#that stuff is reserved for romance shit
So I finished AoS season 5 and-
You don't understand that never happens
I am never that lucky. No way. Nope. This is the shit that only happens in fanfics. I abandoned that hope years ago.
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If anyone needs me, I'll be rewatching that scene over and over until it sinks in, sobbing like a little baby.
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
please could you do the characters rin sae oliver and kaiser for the ‘blue lock characters types’ ( female reader) thank you i really loved that post <33
love anon 💙
yes of course, I'm just a little mad at myself that I couldn't make the other post longer.. also thank you for including the gener my love💙
(Please call yourself 'love anon 💙' okay? ...or however else, it was just an idea :} )
Warnings: some have body types included, but these are just headcannons, okay?
Characters: Rin, Sae, Oliver, Kaiser, Karasu
Blue Lock's types?! ...part two
part one
Bro that boy is a simp.
correction: they're all simps.
I think we somehow forget that the only thing they can do good probably is play football, otherwise they look like normal teens with muscles to me
I think Rin's type would just be a girl who takes stuff seriously, as in not being a person who jokes a lot but who focuses on her studies and stuff
I mean, he can speak english pretty good, so I think he'd also like a girl who is bi- or multilingual (I'm european, take me Rin)
but also a girl who is like-- I don't know, maybe a little reserved for herself? Who doesn't really give too much price about herself?
I think he read a little too many romance novels (headcannon) and these girls now intrigue him 💀
but yeah, all in all I think his type would be reserved and no-nonsence, booksmart girls
bonus if you wear glasses, it makes you look cute and intelligent in his eyes
I think the spanish girls have him down bad for them
I think he likes fun girls? like, girls where it's not boring (to him)
Imagine you met him in spain and just thought he was a hot dude and you just wanted to have some fun so you just do sum weird shit and he enjoys that
like, I can just imagine him trying to be goofy just for the hell of it because I always see him so bored and gloomy and stuff like that so I feel bad
Yeah, I can definitely see him simping for girls who like to crack jokes left and right
also maybe (I'm putting in body types here) he likes girls with nice asses? He looks like an ass guy to me
when a girl walks in front of him, with the jeans beinf full with juicy cheeks, he stares at them
I said it and I'll say it again.
Sae looks like he'd enjoy the company of a funny girl with a nice ass
we all thank the spanish girls for that.
anon 💙... why him...WHY HIM ????
he a runner he a track star (...is it the right lyrics?)
Bro he'd just fuck anything that's female and breathing in his eyes
he looks like a 30-something year old divorced alcoholic who can't keep shit together
but okay.
also he fucks random bitches and you want me to give him a type???
bro I think just girls in general are his type?
Elder girls?
Cuz like in that one karaoke scene, he wanted to hang with two grown ass women💀
so yeah there you have your answer, he likes older ladies💀💀💀
a german huh?
I bet he just likes blond haired girls who like to run after him sorry not sorry
ok but seriously.
He is pretty arrogant, a big egoist, and loves to misinterpret things
so I'd like to imagine him chasing after a girl who's "playing hard to get" (his words not mine)
no but seriously, he really thinks the world evolves around him💀
Ness this is all your fault
but other than girls who are not interested in him, I think he also likes girls that are pretty sarcastic and make him feel worthless, just so that he can prove it to them.. (I really don't know)
but other than that, I think he likes the idea of a one-sided crush, and wants to "make her fall for me."
like bro fuck off with your weird-cut, ugly-white-ass hair
I really don't know much about him because I've been watching the anime until the last episode and then I read the manga but not from the start so I'm sorry if there were some canon events that I don't know of..
but let's think about his type
I'd say...a calm girlfriend? A loyal one as well? (*cough*Otoya*cough*)
But I'd even choose Shidou over Otoya tbh💀
okay let's get back to the topic at hand.
Karasu just wants himself a loving and calm girlfriend, who gives him the vibe of a nice forest or steadily flowing river where he can calm his nerves
He looks like he gets angry easily..
so he has a soft girl
he likes chubby girls, just imagining hugging one and resting his head on your shoulder as he uses your soft tummy/juicy thighs as a stress ball and sighs contently
I don't know but Karasu makes me feel stuff...😍😫
Hellyu, how was that? It was actually rather fun thinking about their types, and I think I did a pretty good job. If I didn't, tell me and I'll change that!
Read you in the next post!
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ROTBB First Time Headcanons (NSFW/Minors DNI)
An anonymous request. Work left me burnt out so I used this to get my creative juices flowing again. Written with a GN reader in mind.
Chung Myung
So you know how he has canonically big hands?
Guide him and he'll become the fingering king in no time. He already has long fingers, so you just need to tell him where to go, what to do, and how fast to do it.
Staying on the topic of hands he's grabbing everything because A. Grabbing your bits is funand B. He wants to see how you react. 
Surprisingly good at foreplay, and it makes you wonder if he’s read a couple of books on this or not.
Also bricked up and if you comment on this he will get cocky. (pun intended lmaoooo)
It might be his first time, but holy shit he has stamina thanks to his training. Even if he finished too soon he's going back in. Will not stop until you've finished.
Probably started out with missionary for the first round but will want to try other positions later in the night.
Kind of guy to finish inside of you, stay inside for a minute, and then accidentally get hard again from staying inside. (wrap it before you tap it)
Baek Cheon
He tries to be super romantic during his first time because he thinks that's what you want and he desperately wants to impress you. He’s a perfectionist, so he tries to make everything perfect.
Probably took you on a nice little date first. Has prepped his room ahead of time in case he gets lucky. He's got candles, towels, etc.
Normally you don't plan your first time, but he keeps this stuff on hand just so he can be prepared
And when he does get lucky he’ll concentrate more on giving his partner a pleasurable experience than his own satisfaction
Tries so hard to spoil his partner, but you should uno reverse it. He’ll get flustered and ask if it’s okay that he’s receiving all of this attention. Please continue pleasuring him he really likes it.
Going to go with missionary first because it’s easy and he wants to see how you react to his performance. If you want to continue spoiling him ride him during round 2 and he’ll be in heaven.
I also headcanon him as being bricked up but he needs to learn how to uhhh… wield the blade? Again? But like a different blade if you know what I mean? I need to stop bye-
Jo Geol
He doesn't know what he's doing. He's received advice, read romance novels, etc. but he’s still awkward. But then again who isn't awkward during their first time?? He's trying his best and that's all that matters.
Will try really hard to be romantic, but he’s extremely nervous. Will tell you he’s nervous, because admitting that he’s nervous helps calm him down. Idk why it just works.
Please reassure him and tell him he’s doing a good job.
Communicates a lot and is very loud. The more you stimulate him, the louder he’ll get. Isn’t shy when it comes to dirty talking with you.
He strikes me as a doggy-style kind of guy. Idk why.
Not as well-endowed as the last two but it’s about the motion of the ocean. He’s a quick learner so he’ll learn how to hit it right after a couple of tries.
Really reserved and shy, so you’ll have to take the lead with this one. There’s no way he’d initiate something so scandalous. 
If he makes any moves he’ll be really polite and constantly ask if what he’s doing is okay and if you feel good.
A blunt partner would make him soooo flustered, but he’s secretly turned on by a partner like that.
Yunjong wants to be dominated and bottom. Like he’ll top if you want him to, but he really likes watching you ride him. Find the thought of you getting off while using him like a dildo really hot, but you could never get him to say that out loud.
Discovers that he likes receiving hickeys, but can’t stand the embarrassment that comes with people seeing them. If you mark his neck please teach him how to use makeup to cover them up.
Jo Geol notices him during his walk of shame and Yunjong gets interrogated. Jo Geol was waiting for you two to get together and won a bet thanks to you guys.
Sweating nervously and giving vague answers when people ask him where he was last night, but everyone knows. He doesn’t say anything, but his nervous body language gives everything away.
 Yu Iseol
Ugh, I wish they would develop her more. I love her but she’s so hard to write for.
She seems quiet and stoic but if you're trying to seduce her she will get a little flustered.
Her flusteredness is very subtle though. It’s a blink and you might miss it kind of thing.
Her cheeks turn slightly red and she can't hold eye contact for as long as she normally does. 
Literally has no idea what she's doing. She has no prior experience or advice so she's in the dark. Please help guide her or be the dominant one.
Trying to figure out what she likes/dislikes and vice versa. 
I feel like she wants to top, but you’ll have to tell her what to do and if you like it or not. 
She also likes bottoming, and when you top you should overstimulate her. She won’t say it out loud but you can tell based on her expressions that she really enjoys it.
Doesn’t moan a lot so you’ll have to gauge your performance based off of her facial expressions and body language.
Likes it when you play or pull on her hair.
If she does a good job, please tell her. She loves being praised. 
Lee Songbaek
Sweet boy
Another one that asks if everything he's doing is okay and is very gentle with you because he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you.
He discovers that he’s a big fan of foreplay. Really likes to make you a panting mess before the main event happens.
Like Yu Iseol, I headcanon him as a switch. 
I feel like he’d want to do the face-off position during his first time. That or any position where his partner faces him because he likes the intimacy.
Also likes to watch you get off when you’re on top of him.
He seemed shy at first, but after you’ve seen each other inside and out (hahahahah) he’s going to be more honest and bold
Wants you to untie his hair and pull on it
Jin Geumryong
Another one I struggle to write for…
You have feelings for this guy? Bless your heart.
Likes being dominant and in control, but finds a witty partner that fights back exciting. 
If you try to fight for dominance you’re not gonna win. Nice try though!
Probably discovers that he’s into brat taming, and wants to do freakier shit but waits until next time because he doesn’t want to scare you off.
Will ask to tie you up to see if you two enjoy it, and you do.
When he marks you for the first time, he finds out he really likes making you squirm and will do it again.
Also enjoys overstimulating you.
Like Chung Myung, he will want to keep going until you’ve finished too. He might be a little mean but he’s not going to leave you unsatisfied.
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writerblue275 · 5 months
Brief Valentine’s Day Plans with Heartsteel
Inspiration: Hahahaha I’m so very single (I’m really fine with that. I gotta focus on myself at the moment) but I love LOVE so you all get this. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff. *small sigh* I restrained myself.
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: Swearing because I swear. Otherwise it’s fluffy time! ☺️
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I can’t see Phel doing anything super out there or dramatic. That just doesn’t seem like him. But you know what I can see him doing?
Getting your fav takeout and throwing a cute little couples game night for the two of you. Cards, board games, video games, etc. Music he made in the background to set the fun vibe.
I have to think Aphelios is a gamer. Like I’d be so shocked if he wasn’t. Besides card and board games I’m thinking he’s both a pc and console gamer and he’s a big Nintendo guy.
He loves Smash Bros, Mario Kart, or Splatoon, and you two are working through Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom together. And while Phel’s super competitive in multiplayer games, he’s been teaching you tricks! (You’re the only one he’ll teach. Everyone else can just deal.)
It’d just be a lovely night. Hanging with your favorite person and having a great time doing something you enjoy together. Frankly those are some of my very favorite types of dates.
Very fun and very sweet. Heart fluttering. That’s what Valentine’s Day with Heartsteel Ezreal would be like.
I’m imagining a mix of like classic romantic gestures with some fun “young love” type vibes. Like he’s getting you flowers and taking you out to a nice dinner….
And then afterwards both of you go to an arcade/arcade bar and just have a fucking blast together. God help you when you try and take Ez on in air hockey or ski ball though. His AIM. Or in DDR? He’ll absolutely distract you so you don’t beat his score. (Distract him back!!)
But it’s fine because all those tickets he’s winning, he’s spending on you. Or on stuff that both of you can use. Like matching plushies or fidget toys. (So cute oml.)
