#that longest tag was about being immune to time stopping
pidgeon-wilson · 2 years
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I posted 17,161 times in 2022
11 posts created (0%)
17,150 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,957 of my posts in 2022
#goncharov - 87 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 74 posts
#ml - 71 posts
#unreality - 62 posts
#hysterical - 59 posts
#horse plinko - 55 posts
#food - 54 posts
#bakery enemies au - 46 posts
#dimension 20 - 37 posts
#the tags cant save you now - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#but if its anything longer than a minute its really rough because you never know when its going to wear off and where you'll be
My Top Posts in 2022:
fight me
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1 note - Posted April 20, 2022
utena’s a Lot but yeah watch it for sure
Well that’s not ominous.
1 note - Posted March 3, 2022
In case no one told you today, I’m proud of you! Don’t forget to hydrate and smile ☁️
Hey thanks random artist. Have a follow.
2 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Rogue: We need to get through this locked door. Cleric, give me your credit card.
Cleric: Here.
Rogue, pocketing it: Thanks. Barbarian, kick down the door.
2 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I need help finding a post. It’s a drawing of a woman with steel cables for hair and someone in the reblog chain dubs her O’sha, the goddess of worker safety. I’ve tried looking for “osha god” and “osha goddess” and it’s not working. Anyone have any ideas??
10 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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senkuplushie · 2 years
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I posted 295 times in 2022
That's 295 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (20%)
235 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 120 of my posts in 2022
#dr stone - 54 posts
#senku - 47 posts
#drstone - 46 posts
#senku ishigami - 44 posts
#ishigami senku - 41 posts
#drst - 40 posts
#dcst - 36 posts
#gen asagiri - 13 posts
#asagiri gen - 13 posts
#anime - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#but then i remembered what i heard about him studying social rules and human minds because he wanted to better understand people
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fever- Senku x Reader [More Angsty Fluff... 🌧]
        Oof... I'm never gonna stop beginning new stories that I'll never finish, huh? Oh, well. I gue\ss it's fine, as long as I'm keeping myself occupied ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the angst is much lighter with this one, but I still included it because of how worried [y/n] becomes.
        Not me trying to write a fic about a scientist with the flu when I hardly know anything about medicine 🤡
        Time period: Mid season 2, shortly before Chrome was rescued from Tsukasa [my memory is a little fuzzy...]
        a quiet sigh escaped your lips, which were mildly chapped as a result of the dry winter, as you stared into the laboratory. you knew senku had gone much longer without any sleep, but it still worried you to see him up and working after at least three days of him not having even a bit of rest. there was nothing that even you, his partner of one year, could do to convince him to lie down for just a few hours.
        the lack of sleep really can't be good on his immune system, and it doesn't help that flu season is starting... fuck.
        the scientist was clearly exhausted; there were bullets of sweat running down his face, he was obviously struggling to stand, and you could tell it was taking all of his energy for him to resist the urge to faceplant onto the table.
        still, you didn't bother to say anything. no matter what you did or said, senku always brushed off his physical condition like a minor inconvenience. trying to reason with him about it almost always felt like talking to a wall.
        although, you didn't want to waste any more time, so you decided to return to the tasks that had been assigned to you. at least, that was the case before you heard a thud from the aforementioned lab.
        concerned, you poked your head around the corner of the doorway.
        you found senku lying on the floor, although he didn't seem to be injured. instead, he looked rather relaxed; his eyes were half-lidded, and he was looking up at you with a small smile.
        "uh...? what are you doing?" you asked worriedly.
        "mm... i'm just gonna take a nap..." he replied, visibly disoriented.
        shit, that's not like him.
        "...on the floor? wait, no, don't--"
        before you could say anything else, senku seemed to have already drifted off to sleep--not only that, but he'd readjusted his position and hugged your leg before doing so.
        "um... okay, then..."
        you were tempted to leave him there and let him get some sleep, but you knew better. there was a high chance that, rather than simply being exhausted, he could've contracted some kind of illness--most likely the flu. thanks to the god-awful amount of manual labor you had done, you didn't find it horribly difficult to pick him up. you carried him over to the treehouse, carefully laid him over your shoulder, and made your way up the ladder.
        there were quite a lot of random containers lying around on the floor from a previous experiment, so you cleared those out of the way before placing him down on the sock-like sleeping bag. at the same time, you couldn't help but notice how abnormally warm he felt, along with how much sweat was dripping off of his forehead. well, damn. that's definitely a fever--feels like a pretty severe one, too.
        even though you were a bit frustrated at him for not being more careful to avoid catching the illness, you still sat beside him to make sure nothing terrible happened while he was asleep.
        thanks to the lack of advanced medicine, you couldn't help but feel worried for senku. who knew how severely the virus would end up affecting him? especially when considering his already-weakened state, there were so many ways it could've turned out--most of them absolutely awful. even if it didn't end up killing him, you knew very well that the poor guy was going to be absolutely miserable. a more twisted part of you hoped he would remain unconsious because of the fever for most of the time he suffered with the sickness, so he wouldn't have to deal with it as much, but you knew that would definitely have its own complications.
        every few minutes, you found yourself repeatedly placing the back of your palm on his forehead to make sure his fever wasn't getting any worse. it never really did, even though you occasionally tricked yourself into believing it was [out of anxiety].
        a few hours passed before you decided to stand up. still, you didn't consider leaving the ill scientist's side in the slightest. as far as you knew, his condition wasn't getting any worse--though, it wasn't seeming to get any better, either.
        then, as you took a few steps away, you heard a quiet "nooo..."
        you looked down, only to see senku staring up at you with a--highly uncharacteristic--sad, pleading expression. he reached out and grabbed weakly onto your leg again.
        oh... damn. it must really be messing with his head, if he's acting like this. i know fevers can make you disoriented, but this seems like a whole new level.
        "what's wrong?" you asked, deciding to play along.
        rather than responding, senku only hugged your leg a bit tighter and moved a bit closer to you. "don't gooo..."
See the full post
41 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
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49 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Senku Headcanon #1- Period stuff...?
        Yeah, this isn't really my kind of thing, but I'm having those issues and need an outlet or comfort source of some kind- :') hope you enjoy! Some of these work better in a modern AU, but most of them will work for either that or the canon plot
        I know, I should be working on my requests, but this was quick, and I don't think it should take too long for me to write the request. Hang in there, anon <3
-Senku will try to act like he's basically indifferent to it, but it kills him to see you dealing with the cramps :(
-Sends Yuzuriha or another close friend to get you a steady supply of pads/tampons/whatever you prefer to use, pain medicine, and whatever food(s) you happen to be craving
-^He claims to do that so he "doesn't have to deal with the annoying cashiers (or general vendors, if in Ishigami Village)", but he actually just wants to stay with you for as long as he can, as he knows his presence makes you feel at least a little bit better
-At night, he'll cuddle you noticably more often [shh, don't tell him you can notice], and he'll hold you just a teeensy bit tighter than normal--not enough to make your cramps worse, of course!
-He's probably memorized almost everything about your cycle [what days it occurs, how long it lasts for, how it typically affects you, what days are the worst, and everything along those lines], and he'll become heavily concerned if even one thing seems off; chances are, he'll list every single possibility of what could be going on from memory.
-Thanks to his insane amount of knowledge about the body, he'll always try to understand the science behind whatever problem you're dealing with. It would probably get annoying for you sometimes, and both of you might end up feeling bad if you get too irritated by it. Poor guy's just trying to help 😔
-Y'know how he's always going on about science-y stuff? Well, if you happen to also be passionate about science, he'll talk about it with you at least twice as often now--again, he's trying to do everything he can without making it obvious how much he cares. Plus, if there's a specific field of science you love more than any of the other ones, most of his science-based speech will be about it
-Even though Senku hardly ever holds back when he's talking, even if he knows it could upset somebody, he's still pretty cautious about what he says around you + probably backs off quickly
-If you were assigned female at birth but identify as something else, he'll go out of his way to frequently mention how androgynous/masculine/[however you want to appear] you look/act/etc, because he knows this is probably even tougher for you... aw, I could really use it right now
-Bonus: If any of those stereotypical, dumb misogynists started complaining about you mentioning your cycle, Senku would definitely start lecturing them about it--and certainly without sparing any of the details that people tend to find "gross." In fact, he'd probably talk about those more than anything to piss the idiot(s) off <3
        This is pretty rough, thanks to how drained I'm feeling today, but I hope this made at least one person out there happy! I still have no doubts about the last part, though
55 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Senku x Reader- "Finally..." [Modern]
        Basic plot: [Y/N] has moved far away--as in, practically across the world-- from Senku for university, and their mutual friends (Taiju, Yuzuriha, and Gen) decide to surprise him on his birthday by bringing [Y/N] along when they visit him to wish him happy birthday; of course, it turns into **something more** after the other three leave. I know, that made no grammatical sense, sorry-
        Also, I found a really cute fanart of "senguin" [onion boi in a penguin costume], but I couldn't find the artist, so I ended up not adding it here. Here's a link to it, though: www.pinterest.com/pin/1006836060419035072/
        "Are you sure he's in there?" you quietly asked Gen, who peered in through the window.
        "I'm certain," the mentalist replied. "Look, he's in the kitchen."
        Taiju and Yuzuriha stepped beside him to peer inside, although you didn't take the risk of letting the scientist see you. Your arrival was meant to be a surprise, after all.
        "Well, then, I guess it's time," you spoke. "Once I'm behind the bush, you should knock on his door. Text me when you're ready."
        All three of them nodded, and you quickly made your way over to the bushes and hid as you waited.
        It took a while, but you eventually heard Taiju loudly declare that Senku had opened all but one of the presents, followed by the sound of your phone buzzing to alert you of a text. You smiled; it had been so long since you'd gotten the opportunity to meet your partner face-to-face. Not only were you thrilled by the idea of finally hugging Senku again and doing practically everything else you could to let him know how much you missed him, but you also couldn't wait to see how happy he was going to be, even if he tried to hide it.
        It took all of the--already miniscule--bit of self-control you had to stop yourself from charging inside and flinging your arms around him. Instead, you had to wait for one of your friends to text you, so you could know when to sneak in.
        Thankfully, you heard your phone go off again a few moments later.
        "he's blindfolded, I'm on my way outside so I can bring you in without him hearing your footsteps <3 can't ait-way to see the look on his face"
        You laughed at the message as you waited for Gen to come around the corner. Thankfully, he didn't take too long.
        Your best friend then silently guided you inside, and to where Senku sat as he waited to "receive" his next gift.
        "Okay, stand up! Stand up!" Taiju cheerfully exclaimed as he--unsurprisingly--looked as if he was getting ready to cry tears of joy.
        "Jeez, calm down. I'm up, I'm- ahh! What the fuck?!"
        Before poor Senku could even finish speaking, you had jumped at him in a full-force tackle-hug. Not too shockingly, he immediately began squirming in your grasp and trying his hardest to break free. You didn't want to torture him, though, so you let go after a little while.
        "Holy shit, [y/n], I... had no idea... your grip was... that strong..." he sighed before untying and pulling off his blindfold.
        "Aw, how did you know it was me?" you asked as you fought back the urge to say something extremely cheesy about him "feeling it deep in his heart".
        "Well, the oaf would've ten billon percent crushed my entire skeletal system if he did that, Yuzuriha wouldn't have tackled me, the old man's away, I don't have any other real friends, and Gen doesn't really know me, so that was the only logical conclusion. Plus, birthdays are perfect for sappy reunions like these," Senku replied a bit wearily while dusting himself off.
        "Well, damn. I missed you, too."
        Senku breathed another sigh. "What? You asked me a question, and I answered it."
        "Yeah, yeah, I know. It's okay, 'cuz I know you missed me a ton, anyway," you teased.
        "H-he did! He really, really did!" Taiju added while sobbing into a tissue.
        You laughed softly and sat down beside your scientist, who was blinking a bit faster than normal and breathing a bit shakily. To be fair, you were on the verge of tears, as well.
        I know this is a really short one, but that's only because this is actually part one of a 2-part oneshot! Heh... the next part is actually gonna be a lemon, and I couldn't be more excited about that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If you're reading this on Quotev, it's only going to be on Wattpad and Tumblr, though [and maybe AO3, if they ever let me in]. I'll put the links here when part 2 is finished!
        Update: So, uhm, about that. I had to take part 2 down for personal reasons. 😔
60 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I had an idea. You know that scene where kohaku and senku fake a kiss. What if instead
*it's the reader instead of kohaku
*senku and the reader like each other but they don't know of the others feelings
*it's a real kiss not a fake one close to the lips
        Requested by: anonymous [Tumblr]
        aaaa I'm so sorry for how long this took! .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. I've been struggling with a lack of motivation, and it also took me a while to find the right chapter in the manga [I was too dumb to just do a quick search for the scene...]
        There's a bit of writing before the actual scene, so I'll add a read more cut for you to skip to if you don't want to read it. [on Tumblr, anyway]
        Bit of a warning: implied!non-binary!reader, possible hints at gender dysphoria [very minor]. I'll try to remember to post another version without that stuff, though. There's also a little angst between Senku and the reader later on in the chapter, but it's nothing super heavy!
        You sighed, rather annoyed by the idea of wearing a dress. "Come on. I'm sure I can make myself look cute, or whatever, without something like that."
        "I'm sure you can, [y/n], but we really need to raise our chances of being chosen as much as we can if we want to infiltrate the enemy camp," Kohaku replied as she, somewhat ironically, stared dubiously at the outfit she was given.
        "Plus, it doesn't have to be super frilly or exaggerated; simple outfits can be cute, too!" Amaryllis added with a slightly nervous smile.
        Senku, too, even pitched in. "I mean... I'm technically wearing a skirt, too, and I don't look too girly. I think that's what you're worried about, anyway."
        Trying your best not to sigh again, you took the neatly folded outfit Amaryllis passed you. It consisted of a simple, robe-like, [favorite color] dress, along with a thin obi and a pair of uncomfortably high-heeled shoes. To be fair, it wasn't as bad as you were expecting, but you still felt a bit insecure about wearing it.
        You looked nervously over at the scientist whom you had not-so-minor feelings for. He was picking at his ear with his finger while looking away from Kohaku, who had begun to change into her outfit in front of literally everyone.
        "What?" the aforementioned genius asked when he noticed the way you were looking at him.
        "...Nothing," you replied. Although, you couldn't help but feel a bit flustered when he gazed at the outfit in your hands, then up at you, and began to look as if he was lost in thought. He snapped out of it only a few seconds later, but it didn't really help you feel any better. [Good thing you didn't notice the blush on his cheeks.]
        After another minute or so of awkwardness, you slipped into the nearby bushes to change into the new clothes. 'Well... at least the people who see me won't know me for too long.'
        "[Y/n], get behind me!" Kohaku ordered as she tried her best to dodge and shield you from Kirisame's attacks.
        "Right!" you responded. Though, to be honest, you were already planning on hiding behind her, anyway. Kohaku was much better at dealing hits than taking them, but she was still far more durable than you were.
        Then, you had an idea.
        There was a word only you and your fellow Kingdom of Science members knew--one that these semi-primitive warriors and villagers had likely never even heard of.
        You began to draw in as deep of a breath as you could, hoping that you wouldn't shatter the eardrums of everyone who stood around you--including yourself.
        Both Kohaku and Kirisame, despite how focused they were, stopped in their tracks.
        "Lab! That's what I absolutely want! I don't need anything else!" you continued to shout, ignoring the confused looks on their faces.
        "La... Lab?" Kirisame uttered, confused. Though, she still didn't take her eyes, which were narrowed with focus, off of Kohaku in the slightest.
        Soon enough, both Senku and Gen naturally came running over--that is, after Gen lightly teased your beloved "Lab-kun" about how much you wanted to see him. In spite of the dangerous situation, you couldn't help but laugh a bit to yourself. Heh. I'm definitely gonna start calling Senku that now.
        Though, before you could say anything else, you felt Gen lightly wrap his arms around both you and Senku.
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83 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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thefoldedbird · 2 years
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I posted 6,016 times in 2022
780 posts created (13%)
5,236 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,398 of my posts in 2022
#world of warcraft - 469 posts
#fnaf - 237 posts
#my art - 127 posts
#predator - 122 posts
#yautja - 115 posts
#fnaf sb - 70 posts
#sketch - 68 posts
#fnaf security breach - 58 posts
#wow troll - 52 posts
#ask - 51 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#just for a good 10 minute video of somebody pointing the camera at various sections of these two areas
My Top Posts in 2022:
How do you think the Yautja would react to their human s/o after learning of Yautja's how much they hate the cold, and their human s/o goes the extra mile to get them to be comfy during the Winter that they bought extra Big fluffy blanks, and a few REALLY BIG sweaters from them while they stay in earth
Since they are in similar veins, you might also like this ask that I did.
The Yautja come from a planet with two suns that is mostly desert. Snow and cold isn’t something they are accustomed to unless they are traveled and seasoned hunters.
Long story short, they are not built for the winter. While they can still survive the harsh cold much better than humans, they would prefer not to.
Make no mistake, a huge part of them is touched you went out of your way to make sure they’d be comfortable and cozy during their winter visits.
Another part of them, however, is worried that you see their aversion to the cold as weakness.
Yautja hunters aren’t used to receiving gifts from their SO’s. They’re used to presenting them as proof of their prowess.
Basically, many yautja are quite bad at receiving gifts without some confusion.
They’re going to be getting a lot of mileage out of those warm clothes as they drag you outside for various “winter activities” to prove themselves to you.
Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about them getting sick. Their immune systems are nearly impenetrable.
By the time you manage to drag them back inside you’re both going to be cold and wet and ready for those blankets.
You might have to give a lecture about how they need to stop feeling like they need to earn the gifts you give them. Just know they are appreciative; even if they have trouble expressing it.
782 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Any headcanons of a Yautja with a smol s/o?? 👀👀👀
Just curious
Of course, smol and tall together at last.
They’re going to point it out. A lot. Sometimes they’ll affectionately refer to you as a paperweight.
Or puppy. Puppy is also quite common.
They have you sit on their back during pushups.
You’re going to get picked up often. And not always for cute reasons.
See, you are outside their “sight zone”. Anything below their chest is practically a blind spot. Their eyes are a lot more inset than ours.
They really don’t mean to. But the amount of times you’ve been tripped over, elbowed in the face, or just straight up run over is ridiculous.
They are very apologetic.
Kissing requires a bit of awkward bending down and stretching but kissing a yautja is awkward anyway.
Given your height, head pats are extremely commonplace.
So long as you enjoy being carried around and jokes about your height don’t bother you, you shouldn’t have a problem.
826 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
A big ole thank you to @trashdruid for sending me this link to someone on the feral predator’s design team.
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840 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
The fact that William Afton’s fandom name is now Peepaw Willy brings me life.
1,053 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you’re still taking headcanon requests can you do one for Yautja with a plus size S/O who is used to human partners and tells their Yautja “don’t pick me up you’ll hurt yourself” and the Yautja being confused?
This is adorable >:3
They laugh at you. Like genuinely belly-laugh at you. That was a good joke.
…what do you mean it wasn’t a joke?
They get a little huffy about it, initially taking your words as doubt against their abilities.
They pick you up with ease and, for good measure, lift you above their head and spin. They laugh as you scream to be put down.
Once you’re back on the ground and your head has stopped spinning, you gently explain that you’ve injured some of your exes who’ve tried to pick you up. It was just a force of habit.
Your mate scoffs and loudly declares your former mates as weak.
