#that little curl over his forehead DESTROYS me i worship that curl
crowlixcx · 10 months
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You're just an angel that goes along with Heaven as far as he can.
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
Gale x Tav Enemies to Lovers Part 18
Gale's POV: Read on Ao3 Enjoy!
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The quiet was disconcerting. Although still engaged at the tail end of battle, Gale was fixated on how different he felt with the orb deactivated, even with the threat of death knocking at his doorstep. To not be in a state of constant pain and discomfort was foreign and it gave him a new sense of vivaciousness. He hadn’t felt so alive in quite some time. 
All feeling for the past year was tied to the orb -  confusing the orb’s incessant hunger with the tidal waves of emotion and physical sensation, so he found it easier to experience nothing at all. By mastering his emotions, he pushed them away - now, they boiled over tenfold. To be able to feel again, to experience the full range of emotions was remarkable and terrifying. 
As they massacred the final shadow, Gale shuddered from the tingling that sung through the threads of his DNA. How there was nothing quite like it, the chemistry when two bodies yearn to become one. Gale felt the pull of Tav so acutely, the way his cells quaked with anticipation, excitement, and fear - fight or flight kicking in full force as he watched her. He forgot the way the body responds to the presence of a lover, or one yet to be. 
Gale wasn’t sure what came over him. His mouth was dry and his skin prickled with heat as he glanced at Tav, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Her face was flushed and glistening, her hair a bit matted against her skin where the sweat mingled with the curled strands. Her lips were plump, water dripping from her mouth where she drank. She looked beautiful and he wanted to drink her in, to taste the salt on her body, to worship every inch… 
He cleared his throat and shook his head. Perhaps it was the adrenaline from battle, the anxiety pooling in his gullet, the instruction to kill himself - the realization he had such little time left. Her skin seemed somehow more radiant in the blueish-dark night. 
He waffled internally, torn between whether or not to be selfish, to pursue Tav in his final moments or leave her to be won over by Astarion. He could offer her no more than a few months at best, but oh… Gale closed his eyes and turned away from her, ignoring the carnal thoughts and gnashed his teeth together. 
Now was not the time for romance. 
“Keep your torch high - if you step into the shadows, you’ll be felled in a heartbeat. Here - let me mark your map, so you know where to follow. If you want to catch your breath, the inns the only place to do it.” The harper said. He watched as Tav held the map, pencil between her teeth as she studied it while the other travelers moved out. 
To distract himself, he began to speak though no one was particularly listening. “I’ve never seen such a concentration of shadow magic. We must forge on, but carefully. It will corrupt any who lack the power to control it.” 
“And do you think you hold such power?” Shadowheart said teasingly, her eyebrows raised and a grin played at her lips. 
Gale’s cheeks washed crimson and he grumbled, ignoring her goading, “This magic is the antithesis of all the Weave stands for. A magic of confusion and corruption - drawn forth only by those desperate or damned enough to accept its degradations.” 
“Why forbid it? Is Mystra truly so afraid of My Dark Lady?” Shadowheart was poking the bear, he knew, and he closed his eyes to try to steady himself to not yield to the bait. 
“Mystra being afraid of Shar is akin to saying that I am afraid of you.” Gale pointed his finger and his lips pursed. She didn’t need to know that he was, in fact, a little afraid of her. “These shadows are drawn from Shar - Mystra cannot destroy it, but she can ensure her followers shun its temptations.” 
“Hm… not a Goddess worth following if external temptations could lead one astray if you ask me…” 
Tav interjected then, “As much as I enjoy you making Gale squirm,” she shot Gale a playful look, “We should move. The less time we spend out here on our own, the better.” 
“Fine. Shall we?” Gale cleared his throat, the words coming out like a pitiful squeak. Was she flirting with him? Gale glanced to Karlach who was nodding vigorously as if to confirm his internal thoughts. Was she using the tadpole to read his mind? No… that couldn’t be. Maybe he’d lost the ability to hide his expressions after so long in isolation. When Tav’s eyes met his, she smiled in a new way. It felt like falling off a cliff. 
When they approached Last Light, their welcome was lukewarm at best and with good reason, Gale thought. Jaheira was taking every precaution she could to keep the refugees safe and with such indomitable forces out there, one couldn’t be too cautious. Thankfully Mol interrupted the interrogation and spoke their praises, lowering Jaheira’s defenses. Albeit marginally. 
“Oh my gods, solider,” Karlach fussed, shaking her fists like an excitable child, “that was Jaheira. THE Jaheira.” Gale, having grown up in Waterdeep, knew little about the Harper other than she and her companions disemboweled a Bhaalspawn. Shadowheart looked confused which encouraged Karlach to continue, “Don’t you know the whole story? Years ago - over a century - Jaheira was a part of a group that saved Baldur’s Gate from Sarevok. A Bhaalspawn trying to plunge the city into war. My mum used to tell us stories about them - the legends who protected the city from evil. She said Jaheira was a powerful druid. Adamant. Tough.” 
“You can say that again,” Tav grimaced, shaking out her legs. “Glad I wasn’t the only one lulled to sleep by stories of Bhaalspawn.” Gale breathed Tav’s musk and it forced wicked, hot blood to his core.
“Mate, I’ve told myself the stories a thousand times since. I never thought I’d meet Jaheira. She’s a hero, and I was always…. some Outer City kid. I can’t believe she wants to talk to us about working together. What a day.”
“I’m not entirely convinced we can trust her just yet,” Shadowheart injected and Karlach rolled her eyes.   
“How are your legs?” Gale asked, gesturing to Tav to interrupt the squabble. “Those vines looked rather… tight.” Tav winced and rolled up her armor. The streaks of red and purple sent a pang through his chest and before he understood what he was doing, he was on one knee and brushed his fingers against her skin. It felt hot. “Tav…” he pulled aloe from his bag, and looked up at her. “This may do some good.” His eyes flicked to Karlach who was gesturing lewdly. He glanced away quickly, but not before he felt his heart quicken. 
“Can you? Apply it, I mean.” Although Tav’s voice was quiet, Gale was certain he picked up on the undercurrent of desire. Perhaps it was just in his head. He smoothed the gel over her skin and as he did, watched as goosebumps rose on her legs. His breath stuck like peanut butter in his throat and he slowed his fingers, relishing in how her body responded to the touch, chasing the rush where his fingers met her skin. 
“How’s that?” Gale whispered, looking up at her. He noted how her lips glistened, how her cheeks blossomed with red, how she seemed to lean into his gentle caress. She nodded and looked away, sheepish. Gale stood, his body brushing against Tav as he did so. He ran a hand through his hair and thought he caught her staring in his periphery. When he turned to look her held jolted away.
“Oh hells, this day couldn’t get any better - is that Damon?!” Karlach bellowed, interrupting the shared intimacy. She gestured towards the stables and they looked to her. “We still have the infernal iron right? Maybe he can finally tune me up proper. And you all know what that means.” The devious glint in her iris made them chuckle. Karlach wasn’t shy about her physical needs, how long it had been since she’d so much as touched another person - she was itching for contact and Gale could hardly blame her. He was, too. “Gods, do you think I’ll be able to hug? Get a pat on the back? Holy shit…” she started bounding eagerly towards the barn. 
“Aha - thought I sensed infernal. What are you doing here? I thought you’d be in the city by now.” Dammon asked, his eyes perking up as they approached. Karlach, despite her best ability to be subtle, turned awkwardly as if she didn’t know what to do with her body. Gale raised a brow, amused by how she melted into a blubbering mess around Dammon. Gale worried for a moment if that’s how he was like with Tav. 
“I could ask you the same,” Karlach said, swaying from foot to foot. “Trying to stay out of the shadows. What are you doing here?” Gale withheld his snicker. Despite Karlach playing it off, Gale heard nothing except her gush about the weapon-smith, how she would linger in the hells where he was set up just to get a few glimpses of him. Karlach was anything but subtle. 
“We were ambushed by cultists… Half of us were captured. The other half ran here.” Dammon said, looking off into the distance. 
“Off the anvil, into the forge. We’ll find them - hopefully.”
Gale noted how Dammon smiled at her, the tenderness as he spoke, “Before you run off into the belly of the beast.. there’s something I need to tell you. Well, two things. Good news and bad news.” 
“Obviously I want to hear the good news first,” Karlach said, her voice raising an octave. 
“I only need one more piece of infernal iron to craft an insulating chamber that could make it possible for you to  -“ 
“TOUCH PEOPLE?!” Karlach boomed, her face widening with elation. Dammon’s enthusiastic nod confirmed their suspicious. “Oh my gods. It’s really happening. It’s been so long - we’ve got the iron, let’s do this thing!” 
“Hang on!” Dammon insisted, “I think you’ll want to hear the bad news, too.” 
“Yeah, sure,” Karlach said breathlessly, hoping from foot to foot. “But first, fix me - please.” 
Tav pulled the iron from her pack and handed it to Dammon who worked efficiently, Gale mused at how skilled he seemed at the craft and watched as Karlach watched him. He wondered if this is how he and Tav looked to those around them. He hoped he was more subtle, at the very least. 
“Same as last time - you’ll need to install it yourself, but this should do the trick,” Dammon said, gingerly handing the piece to Karlach. She manipulated it into her chest and the loud rumbling surprised Gale. 
“There… so… did it work?” Karlach looked to them all, her eyes tentative and longing. 
“Only one way to find out,” Dammon said. 
Gale watched as Tav stepped forward, widening her arms the moment it seemed Dammon was about to do the same. Karlach fell into Tav’s arms, cautious at first and then with abandon. “I can’t believe it…” when Tav stepped back, Karlach wiped her eyes and Gale stepped up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder before pulling her into a hug too. 
Shadowheart, ever the ice queen, gave Karlach a gentle pat. “Wow, even a pat from Shadowheart,” Karlach smiled, “This is amazing. Thank you, Dammon… may I?” Karlach extended her arms in request and Dammon opened his, welcoming her into an embrace. Gale’s stomach stirred, elated for his friend - perhaps he could learn a thing or two from her bravery and courage. 
When Dammon stepped back from her, a hand remained on her arm. “It’s the least I could do. Before you go, there’s something I need to tell you.” Gale heard the trepidation and his stomach clenched. “I don’t enjoy saying this, but there’s no two ways about it: your engine is going to blow. It’s contained for the moment, but it’s just too hot to exist here on the material plane indefinitely. And I can’t fix it here, I’m not sure anyone can. I know you know that, but the thing is, there may be a cure. I wasn’t making any headway with the mechanics, none at all. The environment here is just too cold to sustain materials like the ones inside you. You have to return to Avernus - for good - or this thing is going to burn you up from the inside out and sooner than you think.” 
Karlach frowned, shaking her head and her voice trembled with anger, “The minute I set foot back in Avernus, Zariel will force me back into service. I’m not doing her bidding again. I’d rather die.” Gale was hit with a gut punch. He looked at Karlach, seeing how her face fell, recognizing how she was struck with a similar finite end as he. The sorrow drained from her face and was replaced with exuberance, “But still - you’ve given me the ability to touch again, safely. That ought to be celebrated.” 
“I get that… and don’t rule it out. The world just might be better with you in it, even in Avernus.” Gale looked to his friend, seeing the glimmer of hope when Dammon said this, he seemed to be pleading with her. Gale tried to control his facial expressions and the urge to tell them to get on with it as Karlach had to him countless times. “I won’t stop trying to figure out a cure.. but at this point, I think we all have to face the inevitable.” 
“We’ll have to make the inevitable evitable then,” Tav said confidently, shaking Karlach’s shoulders. 
“You read my mind,” Karlach sighed. “Thanks Dammon, really. You’ve given me more than I can repay.” 
“Maybe there’s a way for you to reapay him later…” Gale murmured, looking at his hands and his eyes widened when he realized he spoke the words out loud. After the short silence, they erupted into a chorus of laughter, a product of the intricate vines of tension that wove between them. 
“I didn’t think you had it in you, Gale,” Shadowheart nudged him. “If only you could take your own advice.” 
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sunder-soul · 4 years
For Now
A gift for @jujugentle​! Hope it does its job and cheers you up lovely 💖
Summary: A very fluffy, very smutty, very indulgent Tom Riddle one-shot, read at your own risk. Wordcount: 2k. Content warning: oral sex, toe-curling fluff.
PERMANENT TAGS: @jujugentle​​ @weirdowithnobeardo​​ @sweetgoodangel​​ @fromthehellmouth​​ @whoevenfrickenknows​​ @moatsnow​​ @voidmalfoy​​ @lucys-brain​​ @sunles​​ @arana-alpha​​ @tallyovie​​ @expectoscamander​ @nothinghcppens @itsjustfics
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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“I’m excited for this year,” you say enthusiastically, piling food onto your plate. “All the classes are so interesting.”
“How optimistic,” Tom smirks, “you’re a veritable beacon of positivity.”
“Don’t you rain on my parade,” you say with mock sternness.
“My apologies,” he says softly, reaching out and gently lacing your hair behind your ear, “that wasn’t my intention.”
“Did you like Professor Dime?” you ask curiously, glancing at him.
He shrugs delicately.
“What?” you ask humorously.
“She’s exactly what I might expect from a Professor of Ancient Studies,” he says very tactfully.
You snort a laugh. “I didn’t like her so much. She teaches like she expects us to already understand everything.”
“I think that’s because she does,” Tom says quietly, smirking again.
“I love you,” you say, smiling.
Tom’s eyes flash to yours and there’s a brief moment of silence. “You do say that at the strangest times,” he eventually says, quite slowly.
You shrug. “I say it when I feel it.”
“Is that so,” he murmurs.
He stands very suddenly and steps out off his seat. “Come with me, I have something to show you.”
You arch a brow curiously, but you stand with him and take his proffered hand. He leads you around the table and out the door of the Hall, the chattering students not paying you the least attention. You frown as he begins to head towards the dungeons. “What are you showing me?”
“You’ll see,” he mutters, pulling you a little harder.
You blink at him as you quickly descend the stairs and round the corner on to the corridor that leads to the Slytherin common room – not that you make it that far. The door to a small broom closet bursts open at the wave of Tom’s hand and he pulls you inside, the door closing behind you as his hands flash to your face and he kisses you deeply.
You exhale, kissing him back as warmth spreads across your face and swells in your stomach, and Tom slowly steps you back against the door as you lace your arms around his neck. “Is this seriously what you meant?” you giggle, pulling back.
“I can stop if you want,” he murmurs, and you blink in surprise because Tom’s hands cup your jaw and brings you into a very slow, very soft kiss before pulling back and…
Tom kneels before you, looking up at you as his hands slip up your legs and gently push up your skirt. Automatically, you spread your fingers through his dark curls, heart racing at the sight.
“I didn’t say that,” you breathe, your head fall back against the door as you look down at him.
Tom smiles as his hands slide higher, his fingers tugging aside your underwear and anticipation thrums achingly in your core, unable to stop pushing your fingers through his hair as he leans forward, slowly, torturously slowly, his dark eyes meeting yours right as his lips press against you.
“Oh god,” you whisper, eyes falling shut, breathless already.
His tongue slides against you, gentle, hot, delicate, moving ceaselessly and smoothly and jesus –
You look down at him. Tom’s eyes are closed, his lips moving slick and wet as his tongue goads you further and further into the heat. You never want it to stop but you’re impatient too, feeling pressure coil in your core when he suddenly looks up at you, his mouth not stopping, his eyes dark and hooded, his cheeks flushed and his lips glistening and god you’re slipping, your fingers tightening in his hair as he smirks slightly, as he doesn’t stop for a second, as he watches you fall –
It breaks over you strangely softly, an ache that makes your head hit the wall again, sweet and blissful, your cheeks thrumming with heat and your stomach going tense in the best possible way before it slowly, gently fades away and leaves you warm and tingling. You breathe deeply, feeling Tom’s hands slip down your legs and your skirt fall, your eyes still closed as he stands again and presses his lips to your neck. “I love you,” he murmurs.
You wrap your arms around him and exhale a deep breath. “I love you, too.”
“We should probably go to dinner,” he says softly as his lips travel down to your shoulder.
“Didn’t you just eat?” you smirk.
Tom breaths a laugh that you feel on your skin. “You are so vulgar.”
“Can you even accuse me of that after what you just did?” you snicker, amused.
“Do you consider that vulgar?” he asks softly, kissing the slope of your shoulder and sending shivers up your neck. “I don’t.”
“Oh?” you say, suddenly a little nervous. “What do you consider it?”
Tom lifts his head and rests his forehead against yours. ���Adoration,” he murmurs.
Your cheeks flush. “Oh.”
“Exaltation,” he whispers, smirking as he leans closer to your lips.
“Tom,” you say breathlessly, staring at him wide-eyed.
“You would put me on my knees for worship,” he says silkily, smirking right against your lips, “so that I might pay homage.”
You go very warm, your brain short-circuiting slightly. “And you?” you breath.
His brow furrows, hesitating. “Me?”
“Would you put me on my knees to worship you, Tom?” you ask quietly.
He goes very still.
“I think you would,” you whisper. “I think you like to be adored.”
“It’s impossible not to like your adoration,” he says quietly.
“Then let me,” you smile, kissing him very lightly, slowly, sweetly.
His hands find your cheeks and he exhales, his eyes closing. “How can you be mine?” he murmurs.
You slide your hands down his chest, watching his head tilt at the sensation. “I love being yours.” You slowly pull his shirt from his trousers as you lean in and press your lips under his jaw. “I don’t ever want to stop being yours,” you murmur against his skin.
Tom exhales again, his head tilting forward as you undo his belt, trailing your lips down his neck. “Will you let me?” you ask him quietly, and you lower yourself to your knees, looking up at him as you push up his shirt and press your lips to his hipbone.
“Don’t play with me.” he says darkly, watching you with heated, heavy eyes.
“But I like playing with you,” you smile, kissing across his stomach.
One of Tom’s palms flattens on the wall above you, the other resting gently against your cheek. “You like to torment me,” he amends quietly.
“Same thing,” you smirk, your eyes flicking up to his as you pull his trousers down an inch.
He exhales sharply.
“Would you show me how to worship you, Tom?” you murmur, taking his hand and moving it to the back of you head. He stares down at you tense and hot.
You pull his trousers out of the way, looking up at him. “Show me,” you whisper, opening your mouth and taking him slightly.
His eyes flicker, his whole posture taut like he can’t believe what you’re asking. You place your hand over his and push, watching his jaw tense, his eyes go darker still. His hand beneath yours just barely pushes your head a little deeper, slowly, carefully, like he’s seeing if that’s really what you’re asking him to do, if you’re really wanting him to take control like that.  
It is.
You let your hand slip from his, your eyes closing as he pushes you a little deeper, and you hear him take a slow breath above you as you rest your hands on his hips. You look up at him and watch his eyes flicker, and then, just as carefully, his fingers tighten in your hair and he pulls you back, his fingers right against your roots.
Arousal blossoms again in your stomach as you watch him, as his jaw tenses again, as he slowly pushes you back down.
