#that said it fucking ruined my life when I realized that the reason I always get sick after eating samosas
cookinguptales · 10 months
the nice thing about being back on my ketamine treatments is that I can bargain with myself re: takeout by being like "OH NO, GETTING INDIAN CURRY IS A MEDICAL NECESSITY..."
it cleans out your sinuses real nice, which is helpful before taking a medication nasally lmao.
anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that chicken makhani should be covered by my health insurance.
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pha55ed · 7 days
Is It Casual Now? || F2 (good ending)
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type :: hurt/comfort tw/cw :: none contains :: ollie, kimi, paul, arthur, summary :: after getting heart broken by the boys, you're shattered. but the space between you two make him realize how dumb he was being - PART 1 HERE
f1 masterlist || f2 masterlist || more here!
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Ollie Bearman | 03
After watching you run into your house with tears streaming down your face - Ollie instantly felt a pang in his heart. But he wasn't sure what it was. He thought it was just empathy, he always hated seeing you upset, so knowing he caused the pain was harsh on his heart. But, he thought it was for the better.
He didn't want to risk ruining your friendship. You were basically part of his family and entire life. Dating you would mean risking a nasty break up which would permanently change everything. His family loves you, if you broke up they would most likely side with you instead of Ollie. You got along with all of his friends, dating would change the entire group's dynamic. And even worse, if you did ever break up on bad terms: Ollie knew he would be shattered.
But his entire thought process was proven to be stupid. Saying no to your confession made all of those fears come true. You needed space from Ollie, to heal from the embarrassment and hurt you felt. While Ollie was dealing with every fear he tried to prevent by rejecting you.
So he did what he knew he needed to do: chase you down and get you to come back into his life. He learned that he needed you more than anyone else, even his own family. Once he finally put together all the dots, he came to your house a week later and knocked on your door.
But you weren't done healing yet, still puffy-eyed and snotty from crying your heart out. Like a true heart broken girl, you ordered some take-out to eat whilst sobbing. You didn't bother to check the cameras outside, assuming it was just the delivery man.
So imagine your shock when you're met with a driver, but not a delivery driver. Instead it was Ollie, looming over you with his height as he was holding a large box filled with gifts of your favorite things. But you couldn't ever get a peak at the box, since you instantly tried to slam the door shut - not wanting to see Ollie whilst looking like a mess.
But you weren't able to shut the door since his large hand pushed against your force. So now you were stuck there, looking up at him in week old pajamas and messy hair while he looked even more handsome than usual. You peaked at the gift bundle he made you - filled with your favorite snacks, flower legos, face masks, and almost every makeup and skincare product that you've ever talked about wanting.
"Please?" Ollie said, his voice soft. "I know I'm a jerk for rejecting you, and I don't expect you to forgive me or accept my confession but - I just want to give you something..." He said, looking at you with no pity in his eyes but instead a look of yearning.
"I don't need the gift," you say, not wanting to give in so easily. You wanted to say something cool, to reject his confession. But in your current state, it was going to impossible to fake confidence and reject him while looking homeless. "But um... thank you?" You said, unsure of how to reply to him.
"No no, please take the gift" Ollie said, pushing the door further as he handed you the gift bundle. And by pushing the door further open, you wanted to go curl up in a ball and hide - you looked horrendous.
And as Ollie looked at you, you could see his face soften even more. "When's the last time you showered? Or cleaned your face? Or gone outfside???"
All of his questions were way too embarrassing to answer. And as if the universe was doing it's best to give you a 13th reason, the delivery man came up to the door. The delivery man stood directly by Ollie and for some fucking reason he began to read out your order.
"Two cheese burgers with extra cheese, large fries, large sundae, side of chicken nuggets, and a soda?" The delivery man said, before putting the food into Ollie's arms and went off on his marry way. The man probably assumed you were sharing the meal... Ouch.
And as Ollie held the food, looking at you in such poor shape, he gave a small smile. "Can I have some?? And maybe help you tidy up?" And who were you to deny him any longer.
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Kimi Antonelli | 04
It's been almost a month since you talked to Kimi. The interaction left you cringing in your head for hours on end, no matter the time or place. Although you loved learning Italian, it was impossible for you to do lately since you couldn't even speak it without feeling your throat close up from the thought of Kimi.
But luckily, you were able to heal with the time. You weren't over him, not quite yet, but you were able to focus on yourself for the time being. So you wanted to treat yourself out, going on a small shopping spree. Getting new clothes, makeup, even cute blind-boxes that you knew was a waste of money.
So when you came home, only to be met with a huge bouquet on your doorsteps, you were shocked. You put all your shopping bags down and picked up the large rose bouquet. And instantly, your eyes widened as you read the small card that was attached to it.
"Please unblock me. I miss you and want to make things right. But I understand if you don't feel comfortable. - lots of love, Kimi"
You completely forgot that you blocked Kimi on instinct! You felt like an idiot. All those nights you spent crying, hoping he would text you back and take it all back weren't able to happen because you blocked him. Without hesitation, you unblocked his number - getting hit with over 500 messages. If someone didn't know what was happening, they would have assumed you had some crazy ex boyfriend.
As you scrolled through the messages, you were met with paragraph after paragraph with apologies, begging to meet up, and more apologies. It made you feel awful to know that you were grieving over Kimi for no reason when he literally was sending the most heartfelt messages ever.
But you were hesitant. How could Kimi be so cruel and laugh in your face at the idea of dating only to spam you and beg for you. It was such a fast 180 that you were hesitant. So you agreed to meet up at your old favorite Italian restaurant in a few days.
As you sat down in front of Kimi, who seemed to arrive an hour early since the drinks and appetizers were already prepared. You felt your heart sting just at the sight at him. It made you feel the urge to cry yet again, even though you worked hard to become more confident without him - he just softened your heart.
And it seemed like he felt the same, he was absolutely star struck at the sight of you. His jaw was left hanging slightly, his eyes were sparkling with either tears or admiration, and his chest didn't move - you literally caught his breathe.
His breathe so stuck in his throat that he couldn't even speak, so you had to break the silence. "Um, hi?" You said awkwardly.
"Hi." He said, finally taking a breathe. "Um,,," He hesitates to dive too fast into the topic. "I got your favorite appetizers,, you should eat it before it's cold."
You simply nod, taking note of his care. He watches as you eat and you feel so awkward. "So uh, what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, I wanted to apologize - not really talk." He started, "I realized that what I did was so so SO stupid. Ever since you've been gone, everything has been so different. I can't eat anywhere we liked, can't go parties without them asking where you are - I can't even see my family without them asking where you are!" His voice got louder slightly at his annoyance at himself.
You just sat there listening, giving him time to say everything he needed. He continued, "And I kept trying to convince myself that I didn't need you and that we weren't serious, but who am I kidding, of course we were dating. I just never asked you to be mine and I feel so stupid for that! And then once you left it made me realize how much I missed you, now much I needed you."
As he spoke, rambling at an extremely fast pace, you realized he's been holding this in for a while. The way that his face and voice were still so angry at himself made it clear that he's not forgiven himself. But you were still wondering if he was trying to get forgiveness or actually date you.
"And then I got kind of depressed... I wasn't going out anymore, not working out, not socializing. And I guess my final breaking point was when my sister," He pauses, thinking back to what happened, "My sister asked where you were, and when you would play with her again, and I just - I just broke then and there" His fast rambling came to a halt as he looked down in shame for being so weak in front of his sister. "And um, as dumb as it sounds, she was the main person to encourage me to get you back."
You were always close with his little sister, playing dolls and dress up with her. She always wished she had a sister, especially since Kimi was only into masculine hobbies. You were that older sister that she's always dreamed of, so it broke her heart to not see you for so long. Now you felt even worse, knowing that she probably just thought you left her for no reason - not even saying good bye to her.
"I'm not trying to use her to guilt you. I'm just being honest. But I realized everything I did wrong. I'm sorry for saying I would never date you, I can't name a single person better than you. I'm sorry for leading you on for ages and never putting a title on us, I was just, scared, I guess. I wasn't confident in myself and just assumed you were too good for him - that my flirting was all one sided." He says, making you realize you didn't ever flirt with him back - it was mainly him.
And that when it clicked in your head, he was slightly right. You never once called him amore back, never reached for his touch in public, never once started anything romantic. He most likely saw this was him pining after you while you were just going with the flow. So now you felt like an even bigger asshole.
"Kimi," You spoke for once, "I'm so sorry that you went through all of that, I felt the same way. I do like you, that's why I asked in the first place."
"I realized that now. And I feel so stupid for what I did." He said, "Please let me make it up to you."
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Paul Aron | 17
Going to the paddock has never been more nerve racking. Not because you were preparing for your home race, but because you would see Paul. You've been able to ignore him and leave him alone thanks to your extreme luck. But now you were forced to be with him for interviews, photos, and race discussions.
Once you arrived, your plan was to just say that you were having a tummy ache or head ache. Some type of pain that was bad enough to excuse you from doing your duties but not bad enough for them to tell you couldn't race. But before you could even speak to anyone - he was right there, in front of you.
You knew you should have come an hour or more early just to avoid him, but you overslept on accident. So now you were stuck standing their awkwardly as you looked up at him. You gave a small head nod, a sign of acknowledgement but also a sign of not wanting to speak to him.
But you knew Paul was stubborn, always the type to fight until he got what he wanted. So he just stood there and shook his head. "Nope," He said, "You can't ignore me forever. It's been 4 WEEKS (Y/N)."
You were avoiding his gaze, not wanting to look at him after how embarrassing it was to get rejected. You knew it was immature but you genuinely weren't sure how to respond to him, giving him a weak shrug as you kept your head turned away from him.
"(Y/N), please." He said, his hand reached forward and he held your chin gently, pulling your face to look at him. And that's when you saw how sincere he looked, as if he was in pain. His voice didn't convey his emotions, but his eyes surely did.
"What?" You say, not wanting to assume too quickly that he actually missed you as a person, "You want to fuck or something?" Trying to seem tough, as if his words from the weeks before didn't shatter you.
"No." He instantly said, his lack of hesitation made you surprised slightly. "I want to talk, tell you everything."
"About what?" You say, still trying your best to hide the fact that your heart was racing. You desperately wanted it to be good news, but that last time you hoped for good news it ended with you both splitting paths.
"You." He stared at you, "You, for fuck sakes, you. It's all I've thought about since, forever. I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry for being such an idiot when it comes to you. I know that we promised to not catch feelings and just be friends with benefits, but if I'm being honest I fell for you a LONG time ago."
His confession was shocking to you. If he fell for you first then why would he reject you? Why didn't he confess to you first? It was nice to hear him say he liked you back, but you were still lost.
"But I didn't think it was possible because - and I know it's so cheesy and embarrassing but - I know I'm not the best guy out there. So I thought that maybe just staying friends with benefits until I became someone I'm proud of would be smart. So I could be the perfect guy that you deserved and so when you confessed I just didn't feel ready and wanted to seem cool but I ended up sounding like a dick head-"
You cut him off by giving him a tight hug. Although you wanted to kiss him to shut up, his fast rambling made it impossible to get a good spot to kiss him. Your hug around him was tight, as tight as you could possibly give him. Telling him that you didn't care, that you wanted him as he was right now. And that even if he wasn't proud of himself yet, you were.
And he understood perfectly, giving you a tight squeeze back. He couldn't help but smile and kiss the top of your head. His large hands then slipped out of the hug and held both sides of your waist.
"I promise, once we're both not busy, I'll take you out on a nice date - one that's honest." He said, looking at you with a new light in his eyes.
Arthur Leclerc | 65
I'm gonna be so fr I don't know how to redeem Arthur... I've been stuck for weeks...... So if you have ideas, send it! But for now uh, you guys are still broken up LOLLL
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notjoelmiller · 6 months
i cared
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MDNI simon "ghost" riley x f!reader summary: three and a half years ago and an ocean away, he tore you apart. now he's turned up at your door. wordcount: 4.1k warnings: smut (fingering), drinking, AFAB reader, possible past dub-con (reader was in a bad mental state and simon knew), simon is a shitty guy in this, talk of hypothetical suicide, talk of past bad mental state (depression), mentioned PTSD, heartbreak on both sides, death mention (MW:III canon) a/n: hey remember when i said that my next fic would be joel and i posted a little insert. that was a lie! instead of working on that (12k word, currently) monster, i wrote something else. if you couldn't tell, i started this before the holidays and then forgot about it.
The house is much nicer than Simon anticipated. When he saw the New York City address, he had expected you to be crammed into a shitty 6th-floor walk-up. But no, not you. Instead, you have an honest-to-God three-story home with red brick delicately dusted with snow. You certainly couldn’t afford it on the 141 salary. He always suspected you came from means. This just confirms it. It just makes him wonder why the hell you decided to slum it in the services for so long.
It reminds Simon that he shouldn’t be there. You weren't made for that life and left for a reason. Who is he to ruin your peace?
He’s not alone on the street. Well-to-do families of strangers pass by, all watching the masked man observe their neighbor’s home. He can still turn around and leave you to the life you so clearly want.
Something shifts in one of the windows, the curtain being tousled by something. A dog. You got a dog– a golden retriever with sharp eyes and, evidently, an even sharper bark. The canine goes berserk, barking and howling and growling at Simon through the window. It’s Simon’s cue to leave, to leave you be with your semi-rabid, semi-domestic canine.
But before he can move, the curtain shifts again– pulled this time –and you’re there. You squint for a moment, surely wondering what masked freak is standing in your walkway like he owns the damn place. He lets you scrutinize him. It’s now or never. Either you’ll tell him to fuck off once you realize who he is or you’ll call the police on him, though it’s not like they would do anything after he calls Kate.
Instead, you disappear behind the curtain, your loyal steed of a dog following hot on your heels. In a moment’s notice, the large front door, with a gilded knocker and door knob open. You beckon him in. He follows, eyes trailing up and down your body once you’re facing away from him. You’re dressed casually but smartly in a short denim skirt and cashmere sweater. Simon’s never seen you in that getup before, even when going out to the pub.
“Shoes off,” you order, motioning towards the neat shoe rack next to the door. They’re all women's shoes of the same size. Simon’s shoulders relax, and he slips off his boots. It was for the best, he figures. His old boots would have just dragged dirt into your space. He takes off his mask too, hanging it up with his jacket. It’s nothing you haven't seen before.
Simon follows you into the sitting room– at least, that’s what Simon guesses the room is. It’s too neat for your taste, or his memory of what your taste is exactly. The couch and single chair seem untouched, the air still, like Simon’s presence is cutting through some sacred stillness.
You point to a couch and Simon obeys, sitting with his hands on his knees. Your eyes lock with his without granting him any semblance of your thoughts. Simon keeps his gaze soft, neutral. You can scrutinize him all you need.
You sigh, straightening your posture. A smile pulls at your lips. Your smile lines crease deeper than he remembered. Or maybe they always creased that deep.
“He’s quite protective,” you drop two sugar cubes into a cup of tea. The spoon in your hand lets out a delicate tink as it hits the porcelain cup. You hand Simon the teacup, it’s just how he likes it. “Always has his haunches raised, even when he’s not working.”
Ah. A service animal. He’s surprised to not have put that together sooner. Always loyal, the pooch plants himself at your feet, gaze burning into Simon. If looks could kill…
“Your home?” Simon asks. He lifts the teacup to his lips and sips. Simon places the teacup on its saucer impossibly slowly. Simon can’t believe you’d trust him with something so delicate.
“I inherited it.”
