#that scene was so tight
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notherpuppet · 1 year ago
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I want vaggie to confront alastor’s manipulative ass about Charlie’s deal and I hope it’s a musical number 😩🙏🏽
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rejoiceinsilverlight · 8 months ago
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the suit isn't complete until martha kent says so 🗣🗣🗣
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months ago
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Tis but a flesh wound!
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aenslem · 5 months ago
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THE RAVEN Star Trek: Voyager
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gossippool · 6 months ago
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it's the way this shot of wade had me in such a chokehold that i had to write a whole fic about it. one thing about me is that when i write about wade from logan's pov it's really just my pov. anyway excuse me while i go stare at this for another five hours
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blightbrxt · 21 days ago
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tlou-obsessed · 6 months ago
More of Joel and Tommy being siblings cause why not:
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that is definitely Tommys work, and Joel is just so used to the teasing that it doesn't even faze him, he has a response ready to go ( as an older sibling with little shits you have to have responses ready or else the piranhas will eat you alive) . Tommy is the little shit younger brother who teases Joel to death, que:
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Also this is whats so genius to me, cause which older siblings hasn't felt that. Joel is the older responsible sibling and Tommy is the one who just goes with the flow, which has Joel often picking up after him, which is why the little "He's dependent on me", also I can just imagine Joel staying up with young Tommy, helping him with his homework, studying the material himself again, Joel staying up to find anything Tommy could do instead of going into the army, Joel being absolutely out of his mind when Tommy goes.
Also look at Tommys little smug face, oh he loves annoying Joel but he also so so loves Joel:
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Also the comfort this moment radiates is so heartwarming, Tommy is just scavenging for food, you cannot tell me Tommy doesnt use his key to get food in the middle of the night:
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Uncle Tommy and Sarah teamup is definite cause this little shit waited to tell about Joels shirt until the very last minute so Tommy would witness that too:
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look at their reactions, I feel like they would love to tease Joel alot but the moment he said something about himself they both get all heated up because when they say he's old it's funny, but if he says he's old it's serious and they don't wanna think about Joel being old.
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The warmest family ever
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fagulaa · 3 months ago
Something I really love about the Silt Verses is how, in a world of gods and monsters, how grounded Faulkner's trauma [and relationship with his father] is. Especially as the season moves on, and the stakes amp up [and up] its so unexpectedly piercing to be presented with this exploration of childhood abandonment/negligence, inter-generational trauma, the indignities and stress that comes with unexpected elder care/early onset Alzheimer's. You're so locked in to these grander, more abstract concepts that your defenses are down! Mine were, anyway. TSV is so good at cutting its grand, complex plotlines with simpler [but not shallower] gutpunches, and it just grounds the whole thing.
#the silt verses#other moments on the list#[the list being small but emotionally devistating grounded moments]#include: the lights coming back on in the aftermath of the strike during hayward and carpenters conversation#and you just. intuit the devistation#after all that. after all the fighting and protest. the lights come back on. you can HEAR the screaming in the silence#Faulkner's whole elder care thing with his dad#where he has to reckon with him as a person who made mistakes#and put his own resolution aside to take care of a man he had complex feelings for#also the Faulkner's dad/trawlerman connection is crazy to me its crazy#oh you want to worship the god with the garden do you faulkner#you want to be this gods enterpriter and favorite#what did your father do again?#oh also the god rocket scene#where we are put in the place of a sacrifice#the claustrophobia! the fear! the tinned patriotic speech! the narrowing down to a needle point of the overall themes of the story#the fucking microcosm of it all!#all the sandwhich shop scenes#the whole hotel episode#charity in the pub running for her life because CARPENTER reappears#also love how interconnected everything is#both carpenter and page knowing von#running back into charity#fantastic writing all round it's all so fucking TIGHT my god#the prose is killer the pacing is killer the acting is killer the STRUCTURE is killer#its just a fucking masterclass of storytelling like its just. GREAT#top to bottom.#like the sheer skill involved in making something like TSV#on all levels#is incredible I really do admire it
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askblueandviolet · 3 months ago
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disgracedaantt · 6 days ago
okay so i have a theory about how akilah (and possibly many more) is going to die! i wasn't going to mention it till i had more proof but i've connected some dots. current working name is the Bite Theory because "everything with teeth bites" :)
obviously, spoilers for s3 ahead, be warned!
i think the yellowjackets are going to get rabies. at the very least akilah! theres a couple things that make me think this, the main being what we saw in her hallucination in episode 3. we're told by the talking llama that "everything with teeth bites", which while it could mean a variety of things i think its probably a very literal meaning in akilahs case. her whole thing this season (and a large part of season 2) revolves around caring for animals. wild animals. and its fairly likely that that the reality that the yellowjackets have shown is not accurate to what is really happenong (yellow filter theory), so i think theres one of two ways that the Bite Theory could happen.