You sigh as your eyes flutter shut again, the sound muffled by him in your mouth and Tom’s grip tightens in your hair and you know, you know it’s because he’s watching you enjoy this, that you love this, that it destroys him how much you like to belong to him like this.
He takes to it quickly. You listen as his his breath gets sharper, his grip tighter, his movements remaining steady but slowly becoming more assertive, and soon you’re having to hold back a gag as he guides you back and forth, and then –
Tom’s other hand drops from the wall to your head and you look up at him, watch his expression shift with pleasure, with desire, because he’s close and you’re letting him use you to get there, you like it, you want to taste him.
“Are you going to let me?” he murmurs, and he’s tilting your head slightly as he pushes you down again and god –
You can only moan, the smallest sound but it’s desperate and wanting and Tom’s eyes fall shut and then he pushes you so deep that you give a muffled gasp and then he’s pouring into your throat, his lips falling open as a low, breathy sound comes from between them and you’re swallowing as you look up at him, watching him come undone, his lips slick and expression in rapture.
You pull off him slowly, his hands remaining loose in your hair as you stand and take his face in your hands. “I’ll pay homage,” you whisper, “whenever you want me to.”
Tom’s head falls onto your shoulder and he presses his face into your neck, his touch suddenly turning strangely sweet. He takes a long breath and you lace your arms around his neck again.
“Skip dinner,” he murmurs, “Room of Requirement.”
You laugh once, very softly. He sounds extremely drowsy and it’s probably the least coherent you’ve ever heard him. “Why?”
“I want to lie with you,” he says against your skin, “on the couches. By the fire”
“Alright,” you smile, kissing his cheek. “Let’s go.”
The minute you enter the Room, Tom collapses with an uncharacteristic lack of grace onto the couch that’s appeared there by a crackling fire just like he’d said, one leg fully outstretched before him and the other bent with his foot still on the ground.
“Come here,” he says sleepily, waving at you.
You smile and sit down between his legs, lying back on his chest as he lowers his arms around your neck and takes a deep breath. “I could quite comfortably sleep like this,” he murmurs.
You believe it, looking backwards up at him to find his eyes shut and his face relaxed. “I love you,” you say softly.
He laughs, no more than a breath, cracking his eyes open to look down at you. “I love you,” he replies gently.
“Shall I sneak into your dorm to sleep with you tonight?” you grin.
“Don’t tempt me,” Tom chuckles, eyes shutting again as he lays his head down against the armrest of the couch. “That would be an incredibly reckless thing for us to do.”
“So yes or no?” you smirk.
“No,” he says dryly.
“You’re no fun,” you grumble, settling down against his chest.
“That is simply not true, I am a lot of fun,” he drawls.
You blink at the ceiling. “I’m shocked, but… yeah,” you deadpan, “wow, I genuinely can’t believe that’s actually accurate…”
“You are entirely too cruel to me.”
“I’m just mad that you don’t want to sleep with me.”
There’s a pause. “I very much want to sleep with you,” says Tom very softly, “I can imagine nothing would give me more pleasure.”
You blink again, feeling a blush rise on your cheeks.
“I do not, however, want Malfoy and Lestrange to discover you in my bed and ruin your life,” he continues lightly.
“I suppose that’s fair…” you allow a little playfully, closing your eyes and losing yourself a bit in the warm heaviness of his arms around you, the rise and fall of his chest beneath you, his smell in your head, his everything around you. “For now then, this is enough,” you say sleepily.
“For now,” Tom murmurs quietly.
The fire crackles behind you, and a very comfortable silence falls.
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babbushka · 3 years
Midnight Pearls
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Ancient Emperor!Kylo Ren x Goddess!Reader
A/N: This oneshot is inspired by, and dedicated to, my dear friend @autumnlovesadam who is always so kind in enabling me when I want to write about a certain au. I've been craving some Emperor Kylo content, and here we are!
3.5k, NSFW (slight exhibitionism, body worship, sex on the beach [PIV, fingering & oral {F receiving}])
This is the third time now, that you’ve had to give his hand a squeeze, in an attempt to get him to continue walking. Three times now, that he has stopped abruptly on the beach, staring down at the dark sands below your feet, concentrating on something so hard that you’re positive he’s going to give himself lines in his forehead. With a gentle smile, you coax him to continue walking down the shoreline with you, resuming your midnight stroll.
It had been Kylo’s idea to slip away late in the night, when much of the city was asleep. He had gotten it in his head that he wanted to walk up and down the coast with you on his arm, and when Kylo gets in the mood for something, he simply will not rest until it is done. So, you find yourself in your most comfortable of robes, barefoot in the sand, hand in hand with your Emperor, as he scowls into the light of the moon.
All is well, until he stops for a fourth time, and instead of quietly tugging him along once again, you simply smile fondly and raise a brow in the dark, asking, “What are you doing?”
“I am on a great hunt, blossom.” He replies vaguely, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Ah I see, my Emperor’s head never seems to rest.” You attempt to let go of his hand, deeming him too preoccupied to notice, “And here I thought that I might be company enough for you on this evening.”
“Of course you are, in fact, the fruits of this effort are for you, and you alone.” Kylo snatches your palm right back up almost instantly, in that anxious sort of way that he does when he cannot bear to be mere inches apart. Something warm in your chest blooms at that, at his wanting to touch you, even when he’s distracted by some self imposed quest.
“Do tell.” You hum in amusement with a playful sort of encouragement.
Kylo walks along the shore with you, up to his ankles in the water. It is easy for him to cut through the resistance of the tide -- after all, he is so strong, he is the Emperor. Stopping and starting again as he inspects the sand beneath his feet, before sighing and pushing some of his long hair out of his face.
“I seek the most beautiful of all seashells that my beach has to offer.” Finally responding, Kylo bends down and with his free hand, splashes about in the shallow water, seemingly having found one. Upon closer inspection though, he must deem it unworthy, because he lets it drop back into the sand, and moves on.
Resting your head on his shoulder for a few steps, you too cast your gaze downwards. It is difficult to see in the dark like this, nothing but the moon shining and glittering on the water to light your way. It’s full tonight, and you, along with the rest of the Empire, have already given your offerings to the Goddess of the moon, in the hopes that she will be pleased. The night is clear, no clouds to be seen, so you believe that she is.
“There are a great deal many shells, your seas are healthy.” You remark proudly, wanting Kylo to be proud too.
“So you understand why it takes me so long.” He gives you a smile there in the dark, one that he thinks you can’t see.
The upturn of his lips is silhouetted in the silvery lining of the moon, and you savor the image for as long as you can, before he is stopping again to glare down at the sand.
“Oh my beloved, why not simply pick one? It need not be perfect.” You let out a small exasperated chuckle, hoping that he doesn’t keep this up all evening, lest it be sunrise by the time you return home.
“If it’s for you?” Kylo’s eyes are wide when they look straight into your soul, his voice quiet and soft, speaking nearly to himself when he nods, “Yes it does.”
Your heart goes warm again, and this time you have to bite at your smile so that he does not think you are teasing him. Kylo is a strangely sentimental man, in that, he is sentimental about such odd things. You have watched him burn the remnants of previous Emperors, watched him destroy and rebuild the palace he calls home, watched him storm into battle with such little regard for anyone or anything other than victory.
And yet, when it comes to you, everything must be perfect and precious, because to him, that’s what you are.
It is a long while before he stoops over for the final time, plucking a seashell from underneath the waves. The tide has begun to creep ever closer to shore with the pull of the moon as it travels through the night, the water now up to your calves.
“Here, this is the one.” Kylo brandishes a shell with a pleased sigh, a hopeful smile, as he places the twisted shell in your palm.
“Oh it’s gorgeous!” You gasp honestly, admiring the shape of the gastropoda shell, holding it up to the moon for a better view, “Look at the way it glows in the night, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”
You’re not sure what color it is in the daytime, but here in the silver light of midnight, it gleams a glistening purple-blue in your hands. Something of a pearlescent coating hides inside where the little creature that once lived would have called home, a secret just for you.
“You really like it?” Kylo sounds so similar to young Ani whenever he brings you polished stones from the water’s edge that he finds, and you give Kylo the same kind eyes.
“Yes. I will fasten it into a necklace and wear it proudly until the end of my days.” You clutch the seashell in your free palm, not tight enough to break it, but merely so that it remins secure in your grasp, before leaning in to kiss your lover and sigh against his mouth, “Thank you, Kylo, I’ll treasure it always.”
Kylo kisses you again, pulls your body close to his. It is only then that you feel the first shiver of the night ghosting over your skin, and you realize how little clothing you both are truly wearing. You are dressed in a simple sheer white robe that criss-crosses over your chest, falling in long panels down to your ankles which now float atop the black sea. Kylo wears only his long tunic, belted at the waist with a deep purple stash.
As he kisses you, your body grows warmer and warmer, desire pooling in your stomach as your lips part for him, your arms looping around his neck, a silent plea as you sigh and gasp under the bites and kisses to your throat he places.
“There is nothing, or no one, more beautiful than you.” Kylo’s hands grasp at your waist, your robe so thin that you can feel the heat of his palms on your skin, and he tugs you closer, close enough that you can feel the hard line of his cock against your stomach, murmuring, “I ache for you, blossom, let me bury my face between your legs and have a taste of your cunt, I beg.”
“Here I thought you’d never ask.” Grinning, you let him hoist you up into his arms properly, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carries you away from the water’s edge.
Not wanting you to get sandy, he removes the sash and his tunic, and shakes it out so that it lays down onto the cool sand as a blanket. Naked before you, his cock is so impressive, even in the low light of night, you can see the way it curves up deliciously, the way it twitches, wanting to thrust inside of you.
While Kylo sets down the tunic, you busy yourself by removing the few ties that hold your robe together, letting the see-through fabric fall to your feet, your bare body just for Kylo, as his is just for you. He licks his lips, eyes you up and down, gaze fixated on the glistening between your legs, and gently guides you down onto the makeshift blanket.
“My favorite, my most beautiful girl, oh heaven above, you are glorious.” Kylo’s voice nearly breaks with adoration, the reverence in his words shaking through him, as his hands part your thighs with ease.
“Shh, my Emperor, enjoy the spoils of your kingdom, take what is yours.” Your cunt is wet, slick smeared between your thighs in anticipation, pussy fluttering and desperate to be attended to.
Needing no more permission, Kylo moans into your cunt immediately, kissing and sucking at your folds, his teeth and tongue working to open you up, to swallow down the wetness that drips onto his mouth at the stimulation. He is so very good at eating pussy, that you sometimes wonder why you do anything else at all. Losing yourself in the pleasure, you set the seashell down above your head so that it stays safe, and tangle your hands in Kylo’s hair, gripping and gasping tightly right at the base of his skull, moaning out loud into the night air.
Kylo licks up your folds slowly, deliberately, before he plunges it into you in earnest thrusts, eyes shut tight so that he might press his face as close to your flesh as he can manage, your legs sliding over his shoulders, keeping him there as you fist his hair.
“Mmm, fuck.” You sigh, gasping loudly as he thrusts and thrusts and thrusts inside your pussy, “Your tongue is so long -- more, I want more.”
Demanding and insistent, you push your hips up to better allow him purchase of your body, and he takes a hold of it as much as he can, the deep moans and grunts of pleasure reverberating through your body, as he shoves his tongue deeper, impossibly so inside of you, joined by two of his fingers to better stretch you out.
“Yes!” You gasp, a great big smile spreading across your face. Kylo’s big, everything about him is big, and even though he’s been fucking you for what feels like an eternity now, you still need proper preparation. His fingers stroke at your walls as he sucks and plunges his tongue further into you, fingers crooking and curling against your gspot, grazing it and making your body shake, shudder, jolt.
Your nipples are hard and oversensitive against the cool air, and you wish he would latch onto them and stimulate them, but he’s decided against that, instead nosing at your swollen clit, paying special attention there. His lips suckle and his cheeks hollow out, and your body writhes on the tunic blanket, gasps and moans hiccupping out of you.
The pleasure is so much but it’s not enough at the same time, not enough to get you to come, not yet, you need to be filled properly. Kylo knows this, and after only a little while longer of drinking down the slick that your pussy shines all over his face, does he pull his mouth away, licking his lips and swiping the back of his free hand over his goatee to collect the juices that soaked his chin.
“You taste like the sea.” He murmurs, licking his lips again and again, eyes glittering like the moon on the waves, “I could spend forever here.”
“I need your cock.” You whine, too desperate for anything else.
Some nights Kylo makes you wait for it for hours and hours, eats your pussy until you’re a sobbing pleading mess, and for a moment it looks like he’s in that mood tonight. But when you say that, he’s reminded of his own rock hard erection, that’s been steadily dripping pre-come into the sand.
He doesn’t want to deny you nor himself that feeling of being so thoroughly fucked, so he doesn’t. Climbing up your body, your face instantly presses against his neck as he hikes your legs up once again, this time spreading them at the right angle that his throbbing cock stuffing you full.
“Ah, yes!” You moan loudly, a little too loudly, loud enough that the stars begin to twinkle brighter, the ocean creeping closer, caressing your sides, licking up against your bare bodies as he settles his weight on top of you, grunting in your ear, bottoming out. “Yes, that’s it -- right there, oh, Kylo!”
Unfocused, your glassy eyes look up at the stars and smile, and you swear they smile back at you, until you can’t look anymore, the pounding pleasure wracking through your body as Kylo gets his purchase and fucks you with a vigor that reminds you of the way he fucks you after battle. It’s so good, it’s too good, your toes curling in the sand, back arching up off the makeshift bed.
The sounds are thick, squelching wet and loud in the night, and your breath begins to come in faster, your moans higher, body on fire. All your nerves tingle and alight at once, and your eyes roll back into your head from the pleasure as he thrusts hard and fast, grinding his hips against yours.
“D-do you think they are watching us? Do you think they are pleased?” You gasp, digging your grip into the muscles of his back, clutching him tight as your body shoves up up up the tunic, the water chasing you, wetting you, covering your bodies and keeping you warm from the summer waters.
“Yes,” Kylo groans, “I feel it in my bones. Your cunt is so tight, oh fuck..!”
“Don’t stop, don’t you dare stop.” You cry, the Goddesses above smiling down at you and Kylo. You can feel it in your bones too, can feel it in the way the sea caresses your sides, foam bubbling and tickling your legs as he lowers a hand to your throbbing cunt once more.
“Are you going to come?” His voice is deep and dark and so powerful, all yours, staring at you with concentration, as his fingers rub and pinch at your clit, “Will you come on my cock? Let me feel you.”
“You’re so fucking big -- so big, I -- I -- oh!” You gasp loudly, the sound echoing across the shore, deep into the ocean and high up into the stars. Your legs are spread so wide, and your pussy is so filled with his cock, that cock which doesn’t let up even as you’re teetering on the edge of coming, close close close.
“Beautiful, so beautiful.” Kylo bends himself down to suck on your nipples, harsh and aggressive and exactly what you need as he rolls your clit.
“Kylo please please please!” Nearly jackknifing, your body snaps up in pleasure as you scream out his name, music to his ears.
“Anything for you, always.” He’s drooling all over your chest, drunk off the feeling of your tight cunt clamping down around his cock, but he times his thrusts against your gspot with the rubbing of your clit, and your body shudders and you’re moaning so loudly that you almost have no idea that you’re coming, it’s all one big sensory overload, too much, too good.
The orgasm is beautiful, you can nearly see it, the stars that dance behind your shut eyelids, swirling and sparking down your veins, pleasure hazy and thick flooding your mind. Your heart beats fast, like you’ve run a decathlon, and all at once, that pleasure bubbles up through your chest into a shower of laughter, happy giggles that you can’t seem to stop once they’ve started.
Kylo has yet to finish, but you know this is his favorite part; when you are soft and pliant and he can bury himself even deeper inside your pussy, spilling his come hot and heavy into your cunt. He always makes sure you come first not only because he loves you and wants you to be pleased above all else, but because he loves the feeling of your body taking him so well.
After a few more grunts and hard thrusts that have you whining and gasping, overstimulated tears spilling down your cheeks, he comes, and you can feel the heat of it spreading through your body, sloshing around inside you.
He collapses down on top of your chest, the both of you taking in deep steady breaths, before you are giggling once again, your limbs nearly numb, softly saying, “I cannot move my legs.”
“Good, I don’t want you going anywhere.” Kylo is too tired to hold you, but you know he would be if he could.
“But the tide, my beloved, we’ll be swept away.” You laugh and laugh and laugh, the adrenaline giving way to something joyous and warm.
“They would never allow that.” He kisses your sternum, “And neither would I.”
Almost as if on cue, the ocean curls and curves around your bodies, touching everything but the spot where you lay, a silent agreement from the Goddesses. They love you, they want to see you succeed, they won’t let any harm come your way.
Later, much later, when you’re starting to grow stiff from lying on the hard floor of the shore, do you gently push Kylo to sit up, so that you can begin to re-dress and make the walk up the cliffs back to the palace. It is a long walk, and you know that if you don’t go now, you’ll both just sleep naked outside, which you’d never hear the end of. Kylo knows the same to be true, so he helps you stand up on your sex-wobbly feet, and hands you your robe to loosely wrap around your body. He dresses in his tunic, shaking off as much of the sand as possible -- when he whirls around to face you as you gasp in anguish, “Oh no!!”
“What is it, blossom?” Kylo is at your side in a moment, and you merely drop to your knees and search the sand with sad panicked eyes.
“My seashell! The waves -- it got lost -- I’m so sorry.” You look like you could cry, but not tears of pleasure, and Kylo can’t have that, not for one moment.
“It’s quite alright, it just gives us an excuse to come out here and look for it another night, doesn’t it?” He offers you his hands and pulls you back up to standing, holding your body close, kissing your throat and shoulders that are exposed, covering them with reassurance.
You sigh, feeling awful that he spent all that time looking for something to give you, and you went and lost it. But when you look at Kylo, eyes straining in the pitch black of night, you find that he’s not mad at all.
“Perhaps next time I shall find one for you too.” You say by way of apology again, and Kylo only shakes his head, pinching your chin between his fingers, tilting your face up to meet his in a kiss.
“There is no need, you are already the most precious pearl a man could hold.” He whispers, a secret just for you, one that you simply must kiss him again about.
“You are very good to me.” You whisper back, your hands bracing against his strong chest, against the Emperor’s chest, “I hope you know this. I hope you know how much I adore you.”
“One day I will see you Empress, and then I’ll have earned that praise.” Kylo muses, and you know that is a treasonous conversation that’s best had elsewhere -- another place and time. Murderous plots were not often pillow-talk, and you weren’t inclined to start that now.
“You are already deserving of it.” You promise him, before changing the subject before he can grow sentimental to dwell on it, “I have grown cold. Let us return to our rooms, and allow me to convince you.”
Beginning the long walk back the shore, the moon seems to follow your path along the horizon, shining on the water and providing a safe beacon of light for you to climb the cliffs once again.
You will ask Kylo to bring you out here again, maybe not tomorrow but perhaps the night after, and you will kiss and make love underneath the stars once again, seashells in hand.
These nights are special, the ones you get with your Emperor, and you intend to savor them as often as you can, your midnight pearls.