A smile creeps on Simon’s face. Teacups and generational wealth. He always knew you were posh. Or whatever Americans call posh.
“You’re on holiday?” You ask.
“‘Tis the season.”
You hum. Your house is the only one on the block without some sort of holiday decor. Simon wonders if it was a pointed decision.
“And you came here.” Why?
He can’t tell you the truth. The fact is that every day since you left– all one thousand two hundred ninety-eight of them since John uttered to his fuming lieutenant that you just weren’t fit to serve any more –he’s ached. One thousand two hundred ninety-eight days of no contact. Of his only proof that you ever existed being a photo and a tear-stained note with one sentence scribbled in ink: John has contact info– emergencies only.
“I wanted to wish you a happy holidays.”
You laugh dryly, though it sends a pang of pain through Simon. He hadn’t realized how much he missed that sound. “Usually people send a card for that.”
You observe Simon with precision, like you never left the force, though the way you scratch Yogi’s belly unconsciously betrays the hardened exterior. It’s a glimpse into the last three and a half years. Of the woman you’ve become– so foreign to Simon. Foreign to your past self. Or not. Maybe this is who you’ve been all along, just hidden behind fatigues. Maybe the woman Simon thought he knew was just a farce. Rich girl playing army for a few years.
Maybe you joined the force just to fuck around for a bit. After a few years, you’d have stories to tell your socialite friends back home. Except, you didn’t get what you wanted, didn’t you? Simon knows well and good that serving, the 141, and him, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, destroyed something in you. 
You tap the porcelain of your teacup. It makes a pleasant ding. “Did John tell you where to find me?”
“No. Well–” Simon tries to tell you the truth without throwing his comrade under the bus. The truth was, John had indulged in one too many drinks at the pub one night and hadn’t locked his quarters. An envelope addressed to you sat front in center on his desk. “Not intentionally.”
It’s a satisfying enough answer. Only a small twinge of annoyance crosses your face before you hum. “This isn’t a guilt thing, right Simon?” You ask, “I didn’t do what I did because of what happened.”
“What we did back then, on the field,” Simon traps you under his gaze. His stare is aggressive, but he hopes it conveys the intense feelings he’s struggling with. “I can’t just leave it. That’s why I came.”
Simon doesn’t dare speak. He doesn’t dare breathe while he watches you process his words. It’s a load of crap, he knows it, and he knows you know it. It’s just a matter of whether or not you want to kick him out.
You smize, teeth coming out to tug at your bottom lip. “Have you ever had New York pizza?”
You order two pies, hushing Simon when he insists it’s too much. You were right. Two isn’t enough. Simon scarfs down one pie without coming up for air. It’s delicious. It isn’t until he’s four slices deep that he realizes that you, smiling widely at him, haven’t yet picked up your first.
You’re a gracious host– a natural, really. You perch yourself on the kitchen island, legs crossed in a way that makes your skirt ride so sinfully up your thighs. Simon doesn’t look of course, he’s a gentleman. At least, he is for the first bottle of the ungodly expensive red wine you procure. It’s then that you perch your leg on the counter opposite your spot on the island, right next to Simon. Old habits die hard– especially when inebriated –and Simon places a hand on your leg, massaging the skin of your ankle.
You pay no mind to Simon’s ministrations, though, lost in the domestic bliss and mindless conversations you’ve probably been drowning yourself in for the last few years. You wave the glass of wine wildly about, like you wouldn’t give a damn if it spilled all over your expensive clothes. It seems so natural for you. Simon wonders what you were ever doing with the 141 when posh city living fits you like a second skin.
Simon inches his hand higher up your leg as you speak. He doesn’t get very far, but it’s enough so that he can trace patterns into the soft skin of your thigh. It’s too much, though, because your eyes lock onto his. But you’re not mad. You don’t tell him to stop. Rather, you examine him, and in your eyes Simon sees what looks like mirth.
“I missed this,” Simon says. He cringes at the words leaving his mouth. He’s succumbing to the domestic bliss you’ve created, looking at the past through rose-tinted glasses.
You reach for a third bottle of wine and a corkscrew, furrowing your brow in thought while twisting the screw. “I didn't want to abandon you,” you say. Simon, watching you pop the cork off with ease, almost forgets that you’re talking to him until you lock eyes. He watches you sniff the cork, pause, then sniff it again before topping off your glass. You take a heaping swig, like that Pinot Noir worth more than Simon’s monthly pay is unremarkable. “I left for a reason, you know.”
Oh, Simon certainly knows. The rumors had been inescapable in the first weeks of your absence. All around base every soldier had entertained the question of what happened to the American chick in the 141. Simon had only so many threatening looks to give privates before curiosity got the better of him. He abated the desire to ask John for so long, but there was only so much longing he could handle coupled with the cacophony of voices asking the same thing he desperately wanted to know.
John didn’t flounder when Simon finally came to him, demanding to know why you left.
She was discharged.
For… mental reasons.
Simon lost his shit in Price’s office that morning. He collapsed onto the couch with a gasp, a hand grasping and squeezing his heart. His breath left him, but Simon was too bloody stupid to understand what the hell was going on until Price was handing him a brown paper bag.
Breathe, son.
“Simon,” you breathe, your saccharine voice the most tantalizing sound Simon has ever heard. You lean forward, your finger tracing the scar parallel to the cut of his jaw. You were there for it, saw the knife slice through his mask and the skin underneath. You bandaged it in the helicopter after, making Simon promise to go to medical afterwards. He promised he would. That night he closed the wound with superglue. “Why did you really come?”
Because you disappeared. Because Price said you were on the brink of becoming a statistic. Because I fucked up. Because I said things I didn’t mean and I thought that it killed you.
“Johnny’s dead,” he lies. But it isn’t a lie. It’s true, sure, Johnny’s been reduced to ashes and scattered in the Scottish highlands. But that isn't why he came.
“I know.” You sniffle. Christ, Simon’s made you cry. Nausea washes over him. A voice in his head screams, fix it, idiot! But emotions were never Simon’s strong suit. Instead, Simon reaches for the bottle and tops off your glass of wine, probably a bit more than he should have, but it seems like you need it.
You mutter a thank you and down a bit more than half of the glass. You come up for air and hiccup. “John told me.”
“Price?” He asks, as though there was any other John. Anything to get you talking rather than crying.
You nod. “He dropped by around Thanksgiving. Asked if I wanted to be there when you all…” You wave your hand in the air, “You know.”
Something ugly festers in his chest. Maybe if he actually went to a therapist, Simon could recognize what it is.
“You said no?” He asks.
“I didn’t think I could.”
Simon nods, holding your gaze in a way that he hopes conveys his sense of understanding.
“How’d it happen?” You croak. Your eyes are glassy, a reminder of the ever-looming threat that you could fall apart again. Simon reminds himself that you wouldn’t be crying if he had just kept his distance.
“Bullet in the head.”
You tense, your head flying to Simon. Your eyes are frantic, searching for something in his face. “He…he…?”
“No, no,” Simon scrambles to get his next words out, “Makarov. It was-” His voice cracks. Unusual. “-was too fast to stop it. To save himself.”
You hum, slumping down like it’s comforting to you that Johnny had his life torn from his arms. Like it’s comforting that Johnny couldn’t go on his own terms, but on the terms of a Russian terrorist.
“You know,” you say like you know he knows, “Johnny’s the reason I got out.”
Simon shifts. Johnny never talked about your discharge, always responding to speculation like he was none the wiser. “He is?”
“Yeah,” you laugh. It’s deep and watery. “Things were…bad one night. He found me. Talked me through the night. Listened to me.” You throw your head back, eyes tracing imaginary patterns on the ceiling.
“He told Price?”
You nod.
“That was after we…”
You nod again. Simon feels sick.
“It had nothing to do with you, Simon.”
“I never thought it did.”
“Then why,” you ask, “did you bring it up?”
Simon shifts. “Thought it was relevant.”
You smile, though your eyes are still lined with tears. “Guilty conscience?”
“Of course not, love,” Simon laughs, hoping you buy it. It works, he thinks. You seem to deflate, slumping a bit. You take some time to think. Simon, panicking at the thought that your self-reflection could send him out the door, pulls out the one trick he has over you.
He lets your legs fall. They bang against the cabinets with a soft umph from your lips. Simon slides off of the counter and stalks your way. You watch him and put up no fight as he slots his wide body between your knees. You don't even complain as the parting of your legs forces your skirt to ride even higher.
Fingers card through Simon’s hair. He hums.
“Why did you do it?” You ask.
Simon tilts his head, and with the wine in his veins and your hand in his hair, the world spins. Your other hand slips under the hem of Simon’s shirt. Warm fingers graze the skin of his stomach and then side, before your hand settles on his back, palm splaying across scarred flesh.
“I–” Simon croaks, “–I felt something for you.”
You snort. Simon’s chest burns and he takes some deep breaths to calm himself. He imagines Price’s paper bag, inflating and crinkling over and over.
“You knew I would leave. That’s it, isn’t it?” You accuse with a gleam in your eyes. “I was in a bad place and was leaving so it didn’t matter if you hit it and quit it.” You laugh. “You got what you wanted without risking your position.”
“That’s not true.”
Your thighs bracket his legs, trapping him against you. Your words curl around your wine-stained tongue. “‘I don’t love you’. Isn’t that what you said Simon?”
You tense, thighs squeezing him like a vice. “Love,” you coo, the imitation of Simon’s long vowels curtles unnaturally on your tongue. “Love, love, love. You know Simon,” you wrap your hands around the back of his neck and lean into the crook of his neck. Your lips brush against his skin as you speak, “You say it, but you’ve never meant it.”
“I’m sorry,” Simon utters, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of your skirt.
“You’re not.”
He’s not. He doesn’t argue. He could– should, rather –but he can’t think straight with you this close to him. The scent of your perfume itches the deepest part of his brain. You never wore perfume when on duty, rather, always coated in the aroma of base-issued shampoo and sweat.
“I really cared for you, you know,” you whisper, your lips millimeters from his, them parting when his fingers rub you through the fabric of your underwear.
“I know,” Simon closes the distance, capturing your lips with his.
He pushes you back onto the counter, you let him, lets Simon cage your body like he has the right to. You groan into his mouth when he traps your bottom lip between his teeth and melt when his fingers slip past the hem of your panties, his fingers plunging through the wetness into your cunt.
It’s obscene— the noises you make as he thrusts his fingers into you. With his free hand, Simon pushes your skirt up over your hips so he can watch your cunt squeeze around him.
He slides his thumb up to your clit and you gasp. “Simon,” you moan. He nearly stops. It’s been years since he’s heard you say his name, let alone moan it. Fuck, Simon can’t help but grind his cock against the island counter, groaning.
It doesn’t take much to work you into an orgasm. Before he knows it, your moans become softer, higher pitched, and you’re coming apart, clenching hard on Simon’s fingers.
He works you through your orgasm, whispering praise into your ears. Simon gives you no time before pouncing, fisting his hands in your hair and devouring you. You wiggle underneath his weight, uttering something, but the words are lost into Simon’s mouth. He pulls away, his eyes meeting your expectant ones.
“Upstairs,” you say, chest heaving. “My room is upstairs.”
Simon wakes before dawn. He’s lying on top of you, your strong breath rocking him up and down. Your limbs are impossibly tangled. He’s reminded of an identical morning, years ago, of what he did then, and what that choice led him to. But that was years ago. You were different then, broken. How was he supposed to know that his choice would make you shatter?
He untangles himself slowly. It feels like the process takes hours, though the sun fails to make an appearance by the time he slips out of bed. The clock reads four in the morning. That explains it. It also explains the way the room around him is spinning slightly. He’s still drunk– or at least buzzed –from the night before.
His pants are an easy find, discarded by the door. His shirt though… Simon spins around the room, eyes glazing over the space. He tries not to take anything in too deeply, too personal for this morning.
He spots his shirt on your vanity. Simon yanks it off, but something hard and heavy comes with it. It nearly drops to the floor, but Simon catches it before it can hit and wake you up.
It’s a perfume bottle, heavy and half-filled. Simon can’t suppress the urge of his half-drunk brain to sniff it. The scent— the scent of you —explodes in his synapses. He tosses a glance over his shoulder, ensuring you’re still asleep, before pocketing the bottle.
The dog follows Simon as he walks through the house. Luckily, as he slips on his shoes, the dog disappears into the rest of the house.
Simon lingers with a hand wrapped around the door knob. It warms under his touch.
“Are we doing this again?”
He flinches at the sound of your voice, “I ‘ave to.” Simon stays facing the door, though he doesn’t make a move to turn around. He knows how he must look to you, too cowardly to face you. He’s reminded of the last time he spent the night with you. He got out scot-free. What would have happened if you found him then? Simon can’t say for certain whether or not he would have left then, if you called out for him in the same delicate voice.
“In New York,” you say, voice dry with sleep. “With me. Get out of the SAS, the 141, all that bullshit.”
“‘S not that easy.”
“It is. I left. You can leave. Or you can stay and end up like Johnny–”
“What do you know about Johnny,’ Simon growls, turning on his heels. He straightens his spine, puffing his chest up like you’re a threat. Your dog buys it, growling and worming himself between you and Simon. You don't take the bait though. You honest to God laugh in Simon’s face.
“I know enough.” You step closer to Simon. The pooch gets the memo, clearing the way for you. Simon almost does the same, he wants to. Some instinctual part of his brain needs to cave to you. “You mean something, Simon,” you flick your eyebrows up, letting them drop immediately. It feels like a challenge, like you were asking Simon the silent question. Do you matter? 
“You’re more than a soldier– more than a body on a field, waiting to drop.” There are tears in your eyes. You don't let them fall. Simon hopes you’ve finally realized that he isn’t worth your heartbreak. He’s never been, but at least your realization would stop his cruel cycle of him chewing you up and spitting you right back out.
“Come to New York, Simon, please. There– there’s a butcher shop up the block, they’re always looking for help. You said you used to do that stuff, right?”
Fucking hell. He had said it to you, years ago after a mission. Simon went drink for drink with Johnny and Gaz and got positively wasted. It was the night he first set his sight on you, when your tenderness sunk its claws into his heart and refused to let go. You didn’t know then what it would lead to. Simon did. Every love Simon had wilted in his claws. Why would you be different?
“Come here,” you plead, “Take the job with them. I can help you find an apartment or you can live with me but–” You grab Simon’s shoulders, tugging. It isn’t strong enough to turn him around, but he does. Your cheeks are wet and eyes glassy as you stare up at him. “Simon, it’s too late for us, but don’t let it be too late for you.”
Simon lifts his hand to your cheek, fingers grazing the plump skin. It slides to the back of your head and tugs– yanks you into his embrace as he crashes your lips against his own. The morning makes you soft though, as Simon nips your lips with his teeth, you melt, softening and slowing your movements.
It’s you that pulls away first, staring at Simon. You let him swipe his finger across your cheek, caressing you.
“Please,” you beg, kissing the palm of his hand.
Simon lets his hand fall from you. It sits achingly cold at his side.
It would be cowardly to leave you without a goodbye after forcing himself back into your life, even if it was for one night. Simon considers himself to be many things, but never a coward. Yet, standing in front of you, staring into your expectant eyes, words don’t come easy.
You step towards him. Simon steps back. The door knob presses into his back. His heart is pounding, the blood in his eyes deafening him. Your scent wafts his way, your perfume. The one whose bottle he knocked over, nearly let slip through his fingers and shatter. The one which you never got to wear in the 141. The one weighing down his back pocket.
