have been minnie or alphard, in the original plan. however, since the black brothers are not the fire nation royals, minnie is out and im not entirely set on someone else. alphard is still in the running, but ive not made any decisions there yet.
as for where peter comes in, i actually considered him in the role of jet. y’know, traitor? especially using regulus (as katara) to join the merry band of death eaters who only want to do what’s right against the fire nation, of course. even if some people have to die. again though, im not 100% set on this, and im still doing my rewatch so i might end up finding a more fitting role for him.
a little fun note though: i almost had remus as yueh (idk how to spell her name - the princess in the northern water tribe). i thought it would be funny having remus turn into the moon, but i want endgame wolfstar so unfortunately that had to be thrown out.
one of the valkyries would definitely be suki (tsuki? im sorry im bad at names), but i cant decide which of them i want there, and who i want to use for other roles. anyway, suki would be either mary, lily, or marlene
there are other side characters i have definite decisions over, but those will have to wait for the fic :)
as of right now its still unnamed, and i dont have a timeline for when it’ll be written or released, but it exists!
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octarineblues · 2 years
this is by no means a criticism of anyone and as a person who loves reading angst: please carry on writing it! also whatever i say here does not matter. but there's multiple fics containing a very specific physics error in the sandman fandom out there and i guess i want to clarify:
when you run out of air in a sealed environment (as dream possibly did when he was in the fishbowl) - you actually run out of oxygen, which is turned into C02. The gas does not magically disappear, but your body does not get enough oxygen and your cells start to die.
CO2 is also poisonous at high-ish concentrations (google says 10%), but assuming all oxygen would be transformed into C02, we'd end up with around 21% C02 in the fishbowl atmosphere. Which is very much deadly to humans.
(a bit of science talk, a bit of angst potential - when there's no oxygen, when the air is totally filled with another neutral gas, like nitrogen or helium, its not the other gas that kills you, its the lack of oxygen. and it happens very quickly, one or two breaths, and you don't even know it's happening (theres nothing to irritate the lungs, i think). there's a very specific alarm in labs that handle such gases - if it turns on, you leave immediately, no matter what you were doing, playing on your phone or handling open flame or whatever. you just nope the fuck out of that room, or even the whole fucking building. its sort of how monoxide poisonong works, btw, but monoxide poisoning at home is much slower. boy, that whole health and safety talk was brutal)
but yes. back to dream.
sound can carry in CO2 or any other gas. sound is just particle vibrations that are transported in a medium like a wave. the issue with dream not being able to speak would not be there being no air, as we already said that the air would remain in his fishbowl - there'd just be no oxygen in the air.
he'd be able to not die from not breathing in oxygen, and he'd be able to survive C02 poisoning (how well tho) and then he'd be able to exhale the gas, his larynx (is it larynx??) would possibly be able to make the air vibrate in his airways, he'd be possibly able to make the sound. but, if we assume he needs oxygen, or has gotten used to needing it (please do, again, good angst), or that the CO2 is affecting him - he would have trouble thinking, being able to formulate words.
he'd breathe in, and it would possibly not be painful, but he'd breathe out, and breathe in, and it would still possibly not be painful, but it would not be doing anything. he'd just asphyxiate further and further with every breath.
(i dont actually know the biological impact of lack of oxygen, other than whatever the fuck i remember from high school. pls help. i know the physics of it, thats all)
again, this is not a criticism. please do not take this seriously, also, because this rambling is inspired by me not having work life balance. but every time i read that theres no air, it has run out, there's nothing the sound can travel in, i am taken out of the fic and i start thinking about mass conservation. thank you for reading and have a good day.
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youmourn-a · 2 years
this is a drabble of zacks experience in the basement of shinra manor im going to give a big fat trigger warning about eye gore!! if that isnt your thing then please dont read this!! other warnings include experimentation (obviously), basically akin to sleep paralysis, slight gore, needles and the like.
read this under your own discretion thank u
you don't know how or when you got here. mind is fuzzy and you feel so warm, so heavy. except, it's so hard to breathe and there's a voice... a recognizable one. ... cloud? cloud! your lips part and you call out his name. well, you think you do anyways. you can't move a single muscle in your body and it's silent but when a face comes into view, you're helpless. then you realize, you're strapped to a chair sitting upright and unable to move.
it's hojo and he's not alone.
he's talking to you but you can't comprehend what he's saying. it's blurry. you're awake but you're not. you're numb and sedated.
you aren't quite aware of how much time passes, how long you've been like this, waiting for something to happen. unfortunately, some things catch your eye. a scalpel and scissors... though they look a little worn but sharp enough to get it done. even needles and knives of a smaller scale. he doesn't know what it does, what those do.
it seems you're conscious. excellent. the brain functions differently when you're aware and what happens when you're asleep. i have a feeling these cells will stick to you quite well, soldier 1st class.
no name to even care about you as a person.
jenova cell infusion, sample j-703 under the jenova project.
the first thing is the scalpel you've briefly seen, reaching towards your chest and... wait, where are your clothes?
the pain is blinding and it burns but you don't screen, the only acknowledgement your body gives is a slight jerk of the eyes but otherwise, you're still. you swear blood forms at the back of your mouth, tasting iron; nothing but a pool of saliva to coat your teeth. the blade penetrates the flesh where your heart should be.
no signs of mako degradation yet. the sample is still young. this is a good sign.
it feels like molten lava and you swear your heart stops beating, stop breathing. except you're still here... awake as you can be, as you are.
it's those thoughts of death: i would rather die, please kill me, it hurts. what did i do wrong? mom... dad... aerith.
