#that shit is so good
oli-b3rry · 17 days
Have a Sebastian I drew for an art class!!!!
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urhoneycombwitch · 3 months
tw: abortion
trying to gauge interest levels for a hurt/comfort abortion fic, Eddie x reader. I feel like it’s kind of a taboo in fic sometimes yanno? Id like to write it as a respectful best-option for the two of them, while still dealing w/ that stigma of the 80s rhetoric.
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sxcrxtlxfx · 3 months
i wish i could listen to every fob song at the same time
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just-call-mefr1es · 6 months
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days four five n eight:3
hopefully my handwritings legible enough😭😭 sorry to those who cant read it i relate🤘🏽
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m0nom0th · 1 year
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im feeding you this so don't kill me and idk if this is spoilers bc it dosent really spoil anything but srs I'm more active over on Twitter ; Kixcandraw yeah sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)
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h-f-k · 4 months
pro tip for everyone who wants to make their workouts way more enjoyable: listen to mortal kombat main theme song and thank me later.
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xianyoon · 7 months
dawgs i js had the best chocolate chip pancakes of my life
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I'll never forgive the people who hated on boyfriends
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deviousdayz · 1 year
They used the pussy part of the beast they milk in the new original flavor zero sugar monster
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drbatsponge · 1 year
I really wish I could like Zdarsky's Batman more than I currently do, because the only enjoyable thing about it to me is the relationship between Bruce and Tim.
The rest just feels like this big "Batman is so awesome guys!" circlejerk.
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chronicowboy · 1 year
shout-out to anyone who's ever written buddie as neighbors y'all are the real heroes
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boo-moved · 2 years
Okay Florida boy what kind of snacks have you been hiding from me that's only available there
gator tail/bites
frog legs
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the-rat-eatery · 2 years
Hamilton has no fucking right being as good as it is.
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mando-abs · 2 years
Yesterday my mom was saying that she’s gonna get orange marmalade for my dad because he loves it so and he’s the only one in this house who does. I told her that I loved raspberry jam but they don’t make it much here than in England but it’s my favorite jam. (But we make plenty orange marmalade which is so weird….probably internationally beloved Paddington’s fault)
But guess what was right next to the marmalade at the store today?
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It’s so beautiful y’all. I want to cry just thinking about it. And seedless??!?!???!??!
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userkoo · 2 years
i’ve never seen one spider man movie but i still support the spideykook agenda
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violetthekiller · 2 years
Diet coke is the loml fr
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