#that snake nearly killed me to get it right and i still am like ugh let me tweak
whiskeyswifty · 4 months
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Getaway Car - Taylor Swift
Getaway Car as a Formula 1 merch concept design. The Getaway Car Racing Team champions poster for the 6th Grand Prix in Rome where in 2017, they clinched their victory in the Rep Racing World Championship. The poster features lyrical easter eggs as the team sponsors and nods to the track number and lore around the song's subjects. Additionally, racing team hoodies and stickers for fans to rep their team. print and sticker and t-shirt in my etsy shop
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delimeful · 3 years
to taste your beating heart (5)
warnings: blood, miscommunication, imprisonment, arguing
Logan met Virgil-- Anx’s eyes over Patton’s shoulder, and watched as his gaze went from bewildered to guarded in half a second.
In the next moment, Anx had shoved out sharply, pushing Patton away from him hard enough to make him stumble back a few steps-- just far enough to be outside the protective ward, Logan noted. 
As though to cover up the fact that he’d just stripped himself of a potential hostage, Anx stiffened up to his full height, fangs bared at them all.
“Careful!” Roman snapped in an eerie parody of Virgil’s normal catchphrase, rising to his feet as Patton narrowly avoided overbalancing.
“No, no,” Patton said, wiping at his eyes without any shame, “it’s my fault, I should have asked first. I always get kind of emotional after thralls break. My apawlegies, Anx.” He accented the words with a flap of his cat hoodie sleeve.
Logan had time to notice the way Anx’s face twisted-- a mix of confusion-amusement-wariness that was familiar from Virgil’s first weeks working with them-- before Roman cut in with a startled shout.
“The thrall is broken?!” he squawked, head whipping back and forth between Patton and Anx. “Since when?”
“None of your business,” snapped Anx.
“Pretty much as soon as I walked in!” cheered Patton, at the exact same time. He paused. “Whoops, sorry, Anx! Did you want that to be... confangdential?”
“Boo,” Roman called, instantly distracted by the bad wordplay, “That was a reach.”
Logan let his audible facepalm speak for itself. “Out of the way, please, Patton.”
Patton obligingly shuffled to the side, and with every step closer Logan took, Anx folded inwards like a snake rearing back to strike. Seeing Virgil’s body bracing for the worst at his approach made something in Logan’s chest pang oddly, but luckily he was well practiced at ignoring such things.
Once at the edge of the circle, he crouched and inspected the activation key. As expected, nothing was out of place. Logan doubted Anx had been awake long enough to even consider tampering with the circle, let alone attempt it.
Now that the ash had cooled, the spell would be vulnerable to outside influence. It wasn’t as big of a concern anymore, seeing as the thrall on Patton had been removed, but Logan wasn’t one to leave things half-done.
… Also, if left unattended, Patton would probably free the vampire without telling anyone even without being under thrall.
Logan set his palm on the activation key and nonverbally cast a warming spell, reactivating the part of the spell that singed any unauthorized fingers messing with his circle. He could add the warming charm into the circle’s layout later, when there wasn’t a twitchy vampire watching his every move.
Despite his efforts to make his spellcasting subtler than usual, Anx still seemed to go still and stiff like hunted prey when the change in the spell sent a mild warmth into the air around them. Those uncanny purple eyes flickered between all three of the hunters for a moment, and then seemed to settle for glaring at nothing.
“So, Draculame, what prompted the sudden change of heart?” Roman asked, arms crossed over his chest.
His tone wasn’t as accusatory as before, but Anx’s bristling only increased, likely at the nickname. It had taken a while for Virgil to realize Roman’s ruder habits weren’t mean-spirited. It seemed like Anx would have to relearn that.
Provided they got that far.
Shaking the rather grim thought away, Logan tilted his head at the vampire. “I’m admittedly curious as well.”
Anx hissed at them, which they probably should have expected. It probably said something about their friend that this had already been standard Virgil behavior before he’d been turned. It was almost nostalgic.
“Now, kiddos, let’s not vamptagonize him!” Patton cut in firmly, ignoring their groans. “It’s almost dawn, so how about we call it close enough to morning and have some breakfast? I’ll make pat-cakes!”
He swanned out of the room without waiting for an answer, nearly hip checking the doorframe as he went. For a moment, Logan half-expected to see Virgil fall in a half-step behind him, like a particularly emo shadow. The absence was jarring.
“He hasn’t slept tonight,” he finally said, capturing Roman’s attention. “Make sure he doesn’t use salt instead of sugar?”
“And meanwhile you will be…?” Roman prompted doubtfully. Logan rolled his eyes.
“Figuring out a way for Anx to safely move to the kitchen, as Patton no doubt wants him there,” he replied, raising a hand to forestall any protests. “I took precautions.”
Roman threw his hands up dramatically, shot Anx a warning glare, and then turned to leave.
“Ugh. There goes my appetite,” he grumbled as he stormed out the door.
Logan allowed himself a sigh and then turned to face Anx. The vampire was still staring at him oddly. “I will be placing a pair of enchanted cuffs on you. They have no chains and they will not hurt you, but if you move against any of us with malicious intent, they will freeze in place.”
“And what am I supposed to do if you move against me?” he challenged automatically, lip curling. “Stand there and take it?”
“The cuffs will not stop you from running or hiding,” Logan told him, “and you’ve proven yourself to be skilled at both of those things in the past 48 hours. None of us are planning on attacking you, but you will have options regardless.”
This wasn’t how he would have reassured Virgil, but this wasn’t the Virgil he knew, the one that trusted him. He couldn’t soothe Anx’s cognitive distortions, not when he was barely more than a stranger.
He retrieved the shiny black cuffs from a nearby cabinet. They hadn’t had a thrall aggressive enough to use them on in months. “If you’ll put your wrists forward, we can proceed. Otherwise, Patton will be bringing breakfast to you, and I’d prefer not to get syrup or blood all over this room.”
Anx eyed him warily for another few moments, but eventually Logan’s patience paid off, and he stuck his wrists out with a growl. Logan reached past the barrier without any trouble and clicked the first one into place. Before he could proceed with the second, Anx’s hand flipped around and grabbed onto Logan’s wrist tightly.
Logan’s head jerked up to meet Anx’s gaze, already shifting his weight to counter a pull, but the vampire didn’t move further, just stared at him intently. “I know what you are.”
He clearly expected some kind of dramatic reaction, but Logan wasn’t in the habit of those, particularly not for such vague accusations. “If you’ll specify?”
“You’re a witch,” Anx said. “I saw you tamper with the circle without any instruments. You have natural magic.”
Logan felt his stomach sink slightly. Logically, he knew that this wasn’t the Virgil he knew, but it still made something in him twist to think of any version of Virgil blackmailing him over his magical heritage. “And what of it?” he asked, as lightly as he could.
“You’re living in the same house as hunters. You’re doing magic right under their noses, you’re going to get yourself killed!” Anx scolded, sounding more like Virgil with every word. “Do you need help getting out?”
Logan wasn’t entirely sure what sort of face he made in response to this endearingly dense offer, but it was apparently enough to make Anx frown with uncertainty. He held a hand out for his other wrist and clicked the cuff on it without any problems, and then deactivated the circle with a simple gesture of his hand over the key.
Anx’s eyes flicked to the door, and Logan tried not to think about him darting out into the early morning sun. He turned and headed to the door.
“Follow me, and you’ll get your answer.”
While traversing the halls, Logan resisted the persistent urge to check behind him. Gone were the slight shuffled footsteps that had previously accompanied Virgil’s presence, replaced by Anx’s supernatural silence, as though he was gliding over the floor without even touching it.
He entered the kitchen, where Patton had evidently wrangled Roman into setting the table. Whether the four plates set out were out of habit or Roman reluctantly accepting Anx’s presence at the table, Logan wasn’t sure.
He cleared his throat, making both of them look up from attempting to draw funny faces with the pancake batter.
“Observe,” he instructed, and then drew a sigil in the air and lit a simple flame in his hand. Behind him, he could practically hear Anx go as stiff as a board.
“Are we showing off?” Roman asked, a bit excited but completely unsurprised. “Should I perform a monologue?”
“Great spell, Lo! No arson in the house, though,” Patton added in a bright chirp. “After all, I have enough ar-sons here already!”
Logan doused the flame by clenching a fist, giving Patton a Look that went blithely ignored. “You two are incorrigible. That was a simple demonstration.”
He turned to Anx, who looked a little shell shocked.
“As we’ve informed you, ‘hunter’ is a title that we use mostly for convenience and ease of access to jobs. We help magical beings just as often as average humans, if not more frequently.”
“We tried out ‘Protectors of the Innocent’ for a while, but it never really caught on for some reason,” Roman added, subtly sneaking a piece of bacon from the serving plate while Patton’s back was turned.
“Perhaps it would have worked better if someone hadn’t only put P.I. on all the business cards, resulting in us being mistaken for Private Investigators and all of our calls being about spousal infidelity for a solid two months,” Logan snarked back, moving past them to retrieve the orange juice from the fridge.
“The printing office charged by the letter!” Roman protested, and then recoiled from the countertop as his next attempt at sneaking ended with his fingers smacked mercilessly. “Augh! Forsaken by those dearest to me! What cruelty!”
“No sympathy for bacon thieves,” Patton chided, wielding his spatula like an instrument of mass destruction. “Go sit!”
Logan seated himself as well, and turned to Anx, who had been watching the banter play out from the doorway with a somewhat dazed expression. “You’re welcome to sit. Patton will likely insist on it, actually.”
“You people,” he enunciated slowly, “are crazy.”
“You get used to it,” Logan assured him with the certainty of someone who had heard this exact phrase from Virgil before. He checked his watch. “It has been some time since you last ate. I can retrieve some stored blood from our refrigerator.”
“Actually,” Patton set a plate stacked high with pancakes in the center of the table with a plonk, “I figured I could just be Anx’s donor for a while!”
Roman, who had just stolen a sip of Logan’s orange juice, did a movie-perfect spit take, and Patton slid the pancake stack swiftly out of range of the spray.
“It will be 55 days before you are viable for another blood donation,” Logan recited the fact automatically, but he was just as thrown off as Roman.
“Not if he drinks from me directly!” Patton retorted, a beacon of cheerful composure.
“What?” All three of them replied, at varying levels of screech.
Anx shot a wild-eyed look at the room at large and took a step back, as though physically distancing himself from the idea.
“Patton, you can’t be serious!” Roman pushed his chair back and stood, looking distraught. “Fangs For The Memories over here might look like Virgil, but he’s proven quite thoroughly that he’s not! We just got you un-thralled, clearly he can’t be trusted not to take advantage of you!”
Logan noticed Anx wince, though he couldn’t tell whether it was from the harsh assessment or Virgil’s name being spoken.
“Me not being thralled anymore is exactly why we can trust him not to hurt me,” Patton said, chin tilted up stubbornly. “He doesn’t know what he did wrong, but he fixed it anyway! That’s more than good enough in my book.”
“Well, maybe your book needs some copyediting!” Roman snapped back, exasperated. “So his unbeating heart isn’t as completely shriveled up as it originally seemed! So what? That doesn’t change the fact that he was the one who thralled you in the first place!”
Logan cut in, physically moving between them to break up the beginnings of a shouting match.
“I have to agree that this is a bad idea, for a multitude of reasons,” he started, raising a quelling hand before Patton could protest. “The matter of Anx’s trustworthiness aside, you shouldn’t be directly donating blood to any vampire. It is an unnecessary risk to your mental and emotional well being.”
“Thank you,” Roman said, apparently keen to seize allies where he could. He gestured expansively, looking at Patton with earnest eyes. “You’ve come so far, Pat. We don’t want to see any of your hard work undone. Virgil wouldn’t want that either; you know he’d fight this harder than any of us.”
Patton’s face had softened at their-- Roman’s sentimental worrying, but even bringing Virgil into it couldn’t sway his determined course.
“I know you guys just want me safe, but this is something I need to do. Even if it is a risk, I can’t be held down by this fear forever. And who better to help me than Anx!”
“Literally anyone who hasn’t threatened to kill everyone here in the last 48 hours,” Roman moaned, dragging his hands down his face.
“Besides,” Patton continued, undeterred, “this way we don’t have to worry about our emergency transfusion supply going low! It just makes sense.”
Logan had to begrudgingly agree. Between the hassle of trying to explain why they suddenly needed significantly more blood and the fact that a vampire drinking directly would replenish blood cells at a much higher rate than drawing blood, the best option really was to have a direct donor. He simply didn't want it to be Patton.
Unfortunately, his odds of actually being able to stop Patton were quite low.
“Nothing about any of this makes sense,” Anx grumbled, having retreated to the hall like a skittish feral cat.
The vampire seemed almost more unsettled by the idea than either of the other objecting parties, despite being the only one who directly benefited from the hypothetical arrangement. Nervous about their responses if he agreed, perhaps?
“We can at least give it a shot!” Patton insisted, coming a little closer to Anx and reaching out to gently pat his shoulder. It spoke volumes that the touch wasn't brushed off or rejected. “It could end up helping us both! And if it doesn’t, we’ll just find another way! You won’t be in trouble for messing up, okay?”
Anx blinked, slowly, still looking somewhat unconvinced that this was reality. Still, after a few moments of exposure to Patton’s encouraging smile, he dipped his head in a nod.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 3 years
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Fandom: Psychonauts
Rating: T
Genre: Angst
Characters: Caligosto Loboto, Loboto’s parents
Warnings: Surgery, lobotomy, hallucinations, child abuse, EVERYTHING IS HORRIBLE AND NOTHING IS OKAY WITH THIS (but there’s nothing graphic)
Description: Just be still, and you'll be fine.
Beta Readers: @jaywings​ and Rocket (who I’m not sure is on Tumblr?)
Notes: who let me write Psychonauts fanfic. also some of the phrases in this fic were taken from this site.
“Scattering sparks of thought energy
Deliver me and carry me away”
“Here in my kingdom, I am your lord
I order you to cower and præy”
- The Mind Electric, by Tally Hall
Sometimes it was nice to just lay down in the park and watch the clouds float overhead.
He often had a lot of energy, both normal and... well... unnatural, but sometimes it was nice to relax, especially when he didn't feel like himself. His energy was ebbing, and there was something… something...
"Can you tell us another?"
He glanced up. Several of his usual playmates were standing around him, their faces lit up in interest. He grinned a wide, toothy grin.
"The boy babbled blatantly but was blessed with a brilliant brain!"
The compliment made his brow furrow. Normally they might cheer "cool!" or "awesome!" but he shrugged—he'd take it. It gave him a warm feeling inside, unlike the frequent chill of his own home. Plus, he couldn’t help but light up as he watched the smiles on his friends’ faces—some of them were still losing baby teeth, he noted, and the progression was fascinating. He knew what he could do to see more of those grins, too...
Without raising his head too much—it hurt a little, and he could see well enough from where he was—he glanced around to make sure his mother wasn't too close by. Luckily she was way off in the pavilion, talking to several other adults. Good; she wouldn't see, and neither would the other prying parents.
"How about this?" he asked, and with a tiny bit of concentration lifted a few rocks off the ground, spinning them in circles. Instead of cheering, however, the children backed away, their smiles fading.
"Look, he's trying to—!" one girl whispered frantically.
"Don't worry, he's fine for now."
He frowned, dropping the rocks. "O-oh, I'm sorry! I didn't think they would see..."
"That's okay. Can you tell us another?"
"Disappointed dogs don't do dangerous deeds." Wincing, he closed his eyes—there was a breeze that seemed to pass over his head only, running through his hair.
His scalp felt cold.
"Go on, Caligosto. Show the doctor how you can pick it up."
"Like this...?"
"No, the other way."
"But... mother doesn't like it when I do it that way."
"Do as you're told, Caligosto."
The fish swam all about the pond, but came closer to the surface when they realized he was watching from his usual spot on the shore. As they nearned him, he settled over the grass, staring down at his scaly friends. The fish seemed to like his company, and they wouldn't snitch to his parents if he did anything they wouldn't like.
On top of that, he felt a connection with them, almost like the sort of connection he could feel with people. They couldn't talk, and they didn't have facial expressions… but he could almost read them somehow, more and more as he continued visiting. Now he could sense what foods they wanted, or when they were scared of a nearby predator. It was nice to help them out.
It was also interesting to see the different kinds of teeth the fish had—some had sharp fangs, some had tiny flat teeth, and some had teeth in weird places, like their tongue or throat!
"Can you hear us?"
He would have jumped, but that would have scared the fish. As it was, he leaned forward, his eyes wide beneath their glasses. "Yes! I can hear you!" He could hardly contain his excitement. "I'd always thought I could hear you before, but never this clear! Do you think—"
"Good! Can you tell us another?"
He blinked. "Another what?"
"Another phrase."
Oh, right. In his excitement he'd nearly forgotten that he'd occasionally show off for the fish as well, though he'd never been sure if they could understand. "Friendly fish flip-flop fast when facing fearsome foes!"
"Very good!"
Giggling, he settled himself back down on the soft grass. "I'm glad you think so... my parents always tell me to be quiet."
Apparently, the fish had nothing to say to this, for they remained quiet, swimming just under the surface and watching him. So he kept watching them too, observing the light that reflected off their scales. But one creature caught his eye: a small turtle swimming in place. It was odd to see to begin with, but the paddling of its little feet seemed strangely frantic, its front legs moving in big sweeping arcs. It didn't speak, but he swore he could hear it—
Away, away—
"Is that... all he's capable of?"
"I'm afraid not."
"D—Father, are we done? I don't like it here..."
"Only speak when spoken to, Caligosto."
"Can we see anything else?"
"I-I don't want to—"
"Okay, okay! Let me—"
The seas were calm, and he had worked hard today as a navigator (or was he first mate? he couldn't quite remember, but that was okay), keeping a close eye on the compass and making sure they were staying on course. They were nearing the shore, but for now, he was taking a break, resting against a coil of rope with his eyes closed, enjoying the smell of the ocean air and the feeling of sunshine.
And also trying to forget his headache—he was pretty sure he bumped his head coming down from the crow's nest.
"You're doin' good today, mate! Squawk!"
He opened one eye, noting the parrot sitting just behind him. "Thanks, Crackers!"
Birds hadn’t been something that interested him too much at first; what kind of silly animal didn’t have teeth? That is, until he’d learned that birds have a weird organ that acted as their teeth. Fascinating!
The parrot cocked her head at him. "Do you know any more?"
Oh right, of course the parrot enjoyed those phrases. "The pretty parrot perched upon the putrid pirate's peacoat!"
Crackers gave a pleased chirp, ruffling her feathers.
Wincing, he found his headache was starting to get worse, like a bad toothache, and closed his eyes again. "Do you think we'll reach shore soon?"
We won't if you don't get out.
He opened his eyes. Crackers was gone.
"What are you doing?!"
"I-I just did what you asked—"
"I didn't tell you to—!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Put him out, hurry—"
"We've seen enough, doctor. We'll schedule an appointment for your son next week."
"N-next week?!"
"Very well. He'll be there promptly."
The kids’ expressions had changed from bright smiles to tightly-drawn lips and wide eyes, and it made him shudder. "Is something wrong?" he asked.
"No, it's fine. Tell us another."
"The store..." He paused, concentrating. Strange, he didn't usually have trouble remembering these things, but it must have just been his headache. "The store clerk stood and... stared at me in stupor."
"I would too after what I've seen," one kid muttered, only to be shushed by another.
His heart gave a pained jolt. "Wh-what?"
He didn't like the way they were talking—it reminded him of... something else. Someone else. Another child stepped closer to him, looking down at him with a furrowed brow and frightened eyes. He felt the sudden urge to scoot away.
You're in danger.
"Wh...where am I supposed to go?"
"Just in through these doors."
"Okay... Why do I have to come back here to the doctor, though? I feel fine."
"Nevermind that. Do you remember what your father told you to do?"
"Yeah! The fun phrases. I know a million of those!"
"Would you like to hear... w-wait, who are all these people watching? Wh... what are those?"
The fish were swimming in circles and starting to make him dizzy. He rested his head down in the cool grass, but it did little to help. "Oh... sorry. I'm not feeling so good. I should be going home..."
"You can go home soon. Tell us another first."
"Ugh... My mom... m-my... mother makes a... marvelous... meat... mincemeat pie." Recalling these phrases was starting to feel like what he imagined pulling teeth felt like, but a lot less fun. Was his mother missing him now? How long had he been gone? "I... really need to go home now."
"No you don't."
His eyes shot open, and he shivered as he stared down at the fish. "Wh... what did you... say?"
"Don't try to move. You'll be all right."
All of the fish watched him eagerly... but the turtle was still waving its front feet even more frantically.
"Don't worry about that."
"N-no! I know what those tools are—I've read my dad's books. You're gonna hurt me!"
"Nonsense. Just lay on the bed and you'll be fine."
"No, I don't want to! You can't make me!"
The ship heaved up and down with the swell of the waves. His insides rolled with it, and he remained lying on the coil of rope, waiting for his stomach to stop lurching and his head to stop aching.
"You stopped. Keep going."
"Ugh... The newt... nuzzled in a... n-narrow... nook."
"No, it's not, Crackers! I don't feel good..."
"You're fine, squawk! Try to distract yourself."
"Okay..." Opening one eye, he raised a shaky hand, lifting the end of the rope and making it snake through the air, though it shuddered all the while. It was a lot more difficult than usual... Normally he could lift several objects at once, and delighted the crew by juggling them. He felt like he should be able to do other things too, but what?
"Oh mercy! He's going to kill someone!"
"Caligosto, if you don't stop this at once, I will call your father!"
"So call him! I want him here! Why didn't he come with me?!"
"Oh no, he's trying to light the chair on fire—"
"Go get the earmuffs, now."
The sun was covered in clouds, and the humid air brought a promise of rain. Why were the other kids still here? Surely their parents would have called them home by now. He wished they would. Surely his mom would have called him, too, wouldn't she?
"Tell us another," one girl asked urgently, taking a hesitant step forward.
His head was swimming. "I-I don't wanna..."
"Tell us now."
Focusing, he managed to force his mind to concentrate. "She sniffed... and s-smelled... the stirring storm."
"Good, tell us another," one fish bubbled from the water.
A sharp pain like a broken tooth filled his skull, his insides felt sick, and the rain was beginning to fall. "I... I can't..."
"Tell us, Caligosto."
"B... Bernie read a book... b-by the... ba—babbling brook." He wanted to wipe the rain from his face, but he felt too exhausted to move his arms. "C-can I go... home..."
"Squawk! We're not to shore yet. Give me another."
He stared up at the blurred vision of the bird. "Why...?"
"Do as you're told."
"Th-the... hummingbirds... hovered... a-and hummed in... heavenly..." His voice broke off into a choked sob. "I wanna... no... I wanna... go home..."
"Get it on him, get it on—"
"Where did he go?!"
"The monster's turned invisible!"
"There! Put it on right—there!"
"...go home!"
He blinked.
"You are home, Cali," his mother said, beaming down at him with a wide, pearly-white grin.
"I am?" Blinking again, he looked around. Indeed, he was in front of his house, with his parents both standing on the front porch, as they had been when he'd left. On top of that, his head didn't hurt and he didn't feel sick. "I... I am!"
"You're all done with the doctors now," his father said, smiling. "We're so proud of you!"
"You... you are?" He stared open-mouthed; his father had never told him that before. "I'm all done?"
"Yes you are, dear." His mother knelt down, but he didn't come closer—something was making his hair stand on end. "Almost."
His stomach twisted.
"Just tell us another, son."
"N... no..."
The smile on his father's face faded. "Do as you're told, Caligosto."
"N-no... no, no..." He tried to shake his head, but couldn't. "I... I want to go home..."
The pain was coming back, spiking through his head, and he cried out.
"We're going to lose him—"
"No, just a little more."
"No," he sobbed. "No, no! Mom! Dad!"
The park was flooding. The fish were swirling around his head. Waves crashed over the boat.
He had to do something. Anything.
Focusing with everything he had left, he tried to think, tried to move something, tried to make something burn, tried to call for help—
Did—did you hear that?
The agony peaked, and his vision turned orange.
"Ooooh... ugh..."
"Is this safe?"
"It's safe for us. The psilirium will keep him under control during the procedure."
"But can he still hear us?"
"Son, can you tell us one of your funny phrases?"
"Sure... grass grows greener in the graveyard."
"You see? He'll be fine."
There was no park.
There was no pond.
There was no ocean.
There were several doctors staring down at him, a great many more people seated in the theater behind them, and an empty feeling within him.
Something was gone. Something important.
"How do you feel, Caligosto?"
His brain was slow to work, and he could not form the words, but if he could have, he would have answered:
Like... a cavity.
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Black ribbon and silver bows
The fifth of may meant that there were exactly 2 months until Draco turned 17. Draco had gone above and beyond for your birthday, spoiling you with 17 individually wrapped gifts that he sent you on a wild goose chase around the school to find. You wanted to make him equally as special as he made you feel, but what did you get the boy who could get anything he wanted?
You thought about getting him a pet, but you didn’t think his mother would appreciate a cat roaming around the halls of the Malfoy Manor. Then you thought about getting him a broom, but as usual, Draco already had the best of the best. Your mind turned to clothes, but the man only wore black shirts with tailor-made trousers. 
“Still thinking about what to get Draco?” Blaise’s voice asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Ugh yes, anything I think of, he already has”
“You’re fault for choosing rich, should have dated a Weasley, they’d be over the moon with an unworn robe” 
You smacked Blaise’s arm “Don’t be so rude, Blaise. Just because you don’t like them doesn't mean you can be a prick”
“Why don’t you make him something? I’m sure the elves would let you sneak into the kitchen to cook, you could draw something, write him a poem”
If you were a cat, your ears would have pricked at hearing the word ‘draw’, Draco was never a fan of the decorations in his room, maybe you could paint him a painting that he could hang up on his wall.
“You might have just saved Draco’s birthday”
The increase of chatter across the library hinted that your free period was over and it was now time for lunch. You and Blaise collected your things and returned the books to the returns trolley before making your way to the great hall. You bumped into Draco, Pansy and Daphne on your way there. The five of you made your way to the Slytherin table to see Crabbe and Goyle already tucking in. 
“Why am I not surprised that you two gluttons are the first on the table?” Blaise asked, throwing his school bag down and taking a seat. 
The rest of your group sat down as well, the elves had made different variations of chicken wraps for lunch today. You picked up a grilled chicken wrap and began eating it, famished after your hour of revision during your free period. You had just finished the first one when Draco said your name.