Just an day/evening of fun moments, sweet kisses, and that feeling of young love, even if you’ve been with Ezreal for years.
You might think Heartsteel’s resident bad boy is not very romantic. But, I truly believe Kayn can be, just in his own way of course! I don’t think super sappy romantic gestures are his thing. But having experiences with you is something he treasures.
I can imagine him picking you up and taking you somewhere far outside the city at night. A surprise location in the country. Somewhere quiet and peaceful.
And what does Kayn have planned? Well he packed pillows, blankets, your favorite drinks, and…a picnic basket! He’s planned a surprise picnic under the stars!
I feel like Kayn is really great to have deep conversations with, but you have to be someone special to have such talks with him. Him being so vulnerable indicates the extremely deep level of trust he has with and love he has for you.
Enjoy star gazing, cuddling, and chatting the night away with your person. What a super sweet way to get even closer to each other, no matter how long you’ve been with him.
Oh this would be an excellent Valentine’s Day with those classical romance vibes. K’Sante is fully about to wine and dine you, baby. Enjoy that shit. You’re getting spoiled like you absolutely deserve.
Buys/makes you a whole new outfit because you deserve it. If he doesn’t make you a full outfit he at least helps make part of it. Like accessories or something.
Reservation at one of the nicest restaurants in the city. K’Sante always thinks ahead and made it months in advance. (See why he’s one of the leaders of HS?)
Afterwards driving to an overlook and just watching the lights and talking about anything and everything. Moments filled with soft words and even softer kisses.
Just the classic movie-esque romantic night and I’m all for it (lmao I’m such a romantic). K’Sante definitely knows how to make your heart beat faster.
(Lord help me I gotta stop myself from going off the rails but he’d be so damn good at this.)
You want romance? By fucking god Sett’s going to give you ROMANCE, darling. He’s a gentleman.
He’s making a full meal from scratch (it’s your favorite meal of his that he makes), and also setting the ambiance. Table set, candles, lights low, flowers/other presents he knows you’ll like. The whole nine yards.
Sett’s not letting you lift a finger either. The most he’ll let you do is help pre-rinse some of the dishes after dinner. He’s in full Prince Charming mode and it’s excellent.
You thought the night ended at dinner? Wrong. Bubble bath with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. Fluffy bath robes. Doing each others skin care. All the sweet shit.
And afterwards? Well just be patient and see where the night takes you. 😉 But overall what a lovely and romantic night with Sett, your gentleman of a partner. (I’m swooning just thinking about it.)
Your love/relationship with Yone isn’t loud or bombastic. It’s steady and unwavering. And that vibe is how Valentine’s Day is for the two of you.
He picks you up and brings you to his studio where he’s spiffed it up! Your favorite flowers in a vase. Both of your favorite take out (the place he took you on your first date) on a table w/ candles.
Yone’s got music playing softly in the background (a playlist he made just for you for Valentine’s Day of course). It’s every single song that makes him think of you. (When you ask him out of curiosity how long the playlist is, your ever-stoic partner turns a little pink as he mumbles, “o-over 4 hours….”)
During the slow songs Yone will even dance with you a little because he loves how it makes you smile. While dancing, he’ll rest his chin on your head if you’re short enough. And once you’re done dancing, you two can cuddle on the couch in his studio and do/talk about whatever.
It’s not over the top. It’s not grand. But it’s an intimate and personal night with the love of your life and truly nothing can be better than that.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Whether you’re a single pringle like myself or you are celebrating Valentine’s Day with someone, I hope your day is filled with love! 💙🥰
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gettinshiggywithit · 9 months
「“ᴍʀ & ᴍʀꜱ”」
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Scenario :- “hmmm what about something like being kuni's housewife idk i just want him to come home and eat my meals” ( @diagonal-queen )
Pairing :- kunikida x wife!reader
Genre:- fluff!
Type:- headcannons!
TW:- mentions of sex but no actual nsfw!
A/N :- here’s a little something i did for @diagonal-queen!Hope y’all like it!
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Okayyy so you wanna be MRS kunikida huh?
Let’s see what it’ll be like!
First off if you actually make the cut? Congratulations!
You’ve effectively beat out 99.99% of the women population 😭
But no fr if u and Kunikida actually get hitched that means you are his perfect person.
No matter what flaws you have or you think you have,to him it’s all immaterial.
And if you ever get down,remember he chose you!
If you guys get hitched and you wanna be a housewife he’s all for it!
Its very classic, if u know what i mean.
And he kinda likes that at least this one thing could be simple(in his not-at-all-simple life)
Let’s go back to your wedding day shall we?
Okay imagine after a beautiful ceremony yall go back to your room and then have the most romantic night ever.
Just you and him in each other’s company~
After that you move into his apartment and settle down.
Kunikida is a hard working lad so he most probably won’t be around much after your honeymoon.
He goes to work everyday without fail and comes back home to you,also without fail. (Although sometimes he’s a little more scraped up and scarred than usual)
He texts you to see if you’re okay during his breaks and always lets you know when he’s goin on a mission and where.
If he needs to cut communications cos it could interfere with the mission,he tells you and reassures you that everything would be alright
And honestly youre only worried about his and his colleagues safety.
Cos like let’s be real, a relationship with Kunikida would be secure af! Because we all KNOW he would never cheat!
On days where he gets days off he still works at home🥲 (im sorry but buddy NEEDSS to have his stuff in order
But when he’s done he spends his time with you.
Whether it be baking,watching a movie or your favorite show,or just cuddling or vibing,yall are together.
And lemme tell you mans is talll
He’d be the big spoon when cuddling btw!
Oh and on days when he does work he looks forward to coming home to you and unwinding~
Oh and he LOVESS your cooking!
It reminds him of his childhood and it’s just that good.
One time you suggest packing him some lunch for work and he later got sooo much shit from dazai (that bandaged bugget was making kissy faces and shit and jusy not letting mans eat!)
One time dazai sneaks a bite and then he’s like “okay yeah no i get it now”
(buddy takes a bite and says, serious as ever, “Kunikida…this food is truly magnificent! Please tell y/n to make me some on the day before my suicide🥰. He gets promptly whacked on the head☺️)
Oh and this man can COOK
in any instance where youre tired or dont feel like cooking,mans has got it!
Makes a simple yet delicious meal and astounds you~
OH! And imagine for your anniversaries he gives you a card and as you open it he says “doppo poet!” And he turns it into a mini bouquet! (And when i say mini,i mean it.remember guys he can only summon stuff that are smaller than or the size of his notebook!)
Oh and he never forgets important dates😌
He’s a little new to romance but is surprisingly good!
And when it comes to more intimate times, he knows exactly what to do and how to make it enjoyable for the both of you
And in conclusion,
He’d literally be the best husband ever.all parents wish their daughters could marry him
And here you were! Doing just that!
I wish y’all the best frr♥️♥️
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Tagging: - @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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I really want to do some Scott Pilgrim takes off writing requests, but I'm anxious to write so let's try to get rid of such anxiety! Please request as much as you want, I'll make a list of characters I'll write for now as there are some I feel like I wouldn't write well enough or need to read more about to get more of a feel for their character. I write for all genders and I'll write for poc readers as well, any ideas you want for the reader to be like are welcome!
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⸙ Fluff and Angst, any genres really. I've rarely written angst but want to write it, so I'll try my best!
⸙ Poc readers, do note that I am not poc but I will make sure to do my research before writing. I have a few tumblers I know of that I will use for helping me write poc readers, I'm sure my friend would also be glad to help educate me as well! Criticism and feedback are welcome. ^^
⸙ Readers of all gender, but it depends on the character I'm writing for. If a character is canonically gay please do not request for something romance based with that character if you're the opposite gender as I'm not comfortable with that, an example would be Wallace Wells.
⸙ You can suggest all kinds of things for how you want the reader to be, occupation, hobbies, aesthetics/styles, food taste, personality type, whatever you want and I'll do my best to write it.
⸙ I will write headcannons, prompts and fics!
⸙ I'm more used to writing in third person but I know most reader fics are in second-person, so I'll write a second-person version and third-person version! This is the same for genders, if I really like a fic. I'll write multiple versions for the gender, following the same plot or prompt but with noticable differences.
⸙ This is for anons, if you'd like to claim an emoji or an assortment of such you can just let me know and I'll keep it reserved. Might make an anon page as well!
⸙ I've been thinking about making a Scott Pilgrim OC and writing about them, would you like to read about them? If you do end up liking them I'd love to write x readers with them and stuff, just let me know. (Just something I wanted to mention!)
⸙ I will not write nsfw, it's just I don't think I'd be very good at writing it and I'm uncomfortable. Maybe in the future but for now please do not request nsfw from me, there could be mentions of certain things or hints at it. I'm perfectly fine with it, as long as it's subtle.
⸙ No incest, huge ages gaps, or anything of the sort. I don't expect any requests like that but just to be careful!
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ˏˋ ╎𝙼𝙰𝙸𝙽
Not a big fan of Scott, but I'll still write for him. Who knows maybe I'll make a reader who's a Scott hater for shits and giggles, I have Idea's for an oc and If I do write about him you'll see a lot of him taking jabs at Scott and questioning why Ramona even likes him.
I have a lot of ideas, like perhaps a reader being an evil ex and stuff. I guess that could be spoilers for my oc, since I'm making him an ex! I also want to write a fic with the reader helping Ramona dye her hair and enjoying tea while doing so.
I'll definitely write for Wallace and do my best to portray him, as stated I'll only do romance for male and ftm readers. I could make fics with a female reader that are extremely platonic, friends and stuff. Or a sister reader, maybe Wallace having a sister who loves gossiping with Stacy and Wallace!
I read something and saw how Stephen ends up getting a boyfriend in the novels, so I don't know if he's gay or bisexual since he dated Julie last time I checked. I've seen comments about him being gay, so male and ftm readers only!
Her and Roxy kissing was woah, agh I love them both. I really want to write a drummer reader that could perhaps have some time of rivalry with her, an enemies to lovers fic.
I have some cute idea's, I can't wait to write him along with everyone else. I feel like he'd be the type to see someone and fall in love with them instantly, like perhaps reader is in a rival band and they're really good. He's instantly amazed by their skills and finds himself developing a crush on them!
I'd love to write for her, lots of cute fluff and things of the sort. Especially like helping her paint her nails, sleepovers and gossiping, arcade dates and things of the sort!
Agh, Matthew! I'd love to write for him, I have some idea's. Like reader being an assistant and trying to do their best to help Matthew balance all this work that has now fallen into his hands because he did not think about all the responsibilities to come before he defeated Gideon, ooh also reader who was a band kid and matches Matthews energy!
I'm scared I might not write him good enough, mainly for dialogue. But I do want to write for Lucas, I might only write for him when requested for a bit until I get more of a feel for his dialogue as well character, and once I get confident enough to write him!
Our favorite Vegan boy, I'd love to write for him. Maybe, something like Reader helping him after the realization of what happened with Wallace. Having to comfort him and stuff, also could have Reader as a band mate or something!
Could we possibly consider her an evil ex? I decided to put her in this category because of that but anyways, but yes I'll write for her! Envy is so muah, had anyone seen that one image with the two girls doing each other's makeup. Envy sitting on top of Reader's and doing their makeup, or the other way around. Agh, I find that just so cute!
Female readers for romance only, but I'd love to write for her and omg can't wait. I'm so excited, I don't have a lot of ideas but I'm sure some will come to me for her.