They hoist you up again, wrapping your thighs around their waist with a purr. They insist to pick you up far more often now.
They’ll likely encourage you sit on their back when they do push-ups or ride their back when they go running.
Hell you two went on a forest walk and had to cross a stretch of water that was two inches deep at most. They insisted you ride on their shoulders. No they were not kidding.
You rode their shoulders after some bickering.
1,116 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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werekxnglives · 2 years
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I posted 744 times in 2022
That's 507 more posts than 2021!
241 posts created (32%)
503 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 744 of my posts in 2022
#rp - 257 posts
#stephen ic - 236 posts
#verse: under the stars we ride the waves - 107 posts
#thelazyeditor - 106 posts
#neville ic - 92 posts
#visage of the lost elf - 85 posts
#queue the howling - 68 posts
#chaoticxgays - 53 posts
#verse: shifting tides and the ever grounding forest - 52 posts
#dupree ic - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#fenghua just that partner who will call out on someone else's shit and then threaten to dress them up in a style that doesn't work for them
My Top Posts in 2022:
@magicofocs​ liked X
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How he ever got talked into coming into town is beyond him. The plants in the greenhouse were doing fine, the lavender was blooming, and the rest of the vegetables he planted to sell to some of the locals for market day were just...Aisha sighed. 
That was when the ringing of the bell came and he gulped. He was never great with customers, but he’s the only one-Oh he is going to kill Tai! “H-H-H-Hi...welcome to Persephone’s...Floral Boutique.” 
16 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
@magicofocs from X
Tears of joy streamed down his face as he just held her, taking in her scent, studying her so that can burn everything into his mind. “Good, because if you dare I’m tracking you. I’ll hunt you down and kill the one who tore us apart.” Isaac meant every word too. He wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers again.
He hasn’t felt at home since she left and Yun had smacked him so hard that it was a wake up call. The Abernathys are family, yes, they will always be family; but Nivea was home. That need to wander or do his usual self-destructive habits hadn’t reared so much since she was there; he had found his mate.  Isaac had found where he belonged.
“I want to be with you, Nivs. Wherever Life takes us, I just want to be with you.”
23 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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He felt so out of it as he walked on home...the heat is just stifling now, more so than what he learned was the normal temperatures. “Have I...come down with something?” Now granted, elves rarely ever got sick from human diseases, he knew this because of the immunology he studied as part of a biology class he had to take in high school. Elven immune systems were seen as superior, but they can suffer from allergies and yes, sometimes a cold or two.
Stephen groaned softly. Gods what is wrong with him?! Images of being pinned by a man, someone like Neville or Hell Isaac, and he nearly buckled. “What the HELL is wrong with me?” 
24 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
@chaoticxgays​ from X
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If Wonder Girl hadn’t stepped in he would have. There was just a rage that filled him when he saw Garfield hurt, and all Stephen was going to remember before blacking out from it was going on the warpath. He almost attacked Wonder Girl but the dragon shadow stopped him and yanked him away from her to let her handle the bad guy.
Thankfully when his mind cleared from the red haze a little, his instincts to heal Garfield also kicked in.
There was a lot of blood loss and even with the other Outsiders about to start shouting at him, he just placed his hand on the other’s stomach and sang the hymn he knew.  One could say it was similar to Raven’s chanting of the mantra she uses but it was...lighter. 
And that shadow of the dragon kept him safe as he focused on stabilizing Garfield to where he could get him then to safety. 
See the full post
25 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@chaoticxgays​ from X
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Ooooh that was a smooth. He might have heard that over a thousand times in the bar and sometimes up here, but not from someone as good looking as this guy. 
His poor heart was going to burst. “Okay that was very smooth and I think you fried my brain with that, Love.” He cursed at the small lilt in his voice when he spoke. Good Gods, did Amun send this guy-no wait, the Dragon God wouldn’t after what he’s been through. 
41 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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trigger warning for mention of eating disorders (anorexia), i just had to get this off of my chest. no tags
i feel like nobody really talks about the long term affects anorexia has on your body, even after you’ve recovered. I’ve been in recovery for a long while, and i still am but i just can’t seem to get rid of it. even though i’m doing better now, i’ve reached and sustained a healthy body weight and i’m mostly… okay with how my body looks like now i still see the remains of it.
when you gain back weight, your tits sag. AND I MEAN SAG. they used to be so full and perky, now they are just dull and boring. granny tits. it’s like they social distance for fucks sake!? god how i hate them. my organs were failing by the time i was forced into recovery, now they have permanent damage and my immune system is also fucked. i lost my period for a long while too, so there’s a chance i’m infertile. i dream of becoming a mother, being able to experience pregnancy, breastfeeding… all of it. just thinking about the slightest possibility of NOT being able to conceive makes me sick.
not to mention that i was at my absolute worst when i was meant to be going thru puberty, so my growth was stunted and just stopped for the longest time. when i was forced into recovery and rapidly gained so much weight, my skin couldn’t accommodate quickly enough and i now have stretch marks. everywhere. every single inch on my body i have stretch marks. i find myself disgusting, even tho i know it’s natural. even tho i find it attractive on others, just not on me.
this has prevented me from letting anybody get close for the longest time aswell, only now i’ve started to let people even TOUCH me again, not even in a sexual way, just like hugs. or shoulder rubs, hand holding etc. i’m touch starved but i flinch when people reach out for me, i want it but i can’t accept it. GOD what is wrong with me?
anorexia really fucked me up
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chucktaylorupset · 2 years
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#like. i'm sure izzy is the only person who'd be happy if ed and stede were murderhusbands.  you might want to try a hannibal rewatch instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
(all of my top original posts are text posts, some of them quite lengthy. i have edited them down to the first few lines and if you want to read the rest... well the link's right there)
its been a million years.  percy has gone from young millenial to squarely gen z.  i think that while he’s up on that mountain demanding the gods pay their fucking child support, he should tell hera at the top of his sixteen year old pipsqueak lungs that polyamory is a thing now and she doesn’t have to define her marriage the traditional way if she doesn’t want to.  she’s the goddess of all marriages!  that includes these modern ones too!! ...
505 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
I think there's something to be said for fanfiction that loves canon in a way that’s rude. Like thank you for this wonderful thematic tragedy made out of this character’s entire arc ending in death, it was emotionally and intellectually moving, but also fuck you fuck you fuck you they live, this time and every time they live, they never died, their flaws are not their undoing, actually they have no flaws, actually they save everyone, actually who cares about a story, any story, where this one dies, actually i cared about that story so much i made a new one, actually i cared so much i unmade the old one, you gave me morals and i left them for the mortal, but they’re mine now and i will never let them die, actually thank you, actually fuck you, strongly worded letter to follow
A kiss for canon and spit in its face all at once, it’s great
1,411 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
It is actually extremely important to me that y'all understand the importance of the talent show subplot to the structure of ofmd being not just a gay romcom but a story fiercely thematically opposed to toxic masculinity and amatonormativity; how Ed the Emo crying into his blanket fort and silk gown writing sad boy poetry music is the most emotionally healthy he's ever been and a hairsbreadth away from sustained happiness...
3,121 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
goddddd it’s fine!! its fine!!! its okay if if 12 year old girls decide they’re asexual and look back and realize that actually it was just puberty and the gross sexualization of women that alienated them from their feelings of attraction and actually now she feels she was always allo. That’s allowed! That’s okay! Its not the end of the world if some of the people coming home to the label of asexuality are actually arriving at a way station onto what will be a better place for them...
3,387 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You can’t just call the “don’t stop me now” essay writing method the second worst essay method you’ve heard of and not tell us the story of the worst one 👀
i know a guy whose patented essay writing method is to, on the eve of the due date, set an alarm so early it should count as an atrocity, open an empty word doc on his computer and then placing it on his bed,
he then goes to sleep, presumably after drinking a full can of coke, as his immunity to caffeine, adderall, and the general life choices about to be described prove that (1) this man almost certainly is a colossal case of adhd and (2) that is the least of what's wrong with him...
23,319 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne - Chapter 12
An update?! Hell yeah! here’s Day 13 of @biodad-bruce-month event!
Chapter 12: Gifts and Flowers
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @vixen-uchiha @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords @fantasiame @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @alexandriamw @officiallydarkgeek
November was finally here and Amira hated it. 
“Is it really that cold?” Selina asked, watching Amira put on a jacket before boarding off the jet, wondering how she was able to change so quickly out of her costume from last night. 
Her father insisted for the two of them to use the jet, much to Amira’s annoyance. She didn’t want to be seen using Wayne tech and even less be seen with his...lady. Throughout the entire flight, Amira had to sit in uncomfortable silence. 
She felt as Selina judged her every movement.
“Sadly, something causes me to become weak towards the cold.” Amira muttered, pulling her suitcase behind her. “So where will you be staying?” 
“With you.” Selina jokes, earning a glare. “Unless you have a better idea.” 
Amira looked out into the distance as they awaited their cab, thinking of a decent place for Selina to stay but also a place where she can keep an eye on the Gotham thief. 
“I might just know a place.”
“Dupain-Cheng. What are you doing here?” Chloé remarked, one hand on her hip while the other just hung by her side. 
Out of all the people to entire her father’s hotel, Marinette was the last person she’d thought would ever step foot into it. After all, she was just a commoner. “And who's this?”
Chloe watched as the woman standing next to Marinette simply looked at her, her head tilting a bit to the side.
“Why hello to you as well Chloé.” Marinette spoke, Selina watching the two girls converse. “As for why I’m here, my father’s…friend needs a place to stay while in Paris.”
Chloé checked Selina from head to toe, scoffing at the slightly sheer black top with white leather jacket and white pants combo. 
“Sure she can afford this hotel? After all, this is the best hotel-“
“I know Chloé. Don’t doubt it and hence why I referred Selina to this hotel.” Marinette said, wanting to roll her eyes. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought her here.” Chloé huffed as she watched Marinette lead the woman to the front desk. 
She watched as Marinette helped the lady fill out a few papers when the lady pulled out a black card from her wallet. 
A black card…
Rushing to the desk, Chloé slammed her hands next to Marinette. 
“Dupain-Cheng. Who is she?” Chloe asked, watching as the woman signed a paper.
“Oh? You don’t recognize her?” Marinette let a grin grace her face as she watched Chloe turn pink. “She’s Bruce Wayne’s fiancé, Miss Selina Kyle.”
“Amira, what did you do downstairs?” Selina asked, wondering what exactly happened between Amira and the other girl downstairs. She didn’t understand a word, but she knew something juicy happened. After all, the blonde girl quickly tried to converse with her, even when her English was heavily accented with French.
“That girl is in my class; she’s also the mayor's daughter. She just asked me how I know Gotham’s wealthiest man’s fiancé. I simply told her you were a family friend. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“How did you know I was engaged to your father?”
“Happened two nights ago while I was gathering a few more intel around a case of mine.” Amira confessed. “Amazed me to see how much trivial info my father had on you.”
“You’re a detective here then?”
“No comment.” Amira said, taking out a phone and handing it to Selina. “Take this.” 
“What’s it for?” Selina asked, turning up the phone and seeing an odd app on it. The app icon was a ladybug, Selina not recognising it. Perhaps a Parisian thing?
“Your other phone doesn’t work here and this phone is especially programmed to help you go to safety whenever-“
Screams in the streets interrupted the two, Selina watching Amira drag her hands down her face. 
Amira quickly went to the television and turned on the news, sighing when she saw Jagged Stone on the news. Selina watched as she huffed and cursed under her breath.
“How the hell did he, of all people, get akumatized?”
“Akumatized? Amira-“
“Selina. Whatever you do, don’t leave this room. And before you ask, yes my father knows about this and no, I don’t need help. Tikki, Spots On!” 
Selina watched as Amira was engulfed in red and was now in the same outfit she had when they first met, the only difference being that her jumpsuit was covered in black polka dots. 
Selina watched as Amira sprinted for the window, noticing how Amira’s hair was longer. 
“Stay safe out there.” She decided to say, not missing the way Amira stiffened when she was on top of the railing, ready to jump off. 
Amira turned around to look at Selina before fleeing, using her yo-yo to get away.
“LB! Welcome back!” Chat grinned, Ladybird giving him a nod in acknowledgement once she arrived at the scene of the attack.
The two parted from each other when Guitar Villain sent a sound wave towards them, Ladybird thanking Tikki for allowing her to see the magic. If it weren’t for the miraculous, who knows if she was going to be able to dodge the attacks. 
“What caused him to get akumatized?” Ladybird rolled away from the next attack, cursing as another one followed shortly after the first. 
“Dunno! Something relating to his guitar I’m guessing!” Chat shouted from across the street, using his staff to propel himself away from another wave. 
Ladybird sighed as she pulled herself up a building, gasping when she saw- “A dragon! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Chat pouted. 
“Chat! We don’t have- fire straight ahead!” Ladybird shouted, quickly hiding behind a car, feeling the heat fly past her.
“LB! Please tell me you have a plan here! I don’t exactly want to become that dragon’s dinner! I’m too young to die!” Chat shouted, dramatically placing his hand over his forehead. 
Ladybird groaned, looking at the akumatized Fang and rock star on the Eiffel Tower. She watched as Guitar Villain landed, Ladybird noticing a set up there.
“I might just have one.”
Throwing her lucky charm into the air, Ladybird watched as the ladybugs returned everything to before the akuma attack, Chat trying to catch one of them. Despite knowing he could never grab one, he just adored challenging the idea.
“Missed you LB! Glad to have you back!” Chat said with a grin, Ladybird huffing when she saw his fist directed towards her. She fist bumped it back, knowing that if she didn’t, he’d complain about it.
“Not glad to be back, but I’ll be lying if I said I didn’t miss being here.” Ladybird looked at the darken skyline, not believing that it took hours to take down Guitar Villain. One of their longest fights yet.
“Think you’re up for some training? And how was your trip?” Chat asked shyly, wondering if she would ignore his question and would want to train. To his surprise, he found LB yawning. 
“Let’s call it a night. I started to feel the jetlag and then had to fight a Victim as soon as I arrived? Not exactly the best state to spar. However, we will spar tomorrow if there isn’t an akuma.” 
Ladybird looked over at Chat. “However, I hope that just because I wasn’t here to see you, you still kept up with our regular training sessions.” She noticed the way he jumped at that. “We’re going to be doing double the work if it turns out you skipped.”
“But LB!”
“No buts!” Ladybird stifled another yawn, a growl from her stomach following up. “Seems like that's my cue. See you tomorrow at the usual.”
“Fine.” Chat huffed. “Rest well!” Chat yelled out as he watched Ladybird disappear into the skyline, hoping she got home safe. 
Little did he know that he wasn’t going to see her until a few days later. 
Adrien couldn’t help but notice something was off with Marinette that morning, catching her dozing off during class various times. 
He watched as Alya tried to wake her up but then stopped when her efforts were in vain. She had tried to wake up the girl all throughout the morning, but only successfully got her to open her eyes during chemistry. But shortly after that class was done, Marinette went straight back to sleep.
Soon, lunch came, Alya quickly leaving the room to go somewhere with some of the other girls in the classroom. Seeing an opportunity, Adrien quickly went to her, wondering how he should wake her up.
“Marinette. Psst! Marinette.”
When she didn't budge, Adrien decided to sit next to her, feeling eyes on him.
Despite it already being three months into the school year, Adrien and Marinette have yet to make any other friends besides themselves. Everyone in the class was too cautious about them; Adrien was friends with Chloe while Marinette shut herself from everyone else.
“Adrikins, what are you doing?” Chloe asked, then noticing Marinette dozing off next to him. “Is she alright?” Chloe asked, whipping-
“Did you...did you cut your hair?” Adrien pointed out, surprised to see Chloe’s hair not only out of the ponytail she usually wore it in, but also a few inches shorter. Not only that, she wasn’t in her usual outfit, now wearing a yellow wool sweater and black trousers. 
“What? Don’t like it? Pay for my next hair appointment!” Chloe pouted a bit, looking over at Marinette. “She never sleeps during class. Is she sick?” Seeing Chloe concerned was new to Adrien, but he didn’t let that bother him. Something was wrong with Marinette and they needed to know what it was.
The girl was always punctual and seemed immune to getting sick, even when everyone was getting sick due to the change in temperatures.
“Dunno. Just saw her dozing off during class, so I came to check her.”
“Let me see.” Chloe said, going over to Marinette and feeling her head, quickly retracting her hand and looking at Adrien with worried eyes.
“We have to take her to the nurse. She’s burning up.”
Her chest...it hurt. But the coldness enveloping her body felt even worse.
Amira woke up to find herself in her room, feeling colder than usual. She curled into herself, pulling the covers closer to her.
Why was it so damn cold?
“Amira. Amira, can you hear me?” She heard Selina call out to her.
“It’s... cold.” Amira barely managed to say. “It’s...too cold.”
“Amira, it’s 21 Celsius today.”
“So why does it feel so damn cold?” Amira let out a whine as she turned over to face Selina, noticing the red corners of Selina’s eyes. 
“Amira, we already took you to a doctor, but they couldn’t find anything wrong with you. I called your father-” Amira sat up.
“Why did you-” Amira felt off-balanced, quickly tumbling back to her side, feeling her chest compress before letting out a raspy cough. That cough then launched her into a coughing fit.
“Amira! Amira!” Selina began to panic, wondering what to do. What can she even do? She continued to watch Amira cough, desperately gasping at her chest.
Just last night, Selina saw Amira just fine, healthy. The next thing she knew, she was getting a phone call that afternoon from a panicking Sabine, rambling how she was about to take Amira to the ER.
Two of her classmates found it odd that she had fallen asleep during her morning classes and didn’t suspect much until they had to wake her up. That’s when they felt the fever, her body hot to the touch, causing the two teens to take her to the nurse’s office. The nurse found nothing off, not even feeling the warmness on Amira’s skin, although she did say it felt a bit cold to the touch.
Everything was alright, they told Sabine. 
But Sabine knew better than that and took Amira straight to another doctor, who also found nothing wrong.
Sabine then reached out to Selina if she knew anything about Amira’s health, in which Selina said no. That ended up in Selina calling Bruce as the two women took Amira to a private doctor, where they too found nothing wrong with Amira.
Lucky for Amira, Bruce wouldn’t pick up, Selina suspecting he was either at WE or doing something else.
But she wished he did because as soon as she hung up, Amira started to burn up. Selina panicked, not knowing what to do. 
She’s taken care of a few sick children before, but that’s because the doctor knew what to do, so it was a matter of following directions. But this? No one knew what was going on with her…no one knew what was causing her to burn and violently cough...
Or at least she didn’t think anyone knew.
A knock came from the bedroom door, Selina quickly going over to open up the hatch.
There, emerging from the hatch was an elder man.
“Hello there Miss. My name is Fu, Wang Fu. A friend of mine told me about your daughter’s illness and asked me to see what I can do about it.”
While Selina didn’t exactly like the idea of this man barging into the situation, something told her to trust him.
“Please. Please, help her.
Tikki circled around Master Fu’s room, wondering if she did the right thing. Of course she did. After all, no one else would have been able to cure Amira’s sickness. After all, it’s all Tikki’s fault.
She should’ve known better to have kept letting Amira use the miraculous aside from akuma fights. 
She knew the dangers of using a miraculous and yet…
Tikki let out a sob, wondering why she didn’t warn Amira, why she couldn’t muster the courage to tell Amira how a Miraculous corrupts a person who wasn’t a true wielder. Especially if the user was the complete opposite of the miraculous given to them.