with a couple more probs and pokes with needles into your wrist, neck, and stomach. your body gives the occasional jerk, responding to the cells. whether it's good or bad, you don't know. if you see hojo's face, it's one of concern but pushes through. seems like he doesn't have the results he has yet but he's not exactly done. it doesn't take long before the skin around your no longer exposed heart is sewn back up, messily, and no care or concern if it heals well or not. mako is a funny thing, isn't it? it'll spruce you up right back to normal much faster than it ever would on someone who doesn't have the eyes to show.
your mako - infused ones who were half - lidded is now forced open, a light shining directly into the pupil. you can't see anything but the light and a vague view of hojo's masked face coming into view. the next thing you see is another needle, this time just a tad bit thicker than the rest. when it presses into your pupil, this time your body gives a response: a twitch of your finger tips. you think they might as well dig their fingers into your eye socket to pull out your eye ball and snap the optic nerve; it would feel the exact same.
good thing, you suppose, is that the needle disappears out of view and it happens once again in your other one. after that, all you see is black and a wetness down your face. whether it's tears or blood, you have no idea.
signs are immediate. enlarged pupils and the fade of blue from the samples natural eye color has turned green. the sclera has turned into a red hue, almost grey.
time becomes non - existent, ever fed the drugs to keep you still and unresponsive but awake and aware. whether it's been one hour or three months, you have no idea. when you think body welcomes much needed sleep, you're forced to be conscious with the same rinse and repeat processes. at some point, you hear your pupil was close to rupturing in your left eye, unable to take anymore jenova cells injections. you assume this aggravates hojo, tossing down tools in frustration and the snapping of gloves is something your ears pick up. you don't care. this is torture. no matter how quick the mako in your body patches you up; it starts all over again.
you think you feel the flesh melting off your bones. you think your eye fell free from its socket several times. you think, you think, you think. but you don't know. the thoughts are no longer yours, your body, your spirit is hojo's and nearly broken. nearly. you are too strong to give up so easily. you resist with everything you have so you can live.
after all the incisions, injections, "electrical therapy", forced loss of identity, you become a failure and it's immediate relief.
except the muscles that are forced to relax, tighten up when you can barely catch the words: sample j-703 has been deemed a failure of the jenova project. we believe the cause of already injected cells from first being accepted into soldier at the age of 15.
next is cloud strife, a shinra infantryman with no inclusion of mako cells. sample j-854 will take place of sample j-703. results are to be determined.
however, you swear see at the corner of your eye, a wind of silver hair...
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swaqcenix · 1 year
PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I'm sorry I disappeared from the radar. I was just preparing for the physics contest, which I will have on Monday. and I also have a german contest this Friday. maybe I'm a quiet person, but my ambitions are very loud and I intend to get first place everywhere, lol…
MY GODNESS, nooo, don't call me cute or sweet. 😭😭😭 my heart is very weak and may not be able to stand it. again, God, thank you very much for your kind words and mutual understanding that you give me. hehe, I hope you are not tired of my long messages, which equally kill our time.
my request!
I'm dying. I'm really dying a happy person. I'm so glad you liked it so much that you started writing it so quickly. BUT, please take your time and keep giving yourself time to rest and introspect. everything is fine, I will humbly wait for this masterpiece. and I'm always here to talk about the motives why some characters would become yandere. I'm sure that the main reasons that would trigger my resilient and independent Peggy would be the desire to protect and take care of the object of her "love", given that people who are too close to Peggy can be killed.
so……. yes.
Oh and, haha, that's unusual to hear. I'm not a fan of horror movies or sitcoms, (unlike my mother), but I would love to watch with you what you think is a real masterpiece that we just have to watch.
next, emotions. of course, emotions and feelings are very… a sensitive topic. as well as dont revealing your such emotions and feelings to people. everyone has their own reasons for this. and I am so glad that you are really getting help in this matter. it's true as an outlet after these messages with a kind of self-autopsy in front of a stranger like me.🫂
and no. we and your loved ones are lucky to have you. and, probably, I'm not thinking very constructively in order to decompose all your positive and negative traits and behavior in order to determine whether you are a curse or a blessing...
Rather, this is what I want to see.
let's remember a glass of water. someone will say that it is half full, and someone will think that it is half empty. in your case, if you were a glass of water, I would say "this glass is half full".
I do not know, but I'm again so embarrassed and happy at the same time from your post with Peggy and this spoiler……
I swear, while I'm at this olympics, one cell of my brain and the last cell of my nerves will probably be like:
"Peggy, Peggy, Peggy, Peggy fanfiction, dark-Peggy, Captain Carter, tumbler, Kaz, Kaz, Kaz, Kaz, be gay do crime, here we go lesbians, wAh uH BoH uHl, yoove gOht tO bE JOEking, God save Peggy Carter and her amazing accent"
just don't think that I'm writing all this just because of my request. I just wanted to compliment you on your excellent sense of taste and impressive writing abilities. well, and of course in general, for your presence.