I want to write for Kyle and Ken so much, sadly we don't get enough screentime for the two but still I'm gonna write as much as I can for the twins. I read something about how the twins don't like doing things separately or being separated after what happened with Ramona so that gave me some Idea's, maybe having a reader they can finally trust.
Definitely will write separate fics for Kyle and Ken where they meet the reader, and after a while come to trust them as well develop feelings. I'll also happily do fics for both of the twins and reader pairing, strictly platonic fluff. Ooh, maybe an older or younger sibling that they're very protective of!
Before he lost everything version. My favorite and I'm sure a lot of others favorite evil mastermind, I have some ideas and would love to write about him. He grew to be my favorite in the show, as for the movie it was Matthew who was my first favorite ex along with Roxy. I've been loving all of the exes even more lately, especially the twins. So I can't wait to write for all of them!
After loosing everything and meeting Julie again. So I have him twice on this list but that's because Gideon ends up using his old name again, leaving the fake alias behind. So I decided to have the version of him before that and after!
The anime giving us more of Julie was everything, she's so agh and I'd happily write for her if there's people out there who would want oneshots for her!
We don't get a lot of Stacey last time I checked, but she's quite lovely. I love the idea of her and reader gossiping, maybe reader being her coworker. Or Reader being a Pilgrim sibling and the two love poking fun at Scott as well gossiping, platonic fluff!
Oneshots, headcannons and things of the sort for all the characters. I'll also be posting oneshots and things of the sort with the separate groups in the future, like reader hanging out with Sex Bob-omb or The league of evil exes. Things like that.
Please let me know if I'm missing anyone or there's any characters I might not have and you want to request them, I have not read the graphic novels as of now as I don't have the money to buy them but in the future I definitely will when I get the chance! (Also, if there's any spelling errors. My apologies!)
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Edward Nashton Headcanons (SFW)
Summary: My personal headcanons for Edward Nashton. Again, these are MY personal headcanons and I use them for when I write about him. So, yeah. I can't believe I'm just now writing headcanons for this guy. This is long overdue.
(Read Below For Headcanons)
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I fully believe that he has autism, like you cannot change my mind. Plus, it's canon that the Riddler has autism! In my opinion, he has the "I'm a genius" autism, but also the "watching documentaries about WWII at 2 AM" kind of autism as well.
Overall, he's a pretty reserved guy. It takes a while for him to come out of his shell. He's shy, timid, nerdy, and a little awkward. He does NOT know how to talk to people, especially people he finds attractive.
Once you get to know him though, and become friends, he's a very friendly man. He's super caring, a good listener, and has a great sense of humor.
He's a fucking super genius. It's canon in the DC Universe that his IQ is 190. This man is so fucking smart and he basically knows everything about everything.
When he has a crush on someone (obviously you), he CANNOT get them out of his head. He quite literally becomes obsessed and, might I add, a bit possessive.
He has trauma from living at the orphanage. The reason this goes under the "personality" category, is because it shaped who he was as a person. Let me explain...
Egotistical/Arrogant: Edward was a very bright kid, but no one ever recognized him for it. Because of this, he grew up to think highly of himself, as no one else did. Edward thinks, no, he knows that he's the smartest man in Gotham. This can lead to him making others feel small/dumb, but it's never his intention.
Protective: Since he never felt protected or loved growing up, he strives to make his partner feel like that. He wants to shower them with the love, affection, and praise that he never got. As your boyfriend, and best friend, he wants nothing more than to love you unconditionally. This also means that he spoils you SO MUCH, like so fucking much.
Obviously, the number one is solving puzzles. Riddles, crosswords, sudokus, etc. If it's a puzzle, he'll solve it.
When he's bored, or if he's just relaxing (like watching a movie), he'll sometimes play with a Rubik's cube. His fastest record for solving a Rubik's cube was around 6 seconds.
He loves reading. As a kid, that was basically all he did. He reads basically every genre (barely any romance though). Edward loves to go to a bookstore, or Barnes & Noble, and just hang out.
Surprisingly, he's a very good cook. He always makes really good food, and sometimes uses some herbs/spices that he grows out on the fire escape outside his living room window.
He's a Twitch streamer! Can't change my mind about that. He's got a cool setup in his bedroom that is decorated very nicely. He'll watch documentaries, true crime stuff, play video games, etc. Since he's a forensic accountant (and had to learn about forensics in general), he'll explain and go into depth about certain things in crime. It's actually very educational, but he makes it fun as well!
Bro LOVES video games. He plays basically all of them. He loves Resident Evil games, Silent Hill, Horizon Zero Dawn, Minecraft (he has tried to build all of Gotham in minecraft), Fallout, Half-Life, Outlast, and basically any other shit you can think of.
His music taste consists of basically everything except country music. He LOVES metal/rock music. Here are some of his favorite bands...
Weezer; ICP; Green Day; blink-182, Gorillaz; Slipknot; Korn; I Monster; Megadeth; System Of A Down; Nirvana; Radiohead; and Foo Fighters. He also likes classical music and operas.
In the orphanage, he read lots of books, and some of those were about different languages. He basically taught himself...like...a bunch of different languages just for fun. A few of his favorite languages to learn were French, Spanish, and even Korean. He also knows a handful of Latin, though it's not really a language people speak anymore. He just likes to brag about how he knows Latin and most people don't, lol.
He likes his apartment and everything he owns to be clean, and sometimes he'll get random bursts of energy and deep clean his entire apartment.
He has a diary :)
Favorite color is green, obviously, but purple is a close second.
He has sensory issues. He hates the feeling of fleece especially.
Edward is queer. It's that simple. He doesn't like a specific gender, he doesn't dislike a specific gender, he just likes who he likes! :)
One of his favorite shows ever is Breaking Bad.
One of his favorite movies ever is American Psycho. He read the book too. Edward knows that it's a satire, don't worry, he doesn't relate to Patrick Bateman at all. He just thinks the movie is funny and loves how it shows how ridiculous "metrosexual" men are.
He can do a great impression of Patrick Bateman, including the facial expressions.
He also loves Fight Club, because cmon its a classic and its so fucking good. Also, he thinks Brad Pitt is hot in the movie...
Knows how to play guitar very well!
His hair is a little shaggy (imagine young Paul Dano, like when he was 20ish)
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arafilez · 3 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
warning: idk some of you THAT well but i tried my best TT so bear with me. this is supposed to be a simple game but my perfectionist ass smh. ALSO i think four or five of my moots aren't here, i am sorry you guys, idek what to write abt y'all since we don't talk that much or you are a newww moot, let's talk more. really sorryyy.
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—ㅤ @haneagerr x HAN JISUNG .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: best-friends to lovers .ᐟ
alexa is the type to sulk and be real quiet unless she meets someone who can bring out her craziness. so when jisung meets her on first day of high-school it's really quiet with muted replies from her. but then with gradual encounters extreme poking and loudness from hanji she releases her equally as loud self. and somewhere down that line, they realise they actually like each other a lot since they are so compatible and basically know each other's everything. and comfort? just each other.
—ㅤ @kyrjnie x KIM MINGYU .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: fake-dating .ᐟ
aquaintances in their workplace? or maybe a classmate/seatmate. the point is they don't know each other THAT well. but mingyu's adorable personality just makes her soft for the boy. plus he is helpful and brainy, so when val gets into a bad situation he decides to help her out, except they break every rule of fake-dating in the book ever. and they blame everything on the fake stuff LIKE THERE IS NO FAKE???? anyway they gradually understand (or their frnds make them do cus both of them are actually so cute and oblivious)
—ㅤ @hotteoki x JEONG YUNHO .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: grumpy x sunshine .ᐟ
no skits ain't grumpy, she has the best assortments of memes IK OKAY!! but this girl and her dm replies, god they are late! which shows her as grumpy. unless well yk someone climbs up her walls and claws down whatever is making her forget. so i think yunho would be the perfect person, always grinning with that ADORABLE SMILE and nagging her (in a good way). omg they are such adorable cuties in my head.
—ㅤ @fairyhaos x JOSHUA HONG .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: strangers to best friends .ᐟ
yena is such a sweetheart and joshua is too, i feel like they would just meet by chance, for example they took the same bus or something like that. and these two would just strike up a random convo that would fit both of them so well. like yk when you meet a person and they click instantly? THAT!! so even if their routes change they will still hang out, do crazy stuff, be a partner in crime (not literally or maybe literally idk) they are just each other's safe place
—ㅤ @daesukiii x JUNG WOOYOUNG .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: workplace romance .ᐟ
i am gonna have some fun now. so dae is so workplace romance coded and woo just fits every trope (let's be real now). imagine the scenario, wooyoung gets things wrong, he DOESN'T KNOW OKAY and god his loud whiny ass just makes it worse. so dae decides to help him till he gets the point (spoiler: he doesn't) but even when he does he purposely does shit wrong 'cause one- he is a menace, two- he can have dae close to him. and the rest is history (not really, woo messes up while he tries to ask her out making her help in that too lmao)
—ㅤ @weird-bookworm x CHWE HANSOL .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: matchmaker gone wrong .ᐟ
here's a simple advice, never let kwon soonyoung be a matchmaker. you know the twist? he match-made so many people he mixed them up and numbers got swapped. so now sky is staring at an american boy awkwardly smiling when she was supposed to meet someone named seokmin. they stare weirdly at each other before realising but they can't let a reservation go to waste so they do have the dinner. the whole thing is so awkward and quiet but it isn't uncomfy. hansol keeps telling weird stuff and sky just listens until they realise maybe this isn't SO bad (thank you hoshi). they do end up getting e/o numbers at the end and they do happen to meet up more often (they call it friend's meet but we all know so shut up)
—ㅤ @eightmakesonebraincell x PARK SEONGHWA .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: enemies to lovers .ᐟ
this will be fun. so loren is well, fun. a very different kind of fun. she is creative, spontaneous, has the most unhinged replies. so when she meets hwa who is quiet, maintains everything and reserved personality they DO NOT hit it off at all. and seonghwa just wants to avoid her at all means 'cause he does not want it wrecked all over. well too bad, because they have the same friend circle! it is always the push and pull, the tension and goodness the bickering over the smallest things. it is just seonghwa loosing his patience and loren having fun with it. until one day they realise that maybe they aren't intolerable (yk how the rest goes YES MAN I AM TALKING ABT THOSE SHY GAZES)
—ㅤ @potatomountain x KIM HONGJOONG .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: neighbours .ᐟ
i am saying this in the nicest way possible!! this friend of mine needs care okay!! and who is better at it than kim hongjoong? well, everyone. the man hardly knows how to take care of himself, forget about doom. but, that is where the cuteness lies. they complete each other yk, someone forgets something, the other keeps track (unless they both forget and panic rush into stuff) plus staying next door has its perks, they can share stuff, they have stories (teas) about other neighbours to share. overall they have a wholesome, homely and almost domestic relationship until they realise it one day OH!
—ㅤ @quhrtz x KIM TAEHYUNG .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: childhood friends to ? .ᐟ
it is just the idea of her and tae being friends from childhood making me swoon so bad. like she has social anxiety so always having a person to lean on is just so comforting yk. and tae is perfect with that adorable boxy smile of his and he doesn't have to worry about her not opening up. because they just know each other so well. bonus, they know each other's everything too so every hurt comes with comfort and every laugh shared is meaningful. and slowly it might develop into something more.