“You’ve got sauce on your mouth, darling”
You stuck your tongue out trying to lick it off but you kept missing. 
“Hold still a sec” Draco instructed. He used his thumb to wipe the spot of sauce from your mouth, licking it off his thumb once he was done. 
“Ah my saviour!” you fake swooned. 
He laughed and continued to eat his lunch. You wolfed another half of a wrap before feeling full. 
“Are we still revising for charms after dinner?” Daphne asked, looking up from her homework. 
“I’m on it, but the boys have quidditch practise until 7, so they’ll have to join in later” You replied, snapping the lid of your lip balm back on
“Actually, practice is cancelled, so Blaise and I’ll be there” Draco added, downing the rest of his pumpkin juice.
“Y/N, you alright?” 
Your head whipped around to see Neville Longbottom standing behind you.
“Are you lo-” Draco began to sneer
You pinched the outside of his thigh making him grit his teeth instead of finishing his sentence. “Neville, hi”
“I just wanted to return your charms notes, they were dead useful, thanks,” He said with a light blush, holding your pile of notes out.
“Oh, thank you. I’m so glad you found them helpful” You took the notes from him with a smile. 
“Have a nice rest of the afternoon,”
“You too Neville,”
He returned to his friends and your friends turned onto you.
“Why are you so nice to him?” Blaise demanded.
“Oh merlin, when are you guys going to get over this rivalry, he needed help, so I helped him.”
“He’s also Longbottom”
You rolled your eyes. “Anyways, does anyone want to let me copy the last two questions for the dada homework?”
Daphne slid her roll of parchment over to you and you quickly scribbled the answers. Just as you had screwed on the cap for your ink lid, the bell for your next lesson rang. Nowadays your lessons were less structured, it was two months before exam season which meant the teachers pushed to revise topics rather than introducing new ones. Some teachers preferred to let you get on in groups doing your own thing, others had a strict revision lesson planned. But one thing was for certain exams had definitely taken over your life.
After your charms revision session with your friends, you and Draco found yourselves walking up to the astronomy tower. The sun was beginning to set as you nestled yourself into his lap.
“Don’t you think it’s mad that in a couple of years we won’t be able to do this anymore?” You asked, tightening his arms around you.
“We can watch the sunset from anywhere love”
“Ha ha you know what I mean idiot”
“I’m ready to leave this place”
“Sorry Mr ‘I should have been in Durmstrang’”
“I should have, my father agreed more with their curriculum”
“Maybe cause his old death eater buddy was running it”
“He’s your father's old death eater buddy too”
“My father never thought about sending me to Durmstrang”
“That’s because it’s a boys-only school, love”
“I don’t like you”
“That’s because you love me,”
“Speaking of love, do you remember the first moment you realised you loved me?”
He paused “As a matter of fact I do”
“Do tell, Mr Malfoy”
“We were at that party at the Parkinson’s in our 3rd year. You had a silver dress on. Your mum forced you into these heels and you hated them. You wobbled over to me and clung to my arm the whole night. But as soon as we were shooed away from the adults, you took them off and practically shoved them into my hands and started walking around barefoot. Pansy’s grandmother came out of the parlour and saw you without your shoes on and went berserk, she called you a disgrace, all our mothers came out to see what was going on and I’m pretty sure your mum looked like she was going to kill you”
“I remember that! Then I transfigured her ostrich feather boa into a snake around her neck!”
“She nearly pissed her pants” He laughed, causing you to smile.
“So is that your favourite memory of us?”
“No, my favourite memory takes place in our 4th year at the Yule ball. I didn’t want to dance in front of all those idiots but you pulled me up there anyway. But as soon as you held my hand it was like they all disappeared and it was just me and you. I spun you out and when you spun back into my arms, I dipped you and you looked so beautiful. But that is fighting for the top spot from the time you sucked me off in the restricted section, and the time you floo’ed into my room last summer at 2 am and I absolutely ruined you”
“Okay okay I get the picture your favourite memories are when we have sex”
“Not all of them, just some, what’s yours?”
“5th year, Christmas break, your parents’ Christmas party, you hid my promise ring inside my dessert” you held your hand up letting your ring sparkle in the candlelight, it was simple, a small princess cut emerald on a gold band, but it was oh so precious “You kept staring at me and I was so confused, I wasn’t even looking at what I was eating until you jerked my hand back and told me to look in the spoon and there it was. You cleaned it off and slid it on my finger right in front of everyone. Or maybe it was the time you made me sit on your face when we snuck into a room at the leaky cauldron”
Draco laughed and lifted your hand up and played with the ring. “After we finish Hogwarts, I’m gonna replace this ring with a diamond one”
“You are?” 
“Why do you sound so surprised, I told you already I was going to change your last name to mine, even your parents know”
“I know but I didn’t know you wanted to do this so early"
“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?”
“You are so whipped”
Draco shoved you off him playfully.
“But it’s okay because I’m equally as whipped” you replied sitting back in his lap.
“You’d better be, otherwise I’d-”
“You’d what? Tell your father?”
“Right, that’s it” His fingers found your sides as he began tickling you. By the time he felt as though he tortured you enough, you were both breathless. 
“I love you," He said, smoothing your shirt down.
“I love you more”
“Who’s up here?” Filch’s voice grumbled. 
You and Draco grinned at each other as you quickly threw your robes on and lifted the hoods, running straight past Filch and into the Slytherin common room. 
You had now learnt what Draco’s favourite memory of you was. All that was left was actually getting around to paint it. If you weren’t in a lesson, you were revising, usually most of the time with Draco. Even on weekends, you found yourself in in the library completing practise exam papers and testing yourself on flashcards. And any time you weren’t working, you and Draco used as an opportunity to spend time with one another without being bogged down with work. You’d already decided that the room of requirement would be the perfect place to start painting, but the issue was figuring out how you’d be able to sneak there and back without arousing suspicion. 
After much deliberation, you decided that your best option for sneaking out was on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Every Tuesday after dinner, Draco and Blaise would go out to the quidditch pitch to blow off some steam, by the time he had finished and showered, you were almost always already in bed. On Wednesday, you decided you’d tell Draco a little white lie and say that Flitwick had asked you to tutor a struggling 5th year in Charms, it would give you a few hours to yourself to get ahead with painting. 
The upcoming Tuesday your plan was in action, you made Daphne swear she wouldn’t tell Draco where you were and you made your way to the room of requirement. It was honestly a Godsend. You stepped into a room full of different sized canvasses, there were tubes of oil paint and palettes of watercolours and squeezy bottles of acrylic. A table was full of paintbrushes of different sizes and shapes and there were an easel and chair right in the middle of the room. 
You picked out a large rectangular canvas and placed it landscape on the easel and got to sketching the outline of your painting. If all went to plan, it would be a loop of Draco’s favourite memory of the two of you at the ball, if it didn’t well, then it would be a still image and if everything went south, you’d have to somehow find a way to get some lingerie to distract him from your lack of presents. 
Painting the canvas was going to be the hard part, sketching the outline, however, was proving to be a huge nightmare already, you had drawn and redrawn Draco’s face about a hundred times, not being able to get it exactly right. You were about to kick a hole in your canvas when a small a5 picture caught your eye, stuck under the foot of the easel. You picked it up to see a photograph of the exact moment you were trying to recreate. This was why you loved this room, taking a deep breath, you redrew Draco’s face finally getting it as you liked it. By the time you had finished the full outline, it was almost two am, you knew you were going to struggle to wake up in the morning, but that was something for future you to deal with, present you had to find a way to sneak out of the room and back to your dormitory without detection. 
In order to make as little noise as possible, you took your shoes off and ran across the castle in just your socks, you were only a few steps away from the entrance to the common room before Mrs Norris came around the corner. She meowed loudly as you whisper-shouted the password, the corridor revealing itself. You ran down it and straight up the stairs into your dormitory. You tried to get into bed as quietly as possible before falling asleep. 
In hindsight, staying up sketching until 2 am was a horrible idea. It was only 1 in the afternoon and you were struggling to stay awake. 
“I don’t get why you don’t just pay someone to paint it for you,” Daphne asked, scrunching a piece of paper into a ball and throwing it in the bin beside you.
“Because then there's no sentimental value behind it” You replied, massaging your temples.
“What time did you fall asleep anyway?”
“By the time I drowned out Pansy’s snoring it was 3, I was just lucky I had a free period first so I ended up getting an hours extra sleep”
“Merlin, remind me to never fall in love”
You laughed before rubbing your eyes and returning to your work. 
It took you four weeks of staying up till 2 am to finish Draco’s painting. You had spent hours mixing the right shades of paint, at one point you ended up getting rid of the paint on the whole canvas and starting again but exactly three weeks before Draco’s birthday, you had mastered the spell to make your painted figures move and your masterpiece was complete. Your only worry was that Narcissa Malfoy would hate it and would stop her son from hanging it in his bedroom. 
In order to get the huge canvas from the room of requirement back to your dormitory, you had to ask Neville to ask Harry if you could borrow his invisibility cloak. If Draco had found out that you got Harry’s help you were 90% sure he’d be the one kicking a hole in your canvas. For now, the canvas was safely tucked under your bed. 
The next morning, you stuffed Harry’s cloak in your bag and made your way down to meet him. You had agreed the previous evening that you’d meet outside Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom before breakfast to make the exchange. As planned, he was stood with Neville right outside the entrance to the toilet. You pulled the cloak out and handed it back to Harry. 
“Thank you, I know you and Draco don’t like each other, but it means a lot that you'd go out on a limb to help me.”
“While I question your choice in men, Y/L/N, you’ve helped Neville out on more than one occasion and any friend of Neville’s is a friend of mine.”
You smiled at Harry, “I’m gonna head to breakfast before Draco gets suspicious, see you boys, later”
They waved goodbye as you made your way back to breakfast, stopping in the normal girl's toilet to sort your shirt out which you found you were wearing inside out. Your group of friends were already sat down eating, all but Draco.
“Where is he?” You asked.
“Couple third years said they had to tell him something in private, oh wait, speak of the devil” 
You turned and he did not look happy. His jaw was clenched and he was walking oddly fast, he came to you and gripped you firmly by the arm. “Can I speak to you, outside, Y/N”
You looked at him confused but followed him out. As soon as you were out of earshot from the hall he turned around to face you, he looked pissed, he kept walking forward until you were pinned between him and the wall. 
“You want to tell me why some friends in 3rd year saw you giving Potter his invisibility cloak back?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, darling, we both know you’re not. ‘it looked like she was holding something but there wasn't anything in her hand’. Why did you have his cloak”
“I was planning on recreating that memory of yours in the restricted section for your birthday, I asked Neville if I could borrow Harry’s cloak to get us there and back but then I remembered you wouldn’t have come if we were using his cloak so I gave it back” You lied smoothly 
He swallowed and nodded, not moving back. You pushed him off and scoffed. 
“Is this what you’re doing now? Sending third years to follow me?”
“You of all people should know I have eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Those eyes and ears shouldn't be snooping on your girlfriend”
“They wouldn’t have to if you weren’t lying to me about where you were for the past month.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Helping a 5th year with Charms as per the request of Flitwick? Well not according to the professor himself”
He laughed, “Can’t even cover up your lies properly. Why don't I give you a few hours to come up with a cover story, I can’t bear the sight of you right now” Draco turned and walked away, ignoring you as you called out for him. 
He acted as though you didn’t exist for all of your lessons, he didn't sit next to you, he didn't speak to you, he barely looked at you. You chose to have dinner alone in your room that night. It had occurred to you during your second period that Draco thought you were cheating on him with Harry. It made sense, you were sneaking around and you were seen giving Harry’s cloak back as if to say that you two had been meeting up in secret under it. But it also made absolutely no sense either, you and Draco had been together since the beginning of your 3rd year. Your father was a death eater for Pete’s sake, it didn’t take a genius to realise you’d be disowned if you brought home Harry fucking Potter. 
You were partway through your transfiguration homework when Daphne came bounding up into the dormitory.
“Right, what is going on with you and Draco?” She asked, throwing her bag on the floor and collapsing on her bed.
“Nothing,” You lied.
“See that is absolute bullshit because he has been a moody prick all day and you skipped dinner, so come out with it, spill”
You sighed and explained everything. 
“Why don’t you just tell him the truth then?”
“Because if I do, it’ll ruin the surprise”
“And if you don’t it’ll end your relationship, my mother is over the moon at the fact that I’ll be a bridesmaid at a Malfoy wedding, you don’t want to crush her dreams do you?”
“You’re right, do you know where he is?”
“He went straight into his dormitory”
You nodded and made your way there. He was joined by his friends.
“Rest of you out, thanks,” You said, walking in and standing in the middle of the room. 
Blaise looked at Draco and he nodded, prompting him, Theodore and Goyle to leave. He refused to look at you. You took a seat at the end of his bed and began to explain.
“I’m well aware you think I’m cheating on you with Potter, but that’s really the complete opposite of what’s happening. The truth is, for the past few weeks, I’ve been arranging your birthday present. I finished it last night and I asked for Harry’s cloak so I could bring it back to my dormitory without revealing the surprise. That’s where I’ve been sneaking off to. Not to go snog Potter under his invisibility cloak”
“Bet you feel really fucking stupid now don’t you,” You scoffed
“I’m sorry, darling,”
“Do you not think? Could you imagine my parents’ reaction if I brought home Potter? They’d disown me faster than you came the first time we-”
He grabbed you into a hug before you could finish your sentence.
“I am truly sorry, princess, for jumping to conclusions and for ruining my surprise.”
“Well, you haven’t totally ruined it, you don’t know what it is yet.”
“Can we come back in yet, I need to get out of this fucking uniform” Theodore shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
Draco shouted back a yeah and his friends returned. 
“See you two’ve kissed and made up, about time too, Draco’s a right git when he's moody”
Draco threw a pair of balled-up socks at Blaise’s head before you got up off the bed.
“I’ll meet you in the common room once I’ve finished my homework,” You told him before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He mumbled an okay before kissing you once more and you were on your way. 
The next morning, at breakfast, you noticed your father’s owl descend onto the table in front of you. You took the letter expecting him to fly off and return home but he waited expectantly, clearly, he was told to wait until you replied. He hopped up onto your arms as you took him to the owlery to recuperate while you read your letter and replied. 
You’re hopefully aware that it is Draco’s birthday in a few weeks, I hope that you have got him an adequate gift. You know how important your 17th birthday is and as I remember, Draco spoilt you with 17 gifts. Since you are a young lady, you're not expected to gift him anything as lavish as some of the presents he gave you, but tradition dictates that you should get him something worthy of a pureblood wizard, in particular jewels. Please reply as soon as possible, only so I know that you won’t embarrass your father and I (and in the case you do, I can send you an alternative). Your brothers and your father send their regards. We miss you. 
You rolled your eyes at her need for keeping up appearances and quickly scribbled her back a reply. You wished you were at home to see her reaction to you gifting him a painting you painted yourself. Once your father’s owl had filled himself up with water and owl feed, you attached the letter to him and sent him on his way. 
Later in the evening, your mother’s owl pecked at you through the library window. You went out into the corridor and took a letter and a box off of her. Once you had freed her of her cargo, she hooted and flew off. You opened the second letter and read.
Sweetheart, I know that you are an accomplished young artist, but a painting will simply not do, especially for his 17th birthday. However, since I am your mother and I know you best, I had a feeling I would need to help you in this department. I took the liberty of going into Bourgin and Burke’s on the weekend and purchased a rare black diamond ring for Draco on your behalf. I think he will like it and I think you will too. I hope you are studying well for your exams, 
You tried to rip open the wrapping on the box but it wouldn't move. The fold at the bottom lifted itself up a bit and ran across your finger, giving you a papercut. A thin line of blood collected on its edge and the wrapping dissolved leaving you with a red ring box, she was always partial to a bit of blood magic. You lifted the lid to see a thick silver band, it looked like it was either white gold or platinum, your mother thought sterling silver was too cheap, the oval cut diamond set atop a larger oval of platinum. It wasn't too plain but it also wasn’t overly gaudy, just as Draco liked it. You returned to the library with your second gift, making a note to hide it under your bed with your painting.
The next few weeks went past in a blur of mock exams and constant revision. Your first exam wasn’t until the 10th of June, giving you plenty of time to celebrate Draco’s birthday properly. The night before his birthday, half of Slytherin house was gathered in the common room waiting for it to hit midnight. You asked the elves to bake a cake for him and smuggled it with some snacks to have a small party with your friends. 
At 11.59 you pulled a tie out from behind you and held it up.
“Gonna let me tie you up huh?” Draco asked with a smirk. 
“Nice try, Malfoy, but this is for you” You replied getting up and tying it around his eyes. 
“What are you doing, Y/L/N?” 
You pointed your wand at the wall causing birthday banners and streamers to hang. Blaise brought the cake in from the 1st year dormitory. The large grandfather clock donged deeply as it hit midnight, you pulled his blindfold down as the whole common room burst into a rendition of happy birthday. He laughed and put his arm around your waist pulling you into his side. Nott finished the song on a horrible high note as Draco blew his candles out. 
“Make a wish, Draco” Pansy shouted. 
“I don’t need to, I've got everything I could wish for right next to me.”
You smiled up at him and gave him a kiss before addressing the crowd. “Eat my friends,” You felt like Dumbledore as plates of food dotted themselves around the common room. The attention moved from Draco to the food as everyone got up and attacked. 
“Happy birthday, my love,” You said wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thank you, princess, I wasn’t expecting this at all.”
“Only the best for my boyfriend”
You spent the next few hours playing truth or dare with your housemates, it was cut short when Snape barged into the common room, the decorations were ripped off the wall and the music from the radio stopped. 
“I am going to give you until the count of 10 to return to your dormitory, anyone I still see standing here will be spending every weekend for the rest of the year cleaning with filch”
He began to count down from 10 as everyone scrambled to run into their dorms and get into bed. 
You were so excited to surprise Draco with his presents that you skipped breakfast, instructing Daphne to tell him to meet you in the astronomy tower. You decided you were going to decorate your spot a little bit, you set up a soft blanket and some cupcakes and hung up the leftover banners and streamers from your midnight party in the common room. You had his gifts wrapped up with ribbon and some bows just to be extra, they sat in the centre of your blanket, the canvas taking up a large chunk of it. You had realised Draco would probably struggle to take the canvas back home, but that would be a problem he would have to deal with later.
 “Y/N?” His voice called out from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Up here, love” You replied, your head popping up over the bannister. 
He broke into a smile when he saw you and rushed up the stairs taking them two at a time. You sat on the edge of the blanket and waited for him.
“Happy 17th birthday, Draco” You exclaimed as he reached the top. 
His smile got even wider as he pulled you up and into a tight hug. 
“I am so in love with you, do you know that?” he mumbled into your neck.
“I hope you feel the same after you see your presents,”
“Darling, you know you didn’t have to get me anything, you’re the best gift I could have ever received”
“I didn’t have to but I wanted to, here look” 
His eyes fell onto the two wrapped gifts, he sat himself down and opened the top present. 
“How did you get your hands on this?” he pulled the ring out and examined it closely.
“RIght so backstory to this, my mum didn’t believe that my original present was traditional enough to be a ‘wizard’s 17th birthday present’ so she went out to Bourgin and Burke and got this, but I wouldn’t have given it to you had I thought you wouldn't like it, so think of this as a gift from your in-laws.”
“My father’ll be jealous, he's been wanting a black diamond in his collection for ages now” He put the ring back in the box and was about to shut it.
“Wait, let me put it on. you put my ring on, so I’ll put yours on, practise for the big day”
He smiled at you as you sat down next to him and pulled the ring back out of the box. He held his left hand out for you and you slid the ring onto his ring finger.  
“You know after this, they tend to kiss” He grinned. 
“Oh yes, of course, if we’re going to practise we should be thorough” You pulled his head down and his lips met yours for a passionate kiss. 
He pulled back after a few moments with a grin. 
“We should keep practising, just to be on the safe side”
“Enough flirting, Malfoy you have another gift to open”
He turned and picked up the canvas in his hands.
“Is this the one you were sneaking away for?”
You nodded and he began to tear off the wrapping. He got up and placed it against the wall and stood there looking at it, silently. He was silent for a while as he watched the loop of Draco spinning you out and then dipping you on your return with a kiss. Although he hadn't said anything, you got the feeling that he didn't particularly like this gift. He was probably thinking of a way to let you down easily.
“Do you not like it?” You asked quietly.
“What? No!” he turned around with a genuine smile. “I love it, darling, it's perfect. Honestly, it's beautiful.”
You physically relaxed and went to stand next to him. “You said you didn’t like the painting in your room above the fire so I thought I’d give you something to change it with, I’m just not sure if your mother would like it, since its not one of those classical masterpieces.”
“I don’t care what my mother thinks, as soon as I get home, I’m hanging this right up on my wall. I just never knew you could paint like this”
“My mum made me start painting when I was three, I stopped lessons as soon as I started Hogwarts but I kept it up on the side as a hobby and, well, I thought I’d immortalise your favourite memory of us.”
“You never cease to amaze me” He turned and pulled you into him “Thank you,”
“Don’t be silly it’s your birthday, stupid”
“Not just for this, for everything. For putting up with everything, the jealousy, the anger, the-”
“Hey, I’m not putting up with anything, I love you, Draco, all of you”
“Merlin, I can’t wait to marry you” His lips crashed into yours for a frenzied kiss, overwhelmed with emotion. “This is by far the best birthday I’ve ever had, nothing will be able to top this”
And he wasn’t lying. Whenever he was asked, by his kids, his grandkids even his great-grandkids, what his favourite birthday celebration was, his response was always the same, his 17th birthday.
235 notes · View notes
kiddoryder · 3 years
Times to Heal
For @wombatking enjoy! Thanks for commissioning me!
Anne was in her room just laying down in bed. She was happy that she and her frog family were able to get back to Wartwoods, find Sasha and even freed Marcy. However, they all had to go into hiding due to King Andres now trying to find them. Anne was not only worried about that, but she was looking for a bit down and saw a picture of her, Sasha, and Marcy. She had mixed feelings about it. It's like she had good times with them, but yet, she felt like it was nothing but lies. She was about to rip it but couldn't bring herself to do it. The strange thing is Anne didn’t know why she couldn’t do it. 
 “Anne you, okay?”
 Anne - Huh? *Turns her head and see Sprig standing next to her* Oh yeah, I’m okay.
 Sprig - *concerned* “Are you sure? You can tell me.”
 Anne - *sighs* “I don’t know, I mean I feel like the picture is based on lies.”
 Sprig - *confused* “What picture?”
 Anne shows him the picture of her, Sasha, and Marcy. Sprig was surprised because he didn't think Anne would still have the picture after everything that happened between her and Sasha. However he can see that Sasha is still important to Anne.”
 Sprig - “Oh yeah.”
 Anne - “I just don’t know if our friendship is a lie or not. I mean Sasha not only tried to have Hop Pop executed for his crimes, but also tried to kill us at the Toad Tower.”
 Sprig - “I know…”
 Anne - “I know I tried to save her when she was about to fall, but I just have a feeling she hasn’t changed at all. I’m glad Marcy is still the same but not Sasha…It's like she is just using me and Marcy as puppets just so she can get what she wants. Maybe she doesn’t care about us…”
 Sprig: (*feeling bad for Anne*) “I’m sorry what you’re going through Anne.”
 Anne - “It’s okay, I just wish she could be a good friend for once. I feel like I was so blind being friends with her.”
 Sprig - “Yeah…But at least you have me. I know I would never do any of that to you.”
 Anne - *smiles* “Yeah. That’s true.” 
 Sprig - “You even have Hop Pop and Polly.”
 Polly - *dirty and running away* “You will never take me alive! I would rather die than get clean.”
 Hop Pop a *chases her* “Polly, get back here! You’re cover in mud and other stuff I do not want to know.”
 Polly - “Never!”
 Anne and Sprig laugh at the two. She knows that Sprig is right because despite losing Sasha, she still has the Planters and Marcy at her side. 
 Anne - “Well, whatever happened, at least I got you guys.”
 Meanwhile Sasha was in her room looking at pictures of her Anne and Marcy. She sighs Grimes came in.
 Grime - “Ah Sasha! You’re just in time to hear about my latest plan to- *noticed how she is looking down* What's wrong with you?”
 Sasha - *sigh* “it’s nothing. I was just looking at my photo of my friends.”
 Grimes - *annoyed* Ugh again? You look at that photo almost every day! It’s just a picture.”
 Sasha - *mad* “Hey, it's not just a picture! They're my friends, and I’ll do anything to get them back so we can go home. But lately, they don’t trust me. Especially Anne. 
 Grime - “Well we do need their trust if we want to do the invasion. I think the only way is to proof that you change. That way we can go through with our plan.”
 Sasha - “Yeah that’s true. Because honestly, I didn’t expect Anne and Marcy to change this much. I guess it’s my turn.”
 Grime - “Yeah. If you don’t fix this now, our plan to attack the King would never work.”
 Anne - *panting* “Man…That was brutal.” 
 Sprig - *panting* “That was…One of the toughest battles yet…”
 Hop Pop - *panting* “Yeah but…It was…Worth it!”
 Polly - *pouting and clean* “Ugh…Stupid bath. What it ever done for me?”
 Sprig - “Keep you clean and not smelly.”
 Then they heard a knock on the door. 
 Polly - “I got it!” 
 Polly moved herself to the door and try to reach the door. But due to her height, she couldn’t really reach it. 
 Polly - “Hmm stupid door. Good thing I have old Betsy.”
 Hop Pop - *terrified* “Oh geez not old Betsy!”
 Anne - *confused* “Wait, who’s Old-“
 Then Polly took out a big mallet and began pounding the door. She kept pounding and pounding until the door was broken into dust. 
 Sprig - *whispers to Anne* “Polly is more brutal with Old Betsy. She even uses it on the carriage when it got stuck in the mud* 
 Anne - *equally terrified* “Yeah I can tell Polly love that thing.”
 At the broken door there was Marcy. Marcy was holding a letter. 
 Marcy - “Hey Anna Banana!”
 Anne - *happily* “Mar Mar!”
 Both girls hugged each other, and Marcy said: 
 Marcy - “I got a letter for you and Me.”
 Anne - “Really? Who’s it from?”
 Marcy looks at the letter and her eyes widen in Surprise. 
 Marcy - “It’s from Sasha!”
 Anne - *surprised* “Really? *confused* Wait, why would she write us a letter?”
 Marcy - “Well we are hiding from King Andres. She probably wants us to be safe.”
 Sprig - “What does it say?”
