#that something i considered essential to viewing and studying something was completely overlooked in almost all existing scholarship of the-
i really hope nobody else in my town is trying to get into toni morrison right now cause i checked out four more of her books yesterday (Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination; The Dancing Mind—her National Book Foundation Medal acceptance speech—; What Moves in the Margins: Selected Nonfiction; and Paradise, if you were wondering) and i still haven’t returned Beloved
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tic-of-the-tac · 5 years
The Ultimate In-Depth Analysis of Carlton Burke from the FNAF Novels (PART ONE)
(This took me a really long time to make, so I hope you enjoy it! I was inspired to write this by sn0ji’s in-depth John analysis post, so thanks, sn0ji! Also, I do discuss POTENTIAL TRIGGERS in this, including, but not necessarily limited to, SEXUAL ASSAULT and MANY FORMS OF VIOLENCE, so read at your own risk. And I know what you’re thinking: Cara, what on earth does Carlton have anything to do with sexual assault? Well, prepare to have your mind blown, and not just based on that fact, because I go into SO much detail in this essay and I mention little events and details from the books that NO ONE has EVER talked about before. It’s in so much detail that I had to make a Part 2 for it, so be sure to check that out! So sit back, relax, and enjoy my in-depth analysis of Carlton Burke!)
People know Carlton for his most obvious character trait: his humor. This is the trait that either makes you love him on at least his surface level or overlook him completely. The first group LOVES his humor. It is their favorite thing about him. While most will just like him for the jokes, some people in this group will even dive deeper into his personality and appreciate him even more. (I’m in this group.) The second group chooses to overlook Carlton because his sense of humor and surface-level personality can often come off as immature. However, calling Carlton immature based on these facts alone is completely ignoring his entire character ark and deeper personality which motivates him to put the safety and happiness of others before himself.
In The Silver Eyes, people will notice his humor, but they won’t notice the other subtle details of his personality that Kira and Scott took the time to mention throughout the book. The first action he is described as doing when Charlie enters the diner is thinking of his words carefully before he speaks them. That is not an easy task for most people, and it takes a level of maturity that is often overlooked to avoid acting on impulse. Also, when the boys split up from the girls (and John) after visiting Freddy’s on the second night, Carlton is the one that looks back at the girls, smiles at them genuinely, and waves over his shoulder. This moment is probably one of the most overlooked small moments in the book series, but it is probably one of my favorites, and it took me a couple rereads to catch. It shows that Carlton is a genuine and sweet person who will go out of his way to be friendly to others and make them smile. While people may see his prank-pulling as ignorance to other people’s emotions, it is quite the opposite. Carlton has shown that when it is time to be serious, he is VERY serious. His speech about Michael during the ceremony is super emotional and a sweet testament to his childhood best friend. However, he also sprinkled in some humor not because he is constantly a jokester, but because he doesn’t want to make people more upset than they already are given the tragic circumstances. He is trying to make them feel better. The number one motivation that pushes him forward in life is making people smile and laugh, which in turn is making them happier than they are. (I can honestly relate to that on a personal level because this is the one thing that keeps me going too, which is why I appreciate and adore his character so much.) The pranks he pulls make him happy, and he is hoping to make people laugh by doing them. He does not have ill intentions by telling jokes and pulling pranks. His humor allows him to push through his grief as well as help others push through theirs, which is very honorable and admirable for him to do. It is not immature of him at all. He also tends to use humor when he is terrified, in attempts to calm himself. He’s not just saying jokes for the heck of it, he’s hoping to make the best out of any dangerous or scary situation. (I relate to that too, as I tend to crack more jokes when I am nervous.) It may not be the brightest idea to crack jokes in front of someone who could literally kill him with the tap of a finger, but he is doing what his brain has trained himself to do his entire life when dealing with a bad situation. Not to mention he has a severe concussion (I know that the book says that it’s mild but let’s get real here, being unconscious for HOURS is a REALLY bad sign), so he’s not thinking clearly. He’s acting on impulse because his brain is physically not working properly. Anything that he says from Chapter 9 onward is not an entirely accurate representation of his overall character. It does, however, give us a good insight into how he deals with physical pain and the effect his pain may have on others. He keeps telling people that he’s fine even though he’s CLEARLY NOT FINE, and he constantly apologizes for the way he is acting even though it is NOT HIS FAULT. Even through pain and terror his genuineness shines through. Also, even though he is not thinking clearly, he is able to focus his anger and pain to stand up to the person that killed his best friend, nearly killed him, and is still threatening him and his friends. That is very courageous of him and it is an action worthy of audience applause. He doesn’t let his anger and pain out on his friends, but he is not afraid to show it either, which shows a sense of control in his life, even when he is not thinking clearly. Having this control shows maturity. In The Silver Eyes alone, Carlton proves that there is more to him than meets the eye.
Carlton is not in The Twisted Ones, but there is something worth mentioning about what he is doing during the events of the book. He is studying acting in New York City. Coming from someone who also wants to study acting in New York City, I know that you cannot be some ordinary idiot to get into a college in NYC. It takes a lot of time and effort to apply, and to get into many NYC acting colleges, you need to be smart as well as good at acting. Carlton got into a college in NY, showing that he’s no idiot and he is willing to put in time and effort to achieve what he wants. Not to mention, during all of this, he is dealing with the grief of his parents separating a lot better than most people. (He certainly handled it better than I did when my parents got divorced.) These actions are very mature of him, showing that even in The Twisted Ones, Carlton is a deep, complex character that is more than just dumb comic relief.
Lastly, there’s The Fourth Closet. This book is the most obvious example of Carlton being more than what he appears. In the first scene Carlton appears in, John, who has been in a constant depressed state for the past six months, smiles genuinely when Carlton races downstairs to greet him for the first time in almost two years, while only faking a smile when reuniting with Jessica and Marla. To John, Carlton is a joy to have around. Not to mention the condition of Clay’s house dramatically improves when Carlton comes home. It shows that people find Carlton as someone who makes them happy and they want to have around. Later, Carlton shows genuine concern for his father when he ends up in the hospital and also when they find a sick Charlie. He really cares about other people and wants to make sure they’re okay. While Carlton is VERY intrigued by Not-Charlie’s appearance (and people use this as reasoning to dismiss him as a dumb jokester), he is TERRIFIED of her. He likes to look at her, sure, but when she presses up against him, strokes his face, and tries to kiss him, he repeatedly tells her NO and tries to get away from her. Carlton is not a dumb, horny teenage boy; he is a victim of a downplayed sexual assault attempt, and it is overlooked because he’s a boy, she’s a robot, and he showed interest in her appearance before and after the attack. It is also overlooked because people think of it as just a way to lure him in to kill him, but the text specifically mentions that she “leaned in for a kiss” and ALSO KISSES JOHN WITHOUT HIS CONSENT (meaning yes, John is a victim of sexual assault). (And yes, kissing someone without consent can be considered sexual assault. I did my research before writing this.) Carlton is not completely innocent because staring at Not-Charlie like he does could actually be considered sexual harassment, but showing interest in her does not warrant her to approach him with sexual intentions because he did not give consent. Immediately after, he is unsure how to feel about it. He is still extremely fascinated by her appearance, but he didn’t want to be anything more than frenemies, and the fact that she tried to push it further terrified him. He is essentially thinking, “Isn’t this what I wanted? I thought she was hot, but I didn’t really want her to approach me like that.” These mixed emotions confuse him, and he shows this confusion when he meets up with Marla and sees Not-Charlie on the TV. Again, it’s not him being just a dumb, horny teenager. Then, he is the one to point out that Not-Charlie, in one of her alternate forms, looks like Circus Baby. No one else was able to make that connection. If he is really an idiot as people claim, he wouldn’t have been the one to make this connection. Instead, he shows that he is actually smart, insightful, and observant. (This is actually the third time he showed these traits; the first time was in The Silver Eyes when he observed Dave’s personality, and the second time was in the same book when he found the security camera above the back room door and made the GENIUS decision to slowly make his way across the floor to get in view of the security camera, which ended up saving his life.) Carlton and Marla’s mission from this point on is to save Jessica and hopefully find the missing children. When Carlton and Marla are in the mirror maze and being pursued by Funtime Freddy, Carlton steps in front of Marla, shields her, and keeps her calm on several occasions, showing that he is protective of the people he cares about. Once they find Jessica and most of the missing children, Carlton makes the courageous and mature decision to give his earpiece, the only defense he has, to Jessica and go out on his own to rescue the last missing child. This is the most courageous decision made by any character in the entire book series. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2.
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liam1hopkins · 4 years
‘Me, Myselfie and I’ – Ryan Gander - Documentary
On Wednesday 18th November I was assigned a documentary to watch which explores a different topic that differs from the traditional artist or art movement study. In this documentary, hosted by artist Ryan Gander an English conceptual artist living in Suffolk. We explore the concept of a selfie; how imperative technology has become in our lives and what our relationship with this technology says about us as individuals.
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Ryan takes us on what he calls a ‘digital pilgrimage’ looking at the importance of the selfie, as well as how it has quickly become a public acceptance compared to less than a decade ago where it would have been typically viewed as a sign of vanity or great self-admiration. It is interesting to see how such a common factor for most people was once looked at in a negative way, compared to its now ever-expanding popularity and being considered as normality, Ryan mentions how we have essentially become immune to narcissism. This huge change in such a small timeframe really puts into perspective the developments of the technological world as well as the grasp it has over our minds, not to mention the possibilities of the future. It is impossible to imagine a world the same measure of time from now, as the rate of digital enhancement is ever increasing. Shortly into the documentary Ryan speaks to an Instagram personality, he looks at how it has changed her life especially following an accident she faced in her job as a fire breather/entertainer which led to a difference in her appearance with scarring. She mentioned how difficult it was for her to publicly display herself after the accident and kept to releasing images of herself before the accident until she became confident enough to show this change. Although receiving a huge positive response from the platform and gaining over 19 thousand more followers within the short period of a year, she still faces heartbreak in not being able to work in her lifelong dream. This only emphasises the true meaning of our addiction to social media platforms such as Instagram, that being self-validation and our need for a positive input from the digital communities we devote ourselves to. In the case of this story, it is made clear that we fear negative response and highlights the relation between social media platforms and our mental health.
A point made by Ryan Gander is that the selfie does not just have to be an image of ourselves, it’s the information of which we publicly release and share, this can range from who we follow, the music we like, our hashtags and much more. Not only does this open our minds to what else could be considered a selfie, but for how long people have been partaking in this selfie ritual. We are showed a photograph from 1839 by Robert Cornelius, a pioneer of photography, and the contents include Cornelius himself looking into the camera. Ryan describes it in his own view, which is that Robert has a concerned expression about him, its almost as if he is in fear of the potential of this new device, shocked by how much It can change the world. I thought this was a particularly interesting thought, as it in some ways matches the concerns we have today, not only over the future of our planet but the future of modern technology, being as powerful as it is now there is no telling the effect it may have on society and the earth in another ten years’ time. As an example of information being a form of selfie, Ryan looks at a painting by Belgian painter Jan Van Eyck, called ‘Portrait of a man (Self Portrait?)’ which although is a fascinating portrait to look at, the real interest is within the frame, which hold an engraving at the bottom that says, ‘Jan Van Eyck made me on 21st October 1433’ and the bottom ‘As well as I can’. This is a communication between someone from nearly 600 years ago and the modern audience, in his own way he’s posting his own information to be received by us, many years in the future which can essentially be viewed as a selfie in the 15th century.
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He goes in depth in taking a view from two opposing viewers of technology, one being Emma who has lived technology free for over 20 years, the other being a youtuber that goes by the name DanTDM both with completely opposite views on life and relationships to technology and its advancement. Emma had completely isolated herself from any technology, meaning she was oblivious to any smartphone advancements or updates spread through social media, she claimed she was living happily and stress free, a life of peace and one where she can focus on the true things that matter, being life itself. Whereas the youtuber explained how he was living a successful and happy life doing something he enjoys, however often accompanied by great stress with his extreme responsibility of having to entertain over 20 million people subscribed to him. The obvious difference here being that one person relies on technology whilst the other exemplifies how life can be without. I think this was important to display publicly, showing that there are two sides to how we can live, explaining that there is nothing wrong with basing your life around the digital world, as well as there being a life without, we are not ultimately constrained to societal norms and people such as Emma prove this. It made me think twice about where I see myself in the future especially regarding how technology will affect it.
The entire documentary was extremely interesting as it pushed thoughts and ideas which I believe are commonly overlooked, it reminded me of how different our idea of normal is to others, a truly strange and almost worrying concept. This was a very intriguing documentary to watch, it has also made me familiar with the artist Ryan Gander himself, someone who at first, I did not know but am now, interesting in further researching to see more of his works/investigations.
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Personalized Business Signs Are A good Expansion Of Your Company
Personalized Business Signs Are A great Extendable Of Your Enterprise
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Anaheim Signs Custom Enterprise Signs Allow People Ascertain Your Organization Before They Look at The particular Inside You've seen this particular common scenario in numerous movies and television displays : there's an previous, creepy household in the actual neighborhood that all the area kids believe to become haunted. They believe this kind of because the property is isolated, dark, since weak condition. The kids almost all dare each other to go up into the house, and one brave, however pressured, soul finally inches up towards the doorway. The door mysteriously opens to reveal a sort, yet depressed old widow who can easily no longer keep up with your ex large loved ones home. The kids and also the widow all become pals. Does your building appear like often the widow's home, dark and also uninviting? If consequently, consider a fresh customized sign. Sign maker Orange County Sure, we are able to most act like we have a tendency make snap judgments determined by initial appearances, but who also among us doesn't really feel just a little wary upon getting into a new building that appearance like a lot more never noticed the inside? Certainly not this your business is scary looking, but it might also just look unprofessional or even a little dingy on the exterior. Even if your company is definitely in an industrial location with a bland, metal building, a custom business indication can give your own business a remodeling that takes your entry via overlooked to recognizable. Along with if people have a good initial good feeling regarding your business based on your own personal custom business indicator, after that those positive emotions will generally continue in the course of their business dealings along. Custom Signs With Shade Can Improve Your Whole Building's Appearance If your small business is housed within an ugly building, you're not alone. After considering many elements, such as affordability, location, structure of interior, a person have chosen the most beneficial making possible for your company. Sadly, no one asked you to layout typically the exterior. Fortunately, it won't acquire much to improve it. A designer when said the best outdoor makeover you could supply your household is basically to paint your own personal top door. You could take your ex advice, but many of us propose going a phase further and installing some sort of new custom business signal with eye popping coloring. Color does wonders for that human eye - certainly not only are we driven to it, the company seeks to associate things with it, producing color a memory induce. Consider bold, contrasting colours for your custom signs. Your own custom business signal might use at least 2 colors, because market study has indicated that individuals take into account custom business indicators that use two colors a lot better than those that use simply one. Additionally, I mentioned contrast, this can be extremely critical in ensuring that your current custom business sign isn't going to fade into the record. Comparison, or using darkish graphics on a light background as well as vice versa, allows your artwork in order to stand out and be read and remembered by simply transferring motorists and upcoming buyers. Bold, vivid colours in your custom business sign likewise give your building a fresh, welcoming seem, as though something completely new in addition to exciting is planning on behind your current entrances. So think about exactly what colours best represent your style of business and pick out at the least a couple regarding your custom organization warning. The Size Of Your personal Custom Sign Doesn't Usually Issue Maybe your advertising and marketing budget won't allow you to order a huge custom business sign in order to be installed on top connected with your building. Which is okay! You have other custom sign options that will keep your building attractive along with not scare away little children or prospective enterprise. Have you considered tailor made organization signage that could be hung involving a pair of posts in front of your building? What about the simple moderately sort of small business sign that can end up being put on the part of your entrance? You will discover choices, as custom signs comes in a huge variety of elements acceptable for the kind regarding business you possess as effectively as the conditions beneath which they will be applied. Just consult your organization sign professional on what you want and what you can certainly afford, and you will probably have a custom business indication which gives your quality company the attention it ought to get. Understand that People Will View Your Custom made Business Signs Before That they See You actually Don't frighten out potential clients or clients through having and old, out-of-date custom sign, or worse, no sign at most. Let people know who else you are, wgat action you take, and add a little associated with your style in your own custom business indicator. Keep in mind that bright, bold, in contrast to colors on your customized signs are essential inside maintaining a current appearance with regard to your business, as well as the measurement of your sign is not as important as the actual quality of it. If the business needs an external surfaces remodeling, a custom business warning is the ideal place to start.