1.) and the most straightforward, akilah is bitten by one of the animals shes caring for or an animal she comes across in the wilderness. possibly in the caves since it's likely that a fair amount of season 3 is going to revolve around them. this could also be what her sinking into the dirt in her hallucination could mean. the wilderness is taking her, like the way it took laura lee and javi, into it and under it. further evidence supporting this theory is how weird all the animals are in the wilderness. the suddenly dead birds, the sick bear, even the wolves were strange because wolves generally do not go out of their way to attack humans, especially not humans in groups (from my understanding). while this may be due to some other phenomenon occurring out in the wilderness (possibly due to heavy metal poisoning) we at the very least know that the animals out in the wilderness are NOT normal.
as for the 2nd way the Bite Theory could occur, its a little more out there, but personally my favorite and i think would work well with the girls further descent into the wilderness:
2.) and, the more outlandish, is akilah being infected by coach ben or mari. akilah has shown herself to be a very compassionate character, especially within season 3, and i think thats going to get her killed. from what we know currently of the final survivors, its reasonably safe to say the neither akilah or ben are likely to make it through the final winter. we also know that pit girl is probably either gen or mari, however, with the "It Girl" episode the general consensus is that its probably gen, and the "It Girl" episode is a misdirect. so, mari probably died before the final winter. we have also directly been shown mari AND ben consuming bats (gross), which as i mentioned in my previous theory, are EXTREMELY well known carriers of rabies. and we already know that all of the wilderness animals are NOT well. rabies can also be contracted through eating an infected animal, so even if neither of them were bitten during their time in the cave its still possible for them to contract the virus. ben has also been living in these caves for MONTHS and exposed to bats and likely other rodents the entire time. we also know he's not well because mari hears him talking to "something", so maybe it was because of the gas in the caves or maybe he's already sick and losing his mind.
so assuming either ben or mari (if not both) are infected at the current point, how would akilah be infected? if its ben i think it will be dependent on his outcome during the trial. if hes found guilty i think he'll try and escape and end up attacking and biting akilah during the process. if he's found not guilty (or held prisoner) he'll get gradually sicker and akilah will try and help him, maybe by bringing him berries, hm? if its mari that bites akilah i think it will happen at the end of the season or after a timeskip. mari is clearly a more important character this season, so i imagine her death will be fairly dramatic. i could see her getting extremely sick and lashing out in a fit and biting akilah.
also another thing to note is that literally in the 1st episode of season 3 we see mari get bitten by shauna!!!! which considering how symbolic yellowjackets is could totally mean something since "everything with teeth bites" seems like its going to be an important theme this season.
another reason i think this theory holds weight is because i don't see ben NOT being eaten when he dies. they hate him and as much as the girls claim to "not being doing that anymore" i really don't see them wasting that much food. they've been willing to eat people and they will again, so i think they'd need a better reason than morals to stop them now. same with akilah and mari, i think depending on how close to winter they die they'd be willing to eat them even tho they care a lot more about them than ben. unless they cant, in which case they'd either burn or bury (cough cough like in akilahs hallucination cough cough) them. also shauna straight up says she wishes they'd eaten mari first so.... definitely not gonna be morals that stop her.
we also know they literally do go back to cannibalism at least by winter. why? well, it could be because they have run out of food, but if they know how hard winter is wouldn't they have prepared better? unless they can no longer trust their food to be safe.
anyway thats a lot to read so tl:dr: theory goes, akilah gets bit by either a.) animal b.) coach ben, or c.) mari and contracts rabies, dies and results in the girls going back to cannibalism.
maybe im totally off base here idk but this was fun to think about! sorry this got really long and i think i even missed a few things to say, but thanks if you read this far! (also if anyone agrees or has more to add pls let let me know!)
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mlobsters · 1 month ago
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euphoria special ep 1 trouble don't last always
Can you believe it? It's everything we dreamed of.
my painting of this moment
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atinycelery · 10 months ago
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Who has the most powerful magic in the dungeon? Marcille? Falin? Thistle? All Wrong.
It's Senshi carrying and protecting the tray of miso soup and onigiris no spill none of it falling about for an entirety of a chimera and a flock of harpies attack-
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storm-driver · 2 years ago
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from here
#this is so fucking important to me#im... so happy about how the manga tackled THIS scene#kingdom hearts#this part of kh3 always felt odd to me tbh#it felt like the writers wanted to do something and just. didnt go all the way#there were ideas and they just didnt fully write them down and put the same amount of effort into them as they did in other places#THIS feels so fucking... emotional. and for what reason?#it's just. sora cares about roxas.#it's just true. he cares about roxas and feels bad about the situation that him and roxas both were put in.#he never found it fair that he got to exist while roxas was told to unalive.#and while the sora writing in khDDD and kh3 definitely told us that#definitely told us that sora DOES NOT like this situation and he would be willing to do anything to bring roxas back#it wasn't this.#this feels like a friend you barely got to know. realising that you had it so rough.#and desperately trying to break down any barriers between you two and grab your wrist#to hold onto you tight and refuse to give up on searching for you and trying to help you out of your darkest places.#sora is so fucking insistent on proving that roxas is not just his nobody.#roxas is roxas.#donald being sorta confused makes complete sense#because he didnt see how roxas fought with every fibre of his being against sora to just try and beat him and prove his right to live#he didnt see sora bearing the weight of roxas' life and feel the betrayals and lies and deception that he barely understood as it was.#to anyone else. roxas probably is just sora's nobody.#sora may very well be the one person who knows that isn't true.
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slushrottweiler · 1 year ago
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Mason’s brief moment of peace amongst the Christmas tree lot; before they all start talking.
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blatantprinterpropaganda · 17 days ago
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fjdkfjdk i'm losing my mind. it's been YEARS (this is canonically year 4) and they're having this conversation NOW? i love style's dad, he apparently does not own either a clock or a calendar
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mikereads · 10 months ago
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Just wanted to share this with a few song lyrics;
“Keep on whispering in my ear. Tell me all the things that I want to hear cause it’s true. (That’s what I like) That’s what I like about you, (that’s what I like!)
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