—ㅤ @sxmmerberries x KIM GYUVIN .ᐟ — ㅤtrope: meet-awkward .ᐟ
ik you are lurking here anyways so i added you too. picture a quiet café, people having nice conversations or quietly working and amidst all of that berry is having an awkward staring contest with a stranger (who is beautiful). like they are just looking at each other and staring? if that makes sense. ricky and gunwook are trying to make sense of the situation but they can't so jiwoong sighs, takes matters in his own hands and pushes gyuvin towards her. cue another awkward standing and staring at each other till jiwoong coughs AGAIN and they finally talk (somewhat) ANYWAYS IT'S A WIN OKAY, THEY GOT THEIR NUMBERS OR SOCIAL IDS WHATEVER.
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"I'm liking this angle," Steve lilts.
Billy smirks as he shifts, straddling Steve's hips and flattening his palms against his chest.
"Mhmm." Steve rubs his lover's outer thighs. "I just love looking at you."
"God, you're such a flirt. It's making me wanna drag you to bed and put a sock on the door."
"Gross," Max interjects.
Steve chuckles when Billy casts a faux glare at his sister.
"If gay shit makes you uncomfortable, you can leave."
"If gay shit made me uncomfortable, I wouldn't have come over," Max retorts. "I reserve my right to get the icks from hearing you talk about sex stuff."
"Oh, does gay sex gross you out, shitbird?"
"Any sex that you have grosses me out." Max glances up from her homework. "No offense, Steve."
"None taken. Your brother's pretty gross."
Steve whines dramatically when Billy smacks him on the chest.
"So much for romance," Billy tuts.
"Aw, c'mon, I'm just teasing."
Billy sits up and crosses his arms. Pouting silently. Steve slides one of his hands up to his partner's waist and rubs softly from side to side.
"Can I have a kiss?" he coos.
His tone has the blond relaxing, leaning down and complying with the request after a moment. Their bodies are flush. Steve would never say it out loud, but the full weight of his partner on top like this feels comparable to being smothered.
In the best possible way.
Steve hums, smoothing his palms up and wrapping his arms around Billy's lower back. When they part, Billy shifts downward so he can rest his head on Steve's chest.
"Am I crushing you?"
"Mm, one of these days we're gonna be cuddling like this and you're gonna die in your sleep because you're too polite."
"Just be sure to put that I died doing what I loved on my headstone."
Billy chuckles and Steve spreads a smile.
"C'mon," Billy says.
He shifts off of Steve and lies on his side, opening his arm. Without the pressure, Steve is able to breathe deeper, and he can see a flush of heat cross Billy's expression when he sucks in a quiet breath.
Without protest, Steve rolls over to face his lover, moving into his chest and relishing in the feeling of strong arms wrapping around him.
"Y'know," Billy begins. He pets Steve's hair and noses a kiss on the top of his head. "If I'm seriously too heavy, it won't hurt my feelings if you tell me to get off. I know we joke about it but I really don't wanna make you uncomfortable."
"I love it, though," he coos.
"I know. I'm just saying."
"You're a big guy, sure, but I can handle you perfectly fine. I'm not scrawny, y'know."
Steve smooths his hand up and down Billy's back. Nuzzles into his chest and breathes in his scent.
"Okay, okay," Billy chuckles. "I just worry about it sometimes is all."
"I don't."
"I really like how it feels when you lie on top of me. Like, yeah, you're heavy, but it's like all of my stress is washed out whenever I’m under you, and I'm finally able to relax."
Billy is quiet for a moment. He presses another kiss to Steve's hair and squeezes him.
"Didn't know you felt like that," he coos.
"I thought if I told you, you'd only hear the part about you being heavy and not wanna do it anymore."
"Mm, we can still snuggle like that. Do I need to start giving you stronger hugs, Stevie?"
Steve sighs, closing his eyes.
"I'd like that."
Almost immediately, Billy wraps him up tighter in his arms and hugs him close, pulling an involuntary sound from Steve's lips.
Rather than say anything, Billy just continues cuddling like that. Keeps Steve pressed against him and smudges kisses on the top of his head. At least, he does for a little while. When he finally relaxes his grip, Steve sucks in another quiet breath and sighs deeply, his entire body going limp.
"That was nice," he hums.
"Mhmm," Steve sighs. "I love you so much, sweet thing."
"I love you too," Billy chuckles.
He pets Steve's hair. It's quiet for a beat until Max drops her pencil on the coffee table and leans back on her hands.
"Sometimes I wish I could just live here," she says.
Steve rolls over and raises his eyebrows.
"You kinda already do."
"No, I mean like all the time." She looks over at the couple and then back at the coffee table. "Being around my parents is exhausting, and they don't ever let Lucas come around because he's a boy. Not to mention that they don't even like each other, not like you guys do."
Billy props himself up on his elbow and dawns a sympathetic expression.
"You know you're welcome to come over anytime, right? And that it's okay to invite Sinclair," he coos.
"Mhm," Steve adds. "Just let us know, and we're fine with picking you guys up and stuff too."
Max nods to herself. Redness quickly overtakes her complexion and Billy and Steve are quick to sit up when she sniffles.
"It's just so different coming over here. Being around you guys when you talk about going on dates and how much you love each other, even your arguments, is making me realize how shitty things are at home."
Billy slides off of the sofa and sits next to his sister on the floor, reaching around her shoulders and pulling her into his chest. She complies almost immediately, buries her face into his shoulder and takes handfuls of his shirt as tears spill down her cheeks.
He shushes her quietly. Rubs her back and squeezes her tighter. After a few moments, her breath evens out, and she sighs.
Steve joins them on the floor and sets a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Do you want me to talk to Susan about it?" Billy asks softly.
Max nods. Squeezing her eyes shut and sniffling. Billy glances at Steve and the brunet offers a smile.
"Of course," he says.
"I'll talk to her about it tomorrow, then." Billy gives Max one last squeeze before he loosens his grip and she leans back to wipe her eyes. "How about you take a break from homework and we go out to eat somewhere? Would that make you feel better, Squirt?"
Max smiles and nods, giggling when Billy playfully nudges her shoulder with his arm as he stands up.
"You do give really good hugs, by the way," she says.
"Can it and go put your shoes on."
She giggles again and gets up as well, padding into her bedroom and sitting on the bed to lace her sneakers up.
Steve leans into his partner's side and smooths his hand over his chest, tilting his face up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"You're such a big sweetheart," he croons.
"Mm, you really don't mind? I know I was asking a lot just to have her live here sometimes, but this is like—"
He's cut off by Steve sealing their lips together. It lasts for a beat, and when they part, Steve is smiling fondly at him.
"I'm more than okay with it. I know you're worried about her, and I don't mind her living here with us at all," Steve says. He pats Billy's chest and smirks. "We're probably gonna have to get her noise-cancelling headphones, though. I can't really imagine you succeeding at being quiet."
"Oh my god, gross," Max groans.
Billy scoffs and nods towards the door.
"Go put your bike in the garage, brat, we'll be out in a second."
Max rolls her eyes and trudges to the front door, leaving it open behind her once she goes outside and Billy tsks as he snatches his keys off the hook.
"Wait, does this mean no more couch sex?"
Max runs back up the steps, swinging into the doorframe with a look of horror on her face.
"What? I am never sitting on that couch ever again!"
"Bike. Garage. Now," Billy hisses.
Steve clasps his hand over his mouth and resists the urge to laugh, especially when their sibling banter continues out on the porch. He simply shakes his head and grabs his coat before following them out the door.
This will be added to my things from tumblr series on ao3 here shortly under the title Big Brothers if you’re looking to save it on there <3
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skymoral · 7 months
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Liu Kang x B!F Reader
Link: Pt 1 | Pt 2
Summary: Y/N with was able to snag an opportunity of dating Liu Kang, thanks to your friend Johnny bringing him around. You just hope that you aren’t to rusty
Tags: fluff/romance, friendship, happy/sad, first time, fun, black air-force energy, black girl magic, and comedy(supposedly)
A/N: This is going to be a sweet little first date with ya’ll boy Liu Kang
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Today was the date, you were going on your date with the god of fire. You’re not gonna lie, you were very nervous.
You jumped out of the shower, you made sure the shower cap was still on your head. You didn’t want the locs to get wet, you were thankful for Jamika.
Your phone buzzed on the dresser, you quickly grabbed it. Open your messages on your iPhone
“Speak of the devil.” You said out loud to yourself.
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You put the phone back down and started looking for something cute to wear.
You asked Johnny to get information on what his favorite color is. Johnny came back unhelpful for once, because of course Liu Kang didn’t really have a favorite color.
You and Johnny believed it was probably red, possibly. You believe he was a spiritual kind of man, which wasn’t far from you.
Y/N was a women that liked beads, crystals, and more things to help her Zen.
After what felt like eons you finally found an outfit, you oiled your body. Did your makeup, keeping it simple and natural.
You were proud with how you looked, and was ready to give this man everything. For some reason you felt as though he was different, you usually like to take it slow. But something about Liu Kang made you feel like, even if you jumped into a relationship with him. It’ll be fine, hopefully…
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You were headed to the Chinese restaurant in San Diego. You hoped Johnny had helped him with knowing where to go, because he’s clearly not from around here.
You pulled up into the parking lot, as you got out you fixed up your outfit up. You made your way into the restaurant and was looking around, to see if you saw Liu Kang.
“Hi, how many today?” A young Chinese waitress approached you.
“Ooh! I had a reservation for two under Y/N and Liu Kang.”
“Of Course! He’s actually straight back there in the both.”
“Thank you!” You smiled walking to where she directed you. Y/N didn’t expect him to already be here, she hope he wasn’t waiting here long.
“Sorry If I made y-“ You froze as he turned to you, standing up. Pulling you into a hug, you could have passed out right then and there.
You would’ve been on the news, and your girls would have clowned your ass for something so stupid, but damn did he feel nice and he LOOKED amazing!
He wasn’t in his usual attire like at the shop, he broke the hug, noticed you staring at his appearance.
“I apologize if I look strange, Johnny suggested I dress properly for the occasion… To fit in better.”
“Oooh! Nooo no no no! It’s totally fine like… Fuck you clean up nicely, I’m sorry… I promise I’m not always this ugh…”
Liu Kang chuckled and blushed slightly at the compliment. “It’s alright, thank you. You look exceptionally well tonight, even more so.”
Liu Kang brought your palm up to his hand kissing it. You blushed and giggle at the compliment and gesture, “T-Thank you.”
Both of you eventually sitting down, “I didn’t know what your favorite color was… I did see you as someone who is like spiritual and nature like… So that was look I was going for… Sense I’m like that to ya know.”
You hated how shaky your voice sounded, it was pretty obvious you were nervous.
“So you meditate and focus on your chakra?” Liu Kang asked intrigued.
“Yes! Exactly like that. I actually have like some herbal earthly stuff at my place. You know my girlfriends from the shop, they do NOT LIKE THAT SHIT! Whatsoever. But meh, to each its own. It’s nothing wrong with having people around you that likes different things… As long as they just respect what you do.”
“I couldn’t agree more, you are very wise woman and I feel as though that’s why your friends care so much about you and stay with you.”
This man just could not stop making you blush, you dipped your head pulling a loc behind your ear.
Y/N started talking his ear off again, until a waitress approached them. “Hello my name is Mei Sung, and I will be your waitress today. Would you like me to start you off with some drinks?”
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
One thing Y/N did not know was her three friends were outside of the restaurant. Watching them from afar in Johnny’s car.
“Man once Y/N start talking. It’ll take a miracle to get her to shut up, don’t get me wrong I love my girl but damn.” Tonya said looking through the binoculars.
Jamika snatched it out of her hand from the passenger seat. Looking through it, “Leave Stanka butt alone. It doesn’t seem to be bothering Mr. Kang over there.”
Johnny pushed on behind Jamika from the driver seat, snatching them this time looking out while leaning over her.
“Hmph! That’s just how that powerful son of a bitch is. Or maybe he just don’t feel like talking.”