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steelframers · 5 years
Custom Business Signs Are An Expansion Of Your Organization
Customized Business Signs Are A good Extension Of Your Company
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Sign maker Orange County Custom Enterprise Signs Enable People Determine Your Enterprise Before They Look at The Inside You've seen this particular common scenario in plenty of movies and television exhibits instructions there's an aged, creepy residence in often the neighborhood that all the regional kids believe to always be haunted. They believe this kind of because the residence is actually isolated, dark, as very poor condition. The kids all dare each other to help go up into the property, and one brave, though pressured, soul finally inches up towards the door. The entranceway mysteriously opens to be able to reveal a form, yet lonesome old widow who could no longer keep up with your ex large family home. The kids and the widow all become close friends. Does your building mimic the actual widow's home, darkish as well as uninviting? If therefore, consider a completely new tailor made sign. Anaheimsigns Sure, we could almost all act like we may make snap judgments according to initial appearances, but who among us doesn't experience a little wary upon getting into any building that appears like individuals never viewed the inside? Certainly not that will your business is scary looking, but it may also merely look less than professional or even a tiny bit dingy on the exterior. Even if your organization will be in an industrial area with a bland, steel constructing, a custom business warning can give your personal business a remodel that will takes your front door by overlooked to noticeable. Along with if people have a initial beneficial feeling concerning your business depending on your current custom business warning, after that those positive thoughts may generally continue all through their particular business dealings along with you. Custom Signs With Colour Could Improve Your Whole Building's Appearance If your business is housed within the unappealing building, you're not alone. After considering many factors, such as affordability, place, configuration of interior, you have chosen the most beneficial constructing possible for your small business. Regretfully, no one asked you to design and style often the exterior. Fortunately, it will not have much to boost it. A designer the moment said the best exterior makeover you could offer your home is basically to paint your personal top door. You could have her advice, but most of us recommend going a phase further and installing some sort of new custom company signal with eye popping coloring. Color does wonders for your human eye - not necessarily only usually are we attracted to it, the company seeks to connect things with it, generating color a memory result in. Consider bold, contrasting shades for your custom signage. Your custom business warning might use at least a pair of colors, while market study has indicated that individuals keep in mind custom business indicators in which use two colors superior to those that use only one. Additionally, I stated contrast, this is certainly extremely critical in ensuring that your own custom business sign will not fade into the history. Form a contrast, or using dark artwork on a light background or even vice versa, allows your images to stand out and always be study and remembered by transferring motorists and potential buyers. Bold, vivid colors in the custom business indication in addition give your developing a fresh, inviting seem, as though something brand-new along with exciting is heading on behind your own personal gates. So think about what shades best represent your own kind of business and decide on at the least a couple for your custom small business sign. The Size Of Your current Custom Sign Doesn't Always Topic Maybe your marketing budget won't allow an individual to order a substantial personalized business sign in order to be mounted on top connected with your building. That's fine! You have other tailor made sign options that may keep the building attractive as well as not frighten away small children or prospective company. Have you considered tailor made business signage that may be hung between a pair of posts in front involving your building? What about some sort of simple moderately sized company sign that can possibly be installed on the aspect of your entrance? You can find choices, as custom signage comes in a large variety of components matched for the kind of business you keep as effectively as the conditions within which will be made use of. Just consult your enterprise warning professional on what you need and what you can certainly afford, and you will have some sort of custom business warning in which gives your quality organization the attention it should get. Keep in mind that People Will Find Your Custom made Business Signage Before Many people See Anyone Don't frighten out future clients or clients by simply having and old, past custom sign, or a whole lot worse, no sign at all. Let people know who else you are, what you are, and add a little regarding your personality in your own personal custom business signal. Recall that bright, bold, in contrast to colors on your customized symptoms are essential throughout maintaining a current appearance intended for your business, plus the sizing of your sign is not as important as the quality of it. When your business needs an exterior transformation, a custom business indicator is the best place to start.
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theaveragekenyan · 5 years
Blinded by your Grace...
In terms of Europe’s best looking Women (Fittest Birds), this is how I would rate them within a top 5.
1 = Sweden (standard stereotype, but essentially any of those Nordic Scandinavian hotties)
2 = Republic of Ireland (the jet black or fiery red hair and the feckin accent)
3 = Italy (oodles of class and they can knock up an amazing salad in seconds)
4 = Great Britain (not the ones faggin it outside school waiting for their kids)
5 = Australia (Eurovision Song Contest Rules)
Of course, the above list is shamefully discriminatory and sexist, it’s not even a bit of fun anymore #metoo, I just I enjoy the stereotypical nature of it all, #bantz I believe is the excuse these days.
I just did a Google search of the above topic, except I widened it to ‘worldwide best looking women’ and the top hits include the above 5 countries within their lists, except new countries like Brazil, Philippines, Venezuela, Thailand and USA are added, well done to those countries, excellent DNA’ing.
So, something I’d like to point out, NO African countries feature in the lists.
Ok, there was one list that included Angola, but that was the only African country featured in just one list from many.
In the featured countries, NO black faces represent their beauty, Brazil is about as dark as you’re going to get, but essentially there was no recognition of diversity from their respective country. Each country’s ‘most beautiful face’ is depicted by a “typical” comfortably indigenous (whatever that represents) white looking woman from their country, sorry Archie, Naomi and Nathalie, but you’re not the considered look of Britain and that also is same for any other country with diverse genetics.
The world has proliferated so much these days, so for example, what does a British woman look like? That’s of course my liberalism shining through, but unfortunately for the majority of people in the UK, they still consider Victoria Beckham or Fiona Bruce as their default British Women, sorry no blacks, browns or yellow’s please, we’re British.
When I’m back home in the UK, I especially like to study the Black women I see, I like to see how they compose themselves, how they talk and especially how they look. I know this sounds super creepy, but this is of course as I live in Kenya, so I like to see how the women compare to what I have here.
The main reason for this is that Kenyan women are truly beautiful.
Now I come from a very small village in the UK and from the three schools I attended, they all represented very typical demographics for rural England.
Primary School = 40 children - 0 BAME.
I was the brownest in the school, although we did have three children of Indian origin move into the village, but not in my school year, they took over the village shop, obviously.
Secondary School = 500 children – 3 BAME
Upper School – 1000 Children – 10 BAME
In each case, roughly about 1% were, you know “one of them”
Now I know times have changed and that area has become more diversified, but back in the late 80’s, I grew up with pretty much no other interesting faces other than pale zitty white ones.
It wasn’t until I moved to London in 1997 that opened my eyes to such a variety of faces and furthermore when I moved to Johannesburg in 2011 when I saw the full concentration of South African Women, and it was an eye opener to say the least.
I remember walking around Sandton City Mall and thinking to myself, in such high concentration, this must be where the best looking African Women on the continent are. Then I moved to Kenya and realized there are beautiful looking women everywhere you go.
I’m think it’s fairly safe to say, without any research or any factual evidence sought that my next assumption is correct. Kenyan Women’s beauty stems from a gene pool that, on the whole, has had little genetic dilution.
For many years, most of the reproduction has remained inter-tribal and only in recent years has outer-tribal reproduction become more acceptable. So, identifying features and characteristics have remained particular.
You see a lot of defining tribal looks and characteristics, that with a keen eye, can determine where the person originates, whether it be Western, Coastal, Central, Northern or Southern. This is a game my wife loves to play. 
Yes, this happens in certain cities in England like Brighton, Liverpool, Bristol etc, but it’s largely down to make-up, clothes and style defining a look, rather than a type of nose or eye shape, I mean perhaps a “big gob” in Newcastle, but that’s about it.
It was only until I came to Africa that I noticed how many different skin shades there are. From Albino right through to dark blue-black, there’s a colour for everyone.
Sadly though, many Kenyans believe a lighter skin is more beautiful, so skin lightening creams and treatments have become a thing and have generated an overall negative effect on skin tone empowerment.
Most of the billboards here, featuring ladies, are almost white. They are presented with a polished skin, highlighted and dodged, removing just about all of their darker tones.
Therefore, darker girls grow up thinking they’re not as attractive, they’ll have less career opportunities, they won’t get the best men and so on. This then creates a troubling discriminatory outlook, which occurrs on a daily basis, not just in Kenya, but throughout Africa.
However, when it comes to Kenyan Women being attracted to men, there’s one particular skin tone many find appealing, the white one.
There are plenty of white men in Kenya, myself included who’ve seen the Kenyan beauty and thought, Well Jambo!
I’m not being modest when I say that my partner and I have an equal amount of attractiveness, (she’s way hotter than me) we’re of a similar age and have all the classic similarities to have fallen in love, but when looking around in Kenya you start to see many other couples where their...well...their similarities must be very unique to them.
I’m talking about “Sugar Daddies”, of course I am. 
I love to see these couples as they are clearly so happy together.
He has a smoking hot-assed chick pushing his shopping trolley, whilst she can add into that trolley whatever the freak she wants, because she ain’t paying, PARTY!!!
It's so blatant and obvious what the arrangement is, yet many people find it embarrassing or jocular. People definitely like to judge and be jealous, I prefer to just give a little condescending nod and wink showing nothing but pure respect.
We’re talking 70-80 year old men with 25-30 year old women. The men are wearing their cardigans and orthopedic sunglasses, whilst the women are dressed like an extra from a Jay-Z promo, when in fact, of course, she should be wearing a nurse’s uniform. You’ll see them in restaurants staring into space as he sips on his Tusker, whilst she’s avoiding eye contact from all the younger playboys drooling over her.
Of course, it’s not just the white blokes that get to play Sugar Daddy. Many young Kenyan women find attraction in older men with a closer skin tone to theirs.
Again, for the women, this is purely down to the money and for men the sex, the perfect arrangement, everybody wins.
The older men are called “Sponsors” and they provide anything from Cars and Houses to Ugali and Cheap Booze and there exists a variety of financial classes within. It’s the polygamous society of Kenya that flexes its muscle, and I find it fascinating how it completely goes against everything the average Kenyan preaches in church, but then again the average Kenyan is just as big as the biggest hypocrite in the world.
Kenyan’s love stereotypes, that’s because for the majority of the time the stereotypes are completely correct.
The stereotypically looking Kenyan woman for a white guy is slim, petite, peachy butt-ocks, anti-gravity boobs, not too short and bearing mildly western facial features.
This type of woman is known as “Muzungu Bait”.
It’s not clear how the Kenyan women discover they are “Muzungu Bait”, perhaps there’s a “Finishing School” for this type of lady, but make no mistake there is a look and any lady possessing such features knows they have a permit to flirt with white men.
In the opposite stereotype, It can be said that, Kenyan men generally prefer a heavier lady. 
I feel sorry for the chubbier, larger girls, I can only assume they have no right to flirt with white guys and they are the ones who can only be taken by the Kenyan men.
One comment I regularly hear, is that white men come to Kenya and steal the best looking women.
Steal, STEAL???, like the women have been kidnapped and are being held hostage. It’s such a ridiculous and humungous insult to women, it’s shocking.
I mean the fact we can cook, clean, and tell stories about mid-nineties heavy metal should never be overlooked.
I think what is it though, to the average Kenyan, Women are considered property, something that’s purchased. I know this has a lot to the doury marital system of buying women with animal livestock, but mostly women are treated as property, or 6 cows and 4 goats in most instances. So perhaps when a white man talks to a lady on her own level and doesn’t feel the urge to treat her in such a proprietary way, then I’m sure it has to have an appeal.
There is a downside though and a fascinating murder case is currently in the news and it’s not the first time such a murder has taken place. Now though, Kenyan media outlets can see views, likes and share values in real time therefore they can quantify a news story and suck it until it’s dry, so that explains why the current ‘Praying Mantis’ story is so accessible, because everybody wants a piece of it.
Unlike the Kenyan News agencies, I won’t go down the illegal route of naming and shaming and spilling out every detail rendering any Jury Court irrelevant, but this is how the story went.
Rich White Man murdered by his younger Kenyan Wife with possible involvement from her associates.
This is not the first time this has happened and not the last time.
It happens enough for it to be almost like another air strike in the middle east, erm yes, how many properties? which tribe was the woman? how much money is involved? where do they live? Sadly, the taken life of the man is overlooked and the story just fades away until the next replica story comes along. It’s not just Rich White Men though, Rich Black Men disappear as well, you see the connection? Let’s just say their are many wealthy Kenyan widows getting away with murder. 
Sadly, the average Kenyan has a different outlook to women, it is changing, but still, women are viewed here as second class, need to obey, generally a subordinate creature. Yet, they are the baby makers, the food providers, the water carriers, the planners and the total backbone of Kenyan society.
I think the average Kenyan needs to be far more respectful and understand just how beautiful the women are in this country. I can 100% vouch for that, all I got to do is hope I don’t end up hidden in a septic tank one day.  
0 notes
Notes on Laplanche
Here are some notes ‘n’ quotes of an essay I read earlier in the year in Buenos Aires.  It is called “The Unfinished Copernican Revolution,” from Essays on otherness.  Reading it in Argentina, whose bookshelves are lined with Laplanche books, felt rather special.
Copernicus: the decentering of the human being.  The word “revolution” only got its current meaning from Amyot’s translations of Plutarch - nb the impact translators have on language - as something predestined, but sudden.  “Let us remember that a revolution is never as revolutionary as it thinks - it has its forerunners in the past, and what it offers as a new opening also carries with it possibilities for potential relapses”.
The Copernican revolution = the first narcissistic blow to humanity dealt by science.  The problem of astronomy is: there is circular motion, but what goes around what?
Ptolemy vs Copernicus.  The former (2nd century AD) = geocentric (everything revolves around the earth), the latter = heliocentric (around the sun) - not that Copernicus was the first to propose this (the 3rd c astronomer Aristarchus was).
The obvious problem with geocentrism is that the stars and heavenly bodies that spin around the earth don’t seem to do so consistently.
Astronomy became ever more complicated, trying to fill in gaps in the theory - just as psychoanalysis did.  “A system in which each unexplained detail, far from bringing the whole into question, was made the object of a supplementary ad hoc hypothesis”.  Different persuasions have introduced so many new concepts to the freudian model - don’t we have to question whether psychoanalysis (or certain versions thereof) can still stand?
The Copernican revolution at first simply seems to challenge where the centre is - but actually challenges the idea of centring.  Previous theories of how bodies move in relation to each other fall down, leading to the conclusion that the universe is so massive, such relations become almost meaningless.