Just as Tikki had enough of waiting and wanting to go and apologize to her, she felt the room shake, Tikki quickly flying towards the nearest window, only to hear screams coming from the streets. She watched as people were blasted with pixelated beams, disappearing before her eyes.
An akuma?!
“No, no, no!” Why now? Why now when Amira wasn’t here! When she was suffering and on the brim of the worst.
Tikki began to fly around, circling the room, each lap getting quicker when she came to halt and eyed the gramophone across from her.
The gramophone was right there...in her reach...
Master Fu would forgive her, wouldn’t he?
After all, someone needed to defend Paris alongside Chat.
“I just had to get blasted after pushing Chloe away, didn’t I?” Adrien huffed. “Come on LB. Where are you?” Adrien muttered, walking in the white abyss he was casted off to. 
“About that.” Plagg decides to speak, seeing Adrien look at him worriedly. “Spots might not be coming to the fight.” Plagg gulped when Adrien grabbed him. 
“What do you mean by that? What do you mean she won’t be coming? There’s-”
“Before the akuma, Tikki -that’s LB’s Kwami- came to warn me about LB.” Plagg started. “How she might have to sit out for a few akumas.”
“Sit out?” Adrien whispered. “What happened to her? What’s wrong with Ladybird?!”
“That’s the thing kid. We don’t know what’s wrong with her. Only Master Fu would know, which is probably what he’s doing now.”
“Master Fu?”
“Right, you don’t know him. Didn’t think you’d have to know about him/” Plagg confessed. “He’s the one who guards the Miraculous, the one who chose you for the Cat Miraculous. He’s the one who’s trying to figure out what’s wrong with LB.”
“But if LB is out, who-“
“Don’t know kid. I honestly don’t know.” Plagg provided, knowing it wasn’t the thing to tell Adrien.
They needed to get away from here to help take down the Victim, but to do that, they needed someone from the outside.
But just as the two wondered what was to become of them, they were released from their photo prison, seeing another Miraculous Holder.
They watched as a yellow and black uniformed holder stood proudly against the latest Victim.
“My name is Queen Bee and I’m going to make sure you’re going down, Pixelator!”
“I told you, I was fine. I didn’t need you to save me.” Queen Bee told Chat as she looked at the akuma she held delicately in her hands. The thing was paralyzed and as long as she didn’t let it land in her, she should be fine. Or at least, that’s what Pollen told her.
As soon as she was pushed away from harm’s way, Chloe dashed back to the hotel and ran to her room, sliding against the door, wondering what she could. She had to help Adrien, to keep the akuma distracted until Ladybird or Chat to arrive. She needs help in some way.
As Chloe wandered around her room, her eyes landed on her bed, where a tiny hexagon chapped box laid alone. Taking it and cautiously opening it, Chloe dropped it when a yellow orb came out of it.
The orb turned into a creature that resembled a large bee, something Chloe wanted to squish but didn’t when it introduced itself and told her about having to help Ladybird and Chat.
Pollen explained to Chloe how to transform and how to use her weapon, giving her the run down before Chloe yelled “Pollen! Buzz on!” Chloe watched as she was soon in a skintight suit, a yellow jacket with black fur on it. Can she say that she fell in love with the high heel boots Pollen blessed her with?
Once transformed, she headed towards Pixelator, attempting to take him down, only resulting in her losing the sensation in her leg and her left arm.
She eventually had to make a deal with Pixelator, telling him that she’ll give him her miraculous if he freed half of the people then and there, which he did.
Seems like Chat was among those people, seeing as he gave Queen Bee a chance to scoot away when he started to attack him. 
The fight lasted a few minutes before Chat destroyed the visor around Pixelator’s head, the akuma flying out before Queen Bee immobilized it. Despite having it frozen, Queen Been couldn’t exactly purify it, having to keep it with her until Ladybird made an appearance. 
Only she can purify an akuma.
“A ‘thank you’ would’ve been nice.” Chat mumbled, watching as Queen Bee placed the akuma into a special container that was alongside the box that held the miraculous given to her.
“By the way, where’s Ladybird? I can’t exactly-”
“She’s sick.” Chat admitted. 
“Sick? Is that even-“
“Something happened to her and her miraculous that caused her to become sick.” Chat filled in, watching Queen Bee gape.  
“Her miraculous?” Queen Bee looked at the akuma in her hand.
“I don’t know what’s going on nor how to search for her. All we can do now is keep fighting these akumas until she returns. Until she gets better, we can’t allow Paris to keep getting destroyed as it did today.”
“Bee. I wish I knew what was going on. Really, I do. But all we can do is wait. Now, come on. I’ll drop you off somewhere close to where you live. After all, I can’t know your identity as you can’t learn mine.”
“She should stay in bed for the next two days. Don’t you dare let her get out of it.” Selina listened as Fu warned her. 
After two hours, Fu was able to diagnose Amira’s illness, creating a concoction of some sorts to help reduce her fever and raging cough. “If she exerts herself too much, she will get worse. Continue to give her the medicine every six hours. It will help with her fever and coughing. With that said, I wish for a speedy recovery.”
“Thank you very much.” Selina said, giving Amira’s hand a squeeze. The entire time Fu analyzed Amira’s condition, Selina couldn’t let go of her hand. Something made her believe that if she did, something bad might happen to the girl.
“No need to thank me. I’m only doing my duty.”
Selina watched as Fu left, looking over to Amira, watching as sweat slid down her face. Her breaths were a bit longer than earlier, but definitely an improvement. 
Just who was he? How did he know what was wrong with her despite no one else knowing? Not like it mattered.
“You’re going to be okay.” Selina said, pressing her head against Amira’s. “You’re going to be fine.”
Marinette didn’t come to school the next day, Adrien worried. 
“You’re ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!” Chloé exclaimed, Adrien snapping away from his thoughts as he turned to look at his friend. He frowned upon seeing her arm wrapped in bandages. 
During yesterday’s attack, it seems like Chloe still ended up injured, her arm and leg bruised. While Chloe said it didn’t hurt, Adrien knew better than to ignore the redness in Chloe’s eyes. 
She was in pain.
“Chloé, what exactly are you talking about?”
“She’s talking about how you can’t stop worrying over Marinette.” Sabrina elaborated, glad to see Chloé was pleased with her timing. All day yesterday, Sabrina hated the screams that came from Chloe’s room when she was getting her injuries checked over. Sabrina hated that her friend was in pain and she couldn’t do anything about it. “You kept staring at her seat throughout the entire morning.”
At that, Adrien found himself trying to come up with an answer, but none came out. Was he really staring?
“If you’re that worried about her, just come with me to her home later.” Chloe stated, looking at her nails, hating that her hand was shaking. Yesterday’s attack really did a number on her.
“I thought you weren’t her friend?” Adriend asked, Chloé letting out a scoff. 
“As class president, I have to go over and drop off any assignments she missed. Of course, I usually like to-“
“I’ll go with you then!” Adrien chirped, giving Chloé his signature smile. “You will let me go with you, right?”
Chloé tried to avert her gaze, but she knew better than to ignore Adrien’s puppy eyes. 
“Ugh, fine! But you better find a way for-“
“Thank you Chloé!”
“How are you doing Amira?” Selina asked her, Amira looking at her with clouded eyes. Following her line of sight, Selina watched as Amira looked at her monitors from her makeshift bed. 
Yes, Amira has an actual bed, but Selina wasn’t on board with having Amira climb stairs every time she needed to go back to bed. So after doing a bit of hunting, Selina got Amira a new bed to have on the main level of her bedroom.
“Not as cold as yesterday if you’re wondering.” Amira started. “But I can feel my body tremble and I hate it. I also hate that you’re acting as if I can’t look after myself.”
“Well, you are sick.” Selina pointed out, turning off the news about yesterday’s incident.
“I used to get sick before too. At first, Grandpere and Bruce used to look after me. Then just Grandpere because Bruce would be too busy to check on me...and then myself. I didn’t want to continue to be a burden to Grandpere. He already did so much for us and I didn’t want him to get sick, so I told him to stop looking after me.”
Selina watched as Amira stared at the ceiling. “To be honest with you, I don’t like you Selina. Or maybe that’s just my uneasiness speaking. Or perhaps...jealousy. ”
“Uneasiness? Jealousy? Amira, there’s nothing-“
“There is.” Amira looked at Selina, her finger pointing at her. “You know more of my father than I will ever know. You know him both in and out of that damned cowl. I only know of Father, not Bruce Wayne nor Batman. 
The media and cameras could only inform me so much.” Amira looked back at her ceiling, feeling her chest tighten. “You’re always there with him while I’m just kept behind locked do-“
“Dupain-Cheng! You should know better than to not inform the school- Mlle Kyle!” Chloé squeaked when she noticed Selina, quickly changing from French to English. Chloe quickly entered the room, Adrien following her shortly after. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“It’s alright. I was going to leave aways“ Selina said, seeing Amira scowl upon seeing the other teens in her room. “I’ll be right downstairs if anything happens.” She told Amira.
Selina fought against the tug that demanded her to stay. But Selina knew better than that. She knew better than to stay and listen to whatever it was the teens had to say to themselves. But then again, she had no right to stay in the room.
She wasn’t her mother after all, nor a parental figure for that matter.
So, she left.
Marinette watched as Selina left her side, now looking at the two rich kids in front of her. 
Who was she kidding? She was one herself too. 
“What are two doing here?” Marinette asked, sitting up, feeling her body protest to lay back down. She noticed the tiny bruises covering Adrien’s arms and the bandages around Chloe’s arm.
Guilt began to gnaw at her mind.
“As class president, I came to drop by school work you missed. It’s ridiculous how you managed to-“
“Chloé.” Adrien growled.
“We came by to see how you’re doing.” Chloe admitted.
“You came to see me?” Marinette asked, surprised to see Chloe starting to change after their conversation from days ago...or has it been a few weeks?
“Of course!” Adrien chirped. “Isn’t that what friends do?”
“See? She doesn’t even-“ Chloe started.
“When did we ever become friends?” Marinette asked. “As far as I know, I simply find the two of you tolerable. Better than those other kids in the class.”
She guessed those were the wrong choice of words since Adrien grinned and Chloé huffed, turning her head to the side while her cheeks were tinted pink. 
“Well, I think the same applies to you, Dupain Cheng. You’re very tolerable and easy to work with. Although I have to ask, where’s my thanks?” 
“Me and Adrien were the ones to take you to the school nurse despite Cesaire first knowing about you not being in your right mind. The idiot didn’t realize you were burning up.” Chloe decided to say, looking at Marinette with worry.
“I guess I do owe you my gratitude.” Marinette said, giving Chloe a small smile. “Thank you.”
“As you should. You’re lucky I helped to grace you with my kindness even though your closet could use a few colors.” Chloe said, internally smiling.
“As if that blue eyeshadow did you any favors.” Chloé gasped at Marinette’s statement.
“I’ll have you know-“
Adrien watched as the two girls bickered, as if they were two old friends catching up. 
He looked out towards the Parisian skyline wondering the whereabouts of Ladybird and if she was alright. 
After an hour or two, Amira bid Chloe and Adrien goodbye, Amira now staring at her phone, Adrien and Chloe’s names looking right back at her. 
Two more names to her small list of names. 
“Amira! You’re alright!” Tikki cried, Amira feeling her crash into her cheek. 
“And where were you?” She felt Tikki tense, watching as the tiny god moved away from her. “I get not wanting to be seen, but not watching me from afar-“
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” Tikki sat in front of Amira, looking at her with her watery eyes. “I should have warned you about the Miraculous and it’s dangers-“
“I already knew.” Amira confessed, Tikki looking up at her in horror. “I already knew I wasn’t fit for the Ladybug Miraculous. During my first transformation, it felt like it was rejecting me.” Tikki looked away in shame. “Even when I knew I wasn’t meant for it, I kept pushing myself and trained with the miraculous on. I wanted it to accept me. For you to accept me.”
“But I do accept you Amira. I trust-“
“Yet you’re afraid of me.” Amira cut off. “That’s why you hesitated to tell me. You trusted me enough to talk about the miraculous, of bringing the Guardian to me to heal me, but you were afraid of what I might do if you told me I wasn’t your best option, weren’t you?” 
That’s right. 
Master Fu had told Tikki that Amira wasn’t her true holder. She was just the better one between his last two options. 
“Did you really figure that out on your own?” Tikki asked. “So why? Why do you still-“
“Because I made a promise to you. To everyone in Paris. I vowed to protect them, no matter what. If it costs me my life, so be it.” Amira looked at her hands, watching as her hands morphed to her smaller ones. Small hands that held a blank name tag that laughed at her. “I rather die as the vigilante who protected Paris than the hidden Wayne child.”
Tikki’s frown warbled, quickly throwing herself to Amira, not bothering to tell her about the person who stood right below the hatch that led to the room. 
“I’m sorry Amira. I’m so sorry!”
“It’s alright Tikki. It’s alright.”
Another akuma showed up that night, taking Amira by surprise when she awoke from the trembling outside her room. 
She watched as hundreds of tiny gremlin-looking...gremlins took over the streets of Pari. Sapoti -if Amira remembered correctly- they were called. 
There was never an akuma during the night. So why now, of all-
“He knows I can’t fight right now, Tikki. He knows I’m down and he’s taking advantage of that. I have to go help.” Amira firmly announced, getting out her bed and started to change into something more comfortable than her sweaty pajamas before calling on the transformation.
“Amira, you can’t. Master Fu-“
“He’s trying to make us play all of our cards. If Chat and Bee can’t take this akuma down -although hopefully they do- then we’ll be forced to-wait! Bee’s still injured! I have to-” 
“Amira. Trust them. Just like you trust me.” Tikki softly said, putting her paw on Amira’s cheek. “They can do this. You can’t, even if you wanted to. If you ran to try and defeat this akuma, then you’ll be falling right into his plan. You’re going to give him an opportunity to get the Ladybug in this condition you’re in if you go now. So listen to me and believe in them. They’ll defeat this Victim. Just watch.”
And they did… 
“But why did they have to bring another miraculous out! That’s exactly what Hawkmoth wanted!”
“Amira, they-”
“They gave him the information he wanted about the miraculouses and-”
“Rena Rouge’s siblings were the victims this time around.” Tikki cut off, watching as Amira turned quiet. “She begged Chat Noir and Queen Bee to let her help in any way possible, especially when she saw Bee still heavily injured from the last attack... but she wanted to save her family.”
Tikki watched as Amira dazed out, the girl looking out the window next to the stair that led to her bed and skylight. Tikki noticed Amira staring at the daisies that she had found growing in the cracks of the outwalls of the apartment. 
Daisies that Amira always tended to despite not having any plants of her own, daisies that Amira decided to plant into a pot and care for.
Tikki watched as Amira cradled a flower between her fingers, Amira carefully caressing the petals. 
She watched as Amira grabbed an old looking device, dialing a number.
“Chat, I want you to meet me at the rendezvous. Bring Queen Bee with you.”
Chat watched as Queen Bee twirled one of her hair strands, Bee biting her cheek as she did so.
“Relax Bee. Ladybird-”
“I can’t relax! I’m meeting Ladybird! My idol!” Queen Bee said, grabbing Chat by his bell. “Don’t you understand?! She might-”
“Ladybird! Aren’t I glad you’re doing well!” Chat exclaimed, Ladybird noticing how his ears perked upon seeing her. 
“Thank you for your concern, but I’d prefer if you’d lower your voice. I have yet to completely recover.”
“Right. Sorry.” Chat sheepishly said, before remembering why they were there. “Oh! This is Queen Bee! She’s-”
“I know who she is, Chat. I watched the fight.”
Chat watched as Ladybird eyed Queen Bee, circling around her as she did. Chat noticed how Queen Bee was silent, stiff as Ladybird judged her.
“Chat. What are your opinions on her?”
“She’s a bit on the stubborn side and a bit on the unfocused side, but she’s an excellent partner. Barely have to tell her what to do when we’re apart.”
“So she just needs a bit of guidance?” Ladybird asked, now standing in front of Queen Bee.
“Have you brought her to the training grounds yet?” 
They had a training area?
“No.” Chat quickly responded. 
“Good.” Ladybird stated, watching Queen Bee pale.
Were they going to take her miraculous back? Was this the end of- “Do you have the akuma I told you to bring?”
“Y-Yes!” Queen Bee stuttered, reaching for the bag next to her foot and handing Ladybird the jar with the two akumas. “Here they are.”
Ladybird released the akumas, quickly capturing them. Carefully, she released the purified butterflies, Queen Bee watching them glow brightly against the night sky.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybird yelled, Queen Bee stunned as she watched millions of ladybugs flying across the starless night, the tiny bugs becoming stars themselves. She watched as the tiny red bugs surrounded her and restored her arm and leg back, Queen Bee feeling tears well up to her eyes.
She held the urge to tackle Ladybird and thank her when she watched her stare at her with soft eyes.
Opening up her yo-yo, Chat and Queen Bee watched as LB took out a box, carefully wrapped in yellow paper with a black bow carefully placed on top. A daisy was tucked carefully under the bow.
Queen Bee watched as Ladybird handed it to her, watching as she found herself accepting it.
Looking up, Queen Bee found Chat smiling at her, Ladybird approaching her. Stretching out a hand, Ladybird smiled.
“Welcome to the team, Queen Bee. I look forward to working with you.”
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40sbarnes · 4 years
Medici: Spymasters of Florence
Chapter 14: Fortune Favours The Bold
its not the longest chapter but goddamn its soft <3 i hope you enjoy this its basically just fluff lolll 
tag list: @brynthebulldozer​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @nana035 @valravnsraven @hannahhistorian92 @not-thatweird (it won’t tag idkwhy sorry!) @isaac-lahey-is-bae @angrygardendeer @unstoppable-xavi
pairings; slowburn lorenzo x reader, platonic francesco x reader
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Lorenzo fell into stride beside you, his words still hanging in the night air.
"There's lot of things I haven't told you about myself, Medici," you grinned up at him, his brows raising at your words.
"Is that so?" His tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he thought of his next words. "Tell me another one."
Your face scrunched slightly in confusion, and he picked up on it immediately. "Indulge me, tell me another thing I don't know about you," he lifted his chin up, watching as the stars took their place in the sky. You looked to the side, bashful.
"Hmmm..." you trailed off, your eyes drifting to where Lorenzo was looking, letting the sound of your feet on the cobbled path fill the temporary silence, "I don't enjoy conversing with rich men," you smiled up as you watched the dots of light in the sky.
Lorenzo scoffed, his gaze falling on you once again. "You certainly didn't mind it tonight," he shot back.
"Untrue," the word was soft as it fell from your lips, "you don't have to enjoy a job to do it."
"Fair enough," he breathed out, "but surely you make an exception for bankers?" He tried, his shoulder brushing against yours as you walked together.
"Pazzi isn't one for conversation," you shook your head, continuing to tease Lorenzo, "his nephew however..."
"Oh come on, Bellondini, you can't despise my company that much," his ego was on the verge of bruising.
You just looked at him, trying not to laugh at his audacity.
"Y/n," his hand caught yours, and he stopped you both from walking, as his thumb brushed a gentle line against your fingers. Both your eyes were watching your hands. "Look, I am truly apologetic for the things I said, they were spoken with spite. I'm well aware you would never wish to be my friend, let alone my wife." His honesty took you by surprise, you glanced up at him, to find him already looking down at you.
"I thought we were saying things that we didn't already know," you attempted to joke, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes with your free hand, but his own met yours, holding it against his face.