hey, babe, do you know what the best thing your parents did?🧐🤨
*theatrical pause*
oh my god if it isn't my favourite anon! hii darling i hope you're doing okay! <3 you'll absolutely smash those contests ik you will so good luck for them! sending much love and support for it! 💌
hey it's okay to be a lil quiet but have strong ambitions and aspirations fr, were all our own person simply trying to be in the world
agh i'm sorry dear :) i have a habbit of using nickname's especially to cute humans who deserve it. i'll protect your lil heart i promise! and of course my word's simply seek to tell the truth. <3 also i could never get bored of your messages even if they're long i love that you feel comfortable enough to send me messages like this, besides they make my days 🫶
god don't die on me before you have even read it please! 🙏 no but of course i'm enjoying writing it bit by bit, besides it's an interesting concept and i hope you thoroughly enjoy it when i do get around to posting it love! don't worry i won't over work myself sweet! i feel like the reason in this story peggy ends up becoming yandere is due to her past, she's always had to fight to become what she wanted. the serum everything, her brothers death. so in regards to this seeing reader with wanda and seemingly so helpless she has to have her, in a way her stomach seeths with a pain she hasnt felt in years. When she does get reader its the urge to keep herself and peggy has to tell herself that, it is all for the good of cause for her little thing she has to protect! <3 i got carried away then and it shows.. 🫠
god i'm such a sucker for them it's embarrassing. scream, the conjuring series, the visit, hereditary it's the adrenaline for me! dw i'll choose ones that won't scare the shite out of you i pinky promise love! :))
emotions are always a complicated little thing, silly but meaningful in every way. loki said love is like a dagger and sylvie said love is hate, whereas it's all of that and so much more just as any emotion is! it's apart of who someone is and how they can be seen. thank you so much darling, sometimes those who cannot be seen or known of are the best listeners, so always! 🫂
i'm lucky to have you all in my life in anyway shape or form, those we surround ourselves with always impact our inner selves and ofc. analysing whether one is a poet or a singer through words, or simply is just one at the edge of the shore is entirely a concept that doesn't define curse or blessing, i'm flattered and touched you'd simply let it be. your words speak everything so softly <33
thats an interesting concept of a glass of water and touching. from my perspective in regards to yourself you speak fondly of people in ways that even the sun is unable to touch, you perceive things amazingly and im blessed to get to speak to such a sweet anon 💞
bahaha you're adorably funny i love it! my fanfics are something idk even what they are but i do apologise (not really) that it's fumbling so much with that brain of yours. i just enjoy delving deep into gayness and chaos with stories and characters! :')
sO each photo really does have a meaning, small spoiler the middle photo of peggy is her face when she first sees said reader, the other two are secrets yet to be revealed! i love alluding to certain events with my photos i just enjoy searching for them and adding in secrets and clues to be revealed.
don't worry darling ik you're speaking from a kind heart and soul, your messages truly are touching and i adore speaking to you and receiving such compliments! you're truly a breath of incredible fresh air and sunshine 💌
BAHAHA such an adorable thing and snazzy thing to say! <33 yk what yours did? the same thing created such a beauty such a melody. LMAOAOAOA dont worry no offence taken (my parents are fine my love) 😂💌
i hope you've slept well though and taking care of yourself!! did you sleep well and remember to stay hydrated my dear :')
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keroppidreams · 2 months
oh right, i almost forgot about this but ginklara angst thoughts under the cut (spoilers for be forever yorozuya movie and warning for mentions of death) (happy late anni, BFY!)
day 1 of gin's disappearance: klara isn't worried. when kagura and pachi ask if shes seen him, she assumes that he's probably fooling around in a pachinko parlor or got drunk and passed out at a random corner. ...actually the latter is a bit concerning considering someone could easily steal 300 yen from him, so she keeps an eye out for him. plans on giving him a lecture and reminding him to be more careful in the future.
day 3 of gin's disappearance: now she's panicking. something is definitely wrong. he wouldn't just leave out of the blue. sure, he gets into some weird and concerning shit at times, but that only lasts for, like, 2 manga chapters or anime episodes! He would've been back by now! she starts having trouble concentrating at work and decides to take the time off to help kagura and pachi search for him.
day 7 of gin's disappearance: shinsengumi hasn't seen him, nobody has encountered him in yoshiwara, hell, even zura hasn't seen him running around. did he somehow hitch a ride to space?? see, this is why she keeps trying to convince him to get a cell phone in case of emergencies, but nooo, he's too damn stubborn! ...stupid gin.
day 10 of gin's disappearance: ...now that she thought about it, he was acting a little strange a couple days before his disappearance. he kept staring off into space, even when someone was talking to him. she half-jokingly asked if he was late on rent again. he told her to piss off, so she reminded him that he can talk to her if there's something on his mind. they could even talk it over some parfaits at tenny's (not that it's a date or anything ofcoursenot).
he looked a bit sad when she told him that.
days turn into weeks, then months. her time on earth is starting to run out as her family and friends back on her home planet are asking when she's coming back. they mention that they heard theres a plague spreading around edo, and they don't want her to get sick. she reassures them that she'll return home soon, she's just waiting for someone. plus, she needs to keep an eye on some of her friends, or else they might get into trouble---especially sacchan. she's been pushing herself too hard as of late.
i'm not sure when exactly in the timeline kagura and pachi find the journal and learn that gin is "dead", but when klara finds out, shes baffled. theyre playing a prank on her, right? theres no way gin would die by eating poisonous mushrooms after going on a quest to search for something! the journal has to be fake...there's no way...maybe pachi read the entries wrong! sure, she isn't an expert in earthling language, but there's plenty of homophones and strange grammar rules! maybe gin meant to write something else down, but made a mistake and as a result, the sentence got misconstrued!
she tries so hard to hold back her tears as she offers her hypothesis, but gradually starts breaking down when she sees kagura and pachi's expressions before accepting that he's gone.
eventually, as the white plague worsens, she ends up returning to her planet despite her reluctance (will the kids be okay? ...though now that she thought about it, they dont look like kids anymore. theyve gotten taller. how would gin feel if he saw them now? maybe he'd feel old...). but before she does, she looks around the office one last time, trying to etch all the details into her mind. a part of her is expecting to see gin lounging on the couch or sitting at his desk, reading jump.
she doesnt.
klara ends up leaving earth. though she stays in contact with everyone, she doesn't find out the truth about gin's disappearance, and continues to believe that her first love disappeared one day without saying a word and died by consuming poisonous mushrooms. though it's not like the truth would make her feel any better.