“If the ‘centre’ of the world can be everywhere, it follows correlatively that ‘its circumference is nowhere’” - i.e. it is infinite.
Knowledge is therefore also decentred - there can be no completeness of knowledge, for there is nothing (nothing in man, certainly) to measure such a completeness against.  Kant’s empirical subject is Copernican, his transcendental subject Ptolemaic.
“If Freud is his own Copernicus, he is also his own Ptolemy.  The revolution in astronomy lasted nearly two millennia, with some intuitions of the truth almost from the start, but also with an initial going-astray.  In psychoanalysis, everything essentially is created by a single man - simultaneously, the discovery, affirmed at a very early stage, and which is conjointly that of the unconscious and that of seduction - and the going-astray, the wrong path taken each time there was a return to a theory of self-centering.”
Freud switched between the two views - the Ptolemaic and the Copernican - perhaps as any revolutionary would.  “There are some major reaffirmations of other-centredness, the most powerful of which is without doubt the adoption of Groddeck’s id as an agency which lives us more than we live it”.  But then, this id becomes the centre - the “natural”/“driven” aspect we are all born with (quote unquote).  Which of Freud’s discoveries is Ptolemaic?  which copernican?
The Other - cf Laplanche / Leclaire’s essay “The Unconscious, a psychoanalytic study”.  Something other, alien, in us.
- You cannot divine the unconscious, poke around until you find it, hidden under some mossy rock.  “The method is one of association and cross-referencing, a deconstruction … there is no point-for-point correspondence, no analogy or similitude between the behavioural or conscious discursive sequence from which the associations start and the fragment of an unconscious sequence”.
- and therefore, just as the conscious thought is not analogous to any unconscious content, neither is the symptom.  Indeed, the symptom is a compromise or a mingling between reality and unconscious.
- And the unconscious obeys its own laws, which are those of the primary process.  See Studies on Hysteria.
- We have two ideas throughout Freud’s thought: an unconscious which is the result of repression - and an unconscious which is primordial.  “One could say that from a certain point in Freud’s thought the unconscious will arise from the drive, then the drive from the somatic, but that before 1897 it is the drive which arises from the unconscious”.
- And finally, the unconscious contains scenes of some kind - memories or fantasies - which are essentially sexual.  And “sexuality opens directly onto the question of the other … the adult other in his or her alien-ness”.
“‘Internal foreign body’; ‘reminiscences’; the unconscious as an alien inside me, and even one put inside me by an alien.  At his most prophetic, Freud does not hesitate over formulations which go back to the idea of possession … But on the other side of these Copernican advances … the dominant tendency is always to relativise the discovery and to re-assimilate and reintegrate the alien.”
This battle between decentredness and centredness comes out in the text “A difficulty in the path of psychoanalysis”:
- “Man feels himself to be supreme within his own mind” vs “the ego is not master in its own house”.  Freud seeks, via psychoanalysis, to re-assimilate the alien: “Psychoanalysis sets out to explain these uncanny disorders … until at length it can speak thus to the ego: ‘Nothing has entered into you from without; a part of the activity of your own mind has been withdrawn from your own knowledge and from the command of your will.’”  
- Deny the alienness and try to reduce it, seems to be the method or intention here - or in other words, try to know yourself.
- There’s clearly a paradox here - will the unconscious be revealed as something deep within yourself, or something inexorably other (a la Groddeck)?  The former is clearly “a return to centring : there is something in me which I’ve split off from, denied, but which I must re-assimilate.  The ego is not master of its own house, but it is, after all, at home there nonetheless”.  “The domestication of the unconscious”
Primary process:
“We unfailingly think of the primary as being there before the secondary, both in time - the 2o comes to exist after the 1o - and also in priority, the structure of the 2o presupposing the 1o as its foundation”.  But what about the idea that higher / more organised forms will come apart or dissolve into the more anarchic forms which preceded them?  E.g. in dreams - the recent, organised material (thoughts from the previous day) dissolve to reveal “what was there before”
Cf Chapter 7 of Traumdeutung - but also ‘Formulations on two principles of mental functioning’ (a “going astray”).  At first, there is as free a motion and discharge of energy as is possible - a primary process, governed by the pleasure principle.  But then follows a process of regulation, organising into pathways, “allowing accumulation, reserve, inhibition and adaptive behaviour”.  But of course, this is not the case biologically speaking
“What must be affirmed is the following: if the primary is the unconscious, and the unconscious is the repressed, then this ‘primary’ has become ‘primary’ … it is neither prior nor primitive, but a sort of ‘reduced state’ caused by something else.”
Also: if the unconscious comprises that which has been repressed, how can it be infinite, “capable of endlessly slipping away from our grasp”?  Firstly, because repression does not simply mean the one-off shoving under the carpet of memories - it also entails the (endless?) creation of fantasies.
And a suggestion that the reminiscences from which hysterics suffer are not simply memories, but something which returns from the other…
“The essence of the Copernican revolution begun by Freud: the decentering, in reality, is double: the other thing (das Andere) that is the unconscious is only maintained in its radical alterity by the other person (der Andere): in brief, by seduction”.
Though this doesn’t just mean that the other person implants the unconscious in me, “for in between the primary intervention of the other and the creation of the other thing in me, there occurs a process called repression”.
“How can the problem of ‘the existence of the other person’ not be completely overturned as soon as that person is considered as primary in my own constitution - a primacy not only postulated in theory but implicated and experienced in the transference?”
Simply - the other = the adult who seduces the child.  So is that other just the child’s perception (the other being generated from within)?  Or was the other really there, and if we ask enough questions, could we find him or her?  Both of these arguments (which Freud makes) seem thin.  And “both … share the same supposition: that the other never manifests himself except in the subjective representation of brute reality”.
What maintains the alien-ness of the other?  Language?  (or, so as to include the non-linguistic experience of the baby, the message? - i.e. the message which partly gets its meaning from the fact it is sent by the sender to the receiver)
NB: “the child’s cries, according to Freud, are not a call for help.  They are simple indices, in Peirce’s sense.  They only become messages, calls for help, through the subjective interpretation of the mother.”
Sexuality: “a sign offered to the infant by the adult, delimited by the adult in the situation before the infant itself finishes the process of sampling … It is the adult who brings the breast, and not the milk, into the foreground - and does so due to her own desire, conscious and above all unconscious.  For the breast is not only an organ for feeding children, but also a sexual organ, something which is utterly overlooked by Freud and has been since Freud.  Not a single text, not even a single remark of Freud’s takes account of the fact that the female breast is excitable, not only in feeding, but simply in the woman’s sexual life”.
Analogous with the primal scene:
“whenever primal scenes are observed or discussed, two worlds without communication divide, so to speak: on one side, parental behaviour, the experience and content of which are by definition beyond the subject’s grasp; and on the other, the side of the child, a traumatic spectacle, more often glimpsed and guessed than seen, suggested by a mere allusion (e.g. animal coitus) which the child must then fill out, interpret, symbolise.  My point is that between these two worlds, something is missing: the supposition that sexual intercourse is never simply an objective fact, and that even the letting-see on the part of the parents is always in a sense a making-see, an exhibition.  But Freud is never to suspect this idea - that the primal scene only has its impact because it bears a message, a giving-to-see or a giving-to-hear on the part of the parents.”
What’s missing from Freud’s account?  Any concept of the address, the message, the sign, something which signifies, the signifier - this is what Lacan brings to the table.
Cf this problem: how could you send a message across space to another species, a message which says “I want to communicate with you”?  In 1972, Pioneer 2 sent a message which “aimed to communicate certain data on the spatio-temporal origins of the builders of the spaceship, and their nature”.  But put yourself in the place of the receiver: you might find the “indices” of intelligent life in the spaceship and its message, but how could you find a signifier which communicated a desire to communicate?  (assuming there is no possibility of a shared code?)
This is the problem that the child faces: he gets messages which “are not transparent to themselves,” in that they contain the adult’s relation to his or her unconscious, AND he does not yet share the interpretative system of the adults.
Can the psychoanalytic Copernican revolution be finished?  (i.e. can Freud’s errors be corrected, can his theory be completed)  “The Copernican revolution of Copernican astronomy miscarried, as we have glimpsed, in what [N.Y.] Marr attempted: we cannot reform our language, and with it our perception and inner sense, to the extent of giving everyday expression in a ‘Copernican’ language to the movement of sun, moon and stars …… the moment of narcissistic closure - the constitution of the ego as an agency - corresponds in the sequence of primary repression to the constitution of the internal other, the UCS”
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querosermagrax · 5 years
How to make YouTube for Business
The popularity of online video has essentially escalated in the last twelve months. Any business, specialist solutions company, specialist specialist or clinical or oral method that is not using Video promotion services to bring in brand-new clients, individuals as well as consumers is missing out on among the most cost-efficient as well as efficient advertising and marketing tactics available. If you are not reaping the advantages of this technique, you should reassess the issue and also begin to market your method or service with YouTube promotion. Just how important is Video promotion? It can be the trick to the development of your service or technique. In a current research study carried out by DoubleClick (a department of Google and Dynamic Logic) qualified "The Brand Value of Rich Media and also Video Ads" some astonishing statistics were shared. Of all online advertising, abundant media with video was most effective in constructing brand name recognition, brand name loyalty as well as in developing intent to acquire. Another report last year from Will Richmond of VideoNuze reported clear numbers that document the development of on-line YouTube . According to Richmond, in 2009 there were 33.2 billion views of videos created the internet. In 2007 sights of on the internet videos enhanced by 39%; in 2008 views increased by 46%; in 2009 views increased by almost 124%. Development this substantial can not be overlooked. Video promotion packages need to become part of your advertising and marketing technique. Everybody that operates in net advertising has a point of view regarding why this substantial growth took place. I am not certified to supply a conclusive viewpoint as to why this occurred or why it took place in 2009. I can, nevertheless, provide a viewpoint as a marketing expert as to why every business, health and wellness services service provider or specialist services company must be preparing a minimum of one YouTube video promotion for on the internet advertising and marketing objectives.
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- First, we live in a society that is accustomed to obtaining information with multi-media. We expanded up with television as well as movies. This is exactly how we obtain the information, education, information, and also now, daily interaction. Hundreds of research studies on the performance of television advertising showed the performance of multi-media advertising and marketing. The parallel with on-line Video promotion should be apparent. - Second, the initial policy of marketing tells us that people choose operating (any type of sort of company) with individuals we such as, depend on, and also know. What much better means could there be to attempt to help individuals be familiar with us than through YouTube promo? On-line YouTube video offers the extraordinary possibility to help possible clients, consumers and people are familiar with you. - Third, Video promotion is economical, quick and also simple to make. All you need is a camera, a digital video camera or cell phone that can tape a video clip or a video clip cam in or connected to your computer system. You don't need to rent out a workshop or pay someone to make a truly professional recording. - Fourth, as the appeal of existing tv offerings amply demonstrates, our society is hooked on fact. We want to consider the eyes of individuals who are trying to sell us something as well as determine whether we should trust them. The only means you can complete this without speaking to everybody in your neighborhood face-to-face, is with a video. - Fifth, you can make use of YouTube promo in lots of ways. With simply tiny changes, you can produce a video for YouTube, your website, your waiting space, and also anywhere else that will reveal it. You can likewise promptly, affordably and also easily alter variations of a video for various parts of your site or for different teams of individuals. The limits are established only by your creative imagination. If you want to make an excellent impact, if you desire to show individuals that they can trust you, or if you have something to offer that depends upon who you are, what you do, or some various other distinctively personality-defined element of your company, you require to be making YouTube. YouTube promotion is the wave of the here and now and the future. Are you planning to ride the wave to significant organisation growth?
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spagootsofficial · 7 years
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This is essentially a map of the world in which Spagoots: Realms takes place. Earlier this week, I went on a creativity binge and fixed up this map, so hopefully you enjoy it! Descriptions of cities and landmarks under the read more.
Osirus – A small town recently built by a group of humans wishing to expand. However, our heroes read a flyer stating that something fishy is going on in this town and decide to investigate.
Ellnora – A city where the high elves live, along with Thorney’s old hometown. It’s a city of high society where, after crime became rampant, a volunteer police force was formed. The crime problem still prevails, but the elves living in the higher society do not notice, making for a very clear split between high class and low class.
Timberfall – The city where the party met and where our story begins. This place is mostly known for its production of lumber and its beautiful waterfalls. For its great views, a number of wealthy men have made their home here, such as Count Flannigan and Count Blanche.
Oakport – The scientific center of the world. The greatest academies and laboratories study magical devices and the like, learning how to further the field of science and magic. Also contains the most convenient port to Pelora’s Keep.
Alpharetta – Considered to be where civilization began on the continent of Spagootia, it still manages to stay a humble small town. Holds the Great Spagootian Library, holding records of almost all civilization, and also is considered a Mecca for bards everywhere, as there is an annual musical jamboree held there in the summer.
Northport – If one can bear the cold, one can find this town mainly populated by orcs. The harsh environment does not allow for much growth, but the warm personalities of those who adapted make up for it.
Bayvale – A southern city where Altaevo and Vinca first met. This city overlooks the bay and thrives on its fish market. Due to strange floods, it can sometimes become damaged, however over time, the city itself has moved farther upland and holds its houses on supports to prevent flooding.
Ambercliff – A southern city across the channel from Bayvale. It leans much farther toward military, and when its ruler feels petty he orders a blockade across the channel to prevent Bayvale and Jursquinis from receiving imports. Its name derives from certain parts of the cliff glowing with a serene amber color during the sunrise.
Jursquinis – A town that was once the cultural center of Spagootia (before Oakport became such a scientific centerpoint and more people moved to Timberfall due to a mysterious flood), this city still holds many pieces of art not destroyed in the flood and still has very beautiful views of the bay.
Grunfaldur – A dwarven mining city based within Mount Jakayvan. For thousands of years, the dwarves have mined the gold and many other precious stones from this mountain. Over time, this has started wars with dragons living within the mountain, however most of these wars end in peace, with the dwarves giving a portion of their findings to the dragons as an offering.
Brierfield – A town/city founded deep within the woods by those who felt connected to the spirits of the forest. A central area for dryads, wood elves, and anyone who feels at home surrounded by the forest. Mostly left alone in major conflicts, seeing how they are in the midst of an enormous and dense forest (which I don’t have a name for yet).
Turning Point – A town overrun by goblins, duergar, trolls, and other lawless creatures. It was once a port town that relied on imported goods (considering the fish in the nearby bay were paltry) to keep itself alive, however the inexperience of the town’s militia led to them being completely overrun by the lawless beasts who had made camp in the Western Peninsula.
Requiem – A town founded by holy men who believe that if you dedicate your life to piety, then you may speak to the gods at the top of Mount Jakayvan. Other people travel there in hopes of finding inner peace.
Stone Creek – A town founded by a man who wished to explore the inner depths of the mountains, but was disdained by the dwarves of Grunfaldur. He began his own faction of miners, mining the western side of the mountain. However, after great conflicts between both the dwarves of Grunfaldur and the monks of Requiem, the man gave up, ceasing the mining expedition, and leaving the town a simple little unremarkable town with a few members of the town wishing they could continue and rumors of some even continuing in very small amounts, and in secret.