"I'm serious. You are a remarkable woman, your lack of status does not weigh on you at all. It fills me with envy. For my status is all I am. All I could ever be," he admits, and you are frozen in place.
"You know your words hold false," your voice was quiet, you couldn't believe what he was saying.
"You, more than anyone, know them to be true," his lips smiled, but his eyes showed anything but happiness. You used your hand on his face to cup his cheek properly, forcing him to keep eye contact with you.
"You do not need me to inflate your head, Lorenzo, you know just how cunning you are. I mean, who else would have thought of such a fine way to utilise my skills?" You countered, and you watched a glint pass through his eyes.
"Anyone with half their right mind still in pla-" he began, but you cut off his pity party before he could eat his cake.
"Lorenzo. When will you realise that wealth and status aren't everything? I am remarkable because I am. As are you. Our blood doesn't define us," you were growing weary of this talk, and Lorenzo crying over being so rich.
"You think I'm remarkable?" He cocked a brow, and you let your hand fall from his face.
"Did I say that?" You acted as if deep in thought.
"I'm almost certain," Lorenzo simply nodded, his hold on your hand easing, until it faltered altogether and you both began walking again.
"I'm not," you grinned, "I certainly recall you saying something about how remarkable I am though..." you teased.
Lorenzo turned to you, a lopsided grin showing his teeth plastered across his face. He shook his head and focused back on the path in front of him.
It wasn't long before you were back in your room at the inn, out of your fancy gown and into one of Lorenzo's shirts. He hadn't mentioned it, but it was the least he could do as you had no other clothes with you, and would have to wear your own dress again tomorrow.
"Goodnight," you whispered, sliding under the covers and lying down.
"Goodnight, y/n," Lorenzo stood awkwardly beside the bed for a moment, unsure of what to do.
"Are you going to sleep?" You questioned, lifting up the blanket beside you for him to get in.
He didn't move. "You don't wish for me to sleep on the floor again?"
"As long as you stay on your side I have no qualms," you promised, turning over to face away from him.
The bed dipped slightly under his weight as he gingerly got in. You tried your very best not to laugh. Lorenzo de ‘Medici, womaniser, so awkward about sharing a bed for the night. He could be such a child at times.
"Besides," you spoke up again, "my dagger is never out of reach," you teased, lightening the tension.  Lorenzo scoffed, turning to lay on his side away from you. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," you sighed, "again."
You hadn't been travelling for long before you arrived at the same town as days before, where you'd acquired the dress. Lorenzo pulled on Callus' reigns to bring the horse to a stop.
"What ever is the matter?" You grumbled, you hadn't fully woken up and were hoping to get some distance covered today.
"Nothing. I just thought it an idea to get some food, we won't come across another town until midday and you will be starved by then," he hopped down off Callus, before putting out his hand for you.
"And you're immune to hunger?" You tilted your head, swinging your leg over the side, although not taking his hand.
Lorenzo rolled his eyes, shoving coins into your hand before grabbing it and pulling you down. "Just go get something."
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," you huffed, although your eyes were already scanning the market for what you'd buy.
"Yeah, not your side," he smirked at you, and you just laughed, shaking your head slightly before headed towards a fruit stall that had caught your eye.
"Be back here in twenty!" He called after you. You waved at him without looking, agreeing to his terms.
And you stuck by them. In twenty minutes you were back where he'd said, a bag of food secured. But neither he nor Callus were there. Worry set in. Surely he wouldn't desert you? Surely?
You bit at your nail, looking around for him, until you saw Callus tied up outside a small store, a stranger brushing him. You moved towards him, trying to check him out before confronting him.
A hand rested on the small of your back before you could reach him. And you spun to see Lorenzo smiling down at you. "Everything alright?"
"Where were you?" You ignored his question, glancing to under his arm to see he was holding two parcels.
"Doing some shopping myself," he shrugged, before he guided you both to Callus. He thanked the man and gave him some coin before he started to secure the parcels to Callus. He took the bag of food off of you and tied it around the saddle.
"What's wrong?" Lorenzo asked when you still seemed off.
"Nothing, let’s go," you decided, and so you did.
After another day and a bit of travelling, you had arrived home. Lorenzo had brought you just outside of town, before helping you down off Callus. You both stood beside the horse, Lorenzo reaching into his satchel to pull out a bag of coins.
"Your payment," he stated as if it wasn't obvious.
"Thank you," you almost felt awkward taking it, before you quickly ignored that feeling.
"And, uh, a small gift. To show my gratitude. And my regret of my previous words about... well you know," he sighed, his lack of composure was unsettling, but you didn't have to focus on it as he took the parcels off the saddle and handed them to you.
"Lorenzo, you needn't have-" you looked at the gifts in your hands. One of the parcels was thick, but soft, and the other was narrow and cold.
"I did," he assured you.
"Well, thank you," you looked up at him, not realising just how close you were standing apart.
Your eyes scanned each other's, before you took a step back. "What are they?" You broke the silence.
"I'm sure you'll figure out a way to find out," he grinned. You shook your head at his stupidity before reaching up to pull him into a quick embrace. It didn't last more than five seconds but he didn't need any longer to react, wrapping his arms around you for the short hug.
"Good luck with the vote," you bid him, it was happening in a matter of days. You had discussed it all on your journey, and you both decided that Pazzi would definitely be calling on you in the upcoming days, and unless something was to happen with him, you had no more business with Lorenzo until then.
He smiled at your words, looking to Callus before back at you.  "I cannot lose with you on my side."
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shinylugers · 3 years
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tw; n*zi mention and stuff. if you don’t like it, don’t read???
Let’s talk about Rockfort and Steve. Looking back on a few consistent files and timeline of the game, it could have been about a year’s worth of time which would have had Steve taken from his home by Umbrella when he was about sixteen. He would have served his days out in the detention center with other inmates as well. That’s a long fucking time for someone underage to be serving with a bunch of possibly dangerous male-only criminals. I use the term ‘criminals’ actually lightly, due to the nature of Steve’s imprisonment. He was simply in the wrong place, the wrong time, and was involved. He knew too much.
It’s any wonder why he was allowed to keep his hair while the other prisoners were shaved down. Maybe it’s because of his age they found some modicum of mercy.
More deliberation forces me to think that Alfred, in his SENSITIVE STATE of mind, might have had more torturous plans in store for someone with vigor and youth. Naturally, the anatomist could have some sphere of influence too - as a ‘man’ of science and distinguished taste (ie; torture). There could have been differentiated experiments forced on a person Steve’s age, or there could have been a form of conditioning involved that resulted in different turnabouts.
The actual implications that Steve got off easy compared to the rest of the prisoners sits with the proof that he retains his hair, while the other zombie inmates you see have their heads shaved. Most look malnourished. They all bear the same uniforms while Steve manages to cloth himself with mildly different materials. Vest, a nice cotton shirt, camo pants and combat boots. Its also possible he managed to snag these during his escape, but it seems highly unlikely.
Sidenote, he wears these... which are essentially bondage cuffs? These aren’t found on any other inmate in the game, zombie or not. Both versions (DSC and CV). It seems to be capable of binding one’s arms behind their back.
The little differences didn’t leave Steve without some wear and tear of his own. Burnside was still tagged with both a numerical collar and a ‘branding’ of a barcode by the facility’s militia -- (or in the worst case scenario, Alfred himself). Much like N*zi concentration camps, this is a form of perma identification. ( NOTE: DSC is the only version of Steve with a branding. But both have the same collar and issued vest with the tagged uniform. )
[ please defer to myrmecitis’ post found here for a better overview of rockfort and viral analysis ]
Moving along ... one of the interesting files that you find in the barracks is from a prisoner that mentions another cellmate called “Bob”. Suspicions point to it having belonged to Steve Burnside. Code Veronica doesn’t give a huge amount of insight on where he’s placed beforehand, alas, it seems DSC does a better job at this despite removing other key components of the lore.
You find out that room with the security computer and tables with a separate bunk-bed room is where Steve was kept and escaped essentially right after the explosion happened on the island.
However, in the original game there is no computer, and where it was in DSC, there is a second level where another set of tables magazines, an old tv, and some uneaten food sit. Interestingly enough, you also find a small kitchenette area where Claire states that the soup is still warm; indicative that the outbreak must have rapidly infected those still within the detention center.
The Prisoner's Diary is found in the prison building bedroom on the left-hand side bunk bed from the door.
May 13th This room stinks of death. Based upon the information I've found, I believe that I'm far south of the equator. Lucky for me that Bob in the bunk below me, is one of those interesting types of guys...
May 16th Today Bob told some crazy story of why he was put this place with me. Bob said that he used to be an attendant to the head of this place. This "boss" named Alfred supposedly placed him in here because of a tiny little mistake.
What does that mean? What's going to happen to me?
May 20th Without warning, a group of military men took Bob to the building behind the guillotine stand. At midnight, I'll sneak out of here to see him.
I've been hearing that anyone taken to that building never comes back. On top of that,there are these REALLY large plastic bags constantly being removed from that place. I'd better pray for Bob...
May 21st I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone there. What is going on in there?! All I could hear was some insanely creepy laughter and the sound of Bob screaming! I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about it...
Is that going to happen to me?! I can't let it... I just can't...
May 27th Since my last entry, all of my fellow inmates have been taken to that building! I know that I am next... It's obvious that we were all here to be used as Alfred's guinea pigs. There's no way out! What am I going to do?!...
It makes a little more sense on how and why Steve is able to shoot a gun, knows how to fly a goddamn plane, and understand military coordinates to find the basic location of their island versus Australia, where they eventually aim to hit in the escape measure at the ripe age of seventeen.
He had help from good ol’ Bob and probably some of the other inmates. Rockfort was both a military training facility and later a camp that held Umbrella’s transgressors captive. It wouldn’t be a shot in the dark how many knew about planes, guns, and the like. A gear-head isn’t hard to find in those ranks.
Striked out above was what I initially believed -- but if you’re a person who thinks that some portions of the written novels are canon, you’re like me. Let’s be real then. According to Steve, he’s been in the cockpit several times of private planes. It’s also stated by Steve that his father was a private truck driver that distributed/brought Umbrella’s products to their labs. For the longest time I believed he was a techy and was datamining information, but this works too.
But ari-- how the hell did Steve manage to be avoid infection with the air-borne T-virus strain? Yet again, I tell you to reach out to myrmecitis’s post regarding the virus. But the best explanation that sits in the lore is that Steve had a natural immunity, as do the STARS members. Certain chemical and DNA reactions issue different results and it’s possible that Steve was immune to that particular strain. Herd immunity or the game of chance.
However, we know for a fact that directly implementing a higher potent virus such as T-alexia in an injection results in something far different for our unfortunate Steve. I’ve got more brewing but that’s for another time.
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 3
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3597 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Violet, Donquixote Doflamingo, Baby 5, Trebol, Diamante Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he’s 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law can’t help but resent Monkey D. Luffy for offering a glimpse of something he’s repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Law stood on the deck of the Polar Tang, Bepo at his side, as the ship ambled into the East Harbor of Dressrosa. While the ship could have remained underwater until much closer to the dock, Law wanted to show Doffy that he wasn’t hiding, so he’d ordered the Tang to surface early. Dressrosa was a country Law could have seen himself enjoying, had Doflamingo not ruled with a façade of generosity and warmth while hiding a dark, cold underbelly. As it was, the sight of the familiar island made his stomach turn.
There was a lone figure waiting at the dock.
“Be careful,” Bepo said as the ship eased to a stop and dropped anchor.
“You too,” Law replied, hopping down from the ship to the dock. He adjusted his grip on Kikoku and greeted his visitor. “Violet.”
“Corazon,” she replied. “Welcome back.”
Law inclined his head and fell into step with her as they headed toward the city. He chanced one final glance back at the Tang—Bepo was securing the ship to the dock—before shifting his focus to the task at hand.
“Did he send you to meet me?” he asked.
“Yes, but I would have come anyway.”
When Law had first arrived in Dressrosa at 17, it had taken some time to find his footing among the Family again after four years. Not only had the operation grown significantly since Spider Miles, but Law’s own reluctance to return after his disappearance with a traitor to the Family hung like a noose around his neck. The executives and officers had been loath to trust him, though Doffy had overruled their concerns, and weren’t shy about taking out their suspicions on him and his crew. For the longest time, the only member of the Family he could stomach being around was Baby 5; they’d picked up their antagonistic but affectionate dynamic almost immediately upon Law’s return, which provided Law a small measure of comfort in its familiarity.
At first after arriving, Law had lashed out—his frustration exploding out of him when he couldn’t contain it any longer, usually as a result of the goading of the other executives—but when Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo had been punished rather than Law himself, he’d withdrawn into himself to protect them. He’d trained and studied and completed missions, but he’d shown little interest in living beyond the minimum required of him, despite the attempts of his friends to pull him out of it. Even Doflamingo had tried without success to bring some life to his protégé—he’d gifted Law Kikoku in the hope that the challenge of mastering a cursed blade might inspire him; he’d mastered the sword, but it hadn’t done much to liven him up.
Despite her wariness of anyone associated with the Family, Violet had been the only one to reach out to Law during his withdrawn period and actually reach him. After about a year into Law’s return, she’d read him often enough for Doflamingo to recognize a kindred spirit in the future Corazon. Three years apart in age, they’d both been shanghaied into the Family’s service due to their useful abilities with the threat of violence against their loved ones hanging over their heads if they were to rebel.
Her cynicism after the fall of her family’s rule was an equal match for Law’s, and they both had dark senses of humor forged from their circumstances. Violet was also well-read and intellectually curious, so their conversations kept Law on his toes. They found comfort in one another, which made life on Dressrosa bearable enough for Law to slowly emerge from his shell.
Though some of the executives and officers had been concerned with a friendship between the two people with the most reason to betray the Family, Doffy had been amused—even pleased. In the last year, he’d floated the idea of the two marrying to tie Dressrosa more formally to the Family; after all, though Doflamingo was a Warlord with government immunity and his own family name tying him to the kingdom, many other kingdoms still considered him an interloper. Having his second married to the former crown princess would be politically advantageous.
“He wants you to read me. To catch me lying,” Law said, coming to a stop. Violet stopped next to him and nodded. “Go ahead then.” He knew she’d need to be able to give Doffy something useful.
Violet frowned. “Are you sure?”
Law just shrugged. “No need to give him more reason to doubt.”
Violet pursed her lips but put her fingers to her eyes and used her Fruit to read Law’s thoughts and memories. After a few moments, she dropped her hands. “The Isle of Women. Really?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Law snorted and started walking again. Violet fell in beside him, her heels clacking on the cobblestones as they made their way toward the distant palace. “All we saw was the coastline. Much to the crew’s disappointment.”
“And you still don’t know why you did it.” Her tone was skeptical.
Law glanced sideways at her. “You read my thoughts, Princess.”
She rolled her eyes, as she always did when he called her that. “You took a serious risk, saving that boy. And for what?”
“That remains to be seen, I suppose.”
“I hope it was worth it,” Violet said, something dark underlying her words.
As they walked, Dressrosans bowed and murmured their names as they passed. Law paid them no mind, though he knew the deference to her alias as an officer of the Family bothered Violet by the tightening of her eyes.
“How’s Doffy been?” Law asked after a few quiet moments.
“Furious,” she replied. “But you already knew that.” She bit her lip briefly, a nervous habit of hers. “His mood has improved since you called a week ago, though.”
“That’s not good.” It meant he’d made a decision about how to deal with Law, and that didn’t bode well for him.
“Doubtful,” she agreed. “But I don’t know what he’s up to.”
Law had once asked her if she’d ever tried using her abilities on Doflamingo, but the look she’d given him in response had been withering. “What kind of fool do you take me for?” she’d demanded.
“And the crew I left behind?” Law asked, dread pooling in his gut. “How are they?”
“Fine, as far as I know.”
The relief that washed over him was short-lived as Law realized it simply meant they would be punished alongside the rest of the crew now that everyone was back.
He nodded stiffly, and they fell into silence once more as they walked. Unlike other silences with the Family, though, it was comfortable. He didn’t have anything to prove to Violet. Once they arrived at the palace, they headed into the courtyard.
“Oh, look who’s back,” Baby 5 said, hand going to her hip as the pair walked in. “It’s about time, Corazon!”
Law rolled his eyes at her. “Did I miss any more ill-fated romances while I was gone, Baby?”
“Shut up!” she snapped around her cigarette. “He needed me!”
Law opened his mouth to retort—the banter familiar and comforting—but he was cut off by his least favorite executive. “Ne, ne, Corazon. Doffy is in the Suit Room. I wouldn’t keep him waiting. Behehe,” he chuckled, clearly pleased that Law was going to face consequences for what he’d done.
Law flipped him off, which only made the slime bucket laugh harder. Taking a steadying breath, Law turned—briefly meeting Violet’s gaze—and headed into the palace toward the Suit Room. Doffy would know of his arrival by now, so Trebol, as annoying as he was, was right about not keeping the king of Dressrosa waiting.
Once he reached the door, Law raised his free hand and rapped on the shut door twice. A moment later, it opened. Law schooled his features and stepped inside. Doflamingo sat by the window, across from the four seats of his top executives.
“I’ve returned, Young Master,” Law said, trying to assess the other man’s mood with little luck.
“Corazon. Come.”
Law made his way to the Heart seat and sat down, resting Kikoku against the chair. When he looked back up, Doflamingo was watching him, expression inscrutable behind those glasses. Law let the part of him that was Corazon take over, pushing the other parts of him aside. This part of him didn’t concern himself with the two men who’d claimed this seat before him or cower in the face of the man who had dominated his nightmares for more than a decade. His back straightened and he raised his chin as the mask slid into place. He also knew better than to speak before the king.
“I trust there were no more… detours on your return home,” Doflamingo said after a pregnant pause.
“No, we made good time,” Law replied evenly.
Doflamingo nodded and pushed himself to his feet. He towered over Law even when Law was standing; when Law was sitting, he was downright dwarfed by the other man. But Corazon, the captain’s second in command, was not bothered by that.
“You’ve caused me quite a bit of trouble with the World Government.” He’d said as much during the call a week earlier. “I’ve smoothed everything over, with no little effort.”
“My apologies, Young Master. It was not my intention to cause you problems.”
Doflamingo stepped into Law’s space, leaning over him. “And what was your intention?” The tension bleeding from that last work was palpable.
Corazon knew the importance of telling the truth in this interaction; still, Law hesitated, knowing Doflamingo wouldn’t like the answer. “I don’t know why I did it. I just acted.”
Doflamingo leaned over, placing his massive hands on the arms of the Heart seat, enclosing Law in his presence. “You don’t know,” he repeated, as if testing the words to see how they tasted. “You just acted.” His features tightened. “That doesn’t sound like you, Corazon.”
“I know.” Law preferred to plan for every contingency, plans on top of plans and every possibility considered before he made a move—all the years of evening games of chess with Doflamingo had drilled into him the importance of tactics—but he’d thrown all of that out for a feeling.
“You know I don’t like questioning the loyalty of my subordinates—especially my righthand man.”
“I know.”
“And yet,” he went on, as if Law hadn’t spoken, “how I can do anything but when my second comes out of the sea to save not one but two enemies of the World Government from the battlefield?”
“I will accept the consequences of my actions,” Law said, doing his best to keep his voice even. “My loyalty has not changed.”
Doflamingo stepped back, huffing a wry laugh. “Now that I believe.” He shook his head to himself. “Get yourself cleaned up. We’re taking a trip this evening.”