“I shouldn’t have come,” Simon says.
He doesn’t look back. Not when you gasp his name. Not when he opens the door. Not when he walks down the snowy street.
Price and Gaz will ask about his holiday. They’re kind like that. In the cab to the airport, passing the bottle of perfume between his hands, Simon considers his answer. Single word answers are his forté, but won’t suffice with the prying curiosities of his captain and sergeant.
The answer comes to him when he sniffs the perfume once more.
In the coming week, when Gaz claps him on the back, he will ask, “How was the holiday, Ghost?”
Simon will answer, “I had a meal with an old friend.”
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hearts4chriss · 6 months
Under the table.
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Bad boy!Chris + good girl!Black fem shy nerd
Prompt: midway through ur English lecture Chris goes under ur desk while the teacher or nobody can see
Part 02
A/n- VERY REQUESTED!! Pt 3 is also done !! And not proof read
Contains: dirty talking, use of pet names, public sex, chris is munchin, creampie, suggestive touching, embarassed!reader.
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ever since Chris and I had sex, things were, well obviously different.
It felt kinda nice having a guy as good looking as him giving me attention despite how wrong it was.
For some reason I felt safe with him, like he wouldn’t let anyone bully me or make fun of me anymore, it was kinda comforting.
Chris pov
Since we had sex, I felt so attached to her like a fucking idiot.
I don’t regret not one bit of it, but something inside me was- I couldn’t get enough of her.
I wanted to taste her, feel her. The way she looked up at me with those big eyes and swollen plump lips after I had ruined her made me yearn for more of her.
The way she felt around me, the way she moaned my name and how she screamed it when she would cum.
it wasn’t just that, she’s beautiful.
her cute little glasses that sit on her nose, her glossy lips and that sweet smile she always give me as she does now while I’m walking with her too our class
I kept her close to me, I wanted to keep her safe from all those things that could hurt her. She was precious I couldn’t bare the thought if someone tried to hurt her. I had to protect her.
we got top class and I held the door for her and gave her a small wink making her smile a bit letting her dimples peek through before my eyes wandered too her skirt.
she had on pink panties this time and I couldn’t resist myself. The way they were peeking through the bottom of her skirt made my dick pressing against my pants.
the way she sat down on the desk and i immediately followed quickly sitting next to her in the back so I could tease her some more.
soon enough class got started and I watched her pull out her pink notebook that said “𝐻𝒪𝒩𝒪𝒰𝑅𝒮 𝐸𝒩𝒢𝐿𝐼𝒮𝐻 ” in a darker pink and she opened it flipping through to find a clean page.
She saw me looking at her noticing I didn’t have a pencil or paper.
Do you need anything? I-I have extra..she said softly nearly making me melt but I tried to keep my composure from wanting to bury my head in between her thighs.
are you stuttering princess, I’m not THAT am I? I let out a small laugh rubbing my hand over her leg and her eyes widen.
No just- ugh here! She whines slightly embarrassed from my little pet name I’ve given her but I thought it was cute so she wasn’t gonna stop me, especially if I got reactions like this.
mhmm nice try tho. I kiss her cheek allowing a smile to curve on her lips.
then the lesson started and she began to take notes and I couldn’t take my eyes off her and how focused she was.
she would poke her tongue out, kinda how I would while she was concentrating, the way she’d push her glasses up occasionally just took me back to the night I fucked her so hard they came off her pretty face.
And her intelligence, the way she answered every question with such ease, then whenever I’d get called on she’d slide me a note with her tiny handwriting with the answer giving me a small smile squeezing my hand slightly.
she was so damn innocent but that only made me want her more.
I was snapped out my fantasies when she asked
May I use the bathroom! She raised her hand our teacher nodded and she got up and walked out the classroom and I was mesmerized by her thighs- fuck the way they look when she walks-
I sighed and peer at her seat next to me and realize, there’s a small wet spot and I smirked too myself.
I made her wet
the thought of that alone could make me cum, knowing I made this nerdy girl wet from only a few words and she tried too hide it was so adorable- never in life would I picture myself liking a girl like her but-
She came back 4 minutes later and sits down fixing her skirt.
you okay princess? I whisper against her neck and I watch her breath hitch.
What’s wrong? I say softly pretending to relax her nerves and dirty thoughts I knew she was having of me and I chuckled.
I slid one of my hands up her thigh resting it at the tip of where her skirt began.
Chris- w-were in class…she shudders shyly at my touch, as if she was begging me too touch her knowing how wrong it was and how fearful she was if she got caught.
and? why would that stop me from eating that pretty pussy of yours?
I Watch her squeeze her thighs together and adjust her glasses and I smirked knowing exactly what her little mind was thinking, though she’d never admit it
gonna be quiet for me? Let me eat you out in class? Make you cum all over my face baby hm? I whisper low enough because nobody was really paying attention too the teacher or us.
yes m’i’ll be quiet I promise- she whispers shaking her head.
Lower ur seat for me. I whisper crouching down under the desks enclosed by a small wall for backpack storage.
Her fingers attached too the lever and she does so moving towards the front of her chair giving me a perfect view of her panties.
I wasted no time knowing this already made her nervous enough, I thought it was cute how embarrassed she was. But she was needy. And I wasn’t gonna make her wait any longer.
I slid the panties down putting them into my pocket.
Her pussy was so fucking wet and it was all for me, I couldn’t wait to taste her.
It was right in front of me as she had positioned herself in the perfect angle, I left kisses on her thighs as a reminder she was my girl and nobody else was aloud to do this.
But her warmth was calling me, the same one I was just inside of only days ago.
I press my tongue to her wetness and she shrieks placing her hand over her mouth beginning to write with shaky hands
fuck- she tastes so good, that aroma id been craving was finally failing into my mouth, I slurped and sucked damn near the life out of this girl as she threw her legs around my head trying to maintain her volume.
her hand grasps my brunette hair slightly tugging on it and I look up seeing how she had one hand over he mouth whilst the other pulls my hair, knowing how flustered all of this made her I opt for sending her a wink before lapping up her wetness again.
I couldn’t get enough of it, she felt so good on my lips, it was so fucking perfect on my mouth, i couldn’t help myself from shaking my head in her pussy sticking my tongue out as her legs shook each time from overwhelming pleasure.
I spread her legs further apart making her groan but she quickly turned into a cough making me damn near burst out laughing.
I knew she was probably freaking out from this, and that made feel somewhat guilty but she was so hard to resist the way she sat in that chair her ass poking out a bit which I really fucking hated because I knew she did as well, but fuck it made me hard especially knowing it was only me who could make her feel so good.
It didn’t take long for her to release her warm cum all over my face, since this was the first she’d experienced this.
Fuck- I whisper to myself watch her juices drip onto the chair. I quickly stood up walking too a side table by the class door.
What’s on ur face Christopher? Look a little mess…the teacher questions and I chuckle and make up a lie quickly
Just ate something really good, and sweet and it had some cream inside so I got a little messy I apologize. I give the teacher a sly smile and she rolls her eyes at me and I wipe my face off and grab some extras for her.
I cleaned her up and saw how her legs shook a bit and how out of breath she was from this.
Her face looked a little embarrassed from my comment earlier but she had a small grin on her face one of enjoyment.
Are you okay princess? I wasn’t too much was I? I say slipping her panties back and she slowly slides them on as my hand rests on her back.
I’m- okay that was-wow-I don’t know I-i liked it a lot. She says shyly, lots of breath in between each word as she placed her head on the desk looking up at me with those big gorgeous eyes through her glasses and that’s when I realize something inside of me.
I couldn’t just have her for sex, or my own pleasure.
I wanted her to be my girl
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers @gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @alexosllurr @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog @blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
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selfloverrrrrr · 2 months
Can I request a non-con (very detailed) where the rich popular kid in college is obsessed with reader. they started dating . After a few months of dating reader realized that character was a yandere and was her stalker she wanted to break up with him but didn't know how he would react. The yandere was at a party and became very drunk so he slept with someone who looked like reader . Then the girl he slept with posted a insta story where yandere was sleeping beside them and reader saw it and when yandere came back reader already left . Reader was already planning on leaving yandere because of their yandere tendencies and controlling behaviour, so after finding out he was cheating she left and yandere wasn't happy abt that . so afew months later in college yandere was walking around but heard a very familiar voice realising it was readers voice he started listening then he heard reader talking abt how she was planning on leaving him but she didn't know how to break it to him so when she found out he was cheating she used that as an excuse to leave him. Yandere was not happy with it he tried to talk with reader but people were always around her so he couldn't approach. Afew years later they meet each other again in a reunion and yandere still wants reader . // I love your writings so much they make my day better .also you should open a backup account 💖
Thank you for the request 💗 I love your requests so much 💗 hope you gonna like it...
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Don't Rush
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Kidnapping, physical and emotional abuse, biting, size difference, Yandere Megumi, stalking, protective, jealous, obsessive, manipulative....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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Y/n's POV
Everything was going fine. Megumi was the most popular rich boy in our college. I always had a crush on him. But one day he came to me and proposed to me. We were together from then. Everything was going well between us.
After one year of dating. I found out he stalked me everywhere?! He had a tracker in my phone... and had cameras in my room and even in my bathroom. What kind of scary shit is that?! After getting to know these things I was already planning on breaking up with him but couldn't find any excuse. Because he was a psychopath!
A month later there was a birthday party of Megumi's friend. He asked me if I wanna go. I said no I wasn't feeling well. He said won't go there either then. But I forced him to go because I wanted some free time for myself. And maybe that was my great decision for the break up.
What happened is... He went to the party. He was drunk and slept with a girl. He thought it was me. His friends told me the whole thing... His friends didn't stopped him? Shitty friends! And the extreme thing was that girl post a story on ig. Megumi and her on bed Megumi was sleeping.
That photo made my heart hurt. But I controlled myself. Because That could be a great reason for the break up! And it happened too! ....he begged me not to go, to stay with him, said sorry for a million times. But we broke up. And to be honest life feels better.
Last year of college in farewell
Megumi's POV
Today was the farewell of our college. I entered the college and I heard a familiar voice in the hallway. Fuck I missed her! I missed y/n so much! I tried to explain to her what happened that night... I didn't do that on purpose ... But she didn't even listen to me. And that bitch girl who slept with me I don't even remember her name...she kept asking me out like fuck off... you ruined my life!
"really?... Megumi? I can't believe it!" I heard y/n's friend said to her. I stopped where I was when I heard they were talking about me. I carefully listen to them.
Y/n: yeah... that is true
Y/n's friend: you mean you didn't broke up with him for that night?
Y/n: ofcourse not... I was planning on breaking up with him a long ago couldn't find any reason....he stalked me, put cameras in my house ! He's a psychopath...
Y/n's friend: that's really scary you know
My eyes widened when I heard that. She got to know I stalked her and put cameras in her house?! But she could've talked with me! And that night wasn't the reason for breaking up with me?! The pain and anger I was feeling together! She'll know... she'll know her place...she is mine! How can she leave me this broken for a shitty reason!!!
Y/n's POV
It was the last day of our college. Everything went well... at least I thought. I thought it was going to be perfect for moving on.... Until my door bell rang. "Coming" I said and went to the door. It was already late at night. I opened the door. There was an awkward silence.
"what do you want?" I asked. "Babe, please.." Megumi whined and came inside on his own and closed the door. "Don't call me babe" I said. "Babe, I'm sorry...." He said as if he's gonna cry. "Tell me why did we break up?" Megumi asked. "As if you don't know... it's that fucking night!" I replied.
"really is it?" He asked. "Yes... now get out and don't show me your face again" I said. "So she had sex with me and you didn't.. that's your fucking reason?!" He screamed on my face. "That's your reason... then let's make it okay" he said and grabbed my arm. Started dragging me towards the couch.
"Megumi stop! What the fuck are you doing!" I said. He threw me on the couch. "The fuck is wrong with you!" I said. He climbed on top of me. "Nothing is wrong with me... I'm fixing which is wrong with you" he said. "Megumi get off me right now!" I said. "And what if I don't?" He said and pressed his lips on mine.
Forcing his tongue inside my mouth. Exploring my mouth. Kissing me roughly. He wasn't even giving me time to take a breath. Then he pulled away. "You broke up with me just because I stalked you? Fit cameras and trackers? I'm your fucking boyfriend I'm supposed to know where you are and what are you doing.... you should support me on that!" He screamed again.
He grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. My boobs bounced out. He looked at those with lust in his eyes and didn't waste any time, crashed his mouth on my breast licking, sucking and teasing the nipple and squeezing the other one with his hand. I moaned in the sensetion. I grabbed his hair and tried to stop him by pulling it but it didn't even effect on him. "M-Megumi stopppp" I screamed but he didn't stop.
Then he took off my skirt and then took off my pantie. he looked at my pussy. He rubbed his finger on my clit. Then he licked my pussy. I couldn't help but moan loudly. He smirked at my reaction and undo his pants.
His dick sprang out. It was too big and too thick. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " M-Megumi no no no... P-please no... s-stop" I begged but didn't even listen to me and slammed his whole dick inside me in one slide. I screamed. He didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thrusting in and out roughly. "How does it feel?..it feels good, right? This is what you wanted? To feel my dick?" He said and laughed sarcastically. I was through my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he liked it so much. His thrust became harder and harder.
I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight " he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. With a few more thrust I came. He was still thrusting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength." Ughh...no no no no...ahhhhhh...no please no....ahhhhhh..... n-not ahhhh.....not inside..." I moaned. He grabbed my throat and chocked me down to the bed. " Shhh.... shut up and just fucking take what I'm giving you." He screamed. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. Then he pulled out.
"try to leave for giving me any dumb reason... you'll see how rough I can be" he whispered in my ear.
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Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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217 notes · View notes
Jealous Jason Todd Headcanon
~loooong requested hope you enjoy some brotherly competition~
- jason had no idea he wanted you until dick called "dibs" the first night he met jason's mysterious "friend" and newest bat-recruit
- at first, jason didn't care. like at all. but that never stopped him from being an asshole
- "my brother y/n really? what's there to like? i didn't see you as a musical theatre and dad-joke enjoyer" he'd scoff anytime dick tried to make a move
- that didn't stop richard fucking grayson.
- "hey! y/n! fancy seeing you here!" .. "it's the batcave dick i work here" .. "oh, well are you working all night? maybe we can grab some big belly burger after?" .. "we have patrol together you dork"
- honestly, it was endearing being adored, worshipped even. from handwritten poems, to a little mini batarang necklace, and all the weapons your heart could desire
- and for all his dork-tendencies, dick knew a thing or too about hand placement...
- "put me down richard" .. "you literally fell into my arms" .. "i would've landed on my feet" .. "sure princess, but aren't my arms a little better?" he'd tease, sweeping you bridal style out the back door of the gala you two had just rescued
- it was somewhere in between the gift giving, rooftop dates, and stolen glances that jason realized he might want -slightly, just a tiny bit- more.
- okay; he wanted you all to himself.
- but he's always been shit at explaining it
- where dick was obvious and flirtatious, jason started subtle: always inching closer to you, keeping a longing gaze set on your every move-even if it meant tripping himself up in battles- you noticed he would sooner get shot than let you catch a scrape
- and just like dick's coddling, it got annoying
- "jace i've been on the team for months, i think i can watch out for myself" .. "i know, i protect the people i care about" his response was almost a whisper, and before you could pry further, he disappeared, replaced with a familiar cheesy grin "hi y/n! wanna catch a movie tonight?" .. "uh, one sec dick! i need to check on jace"
- but jason was never anywhere to be found. every time he let you in, he disappeared just as quick.