 Marcy - “Sasha wanted to talk to us, Anne. She said it’s really important.”
 Sasha - *uncertain* “Are you sure we should go?”
 Hop Pop - “I think you and Marcy should go.”
 Anne - “What? But what about you guys?”
 Sprig - “Don't worry about us. We will be okay. Beside we got our weapons *take out his sling shot*”
 Polly - “And if that doesn’t work, we still have Doris!” *Take out Doris the rolling pin*
 Anne and Marcy chuckled, and they left to go meet up with Sasha. 
 Anne - “Hey Mar Mar, did Sasha say why we have to meet her at the lake?”
 Marcy - “Well lakes are one of the most relaxing places. Sometimes even swimming in them can help calm the mind.”
 Anne - “Do you really think Sasha changed?”
 Marcy - “I believe so. I mean she help battling the king and even freed me.”
 Anne - “True…But she lied so much I can’t tell what’s she saying is even true anymore. Sometimes I even wonder if our friendship is nothing but lies.”
 Marcy - “I say we give her a chance. I mean she did risk her life for us.”
 Anne - “Yeah but-“
 Sasha - “Oh you finally came!”
 Anne and Marcy saw Sasha waving at them near the lake. Anne was surprised that Grimes wasn’t there with her. Grimes is always with Sasha and not seeing him with her is weird. Then again, it could be a sign that Sasha really did change. 
 Marcy - “I’m so glad that you are okay Sash!”
 Sasha - *scoff* “Oh please. Andres' army is nothing compared to mine and Grimes.”
 Anne - *uncomfortable* “Uh yeah. So why did you tell us to come here?”
 Sasha - “Because this is one of the safest places to be right now. Listen what I got to tell you is very important. You see I-“
 Then all of a sudden, they heard the lake rumbling. The lake bubbles, and then a giant water snake comes out. The water snake monster then saw Anne, eyes widened and made a loud ferocious roar. It tried to attack the girls, but they all jump out of the way. 
 Sasha - *freaked out* “Since when can snake swim?!”
 Marcy - “There are actually snakes who live in water!”
 Anne - *scared* “And that snake definitely wants revenge!”
 Marcy - “You know that thing?!”
 Anne - “Last time I saw it, Sprig nearly burn it organs!”
 The snake roared again. It also tried to attack, but the girls dodge it again. Anne realizes that the snake looks stronger, yet in tongue is badly burnt. 
 Anne - “Okay guys I have a plan-“
 Sasha - *determination*  “I got this!”
 Anne - *worried* “No Sash wait!”
 But Sasha didn’t listen. Sasha took out her sword and tried to stab the snake, but the snake pushes her away. Sasha landed on her feet and tried to attack again but the snake went underwater. Sasha looks frustrated and jump on the lily pads hoping to find the snake but didn’t see anything. 
 Anne - “Mar Mar we gotta help her!”
 Marcy - “On it!” 
 Both Anne and Marcy jump on the lily pads and use their hands to paddle where Sasha is. Sasha was still looking for the snake. 
 Sasha - *growls* “Come on out you stupid snake!”
 Marcy - “Sasha, some snakes can swim really fast!”
 Then Marcy looked down at the water and saw the snake swimming. She tried shooting her bow and arrow in the water hoping it could stop the snake. The snake came out and had arrows in his body, but it didn’t affect him at all. It just stood inside like small toothpicks. Marcy was about to shoot again but this time aiming for the eyes, but then Sasha jumped in front of Marcy. 
 Sasha - “I got this Marbles!”
 Marcy - “No Sasha! It’s too strong.”
 Sasha - “I handle worse things than this.”
 Anne - “Sasha listens!”
 But Sasha didn’t listen. Instead she did a high jump and landed on the snake’s head. She tried to stab the giant snake monster, but the snake monster roar and kept moving around trying to shake off Sasha. Sasha tried to hold on tight but was slowly losing grip. Then the snake did a headbutt to make Sasha loose grip and use its tail to smack Sasha away like if she was a fly. Anne and Marcy watch in horror seeing Sasha got smack and land hard. Sasha did a painful scream and felt pain especially around her ankle. The pain was too much and the last thing she heard was her friends calling her name. 
 Sasha moaned and felt a dull pain. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed she was on a couch. Then something was on her chest and saw Polly looking at her in the face. 
 Polly - “Hello! Hey! Everybody, she's awake!” 
 Everybody went to see Sasha awake with Polly on her chest. 
 Hop Pop - “Good job Polly, you earn a cookie.”
 Hop Pop gave her a cookie and Polly happily eats it. 
 Sasha - *confused* “Guys? Where am I?”
 Anne - “Back home. We got away from the snake monster just in time.”
 Marcy - “We told Hop Pop what happened, and he had a doctor help you.”
 Sasha - *touched* “Oh…Thanks.”
 She was about to get up, but wince in pain. She looked and saw how her foot was now in a cast. And noticed that there were some drawings on it.
 Sprig - “Anne said when a person broke a bone, they wear a cast.”
 Sasha - *shocked* “Wait what?”
 Hop Pop - “You broke your ankle there Sasha. Told you that lake too dangerous. Sometimes I feel like these people don’t listen to me! I might of well speak their language to understand them.”
 Sasha - *shocked* “I broke my ankle…”
 Marcy - “But don't worry! It will heal in a few weeks.”
 Polly - “Hey! I know you’re upset about the whole ankle thing. Trust me, I would be upset too if I broke my ankle. I mean now with these babies, *pointed to her legs* I can fight much faster!”
 Sasha - “What do you want?”
 Polly - “Anne told me with something like this happens, you draw on the cast! So here’s one of my best artworks!”
 Polly began to draw on the cast. Then she finished and look proud of her work.
 Polly - “Ta da! It’s you are fighting the snake and if you got eaten by it!”
 Sasha - *creeped out* “Uhh….Thanks.”
 Anne - “Uhh guys? Can you leave us alone for a minute? We want to talk to Sasha.”
 Hop Pop - “Well alright then. We will be in the kitchen if you need us.”
 Sprig - “And we will let you know if any of Andres goons come!”
 The planters went to the kitchen to give Anne, Marcy, and Sasha some privacy. Sasha was shocked that she broke her ankle. She is Grimes second in command…She felt like she had to be stronger and not get hurt. She felt like a failure because not only she got hurt, but probably felt like she blew her chance. 
 Anne - *worried*  “Sasha what we’re you thinking?! You could have been killed!”
 Sasha - “I’m sorry Anne…I just felt like I had to do it.”
 Marcy - “But we could have done it together.”
 Anne - “Do you realize how worried we were about you?!”
 Sasha - “Look I- *realize something* you were worried about me?”
 Marcy - “Of course we were! We didn’t want you to get killed.”
 Sasha - “But…Why did you save me? After the horrible things I did.”
 Anne - “Cause Sash, yes you did horrible things, but not even you deserve death. But why did you want to fight that thing alone? We could have done it together.”
 Sasha - *snapped* “Because I wanted to prove it to guys!” 
 Marcy - *confused* “Proof what?”
 Sasha - *sighs* “That I really changed. Ever since coming here, and…That day Anne ended our friendship.”
 Anne - “Well it was temporary.”
 Sasha - “It doesn’t matter. When Anne called me a horrible person it  made me realize she was right…I really was a horrible person.”
 Marcy - “Oh come on Sash-“
 Sasha - “Marcy don’t you get it?! I tried to kill Anne's friends, I tried to take over innocent frogs' lives, and worst: I didn’t care about yours or Anne’s feelings. I just cared about myself and the stuff I wanted. Even when Sprig called me a bully, it made me realize that: I hated when other people bully you, but I was doing the same thing. I kept telling you guys what to do and what not to do like if you were puppets. At this point I feel like maybe I don’t deserve to be your friend and instead be friends with death.”
 Sasha had a few tears slip her eyes. Anne and Marcy look concerned and worried. They had never seen Sasha cry before. Seeing Sasha cry and how she truly felt made Anne realize Sasha instead truly did change for the better. For once, Sasha feels truly guilty about her selfishness and how it affects others. Then in a Surprised moment, Sasha felt being in a tight hug. 
 Anne - “Sasha…I’m really sorry for what I said…You're not a horrible person. Yes, I’ll admit before, you were bossy, but you actually did prove to me and Marcy that you truly do care about us.”
 Marcy - “Yeah. I mean you save me from Andres. You help us fight him and get the music box. You always protect us from bullies and other horrible things. Plus your leadership and bravery is awesome.”
 Anne - “We care about you Sasha. We always have.”
 Sasha had more tears in her eyes. But this time they were tears of joy. Sasha hug Anne and even Marcy tightly because she finally got her friends back. Then they felt more hugs and this time it was by the Planters. They didn’t mind one bit.
 Sasha was struggling with her crutches. She never used her crutches before, and it was hard. It was like learning how to walk with new legs. Then she felt two hands helping her. Sasha looked up and saw it was Anne and Marcy smiling at her. 
 Marcy - “You need to put them under your arms.”
 Sasha then put the crutches under her arms, and they felt comfortable. 
 Anne - “And put the crutches first then yourself.”
 Sasha did what her friends told her, and it work. Sasha smiled and said:
 Sasha - “Thanks guys. Uh how did you know how to use crutches?”
 Marcy - “I use to have these a lot whenever I had an accident.”
 Anne - “And I use to have this one time when I sprained my ankle. After that skateboard incident when we roll down the hill.”
 Sasha - *surprised* “Really? I didn’t know riding that hill would hurt you. I thought it was because you trip over that huge rock.”
 Anne - *rubbing her head* “Yeah I kind of lied about that. I didn’t want to make you feel bad.”
 Sasha - *sadly* “Oh…I’m really sorry about that.”
 Anne - “Hey it doesn’t matter now. What matters most is making you better.”
 Sasha - *smiles* “Thank guys.”
 Marcy - “And I find different ways to train you.”
 Sasha - *surprised* “Really?”
 Anne - “Yeah I mean we can teach you different sword techniques.”
 Marcy - “And plan out different ways of Andres weakness.”
 Anne - “The three of us can do this to defeat Andres and save the world.”
 Sasha - *smiles* “Yes. Together we can do this.”
 They put their hands together and smiles. 
 Marcy - “Oh! One more thing.”
 Marcy and Anne took out a maker and drew on Sasha’s cast. Sasha looked and smiled. It was a drawing of the three of them doing fighting poses along with the Planters and Grimes. Sasha is deeply touch on how her friends will be on her side and fix the relationship with them. 
 A few weeks later Sasha’s ankle was all better. After recovering, she began practicing her fighting, new tactics, and even being a better friend to Anne and Marcy. Then it was the day of the final battle with Andres. 
 Sasha - “Okay. We can do this. All of us. It’s a battle to defeat a so-called King.”
 Marcy - “If our plans work, we can defeat Andres once and for all!”
 Anne - “And we can all do it! We can do this!”
 Their army cheered and they all began to walk. Sasha first walk by herself but then saw Anne next to her. Then she saw Marcy, Sprig, Hop Pop, Polly, and Grimes by her side. 
 Sasha - “Hey Anne? Thank you for everything.”
 Anne - “No problem. Now let do this.”
 Hope you like it!
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
A Fool’s Endeavor: Sparring
Still at the beginning of their travels, Jester Lure and his companions have stopped at a small village to rest. During the night, Lure cannot sleep, so he goes to find a distraction. Little does he know but he is not to be alone long.
  The night was cool and the jester caught the scent of smoke from a nearby bonfire or chimney. He grimaced at the familiar smell and turned to the edge of the inn, stepping into a small alley and into the patch of empty space between the inn and the house behind it. It wasn’t much room, but it was enough for what he was intending on doing. The cover was more than enough to keep him from embarrassing himself and somewhat protect him from less than savory watchers. He looked over the spear, weighed it in his grasp, and lightly began to sway it back and forth. He jabbed it forward into nothing, as though stabbing a snake through the scales. It felt like it would be easy to wield it. Perhaps this would be a better choice than playing around with a short knife with a slippery grip.     Just when he was starting to become familiar with his invisible enemies, he heard the sound of low footsteps from behind. Paranoia kicked in and he braced himself, clutching the spear close to his chest as he waited to see if they were passing by or watching. Another soft footstep. It could’ve been that man that was watching back in the inn. Lure held his breath and pointed the spear ahead, hiding the opposite end between his arm and torso. He took ahold of spear tighter and waited for the footsteps to get closer. Once they did, he shoved the bamboo spear back, striking whoever it was with the blunt side of the weapon. It made contact, but then the intruder grabbed ahold of the spear and yanked at it. Lure spun himself around and used his weight to try and yank the pole out of the man’s grasp.     There was Morrick. Looking tired and as sober as ever, he yanked the spear easily from Lure’s hands. Though the jester wasn’t exactly fighting to keep ahold of it.     “If you had a proper grip, you wouldn’t have lost this,” Morrick spoke as he lifted the spear for emphasis. Lure didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or not, but he had run out of words for a moment or two. “…I expected Balsam to ask me how to use this, but he isn’t interested in fighting. He’s made that clear.” Morrick continued, “but you are, and if that means you need to learn then so be it.”     “I think I know what you’re suggesting, but you’re trying too hard to be vague,” Lure pointed out. Then the amusement returned, “And you scolded me for my wordplay earlier.”     “Do you want to learn?” Morrick asked directly.     “Are you willing to teach a jester?” Lure challenged back. “Even though I’m such an untrustworthy fool, would you risk your time?” He then remembered that it was not the knight who had said those words- mostly because Morrick got a confused look. “You can’t stand me.”     “More the reason to get you in a battle,” Morrick retorted. The corner of his mouth turned upwards in a small smirk. Something was weird about it. Or, more accurately, something about seeing the smirk made the jester feel a lot smaller. “If you agree to it, then I’ll help you. If you won’t, I won’t offer again.”     “Then we have the night!” Lure jovially remarked. He took the spear back and put immediate distance between them. He needed at least a foot of space to regain his bearings. “Teach me, dear knight. Teach this humble fool the art of your trade.” He planted the spear into the dirt and gave a dramatic bow.     “Don’t go too far. We’re starting with something close.” With a few steps, Morrick was back to looming over the jester, who stared upwards at him. “This is the easiest thing I can teach you and probably the most important thing that you can learn. Since you don’t have much formal training and are weaker in the arms, this will be the key to stopping your enemies.” He took the spear right back. Then in a subtle swoop, he caught the pole behind one of Lure’s feet and knocked it out from under him. The jester teetered a moment before regaining balance.     “For someone made for jester work- hopping around and moving too much- something like this doesn’t seem effective, but the bigger they are the harder they fall. If it’s a knight wearing armor and they go down,” Morrick smirked. “They stay down.”     “That’s clever, but it seems a little…”     “It’s basic,” Morrick finished. “You need these basics to keep you afloat. You can’t just wield a spear for one day and think you can handle anything above the simple rules.” His smugness then returned once more. “Now let’s see how many times I can get you on your back.”     Morrick showed him the exact same motion as before, but slower. After that one time he began to make due on his promise; he began attempting to outright knock the jester down. Lure was quick, he learned fast, and he nearly danced his way out of every motion.     Then Morrick’s eyes shifted upwards. “There’s someone watching,” he forewarned. Lure blinked and looked back into the night.     “Probably just that guy eyeing us- Ugh!” This was the first time that Lure hit the ground. He immediately felt his ribs seize as the muscles in his back protested. There was a wave of pain that he wasn’t expecting. After a moment, he choked in air, “That- Very clever.” He coughed and made no attempt to stand. “…If you just broke my ribs, I’m making you carry me back upstairs.”     “That was barely a stumble,” Morrick scrutinized. Not that the jester was surprised; not only had he probably seen worse, but he knew absolutely nothing about the wounds he was recovering from. “More of a reason not to get knocked down. Make sure to focus on your enemy.”     “You were so much more fun earlier,” Lure lamented as he rolled onto his side. “Just need a second.” Sweat caused his already tight costume to cling uncomfortably and everything felt too stuffy. Especially his mask, which he regretted not being able to just take off. Being on the ground only made it all feel so much more uncomfortable.     The knight wandered over to a stack of firewood propped behind the inn and sat himself down. He briefly checked over the tethering on the spear before setting it beside him and staring out. He had brought his new weapon with him as well but saw no reason to unsheathe it. It wasn’t the weapon being taught; it would just leave the lesson confused.     Then Lure pushed himself upwards and stared across the grass at Morrick. The mask seemed to almost glow in the scarce moonlight, giving it a haunting appearance. His voice was direct, “Why don’t you like jesters?”     The knight remarked with a dry chuckle. “You’re taking that fall harder that you are supposed to. You’re supposed to get back up, brush yourself off, and fight back.”     “No, not the training. How dull do you think I am?” Lure corrected. He crossed his arms defiantly, still sitting on the ground. “Let’s do this now so that we don’t have to do it later when Balsam is watching. You clearly have trouble being in a group with a jester.”     “I don’t trust people who I know for only a day and almost manage to get me killed,” Morrick agreed, “but you manage to still stand out on your own… Ever hear of the tale of Mince the Martyr?” Lure perked at this question.     “Of course! Mince the martyr monk leaves the monastery- with a jester, of course- to find a dragon’s tooth so that he may impress the king of the lands. Who hasn’t heard that one?” He tapped his gloved fingers on the ground. “Mince then lets it go to his head, takes all the credit, and becomes the king’s right-hand man. All the while, the jester-.”     “Stabs him in the back with a silver blade,” Morrick broke in. “The jester is jealous and gets his revenge… But you’re not the type for revenge.”     “And that means?” Lure’s voice lost any forced interest. It now was stuck on a low tone, prepared to snap back. “You can’t assume that all jesters would kill for revenge.”     “I don’t,” Morrick clarified. “I could see you as more like Mince. I could see you abandoning us if there was a better path.” Lure’s hands tightened in the grass. This wasn’t what he expected to hear and it was surprisingly upsetting him. He sort of would’ve preferred being compared to the jester in the scenario. He closed his eyes and forced himself to stand.     “That’s really a shame,” Lure answered. He stared Morrick down with coldness that wouldn’t make it through his mask. He spat out, “because I didn’t get these bruises on my body protecting myself.”     With that, he turned and headed off. He couldn’t roll with it, he couldn’t stay in character, and he angrily went to leave.  By time he stepped back inside Balsam and his shared room, he was a mess of frustration. He stormed over to his bed and tore off his mask, throwing it down on the bed. Then he started to go for his cowl-.     The door started to open and anger turned to alarm. Lure let out a choke and fumbled to reach for his mask. He couldn’t tie it on in time, so he was stuck holding it against his face as he turned back towards none other than Morrick. Morrick sent a glance to Balsam’s bed, seeing him still asleep, and crossed to the jester. He handed over the spear and the jester stiffly accepted it. He then expected the knight to leave, but he didn’t. Instead, Morrick quietly spoke.     “I apologize,” he started. “You took care of the princess, you protected her… And my suggestion that you would turn against her or any other is out of line. I think I am above judging someone over their profession…” Morrick took a moment to pause and Lure crossed his arm over his chest. It was supposed to make him look more unwavering, but he doubted it was working. “…But we’ve antagonizing each other since we met and this partnership isn’t going to work unless we can get past this.”     “It’s just part of the act,” Lure defended. He clutched himself a bit tighter. “I’m not actively trying to disrespect you, I’m just doing what I’ve done for years. Eventually you become the mask.” He tapped onto his mask for emphasis to this claim. Then he shuffled around on his feet.     “I know. I can’t afford to take it hard, not when we’ve got more important things to worry about.” Tiredness passed Morrick’s face and he suddenly looked more human than knight. It was a baffling transformation and more potent than his confession at the campfire. “We need to pull together for the sake of the journey and the sake of the princess.”     “If we don’t kill each other first,” Lure muttered softly. Yet while he said this, he couldn’t help but be in a state of shock. Nobody ever apologized, let alone acknowledged that something they suggested upset him. Especially considering that it was a nobleman currently admitting that he was at fault, when in actuality it was them both. “But… You’re right. Maybe I have been antagonizing you a little too much. Balsam seemed to think that…” He let his voice trail off. Before Morrick could add in, Lure continued. “I apologize as well and I agree that we need to try and work together. This… General bitterness- whatever this is, we’ll have to work around it.”     “I agree.”     “As do I.”     “And I would be honored to teach you. You’re willing to learn from a knight who failed in his golden hour; that is much more respect than I have shown you,” Morrick offered.     “And I would be honored to learn,” Lure responded. “To even get the offer is more than most would give.”     Unfortunately, this led to a long period of uncomfortable silence. With Lure still holding his mask and Morrick looking towards Balsam, neither seemed like they knew how to end this conversation. Then the knight took charge by turning and heading to the door to return to his room. The jester set the spear aside and followed him to the door and considered how he would end this.     “One more thing…” Lure quietly alerted as Morrick stepped out into the corridor. “You’re much more fun when ale’s involved,” he playfully quipped. He awaited a response, wanting to see if everything was really back to being alright.     “Maybe,” the knight agreed. Then a small smile came back with a slight smugness added. “At least I can handle it.” A joke at the jester’s expense, but certainly not malicious. Instead of offense, Lure felt relieved.     “That stuff tasted like lamp oil and you know it,” Lure denied right back. “But if you ever get anything worth a damn, let me know. Preferably something that had to be aged.”     “I don’t think you’re ready for something that strong. Might put you on your back,” Morrick pointed out, “and I can do that without wine.”     “I don’t exactly like the way this conversation is turning,” Lure pointed out with a small chortle. “So, I bid you good night, my good knight.” Then he shut the door. It was over and maybe this time the recovery would stick.     His pulse started to quicken in giddiness. A knight- of noble blood- had spoken to him as an equal, even after treating him like something much lesser. There was a funny anecdote here, but it was too late and he was too tired to work it out.
This is the turning point in Lure and Morrick’s relationship, for after this moment the two work to become civil and the animosity wanes. Though they began travelling together before this, this truly is the moment where they become companions.  And the beginning of the temptations that come with it.
- - -
A Fool’s Endeavor: https://www.amazon.com/Fools-Endeavor-Janetje-Amabilis/dp/1719844909
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 506: Yin / Yang
The horrifying shrieks could heard in the distance; Ren remembered them all too well, as if they were permanently written upon his soul. Nora and Ren looked out over the cliff with terror. Nora reached over to grab Ren's hand. "I," she said and paused, "can't leave you." she voiced.
"If we," he said, struggling with breath, struggling with worry, with anger and sorrow, "if we think - it is the only choice."
"But?!" Nora shouted, "I can't leave you!"
"I," Ren voiced, still struggling for breath, still trying to contain all that was within him, "I will join you - as soon as I'm able. But our friends are down there. Jaune and Ruby are down there. They - need - you - far - more - than I."
"But..." Nora tried to say, and Ren pulled on her arm until she looked him in the tear-sodden eyes.
"Make the same choice that Jaune made when we left." Ren said to her, "Do what you can in the now, or there might not be a future." Tears formed in Nora's eyes and gently graced her cheeks. "This is the first time," he said, with a pause, "in a long time - I've seen you with pause. It is... unsettling." he said to her.
Nora let go of his hand and slowly drew Magnhild. She stood on the hammer and with one last sorrowful look, launched herself into the air. Ren watched as her wings opened and she glided off down the cliff. He breathed in deeply a couple times before leaping after her. He snaked from limb to limb of the trees down the mountain, drawing StormFlower's blades when he needed extra grip. As he descended the air became both sweeter and more sickening. He became more and less awake at the same time.
The terror filled him more and more, but the adrenaline it created drove him onward. Fear and failure were the greatest enemies a warrior could face. One he could deal with, the other would destroy him. He couldn't lose any more.
* * *
"So," Taiyang said to Yang as they stood in the barn, "I'll ask you one more time, where - are you going?" He said as her eyes unfocused and flittered about restlessly, as the thoughts bounced around in her head. It was a few minutes before she made any real movement, and it was one step towards him. "Just tell me, Dad, why did you leave me the letter? Okay, I'll admit, I wasn't exactly listening, like usual, but..."
"What letter?" Taiyang asked.
"The one that said Summer Princess?" Yang asked him, accusingly, but Taiyang just looked lost in reply.
"I've..." he tried to say, unsure even of what was happening, "I figured it was... it was from?.."
"Who?" Yang asked.
Taiyang breathed in deep before replying, "I've never called you Summer Princess." he said simply.
"But?.." she asked.
"I call you Summer Dragon." he said, "Or Sunshine." he added, teetering his head.
Before he realized it, Yang had pushed passed him with her regenerated arm and ran out of the shed. She quickly rushed into the house, and up the stairs, the walls and bannister barely surviving the onslaught. She reached her room and picked up the letter, seeing it still sealed. "My Summer Princess."
I don't know how to say this... I'm so sorry... I couldn't be with you...
But Ruby...
Ruby always seems to know where she is needed most... and... I'm sure you've noticed how much help she needs when she gets there... a lot more than I do. But I know you will survive this. You are the strongest, most amazing woman I've ever known. Just thinking about you gives me confidence... confidence I'm afraid I am borrowing from you. It should be you, here, with Ruby, not me... I know you could do a lot more for her than I could...
and I'm rambling about myself. I told you I'm not really good at this... just... like... I'm really not good at anything...
But, uh, hope to see you soon. We could really use your help... and I would love to see your face... even... if for... a moment...
Oh, man, you've got me going now. Uh, bye.
Jaune Arc
Yang fell down to her knees and her head touched the desk. She stood up and rushed from the room back to the shed, getting on her motorcycle and heading out, barely waving goodbye to her father.
* * *
The terrifying cry echoed about the city like metal scratching the back of their next... like claws on their souls. They paused for a moment before Jaune looked at Ruby. "What are you doing?!" he asked her.
"Fighting with you!" she replied, as she pulled out Crescent Rose and expanded it.
"What?," he asked, "No!" He pulled out Black Prince and extended it to a bill. She nearly cried then and there. "What, no, you're great at swooping in at the last minute with your scythe and saving me. Do that."
"OH!?" Ruby exclaimed, and turned into rose petals, flying up to a rooftop.
"Don't take the first shot!" Jaune shouted, drawing an arrow from his quiver, "Keep your distance!" he said, as he knocked the arrow against the hidden string and pulled. The blade folded forward and away safely, and he still marveled at how perfectly it worked as a longbow. Were modern weapons made of magic. He shook his head. "Keep your distance until we know what it can do!"
"Aye-aye!" Ruby shouted, and Jaune quickly looked up at her.
"What was that?!" Jaune asked.
"I'm agreeing with you!"