Law blinked in surprise at the sudden dismissal but nodded. “Yes, Young Master.” He grabbed Kikoku and rose. He was halfway to the door when his haki flared and he felt the air shift. But he was too slow in reacting.
A massive hand pressed suddenly against the back of his neck, shoving him forward into the closed door. Law let out a startled gasp as the air left his chest. Doflamingo draped himself over Law’s back, his lips by Law’s ear. Law did his best to suppress his instinct to fight back.
Doflamingo’s breath was warm and moist on Law’s skin as he murmured, “It wouldn’t be appropriate for the rabble to see an executive punished. But I can’t let insubordination stand either.”
Law’s breath hitched as Doflamingo spun him around so his back was pressed against the door. The hand that had been holding him immobile wrapped around his throat. It squeezed, cutting off Law’s breath. Law’s eyes widened and his free hand clawed at Doflamingo’s wrist on instinct, but the Warlord continued to squeeze. Black encroached on Law’s vision as his lungs screamed for air. His head spun and Kikoku slipped from his weaking grip.
Finally, when Law thought he would pass out, Doflamingo released him.
Law gasped greedily for air as his legs gave out from under him and he brought both hands to his neck, wincing at the tenderness. Once his breath had returned to semi-normal, he looked up at Doflamingo.
“Never forget who holds your life and the lives of your crew, Law.” Again, he’d purposefully used Law’s name. “Now go clean yourself up.”
Law took a steadying breath and nodded. He grabbed Kikoku and used her to push himself unsteadily to his feet. “By your leave, Young Master,” he croaked, throat feeling like he’d swallowed broken glass, as he opened the door and stumbled into the hallway toward his room.
Viola entered the Suit Room when Doflamingo summoned her; his meeting with Law must have ended already, as he was alone. She kept her eyes on the usurper as she approached, knowing why she had been summoned. She stopped a respectable distance in front of the Warlord.
“Doffy,” she greeted, bowing her head.
“Violet. You read Corazon upon his arrival.” It wasn’t a question.
“I did.” She’d been ordered to do so, and she followed her orders to keep her family safe.
“He says he doesn’t know why he saved Straw Hat.” Again, it wasn’t a question. Still, he was expecting an answer.
“True,” Viola confirmed. In Law’s memories, she’d felt the tug in his chest that had guided him, but he hadn’t understood what it was or what it was telling him. “He acted on instinct.”
Doflamingo frowned, looking out the window. “It’s not like him.”
“He’s been wondering about his actions since that day,” Viola said, hoping she might buy Law even the smallest amount of leniency if she confirmed his story. She kept the truth of Law’s name and its connection to the other boy to herself, though. He’d confided in her about that secret name years earlier and the danger he would be in if Doflamingo found out about it.
“Where was he?”
“Amazon Lily.” She couldn’t say she didn’t know something so prominent in his memories. “Boa Hancock seems to have a soft spot for Straw Hat Luffy.”
Doflamingo barked a surprised laugh at that. “Interesting.” He seemed to file that information away for later. “And his loyalty?”
That much was true; Law, like Viola herself, hadn’t been truly loyal to the Family since she’d known him, but his desire for the safety of his crew and his willingness to do whatever it took to protect them had been a constant since he was 17 and newly arrived in Dressrosa. Saving Straw Hat Luffy hadn’t changed that.
Doflamingo smiled, but there was no warmth in it. “It seems he was honest with me, then.” He glanced back at Viola. “Keep an eye on him. Shouldn’t be hard since he enjoys your company.”
Viola frowned at the implication but quickly schooled her expression. “Of course.”
When Law reached his room, he found his belongings had already been brought up from the Polar Tang. As he shucked off his clothes and hopped in the shower, he wondered where his crew was. Had they been allowed to return to their rooms? Shaking his head, he washed the travel from his skin and hair. Once clean, he wrapped a towel around his waist, and, on the way back into his room, caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror.
He grimaced, fingers lightly tracing the already-purpling marks on his neck. He knew the marks would be visible for days, and his voice would be rough for about as long. He could use his powers to accelerate the healing, but that would defeat the entire point of the exercise, and Law knew better than that.
Executives had to appear above reproach in the eyes of the public to keep up the illusion of their absolute power, so Doffy couldn’t punish him publicly, but the evidence of punishment would show Law’s actions had been dealt with. But Law also knew some ugly bruises around his neck wouldn’t be the only punishment; at this point, however, he could only worry about what would be done to his crew, as they were Doffy’s primary means of keeping Law in line.
With a scowl, he returned to his room and pulled some clothes nicer than his typical jeans and a hoodie that Doflamingo insisted he have for formal events from his closet. The fabric was light since Dressrosa was a summer island, and Law made sure not to choose anything that would cover his neck; Doflamingo, sadist that he was, would want his handiwork on display.
Grabbing Kikoku, Law gave himself a final once-over; satisfied, he left his room. He’d just turned the corner when he nearly ran headfirst into Baby 5. She opened her mouth, undoubtedly to snarl something unkind at him, but the words died on her lips as her gaze dropped to Law’s neck. Her eyes widened.
“What?” Law demanded, hating the rasp in his voice.
Baby shook herself before looking Law in the eye again. “The Young Master told me to find you. He’s waiting in the courtyard.”
Law frowned at that. He could have sensed Doffy himself with his haki; there was no reason to send Baby as a messenger—except to make sure she saw Doffy’s handiwork up close. Law ground his teeth but nodded at Baby.
She gaped at him as he stepped past her. “Seriously?”
Law paused with a tired sigh. “What?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Since when do you thank me, Corazon?”
Law rolled his eyes. “It won’t happen again if that’s the reaction I’m going to get.” He made to start walking again.
Law stopped and looked at her expectantly. Baby swallowed and reached a tentative hand toward his neck. Law flinched but didn’t stop her gentle touch to the purpling handprints. Her fingers were ghost-light as she touched the marks.
“Are you okay?” she asked quietly.
Law looked away, unable to deal with the genuine concern in her expression. “I’m fine.”
“Cora— Law.”
Law started and looked back at Baby. What was with people using his name lately? “What?”
“Just. Be careful. I don’t know why you did what you did, but the Young Master…” She trailed off, biting her lip.
Law took Baby’s hand in his grip, gently pulling it away from his neck, and nodded. “I know,” he said, not unkindly. He let go of her hand.
Baby dropped her hand and watched him, uncertain.
“I shouldn’t keep Doffy waiting,” Law said, and Baby jerked.
“Damn right, asshole,” she said, though her voice lacked any heat.
Law’s lips twitched and he headed for the courtyard, feeling Baby’s eyes on his back. When he entered the courtyard, Doflamingo appraised him. When he was satisfied with what he saw, gaze noticeably lingering on Law’s throat, he rose from his seat.
“There you are, Corazon. Come, we’re going out.”
Law nodded, ignoring Trebol’s knowing look. He didn’t speak, not wanting the sentient snot to hear his broken voice, instead simply falling in a half step behind Doflamingo, the appropriate place for his second. A carriage was waiting just outside the palace gates, and the two men entered and took their place across from one another.
Law remained silent as the royal carriage wound its way through the familiar streets of the capital, looking out the window and considering the direction they were taking.
“You haven’t asked where we’re going,” Doflamingo finally commented.
Law turned to the king. “Would you have answered?”
Doflamingo smirked, and Law had a feeling at least part of his amusement was at the sound of his voice. “No,” he allowed. “It’s a surprise.”
Law nodded, having assumed as much. He returned his gaze to the window, though his thoughts were with his crew and not the city they were meandering through. Violet had said Ikkaku, Clione, and Uni were unharmed, but how much longer would that last? What had happened to the rest of his crew once they’d disembarked the Polar Tang?
He was pulled from his thoughts when the carriage came to a halt. Law blinked when he realized where they were.
Law looked back at Doflamingo with a sinking feeling that he couldn’t explain. “The Colosseum?”
Doflamingo simply nodded and gestured toward the carriage door. “Let’s go.”
Law had little choice but to do as he was bidden, so he followed Doflamingo out of the carriage. The king was in his element as he greeted his adoring public. Law fell into place behind the other man and followed him inside to the king’s private box.
His hackles went up when he saw Diamante waiting inside the box. The executive gave Law an appraising look before nodding at Doflamingo. “Doffy,” he greeted. “Everything is ready.”
Doflamingo sat and nodded for Law to take the seat to the king’s right. Law did as he was bidden, and Diamante took his place to Doffy’s left. Law looked out over the amphitheater to see, as usual, a large crowd of raucous citizens. The Corrida Colosseum was the premier entertainment in Dressrosa, after all.
“Welcome to this special event at the Corrida Colosseum!” the commentator, Gatz, announced. “Today, we will see fighters from around Dressrosa get the opportunity to earn their freedom or even join the Donquixote Family by defeating a member of Corazon’s own crew, the Hearts!”
Next chapter
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OTP Ask Game with Hayden and my mc, Amara Park
Tagging: @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes @thequeenchoices @cassiopeiacorvus @la-huerta @jaxsmutsuo (you don’t have to do it though) Not every question has to be answered but I plan on answering as many as I can.
Thought this would be fun for the 29th, Romance (and HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYDEN!!) @haydenyoungappreciationweek
Who’s more likely to raise their voice?
·         Hayden has only raised her voice after her repressed feelings came out all at once. Otherwise, both Hayden and Amara only raise their voices when playing board/video games.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
·         Neither, they’re both there for each other through thick and thin
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
·         Neither
Who trashes the house?
·         Again, neither
How often do they disagree/argue?
·         Usually only on small things, like food. Amara likes pineapple on pizza and Hayden wonders how she can eat that. (this does not make them immune to arguments over serious topics but they usually talk things out)
Who apologizes first?
·         If they argue or have a huge disagreement, they usually find each other and end up apologizing at the same time.
Who is on top/bottom?
·         It depends
Who has the strangest desires?
·         Neither really
Who is dominant in bed?
·         They take turns
Is head ever in the question?
·         yea
If so, who is better at performing it?
·         both
Ever had sex in public?
·         Umm if you count the scene at the end of book 1 under the bridge…otherwise no
Who is more experienced of the two?
·         I’d say they’re equally experienced
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
·         make love
How long do they usually last?
·         normal amount
Rough or soft?
·         soft
Is protection used?
Does it get boring?
·         no
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
·         Probably under the bridge (if it counts) or in the backstage/dressing room of the opera house
Where did they not have sex?
·         Usually not public places
Does it ever get boring?
·         no
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
·         They’ve had long discussions about it and eventually agreed on adoption.
If so how many?
·         Depends, if there are siblings they’d take them all in, otherwise they’d settle for two
Who likes to cuddle?
·         Both! Hayden likes it more though
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate places?
·         Amara, Hayden scolds her but won’t discourage it if only adults are around
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
·         A few hours, Amara can’t sit still for long. However, they can hold each other all night
What is their favorite non-sexual activity?
·         They like going to philosophy lectures. Hayden enjoys the discussions and Amara loves to see her light up. Also, Amara enjoys her language lessons with Hayden. (Hayden’s teaching her Spanish since Damien did not have the patience to teach Amara)
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?
·         The bed mostly but the couch works fine for movie nights
Who snores?
·         Amara snores lightly but it’s a comfort to Hayden
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
·         They share, it helps with Hayden’s nightmares, plus they’re together
What do they wear to bed?
·         Amara sleeps in shorts and a tank top, Hayden used to sleep in pajama sets but now likes to sleep in Amara’s oversized college shirts and hoodies
Are either of them insomniacs
·         Nope
Do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
·         Cozy up together, Hayden is big on cuddling
Can sleeping pills be found by the bed?
·         no
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
·         Hayden usually holds Amara, or they fall asleep holding hands
Who wakes up with bed hair?
·         Both but Hayden has an easier time fixing her hair
Who wakes up first?
·         Amara, but she wakes Hayden up instantly so they can make breakfast together
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
·         Technically neither since they like to cook together
What is their favorite sleeping position?
·         Facing each other
Do they set an alarm each night?
·         Nope, Amara always wakes up around the same time every morning
Who has nightmares?
·         Hayden, they become less frequent as the years pass though
Can a television be found in their room?
·         No, only in the living room
Who has ridiculous dreams?
·         Amara, and Hayden loves to hear all about them
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
·         Although they usually cuddle, Amara is the one that moves around the most. It doesn’t bother Hayden; and eventually her body moves on its own to accommodate Amara
Who makes the bed?
·         They take turns
What time is bedtime?
·         Depends on their plans but usually after midnight
Nighttime rituals?
·         Discussing their day with each other, especially if they were apart for most of it. Also good night kisses
Who is the grumpiest when they wake up?
·         Hayden, only because Amara always wakes her up instead of letting her wake up at her own leisure
Who is the busiest?
·         I’d say Hayden for a while since she would be trying to figure out what she wants to do
What are their jobs?
·         Amara works an everyday office job up until they adopt kids, then she gives her full time and attention to her family. Hayden tries out a few things from photographer, to professor before settling on architecture. She wants to leave her mark on the world.
Who takes in the highest income?
·         Hayden
Are any of them unemployed?
·         Amara, but only after they adopt
Who takes the most sick days?
·         When they both had jobs, Amara. She didn’t really like her job to begin with.
Who sucks up to their boss?
·         Neither of them
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
·         Again, Amara, but she didn’t make a habit out of it
Who stresses the most?
·         Depends on the situation but usually Hayden because she wants to make sure she’s doing things right or that they come out good if not perfect
Do they enjoy their occupations?
·         Hayden loves her job, especially since her first real project was designing a home for her and Amara
Who does the washing?
·         They take turns
Who takes out the trash?
·         Neither of them like to do it and will play a game to determine who takes it out
Who does the ironing?
·         Hayden does. One time Amara set a shirt on fire, Hayden won’t let her near the iron since.
Who does the cooking?
·         They like to cook together
Who’s more likely to burn the house down while trying?
·         You would think Amara but neither of them
Who is messier?
·         Neither really, they like keeping the place clean, although it becomes harder when their family grows
Who leaves dirty clothes on the floor?
·         Sometimes Amara, but only if she’s in a hurry. She cleans it up as soon as she’s not busy anymore though
Who leaves the toilet paper roll empty?
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
·         They don’t get a car until they adopt, and even then, Hayden has good memory
Who answers the telephone?
·         No landline
Who mows the lawn?
·         When they get a house, Hayden
Who does the vacuuming?
·         Amara
Who does groceries?
·         Both of them
Who takes the longest to shower?
·         They take about the same amount
Who spends the longest in the bathroom?
·         Amara sometimes
Is money a problem?
·         No
How many cars do they own?
·         One suv after they adopt
What’s their song?
·         Solo un Suspiro - Oscar Cruz y Alejandra Orozco
Do they live in the city or the country?
·         City but then they move to the suburbs
Do they own their home or rent?
·         At firs they rent, then buy plot when they start talking about having a family (this is when Hayden begins to design their home)
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
·         Yes, Hayden thrived in the city but finds that she also enjoys the calm of the suburbs
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
·         They text each other. Amara likes to send memes, and when they have kids, pictures of them
Where did they meet for the first time?
·         At Amara’s apartment thanks to Eros
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
·         They’re both good at only buying what they need. However, Hayden spoils their children much to Amara’s chagrin. (Sometimes Hayden catches Amara giving them extra snacks or desserts though, so they’re even)
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Any mental health issues?
·         Lingering trauma for Hayden
Who finds it most amusing when the other trips over?
·         Amara, although it’s rare for Hayden to trip.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
·         Neither, but Amara appreciates when Hayden takes care of them
Who kills the spiders around the house?
·         They catch them and release them instead, although Amara’s first instinct is to kill them still
Do they have any fears for the future?
·         Hayden is terrified of outliving all her loved ones, but she always talks to Amara about it when the thoughts consume her.
Their favorite place?
·         Their home, after being on the run they like having a place that is theirs
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
·         Hayden
Who pays the bills?
·         Hayden does by the time they have a family, but sometimes Amara finds side gigs to cover personal expenses
Who’s the tallest?
·         Hayden is 5’7” and Amara is 5’5”
Who’s more likely to randomly hop in the shower w the other?
·         They both do it
Who wanders around in their underwear?
·         Neither of them
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
·         Amara, which Hayden finds adorable since she is tone deaf
What do they tease each other about?
·         Amara can’t stop herself from making puns which Hayden teases her about
Who’s more likely to cringe at the others fashion sense?
·         Neither of them, Amara is very supportive of Hayden’s experimental fashion
Who crushed first?
·         I’d say they fell for each other at the same time
Any alcohol or substance problems?
·         No
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3 am?
·         Neither of them
Who swears most?
·         Amara, without a doubt. Sloane berates her when Hayden starts swearing more often
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polandspringz · 4 years
Director’s Cut of My Fic “I’d Rather Be Dry” Part 2 (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3 was probably the most painful chapter of a fic I’ve ever had to write, and not because I was sad writing the sad scenes. No, this fic was physically painful to write because it took 3 days and I was struggling to sit down and write it the entire time because even though I had the whole thing planned out, I just felt like I was dragging through it and eventually had to change some things to speed it up a bit. Still, it ended up being the longest chapter because I had to tie up so many loose ends! Luckily for me, my beta-reader @primal-shitposts​ read it through for me again, so I didn’t have to suffer again!!! If you want to support not only me but my beta-reader who makes sure my fic lacks grammar errors (and also gives you this great commentary on these types of posts), please go to their art blog @primal-interstellar​ and give their artwork some love!!! They deserve it after slogging through this mess of a fic for a game they don’t even play.
Since there are a lot of funny quotes from this proof-read, I’ll post them all under read more. Beta-reader (Primal) is in pink. If you see blue text, that’s me typing stuff in frantically before she skipped to the next line:
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I actually originally wrote the opening scene with Satan in a lot more detail. It dropped us in the present where he was in the office, and Diavolo and everyone was just looking on as he slowly ran out of energy. But, I got about 3 pages in and realized it was dragging and so I cut it and swapped it for a flashback on the walk home.
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While I intended for this to be a much more dramatic anime scene of Satan just silent as he ran out of steam and could barely move his arms save for slapping the guy, I love this interpretation.
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Primal knows about Lucifer birthing Satan because the moment I started playing the game I made her watch a crack video with me that mentioned it. Although I know she likes Leviathan cause sea monsters, I’m convinced Satan might be one of her favorites. On a side note, writing dialogue for Satan is very hard because he is very proper but when he snaps, I always feel unsure of whether it sounds believable or just like a string of curses that a twelve year old would think sounds cool. 😎 I do like the father/son dynamic Lucifer and Satan hint at though (and from what I hear the new lessons might be adding on to that? oWO)
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I honestly don’t know how the demons who attacked MC aren’t dead yet. They’re basically disfigured and then Satan just doubled the damage and then tripled it in the council room this chapter. Somehow they’re not dead though! I wonder what MC will have to say about their punishment...
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I did choose the “yes” option when Beel asked to eat me in the animal event. It was not because of vore though, but I do make many vore jokes. I could imagine MC being forced to explain vore to Lucifer (or all the brothers) after making a joke and them being confused. Writing Beel’s breakdown this chapter wasn’t initially planned, and it was sort of what really started to make writing this fic slow down because as you might notice throughout the fic, I suddenly felt the need to give every brother an equal amount of screen time which sort of led to me RUNNING OUT OF VERBS for how to make each breakdown unique.
Okay, so the next part. I was actively seeing the comments as they popped up, but there was a delay with the comment box on the side appearing before the actual comments in the text. So, I saw this:
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And had two seconds to go “Oh no” before this was added:
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From here on it was chaos.