- when you started toying with new weaponry jason was there, you still got butterflies remembering the way he pressed himself against you while fixing your form, his calloused fingertips lighting fires as he subtly adjusted your grip on your gun
- "jay is this right?" .. "mhm your grip is perfect, but the recoil will get you, slide your leg backwards to brace for the impact of firing" .. the minute his hand touched your thigh a shiver ran across your body, against your shaking will .. "oh, sorry i didn't mean to-" .. you cut him off "no it's good, you're good" but before you could turn around to unpack the cloud of tension in the room, jason cleared his throat and gruffly said "fire" ruining any chance of an emotional conversation. three perfect shots to the targets, and with a satisfying nod he was gone once again
- so when dick asked you out on a real date, to a restaurant whose menu alone gave you anxiety at the thought of ordering, you realized you had to give jason the ultimatum
- but for once in his (second) life, jason was way ahead of you.
- "you said yes to dick?" jason was sitting at your desk when you entered your own room, overly dramatic but it was jason todd after all.
- "do i have a reason to say no?"
- "you hate fancy restaurants. you need like a week to plan what you'll order otherwise you'll just be stressed the whole time"
- you rolled your eyes, but jason wasn't finished: "and you hate movies, sitting in one place watching a film you probably haven't heard of, pretending to enjoy the nuance"
- he wasn't wrong. "whatever jace, that doesn't-" .. "i can tell you what's gonna happen. he'll order a wine too sweet for your taste, and talk to the waiter enough to make you want to crawl under the table. then after a perfectly lovely dinner he'll take you to a rooftop to 'show you the sights' and you'll have your first kiss. but you hate the city skyline, it reminds you you're far from home. you like the sound of the ocean and the rusting of the forest. you like something real."
- your heart was in your throat. but you needed something more: "say it jason. don't tell me the future with dick. fucking say it."
- jason stood up, closing the distance between you, eyes now desperate and wild: "say what? that i've loved you since the minute i lost you? that i feel like ive known you forever? that i don't need to learn to love you like he does, i was built for it? that i feel like i was made for you? how do i put it in a few useless words"
- "you just did jay." you whispered, letting him lock his lips in yours with a smile.
- "please go break richard's fucking heart and come home to me." he grumbled, to which you agreed, letting dick down softly and promising to set him up with one of your friends in return for his kindness- a deal which he wouldn't let you forget
- years later, it was more of a household joke, dick claiming he was the catalyst to your and jason's lovestory. to which jason wholly despised, but you never minded giving dick a little credit
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mrsparrasblog · 6 months
Makarov x John Price daughter pt.3.
Pt.1. Pt. 2 PT.4
Tw: Stockholm Syndrom, Daddy issues, smut
You were already two weeks here; you couldn’t believe that it had been so long since you got kidnapped in this kind of life. You didn’t see Vlad often, and you slowly craved his contact. You were lonely; the only human things near you were your scary Russian bulky guards.
They didn’t communicate with you, touch you, or even look at you. Maybe because it would be a death sentence for them to even touch you. You were Vlad's property, and everyone knew it.
Only you didn’t know about the power you actually had. Well, you couldn’t leave because you would get killed by the guards or put in the basement. But if you were only a bit smarter, you would have realized that the guards didn’t have permission to kill you; only shots in your legs were allowed, where they could be healed. Why would Makarov want his beautiful future wife dead?
You wondered why your dad hadn't saved you already. Aunt Kate always told you about an elite team he leads that saves hostages all the time, but why not you? Why were you still here, and with every following day, your hope was reduced to finally nothing? He won't save you.
On day 22, you finally crumbled. You were so desperate for human interactions that you searched for Makarov. You tried to ask your guards, but of course, they didn’t answer. You were asking yourself if it was because of the lack of English or because they just wanted to ignore you. Either way, you needed to find him on your own.
After a bit of wandering, you reached his office; at least this was the room that smelled the most of his rich, scented cologne. When you entered the room, the hardwood tiles cracked under your weight, and why were you sweating so much? He wouldn’t kill you, right? He would have already done it if he wanted to.
"Oh, got bored, Princess? “
You walked inside, and you almost forgot how unbelievably attractive he was, even more now with his priceless suit. You had a thing for men in suits, but for your kidnapper, really, were you so desperate? Obvious yes.
You noticed a man was completely beaten up; blood streamed from his face; he hadn’t got many fingers left; he looked horrifying overall; some of Vlad's men stood beside him; he was as bloody as the man on the chair, but it wasn’t his blood. You were fucking afraid looking over Vlad with your big teary eyes.
“Shh Princess, come sit on my lap,“ you obeyed, sitting down on his lap, ruining his perfect suit with wrinkles. He traced down his fingers alongside the thin dress you chose today—his unbelievable selection for you. His hard-on was pressing against your perfectly shaped ass, making you wonder if he had one because you sat down on his lap or because a man was tortured in front of him; he was fucking crazy.
His delicate fingers traced down the hem of your dress up to your soft thighs. “I see you like the lingerie I got you,“ he smirked as if you had any choice anyway; all of your clothing was basically his; it was his mercy that you’re still alive. His hand slowly wandered to the lacy fabric of your panties, finding them wet to your embarrassment.
You pushed your thighs together; you couldn’t let him touch you. There, he kidnapped you. What would your dad think about you? And especially not in front of a poor tortured man. You didn’t know what he did, but maybe he wasn’t innocent; maybe he deserved it. Vlad always had his reasons. Stop. You can't justify his acts. What’s wrong with you? You asked yourself all over again. Why did you have a small blink of sympathy for him?
He pushed your thighs apart. „Open up, Princess; there is no need to be shy." You thought it would be better to listen to him
„Если ты посмотришь на нее, я убью тебя.“ He said it in Russian, and the guard only nodded, continuing to torture the man in front of you. He ripped off the straps of your summer dress, revealing to you what you knew all over again - He wouldn’t be a gentle lover, not in the slightest.
Your breasts were now fully exposed, just as your thong was ripped apart.
It had something strange about you being completely exposed on top of him, and he sat there still wearing his expensive suit. The guard didn’t look at you for a second, which made you feel at ease, at least.
Vlad cupped your breasts, roughly playing with your nipples, pinching them hard, only making you shudder under his touch. „Mhm,“ you moaned, getting embarrassed at the same time. How do you get so easily flustered?
„Извините за отвлечение, мой питомец требует моего внимания“ (Im sorry for the disturbance, my pet needed attention) he said to the tortured man and continued to ask him questions, but not for a second he left his thick palms from your sensitive hard nipples.
The wetness between your thighs only becomes more evident with each second, while your resistance and embarrassment became less. Your slick flowered down from your thighs, making a big mess on his expensive suit pants. "So eager, Princess ?“
You could only moan as a reaction to not being able to talk properly, but he didn’t start to rub your pleading clit. God, he was probably the kind of guy who wanted to make you beg for his touch, but you had enough dignity to not beg, but you hadn’t got enough dignity to not start to rub your throbbing cunt against his thigh.
He noticed it and flexed his thigh, so you felt more pressure while he continued to pinch your nipples. His lips occasionally brushed your neck, leaving small kisses and, more importantly, bites on your neck, showing everyone that you were his property.
„God, Vlad, please,“ you whined as you rubbed yourself harder against him, his thighs hitting your clit all over again, making you wince and squeal.
With a firm grip, he kept you in your place. Your whimpers only fueled his desire towards you; his erect cock was pressing hard against you, begging to finally be in his rightful place.
He glanced down at the mess you made, your juices staining the expensive fabric of the suit. His grin turned into a smirk as he realized that you were indeed the perfect plaything for him. You may not be as powerful as him or psychotic, but you were naughty enough to satisfy his sick desires. He thought about how to reward your brazen display later. Maybe he would try for the first time to eat a woman out; he never knew the appeal, but with you, he wanted you to feel pleasure. He was fucking proud of how he made you squirm just with his leg; he occasionally shook his leg, making you clit whine in happiness.
The tortured man dared to look at your cunt and before you even realized what was happening, Vlad spoke in a cruel voice to him, „Ублюдок, почему ты смотрел на мою жену?“ (Bastard, why did you look at my wife?) He gestured to the guard and told him something in Russian. You didn’t notice it; you were too caught up in almost bringing yourself to release.
The guard took some kind of trinket and poured it into the eyes of the tortured man. The man screamed in shock, and you scrunched, afraid like a dear, hugging Vlad for comfort. The person you were most afraid of was the one you searched comfort for; it was so twisted. „Shh, princess, turn around. I'll protect you like your dad couldn't.“
You turned around now, sitting with your face towards him. From your beautiful eyes fell tears, and he flicked them away with his tongue. The desire to kiss him in search of comfort was so high. „Thank you, Vlad.“
He only nodded, and you tried your best to blend out the sounds of the tortured man. Vlad's hand slowly went down on you, trying to calm you down, and it worked. Like a love-drunk girl, you pressed yourself harder against his fingers, who drew circles around your clit making you shake so desperately. “ Oh god, Vlad.“
„Such a good girl for me, so eager for her Daddy’s enemy,“ he grinned wickedly as he slowly put two of his delicate fingers in your pleading hole, making you squirm again. He started to scissor his fingers lazily inside of you, still fully concentrated on getting the answers out of the man. You asked yourself how he could still be so calm while you were a whimpering mess.
The bulge of his cock pressed against your ass, giving you even more pleasure than his hands already did to you. He started to search for that spongy spot in your gummy walls, a spot many men had missed before, but he immediately found it, making you scream in pleasure, and he only chuckled darkly at your needy responses.
„Mhm, so close, Vlad.“
For a second, you were afraid that he would deny you the satisfaction of an orgasm, but he added a third finger, fingering you against your sweet spot while holding you still, so you couldn't escape the pleasure.
„Cum for me, Pet,“ and you did. With a final pump of his fingers, you reached the most intense orgasm of your life. Coating his suit with your juices, he let you ride out your orgasm.
He pulled out his fingers after you calmed down and licked his fingers clean, letting out a growl as he tasted your delicious taste. Vlad gave you his dress shirt so you could walk back to your room in dignity. As he removed his dress shirt, you couldn’t stop staring at his exposed chest; it was filled with tattoos, and you wanted to scratch down and kiss every inch of it.
„Like what you see, моя жена?“ (My wife)
„You will see it often enough, and now go. I have a business to do.“
In the following days, you felt guilty for allowing it and confused. You should have been afraid of him, but he never hunted you. Okay, he kidnapped you, but still, he didn't beat you or torture you. That's nice, right?
He walked inside your room a few weeks later.
„моя жена“
„What does that mean?“
„Not important, princess, I got you something.“
„I have more than enough material things, Vlad.“
„It's not material; I know how much you loved your study as a midwife; I brought you the best private teacher; when you’re bored, you can continue; and a Russian teacher is necessary for you to learn Russian.“
You couldn’t believe it. Your dad didn’t even support you when he wasn’t even around, and Vlad just bought a private teacher for you. „That's the nicest thing someone ever did for me.“
Learning Russian was hard, but you managed better than you thought, getting better and better every day, much to the liking of Vlad. He always praised you for something you yearned your whole life for.
„моя жена, you deserve a reward. What do you want?“
„You already gave me so much,“ you said, blindly forgetting that he did in fact not do everything for you; you hadn’t been at your work for 4 months now, the place you loved, and you hadn’t seen your dad, and you still yearned so much for him; you loved him after all more than anything. If a therapist had looked at you, he would have noticed how, in your heart, you were still a little kid fighting for the approval of your dad, and since you didn’t get it, you searched for it from another man, and you got it from Vlad. And he would tell you you had the biggest case of Stockholm syndrome he ever witnessed, but you weren’t a therapist.
„No everything for my моя жена“
„I want to dance ballet again.“
„Perfect, I'll get you the best teacher in Russia."
And he did. Another month passed, and you became better than you ever were before, enjoying the time dancing so much. You told Vlad how your dad hadn’t seen one of your Ballet performances and how it always made you sad since he was at the fencing events of Tina.
Needless to say, the next day, a tutu was placed in your room, and you were performing Clara from The Nutcracker in front of him. You cried after the performance, and he praised you for how elegant his wife was. You noticed yourself referring to him slowly as your husband. Every day you forget more and more that you weren’t free; in your mind, you were free.
After the performance, you spend the whole night in his room, thanking him for being so nice to you.
One time he wasn’t returning home for five days. You were panting and afraid. You locked yourself in your room, not leaving it for a second, only to open the door for your food and drink order from your servants. You noticed the sting in your heart. What if he found someone better? What if he left you? What if someone killed him?
After the 5 Day, he came back blood-covered, and without a word, you cleaned him up with a gesture he never allowed someone else. He was vulnerable around you, and this was the first time you stayed with him, only cuddling him and making out with him, something neither of you believed could ever happen.
After the accident, he told the guards that you had full permission to command them, and you felt easier when he left. The power felt nice at first until you met the man who got your Vlad so bloody, and you ordered the guards to kill him.
Now blood covered your innocent fingers; you killed for him; you were a monster; you sobbed for hours before Vlad came in; he was disgusted at your weakness but somehow intrigued at the same time you killed for him, something that meant so much for the emotionless men.
9 months
„Vlad, is my dad dead?“ You asked him. How could he care so little that he didn’t save his daughter? You thought, but he loved you. Maybe he died on deployment.
„No, моя жена, he isn't dead; he just - its hard, but he doesn’t want to fight to get you back,“ he said with a sorry expression. His eyes got you so manipulated that you believed him, oblivious to the fact that your dad and his team burned the world down to find you. They didn’t act anymore on rules; your father left a kill count in the nine months bigger than in his 20 years in the army. But how could you know?
That day you cried in his arms for hours, and he listened to your rambling, and you knew Vlad would never leave you. He is about you, and you shouldn’t resent him; he treats you better than anyone else in your life.
„Why do I need to wear this dress, Vlad?“ You asked while you wore a dress in the price range of a house in London. It was sewn for you and filled with little gemstones; it suited you, and you never felt more beautiful before.
„We are going out.“
„Outside ?“ You couldn’t believe it; you weren’t in the real world for over a year, only in the mansion and the garden.
„Yes, I show you Moscow.“
You were so happy, and Moscow was indeed the most beautiful place on earth. You knew now that you were 100% free; he left you alone. You could have run away, but you didn't. You were there.
To your surprise, he fell on his knees in front of you, a gesture he never did before; it was weakness, and he had no weakness well besides you; you were his only weakness, and this would stay this way.
„Princess, we have been together for over a year now. Would you give me the honor to become my wife?“
A year ago, you would have said no, but now you want to be his wife, so you nod and start to cry.
He finally had what he wanted: revenge on John Price, a queen of his empire and soon an heir
Tag list: @multifand0midi07 , @whos-fran , @cassiecasluciluce
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[a case study in how thirsty i am for this man.] [aka fic recommendations]
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Unfortunately, in my extensive research on this topic, I have found some pretty damning evidence against my sanity.
dad's best friend!joel miller x fem!reader
Your Summer Dream [masterlist] by @swiftispunk It is a scientific fact that if you place Joel Miller on a beach he becomes 100x hotter. I don't make the rules, I just report them.
Creep it Real! by @swiftispunk I am a puddle. I melted and I'm a shallow pathetic puddle. Cowboy and Angel. I just hnnnnnggggg. I need him to ruin me pls dear god.