Tagging some Kylo lovin' friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @lovinghufflepuffgirl @hswritingrecs @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @schopenhauerdeathsquad @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @kylo-ren-is-alive @caitlin-was-here @icarusinthesea @princessflip
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
Nar dralshy'a - Rogue, Chapter 24| The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader
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Gif by: @ansonmount​
Summary: After your successful escape from Moff Gideon’s cruiser, you and Din decide to take some time off. Unfortunately, you begin to have some rather... interesting dreams. 
Warnings: 18+ Smut!!! Like, intense smut. Threesome (mmf), blowjob, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, multiple penetration, anal (m receiving, f receiving), voyeurism, masturbation, multiple orgasms, literally just... Sex. Some swearing too, injury detail - this is pure filth. 
A/N: I have nothing to say but enjoy. I feel this makes up for no chapter last week. Have fun ♥︎
(Dream scene/smut is from roughly just after the middle to the end. Skip if it isn’t your thing♥︎)
Word Count: 4.6k+
Rogue Taglist: @snipskixandbeskar @weirdowithnobeardo @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @kenoobiwan @sarahjkl82-blog @boomtownboy @goldielocks2004 @seninjakitey @what-iwish-you-knew @queenofthefaceless @rosiefridayrogersunday-reads @greeneyedblondie44 @itsnottilly @welcometothepedroverse @xgoldenjenny @mamacitapascal @heyitsjaybird @amyk-37 @greatcircle79 @mikariell95 @justdrawings101​ 
Permanent Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @mypedrom @kaylee-krystal @queenofthefaceless​ 
Rogue Masterlist: 1: Solus | 2: Arir | 3: Tor | 4: Gaa'tayl ^ | 5: Kyr’am | 6: Cabur ^ | 7: Ret'urcye Mhi | 8: Haran | 9. E’tad | 10: Tome * | 11: Aliit Ori'shya Tal'din * | 12: Mar’eyce**^ | 13: Kov’nyn | 14: Ne’tra ^ | 15: Or’dinii | 16: Dar | 17: Haalur | 18: Mesh’la** | 19: Talyc ^^ | 20: Jorhaa'ir ^^ | 21: Hibirar | 22: Jetii’kad | 23: Tracinya| 24: Nar dralshy’a**| 
Mando’a Translation: Nar dralshy'a - Put your back into it
Din is alive. Din is alive. Din is alive. Din is alive. Din is alive. 
Those words repeated like a frantic mantra in your head, the whole way back to Boba’s ship. 
You encountered no one, even as Din stumbled and staggered along between you all. 
You knew that it mortified him, having to be half carried. But there was no way he could move on his own. And he was hovering on the edge of unconsciousness as it was. 
Din tipped his head back, looking at you through his cracked visor, “You came back for me…” His words were a little slurred and awestruck, like he was dreaming. The utter tone of disbelief broke your heart. 
This man had been left so many times…  Could he even comprehend that you’d brought a team to infiltrate an Imperial Cruiser, face down not only Moff Gideon, but also a Shadow King from legend, and still walk – stumble – out of here? 
Probably not. 
You looked down at him, wishing you could caress his face, his jaw – anything. “Of course I came back for you. I’d always come back for you.”  You pressed your forehead to his, in that beloved keldabe kiss that meant so much to you both. 
Din let out a soft huff of breath, maybe a smile beneath the visor…
And then collapsed. 
The following four hours were some of the worst of your life. Ahsoka and yourself had used your powers to assess his injuries and… The poor man was battered. 
How he had survived a fall like that in a body full of rock hard beskar, you would never, ever know. 
Clearly the Maker was watching out for him. 
Regardless, healing him came with its own set of difficulties. 
Naturally, you couldn’t remove Din’s armour, so you and Ahsoka had to make do with healing through it… Which meant you had no idea if what you did actually worked, since he was still out cold. 
You’d managed to pop his shoulder back in, one of you pushing with the Force and the other pulling – even if it had sent another crack through his collarbone that you swore you could feel in your own body. 
Hour by hour, you worked carefully to heal your fallen warrior. 
Even after those four hours, after you were emotionally, mentally, and physically spent, he still wasn’t fully healed. His ankle remained sprained beneath his boot, his broken bones still requiring at least a week’s rest and as for any lingering effects in his head and internal organs… Well, that was something you would have to monitor yourself over the coming days. 
Din had started to stir during the treatment on his ribs, groaning in pain with his skin flushed and clammy beneath the armour – or so you gathered from the thin strip of skin showing at his wrist. Ahsoka had quickly pushed him back into unconsciousness, where he still remained now. 
He was laying on a collection of cloaks and blankets, on the only bit of free floor space at the back of the ship – he was a rather tall, broad man. You were curled on the floor next to him, his gloved hand clasped between two of yours and you just watched his covered face. 
More than anything, you wish you were able to see him. 
See that face that you already cherished, held so dear in your heart without even needing to see it. 
He could have died, and you would never have known the colour of his eyes.
You respected his Creed, never questioned it, but… You would be lying if you didn’t admit that lately, that urge to see him had become a living, breathing thing. 
To see his lips, curling up into a smile… Maybe he had dimples. 
The frown as the kid did something, or as he thought about some random question you’d asked out of the blue and he couldn’t comprehend how that even made sense to the current conversation. Like that time, you asked if knew they were droids, and if they wanted to be something else. Which had then prompted a two-hour long discussion with Din arguing that droids were programmed and you insisting they had some spectrum of natural emotion that wasn’t programmed in. 
You wished you could see the light of a sunrise turning his eyes molten, or to see what they looked like as he gazed at you. The love that would shine through them. 
Or to watch his expressions when the pair of you were together, to see those eyes darken with desire for you, or his face contort in pleasure as you worshipped him. 
You sighed softly, resting your chin on your knees and you held his gloved hand between your own. 
These thoughts continued to swirl around you mind as you massaged his palm and fingers, letting the sounds of the others become a lulling background murmur. 
Did he think you wouldn’t love him? Was that it?
You couldn’t exactly assure him... He would think you were asking for him to take it off, that you weren’t happy. 
And you were happy. More than happy, with whatever he could offer you. The man had shown you how to live, rather than just survive. 
“Maybe you actually should ask him about that, darling. Ask him why he will willingly die for you… but still won’t show you his face.” 
Your body locked up at that silken whisper in your head, the same voice that had followed you from the Cruiser, the same voice that had stalked you for years. 
His voice. 
You hadn’t told anyone that he was in your head again, nor did you tell anyone about the beast now slumbering in your chest, one ear pricked up to listen for that call. That same beast that had purred when you destroyed – there was no other word for it – those Stormtroopers in the hallway. 
The act you had pulled off before stabbing Haran… You weren’t entirely sure how much of it was pretend. 
“I knew it. You can’t fool me. Or rather, you don’t need to fool me, darling. All I want it for you to have everything you deserve, and more. I could make you a Queen.” 
A Queen. 
Ruling over people he decided were less worthy? No thank you. 
You were happy here, with your friends. Your family. You didn’t need darkness or fear… Just this. 
“If that’s what you choose to believe. But you know, deep down… You crave it. I know the beast slumbering in you, darkling. It won’t be long before it wakes up.”
Just before you could spiral too deep into the thoughts he was putting into your head, you felt Din’s fingers twitch in yours, just briefly. 
Your heart leapt into your throat and you dropped your knees to sit up straighter, “Lori?” You were still around your friends, after all, so the nickname came out. 
“You didn’t think I’d give up that easily, did you?” His rough baritone filled your senses, hoarse and slightly pained but unmistakeably Din. 
Something broke in your chest, like it caved in and a sob caught in your throat, “Oh.” You blinked down at his shiny head, and then dropped your own to his chest, not caring that it was hard and cold. It was him. He was okay. 
You’d fixed him up and he was okay and here and… safe. 
A soft chuckle rumbled beneath you and his free hand cupped the back of your head, “Hey… I survived a fall and kidnapping… I’m sure I could suffer through your nursing.” His thumb stroked over your hair, cradling you to the beskar chest and you swore you could hear his heart beating beneath it. 
“You’re lucky you still need to finish healing, otherwise I would be beating your ass for all of this.” Your words were mumbled through tears, breath fogging up the beskar and you slid your arm up under his shoulder, shivering a little. 
Din laughed again – shallowly, his ribs were still sore – and pressed the chin of his helmet against your head gently, “Oh, I know. I’m waiting for it, believe me.” He squeezed your hand, just savouring the feel of you in his arms, allowing himself to relax. You were here with him, not on the Cruiser – and not a slave to Haran’s persuasion. 
There was the pitter-patter of many feet, and then a tiny green body began to clamber up the beskar mountain, “Bah.” 
Din lifted his head, watching as Grogu crawled along his belly and plopped down just near your head, reaching out with grabby hands. “Hey, kid…” His voice turned a little thicker as you let go of his hand, so he could pull the kid closer. 
“He missed you… He cried every night and put up a hell of a fight when we left him with Boba.” It was true, Grogu had attempted to use his powers on you all, until you managed to soothe him – and put him in Boba’s helmet, purely so he couldn’t clamber out of the beskar bucket. 
Plus, it was ridiculously adorable, watching him spin around in the helmet until his tears melted into high giggles. 
Din was most likely raising his eyebrows underneath his helmet, stroking Grogu’s cheek with his thumb, “Is that true, you little womp rat?” 
Grogu cooed, tilting his head into Din’s hand and blinking those big, glossy eyes – the picture of innocence. 
A mewl came from behind you, and then Duru hopped nimbly onto Din’s belly – earning a soft oof from him because she’s not exactly light. She settled on his belly, curling her tail around her clawed feet and a rumbly purr came from her chest. 
You smiled slowly, reaching out to stroke her ears, “Oh, and this one spent every night howling. I had no idea Loth cats could even make a noise like that but… Here we are. I’m sure the others will be eager to get rid of us and the rabble.” 
“Damn, straight. I’m an old man, I need peace and quiet when I sleep.” Boba’s gravelly voice travelled from the cockpit, a sign that though they were all trying very hard to pretend not to be listening, he couldn’t help himself. 
A warm chuckle slipped from your lips as you shook your head, settling as close to Din as you could, his hand on your head trailing down your spine and coming to rest at the small of your back, “See.”
Din didn’t answer with words, but with a soft sniffle – like he was crying. 
Worry careened through you and you touched the edge of his visor, “Hey… Why are you crying? Are you in pain?” You reached out a hand, ready to soothe any discomfort that may have cropped up. 
Grogu made a little questioning noise, crawling to Din’s chest and patting the edge of the helmet, his ears flapping, like he too was worried. 
Din shook his head, clearing his throat but his voice was still choked, “It’s just… I’ve been on my own for… years. Been hurt, captured, attacked more times than I can count but…” He looked over you all, motioned to the cockpit, “I’ve never had this. A rescue team… A family who missed me. It’s still… so new.” His words seemed a little unsure, like he still wasn’t used to voicing such vulnerabilities aloud either. 
His uncertainty melted you, and you slid your hand up as if cupping his cheek, meeting the horizontal band of his visor, where you always seemed to look directly into his eyes, “Me either… But this is our clan, remember? Our family. And no matter what, we will always come back for each other. Even if we take on bases of Imperial troops and fall out of the sky.” You gave him a cheeky smile, your eyes soft and adoring. 
The eye roll was nearly audible, but he still chuckled, sliding his hand up to cup the back of your neck and pull you down for a keldabe kiss, “You are insufferable.” 
Your eyes closed, hand moving down to rest over the fabric on his neck, “Ah, but you still love me for it.” 
Din let out a playful, long suffering sigh, “I suppose I do, don’t I?” He was grinning beneath the helmet though, revelling in this feeling of his family clustered around him, his kids curled on his chest and his friends just a little way away. 
No longer alone. 
“Well, I love you too.”
A little while later, you were all clustered in the cockpit, saying your thank you’s and temporary goodbyes. 
Boba was going to fly the pair of you to where they’d stashed the Razor Crest, and then escort you to the nearest jump point. From there, Din had informed you that you would be going to a Sanctuary planet. 
The same one he had scoped out for himself and Grogu all that time ago, way before any of this. 
You both deserved a break – the kids too. 
You were looking forward to it, the chance to just… be free, even for a little while. To feel the sun on your skin, to be able to dip your feet in the cool water of a babbling brook and chase the kids through trees and fields of exotic flowers. 
To not think about other things for a while. 
Before too long, you were making your way into the Crest, and then into the sky. 
Boba and the others escorted you to the jump point as promised, where you waved goodbye and then you were in hyperspace again, as if nothing had ever happened. 
Of course, the events of the past week would have repercussions. You’d be a fool to think otherwise… But for now, you didn’t want to think about that. You just wanted to be with your family, and rest. 
Even if it did mean going back to the cramped little bed that barely fit your body on, let alone yourself and Din. 
But it was familiar, and it was home. 
Maybe we could upgrade after the Sanctuary planet… I could convince him. 
You fell asleep thinking of plans and ways to convince your Mandalorian to shell out some credits and upgrade this sorry excuse for a bed. 
At some point in the night, a haze overtook your dreamless sleep, pulling you into a place that you weren’t even aware of…
“You beautiful thing… Look at your Mandalorian. Look at him, darling.” Haran’s scarred hands roamed your back, massaging the flesh, scraping his nails down either side of your spine to your ass cheeks. “Let him see the look on his face as I fuck you.”
A breathy moan escaped your lips, your back arching up like a cat’s and then further, as the blunt head of Haran’s cock nudged your soaking entrance and then slipped inside. 
Stars above. 
Haran was as long as Din was, but a little thicker. Enough to stretch your walls almost a little painfully, but Maker did it feel amazing. 
Your head dropped down, your arms trembling slightly where they held you up and you let out a noise that was sinful. “Fuck…” Your back arched a little more, feeling him settle deep inside you, nudging far within you and filling you up deliciously, in a way somehow different to Din. 
A soft snarl came from above you, and then one of Haran’s hands wrapped around your throat, yanking your head back up with the pressure, “I said, look at him.” He squeezed your neck, cutting of your air enough to send your eyes to the back of your head momentarily before they settled on Din. 
He was seated on a couch at the end of the bed, shadows wreathed around his body which must have been bare underneath. His helmet and gloves remained on, and he was focused on you, on Haran.
The thought of Din being naked, his bare skin on show underneath those shadows… that made you even wetter, made your walls clench around Haran’s cock and earn a grunt from the Shadow King.  
Over Din’s shoulder, a big, ornate framed glass rested on the dark walls, a mirror that reflected his bed. 
Of course there was. 
You were entranced by it, torn between watching Din and watching yourself, with Haran’s lean, toned body rising up behind you as he began to move, taking you deep and rough with his scarred hands gripping your hips with bruising strength. 
Your breasts bounced with each thrust, your swollen lips parted in ecstasy as you rocked backward, meeting Haran with each movement, so that the room filled with the filthy sound of his balls hitting your slicked body, sending jolts of pressure through your clit. 
His hand remained squeezing around your throat, and he bent his body down over yours to meet your gaze in the mirror, white teeth flashing and he bit at your shoulder, hard enough to draw blood, “You like me fucking you, don’t you? You like seeing him watch me fuck you.” 
A keening noise escaped your lips, your own teeth sinking into your lower lip as a trail of blood rang down your shoulder, “Yes – fuck, yes.” You jolted back against him, wanting to feel him tomorrow, wanted to not be able to walk. “Harder.” 
Haran let out a dark, velvet chuckle against your shoulder, his tongue darting out to catch the bead of blood and he hummed in ecstasy at your taste, “As you wish, my Queen.” He rose back up straight behind you, and began a brutal, bruising pace. 
The relentless thud of his cock against your g-spot made your brain disconnect form your body for a second, your vison blanking before it cleared again.  
Din groaned long and deep, leaning forward for a better view, fascinated by the scene before him.
Watching as someone else, the Shadow-King no less, fucked his cyar'ika. 
And it was driving him absolutely feral. 
The very image of you, that pleasure on your face as Haran drove into you, was killing him. He always thought he would hate it, absolutely despise the very notion of another man touching you. But Haran was different, there was no denying. He was embroidered into the fabric of your lives, whether Din liked it or not. 
And now, here he was, his dick positively weeping as he beheld the scene before him, his skin tight and itchy with desire. 
The smooth, worn leather of his gloves was torturous over his aching cock, unable to resist curling his hand around his length, moving in time with you and Haran. 
Din couldn’t look away… Especially as Haran pulled out, then slammed back into you instantly, hand tightening even tighter around your throat. He circled his hips, hitting all the spots Din knew himself and then your eyes squeezed shut, heady release crashing over you and your arms gave way as you moaned – no, screamed - Haran’s name. 
He kept fucking you, pounding into you again and again, as you cried your pleasure into the bed covers, Haran’s seed soon dripping between your thighs as he came too. 
And Din wasn’t sure who was most jealous of Haran… or you. To be the one making you scream, making your body contort like some kind of goddess, or to be the one on his hands and knees with that mouth-watering length breaking him apart. 
Maker, he was going to explode just from the sheer thought of that. 
Like you’d read his mind, you lifted your head, your eyes blown impossibly wide with lust and you reached out for him, eyes focused hungrily on his throbbing length. 
Your tongue darted out, licking over your swollen bottom lip and then he was right there. 
You wasted no time, those devilish lips lowering over his cock and then the hot, silken smoothness of your mouth encased him. 
You both moaned again in unison, the sound vibrating through Din’s head and you eagerly lapped up the bead of precum leaking from his tip. 
You didn’t think you would ever get bored of Din’s taste, the feeling of him heavy in your mouth as you bobbed your head, sinking down deep enough that your nose brushed his curls and he slipped down your throat. He was like velvet wrapped steel, and you would never get enough. 
Din stuttered a curse, his gloved hand fisting in your hair and holding you there, “F-fuck, sweetheart…” His helmet tilted back, groans spilling from it as you swallowed. 
Haran was rapidly hardening again inside you, watching you swallow down Din’s length and he was suddenly moving again, fucking you rough and deep, causing your body to rock around your Mandalorian’s cock. “That’s it, darling…. Good girl…” His hand dragged up your back to your head, entwining with Din’s and the pair of them bobbed your head up and down. 
A muffled moan slipped from your throat, the three of you setting a pace as Din began to jerk his hips into your mouth, working in tandem with Haran’s pace. 
The scent of sex hung heavy in the air, mixed with the scent of both boys, creating an intoxicating aroma that would cling to you all for days to come. 
As you swirled your tongue along the underside of Din’s length, you heard the tell-tale schwoomp of a helmet being removed. 
A trace of panic made your body lock up for a second, before Din’s hand stroked through your hair, “Easy, sweetheart, it’s okay.” 
Something cool brushed over your eyes, and you realised Haran had set a blindfold of shadow around your head and must be wearing one of his own. 
You briefly wondered why, before you heard the faintly wet noise of a messy, swollen kiss above your head – the boys making out as they fucked and were fucked by you, all three of you racing to push each other off that cliff of pleasure first.
A haze overtook the dream, changing the scene and then there you were, reclined on a luxurious sofa, furs scattered beneath your body. 