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Listen, the boys are idiots. They’re all concerned, Mammon just doesn’t want MC to get upset again. In reality, this sort of dialogue stemmed more from me still lingering on the original idea of the fic. The original concept of this fic (when it was just a one-shot) was MC still getting attacked by a demon in the locker-room showers (for their soul) but because I was originally thinking about a female reader, I knew that it could have more of an undertone for sexual assault. I actually first discussed the fic idea with Primal months back when I first got into Obey Me, because I wanted to write a snippet of each brother helping MC after the event (it wasn’t going to be extreme, I was thinking more accidental scratches during the scuffle closer to the chest and such and maybe the assailants having more dialogue demeaning MC for being around the 7 brothers all the time) but I realized I didn’t have much experience with that and it would make writing scenes that I thought about (such as Asmo wanting to give MC a bath as aftercare) difficult as I could see someone after an attack like that not wanting to be in a bathroom with someone else or be vulnerable to them. I ended up playing with that idea in my previous Mammon fic with more different comfort aspects and touching on that kind of assault briefly, so this fic ended up just being focused on the brothers’ being upset over what happened to MC.
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As much as writing Satan’s angry dialogue is a pain, I have fun making him talk with a more formal tone, it’s closer to how I normally talk, and prefer to write my characters talking. I have no problem writing contractions or more casual speech, but for one of my fantasy stories, where I’m writing in English but trying to differentiate different languages through italics or just whether they use certain contractions or not, I tend to really stress the characters that use absolutely zero and more complicated synonyms. 
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I know the shower idea may have been really corny or cringey. I know a lot of people write things like the water in Devildom as being much hotter (cause their near hell and their demons! It makes sense, also I think Asmo might have mentioned in a text chat he would make the water cooler for MC? But I could be wrong) but I imagine their is some demons who aren’t powerful enough to handle a lot of the settings. Of course though, our demon bros are 7 of the highest demons in Devildom, so they’re immune.
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*Slaps this comment* Congrats, Primal. You just summarized the entire chapter.
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I find Leviachan to be such a funny nickname, mainly because writing any dialogue for Levi makes me cringe because while I was a VERY big weeaboo in elementary and middle school, I was so lucky I never hit his stage of acting like an otaku. While it’s charming, having to type him in more modern fic is even more painful because it’s like “oh god he actually goes into the real world and talks like this). Sidenote, I always mispronounce Levi’s name when I’m talking about him, mainly because I have to remember so many anime characters where their name is pronounced Lee-Vai or I just think of the brand of jeans (fashion major brain). So, whenever I’m talking out loud about him to someone, I have to stop and be like, “Levi... Leviachan...Leviathan...” because that “a” sound corrects my brain to how it’s supposed to be.
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*throws confetti again* Believe I felt the pain of this fic dragging through every boy going back on their character development I had given them but I felt it was only fair that each of them got time with MC. As the tag on archive says, “everybody gets time to shine with MC”. (I really just want to write Barbatos’ scene for chapter 4 though)
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This scene was hard to write because I wanted Levi to get closure on the scene with MC, but I couldn’t have him straight up kabedon them because then he would be cornering them and I thought that would be too much like what MC went through in the shower. Although I didn’t write anyone in explicitly summarizing what happened to MC, and Levi saw the least of it, I think he’s seen enough series depicting it to know that cornering them would be bad, but he still wants to show that he loves them and cares about them. Also, when I was writing this, I remember just going through a counter of who got the most smooches in chapter 3. Originally only Mammon was going to get 2, putting him in the lead above everyone who got 1, but then I felt back for giving Levi the least screen time and just gave him 3.
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Honestly, chapter 3 really took a turn for a more intimate chapter??? Especially with Asmo’s one-on-one scene with MC, it was all downhill from there. I have noticed with quarantine, my writing has become more focused on touch (if you read any of my Balance:Unlimited fics or even my Mammon fic, you would definitely die if you tried to do a drinking game with the number of times someone TOUCHES the other gently). It’s just an unfortunate projection issue that comes with writing.
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And here is complete chaos. I had blocked this game from my memory and then I was forced to remember it right here. 
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Removing these meme images from the fic text will be tedious, and painful. But, I am preserving them here. (I type up these directors’ cuts before publishing the final version of the fic, so I don’t lose the comments)
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I’m not even at lesson 16 yet, but based on all the spoilers I read, watched, and scene for research purposes, I’m pretty sure it was more of a-
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This is what writing 11k+ words for one chapter worth it. The final read through I get to enjoy things like this.
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I wish Belphie was 7′2″. 😳 I like Beel but Belphie is one of my favs. Ironically enough he was the one who skipped this fic. (I’ll make it up to you one day, Belphie fans.... will we ever know what they talked about and what made Belphie cry? Personally, I think it’s like the iceberg effect Hemingway talked about, and says more under the surface... it’s totally not because I got burned out, lolololol.... 🤭)
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I WAS ACCIDENTALLY FEEDING DIALUCI STANS but again, if you’ve read my Mammon fic, you probably know my true thoughts on Diavolo and Lucifer’s relationship. This fic is so MC focused, I wasn’t intending to write it in so much, Diavolo was just supposed to order Lucifer to go home, that’s it. But, I got rejuvenated when I hit Lucifer’s scene, because I knew it was the homestretch for the chapter! I really played up a Hamilton reference accidentally, having the “Go home” line repeated, because it just felt like the vibe the scene was getting at. I am hoping to explore Diavolo and Lucifer’s relationship more in my modern au fic, Siberia.
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I hate tumblr because if I attach a link in the initial post, this won’t appear in the tag, but Primal’s comment here made me think of this art I saw of Lucifer and Satan the other day by ObsessiveAlice (I don’t want to tag them because they’ll be so confused by this long unrelated post! But I’ll put the link to their art in the notes/replies on this post, so check them out!!!)
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And that’s the end!!! Again, if you liked the fic, more than giving me a like or reblog, please go check out Primal’s wonderful artwork @primal-interstellar​ !!! She does a lot of great oc work and it needs more recognition!!! Almost all of my fics would never get posted without her help, so please, please, please show her support! (She has an animatic she just made which I will also link in the replies!!! Please give that love too!!!)
Anyway, if you made it to the end, I don’t know if you got a laugh out of this, but I hope you enjoyed the fic commentary somewhat! I was going to post chapter 3+4 at the same time like I did the prior chapters, but chapter 3 took so long I had to just lay on my floor for 3 hours earlier today to take a break from it, lol. Luckily, I’m very excited for chapter 4, so it shouldn’t take as long!!! 
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shirasade · 4 years
More detective AU - the longest to date (I think), at almost 1.5k words, and it’s smutty! :) I’m tagging all entries with “medent au” - and there’s also a masterlist, with all ficlets in both posting and chronological order. This is set sometime after they got wet, but before Fighter starts dating Hwahwa. (Oh, and in case this wasn’t obvious before, I’m totally pushing my sub!Fighter agenda here. *g*)
Feel free to drop me asks and prompts about this ‘verse.
Fighter had a problem. Said problem was currently briefing their Chief about the theory they'd developed about the recent murder, laying out the facts in his usual calm manner, his voice firm. He was also wearing light-blue jeans and a fluffy pink sweater, because they'd been called in on their day off and Tutor had obviously thought there wasn't time to change into his work uniform of trench coat, turtle neck and slacks.
This was a problem because Fighter was half-hard in the linen shorts he was wearing. Tutor looked good enough to eat on a normal day, his clothes always impeccably tailored to show off his slim but well-muscled physique, but Fighter had developed a certain immunity to that look. Right now, however, his partner just looked... touchable, more vulnerable and open without the armour of his regular clothes. Fighter's fingers twitched with the urge to reach out, although he wasn't sure whether he wanted to run his hands all over the sweater or cup Tutor's cheeks, which somehow seemed rounder, softer than normal, his lips pinker, more inviting.
Closing his hands into tight fists and cursing internally, Fighter tried to shut down this treacherous train of thought and focus on Tutor's words instead. At some point he would almost certainly be expected to chime in, after all, and he somehow didn't think that, "Sorry, but I was too busy imagining my partner's mouth around my dick," would go down well with either the Chief or Tutor. Taking a deep breath, he managed to rein in the worst of his arousal and even offered some additional information, although he was pretty sure he caught Tutor giving him a suspicious look out of the corner of his eye. Fighter studiously ignored this, doing his best to pretend everything was normal.
In reality, nothing about this whole thing was normal. What confused Fighter most of all was that he'd never had much a problem controlling his libido. He'd always found flirting easy, earning himself a reputation as a bit of a ladies' man, but he'd rarely felt the urge to follow through. That was until Tutor, whose very existence appeared designed to complicate Fighter's life, and who, ever since that kiss in the evidence room, only needed to stand close or smile for Fighter to suddenly having to fight an inopportune boner like a hormonal adolescent. The fact that it was his male partner who'd brought out this new side of him was something he tried very hard not to think about.
It had only gotten worse since the night that Tutor had insisted on taking Fighter home with him. Now he knew what his partner looked like shirtless, and the feeling of his bare chest pressed against his own, his breath gusting hotly over Fighter's flushed face as he pressed him back against the armrest of the couch, had fueled many a jerking off session. He always felt guilty afterwards, but that didn't stop him.
Just as it didn't stop him from following Tutor to the men's room once they were dismissed. The lock clicked shut, and most of Fighter's blood rushed south, even before Tutor pushed him against the sink. Other than that he didn't touch him, just looked at him consideringly from dark, hooded eyes, and Fighter drew a shuddering breath, his heart hammering in his ears. It should be an incongruous sight, the innocent-looking young man in his pink sweater reducing Fighter to this quivering mass of anticipation and desire with nothing more than a glance.
Yet when Tutor grabbed his throat lightly, the pressure of his hand made Fighter swallow hard, and he had to suppress a whimper at the huskiness in his partner's voice as he said, "You've been wanting to touch me ever since you saw me today." It wasn't a question, so Fighter didn't reply, just stayed perfectly still, his hands clenching on the cool tile of the sink behind him. Tutor smiled, sharp and amused, and leaned in to nip at Fighter's Adam's apple. His next words demanded an answer: "Remember the rules?"
"Y...yes," Fighter stammered. Tutor had been very clear, back at his condo, that, whatever happened between them, it was nothing but two sexually compatible adults letting off steam. It was exactly what Fighter had needed to hear, and he clung to it now as well, even as their lips finally met in a heated kiss. Their bodies collided, rocked into each other, and Fighter groaned into Tutor's mouth at both the friction and the proof of Tutor's own arousal. It felt amazing - but it wasn't what he wanted.
Not giving himself time to think, he switched their positions and broke the kiss, instead moving his mouth downwards. He didn't spend too much time on Tutor's neck, no visible marks being one of the rules they'd established, but he pushed up Tutor's sweater, dimly registering that it was as soft was it looked, and mouthed at his nipples. Tutor's hands tightened in Fighter's hair, and he leaned back to give him better access. The hard nubs, enticing as their were, weren't Fighter's main objective, however. Neither was the hard planes of Tutor's abs as he slowly went to his knees.
He'd never done this, had only been on the receiving end a few times himself. Luckily the most memorable time was Tutor himself, taking him apart on his living room couch. So now, while hastily unbuttoning his partner's jeans and pushing them down along with his boxer briefs, Fighter tried to remember what he'd done. A hand appeared in his field of vision, offering him a familiar square foil package. Fighter took it, telling himself he was imagining the slight tremor in those perfectly manicured fingers. His own fingers, on the other hand, were definitely shaking as they rolled the condom on the hard length that curved up against Tutor's stomach. Glancing upwards, he found Tutor staring at him intently, a strange mix of heat and awe making Fighter shiver and get impossibly harder.
"Fuck, P'Fight..." Tutor sounded wrecked, and the warmth which uncurled in Fighter's chest had little to do with the desire that had him rocking his cock against the hand not currently holding the base of Tutor's erection. It felt dangerous, somehow, so Fighter quickly refocused his attention on the feeling of Tutor in his mouth, on the sounds he made when Fighter hollowed his cheeks or swirled his tongue around the head. The bathroom tiles were hard under his knees and his jaw was beginning to ache, but that didn't change the fact that Fighter was more turned on than he could ever remember being, especially when Tutor began to praise him, panting and hoarse, "So good, oh fuck... Yes, P'Fight, just like that... just..."
Tutor tightened his grip on Fighter's head, tried to pull him up. It sent sparks of pleasure-pain through Fighter's body, all the way from his scalp to his toes. He refused to budge, instead tried to take him as deep as he could. Tutor cursed, hips bucking helplessly while he came, and triumph flared hot inside Fighter, despite the fact that he almost choked. He'd done this - he'd been the one to do this to Tutor, to turn him from perfectly composed, always-in-control detective into this disheveled, red-faced human.
Unsurprisingly, after he'd recovered enough to pull Fighter to his feet, it took Tutor less than five minutes to bring Fighter to his own climax, his spit-slick hand hot around his cock, his tongue apparently determined to lick every last trace of himself out of Fighter's mouth. It was all Fighter could do to hold on, his hands gripping the fluffy pink sweater so tightly, Tutor shook his head in exasperation once Fighter had recovered enough to stand on still slightly wobbly legs.
"You ruined my favourite sweater," he complained in familiar annoyance, but there was no heat to it, and his hands were gentle when he cleaned up Fighter's softening dick. Tutor of course had somehow managed to catch most of Fighter's come with his hand, sparing their clothes.
Not that Fighter would have cared one way or the other. His heart rate slowly returning to normal, he laughed, feeling lighter than he had in a long time. "I'll buy you a new one."
He knew that the feeling wouldn't last past the unlocking of the bathroom door, but for now Tutor was smiling at him, looking almost fond, and Fighter felt as if there was no problem he couldn't face.
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Norman was born at LAMBDA theory PART2
Again, watch out for manga spoilers here if you are not up to date with the current chapters.
So I recently wrote about my theory that Norman was genetically engineered as part of a LAMBDA experiment, before he was sent to Gracefield as a baby.
(technically they could have used IVF on a Gracefield mama candidate to implant his embryo already at Gracefield, but the point still stands that he could be a creation of the lambda project since birth...)
If you want to read more on that and why I think so, just search my tpn theory tag.
I am writing again, since thanks to talking to @vobomon , I have figured out what that experiment might be about, and more pieces have fallen into place in my head.
Okay, so I think everyone and their mothers have noticed by now how Norman looks like James Ratri, and it's getting even more apparent as he grows up...
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For a manga that makes a painstaking effort in drawing its cast as diverse and as different to each other as possible, this CAN'T BE A COINCIDENCE.
I have seen multiple speculation of Norman being James' clone, son etc, BUT I haven't come across any reasonable explanation why this would have been done.
Another big clue we have is the fact that Peter Ratri, an incredibly busy and important man, collects Norman PERSONALLY from Gracefield. I think this is a clear message that the Ratri clan has a PERSONAL STAKE in Norman. But why?
Peter casually dismisses the idea of being called Norman's father, but he asks him to "help" in what he, the head of the Ratri clan, considers HIS (personal) "RESEARCH".
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What could be Peter researching, and what is the connection to Norman? We know that Norman is then taken to lambda, an experimental facility, but from what we can see they don't do any experiments on him.
All they do is observe and assess him. They keep him a very normal looking environment, and even keep his schedule of sleep, tests, free-time and food as close to his Gracefield routine as possible.
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It frankly just baffles even Norman himself. Yet, he concludes that he must be a "guinea-pig" in an experiment.
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So what is the key to the mystery?
I talked about before how Norman being the control group in a genetic experiment might explain his treatment at lambda. But what is this experiment about?
Our clues lie in what the scientists are interested in:
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They monitor his HEALTH (going as far as to comment on it) and assess his INTELLIGENCE (noting how it's beyond their expectations).
Okay, so how about we talk about the Ratri clan now? We know that they had been around for the last 1000 years, and if you ask me, that's pretty exceptional, and there isn't many precedent in real history for such a thing.
(The longest surviving dynasty in the world is the Imperial house of Japan, having been at reign since 660BC actually...)
So, what is common knowledge about long standing, aristocratic dynasties? Among other things, they tend to have an unusually high level of inbreeding. Which gives rise to congenital (hereditary) disease, and a below average immune system. Remember this omake?
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Uh-huh. Are you connection the dots yet?
Okay, so what if the Ratri clan had a couple of hereditary diseases, and / or a weak immune system? Maybe they married to preserve their intelligence, which could have been the trait that they were selected for as leaders of the human side of the promise?
So if you were the Ratri clan, would you be interested in using modern science to improve your genes? Fix the weaknesses and maximise your strengths? But there is that slight problem about ethics stopping certain kinds of experiments in the human world's science...
Wouldn't it be convenient to create a facility where you could test whatever you wanted, and ignore ethics. If only such a place existed. Oh, right.
Perhaps that's why the Ratri clan backed the LAMBDA project in the demon world. And the experiment the Ratris are personally interested in... is involving Norman... who looks like their splitting image, except has off the charts intelligence...
Oh. Yepp, that's the strongest case setup for genetic modification tests if I have seen any. However, the fact remains that Norman has been a sickly child, even if he is healthy now, so he isn't the perfected, final product.
He seems to have however exceeded their expectations in intelligence, and I think they were trying to collect data on him to figure how they can use this for further genetic tests in the future.
If Norman had been a part of an experiment since before he was born, then there would be no need to do new experiments on him, they just need to collect data and analyse it. Aaaand basically all of the newest chapters support that Norman hasn't been experimented on after he arrived at LAMBDA as an 11-year-old.
He says himself that he was only kept there, and now in chapter 124, the people closest to him at lambda has also carefully talked about how the 4 of them (Zazie, Barbara, Vincent and Cislo) has undergone experiments, and gained powers from them. They NEVER say that Norman had any of those experiments done to him, and they NEVER say that Norman has any power beyond his intelligence. They keep saying it's their power and NORMAN'S PLAN on how to use those that got them where they are.
Is it reasonable to think that Norman's intelligence might be artifically created?
Yes, and I think we have seen evidence from chapter 1. The chart that the demon holds with the Gracefield kids' scores on it clearly shows that even though Ray and Emma are also full-score children, not all of their averages and scores are 300. Except's Norman's list has NOTHING but 300. Is that really normal? He gets pushed further at LAMBDA with more difficult questions, and STILL gets a perfect score.
If he now knows that he isn't actual normal (lol, nice pun there), that would also explain his melancholia when asked if he has changed by Emma. No, he is the same, but Emma doesn't know that he has always been different from them. That his whole existence is unnatural.
It would explain all the observations made about him being different to the others, without having been (artificially) changed since they separated (since he was made different even before being separated).
BAM Cue drama, angst and a road to self-discovery and how his friends will still accept and love him even if he was fundamentally different to them and their beliefs of him.
I think this is exactly the plot twist our dear author, Kaiu-san would use. *slow clapping*
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azookiex3 · 5 years
A Devil’s Love: Chapter 6
AN: *whistles* 7k words this time! Seriously, I’m sorry this chapter is so long. I wanted season two episodes twelve & thirteen to be in one chapter, and it ended up being way longer than I anticipated. I was thinking about splitting it up...but I got ideas for chapter seven. I think I can promise to you all that the chapters will NOT be this long. The longest I would want them to be is 5k or slightly over, minimum 2500. Almost done with season two! Maybe...two or more chapters to go? Then onto season three, and I can’t wait! 
Check out this story's playlist on Spotify! If you do please read the description so you can see how the songs are organized! 