*I'm realizing if i include all the DBF!JM i read this will get very long, very quickly, and i think i have revealed enough of myself on this blog to highlight my very obvious daddy issues
**speaking of daddy issues...
stepdad!joel miller x fem!reader
Don't Be Cute, Be Nasty by @cockslutpadalecki i'm pretty sure this was the first stepdad!joel miller anything i read and it awoke something in my soul. it's always fun to reach new levels of my daddy issues and BY GOD was this just 🫠
Bad Girl [part i of many] by @seventeenpins he walks in on her while she's watching stepdaddy porn and good lord it gets filthier and filthier in the best kind of way.
boyfriend's dad!joel miller x fem!reader
Lost in the Dark [masterlist] by @iamasaddie i expected to be a slut reading this but then it made me an emotional slut out of nowhere i am obsessed. there is nothing i love more than being drawn in by my thots only to be hit by an emotional bus out of nowhere.
Thigh's Out AU [masterlist] by @toxicanonymity not only is this a boyfriend's dad AU, but said boyfriend's dad is a hot and slutty. just like i like my dilfs.
father-in-law!joel miller x fem!reader
Pink [masterlist] by @netherfeildren holy fuck. that's all. just holy fuck. this altered my genetic makeup.
Help, I'm Stuck! by @nosesitter spoiler alert: he takes her wedding ring off before dicking her down and I-- 👀 send help.
***i didn't think i had a lot of significant other's father!joel miller in my repertoire, but i had to stop myself again from listing them all on this one otherwise we'd be here all day. shit, i'm learning things about myself 🤡
dark therapist!joel miller x fem!reader
Session 1 by @elvinaa i think this only highlights how badly i need an actual therapist (as does this entire list actually).
sleazy gas station clerk!joel miller x fem!reader
Meet Me in the Back (1) & The Night is Dark Enough ... (2) written by @atticrissfinch It does not bode well for me that this version of Joel Miller made me so fucking feral. In no way, shape, nor form should a sleazy gas station clerk make me feel this way AND YET HERE WE ARE.
tattoo artist!joel miller x fem!reader
Honeyed [masterlist] by @softlyspector This one absolutely hits too close to home for me, but that's probably why I'm so obsessed with it. My touch adverse yet touch starved ass ate this up and left no crumbs😌
chiro!joel miller x fem!reader
Say Yes to Heaven by @pascalisbaby i thought the medical side of my brain would cringe at the doctor/patient dynamic but as it turns out my depravity knows no bounds 🥵
frat dad!joel miller x fem!reader
The Old College Try by @proxima-writes i didn't even know this was something i needed in my life until it came into my life. blessings🙏🏼
ceo!joel miller x fem!reader
Sex on Fire [masterlist] by @macfrog i don't think i need to harp on what that sugar daddy vibes do to me🤤
mafia!joel miller x fem!reader
Divine Dynasty by @cavillscurls Remember when I said putting Joel by a body of water makes him 100x hotter? The same applies to a Mafia AU. I can't explain it. I have no sound reasoning to support my claim other than "he hot tho".
pornstar!joel miller x fem!reader
I Know it When I See it [masterlist] by @bageldaddy 🔥🔥🔥 that is all.
maintenance man!joel miller x fem!reader
Maintenance Man [masterlist] by @gracieispunk toolbelt. say less.
slasher!joel miller x fem!reader
Slasher [masterlist] by @toxicanonymity i thought for sure, FOR SURE, this would be blind, pure, detached smut that i could enjoy with no emotional ties whatsoever. and then all of a sudden i'm feeling things??? he just loves his mom so much😭 mama's boy wants to be happy. JAIL. real jail for murderer joel miller. horny jail for me. and audacity jail for toxic b/c how dare you make me feel things for a serial killer😩
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as i said previously, the evidence speaks for itself. i have yet to find a version of joel miller i could not immediately fuck. i'm actually planning (i have a lot of plans and no time smh), to go through all these on my recommendation blog w/play by play commentary so everyone can know just how unhinged i am for this guy.
but now!! you guys have a syllabus for my insanity!!
now, excuse me while i go find a therapist (a real one, not a hot/dark joel miller version of one) (although beggars can't be choosers right?👀)
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dividers by @saradika
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allnelia · 4 months
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A Night At The Cinema
| with Kento Nanami. This is smut. This story includes..
oral s3x, ejaculation, erection, and s3x. Enjoy my sluts |
“Come on babe we’re gonna be late.” This wasn’t the first time you’ve been in a date with Nanami. “Darling give me a second to pay alright? Every thing is going to be okay my love the previews are probably barley starting.” He reassured you. You two were running late because he got held up at work. He looked so tired. He was always so busy lately, but he promised he’d make it up to you by taking you to see the movie you’d be talking about for ages now. “Let’s go!” you say running and pulling his veiny arms behind you. You manage to find your seat. “Ah there it is.” You continue to pull him by the arm as you two sit down. “Perfect timing!” you say with a smile as you look at Nanami’s tired looking eyes. You were too excited to even worry about popcorn but looking down at your empty hands you couldn’t help but to crave it. Before you could open your mouth he began to say, “A small popcorn and a bag of skittles my love?” He knew you so well. You nodded back as a response. He leaves and comes back within 2 minutes, damn he’s fast. Time flies as your enjoying the movie. You look down at the popcorn bag and it’s empty. “I guess you can have the skittles I’m kinda..” You look over and Nanami is dosing off. Fighting for his life to stay awake. You’ve always wanted to see this movie but you didn’t wanna wake him up either. “Babe are you okay?” you said. “Yes, darling i’m just fine is everything okay?” he said. “Everything’s just fine it’s just that you seem tired.” “No. I’m not tired I’m just resting my eyes darling” he always lied to make you feel better. “Okay!” you said and you leaned in for a kiss. His eyes lit up as you pulled away from the french intimate kiss. “I’m surely awake now love” you roll your eyes. it’s been weeks since you guys have done it. “Is that so?” you say as you caress his thigh. “Good cus’ i heard this parts good” He continues to look at you even though your focus has shifted to the screen. You move your hand up his thigh and you feel his hard c*ck underneath your hand. You feel it jump at you. “Baby…” says Nanami. “Yes love?” You look at his deep green eyes. “Could you help me relieve some stress” This was a code word for head. “Seriously?! Right now?” You whisper angrily. “I know it’s bad timing but I’ve been craving you and I’m at my breaking point darling” You’re disappointed in him for even thinking of doing something like that in this moment. The movie was boring anyways so you think of some ways to make him pay for being a h*rny mess. “Mhm” Luckily you guys brought a blanket. One of the reasons being you get cold in the theater another being because of instances like this. You cover yourself and him and go underneath. Unzipping his pants and releasing his gigantic c*ck. You go down on it and you feel it take up all the space in your throat. “Mm~” he says quietly. This is crazy! You might get caught if you gag the slightest. Luckily he trained your throat to take on his massive d*ck. You start going up and down slowly speeding up the pace gradually and going slower to edge him a little. “F-fuck~” Nanami rarely cusses but when he does it means something. He lowers his head to where yours is. “Your mouth feels so fucking good darlin’” You swirl your tongue around in a circle around the tip. “Baby…please… i’m going to…c-cu-” he stuttered in your ear quietly. You taste the precum on your tongue. His d*ck getting harder in your mouth by the second. You lift you head up from under the covers. “Let’s take this somewhere else” you say looking into his eyes. He was nearly red. “But the movie-“ He said but he stopped himself as he realized how much he wanted to fuck you.
You both run outside of the theater into his car. It was brand new. You didn’t want to ruin the interior but the thought of him fucking you recklessly messed with your logical thinking. You both hop in the BMW. He’s yanking at his tie to take it off. You’re unbuttoning your blouse as fast as you can and slipping down your skirt. He’s taking of his pants and unbuttoning his shirt also. You both look at each other with pure lust. You both start making out intensely as your tongues are dancing harmoniously in each others mouths. Siliava dripping down your faces. You lay back in the back seat and he turns and faces you with his back facing the windshield window and the steering wheel. “Put your hands together above your head like a good girl for me darling” Nanami says “Yes sir” His veiny hand gripping both of your wrists together as he uses his other one to grab his d*ck and slide it against your p*ssy. You moan slightly as he sticks it in. “You know how fucking long i’ve been waiting for his” He says as he rams his d*ck in you roughly. “Ah~ N-Nanami” You moan. He takes his free hand and cover your mouth with it still gripping your wrists firmly. “I can’t believe you’ve kept this from me from that fucking long. I know i’ve been busy but you know how addictive your p*ssy is right?” “M-mhm” you say as he goes faster and more roughly. “You’re so.. warm darling. I love f*cking you raw like this.” You’re moans get louder and louder. “Nanami.. Please slow down” you beg. “F-Fuck baby I’m gonna cum in you i don’t think I can pull out. It feels so good~” He moans. “You turn me into a person I don’t want to be darling but I love it.” He goes faster as he yaps while he’s thrusting inside you. “N-Nanami~ Ah~” “I love it when you moan my name, louder princess” “No baby please I~ Nana-mi-” Your moans unintentionally get louder. “Fuck i’m gonna cum baby. You look so pretty when I fuck you like this. My sweet darling~” He moans in his deep soothing voice. “I can’t take it anymore darling I’m cumming. I’m cumming~” he says as he thrusts one last time into you before filling you up with 2 weeks worth of hot steaming cum. Your legs start to shake once he’s finished. He’s putting on his clothes and he noticed them shaking. He rubs your thigh. “You alright princess? I’m sorry If I hurt you my love.” “No, you didn’t. I guess I wasn’t used to you being that rough with me.” you explain. “I apologize love. It won’t happen again. I was just frustrated it’s been so long since I’ve relieved myself” “It’s okay my love” You kiss him on the cheek. “Just let me know sooner next time so it doesn’t build up like that” He starts helping you out back on your clothes and opens the door letting you out so you can sit in the front seat. He opens your door and always around it sit in the drivers seat. He looks back at the mess yall made. Cum all over the seats. “I guess I’ll go get our car cleaned tomorrow”. You giggle “Make sure you tip them.” you imagine the look on their faces as they clean it up. “You know I always do”
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k-germsworld · 1 year
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Sinb x M! Reader
Hate sex! Humiliation!
2.6k words
Sinb and I attend the same university. Although one year apart, she and I study the same subject and semester. She was famous in college for her pretty face and sexy figure. Sinb has always been the school beauty in college, and many boys like her. However, she is a whore. She usually regards sex as her hobby, and it can also be said that she is a professional.
Sinb usually randomly picks some boys she is interested in to have sex with. It is not a problem for her to seduce a boy to have sex. Besides, if that boy is also interested in Sinb, then she is more likely to succeed.  So far, she has not failed once.  There is a rumor stating that Sinb had sex with a professor to get high credit for it.  Although it's just a rumor, many people already think that she had sex with a professor to get high grades.  However, she didn't take the rumor seriously. She also regards sex as her college entertainment.
I'm just a nerd without friends. I was bullied by my classmates every time. Because of my nerdy appearance, they disliked me and even bullied me. She is the main reason why I get bullied. I have good grades, so Sinb sometimes comes to ask me questions. It was because she came to ask me questions that aroused their jealousy, so they bullied me. I thought she would be different from others, but I was overthinking it. Not only did she not dissuade them, but she offered herself as a condition of exchange, she asked them to bully me more severely. She was enjoying and laughing at my embarrassed look. My cowardice prevents me from resisting, so I have always been submissive. However, this matter soon turned around in the second semester.
Second Semester
Everyone is very busy during the beginning of school, so busy that they almost forget to eat or sleep. I was also so busy that I couldn't go home until almost evening every day. On the contrary, my classmates left as soon as the class ended.
As usual, I was busy with my assignment and couldn't leave until evening. Just when I was about to walk out of the campus, I suddenly heard a fierce collision from the old building. I mustered up my courage and headed to the old building. I chased the sound until I found the place where it came from.
"Ah....ah..... harder, please !!! " A voice came from a girl. I stood aside to watch what was going on. When I looked carefully, I saw that it was our professor and a girl. I watched my professor fucking a girl, but I couldn't tell who the girl was. Just when I was confused, the professor pulled the girl's ponytail and let me see clearly that the girl being fucked was Sinb. It reminded me that the rumors were actually true when I saw her being fucked by a professor. She really had sex as an exchange with the professor to get high marks.
The more I look at her orgasmic expression while being fucked, the more it reminds me of her arrogant face when she ordered others to bully me. I couldn't hold back my anger, but I didn't want to leave like this. So, I recorded their sex clip in exchange for her not ordering people to bully me. After I recorded for a while, I realized they weren't done yet, so I left the area and went home.
I can't finish my assignment, because all I can think about is Sinb's lustful expression during sex. I opened the video I recorded and masturbated while listening to her lustful moans. This is my first time masturbating. I usually don't even watch porn, but this time I actually jerked off to my classmate. This video made me find out that her body is so fucking hot and she is so sexy. She made me cum quickly for the first time in my life. I watch the cum on my hands and realize how to get the most out of this video.
The next day, I still stayed on campus until evening. But today is a little different because Sinb also stayed until evening like me. I was a little confused but I quickly dismissed it. Suddenly, she came over and asked me a question. I was also happy to answer it for her. While I was answering, I looked at her beautiful face and couldn't help but kiss her. She wiped her face in disgust and scold me: " How dare you kiss me, you fucking loser? So disgusting!! Ew....." I wanted to forgive her for everything she did to me, but her insults made me very angry. Then, I took out the video and showed her how slutty she was being fucked by the professor. She didn't take the video seriously because every student in school knew that sex was her hobby. However, when I said that I would upload this video on the Internet so that the whole world could know how you got high marks in school, her expression instantly changed from arrogance to fear. She begged me not to upload it on the Internet, as she didn’t want her family or principal to know about it.
I had no response to her pleas and she was furious. "If you dare to be angry once again, I will make this video viral on the Internet." Upon hearing this, Sinb had to say to me calmly: "What do you want then, or I'll let you fuck me once and you delete this video, please." I was very shocked to death about the offer she offering me. She saw that I didn't respond, so she took me to one of the classrooms in that old building.
"Come on, faster fuck me and delete the video after you cum." Sinb said in a classroom. The original intention was to use this video to threaten Sinb for having sex with me, but when it actually happened, I really didn't dare to do it. I was wondering and my hands kept moving back and forth in front of her, not daring to touch her. "What are you waiting for? There is such a beautiful and sexy woman here waiting for you to fuck her. Are you only bluffing but can't do it?" She said to me who was still hesitant. " How? If you don't do anything, I'll leave. " I'm still hesitating even though she's urging me. " You don't even dare to fuck me if I ask you to, you are such a fucking coward. Maybe you are just an impotent man so you don't dare to. You're just fucking wasting my time. Bye fucking loser."
What she said totally pissed me off. I grabbed her hair as she left and bent her over the table. "Fucking bitch, I'm going to prove to you right now that I'm not impotent." I quickly took out my cock, then took off only her panties and fucked her. Since this was my first time having sex, I didn’t know which one is vagina and which one is an ass hole. So I randomly fucked a hole. The moment I thrust into it, she didn't moan but shouted.
"Ah.... ah..... Fucking loser, you fuck the wrong hole. That is not pussy, that is my ass. You fuck my ass without getting it wet, it's fucking pain."
"Shut up, bitch! I don't care which hole I am fucking, I just want you to experience the pain."