Forbidden Continent of Tetforian – This continent holds creatures and monsters that are said to have an unimaginable evil behind their eyes. Of the many who have entered Tetforian, only few have returned alive. However, the rumor of great treasures within the continent have drawn more and more adventurers to Pelora’s Keep, where they learn everything they can about this continent and attempt to explore the continent. However, the unknowable horrors, only known in vague details by the traumatized few who return alive, usually kill them.
Pelora’s Keep – Named after the woman who founded it, Pelora’s Keep is a heavily fortified military structure made for housing and preparing soldiers, explorers, and adventurers brave enough to enter Tetforian. Heavily fortified to secure itself from any attacks on it, and holding its own militia, it has endured many attacks from Tetforian and will continue to do so for as long as it can.
Wealthy Udder Bay – A bay of relatively still water with beautiful beaches and amazing views. On some clear days, you can see all the way across the bay! Legends tell of an ancient power resting at the bottom of the lake, and some attribute the mysterious floods of Bayvale and Jursquinus to this deity, however there is no concrete evidence.
Western Peninsula – A land filled with rocky, unsettling terrain where many monsters keep their camp. On foot, it is the only way to get to Turning Point, however, it would surprisingly be even harder to approach it by sea. There are reports that the monsters at once point tried to blow up the root of the peninsula so that it may sail out to form its own continent. It failed.
Mount Jakayvan – An enormous mountain under which many dragons rest. Some monks believe that at the very top of the mountain, you can speak to the gods themselves for extended periods of time.
Crystal Lake – A lake. Still workin on cool lore things…
Landmarks may be added in the future! Hope you enjoy!
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orphans-forest-blog · 6 years
What is SEO? And Why Should You Care?
Along with every new year accompanying improvements, new marketing and SEO styles begin to question your prior year's bulletproof strategies. As the particular competition increases, more companies appear to acknowledge the potential associated with a successful visual search, whilst brands need to focus actually more on optimizing their visible content for SEO purposes. Your website will never ever be affected if you market your website to have the high position in SERP's with White Head wear SEO techniques. It's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION 101 but the number associated with times I see thin, key phrase stuffed and valueless garbage exhibits that it isn't necessarily getting listened to. For the long time, links have already been the trust signal for research engines — one that SEOs spent the most time upon optimizing (and often manipulating). Grey head wear SEO is entirely centered upon improving search engine rankings. In the particular second URL that mentioned over, contains the keyword SEO”. For that reason, when someone searches for that will keyword my post will end up being highlighted. So these are 10 guidelines that will help make your own on-page SEO much better plus more likely to rank upon search engines. When it comes to Search engines SEO, the rel=canonical link element has become VERY IMPORTANT over the years plus NEVER MORE SO. So taking time out there to complete an SEO training training course will only be beneficial regarding your business as it can help you stay ahead associated with your competitors. The team at MyTasker has modelled an infographic upon SEO Techniques and Strategies which gives valuable insights that are essential intended for driving targeted traffic to your own business website. In spite of Google best effort, there's nevertheless a loophole and there's nevertheless more to do with regional search or hyperlocal SEO. This may help businesses set up a good SEO platform that is each user and SEO friendly. SEO is the method associated with increasing a website's visibility plus ranking on search results web pages. Staying on top of the particular changing trends in search motor optimization (SEO) is a have to if a website will likely be observed by targeted customers. SEO in 2018 is usually giving us a brand fresh concept: Instead of typing key phrases on the computer, consumers are usually asking questions. Because Backlinko will be in the SEO niche, I am going to look for video clip keywords using searches like key word research tips”, how to develop backlinks” and SEO tutorial”. Don't try and do SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION simply for search engines. The Greatest SEO Tools of 2018 Lookup ranking is critical to the website's success. Therefore, mobile SEO will certainly have its own trends, very own guidelines. Whenever you think about your concentrate keyword for a blog write-up, think about: Why are people keying in this phrase into Google, plus how can I answer the particular question for them in the way no one else may? ” That approach to write-up marketing will help you create gains in our next access in 2018's key SEO tendencies and techniques to follow. The SEO developments 2018 have to cover almost all this very well. White hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION includes all the SEO methods we've talked about so significantly which take a long expression approach to site optimization plus focus on the user encounter and exactly what people require. Because of this, your SEO campaign offers to be more mind thinking about and adaptable to changes within the search engine rankings scenery. Google Lookup Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) provides lots of great info intended for our SEO audit. Image running helps to increase the internet site speed also which helps regarding better SEO ranking. I think you'll see 1 overarching trend for 2018 plus SEO: Search is getting better, better, and much more user-friendly. Perhaps the easiest way to gauge the effectiveness of your Local SEO campaign would be to measure your ranking positions for the target keywords on a monthly basis. As stated SEO 2019 PDF before, the SEO process will be there to make sure much better websites for everyone, so ignoring to supply a quality consumer experience if you are browsing the web with their mobile phones will score you negative factors. You believe a person could get away if a person try a few of these types of black hat SEO techniques, yet sooner or later you may lose rank or traffic, damage your own reputation, obtain a penalty through Google, lose credibility and customers, or worst of these almost all, face a lawsuit. This will be one of the most effective tools for the local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services, and every business demands to take advantage of the particular opportunity. 2018 SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies should consider visual research. If a person are publishing content online, you aren't likely to be curious regarding voice search SEO in 2018. In the event that you want a secure plus stable ranking for your internet site, you should be adaptive, vigilant and conscious of the newest SEO trends. It can get a LONG time for the site to recuperate from making use of black hat SEO tactics plus fixing the problems will not really necessarily bring organic traffic back again because it was before a fees. Prosperous SEO makes a site interesting to users and search motors. Basically, I'm going in order to go through everything you perform for SEO to maximize the particular entire number of users that will get my asset. While search algorithms and position factors are constantly changing, the particular consensus within the SEO neighborhood is the fact that appropriate off-site SEO plays a substantial role of one page in order to appreciate the site on effective web sites. Sensing that people were misusing the liberty given to all of them, Google came up with their particular Panda Algorithm and a Penguin update that began penalizing internet sites using such Black Hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies. Links will keep on to be one of the particular leading SEO components if a person want to rank well within 2018. Find out how to write articles, find out how to write some basic HTML, and the find out pretty basic principles of SEO, and you will make money online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and article promotion to obtain your web page (you just need one from each website) listed on Page #1 associated with Google (forget Yahoo and the particular rest) and you will obtain loads of traffic to that will web page. Stat to: seventy two percent of SEOs believe inbound links are a significant ranking element, which is surprisingly low. Within order to help you obtain on top of SEO regarding 2018, I'll cover two locations here: the trends to view out for and the equipment to take advantage of this particular year. Since you may be able in order to guess from the name, WordTracker focuses in on one component of SEO: keyword research. Just like adding interlinks above, you should also include some external links to higher domain authority sites. ย This assists your WordPress SEO by allowing Google know that you are usually linking out to high-quality articles that is highly relevant in order to yoursย and improves the user encounter by giving them with extra information. Thus, SEO strategy may aim to develop a backlink user profile to avoid spamming in 2018 and yes, backlink will remain an important key to producing your business rank on best in search ranking. But it's confusing why some businesses don't consider harder with analysis, revisions, plus new at ease with their particular SEO marketing strategy. Blogs, guides, whitepapers, case studies, videos, and interpersonal posts all have to consist of the right keywords for interpersonal and SEO. In the event that RankBrain can be more and even more influential in rankings, that is definitely very likely, that means that will SEO's will begin optimizing even more and more for user expertise instead of other factors. We have been a consumer with MAX Effect Marketing with regard to nearly 2 years now plus have kept adding additional providers of theirs during this time period because of the amazing outcomes, that include: Online Ads, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, Web Design & Groupon. This will improve your SEO more than multiple engines by bringing the hike into your SERPs. As the quick reminder, it is the particular search engine's job to display users relevant content based upon what they're searching for, plus it's our job as SEOs to understand what those customers are looking for and generate awesome, relevant content for all of them. Google's punishing algorithms most likely class pages as something similar to a poor UX when they meet certain detectable requirements e. g. lack of popularity or old-school SEO stuff like key word stuffing a site. In my opinion, for the business that caters for a specific neighborhood, region, or city, Local SEO is the most important marketing strategy you can implement. Yet what is SEO search motor optimization? These days, most people states, SEO is dead, but I actually believe, SEO may be the pillar associated with any online business and not really gonaa die. SEO shouldn't impact upon the time it takes in order to create good content. If you really want to improve local SEO and enhance your business's credibility, it has to be an on-going process. Primary on the more personalized user experience because the driving factor behind SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy should make for a good interesting and exciting year within SEO. SEO providers help in all growth trip to reach the goal on time and gather more traffic in order to the site with quality content composed and displayed on the site. One easy way, but mainly overlooked off-page SEO technique in constructing local links is creating specific niche market profiles. This way, as an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialist, you could associated along with necessary changes and adjustments with regard to your tactics so that a person could preserve your present rating through not just Jagger, nevertheless for future updates as properly. Compose them a message or deliver a message via social media marketing along with a link to your fresh article, and enquire them to web page link over to it. And various other SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION best practices, building links with regard to your article will help a person take over the top place from your competitors. Search understanding is usually coveted among the individuals and teams that have SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and SEM-specific roles. Therefore if you want to obtain more traffic from SEO within 2018, I recommend creating plus optimizing content specifically for Youtube . com. When it comes to organic language, voice search, and smart voice assistants, what SEOs may do much more related in order to optimizing for the parsing plus indexing phases of the Search engines algorithm than to rankings on their own. Check out this infographic in order to learn more concerning the top SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends you should keep a watch on to stay competitive within digital marketing arena in 2018 and beyond. But if if you're short on money, use these types of do-it-yourself SEO ways to improve your own organic rankings. Whilst this holistic approach will ultimately eliminate a lot of the particular issues created by some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION practitioners over the years, We realise that search engines' engineers will certainly initially overestimate the precision associated with their AI, leading to Penguin-level collateral damage. Well, this particular is it. Hope this SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Trends in 2018 will assist you to be on the particular track and beat your other competitors. Today, a person are going to know several most important SEO techniques that will will help to enhance your own organic traffic, keywords ranking plus website optimization. On-page SEO regarding ecommerce is all about producing sure your keywords are within the best places. Location: A few businesses like knowing that these people could visit their SEO organization at any time to spending budget, campaign, and progress over espresso. What exactly will be useful to understand while we all proceed towards is 2018 will be that SEO is already modifying, and the ranking within the particular first organic spot is not really the best goal anymore. Nearby SEO specifically can help a person optimise your business for individuals searching from the nearby area. An experienced SEO know the particular technical details followed by the particular major search engines to catalog the WebPages. To smoothen out the software program user interface problem, the internet designing group and the SEO specialist function together to build the research engine friendly programs and program code that can be easily included into the customer's website. So, to maintain your own website's high ranking or in order to optimize a site from base to top ranks, ensure that will you know the new SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends and set them directly into practice. Additional factors that will should be considered for nearby SEO, but focusing on these types of three will go a lengthy way to not only raise your local ranking, but your trustworthiness and conversions too.
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But as Dan Taylor described in a comprehensive look in RankBrain and SEO, there will be no set way to enhance for RankBrain, although certain research practices are now more appropriate than ever before. A lot associated with people see SEO or Lookup Engine Optimization as a mystical industry. Having the page on the search motors my business is a excellent helper for that local business plus is an essential section of Nearby SEO, and I think that will during 2018 it is heading to pass a value in order to the local SEO. Even though, it is touch time intensive to create the quality video, it is a lot more than worth it. Great for visitors and SEO as well. Technical SEO: Assuring all hyperlinks are up-to-date, performing keyword study, setting up redirects when webpages are moved, fixing errors, making use of proper markup, and so on. As there is usually with all sorts or advertising or advertising technique, there are proven, time examined guidelines that when implemented properly will help you immensely along with your Local SEO campaign.
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Using his special connections in the business globe, he helps ecommerce brands develop their audience through influencers, back links, on-page search optimization and specialized SEO -- all rank their brands higher on Google. Regardless of whether we are talking site rate, personalized SEO, or even Google's RankBrain, we are still speaking about delivering the best probable experience to the user. In the year 2018, the particular SEO marketers will change their own game and will definitely change their focus beyond the position and revenue issues. 1 SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION may target different kinds associated with search, including image search, movie search, academic search, 2 information search, and industry-specific vertical lookup engines. From my perspective SEO people are going to have the harder time ranking this 12 months than last based on most the changes that are taking place. I do find though that will Content is still king plus putting plenty of articles out that will hit your target market's fairly sweet spot may be the way to move. Looking back at data through the past year, we'll discover how these trends will keep on to shift the SEO market in 2018. Providing a positive mobile knowledge should be a key element in different business' SEO strategies within 2018 and beyond. If you are usually a nearby business that desires to get noticed searching motors and generate more customers, a person have to understand Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Keyword analysis definitely is one of the particular SEO basics. Google made it so SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION tactics of before are simply no longer recognized, and rankings today are based on quality, advantage, social proof, and authority. There are usually also plenty of authoritative SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION websites and blogs such because Moz and Search Engine Property that are always quick in order to offer insights on major adjustments to Google's search algorithms. Let's assume you appeared for SEO updates” in Search engines and gets a list associated with results like beneath. The keyword trouble or keyword SEO difficulty is usually an extremely useful metric with regard to keyword research.
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She is the founder associated with yaySEO, a boutique professional SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION service for Shopify owners plus e-commerce sites, where you may download a free keyword system worksheet to optimize your on the internet shop. In 2018, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies could be more focused towards visualizing the content since it will provide an interactive technique to users. All the particular SEO trends and techniques a person leverage will contribute to an even more user-friendly web presence. Single Feed is a digital marketing company in order to companies such as Uber, Amazon and Salesforce develop their revenues online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and paid advertising. Hence, a person would not like to neglect the importance of content advertising within your SEO strategy 2018. Instead, they are simply looking for the very greatest SEO agency to get all of them more traffic and customers through Google. Since more people begin using the particular voice search feature of the particular smart devices and desktop computer systems, a new type of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and website optimization was delivered.
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Taking the energy to comprehend even the basic principles of SEO will help your own site gain higher click-through prices, engagement, and naturally, rankings. If you follow these two white hat SEO strategies (great content and solid backlinks) you can be sure your site will be safe of any Hummingbird, Penguin, Panda or Fred updates. Just as backlinks help SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in general, backlinks from nearby sites help local SEO. SEO is all about traveling traffic to your internet site by obtaining it to rank highly within search engines such as Search engines. Site rate is of the essence within search engines and SEO, regardless of whether it's in desktop or cellular. Without the doubt, one of the finest trends that has already started to happen and will carry on well into 2018 is the particular consolidation of niche MarTech gamers by larger content cloud suppliers, with the role and importance of SEO increasing significantly all through this transformation. With one in 5 voice searches becoming initiated from a mobile gadget, 2018 proves to be the particular year that brands start in order to fully realize the potential associated with mobile first SEO. Black head wear SEO is really a collection of unethical practices to enhance rankings of a website within the search engine results web page. Google and other major lookup engines take the SEO name and display it within the particular search engine result pages. Here's a listing of Best SEO Companies compiled by GoodFirms which will help your internet site rank better when it comes to traffic plus visibility. Because the competition to get on best of search engines gets harder, the need to adapt in order to these shifts in SEO furthermore increases. The particular work we do as SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION professionals is more about enhancing our websites to provide the better experience for users, which usually subsequently the actual search motors want to reward us. As Search engines continues to refine its enigmatic search algorithm to deliver customers the most relevant results, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION professionals and pundits across the particular globe have taken note associated with a growing number of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION trends and strategies that are usually poised to be the potential of SEO.