Warnings: Swearing and Gore
Earth & Her Devil - Music Playlist
AO3 , Fanfiction Net , Wattpad
Tag List: @insanity-is-always-fun @anushay1998 @emiwrites3reads @i-am-canada-13 @heart-of-pots-and-pans @tinyybiceps
Chapter 6: I Believe In You
A week had passed since you left your "nurse" to heal on your own. 
Within the first two days your body had completely healed. The rest of the five days you spent planning with Alice for the grand opening of the "Circle of Life Veterinary Clinic #2", and also helping out Chloe with any cases since it seems that her partner was avoiding her.
When Chloe called you to say she couldn't find any evidence linking Charlotte Richards to the second bomb, thank God, she told you about her "talk" with Lucifer.
Apparently their talk consisted of Chloe explaining how she has been feeling and what made her kiss him, even after he declared all of his flaws to her. Lucifer said nothing, according to Chloe. He just listened intently, and when all was said and done he said he needed to think. Chloe agreed to give him time, but she started expressing her concerns to you after the third day of silence. 
Honestly, you couldn't blame Lucifer. You hate talking about emotions too, and Lucifer didn't seem like the kind of guy who easily dealt with this kind of stuff. It's probably why he has a therapist.
However, Lucifer hadn't been completely silent this week. He did text you everyday. First it was just to make sure you were doing well healing, then it just became friendly chatter. You did question him on why he was giving Chloe the silent treatment. You expected him to ignore the question, instead he shocked you by answering.
What if it's not real?
It looks real to me, Lucifer, and to others.
Yes, well, I'm starting to think that the Detective is no longer immune to me. She has been with me too much and now my charm is coming off on her. She might even be no longer immune to my power...It'll probably happen to you too.
...uh, what? :confusedemoji:
Ah. Never mind, darling.
So, not missing my shower, yet? It sure misses you. :devilemoji:
And, that was that. You didn't dare tell Chloe about it, one because she'd be just as confused as you, and two she really didn't need to get the wrong idea about that shower comment. 
Today's the day of the grand opening, and everything is going smoothly. Your new workers are happily greeting the pets as well as the owners while handing out coupons, pamphlets on the pet health care, and answering any questions. Alice sat at a booth with a couple of the receptionists taking down new client info and signing up those interested in the insurance. You stood in front of the big red ribbon, talking to the press and answering questions while you waited for the time to tick to 11am. 
Your phone started ringing Chloe's tone. You excuse yourself and head inside your clinic to answer.
"What's up, Chlo?"
"Hey, Earth. I'm sorry to bother you, but I need you to do something."
You love your BFF, really you do, but you can't cancel this opening. Not only would it be embarrassing, but you were starting to run low on cash, "No problem, so long as I can do it over the phone."
"Don't worry, I know this opening is important to you." You hear her sigh, "This case I'm currently on is...it's bad, Earth. I'm thinking psychopath bad. Premeditated murder."
Oh shit, "Damn, Chloe. Look if you need me I'll-"
"No no. Focus on your opening today. If I don't get this solved today maybe you can help me tomorrow."
"The opening isn't all day, Chloe. I'll help as soon as it's over."
"You're going to have a lot of first patient paperwork. Take this day for that. Look, I'm calling to ask you to talk to Lucifer."
"He still isn't talking to you?" Yes, you do agree with him needing time because emotions suck, but now it felt like he was stonewalling your friend.
"No. Ella's too busy with this case right now, and I know Lucifer won't even consider listening to Dan. I'm hoping he'll listen to you."
"Alright, Chlo. I'll get your partner back to you."
"Thank You, Earth." You could just feel the tension release from her over the phone, "Tell him to meet me at the Malibu State University so I can catch him up on the case."
"You got it." You hang up and see the time is 10:50am. You sigh and click on Lucifer's contact number.
Time to come out of hiding you Devil.
"Lucifer." Linda looks at her Devil patient like a stern mother rather than his therapist at the moment, "You're stalling."
Lucifer finishes his glass of water and leans back on the couch, "I don't know what your talking about, Doctor."
"You do, Lucifer." Linda's voice becomes stern and matter of factly, "You and Chloe finally reach a point in your relationship where it can move romantically, but after the kiss you left. After Chloe confesses to you, you push her away. You won't even talk to her, but instead talk to someone else."
Lucifer shifts on the couch, slightly uncomfortable with where this conversation was going.
"Lucifer." Linda's able to get his eyes to stay on hers, "Who is Earth to you? How do you feel about her?"
"I don't know what you want me to say, Doctor." Lucifer is now slightly agitated, "K9 is just a human who's fun to be around."
"She's also another human woman who is immune to your charms. Another human who you can't get to reveal their desires." Linda eyes her patient carefully.
Lucifer clearly fidgets on the couch. He doesn't speak. Instead, he looks to the window.
"I want you to tell me how you felt when you first met Chloe, to how you felt meeting Earth." Linda interlaces her fingers and rests them on her crossed knees. She waits patiently for his reply.
"Well, after the first day with the Detective I felt that she was a puzzle to solve." Lucifer looks at his therapist with a little smirk, "The first human woman to be completely immune to my charms and power. She's a puzzle and I feel a...a connection to her. A need to solve her, to watch her and be around her."
"Mhmm," Linda nods, "and Earth?"
"K9?" Lucifer's smirk forms into a smile. He gives a light chuckle, "From day one I thought of her as a sassy minx, didn't even care that she wasn't attracted to me. Truthfully, I would be too focused on making sure I had a comeback ready for whenever we'd pass each other in the precinct." His eyes start to look far away, lost in memories:
"That real estate case was the first time we talked more than just in passing. I found that we both enjoyed many of the same things, and that we share common views on various topics. I just-" Lucifer stops.
Linda urges him on, "You have to continue, Lucifer. How do you feel around her?"
"I feel...comfortable with her. I have fun with her, enjoy spending time with her. She doesn't believe in me being the Devil either, but I feel like she tolerates it better." His mind drifts to how you reacted seeing his scars.
"Maybe there's a reason as to why…" Lucifer whispers this thought to himself.
"Lucifer, I see these two types of romantic feelings often." Linda didn't hear his comment about you, "There's one where someone claims that they feel a connection with the other, which is usually referred to as 'soulmates'-" Lucifer laughs.
"And," Linda continues, "There's the 'normal'. When two people meet and feel nothing until they get to know each other more. Chloe is your 'connection' and Earth is your 'normal'."
"So, which one is the correct choice?" Lucifer's eyes plead to her, "I don't want to mess this up!"
Linda's heart breaks for him, "I can't answer that for you, Lucifer. What you need to do is find an answer to this question," Linda leans forward:
"If Earth had never come back, had never entered the picture, would you still be giving Chloe the cold shoulder?"
Linda Martin had never seen a person look as lost as Lucifer Morningstar right now.
"I…" Lucifer's phone starts playing "Who Let The Dogs Out". It was the ringtone you set for yourself after you showed him how to give everyone their own personal alerts.
"It's K9, Doctor. She doesn't usually call-"
"It's ok, Lucifer." Linda gives him a knowing smile, "Our time is up anyways."
Lucifer nods a farewell to her and leaves her office, "K9! To what do I owe the pleasure of having a phone call from you?" Lucifer's smiling ear to ear as he walks out of the building and to his car.
"Chloe called me. Again." You sound annoyed.
His smile falls, "Oh…"
"Look, Lucifer. I get it ok? Feelings are a pain in the ass to deal with, but enough is enough. You're really starting to hurt my best friend and you know I won't stand for it."
Lucifer sighs, "I understand, K9. I just-"
"Lucifer, this call wasn't about you. Chloe needs her partner back."
Lucifer paused in his walk hearing the worry in your voice. He stood a few feet away from his Corvette, "What's wrong?"
"There's a new case and it," you sigh, "it doesn't sound good, Lucifer. This guy is bad, really bad. I...can't be there for her today. I don't want her to get hurt." Lucifer doesn't reply right away, and that worried you.
"Lucifer. Chloe isn't going to ask you about anything, ok? She's too focused on stopping this guy. She can't do it without her partner."
Partner...that's right. I'm the Detective's partner, Lucifer thought.
"Well, I suppose I can't leave my partner hanging." Lucifer smirks and finishes the walk to his car.
"No, you can't." Lucifer could tell you were most likely smirking as well, "Not anymore anyways. It's really a dick move."
"Yes, yes." Lucifer sits in his car and starts her up, "Now, where does my partner need me?"
The grand opening was a huge success! The clinic had plenty of clients to start off with, and more would surely come when people learned just how well of a veterinarian you are.
You sent your workers home to relax for the first official workday tomorrow. Currently, you and Alice were organizing all the new client paperwork in their respective folders for your receptionists.
But you were starting to have a really hard time focusing on the task. Chloe had been giving you hourly updates on the case, and each new piece of information was making you more and more concerned. 
This is no ordinary killer.
Alice noticed you starting to slow down and told you she could handle the rest. Normally you would disagree with her, but this case was one a Captain of any department shouldn't avoid. You give her thanks in a hug then fly out the door and into your new car, courtesy of the police heads.
As you drive to the precinct you call Chloe to let her know you're free. She tells you that her and Lucifer were heading to a college party where the next poison victim, Ashley, was currently at. She gives you the address of the second victim, Dr. Gwendolyn Scott, and tells you Dan is currently there with her to make sure she doesn't do this guys biding.
When you arrive at the precinct you tell your second, Christopher Miller, to round up a small team and three K9's, and that one of the K9's has to be the new pup, Buster, along with his partner, Jessica Blanch. As he left to do as you ask you go into the female locker room and change into your K9 uniform. When you come out you tell your team the situation, and give them the address to Dr. Scott's house. You couldn't send any with Chloe as much as you wanted to. It would blow her cover at that party.
You arrive at the house and station your men and two of the K9's around the outside of the home. You tell Blanch that her and Buster were to guard the inside. 
"Hey Dan." You approach Detective Dan Espinoza, or as you liked to refer to Lucifer's nickname for him "Detective Douche".
"Hey Earth! I'm glad you could join in. This guy is…"
"Yeah...it was hard for me to focus during the opening knowing that a person like this was out here." You cross your arms to hide the slight shiver that ran through you.
"That's right, your next clinic! Did everything go well?" 
"Yup, better than I expected honestly."
"Well believe it or not, I've heard talk around here about the 'amazing Veterinarian Earth on the east coast'." He winks friendly at you.
"Oh really?" You give him a laugh and a sarcastic look.
"Yeah! I'd over hear convos from new K9 recruits about you. The look on their faces when I told them you used to work here was priceless."
"So that's why I got a whole lot of star struck eye looks when I came back." You and him both share a light laughter, "So," you didn't want to, but this friendly chatter had to end, "where's Dr. Scott?"
Dan took a sidestep and motioned with his head behind him. You saw a clear line of sight of the Doctor sitting in a formal living room. Blanch was introducing herself and asking permission to roam her home. You see Dr. Scott give a warm smile to her and a nod of approval while she scratched Buster's head.
"How's she doing?" You whisper to Dan.
"As good as one can be when they know they're in charge of someone's life." Dan sighs solemnly.
Dan's phone rings and he excuses himself. You walk over to Dr. Scott and introduce yourself.
"Hello, Dr. Scott. I'm Earth, Captain of the K9 unit." You hold out your hand and she shakes it. Her palms were sweaty from nerves.
"Hello, Captain. One of your crew just told me how well you are at your job." She smiles at you.
"Aw, Blanch is just a suck up." You give her a wink and she actually manages a laugh.
"You doing alright, Doc?"
She sighs, "Honestly, no. I just keep thinking...what if I don't do as this guy requests? Would I really be ok knowing that my decision to say no would end a young girl's life?"
"Do you mind if I watch the video ma'am?" She shakes her head and stands to walk to her desk. She pulls up the email with the video and plays it for you as she sits back in her chair.
This guy...with his dumb mask and "superior" tone of voice made your skin crawl. He was telling the Doctor that in order to receive the antidote to cure Miss. Ashley, she had to destroy her right hand.
God...Why do people like this exist?
The video ends as soon as Dan walks into the room, "Detective Decker called me ma'am." He was speaking to Dr. Scott, "Her and her partner found Ashley at the party, but unfortunately it looks as though she's already been poisoned."
You watch as the Doctor visibly slumps in distraught on her chair.
"What should I do, Detective?"
"Don't do anything, Doctor. Ashley is at the hospital now and the Doctors are working on an antidote. I'm sure they'll make it in time."
Dr. Scott formed a look on her face that showed how you were feeling.
They won't be able to make it.
Dan leaves the room. You shut off the computer.
"Captain, what should I do? What would you do?"
You don't answer.
A few hours pass before Dan receives another call from Chloe. 
It's not good news.
"She doesn't have much time left, Dan. The Doctors at the hospital can't figure out the antidote."
"Then it is specially made." Dan replies, his face is grim. You stand next to him to hear the conversation.
Unfortunately, Dr. Scott was close enough as well. She heard.
While Dan was still on the phone you heard a rattling noise. You left his side to investigate, and was horrified by the display that was about to happen in the kitchen.
"GWENDOLYN!" You yelled the Doctor's name and held your hands up. When Dan heard you yell he hung up on Chloe and ran to you, and held his hands up.
Dr. Gwendolyn Scott stood in front of her kitchen sink. The garbage disposal was running and her right hand was hovering over it.
"Dr. Scott, don't do this." Dan pleads with her. You can't speak.
"If I don't do this, Detective, an innocent woman dies. How can I compare my hand to her life."
"Doctor-" Dan starts, but it's too late.
Doctor Gwendolyn Scott shoves her hand into the garbage disposal. You want to vomit as you hear her scream and see blood and bits of flesh erupt from the sink. 
Doctor Gwendolyn Scott is a hero.
Dan runs to her, as well as Blanch who heard her screams. You stand still, but find your voice long enough to call for a medic dispatch and call Chloe.
Chloe and Lucifer arrive shortly after the medics have Dr. Scott on a gurney and finish bandaging her ruined hand.
The two of them talked with her, Dan stepped outside to get air after that gruesome scene, and you-
You were still standing in the same spot. Your focus entirely on the blood and bits of brown skin that clung to the countertop and sink.
This guy is a monster.
"And I thought you looked fit before. But now."
You choke on air as your body jumps out of your skin. You whirl around and see Lucifer standing behind you with a hungry look.
"You look delicious in uniform, K9. You should wear it more often."
"I only wear this on important cases, and did you really have to use the word 'delicious' in this scenario?" You give him dagger eyes. You hold your chest to breath evenly again.
"Hmm." Lucifer looks at the carnage behind you, "Good point." He smiles down at you, "But at least I got you to stop looking at it."
You look up at him, and can't help the tug at your heart. A corner of your mouth lifts slightly, "Yeah...thanks."
Lucifer just continues to smile at you, but now there's a twinkle in his eye.
"So," you cross your arms and smile fully at him, "How's it feel being back with your partner?"
"It was bloody weird." His sheer bluntness made both your eyebrows go up.
"Only at first though. Thankfully, the Detective seems to be back to her 'normal'." Lucifer plays with his cufflinks and side glances Chloe's direction.
"What happened?"
"She slapped my bum, made inappropriate jokes over a dead body, and suggested making out in the library."
You burst into laughter.
"It's not funny! It was bloody terrifying!" Lucifer complains.
"She was just trying to be more like you, Lucifer." You manage to choke out in your laughter, "Are you saying you're not attracted to yourself?"
"Not if it's the Detective trying to roleplay as me." He visibly shivers and that makes you laugh even more.
The sound of your K9s barking outside the front door immediately cuts off your laughter. Captain mode takes over and you stride away from Lucifer and out the front door to see what was going on. As you passed by Chloe she rested her hand on her holstered gun and gave you a nod.
Miller had a delivery man stopped on the walkway. When you walk over the man says he has a delivery for Doctor Gwendolyn Scott. You question him on who gave him the package, but the man says it just showed up in his pile of runs. 
You take the package from him and tell Miller to take him to the station to get an official statement. You go back inside and hand it over to Chloe.
You stand on the other side of the Doctor's gurney, and Lucifer had chosen to stand next to you as Chloe unravels the contents.
She looks up and stares at the three of you.
"It's the antidote."
Dan and Chloe drove to the hospital to give Ashley the antidote before it was too late. Lucifer decided to stay with you to "help" you clear out the Doctor's house and wait for the cleaning crew to finish in her kitchen. You noticed Chloe giving him a "look" when he chose to stay behind. You question him about it and he just shrugs saying, "Hospitals are dreadful places."
As soon as the cleaning crew had finished Chloe called you saying to come to the precinct asap with Lucifer. Her and Dan were able to get a link between Ashley and the first poisoned victim.
"I had a feeling this case would be an all nighter." You tell Lucifer as you hang up and you both walk to your car.
"No rest for the wicked, darling." Lucifer smiled devilishly at you. You smiled back.
As you two walk into the precinct you give Alice an early morning text update. You told her you most likely wouldn't be able to make it in the clinic for the first day. Surprising you, she texts back saying "Good thing there's no major surgeries :winkieface:". 
You hate not being at your clinic for the first official day. You and Alice interviewed the workers and other veterinarians extensively, but you always liked working the first couple days with them to make sure they were good. Thank God you had Alice, who you trust wholeheartedly.
You and Lucifer walk into Ella's lab where Dan and Chloe were waiting. You noticed that look again on Chloe when Lucifer decided to stay near you while Ella explained the new information.
Dan and Chloe were able to find out from Ashley that she had received a flu shot earlier in the day. Ella was able to find out that the first victim also got a flu shot the same day he was poisoned. Thanks to the information Ashley gave and what Ella could dig up, both students received their shots by a Dr. Jason Carlisle.
"Dr. Jason Carlisle?" Dan says in shock.
"You know him?" Chloe questions.
"I know of him. Here," Dan goes to the computer in the room and pulls up traffic security footage. You all watch as this Dr. Jason Carlisle crawls out of a turned over vehicle. In the footage you can see the driver of the vehicle asking the Doctor for help, but instead the Doctor grabs his briefcase and runs away as the vehicle explodes, killing the driver.
"Hmph. Some doctor." You cross your arms and shake your head at the actions on the video.
"Yeah. After this was televised Dr. Carlise lost his medical license and all respect from his peers." Dan replies.
"He's probably the one responsible for creating these poisons and their unique antidotes." Ella points out.
"He's doing this to show people how he felt he had no choice." Chloe says.
Lucifer scoffs, "Everyone has a bloody choice."
"So, how do we find this guy?" You ask the room.
"Attack his ego." Lucifer says and everyone looks at him, "I know his type. Attack his precious ego and he'll make himself known."
"That's the stupidest thing-" Dan starts but Chloe leaves the lab in a fly and sits at her desk. Everyone, but Ella, follows the Detective and sees that she's pulled up an email and is writing to Dr. Carlise.
Dan is trying to get Chloe to stop, but Lucifer and you are encouraging her. Both of you tell her various ego tripping things to write, and even though Dan tries to stop her, Chloe hits send.
In less than thirty seconds she receives a reply, and it's a video call. She opens it up and all four of your stare at the man with the mask. Chloe tells him we know who he really is and why he's doing this. The Doctor removes his mask and explains his experiment and how the police presence in Doctor Scott's household "made" her choose to destroy her hand.
You call him out on his bullshit, receiving a low high five from Lucifer, and how Dr. Scott was planning on destroying her hand from the start. Dr. Carlise doesn't believe you, and pans the camera to show you all how he already has another "experiment" happening as we speak. He explains the circumstance and ends the call. 