"Oh..." he voiced, looking back at where the noises were coming from, "ah..." The black thing came around a corner. It looked liked a colossal black horse with a black rider, but... it definitely wasn't anything like Human. It had a horse-neck and head, four horse legs, two Human-like arms, along with a Human-like head and neck. He really wasn't sure what to aim for, so he picked centre of mass. He pulled his bow to a full bend before loosing it, the power still surprising him. It felt like launching a freight train. Said freight train of an arrow passed clean through the Grimm. It created dissolving black Grimm dust and visibly stunned it, but didn't seem to do any real damage. "Well, that's - just - wonderful." he dejectedly sighed. He turned his weapon back into a bill. The horse-head looked between them before the body lined up with Qrow laying against a tree.
Jaune quickly put his weapon away, on the back of his right hip, and ran towards Qrow. He looked back down to the right momentarily, in awe at how easy it was to fold up and put away. He shook his head and redoubled his efforts to get there, pulling his shield out as he ran. He made it in time and ducked down to pick up Qrow. Ruby dove down as rose petals. She landed just in time to cut through one of the legs with her scythe. The caused the creature to stumble, giving Jaune enough time to pick up Qrow as it collapsed in front of them. Jaune ran away as Ruby fired, hitting it in the withers. It was trying to stand cand collapsed once again. The next shot rocked through the hindquarters, causing it again to stumble. By now Jaune was out of sight, hiding Qrow within a building.
"Just..." Jaune voiced, "just keep calm." Qrow nodded as he struggled to pull out his flask. "Whatever." Jaune voiced, and turned to leave the house. He heard a crashing sound, and as he came out saw a building falling down with the creature rushing through it. Rose petals flittered away, first to one rooftop, pausing to aim a shot. She then flittered to the next roof and the next before aiming once again. This shot landed dead centre in the Grimm body. It caused it to collapse once again, but still... didn't seem to be doing any real damage.
Jaune saw something above and looked up, and it was Nora falling down heavily. The hammer landed on the Grimm and it was followed by a large, pink explosion that knocked the wind out of them. Nora waved when she heard something behind her. She turned about to see the Grimm struggling to stand back up. She visibly sighed at it. "Ugh! It got back up!" she gestured at it.
"Yeah!" Jaune replied, "It keeps doing that! Withdraw!"
Nora stood on her hammer and fired it, moving out of the way just as the creature's claws would have struck her.
"Don't get too close!" Jaune stated.
"You got it!" Nora replied, as another bullet from Crescent Rose shot through the creature. It created black dust that disappeared quickly. The creature now fully stood up, and now fell back to the ground. But again, there weren't any closer to killing it.
"Where's Ren?!" Ruby asked, and Nora visibly sighed. She then looked at Jaune.
* * *
Ren moved as quickly as he could through the trees of the forest, to make his way to the town. He could barely think as the anger and rage flowed through him. He lost his family to this creature before. He wouldn't let it happen again.
* * *
"What's the plan?!" Nora shouted, and it was Jaune's turn to visibly sigh. His eyes then caught something quickly moving. Ren had lept onto the back of the horse, the blades of his StormFlower imbeded in the Human-like part's neck. The spines on it's back quickly grew, but he had already dismounted to the left side. The Grimm's left arm and claws swept towards him, but he was already jumping out of the way of it. The arm than extended, lunging towards him before being intercepted by a pink explosion from Nora's grenade launcher. The hand and arm laid on the ground for a moment. Before it flexed as it started recover.
Ren stood, staring the creature down, looking into it's eyes... or at least one set of eyes. Jaune was already rushing over with his shield in hand to block the claws as they extended to Ren once again. "Keep moving." he said to him. "Circle around it."
Ren stood for a moment longer before he took off running, circling clockwise around the beast. Nora and Ruby were now on the ground, as Jaune put his shield away, drawing Black Prince with his right hand and folding it out to a bill. Jaune, Nora, and Ruby periodically struck through it's body and legs as Ren made well aimed shots to it's Human-like head. His focus was intently laid on the beast, too intently as the creatures claws extended to him. He was knocked backwards with his aura flickering. Everyone stood awestruck for a moment.
Jaune recovered first, "Ren, you're grounded!"
Ren struggled to his feet and stood, looking at the creature. It's arm extended to him once again. This time Ruby's scythe cut it off as Nora rushed towards him. She grabbed his hand, but Ren still looked at the beast. He turned to look her in her eyes and found her crying. She pulled his hand and he resisted. She pulled with her might and Aura, pulling him off his feet as she ran back and under a house.
The Grimm readied to charge at the house when it was rammed full speed by Jaune's antlers, knocking it to the side and causing it to stumble. Ren attempted to rejoin the battle but Nora held his hand in place. "Nora, let go!" he shouted, "Nora, they're going to get hurt if we don't!.."
Without even looking up Nora slapped him hard across the face.  He stopped and turned to face her, and she finally lets go, putting her hands in her lap. "No. I won't let you kill yourself like this." she said, every single word sounding like a cry for help. "After everything we've been through, I won't let it end."
She raised her head, but Ren saw his memory of Nora as a scared little girl before blinking and seeing her normally; both had tears in their eyes. So many thoughts and images flashed through his head, but it wasn't the end.
"I can borrow his shield." Ren quietly said, and Nora looked up, tear-sodden eyes seeming to glimpse hope, and she nodded.
Matching strides, they walked out from under the house, hearing the sounds of breaking stone, grunts from Jaune, and a couple of slow shots from Crescent Rose. Jaune dodged one of the extending claws when he turned to see them coming out from under the house. The creature turned towards them when Ruby's scythe cut of one of the back legs causing it to stumble.
"Ren!" Jaune shouted.
"Can I?.." Ren said, and paused for breath, trying his best to calm himself down. He darkened as he summoned his Semblance, "borrow your shield?"
Jaune looked him in the eyes for a moment before using his left hand to grab his collapsed shield and sword. It flashed with his Aura for a moment before he threw it to Ren. "You better have a good plan."
"If you could pin it's arms?" Ren asked, as he expanded the shield, just in time to deflect the claws from the creature. Jaune turned towards it once again and charged it, ramming it with his antlers. While it was kiltering, Ruby landed on it's far arm, using her scythe to pin it to the ground. Ren ran passed Jaune, tilting the the sword's hilt towards him. Jaune drew the sword as Ren ran passed, as Nora struct the horse-like body with her hammer. Jaune then used his sword to impale the arm as Ren walked up to the Human-like body. He paused momentarily to exhale before drawing a dagger from his boot and using it to cut the head off.
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Survey #369
“so close, no matter how far  /  couldn’t be much more from the heart  /  forever trusting who we are  /  and nothing else matters”
What are three emotions you experience regularly? Sadness, shame, and stress. Is there someone right now whom you really wish would care for you? -___- Does your job allow visible tattoos? I don’t have a job, but quite honestly, I probably wouldn't take a job that didn't. I just love tattoos a lot and plan on having many, and ignorance and old-fashioned bullshit isn't gonna stop me. Do you know anyone that’s transgender? Yes. Do you think dress codes are unfair? In some places, like schools, yes. Are in a relationship? Tell me about it. I'm not. How is your road rage? I don't have road rage. By god does my sister, though. Favorite cosmetic brands? I don't wear makeup nearly enough to have a preference. The beach or the pool? The pool. I hate the feeling of sand, plus the salty wind and heat. Manga or anime? Anime. Favorites for manga? I've never read any. It's tempting to read Deadman Wonderland since it continues off the very short anime, but I just don't want to. Manga isn't my style. Favorites for anime? Fullmetal Alchemist (including Brotherhood), Ginga Densetsu Weed, and Deadman Wonderland. Favorite academic subject? English. A card game that you’re good at? I'm not exceptionally good at any. Do you eat breakfast? Pretty much always. A popular book you haven’t read yet? To Kill A Mockingbird, to name one I feel like everyone had to read in school. Do you like sweaters? I'm an oversized hoodie person, really. I don't like the look of zippers. Do you like sushi? Never tried it, never will. Do you wear prescription glasses? Yes. I badly need a new pair, because I can't see for shit. Generally, are you more likely to blame others or yourself for problems you experience? Myself. What is one thing about your life that you don’t ever see changing, even if you might wish it would? I have a feeling I'll always have some degree of social anxiety. I'm sure there are other things just not coming to me. At what point in your life have you been the most social or had the most friendships? And at which point have you been the least social? I had the most friends in my childhood years, probably. Or high school when I actually had a friend group. I'm sure I was most social as a kid in elementary school, not dealing with my social anxiety. I've been the least social like... now, honestly. I go essentially nowhere and have very few friends. Do you prefer to have a few close friends or a bunch of random acquaintances? Which would describe what you have now? I want close friends. I have like... two or so close friends and a handful of acquaintances. I don't know which I have "more" of when you consider the actual level of friendship/"quality" I guess. Do you journal? Generally, what do you write about? Do you find it helpful to get your thoughts out that way, or do you prefer another form of self-expression? I don't actually journal, but you could consider these surveys my "journal." I guess it's kinda why I do them so frequently? Like it lets me get stuff that's going on out, so I find it kinda therapeutic versus keeping all my thoughts jumbled up in my head. Have you ever been somewhere and REALLY didn't like a food that you were expected to eat? How did you deal with this? Are you someone who is likely to suck it up and be polite or refuse and save your taste buds? To start off, I am VERY bad at sucking it up and eating something I don't like. My gag reflex is very strong, and I'm also extremely sensitive to textures I don't like, so my reactions are just very involuntary. I can try to subdue my expression when I dislike something, buuut that's extremely difficult. But anyway, yes, I've been to places where I definitely disliked the food, especially this one occasion where we went to a local Southern cooking restaurant that literally ASSUMED you want the staple foods and sweet tea, none of which I enjoy. While everyone else was eating, I just very awkwardly sat there doing nothing and pretty much panicking over looking rude. Thank god, Ashley's father-in-law noticed and called over the waiter for me to actually order something, the way it should be. I was very thankful but still felt bad. What is one way in which you compare yourself to others? In this comparison, do you regard yourself as better or worse off than the people to whom you usually do the comparing? I am very bad and comparing successes with others, but only in ways that demeans me. Like I look at others and am just like, "Why aren't I there yet?" It always leads to anger and disgust of myself. What is something you’ve been particularly grateful for lately? I've thought a lot lately about how thankful I am to have my mom. She does so very much for me, and I don't think I could absolutely ever repay her in full. I wish I could. She's a damn superhero. What kind of change or opportunity would be the biggest help in your life right now? I was initially going to say getting a job, but thinking about it, getting to my goal weight might be an even greater help. It would help my leg pain, not having to carry as much around, I'm sure my hyperhidrosis wouldn't be as bad (I hope), and it would MASSIVELY affect my happiness. Like I cannot tell you how negatively my weight has damaged my self-esteem, confidence, and peace with myself. Is there one emotion that you experience more often than any other? Is there an emotion you rarely ever experience? I'd say I experience stress more than anything. I'm always thinking of something that's causing a ruckus in my life. A rare emotion for me is uhhhh jealousy, even though I've dealt with it more lately. What is one illness you are afraid of having? Do you know anyone who has faced this illness? The disease that I think scares me more than any is Alzheimer's/dementia. I just... cannot possibly imagine. How do you tend to behave when you’re sick? What kinds of things do you like people to do for you, if anything, to help you feel better? I'm very mopey and tired, and I can be a bit more irritable. I really, really appreciate help with things like chores when I'm not feeling well. When was the last time you did something you were proud of? Were other people proud of you as well? Does it matter to you whether or not other people care about your accomplishments, or is your own satisfaction enough? It's a very small thing, but I weaned down from having two cans of soda a day to just one. Mom is proud of me for it, which I appreciate a lot. Admittedly, it does kinda matter to me that those who know it's a big deal to me see and care about my accomplishments. I'm bad about needing external validation. What is your least favorite thing about the season you’re currently experiencing? Are you okay with most types of weather, or are you only happy under certain conditions? Ugh, the heat. Spring and summer are miserable to me because I veeery much love the chilly weather and no damn humidity. Have you made any changes to your style or “look” lately? How often do you change your appearance, hairstyle, fashion, etc? Or is it a pretty constant thing? No; my style is pretty constant. What was the last thing you felt hopeful about? Do you think there’s a good chance of whatever-it-is working out in your favor, or not so much? Getting a job at the tattoo parlor. I'm fearful that they won't be open to the position I'd like, so I'm trying to not get my hopes up too high. We'll find out in two days. Have you ever “recovered” from anything? What does “recovery” mean or look like to you? Yes, a traumatic breakup. I'd say recovery is just healing as much as possible from something, be it physical or emotional. What are some ways your childhood differed from those of others around you? Do you think this difference was harmful or advantageous in the long run? My dad was an alcoholic, if that qualifies. That definitely isn't a *normal* thing for someone's childhood. I think it was harmful, honestly, especially because I've had more than a few nightmares about my dad drunk. When was the last time you did something out in nature? Do you notice a dip in your mood when you don’t get enough of the Great Outdoors? Oh jeez... Probably not since Sara and I went catfishing with my dad. I wandered around with her some as she ventured for toads, haha. I don't really notice a dip in my mood, just because I'm so used to being indoors. I do prefer getting some time with nature, it's just hard and uncomfortable with how easy I sweat, and my knees sure do cuss me the fuck out in the form of a billion cracks if I walk much (by my standards...). What did you dream about last night? I had two dreams, but I only remember one, in which a giant green tree python was eating me backwards so I was conscious through it all. No hard feelings, I still want one as a pet, haha. They're GORGEOUS snakes and no, absolutely cannot eat you even if it tried its damnedest. What were your childhood dreams? To be a paleontologist, then a vet. What are your dreams now? If we're talking career-wise, to be a nature and wildlife photographer that gets to travel a lot. What are some Halloween costumes you would like to wear in the future? I've mentioned that #1 on my list is Ms. Oogie Boogie, then uhhhh... wow, I'm surprised I'm blanking, because I know there are lots I've thought of. Were you born with hair on your head? Yes. Would you rather have a home birth or hospital birth? I'm not having kids, but holy mother of fuck I'd have my baby at a hospital with a goddamn epidural. I do NOT know how some people can do it naturally, bigass props to them. Do you currently live in the house you grew up in? No. If not, what do you miss about it?^ It was just in general a nice house, the best one we've lived in. We had a pretty big yard too, so lots of room to play around as kids. What’s your favorite type of yogurt? I'm not a big yogurt person, really. What were your high school’s team colors? Red and white. Who were your best friends in high school? Hannia, Girt, Maria, Megan, Dennis, Dakota... What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? A tarantula. *puppy eyes emoji* Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? If so, what? English courses were very easy for me, and I was pretty good with science. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? Not like, a whole grade, but I surpassed Writing I in my last college endeavor and started out in Writing II instead. What’s your favorite rock band? Oh brother, you can't ask me this. Who’s your favorite country singer? I consistently like Tim McGraw a bit. How many drawers does your dresser have? My dresser is unnecessarily big. There's like five or six. Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? Yes. One of my favorite pictures I've taken was at Ashley's gender reveal for Emerson; even she didn't know. When her husband pulled the fog thing and it was pink, her expression was just priceless. Was your first car used or new? I haven't had my first personal car. How did you discover your favorite band? By going through my mom's CDs when I was getting into rock music. Ozzy was the first truly metal and not rock band that I ventured into. What was the last big decision you made? BIG decision... I don't know. Probably dropping out of college. What is your favorite thing to go shopping for? I love window shopping for pets online, haha. What was the last thing you changed your mind about? A political stance. Who was the last friend you saw, and what did you do together? Oh yikes, it's been more than a while... It may have been Girt? In which case we probably watched TV or played board games together. Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else’s dreams? Jason just loves to show up in my dreams more than anyone else. I don't really wonder that, no. What is something you wish you could say to someone who is no longer in your life, or something you wish they could know? I wish I could tell Bryar (Jason's friend I got in a fight with) I misunderstood something he said to me ("martyr" has two different definitions, and I somehow didn't know the modern one at the time) that made me seem like an absolute, attention-seeking bitch. It's so fucking embarrassing to look back on, because I agreed with him because I thought he meant it as I would die for my beliefs, which is true. What worries you most about your future? Whether or not I'll ever be in the physical shape I want to be in again. Or if I'll have a stable job. What is something you do to feel better when you’re scared? Find distractions, like funny YouTube videos. I also engage in deep breathing and grounding methods. What is the strangest book you have ever read? How did you find out about it? Oh my god, in elementary school, we read a book where everything a boy touched turned to chocolate. Weird book. Do you prefer to watch movies or tv alone or with other people? Is there anything you refuse to watch alone? Other people, definitely. I like having someone to talk to and comment on what we're watching. There's nothing I won't watch alone. What was the subject of the last video you watched? It was a let's play.
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the-evil-authoress · 4 years
YGOtober Day 2
Favorite Protagonist
Jaden! (Jaden is my spirit animal).
Okay, so first, I’m a SUCKER for the cute-hyper-sunshine-smile-optimistic children. It feeds my soul and gave me hope and positive role models growing up. So I loved that precious fluffy boy, he was my best friend.
Also, Jaden is my spirit animal. His emotional struggles with loneness, abandonment, social awkwardness, and depression resonate with me so much - just - F*CK. If only season 4 had done it JUSTICE. Ugh.
And Yuma. Yuma’s probably my second fav for similar reasons. HE IS MY BABY AND IF YOU HURT HIM I WILL MURDER YOU.
Same goes for Jaden. Leave my bestie alone. Only I’m allowed to torment him. ;D
“Ghost story”
Bakari wakes shivering.
The shock of cold and being awake at all - he’s still alive right? Do ghosts feel cold? - distracts him enough he doesn’t even notice his throat is no longer parched until Dakarai coils around him. The snake no longer has much of a temperature - not cold or hot, just neutral - but that makes it’s scales warmer than Bakari’s skin at current. Shivering, he nuzzles against the creature’s scales and absently strokes its head.
“Thanks,” he murmurs and, to his surprise, the action doesn’t tear at his throat. Is he really alive? He doesn’t see his own corpse lying on the floor, but there’s no sign of water either. And why is it so cold in here? Even the desert nights never get this cold. Well, if he’s still alive, might as well have a look around.
His eyes have adjusted to the dark now and the walls really are made of dark stone, nearly pitch black; it’s not just the lack of light in here. “What is this place?” he murmurs aloud and turns to his companion. “Do you know?”
It’s a long shot, but Dakarai tilts its head as if in thought, then points its snout toward the altar on the far wall. A temple then? But who’s? All the way out here in the middle of nowhere?
Bakarai squints at the carvings on the wall, but it’s not like anyone ever taught him to read. Except, these carvings look different. Giant murals of people and monsters span the walls, the sun and the moon, a war. It looks like they might tell a story if Bakari could see enough of it to understand. No color adorns the carvings so the parts obscured in shadow become almost impossible to see.
Approaching the altar, he squints up at the carving behind it - some sort of creature if those are eyes but the form is all over the place, Bakari can’t pin down a shape. He runs a hand over the black stone of the altar - it’s cold - and finds groves where words have been carved. He couldn’t read them even if he recognized them.
“Who are you?” he asks the shapeless mural.
The shadows on the wall quiver.
“Who disturbs me?”
Bakari stumbles back with a yelp. His foot slips on a step and he tumbles off the dais as the shape on the wall comes alive in the room, just as black as stone - blacker that the stone as if no light can touch it - except for piercing eyes.
Those eyes stare straight through him. Bakari sits frozen.
Dakarai bumps his face, a tongue flicking against his cheek. Calm radiates from the snake, as if saying ‘it’s okay, we’re safe’.
He finds his voice. “Who are you?” Oof. Not the best first thing to say to a god. Maybe he should have apologized for crashing in this guy’s house.
“You don’t know,” the shadows vibrate. “You mortals have forgotten who created you.”
That gives Bakari pause. “Amun-Ra?” This deity look noting like any of the sun god’s depictions.
The darkness shakes. “A mere child. I am the Darkness that existed at the dawn of time. From me all things came, and to me all things will end.”
A god older than all the others? A god forgotten by time?
“So what is it you desire?”
What? Bakari stares.
“All who come to me desire something - power, status, wealth. What is it you desire?”
Bakari’s breath stills. The Pharaoh is herald as the son of Ra and falls under his divine protection, but this god is older than even Ra. No one in Egypt would be able to challenge him with that kind of divine blessing.
“I want revenge,” he says, the screams of the dead ringing in his ears. “I want them to pay for what they’ve done.” The blood, the fire, the smiles of the murderers as they melted the bodies into their gold. Bakari has never forgotten any detail of that night, the gruesome images always lurk behind his eyelids. So he knows, he recognized the men who slaughtered his people for their trinkets - the Pharaoh’s guard. That man was responsible. “I want to kill them all.”
The shadows twist as if searching him; Bakari feels the dark and cold brush against his skin. “Accept my power and I can make that happen.”
He doesn’t hesitate to reach out and grab the darkness; it’s solid and alive against his hand. It slides across his skin, sinks into his skin, and settles somewhere deep inside his soul. He feels the power hum through his veins, reinvigorating his body. Dakarai slithers off, hissing as it once more doubles in size. Gasping, Bakari shakes, but the room no longer feels cold. This power is dark and comforting and makes him feel alive.
“Not even the Pharaoh and his precious gods can stop me now!” He laughs. Oh, what fun he’ll have, tormenting the bastards that took everything from him. Turning for the sand that spills into the entrance, Bakari begins climbing out. He needs to test this new power, and he knows just the thing.
Behind him, Darkness sighs. “Such disgusting creatures.”
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amenomiko · 5 years
Real Gender of Her (AZUCHI CASTLE)
What if... IkeSen's MC is the Warlords most trusted and most favorited vassal, and also is their best friend, and they always thought that MC is a guy where actually she dressed up as a girl because before she travelled back to the past, she always wore a disguise because she is a spy for her agency (Bahahaha also a detail from my OC //piak dush)
So what if one day the Warlords find out her real gender.
He went to check out on MC, who have protected him from a surprise attack and got injured by an arrow.
He was told that MC insist that she is fine, and wish to be left alone (where actually she wanted to tend to her injury by herself).
B- breasts?
BAM! -A jar of konpeito is thrown at him- (He managed to catch it tho, konpeito ISH IMPORTANT LAIK A LIFE *cough*)
"At least excuse yourself before coming in-.. *GASP*" She quickly turn away as her real, feminine voice came out by accident.
Shitshitshitshit he's coming near-..!
But then she was hugged.
"I'm just glad you are alright. You will... Explain THAT to me later."
Before MC could stop him, he already went out from the camp, commanding the others to not enter MC's camp and won't tell the reason why even when Hideyoshi asked him.
He found himself blushing to the curve of her body, especially her voice. It's very melodic and.. He think he should ask if she's interested to rule by his side, other than being a vassal. Ehem.
MC is like a little brother to him. He always spoiled her, buying her stuff and such. Especially sweets.
"I'm not a girl for you to spoil me with sweets, Lord Hideyoshi." She smirked, maintaining her "boy" persona, despite giving an inner scream everytime she ate the dango.
"Heh. If you are a girl, I think you would be other than a little sister to me. W-well.."
She gasped. "My lord.. Are you... Are into THAT side..?"
He blushed. "N-no no no no NO! It's not what you think..!" He scratched his cheek, looking away. "It's just that you have the features of a kind of girl that I like.. S-so- wh- ___! Are you alright?? Your face is red..!"
"...My lord, if someone like me appear at your door, would you court her right away?"
"Huh? Why are you asking this? ___?" He stared at her deeply, blinking, to read her expression. "____... Are you-"
She immediately rose. "Oh, I forgot that I have to brief to the new vassals. I will see you later..!" She ran off before Hideyoshi could reach for her hand. It took him a while to think what MC had meant when she question him like that, but eventually he brush it off, thinking MC was just joking.
But that night, as a woman in kimono with familiar face appears at his door, Hideyoshi's heart nearly jump out from his chest.
MC is good looking as a "boy" but her real gender..? He couldn't even describe it into words.
MC find it hard to escape from Masamune because he is the touchy feely guy. He would always hug MC out of joy whenever they win another war.
Not only hugging, he had a habit of kissing MC's cheeks. At first it was by accident but he find it very addictive because to him MC's cheek is soft and plump.
"Reminded me of mochi. And you know how I like food. Food is good and mochi is food. So mochi is good."
"Oh god Lord Masamune, did Lord Mitsuhide exchanged your tea to sake again?"
He laugh out loud. Yes. He IS drunk.
MC had to bring him to his room, and he hug MC again before she could go out from his room. "Nnnn don't leave meeee!! You are my most trusted vassal after allll you won't kill me riiiiiighttt~~~???"
MC tried to escape but failed. She nearly give out a shriek when Masamune snake his arm to her chest, behind her armor. "Mmn? Why did you wear a cloth inside here..? I'm sure our armor is strong enough~~" He slurred and suddenly let out a gasp. "___ are you-..!"
"P-pardon me My Lord, I will go now-...!"
Masamune has pinned her onto the tatami. She nearly give out a scream this time when he roughly strip her armor away. "M-my Lord..! Please..!"
"Hehehehe you are so cute, I'm just teasing you.. You even sounded like a girl.. If you are a girl I bet I would kiss you now because you are so cu-"
He froze to her blushing face.
"H-hey, I'm just playing around okay? You know how much I- uwa!!" His intention was just to pat her head but he loses his balance (blame the sake uhuh), and his hand landed on her chest instead.
"Hya..!" She gasped, cupping her mouth when her real voice came out.
His only eye about to plop out and dance salsa (idk how that will happen- nvm-).
Shitshitshitshitshit. His heart is thumping so loud. Being the usual Masamune, he stripped her, revealing her breasts. His eye wheel to her and to the breasts and to her again and-
He kissed her right there right then.
He had to stay at the camp to take care of the injured as they are short in hand.
Report has come and the moment when he knew MC were injured from a poisoned arrow, he automatically rushed out from the camp to find her and bring her to safety. He told the uninjured vassal to help the others while he will carry her instead (favorite vassal dowh :B. Best friend dowh :B).
But when he circle his arm around MC he can feel a bump on her chest. Still, despite her being suspicious, he has no time to ask any stupid questions now.
When he arrived, he told the others to not to interfere as he will do the removing poison process by himself. He quickly blocked the entrance to his personal camp and carefully undress her armor and.. The cloth around her chest.
His instinct was right. MC is secretly a woman. He always suspect it because every time she smiled at him, or laugh with him, she sounded so feminine and very graceful. Even the way she wield her sword is so beautiful in his eyes.