Her ass is so fucking tight, her ass took my dick so tight. I pushed my cock deeper, making Sinb scream louder. All she could do now was beg me not to go so deep in her ass. I laughed at the originally arrogant Sinb, but now she could only pathetically beg me not to fuck her ass. It didn't take long for me to cum in her ass because the tightness of her ass made me want to cum within a few thrusts. This was my first time fucking a woman and I am even fucking her ass.
I was satisfied and unloaded a big load into her ass. After she knew I had cum inside her, she got up and asked me, " Are you satisfied now? Can you please delete the video? " I'm very dissatisfied with her attitude in speaking so I rejected her request. "No, unless you let me fuck you one more time." Sinb laughed and her expression was like she already knew what I were going to do. "Men are all the same, only want to fuck me no matter what." She looked at my cock while she spoke and she was very surprised by the size of my cock. She felt a little happy, but she didn't want me to see it. So she pretended to lie down on the table reluctantly, and open her legs wider showing me where her pussy. However, her expression totally said different because her expression right now was like she was saying come and fuck me.
Her pussy was very beautiful in my eyes, so I slowly approached her and stuffed my dick into her pussy. At first, I thrust slowly but Sinb hates my foreplay very much. " Stop teasing me, just fuck me deep! " After hearing her words, I became particularly sensitive. "Stop ordering me, you slutty bitch! I'm the one who fucking you, stop acting like you are the one who controlled this , fucking cunt! " After saying that, I liberated my animal nature. I grabbed her waist and fucked her quickly. I had lost my mind at this time. I saw that she was still wearing clothes, so I tear her clothes off hard. The buttons of her clothes fell to the ground as I tear them violently. Then, I unbuttoned her bra and grabbed her tits very hard. Sinb moaned and begged me not to be so rough. "Where has your arrogant attitude gone? Now you're like a bitch who only begs for mercy. Where did the happiness you felt when you ordered people to bully me go?" At this point I was vented all my anger on her for what she had done to me in the first semester. My strength made her unable to even apologize, what she could do was keep moaning.
"Ah.....ah.... fucking... loser...." she still has a hard mouth, but I can know she was so enjoyed the way I fuck her because I can felt warm liquid was starting to squirt out from her pussy. As soon as I took my cock out, her juices started to spurt out. Her juices squirted onto me and wet my clothes. After she squirted, her body twitched very hard. As I looked at her twitching body, I realized how wonderful she is. So I ignored her twitching and I pushed her against the wall with her back to me. I quickly put my cock into her sensitive pussy. She was so sensitive right now, she moaned as soon as I thrusted in.
"Ah......ah.... fuck me more deep, please.... Master!"
"Mas....Mas.....Master !? " I was shocked by her sudden call.
"Yes.... Master! Please use me like your sex doll. Fuck me roughly and deeply, Master !"
Although it was strange to be called master, her lewd talk excited me even more. I grabbed Sinb's hand pressed it against the wall and start fucking her deep. She is just a moan mess now. No matter how I fuck her, she will only moan lustfully. Her horny moan made me more aroused. Since her hands were against the wall, so her ass became more raised. I grabbed her ass with both hands so I could fuck her harder.
"Spank me, Master!" I also responded to her request and spanked her. She was not satisfied with only one spanking, so she asked me to spank her again. I kept spanking her causing her pussy to get tighter and tighter, making me want to cum. I shot all my semen into her pussy. It was too tired for me as a nerd , I use too much power to fuck Sinb. I sat on a chair to rest while she knelt on the ground panting. I felt my eyes closing, but suddenly I felt a warm sensation coming from my cock. It turned out to be Sinb giving me a blowjob. She stopped in her movements when she noticed me looking at her but my dick was still in her mouth. Then she motioned for me to face fuck her. I saw such a slutty Sinb that I couldn't help but want to fuck her again. So, I grabbed her ponytail and started face fuck her. When I got to her throat, I stopped there. I want to see her struggle when I fuck her face. After a while she patted my leg and asked me to let her breathe. I immediately took my cock out and watched her get her breath back.
There was Sinb's saliva on my dick. I used the saliva as a lubricant to moisten my dick. However, her tongue was still dripping with saliva and she was begging me to let her take my cock again. "Master..... please.....give me more...." I kissed her greedily and touched her boobs. My cock also got bigger while kissing her. So I picked her up and fucked her in a stand-and-carry position. I can use this position to fuck her deeper. The sound of flesh colliding with Sinb's moans filled the classroom. This position took too much energy, so I fucked her for a while in this position and put her on the ground. Then, I fucked her in missionary. I can grope her tits and sucked her nipples while fucking her in this position. It didn't take long before I came inside her again.
"Cum inside me Master! Make me your cumdump. " She also had her second orgasm.
We were both very tired, but she was still horny. So we had sex again. We fucked from the chair to the table, to the podium, and then to the hallway. We fucked from dusk to night. We didn't stop until I finally creampied her again in the hallway. Sinb's whole body was covered in sweat, all my semen leaked out of her vagina, and her whole body was twitching. She was too tired to move, so she lay down in the hallway until she got enough rest.
Since that time, Sinb has completely become my sex slave. We had sex secretly while we were in class and we had sex on the back stairs. We would have sex whenever we could. I am no longer bullied by my classmates because now I am their great benefactor. I'm tired of having sex all the time with Sinb. So as her master, I use her body to make money. When someone wants to fuck Sinb, just give me a sum of money and she can fuck Sinb once. Of course, if you want to fuck her as many times as you want, you have to pay me the corresponding amount. Sinb also enjoys being fucked by different people, even the teacher will come to fuck Sinb also. Sometimes they fuck in class, sometimes right on my desk letting me watch her being fucked by others. If she gets a complaint, I'll punish her with my cock so she can serve others better. I made a lot of money using her body. I was happily counting the money while she was happily being fucked.
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quokkareactions · 1 month
Stray Kids as angst tropes:
Hey, guys! Okay, so I was in the mood for writing some angst, so here you go four angsty Stray Kids drabbles. I still have to work on Seungmin's, which means I'll probably post the other four tomorrow. Until then I hope you enjoy these ones.
You and Chan were walking down the street holding hands and laughing when a girl stopped in her tracks next to you.
"Chan? Is it really you?" she said with a surprised laugh.
The confusion on Chan's face quickly changed into pure happiness when he recognised the girl.
You've never met the girl before but you know exactly who she is. You know that she's the owner of the box of women's clothes on the highest shelf in Chan's closet. You know that she's the reason why Chan's watching Attack on Titan every Tuesday night. You know that he can't say he loves you because of her. And it hurts even if you told him a thousand times that it's okay. He looks at you like you're the prettiest girl in the world, but her... He looks at her like she's his whole world.
"Chan, stop apologising"
"But I didn't know this will happen, we were only supposed to meet to catch up a bit, not to find our unresolved feelings for each other"
"I did"
"What?" he looks at you in confusion.
"I knew this was coming, she was always who you'd choose"
"I'm so sorry, y/n"
"I guess it was my mistake" you let out a bitter laugh.
"No, don't you dare say you're at fault"
"I should've left sooner" now both of your eyes were glossy from tears. "Goodbye, Chan"
You hugged.
"I wish you all the best, y/n"
Ringing. Not even remotely unusual sound for Minho. Especially because his best friend since high school was calling him nonstop for the last few days. He just ignored it for the most parts. He didn't want to talk to her. He had no idea what to say to her after what happened at Friday night. But then the ringing stopped and did not start again like Minho anticipated it to, like it did oh so many times already this weekend. What happened? Did you give up?
He almost felt relieved but then he realized... He knows you too well to believe you gave up. You're too persistent. And boy was he right. The next thing he hears is banging on his door.
"Open the fucking door, Minho, or I swear to god I'm gonna kick it in your face"
With a sigh he opens the door and you storm in.
"Y/n, seeing you is always a delight"
"Cut the crap, Min, I deserve at least an explanation"
"I'm not sure I can give you the explanation you wanna hear"
"Please, what happened? I thought you wanted it too" you whispered.
"We ruined our friendship"
"No, we didn't. Our friendship doesn't have to be ruined just because we start dating, it's not..."
"I don't want to date you! I never have and never will" he cuts in bitterly.
"But... I watched you go out with numerous girls waiting for the day you realize that the right girl was right in front of you the whole time" you trail off, tears now freely falling from your eyes.
"Sleeping with you was the worst mistake of my life" he answers without any emotion what so ever.
"And knowing you was mine. Fuck you, Lee Minho!"
With that you walk out of his apartment and his life. You never wanted to see him again not as a friend, not as a lover and not even as a stranger on the street. You wanted to forget him and the piece of your heart that he took for forever.
It was collecting up in you for long by now. Ever since Changbin and you became official you're getting hate from his fans. And we are talking about regular death threats level of hate. But when your sister got involved too you had enough. You decided to break up with Changbin. It was a hard decision but you had to do it, you couldn't take it anymore. Even though he had a really hard time dealing with the fact.
"Please tell me at least part of it was real" he pleaded
"All of it was real but I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough to bear it"
"Don't say it. Don't say goodbye"
"I'm so sorry, Changbin" you choked out, lips trembling, voice cracking and tears collecting on your lashes. "But we were never meant to last"
You left the room and was about to open the front door when he shouted after you.
"If you knew that from the start you should have told me before I fell in love with you"
For him the only indication of you hearing it was the sound of the front door closing right after. That was the last time you saw each other.
You and Hyunjin were madly in love at the start of your relationship and you made sure that everyone knew that. You were probably the cringiest couple alive. You did everything together and you were all over each other all the time. So everything was perfect until your third year anniversary. You had a huge fight and Hyunjin left and spent the night at his friend's. A girl he suddenly started to spend an awful lot of time with. Since then you felt further and further away from each other. You stopped going out together.
You were slipping away from each other and what is better evidence to that than the situation you're in right now. You are standing exhausted and completely soaked by the rain in front of the Café you work in. The Café your boss closed at 19:00. Exactly when he does everyday, exactly when your shift ended and exactly when you asked Hyunjin this morning to pick you up from there. That was an hour ago. Since then the rain is getting more and more intense. You are not  sure anymore whether it's the rain or your tears that's running down your cheek constantly.
At the start of the hour you thought it's him every time a car passed by. You are not hoping anymore. Not even sure why are you still waiting for him, you could've gotten on a bus and you'd already be home.
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iwas-princess · 2 years
hi ok so u said u want requests so here I am
how ab rin n u are in a argument and he says that ur clingy or annoying and u cry then he comforts u?
suna rintaro • all too well
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“just drop it, princess.” he sighed, his sweaty palms slapping against the marble counter tops of the kitchen as your voice rose with each word you spoke.
“no! you told me that we would go to dinner today all week long, then canceled because you wanted to play a dumb game, rintaro! that’s horrible. you’re horrible to me-“
“i am not horrible to you by all means. you’re just so goddamn clingy all of the fucking time that i can never get any fucking space whenever i need it. then, when i’m actually too drained to go anywhere because you’re so fucking annoying that it actually drains my battery, you get all pissy and start claiming that i don’t do anything for you. as if i hadn’t just drove two hours out of my way yesterday to go to a stupid fucking target because ours didn’t have the- what was it? oh yeah- the worthless rug you wanted.” he ran his hands through his hair frustratedly, his back still turned to your dolled up figured as you stood behind him. “we go out on dates every week, i don’t under why you have to throw a fucking temper tantrum over this specific one, which is basically your own fault that we missed it by the way. so maybe, for future references, shut the fuck up more often if you want to go on weekly dates still. because honestly, the way shits going lately, even five hours in the same room with you can leave me so exhausted for a-“
the sob the left your lips and interrupted his rant, caused him to pause, his heart nearly stopping at the sound.
he hadn’t realized majority of what he was saying as he spoke, his mouth moving before his brain registered what he was saying and who he was say it to.
you were his princess, the one person that he had never minded going above and beyond for without complaint as he held your hand the whole ten hour drive to wherever you asked of him, you sweet smile beaming at him as you told him about everything on your pretty mind and gushed over him. he never minded, not even when you asked for the stupidest things and spoke about things he didn’t care about for hours on end— he never minded.
how could he have been so cruel?
you were sensitive, more delicate than any other girl he had ever met in his life. he had to choose his words carefully and kindly explain things to you, always. and until today, he had never found himself growing irritated with your slower mind or sensitive nature.
in fact, he found it lovely.
he turned around, facing the heart wrenching sight of a broken lover in front of him.
your makeup wad ruined, the waterproof mascara you bought for tonight failing it’s purpose and running down your foundation covered cheeks as you cried uncontrollably, your fragile heart wounded and breaking with each breath you took.
never had he ever given you any reason to believe that you were anything but wonderful in his eyes, and the newly discovered truth changed your whole perception.
what if everything you’ve ever thought you had was nothing but a mere lie to savor your feelings?
the wonderful princess treatment he provided you made your foolish heart swoon and he filled your every thought with each action of service he gave you, and now… now it was seemingly all a lie.
“baby, please-“ his voice was gentle now, a quick transition from the harsh tone a moment ago.
you interrupted him with the face of your palm, holding your hand in the air childishly before speaking.
the broken sound of your now soft voice caused rintaro’s stomach to drop, a deep guilty feeling already developing in his bones, surly growing as the hours ticked by.
“princess, please, i’m-“
“oh, s-so now i’m your princess? i th-though that i was annoying and dr-drained you.” you snapped, your voice quivering and hiccuping as you spoke through sobs.
he sighed at the reminder of his past words, his heart crushing underneath the pressure of his rising guilt.
“i didn’t mean it, i swear. i-i-i love you, angel, please. just stop crying, it’s oka-“
“no it’s not! you-you hurt me rintaro, really bad twice tonight. i-i don’t think i can ever forgive you.”
his whole world felt like it tilted, a large semi falling off the sideways road and crushing him once the words left your mouth.
‘you hurt me, rintaro’
the sadness in your voice as you said his name hurt him beyond belief, like a knife carving into his skin slowly.
he took an oath to himself the moment he fell in love with you that he would never hurt you, and would wish death upon those who dared to.
if he could, he would’ve kicked his own ass violently for saying all of the stupid shit he did, even dumping his body over the nearest river for making his princess cry.
he needed to hold you, tell you it’s alright and he’ll make everything better, like he always had. hot chocolate and your favorite romcom while snuggled with him and a stuffie always did the trick, making you forget all about your woes and giving them to suna to take care of come morning.
and boy, did he ever take care of your issues…
to recall every occurrence would be nearly impossible, for there are far too many where people had remorselessly stepped on your fragile feelings without any apology— until your rinnie dealed with them, that is.
he took a few steps towards your shaking figure, watching in agony as you sobbed to yourself over his inconsiderate words.
you looked beautiful tonight before the fight, your dress hugging your curves wonderfully and the matching jewelry set he bought you last week was accessorizing you just how he imagined it would. it truly broke his whole being to watch you fall apart, let alone considering the high hopes you had for the evening given your appearance.
taking a few more impulsive steps forward until he reached only about two feet away from you, suna watched as you began to compose yourself finally, your eyes opening and tears falling freely as your gaze set on the white tiles of the floor.
he gave you a few minutes to gather your thoughts, knowing all too well your crying habits.
“i don’t think i can ever forgive you, rintaro.” you mumbled, voice hoarse and shattered.
“i-i know, i know, baby and i’m so so sorry, truly.” he quickly responded.
“you were mean.. so mean.”
you fumbled with the satin sleeve of your dress, tears slowing their rapid pace but no where near finished yet as they rolled down your plump cheeks.
“i never thought you would be mean, rin. not to me, ever. but… i guess i don’t know you as well i thought.”