Chloe and Ella do quick work in tracing the call to a hospital that Dr. Carlise was rivals of. Chloe pulls Lucifer by the arm to get him to follow, and after a look from you he obliges.
She's your partner. Protect her.
"This case is now top number one of the worst cases I've been on." Chloe flops down on her couch next to you with a full glass of wine in hand. 
Chloe asked you to come to her place to unwind after the Hell this case has been. You agreed because you could tell she needed to vent.
She starts talking about the situation that happened over at the hospital Dr. Carlise was holed up in. She talks about how her and Lucifer had to watch helplessly as the Doctor dropped poisonous gas onto the floor, making her and Lucifer unable to just break into the room to save the two students. She talks about her fear of leaving Lucifer alone in that situation in order to catch the Doctor. 
She downs her drink quickly after talking about watching the Doctor slit his own throat in front of her. How she watched the life leave his eyes, and neck. 
But then, without the wine's help, she becomes giddy and warm. She tells you about how happy and relieved and thankful she was when she saw Lucifer step out of the building completely unharmed. She didn't even think to question him about it.
"I immediately hugged him and said how we do make an amazing team." She says with a far off gaze to her empty glass. She then looks at you with a smile and wet eyes, "He said 'This is real, isn't it?", and ...well."
"It's official now?" 
"That's wonderful, Chlo!" You pull your BFF into an immediate hug while ignoring whatever that feeling was in your chest. She laughs while holding back tears, and hugs you back. You two then talk about things not about the case, and Chloe excuses herself to the bathroom.
You become concerned after ten minutes of her being silent.
"Chloe? You ok?" You got up from the couch and went up into her room. You knocked on the open door.
"I...I don't know…Earth!" You push into Chloe's room and into her bathroom at the sound of her voice. She's standing in front of her sink, which has piles of bloody tissues in it.
Lucifer Morningstar storms into Chloe Decker's apartment furiously. He looks around the kitchen and living room to see she wasn't there. A noise from above gave him a direction.
"DETECTIVE! DID YOU KNOW?!" Lucifer yells as he storms upstairs.
"THIS WHOLE BLOODY TIME, DID YOU KNOW?!" Lucifer stomps into her room and sees the bathroom door open.
"DETEC-" Lucifer stops when he sees you holding Chloe by the shoulders. 
You look at him, wide eyed and terrified, "Lucifer…"
"Lucifer," Chloe speaks now in a garbled tone. You allow her to turn around to face her partner.
Lucifer immediately steps into Chloe's personal space at the sight of her red eyes and bloody nose.
Chloe cries, "It won't stop."
You stand inside Ella's lab, waiting for the energetic little ball of happiness to come in. You felt bad asking Ella to come in this late at night and after just finishing the last case, but Ella told you not to worry. An emergency is an emergency and it's her job. 
Your fingers tap rhythmically on the table in stress. Seeing your BFF being poisoned by something that no one can make an antidote for, except the guy who just commitied suicide, really terrified you. At least, with the help of Lucifer, you were able to convince Chloe to go to the hospital instead of here.
You hear the door open and look up expecting to see Ella. Instead, your heart drops at the site of Lucifer and the woman who should be in the fucking hospital.
"Why the fuck-" 
"Calm down, Earth." Chloe holds up her hands to you, "I told him to bring me here."
"Yes, much to my disapproval." Lucifer mutters.
"You know me, Earth! I can't just sit by and do nothing when I know I can help!" Chloe says.
"But for how long?!" You move to stand right in front of her, "Chloe, you exerting yourself could make this thing spread faster! We already only have twenty hours if that!"
"I know, Earth!" Chloe can feel Lucifer's hand on the small of her back. She takes deep breaths to calm herself, "I know. Look, I'll be careful, and if it gets too much I swear I'll go to the hospital. But, I need to do something."
You just cross your arms and head back to the table. Ella shows up and Chloe gives her a rundown on the situation without telling the poor girl who the real victim was. Ella explains how they did find some poison on the Doctor's body, but the antidote that went with it had been destroyed. Chloe, Lucifer, and you all share a look.
Then some man you've never seen before is calling Lucifer's name and Lucifer pulls the man into the interrogation room. Seeing as how Ella and Chloe didn't seem to question the strange commotion, you decided not to say anything. Lucifer is a strange guy after all.
Ella starts listing out all the beginning signs of the poison, which makes Chloe turn paler and paler. To derail the talk of it you ask if anyone else could have access to the antidote formula. Ella didn't believe so, but Chloe pops in with hope that maybe the guy who smuggled the stuff in might know something. She didn't believe the Doctor would trust that stuff to be handled by just anyone. 
She leaves the room to get Lucifer, but when you offered your assistance she says she wants you to stay with Ella, and eventually Dan, to help think up an antidote. Your heart felt strange when you saw her and Lucifer leave the building, with him being closer to her than usual.
She's dying. Their together. You told him to protect her.
You wipe the feeling away and turn to Ella. This was Chloe who was dying, and you needed everyone to be working at their best.
You tell Ella the truth.
Lucifer and Chloe have been gone for about an hour and a half now. Dan showed up not too long after the two left and you, him, and Ella have been working together to try to at least figure out all the ingredients for the antidote.
Lucifer's ringtone starts playing on your phone and you answer it.
"She fainted, K9." He sounds scared. You'd never imagined hearing Lucifer Morningstar sound scared, "I'm taking her to the hospital now."
"Alright, I'll be right there." You hang up and look up to Dan.
"Dan. Get Trixie." 
He didn't even have to ask what for. He was out the door in a flash. Ella told you she'd keep working and to give Chloe her love. You nod and head out the door as fast as Dan did.
The early morning sun has now risen. Chloe now only had about ten hours left.
You sat in Chloe's room chatting with her about the situation. When you see Lucifer standing at the window you get up and give Chloe a hug. You leave the room and watch from a distance the two of them talk. 
You hear Dan and Trixie sign in at the desk behind you, and Lucifer leaves the room just as the ex husband and daughter come to the door. You notice Dan give Lucifer a look of disapproval before entering the room, and one of your hands balls into a fist in your crossed arms.
One of the reasons I dislike that guy. He always puts the blame on someone else.
"I'm sorry." The sound of Lucifer's distress pulls you from your thoughts. You walk to stand in front of him, arms still crossed.
"What for?"
"I didn't protect her. Couldn't protect her. I thought I had by sending her after him, but-" Lucifer starts spilling out. You unfold your arms and place a strong hand on one of his arms, stopping him.
"Lucifer." You stare up at him, "This wasn't your fault. I don't blame you. I blame the bastard of a Doctor who stabbed her with the needle." You let go of him and step to his side so you could watch the tragic family scene through the window.
"I hope you're right about there being a Hell, and I hope he's being tortured as we speak."
"He is darling. Trust me." Lucifer turns around to watch the scene with you.
"Good. Wish I was the one torturing him, though." You sigh, shoulders slumped, "I'm going to get one of my K9s and just chill here. If she…" you choke up, but swallow it, "I'll be here if you need me." You give Lucifer a pat on the shoulder and turn to leave.
You stop a few feet from the exit door. You turn your body to face him and your heart breaks at the emotion on his face.
"I promise you, I will get the antidote." Lucifer's tone was serious, but his eyes looked wet. Yet...you felt drawn to him. You could tell he meant what he said.
He always tells the truth.
Unable to contain it any more, tears fall down your face. You run to him and wrap your arms around his neck. You stand on your tiptoes in order to hug him fully. 
You're surprised that he doesn't even hesitate to hug you back. He always hesitates when someone hugs him.
"I trust you, Lucifer." You pull him even closer, and only feel slightly ashamed for probably ruining his suit jacket, "I believe in you."
Chloe Decker now only has about three hours left. 
And you could do nothing.
Lucifer had promised to save her, to somehow get the antidote formula. You had no clue how he could get it, or why you seemed to trust him. You haven't seen him since you hugged him. You've tried texting him to find out how it was going, but he didn't reply. So now you were concerned for his safety because he always replied.
Dan and Ella were having a hell of a time just trying to get the ingredients. Ella texted you not too long ago saying that they're just missing one more, and she thinks she knows where to get it.
And what were you doing? You're standing outside the doors to the lobby area. If you sat in the lobby you'd be looking too much into Chloe's room window, and from the talk of the doctors that were walking by it didn't sound like she was doing too good.
You can't watch your best friend deteriorate so fast in front of your eyes. Besides that, you'd feel like you would get in Trixie's way. She hadn't left her mother's side since she arrived.
You hear Buster whine, and you scratch his head absentmindedly. When you left Lucifer you went to the precinct to grab the first K9 you saw. For protection for Chloe, and comfort for you. You love your dogs.
Buster nudges his nose in your palm. You look down at him.
"What is it, bud?"
He whines some more.
"It’s not a problem, bud. I could use some fresh air anyways."
You take Buster to the small green area across the street from the hospital. You lean up against a tree and look up to the sky. You take a deep breath in of city air, and can't help but imagine Chloe never taking a breath again. Never growing old or seeing Trixie grow into a wonderfully strong women. Never playing with possible grandchildren. Never being happy with Lucifer--
You release the breath, "Well, if Heaven's real then she'll be with her dad at least."
You look back to find Buster, "Come on boy." He trots to you and you both walk back across the street and into the hospital.
You see one of the hospital security guards run to you, "The patient, Chloe Decker, has to move to another room, but there's a man who's blocking the way! He's pushed aside every one of us!"
You nod to the guard and head for the stairwell. You and Buster run up four flights and push through the lobby door.
You watch as two more security guards get tossed aside like dolls back into the lobby. You stride forward, gun aimed and Buster between your legs, "HANDS UP, NOW!"
The man turns around. It's the same man that called for Lucifer in the precinct.
You squint at him suspiciously, "Who are you?!" Buster growls beneath you.
The man looks surprised, "So you're Earth, or well, I guess I should be saying K9."
You grip your gun harder. Buster feels you tense up and walks a bit closer to the man, teeth baring, "Who the hell are you?!"
It's like he just realized now what kind of predicament he's in, "I'm sorry," he holds his hands up to you, "I'm Amenadiel, Lucifer's brother."
You snort.
"Officer! He won't let me get my patient to a more appropriate room!" The main doctor tells you behind Amenadiel.
"Well, as Lucifer's supposed brother, you should know he wouldn't appreciate someone getting in the way of saving Chloe's life." You keep your aim trained on Amenadiel’s chest.
"I do know that, and that's why I can't let Chloe leave this room."
Now you were confused, "Why?"
"Lucifer is getting the formula as we speak, but Chloe needs to stay right here."
Amenadiel shakes his head, "You won't believe me. Look," he puts his hands down and takes a step towards you. You stand your ground and Buster barks at him in warning, "Do you trust Lucifer?"
You’re quiet for a beat. You careful study this "brother", "I do."
"Then please, do not allow Chloe to leave here." You can hear the pleading in his voice. He wants you to believe him.
You look over his shoulder to see Chloe becoming paler in her bed. She started to shake from a slight seizure and the doctor's nurses held her down.
The doctor looks at you, "Please, officer! She needs help!"
You look between her, Amenadiel, and Chloe.
I trust you, Lucifer. I believe in you.
You release air through your nose. You holster your gun. You order Buster to guard the door and not let anyone through or out. You stand next to Amenadiel, "I know she does, Doctor." You cross your arms and stand firm. 
Unbeknownst to you, Amenadiel looks at you with interest.
"Chloe Decker is not leaving this room until Lucifer Morningstar returns with the formula."
You weren't a rogue cop for long.
You feel somebody grip your shoulder from behind. You whirl around ready to punch whoever it was that got past Buster, but your fists immediately turn into hands of support.
He looks like he just came back from the dead. His clothes are completely disheveled and he was sweating profusely. He holds onto your shoulders tightly and you keep him upright by his underarms with the help of Amenadiel.
He mutters out the formula to the doctor and she runs off to make it with the ingredients Ella dropped off not to long ago. You and Amenadiel move him to chair in the room, but he refuses to sit and instead leans against the wall. Amenadiel leaves quickly, and you’re left “alone” with Lucifer.
“Lucifer…” You start to choke up again. He looks so awful and it’s breaking you.
What did he do?
“Lucifer.” You can’t stop the tears again. You let them fall free while you use both hands to hold on to his face. You wipe the sweat from his brow and try to straighten his hair, “Are you ok?”
“She’ll be ok now,” he breaths out. He looks over you at Chloe, “That’s all that matters.”
“No, Lucifer. That’s not all that matters.” He looks down to you, eyes filled with confusion. 
He’s waiting for you to say something, but you’re too choked up on emotion.
I hate emotions, too.
You just wrap your arms around his neck like the first hug, except this one was different. Tighter, different emotions unspoken. He does hesitate on this hug, but eventually his arms find their way around your waist and he holds on tight. 
He rests his head on your shoulder, “Earth…” he breaths into your neck.
You remove your head from his shoulder and he does the same from yours. You both stare into each other's eyes deeply. One of his arms snakes it’s way up your back so his hand can hold the back of your head. Your faces start to come closer together, but you can’t tell if he’s doing it or you, or maybe both.
“I have it!” You both blink at each other, seeming to wake up from whatever force was pulling you both. You both look to the side to see the doctor holding a syringe. A nurse puts a tube inside Chloe’s vain and the doctor rushes over. You twist around in Lucifer’s arms so that your back is to him. 
You expected him to remove his hands, but instead he keeps one arm around your waist while the other hangs onto the wall. You feel him tug you closer as you two watch Chloe’s vital signs fall back to normal.
“It worked! She’s going to make it!” The doctor says happily. You in turn smile at Chloe as new tears fall from your eyes.
You didn’t see Lucifer’s face turn grim.
Lucifer was with Chloe when she first woke up. The two talk briefly before he leaves and tells everyone in the lobby that she’s awake now. He watches as Ella, Dan, Trixie, and you rush into the room. He looks from the window all of you smiling, laughing and hugging Chloe.
He puts his hands in his pockets and stands firm. After one last look at you he leaves.
Three days have passed since Chloe’s poisoning. She had to stay in the hospital for the rest of that day just to ease the doctors, and everyone’s, mind that she really was cured. You stayed with her that day along with everyone else.
Except for Lucifer. After you greeted Chloe from waking up you left the room to look from him, but the receptionist said he had left. You thought nothing of it. He had looked to have a rough day after all.
But after twenty four hours of zero response you started getting worried. Chloe kept asking for him and nobody, including yourself and Maze, seemed to be able to get a hold of him.
In present time you were at your clinic. It was past 9pm and everyone went home for the day. You stayed behind to lock up and look at patient reports for the day. You finish putting the reports away and counting the money. Just as you locked the front door Chloe’s ringtone went off.
“Chloe, you alright?” you answer as you get into your car.
“He’s gone, Earth.” She’s trying to keep from crying, “I’m at his penthouse and he’s...everything’s covered it sheets.”
“He’s gone!”
33 notes · View notes
eldritchsurveys · 5 years
check your shirt's tag; where was it made? >> I’m wearing an undershirt, it’s tagless. I’d hazard a guess that it was made in China.
do you most easily tan, burn, or freckle? >> I don’t do any of those things.
what's the longest you've gone without eating? >> I don’t know, probably a couple of days.
is there a book you keep telling yourself you'll read but still haven't? >> Well, I have over 100 books on my goodreads to-read list, so yeah, you could say that.
would/did you ever go to a third world country? >> “Third world” isn’t a term I use for any countries, because it doesn’t seem accurate, so I’m not sure how to answer this.
do you often listen to the radio? >> No. We really only listen to radio between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, when we put on the holiday music station in the car.
did your family ever own a vacation home? >> ---
are the stars in the night sky especially pretty from where you live? >> Sure, they’re pretty to me.
where did your first kiss take place? >> ---
my brother won't travel places with a language barrier; would you mind it? >> I would not mind it. I think it would be an important experience.
do you know who pete townshend is? >> Vaguely. I know he’s a musician, but I always forget what classic rock band he’s from.
do you prefer headphones or earbuds? >> Headphones.
have you ever opened a wine bottle? >> I’ve opened many a wine bottle.
do you like watching music videos? >> I do.
does your music taste change drastically when you go through 'phases?' >> Nah.
have you ever seen the movie 'dazed & confused?' >> I did, a long time ago.
have you ever heard the led zeppelin song with the same name? >> Yeah.
varity is good; is your lunch routine at school/work always the same? >> ---
which, if any, drug have you ever abused? >> DXM. Much to my detriment, but maybe that had its purpose too.
is there someone who has changed your life drastically? >> Considering most of the internal problems I have now were caused by (or intensified by) bad relationships with people, yeah, I guess you could say that.
are you into philosophy, or do you think that stuff's a waste? >> I think philosophy is cool as shit.
have you been inside of a police station? >> Yeah.
are you organized, an organized mess, or just a mess? >> I’m more organised than anything, I guess.
do you know your mail(wo)man? >> Nope. I think it’s multiple people, tbh.
honestly, are you often high-maintinence/hard to please? >> I’m not difficult to please, but I do have some issues that can make me “high-maintenance” depending on the observer.
who, if anyone, is your favorite movie director? >> Darren Aronofsky.
are there any flags flying outside at your home? >> Nope.
do you know which band sings 'don't stop believin'?' >> Yeah.
what would you never change about yourself? >> I assume there is nothing about myself that should be immune to change.
how do you react to a stranger who is undeservingly rude to you? >> Usually with some measure of confusion and defense.
where do you hide things that you don't want whoever you live with to find? >> In some drawer in my room. (That’s what I do with gifts, hehe.)
who 'wears the pants' in your most recent romantic relationship? >> ---
did you ever wear those bracelets made from inside of bottle tops? >> No.
what do you think of all that '2012 is the end of the world' stuff? >> Well, I don’t think about it at all now, seeing as it’s 2019. But at the time I don’t think I was more than vaguely amused at the whole thing. I had more immediate and tangible shit in my life to be concerned with at that time.
how do you acquire your music? >> I listen to it on Spotify.
why aren't you outside right now? >> Because I don’t have a reason to be yet.
think; through what color lenses do you see the world? >> I don’t know. I think I see it through a few different coloured lenses depending on my disposition and mental well-being at the time.
will you vote in the next presidential election? >> *grumbles* Yeah, most likely.
have you ever fallen asleep in a movie theatre? >> Yeah, I remember doing that during one of the Star Wars prequels. I wasn’t used to movies that long yet (now it’s like every movie is 2 and a half fucking hours, god).
do you pretty much have need a car to get around where you live? >> It definitely helps. You can take the bus downtown and shit but the bus system isn’t exactly comprehensive and you can tell this city was definitely built with cars in mind. Also, winters here are terrible for pedestrians, man.
have you been to australia? >> No.
do you mind drinking room-temperature water? >> Nope. But I do like it best when it’s a little cool. Not cold, though. Just chilly.
when did you last use a disposable camera? >> I don’t remember. It’s been at least, like, 10 years.
try to count the number of times you took an airplane; how many times? >> Oof, I don’t know. 10?
what do you think of the winter holiday season? >> I love it, it’s my favourite.
what kind of things are you most likely to doodle? >> Just shapes or stick figures in silly poses.
do you think covers of songs usually ruin the originals? >> Not at all. Art is inherently mutable.
are you any good at texas hold'em? >> Never played it.
have you ever gotten lost alone in an unfamiliar city? >> Yeah. It’s probably why I have a developed directional/geographical sense, by necessity.
youtube's 'david blaine street magic's are hilarious; want to watch now? >> No, thanks.
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