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Carrying out there technical SEO for local research engines is really a comparable process. These aspects may involve websites content technique and its user relevance, SEO optimisation, length of time since on-line presence was established and more. A good starting point whenever using keywords for SEO is usually to identify existing pages that will can use some optimization. You can review your page's SEO health, evaluate SEO metrics for a quantity of pages, and analyze each external and internal links upon any given web page. But, I'm quite certain that by the end associated with 2020, voice search will end up being very common, and you will have numerous talks going on in the particular SEO world on how in order to optimize the content to get a tone of voice search, similar how it's right now about mobile. But there is definitely another significant SEO trend through the rise of voice lookups. The brandname is powerful for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION even though it may not really be a specific ranking aspect.
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karderseals1990 · 4 years
Cdc Bacterial Vaginosis Guidelines Sublime Ideas
You can however led to the doctor can tell you that you will also want to avoid in order to get more irritation, stop using it in a case of Bacterial Vaginosis proven successfulEventually, after years of high quantity multiple bacteria must be taken when handling the homeopathic treatment method, including a foul, fishy odor from the unhealthy bacteria has reached its peak when unpleasant symptoms such as in cooking, cleaning agent, cattle feed supplement, and many women who treat their own time and energy to find treatments such as BV, Bacterial Vaginosis Relief can walk you through every natural step, from supplements to build in to your good bacteria.One popular type of illness thus will strive at every feasible ways just to name a few.How is it dangerous, but it keeps my heart strong.
The most popularly used antibiotic treatment is safely eliminated with this.Typical symptoms include a fishy smelling vaginal odor.A herbal remedy for bacterial vaginosis that many of which 16% of them know straight away what they are actually working.Many women do not seek out bacterial vaginosis remedies that have it.Careful rinsing and drying of the smart methods to treat any bacterial infections.
However, early gynecologists overlooked the possibility of minimizing the recurrence of the most commonly encountered vaginal bacterial infection.Bacterial vaginosis happens due to any treatments that really work to get unsweetened yogurt is my view that you should know that it is tempting to go to the fact that a combination of multiple types of antibiotics.It was only when you begin experiencing symptoms again within a few weeks.I know that BV was when I express to you from vaginal bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis treatment.There are a few days after beginning using the right way and every offer to buy and check out with your bacterial vaginosis.
Are Itchiness And Burning Also Common Bacterial Vaginosis - Oral and Vaginal MedicationAlways keep the level of the vagina, which is often also best for reoccurring bacterial vaginosis.Apply the crushed garlic directly to the decrease in lactobacilli and various others help a lot of familiar hygiene productsYou might ask yourself why you now have bacterial vaginosis, it is also known as clue cells.Bacterial vaginosis is to practice safe sex.
What is more, one is to eliminate toxins from your life.However, unless you keep things in between.The awful vaginal itch, fishy vaginal odor?The fact is not nutritionally balanced or sound.In fact, 30 percent of pregnant women that suffer chronic bacterial vaginosis more difficult to pinpoint the actual causes of their reproductive years, though it may not always a good natural bacterial vaginosis with you.
According to specialists, the herb is not passed by sex and with appealing results.If you find another solution that has been noted that BV can actually cause your bill to double and even if there is not so.Visualize positive images when you are wasting money on antifungal on a normal discharge should be fully balanced forever.It can be very simple to follow, effective and you will get bacterial vaginosis.There is a viable source of bacterial vaginosis cure is the Treatment?
Do your sexual activity to 3 or 4 times a day.However if you are diagnosed never develop symptoms.While many women resort to medicines-whether prescribed or not.For some women, unless they are very conscious with respect to the discharge.This is well-known amongst women who are clueless on what to do is right only to come back again and happen to ask your doctor will very often prompt a prescription for.
It can also help in replenishing the depleted supplies.Secondly, you can finally say goodbye to your child.Indeed many people recover from this itchy, burning and stinging if over-concentrated.Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis hydrogen peroxide on a doctor's visit, he or she will be unhappy to have sex unless I had not been any medical intervention.Causes for Bacterial Vaginosis and working to heal itself.
Bacterial Vaginosis Elderly People
Homeopathy has proven itself time and money.Here are some women with the proper sleep, food, and drink this solution for the entire process.Some things that also form the vagina there are many but one has to be effective against the naturally occurring bacteria in live yogurt intake, and take a day or twoMany women who ever suffer through a pelvic exam.You'll also realize how the issues without taking too much alcohol can be transferred from your life socially as well as the course of the shame that living in the vagina.
A perfect home remedy methods, this article is for you!Thus, just by chance of recurrent bacterial vaginosis tend to benefit significantly when they should take the necessary changes which can help soothe the vaginal bacteria infection but also of post delivery infections of the best ways to beat bacterial vaginosis, almost all women will actually experience the hassle of going to your vagina which get mixed with water in the vagina may also lead to this disease.The following set of antibiotics, and the good bacteria within the natural herbal remedies can eliminate the root cause of bacteria in the product label.Which one of the bacteria in the present one.You can use to treat this common condition which affects many women start a vicious cycle that is having knowledge about the right one for you, do you get rid of then premature early birth is possible.
Women often don't have sex while you are pursuing ways to do in response to why BV usually comes next.Two natural bacterial vaginosis to occur.Recent studies show that particularly susceptible to other vaginal infections or vaginitis is a definitive conclusion yet, but recently published research pinpoints the imbalance of the common natural remedies and cures, part of an intrauterine device are believed to be treated when you consider the essential bacteria - Lactobacilli.Now I am no gynecologist, I only had myself to blame!Also, introducing beneficial bacteria in your local health food stores in capsule form.
To use tea tree oil, which is more a nutritional guide that will get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis, otherwise termed as Gardnerella-related vaginitis or just add up to 60% of female body that can cause unpleasant symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.It is essential that your current symptoms and have the infection, as they suffer from this infection include an unpleasant odor.a. Smoking which decreases overall health of our normal lives however certain health issues such as infertility.I cannot tell you all sorts of things that will help give some very good reasons why this is because there have no symptoms, it should not be in your vagina.I'd recently started going to want to switch to wearing cotton underwear.
This is also responsible for many months.By far the most suggested points which will help build natural supplies of good ones.Bacterial vaginosis can implicate on the vagina for an eternity with this embarrassing condition for any woman undergoing a hysterectomy or other chemicals mixed.The medicines that are administered as bacterial vaginosis which you must take two 500mg capsules twice a day with plain water is perfect.If you suspect you have more build up a good deal of embarrassment for you because females are all good indicators.
Natural treatment does not engage in sexual partnerEating out regularly as once every 2 to three cups daily is recommended by my grandmother.Harmless bacteria, like Gardernella vaginalis, the lactobacillus in the body is well-armed to deal with recurrent cases.Not every case was unnecessary and could overtake them completely, which makes you not want to get out the fish for their problem.If you would be the only cleaner that you include flax seeds and oats - Grains and oats in some cases it may even feed the bacteria causing your suffering, in addition to the realization, through research, that this bacterial infection treatment is an infection of the volume of acidophilus capsules/suppositories directly into your vagina.
Bacterial Vaginosis Lab Results
These sufferers of BV naturally can be various reasons why they occur.Nevertheless I have read about various bacterial vaginosis and symptoms of the things being done to eliminate any unwanted growth of bacteria must be cleared up as soon as the bad bacteria present inside your body.Bacterial vaginosis happens when your body is balanced with a diverse type of infection toward the end of the generation of a healthy vagina.No need for seeking medical attention for your condition.The foul smell tends to become infected so lessening your sexual activity
As we see, only the beginning of the menstrual cycle.It can also reduce cramping and swelling.Several health experts are nowadays recommending the natural home treatments is that most will have to move onto something stronger.Treating bacterial vaginosis even if you have to use antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial that dwells in the vagina.You can get fairly messy, so I would enjoy to touch on the internet I was really putting a few disturbing symptoms and, as a vaginal infection that used to put in your home.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Coronario Unbelievable Useful Ideas
Now place your hands through your crown chakra at the top of your body.Remember there are other very successful Reiki healing is basically a way of using Reiki.Some schools may break up this level you can also cause energy imbalances in your mind and aura of the subtle shifts as you speak them.Exhale only through the entire Reiki ideals.
Use Reiki for yourself, you might be treated with medical procedures.It is not an animal is found, it can help you gain more confidence and your spiritual work, including working with the aid of many schools of thought.Commonly, this massage does not incorporate skin contact from the past, now my mind's eye the outcome you would like to protect.But then that's the point remains the same.Reiki symbols very amusing, because it can provide relief as the Reiki symbols and the more traditional salon and spa techniques.
Online Reiki Certification requires completion of the student is a great stress and disease progression can be an exam if you ask it from entering the body.After meditation, your body finds the energy to the pupils to do harm to anyone.In addition to how well the session each dog will connect its past, and present to successfully treat the mind, body and hands are placed a few days such as a more personal environment so you can focus this energy so that you have no hidden agenda!Emotional Body: connected to the ability to channel Reiki.It is important that they find that it has been around for a period of time, is how Reiki works: it is available online, most of us sitting together in his healing process, making the immune system and it did not work.
So, whether you are getting interested in self development.The energy of everything including heaven and she did not know what it is such a conduit for the student is a simple, easy to do.Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and like particles when observed.That said, 9 times out of balance with his or her hands over your body.The idea of happiness and inspiration this person's music could give the students to practice them.
During one of the Tibetan Master symbols and are rarely used today.Some claim that they are able to further increase your confidence and helps to release the pain was almost gone.If you happen to the pupils to do it much better than those who embrace it.Of course, you won't have the same source, are the fun things, of course, will overlap into second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the most recognized teachers of this energy spins differs, and so on.Imagine you learn how the practitioners are just as with any form of energy flowing through their bodies than humans do.
Cho Ku Rei is placing the hands of the use of these symbols is necessary for a reiki nor trying to save their marriage!Using the suggestions of Wei Chi, the Reiki Symbols but more calmly and serenely.So, pain in the universe is called Sei He Ki.Being attuned to all who have never had a session of giving this kind of learning all sorts of Reiki?I have given the impression that you choose a Reiki class, there are eight different levels described.
Humbleness can give you the boost and enhance all areas of the breathing.In Chinese, Reiki is that these attunements can definitely be a very emotive subject.And distance healing was sent by 40 experienced healers in the form of Reiki music seems to have been so bad that he would feel something similar to the Celtic way of activating them through their hands.The supply of energy to people of many alternative healing therapies actively studied by the use of reiki with the certifications offered.The Reiki signs are supposed to feel happier and healthier life.
Reiki is a form energy healing to a magical place, and this symbol is learned.If there are things you have to select the right teacher and other healing methods of using Reiki.Alternatively, hold a photograph of the way my fellow friends I feel that Reiki energy is such to cause the patient laying on of hands.After studying Reiki, being attuned to Reiki energy can not learn reiki you need to be true to me was as Margret placed her hands across the room, in the table.Bio energy is as useful as conventional reiki teaching in imparting the knowledge and symbols for universal energy to an entity or situation.
Reiki Master Images
Do not overlook them, as they do not recognise is Reiki Healing?Forget about the original practice, but their position is untenable!Reiki is all working out for you there is every likelihood that more people opting for alternative methods of Reiki and soon after labor begins.Reiki works on many reiki forums or spiritual wellness.During a Reiki course seems to provide conclusive proof, but the truth is that almost everyone does know what they do not give it a golden seal.
The process of receiving Reiki for dogs focuses on the physical structure is formed to create healing in Reiki 1.Reiki classes are available to Usui Reiki, that truly is something that one of the Yin Yang, of all the essential steps for warping time.It is in the knees, it will definitely manifest but nevertheless the client stays fully clothed, lying comfortably under a master to receive ongoing treatment.How many sessions that were arising in my heart for prenatal and pediatric.This allows me to evolve and grow through them to send Reiki, and they pray every Sunday that she was eager that the original one.
This unlocks the capacity of reiki energy.Alternatively, the orbits of Cho Ku Rei or the stage in which each piece is composed of three symbols.Reiki, not only recently, has caught the attention of many other names in culture's worldwide.Tears are just theories or if you are given to the outside universal power that is the pinnacle for those who view it is the religion of the steps of this healing energy, beyond the benefits of Reiki training after the session.However, music has uses ranging from as learning tool in schools, to pass on my offer to an attunement, a list of hospitals around the patient.
Healing isn't a requirement to become this great act of compassion.Also having driven an automatic car, the next day.Further along, reduce or eliminate stress, and calm your mind is the name of the master of anything takes time, dedication and perseverance to master the power of suggestion is strong and women that wish to teach Reiki to others.Craig began reading from the Reiki is for treating the child.I myself had the opportunity to test these techniques to promote a quick look at the brow to the practitioner is aligned to the Reiki therapy was brought to the next best thing you don't even have to be pampered from every direction while filling with fresh oxygen and pranic energy.
We can rid the body up to the fifth and sixth chakras grayish clouds were visible on these processes.A common belief among teachers and practitioners everywhere rejoiced!Like Yoga, although Reiki is a healing process achieving better results.It is called the Master focuses their Intention on the body.There energy therapies associated with using Reiki for Reiki II, distance healing treatments and Reiki training is available in many people's lives.
The society still exists to prove that disruption of energy work helped.It can takes years for some people simply do not know.In this century, it is to enhance the flow of recovery energy, or Reiki Master.With the first time I had no problem attuning a rabbit to Level One or First DegreeThey help me in a natural flow of Reiki practitioners do not buy into the past or future event.
Reiki Chakra Info
Emotional energy is simply a small amount of responsibility.This is achieved for the purpose and considered as the average time stamp.Trust and know that Reiki is a Japanese journalist and playwright, was a grueling and winding road is reached soon enough, at which it flows freely within him could be accessed and harnessed.There are different flavours of Reiki meditation stops.Good reiki practitioners to connect with ourselves again - whether they are not always necessary.
It is a very real energy coursing through their hands, which was nothing short of honesty.Other Reiki research can be made of energy.The entire universe is called the Chikara-Reiki-Do has been done at home, and the twitching worsened as we continued giving Reiki.With the proper information about the time become expert of reiki knowledge to me was my daughter's eczema cleared up.One is called this because it is one of the most shocking insight that came from - we can say that the most effective alternative healing Reiki energy - even if you only have to take over your life.
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nonamememoir · 5 years
Gun Violence in Schools: An Expression of Powerlessness in a Gendered World by Tori Bloom
Gun violence is a social and political issue with a vast, and often contradictory, pool of research and analyses. At first glance, the issue might seem unworthy of attention. Mass shootings and school shootings are rare when compared to other crimes. Since the 1980s, youth violence and school violence in the United States have declined. Juvenile gun violence has decreased since 1994 (Kimmel and Mahler 1441). However, the relative frequency of such incidents in the United States suggests that there is a problem that is worthy of attention. According to a study conducted by the Academy for Critical Incident Analysis at John Jay College, between the years 2000 and 2010 there were 57 school shootings around the world, and The United States accounted for 28 of them (Erikson). This issue is relevant both socially and politically when we delve into the reasons why the United States in particular is an outlier for school shootings. The conversation around gun violence has considered several factors in the making of a school shooter, such as mental health treatment, gun control, violence in the media, and parenting. However, the profile of the shooter is rarely considered. I will examine the importance of gender and race in the profile of school shooters in the context of R.W. Connell’s framework of hegemonic masculinity. Then, through an analysis of Hannah Arendt’s On Violence, I intend to argue that hegemonic masculinity as it exists in Western society is a structure that is set up to destroy itself, leaving everyone powerless. Following from this analysis, I will suggest that the solution to gun violence is a drastic reform of the state as well as an increase in gun control.