“Johnny if you don’t get yo BIG ASS OFF ME!” Jamika shoved him back, the binoculars falling back into Tonya’s lap.
She quickly pulled down the windows, to watch. As soon as she did Liu Kang looked directly at her. Making her quickly hide back in her seat.
“Shit that scared me!”
“What happened Jamika and Johnny said.”
“The nigga stared right at me!”
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Liu Kang was looking out the window, but then back at you. When you called his name, “Is something the matter?”
“Hmm, oh nothing is wrong. I just thought I saw someone.”
“I’m sorry I’m probably talking to much for you.” You told him sinking slightly in your seat.
He grabbed your hand and gripped it tightly, “I could never get tired of hearing you talk. It is like music to my ears, I enjoy listening to you talk and hearing more about you.”
You smiled and then something came to your mind, “You know, I already know like what you are… and what you do, because of Johnny… Like could you tell me something that maybe… all realms don’t know about you, like on a personal level… It’s alright if it’s to personal.”
“No, I don’t mind telling and I kind of figure Johnny told you or more so knew he was going to tell you.”
“Yeah! Johnny told me you can see the future or something like that… WAIT! Did you already know who I am and that we were going to have this date!?”
“Know you yes, but knew the outcome of todays events no. I do not have that kind of power, I let everyone chose there own fate and lead there own path. I only knew Cage told you, because of how Kenshin calls it. He is a chatterbox and has a loose tongue.”
You chuckled at that, Liu Kang smiled at you. “So because of what you are and this god of fire duty shit… You don’t have time for things like these… The little things in the world you created.”
“No, as I must stay alert and make sure earthrealm is safe and protected. In case of another threat arises.” Liu Kang explained.
You nodded understanding, doesn’t that mean having a relationship with you is pointless. “So why even go on this date with me… You already know I like you and… Maybe have a relationship with you… Why the effort, when you have your duties.” You looked at him with sad eyes.
He still kept that same smile on his face, “I felt like this time is different from before… So I want to take the chance given to me, besides… Who could resist someone as charming as you Y/N.”
Y/N began snorkeling a bit, covering her face“Nice one Kang!” Johnny shouted on instinct, the girls pulling him back down. Liu and Y/N looked towards the window where the sound came from.
“I could’ve sworn I heard Johnny.” You looked around curious. Ms. Sung came back with you and Liu Kang’a order.
As you both were enjoying your meal, two men who clearly look like they had an attitude problem came in demanding a seat.
“Hey lady, hurry up and seat us.” One of the men said.
“You will have to give me a few moments sir.” she was coming to you and Liu Kang on your refills.
The man smacked the glass out of her hands, knocking her down. Making her fall. You noticed this and approached the scene.
“You fucking serve us first when we tell you to Bitch!”
“Hey!” You shouted to the two men.
“Go mind your business little girl!” The man said not paying you no attention.
“I don’t know who the hell you talking to but I ain’t no damn little girl. And she is my business, because those were me and my dates drink you knocked down.”
One of the men approached you, you didn’t flinch one bit and stood your ground.
“What you gonna do? You gonna fucking cry about it darky?”
He ain’t never just called you ‘Darky’. Without thinking, you gave him a strong ass right hook. Knocking him down on his but, nose and mouth bleeding.
Everyone looked at you in shock, your friends and Liu Kang watched impressed.
“I got a name Motherfucker! And it is Y/N L/N you better remember Bitch I’m from the side. Where Niggas like you better watch who you talking to! Now apologize to this young waitress!”
“THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!” Jamika and Tonya shouted from the window.
You turned around noticing your friends, the other man standing saw your guard down. He quickly grabbed a dagger from his pocket, and charged at you.
“MISS LOOK OUT!” Ms. Sung warned you.
You turned to late, but before he could hurt you. Liu Kang stopped him in his tracks. You opened your eyes slightly.
Liu Kang had a tight grip on the man’s hand. The knife scrapping the inside of his hand causing it to bleed.
Liu Kang then bent his arm slowly causing him to scream and kneel. “I believe it to be unwise if you continue this dishonorable behavior. You owe this Miss and my date an apology.”
He let go of them man, looking down at them, Liu Kangs arms glowed orange and blue. Forming fires, “If not then there will be dire consequences, that I wish to not have it lead.”
The men looked in fear, before apologizing to you and the waitress. Before running off, Liu Kang doing a hand gesture relaxing himself.
“Thank you.” You and the Waitress both said blushing. Both of you knew that was pretty hot.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·
“I had a wonderful evening today with you Y/N. The food here was exquisite, much to my liking.” Liu Kang told you as you both were standing outside.
Johnny took the girls home, after you and Liu Kang gave all of them a lecture the trip didn’t want to hear.
“I knew it’ll be to your taste… So does this mean you would like to continue… Seeing each other?” You were playing with your fingers.
“I would love that Y/N” Liu Kang smiled, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You blushed, but you thought you should shot your shot.
You pulled him into a gentle kiss, pulling on his collar slightly down to you. It felt like heaven, and he even reciprocated the kiss with such passion.
He broke the kiss, you had a goofy face walking to your car. You saw him create a portal, before giving you one last glance and disappearing through it.
You got in your car, you sat there. Before you ended up screaming from happiness.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
This is what You and Liu Kang was wearing
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed these two parts! 😊 it was gonna be a lot longer, mainly because of the things you and Liu Kang was discussing.
More so his personal character no one else know and his likes and dislikes. When I do other Liu Kang stories you’ll be able to see what my Headcannon are for him.
Now I did say if you like these story with its characters and what not. Then it can be a series, if someone ask or it’s popular lol 🤷🏽‍♀️ anything is possible for the future.
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angelasscribbles · 3 months
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So... how would your pairings do? lol
A Bird in Hand
Series: None, this is a one-shot and you can find those here.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: none
Word Count: 392
A/N: I feel like Liam does not sit in traffic and that gave me a whole idea!!
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Seriously, what’s the holdup?” Liam grumbled as he lowered the partition.
“Sorry, sir.” His driver gestured to the gridlock traffic sprawled out in front of the limo as far as the eye could see. “But I think we’re stuck for a while.”
“Shit!” Liam swore softly under his breath. In Cordonia, they cleared the roads when he needed to travel somewhere, but this was California and he had little recourse.
He closed the partition and pulled out his cell phone with a mischievous grin.
Riley’s eyes narrowed. “I know that look. What are you up to?”
“Getting us to dinner on time.” He winked at her.
Riley shook her head from side to side. She knew Liam was a prince and used to getting his way, but he was on her home turf this weekend. He was about to get a lesson on how little his title meant in her world.
Spago Beverly Hills was the place to eat for everyone who was anyone in Hollywood and they did not hold reservations.
He finished typing into his phone and returned it to his pocket with a satisfied smirk. Riley Brooks was a woman not easily impressed. The American version of royalty, one of Hollywood’s brightest stars, she already had the world at her feet. He had to up his game.
He was determined to woo her, win her, and wed her.
She smiled at him, and his heart tried to leap out of his chest.
Riley leaned forward and patted his hand. “Really, Liam. It’s okay. We can just go to—what is that noise?”
The smug grin on Liam’s face got bigger. “That’s our ride!” He slid the moon roof open as a helicopter hovered in the air above them. A ladder fell out of the sky and clattered on the roof of the limo.
Riley’s mouth fell open. “You have got to be kidding me!”
Liam pulled himself through the moon roof and onto the top of the limo before reaching back and offering her his hand. “Oh, I’m dead serious. Shall we?”
She shook her head in amused astonishment. Delight and mischief spiked through her as she took his hand and let him help pull her through the opening in the car’s roof.
This man was a complete adventure, and she couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
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tuesday again 1/9/2024
the BEAST (phil) has been SPAYED
my sister ALSO, INDPENDENTLY, keeps tuesdayesqe lists in the back of her planner! which is what i used to do before these posts! You Got A Man by JAWNY is off her 2023 playlist. this philly artist's claim to fame seems to be that he dated doja cat for six months? the song is short, bratty, and fun indie/alt not-quite-rap. i have no knowledge of how much the man overlaps with the song. spotify
ive never watched supernatural, except by osmosis bc i signed up for this website in 2011. this book is what i imagine people say when they say "what if supernatural was good?"
Rebecca Roanhorse's Trail of Lightning (her debut) and Storm of Locusts takes Maggie, a typical lone hero/monster hunter/horrible bitch of a woman (i say this approvingly) and says listen! you can do way sicker shit if you like. accept help and community and have a support system. it does not read like booktok found family or approach this in the typical fanfic way, which is refreshing. it points out that you will be a much longer lived and successful monster hunter this way. this is optimization, if you really look at it.
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most postapoc stuff doesn’t contend with the fact (if it even acknowledges indigenous people at all) that indigenous people have already lived through several colonizing apocalypses. these books make a very sharp point that there is not a tremendous amount of difference between the reservation before the apocalypse and the reservation after the apocalypse. the worldbuilding in these is a interesting spin on sea levels plus the Energy Wars, to keep all of that at arms' length the Diné built a magical and physical wall, which i think is a funny spin on the trump border wall.
neither of them are really romance or kissing books, there is romantic interest but they are kept extremely busy not dying and admiring each other's competence. they are action and gore heavy. this is notable bc the books are fairly short (took me about two and a half hours each) and they have pretty fuckin good action scenes! the first book has an underground club and fight ring run by a cat god: club atmosphere was terrific (there's a bit about them having to drag in hastily camouflaged cheap walmart tables to handle some overflow and i instantly knew exactly the table), it had a dress up scene I was very weak to. i thought the series of events by which they ended up at the big boss battle post-club was kind of stupid but (forgivably) the big boss battle was quite enjoyable. figuring out what to do with your life next when you’re highly trained for a very specific thing but also not trained enough to be a serious danger and were set up to fail was extremely compelling to me, an astronomy major who cannot actually work in astronomy.
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second book really hits its stride and (girl who has only played fallout voice) feels very fallout-y. desperate quest to save a loved one. girls' trip through a bunch of weird places with a bunch of weird guys. there's a lot of references that play with tone without ever going HEY REMEMBER THIS OTHER WORK YOU COULD GO LOOK AT RIGHT NOW? there’s a plane and a weird guy that made me think of mad max thunderdome, except the weird guy is his own character and has his own arc. there’s a weird grandpa on a boat who i don't think is a reference at all, except maybe to the timeless genre of weird grandpas on boats. there’s a sentient casino trapping people inside that reminded me of the new vegas dead money expansion, except Maggie barely steps inside bc she immediately gets caught up in a day-long battle of wits against the god of gambling. Maggie is a little more settled in her own skin now that she’s regularly talking to other people and has rejoined her community in her own small ways on her own terms and it HAS made her a much more successful monster hunter. the dialogue is snappier, the action scenes are more elaborate and smoothly choreographed. it's nice to watch an author grow so quickly (from this is serviceable to oh SHIT this is fun) over the course of a duology :) this feels like it was meant to be a trilogy but this book came out in 2019 so i am not holding my breath. it has a nice solid endpoint right here imo.
past sexual violence is sort of orbited around but no sexual violence is actually depicted, which i appreciate as a woman trying to enjoy postapoc.
libby has a very helpful Indigenous Voices category/reading guide/thing. thank u libby now i want to read everything else she's ever written
saw a piece of fanart i cannot find now for the three minute short PUPARIA by Shingo Tamagawa.