The pleasant burning hum in your bones signified that you had just received yet another mind-blowing release, clearly reclined here to recover because the couch was situated at the end of the bed. 
Facing it. 
And on top… Din, helmet still on and those dreamy shadows still surrounding his body like a shield. But perhaps they were courtesy of Haran, because the King of Shadows was kneeling in front, back pressed to Din’s chest… As Din rocked in and out of him from behind, gloved hands gripping his hips to hold him in place. 
Holy Maker above. 
Your humming body instantly tightened, snapping to attention as wetness flooded the tops of your thighs. Eyes still firmly on your boys, you reclined back further, spreading your legs and slipping a hand between them. 
You traced slow, lazy circles around your clit, the silky slickness aiding in smooth movements to slowly begin another fire. 
Haran tilted his chin down from resting on Din’s shoulder, his arm stretched above him with his hand on the back of Din’s neck, “Look at that. Our little princess likes watching you fuck me, Lori.” His liquid voice was rough with lust and pleasure, his obsidian eyes burning like black fire. His other scarred hand was pumping over his swollen cock, moving in time with Din’s deep thrusts. 
Din groaned, his helmet tilted down and tucked into Haran’s neck  and you knew his eyes were darting between their bodies, and your fingers, “Good.” He gripped Haran’s hips tighter, thrusting particularly deep into his ass and both men moaned in unison, “Keep your eyes on her when I make you come.” 
A keening moan left your lips, two fingers slipping down and inside your aching walls. You didn’t know where to look, what to focus on first, particular when Din’s gloved hand covered Haran’s and guided it faster over the Shadow King’s considerable length. “Harder, Lori.” 
Din chuckled, low and rough, “Your wish is my command, mesh’la.” He obeyed your order, leaning forward so that Haran’s body folded slightly, allowing him a better angle to fuck up into him, deep, pounding movements of hips that had both men’s bodies jerking beautifully. 
Your trio of moans bounced around the dimly lit room, the faint squeak of the bed and the sound of Din’s balls slapping against Haran’s skin… 
The haze came over again, bringing with it a medley of different scenes – your lips round Haran’s cock, whilst Din lay beneath you, his tongue spearheading up into you. The three of you engaged in a messy kiss, the boys at your mercy as you moved your hands in torturous paces, making them fall apart at the same time and coat your thighs. And then Din, his long, lean body folded into the bed as Haran worked him over, first with his fingers and then his own length, all whilst Din lapped and sucked at your aching folds, his tongue inside you again. 
It cleared once more.
You were spent, leaning back into Haran’s chest, feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm shudder through you. You had no idea which one it was now. Your brain had given up in trying to keep count, surrendering itself to the overwhelming pleasure of your two boys worshipping your body. You were seated between them, both of them inside you still, body numb with the new pleasure from where Haran was currently softening inside your ass.
And the absolute mind melting experience of earlier, watching the pair of them fuck each other as you recovered.
“Come on, darling. We know you have more in you…” Soft lips grazed the shell of your ear, a cool wash of Haran’s breath tickling and making goosebumps rise to the surface. 
Then, Din’s large, warm hands caressed your hips, your thighs, massaging the flesh with a firm grip to regain the feeling in them, “He’s right, cyar’ika. I know you have more in you… I know you want more already. You’re so good, sweetheart, you take us both so well… Want to go again?”
A breathless moan escaped your lips, your body wrecked and numb but at their twin voices, the deep purr that lined them both… The heat rose low in your belly again and you craved the feeling of them both once, filling you up, pushing you over the edge as the you all moved in a perfect, dark harmony… 
You startled awake, bolt upright with the sound of seductive laughter in your ears and the twin feel of lips ghosting over your skin. 
The actual. 
It took you a moment to work out that it was a dream, that you were curled up with just Din in your small bed, the engine humming as autopilot took you to a Sanctuary planet. 
Lifting a hand to your face, you felt how flushed your skin was, heat still pooling between your legs and your heart pounded. You were soaked – clearly having reached a silent high in your sleep. 
What in Maker’s name was that? 
Stars above you needed a drink. 
You slipped from the bed, Din barely stirring - no wonder, he hadn’t slept the whole time he’d been away. 
You padded through the ship to the kitchen area and poured yourself a glass of the nearest alcohol you could find – trying to ignore the fact that your thighs were a little sticky. 
Why were you have fantasies about Din and Haran?
Maybe you were sick?
Yeah. Yeah that’s it. Sickness. Maybe even a fever. 
“Oh my love, this is no sickness. You’re dreaming about us because you want it. Your knight of light and your demon of the dark. You can pretend all you like, but you’re drawn to me.”
He was in your head - of course he was. 
You growled, slamming the glass down with more force than was necessary. Your body trembled, either with anger or the aftershocks of what you had just imagined. 
You recognised the wave in your mind, similar to when Ahsoka spoke to you through the Force. “Get the fuck out of my head, you creep.” 
That dark, velvet laughter again, “You think I sent you the dream? Oh, darling. You were the one practically throwing it at me. Here I was, trying to enjoy a nice dream and what should pop into my head but something like that? I always knew you had it in you, darling. ”
Heat flushed your cheeks again, along with anger, “Get. Out.”
Haran practically purred, “You, Me and Lori, wrapped up together. Now, I have no qualms about a crowd, but I have to admit, I was a little surprised that you would send it to me.” 
You shook your head, as if you could throw him out like that. 
He continued, his voice flowing through your body, just like his lips and tongue had, the way his phantom power had provided you pleasure whilst Din explored other parts of you, “You like the idea of two men worshipping you, don’t you darling?” He was quiet, like he was reading you, “Oh, you don’t care who it is. You just want to be worshipped. And you want to watch me and your knight fuck too? Oh, you dirty little girl… Does he know? Does he know that you want to watch and be watched… That you want to try everything?”
You hissed, pushing against the feeling of him in your mind, trying to force him out but you felt his silken shadows sneaking through your body, felt the phantom brush of his hands – and other parts of him – and to your utter horror, you realised you were growing wet again. 
And a dark part of you was desperate to yield to it. To succumb to that darkness and let it wash through you. 
Get a grip. 
“Fuck. Off.” 
Unbidden, your dream started to come back to you again, the boys on their knees before you, their hands, their tongues. And not only that, but the sight of them together, their bodies rocking and writhing in rhythm - 
Another growl ripped from your chest,  even as you ached to slip your fingers inside – or to go and wake Din up and fly to wherever Haran was - “Enough.” You threw the word through space to him, slamming it into his mind with a full wave of power. 
A final dark chuckle, and then he slipped from your mind, leaving you in peace. 
Well, as peaceful as you could be, with the tingles on your skin and the dampness between your thighs.
It was going to be a long night. 
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frenchlangdon · 4 years
whatever you want
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Okay so I can’t write smut to save my life so please bare with me in this one💀
You watched the drops of rain slide down your window, the skies were grey, no blue in sight. Your cheek was against the cold glass cooling down your hot reddened face. Michael had been in and out of the house the past few weeks, barely making an appearance around you, he claimed he was busy trying to cut all ties to the cooperative, destroying the plans. Every time you offered to help he turned them down. His excuse was he didn’t want to involve you. He just didn’t want you getting hurt. His biggest fear was you getting hurt or worse, killed because of him, and as a result of that he kept his plans from you.
You heard the door and the sound of footsteps coming your way. You turned your head, you were laying on the couch as you looked towards the sound. “Everything’s coming together, my love.” He smiled as he sat next to you. “Soon we won’t have to worry about anything.” He leaned in to kiss you but right before his lips could touch yours thunder boomed loudly causing the house to shake and making you jump up. He chuckled as he stared at your shaken figure. “Scared of thunder I see.” He raised a brow, amused at your fear. You lean into his body, his touch, “I’m not scared, just not fond of it.” You mumbled against his clothed chest. You wrapped your arms around his waist and held onto him. His heart began to beat fast in the moment. “So while you’ve been working on that I’ve been doing something myself.” You were nervous to tell him about your own little project, afraid he wouldn’t let you do it considering the consequences if you went through with it. “What exactly have you been doing, my little dove?” He raised a brow as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, his attention fully set on you. “Well I’ve been pretty lonely, with you gone all the time and I was thinking about my family…” you paused, carefully watching his expressions and reactions to your words. “Well obviously my parents aren’t alive since it’s been so long but my little sister, she’s still alive. And she lives nearby. I want to go see her.” He let out a soft sigh as he looked out of the window. His eyes trained on the water droplets. “Do you really think it’s a good idea? I mean how would you explain this to her? Wouldn’t it be too much for her to understand?” His eyes focused back on you. “Well… I thought of ways I could go about it. I could say I was my own daughter or I could just tell her it was me but not pile everything on her and overwhelm her.” You bit your lip as silence filled the air, nervousness had taken over your entire body, just from this conversation and possibility of seeing your sister again. He held your hand and squeezed softy. “I think you should do it. From what you told me at Redwood she meant the world to you and if anything bad happens I can always erase her memory of meeting you.”
“Really?!” You exclaimed, squealing from excitement. You jumped onto his lap and hugged his neck, “I love you so much.” You kissed all over his face causing him to laugh. “Did you mean that?”
His question made you pull away slightly, making your cheeks turn pink and heat up. You looked into his eyes, your heart beating fast. “Yes.” You nodded. His eyes were glassy, tears threatened to spill and they did a few seconds later. The mood had shifted dramatically; both of your hearts had begun to beat faster than ever before as you sat on his lap, your face mere inches from his. He couldn’t believe you had just said that to him. His hands went up to your face and he slowly brushed his lips against yours, melting into his touch you felt his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, you opened your mouth slightly, allowing him access. The kiss was so sweet and slow. The passion behind it was intense and overwhelming. The adrenaline coursing through your veins felt like a high. “Say it again.” He pulled away, his breaths labored. “Please say it again.” He whispered as he kissed along your jawline. “I love you.” Your eyes were closed as you focused on the magnificent feeling of his lips exploring your skin. “I love you so much Michael Langdon.” The words you spoke to him were such a relief to hear in his mind. Deep down he thought it could never happen, he always felt like he would never experience this. He never thought he’d hear you’d say it to him. His lips had gone down to your collarbone, he stopped momentarily, “Can I?” He signaled to your shirt and you nodded. You lifted your arms up as he took your shirt off, you took your shorts off leaving you in your bra and panties. “You’re absolutely divine, my love.” He whispered in awe. His hands caressed your bare skin as he drank in the sight of your angelic body. “Every flaw that you see is perfection in my eyes.” He kissed your shoulders as he unclasped the hooks of your bra, your breasts now exposed to him. “I see nothing but true beauty.” He kissed each breast, your eyes closed as he began to worship your body. His hands roamed all over while his mouth gently sucked on your nipple. His tongue swirling around it causing you to moan. “You sound heavenly.” He murmured against your skin. “Michael, take your clothes off.” You whined against him. “As you wish.” He quickly discarded all of his clothes on the floor, he laid you down on the couch. “Comfortable, darling?”
“Yes.” You whimpered, completely needy in the moment. He snaked his way down to your core, leaving kisses in his way down, he pressed soft light kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you as much as he could. His lips hovered over your clothed heat as he looked at the damp spot on your panties then back at you with a smirk. “All for me.” A low growl slipped past his lips, he licked a small stripe up your heat. Your heart felt like it was gonna explode and your body was burning with desire as you watched him. He slowly took your panties off, “You’re mine. And only mine.” He said before diving straight in, lapping up your juices, you gasped loudly as he took your clit in his mouth and sucked softy, the sensation making your eyes roll back. You haven’t felt this in so long and god how you missed it. But his tongue was extremely skilled and you were lost in the feeling, the euphoria he brought with just his tongue was amazing. “You taste so sweet, my love.” He moaned against your pussy, the vibrations almost sending you off the edge. He licked broad stripes through your folds. He himself was in heaven, he could get off just like this. Bringing you pleasure was fueling his own. “Don’t stop Michael. Please don’t stop.” Your hand tangled into his hair and you pulled, your hips grinder against his face, you could feel your orgasm coming, he could sense it too. “Come for me, y/n. I wanna taste more of you.” He thrusted to fingers into you as he sucked harshly on your clit, the sound of him eating you out and the feeling of it caused your body to shake and you screamed his name as you felt the waves of your orgasm take over your body. You were left a whimpering mess, barely able to breath. He licked up every last drop and came back up to you. He leaned down to kiss you as he lined himself up to your entrance, he slowly pushed in causing you to gasp into his mouth, he moved slowly. It was a perfect fit, he fit so snug in you, his face rested in the crook of your neck as he thrust slowly into you. His moaned softly into your ear, the sound alone you could get off to. “You feel so fucking good.” He groaned as his pace began to pick up slightly, still taking it slow. “No one could ever compare to you.” He kissed your neck, making his way to your jawline and then to the corner of your mouth. You clenched around him, his words, his movements, everything was getting to you, he looked like such a god above you, his bare chest was covered in a sheen of sweet, his muscles flexing. Your nails grip his shoulder blades, leaving little scratches on his back. His tip began to brush against your g-spot. His hand went down to rub circles against your clit. “Come with me.” Both of your breaths became hard and labored, he leaned back down, his forehead rested against yours, he rubbed your clit faster causing you to clench around him, he spilled his hot seed into you with a loud moan and you came once again, you brought your lips to his as you both came down from your highs, your sweaty bodies against each other. He was still inside you as you kissed him, your hands on the back of his neck, they trailed slowly into his hair, grasping onto his blonde curls. He pulled back a bit, just to stare into your eyes, he was just so enamored by you. “What is it, Michael?” He was silent for a moment, still staring deep into your eyes. His hand went under chin as he pecked your lips. “I love you too.”
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yunawrites · 5 years
My Queen
Pairing: Thor x Reader
Summary: When they lost against Thanos, Thor grieved. Warnings: A little bit of angst, fluff, and smut (low key breeding). (18+)
Author’s Note: This takes place after Infinity War, and I am sure we all have seen that already. I was in a Thor mood, so here it is! 
Gif Credit: [x]
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Thor had come to your home with emotions written all over his face. Words never left his mouth as he dragged his big body through the doorframe, dropping his axe onto the tile ground with a thud. It broke your heart when he dropped down to his knees to sit back on his bottom, burying his face in his hands. You said nothing as you rushed to him, crouching down beside him and tugged him into your arms, letting him let out everything he was feeling as he cried into your chest.
That was an hour ago.
The thunder didn’t stop as it mixed with the rain. Thor sat with a somber expression, looking out the window as it poured. Thunder rolled in the dark clouds making loud booms sound in the sky. He was wrapped up in a blanket, sitting on a chair that was turned to face the window. A mug full of hot coffee was cradled in his hands. You had made him take a shower and change into comfortable clothes in attempt to make him feel better, but he was void of emotion. He had lost everything.
“I don’t think rain and thunder was predicted today,” you told him gently, trying to soften his emotions. You had tried everything you could, but he couldn’t stop thinking. All he could think was that he failed. He had blamed himself for not doing what he should’ve done properly the first time. You weren’t stupid to tell him that everything was going to be okay because they weren’t.
Everything slipped out of his hands. His parents were dead, he saw his home destroyed, his brother died in front of his eyes, more than half of his people were murdered, and civilization on earth had lowered significantly. All he was thankful for was that you were still there. If he didn’t have you then he wouldn’t know what he would have done.
His eyes were fixed on the outside, not acknowledging you in the moment. You frowned as you stood in front of him, crouching down to place your hands on his. Your soft touch seemed to bring him back from his thoughts as his gaze softened as he looked at you. Seeing Thor like this was unusual because you were used to him smiling and having a bright spirit. His spirit now was broken. He didn’t know what to do now.
You smiled for him, and he could feel the ache in his chest disappearing for a moment. There was a reason why you were his sun. Taking the coffee from his hands, you set it on the side table and then scooted yourself on the floor to be in between his legs with your back facing him so you can also watch the rain cascade down the window. You rest your head on the inside of his thigh while gently hugging onto his leg. You heard him sigh as he placed a hand on top of your head, gently petting your hair. 
In these moments, Thor had felt peace. Silence filled the room as you let him take time to get out of his thoughts without badgering him to feel better. Even if you lost people during the blip, you haven’t lost many as he did. There had been weight on his shoulders that brought him to feel a massive amount of guilt. If only you could take some of the burden he felt, but you couldn’t. He wouldn’t allow you to carry the weight he had.
He stroked your hair once more before sliding his hand down the side of your neck before moving it to your shoulder. Your name was spoken softly from his lips, causing you to look up. He shifted his body as he leaned down slightly, both of his hands reaching to cradle your cheeks as he pressed his lips onto yours. Soft, yet needy. 
A sigh left his lips as you pulled back from the kiss, shifting to be on your knees and faced him. You just smiled at him as you brought your hands to his cheeks, cradling his face in your hands as you leaned in to kiss him again. His hands slid down the sides of your body as he kissed you, the passion growing by the second. You crawled up onto his lap, never breaking the kiss, straddling his thighs. He gripped your hips, letting out a soft grunt as you moved your hips down against his. 
You knew that he wanted to forget, even if it was for a little while. The blanket was pulled from his shoulders and tossed to drape on the back of the armchair. A sigh fell from your lips as his hands went to the hem of the oversized shirt you wore, raising it up and breaking the kiss to lift it over your head to toss it to the side. His gaze looked you over, seeing that your breasts weren’t confined in one of those ridiculous bras. 
“Beautiful,” he praised, reaching to fondle your breasts before bringing his mouth to latch on one of your nipples. You gasped lightly, a grin on your face, as you brought your hand to the back of his head to grip on the short hair there. His tongue flicked your nipple, followed by his teeth that gently pinched it. Your head lolled back as you moaned softly as he did the same to the other to tease before bringing his lips back to yours.
He tapped your hips with his hands, and you knew what that meant. Getting off his lap, you were now standing to your feet. Thor worshipped you from the way he looked at your body, keeping the sight of your curves to memory. His index fingers hooked your panties, pulling them down your legs to be bare in front of him. 
His shirt went over his head as he stood, gazing into your eyes as he tipped your chin up with his index finger. “Help me rebuild Asgard,” he spoke in a low husky voice that makes your body tremble. There was seriousness in his eyes that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Yes,” you responded without needed to think twice. His burden was starting to become yours and that was all you wanted. You wanted him to know that you were going to remain at his side as long as he would let you. Maybe he was desperate, but you did not care. All you wanted was for him to need you as much as you needed him. 
His lips captured yours in a needy kiss that made your knees go weak. He noticed your body shaking that he lifted you up, which you wrapped your legs around his waist as he held you effortlessly. Your arms wrapped around his head as you kissed each other with passion and desire. Lost in the kiss, you didn’t realize he had been walking until you felt something cold against your back that made you shiver and squirm. That’s when the sound of rain was prominent, and you knew he had you against the glass of the window.
 You didn’t even notice that he took off his sweatpants, feeling the tip of his length resting at your entrance. The thunder boomed in the sky as you moaned loudly when Thor entered you swiftly. Your head rested back against the glass as he bottomed out and you gripped his shoulders. 