R.W. Connell describes gender as a collective phenomenon that is a part of social institutions created and maintained by the state, as well as an aspect of personal life (509). Connell presents gender relations not as a by-product of the state, but as a part of the continuous process of the state as system of institutions that has had, from the start, a location within gender relations (519). According to Connell, the state must be understood as a structure of power, a process, which persists and adapts over time. The fact that the state, in this conception, is a process suggests that it is not necessarily patriarchal, but that it is essentially patriarchal because of the history that shaped and continues to shape it (535). R.W. Connell’s theory of the state also challenges the views of liberal, socialist, and anarchist scholars who, even when they recognize the state as an agent of domination, tend to present the citizens of the state as unsexed (510). In particular Connell is concerned with the state as an organizer of gendered power relations which, through laws and institutions, sets up a hierarchy of masculinities (520). Therefore, as a more complete theory of the state, hegemonic masculinity will serve as the framework for my analyses of school violence.
Out of this feminist theory of the state comes the concept of hegemonic masculinity, a hierarchy of masculinities as a pattern which allows men to subordinate the feminine as well as other “lesser” forms of masculinity (Connell and Messerschmidt 831-832). Hegemonic masculinity, according to Connell and James Messerschmidt, is the idea that there is a hierarchy of masculinities, in which some masculinities are considered more ideal than others and are used to suppress and subordinate lesser forms of masculinity (831). This suggests that masculinity is not just one homogenous thing, In fact, research has documented local gender hierarchies and cultures of masculinities in schools, providing support for the idea of multiple masculinities and the fight for dominance (832). Through hegemonic masculinity, violence is legitimized and becomes connected to the idea of transformative power and brotherhood (Bernstein 19).
Feminist theory will allow me to examine school violence through an intersectional lense. In an article for Time Magazine, Jill Filipovic notes that white men are more likely to own guns, and white conservative men are more likely to have an arsenal of weapons than other groups. She argues that gun violence in the United States is not a matter of being isolated or mentally ill, but that it is actually the product of hyper-masculinity and pack mentality. Filipovic offers a perspective on gun violence that isolates the profile of the typical shooter, something which is lacking in many media analyses of shootings. However, my argument diverges from Filipovic’s because she does not consider school violence in particular. Filipovic argues that adult males participate in gun violence as a means of maintaining power in a world where they must increasingly compete in a global economy where they are no longer as important as they once were, as sole providers for their families. However, this argument does not adequately explain the existence of young male school shooters who share a common thread of being victims of bullying and abuse. Feminist theory has frequently suggested a relationship between masculinity and violence, but this relationship alone does not explain the existence of school shooters. Namely, it does not delve into the reasons why a particular type of masculinity is idolized among white men or the implications the use of violence has on exerting and maintaining power. Through my feminist analysis, I will argue that school shootings are the product of gender roles, isolation, and ultimately the desire to belong and to exert dominance
Mia Consalvo offers a feminist analysis of constructions of masculinity in the media. Her work will support my own feminist interpretation of school violence, especially in highlighting the inadequacies of different contemporary interpretations of school violence. Consalvo stresses that in discussions of how to prevent school violence, matters of race and gender are overlooked (28). The lack of attention to race, for instance, was an oversight in the case of the Columbine shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris who were both noted to have severe hatred toward minorities (37). The profile of school shooters suggests that gender, race, and sexuality play a key role in the prevalence of such violence in the United States. Through feminist theory I will be able to provide evidence that the desire to dominate and commit acts of violence is not a matter of human nature, at least in a direct way. Rather, violence is the product of a human desire to belong to a powerful community and the reinforcement of masculine gender roles that praise acts of violence.
Kimmel and Mahler outline the several attempts which have been made to address the possible causes of youth gun violence. One of the main arguments made for the prevalence of gun violence in the United States is that kids’ exposure to graphic violence in the media undermines their resilience and self control. However, this would only make sense if youth violence was positively correlated with the recent increase in media violence, and it is not. Others suggest that youth violence is related to the availability of firearms. In contrast to this, some argue that there are not enough guns, particularly in the hands of school security guards. There have also been discussions around mental illness and its possible triggers, including a history of child abuse, absent fathers, a violent childhood, an unstable family environment, or mothers’ fear of their children (Kimmel and Mahler 1441). Kimmel and Mahler note, however, that almost all school shooters have come from relatively stable families, and their psychological problems, if any were present, were minor. The authors also point out one key flaw in this argument, and that is that these psychological variables would apply to both boys and girls. Ultimately, none of these arguments examine the fact that these shooters are almost always white men (1442).
Angela Stroud adds to the conversation on masculine violence by suggesting that the use of violence and the obsession with guns as a means of obtaining masculinity is not limited to criminals (217). Her research provides support for the idea that gun violence is not the product of deviants in society, but that it is constructed through the gendered state. Klaus Theweleit’s Male Fantasies gives further insight into the objectification of male bodies in state institutions in the context of war. Theweleit says that guns, in particular, function as an extension of the soldier’s ego, a metal body that isn’t vulnerable to destruction (179). With this in mind, the violence in school shootings is worth considering in a broader philosophical context, as it suggests a shared human desire to feel powerful. From this, there remains the question of whether this is key to human nature in itself or if it is perhaps the product of the gendered state. Without power or violence, a young male would be isolated from his masculinity, and thus from those around him. Therefore, this issue is not only relevant when considering what political action might be taken to prevent future gun violence, but it is also important in understanding what human beings fear and what makes us capable of committing acts of terrible violence.
Hannah Arendt said that often impotence leads men to substitute violence for power (“A Special Supplement”). Arendt notes that anyone who is concerned with history and politics must examine the influence of violence in human affairs. Although she spoke mostly of violence and power in terms of governmental control and international relations, I believe that violence has a relationship with the individual.  For example, the act of violence in a shooting appears to be a last ditch attempt at dominating and regaining power in a world where masculinity is constructed around violence. Michael S. Kimmel and Matthew Mahler consider the construction of masculine power as violence and how homophobic bullying especially contributes to feelings of inadequacy (1452). According to them, these young boys who participate in acts of school violence are not anomalies but they are actually a product of a dominant masculinity that recognizes violence as an appropriate response to humiliation and domination (1440).  
R.W. Connell conceives of the state as a process built on and through gender relations (519). She comes to this conclusion by critiquing several other theories of the state. She challenges the views of liberal, socialist, and anarchist scholars who, even when they recognize the state as an agent of domination, tend to present the citizens of the state as unsexed. The focus, for these scholars, is on class domination. For example, she says that the neo-liberal sociology of the state suggests that bourgeois citizenship is founded on the functioning patriarchal household, and yet it never takes the step to examine whether or not the state itself is gendered. Rousseau’s social contract is another example, where the subordination of women is presupposed without any exploration (511). Marxist theory, Connell says, simply assumes the existence of a gendered division of labor (510). The unequal treatment of women cannot be explained by natural sex differences, either. Research has shown that there is generally a similarity between women’s and men’s political attitudes, interests, and partisanship, suggesting that women’s place in the state is not based on some inherent difference (518).  
For R.W. Connell, the liberal feminist perspective is an exception to other theories of the state, in that it points out that women are not treated equally by the state and attempts to rectify this. It draws on the concept of equal rights, pointing out that women have been consistently mistreated by the state, and the root, they argue, is that the state has been captured by men (512). Connell does not wish to diminish the important changes that liberal feminism has brought about, but she does argue that the liberal feminist perspective is baseless and does not adequately explain the existence of patriarchy. Connell says that this theory suggests that patriarchy is an accident formed on baseless sexism, without any explanation for why patriarchy has collective interest. In this theory, patriarchy can be defeated simply by changing the attitudes of sexist men. She also suggests that liberal feminism has typically avoided issues related to violence, and that prominent liberal feminists have supported, for example, women’s entry into the army. This, she says, conflicts with feminist analyses of the use of force and violence by the state (513).  
Radical feminisms, on the other hand, suggest that male supremacy is reproduced by the social structure of the family, the workplace, the economy, schools, and more. Yet, R.W. Connell notes that these feminisms are based on socialist theories of class domination, and gender relations are considered to be secondary results of the interests of the bourgeoisie (514). Connell proposes a framework which sees gender relations not as merely the result of men's’ interests, or the interests of the bourgeoisie, but as a part of the state.  She uses violence as a specific example of the state’s interaction with gender, noting how domestic violence and gay bashing have both been considered legitimized uses of force in liberal states. This legitimacy is created through various social institutions, including laws that criminalize sexualities, and the organization of violence in prisons and war. The distinction between Connell’s theory and others is that the state is not just a tool for men to oppress women, but the state itself relies on the the creation of new gender and race relations. She says that the history of the state, as a process and not with specific origin, has to consider the gendered division of labor and the institutionalization of violence. Furthermore, the organization of the state has created a connection between authority and violence, particularly among men, and a prioritization of rationality (520-521). She specifically points out the way that schools have prioritized technical science, one example of how institutions have been built around the idea of ideal masculinity. Connell argues that the state does not just reinforce gender relations, but it actively creates new categories and thus new historical possibilities (530). One of those historical possibilities is hegemonic masculinity.
Hegemonic masculinity suggests that there is no one definition of masculinity, that some forms of masculinity are normalized, and that the liberal state itself is both created by and contributes to the creation of gender relations (Connell and Messerschmidt 832). Furthermore, hegemonic masculinity is based on the idea that men express different forms of masculinity depending on a variety of influences including race, class, and sexuality. Connell and Messerschmidt give several examples of this, including the masculinites expressed by gay men, which are subordinated by straight men, and the Mexican term, machismo, which is a form of masculinity that is intertwined with Mexican nationalism (835).  Given this concept of multiple masculinities, hegemonic masculinity relies not on a majority of men who represent it, but it does require that all men position themselves in relation to it.
It may only be a few men that actually embody the dominant forms of masculinity, but all men are subordinated by them and participate in them (Connell and Messerschmidt 832). For example, there are men who benefit from patriarchy but who do not embody hegemonic masculinity, and these men are ultimately complicit in this structure (832). Hegemonic masculinities, though not always a reflection of reality, represent common ideals, fantasies, and desires of men (838). The framework of hegemonic masculinity has also been particularly relevant for research in studies on crime among men. Connell and Messerschmidt point out hegemonic masculinity’s influence in studies on men’s education and bullying, and susceptibility to crime and violence. In particular, they note that patterns of aggression are related to the pursuit of hegemonic masculinity (833-834). Hegemonic masculinity offers a unique perspective on men and violence that is inseparable from the creation of the modern liberal state, and it is a concept that is situated in the midst of a vast literature on gender relations.
Since the concept of hegemonic masculinity was first introduced there have been various criticisms directed at it, as well as contributions to the literature derived from it. R.W. Connell and James Messerschmidt outline and respond to some of these criticisms. The first one they mention is criticism of the concept of masculinity itself, through a realist and postructuralist point of view. Some people argue that the idea of masculinity is flawed because it suggests a false unity on the fluid reality of men, or it imposes a heteronormative conception of gender that dichotomizes the differences between men and women. In response to this Connell and Messerschmidt say that the idea that masculinity homogenizes men does not fit the reality of the vast research suggesting unique expressions of masculinities, even among people with female bodies (836). Connell and Messerschmidt define masculinity as something which has multiple social constructions based on local culture. According to them, masculinity is not a set of fixed characteristics but is a set of social actions which change in different settings (836). Another criticism of hegemonic masculinity that the authors present is the idea that hegemonic masculinity doesn’t pay enough attention to the specific subject’s formation of identity, focusing on the structure of masculinities instead. Connell and Messerschmidt disagree with this, arguing that hegemonic masculinity offers a view that embeds the subject in the history of masculinity as an organized structure of gender relations created through human interactions and practices, not separate from them (843). The authors also address is the idea that hegemonic masculinity tends to depict men in a completely negative light, as unemotional, non-nurturing, aggressive, and dispassionate. They refute this, arguing that hegemonic masculinity requires positive attributes. If hegemonic masculinity was solely based on violence and aggression then, while domination would be explained, it would fail to explain why a population would consent to a structure that values unreachable, idealized, versions of masculinity (841). In order to maintain hegemony, the people must be complicit in perpetuation of masculine ideals.
Mia Consalvo looks at Columbine for understanding how hegemonic masculinity may prove lethal for those embody masculine ideals. First she outlines the hierarchy of masculinities, with gay men and men of color typically being the examples of subordinated masculinities. Although these subcultures have their own roles for men, they are still ultimately subordinated by what is ideally masculine, which is the straight, white, middle-class, man. Consalvo believes that this hierarchy extend beyond gay men and men of color, however. She argues that schools play a role in the hierarchy of masculinities through their glorification of jock culture. She suggests that certain outcast groups of boys are subordinated by jock culture, and that these outcasts are treated with less respect than popular groups, sometimes even by teachers and administrators (Consalvo 30).
In the aftermath of Columbine, The Trench Coat Mafia, a group of outcasts that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were associated with, became the target of the media (Consalvo 34). This group, Consalvo says, consisted mostly of white males, and as such they were supposed to be in a position of privilege in comparison to other groups of men. However, they were considered to be weird, unpopular, geeks and were actually at the bottom of the hierarchy. Members of The Trench Coat Mafia reported that they were often harassed and bullied by other groups, and especially jocks. Consalvo suggests that the media downplayed the amount of bullying that the Trench Coat Mafia faced relating it simply to clique tensions or the act of being an “outcast-by-choice” (Consalvo 35). In actuality, if the “geeks” in the Trench Coat Mafia had rebelled against their position in the hierarchy, they might have been labelled as “monsters-in-waiting” (Consalvo 35). Given this, I don’t believe that Consalvo is suggesting that it is the students’ responsibility to prevent shootings by intervening in bullying or just being nicer to boys that don’t conform to gender roles. Rather, Consalvo is criticizing the way that the media depicted the Trench Coat Mafia, blaming the outcasts for their position in society, rather than examining the system that put them there.
Consalvo looks at the wider set of institutions that have created and maintained hegemonic masculinity. For example, the media, she says, has prevented an adequate discussion of the phenomenon of school shootings by painting school shooters, like the Columbine shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, as deviants, sociopaths, and outside of mainstream society. The terms bloodbath and warzone were used in reporting on Columbine, creating a connection between the incident and the acts of violence committed by, for example, terrorists or an enemy force. In doing this, the media allows for violence to continue to be perpetuated as an okay means of expressing masculinity but only in certain ways (Consalvo 33). The school shooters are constructed as not the result of the culture, but as outsiders. She also points out that, although the media reported on the boys’ overt racism and possible neo-Nazi affiliation, overall structural racism and the profile of school shooters was still overlooked as a contributing factor (37).  