Something is about to change drastically. We can only be witnesses to it.
it's a weird and stunningly beautiful little thing i am still worrying at like a dog with a peanut butter kong. if you have a thing about eyes or clusters of round shapes this is NOT the three minute short for you btw
the free epic game was the Eidos Montreal Guardians of the Galaxy game, and since i am allergic to dead moms i will not be playing it. widely reviewed as "good writing, but not very much fun to actually play" so i don't feel like i'm missing out on too much.
i have no good story to tell about my time with genshin this week. we're aiming for "can i turn my brain off for forty minutes in the evening" and grinding a lot of one specific boss while listening to podcasts does seem to be enough to turn my brain off.
i have been frantically deep cleaning (including soaking the office in enzymatic cleaner [thanks phil]) bc my siblings are coming to town for a couple days and despite several setbacks (a completely different arrival time than the one they told me) and absolutely no sense of an itinerary we will be fine! we will all be fine and have fun! i will be SO fine and calm and chill and we will all have some fucking fun so help us god
ALSO also phil has finally been spayed and is now dealing with four separate issues: the giant wound still on her side, the spay incision, the necrotic abscess in her mouth from going too hard on a springy toy, and being underweight from trying to heal three things at once. we'll get there! we'll get there. it's just taking a while. we are going to have friday afternoon vet visits every week for the foreseeable future.
i love her so much and i'm glad she's feeling better but i genuinely think owning a horse would be cheaper than owning this one wonky cat. they shaved SO much of her tummy she looks even sillier than usual.
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other than being Very Alert for the persistent little orange tomcat that keeps hopping up on my windowsill, mackie is doing fine. no concept of the fact that my siblings are going to pick her up more in two days than she gets picked up in a whole month. this is a girl that likes her feet on the ground thanks much
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As is explained in the book, Covey names are made up of the name of a folk ballad and a color. The origins of a few of these names are explicitly stated in the book, but not all of them, so I want to try to lay out some potential origins for all of the Covey characters’ names!
Lucy Gray-Lucy Gray, poem by William Wordsworth (canon)
Barb Azure-Barbara Allen, famous folk song and child ballad 84 (canon)
Maude Ivory-Maude Clare, poem by Christina Rossetti (canon)
Clerk Carmine-Clerk Saunders, English folk song and child ballad 69
Tam Amber-Tam Lin, Scottish folktale and child ballad 39
Billy Taupe-Billy Boy, famous American folk song (likely, though Willy is a very common name in folk songs and child ballads)
Furthermore, I also want to argue that each of their names (much like Lucy Gray's) has some element of foreshadowing or relevance to their character or story!
Lucy Gray: as we know, she shares her story with the Wordsworth character: to go missing in the woods and have her true fate be forever a mystery
Barb Azure: she's a bit trickier. Barbara Allen is a soft, quiet tragedy about a “hard-hearted” girl whose lover dies, and she dies soon after so she can be buried with him. Barb Azure doesn't have much in the way of tragic romance (she and her gf seem to be the only non-toxic romance in the Covey), so I view her tragic love as not romantic, but familial. Barb seems to be the mom friend of the Covey, quiet and reserved but caring, and I think her heart broke when Lucy Gray and Billy Taupe died, one after the other. I should note that Barbara Allen's lover is named William (I told y'all it's a really common name). We don't know what happens to Barb Azure after she loses half her family and their music, but I can't imagine she ever fully recovered.
Maude Ivory: ALSO tricky. Maude Clare is about a love triangle, in which a couple is getting married and Maude, the groom's ex, stirs some shit with the bride, Nell. The groom is very inconsequential (Rossetti was a lesbian *cough cough*), so it's mainly about what the two women are fighting over. Maude proudly hands over the groom, but showcases how much he preferred her to his wife in the process. Nell professes that she has the legitimacy of marriage, and is willing to wait until he loves her back. It's unclear who really wins. I think this could be indicative of a bit of a silent "feud" (with no hatred of course) with Lucy Gray over which will become the lead singer in the Covey. Lucy Gray effectively hands it over to Maude Ivory at the end, but it's not much of a victory, as music is soon banned in District 12. But to Maude's credit, if the theory that she's Katniss's grandmother is true, she is willing to work to spread her music in secret over the coming years.
Clerk Carmine: Clerk Saunders is betrayed by his lover’s brothers after he wrongs her, eventually being killed by her youngest brother. Clerk Carmine's brother, Billy Taupe, betrays Lucy Gray by sleeping with Mayfair, and eventually the rest of the Covey reject him, including, most personally, Clerk Carmine.
Tam Amber: Tam Lin was a mysterious fae man, and Tam Amber was a mysterious baby found on the side of the road (I'm sorry but we know like nothing about this boy)
Billy Taupe: Billy Boy is a nursery rhyme about a boy who is courting a girl who is too young to leave her mother's side, much like Billy Taupe is courting Mayfair, whose father won't leave her alone. Though the nursery rhyme itself is light and fun, it has been linked to the English murder ballad "Lord Randall," in which a jealous woman poisons her husband, much like Mayfair's jealousy leads to both hers and Billy's deaths.
Tell me what y’all think! Clerk and Billy could really be a few things, but these seemed most likely. I also might’ve missed something (I wasn’t really looking for this stuff while reading) so I welcome any new info!
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 years
Omg <3
Well I’d be obsessed with a fluffy Tyler x reader fic where they both are in jericho’s theater, and they both get the lead roles in a romance play. Through a bunch of rehearsals and stuff they eventually catch feelings 🥰 the play can be whatever you want btw, just preferably a show with a cute romance lol <3
I love this prompt. We're doing and musical of Anastasia.
Once Upon a December (soft!Tyler x Reader)
Pairing: Tyler Galpin x Reader
Warnings: high school au. everybody is in school together. dont worry about it.
Word Count: 1794
Status: Unedited
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Tyler hadn't wanted to audition but, part of the punishment for his acting out meant that he had to start participating in extra curriculars and being an extra in some musical didn't seem so bad. Everything was going to plan, he had auditioned, sang the little song, massively fucked up the dance on purpose, and then, somehow, everything had gone to shit and he had gotten the male lead: Dimitri. Tyler had no idea how it'd happened but now here he was, at the first reading.
The school wasn't a very big one so even if you weren't friends with someone, you still knew who they were. For example, Tyler had never said a word to the girl but when she entered the room and sat in the seat next to him which bore the name tag 'Anastasia' during the first read through of the script, he still knew her name was Y/n L/n.
Tyler had always viewed Y/n as someone a lot more on the reserved side. She was a music kid, always hanging around with the other tortured teenage artists like Xavier Thorpe and Wednesday Addams. However, after only a few rehearsals, Tyler had begun to think that she was perfectly cast.
Anastasia as a character was headstrong, a little snotty, rude at times, and above all a know it all. So was Y/n. She always had to be right, correcting him when he forgot his blocking, whispering notes to him, even going so far as to grab his script right out of his hands and write things in it, muttering about how irritating he was all the while.
Tyler couldn't help but notice that he was the only one she acted this way towards. Sure, he was new to the mostly rotating group of theater kids the school was home to but he couldn't help himself wishing he was welcome to sit with Xavier, Bianca, and Y/n when they were given breaks or that he could even ask Y/n to go over lines with him.
The first time he'd performed his character Dimitri's solo song My Petersburg for the rest of the cast, he could feel her eyes drilling into him. Y/n, the perfectionist, even got yelled at when they were learning their duet In a Crowd of Thousands for not being able to get into character.
"You're supposed to be in love!" the music director had said, frustration evident in his every word, "act like it!"
After their first full run through of the whole show without scripts, the cast had held a party. It had been a Friday so of course there was loud music and too many drinks and even some drugs. Tyler was surprised he'd been invited at all, even more surprised still when Bianca who played the Countess Lily, dragged him off the front porch of whoever's house they were at and forced him to join a circle for truth or dare.
Everyone was drunk, doing stupid things and making too much noise. Ajax who was apparently part of the stage crew, was forced to drink a whole bottle of ketchup. Devina, the Dowager Empress, revealed she had a crush on one of the schools many football players. Xavier had to streak across the backyard. When Tyler got picked, he chose truth and had to admit why he even auditioned in the first place.
Now that it was his turn to ask questions, he turned his hazy gaze directly on Y/n who sat across from him, cheeks flushed and a mostly empty bottle in her hand.
"Y/n." he began, "Truth or dare?"
She turned away from Xavier who she'd been speaking to and looked lazily across at him.
"Truth." she stated after a moment, crossing her arms on the table and leaning forward, "ask me anything Galpin."
"Why do you hate me?" the words had slipped from his mouth before he could stop them.
Y/n looked incredibly taken aback and stayed silent for a moment before hiding her face in her arms.
"it's embarrassing!" she whined and Xavier patted her back as the rest of the cast and crew cheered her on.
"You gotta answer." Bianca laughed, elbowing Y/n who sat back up.
Her cheeks were somehow even redder then they had been before as she made eye contact with Tyler once more.
"I..." she looked away, "The truth is, I didn't audition for Anastasia. I wanted to play Dimitri. I auditioned for him and I didn’t get him but somehow you, who had never been in a single show before and were apparently being forced to be here, you who were trying to sabotage yourself and get ensemble, you Tyler got him. And I got Anastasia. I mean, I’m grateful, I love her character and I grew up watching the movie so it’s definitely cool to get to play her but….”
“why did you want to play Dimitri so badly?” Tyler asked and Y/n looked up at him.
“I answered your truth already Galpin.” she teased, her whole demeanor flipping in a matter of seconds, “my turn now.”
After that night, the pair seemed to have a little more space for one another. There were some kinder words shared and when they had to learn to do their kiss scenes, something the director had saved until the end, they even found a way to laugh about it.
Tyler thought they were just becoming friends at least, until they were all fitted for costumes.
Xavier and he were running lines while Y/n, Bianca, and Devina we’re getting fitted when they heard a shriek.
“do you think everything is okay?” asked Tyler, turning towards the direction the noise had come from.
“It’s just Y/n.” Xavier responded with a chuckle, “She loves getting costumes.”
There was the sound of rushed footsteps and fabric and suddenly, Y/n burst out from backstage. She was wearing a dress of sorts but Tyler couldn’t quite see it due to the way she was holding it up to run.
“guys!!” she squealed before dropping the skirt and spinning, “look what costuming did for me!! it’s an exact replica of her gold dress from the movie!! I don’t know how they swung this but like,, ahhh!! it’s so amazing!!”
It was then that Tyler realized he has never seen Y/n outside of her baggy jeans and tee shirts. He had never been to a show she was in, never seen her in a dress or something tight fitting before, never seen her so happy.
Xavier wolf whistled and Y/n laughed, walking over to them.
“you look great.” Tyler said and he meant it.
He’d never noticed how pretty she was before but here, eyes shining as she fawned over and explained all the detail in her dress, she was gorgeous.
At last it was their opening night. Tyler saw Y/n mouthing the lyrics to My Petersburg from off stage as he sang it. People applauded at the end of every scene. Before he even knew it, they were at their duet.
“I didn’t tell you that.” Tyler said as Dimitri and when Y/n turned to him to say her line:
“You didn’t have to, I remember!”
Tyler saw genuine joy behind her eyes. This was what she loved and having such a passion for something, Tyler realized, was an amazing thing, wasn’t it.
Everyone’s favorite scene and song had been quartet at the ballet.
Tyler had never really thought about the lyrics to that song before but as he sang them that night, something in them resonated with him.
someone holds her safe and warm
someone rescues her from the storm
simple things but ones things clear
it’s fate that brought us here
He and Xavier sang together and Tyler was glad for the stage directions saying he should be looking at Anastasia because he couldn’t take his eyes off Y/n.