...Did he just feel a thump in his chest? No, no it's impossible. Now he had to give her the antidote. The antidote.. She have to drink it and there's no cup nearby.
"...Tch. Of all the time- I just discovered who you are and yet here I am.." He pour the antidote into his mouth and without hesitation he transferred into her,..through her mouth.
Twice. Thrice. His lips left hers slowly, like someone that just give a smooch to their lover.
Colors has come back to her face, and her breathing has calm down. He untie her bun, watching how her hair beautifully fall onto her back, and brush against his arm.
Realizing he had been staring (ehem), he arranges the supply of medicine and was shocked to see that there's a cup among the boxes.
He look at the remaining antidote in his hand, and to the cup, and to her.
Then he transferred the last liquid by using mouth to mouth method again. This time, his lips didn't leave hers for about a minute.
MC had offered to take some more books for him to read, which he didn't agree at first but she still insist in doing so and so he eventually allows it.
Mitsunari really fond of her, as she is the only one who he really wanted to teach to be the best vassal and the only friend he can turn to.
Seconds to minutes, and minutes to hours.
Where did she go..?
He gasped.
Is it too much until he couldn't carry it all?? He thought. Because to him eventhough MC is a guy, he is very petite for his size.
He quickly rush to the library, to find MC were tip toeing to one of the shelves. He shouted, "LOOK OUT!!" when she suddenly loses her balance.
She had fallen on top of him. The fall was very bad to the point her bun loses its hair tie and her binds around her chest came off.
*boink* He feels soft on his chest. "Mmh.. ___ are you alright-" He gasped. B- breast-?? L-long hair??
"____ a-are you.."
"L-lord Mitsunari..! I can explain..! Oh no..!" She covered her mouth, covering her chest at the same time too but its too late.
She blushed, gathering her courage to turn to him.
Only to found he is blushing from falling in love too.
Mitsuhide being Mitsuhide. He is always feel suspicious around MC although he trusted her and she is his best friend. He had suspected from the very first he met her, and everytime he told his ninja to check it out on her, they would always failed in getting information (well she is a spy from the future herself).
So he decided to do it by himself, and to a coincidence luck, there's an enemy spotted near a hot spring. He brought her with him, and to MC's dismay it is a mixed bath.
"You can go first, I wanted to rest and also, there's more important document in hand to be read immediately. Don't worry about me, you should take this chance to enjoy it."
Then MC being MC, she find his word suspicious too. When she undress for the hot spring, she take a last check before entering the bath area. She look down to her breasts, sighing, "Oh well. I guess I will just bind it, just to be safe-"" Why..? Won't it suffocate if you do so?"
Before she could cover herself, Mitsuhide had pinned her hands onto the wall. "Such an interesting secret you hide from your lord, ___. Why? Afraid I might eat you?"
"L-let go of me pervert..! Hyaa..!! Don't touch there..!"
"Such a beautiful voice. Are you trying to make me fall in love with you..?" He chuckled.
"Wh-who would..! Anyone could scream if their body are exposed like this..! Just let go of- ugh @A@ ~~"
She fainted from the heat.
"Ah, I guess I tease him too much. Oh pardon me. "Her."" He chuckled again before wrapping MC with towel and kiss her forehead.
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c-atm · 5 years
Elegant Criminality
  Steven groaned as he walked into the loan office; holding his side, sporting a black eye, dishelve hair, and a bloody nose, not his blood. He looked around the office, hoping it was truly as empty as it seemed. With a painful sigh of relief, he walked to the medical cabinet, getting the first-aid before heading to the back room.
  "That could have gone better...So much for my sweet tongue..Heh-heh..ow!."
  A simple talk became...not so simple. It all started when there was suspicion of foul play in a property they own, A host bar renamed Shangri-la. A place where the clientele had fat, deep pockets, nearly as big as their bellies and deep as their secrets. There's been rumors about the runner Connie put in place being a bit more comfortable with the certain customers outside of the bar. Customers, they weren't exactly used to seeing around their city. 
  No problem as long as they opened their pockets, they basically ignored it. As for the runner, let them have fun. As long as they remember their place, no need to chase rumors. Then once too many times, the weekly total has been lower than its usual amount, it’s predicted amount. The rumors of the bar runner making moves against his team, his family; because of his new friends, started to ring true. 
  Now, while no one took this blatant act of disrespect kindly; Connie, his 'queen' was especially annoyed. Shangri-la was something Connie...Procured from its last owner. It was her pet project; this spot was something she brought in and since then it’s been a little moneymaker and info bank. Having the runner getting out of line made her look bad. She decided on visiting the runner of the establishment herself.
  His gracious lady, giving them a chance to get in line without broken pride or bones. How he admired her elegance and civility, even when dealing with these kinds of riffraff. Still he couldn't allow her to be bothered with such tripe matters.  
  No need for her to dirty her hands or give them her time. It was precious and needed with more pressing objectives. Still, a lesson had to be taught and dues had to be paid. He'd do it himself as a favor to her. She won't even have to worry..
  It was supposed to be a simple sit down, almost a parlay. 
  Supposed to be..
  *Few hours ago* 
  Steven got out of his black Lincoln continental after parking across the street from the Shangri-la, not before his ritual though. He pulled down his driver-side sun visor and smiled lovingly at a picture of his lady, in a black bikini. A candid shot he took on the family's last vacation to their island villa. She'd kill him if she'd ever found out but hell, in this life he could die anyway; might as well have something sweet on his mind if it comes to that.
  With a breath the mafioso walked into the bar.
  "Ain't this a bitch."
  His timing was either fucked up or on the money, cause his surprise visit coincided with the goddamn snake in the grass giving their money to some zoot suits wearing little shits he never saw before. 
  "Really Sam? These mother fuckers got our money."
  The nine of them turned to him standing at the doorway. The face of shock on Sam's face and fear based anger on the other eight. It would've been funny...If he hadn't seen what he saw. With a kiss of his teeth he walked calmly towards Sam and he supposed the head of the group of nobodies, fishing some black leather glove out his back pocket of his slacks.
  "Know you're blind in one eye, but you didn't see us finding out about this."
  Sam was an older mustachioed man, pencil thin; always with a suitcase brown three piece suit and a comb over. He also was an ex info broker. He got caught up selling the wrong info and was chased all through the city by a hitman. Would have been dead if he never ran into this very bar and met Connie..or if the hitman never made her drop her egg for Prairie oyster.  In the end Sam got to keep his life, Connie got a runner for her bar, and the hitman…was no longer available for services.
  So to see the man his lady saved openly betray them, well Steven was not in the mood for a parlay. Steven took the money he was handing out of the punks hand and placed it in his pocket, leaving the stunned, before turning to Sam eyebrow arched.
  "Hey..Steve.. I was just-
  "Betraying Connie..Betraying us."
  Sam took a deep breath before settling into a glare. As Steven was about to comment, a hand rested and gripped his shoulder. It was large and it belonged to an equally large man in a green zoot suit. Steven took a look around at the rainbow of zoot suits. Indigo, violet, cobalt, black, brown, gray, yellow, red and..
  "Get your jolly green giant ass off me."
  Green squeezed hard on his shoulder before talking.
  "Now now..don't yo--Kugh!"
  Steven did not care for his words and showed it by ramming his elbow into his grimy mouth, making him swallow the five front teeth, he knocked out. Green fell back hitting his head on the nearby table leaving him unconscious..or dead. It really didn't concern Steven, not like the blood green left on the elbow of his white button-up. Steven, in a quick spark of anger stomped on greens pointy nose, breaking it and eliciting a moan from the pale skin giant...
  "Oh come on..Have some class, Bastard. blood stains are hard to come o-ugh!'
  Steven stumbled back as red's skinny little fist, popped him in the eye. His nostrils flared as he touched his left eye, feeling the tenderness. He nodded as Red, Yellow Violet and Cobalt stood ready to fight. The other four were busy trying to drag green out the way and Sam was hiding behind the counter.
  Steven stood ready his fist up, held at face level.  His left leg slightly pointed, held forward bent at the knee. 
  "Fucking zoot suit skittles bastards."
  That set them off as red ran forward first, throwing a wild right hook towards Steven skull, only for him to grab the offending arm and pull red close. He grabbed red's tan face in a vice-grip before slamming his skull to the counters  metallic edge. denting it. Steven grimace as he let red crumbled upon himself.
  ' yikes...Gotta remember, this is my lady's place. She'll be pissed once she sees that.'
  As Steven was thinking to himself, Violet attempted to lay a stiletto kick to his throat. He barley ducked the attack, feeling the air from the would be blow mess up his hair.
  Steven delivered a harsh straight the guys solar plexus, making Violet double over, before ramming his knee to the afro bearer face nose. Another k.o.
  Yellow and Cobalt, nodded at each before attacking together, Yellow with a straight kick to Steven's chest and Cobalt with a left hook to his mid. Steven grabbed the foot before grimacing and coughing in pain at the punch.. losing his grip and being kicked back to the wall. 
  Steven breathed deeply as he rubbed his chest looking closely at Cobalt hands…
  'Bitch have knuckle dusters hidden in her sleeves. Ok..Her first.'
  Steven stood up straight and stepped forward, before grabbing two nearby ketchup bottles, wielding them like batons. The two laughed before attacking in unison again. Cobalt struck with an axe kick, causing steven to dodge to the left when yellow fist flew towards his skull, a knuckle duster on it.  
  Steven batted the fist downward, breaking the bottle on the back of their hand, before stabbing the palm of it with the bottle. Yellow screams of pain were silenced almost instantly by the second bottle being broken against their temple knocking them over to Cobalt in a daze before they joined red on the floor. Shards of glass ledge in their face, mixed with blood and condiment.
  Cobalt looked fearful as she looked at Steven, broken bottle in hand. She took a step back before swallowing it down, going for a desperate flurry of punches. 
  "Wild, unorganized, useless . How the hell did I let you get a hit on me?"
  Steven sighedat the thought, dancing through her assault easily, before catching both her wrists and head butting cobalt, breaking her nose. As she groaned, he twisted her arms behind her back holding them against her upper back. He kicked  the knees from under her, making cobalt buckle onto them. Before she could protest, he had the business end of the broken bottle press on her windpipe. He crept down to her ear and spoke in a cold whisper.
  "Here what's gonna happen. You are gonna to leave your friends here, cause you're a coward. Say it."
  Cobalt growled in protest before winching as Steven  gave the bottom of her chin a jagged bloody cut. He didn't say anything as he looked expectantly.
  "I'm a coward."
  "You're not gonna run with these fools anymore, cause you're a coward.."
  "I'm a coward." She teared up as she held her head down, defeat washed over her.
  "You're going to give me the location of your hideout and your brass knuckles. You're then going to walk out of here and out of this lifestyle. Cause…
  "I am a coward." Cobalt cried, heartbroken.
  "And cowards don't belong in the world of mafia. Take your life and blend among the other normal civilians…Coward."
  He let the girl wrist go, before holding out his hand to her. Cobalt almost took it when he spoke.
  "Knuckle dusters and info"
  She sneered as she took off the weapons  and handed them to him. He placed them on his gloved hands trying them out with a few swings, whistling in satisfaction, he turned to the girl on the floor.
  "East ridge Blvd. The old cookie cat factory near the pier...can't miss it."
  He nodded before he did help her to her feet.  He nodded his head towards the door looking at her.
  Cobalt nodded as she walked out, wiping the tears from her crystal blue eyes. She stopped when he heard him clear his throat. She turned to see him looking back at her.
  "Not gonna thank me. For letting you live, unlike these fools."
  Cobalt eyes widened, breath caught in her throat  as the tears ran anew. In her eyes he was a monster...a gentle looking monster.  She grinded her teeth and grabbed the bottom of her coat as she looked down, shame and fear destroying her heart.
  "Thank you, for my life sir!"
  "Hehe. You're welcome..Go.."
  Cobalt walked out of the bar sobbing hatred for the mafia world and herself evident.
  With her gone Steven turned  his attention to Sam, who was quick to grab a pistol as Steven walked around the counter and stalked toward him,  Fist tight, knuckle dusters on and bottle still in hand.
  Sam shakingly held the gun in his hand, scared as hell. "Steven..Come on man...Don't  make me shoot you." 
  Steven didn't say anything as he twirled the broken bottle in his hand, still walking forward, smirking as he did. 
  Sam took a chance and pulled the trigger.
  *click* *click* *click*
  "Forgot to get bullets, deadeye?"
  Sam nearly crumbled in fear as he looked directly into the mafioso eyes. they gleamed like cold artic ice in the sun. He didn't get to plead as the first blow collided with his jaw, blood flying towards the liquor as he stumbled to the left, falling on to the floor. He gazed up and saw Steven looking down rage in his eyes. He spoke to him despite the looseness of his jaw, the filling of blood and the burning sensation in his mouth.
  "Can I asthk refore you do whatsever, shouts shonna do to sme...let me spexplain?." Sam spat our some blood to the side, wiping his mouth.
  Steven smirked, then snorted,  then laughed...The rage in his eyes rising.
  "Really Deadeye?..You openly betray us, betray Connie..and you think you can talk your way out..ok."  Steven crouched over Sam, elbows on his knees, hands still closed into fist. Clicking the top of his mouth with his tongue,Steven stared at the mustachioed man.
  "Speak. Honestly."
  Sam nearly pissed himself at the  cool command, looking at the younger mafia with pure fear, knowing that his life was on the line..or at least his livelihood.
  "Zhose guys..Zhey're new..parz of shome riszing kamily, frim the Motor Zity."
  "You're boring me.." Steven clenched his fist clucking his teeth a few times in annoyance. "Get to the point."
  Sam growled the best he could before speaking.
  "Yous guys kave so manies propkerties in the cifie and so munz influeznce.. brouns to zring aivalies and seing oppozitionz."
  "And you didn't want to get caught in the middle of anything. So what? Were you paying your way to safety?"
  Sam, despite his position laughed; darkly and coolly. "heh..Zou woulz think that, with hos we mezs and all, putz no. I kuts vanted zo pe ooseful...oose ny ztill  as a inro proker. Zomezing, Connie, kuzt Igmored. ..No..She ooses ne as mozhing nore zhan a bamn...BAR MANAGER! Zits enzulting!.”
  “So you betrayed us because of hurt pride, is that what you saying?” Steven threw a quick jab stopping just in time to give his nose a glancing blow. “We gave you a job. .A new lease on your life, and this is what you do!?” 
  "I didn't dezrayed zanione! I zwear! I swas zrying to jet ya'll zome info on them."
  "The money? Why were you giving it to them?"
Sam lips pursed into a thin line as well as they could, swollen as they were. He knew steven well enough...He swallowed some spit and Iron before speaking.
  "Zrugs.  zuns...I swas trying some from zhem.. zee what they got..didn't get much. Zhose suits, just surveillance, small time pushers and muscle. shirst time xoming, but zeen them Around."
  Steven let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head...So Sam was playing nice to gather info...Fair enough, not a traitor..hlHe did step out of bounds though. 
  'Broken jaw and strange talking is punishment enough.'
  That being said, he didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. 
  They already were aware of the Motor city family for a while thanks to the host and hostesses. They were the information system here; could charm the dirtiest and most protected secret out of the most stoned face. Just had to liquor them up a bit.
   Though, he didn't expect the Zoot suits, never mentioned in the reports. Probably, a nobody gang they hired to ensure a presence, before sending a real force. Steven stood up with a little pain in his side from the hit earlier. 
  "Gonna call a clean up crew for these four. You get the bar ready for tonight, and get yourself  proper. Wear a mask or something. "
  Sams' eye widened as Steven started to walk away. He was gonna live another and keep his job. He wasn't even gonna tell Connie. The man got to his feet looking as Steven walked past Red, relief  in his damn
  "Zhan yous." 
  Steven growled and turned back towards Sam, a cold glare present. "Do the damn job you're assigned to. Run this bar.  Nothing more, nothing less."
Sam nodded in fear as he lifted up his hands in surrender.
  Steven scoffed as he turned and head out of the bar. As soon as he walked out  and got into his car, a few SUV's pulled up to 'Shangri-la'. 
  A small army of black vest and white shirt (the same as his) walked into the bar and quickly loaded the knocked out zoot suits before pulling off. One of them gave Steven, a nod before heading off, the army leader; Amethyst.
  "Well she knows..Don't know why I would think differently." Steven kissed his teeth and sighed thinking about going back to the office. 
  * Present*
  Steven grimaced as he looked at the blackish and purple bruise to his left side through the mirror, the knuckle duster really digged in. Still he had worse.
  "That's a nasty one, Biscuit."
  Sucking in his breath hurt, but he couldn't  help it. Her voice came out of nowhere. He turned around and saw Connie already getting some comfrey cream and  bandage wrap from the first-aid, a neutral look on her face. She signaled him to raise his arms so she could dress his damage.
  He shivered at the touch of Connie's meticulously callous yet very soft hands  as she rubbed the cream on the bruise.. Being ever so careful to cover every inch. He nearly purred at the heat of her hand. She started wrapping him with care and tenderness she hardly shows. Making sure it wasn't too tight or uncomfortable. When she was done securing that it would stay, she offered him a kind smile and a stroke of his cheek with her right hand; one he allowed himself to nuzzle into, kissing her palm as he did.
  "My Bisky." 
  The velvety tone of voice made him gulp In a bad way...He knew that tone..She killed people using that tone.
  "M-My rein-Ahhgh!!" 
  He groaned in pain as he felt her vice like grip on his bruise. He looked at her face the same smile was there but her eyes were burning in rage.
  "Who the hell told you to damage 'Shangri-la'. Does my bar look like a fight club!? Do I have an arena or a ring somewhere that I don't know about?"
  Steven grimaced as he clenched his fist to withstand the pain.  "Ugh I'm sorry! Sorry please let go-ho-ho!"
  Connie sighed as she released her hold on him feeling a bit bad about what she did. She rubbed the back of her head as she got his shirt, vest and tie. She stood behind him as she placed the shirt over his lightly tan body,having him slip his arms through the sleeves, tapping his shoulder to have him face her so she could button him up.
  “So you went and talked to Sam yourself, huh?” Connie teased.as she buttoned him from the bottom up.
  “As if you weren’t aware, were you watching the whole time?”
  “I alway have an eye on what’s mine.” Connie gave a small smirk as she looked him in the eye, black meeting brown. She buttoned the second to last button before flipping up his collar and getting the tie, earning a disapproving groan from Steven. 
  ”Shut it...So? What'd you think?”  Connie threw the tie over his shoulders before bringing it to against the collar, starting to Windsor tie it. 
  Steven shrugged exhaling In annoyance “Think I should have hit Sam one more time…As for our visitors."Steven smirked darkly as he slipped his hands into his ladies back pockets, giving her a squeeze. "Maybe we should give them a welcoming party...We got their location after all...The old Cookie cat factory near the pier."
  "Isn't that sweet?" Connie chuckled before pulling him closer to her by his tie, the same smirk on her face. "Can't wait til I finish?"
  "Hey, you grabbed me first, on my side..my bruised side."  He gripped her bit harder, kneading her bottom, making her shiver a bit." Just returning the favor… Eye for an eye and all that jazz."
  "You messed up my bar, Big baby."
  "Your baby."
  She rolled her eyes as they shared a kiss. Her eyelids dropped shut as she allowed him to melt her, hands stroking his cheeks and pulling him even closer as tongues twisted around each other. Breaking the kiss only to reunite as she made him guide her to the table in the center of the room.  Letting out a little giggle as he sat her on the table and stood between her legs palms on her thighs, rubbing them and evoking snarl from the woman.
  "YoHo..I know that sound."  Steven teased as his kisses moves trailed from her lips to her neck becoming nibbles along the way, making his her moan as he unbuttoned  the first two buttons of her shirt to sink his teeth into her collarbone sucking and licking into her brown skin.
  "So I'd this part of ...ah…. Damn...Of your apology for..Hmm UUMMMM.." Connie couldn't  finish, losing herself to the his mouth stroking of his thumb on her inner thighs. Which was why she was thankful when the phone rang..Bringing her back k to a more clear mind. Reluctantly, she moved from him to check the phone.. It was Sam..
  "No..Not yet." She scoffed as let the phone ring out. With a sigh she fixed her shirt., smiling as Steven held her from behind..and feeling his...Charisma...on her ass. She nearly was put to trance again  when he started with the kisses again.
  "Hey.. Later ok..At your place." She turned giving him a tender kiss and little suck upon his bottom lip. "For now...We got to get a team ready."
  Steven smired at the tone of voice and sneer  on her face. Dark and elegant. Civil and criminal. What he expected from his queen. He nodded  as she got his vest and placed it on him. Gripping it by the sides she pulled him in for one more kiss, catching him pleasantly off guard with a  sweet "Chu", she broke the kiss, sniggering at his love struck stare.
  "That was for doing a good job. Now go fix your hair, while I gather some others for the welcoming..and farewell party." With a sinister yet sweet smile,  Connie took out her cell and dialed the first person on her list, walking out as she did.
  He watched her go, paying attention to the sway of her hips until the door closed. He smirked as he turned his attention to his hair. Fishing a comb out of his back of his pocket and running through his hair, back and fro until it returned to its normally slick do.
"Alright. Spinel, Lars, Amethyst and Garnet are on their way there." Connie announced as she walked in wearing the coat of her three-piece suit, completing her outfit.
  Steven whistled before shaking his head, with a smile.  "Called the extermination squad, huh? Well, that's what they get for trying to make moves in secret."
  "No..If they just try to be snakes we would've  just rough them up, but they try to pull shit in bar; even worse they bruised your side and blacked your eye." Determination and slight sadism in her voice as she slipped on some black mid-finger gloves. "Now, now we gotta make an example out of them...You about ready?"  
  Steven nodded before following behind the shorter woman, who was just about withering  in pleasure a few moments ago; now wore a devil's smile on her beautiful features and a grave glint in her eyes. While Steven didn't mind it, he did prefer  her to be a bit brighter.
  "Hold on, Mi Reina."
  Connie stopped for a moment turning back to him only to have him steal one last tender kiss from her. She squeezed his hand to keep from moaning.  He broke it, taking a look at her now gentler smile and now burning eyes. 
  "nāṉ uṉṉai kātalikkiṟēṉ...Damn punk." 
  "Love you too, Reina."
  The two shared a small smile before stepping out into the world they are accustomed to. Ready to once again do whatever needed to obtain wealth power, and prestige. To do whatever  needed to protect what was theirs. A world of criminals, violence, civility, elegance, and family. A world of Mafia.
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joaquinwhorres · 6 years
Public Knowledge (Sweet Pea x Reader)
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Summary: There’s only one rule to your tutoring sessions with Sweet Pea: no one can ever know. Which isn’t a problem. Until suddenly it kind of is?
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 10,438
Author’s Note: This really grew into a project of it’s own. I’m not even sure what it fully is any more, but I do know that I love the reader character and Sweet Pea and am glad that I got this out into the world.
Warnings: Language. Mentions of emotionally abusive parents. High school bullshit.
"No one can know."
You tore your eyes away from where they had been tracing the Southside Serpents tattoo on his neck, making yourself meet his gaze instead.
"Yeah, of course," you nodded, biting your lip before remembering what your mother said about doing that, and quickly letting go. You settled on a smile. Or rather, the attempt at a smile. You could tell the effort didn't reach your eyes. In your defense, though, he was the one making it hard to seem offhandedly friendly what with his intensely dark stare and the fact that you were certain he was carrying a knife. You stopped smiling, and shifted your weight to the other leg.
"Good," he gave a single nod from where he leaned against the wall, staring at you with arms crossed. "So, Thursday? After school?"
"Yeah. Yeah, ok, that works," you agreed, adjusting your grip on your books. "Where?"
"It's your school," he shot back.
You worried your lip between your teeth, racking your brain for different options."Maybe the student lounge? Or the library?" He raised his eyebrows with a look that was equal parts skeptical and scathing, as if he couldn't believe Mr. Adams had suggested he ask you to help him with his English papers. You couldn't blame him. It took everything in you to avoid looking up at the ceiling and sighing at your own idiocy.
"Right, no one can know and people go to those places," you mumbled, bobbing your head.  "Here then? I always see Mr. Adams skipping out of school early, so it should be open."
"Cool," he affirmed. In the awkward silence that followed, your eyes once more slid towards his tattoo, the double headed snake with fangs bared. The same as the one on the back of his leather jacket. "I'm not dumb. And this isn't because I'm in the Serpents," he snapped, and you felt your face grow warm as you refocused back on his face instead of his tattoo. "Southside was a hell hole and my last English teacher was the Sugar Man, not exactly the most conducive environment to getting an education."
"I--I can imagine," you stuttered, once more feeling the weight of your idiocy and wishing it would crush you.
"You really can't," he shook his head, looking out into the hall. "We can figure out the details Thursday." he decided, without even looking back at you. Instead, he just left you behind, wondering why on earth you had just agreed to tutor Sweet Pea, The Southside Serpent, in English.
You were surprised to find Sweet Pea waiting for you in Mr. Adams' room, computer already open in front of him. And apparently that surprise was written all over your face.
"Don't look so shocked," Sweet Pea narrowed his eyes, his hand curling into a fist on the desk.
You shook your head, just continuing to stare at him as he sat, fuming, in the middle of the empty English classroom. "Just–how did you get here so fast?" you breathed out, remaining standing in the doorway and attempting to ignore the twisting feeling in your gut that was reminding you how terrible of an idea this whole arrangement was. Sweet Pea jerked back as if you'd just broken out into song , his mouth hanging open for the briefest of seconds before he snapped it shut and furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't say anything. "You were just with me in Skinner's class, and that's like," you waved an arm in the vague direction of the classroom halfway across the school on the second floor. "And I saw you leave talking to your friends. Didn't you have to finish the conversation you were having or at least answer questions about why you're staying late?"
"Why? You think Serpents are just deadbeats who don't do extracurricular activities after school? We have other interests besides our bikes and Serpent business. Topaz is on the Vixens and Fogarty is with Keller trying to get another show up and going."
You held up your hands. "I just—wish I could make it through these halls as fast as you. That's all I was saying."
Yep. This was quite possibly the worst idea you'd ever had. Being stuck alone in an empty classroom with the human equivalent of a land mine and only the watchful eyes of Shakespeare, Poe, and Hilary Swank from Freedom Writers to chaperone. Not that you needed a chaperone. More like a translator.
He shrugged, letting out an annoyed exhale. "Are you going to continue to interrogate me or can we work on this essay?"