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zaynes-ocs · 1 year
Tw for graphic descriptions of execution via electric chair
This is part 3 of milo’s backstory read parts 1 and 2 here:
Part 1
Part 2
He was going to die.
He was just a boy.
He was going to be executed.
All of these realizations had slowly settled in on Milo’s psyche as he had sat huddled in his cell for the few days he was allowed as the world around prepared for his death while he was left to stew in the anxiety of it all. Every set of footsteps echoing down the hallways sending a jolt of terror down his spine, wondering if it was finally his time until his anxiety ran him numb. At some point, he stopped caring, though he couldn’t for the life of him remember when, so when those footsteps finally halted in front of his cell one day, he found it easy to stand.
He didn’t resist as he was guided down the hall, chains jangling like the bells that would toll for his demise as his feet shuffled against the cool cobblestone floor towards his doom. His tears had long dried from the hours if not days upon sobbing he did in his cell, and quite frankly he was over it by now.
Even as the doors moaned open into a dimly lit room, he felt nothing. His dull, lifeless gaze settled upon the only piece of furniture in the entire room as he entered. A single, wooden chair was bolted to the ground, metal restraints that shimmered like the foaming waves of the trecherous waters of a flood were attatched to the arms and legs of the chair while another sheet of metal lay in the seat. Up the oaken backing stuck another line of frigid metal leading up to an odd mechanical circlet hanging by looping wires that spiraled up into a cold and clinical cobweb of copper and iron.
“Take your seat.” Came the guard’s command, to which Milo silently complied, wincing breifly as the metal cuffs of the chair bit and constricted his wrists and ankles, a discomfort that he promised himself would disappear soon, as dead people dont feel.
The chair was uncomfortable in design, forcing Milo’s back staight as the cold metal backing pressed up against his spine while the circlet clenched like the fangs of a predator against his temple as his guard checked over his restraints.
“Sorry to have to do this to you kid… but orders are orders…” The guard sighed as he took a step back, glancing over the young boy’s form with a grimace of discomfort. “If you have any final words to get out… I’ll record them for you if you’d like.”
“Alec is a lying bastard… and I hope he rots in hell.” Milo softly snarled, surprising even himself at the venom that drolled off his tongue, astonished to the new feeling of pure, vengeful rage that held no room for fear to prevent him from speaking, for what place does fear have in a dead man’s body anyways?
The guard’s mouth formed a fine, grim line in silent understanding of those words before he swiftly made gis departure, leaving Milo alone in the room with only the feeling of impending demise and the ever present weight of his mother’s ring boring a hole through his pocket. At least he’d have a chance to apologize for being late to dinner this way, he supposed.
His fists clenched in nervous anticipation as a soft electrical hum filled the air, almost a squealing shrill scream that danced through the wires before it roared into a cacophonous buzzing as untamed blue light shot down the wores, igniting across the metal of the chair before sinking its prickly fangs into Milo’s nervous system, his skin clicking and popping as sparks jumped between him and the metal, forcing his body rigid as the sheer power overrode his body as his execution began.
He couldn’t scream, nor control any of the haphazard spasms and convultions that rocked his body against the chair, his jaw forced tight as lightning danced hotter than fire through his blood, burning and stinging far worse than he could even imagine as his heart was forced to thunder with every spasm, constricting and gasping for every missed beat as it tried to keep up with it all. Milo’s very spine scalded like magma as it was forced against the metal, his skin feeling like it was boiling from the inside as the tingly sensation of needle-like sparks jabbed and stabbed at the very bone, sending shudder after shudder to the rest of his limbs that rattled and bashed against their restraints that only served to burn him further, condensing the circut into only his body and leaving the excess nowhere else to go as it was forced to burn its way back through the body reversably.
The circlet atop his head bit and hissed as a bolt of energy danced across his face like a thunderclap, searing its way over one of his eyes with a terrible flash that nearly blinded him as his eyes watered with tears that wished to express themself, his lip tearing and cracking as the lightning tore him apart from the inside. His heart hammered faster and faster until he was certain it had stopped completely before it seized once again, his organs twisting and churning just like his limbs with no way for him to control their movements before the electricity finally ceased, and his heart lulled to a final stop.
Mere seconds had felt like an eternity as Milo’s head slouched forward, his snowy hair straying from the path of gravity with wn electric hum to it as his mind slowly began to fuzz and fade, his last few surviving moments of air to his brain dissappearing with every sefond as his vision grew darker and darker, conciousness fading with it as he was faintly aware of the sensation of his restraints finally loosening before a sudden, violent spark leapt between his fingertips and danced its way back through his body, and his heart began to beat again.
Gasping out, Milo lunged forward with a vicegrip, holding on for desperate life as his systems reinstated themselves and his vision returned, only to find his hand wound tightly around the neck of one of the guards and his pocket filled with a warm, energetic buzz that drew him like a moth to a flame. Wordlessly, he dug his other hand in, finding a small sapphire ring hidden amongst the cloth that hummed with purpose and gave off a faint glow almost that mesmerized the newly awakened elf as the cogs in his mind slowly began to turn, remembering once more who he was, where he was and what exactly had just transpired before a roar of rage shot through his body, a surge of energy flowing through his arm like a tidal wave before it slammed into the helpless guard with a violent electric flurry, brilliant blue sparks shooting out and swarming his arm like ribbons.
The guard lay bloodied and motionless on the floor of the chamber, earning nothing but a glower from the elf a gave him nothing more than a glance before turning his attention back to the ring in his pocket which slipped flawlessly onto his finger, calling to him like destiny as he shed what remained of the shy, quiet boy from the village and donned a new outlook on life and an all consuming rage the likes he had never felt before. His very mind itself had changed as he stormed his way out of the prison like a hurricane, wind and thunder smiting any who blocked his path as he had only one destination lingering in his mind.