They broke off into the four way harmony at the end and he could feel the power radiating off of Y/n as they all came together at the end for the songs final
find a way Anastasia
Tyler couldn’t seem to help it. As the play continued on, he couldn’t help but wish all of it was real. Y/n and he had become friends but that was only friends. Tyler was beginning to realize that maybe he wanted to be more than that.
i didn’t know she matter to me but now i can see she does
conman and princess get their wish and fairytale comes true
He sang, wishing the show to never end because somewhere in his head he knew the truth of it. Tyler knew the way she blushed on stage was just an act, the way she held him, the nervous glances. The kisses even, it was all an act and he knew that.
Three nights later and their final show was almost over. For a high school production of a broadway musical, they had done incredibly.
amazing set, wonderful costuming, stellar performances.
Y/n stood on stage, singing the shows third to final song with a passion Tyler had never heard from her before. It was amazing how much voice she could fit inside her body.
I should be glad I’m where I should be
but nothing is what it was
I didn’t know he mattered to me
but now I can see he does
As she sang, she made eye contact with Tyler from off stage. He thought he was imagining it but, maybe, just maybe, a little part of his brain though, maybe she was feeling the same things he was.
before he knew it Xavier was on stage and Y/n tore her gaze away from Tyler, fear taking over her frame and reminding Tyler once more that it was nothing but a show. He had to admit, she was an incredible actor.
After their final bows and the curtains fall, Tyler was surprised to find Y/n waiting for him backstage.
“hi.” she said nervously.
“hey, you did really well tonight.” Tyler responded.
“I was just wondering…” Y/n seemed so nervous.
Tyler had never seen her nervous before.
“Do you wanna go to the after party. With me I mean?” Tyler asked suddenly and Y/n looked up annoyed.
“Thats what I was gonna ask!” she whined, crossing her arms and looking away.
Tyler smiled.
“why don’t we get changed and head over then.” He said lightly.
“Fine,” Y/n groaned, “just one thing first.”
And she kissed him. It wasn’t for the audience, for rehearsal, for anything except herself and in that moment, Tyler knew: he was in big trouble.
A/N ngl I was really drunk when I wrote this, I am sorry. I will go back in and edit.
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ca-suffit · 2 days
i haven’t read the books but from the way some book stans talk about lestat like he’s some saint, i was not expecting sam in that interview to be like no actually he loves being evil and he’s really good at it and all the stuff about male rage/akasha and the devil being like wow he’s so terrible i need to recruit him actually. and i’ve seen the odd comment on twitter that’s like oh poor sam for having to put up with this lestat character assassination. like i don’t wanna call ppl out but i saw someone say “he signed up for anne rice’s iwtv, not rolin jones’s iwtv 😢” like ??? no actually he did sign up for rolin’s adaptation. and then they act like he’s so put out by the changes like a) he’s getting paid to pay his favorite character i think he’s okay. and b) even if he has reservations or questions about a change or even outright disagrees with one, he’s always full of praise for the final product and for rolin in general. like girl he is fine lol. like he said, some changes needed to be made and were for the greater good e.g. wrt improving the louis character.
I forget if he clarified in the interview or not, but that bit he says about going to hell comes right from the books
But what had I done to Claudia? And when would I have to pay for that? How long was she content to be the mystery that bound Louis and me so tightly together, the muse of our moonlit hours, the one object of devotion common to us both? Was it inevitable that she who would never have a woman's form would strike out at the demon father who condemned her to the body of a little china doll? I should have listened to Marius's warning. I should have stopped for one moment to reflect on it as I stood on the edge of that grand and intoxicating experiment: to make a vampire of "the least of these." I should have taken a deep breath. But you know, it was like playing the violin for Akasha. I wanted to do it. I wanted to see what would happen, I mean, with a beautiful little girl like that! Oh, Lestat, you deserve everything that ever happened to you. You'd better not die. You might actually go to hell. But why was it that for purely selfish reasons, I didn't listen to some of the advice given me? Why didn't I learn from any of them-Gabrielle, Armand, Marius? But then, I never have listened to anyone, really. Somehow or other, I never can.
he's not a saint (but he wants to be one for a second lol) but I personally didn't feel like he was that "evil" either. anne rice wasn't rly a good writer and fired her editor 3 books in on top of it. the series was unplanned and it's a wreck. he does awful shit but nothing I'd view makes him rly "evil," so it was a struggle for me to get on board with all that. an internal fight about how he views himself, I could understand, but idk what was rly that bad otherwise. especially cuz she was so in luv with him that consequences for anything he does just drop off as the books go? let me not write a whole thing about this lol. but ya the good and evil thing is from the books. the rice-a-ronis do mention it in posts sometimes but ever since the show has aired, everything has to be explained away now, bcuz they don't like black and brown characters or fans judging their white fav. he's either an innocent meow meow or a gothic monster, depending what mood they're in that day to dodge whatever criticism comes for them.
AMC explores a lot of stories about violent men so I've never understood this insistence like it's going to be some soft romantic series. the romance is gonna exist in the violence somehow, especially cuz they're vampires. louis slamming dreamstat's head into a rock wall while being goaded to do it bcuz dreamstat says it's the only way louis knows how to luv is sort of peak loustat for where we're at rn. I'm sure eventually they'll be more tender but it's still gonna have gritty undertones for the network it's on and who is writing it. the stans luv to make it about gendered shit, like rolin is ruining it all bcuz he's a man, but anne rice wrote violent, fucked up things too. worse than the show is prbly going to go. it's all excuses. u can just not like something without having to justify ur dislike of it to death. like damn. it's not ur taste, just stop watching??
and yes sam is a grown ass man getting prbly a good paycheck from this so loll he will be fine!
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punchdrunkdoc · 3 months
Part 3, Chapter 15
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 4 parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Sorry for the delay - had the cold from hell!
Chapter 15
Calina barely stirred as Matt slipped out of her bed the next morning.
He was more than loathe to leave the warm, comfortable haven but he needed to get ready for work. So he pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder, pulled the covers up and over her chilled skin, and crept out of her apartment.
He returned forty minutes later, once showered and dressed, with a hammer in one hand and a bunch of nails that he’d found shoved in a box under his sink. This time Calina was a little more alert - and she became more so when he started pounding a nail into the base of her window frame.
“Matt?” she asked, rolling over to face him. “What are you doing?”
“Fixing what I broke last night.” He hammered in another nail to keep the window shut. It wasn’t the neatest job, but it would do until he could arrange for the building Super to mend it.
As long as she was safe in the meantime.
“You came through the window last night?” She sounded befuddled.
“Well, I didn’t have a key to your front door.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
He placed his tools on the window ledge and sat on the edge of the bed, trying to hide his smile. He loved sleepy, confused Calina - he’d missed seeing this side of her.
“No need to apologise, sweetheart. Why don’t you get some more rest?”
She relaxed back against the pillows. “Mmmm, okay. Thank you.”
“For the suggestion, or for the window?”
“For last night,” she explained, stifling a yawn. “I didn’t meant to mess up the whole ‘going slow’ thing.”
“We can go slow tonight.”
She smiled, even as her eyes fell shut. “Mmm, tonight. Our date.”
“That’s right. Our date.” He leaned over and kissed her, feeling her smile against his lips. “See you then, sweetheart.”
He smiled at her response - barely more than a hum of noise as she slipped back into slumber - then crept back out of the apartment. As he made his way to work, he searched his phone for possible restaurant options for that night.
And soon realised he’d made a huge mistake: he’d over-promised on this date, and was going to massively underdeliver.
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath as he shouldered his way into the main office, his concentration still locked on his phone.
“What’s up?” Foggy asked.
“Everywhere decent is booked up.”
“I’m trying to arrange dinner for me and Calina for tonight, but everywhere’s booked.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m glad you two worked things out. Secondly, what did you expect, man? You can’t leave these things to the day of. You gotta plan in advance.”
“What’s going on?” Karen asked, emerging from the conference room.
“Matt’s trying to find a restaurant for him and Calina for tonight.”
Karen sucked in a breath. “Good luck. Its crazy these days - you have to book weeks in advance if you want somewhere good.”
“I didn’t know in advance,” Matt replied through gritted teeth. “We only sorted things out between us a few days ago.”
“So what’s the rush?” Foggy asked.
“I already told her we’d do something tonight, and she’s excited about it. It’s our first date.”
Foggy and Karen seemed unimpressed, so Matt spelled it out for them. “Which means its her first date, ever.”
“Oh,” Karen said, sympathy in her voice.
“Yikes. Talk about pressure,” Foggy said. Before Matt could glare at him for the glib response, Foggy continued. “Good thing I’m in a position to help you out.”
“What?” Matt asked. “How?”
“I just so happen to have a reservation for tonight going spare.”
“Again, how?”
“I booked something for Marci and me months ago. Its our anniversary, so I went for something super classy and romantic. But she’s had to go out of town for a big case she’s working on.”
“That sucks, Foggy,” Karen said.
Foggy shrugged and smiled. “She more than made it up to me over the weekend. In several creative and mind-blowing ways, if you catch my drift.”
“I do,” she grimaced. “Unfortunately.”
“So, I can have the reservation?” Matt asked, ignoring their banter.
“I dunno, man. Are you prepared to owe me this big? I mean, we’re talking leave-everything-to-me-in-your-will big. Donate-one-of-your-kidneys big. Nominate-me-for-sainthood big.”
“Its just dinner, Fog.”
Foggy pointed a finger at him. “It’s dinner and dancing, my friend. In the Rainbow Room. At the top of Rockerfeller Plaza, with the Empire State Building right outside the window. Women have been going nuts for that shit since, like, the 30s.”
Matt glanced at Karen. She nodded, reluctantly. “It is pretty spectacular.”
“Then I’ll take it. Especially the dancing. Calina will love that. The will, the kidney, the sainthood is yours, Fog.” He clasped a hand on his friends shoulder and squeezed. “Thanks, buddy.”
The knock on the door startled Calina.
Who would be visiting her?
She’d already been to see Mrs Schneider this morning. The Widows were still packing up the safe house and moving all the surveillance gear into storage, and Matt was at work - he’d texted her only twenty minutes ago to confirm their date.
She didn’t really know anyone else.
The knock sounded again. Then a female voice called through the door, “Calina?”
It was a familiar voice. And she realised she did, in fact, know someone else in New York. “Karen?” she called, padding over to the door. She swung it open to find the tall blond smiling at her. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see if you needed any help.”
Calina stepped aside to let her in. The other woman took a few steps in and stopped, taking in the clothes strewn all over the couch and the outfits hanging on the bedroom door. “I can see that you do.”
Calina hurried over to gather up the items from the couch. “Sorry for the mess. Matt’s taking me out tonight and I was trying to decide what to wear.”
Karen smiled. “Let me guess: he told you to be ready for 8, and that was it.”
Calina shrugged. “He said it was a surprise.”
“Men can be so clueless about this kind of thing. That’s why I came to help.” She held up her hands. “I won’t spoil the surprise, but I’ll make sure you have on the perfect dress for the occasion.”
“Dress? I was just going to wear pants. I have a pair that look really nice with heels and a silk top-”
Karen shook her head. “Uh-uh. I’m sure they look very nice - you could probably wear a burlap sack and look gorgeous - but this venue calls for a bit more glamour.” She dropped her purse on the floor and started wriggling out of her coat. “Let’s see what dresses you have.”
Calina bit her lip. “I only really have one. But it doesn't exactly have the best memories attached to it…”
Karen froze with one arm out of her coat. Then she reversed-course, shrugged it back on and grabbed her purse. “Looks like we’re going shopping, then. Come on.”
Half an hour later they were on the third floor of Nordstrum’s, in the woman’s designer clothing department.