"Oh, yeah, right, ok," you mumbled, walking further in and sinking into the seat next to his. "Did you start already?"
"Of course I started," Sweet Pea said through gritted teeth. "I told you I'm not stupid. I need help not my hand held."
You flushed, staring back at him, keeping your lips pressed shut. His eyes bore into yours, the snarl still on his face as he tried to stare you down. You opened your mouth and then shut it again, rethinking what you were about to say. "What?" he snapped.
"I'm just thinking this is going to be a hell of a long hour if you're going to get angry every time I'm awkward or say the wrong thing because I don't know if you noticed, being the smart person you are, but I'm constantly sticking my foot in my mouth," you retorted.
And then what you just said–or rather how you said it and who you said it to–sunk in and your eyes grew wide.
He narrowed his eyes staring at you. It would be nice to die right now. You know, before he had the chance to murder you.
"I just mean I'm not nearly smart enough to come up with these clever little slights to insult you just because I'm bored. I'm no Cheryl Blossom. I only–"
You were cut off by Sweet Pea snorting. "You do realize you sort of did one right now."
You opened and shut your mouth. Several times. And then came the stuttering. "I didn't mean to imply that she's always like that. I mean she kind of is, so honestly it was more of an observation than anything clever. And I don't want to insult her. I don't want to insult anyone. I told you I was good at sticking my foot down my mouth. Honestly it's more like I shove my whole leg down there. Ugh that's weird to say. I–Um–I just–"
He let out an amused exhale, his eyes darting to the side as if looking to see if someone else in the empty classroom was getting a load of the train wreck he was witnessing. "Don't worry," he said, rolling his eyes. "I won't tell her you said anything."
"Thank you," you sighed, hiding your head in your arms.
You could feel him looking at you, but it did nothing to draw you out of your self-imposed exile. You were reminded of when you were little and you truly believed–despite your parents' arguments about faulty logic–that if you couldn't see someone, they couldn't see you. You hoped Sweet Pea was staring at the suddenly empty chair where you had been sitting wondering where you went and how you developed super powers.
You should have known you were never that lucky. You felt a nudge against your arm, and you looked up.
"I'm Sweet Pea."
You stared at the hand he had extended, your eyes trailing up his arm to his carefully blank face. Your face wrinkled in confusion as you slowly slid your hand into his. His fingers curled around your hand and shook it a few times, as you fought the blush rising in your cheeks and tried to ignore how his hand was warm and just a little bit rough except for the cool metal from his rings.
"And you are…" he prompted. You stared at him for a second more and he sighed, as if disappointed you were confused about why someone you already knew was introducing himself to you. "If we're gonna restart as…acquaintances, it'd be nice to know your name."
"Y/N," you said, a small smile forming on your face.
"Wanna read this paper and help me with the analysis, Y/N?" Sweet Pea asked, letting go of your hand and gesturing to his open computer with his head.
"Yeah, definitely," you nodded, pulling it in between the two of you to look over. Maybe this arrangement wouldn't be so bad.
Tutoring Sweet Pea got much easier after the first week. Of course there were still outbursts, but the longer you spent together, the more predictable they became. You could expect a rant and/or flipped furniture every time he had to:
Transition between ideas
Write a conclusion
Add a works cited page
Deal with getting a low grade
The rant would begin with how ridiculous English class was and how he'd never need to write an in depth character analysis in real life and then transition into him analyzing whoever was pissing him off the most at the moment: Reggie Mantle, Mr. Weatherbee, Archie Andrews, even you.
But most of the time, most of the time, Sweet Pea was the ideal student. He wanted your feedback and discussed his ideas and setbacks with a surprising amount of eloquence and insight considering how little he spoke in class.
"I like this," you said, finishing the essay and turning the computer back towards him. "Or, I like the idea of it, you know, that Laertes isn't just this raw nerve of a character but instead he's a rational, guardian of honor. I just feel like you could go more into depth."
Sweet Pea nodded, looking down at what he'd written. "Like how?"
"Well," you bit your lip, reading the first body paragraph again and trying to formulate your thoughts. "Like here," you said, pointing to a sentence. "You talk about how if he was truly led by his emotions he would have killed anyone he thought was associated with Polonius' death rather than just the person responsible. But wasn't he manipulated into killing Hamlet? How can you prove that it was a conscious decision or that killing for revenge can ever be reasonable?"
Sweet Pea looked at you as if you had suggested he break down the etymology of the word murder and crossed his arms. "Why? Isn't that obvious?"
"Um no. Because if I was saying what a reasonable character would have done, I'd say that he should not go all vigilante but instead have a public trial which defames Hamlet, embarrasses the crown, punishes the murderer for the crime, and makes you sympathetic and beloved in the eyes of the people."
He scoffed, "Of course you would, Northsider."
"Right, see!" you said, excitedly. "You see him different from me, so you need to explain that argument here. Using the text."
Sweet Pea made a quick note on his paper before stopping. "You don't think I should change it, do you. To argue that he should have let the king and queen handle it?"
You furrowed your brow. "No, why would you?"
"Because it's the right answer? I don't know." He shrugged, looking back down at the paper.
"You mean the Northside answer?" you asked, raising your eyebrows. "Nah, you write better if you actually believe what you're saying."
He looked at you for a brief second, squinting slightly as if trying to make sense of you before he turned back to what he was writing.
"When you're finished with that, I think we're good for the day. Other than that and the little things I mentioned before, there's not much else that I'd change or add. We can give it a final look on Thursday."
He nodded putting his pencil down and starting to pack up his stuff. You stood. The endings of your sessions were always awkward. It was weird that the minute you two walked out the door you didn't know each other. Towards the beginning you had staggered your leaving, but recently the two of you had left around the same time only to walk in the same direction and have to pretend like you hadn't just spent the past forty-five minutes alone in a classroom together. It was weird to have him hold the door for you as you left, unless someone was too close and then he let it close in your face. You kind of  wanted to go back to the staggering. You kind of didn't.
"I've been thinking," Sweet Pea said, standing from his seat as the two of you made your way towards the door. "How much do I owe you?"
"Owe me?" you asked, pausing by the doorway, just out of sight from anyone who may be passing by.
"For the help," he clarified.
"Oh," you said, starting to worry your lip, only to catch yourself and stop. "I don't need anything."
"I'm not in the business of owing favors," Sweet Pea said, surprisingly stony. You furrowed your brow at him.
"I don't want any favors. It's fine, really. It helps me work on my own paper."
"That's it?" he asked, skeptically.
"I don't know, maybe you could get me a milkshake or something at Pop's. Not like a date or anything. I mean not that you're not…attractive or datable or whatever. I just like milkshakes, and I don't really want anything else and–"
"And Pop's is basically Riverdale High's after school care, so not really an option," Sweet Pea cut in, and you nodded.
"Right," your arms prickled with embarrassment. "No one can know. Right."
Sweet Pea was silent as he stood there in front of you. "I can do like five dollars a week? That's the price of a milkshake, right?"
"It's fine. Going alone to Pop's is just…sad. I don't need anything."
"You can't just go with your friends?"
"Sarah's a vegan and very anti-Pop's."
"And your other friends?"
"That's pretty much it," you shifted your weight to your other leg. "I know it’s kind of shocking because I’m so calm and socially adept, but people just aren’t really lining up to go out to Pop's with me. Chat in class sure but hang out outside of school...” you shrugged. "It’s fine though. I don’t really have tons of time anyway, with all the studying and homework and everything I have to do. And wow that makes my life sound pathetic and boring. It's not though. In case you were wondering…" you trailed off.
Sweet Pea just stood there, looking at you. Or, if you were honest, it felt like he was looking in to you. Trying to figure out what was going on in your head probably, and hell if you knew. It felt like whenever you opened your mouth and you weren't talking about school things just spilled out and you had no control over what those things were.
"I'll figure something out," he said, nodding at you before ducking out of the classroom and leaving you to wait there until you couldn't hear his footsteps anymore and it was safe to go home.
"This is fucking bullshit," Sweet Pea swore, pushing himself out from the desk so forcefully that his chair toppled over. He didn't even look down at it as he began to pace around the classroom. You stayed seated, having learned that following him around the classroom only seemed to give him more energy and amp him up. One of you needed to stay grounded. "We both know that essay was better than a fucking D." He kicked another chair which skidded into the desk. The resulting crash made you wince.
"He probably didn't even read it. Just saw my name at the top of the page and figured a Serpent like me couldn't do any better than a D." He slammed his fist down on the teacher's desk. And then, in the next second he brought his hand back and swung forward, pushing all of the worksheets off the desk in a flurry of paper
"Hey!" you exclaimed, darting out of your seat and grabbing at his arm as he raised it again. He looked down at you with a glare so menacing you seriously questioned whether or not someone actually could literally stare daggers into someone. "Stop," you said quietly, releasing your grip. He stared for a second longer, maybe trying to melt you this time, but before you could turn into a puddle he dropped his arm.
"Why should I? If all I am is an ignorant thug, I might as well embrace it," he argued through gritted teeth.
"And prove him right? And all of the other assholes?" you challenged. "Besides, I don't think he gave you a D just because you're a Serpent."
"So you think all that work we put into that was just worth worth a D?" Sweet Pea heaved, staring down at you.
"No," you shook your head quickly. "I'm with you, a D is bullshit, but we could at least look at the comments. Ok?"
"What's the point. So I can see all the ways I failed?"
You closed your eyes shaking your head. "You read comments to see where you need to go to improve." You took in a deep breath and then let it go, opening your eyes. Sweet Pea was staring at you, his chest still rising and falling more quickly than normal. "Ok, how about this: I'll read the comments and summarize them while you pick up the papers."
"If you're not going to clean it up the custodians are, and I am not getting a zero on my classwork today because you had a temper-tantrum," you said, sharply. Sweet Pea raised his eyebrows at you, and you took a step back but crossed your arms. You could see him set his jaw, but he leaned down and began to stack the papers back up. You let out the breath you had been holding and walked back over to the desk, picking up his chair and the crumpled essay that had fallen beneath the desk. You smoothed the paper out, starting at the beginning, your eyes scanning the comments which were all surprisingly positive for a D paper. Good insight. You could pick a stronger quote. I agree! Your brow furrowed, and you bit you lip, making your way through the second page. Word choice. Need stronger transition. Solid point. ???? Your eyes darted from the question marks to the end of the line.
"funeral, Claudius disrespected him. Laertes also takes on the necessary task of avenging his"
You flipped the page over.
And then returned back to the question marks.
And then you started to laugh.
Sweet Pea looked up from where he was neatly placing the papers on Mr. Adams' desk over to you.
"What's so funny?" he growled, crossing his arms.
You laughed louder.
"What?" You could feel his anger radiating off him, and a small voice in the back of your head that valued your life pushed you to hold out the paper to him.
"How many pages did you write?" you asked, attempting to calm yourself down.
"I don't know like three?" He snatched the essay out of your hand.
"So you're saying your essay doesn't end mid-sentence on page two?"
"What?" It was as if you could see the jolt of panic hit his body. As he flipped the paper to the second page, and then flipped again surprised to see page one in front of him. "Where's the third page?"
"Still in the printer maybe?" you suggested failing miserably to repress the grin on your face.
He looked dumbly at the paper and then back at you. "Never tell anyone about this. Ever."
"I think your already protected under the 'no one can know about this arrangement' rule," you nodded. "But at least you know why you got a D. That's his policy: all incomplete or off prompt papers get a D. You know, just like how all ignorant Serpent thugs automatically get D's."
"Shut up," Sweet Pea grumbled, dropping in the seat next to you. And for the sake of your life, you did.
Sweet Pea was late. Twenty minutes late. And if it wasn't for the fact that you seriously doubted Sweet Pea had ever forgotten anything in his life, you would have left already, sure he wasn't coming.
Sure, you'd moved todays meeting to a Wednesday instead of the usual Tuesday/Thursday pattern. That was weird. It was last minute. The switch up could easily slip someone's mind.
But not Sweet Pea's. He wouldn't have forgotten.
And that thought ate at you. It ate at you more than the thought of what waited for you at home. Because you knew what was waiting for you at home. You didn't know what happened to Sweet Pea. What if one of the Bulldogs had jumped him between your last class and him getting here? Wait, was he even in your last class? Your mind spun as you quick racked your brain trying to remember if you'd seen him in his regular spot today. Usually you were careful to ignore Sweet Pea because you were certain if you looked at him, it'd be obvious to everyone that you knew him. That you two talked. That you were slowly but surely becoming cool with each other. It would be all over your face.
But still, something could have happened.
What if Weatherbee had targeted him for a random search or some other bullshit infraction? What if he was in jail and no one knew because Sheriff Minetta didn't seem the type to give out phone calls.
You grabbed your bag and started towards the door at a sprint, almost smashing into Sweet Pea. "Hey!" he exclaimed, twisting his body away as you skidded to a halt, putting your hands out to catch onto the door frame and stop yourself.
"Sweet Pea!" you gasped. "You're late!"
"Yeah, sorry, there was a wait," he said, turning back to face you, two milkshakes and a to-go bag from Pop's dangling in his hand. He brushed past you into the classroom, heading for your usual spots and ignoring the fact that you still stood at the door, facing where he'd been. You felt like your mind had raced out ahead of you and now you had to wait for it to come back to the classroom so you could process exactly what was happening.
"You got–I thought–You didn't have to—" you started, spinning to face him.
"I meant to bring it last time but then I got caught up with the…you know," he said, pulling out two wrapped burgers and setting one on each desk. "But, I thought if the only thing you wanted for saving my ass was a milkshake, the least I could do was figure out how to get you one."
"I–I can't believe—Is this why—Did you—" You made a helpless sound at the end of the stuttering, and Sweet Pea shot you an amused look.
"Thank you," he supplied.
"Thank you," you echoed.
There was a pause.
"So, are you going to come eat or are you going to stay over there?" Sweet Pea asked, picking up a fry and dropping it into his mouth. "Because I'm not going to save you any fries."
"Thanks for the Pop's, by the way," you said as the two of you walked down the deserted hallway. "It's probably going to be the best thing that happens to me all day."
"Sounds like there's more to that statement," Sweet Pea said, holding the door open for you.
"Not really," you shook your head. "I just…I don't want to go home," you admitted, looking away from him and out into the almost empty Riverdale High parking lot.
"Having such a blast with me?" he drawled, and you could tell by the way he said it that his eyebrows were raised and he had that small smirk kind of thing going on, the same way he always did whenever he was making fun of you.
"No," you snorted rolling your eyes, or at least you almost rolled your eyes. You stopped midway through, your eyes growing wide, and you turned quickly to face him. "I mean you're fine. Great. I like our arrangement. Ugh that sounds pervy. I don't mean it like a creep, just–"
"Relax," he gave the hint of a genuine smile but whisked it away before anything more could come of it. "What's up with home?"
You glanced up at him before looking back down at your shoes. "It's nothing. I mean, it'll sound stupid when I say it out loud, and I kind of already feel like shit about it so I don't really want to get laughed at."
"I won't laugh." Sweet Pea raised his eyes in a challenging way.
"I think you will."
"Tell me," he said, nudging you with an elbow.
"I got a C on my stat test," you mumbled, looking away from him so you didn't have to see the failed attempts at repressing his amusement and disbelief.
"So that's what makes Northsiders afraid to go home? A bad grade on a test. Shit I wish that was why I didn't want to go home."
You gritted your teeth. "You promised you wouldn't laugh."
"I'm not laughing," he shook his head. "It's just…sad that you think that is a problem."
"I told you it was stupid. I didn't want to even say anything," you said, pushing past him and beginning to walk down the road.
"Hey," Sweet Pea called out, grabbing your arm. You flinched and he let go immediately. "There's more to it, isn't there?"
"You don't want to know about my Northsider problems. It's fine."
"I'm not going to beg you to tell me. If you don't want to you don't have to." He said, standing there still close to you.
"They just…my parents…they just get on me when I come home with any thing lower than an A. And I don't want to deal with it…with the arguments and the things they say."
"What do they say?" His voice was noticeably softer, and your eyes darted from where you'd been staring at the sidewalk to him.
"I don't know, my parents are pretty strict about doing well in school. They just um, they ask if I did my best, and I say yes, and then they'll say something along the lines of if that's my best then it means they failed with me. You know, like how I don't measure up to my sister and they made a mistake with me by giving me some more freedom to come home late from school or not do homework and studying on the weekends and stuff. Then there's the whole part about how can I achieve my plans or amount to anything with grades like that? You know, that if I don't want to end up worthless I need to put more effort in and take school more seriously. With a C it'll probably be a little worse. Just in terms of volume and tone. " You tried to make the last part sound like a joke, but you couldn't bring yourself to keep the smile on your face. Not when you saw Sweet Pea set his jaw.
"They don't hit you, do they?" he asked, tightly.
"What? No. No of course not. They're not abusive. Just…disappointed." You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "My sister's at Harvard Law, excelling, and I'm pretty sure they want me there too for pre-med…" you trailed off, looking out at the parking lot again. "I don't know. Like you said, it's just a Northsider problem. I'm sure you've dealt with worse," you mumbled.
Sweet Pea looked you up and down, his brow wrinkling as he seemed to be considering something. "It's not just a Northsider problem," he said finally. "Sounds like shit."
"Thanks," you mumbled, crossing your arms against the breeze. The two of you stood there in silence, alone. Sweet Pea looking down at you, and you standing there holding yourself together, trying to keep the panic and embarrassment down. Deep down.
"You know, if you don't want to go home, we could go back inside and hang out here for a bit or go over to my place."
Your heart began to race. You could almost hear it in your ears as you opened your mouth, but Sweet Pea cut you off, shaking his head with that almost smile. "Don't worry, not like that."  
You flushed and shook your head. "I—I have to get home. If I'm later than four it'll just be worse, and I'm already cutting it close."
"Need a ride then?"
You shook your head. "That's ok. Someone would probably see us. I can just walk."
He stood quietly, his eyes once again running up and down your body as if appraising you.
"Yeah ok," he nodded.
"I'll see you tomorrow though? On time?" you asked, your voice lifting a little bit in spite of yourself.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Sweet Pea smiled.
To Be or Not To Be?
You stared at the question at the top of Sweet Pea's screen before looking up at him.
"What?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing a little bit in the way they always did when he was testing you.
"I thought you would have gone with one of the revenge prompts," you admitted, hesitantly, bracing yourself for the rant coming your way.
"I had more to talk about with this one," he said simply, his eyes darting from the screen and then back at you.
"Oh," you said quietly, turning back to the computer and scanning over the first line. Coming from the Southside and being part of the Serpents everybody here thinks that I'm a deadbeat or a criminal. You stopped yourself, looking up at Sweet Pea.
"If you don't want me to read this one, I don't have to. I can walk you through some self-edit strategies because you've really been getting better. You don't need me to–"
"You can read it," he cut you off, his voice even and measured for once. Your own brow furrowed as you looked at him for a second longer, as if trying to determine whether or not he really meant it. He didn't flinch or move or look away. He met your gaze and held it. Steady.
You broke first, shifting your attention to the essay, your face feeling warm.
I can hear it in their little comments and in the way they whisper when I walk past them in the hall. I can see it in their expressions when I make a good point in class or the way they won't make eye contact. So, yeah, I get angry. I'm angry all of the time because I'm tired. I'm tired of being treated like I'm like a second class citizen because I was born on the wrong side of town. I'm tired of being treated like I'm a criminal because I chose a family who will always look out for me since mine split. I'm tired of being dumped on and blamed for everything when all I do is what it takes to survive. So yeah, sometimes I question whether it's worth coming to school or not just to put up with this. Like Hamlet I have to wonder if it's worth "suffering the slings and arrows" of my classmates and fight to prove that I am smart and belong here or do I give up and become the ignorant thug everyone already sees me as?
It was hard to focus on the parts of the essay that needed work. Clearly his wording could be better and there was room to make this more powerful, but the very fact that he was writing this and sharing it with you gave you pause.
"Do you really feel this way?" you whispered. You didn't mean to whisper. It wasn't like anyone was around to hear you. It just came out that way. As if the question was meant to be asked softly.
He shrugged, looking away from you and towards the wall, crossing his arms.  
You nodded shoving anything you would have said back down. Instead, you chose to sit in silence, staring at Sweet Pea. You noticed for the first time, the way he always seemed to be crossing his arms, and if he wasn't doing that he was clenching his fist. Your eyes ran up his arm to his face, which looked distant and closed. And in that moment, Sweet Pea suddenly made a lot more sense. Because you knew that look.
"You thought of me like that when I asked you to help, didn't you?" he mumbled, finally, still refusing to look at you.
You wished you were a good liar. Or that the two of you were friends now. Or that you were braver than you were. But you weren't. You were you, and all you could do was look down and mumble "Yeah, but I was wrong."
His head snapped to you, and he furrowed his brow, his eyes bore into you with that assessing look they sometimes got. You looked up and met his gaze wondering if he was going to charge you with lying or push you on it or say anything else. He didn't. He just continued to stare at you intensely as if calculating something in his head.
"I mean, you're still terrifying. Just um not so randomly? Does that make sense?"
He gave the smallest shake of his head.
"Like," you bit your lip, trying to form the words in your head into sentences. Sentences that made sense and wouldn't cause him to bolt from the room or knock over furniture or scream at you. "You get frustrated when you don't know something so you act all angry and storm away because you'd rather die than have people think you're stupid. That's why we have our arrangement isn't it? Because you don't want people to know you need help?"
He shrugged again.
"And now you're saying you're angry people only see you in one way, which makes sense of why you're always ready to snap on the Bulldogs. Because they are most of the reason people see you like that. I guess I'm just saying your anger makes sense. You're not some raw nerve or ball of senseless rage. You're a real person."
He snorted. "Thanks."
"I don't know, I guess I'm just saying that it's harder to think of you as some thug and weigh all of that Southside and Serpent stuff against you when I like you."
You flushed as Sweet Pea raised his eyebrows. "Not like you like you. Not like that. I mean there's a bunch of girls who do. Even Northsiders. Because you're objectively good looking. Like really good looking, and tall, dark, and mysterious and stuff, but I'm not–I just mean as a friend. Even though we're not friends. Uh, well we could be, but—"
"Breathe, Y/N," Sweet Pea chuckled, his arms falling down to his sides. "I know what you mean."
You flushed and looked back down at the desk.
"And for the record, I like you too."
You nodded, failing to keep the smile from sliding onto your face. "Great. Umm, let's get this paper sorted out then."
"No one can tell me the answer." Ms. Richardson asked, pacing up and down the rows of the history class. "We've been studying Reconstruction for how long and no one can tell me how this affected political parties? This is ridiculous."
Your stomach twisted as you flipped through your notes searching for any kind of hint to the answer.
"Mr. Chisholm? An answer?" your teacher rounded on one of the Bulldogs closest to her who looked up from where he'd been doodling something in his notebook.
"No ma'am," he shook his head, looking back down to avoid her gaze. She shook her head, turning on the next student.
"Mr. Fogarty?"
Fangs Fogarty looked up at the teacher blankly, looking far more like a deer in the headlights than a dangerous Southside Serpent. He shook his head.
"Should have known," Ms. Richardson snapped. Next to him, you watched as Sweet Pea's hands ball into fists and his jaw set.
"We just need a second to think," you blurted.
"Excuse me?" The teacher's attention whipped around on you, and it was if someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on your head. You opened and shut your mouth. You were sure your body was shaking. It felt like it was shaking. Like the 24 pairs of eyes that had turned to look at you were crushing you under the weight of their stare. "Oh, no, Ms. Y/L/N, I'd like you to repeat it please."
"I'm sorry, Ms. Richardson, I—I—I just—"
"Repeat. It."
"I said we need time to think. And look in our notes."
"If you need time to look in your notes in order to answer basic questions about material we've been studying for the past few weeks, then you can spend your lunch with me today." Ms. Richardson stated firmly. Your cheeks burned, and you looked away from her as she made her way back to the front of the classroom. You caught Sweet Pea's stare as the corner of his mouth quirked up before he shook his head and turned his attention to Fangs who was whispering something.
The rest of class went by comparatively smoothly. At least there were no more incidents where you publicly stuck your foot in your mouth. Instead you sat in silent dread, letting the reality of what you'd done sink in.
You were in such deep shit if your parents ever found out.
It was this thought that kept your mind occupied even after the bell rang. It wasn't until Sarah poked you in the back that you shook yourself off and realized everyone was packing up. You started shoving your stuff into your bag as quickly as possible, in the process knocking your textbook down to the ground.
"Shit," you swore, leaning down to pick up the book. Before you could get there a hand already had it and was offering it to you.
You looked up at Sweet Pea who had that small smile on his face.
"Uh, thanks," you said, taking it from him.
"No problem," he said before turning around to walk out the door with his friends. You followed him with your eyes, accidentally catching Toni Topaz's gaze. Your head snapped back around as you finished pulling your books from your locker.
"Ummm, what just happened?" Sarah asked.
You looked up at her, almost forgetting she was there. You shook your head. "I have no idea."
"Did Sweet Pea–Riverdale High's own Wolverine— just pick up your book for you?"
"I…" you shrugged struggling to push down the strange feeling that felt too close to "offended"  from bubbling up.
"This is a sign of the end times," Sarah joked.
It was harder to force yourself to laugh than it should have been. And you definitely shouldn't have let your gaze drift back to the retreating Southside Serpent's jacket.
"Who was that?" Fogarty asked, looking over his shoulder and back at you before following Sweet Pea into the hallway.
"Y/N Y/L/N," Sweet Pea said, staring ahead, ignoring the look that Toni shot him.
"What's her deal?" Fangs continued.
"I don't know what that was in there, but she once got a bad grade in Simpkins' class and cried about it. In class. Poor little neurotic grade grubber couldn't handle it," Cheryl chimed in with her trademark lighthearted bitch tone.
"Shut it Cheryl," Sweet Pea growled.
"What is this?" Cheryl asked, perking up. "Our serpentine prince channeling his anger issues into defending a Northside nerd? Don't tell me you're interested in first movie Hermione Granger."
Sweet Pea curled his fingers up into a fist before flexing them out, focusing on keeping them straight so they wouldn't curl up again and do anything Toni would make him regret.
"Easy Cheryl," Toni stepped in, casting a confused glance at Sweet Pea. "He hasn't had his coffee today, so he's even more of a short fuse than normal."
Cheryl laughed. "Whatever."
The rest of her snark was cut off as Sweet Pea looked over his shoulder and towards you where you laughed with a friend coming out of the classroom door. He pushed the odd feeling that crept up in his chest down and turned back, following the rest of the Serpents.