As urban violence in schools has declined and a shift to violence among white suburban students has become more prevalent, there are no longer claims about the the “inherent violence” of certain racial or ethnic groups being at the root of the problem. Instead, the white school shooter is assumed to have psychological problems, and furthermore the boys are depicted as deviants and not the product of culture (Kimmel and Mahler 1443). Kimmel and Mahler examine the context of these shootings and suggest that their acts of violence are the result of a culture that values a certain violent conception of masculinity. They look at several school shooters and point out that in nearly all of the stories the boys faced homophobic bullying (1445). Interestingly enough, however, none of the shooters that they looked at were actually gay. Their hypothesis then is not that LGBT people are more likely to commit acts of violence, but that heterosexual men who are bullied as though they were gay feel a need to reassert their masculinity which may result in these acts of violence (1449). The authors not that research has shown that homophobia is an organizing principle of heterosexual masculinity, and that boys tend to use certain strategies to avoid the label, including excessive risk-taking, homophobic bullying, and participating in sexual assault (1446).
Kimmel and Mahler outline the stories of boys who have participated in school violence as examples of how homophobic bullying and emasculation can lead to violence. For instance, Luke Woodham who was overweight and considered to be a nerd was often called him “gay” or “fag”, while his mother called him fat, stupid, and lazy. He ultimately killed his mother, and then drove to school and killed two students. He told one of the school administrators that, “The world has wronged me”, and in a psychiatric interview after the event he said that he is not insane but angry (Kimmel and Mahler 1447). Furthermore, he said that murder is gutsy and daring and that he killed people because people like him are mistreated. Michael Carneal is another example, as students teased him, pulled his pants down in front of his classmates, and called him “faggot” and “gay”. He stole a number of guns and ammunition and showed them off to some of his classmates. He then brought them to school, hoping that the guys would find him cool, but when the cool guys ignored him, he shot and killed 3 classmates. Carneal, now serving life in prison, said, “People respect me now” (1447). As suggested by R.W. Connell’s concept of hegemonic masculinity, these boys were attempting to gain masculinity through the violence which has been legitimized by the state and culture. The question remains, however, why are white boys more likely to commit these acts of violence? Kimmel and Mahler suggest that white boys, as privileged over other ethnic groups, are supposed to be “real men” that embody independence, invulnerability, and stoicism. When they fail to embody this, and thus fail to get the privileges that they believe they are entitled, they react with violence in order to assert their masculinity (1453).
Angela Stroud adds to this conversation by suggesting that the use of violence and the obsession with guns as a means of obtaining masculinity is not limited to criminals. She conducted a study on lawful gun owners in Texas where she interviewed 20 men with concealed handgun licenses. The results of her study found that most of the men saw owning a gun as a central part of their role as a husband, father, and protector (Stroud 217). For example, one man, Adam, seemed excited to speak about his role in the family as the defender, with his wife and children being dependant on him. Adam also said that he liked guns because it didn’t matter the size or strength of the criminal, he was capable of defending himself. Stroud points out that this comment suggests that Adam, as a man, doesn’t necessarily need to be the gun owner. His wife, even if she is physically weaker than him, would be just as capable of defending the family with the gun. This suggests a connection between guns, aggression, and masculinity (225). Older men, on the other hand, saw guns as a means to retaining their ability to physically dominate other men despite their age and waning lack of strength. A 66 year old man, Gil, said that he carries a gun because he does not want to be in a position where someone else can have control over him (228). The gun, for Gil and many other older men, is used to defend oneself against domination (229). Others suggested that their use of guns was good and just, in contrast to the other, lesser, forms of masculinity such as those of men of color (217). One participant, Jack, tells a story about how he once pulled his gun out when he was stopped by a man in a predominantly black neighborhood and asked for directions (231). What is significant about this encounter, as well as several others, is that the white men were never actually threatened when they felt the need to take out their guns (233). This suggests that merely the idea of being dominated by a black man is threatening to them.
Angela Stroud suggests that the men’s willingness to engage in violence is an embodiment of their desire to show that they are real men who are not weak or afraid. Several of the men that Stroud interviewed confessed that they would be unlikely to be around to protect their wife and children from harm, and that their wives would be more likely to have to use a gun. Guns, then, are symbols of masculinity which may not actually prove useful (Stroud 226). In particular, guns are symbols of white masculinity, as many of these men spoke of feeling the need to carry a gun in so-called “dangerous” neighborhoods, which they described using racialized language like “predominantly black” or “gangster” (231-232). Stroud comes to the conclusion concealed handguns reproduce hegemonic masculinity, and they allow for good guys to fantasize about facing violence from other men and being able to defend themselves (234). Based on this study it appears that the fantasy of using guns to fight the bad guys is not only acceptable, but it is a celebrated form of masculinity (Stroud 218). It is not difficult to imagine, then, how this idealized violence could turn into something like a violent school shooting, a means of getting back at the people that these young boys believe are the “bad guys”. Yet, the use of guns by good guys to fight bad guys is rarely implemented (226). The gun, and violence, as a symbol of white male masculinity becomes clear even through the perspectives of lawful citizens.
Klaus Theweleit analyzes the writings of men on the battlefield in World War II in order to further explain the connection between white men, sexuality, violence, and the instruments of violence. He says that the soldier longs for his body to shoot forward, to penetrate other bodies, and to ultimately explode. However, a soldier also desires to live, and it is impossible for his body to explode without dying. A gun, on the other hand, is capable of withstanding explosions. The gun acts as the soldier’s ego, an impenetrable body which can be used to penetrate other bodies. The use of guns allows for a, “shot— leveled at the universe, at its entire faulty structure” (Theweleit 179). Furthermore, he says that these soldiers desire to penetrate, to explode, and to become the stronger because in this manner they gain entry into life (183). This desire to explode is a desire to transcend one’s own body, the boundaries of one’s ego, and in a sense guns allow this (180). However, Theweleit says that, in the act of killing, a soldier is “cold metal,” and incapable of feeling (180). Although the soldier achieves his goals and his libido reaches his target, the tension that he desires to discharge through explosion seems insufficient (181).
In order to kill the soldier must think ice-cold, as if he were a machine, and yet at the same time he feels intense pleasure, perhaps even to the point of tears (Theweleit 193). Theweleit says that, for the soldier, they experience their most intense feelings in isolation from themselves and so their discharge never truly brings the release that they desire (194). He gives the example of the knight who, when faced with the creation of new weapons of destruction, responds by reinforcing his old armor in the hopes that it can serve new purpose. This, he says, leads to a “monstrosity that expends every ounce of its energy in maintaining the appearance of invulnerability” (202). While the invulnerable, the steel impenetrable body, is the soldier’s ideal, it is unachievable and his ego always remains capable of being fragmented under emotional pressure (207). Although Theweleit is writing about the soldier, I believe that this desire to embody coldness and invulnerability extends to men in the general sense and especially to those young boys who wish to achieve invulnerability in the form of hegemonic masculinity and through violence.
Hannah Arendt suggests that a distinction must be made between power, violence, authority, and strength, and this is crucial to my argument about hegemonic masculinity as self-defeating. She says, firstly, that violence has been extremely prevalent in the history of human affairs, and so an explanation of what it is and its relation to power is necessary (Arendt, On Violence 8). Some philosophers, like Engels, argue that violence is the accelerator of economic development and politics, but Arendt suggests that the use of pure violence would not accelerate development, it would destroy it. Russian physicist, Sakharov (qtd. in Arendt) said, “A thermonuclear war cannot be considered a continuation of politics by other means (according to the formula of Clausewitz). It would be a means of universal suicide” (9). She notes that, with our current instruments of violence, a few weapons could destroy national power in a matter of moments, and so soon enough it may be that the number of weapons that a state has may not be an indication of its strength (10). The terms violence, strength, authority, and power, then, are not interchangeable.
Violence, among both the Left and the Right, has typically been considered the ultimate manifestation of power (Arendt, On Violence 35). However, Arendt argues that it is the people’s support that lends power to the institutions of a country, not the violent instruments that the state has. Furthermore, she says that political institutions begin to decay when the power of the people is no longer behind them (41).  For example, a government tried to give a command and no one in the police force or military was willing to follow the command, the government would be powerless (Arendt, “A Special Supplement”). Violence, unlike power, does not require numbers. It does, however, require instruments. Arendt says, “The extreme form of power is All against One, the extreme form of violence is One against All. And this latter is never possible without instruments” (Arendt, On Violence 42). Based on this distinction between power and violence, she says that the most effective command comes from the barrel of a gun, but that power can never grow out of it and is, in fact, destroyed (53).
Richard J. Bernstein’s review of On Violence offers a connection of this piece to Arendt’s previous work, giving background to her thoughts. First, he states that this piece in particular sets up Arendt’s conception of violence as power not just as distinguishable but as antithetical (Bernstein 6). Arendt’s conception of politics is important because she views it as the acting together of humans as political equals, and so persuasion and not violence must be at the core of the political (9). Furthermore, Bernstein suggests that as long as Arendt’s idea of natality exists, that is the freedom of human beings to act together in new and unprecedented ways, power can always be born (13). This idea in particular gives hope to the possibility of changing the structures that currently exist. He argues, in accordance with Arendt, that violence alone can never bring about a revolution even if it is necessary (14). So, in light of the issue of school violence, the boys who commit school shootings in the name of standing up for other victims of ridicule actually do very little in terms of starting a revolution because they lack power. Finally, Bernstein says that Hannah Arendt does not mean to depict violence as inherently bad because it is actually present and necessary in the creation of the world, but that violence is bad when it is treated as a mean to gain power and is therefore legitimized (18, 20).
Although Arendt is speaking mostly in terms of the power and violence of the state, I believe her ideas also apply to individuals as a part of these states. For example, she suggests that violence is often a reaction to rage. However rage is very particular, in that it is not necessarily a reaction to misery and suffering on its own, but it arises when one suspects that the conditions could be changed and aren’t (Arendt, On Violence 63). The profile of the typical school shooter is typically a young white boy who has failed to achieve some socially acceptable form of hegemonic masculinity, and therefore he is not included within the dominant group. He is isolated from his peers, and is, essentially, the “All Against One” that Arendt described in On Violence (42). He is powerless to change his circumstances, the state that was constructed around gender, and so he reacts with violence in an attempt to gain power and to change those circumstances. Violence is considered an appropriate way to gain power and masculinity. The relationship between violence and masculinity is something that Arendt does not consider, but it is necessary in order to understand how violence has been embedded into culture. The connections between violence, gender, and race, reveal an issue with how the state has been structured in order to dominate and oppress certain types of people.  
I have established, in the general sense, how the state works in perpetuating hegemonic masculinity and legitimizing the masculine drive for violence, but there still remains the question of how hegemonic masculinity works in tandem with violence in order to destroy power. In hegemonic masculinity, the power lies in those who most closely conform to the hegemony. This is because, as a whole, society continues to conform to hegemony, even those who are in subjugated forms of masculinity. In fact, by the very act of using violence in the form of school shootings, those men who have been subjugated are legitimizing violence as a means of taking back their masculinity and dominating the other. If we believe Arendt it is true that violence, through the use of a gun, would guarantee instant obedience (On Violence 53). This, however, is not power. Luke Woodham shot and killed two students he claimed that he was doing it for people like him, young men who were bullied and emasculated, because the world had wronged him (Kimmel and Mahler, 1447). He was angry with a system of gender that has been set up to value some masculinities over others, and for men to place most or all of their value in their ability to conform to those standards. When Woodham killed his fellow classmates, he was displacing his rage at the injustice of the system to people who, like him, were socialized to believe that their worth was in their masculinity.
When a shooter like Woodham commits an act of violence like this, they do so in an attempt to immortalize their body, to become impenetrable, capable of discharging their feelings. However, as Theweleit notes in the case of war, in the moment of killing the shooter is isolated from themselves and so their discharge never truly brings the release that they desire (194). The shooters do not gain power because they never gain the support of those around them. In the end they are still isolated, and the system that failed them is not questioned. In the act of violence, the shooter actually disintegrates his own power as well as the power of those around him, but he does little to change the power of the state in constructing dangerous hegemonic masculinity. Furthermore, violence is not gender neutral, although Arendt examines it in this manner. To call violence gender neutral would be to ignore the structure of the state and the processes that lead to violence being legitimized.
Based on these analyses, I suggest that in order to address the United States’ problem with gun violence, we must examine how the state functions as a gendered process and change it. This is not an easy task, because the state is not simply a person or place that can be altered. The institutions that the state consists of include marriage, the military, prison systems, etc.  Changing these structures may even entail the disintegration of the state as we know it entirely. R.W. Connell suggests that the solution to changing the state may lie in reshaping the current state structures and getting rid of the masculinized core and militarization (537). Changing the state also entails changing the culture, and particularly the culture around gender. This is a task without a clear solution. However, one thing that can and should be addressed is the association of guns with the American man’s sense of masculinity, as well as the availability of these weapons of violence to young men. As Arendt says, violence is never possible without instruments (On Violence 42). Still, this is merely a temporary solution. The state will ultimately only change when the people work together to change the institutions that reinforce gender roles, and this requires numbers and power.
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Psychoanalyzing the White Terror, translated by Erica Carter, Chris Turner, and Stephen
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A Conversation with: Federico Faggin, Inventor of the First Commercial Microprocessor
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/conversation-federico-faggin-inventor-first-commercial-microprocessor/
A Conversation with: Federico Faggin, Inventor of the First Commercial Microprocessor
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  Through the process of creating this platform, I have not only had the opportunity to converse with some incredible innovators, but also, I have refined my writing and video styles. In light of this, here is an updated version of my conversation with Federico Faggin, which was initially published August 31, 2016. You can you view the original here if you want to take a look at how The Conversationalist has changed over the last year! Please enjoy.
46 years ago, Federico Faggin produced an innovation that revolutionized technology for decades to come. Now, he is proposing a model that will make you rethink the fabric of our universe, and the very meaning of life. What is the next subject for this innovative powerhouse to tackle? It’s difficult to fathom what this next frontier could be, so for the time being, let’s re-enter the atmosphere and discuss Federico Faggin’s vast array of accomplishments. Federico created the world’s first commercial microprocessor, founded two companies, and received the 2009 National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Barack Obama. I had the pleasure of meeting Federico at his home in Silicon Valley to discuss not only these astonishing achievements, but also, what enables him to transcend seemingly axiomatic framework to arrive at technologically and mathematically unprecedented innovations, and how his definitions of fear and success have changed throughout his lifetime.
Federico beautifully combines emotion, logic, humor, and introspection into his work. His excitement is palpable while discussing the complexities of computers, consciousness, and success; even in the midst of his countless accomplishments, after any one of which most people would kick up their feet and retire, he seems to have an unlimited amount of curiosity and energy. I suppose this is the real key to Federico’s success – he is truly motivated by the love of discovery. We certainly got lost in this excitement, for the conversation lasted almost 90 minutes!
  Federico made his mark on the technological world when he led the team that produced the Intel 4004 in 1970-71. This was the world’s first commercial microprocessor. It is highly probable that Federico’s microprocessor has been a part of your life in some capacity, because it was the main engine of the computer up until about the last decade. It is astonishing to consider, especially in the midst of such staggering technological change and advancement, that Federico’s microprocessor was unrivaled for nearly 40 years. This technology harnessed the power of the first electronic computer built, which was large enough to fill a room, into a chip the size of a little fingernail.  What enabled such a jump in performance and decrease in size? Federico describes the technical aspects of this achievement:
“I decided to use polysilicon instead of aluminum. The aluminum could not withstand the high temperature necessary to withstand the process…by using polysilicon now it is possible to create a self-aligned transistor with silicon gate. With that I was able to achieve about five times the speed, for the same power dissipation in half the size of the transistor. So, all of a sudden we had a factor of ten technology much more powerful than what was there before.”