They wanted a monster to blame so badly?
They’d get their monster.
Part 4 - FINAL PART!
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
labib when al mualim asked him what he was doing while two young boys were fighting each other and bleeding to the death
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aforrestofstuff · 2 years
Forrest's Expert Chapter Reviews (166): The Super-Duper Crying in the Bathtub Special Edition!!
Murata released a chapter today. People died.
(BTW there are webcomic spoilers in here so read at your own risk. Thanks! Please enjoy. You're required to by law.)
I just want everyone to know this chapter came out at like 9am (Yeehaw Standard Time) this morning; I was just getting through my routine, sitting down for breakfast. I heard the Discord notification on my phone. I got excited, looking to read this delightful manga with my Frosted Flakes, then I open to this fucking shit on the first page and I put my spoon down and had to sit there for ten fucking minutes to fight these demons.
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Hey dawg what the fuck haha
Okay sure, the adults can get a billion tumors in ten minutes and fall over and die but when it happens to the kids??? I dont like that!! I mean this in an affectionate "you broke my heart" sort of way, by the by. I like that the fandom-appointed dads were the first to drop down and help. I like that Zombieman canonically has stubby fucking hands. I like that we get this interaction between him and Isamu. It was painful to look at but I don't hate that it happened. Yep.
I'm gonna be real honest and admit my media illiteracy here, I thought the reason Saitama had a nosebleed in the last chapter was because Garou clocked his shit, and the reason Badd got his nosebleed was that, through a series of complex equations and reaches, Batarou is canon. However, none of those are true, and turns out they're all just getting super-duper radiation poisoning and I'm not sure Saitama's 3 years of working out made him immune to cancer but we'll see about that.
Side note: Badd is one of the only ones who felt the effects of the radiation before everyone else did. Badd also has "dynamic vision" and superb reflexes. You know that scene in Infinity War where, after the snap, Peter Parker can feel it long before he actually disappears due to his spider-sense? Where am I going with this.
Badd has spider sense babeyyy kachow !
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Side side note: You know who else felt the effects of the radiation before Saitama and Badd? That's right baby!
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"I can feel it in my skin" dawg that's the cancer LMAOOO
Side side side note: Now that we're on the topic of Zombieman (again), it makes sense that he's not immune to the radiation because it's probably killing his cells faster than he can regenerate. That, and he's fucking exhausted at this point. Still though... I'll bet he was the last one standing as all his coworkers collapsed around him. Reminds me of after-work parties at Applebee's haha kachow
I was right when I said Blast would come beat Garou's ass... but at what cost.
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Also, I thought he'd bring the Justice League but I guess they've got better fucking shit to do??? Than fight GOD??? LITERAL GOD?? Okay.
Also Bang telling God to give Garou back haha this is not a tear falling down my cheek it's just... spinal fluid...
So, Garou is definitely not being 100% controlled by God but he is being influenced in some capacity, so I can see this kinda growing into an intense fear/trauma of being manipulated/controlled in post-arc Garou. Especially during the neo-heroes arc when Suiryu attempts to capture him.
When Garou sobers after being beaten by Saitama and he sees what he’s done, it’s a mixed bag of emotions. We know he isolates himself post-arc--he already is in the manga with Tareo because he thinks the closer he gets to those he cares for, the more he’ll hurt them. With that being said, will he self-isolate in the manga because he becomes scared of himself? With all his introspection and meditating under waterfalls, will he come to think that all he does is hurt those he cares about? Will he think he doesn’t deserve to love anyone? Find out next time on Forrest Learns How to Read!
I love the idea of Garou spiraling into a self-loathing cocoon because seeing him in pain brings me joy and--yes, he's one of my favorite characters. Why do you ask?
. ok
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um. anyways.
haha cool
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oh. he's holding Genos' heart. 👍
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I'm on my knees praying for christ to strike me down right now.
Ok I'm done with this bit lmao I kinda wanted to build comedic suspense but I can't commit. I'm gonna write an essay on Genos' "death" now.
Really hard to believe he's actually dead and that's ONE's damn fault for faking us out at least twice before (Mumen Rider, Tanktop Master) so I'm not really feeling the suspense to this. ("durrrr but there's not gonna be suspense!! tHat'S wHaT sAiTaMA is FOr!!!" you Redditors are fucking dorks and I hate you.)
BUT. I could be wrong and if I am, feel free to send a dark web hitman my way and strike me down for good!
Regardless, if (when) Genos comes back, he's not gonna be the same. He shouldn't be the same because then what the fuck was all that for?? Anywho, I'm kinda feeling an amnesia storyline? Is he even going to remember this? Is he even going to--gasp--remember Saitama?
Half his fucking brain is gone. As far as we know, having his entire conscience saved to the cloud requires at LEAST 20$ of iCloud per month and we know Kuseno's cheap ass ain't gonna pay for that so, what's he gonna do? Make do, baby!
ONE loves his opposites, loves his narrative foils. Genos has been wanting to get closer to Saitama the entire manga and if the tables turn to Saitama wanting to get closer to Genos during his recovery, out of guilt, maybe, then I think that'll be really interesting. Genos and Garou have been mirroring each other in a lot of ways; I think they're going to have a similar "finding oneself" post-arc.
Either that or Genos is going to be like every upper-middle-class white guy's mystery Mercedes: perpetually "in the shop" until the end of time, dead but dreaming.
So, aside from that: Garou purposefully ripped Genos' heart out because he knew it would make Saitama get serious. Saitama then holds Genos' heart in one hand and beats Garou with the other........... Saigenos Fans please spare Batarou Nation some crumbs PLEASE we haven't eaten for WEEKS (good for you though).