“Look at me,” he commanded as he grasped your chin and tilted it down. 
Your gaze met with his, electricity coursing through his irises. The look alone made your breath hitch in your throat, but you had to breathe as he kept his thrusts. He let go of your chin, moving it to grasp behind your knee. Both of his hands supported you while your back was against the glass of the window and you kept a hold on his shoulders.
Each thrust made your toes curl. His heated gaze made your head dizzy. It was never like this before. This time he had been desperate. He wanted to fuck you to forget the woes of losing everything. He wanted to use you to rebuild what was lost. You didn’t mind when you were completely devoted to him. Ever since he claimed you as his, you were always ready for him.
“You will be my queen.” 
One hard thrust that made you cry out.
“My queen that bears my children.”
Another thrust that makes him groan and his forehead pressed against yours.
“Together we’ll rebuild Asgard.” 
You saw stars as your orgasm came while the thunder boomed loudly that made the window shake, your walls clenching around him. Obscenities rushed out of your lips as you held onto him. He groaned loudly, his thrusts were erratic. Two more thrusts and then he was releasing into you. He kissed you long and hard as he felt his euphoric release as he held you there. 
“Do you mean it?” You couldn’t help but to ask as your breathing finally steadied enough for you to talk. 
Thor looks at you lovingly as he pulls his head back. His hand trails up the side of your body to place it on your cheek, giving you a smile for the first time you have seen since he arrived. He kissed you again when the sky cleared and the clouds dispersed, the sun’s rays shining through the window like it had been that morning before he came.
“Every word,” he murmured against your lips before kissing you again. 
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assomoir · 5 years
moment’s silence; common tongue
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire Pairing: Theodorus van Gogh x MC Summary: Theo spoils her rotten, but she wants to return the favor tonight. Note: The biggest MOST HEARTFELT thanks to @dear-mrs-otome for betaing this fic!! this is for u mrs o ily thank you for tolerating me crying about theo 24/7 and being such an enabler <3 Title taken from hozier’s song of the same name, bc who else can describe bj in graphic details as beautifully as he can. You can also find this fic on AO3. N S F W below the cut.
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There’s the rustle of clothes as her nightgown hits the floor, followed by the creak of hardwood as she starts crawling to him; a slight, deliberate sway to her hips. Look at me, she demands of him, and he’s helpless not to obey.
(As if he could ever take his eyes off of her. As if he could stop himself from admiring how even in the brisk darkness of midnight, the moonlight spilling from his window kindly paints her in muted colors, like a masterpiece brought to flesh.)
“Theo,” she calls, her hopeful eyes belying the sinful nature of her actions, “let me?”
(As if he could ever say no.)
Intense blue eyes linger on the way she leaves a trail of wet, sloppy kisses all over his length, seemingly keen on destroying every last shred of his already fraying self-control. Watch with rapt attention as she curls her tongue over its head before sliding it down along the base as far as she can, taking him into her mouth. He painstakingly restrains his hips from bucking, fingers pressing deep crescents into the mattress he’s sitting on.
She takes a deep breath and slides further down until his cock is dragging harshly against the back of her throat. Hollowing her cheeks, sucking him and bobbing her pretty head up and down. Again, and again, gaining tempo as she gets bolder, until she is choking, gagging— and he suddenly pulls her head back, forcing her to release him with a loud pop that makes him shiver .
Strings of saliva between them glisten in the dark, and it takes him a moment to find his voice again.
“Are you okay?”
“Very,” she rasps, “I want more.”
He’s stroking her chin – smearing the wetness gathered there – when she catches a finger in her mouth and starts sucking soundly. Defiantly telling him she wants, needs, more. He rewards her eagerness with a kiss, replacing his finger with his tongue, drawing her into a leisurely foxtrot he’s leading her on. Coaxing impatient moans that douse them both with liquid heat.
When she peers from behind her lashes, his desperate countenance – marked harsher by the fangs protruding from his jaw – is a sharp contrast to the way his hands gently cradle her burning face and the questioning gaze in his eyes.
“You’ve always been so good to me,” she bends down once again to leave kitten licks on his impossibly hard length, mouthing wetly at the salt and musk that fill her senses, “I— I want to please you tonight.”
Without waiting for an answer, she slowly takes him again. The weight of his arousal inside her mouth satisfies a certain ache inside her chest – one that has been nagging her since day one, when she realized how generously endowed her lover was. Or perhaps she’s only doing this because she just wants him to lose control; to treat her like something made for his own pleasure for once. It’s somewhat sweet, she thinks in her dazed state, how someone so rough and dominating finds release in pleasuring her to exhaustion.
But she wants to return the favor tonight.
She hears him takes a deep breath before murmuring: “Are you sure?”
She knows, God she knows what he’s asking. From the tone of his voice, from the way his hand starts stroking her hair – seconds away from grabbing a handful of it, should she let him – she knows how loaded that question is. She nods in affirmation and moans for a good measure; wanting him to feel every breath, every quiver that stutters out of her throat.
The effect is near-immediate: Theo stands up – choking her in his movement – and tugs her hair harshly as he slides his cock further into her mouth, and she’s once again drowning in him. She revels in his low groan, at how the tip of her nose almost brushes against the patch of fiery hair on his belly, before he finally starts fucking her mouth like she wants him to.
“Do you— ah, think about this often, hondje? ” he asks, hips thrusting in a languid pace. Unhurried. Trying to see how much she will be able to take. The question earns him a muffled moan that vibrates around his cock, and he knows it needs to happen again.
His thrust grows impatient after a while, pushing deeper, more frantic, more desperate, but this time he doesn’t stop even when she starts choking from the intensity of it all.
“I’m going to come,” he warns, the stutter of his hips tells her how close he is. But she just grips his cock and starts sliding her fist along his shaft as her mouth works faster, eager to bring him over the edge. When he comes, his back arches, pushing his length further down her throat – but she happily, contentedly, swallows all that he’s willing to give.
Her throat is so sore she’d probably speak with a rasp for the next several days, her jaw is aching, and spit is running down her chin.  But she’s still so turned on.
Theo obviously knows that, she thinks, because then he kisses her forehead and just throws her naked form down onto the bed. Their eyes meet for one long second before he leans down and sucks at the mound of her breast, a hand teasing the other one. The slow, calculated suckling and caress sets her head spinning so much that she eventually tries to stifle the sounds escaping from her mouth. At this, he looks up, releasing the reddened bud with an unamused look on his face.
“I want to hear you.”
“But wh—”
She doesn’t get to finish as he roughly pinches her already sensitive nipple, the responding cry swallowing up the rest of her sentence. When she feels the sharp twitch of his cock, half her mind somewhere far away thinks that maybe, maybe, he does want the other men to hear.
“You’ve been so bold tonight,” the smirk returns to his face, “let me see more of that.”
“Theo,” she whimpers, because the other half of her lust-addled brain is still quite mortified at the idea of being heard by the rest of the residents, “just— just kiss me? Please?”
At this very moment, he’s willing to bet the entirety of his reputation that not a single man in this damned world would be able to resist that. The way her eyes gloss over with pleasure, the little tremble of her legs, the gorgeous disarray that is her hair— how can he look at something so beautiful and not want to be the cause of it forever? He swallows a quip about rewarding a well-trained dog and kisses her instead. Firm, but not enough to muffle the sounds she makes. Can’t help but smile when her moans tell him that this isn’t enough.
“Godverdomme,” he murmurs into the kiss, sending a rush of electricity down her spine, “you have no idea what you do to me.”
But she does, for Theo’s touch on her skin is nothing less than pure worship. He spreads her legs open and slowly slides one, then two fingers into her dripping core. Curling, coaxing, moving in and out; slowly at first, his thumb kneading the sensitive flesh above it. Reveling in every facial expression she makes. Savoring the sensual staccato of cries pulled from her lips as he teases her.
The sight leaves his mouth dry, and his fangs are itching to sink themselves in her.
“You— you can, bite me, you know,” she suddenly tells him between moans, somehow noticing the bloodlust boiling just below the surface of his skin. He gives her a particularly rough thrust for that, and her words become feverish. “I t— told you, you don’t need to– ahh, wait for p— permission…”
“…Is that so.”
The death of me, he muses, hooking her legs over his shoulders. Theo bends down to lick a spot on her thigh, and while she’s distracted by the fingers fucking her with a punishing pace— bites. The warm liquid filling his mouth tastes so sweet, almost as sweet as the sensation of her walls clenching impossibly tight around his fingers, or the way her body trembles as climax overcomes her; the first of many to come that night.
(He, too, feels as if he could come from the sight alone.)
They lay breathless for a while, bodies slick and spent basking in the afterglow. She closes her eyes and lets his gaze wander upon her: sated, contented, and undeniably his. The quiet of the night and the lazy lines he traces on the delicate arch of her waist nearly lull her to sleep— that is, until he pinches her cheek with an amused smile that sobers her right away.
“Hondje. You already please me as you are.”
It takes a moment for her earlier words to flood her memories again, and when they do she buries her flushed face into his chest, still rumbling with laughter. He holds her tight, so tight that the frantic thrumming of her heartbeat is mirrored vividly against his own.
“Hey. Don’t think I’m done with you yet,” he warns, a cocky grin plastered in place. She squeals his name and bursts into a peal of delighted giggles, face alight with such joy Theo feels like he’s falling in love with the sun.
The absolute death of me, he quietly thinks, and fully believes in.
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perriewinklenerdie · 5 years
How can I let you go (Adrian Raines x MC)
Bloodbound, Adrian Raines x MC
Author’s note: Hello, hello, hello! Guess who should be studying? Me. Guess who wrote a fic cause BB3 destroyed her? Me.
Because I love torturing myself (and maybe other people like it too, not sure), I wrote angst. My poor baby Adrian was subjected to the pain he never should have felt, and while I will protect him with my life, I can’t resist letting my mind wander a little, just to see it from his perspective. So here we are.
AO3 link:
Enjoy! <3
„Something’s wrong, Kamilah. It’s not supposed to be like this. Is this supposed to be like this?” Adrian paced next to the bed, his eyes trained on Stephanie and Stephanie only. She was his only focus, his only thought. Her closed eyes, pale skin and lack of any vital functions made him feel uneasy.
Turning wasn’t supposed to take so long.
“What if I did something wrong? What if she’s in pain? What if I messed up and she’s never coming back? What if I was too slow? Maybe I should have-“
“Adrian, if you don’t stop walking and talking, I’m going to stake you. Stop. You did everything right, no one could have done it better. There’s nothing you can do now, all we can do is wait.” Kamilah’s voice pierced through the air, making him stop in his tracks. He turned to look at her, expecting to find her frowning at him, but instead he saw uneasiness, so uncharacteristic for her. She was feeling insecure about the whole situation, unsure of what was happening and why it was taking so long for the transition to happen.
Stephanie’s body didn’t respond to Adrian’s blood. It was becoming more and more obvious as each minute passed that they might have been too late. It’s been almost 24 hours now, and she didn’t give even the smallest hint of getting over this anytime soon. Her body was as stiff as it was minutes after being stabbed. Adrian knew her body in that condition all too well. He was the one that held her when she was dying from a fatal wound. He was the one that carried her out of there. He was the one that Turned her.
Or, at least, he tried.
“What am I gonna do? I don’t want to lose her. I refuse to lose her. This is all my fault, I should have been able to fight him, I should have killed him when I had a chance. She’s here because I was too weak. I’m always too weak. Why can’t I do anything right? I couldn’t step up to him, I couldn’t protect her and now-“ he broke down, his body convulsing as quiet sobs shook his whole being. Kamilah’s hand rested on top of his shoulder, tracing soothing circles, knowing perfectly well that they would do nothing to make him feel better. “And now I couldn’t Turn her. One thing I should be able to do, and I failed.”
“It’s not over yet.” Jax walked in, with Lily trailing behind. They both looked tired, as all of them were, the events of past weeks finally taking their toll on them. “We’re still fighting for her. She’s not gone yet.”
“Adrian…” Kamilah spoke in a soft tone, getting everyone’s attention. She pointed to the clock above Stephanie’s bed, her hand shaking.
It’s been more than 24 hours since they tried to Turn her. And she was still unconscious. Lily’s breathing got heavy as she fell to the ground, tears falling down her cheeks. Jax shook his head, muttering under his breath about how they should wait, how they should keep an eye on her. Kamilah’s head fell forward, hanging low as she mourned for the loss of her friend. But the most devastating sight was Adrian.
He stopped pacing, instead standing by her side, looking down on her with an unreadable face. The longer he looked, the more one could see him falling apart, destroying himself with guilt from the inside. His lower lip trembled, his hands curled into fists so tight his skin turned white, and his eyes closed. When they opened, two lines appeared on his cheeks, and once tears started flowing, they couldn’t seem to stop. His shoulders shook violently as he fell onto the bed, gripping Stephanie’s hand in his tightly, muttering incoherent words. None of the three vampires in the room had the heart to tear him away from her, knowing that it would not turn out well. He needed time to grieve, he needed time to let her go, and even though he didn’t have much of it before they would have to bury her, they could grant him a few minutes of peace and quiet by her side.
For the last time, they were together.
---- ----- ----
The night was dark and cold when they brought her to the graveyard. Stephanie was tucked safely away in Adrian’s arms, his face still wet from the tears that continued to flow as he mourned her. His grip was tight and secure, his gaze hard as he walked. Kamilah volunteered to dig the grave, Jax being completely opposed to burying her so soon, but as he saw her working, he reluctantly joined, feeling bad about making her do this on her own. Lily stood to the side, quiet and pensive. Adrian turned away from the commotion, unable to look at the hole being made. He couldn’t possibly imagine leaving her in there, alone in the coffin, locked and lost forever.
He would never see her smile. He would never kiss her. Never hold her. Never worship her. Never make her laugh, never hug her. He lost her, once and for all of the eternity.
He knew that she wouldn’t want him to close himself off. She never wanted him to be alone, never wanted him to fall into the spiral of destruction that he could hear calling him so clearly now. So many things were wrong with the world Gaius left behind, so much destruction, so much pain and death. So much was to be done to bring back peace. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
Because he lost her before he had a chance to tell her how much she meant to him. He’d like to believe she knew, but he couldn’t be sure. And he’ll never get the chance to ask her. He was alone again. It wasn’t like he didn’t expect it to happen eventually. She was human, and at least at the time, he didn’t have any intentions of risking her life to try and Turn her. But then again, his fate always worked against him, always seemed to give him happiness only to rip it from his hands right as he thought he was safe.
“Adrian, it’s time.” Kamilah’s voice got to him through the thick mist of his despair, making him shiver. He stayed where he was, frozen in time and place, unable to move even a single muscle. Her hand touched his arm, squeezing to offer her support as best as she could. His shoulders moved up and down as he braced himself for what was about to happen. With a heavy head and a heavy heart, he turned towards the coffin.
He wasn’t ready to see it. It made it all the more real for him, cleared it up in his head. This was the last time he’ll ever see her, and after he lays her in there and closes the lid, she’ll be forever gone. A fresh batch of tears stung in his eyes as he closed them, pressing a tender, long kiss to her forehead, her skin cold and pale, lacking the glow it always had.
Adrian fell to his knees heavily, the soil giving in beneath his weight, making him sink a little into the ground. He started shaking as she slowly lowered her onto the silk material lining the inside of the coffin, resting her head on the soft cushion. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He sobbed, no longer caring how it looked or who saw him falling apart, because she was gone and he was sentenced to a forever without her. Once more, he was to be alone, and it just wasn’t fair.
“Steph…” he muttered softly, his hand curling on the back of her neck as he pressed his forehead to hers, his last goodbye before he is left alone.
I love you, he said in his head, praying to whatever force was out there that she heard him, that she knew.
His hands gripped the sides of the lid tightly, tears rolling down his face and reaching his shirt, staining it. Softly, slowly, he lowered it, watching as she disappeared beneath the wooden panel, and when he heard the click, he fell forward, the last of his control leaving his body, only despair and pain left in him. He embraced the coffin, holding onto it like his eternal life depended on it.
He let Kamilah and Jax lower the coffin to the ground, standing to the side. Lily approached him, hugging him tightly. He hugged her tightly, his arms wrapping around her slightly as they cried. When time came, they both approached the edge of the grave, throwing soil into the hole, covering the coffin with it.
He couldn’t tell how much time has passed before they finished. Adrian looked at the finished grave with heavy eyes, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders more than ever. How was he supposed to go back to living as though nothing happened? How was he supposed to build back the city, when the only source of his strength was laying six feet under him?
“Adrian… we’re here if you need us. You only need to say a word.” Lily said before they left him alone to grieve, to process what had happened and embrace what will happen.
How was he supposed to move on, when every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was her?
---- ----- ----
First day was numb. His apartment was emptier than usual, his mind was filled with chaos. He couldn’t focus on a single thing, but he sure tried. Burying himself in work, anything, just so that he didn’t have to think about her. And during the day, he managed to do it. Nights were the worst.
There wasn’t a moment in which he didn’t see her, right before his eyes, smiling brightly, waiting for him to approach her. When sleep finally took him, nightmares started, beginning as the most beautiful images that brought her back to life, before they turned rapidly around. She began bleeding, calling his name, pleading for him to help her, to make the pain stop. Her screams ringed in his ears, filling him with panic that didn’t stop even after he woke up. Her voice didn’t disappear either, crying in the darkness of the night, always with him, haunting him.
Day two brought emptiness. Kamilah spent the whole day with him, trying to sort through the mayhem in the city. Save as many people as they could, kill as many Ferals as they could, bring as much peace as they could. Adrian couldn’t focus on anything as much as he wanted, as much as he should, but he couldn’t go back home either. He knew that as soon as he was alone, Stephanie would appear next to him, a vision of her being alive and with him. And just as he was about to touch her, she disappears, screaming for him.
He visits her grave every day. A few times a day. It’s been four days now, and every time he comes, he leaves a small flower for her. When he looked down on it, he could count nine flowers. Maybe he was torturing himself. Maybe he became addicted and couldn’t possibly stay away, even if it was only her grave, even if she was buried beneath him, even if he couldn’t see her.
The place in which he falls to his knees every time he is there has two holes in the ground, perfect fit for his legs. His pants are always dirty when he leaves the graveyard, but he couldn’t care less. What are a few stains in comparison to an eternity without her?
He used to cover his feelings, especially the ones that make him seem weak. Ever since she died, he doesn’t do that anymore. He cries like he hasn’t cried in years, lets the tears cleanse him, allows his emotions to come to the surface. It’s freeing, even if only for a moment, brings him closer to her. She was always so open with people, upfront about her feelings. He admired that about her, and now that she was gone, he made a promise to himself to be better. To make the world a better place. He won’t let her sacrifice be wasted.
His hand traces her name, engraved into the stone with his own two hands. Every time he thinks he cried all the tears he had, a new batch comes to sting his eyes. He doesn’t believe in getting better, not anytime soon at least. It’s all too raw and fresh and it hurts too much to even think about moving on.