"You are never going to believe what just happened," you announced, walking into the classroom.
Sweet Pea looked up at you, eyebrows raise. "You just walked in the door six minutes late to tutoring? Yeah, I thought you might have died."
"Very funny," you shot back. "But more unbelievable than me being late."
"You got a second detention today for defending a Southside Serpent," Sweet Pea asked, giving you the  tell-tale 'I'm making fun of you' smirk.
You opened your mouth to argue back about how you weren't defending Fangs Fogarty, before realizing that you did not want to start that argument. It was a debate you were destined to lose because the only thing that would convince him that you weren't looking out for Fangs would be the truth.
And you weren't about to tell him that.
Instead, you let out a laugh and shook your head. "No, and I'm going to have to say more unbelievable."
"So we're just going to skip over the whole thing that happened with Richardson."
"Yes, but also no."
"Alright, tell me," he said, opening his hands wide, as if welcoming in the information.
"Adam Chisholm just asked me on a date," you announced, falling into the chair next to Sweet Pea. "And I said yes." To your pleasure, he looked just as surprised as you probably did.
He started to form the beginning of a sentence before he got there. His fingers twitched by his side before finally relaxing. "You're right, that is more unbelievable."
"I am agreeing with you," he argued back.
"Well, uh, yeah, maybe technically…" you shook your head, feeling your face grow warm. "He found me in the hall on the way here and said he was really impressed with the way I stood up to Richardson and wanted to thank me by taking me out to Pop's. And then I asked him if this was like a date, and he said yes."
"So you asked him on a date," Sweet Pea said slowly.
"No, he invited me out," you scrunched up your face with confusion. It was as if Sweet Pea had just checked out for the past thirty seconds.
"To something that you turned into a date," Sweet Pea continued.
Your face fell. "Oh. Oh no. Did I just ask him out on a date? Is that going to be weird? Does that make me seem desperate? This was supposed to be a friends thing wasn't it? Oh my–I'm so stupid. I can't be trusted with anything. Ugh," you slumped forward, covering your head with your arms. "This is the second stupidest thing I've done today."
You could hear him snort and shift closer to you, nudging your arm with his. "You're fine."
You peeked up from your arms to look over at him. "Really? You're sure I shouldn't cancel? I can cancel still. It's tomorrow, not today–"
"You're fine," Sweet Pea repeated, nudging you again.
"I'm fine?" you asked, bumping your arm back into his.
He grinned. "Just make sure you're safe and pick up some protection before you go."
You gasped, your face in flames, as you stared like him, too stunned to bury your head in your arms again.
"Seriously, Y/N. K9 Advantix or Frontline plus only, last thing you want to do is pick up fleas because you went with some generic bland."
"I…I can't tell if that's a euphemism."
Sweet Pea didn't answer.
Unless you counted bursting out laughing.
In that case, he gave a very long and very loud answer.
"Guess who got an A-," Sweet Pea yelled in triumph kicking in the classroom door.
You whipped your head around to look at him, attempting to plaster on a smile even as your chest constricted and you tried to convince yourself to push down everything you were feeling and just. be. happy. After all, this was far from the meanest thing anyone'd done to you.
His face fell. Obviously your attempt at a cheery smile had failed. Probably miserably.
"What's up?"  he asked, moving slower and with significantly less pep.
"Nothing," you rolled your eyes, looking away from him.
"You didn't get a C again did you?" he asked, sitting down backward on the chair in front of yours. You snorted shaking your head.
"Seriously, Sweet Pea, it's nothing. It's dumb." You might have gotten him to let it go if your voice hadn't cracked.
"It was your date, wasn't it?" he asked, his voice tight.
"What date?" you chuckled humorlessly. Sweet Pea furrowed his brow, and you shook your head trying to get control over yourself. "He…he never showed."
"What an asshole–"
You held up a hand stopping him. "I thought maybe–" your voice got away from you, and it took a second for you to bring it back. "Maybe he forgot the time. Or maybe something came up and he couldn't text because it was serious."
Sweet Pea scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I waited for forty-five minutes, and then I left, and I figured I'd see him in school today and we could sort it out. But then I  was scrolling on Instagram, and…"
You held your phone out showing him the picture you had found on Ginger Lopez' Instagram.
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It took him a second for the picture of the holding hands and tangled legs and the caption to sink in.
"That son-of-a-bitch," Sweet Pea stood up so quickly, his chair wobbled. "I'll kick his ass," he started for the door.
"Sweet Pea, stop, school's over, he's probably at practice with the rest of the Bulldogs."
"Great, there'll be an audience."
"Hey! Wait!" you called out, grabbing his arm. "Please, don't. It'll make me seem pathetic, and they'll just suspend you for starting it, and then people will know we talk, and I know you don't want that."  You stopped, a new jolt of pain running through you. "It's not worth it." A tear escaped and you reached up to wipe it away with the sleeve.
"He's an idiot," Sweet Pea spat, turning back around to face you.
"I'm the idiot," you sniffed, and then more tears were coming. "I really thought he was interested." You took a step forward, moving as if to hug him before you let your hands fall to your sides realizing that just because Sweet Pea was happy to use you as an excuse to fight the Bulldogs didn't mean you were friends. Sure he said he liked you. But that didn't mean anything. You liked plenty of people, but you didn't want to hug all of them. You were pretty sure a good number of kids in this school liked you.
And yet here you were.
Before you could follow this train of thought any further, two arms wrapped around you, pulling you close. You shook, completely letting go of all reserve as you tucked yourself under his chin, your ear resting against his chest and listening to the steady beats of his heart. It was a fast rhythm but easy to follow and comforting in its predictability. You felt yourself melt further into him, breathing a little easier, even as the tears continued. "I didn't even like him that much," you whispered into his shirt. "It was just nice to be liked. To be able to go out to Pop's with someone who didn't mind being seen with me."
Sweet Pea didn't say anything. Instead, he held you a little tighter and rested his head on yours as you continued to cry.
"So," Toni started, dropping into the seat across the table from Sweet Pea. "Are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Y/N Y/L/N or am I going to have to get Betty and Jughead to sleuth it out?"
Sweet Pea looked up at her, finishing chewing on his burger before he placed his food back on his tray to answer. "What are you talking about?"
Toni sighed, rolling her eyes. "I was running late to practice yesterday when I passed by this classroom and I could have sworn I saw you in there hugging her. Maybe it was some other giant in a Serpents jacket though."  Toni leaned on her hand, smirking at Sweet Pea. "So, again, what's going on between you and Y/N Y/L/N?"
"Nothing," Sweet Pea answered, tightly, punctuating the lie with a very jerky shrug.
"Ok, so when you picked up her book for her the other day it was just a random act of kindness?"
"Yep," he let the p pop before taking another bite.
"And when you went crazy on Cheryl for making fun of her?"
"I got tired of Cheryl being a bitch." The hamburger muffled his words, but Toni's face still went dark.
"Watch it," she warned lowly. "And don't try to make me mad to change the subject. You like Y/N. How did you two even get to know each other anyway? Is she why you stay after school?"
"We don't know each other." Sweet Pea glared, pushing up from the table. "And even if we did it's none of your damn business." Sweet Pea grabbed his tray, chucking the rest of his lunch in the trash can as he stormed away.
You were thankful that no one knew you were supposed to go out on a date with Adam Chisholm. Well, at least, no one who would whisper about it or bring it up to you and force you to face your embarrassing rejection. There had been a horrible moment of pure terror when you realized Adam may have brought it up and laughed about it with his friends or maybe someone saw you alone at Pop's, but you were so anonymous that it seemed like they didn't even deem you worth gossiping about. And thank goodness really.
You were just glad that the only person who knew what went down and how you reacted couldn't publicly acknowledge that he even knew you.
Because that's what this feeling was. This soft sort of numbness that reminded you of the feeling of snow, blanketing any and all thoughts of Sweet Pea and Adam and school. This was gladness.
You felt relieved when the texts came in.
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It was good. It meant you could just let the whole storm pass. You didn't have to address the fact that you drank a milkshake alone. You didn't have to address how comfortable Sweet Pea was or how you liked the feeling of the worn leather jacket. You didn't have to address the fact your chest felt strangely hollow every time Sweet Pea sent you a text cancelling tutoring. You didn't have to address anything.
But, as you lay on your bed staring up at the ceiling, having finished the edits on his paper, you couldn't help but read over his texts for the tenth time and keep repeating one thought over and over again: you shouldn't be this upset.
He was your tutoree. Tutee? Some kid. A serpent. Serpents skipped help.
But then your thumbs were flying across the keyboard.
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"You have to tell her." Toni said softly, looking up at Sweet Pea from across the bar.
"And you have to stop reading my texts," Sweet Pea clicked the screen off.
"She's clearly into you and you like her, what's the problem?" Toni snapped, moving backwards to grab a bottle from the bar to refill a glass
"You don't get it."
"Oh yes, I forgot, you are the only one who's ever experienced pining."
"Whatever," Sweet Pea growled, pushing away from the bar and starting towards the pool table where he could be left the hell alone.
"Get back here," Toni barked, and Sweet Pea stopped, turning to her with a glare. "No one cares, Pea. No one cares if you're into a Northsider. No one cares which Northsider you're into. No one cares about Northside vs. Southside anymore except for you. So if you like her, get over yourself and tell her."
"It's not a Northside/Southside thing," Sweet Pea grumbled, taking a hesitant step back to the bar.
"Then what is it?" Toni sighed, deflating a little herself.
Sweet Pea looked over his shoulder before sliding back onto the seat in front of Toni. "She's my English tutor."
"Oh my God."
"So I need help–"
"No, that was because you are so dumb. You're worried that people will find out that you needed help in English? And you're making this poor girl think she's the problem because of your stupid big ego?" Toni was practically screaming at him now, but Sweet Pea sat there, jaw set and body tense waiting for her to finish.
"It's not just that," he finally cut in, running a hand through his hair. "She never…she was supposed to go on a date with this Bulldog…she's not interested."
"Or maybe she thinks you're not interested because you refuse to admit to anyone you even know her." Sweet Pea opened and shut his mouth. "Just sayin' Pea. Stop avoiding her and talk to her. You found a girl willing to hug you of all people," Toni joked. "There's not too many of them out there in the world."
Sweet Pea lifted a finger as Toni let out a laugh and moved to help another customer.
He didn't respond to your text.
Or your email with the comments.
He didn't even look at you in school the next day.
As expected you had made it worse.
It seemed like an uphill battle to hide your disappointment from everyone, but you'd been giving it a particularly valiant effort and had felt rather good about getting away with your mopiness unnoticed until Sarah cornered you at your locker.
"You're coming out with me tonight," Sarah announced as you closed your locker door.
"To where?" you asked.
"Reggie's having a party, and you look like you need some fun and socialization. So, be at my house by 8:30, and I'll figure out which clothes I'm going to dress you up in."
"Sarah," you sighed. "Nobody wants me at their parties."
"Oh come on, like the whole school is invited to this one. It's a blowout for his birthday, and if there's one thing people like Reggie love it's celebrating themselves," Sarah argued, following you as you took off towards the door. She continued to nag you all the way out the door and onto the bus until finally you broke down and agreed that you'd go to this party.
But even though Sarah had said everyone was invited, you hadn't really expected that "everyone" would include the Serpents. You said as much to Sarah when you walked in.
"I'm guessing Cheryl bullied Reggie into it so she could bring Toni," Sarah rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, we don't have to talk to them." She pulled you along, and your eyes fell on Sweet Pea. He met your gaze and you quickly turned away, following her further into the house and straight for the bright red concoction on Reggie's counter.
It only took an hour to lose Sarah to an attractive junior on the track team, which was really just your luck. Being alone. At a party in which you didn't belong. Too straight laced to get drunk enough to deal with this situation. This was the worst.
"Hey! Having a good time?" A voice shouted over the music and you whirled, stumbling on over your feet. Two hands shot out, grabbing a hold of your shoulder and elbow to steady you.
"Thank you," you mumbled, staring up at Adam Chisholm. He had the audacity to smile at you.
"You look great."
"Thanks," you murmured, looking away from him and out to the crowd, desperately wishing you could will Sarah to appear.
"Look, I wanted to talk to you about Pop's. I was on my way when Ginger texted, and I tried telling her I couldn't come over, but you know Ginger; I don't think she's even heard the word no before."
It was hard to keep track of what he was saying. All you could hear was. Pop's. Ginger. No.
"It's fine," you shook your head.
"You're way too nice—"
"She really is," another voice agreed, coming up behind you. You could feel his presence at your back, closer than he normally was. He was here. He was behind you. He was next to you. He was defending you. No one could know.
"I'm sorry, I don't think anyone was talking to you," Adam bit back, his eyes on Sweet Pea. "So why don't you just slither away."
"Sure, as soon as you go back to your kennel and leave Y/N the hell alone," Sweet Pea said, leaning forward so that he pressed against your back.
You bit your lip, trying to keep from looking at him. You couldn't look at him. Couldn't acknowledge him. Couldn't give him away.
"Jealous, Serpent?" Adam asked.
"Look you already screwed with her once. Why don’t you go pee on Mantle's furniture if you want to assert your dominance or whatever fucked up shit the Bulldogs do to initiate the pitiful wannabes like you?"
"What are you talking about?" Ginger asked, sliding up next to Adam, wrapping one arm around his waist and placing the other on his chest.
"The night this asshole 'officially became bae,' he was supposed to be on a date with Y/N." Sweet Pea said, narrowing his eyes at Adam, as if he'd just ripped the carpet out from under him.
Ginger scoffed. "She told you that?"
Sweet Pea didn't say anything.
"Because I don't think she's really ever had a conversation with Adam, and why would she? Adam's a Bulldog who has recruiters coming to his games and she's well…"
"She's what?" Sweet Pea ground out, his hands in fists.
"Nobody?" Ginger said, too lightly. "I'm not surprised she picked a Bulldog to be in a fake relationship with, it's just sort of sad you believed her."
You turned, brushing past Sweet Pea and heading towards the door, trying to keep the mixture of feelings at bay. You pushed past all of the people, ignoring the swearing and the dirty looks until you finally burst outside where you were thankfully alone.
You stood there for a second, just outside the door, taking in the cold and just breathing. It was the first moment of peace you'd felt the entire night.
"Hey, you ok?" You felt his hand on your arm, spinning you to face him. You were positive your eyes were shining.
You shook your head, shrugging. "I expected it coming here. Feeling like the outcast, you know?" you sighed. "I mean it's probably just another Northsider problem, but it sucks. It sucks when people just don't want you and will do whatever it takes to keep you on the outside and cut you out."
He sucked in a breath, looking down at the ground.
"I didn't mean you. I mean, that did suck, but I know why you did it. I get it. I'm unbearably awkward and I shouldn't have broken down on you like that and—"
"You didn't make things awkward, Y/N." Sweet Pea finally stepped in to save you.
"Oh," you flushed. A silence settled between you. "I guess I just read into the texts and thought you were avoiding me. I'm sorr–"
"I was avoiding you."
"Oh." Your voice was the quietest you'd ever heard it.
"It's not because of anything you did. You're…great. Really great. Awesome actually. You don't deserve the shit those people in there give you. I—"
"You stood up for me." The thought hit you like a freight train. Sweet Pea had just stood up for you. In front of Adam. And Ginger. And practically everyone else in the room. "Oh my—you stood up for me!"
"Yeah," Sweet Pea's eyes darted around as if looking for hidden cameras.
"That's gonna mean questions. And people will ask why you did it or how we know each other, and I swear I'll cover for you but I'm a terrible liar, and they'll probably find out. Not that I'm not grateful, I mean it's probably the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me in my high school career. Just how—"
Sweet Pea darted forward and for half a second his lips were on yours and your heart stopped and you couldn’t breathe. He pulled back, enough to look at your face. Enough to bring his hand up to cup your cheek.
"You kissed me." Leave it to you to state the obvious during the most romantic moment of your life.
Sweet Pea's lips quirked up into their almost smile. "Yeah. Is that ok?"
"What if someone sees?" you whispered.
Sweet Pea snorted, leaning down to rest his forehead on yours. Your heart thundered in your chest. Sweet Pea kissed you. He kissed you. At a party. Where he stood up for you.
"Come on," he said, suddenly, stepping back and tugging you by the hand back in door.
You stumbled along after him like an idiot, letting him lead you into the living room where you had just been. Where people still were. Where Toni Topaz' eyes immediately fell on the two of you and she cocked her head, pulling the attention of Cheryl towards you.
And this was your nightmare.
Sweet Pea stopped suddenly, turning to you and grabbing your face in his hands, and pulling you in once more. His lips were warm and soft and they felt like the way he hugged. Which was a weird way of describing a kiss, but you didn't care. Because Sweet Pea was kissing you in front of everyone, pulling you in as close as possible as you grabbed his shirt in your fists and kissed him back, pressing yourself into him. And neither of you cared that everybody saw so everybody knew.
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damaless · 5 years
Instead Of Getting Hit, Don’t
Chapter Thirteen: Team Shouto
“There's someone I need to see again, too.” Yamada slings his bow across his back.
Shouto lets out the breath he’d been holding. “You’re— you want to come with us?”
“Indeed,” Yamada says, lifting his chin. “I’ve sat around wallowing for long enough. This looks to be as good a chance as any for me to actually do something about this miserable situation.”
Shouto looks towards the rest of the group.
Kyouka inclines her head. “Good different, then.”
Mina nods. “The more, the merrier!”
‘Merry’ isn’t a word Shouto would have used to describe Yamada based on their previous interactions, but his demeanor has completely shifted, now.
Maybe he’d only been subdued out of a sense of helplessness — resolving himself to take action seems to have energized him. The man Shouto had caught a glimpse of before, when he’d first mentioned Aizawa to him, has come out in full force.
“And you can conjure pools of acid?” he’s asking Mina, who gives a brief demonstration. He nods, and moves on, taking stock of them all.
He returns to Shouto. “You’ve got an impressive little group here,” he says. “Let’s see how they fare in battle! Lead the way, Shouto!”
Nemean Chariots can’t really grind an opponent into dust beneath their wheels when they’ve been rendered weightless. Half of the chariots hang in the air above their heads, giant, deadly wheels spinning ineffectively as Yamada picks them off one by one with his bow. All Ochako had needed to do was get close enough to touch each one. The other half have mostly been dissolved after running into Mina’s acid pools.
“I can’t believe you fought through all this alone,” Mezou says as they take a moment to breathe.
Shouto leans against a wall. “It’s not like I had any other choice.” He laughs mirthlessly. “It’s not anything impressive; I failed hundreds of times before I ever managed to face Endeavor at the surface.”
Mezou shakes his head. “You had a choice — you could have given up entirely. A lesser person would have. Or you could have come out of it hardened and cruel.”
Denki joins them, resting an elbow on Shouto’s shoulder. “Yeah, don’t sell yourself short. You’re an inspiration! It’s amazing that you weren’t an asshole to begin with, your dad being who he is.”
Denki jostles him, grinning pointedly until Shouto smiles, just slightly.
“That’s better,” he says, and walks off to insert himself into whatever Kyouka, Mina, and Hitoshi are conversing about.
“He’s right, you know,” Mezou says, quietly — it’s amazing that someone with such a large physical presence can be so soft-spoken. “None of us would be here if we didn’t believe in you, no matter how nonchalant about it some of them seemed back on Olympus.”
Shouto closes his eyes, sighing heavily. His time on Olympus is foggy; he’d been operating automatically, failing to process everything he’d been through, trying to come to terms with what he’d gained — what he’d lost. But regardless of how thoroughly he’d thrown himself into helping the others with their responsibilities, striving to fill an Izuku-shaped hole with new connections, new purpose — he can’t possibly deserve this much faith from them.
He opens his eyes. “We should keep moving.”
Shouto drops low and forms a wall out of the ground as Aoyama’s spear soars past him.
Ugh. Had it been too much to ask that their absence up until now had meant that they’d found something more productive to do than get in his way?
“Do we really need to do this?” Shouto calls. “What did Endeavor come up with this time? Now I’m a monster who needs to be kept out of the Underworld?”
“Monster?” Hitoshi whispers, crouched beside him.
Shouto shrugs. No time for a long-winded explanation of his father’s methods of roping in assistant jail keepers.
“Come out, you cowardly snake!” Aoyama’s voice seethes with animosity. “I see you’ve manipulated a few little godlings into aiding you!”
Is it really necessary to be so insulting? It’s not like Shouto’s ever done anything against him personally, other than killing him repeatedly — but Aoyama’s attitude had been around before all that, even.
Shouto frowns, looking around at his friends. Would they doubt his honesty at this point? Could they be led to believe that he had manipulated them?
“Hey, Shouto,” Hanta says, putting a hand on his arm. “You didn’t even ask us to come. We know you didn’t manipulate anybody.”
The rest nod their agreement, faces earnest — even Hitoshi and Kyouka.
“Even if you’d tried, we’re not idiots,” Hitoshi adds with a smirk.
Is he really that transparent? He twists his mouth. He hasn’t lied to any of them, no — but he has he done anything to deserve all this trust and loyalty?
Yamada steps forward. “Would you say that I am a gullible fool, Yuuga?”
Aoyama’s over-dramatic gasp is audible even from behind a barrier across the room. “Yamada Hizashi? What are you doing in the company of this contemptible scoundrel?”
“That is enough, Yuuga.” Iida’s voice rings out for the first time since their arrival. “Up until now, I have fulfilled my duty as a combatant at your side without voicing any of my doubts of Endeavor’s claims. But Shouto has fought with honor every single time, and here he stands with the clear support of Olympus. And Yamada Hizashi is championing his cause, as well.”
“What are you suggesting, Tenya?” Aoyama asks, incredulity raising the pitch of his voice at least an octave.
Their voices drop in volume, and Shouto peers around the edge of his barricade. Iida has pulled Aoyama to the side and is gesturing sharply towards their group.
Shouto nudges Kyouka. “Can you make out what they are saying?”
She nods, and closes her eyes. After a moment, she starts to speak. “The big one with the axe—”
“Iida Tenya,” Shouto provides.
“—is systematically debunking every claim your father has made against you. The shiny one—”
“Aoyama Yuuga.”
“—seems skeptical, but he’s listening.”
Shouto exhales slowly. Maybe this won’t come down to a fight after all. As a group, they would almost certainly be able to prevail against the two of them, but likely not without casualties. Iida’s axe is almost instantly lethal, and he’s fast. Aoyama’s spear can’t be ignored, either.
Kyouka opens her eyes and raises an eyebrow at him. “Did you really keep letting him go after you’d nearly defeated him, knowing that meant you’d have to face him again with his little friend?”
Shouto glances down and away. “He yielded. And it’s not like I ever actually wanted to fight him.” He’d always hoped that one day, Iida would stop wanting to fight him, too.
“You’re too good for your own good, Shouto,” Kyouka says, shaking her head. She pats his hand gently.
“Mm,” he replies, noncommittal. It’s hard to agree, knowing how badly he’d treated Izuku — inadvertently, but still. He’d taken years to make it to the surface after learning of his mother’s existence — additional years in which she’d continued to suffer, as a result of his inadequacy. And now, making everyone help him—
“They’re coming over here,” Kyouka whispers, interrupting his self-flagellation session.
Shouto tenses, readying himself to jump out from behind his wall. He grips his sword and calling his mother’s frost to his fingertips. If he can slow Iida down, maybe—
“We’ve decided to join you in your quest, Shouto,” Iida announces, and Shouto blinks.
They want to join him? Not just let him past without a fight?
He stands up, narrowing his eyes. “How do I know I can trust him?” He jerks his chin at Aoyama while maintaining eye contact with Iida.
Iida nudges Aoyama, who stumbles forward from the force of it.
Aoyama scuffs at the ground with his foot. “I apologize, Shouto. I was operating under some false conceptions about you, but still — it was excessive for me to make it so… personal.”
Ochako and Tsu come to stand at either side of him, arms folded. Aoyama’s eyes widen, and he shrinks under the intensity of their glares.
“We’ll keep an eye on him for you, Shouto,” Ochako says.
Tsu nods. “If he reaches for his spear without good reason, he’s done.”
Aoyama visibly swallows.
Shouto nods. “More the merrier,” he says, voice flat. He glances at Mina, and she grins.
She inserts herself between Iida and Aoyama, slapping them each on the back. “Welcome to team Shouto!”
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Devil’s No 1(7)
Chapter 7: Abundance
Loki x fem!Reader, Bucky x fem!Reader
Theme: The definitions of devils, angels, demons etc. are twisted here in this world. But some things remain the same.
Series: Will contain violence, death, destruction, softness, fluff, smut, everything that my mind can conjure, really.
Chapter warnings: None... is a kink a warning?
A/N: This was written two years ago (I think) on @phantomrose96 ‘s prompt/situation of a shy girl summoning the devil to be friends with him (and something else that he does but I’ll leave that part out for you guys to have fun with). But I- being thirsty for tragedies- twisted things a little.
Word Count: Work tomorrow. ugh! Sundays always make me feel lonely. So lonely. I need a hug.
MASTERLIST in bio, love. Tags are open
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credits to @russian-hiddlestoner for the picture
It was a journey. Through a tunnel, maybe? Or something deeper in the ground. Well, that's what it felt like. Like when you travelled in a train and passed a junction, or where the tracks met, maybe even a tunnel there! That was how you were feeling. Or rather, your conscience was feeling? Or should we call it your soul?
Let's just skip to the part where you felt it all and woke up.
A loud gasp rose from your lungs as your eyes threw themselves wide open.
"There you are," you heard the dark honey voice of the devil himself from somewhere around- hopefully he isn't still inside you, "I was worried about you."
By the layers in Loki's voice, you could clearly tell how he was mocking you but your brain was on too much of a spin to even consider registering that idea right now.
"Ughh," you responded, trying to get up from the sofa. "What happeuuh-" you barely stood straight before feeling yourself falling down again if not for Loki breaking your fall, catching you in his slender but surprisingly strong arms.
"Woah! Now, now. We haven't even had proper drinks yet."
You took the support of his arms- which were eerily stone-like under all that expensive fabric that he was wearing- and scrunched your nose as you stood up, this time slowly. "We had freaking Jagër didn't we?"
"And that's got you so blurry already," he announced, sitting down, and took you by your shoulder with him, causing you to look at him with a bit of a diluted and confused rage, "we really need to work on your drinking capacity."
You don't know who you shared a look with- God, an angel or any entity that was invisible right now- but you were certain of the age-old fact that the devil was not a good influence on you.
"That's the only way I get that thing out of your system."