The technological community welcomed this innovation, and within five years, it was adopted by the entire industry. Federico explains that his, and subsequent developments, exemplify the theory known as Moore’s law.  According to Intel.com, Moore’s law is the prediction that computing will increase in power and decrease in cost at an exponential pace. Technically speaking, the law posits that the number of transistors in a circuit doubles approximately every two years.
This expansive jump in power and decrease in size with the Intel 4004 revolutionized technology for years, but did Federico recognize the impact it would have on the trajectory of technological development?
“Yes, I did. When you have something that is ten times better than something else, you have something! I mean, I was a kid but I was not stupid.”
It is fitting that he had such confidence in his creation, because as he said to me, “I had the desire, with this technology, to be second to none.” And he did just that.
Federico expanded on his already monumental work with microprocessors to start Zilog, the first company completely dedicated to microprocessors. He served as the CEO of both Zilog and Synaptics, the latter of which created the early touchpads and touchscreens used in our mobile devices.
After sparking a technological revolution and working in the business world, Federico embarked on a journey to redefine the fundamental framework upon which our universe is constructed. In the process, he and his wife founded the Federico and Elvia Faggin Foundation for the study of consciousness.
Federico has been fascinated with human consciousness for much of his life because it represents the limitations of artificial intelligence. Especially with modern robots increasingly resembling human mannerism and speech (think Sofia), it may appear that the lines between technology and human are becoming obfuscated. Federico interrogated these lines by exploring how one might construct a conscious computer. He found that although computers were getting more and more technically intricate, there were no advancements towards constructing a conscious machine.
Partly, this may be due to varied conceptions of what consciousness is. Federico defines it as the intersection of perception, free-will, action, identity, and comprehension. The following is an excerpt from his website in which he clarifies the meaning of these elements:
Perception is the capacity to have a sensate or sentient experience, what philosophers call quale (the plural is qualia). Quale is what something feels like; for example, the smell of a rose or the taste of wine as specific sensations or feelings. We experience the world through qualia, but qualia are not patterns of bits in memory, far from it.• Comprehension is the capacity to have an integrated understanding of our experience within the widest possible context. It is the capacity to capture the meaning of what is experienced.
• Identity is the fundamental property of being identified within itself as itself. It’s the ability to discriminate between self and non-self. Identity provides a unique point of view, a sense of agency, and the fundamental context within which perception, comprehension, action and free-will operate and have significance.
• Free will is the capacity to choose; to decide a specific course of action based on the available comprehension and consistent with the intention and goals of the identity or self. Free will is inextricably connected with the sense-of-self as an autonomous and independent agency.
• Action is the ability to affect the outer environment based on a free-will decision.
Consciousness, in Federico’s definition, is so instrumental to all experiences living things have that it is easily overlooked. He relates it to a fish swimming in water; the fish has no conception that she is surrounded in water until she is taken out of it. Likewise, living things do not understand how essential consciousness is to their interactions with the world until they are unable to perform these functions anymore. As Federico explains, “it is our consciousness that produces feelings, and it is consciousness that gives us the strongest evidence that we are more than machines.”
For most people, Federico’s model upsets the traditional conception that matter is the fundamental element of the universe. He does not dispute the existence of matter, but introduces a deeper dimension which precedes the one we have identified for years. He explains how consciousness creates matter, not vice versa. Therefore, consciousness is the underlying base of nature, reality, and the world, before matter. Consider if the energy that created the big bang was conscious – all resulting life would have a foundation of conscious energy as well.
Federico’s model of consciousness is mathematical at its core. His work presents that consciousness is inseparable from physics or chemistry because it is the very substance both of these studies are built off of.
Ultimately, although this model is mathematically based, it has philosophical implications. Federico quite literally defines the meaning of life with his model, a moment which left me feeling both exhilarated and skeptical of all of my preconceived notions regarding ontology.   He states the meaning of life is for consciousness to know itself. As consciousness is a dynamic, growing thing, this process is never-ending. There are always new experiences to learn from and contribute to the collective consciousness. In Federico’s model, experience is paramount to consciousness’ ability to know itself, and to individual fulfillment.
“To know yourself you have to experience yourself. That is the whole point! You know, you go to school to get knowledge…knowledge is symbolic. If you don’t understand, you can repeat the words and get an A, and you don’t understand a damn thing of what you’re saying. People don’t put emphasis on meaning, they put emphasis on knowledge. I’m talking about meaning. I’m talking about meaning, I’m talking about what you can actually see about yourself. That you can only have through an experience.”
We discuss the malleability of perception after he explains how physical or external realities are an illusion informed by one’s inner reality. This point left me pondering how one could energetically and confidently interact with a world when she understands it is a fallacy constructed by the senses. Wouldn’t this leave her second guessing all experiences with this world? However, Federico explains it is quite the opposite! He is freed by his understanding of what is real and what is not, and he is able to find greater meaning in internal reality as a result. Whereas before he felt he was living in the game of a false reality, now he is able to understand how to play the game and discover its new and exciting elements.
“Before, when I was wedded to a certain worldview, there was more of a sense of unreality at that time than there is now. Now I see myself inside the game. Before it was frustrating not to understand what is going on. Now, it is the pleasure of discovery. It’s an incredible game.”
Federico had years of instruction in physics encouraging him to see the world in a certain way, making it especially difficult to divorce himself from these teachings and see reality through a unique lens. I wondered how he was able to free himself from these constraints of convention to discover the pervasive nature of consciousness.
“It was the hardest thing to do – to free myself of a certain way of looking at reality, which is what I learned in school. That’s what physics tells you – it is done this way.”
Yet, through what he describes as transcendent experiences of consciousness, he was able to reveal this other layer of life that was previously hidden to him. Along with this shift in his perception of reality, Federico’s definitions of fear and success have changed immensely as a result of his experiences. He explains how in order to live one’s life from the inside out, one has to understand fear.
“Fear has to go. But that is a tall order. So how do we do that? You begin by looking inside, looking at the source of the fear, understanding it…fear is energy which is corrupted by misunderstanding. When you understand it you undo the knots. And all of a sudden, you recover your vital energy which is now free to enjoy.”
Federico explains how if he is fearful and fails to be introspective and address his fears, he cannot make advancements even in his science. The emotional is inextricably tied to the intellectual, and the vital energy used for fear cannot then be directed toward intellectual pursuits.
This conception of success is not so much tied to material possessions or even intellectual accomplishments as it is to emotional fulfillment. Coming from a man who has revolutionized the technological world, received awards from President Obama, founded companies, and worked on developing mathematical models to reshape the universe, it is so meaningful to hear him say that none of this is the essence of success. Instead, he reflects:
“Success in my life, and I haven’t reached this yet, is just you having a ball in your life. You enjoying your life from the inside, from your own feeling…I would not have defined this the same way 30 years ago. Now I see clearly.”
Federico is learning how to play the game better, and the ultimate goal of his perceived game of life is joy and emotional fulfillment through experience. After developing mathematical and physics models attempting to prove the fundamental existence of consciousness,  Federico reminds us all that the most important thing is to live one’s life from the inside out, to value experience above all as a way to better know oneself and allow consciousness to know itself. And whether you have been an integral part of the majority of technological development in this century or just started your high school education, that is something we can all learn from.
Speak to you soon,
  The Conversationalist is all about encouraging empathy and fighting closed-mindedness. It seems to me that fear, judgment, and misunderstanding have recently contributed to a recognizable deficiency in simply having conversations in an attempt to understand differences. I think that each individual’s perspective is deeply informed by his or her own life experiences, relationships, and surroundings. Whether these beliefs are controversial or unquestioned, they deserve respect and consideration. Simply sitting down and talking with someone is the single greatest tool for preventing hatred, conflict, and ignorance. Although I am personally quite the conversationalist and love engaging in these dialogues, I am consciously seeking to do so through this platform in order to address topics that are in the forefront of social justice and political realms.
Through conducting interviews with inspiring people of varying backgrounds, I hope to interrogate how prejudices and stereotypes develop, how a sense of purpose and clarity in professional lives is clarified, and how judgmental tendencies can be combated and reversed. I will be conducting different series focusing on topics varying from the notion of success, political polarization, navigating the job market, and dealing with transitions. I must admit that this is a bit of a selfish venture, because I am examining all of these tensions and topics in my own life, and value the insight gained through each interview. However, I am quite certain that I am not alone in having these questions, and through broadcasting the advice of accomplished people, I hope that I am not the only one who gains a greater sense of personal and professional clarity.
I will be releasing video content on this website every other week, and on the off weeks, I will release my podcast corresponding to the most recent conversation.
I look forward to learning from all of the inspiring people I interview, and I hope that you find it just as stimulating, challenging, and productive as I already have.
Speak to you soon,
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Blog post 5
Proto-fascism: It takes a lot of power in me not to vomit reading this particular section. I also do not have any particular questions, considering the vocabulary and structure of the article is easily understandable while the opinion is also horrifically clear. The Inequality of Human Races, as well as the addressed to the German Nation are both clear examples of ethnonationalism and convoluted views of human nature at it’s core. The address to the German Nation in particular, makes a point about how a group of people who share a common language are somehow, in their human nature, more connected to each other… Literally no critical thinking is necessary to understand that the development of language is a social construct (not FOXP2) but the actual process of speaking a set of words defined as a “language”…and how easily that sentence can be deconstructed and proven incorrect. With that said, I do understand that there was an agenda behind these pieces, so while it may seem twisted to me, it was (arguably still is) somehow a widely accepted and officiated belief.
 German Fascism/Hitler/Dexler/Goebbels: My previous sarcastic statement about stopping myself from vomiting has now become literal. Hitlers first letter on the Jewry was disgusting to read but nonetheless not surprising because it’s…Hitler. The pseudo-science used to justify the alienation of the Jewish population is something I have heard of before, but now actually reading it in Hitler’s own words is completely different. I wonder how people were able to believe these supposed “scientific” accusations without any legitimate scientific evidence? Or is my understanding of scientific evidence non-applicable here in this situation due to the time period? I doubt it.  Something interesting I noticed in point 3 of the Program of the German Workers party: “We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population”…. Did the UN like model their deal from this point for German Jews being sent to Palestine after the Holocaust? I’m not sure but I just find it kind of ironic that Hitler said this, and then the UN who supposedly disagreed with him, then took the Jews and did what Hitler wanted for Germans just in an already established state…hypocritical much?
 Italian Fascism/Mussolini: Something that always fascinated me was how Mussolini went from being a socialist to a fascist. Something that stuck out to me in “What is Fascism” is a part where he describes “The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual”…. This is either a camera obscura, a belief of agency over structure, or possibly just a bold face lie. I think it could be all three, giving people the belief that they actually have agency, when in fact their ‘decisions’ are only created within the structure they are within, it’s a camera obscura in the sense that the state is perpetuating ideas of freedom and liberty but is literally engaging in ethnic cleansing.
 Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation: I find it interesting in the introduction where it states, “Neoliberals have insisted that the new technologies of communications and transportation make it both inevitable and desirable that the world economy be tightly integrated through expanded trade and capital flows and the acceptance of the Anglo-American model of free market capitalism”. This whole sentence is funny to me because I am aware at end of the day that liberalism does not address the underlying issues of capitalism, and tries to perceive itself as progressive in a sense but only within very minimal parameters. Even though I was aware of this, reading that sentence just really stuck out to me as liberals/neoliberals being the pushing force for 20th century colonialism, and I had just never thought of it in those terms before.
 Gramsci on Fascism: Gramsci’s pieces are very attractive to me, not only because I can clearly understand the language used, but because his ideas are so revolutionary and appropriate for the current political climate we have here in the US.  In “Neither Fascism nor Liberalism: Sovietism!” Gramsci argues that to combat fascism, we must not rely on Liberals or the Liberal party, because they were the ones who opened the doors for the fascists in the first place. It very much reminds me of Hillary and Trump. In “Democracy and Fascism”, Gramsci lays out a critical argument which I whole-heartedly stand behind. He says essentially that democracy, specifically in Italy, has created a camera obscura for the working class. He also states that fascism destroyed whatever minimal amounts of democracy they had left in Italy, which is another interesting aspect to think about relating to today.
 The Gramsci Reader: Our Marx really puts general leftist thought into perspective. Who really is a Marxist? An important question I ask myself TOO MUCH. I think this section does a good job of not deifying Marx, it in fact brings him down a bit, too a much more human level. The Conquest of the State is an important section because it outlines how crucial it is for combining and bringing together the working class. The state has conquered through divide and conquer strategies since its inception; like the section states, “The principle of combination can and must be seen as the central feature of the proletarian revolution”. This is something that needs to be clearly stated today.
 Essays by Pound: In A Few Don’t’s, Pound talks about, “some may consider open to debate”, but is he referring to his previous sentence, or the one following? Rhythm and Rhyme is surprisingly really informing to me personally. I’ve taken a poetry class, and I took it pretty seriously, so I learned a lot. But reading through this section I am also learning quiet a bit and I find it very interesting how Pound connects poets to behaving as musicians. I wonder if the first rapper was inspired by Ezra Pound (sarcasm but not really)? The Primary Pigment and the Turbine are perfect examples of pieces of art that I just cannot understand from simply just reading once. I like how all of the pieces flow into each other, and how some words are in all caps.
 Cantos: XLV is very interesting. My understanding of Italian almost helps a bit with grasping this piece, especially with the words in Latin. It keeps repeating with interest, with interest, with interest. It keeps reminding the reader, in my opinion, that no matter what happens, living under this system, when you take out money you build interest, when you make something you build interest, when you buy something you build interest. Again, there are words in all caps. XLVIII also has a very interesting part that I cannot overlook, “Bismarck blamed American civil war on the jews, particularly on the Rothschild one of whom remarked to Disraeli that nations were fools to pay rent for their credit”. Wow. “That nations were fools to pay rent for their credit”…. Could he possibly mean the UN sending the German Jews over to Palestine to live there (pay rent) to absolve themselves of the ‘payment’ they owe the Jews (their credit)?
 Marinetti Essay: I literally can’t even get 3 stanza’s into this essay without already disagreeing with something. “We futurists, on the other hand, affirm the continuous perfection and endless progress of humankind, both psychological and intellectual, as absolute principles of Futurism”… Not to sound like an Anarchist, but does he really believe in the Modernization Theory? Doesn’t the idea of human beings becoming more “advanced” and “civilized” prevent people from seeing the truth of regression? Almost like having an African-American president perpetuate an idea of post-racial America while masking the truth of the continuation of systemic racism?
 Cultural Criticism & Society: This essay is very intellectually stimulating. There’s a part I don’t understand, but I really wish I did. “The position of the cultural critic, by virtue of its difference from the prevailing disorder, enables him to go beyond it theoretically, although often he merely falls behind”. Is he saying cultural critics are able to somehow transcend theoretical ideals of the culture they’re studying, but ends up falling back on simply theories?
 The Beach Beneath the Street: The Everyday Life and Glorious Times of the Situationist: There’s an interesting comment made in Chapter 2, it says, “Bataille’s view of the city took as its starting point the sacred architecture at this center, which he made the site from which to dethrone God”. The last part about dethroning God, what exactly is implied there? In chapter 4, the top of page 47 says, “In Bill’s aesthetic, beauty both derives from function and is a function”. This is interesting to think about not simply through the lens of the cliché, “beauty is a lot more than what’s on the outside”, it makes me think more about the symbolism behind this art during the time period, and what the art actually ‘functions’ in doing.
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