In conclusion:
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I should've never learned how to fucking read.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
darkness defined - 
az or cass x reader idk if this makes sense or not but here we go, either az or cas POV where reader (their mate) was stuck under the mountain with rhys and doesn’t come back bc she is still locked in the dungeons (rhys just assumed she died, he doesn’t know she is still alive)  Switch to readers POV, a few months later where they think their mate and their family (the night court) has abandoned them bc nobody ever came looking for her. Reader is like on the verge of death and uses her last energy to send a pulse down the bond. Switch back to az or cas POV  who are basically freaking out with guilt and anger and worried-ness. Im sorry it’s super long don’t feel pressured to write this anytime soon idk if it even makes sense  
Cassian was a wreck. From the moment Rhys came home alone, and until the end of time it seemed to be. Azriel sighed, watching his brother down his second bottle of alcohol. His eyes were red, face gaunt and pale. The circles under those tortured eyes looked more like bruises. 
He hadn't talked to Rhys much since the news came that you were gone. Cassian had practically blown the roof off the house of wind, then disappeared for two weeks. The only reason Rhys had let him was because Az followed, far behind just to make sure he wasn't going to do anything drastic. 
Azriel watched his brother circle the mountain, only to have to turn away. Wards made by Helion himself refused entry to anyone while the mountain was still being evacuated of Fae. He glared daggers at the people streaming outside the shield. His heart was a painful stab in his chest constantly. His mate.. gone. He refused to believe it. And Azriel saw the denial there, plain as day. 
Azriel had only stopped him once. When he packed a bag and started his flight to Hybern. He earned a black eye and a verbal lashing for that, but it had saved Cassian from going on a suicide mission.
After a month of being out, he went to his brother. Rhys refused to ask Helion to lower the shields around the Mountain, and finally Cassian seemed to give up. He would have gone to Helion himself, but the wards around his court prevented him from doing so. Rhys was torn up over the entire experience of under the mountain, but losing you was one of the worst parts. He would never forgive himself for losing his brother's mate. 
Azriel watch his brother's eyes get more and more dull. Watched the bottles stack up. Rhys wasn't around much, busy regaining control over his city, getting updated. And keeping an eye on Spring Court.  Cassian sighed when the bitter liquid hit his tongue. He drank like it was salvation. Like it would lead him back to you. Plus, it helped him sleep. It was the only time he could sleep without seeing you, without feeling that pull - the command his instincts gave. "Find me, find me. I'm here. I love you. Please."  He often escaped to the cabin. To not have to talk to anyone, and to keep Rhys from stealing his bottles from him. Cassian was convinced Rhys was saving them to drink for himself. That's where he found himself flying, bottle of booze in hand. The guilt a lead weight in his stomach. 
The door shut, and he finished the first bottle in an hour. 
Mor appeared beside him, took the second bottle from his hand and had a long drink herself. He smiled drunkenly, showing too many teeth at her. He wasn't sure if she was actually glowing or if it was his eyes squinting too much. "Cheers." He slurred, taking the bottle back and downing more.
+ The walls were getting drier and drier with each passing day. The once cool winds that would cut through the stone dungeons were turning softer, warmer. It was a welcome relief, but without the muddy water from the walls...you knew you didn't have much left. Your spirit was crushed, on top of it. Death seemed like not a terrible option anymore.  Especially knowing that your court - your friends - your family had left you. They had just... forgotten. Thrown you aside like nothing. Didn't even try to find you. Like the Winter court skeleton in the cell beside you, just left to die.
  You pushed the thoughts back, knowing that logically that wasn't true. But you couldnt come up with a reason why they would leave you down here. You prayed, you tried sending thoughts down the bond. Nothing worked. Sometimes your mind got the better of you, and you would rush to the bars of your prison cell when you thought you heard faint footsteps. 
Then you would hear your own voice echo back, and no one else.  Eventually you stopped getting up. You let the fantasies keep you entertained while you lay on the floor. Not caring about the bugs that crawled on you. You were glad there wasn't a mirror to see yourself in. A wave of dizziness crashed over you, and you fell into darkness. 
When the water ran dry, you stopped bothering calling out for Cassian. The bond was there, but saturated. Trying to grasp it was like trying to hold wind. You were too exhausted. So you propped yourself up in a corner and let the dizziness pull you under again for a moment. Taking rattling breaths, you let your mind wander to that mind bridge. That once sturdy marble that would always remind you of Cassian. 
You sent out a final tug down that bond. Using the last of your energy, you put all your effort into it. "I'm here, I always will be. I love you. I'm sorry." The platform you imagined your bond being seemed to go dark, and lifeless. Empty.
+ Cassian shot upright, head spinning. Mor was asleep beside him, her feet on the table. He shook her, trying to shake the stupor. "Wake up. Wake up!" She groaned, weakly batting him away. He took a breath, trying to steady himself. He wobbled to the kitchen, dunked his head in the cold sink water and slapped himself a few times. The haziness from his stupor crawled away, slowly. 
Mor appeared in the archway, rubbing her eyes.
"Get Rhys. I need you to winnow us." He demanded, patting her face softly. Her eyebrows knit together but she stretched, and sleepily obliged.  + You assumed the crackling was just your starved imagination. Again. But the wind changed as well, and you tried not to let your hopes up. You weakly opened your eyes, to the same familiar cell. A silent tear slid down your cheek.  Then there were the shuffling of footsteps again, and you hid your face in your hands. It seemed like all the imagination tricks were attacking at once. You wanted it to stop. You wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep until you could see and hold Cassian again. Voices, now.
The sweet deep voice of a man who spoke another language. An ancient language. Your ears rang. You cracked your eyes again, to a blinding white light. You held a hand in front of your face, trying to see behind it. 