“Steph… you have no idea how sorry I am. You trusted me, you laid your life in my hands, you didn’t hesitate to help me a-and I… I failed you. I will never forgive myself for putting you in this, for introducing you to the life of danger and death and pain. You shouldn’t be dead, you should be out there, living your life, smiling and laughing, dancing in the rain like only you can. Singing like the sweetest muse ever known to walk the surface of Earth.” He took a shuddered breath, sinking his hands into the ground, as though if he focused enough, he could touch her, connect with her.
“I should have known that falling for you would be your downfall. I should have known that I would be your demise. I should have stopped myself, I should have debriefed you when I had a chance. I should have pushed you as far away from myself as possible. But instead, I pulled you close, closer than anyone in a very long time. I let myself fall in love with you. I love you, Steph. My biggest regret is never telling you this, waiting until the very last moment, never making sure you knew just how special and important to me you were. Are. You were the light of my existence, you are the light of my existence, you always will be. If we ever meet again, I hope I will be worth enough of your forgiveness.” He let his words get softer with each moment, each breath shallower than the one before it. His head hung low as silence embraced him, the only thing on his mind being her. With a heavy heart and a kiss to the flower he left on the grave, he walked away.
Something feels different as he approaches the grave for the tenth time. Something changed, and he didn’t know when or how. He didn’t have to wonder what that was for long, though, because as soon as her place of rest came into the view, he immediately knew.
Flowers were thrown aside or crushed under some weight, soil was moved, forming walls around the hole in the ground. When he walked closer to see what happened, a sight of a destroyed coffin was all he saw. He felt sick, realizing that someone disturbed her peace, broke into her coffin and stole her body. Or so he thought, feeling the anger rising in his chest.
But then he saw footmarks on the ground, looking suspicious. They didn’t indicate certainty in their moves, pointing towards confusion of the person who left them behind, along with exhaustion. He followed them, looking for their maker, but didn’t find anything for the first few minutes. Only when he reached the park, did he hear a terrified scream, a woman pleading for her life as a vampire approached her. He reacted fast, grabbing the hand of the attacker, drawing their attention away from the woman and towards him. Her name leaves his lips before he has the opportunity to process the sight before him.
Tag list:   @paleweasels , @lilyofchoices , @hopelessromantic1352 , @aloehasrose , @valiantlychaoticbarbarian , @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @bucket-harrington , @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements,  @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @daisy-ashton, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie,@choicesobsessedd, @cassiusownsmyass, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @yesimacerealkiller, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h
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ionlydatesassyelves · 5 years
sad bats part 2
there is, indeed, a second part, where things get slightly better and the hero smooches the bat.
Antasma had slowly recovered inch by inch in the short time he'd been taking shelter at the mansion. It hadn't taken terribly long for the angry, red swelling on his ear to go down, and after a time, he didn't shake and cringe so much when Luigi carefully tended to it.
That was the real sign of progress to Luigi. The fact that Antasma could go twenty minutes straight without shaking now, could look in Luigi's eyes and speak up while they were talking, could uncurl himself a little at a time like he was slowly unwinding his defenses. It made Luigi so proud that he was trying.
He was still hurt, and he still had a long way to go, but the first steps were often the hardest to take. Luigi knew that too well, and he had grown so eager to help the bat along.
Luigi's thoughts derailed when he felt claws sink in his leg. He stopped his hands abruptly, let Antasma press his face against his shoulder and felt him shaking. Luigi kept thinking he couldn't be comfortable curled over in his lap like that, but it was the only way Antasma would let him near his bad ear.
A minute passed, and slowly, delicately, Antasma unhooked each claw from Luigi's leg. Luigi bit his lip, fighting down a noise. It stung already, but Antamsa was hurting worse.
"Sorry," the bat whispered, so faint Luigi almost didn't catch it.
Luigi waited for the shaking to still a little more before he spoke. "Its okay," he said, and tried to match Antasma's volume. "Did I hurt you?"
The ear flinched, and Antasma squirmed a little. "...no," he decided.
Luigi pulled his hands slowly back and reapplied the disinfectant to a clean cotton ball. "I just have a little left. Is it okay if I keep going?"
A stuttering breath, like he was waiting for something worse. "Yes."
Luigi gave him another moment, then took the damaged remains of his ear very gently in his hands again. Antasma cringed when the stinging solution met his ear once more, and Luigi found himself saying "Shh, shhh, it's okay... almost done, I promise..."
Claws pressed teasingly against Luigi's legs again, like Antasma wanted to tear him apart and it took considerable effort to resist. Luigi tried to ignore the sensation. They couldn't both be on edge.
At last, he finished, moving quickly to scoot the first aid supplies away on the floor. "Okay there, all finished," he said. "Its looking a lot better."
Antasma just flinched, and held onto him a little tighter. Luigi knew what he was thinking. It looked less infected, no less just shredded remains, no less a brutal punishment he hadn't deserved.
Luigi watched the bat a moment, then very gently reached up and ran his fingers along the back of his head. "...is this okay?"
There was a pause, and Antasma relaxed. "Its fine," he managed when he recalled his words. He let Luigi pet him a minute longer, and then whispered a soft "Thank you."
Luigi smiled, absently petting the thick violet fur. It had grown soft again since Antasma had shown up, damaged and terrified and desperate to warn them about Abscuro. Kamek had said the stress probably did it, which given the ear, seemed likely.
Luigi still couldn't believe it. How anyone--even a villain, even a twisted monster--could ever treat someone else this way. If Antasma had loved Abscuro half as much as Luigi had seen him worship Bowser, how could the shadow find the will in himself to hurt him so?
"He vanted you, and I couldn't do it."
Luigi thought about those words almost constantly. Perhaps this level of hurt and betrayal was beyond him, but more than that, he really couldn't believe someone like Antasma capable of such compassion.
And an hour from now, Antasma would be in a distant corner of the house, curled up and shaking with his claws sunk into himself, convinced he didn't deserve to be anywhere near Luigi. Convinced he didn't deserve to be safe and cared for, worlds away from Abscuro.
"I couldn't do it."
Luigi's heart broke again and again for the bat. Even after all the nightmares and heartache he had endured at Antasma's hand, the nights he'd seen Kamek sleepless and sick with worry, the stress he knew he was putting on Dimentio and L all the way across the country.
This giant, deadly, horrifying thing was curled up pitifully in Luigi's arms, afraid and desperate but with no where else left to go. Allowing Luigi to gently hold his hand and pet his fur and soothe every shake and tremor out of him. It was like meeting a totally different person.
Luigi couldn't imagine hurting him the way Bowser and Abscuro had. Couldn't comprehend how Abscuro had held him closer than this and whispered he loved him as he tore the poor bat apart.
Antasma took a deep breath suddenly, and startled Luigi out of his thoughts. He pulled back a bit, and squirmed like he was unsure of himself. "...Vhat are you thinking so deeply about?" he finally asked, his voice soft and quiet.
Luigi found his smile again, scratching at that little spot between the back of Antasma's ears that made him sigh so happily. Luigi was getting fond of that noise. "Its nothing," he lied.
There was a pause, then Antasma gathered his nerves and sat up straight. He would've been much taller than Luigi even sitting up beside him. Propped in his lap like this, the bat towered over him. Their faces were so close as Antasma stared down at him with wide, glowing eyes, and Luigi felt his breath hitch in his throat. "You daydream vhen it is nothing," he half stated, half accused. "Does... something trouble you?"
Luigi shook his head, and he wasn't entirely lying. It wasn't that he was troubled, it was that he knew the longing ache in his own heart too well, and he wasn't entirely sure what to do with it. "No, I'm fine," he decided.
Antasma held his stare, and Luigi felt his tail flick against his leg, felt the bat's hands hold so tightly to his. Not like he was afraid, like he was wondering--again--if he should be. Luigi wanted to hold him close and squeeze him tight until he understood.
"I'm just..." Luigi hesitated. He reached up and gently held the side of Antasma's face. He waited for the bat to lean into his touch and gently ran his thumb along his cheek. Antasma made an odd, conflicted sort of face, but he gave a tiny sound like he liked it and reached up to lay his hand over Luigi's. Cautiously, Luigi continued. "...I'm just... thinking about you."
Antasma slowly opened his eyes. His grip tightened on Luigi's small hand--all strength and claws and it didn't seem to dawn on him that he could crush Luigi. He held on like he was pleading, his eyes afraid and desperate and begging Luigi not to drag his guard down and hurt him when he wouldn't stop him.
"...Vhat about me?" he said slowly, and his eyes searched Luigi's frantically.
Luigi held his stare and squeezed his hand and kept gently petting his face. He really wasn't sure what to say now, he was thinking too many things. You deserve everything and I wish I could give it to you. I would physically pull all the hurt out of you and throw it in the ocean right now if I could. I want to absolutely destroy anyone who's ever enjoyed that look in your eyes. I want to piece your heart back together even if I can't have it, because you deserve to be happy and I don't think you know that and its eating me alive.
He couldn't say any of that, he was going to scare the bat. But his silence would worry him too. He had to say something. But, gold eyes searched blue, and Luigi lost his train of thought again.
"Can I kiss you?"
It came out as a strangled, hoarse whisper, and he hadn't entirely meant to say it aloud. The following silence was suffocating, and Luigi could watch every emotion flood Antasma's eyes--first he was shocked, then he grew afraid, then there was a fleeting spark of hope before he thought to be afraid again.
"It's okay, it's okay," Luigi found himself repeating. His voice was so quiet, but it was a struggle now to talk any louder. As if the moment would shatter like glass if they didn't move slowly and quietly and carefully. "You don't have to, it's okay." He ran his thumb along Antasma's cheek again, and if Antasma leaned another inch down their foreheads would be touching. Two inches and they would be kissing. "Antasma, I understand, it's okay."
The hope was back in his eyes and then he was drowning in longing. Like he hoped he was dreaming and he would be sick when he woke up but there was nothing he could possibly want more. Luigi was familiar with the feeling.
"I won't..." Luigi took a shaky breath when his voice cracked. He saw Antasma's ears pin back and his eyes melt a little softer. "...I won't hurt you. But, I-- ...I understand. If it's too much, I understand."
Both men jumped when the bat spoke. Luigi leaned back, afraid he was crowding him, and Antasma followed him. "N-no, I-- vait..." Luigi watched him curl back, then lean cautiously closer again, his eyes darting over Luigi's face as he struggled for words. "That vasn't-- no, I-- I meant--"
Luigi waited patiently.
"Please..." Antasma managed, and his voice cracked on just that one syllable.
Luigi felt his heart flutter, and couldn't contain a shaking smile. He coaxed Antasma gently closer until he could feel the bat's warm breath against his lips. "...you're sure?" he said one more time.
Antasma considered. Honestly, deeply struggled to consider. "Yes," he decided.
Luigi hesitated one more gasp, then leaned in and pressed his lips to Antasma's mouth.
The bat went stiff, squeezing Luigi's hand tightly. Luigi kissed him tenderly, rubbing gentle circles on his cheek and the back of his hand with the worn pad of his thumbs. Something about his teeth had made Luigi think his mouth wouldn't be soft, but the dangerous fangs hid neatly behind Antasma's lips and he had been very wrong.
Slowly, Antasma relaxed, and leaned closer to Luigi, gradually returning the kiss. It was deep and warm, despite the uncertainty from both of them. Luigi heard a noise stifled in the back of Antasma's throat--a high, longing sort of hum, and Luigi's heart melted when he heard it. He wanted so badly to drag Antasma on top of him, see what other noises he would let slip, drag his hands through thick fur and make him feel incredible.
Luigi allowed himself exactly five seconds after that thought, and slowly forced himself to pull back. He watched Antasma take a staggering breath, watched him try to process everything before his eyes fluttered open and searched Luigi's.
It finally dawned on Luigi to be terrified that he'd messed up everything. He watched the gears click slowly in Antasma's heard, and grew afraid the bat wouldn't trust him anymore, would fear a repeat of what he had just escaped.
He tried not to jump when Antasma leaned in again.
The bat drifted close to his mouth once more, and as his eyes searched Luigi's again, words seemed to fail them both. He let Antasma kiss him again, slowly and hesitantly.
Luigi felt stress and tension gradually ease out of them both. Antasma moved his hands from Luigi's and propped against his shoulders as he slid closer. Their hearts hammered against each other, and Luigi sighed, tilting his head back to allow Antasma to kiss him even deeper.
Some lost defense mechanism in the back of Luigi's head kept creeping up to remind him the creature in his lap had once wanted him dead. Had devoured pieces of his mind and thrived off his fears. But then those dangerous claws scratched so gently through his hair, and that commanding voice was reduced to the pitiful humming sound again, and Luigi couldn't stand it. He didn't care.
Luigi wasn't sure when his hands had drifted down to rest on Antasma's hips, but he came slowly to his senses when Antasma pressed him against the back of the couch. He could feel the bat's tail tangled tightly around his legs, hands dragging through his hair. He began to consider what Antasma was violently pushing down in his own mind.
Carefully, Luigi slid his hands up to Antasma's chest (had to collect his thoughts after the tremor that ran through the bat) and gently pushed him until Antasma took the hint and broke the kiss. They stared at each other, dazed and a little breathless. Luigi smiled dizzily up at him. "We should probably slow down..." he said distantly.
Antasma took another steadying breath, reaching up to rub the daze from his eyes as he nodded mutely. Luigi gently pressed their lips together just for a second longer. "Thank you," he said, honestly.
Antasma looked like he had no idea what to do with that. He stared at Luigi again. Less like he was comparing him to others, and more like he had never seen anything like him.
Luigi found a hundred more things he suddenly wanted to say, but he was going to overwhelm the bat at this rate. So, instead, he gently pulled Antasma back down until he could rest his head against Luigi's shoulder again. Luigi let him squirm into a more comfortable position than he had allowed the shorter man to tend his ear in. For some reason, it wasn't like Antasma to make himself comfortable, and Luigi was so glad to feel him relax in his arms.
"Want to stay here for a bit?" Luigi quietly asked. He gently scratched Antasma's good ear as he said it, and the bat squirmed closer and allowed it.
Antasma breathed deeply for a moment, considering. Wondering what he actually wanted and what he would allow himself. Luigi smiled when he felt the bat's grip on his waist tighten. "I vould like that," he admitted.
Luigi kissed the top of his head, and caught a pointed ear turn slightly redder in his hand. He made himself comfortable around Antasma and slowly relaxed as well.
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btsunniemoonie · 5 years
Kinky Bangtan (Maknae Line)
Don’t read if you aren’t over 18, smut begins under the cut
What would Bangtan kinks be? (Maknae Line) 
By: Admin Sunnie ☀️
This took fucking ages but I really hope you’ll enjoy it! 
Kinky Bangtan (Hyung Line)   
This post contains very kinky smut. If you aren’t comfortable with that, stop reading. 
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J i m i n 
G i v i n g
Pet play
Sensation play
Sensory deprivation
Dry Humping
Nipple play
Face sitting
Cream pie
Intercrural sex
Messy sex
R e c e i v i n g
Breath play
Edge play 
Pet play
Sensation play
Sensory deprivation
Nipple play
Dirty talk
Urethral play
Orgasm denial
Ice play
Jimin was panting heavily, his chest heaving up and down erratically, the black collar straining against his strong neck, his fingernails digging into your bedsheets.
“Your tongue, please”, he begged you shamelessly, rolling his eyes back as soon as you slid your tongue up and down his length, stopping at his little slit at the tip of his cock, probing your tongue in and earning a loud and guttural moan from him.
“You taste so good Minnie”, you cooed at him, your eyes shining full of adoration and love for this man and he smiled at you, his eyes half-lidded and his cheeks insanely red, enjoying your praise to the fullest and relishing in it, his head slowly falling back when you took his tip into your mouth, suckling on it to your hearts content.
You stopped your motions and began to just jerk him off, looking directly into his face, licking your lips over the way his eyebrows creased in pleasure.
“Y-Y/N?”, he suddenly stuttered, his cheeks getting even redder while he bit down on his lips, “I am so grateful for the pleasure and sensations you give me, but can I ask for something?”, he asked you obediently, his face lighting up when you gave him a warm smile.
You loved when he was this obedient, he just was the perfect little sub and it made your heart flutter in your chest. “Sure, anything you want little Minnie, you just have to voice it out”, you chirped, knowing that he had trouble in talking dirty to you when he was in such a subby mood.
“I love it when you're touching me here”, he started, tracing his fingers over his cock to his balls, fondling them for one moment and then tugging them upwards, before placing his feet better on the mattress and expose his tight hole. You already knew where this was going and you could feel your heart hammer against your ribcage, saliva collecting in your mouth.
“But I absolutely adore it when you touch me here, Y/N”, he admitted, his face absolutely red, while he looked to the side not able to look at you right now, his body steaming when he touched his tight ring with his finger, a low sigh leaving his lips.
You slowly lowered yourself in front of him, a wicked grin on your face when you saw his fucked out expression and in the next moment, you peeked your tongue out and traced his tight rim, making him squirm and moan immediately.
“Oh my god, Y/N! Y/N!”, he moaned, spreading his legs for you even more and curling his hand around his dick, starting to stroke it while you licked over his hole. Without even blinking for one second you slapped his hand away, moving your finger in a no motion and collected the precum that leaked from his tip to rub it into his hole, only to slowly enter it, making him go slack for one moment and roll his eyes back.
“Fuck, you're so good to m-”, he whimpered out when you started to move your finger inside of him, curling it to find the right spot and when you did, a sudden gush of precum oozed out of his tip, his hands fisting the blanket that was underneath him.
Your pupils dilated at the sight, rubbing your fingerpad against his prostrate and just then an idea hit you, a devilish grin spreading on your face. You sat up with shaky legs, making him whine when he felt the emptiness, wobbling a little to your drawer and taking out a strap on in a nice shade of pink.
He opened his eyes lazily, his lips all wet from licking over them too much and tried to focus you through his half-lidded and teary eyes. “My Minnie, we're going to have a lot of fun tonight~”, you mused and just then he could finally make out what you were wearing. He immediately sat up and you could see his cock twitch, anticipation rising in his chest when he realized what would come now.
“You're so incredibly good to me, Y/N.”, he moaned once again after you traced your fingers over his raging member, his tip achingly red and screaming for attention. You smiled cutely at him, lubricating his hole a little more, adding a third finger to stretch him properly and when you deemed him loose enough, you put the tip of the dildo on his tight rim, looking up at him with big eyes.
“Spread yourself for me”, you commanded and he easily complied, putting his hands on his cheeks and spreading himself for your hungry eyes, to just watch the toy disappear in his plum ass. He let out a long, drawn-out moan, his eyes fluttering wildly before he took his cock into his hands, squeezing it and holding himself up from coming too fast. You started to move your hips, searching for his delicious spot and when you found it, he immediately showed it with a loud moan and shaking thighs.
“Mwommy!”, he suddenly bubbled out, covering your whole body with goosebumps, the fine hairs on your neck standing on end while you licked over your lips. He looked so beautiful like that. His damp hair glued to his forehead, his cheeks red and his lips all swollen, his body glistening and his hole stretched for you.