“Okay,” Karen said, clasping her hands together in front of her, as if rallying troops for a battle. “What’s your style? Sexy and daring, frilly and floaty, or somewhere in between?”
Calina shook her head, taken aback by all the choice in front of her. Give her a machete-wielding opponent looking for a fight, or a building schematic written in Japanese, and she’d know what to do…
But this?
She was at a loss.
“I don’t know. I don’t know what my style is.” She’d still been figuring that out when she was uprooted from New York to Maine, then again to New Jersey - where advertising the Widows’ presence with a bunch of online deliveries wouldn’t have been wise.
Besides, prepping for a raid against a megalomaniacal Russian super-villain didn’t exactly leave a lot of time for shopping.
Karen didn’t bat an eyelid. “No problem. Let’s just have a look around and see if anything jumps out at you.”
Calina nodded and approached the nearest rack. But immediately ruled it out. “Too bright.”
“Are you sure? With your colouring, you could definitely pull off something like this.” She tugged at the skirt of a cobalt blue slip dress.
Calina shook her head. “Not me.”
“See?” Karen smiled. “You do know what you like.”
Calina returned the smile, and started browsing through the gowns with more enthusiasm.
Occasionally, Karen would hold something up to gauge her opinion, which Calina was always quick to decisively offer.
“Too many ruffles.”
“I don’t like those sleeves.”
“There’s not a lot of give in that material.”
“Yeah,” Karen agreed, replacing the tight silk dress to its rack. “You’ll need to be able to move.”
“Why?” Calina asked, worried. “Is Matt expecting trouble? Are we going to be forced to fight at some point?”
Karen gave her a strange look. “No," she said slowly. "I just meant- actually, I can’t tell you what I meant. But there won’t be fighting.” She rolled her eyes. “Although with Matt’s luck, you never know.”
Calina smiled. “And mine. It would probably be safer if we just stayed on the couch and ordered take-out.”
“No. You’re going to go out, and have fun, and look amazing while you do it.” She turned away to rifle through the Mark Jacobs display.
Calina watched her for a few moments, feeling confused. “Why are you helping me like this?” she finally asked. “Isn’t it awkward? Given your history with Matt…”
“Matt and I were barely a thing. I mean, I did have feelings for him for a long time…but they were feelings for a version of Matt that didn’t really exist. Or a version that wasn’t the complete him.” She shook her head. “I’m not explaining this well.”
“You mean the version that wasn’t Daredevil.”
Karen sighed. “Yeah. It took him a long time to tell me the truth about his alter ego. Long after I’d already fallen for him, and after we’d started dating. And that truth shifted something. Or, it was more like all the lies shifted something. He wasn’t the man I thought he was. He’s still a great man. An amazing, brave, caring man. Just not the one I’d built up in my head. And I could never reconcile that man with the one who lied to me, and pushed me to the side when his mission and Elektra came calling-”
Karen noticed something in Calina’s expression and hurried to explain. “But you don’t have to worry about that. Elektra’s long gone, and he’s in a better place now - not as obsessive as he used to be about being Daredevil. There was a time when he threw his whole life away to just be the man in the mask, but I can’t imagine him doing that now. Not when he has you. You’ve made him whole. That’s why I can help you. Because I see how good you are for him, and how happy you’ve made him.”
Calina barely noticed the compliment, and she hadn’t been worried by the idea of Elektra, or of Matt being Daredevil - she was too fixated on the the other thing Karen had said:
‘The lies shifted something.’
There were some stark parallels between Matt's relationship with Karen, and the one he now shared with her - and they weren't good parallels.
"I haven’t always made him happy," Calina admitted. "I sometimes think I’ve hurt him more often than I’ve brought him any comfort or joy. The way he lied to you, I lied to him. I kept secrets from him and hid who I really was. And I’m scared it will eventually shift something in him, the way it shifted in you. That he’ll eventually realise I’m not who he thought I was. That I'm not…worth it."
Karen stopped sifting through the dress rack in front of her, and looked up to meet Calina's eyes. "Is there something else you're not telling him?" 
She sounded serious, and ready to do battle for her friend, so Calina rushed to reassure her. "No! Everything's out in the open between us. I mean, he doesn't know my complete life story-"
Karen scoffed. "He doesn't need to. He's not entitled to every moment from your life before you guys met. As long as you're honest about the big things."
"I am. Now," she added, with a slight wince.
Karen shrugged. "Well, then, you shouldn't worry."
"But all the lies I told-"
"Were probably matched by the lies he told you. Unless he introduced himself as Daredevil the moment you met."
"No, of course not."
"Matt's not a saint when it comes to honesty in relationships. Don't put him on some pedestal."
The irony of that statement was not lost on Calina - she'd beseeched Matt to not put her on a pedestal earlier in their relationship. Was she now guilty of the same thing?
"Matt doesn't trust easily," Karen continued. "I'm sure he's told you why."
"He told me that he's been betrayed and lied to a lot. By his old mentor, Elektra, his mother."
"He told you about his mother?"
Karen suddenly smiled, her earlier concern gone. "That just proves how much he trusts you. And even if you broke that trust once, the fact that he's still with you - and desperately wants to make it work with you - should tell you how much he loves you. Concentrate on that, not your past mistakes."
Calina nodded, knowing that it was good advice. She just didn't know how well she'd be able to follow it. As she'd learned over the past few months, her self-esteem issues ran deep. 
"Thank you," she told the other woman. "And I’m sorry for offloading all that onto you. You just came to help me pick out an outfit, not act as my therapist."
Karen shrugged. "This is what girlfriends are for - shopping and relationship advice. Or so I gather. I’ve never really had female friends."
"Yeah. I lost my mom when I was younger, and since then, all the people of consequence in my life have been men. My Dad. My brother. And then Foggy and Matt. Ben. David, of course. And even Frank."
“Matt mentioned Ben to me. The journalist, right? But who’s Frank?”
Karen laughed. “Frank…is Frank. And the story of Frank is a long, and violent one. Probably best told over wine and cocktails and not in front of $500 dresses.”
Calina laughed. “I look forward to hearing it. And to the drinking. That sounds like fun.”
“It’s a date.” Karen re-focussed on the clothes in front of her. “But lets get you sorted out for tonight’s adventure first.” She held up yet another option. “What do you think of florals?”
She didn’t go for florals. Or ruffles. Or a bold colour. 
In the end, the perfect dress was found by touch.
“Are you sure?” Karen asked when Calina unearthed the dress from the sale section. “Its more of an autumn dress than a spring one - that’s why its reduced. It’s quite…muted.”
It was muted - in both colour and style. Just a knee length, one-shouldered, cocktail dress. There was some draping in the back that left a lot of her skin exposed, meaning there was some interest to the design...but overall it was quite simple.
Classy and chic and simple.
Which, Calina discovered, appeared to be her style.
The main selling point, though, was the fabric. A sumptuous, luxurious velvet, which she knew Matt would love. He wouldn’t see the colour, or the silhouette, but he’d feel the dress against her skin. And that was the most important thing.
She explained her reasoning to Karen, and the other woman smiled. “The feminist in me would usually advise you to dress for yourself, not for a man…but I think an exception can be made in this case.”
Calina smiled, then headed for the register to pay for the dress.
She admired it now - hours later - in the full length mirror of her bedroom, twisting to check the fit in the back. Strappy heels adorned her feet and a couple of simple gold bangles dangled from her wrist, completing the look.
She was ready. 
For her date.
Calina smoothed her hands over the front of her dress and took a deep breath, suddenly feeling nervous.
Which was ridiculous. She’d been with Matt for months now. They’d slept together. Confessed their love. Survived crucible after crucible.
A first date was nothing compared to all that.
But still…the nerves persisted.
Or maybe it wasn’t nerves. Maybe it was just anticipation. A bubbling, fluttery kind of excitement that she’d never felt before. 
She nearly exploded with that emotion when a soft rap sounded at the door. She skipped across the living room - as fast as the heels and the skirt of the dress would allow - and pulled open the door.
“Hi,” she said, greeting the man standing in the hallway.
He looked amazing.
To be fair, he always looked good in a suit - his office attire emphasised his trim figure and broad shoulders almost as well as his red Daredevil costume. But there was something different about this suit. It was deep black in colour and seemed tailored to every line of his body. The crisp white shirt looked expensive, and the narrow black tie was modern and chic.
And the ever-present red glasses made him look cool as hell.
“You look so handsome,” she breathed.
He smiled and leaned in to brush his lips across her cheek. “Thank you.” He lingered against her skin, breathing deeply. “You smell amazing. As always.”
He stepped back, and offered her the roses he held in one hand - it said a lot about how good he looked that she hadn’t even noticed the bouquet.
“Thank you,” she said, taking the beautiful blood red stems. “I always love it when you bring me flowers.”
“I’ve only done it once before,” he replied, referencing the solitary blossom he’d once carried across the rooftops of the city.
She shrugged. “I still love it.” She carried the roses over to the kitchen and started hunting for a suitable container to put them in.
“Then I’ll have to do it more often.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she replied quickly. “I wasn’t dropping hints or anything.”
He chuckled. “I know, sweetheart.”
She reached up to the cupboard over the fridge, her fingers grasping for the mason jar on the top shelf. She went on to her tip toes, struggling to reach the glass.
“Need help?” Matt asked from behind her.
She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “With me in these heels, we’re actually the same height. So unless you want to give me a boost…?”
He laughed again. “Why don’t you just put the flowers in a mug, and we can sort it out later. We need to get going or we’ll miss our reservation.”
Calina came down from her toes and stepped back, bumping into Matt. He grabbed her waist to steady her, his fingers clutching at the velvety material of her dress. Even when she regained her balance, he kept his hands on her, running his palms slowly down her sides.
“This feels nice,” he murmured, exploring more of the dress. He dropped his head to press a kiss to her neck, bared by the loose bun holding her hair up. His hands came around her front, over her stomach and up to her breasts. “This feels very nice.”
She smiled, glad that she’d chosen the right dress, and tilted her head to give him better access. His hands traced the shape of the garment, sweeping over her shoulders and down her back. He caressed her bare skin, sending shivers of delight down her spine. “Very nice,” he repeated.
“That’s not the dress,” she smirked.
“It isn’t?” he asked, his voice a rumbling whisper against her skin. “Feels just as soft.”
She laughed and stepped away from him. “Very smooth, Counsellor. But I thought we had to leave?”
He grabbed her hand, tried to pull her back into his arms. “We can be late.”
She laughed. “I don’t want to be late - I want to see where we’re going. I’ve been curious all day!”
Her curiosity had to wait another twenty minutes. By the time they’d hailed a cab and battled through the traffic on 48th street, it was close to 8pm by the time they made it to the top of Rockefellar plaza.
But it was worth it.
When she stepped foot in the Rainbow Room, her breath was taken away. It was a spacious room, filled with white linen-covered tables, most of which were occupied by women in gorgeous dresses and men in sharp suits. The tables were arranged around a hardwood floor inlaid with a large star in dark mahogany, and a band of musicians in white tuxedos played a slow jazzy tune on the raised dais.
Despite the size of the room, the atmosphere was intimate. Romantic. White lilies formed centrepieces on each table, and the soft flickering light from dozens of candles glinted off the crystals of the chandelier overhead.
Best of all, the nightscape of New York was visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows lining the room. The empire state building loomed large, its top floors illuminated in hues of green and blue and the spire a beacon of white light.
The whole scene was…magical.
It was the perfect venue for the perfect first date.
Chapter 16
If you want to see pics of the dress and the venue, check out the reference post (link in the blurb at the top).
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