A thud, and scrape of metal. Then the scent hit you. It was similar to what you had imagined but somehow a million times better. Then, his arms were around you. "Mother above." He breathed. You would have thought the mother took you at last if it wasnt for the pain in your gut.
"We got you honey, I'm so sorry. Im-" He tried to hold back a sob. You smiled weakly at the familiar, yet different eyes that you loved. The marble platform you shared seemed to be lighting up with happiness. At the same time, crumbling and falling with shame. Anguish. 
Rhys began winnowing the group immediately, nodding to Helion. The high lord gave him a melancholy smile back, and winnowed himself in a flash of light. He would check the rest of the mountain with his forces and repair the wards before he returned to his home. 
Everyone surrounded the healer, watching her work. Mor was trying to stay calm, but her hands shook when she held Amrens. Rhys and Azriel both had jaws clenched, shoulders tense. Watching the way Cassian's tears fell on to your shoulder as he cradled you. The healer squeezed  his arm softly, silently requesting him to move. He didn't.
Azriel went to his brother, wrapping an arm around him. "Your mate needs you to be strong, Cas." He consoled, pulling him away gently. Cassian held you tighter, just for a second then nodded and let go. He held your hand firmly. His warmth missing from your body was a shock. You began shivering. Amren tugged a blanket off the guest couch nearby and placed it over your legs. 
"T-thanks." you muttered. Her eyes widened, but she nodded. Her and Rhys glanced to each other. A silent conversation. You didnt care. 
"Cas?" You squeezed his hand, and there he was. His pale face looked ragged. He seemed like he was struggling in every sort of way. You didnt want to imagine what he was looking at when he looked at your features. You could practically feel your cheeks sinking in, your bones losing their density. "I missed you." You smiled, trying to lift his mood. 
His lips quivered, and he nodded. He kissed the back of your hand. "You wouldnt believe how much I missed you. All of us did." he glanced to Rhys. His face was blank, but that steady stream of power seemed to be crackling outside. 
You let your eyes drift to each of your friends. Each of their tear stained faces were such a welcome relief. Over a month alone, their presence alone was enough to soothe that part of you that doubted their love. 
Cassian kissed your forehead, before the healer's light knocked you into a peaceful sleep. 
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cdroloisms · 4 years
You're on tumblr now! Now I can bring to you the idea that c!Sam is actually scared of c!Dream and that he's breaking his will until c!Dream becomes less scary to him, which is backfiring because the problem is becoming worse from it, and it's only scaring him more
this was a fun prompt, anon, but MAN yall dont pull any punches huh?? (dw, im loving it)
this was heavily inspired from sam’s messages on foolish’s stream the other day, so make of that what you will before reading ;)
tw: abuse (physical/emotional), toxic relationships, starvation, violence, death, death threats, mental instability, panic attacks, child murder
"Oh Sam."
The prisoner's voice is eerie, almost songlike, drawing out the syllables of Sam's name before devolving into high-pitched giggles. "Awesam," his voice rasps, slightly, still quiet and strained from lack of use even after the week, only making it sound more inhuman. "Sammy-"
"Shut up," Sam bites out, throat ragged from crying, screaming. He'd taken his mask off to properly wipe at the tears that were running down his cheek and even with the lava blocking himself from view, he's never felt so exposed. "Shut-"
"Or what?" The prisoner laughs, loud and clear. "You'll yell at me? Take my food away? Break my fucking will with your stupid pick?" His giggling grows in volume, the sound throwing itself over the obsidian walls, losing itself as he begins to wheeze. "Because that worked so well for you last time, didn't it, Warden?"
Rage burns, dark and desperate, in his gut; he balls his hands into fists, meets resistance, realizes that his pick has appeared in his them, instinctually, without him noticing. "You killed him," his voice cracks on killed, tears rising traitorously to his eyes no matter how many times he thinks he's all cried out, a knot of desperate, broken grief swelling in his chest again and again. "He was just a kid, and you- you beat him-"
"Oh don't say it like that, Sammy," he interrupts, entirely too flippant. "It's nothing you haven't done before."
A lance of something spears him in the chest, something sharp, piercing, knocking the breath from his chest for a moment.
"That's different."
"To-may-to, to-mah-to," the prisoner shoots back, not missing a beat. "I mean, really Sam, getting punched to death isn't all that bad- I'd rank it at like, a four on pain, lava is so much worse-"
"I," his lungs heave, breathing ragged. He looks down at the pickaxe still held in his shaking hands, at the glowing metal blade strapped to his hip. "I should kill you, I need to-"
"Kill me?"
For a moment, Sam almost thinks that the prisoner hesitates, leaving him in silence save for the popping lava and echoing guardian calls. It takes a few moments before he notices the low, quivering hum coming through the comm speakers, growing in volume, and- oh.
He's laughing.
"You- you'll kill me," the sound is dark and low and poisonous, worming under his skin and buzzing wrong wrong wrong against bone. "Go on then! Do it!"
"I-" he chokes on his own thoughts, Tommy's broken screams and the prisoner's ringing laughter and his own rage and grief twisting together, thick and suffocating.
"You know what I think, Sammy?" his voice drops low, hissing. "I think you don't have the fucking guts. The poor little Warden, so scared of revealing his dirty, dirty secret that he'll let someone else die for it. So scared of me you won't even use my name. What a fucking joke."
"Shut up-"
"Go on, then! Make me! Break my will like you said you would, hmm? I know you. I know you want to." He laughs, brazen, cocky; both of them know he's won. "You're probably holding your pickaxe right now, aren't you?"