You moved against him, feeling your juices leaking down the confines of the strap on, making the material rub against your clit, eliciting a strangled moan out of you, grabbing his thighs a little harsher to quicken your pace. This session wasn't about you, you wanted him to feel good. This was about him. About him only. The one and only man you loved.
“Does my Minnie like that? Having his tiny hole destroyed like that?”, you asked him, knowing full well how much dirty talk egged him on and made him flustered. He whined at that, running one of his hands through his hair as he noticed that you held him open now.
“Minnie loves it so much”, he gasped, slowly moving his hips against your movements, feeling his precum collecting on his tummy, making a nice and slippery puddle. “But please”, he suddenly whimpered, looking up at you with his tear-stained face, “Please, Minnie-Minnie needs it harder Mommy”, he begged you almost pathetically.
A devilish grin formed on your face and you tilted your head to the side, slowing your thrusts even more and licking over your upper lip. You wanted him to squirm a little before he got what he wanted – you knew how much he loved that. “Oh yeah?”, you asked him and he nodded eagerly, making you almost coo at him. “Tell Mommy how much you want it and why.”, you commanded, making him cry out and his head fall back, embarrassment creeping up his neck, coloring it in a vibrant and burning red. He knew what you wanted him to say, or better, how you wanted him to verbalize it, although you knew how hard it was for him.
The internal struggle was visible for you as he ruffled his hair wildly, his hips stilled, knowing that you didn't like it when he did it without your permission. He was pondering, did he want to cum like that, slow and torturing or did he want you to fuck him into a new dimension, making him drool and cry over it?
The latter definitely got chosen when he rubbed his cheek against the damp sheets, making himself look like the prettiest angel on earth, his eyes closed before he opened his mouth to let filth spill over those heavenly lips.
“Minnie needs Mommy to fuck him open like a-a-a l-little slut”, he stuttered the filthy words, making you coo at him and ask yourself if angels may exist on this world, “I- Minnie, Minnie really really needs you to fuck him hard and-and m-merciless, Minnie wants to-to cry over it and-and cum mind-blowing be-because Minnie kn-knows how good Mommy can-can make Minnie feel”, he hiccuped, his hand fisting the sheets and you could feel your heart bloom for the man sprawled out in front of you.
How could you ever deny him any wish? How could you ever turn him down?
You couldn't and that's why you aligned yourself a little better at him and got on your knees, placing a pillow underneath him to be a little higher and better to penetrate.
“Good boy.”, you praised him, making him twitch the slightest bit before you started to move your hips against him in a merciless and ruthless way, hitting his prostate dead on. It was as if someone pushed a button, because suddenly Jimin moaned out loudly, placing his hands over yours to feel you better while you drilled into his hole.
He felt delirious. The onslaught of pleasure was too much for his little mind to take and when you freed one of your hands to grab his cock, he knew he was done for. His eyes rolled back and he could feel drool dripping out of the corner of his mouth, the tears in his eyes finally falling while you started to pump your hand up and down.
“Harder! Harder!”, he hiccuped, choking a little on his own saliva but he couldn't care less, not when you made him see stars and gave him exactly what he wanted and needed. You complied to his wishes and took it up a notch, each thrust powerful and hard until you hit him with the last and most powerful pound, pressing the toy right on his prostate, making him absolutely explode.
He came with a guttural and loud cry which ended in the most delicious moan, the sound of it so sweet and delicious it could compete with Mozarts most beautiful symphony. He came all over himself, the white liquid all over his chest and even reaching his chin, his body limp against the already wet sheets, his thighs twitching wildly.
He opened his eyes tiredly, they were clouded, clouded with sex and fog, making it hard for him to even comprehend where he was. Did he blackout for a second? He felt as if he was on cloud nine, his body weightless, his mind elsewhere.
You couldn't help but smile at his state, slowly leaning down and licking up the cum from his chin. “Thank you Mommy”, he whispered with a hoarse voice, making you smile warmly before you kissed him with your cum stained lips.
“Anything for my Minnie.”
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T a e h y u n g 
G i v i n g
Breath play
Edge play
Pet play
Sensation play
Sensory deprivation
Nipple play
Dirty talk
Double penetration
Food play
Cream pie
Intercrural sex
Messy sex
Mirror sex
R e c e i v i n g
Role play
Dirty talk
Low vibrations were heard from Taehyungs room, alarmingly evident and loud on the empty hallways of his dorm.
Your body was glistening, a thin layer of sweat over your skin, just as Taehyungs, as your bodies were tightly pressed against each other.
You sat on his lap with spread legs, right in front of a big mirror, a pink wire coming out of your pussy, the tiny remote control glued on your thigh with some tape. You didn't know how many times you came already, everything a big blur in your foggy mind.
You approached your fourth orgasm this night and you had no idea, not even knowing how long you already sat on Taehyungs lap, his raging boner pressed against your lower back, the stickiness of his precum soiling your skin.
How could he hold himself back this easily?
Especially when he himself was feeling pleasure – a bullet vibrator was in him too, buzzing against his prostate, making his tip leak with more and more precum.
You were dying, with every stimulation the vibrator gave you and he was fine, exploring your body just the way he liked.
His lithe fingers traveled from your collarbones down to your chest, groping them rather harshly – making you yelp and fall into his hold even more, your back rubbing against his chest. He smirked against your skin at your pathetic attempt to voice your feelings out, his pearly whites digging into your neck.
You cried out, a tiny tear rolling down your cheek but there was just a muffled sound leaving your lips, making Taehyungs grin even more diabolical. The mix of pleasure and pain made you gush out, your juices leaking down your clenching hole and down between your cheeks.
“Hard to talk when your mouth is filled with a gag, isn't it?”, he cooed at you, looking at you through the mirror and directly into your eyes.
Your reflection was the only thing he looked at right now.
“But I know how much my little baby loves the drool to spill out of her mouth and down her neck, right?”, he cooed once again, his right hand traveling up to your ruined neck, smearing your saliva into the bite mark he gave you.
“Am I not right, baby?”, he asked you once again and you knew he demanded an answer, so you nodded a little, feeling how your spit flowed down to your chest, making a mess out of yourself and making you glow even more.
He chuckled darkly, his hands engulfing your boobs once again to take your stiff nubs in between his fingers, rolling them between them and tugging on them exactly the way you liked. The stimulation shot directly to your core, making your clit throb with need.
He knew exactly what buttons to press to make you melt into his hold and he shamelessly used all his knowledge on you.
“Hmm..”, he made, his lithe fingers tracing away from your abused nubs to your pussy which was raining by now, your juices making an absolute mess out of you.
He didn't touch your pussy since he shoved the bullet vibrator into you and you were dying to finally feel him inside of you.
His cock, fingers or his tongue, you really didn't mind, you just wanted him.
You thought he was finally touching you, but his hand found the tiny remote control that was taped to your thigh, turning the vibrator one notch higher, making your thighs spasm and close your legs due to the sudden onslaught of pleasure.
You moaned highly against the gag, Taehyung placing his hands on your thighs to spread them apart, looking at your exposed core in the mirror, a sly smile on his lips.
“Don't you look fucking delicious, baby?”, he asked you, his voice strained as your sudden movements made him move too – the vibrator in him pressing against his prostate even harder now.
He couldn't get enough of that sight, you trembling and spasming on his lap, with your delicious essence leaking out of your fully bloomed pussy, so much that it already started to drip down onto the floor, thick strings coming out of your hole.
It was delightful.
“My baby's close again, isn't she?”, he asked you and you nodded eagerly, laying your head on his shoulder, whimpering and whining, saliva dripping down your mouth and making you even messier than you were before.
“Well... This time I'll accompany your little toy”, he suddenly said and before you were able to even realize it, he just slipped into your dripping heat and straight home, not having one ounce of problem to slip into you, his hand curling around your neck, pressing his pointer finger and thumb against the sides of your neck.
He moaned loudly and you came instantly as his cock was pressing against the vibrator in you and directly against your g-spot, making you tremble in his hold and clear liquid sprinkle out of your pussy – soiling the mirror in front of you. You saw white, your neck craned and you weren't in control of your body anymore, he immediately stopped with the pressure on your neck.
Taehyungs eyes widened and he cooed at you as you weren't able to come down from your high, his hands running soothingly over your inner thighs, stilling in you, wanting you to come down from your high.
“My little angel”, he eased you, one hand coming up to your gag and undoing it, the tiny ball falling and the gag dangling around your neck like a little choker. You gasped for air, now being able to breathe properly, the onslaught of oxygen doing wonders to your body.
“Are you alright baby?”, he asked you, kissing your neck to make you come down even more and relax into his hold and you nodded, one hand curling up to his cheek and guiding him to your lips.
He slipped his tongue right into your hot cavern, mapping it completely and curling his tongue around yours, enjoying the feeling of your tongue twirling around his.
When he deemed you okay enough, he put his hands on your thighs again and spread you for his hungry eyes that were glued to the mirror and to the point you both were joined and then he started to drill himself into you.
The noisy and vulgar sounds were so loud that they definitely could be heard from the hallway, your pussy was so slick that every thrust made a delicious squelching noise, making you cringe and hide your face in the crook of his neck.
It didn't take long for Taehyung to spill himself into you with a loud and dark moan, the vibrator in his ass helping him and throwing him into a mind-blowing orgasm while your velvety walls milked him dry.
He slipped out of you and panted heavily, watching his cum drip out of you and fall onto the floor, satisfaction filling his chest, a broad smile on his lips.
“That's my pussy isn't it?”, he asked you and you nodded, too delirious, too far gone to answer anything. He chuckled at you, kissing your cheek and placing you next to him on the bed.
He leaned above you, taking the pink wire that came out of your pussy and tugged it out while looking directly into your eyes, both your essences dripping down the tiny toy. He licked over his lips, turning the tiny thing off before he put it on his lips, his tongue dancing around it lasciviously, his eyes rolling back and a tiny moan escaping his lips.
Your mouth gaped open, watching him absolutely hypnotized, his pretty red tongue taking in every little drop of your and his cum. You looked at him with the biggest eyes, not really believing what you saw but he just grinned at you, his boxy smile spreading over his whole face.
“Fuck damn, the both of us just taste too fucking good to not to, baby.”
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J u n g k o o k 
G i v i n g
Sensation play
Sensory deprivation
Dry humping
Nipple play
Clothed sex
Dirty talk
Double penetration
Cream pie
Intercrural sex
Messy sex
Mirror sex
Ice play
R e c e i v i n g
Pet play
Sensation deprivation
Ice play
“Fuck, your ass looks so fucking good when it's filled like that, baby”
You giggled cutely, making him coo at you as he put his free big hand on your ass, spreading your cheeks apart to reveal the beautiful heart-shaped gem that peeked out of your ass for the camera, the light that came from the camera making your skin look extra soft and the gem sparkle extra beautifully.
“Come on, wiggle your ass for me baby”, he rasped out, his voice darker due to the lust he felt for you. As you fulfilled his order, he bit down on his lip, suddenly heaving his hand up and slapping your ass, making you cry out in surprise, but you grinned regardless.
“Ouch, that hurt daddy~”, you chirped, moving your ass a little closer to his clothed crotch and against his growing boner, making him hiss at you, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth.
He enjoyed your little show for him, his hand running up and down your ass and then to your spine, his camera following every of his move, pushing your lower back down to make you arch your back and present yourself better for him and his camera.  
He crouched a little, aiming the camera right on your exposed ass and dripping pussy, his fingers running up and down your wet pussy, making you moan, especially as he squeezed your clit in between his fingers.
His camera caught every little movement of your pussy and his fingers and Jungkook loved it. Loved the way he would be able to watch this little video of you whenever he was missing you and you weren't there.
He already knew he would jerk off to this video many times.
“Why don't you prepare daddy for you, baby girl?”, he asked you and you grinned widely when you eagerly heaved yourself up and crawled up to Jungkook, starting to unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans.
Now he was completely naked, just like you.
The camera was on you, filming your fingers dragging the zipper down, your fingers hooking underneath his pants and underwear – with one tug both were gone and his cock sprung free, slapping against his abdomen, leaving a tiny string of precum connecting his abdomen and cock.
You salivated at that sight alone, licking your lips and almost looking at his cock cross-eyed, as it was the only thing you looked at.
Jungkook was over the fucking moon that he caught that moment on camera because every time you saw his cock in all his glory you couldn't help but salivate and gush over it – you loved it too much.
He cooed at you, placing his hand on your cheek and stroking it the slightest bit with his thumb, your attention tearing away from his glorious cock and right into his beautiful face.
You both shared a look that no camera in this world would ever be able to capture, a look full of love and adoration for one another, making his and your heart flutter.
You happily did, starting to lick a bold stripe underneath his cock, pressing your tongue flat to the protruding vein on it, eliciting a moan out of him. You grinned a little, using more saliva than necessary as you knew how much he liked it when his cock was dripping. You started to kiss his tip all sensually and slowly, looking directly into his eyes before they snapped to the camera lens, winking into it while you took his tip into your mouth completely, making Jungkook chuckle darkly.
You loved being a slut for him, posing for him with your mouth full of cock.
His chuckle died in his throat when you started to lower your head, taking in his whole length into your mouth. A raspy moan left his lips when you choked around his dick, capturing the moment when your eyes teared up with his camera.
You were about to pull away from him when he suddenly curled his hand in your hair, grabbing it harshly and pushing you against his cock even more – making your nose touch his pubic bone and your throat choke around him erratically.
He moaned loudly, his voice breaking at the end as you choked extra hard, bucking his hips a little bit more into your mouth before letting you go, thick strings of spit connecting his cock with your mouth, your cheeks stained with tears.
He panted heavily, looking down at your messy state, a sick sense of pride filling his body as he made you that way.
“Fuck, you look so fucking good for me”, he praised you, placing his hand on your cheek, tracing his thumb over your bottom lip, “But if I keep on fucking your throat, I'll cum and we don't want that, do we?”
You shook your head eagerly, your hands in between your legs, your palms on the mattress to steady yourself a little.
“No no, we don't want that.”, you creaked out, your voice a little gone after he fucked your throat like that.
He chuckled at that, shaking his head a little at your cute behavior, “At least not yet.”
You didn't know what he meant, but you didn't really care as he ordered you to turn around once more.
“Spread yourself for me”, he ordered and you complied, holding yourself up with one hand while you spread yourself for him, exposing your clenching pussy and filled ass for his hungry camera.
He backed you up and put his free hand on the other side, spreading you fully, catching everything with his lense.
“You ready babe?”, he asked you and you nodded eagerly, rubbing your drenched pussy against his rock hard cock, causing him to moan.
He shook his head and took his cock into his hand, pumping himself a few times before he recorded himself entering your dripping heat. You both moaned in unison when he bottomed out. You clawed the sheets underneath you, feeling like the sudden attack of pleasure made you go insane. Jungkook wasn't any different, he thought he was going to cum any second as he felt the plug that was in your ass rubbing against his cock, making you even tighter as you already were.
“Fuck”, he cursed, gulping hard, before he rutted a little against you.
You moaned highly, feeling how he hit your g-spot dead on, when he suddenly stopped moving.
You looked back at him the best you could and he just grinned at you, his camera focused on your joined parts while he looked into your eyes.
“Fuck yourself on my cock baby”, he demanded and you moaned, throwing your head back, starting to move yourself against his cock, grinding a little and making his cock touch you exactly where you needed him.
“Ahh fuck yeah”, he moaned out, watching you with hungry eyes, “Back on that dick baby”, he spurred you on, making your back arch to take him in even deeper, causing him to grab your ass tightly, making you clench around his length.
You both moaned, the beautiful sounds and actions recorded by Jungkook to relive that moment over and over again in the future.
You fucked yourself stupid on his cock, your mind fogged by all the pleasure you felt, the plug-in your ass only providing it, both your holes filled to the brim. You were moaning and panting, your arms already gave up on you and you fell face-first into the pillows, your ass the only thing that was up high.
It was a fucking sight for Jungkook and he was more than happy that he was able to catch this intimate and absolutely sensual moment between the two of you.
“What a fucking good girl I have”, he suddenly said and stopped your movements, making you look up confused. You heard some noises and then you felt both his big hands on your ass, making you moan and wiggle yourself into his hold.
You missed both his hands on you and now that both his hands were on you, you knew he was about to fuck the life out of you.
And he did exactly that.
He spread your cheeks and spit right where you both were joined, only to drill into you at a rapid pace, making your body bounce slightly, the skin slapping sound deafening.
It was exactly what you wanted after you fucked yourself stupid on his cock – you needed him to put it to an end as you weren't able to do so yourself, his thrusts and aiming was unrivaled with as he hit your g-spot without even needing to find it.
His natural curve made it so easy and the plug that was in your ass only helped him to press against that delicious spot.
He pounded into you over and over again and you fell apart underneath him, moaning his name.
“Ahhh fuck Jungkook you're fucking me so so so so well~”, you slurred into the pillow, your hands traveling to your ass to help him spread yourself and to make him see you even better. He moaned at that, biting down on his lips and picking his pace up a notch, making the bed creak underneath you.
All of it was captured by the camera which was placed on the nightstand, both your joined bodies in perfect frame, everything seen but your faces.
“Jungkook Jungkook! I'm-I'm c-c-c-lose!”, you screamed almost, coming undone around his cock, the orgasm washing over you like waves, your body moving on its own, twitching the slightest bit due to the aftermath.
Jungkook groaned at the sight and he pulled out of you, pumping his wet length, the obscene noises filling your eardrums.
“Baby sit up”
You did as you were told, slowly sitting up, your body covered in a thin layer of sweat, your cheeks red and your whole body glowing thanks to the orgasm.
You looked up at him with big eyes as he grabbed your hair once again, aiming his tip right over your face, jerking himself off.
“Wanna cum on my face?”, you asked him a sweet voice and he moaned, releasing your hair and grabbing the camera to point it right on you.
You grinned lazily at him, opening your mouth and showing him your tongue. Everything for Jungkook and the camera.
He hissed harshly, grabbing his cock even tighter, a moan that you always heard when he was close coming over his lips.
It started low and it got higher and higher until he released himself on your face, his cum hot on your skin, a few droplets falling into your mouth.
He painted your face white and you smiled brightly at it, savoring the feeling and the taste of his cum on your tongue.
You licked over your lips, your eyes closed as some dripped on your eyes too.
You looked fucking hot and Jungkook couldn't help himself, he moaned again and grabbed his phone, only to snap a picture for himself too.
He leaned down to you, the camera held in a specific way so the both of you were in the frame and then he kissed your with cum stained lips.
“Damn, I love you so insanely much.”
“I love you too Kook, but please get me a towel.”
746 notes · View notes
kenzieam · 5 years
Not Happening, Doll - Chapter Five (Bucky X Lev)
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Rating: M (language, violence, eventual smut, angst, slow burn)
Genre: Drama/Angst
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If I missed any tag requests, I apologize!!
Levi and Bucky cannot stand each other (or rather, the former Winter Soldier cannot stand to be around the Avenger’s newest member and, like the ass he is, he won’t divulge why) and of course, they get teamed up for a new mission. It’s deep cover this time and not only do they have to work together, they have to pretend they’re MARRIED.