“what? no, no, princess-“ he rushed over to your side, ignoring the alarmed look on your broken face as you looked at him wide eyed. “you know me, okay? you know me better than anyone, don’t let my moronic outburst make you think any different, my love. what i said was horrible. it was horrible and i never ever should have said those things to you because they weren’t the truth, i swear on everything. i-i love you, and you’re not annoying, ever. in fact, i don’t think i can get enough of you talking or asking me to do things for you. i love catering to my princess and i don’t know why i said otherwise at all. okay?”
his hands cradled your face carefully, as if he’d brake you even more if he was even a slight bit rough, his thumbs stroked away your tears as they trickled down and left black streaks. he didn’t mind the messy look you adorned, not as much as he minded the cause of it.
you let out a soft hiccup.
“i love you too, rin. but, i-i can’t think of you the way i used to. not after…” you trailed, trying to avoid the mention of specifics in order to keep yourself from sobbing once more.
his eyes squeezed shut at the realization of your future.
“can we try? please, princess? i-i need you to breathe, to-to live. taking care of you has been my only reason for smiling, please. i’ll do anything.”
you sighed shakily. you knew well enough that you couldn’t live with your doting boyfriend either, his care and love would be too missed and your heart would be crippled for all eternity. suna was your only love, the only man who ever showed you how much you were truly worth and that it was okay to be dependent and need help. you loved him more than anything in the entire universe, nothing could change that— not even this.
it was sad, really.
“we’ll have to, rin. because i can’t live a day without you. you were right though, i am clingy. i cant go two minutes without asking for a kiss or looking at you, and i’ll work on it-“
“don’t. don’t you ever stop craving to be near me, princess. i love it, i really do. i have no clue why i denied that i do, baby girl. you’re everything to me and i want you to touch me all the time, so please don’t stop.” he whispered, his hazel eyes looking deep into yours.
instinctively, you captured his lips in a gentle kiss, as usual routine whenever he reassured you that you were his perfect dream. you hadn’t even realized your mistake until it was too late and suna’s arms were wrapping around you tightly, a wordless way of apologizing once more.
but this time you felt it, you felt that he meant he was sorry and would beat himself up every day until he died for hurting you.
you melted in his hold, arms eventually sliding on his back and pulling his closer for the emotional support he always provided you.
the strong scent of his cologne filled your stuffed nostrils, a warm, fuzzy feeling replacing the cold and devastated emptiness you once felt moments prior.
this wasn’t healthy, you forgiving him so quick, you knew it too. but, suna wasn’t like the other men who repeated their regrets, he actually loved you and kept his word.
which is why you chose to stay and heal, eventually trusting him with your sensitive heart again with time.
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mcyt-trios · 11 months
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3 Heart Trio:
theyre soo silly theyre just silly little guys who do things like mining an entire chunk in the center of the server's spawn for their own entertainment and to annoy everyone else
They are PATHETIC. They are ANNOYING. They are PERFECT. They are playing on three hearts and they die so much. They have a specialized raid platform that is NOT a raid farm. They are a team against exploits! Their base has 3 hearts above it representing them
these guys decided to put love and fun above all on the killing-lying server. while watching other teams betray and fall apart they have stuck with each other till the very last day of the server and never doubted one another. they worked like a clockwork, they knew they could only rely on themselves and at the end of the day, they didnt mind that it was that way
these guys got the short end of the stick time and time again throughout all of lifesteal s4, they were the targets of so many traps and attacks for no reason other than they were weak and always around. and despite it all they never wanted revenge and never held grudges! they cared about fun and friendship more than anything else, and while all the other teams ended up falling apart or betraying each other, these three stuck together from start to end. they didn't care about how many hearts they had, how much gear they had, or how powerful they were, because in the end all they needed was each other <3 i miss them so bad btw
Eclipse Federation:
i dont like them. they ruined my life. Subz and Vitalasy had already partnered in previous seasons but this one, Vitalasy ended up leaving for a few months, leaving Subz alone, and Zam ended up getting close to him after immense trauma at the hands of his former teammates. Zam has done SO many wrongs, including to Subz himself and Subz STILL took him in and made him join Eclipse Federation after Zam died 14 times in a row and got banned then revived by the same player who's been killing him all this time. And it could've been perfect but no, Zam had betrayed his previous team due to them using dupes via exploits, and now Eclipse Federation ALSO has exploits! And he decided that yeah his morals were more important than being loved! And so he murders Vitalasy when he's at his most vulnerable point, lets everyone gaslight him into thinking Vitalasy is an irredeemable evil monster who will never change, even as Vitalasy SAID he was ready to change before the betrayal even happened, Eclipse threw out their whole revenge plans because of Zam's positive influence and he just broke everything. Subz couldn't be with Zam but also couldn't see himself at Vitalasy's side, leaving him alone. Vitalasy hated Zam and yet never killed him or hunted him down, despite Zam acting like he did. And when Vitalasy left, banning himself off from the server, Zam had some time alone to think and realized he fucked up SOOOO bad. And Subz revived Vitalasy and told him to kill him. And ban him. His last wish. His Deliverance. And to make up with Zam. And Vitalasy tried, and they kind of did make up over Subz's death, but then Zam was like "actually im going to kill everyone and destroy the server now. because i want subz back and also because i always do extremely drastic things when i don't need to because i have unchecked mental illnesses i refuse to get help for". And surprisingly when Subz came back he didn't like that! And they ended in tragedy! Eclipse is fucked up. It's a trio that's always about the absence of one person, it's a team that could only happen in one timeline and it was doomed from the very start. But the love was there. It made everything worse, truthfully. But it was there. And that matters. Also as a fun fact Zam himself on twitter has referred to eclipse as a throuple, which is not canon but that's pretty funny. he also stated on stream he didn't want to get therapy because it'd ruin his lifesteal character. and there was a saga where they would "marry" (challenge lost kinda shenanigans) and zam was the only one happy about it. he's not normal. there's something wrong with him. love that for him though sorry for the block of text. I really dislike them. They're my beloveds :3
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Another week of me falling deeply in love with Bed Friend's King.
How do I love King? Let me count the ways.
Uea told King to wait, and King stopped immediately, which made Uea smile. Good boy.
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King did not hesitate to tell Uea he finds him attractive.
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And he didn't hesitate to show Uea either.
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King is honest about sex. Always.
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He knows something is bothering Uea, but he never pushes. He respects Uea and the boundaries he has in place.
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He is part spider monkey.
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King knows Uea strongly reacted to something he did, and even though he doesn't understand why, he apologizes and assures Uea he won't do it again. No questions.
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He called Uea before he went out, let him know he wouldn't be doing anything against their rules, ignored that woman in favor of the fries, and texted Uea when he got home. He said, "there will be NO miscommunication ruining my guaranteed three-times-a-week-sex deal," which is great since Gun had already told Uea everything the next day before King texted him.
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He isn't giving Uea room to doubt him. King said "you ain't gotta be suspicious cause I'll put a tracker on my own ass if you want me to."
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He was quick to admit that he was jealous of Gun, who he knows finds Uea attractive, looking cozy with Uea.
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He took the olive branch (SEX!) Uea gave him because my boy may be hurt but he ain't stupid, and he reacts when Uea says that the reason he is sleeping with King is because he wants to fuck up his life even more. He doesn't take offense because he realizes Uea is in pain, and even offers him a safe place, not just figuratively but literally as well.
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My boy said, "I'm lonely" while setting up an entire thirst trap like the slut he is. Good boy.
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All his clothes are made out of boyfriend material.
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And above all else, the way he LOOKS at Uea every damn time.
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Here's hoping he fucks Pock up in the parking lot next week cementing his place in my heart.
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randomfanner · 11 months
Spawn Astarion + His Siblings Headcanons
Time for Spawn Astartion, his headcanons are probably going to be the lightest this far, mind you I am writing this before I actual write the headcanons so this is subject to change. Unless of course it doesn't!
When I do Ascended Astarion, there is going to be a lot of warnings but that is Ascended Astarion. We are letting this vampire man be happy five minutes before we go into what happens if his life gets ruined.
There is a mention of the slimmest piece of shit. The rattest of rat bastard: Cazador. Only mentioned.
Discussing Astarion's relationship with sex. Not sex itself, there is nothing safe for work, just how Astarion is most definitely demi-sexual.
This is going to be tooth rotting:
Astarion is trying so fucking hard to be a good boyfriend. Do you have idea how much he is trying? He has no idea what he is doing, he meant that so he tries to figure it out by doing everything he can for you.
This man will wait on you hand and foot and I am serious.
He loves to do it too. You are the first thing to make this man feel safe, loved and wanted in 200 years. You have aided him in getting free from the tadpole in his head, the Absolute nonsense, his past, his tormentor, that ritual and, perhaps most importantly:
"So by all means dear, sit down, relax," he guides you to sit down on the couch. "This is the least you deserve. Besides I do think you have a few friend who would be happy to be lathered in your lovely attention well I make dinner," of course he is referring to Scratch and Owlbear cub. He will give you a kiss on the cheek as he goes to make you dinner.
Of course afterward he is done with dinner, he joins the cuddle pile. giving you kisses and praises... If you are gracious enough to allow him a nibble he certainly will not deny though.
This to be said even after all this time he is not used to receiving affection and positive attention back. Not anything genuine at least and so it can take him... time to get used to receiving your touch.
Oh the man loves it. Do not get it right you make him feel... wanted. He is just not used to that feeling. So sometimes he may flinch away from you when you try to be soft with him. He doesn't want you to feel offended and does assure you "It is in no way you, my beloved, it is all me."
Give him time and he always does come seek out your touch eventually. He does thrive on the warm you make him feel with your softer moments.
Astarion notices he is slowly becoming... good. He hates it. He does like it, but he really hates it
One day he was walking home after getting groceries from the night market and saw someone dropped their wallet, and with out thinking, he returned the wallet. He got thanked and walked away with out even realizing what he did and then he just.
He debates on going back and stealing the wallet back. He can, he knows he can... but he just.... doesn't. He just goes home and isn't sure what he just did and man may have a crisis.
"Don't worry about me, dearest!" if you try check on him. "I just did a good thing with out reason and I am not taking it well- give me a minute. I do want to discuss this!"
He becomes very clear with his emotions and tries not to hide them with you at all. He will tell you what he is thinking, when he is thinking and makes sure you expect complete honesty from him. You have shown him all and more trust in the world.
He did try to kill you at minimum twice and he was fully intent on using you. He still feels... guilty about those things as much as he tries to deny it. And he does talk with you about it when it comes up. Because he trusts you.
He honestly trusts you. It means the world to him that despite how little he deserves it, you showed him trust. And he is so happy you are here with him.
Astarion tends to go hunting a lot in peaceful times. He is still a vampire and even with out the blood lust of hunger he sometimes just... needs to kill something. A predator instinct that is going to be with him as long as he is a vampire.
Not that he minds. Going hunting for animals, sometimes monsters, and any nasties who are stupid enough to try and attack him make him feel excited.
He keeps his promise not to attack innocent of course and has saved a few lives by his hunting. Whether it be a child who got lost in the woods at night, or perhaps a foolhardy adventurer. A lot of these you wouldn't have known about if it weren't for the fact the people he has saved have stopped by during the day, bringing by gold or gifts as a reward.
Astarion never expects it but it makes him... happy. It makes him really happy.
Take him shopping when you get to Baldur's Gate. Like, do it, please. Take him to the Facemake Boutique and let him pick out his own, nice clothes and maybe some dye.
Oh the man is more than ecstatic. His appearances matters to him, it makes to him a lot. If you have no, read the description on his clothes: it made me cry.
He does cry about it afterwards . He will just be sitting on his bed at the Elf Song, staring at his old clothing , clothes he struggled to keep nice and now he has nice clothes from someone he cares about that he got to pick out.
It gets and makes you so many gifts. He will go to Halsin, whether you are in a relationship with him or not, and ask him to help him learn how to skin animals and begin using the pelts and leathers of animals he kills. (if you are also dating Halsin, it is a wonderful bonding activity for the two of them).
Man does sew and has been stitching up your clothes during the adventure. Even before he realized he was in love. He noticed a rip on your camp outfit and "Give that here, I will fix it for you."
He fixes your clothes with embroidery. He adds something that reminds you of him to your outfit and just hands it over to you, muttering how you need to be more careful with your clothing. And now he will ask if he can add a bit more flare to your outfits.
Man has a lot of fears that he doesn't realize are fears until they come up again. They were things that he accepted as life and now he doesn't have too, he is terrified of them. Please protect him.
So this is you decided to not kill the vampires. I personally could not kill the vampires:
Knocking on the door is never an expected sound. Most people tended to leave you, Astarion(and Halsin) alone. Especially when it is the middle of the night. But when Astarion answered the door well.
"May... may we come in?"
"What in the bloody hells are you doing here?"
He never expected to see his brother or sisters again after you had convinced him to spare them. And if he did see them again he didn't expect them to show up at his house! He.... debates before he lets them in.
He is on edge about it as he officially introduces you to his family. You all really did not have any time for names or such when Cazador was still alive but now you are. He allows them to stay for dinner.
His siblings wanted to come thank you, officially and more completely than last time. And also get to know whoever the hell managed to give Astarion hope again.
It is extremely awkward at first, there isn't even enough room for them at the dinning table but.... you guys just start chatting about how life has been since things ended.
You hear about the vampires, how they are doing, and you get to meet his siblings. They are all damaged people but they are... nice people. Astarion is... kind of glad that they came.
Perhaps... they can have a relationships. Not forced siblings but... friends.
Willing friends.
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slutt4ellie · 7 months
Sacred Hearts Entwined
PT2 Faithful Whispers
Ellie Williams x Reader
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Part 1 -> ✞
Part 3 -> ✞
What do you do when you’re falling hopelessly in love with your best friend.?
Summery: Ellie was supposed to be a friend, are the feelings that are corrupting you worth it? Why did you kiss her, why even risk it. Now you’re going to lose her.
Warnings -> A lot of Homophobia / arraigned marriage/ angst / Controlling parents / d slur is mentioned! / (lmk if I missed anything else!)
Tag list: @a-little-bit-of-everybody @bready101 @lenaloveslesbians
WC: 3.8k
(Not proofread)
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My mouth tastes like iron and everything is numb, it went from pure lust to rage and anger in a matter of seconds. I just keep thinking, “Could I have prevented it?”. Should I have pushed her back as soon as our lips met, tell her this is wrong, everything that my parents would have strongly preferred. Am I the one who fucked up in the end…? It’s not like it matters anyway, I can still hear the muffled yells coming from downstairs, he's arguing with my mom, she's against the boarding school idea, she believes I was corrupted or something, she fully believes they can fix me, no correction system needed. My dad on the other hand wants me gone, he can’t even bear to look me in my eyes. I’m like some foreign alien that just snuck inside our house and took its place as me, I know for a fact as of now he wishes he could just find the “Real me”.
(30 minutes previously) 
As I heard the door swing open I quickly pushed Ellie back, wiping my lips, my eyes now meeting with her father. Shit. I step back looking at him wondering if he even saw us. He quickly talks, his voice strained, filled with anger “What were you guys doing?” Ellie looks at me, her eyes already filled with tears, all I wanted to really do was just hug her, he quickly yells “I SAID WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING!” I just shake my head and spit out “Nothing!” My voice is filled with nervousness and it feels like I just embarrassed myself. “I should have known, you guys were always too close, having sleepovers and sleeping in the same bed!” Ellie just spits out wiping her own tears “There’s nothing going on dad! We’re friends!” Then his attention fully shifts to me, he steps closer to the point where I need to step back in order to not make any contact. It’s like something just shifts, like he figured the “truth”.