"How'd you-" He can't think, he can't breathe, he needs to get out-
"I told you! I know you! I know everything," Sam shakes his head, shaking, the pickaxe disappearing back into his inventory; he needs to get out he needs- "Whatcha gonna do, Warden, now that you’ve run out of ways to break me?"
"Come into my cell! Do it!"
He can't.
Sam turns away, lungs heaving, not walking so much as running out of the area of the main cell entrance, hands shaking around his keycard as he pushes it into the blackstone. Dream, in his ear, is still laughing, the sound growing in volume and pitch, rising with the panic threatening to pull him under.
"I'm not scared of you, Sam! So you better figure yourself out, soon," His hand comes up to rip out the communicator, fingers blindly wrapping around the metal, desperate to make him finally shut up-
"-because I'll kill you, if you don't."
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hauntedwoman · 3 years
not when phoebe bridgers said “a haunted house with a picket fence to float around and ghost my friends no im not afraid to disappear the billboard said the end is near” and when bo burnham said “well well look who’s inside again went out to look for a reason to hide again” and when taylor swift said “im not cut out for all these cynical clones these hunters with cell phones take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die i dont belong and my beloved neither do you” .............................. i felt that <3
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poohbea · 2 years
hiiiii poohbear, im coming into your asks to act like you for a moment🫶🏾
1. how have you been/how was your week?
2. are you a magician? bc whenever i look at you everyone else disappears 😎 smooth ik😋
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1. hi my baby, i’ve been relatively good this week, stayed at home for most of it since one of my lecturers was sick. the highlight of my week was probably doing the toad heart lab.
so basically toads have a sinus venous which is a chamber of the heart that has cells which contract independently even when the toad is dead. so we got recently ethically killed cane toads (these are a pest in australia btw) and we cut the chest cavity open to suspend its heart using a clip which attached to a machine that detects mechanical activity (so every time the heart beat it would pull the string the clip was hung from it would tell the computer there’s a mechanical heartbeat)
the aim of this lab was to test what different hormones and conditions do to heart rate (e.g cold vs hot temps, potassium, sodium, adrenaline, acetyl choline, etc.) so all was going well till i drowned the poor thing’s heart (the poor thing we – my group and i – named Tobias) in potassium chloride and it slowed the heart rate down at first but i was too eager and added more and it STOPPED and he flatlined and everyone yelled at me like “you killed Tobias!” so we call the lecturer and we’re like uhhh something happened and he goes what’d you do and i said i just put potassium and he said how much and i said a bit and he said well how much is a bit and i was like uhhh a bit.
so now our best bet is to rinse Tobias’s heart in wringers solution (which is pretty much just a salt solution so it’s neutral and won’t change heart rate) and eventually Tobias came back to us and we resumed the lab. THEN HE FLATLINED THE SECOND TIME this wasn’t my fault this time and i was quick enough to catch it before the heart stopped for too long and we brought him back. mind you the whole time we’re laughing and acting like we’re in surgery like “COME ON TOBIAS DONT YOU CANT DIE ON US… AGAIN! COME ON TOBIAS PUSH THROUGH YOURE GONNA MAKE IT YOU GOT THIS!” the lecturer was sick of us by the end of it 😂 we also played around with the muscles (yes we made him do the renegade it’s what he would’ve wanted) and Tobias’s mouth cause we wanted to see his tongue (which is really short and squishy btw)
then we laid Tobias to rest with the rest of the toads in the toad bucket. RIP my boy Tobias, my he live on in toad heaven 🥺
the final 2 or 3 labs are gonna be with toads again so we’re desperately searching for another toad name that goes well with Tobias but it’s proving difficult so if y’all got any ideas i and my group are open to suggestions 😂
2. man that was cute 🥺 i got one: is that a mirror in your back pocket cause i see myself in your pants 🤭
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ojato · 3 years
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You have seen zim tortured but what about dib? i dont se enough tortured deranged dib. So i decided my bad au has dib go throught some nasty shit.
What if zim and dib had a thing.
What if zim disappeared,but came back,in irken years he didnt take long,but human years ?
What if a lot of time passed?
What if dib was indeed an experiment and membrane discovered aliens and supernatural things were real.
What if membrane was a shitty cruel person.
What if dib was used as a labrat to explore what he accidently created trying to clone himself with something else.
What if zim came back to see earth became a very different dystopian place,what if he did everything to track dib down only to find him in a facility being experimented on to create more nightmarish soldiers of war,just like good ol irk.
A zim destroyed by an empire cold and cruel only to find himself where another race became the same,only to see them using  things beyond his understanding because only humans could connect with such things.
Just nice,cozy what ifs ya know.
Dib is a mix of a chiropteran and a lycan,maybe of alien origin,who knows.
If you want to know whats going on,dib has an immense will to survive  tgo the point it became a monstruosity trying to keep up with the torture,just like shin godzilla :D
He used to scream and struggle a lot at first, beggin his father to stop to the point to not be annoyed by the creatures screams he deformed n broke his skull so many times,crushing it only to harvest  and mold the mouth for teeth and test agression and orders to kill, without  much success of course as it seems it grew to try and break the metal with teeth and blood with one of his eyes breaking free every 6 months. The weird leash-hook on the head piece temporary breaks his neck by yanking strongly if he tries to attack lab workers,as he often does ,its made to hold his most dangerous part enough for workers to do their job.
The second most difficult part used to be his legs,even severely dosed he killed quite a few people with them ,therefore they have to be stiched together and constanly broken n molded into what he has now to avoid difficult work around him
He is pumped with acids or chemicals depending on what they need to harvest from his body,more often than not dead skin cells as he weirdly melts when he reacts to certain components. When Zim found him,they where slowly breaking his left wing in half to observe the healing process and take living samples,only big chunks would work,smaller samples  rot and die too fast.
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