Now hold on. What was that?
"What? What thing?"
Hmm...maybe not as bad an influence?
"That thing inside you make you all-" he flayed his hands like an English noble while scrunching his nose just a bit- "so depressing and boring."
Your neck hurt having to turn to look at him but your ego was taking none of it. "Excuse me?"
But did he show any empathy for you? Unless that devilish smirk- that was meant kill thousands of weak-hearted earthly creatures when gazed upon- was his way of showing you how he felt for you, he clearly wasn't anywhere close to 'e'.
Oh, what am I even expecting! And from whom?!
Loki turned to you and relaxed into the sofa, his back being supported by the arms of your comfortable furniture.
"So, humans don't count being saved by the devil from a demon empathy?"
The broken harp inside you made the worst possible sound any instrument could.
"Please stop doing that," you begged, turning away from his face, heat radiating from your cheeks from the embarrassment.
"Those are my private thoughts," you tried to stress but your voice broke.
Loki got up and leaned a little closer to you, making you shift a bit to the other side- never stopping him from leaning closer. "Oh but I like hearing how irresistible you find my form," he nearly moans into your ear.
Holy Buddha! Lord of mercy!
"Aw," he pretended to groan- quite seductively though- in your ears, "don't take his name," whispering while moving your stray strands of hair away from your face, "he always kills my party mood by giving me his eerie smile and asking me how I'm doing. Like he cares."
He nearly spat out the last sentence and you sat there with raised brows, wondering what choice had you made that brought you straight in the arms of the devil while he narrated his dislike for Buddha.
"It was a Wednesday and you had your exams that week," Loki began, still playing with your hair.
"No, stop!" You shifted to the other end of the couch, raising your leg over the sofa to block his body, "stop telling me what I chose wrong. Stop telling me how excessively great Buddha is and definitely stop reading my thoughts."
The rims of Loki's eyes light up in a fiery-green glow, looking at you with a tilted curiousness. "Are you ordering me, darling?"
Great. Now he brings his powers in play.
"I am requesting you," you stress, folding your hands in front of him, "this is really uncomfortable and my head hurts and...wait." The tone of your voice changed, so did that pleasing colour in your eyes that Loki was loving till you dropped it wear a hint of confused blue before turning into a suspicious grey. "What exactly did you do inside me?"
"Woah," Loki raised his brow, "I didn't know you were into those kind of...kinks."
You looked like a sad confused potato till it dawned on you how of context the devil was taking your words.
"Seriously? I am dying here from this unending pain and all you can think of is sex jokes," you nearly shout with whatever energy you have left inside you.
Loki flicked his finger and within seconds there were vines coming out of the floor, wrapping around your limbs like snakes ready to devour you whole. "Stop," you said with a hint of rage but the vines only grew tighter, beginning to dig into your skin. "Loki, please," you begged this time, watching them force your hands behind your back.
"Loki," you cried softly with just the right amount of fear burning in your eyes. Exactly what Loki wanted.
And so, he finally shifted, fixing his arms around you as his hovering figure came to a stop above you, blazing eyes looking at you with the intensity of burning everything between your skin and his.
"Do not forget, pet," he cooed, too close to you, "that I am the one who holds the chains to your life. And if I want, I can yank them as hard as I please because in the end, your cries will only deliver me pleasure."
You should have been afraid. You should have been shivering in fear and panic; your heart should have been pounding for watching death right in the eyes. But this scorching sensation that you felt inside you did not seem fear like. The shiver was definitely not because of panic or your nerves feeling this unhinged tide. And all you could do was look at him while blinking with visible stupidity, gulping down something to moisten your dry throat while Loki's eyes seemed to shift.
"See?" He nearly sang, "Now that's the colour I love to see." He inhaled your essence in, moaning as he felt it register inside him, making you question his senses- and for this one very discreet almost 'invisible in the darkness of the moonless night' reason, made you question yours. "Smells like the right amount of fear," he chuckled, "with a hint of something I can't really put my finger on."
Her kink of being tied up and aroused by you! Your insides shouted.
Shut up! Shut up!
"Hm," Loki looked at you with fresh eagerness, nearly killing you with the intensity of embarrassment about to explode inside your head, "I have to say you seem interesting to play with without your thoughts too. So, I'll keep this thing off till as long as I like."
He finally got up and away. You were relieved.
Danggit, your inner voice didn't seem, though, I thought he'll finally kiss you without context!
Awesome, you hit back at her, just the person I want you to be rooting for!
You know if she had a physical form, she would be rolling her eyes at you now because both of you knew you had felt something glow inside your chest- and heat up inside your legs- at the mention of being at his mercy.
Shaking your head, you tried to bring yourself to reality.
No, I am better than this. I have to be.
"So," Loki chugged a glass of your Jager, "what do you want to do now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm not going to wait for you to decide on getting drunk and all that because I know the moment you hit the limit you will be crying your eyes out and I am not in the mood to ruin my suit for pent up tears tonight," he declared, letting his hands show you the piece of work layering his body, "more critical tears of underpaid labourers and cattle have gone into the making of this."
You shared that look again, with no one, in particular, being done with the devil for the night and yet knowing that there were still so many more hours to go.
"Fine," you got up, realising the vines had long since vanished, leaving barely any scars on your wrists and ankles, "we can go somewhere then? Uhh...someplace you'd like to visit? There's a pizza place here that's open at this time of the night."
You went on and on while Loki's concern for you modified into a chuckle transforming into laughter. "Oh, you poor human. You are about to die in five days and you are still worried about the things I want to see? Honestly, woman, who died and made you the queen of ethics? Wait, is there a course for such things now?"
He wasn't wrong. Because he admitted it right now, it all started to seem more real. You were going to die in five days. He was going to take your soul to hell and God knows do what all with it. Peter's disappearance and your state then had created such a perfect picture for it to make sense but now...
"Are you having second thoughts, darling?"
His words broke you out of this nauseating spell that you cast upon yourself and you found yourself standing in the kitchenette with your shot glass in your hand looking down at the floor where broken glass lay in a puddle of water along with one of your ceramic angels. You picked up the ceramic figurine to look at, a familiar old ache replacing whatever little glow had risen inside your chest.
The angel seemed to be looking at you, begging you not to do this.
"Yes," you finally declared, throwing the figurine in the bin, "I'm sure."
The angel on the watch sat by the lake on the lone bench, going through his device, looking at various statistics while someone hummed in the back somewhere, going about its own business.
"And another one and another one and another bites the dust..."
The humming was not as serene for the angel at work as he wanted it to be, but he was trying to get through it somehow. It was a really special person after all. One couldn't just tell him to stop humming.
"Would you stop humming," the angel announced, "I am trying to work here, Peter!"
Everything went silent, letting the angle heave a sigh of relief and go back to his tablet.
The tree behind him rustled before Peter popped out of it upside down. "Whatcha dooooooin', Happy?"
"Tryna' work."
"Can I help?"
"You've helped us already."
"No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did. No go cuddle spiders...or something."
"Well, technically our friend did. You know, that woman who goes by the name-"
"Peter I just want a few moments of silence to track down what exactly does Tony want from that stupid-"
"Bad word."
"Excuse me?"
"You said stupid, put some of your essences in the swear jar."
"Yeah, right. That's not gonna happen. Now please just shut u-"
"Oh shoot! Happy-"
"Aha! Now you take out your essence young man and put them in the swear-"
"No, Happy, look!"
The angel followed Peter's gaze to the lake as he watched a figure soaking in it coming out with scars and wounds being healed by the water. The figure- a man, apparently- was heaving for breaths, his glass eyes searching for someone, anyone.
"Hello!" he shouted, the tiredness in his voice abruptly changing his pitch. "Is there anybody there?!"
"Should we let him in?" Peter asked in a whisper.
"Hello! Mr Stark?" he shouted again, catching Happy and Peter's hundred per cent attention, "it's me, Scott. Can you please let me in? There is some very very important news I have to share with you."
Happy turned to his device to open the gate of mirage.
The man, still tired as he was, lit up on seeing Peter and Happy standing in front of him.
"Oh! Thank God!" he almost cried, putting all his energy in his legs to walk towards, "thank you! Thank you so much! I need to s-speak to Tony Stark."
"Identification please," Happy announced, earning a confused stare from Peter.
"Happy, he can barely walk."
"I don't care. Whoever has to meet Tony has to go through me."
"But Happy!"
"It's okay," the man smiled at Peter, still breathing heavily, "it's okay."
"My name is Scott. Scott Lang. I'm Y/N's guardian angel," he declared before falling on the ground and losing all consciousness.
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lovelyrocker · 5 years
Love Is Blind Ch.9
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~Characters: Jared Padalecki, Lexi Ackles, Jensen Ackles
~Pairing: Jared x Lexi
~Warning: Jared being sweet.(Yes that needs a warning) 
~Word Court: 1,823
Love Is Blind Masterlist
<Previous Chapter
Lexi was lying in her bed still in her pyjamas, hair pulled back, curled into a ball. Mother nature was not being nice to her this month. It was nearly four in the afternoon and she’d still not gotten out of bed having spent all day with Netflix.
“Still not feeling well?” Jared’s deep voice sounded from the door, making her jump. 
Lexi quickly shut off the TV and sat up in bed. “What are you doing back early?” 
“I did some rearranging and did all my coverage first.” He sat on the bed next to her. “I figured you could use the company.”
“You didn’t have to do that. I’m not sick I’m just,” She paused not wanting to straight forward say she was on her period and it was killing her. “It, it’s a chick thing.”
“I know, Jensen told me.  He said, and I quote, Lexi’s on her rag and can be worse than medusa so approach with caution.”
“I’m not THAT bad.” Her cheeks flushed and Jared couldn’t help but smile.
“I know and I brought you a pick me up.” He held up a brown paper bag opening it.  “Ice cream,” He handed her the pint.
“My favorite.” She smiled taking the treat and plastic spoon.
Jared reached back in the bag. “In case you need it.” He placed a bottle of Midol on her bedside table. “I didn’t  know if you were running low or not so I picked up a box.” He placed a box of tampons on the table next to the Midol. “I didn’t think you would want to get out of the house anyways. And if the ice cream doesn’t hit the spot,” He pulled out a bag of the fancy chocolates you like.”
She smiled opening the plastic spoon from the wrapper. “You are incredibly amazing.” She took a bit of ice cream. “What's even more amazing is, how did you know which tampons and menstrual relief I use?”
“I checked your bathroom before I Ieft for work this morning. And if Jensen or anyone asks, I had an appointment this afternoon.”
“Wait, so you’re saying you did all that just to be able to bring me this stuff and hang out?” She looked at him in disbelief.
“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Don’t act so surprised.”
“I am. No one had ever done something like this for me.”
“Well believe it.” He sat back in her bed pulling her to him. “And give me some of  that ice cream. It’s my favorite too.” She gave him a spoonful. “So what are we watching?” He asked grabbing the remote. 
“Uh, nothing.” She quickly grabbed the control out of his hand. “We don’t have to watch TV.” She shrugged.
“What were you watching?” He sang.
“You’re gonna make fun of me.” She slouched in the bed hiding her face.
“Oh God, were you watching porn?” He jested. 
“No!” She smacked his arm.��
Jared quickly snatched back the remote turning the TV back on. “Seriously?” He looked over at her when he saw his face on the screen. “Gilmore Girls?”
“I’ve never seen it and it popped up under suggestions.”
“Uh huh.” He gave her a suspicious look. “How far did you get?” He took another bite of ice cream and got comfortable.
“Almost done with season one.” He shook his head and pressed play.
After two episodes Lexi was asleep with her head on Jared’s shoulder. He carefully shut the TV before attempting to slide out the bed. Lexi turned into him, wrapping her arms around his torso. He smiled bringing his arm around to hold her. 
“Stay a little longer.” She mumbled nestling her head into his chest.
Jared gave a chuckle. “Jensen will be home soon.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“Stay till you hear the car pull up.” She reached up, eyes still closed, and began running her fingers through his hair.
“If I stay, I'll fall asleep with you running your fingers through my hair.” She giggled into his chest. “You need anything before I go for my run?”
She looked up at him. “Nope. I’ve got it all right here.” She reached up kissing him.
A few weeks later Lexi was sitting at the counter refreshing her page on her laptop every few minutes, becoming impatient. She bit at her nails and shook her foot as she clicked the refresh button for what seemed like the hundredth time. "Ugh!" She grunted as the door opened.
"You alright there?" Jared asked, walking in taking the scarf off from around his neck along with his jacket.
"Oh, yeah.” She nodded. “I'm just waiting for the final semester grades to be posted." She refreshed the page again. "Where's Jensen?"
"Getting food." He answered, walking up behind her. "I'm sure you passed, babygirl." He added, snaking his long arm around her shoulders as she lifted her head to kiss him. “
She smiled up at him before refreshing the page again. "Yes, posted!" She exclaimed as  she began scrolling. "Yes! 4.0 GPA!" 
"I told you!" Jared walked over, placing another kiss to her lips. "I am so proud of you." 
“Thank you.” She pulled him back down for another kiss. “And thank you for helping me.” She pulled him in again pressing her lips to his.
“Anytime.” He smiled down at her.
“I have to text Dee!” She grabbed her phone jumping off her chair
Jared watched as she shared her good news talking on the phone with Danneel then Ellie. He couldn’t help but smile at her excitement. He didn’t blame her. She was doing so amazing in school for someone who was so far ahead of her peers. He was thinking 
twice about bringing up the conversation he wanted to bring up that evening. There was something laying on his mind that he needed to talk to her about but wasn’t sure if tonight was a good night. After all, he didn’t want to ruin her good news.  
She walked back in the kitchen, closing up her laptop when Jared spoke. "Hey, Lex?" Jared cleared his throat nervously.
"Yeah?" She continued to put away her belongings that littered the counter.
"I had kind of been wanting to talk to you about something.” The tone in his voice caught her attention. He sounded concerned. She switched her attention from her task to him. “I- I know we said that we will slow down with the intimacy thing, but I also know that we've had sex a few times before and I know it's something we probably should have talked about before." His words came out all together, one after another with no pause. She was nervous and trying to be sure he was saying the right words and Lexi could tell he was overthinking as he spoke. "Not that it all falls on you. It's both of us that should- And the few times we have we didn’t," 
The door swung open and Jensen walked in with a pizza and a six pack. "Dinner!" He shouted, placing the pizza box down. "And I am so proud of you!" He pulled Lexi into a tight hug. Lexi looked over Jensen’s shoulder at Jared seeing him exhaled, grabbing a beer and practically downing it in one sip. He continued to go back and forth in his head and Lexi could see it. Jensen glanced at his watch before standing to retreat to the den for his facetime call with Danneel. "Oh, Lex, before I forget." He pulled a small white bag from his back pocket. "I grabbed this while I was out. Figured I’d save you a trip." He put the bag next to her.
"Thanks, Jay." After Jensen was out of earshot, Lexi stood and walked over to Jared, small bag in hand. "I think this answers the question you were trying to ask." She sat the bag in front of him, placed a kiss to his temple with a smile, and walked away.
Jared made his way to his room plopping down on the bed. Holding the little bag in his hand, he opened it taking out its contents. He smiled to himself when he saw it was birth control pills. Taking a deep breath he let his head fall back on his pillows. It amazed him that although he sounded like an idiot and couldn’t get a single sentence out like he wanted, she still understood him and what he was trying to say.
Later on that night, Lexi was in her room on her bed, pen to paper in her journal when a light tap on her door pulled her attention. "Yeah?" 
"Can I come in?" Jared poked his head in.
"Of course." She sat up, closing her journal. 
Jared placed the little bag on her bedside table. "This did answer my question." He smiled. "Thank you." He pulled out the desk chair and  sat backward.
"Why were you so nervous to ask about it?"
"I don't know, really." He glanced down fidgeting with his hands. "I guess I just don't want to mess this up. You and me, I mean."
"Why would you?" 
He shrugged."I can't help but feel like I'm gonna fuck this all up at any second."
"Jared," He looked up at her. "I know you have a habit of blaming yourself for things you have no control over. And I know you feel a certain amount of guilt about what happened with you and Gen, but that doesn't mean every relationship you will have will end badly. Hell, I'm still learning that myself." She grinned, sitting on the edge of her bed. "This is new to both of us, so I don't think there really is a right or wrong way to do things.” She walked over putting her arms around his neck. “You are an amazing man, Jared. Everyone knows that, you just need to believe it." She leaned her forehead on Jared's and felt relief from him. “Or at least believe me when I tell you.”
"And that's why I love you." He whispered.
"What?" Lexi lifted her head, his words feeling like a rope around her neck.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't-" He began to stutter realizing what he’d just said. "I mean... I- shouldn't have-"
"Jared?!" They heard Jensen call from downstairs.
Lexi looked at him from where she now stood back. "You should go see what he wants." She urged. As soon as he was gone, she sat on her bed, feeling like she couldn't breathe, like the actual breath was taken from her. She closed her eyes to calm herself, telling herself it was just a slip and he didn't mean it. Of course he didn’t mean it, she was seventeen. He can’t love a seventeen year old, he's thirty two. The rest of the night she spent trying to convince herself he didn’t mean it.
Next Chapter>
TAGS: @saxxxyjared @onethirstyunicorn @xostephanie
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Barren: Chapter 4
Words: 1,902
Warnings: Various blood mentions, alcohol is mentioned but not consumed.
Tags:@fandermom @astral-eclipse @patheticlilkiddo @a-pastel-pan @honeysucklingz @dr-gloom @cloudedskies29 @quietwords-loudthoughts @merlybird500
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Patton kept his head down and his sleeves rolled up. He had to stay calm. It was one trip to the city. He’d be fine. He thumbed over the letters on his wrist to calm himself down “Roman,” he read out loud with a smile.
He entered the dreary convenience store and smiled at the clerk. The clerk did not smile back. His attention was on the old television in the corner. “...execution canceled after break in....suspect last seen with getaway driver....fugitive named Virgil Bianchi wanted dead or alive....” Patton hid his smile behind a list of groceries. Logan did it. Another Barren was safe.
He brought a handful of cereal boxes and granola bars to the counter, still smiling at the stoic clerk. “Lovely day, isn’t it, sir?” Patton asked, glancing out to the rain and fog.
“How ‘lovely’ can it be?” the man asked with a seething scowl. He nodded towards the television and brought his gaze back to Patton. “A killer is out on the streets.”
“I don’t think that boy was a killer,” Patton said. “His only crime was being Barren.”
“We kill them before they kill us,” the man said, his eyes falling on Patton’s wrist. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you pity the damn monster.”
Patton gulped, tracing his thumb over Roman’s name. He wished Roman was with him now, knowing he’d need the charisma to escape this with more than his life. “No sir,” he said meekly. The clerk seemed less than pleased with his answer, studying his mark once more for any hint of it being fraudulent. Finally, a chance to change the conversation into something less dangerous. “Roman,” he said, “that’s my soulmate’s name. He’s a really sweet guy. Strong too.” The man continued his glare but handed over the bag of groceries.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be getting these home to him.”  
“Yes, sir!” Patton yelped, taking the bag and rushing out of the store as quickly as possible. He walked a block further before examining his wrist once again. The black ink was just darker than the natural pigmentation of a real soul Mark. Otherwise, it was a perfect copy. A decoy. A survival tactic.
Patton rolled down the sleeves of his cardigan as he continued walking through the city. It was only a few blocks away, and judging by all the texts from Roman, he’d need to get home in one piece. He took a deep breath in. Deep breath out. He pulled out his phone and called Roman.
“I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Get the equipment ready.”
He put the phone in his pocket and quickened his speed. With every step, he was adding another thing to his to-do list. He went off track and stepped into an old corner store, letting his focus take over his manners. He grabbed a cheap beach towel, some teething rings, and a king-sized chocolate bar. He paid and left just as quietly as he had arrived.
He wasted no time when he got to the shelter. “Did Roman actually listen to me this time?” Patton asked playfully.
“Did you ask him to get out all the band-aids and liquor that we own?” Remy asked, with a laugh.
Patton rolled his eyes. “It’s a start.” He squirted hand sanitizer into his palms and rubbed his hands together as they continued to walk. “Where’s Logan?”
“Roman has him all but held prisoner in the medical room. Real overdramatic, if you ask me. I was like ‘Girl, he ain’t going nowhere’ but does Roman listen to me? Nope!” he said, popping the last syllable like bubble gum. “Em’s got the new kid around here somewhere, probably trying to keep him calm.”
“Poor kiddo,” Patton said quietly. “I’ll be sure to introduce myself to him after I fix up our little loganberry. Oh! But of course, I don’t want to overwhelm him.”
“He was driving with Roman.”
“Fair point.”
Roman was waiting, frantically shaking his leg, as he sat outside of the charcoal grey doors of the medical room. He rushed to his feet as Patton approached, running up to him and pulling him into a hug. Patton knew he had to keep his hands sterile but- screw it he could just wash his hands again before interacting with the wound. Roman needed contact.
Roman pressed his lips against Patton’s cheek and both of them were very aware of the heavy beating of Roman’s pulse. “I was so worried,” Roman said, his voice was the quiet whisper he reserved only for Patton. “I... I couldn’t let them know that, but I was terrified. I was worried that Logan was doing worse than he was letting on- oh you know how he hates to tell us when he’s in pain. He told me it wasn’t lethal but- ugh- he’s such a liar sometimes and you just can’t be sure!” He held Patton even closer, his breath leaving water vapor on Patton’s neck. “God, and I was so worried about you!” he whispered, sounding as if he could cry. “I know you can take care of yourself, I just wish you didn’t have to. I wish... I wish I could spend every moment protecting you.” He was constricting against Patton like a snake, but the other didn’t mind. “And I wish Logan had been more careful.”
Patton pulled away from the hug to hold Roman’s face in his hands. He was a few inches taller than Roman, conveniently leaving Roman at the perfect height for forehead kisses. Patton pressed his lips to Roman’s head and smoothed his hair. “I’m gonna make sure Logan stays safe, okay? I’m sure you can stay safe with Remy, after all, you are my brave little knight.”
Roman nodded softly. “I should go check in on Virgil. Oh, but Patton, please tell me as soon as Logan is doing okay, won’t you?”
“Of course,” Patton said, delivering one last kiss to Roman’s forehead. “Now go keep Remy company.” Roman nodded, following Remy as Patton approached the medical fools. “Patton, wait!” he called.
Patton turned on his heels, leaving his fingers to just brush the cold metal. “Yes, Roman?”
“I- listen- I know you don’t need it, I have all my faith in you but,” he took a deep breath, “good luck Patton.”
“I love you too, Roman,” Patton said before disappearing into the cold, grey room.
“Took you long enough,” Logan teased, laying flat against the metal table. “I didn’t think you two would ever stop flirting. I was about to do the operation myself!”
Patton rolled his eyes, dumping the contents of his shopping bag onto the counter. He rolled a pump worth of hand sanitizer around his palms until it was nearly gone from sight. He snapped a pair of rubber gloves on and instructed Logan to take off his shirt.
“What’s this?” Logan asked, staring dubiously at the item Patton held in front of him. He tossed the blood-soaked polo shirt aside.
“It’s a teething ring. Take it.”
“A teething ring?” Logan asked. “My dear Patton, how infantile do you think me to be?”
“Just be glad I don’t make you bite the bullet that’s in you,” Patton retorted. “Where did Roman stash the liquor?”
“Far left cabinet, top shelf,” Logan said. “It should all be there,” he continued, “I told Roman that if he took any before you used it I’d slash the tires of his precious Jeep and make him fix it himself.”
“Ah so I see the bullet hasn’t changed your personality at all,” Patton said, “that’s lovely to know.”
“You couldn’t live without me,” Logan with a chuckle.
“Ah. Blood loss,” Patton noted. He held the teething ring above Logan’s mouth. “Open up and bite down.”
“Have it your way then,” Patton said, opening up the liquor and pouring it over the wound. “Don’t grind your teeth, that’s bad for your jaw,” he said, forcing Logan to take the teething ring. He took a pair of sterilized tweezers and carefully analyzed every gory detail of the wound. He determined that it would be safe to remove the bullet as long as he worked as carefully as possible. He felt horrible knowing that he was hurting Logan, but as the bullet came out, he knew he was doing this for a greater good. He snapped off the gloves, tossing them into a trash can and putting fresh ones on. He folded the towel perfectly to be just larger than the wound and held it down as much as he could as he studied Logan’s face. Color began to return as he released the tension from his jaw. “I’m sorry, Logan.”
“Don’t be,” Logan said between deep breaths. “You were just doing your job to correct an error that happened during mine. I was as careful as I could be, truly, but I am- well- I’m becoming rather concerned that my best isn’t good enough.” He closed his eyes and continued to focus on his breathing. “I couldn’t even save her, Patton. I couldn’t even get close to her.”
Patton sighed as he reached for the gauze. “You can’t save everyone, Logan. As much as I wish we could, that just... it’s not realistic. Sit up please, and hold that rag down, we want to keep the blood inside your body.”
“If the best of my abilities aren’t adequate enough, then what use am I to the cause? What use am I to you? To Roman, Remy, and Emile?” Logan asked.
Patton looked to him sadly as he wrapped the material around Logan’s hips and stomach. “You don’t have to have a ‘use’ or some task to fill,” Patton said. “You don’t need to be risking your life to be ‘adequate’ enough for us.” He ripped the final bit of gauze from the spool and secured it to the rest of what mummified the wound. “I care about you, Logan. Roman cares about you, Logan.”
“Roman cares about me?” Logan scoffed. “Yeah, and I saw pigs flying through the forest earlier. There’s also a blizzard in hell right now!”
Patton sighed. “I’ll just blame that on the bloodloss,” he murmured. He picked up Logan, who tiredly lay his head on Patton’s shoulder, and carried him out of the medical room. “I don’t want you getting out of bed until that wound is healed, okay? I’ll have Emile bring dinner around for you later.” He carefully opened the door to Logan’s living quarters and placed him sitting up on the bed. Logan, who had grown very tired, accepted this treatment like a rag doll as Patton carefully removed his shoes and socks. “I’m afraid I can’t let you under the covers quite yet- don’t want to make Emile clean blood off of your bedding- but I do hope that you get some rest.” He smoothed out Logan’s hair the way a mother might soothe her sick child and watched as Logan fell into a deep sleep. His rose and fell steadily and Patton held a horrible fear that the movement may stop if he were to walk away. He knew that meeting with Virgil was the next step he should take. The next step he had to take. Yet, deep down, he had to be with Logan, and no harm could come from postponing the meeting just a little bit more.
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