“All those sleepovers, were you guys-” I almost immediately shut down what he was about to say, my voice now more stable. “No!” And as I finish my sentence he grabs my collar which makes tears instantly form in my eyes. “You ruined her. Ellie wasn’t like this before you.” I hated that argument, we met at six, nothing was even there, none of those feelings were even formed until almost 9 years later. It was bullshit, and for some stupid reason I spit that out “Thats fucking bullshit!”. I covered my mouth right after finishing the sentence, I just dug my own grave and that realization was becoming apparent. His grip on my collar tighten and he gets uncomfortably close to my face “You’re a fucking dyke, and you had to drag Ellie into that.” I can see Ellie step forward, her head peeking over his shoulder, tears still streaming down her face as her eyes get puffy and red “Dad let her go! Please” I can’t help but feel like I ruined Ellies life, I was the one who leaned in and kissed her and now- now we're both going to be sent away.
Unlucky for me Ellie's dad doesn't even pay attention to anything she's saying all his attention is fully focused on me “You’ll never see her again.” The way he says it sticks to the back of mind, because I know it's true, the chances of me and Ellie ever even being friends again is most likely over. So now I start crying. It feels like I just lost everything in less than an hour. Ellie grabs him and attempts to pull him back, but as soon as she even lays a finger on her he turns around slapping her with no hesitation. 
Ellies nose starts bleeding and her cheek glows red, and once his attention isn't on me and his grip is loose I run over to Ellie as she cuffs her nose. I quickly rolled up my sleeve to wipe the blood from her nose. I talk stuttering over every word “fuck- are- Ellie are yo- are you okay?” I’m now starting to hyperventilate on the brink of a panic attack but Ellie just nods fast. Ellie’s dad immediately rushes over to us, and no not to help Ellie, he rushes over to grab me by the back of my shirt to pull me away from Ellie. “LEAVE” He yells at me, but this time I don’t budge, Ellie is still fucking bleeding and all his attention is still focused on me, he won’t even look at Ellie.
I push him back literally just trying to make sure Ellie is okay but before I even can, she spits out “Just leave..” her voice is quivering and cracking, I can tell she just doesn’t want me to get hurt. So I finally stepped back. I can tell just by the way she's looking at me this is goodbye, at least for a while..
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I get home and just by the way my parents are watching me I can tell Ellie's parents called them, I assumed they would, at the end of the day as soon as we got caught kissing I knew everything was fucked. “You and Ellie, you’re fucking sneaking around dating” My dad says stepping closer to me, my energy just completely gone and I sigh tiredly not being able to take this outdated homophobic shit. “Me and Ellie are frie-” My mom talks fast, not even allowing me to finish my sentence “YOU WERE KISSING HER, YOU. SNUCK. OUT.” She yells at me standing beside my dad, I can’t even defend myself. What do I even say “We were hugging!” I can’t do anything in this situation. My dad talks again “Pack your bags, we’re leaving in the morning” as my dad finishes my sentence I start tearing up once again. “Where am I even going!?” I yell at them, my respect is now gone, there’s zero point if I'm being sent away. Instead of answering my dad holds out his hand, his palm laying flat. “Phone” I look at him “What?” he now yells “PHONE” I pull it out of my pocket throwing it in his hand before going up the stairs quickly before slamming the door shut. 
I open my closet finding the box with all the stuff I don't want my parents EVER finding, pods, weed, vapes, etc. The one thing that was genuinely the most important thing was my pink Ipod touch mini from when I was 8. I always had it in case I got grounded and wanted to talk to friends, the good thing was I knew Ellie had one too, a blue one she got to match me, so for that reason as soon as I unlock it, I disregard everything else and just start texting her.
4:17 - Ellie, are you good??
4:18 - Pls answer 
4:19 - Parents r arguing, i think i'm gonna go to a boarding school
4:19 - I’m being sent away
4:20 - What?! 
4:20 - Where??
4:20 - idfk they won't even tell me
4:21 - im so fucking sorry
4:21 - why are you even sorry??
4:22 - because i started the whole thing
4:22 - If i didn’t kiss u we would be fine rn
4:23 - dont fucking talk like that
4:23 - if u didn’t kiss me then i would have been overthinking everything rn
4:24 - well we’d still be able to hang out
4:24 - well we can figure it out? 
4:26 - Ellie I don't even know where the boarding school is
4:26 - chances r no service, and i wont be able to bring my phone theyre definitely gonna search my suitcase 
4:26 - then we’ll send fucking letters idfk
4:27 - send letters w no address? 
4:27 - js stop??
4:27 - we’ll figure something out dude???
4:29 - Ellie..
4:29 - stop
4:29 - dont fucking add “…”
4:29 were gna be fine?
4:30 - u know love you
4:30 - i know that 
4:30 - i dont wanna lose u
4:31 - It’ll be alright, we’ll meet each other again and it will be fine
4:32 - promise. 
4:32 - I love you 
Once you see that final message the gravity of the situation becomes way more tense, the last time you saw Ellie she was bleeding from her nose crying . You start packing your bags wiping tears trying to silently cry, not wanting your parents to come in. You caused this whole situation, you knew you did. If you never called her that word, you would have never snuck out, you wouldn't have kissed her, her dad wouldn’t have caught you, and chances are everything would be “perfect” at least to a degree..all you could do is stare around your room now just realizing how half of your room was covered in her
And not pictures, just resonances are her, pictures she drew of you, stuffed animals she bought, clothes you stole that still have her scent on it, everything around you had Ellie in it, she made you who you are. And as you look around your room, your eyes land on that polaroid picture. The picture was of you two, the sunset in the back and you’re just both smiling shoulder to shoulder. 
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(Summer, 15 years old) 
The wind was blowing on your skin as your hair flew all around the back of your neck, Ellie was in front of you riding on her bike “Come on we're gonna miss it'' She yells trying to usher you to bike faster “The sun won’t set that fast relax!” You groan trying to push faster. “I don’t care! We’re going to miss it so push fucking faster!” She pushes faster than you so you now have to try and match her pace. “Holy shit! Can you slow down” She shakes her head and just goes faster until you guys finally make it. It’s actually really beautiful, the sun setting reflecting off the water as the pink sky illuminates all their surroundings. “Shit..” You sigh fully out of breath and Ellie just smiles at you barely watching the sunset, then you finally turn to look at her “I did not bike all the way here for you to stare at me Ellie” Her whole face turns red and she looks away “I’m not even looking at you, I just think you look gross when you’re all sweaty” The words were
slightly harsh but you try to laugh it off “Ha ha, when did you become such a comedian!” Ellie looks back at you “Oh fuck off” You smile and walk closer to the water “Wait- what are you doing??” she says looking at you quickly running up beside you  “Well you said I look sweaty so i'm going to go into the water?” Ellie sorta nods at the response “Well we don’t have bathing suits” You smile at the response “Okay?” You say taking off your shirt leaving you in just a bra. Ellie quickly turns around not looking at you. “I-uh, people” Ellie says and you just shrug “No one comes here like ever, it’s backroads?” You take off your jeans throwing them on the sand and shortly after Ellie then does the same as you not turning around since it’s awkward. “Are you looking?” Ellie asks nervously unbuttoning her own jeans “Oh yeah, hardcore staring actually!” You joke not even batting an eye towards her.
Ellie walks into the water immediately saying “Holy shit! Dude its so fucking cold!!” You laugh and impulsively splash her, getting her whole face wet. “Fuck you!” Ellie laughs jumping forward in the water taking you down with her getting you and her both fully soaked “Stop!” You laugh trying to tackle her in the water when you grab her shoulders and you both just stop trying to fight, only focusing on each other. It’s filled with silence, not awkward silence though, just the sound of the waves splashing against the shore and the breathing coming from both of your mouths..neither of you even broken eye contact..
You move your hand on her face moving a loose strand of hair out of Ellie's eyes, her whole face turns red just by the touch of you plus the intense eye contact doesn’t help. Ellie slightly leans in, not enough for it to be deemed weird but enough so now your faces are closer. You basically naturally do the same, so now at this point you're just mere inches from each other's lips. The moment comes to a short end though when a loud honking comes from the street causing you to both flinch back. The honk leads you to talk to fill the now awkward silence “We should head back, suns basically down” You smile backing away from Ellie moving your hands off her shoulder, Ellie just nods not speaking. You didn’t know it but Ellie felt like a complete idiot that day, she just simply wished she leaned in closing the gap between your lips..
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You just fully start crying all over the polaroid, the memories flood back and you start to wonder why you guys didn’t just kiss. Let alone act like it happened, even though you guys didn’t talk about that moment you both had a mutual understanding that it would be weird to talk about it again? There was no point. You were always so dumb with your feelings, that's why it took so unbelievably long to finally start to accept that maybe you don’t think of Ellie as just some friend. Your mind is rightfully scattered and you start to think things like “If we kissed then would everything be different right now?” “Would we be together?”. You quickly shut down those thoughts, it’s not what matters right now, you don’t have a time machine and you can’t go back, plus right now you’re way too focused on the fact you have to somehow keep in contact with Ellie you guys talked almost everyday and now there’s a chance that there might be a forever absence of her presence..what are you even supposed to do?
Pack up the 10 years of friendship. Find a guy to marry just to get your parents approval, it’s not fair that way. You can’t just lose her..So found your mind was wondering the whole night thinking
of ways you could be together until you ultimately fell asleep, praying to wake up in an alternate universe where Ellie is holding you, a world where it’s just you and her. 
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You wake up feeling groggy and out of place, the sun shining on you through the sheer curtains hitting right on your left eyeball. You groan and sit up not even having a minute of peace before your mom comes into your room, not even knocking. “Get dressed, the taxi is going to be here in 20 minutes” You look at her, reality finally setting again. “Where am I going..?” You try again, looking at her when she finally answers “Boarding school in Europe.” Your heart immediately sinks..”Europe?” Your voice shakes, you make eye contact with her, you want your mom to see how this is hurting you, the tears settling in your eyes. “It’s furthest away from here, so yes.” She looks at you, not an ounce of pity in her voice, she doesn’t care what you think, and there's nothing you can say to change her mind. 
“All this because I kissed Ellie..?” It’s the first time you’re actually saying it out loud and you hate yourself because it feels so wrong, and it's not because you don’t like Ellie, or you completely regret kissing her, it’s because of the look your mom gave you after you finished the sentence. It’s a look that has disgust and utter disappointment lingering all throughout it. It made you feel like you're some monster, who just wished death upon her or something. She replied her voice is still filled with disappointment. “There’s something wrong with you, and these people will fix you sweetie, I promise.” She takes a step forward and rubs your cheek yet you don’t hesitate to push her hand off. “Nothing is wrong with me!” Your mom steps back and looks at you trying to talk to you softly but realistically it was just some condescending tone that tried to convince you that you were in the wrong “Hun, Ellie and you, you guys are both sick, and it’s okay, once you both get help you’re going to understand where all of us are coming from.” You feel like you’re going to explode “Sick” she’s acting like this is some cold that will blow over and a fucking week.
“Can you get out.” You say no longer making eye contact with her, you can't bear to at this point. “What?” She says almost confused, probably thinking “I didn’t even do anything wrong”. So you talk again this time standing up “Well I need to get changed, so can you get out” You say looking at her. She just nods while walking out. You quickly get dressed and grab your suitcase, it hurts to know you won’t see this room for at least a year. 
As you're walking downstairs your dad doesn't even look at you, he just holds open the door and grabs your suitcase, throwing it into the taxi. You look at both of your parents, your mom gives you a hug but you're pity so you obviously don’t hug back. Your dad will not even look at you, it’s like you’re a fucking disappointment in his eyes..
And as you get into your car and drive away, it can’t help but hurt leaving your childhood house, neighborhood, friends, but most importantly Ellie. All the memories would fade and be replaced with new ones. It all sucked, and what was worse was that you didn’t know it now but it would be 3 years till you went back. 
I was sixteen then and now I'm nineteen. As soon as I saw “Welcome to Westborough” it almost felt eerie, my smile just instantly faded . “You okay?” My fiancé chuckles holding my hand. I quickly nod “Yeah of course” I give a simple smile. James. It was all my parents' idea. When you were 17 your parents came up with the golden Idea to get married. It would get you not so focused on her. So that's when that's where he came in. It was my moms friend's son. You’ve met him a few times. He was always nice but marrying him?! Marrying him felt so out of place. You didn’t even know him..so you just kept on denying him and it came to the point where my parents ended up forcing you, they said if you didn’t they would cut all contact, they would start telling your family the real reason why you went to Europe and you would end up losing everyone. So you agreed and at 18 he proposed and you two have been living in Europe for the time being. You felt like you just couldn’t go back to Westborough, too much has happened. 
So when the ones who forced you out of Westborough wanted you to come back to have your wedding you were silently fuming. “Soo you’re going to show me your childhood home?” James asks, smiling lightly, kissing your neck. You just sorta smile “Guess so?” You say looking out the window as you guys pull up to your house with your parents already standing on the porch. You don't even want to get out, you know Ellie most definitely has her own life and it’s probably a low chance she still even lives here but everything about being back seems so scary. 
You get out of the taxi and James goes to get your guy’s luggage as you walk up hugging your mom. You look at your dad and sorta smile, your guy's relationship has never been the same since the situation. You still believe he thinks of you as a completely different person. James walks up and shakes his hand “Hey son!” Your dad smiles at James. You walk into the house and James follows you “Where’s your room?” He smiles looking at you “Just upstairs i'll show you” He follows you upstairs walking in as he puts down your suitcase.  
You look around yourself noticing they haven’t touched anything, it looks like your parents didn’t even go into your room once. James walks over to your desk noticing the polaroid flat on your desk, you turn over to look at him and he softly says “Who’s this?” You walk up to him looking at the polaroid of you and Ellie on the beach and you shrug. “Just an old friend” He looks at her “Were you two close?” You sorta hate yourself for what you're about to say “No not really, just friends for a few months.” You only say this simply because you don’t wanna say why you never told him about a friendship that lasted 10 years, it would be too much for him..and you.. 
It shortly faded into the night, James and your dad went out to bond or something? You don’t even really know they just said that they’re heading out for a little. You look at your watch rubbing your eyes while yawning  “10:47pm” you mumble under your breath standing up..As you walk outside of your room you hear the tv going off from the first floor so you quietly go downstairs to see your mom passed out on the couch.
It sucks because you feel like you should hate her. Your whole life has constantly been controlled by your parents, they sent you away at 16 because you were “sick”. You just try to remind yourself her parents probably made her like this, so you grab a blanket and put it on your mom. You sigh walking to the front door and start putting on your jacket, you just need to walk. So that's what you do for the next 10 minutes until you make it into town, stuff has stayed the exact same, which works out in your favor because you know where the closet bar is! You open the door and there's only like 5 people in now 6 including you..And as you look over at the front bar you notice the bartender isn’t even there, you sorta just groan but reluctantly walk over and sit down. You're just looking down at the bar table when you hear the kitchen door open and a girl says “Sorry to keep you wait-” You wonder why she stopped so you decide to look up.
The girl is no other than Ellie..
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A/N -> ts took so long for actually no reason 😭
again there will probably be another part since it ends on a cliffhanger, just lmk if u wanna be in the tag list and i’ll add u!!
I will also probably be making another story, i have a rough draft for it right now but i don’t rlly no what to do with the plot, that story will again also most likely have more then one part!
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