Heaven help them….
Shame made his heart heavy and he worked hard to answer her. “Because I don’t deserve you.”
Levi could only stare at him for a long beat. What the hell does that mean? I don’t deserve you.
“Bucky, I- “
He pulled his hand away from her face. “I killed Howard Stark.” His declaration was bleak and miserable, his eyes lowered as if he wasn’t even worthy of looking Levi in the face. He looked like he expected Levi to claw away from him in disgust, spit on his naked body with scorn and curse the very ground he walked on. He looked like he expected her to walk away, leaving him open, vulnerable and broken, his heart crushed beneath her feet.
Levi swallowed once, twice. He didn’t know? How could he not know?
“Bucky… I know. I knew before I joined the team.”
Bucky’s eyes flicked up to hers before dropping again, a heart-broken little boy. Levi reached up to cup his cheek, his stubble rasping under her hand. “How can you… knowing what I’ve done…” He began, stopping with a moan as Levi’s thumb caressed his skin.
Levi moved closer, taking the hand Bucky had pulled away from her face and clasping it in hers. “First of all, you didn’t kill Howard…. HYDRA did.”
Bucky tried to pull his hand free, but Levi clung tightly, and she jerked her other hand slightly, jostling his head to get his attention. She waited until he hesitantly met her eyes before continuing.
“You didn’t read my file, did you?” She asked gently.
“Once I heard that you were connected to Stark, I… I couldn’t, I was so ashamed.”
“Of what? Bucky, you were brainwashed and- “
“I stole your life!” He hissed roughly, tears glistening in his tortured eyes. “Because of me you were lost, frozen and lost for over twenty years.” He stopped, turning his head into the pillow, bottom lip trembling slightly.
“Bucky, listen to me.” Levi let go of his hand and reached up, pushing her fingers between his face and the pillow to cup his face with both hands. She waited until he raised his eyes to her before speaking again.
“I signed up with SHIELD right out of high school, by the time I was twenty-three I was leading missions and getting commendations. That’s what put me on Stark’s radar. He was setting up a secret program; he suspected HYDRA was trying to infiltrate SHIELD, or maybe already had and he needed a bloodhound. I agreed to the project because I was an orphan.” Bucky’s eyes snapped to hers in surprise, his lips parting but she continued. “I had no family to miss me, no one to wonder why I’d disappeared; all I had was SHIELD. I knew how to kill, how to track and infiltrate already, receiving the serum just made it a lot easier. Stark faked my death, listed me as KIA; even my own commanding officer thought I was dead. He destroyed my SHIELD record, so even if someone did figure out I wasn’t really dead and was behind this, they wouldn’t know my skills and history. He turned me into a ghost, a rumor, only he knew about me.” Levi pushed herself up to lean on the headboard and pulled at Bucky until he acquiesced and moved closer, resting his head on her breast and accepting her comforting embrace.
“That day, Stark called me to his lab. He wanted me to go into hiding. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but he had a feeling something big was going to go down. He needed me out of the way, I guess. I don’t know.” Levi’s hand paused in its stroking along Bucky’s cheek and she went faraway for few heartbeats. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about it and I still don’t understand, maybe Stark was worried I was a double agent, maybe he wanted to protect me, I don’t know; I’ll never know for sure.” She glanced down at Bucky, smiling tenderly at him. “I agreed to be frozen, I trusted Stark; but I’ll never know what was going through his head that day. Maybe he thought he’d live through the night, maybe he intended for me to found right away; but I don’t think so, he hid the only paper copy of my record so well it took Tony over twenty years to find it. I’d like to think he knew who his son would become and that he’d discover me when the time was right.” She curled her fingers through Bucky’s hair and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “I had nothing back then, I didn’t belong there. I was meant to exist now, in this time. I’m happy I was frozen and lost, because it means I get to work with the best team in the world,” a single tear trickled down Bucky’s cheek and she thumbed it away. “I get to be here, with you.”
Bucky choked on a sob and turned his head, pressing a kiss to her skin. Still nestled against her, his face burrowed in her breasts he confessed his greatest sorrow, the assumption that had ruled him since the day Levi joined the team. “As soon as I learned who you were, I felt so guilty. I killed Stark and condemned you to ice. I didn’t think I deserved to be happy, and definitely not with you.” He clung to her suddenly, and new resolve blazed in his eyes. “But I don’t care anymore if I deserve it or not. I need you and I can’t let you go.”
“You have me.” Levi vowed, rubbing her thumb along his bottom lip and smiling wetly when he kissed at it. “And you absolutely deserve happiness.”
Bucky lunged upwards, crushing his mouth to hers and pushing her back into the pillows. He kissed her like his life depended on it and maybe it did, for the thought of not having Levi at his side, after sharing his body and his heart like this tonight, made him feel lightheaded and dizzy, his chest caving in on itself.
Levi went pliant beneath him with a whimper and let him love her. For hours he showed her with his body, murmured words and caresses how much he loved her, how she completed him and made him better, how he couldn’t and didn’t want to live in any world without her. He watched with awe-filled, worshipful eyes as she came apart beneath him, caged by his powerful forearms; climaxed with a cry above him, his massive hands gripping her hips, capable of crushing throats and yet so gentle when they touched her; on her hands and knees in front of him, swaying like a cat in heat. He watched and fed off her pleasure, using it as fuel to keep going until Levi was spent below him, skin sweat-slicked and glowing, eyes languid and lips parted on heavy breaths, until there was no doubt in even the darkest recesses of her mind that Bucky belonged to her and she absolutely belonged to him. Only then did he give into the ecstasy that had been clawing at him, for forever it seemed, and surrendered to his release, letting it crash over him with the power of a thousand suns, drawing a roar from deep in his chest, convulsed his body like a lightning bolt and he seemed to come endlessly, his orgasm never-ending, ceaseless waves of paradise as he spilled inside her, marking her forever as his and his alone.  
Finally, only half-conscious it seemed, Bucky collapsed, not even able to prevent his immense body from falling directly onto Levi but she only hummed in delirious contentment and cuddled him closer, burying his panting face into her throat and peppering the curve of his shoulder with breathless kisses that soon stopped when she too sagged in utter exhaustion.
Without speaking, they drifted almost instantly into blissful sleep, tangled in each other.
*******************************************************************************            Levi reached for her cell phone, frowning at its interruption. But Bucky, and that’s surely who it was, because she’d been careful to attach certain ringtones to the various Stepford wives that she’d given her number to, and this was none of those warning sounds, wouldn’t be calling her at work unless it was important. He preferred to sext her instead, ramping her up for hours before she could leave, driving her absolutely batshit crazy before she flew in the front door, overwrought with sexual tension to attack a laughing, more-than-ready-for-her James Buchanan Barnes.
It had only been a few short weeks since their ‘breakthrough’, if you wanted to call it that, although ‘explosion of near rabid passion’ seemed more accurate, and they no longer needed to pretend in front the neighbors, no longer needed to put on a show; all the caresses, the lingering kisses and clinging to each other was now 100% real and, although Tiffanie had frowned at them one night, cooing that ‘something is different with you two’, no one so far had seemed to sniff them out as posers.
“Hello?” Levi murmured.
“Maddie, you need to come home.” Bucky, or rather, Jackson’s voice was clipped. “Your grandmothers had a heart attack.”
Levi’s stomach dropped and she gripped her phone, fighting to look calm. “When?”
“This morning, I told your dad we’d leave right away.”
“On my way.” Levi hung up and glanced at her boss’ door. It was shut and she didn’t have time to wait. ‘Your grandmothers had a heart attack’ was code for they’d been made. It had happened this morning and they needed to get out now. Levi scribbled a note and looked across her desk to her workmate, a quiet woman named Emily.
“I have to go; my grandmas had a heart attack.” Levi thrust the paper at Emily. “Can you tell Ed? I don’t have time to wait.”
“But, Maddie- “ Emily’s voice died out as Levi stood and hurried from the office, fixing a look of sadness on her face.
“Bucky?” She called as soon as she entered the house; she’d pulled the car into the garage so they could load sensitive cargo unseen and Bucky already had a stack piled near the door. He looked up when she entered and paused long enough to press a kiss to her lips, resting his forehead to hers for a heartbeat before pulling away.
“I’ve already packed everything and sent a virus through the computers like Tony instructed. I’ve laid out the charges for self-destruction too.”
Levi nodded, breezing into the master bedroom and hurriedly changing into more comfortable clothes; when she emerged Bucky was loading the car with packed up surveillance equipment, disguised as regular luggage and she threw their bug-out bags beside it, disappearing back into the house to initiate the self-destruction sequence.
In the event they were discovered, like now, Tony had provided them with incendiary charges and a sequence to start. It would wait a set amount of time before blowing, setting the entire house on fire and destroying any and all evidence of what had gone on there. The fire was designed, and Tony had tried to explain how to Levi and lost her quite quickly, to completely decimate every trace of the equipment they couldn’t pack and bring with them, every hint at what they had been able to discover. It would hopefully slow down any pursuers, maybe even muddy the waters enough that HYDRA wasn’t even able to determine who had infiltrated the town and Company. It also had the added benefit of not appearing immediately suspicious, looking instead like bad luck; ‘the poor Harpers, not only did her grandmother have a heart attack but they left a candle unattended too and the house burned down!’
“Ready?” Bucky asked, poking his head into the kitchen. Levi nodded, grabbing a handful of protein bars and water bottles, stuffing them into a bag. Bucky reached out a hand for her to take then guided her to the garage, his hand leaving hers only to rest protectively on the small of her back. Levi slid into the passenger seat, glancing at Bucky when he climbed in behind the wheel and gave him a shaky smile.
Bucky frowned for a half-second before leaning forwards and cupping Levi’s cheek, pulling her in for a hard kiss. He pulled back only a hairsbreadth, his breath hot on her face, foreheads touching, eyes boring into hers. “We’re going to get out of here.” He vowed. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
What about you? Levi nodded, sitting back when Bucky let go of her face and turned to face forward.
The drive out of town was nerve-racking because it was so quiet. Just as when they’d arrived, it looked too clean, too quaint, too perfect. A mask hiding the monster beneath.
“What gave us away?” Levi wondered as they reached the outskirts, both giving identical sighs of relief to have not been obstructed. “You always kept your arm covered.”
“I don’t know,” Bucky replied quietly, metal fist flexing on the steering wheel. “Steve didn’t say, just that Tony’s web searches started flagging inquires of our profiles and they started receiving calls to the ghost numbers; and when satellite feeds showed increased mobilization around the town, they chose to pull us.”
A sinking feeling hit Levi and she swallowed hard. She glanced at Bucky and he looked her way with a raised brow. “I, uh… I can’t remember if I did or not, but… that first night we were together… do you think we were too loud? I don’t think I remembered to use your name; I think I called you Bucky. I mean, we were careful after that, but that first night?”
Bucky frowned thoughtfully before shaking his head. “No, I mean I checked it out, the house was decently made, it had natural sound-proofing, unless someone was right outside- “ he broke off and scowled, then hit the steering wheel with a curse. “Goddammit! I didn’t even think of it!”
“What?” Levi hesitated before reaching out and touching Bucky’s arm; he didn’t throw it off like Levi half expected, but his muscles were rock-hard, hinting to his self-directed anger.
He glanced at her; fists white-knuckled on the wheel. “We had a peeping tom; I didn’t even realize it.” He huffed out a breath before continuing. “One night,” he glanced at Levi and she was surprised to see his cheeks going pink, “that night we made love with me sitting against the headboard and you in my lap?”
Levi bit back a grin, did she ever. She’d come hard, but not nearly as hard as Bucky; he’d convulsed under her, gripping her sides so hard he left bruises, whimpering her name in broken gasps and it had been the sexiest damn thing she’d ever seen, plunging her into a second keening orgasm. “Yes, what about it?”
“After… I got up to get a drink in the kitchen, I didn’t bother getting dressed. As I walked through the dining room, I thought I heard something. There was a tiny crack in the curtains, I looked but didn’t see anything. There was a bit of a wind, I thought it was just a branch. I was too eager to get back into bed with you but dammit, I should have checked. Some pervert was out there watching and listening, and he probably saw my metal arm too.  Even if they didn’t know what they saw or heard, they probably gossiped and eventually it hit the wrong ears…. Fuck!”
“Hey,” Levi called, reaching over and all but prying his right hand off the wheel so she could lace her fingers with it in her lap. “We don’t know that was it, some freak looking into windows? I probably did something at work- “
“No.” Bucky glanced her way, his eyes deadly serious. “You’re a good agent, the best. I was being an asshole all those times I ran you down, you know your job. It wasn’t you.”
Levi shrugged. “Let’s get back to the Compound first, then we can do a post-mortem.”
Bucky glanced at his watch. “The team’s already in the air, they’re meeting us at a safe location- “
“Bucky.” Levi broke in, looking his way with fearful eyes. “We’re being followed.”
“Three cars back, black SUV, tinted windows; Christ, could they be any more cliched? Another one, shit… now there’s three, four!”
“Hang on.” Bucky muttered grimly, pressing the accelerator down.
Later, Levi would be hard pressed to remember the details, but at the time, everything happened with startling clarity and stereo sound. The SUVs chased them for miles, managing to follow Bucky’s highly skilled driving, no matter which exit he took, which road he barreled down. Levi yelled into the comms, informing the team of their situation, their position and the plan morphed a half-dozen times, finally settling on Bucky getting them to a set of GPS coordinates, where the team would hopefully already be waiting with the quinjet.
Bucky swore fiercely as the steering wheel wrenched in his hands. If it had been his flesh thumb caught and not his metal one, it probably would have been ripped off and fresh rage burned low in Bucky’s gut. He could be in danger, that was fine, but these fucks were threatening Levi now too and that was not fucking okay. He’d kill them all, tear their throats out with his own teeth if he had too, but his girl needed to be protected. Not that she couldn’t handle herself, Jesus God, the woman was a phenomenon, a lethal ballerina, deadly poetry in motion, but Bucky had made a vow the moment he’d first seen her, a promise deep down in the marrow of his bones, he would protect and love and cherish this woman to his very last breath.
She wasn’t going out like this, chased like a fox and ran to ground.
The closest SUV hit them again, bashing into the rear quarter panel and the steering wheel did another jig in his hands, drawing out a snarl of rage. They were dead, these fucks. He’d kill them all.
“Seven miles to rendevous!” Levi called, checking the coordinates. Pure luck had kept them on the road so far; sure, Bucky was a hell of a driver, and Levi was a dead shot as she fired round after round at their pursuers, but a fifth SUV had joined the chase a while ago and these guys knew their stuff. “Got one!” She crowed, slapping in a new clip and Bucky caught sight of one of the SUVs careen off the road, smashing heavily into a tree.
“Good shot, baby!” Bucky bellowed, proud despite their dire situation at his girl’s talent. “Hang on!” He swung the wheel, hitting the closest SUV and was gratified to see it lose control, flying over an approach and crashing into a stand of trees a good twenty feet above the ground. Stark’s teams were going to have a hell of a mess to clean up after this.
Levi aimed silently, focused on her targets and squeezed another set of rounds. She hissed in disappointment when they missed but quickly locked on again, crowing again when she scored a direct hit and a cloud of steam and smoke began roiling out of the grill of the closest pursuing SUV. It quickly dropped back and was promptly rear-ended by its own teammate, both SUVs coming to a jarring halt, all but exploding across the highway. Levi doubted there would be survivors, but these fucks had started it.
“One left!” She reported and snaked back inside the open window, grabbing a fresh clip, she turned to push back out, lean her body outside and take aim at the final pursuer when Bucky suddenly cursed and yelled her name. She felt his hand grab the back of her shirt and she finally saw the danger. The last SUV, scratched and scarred and smoking, had come out of seemingly nowhere and smashed at top speed into their passenger side.
Instant pain hit Levi, along with an eardrum-blowing roar of twisting metal and screeching tires. Dimly she heard Bucky scream her name, sounding like he was a million miles away. White hot agony shot through her and then blessed blackness took its place.
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birds-punch · 5 years
Archie! Sonadow AU: Spectrum (issue 222) Part 2
“Summary: Sonic and Shadow goes out on their first public date in New Mobotropolis, but ran into some trouble while on their date.
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sally Acorn.
Pairings: Sonadow, Sonally (Past.)
Words: 1778
Warning: Implied Homophobia.
A/N: Sorry if this looks like shit compared to the first part, but I actually was typing this while having writer’s block. But I hope you all enjoy reading this
“Shadow, please chill! Let’s just go!” said a frazzled Sonic.
The blue hedgehog was currently occupied with holding back an extremely pissed off Shadow from going back into the restaurant, so he can literally skewer any of the customers and staff with a Chaos Spear.
Sonic then gently took his boyfriend’s chin into his hand, so he can make the angry hedgehog face him.
“You don’t have to get so worked up over a bunch of stupid jerks’ opinions, Shadow. I’m sure they’ll get to used to it. Please just calm down.” he said in a soft tone, before placing a slow kiss on the black hedgehog’s cheek. 
The soft smooch on his cheek and the comforting touch on his chin helped the hybrid calm down to a more controllable amount but his expression did not change, however as he simply let out an irritated “Hmph!” before folding his arms, slightly blushing.
Sonic could smile sadly at the irritated hedgehog before gently snaking his arm around his boyfriend’s waist and speaking up: “Since our dinner was a complete flop thanks to a couple of idiots, why don’t we go somewhere more private like the Lake of Rings?”
Before Shadow could respond to his boyfriend’s offer or the arm around his waist, the restaurant doors burst open and out came the same waiter and some of the customers who were part of the argument. 
“Wait! What does the rest of the Freedom Fighters think of this?”
“Yeah! Your friends should have some doubts about your new boyfriend and that you’re no longer straight!”
The blue hedgehog couldn’t help but actually growl in annoyance, their secret dates in Capital City was much more pleasing than this! 
“Look guys could you all please just...”
As Sonic was busy trying to sort out the group, by then; the GUN agent had enough of this. He may no longer have in it in himself to throw it all away and instantly murder everyone outside and in the restaurant, there has been enough inaction for one night and he would no longer stand by and listen to these...dickheaded people insulting his relationship with Sonic. Now is the time to give them a piece of his mind. 
He started to build up Chaos energy into his body as he stepped in front of his already annoyed and irritated boyfriend.
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” screamed Shadow, as he lets out a Chaos Blast.
The Chaos Blast was strong enough to knock many people off their feet, but also weak enough to avoid seriously injuring anyone or damage any nearby property. The entire group went completely silent, as they all looked up in fear of a certain glowering and chaos energy glowing hedgehog who was glaring a glare that meant all hell and unspeakable pain. Sonic who was behind Shadow, didn’t get knocked off his feet, but also looked rather surprised at what his boyfriend just did.
“Now all of you listen here and very carefully! Whether Sonic is straight, bi or even gay is not any of your choices or something you can change! He may be your hero and you all possibly worship him, but he is not some kind of object, you all can shape into some kind of delusion you all have!” He shot an extremely hateful glare at the waiter, who flinched and actually looked as if he pissed himself. “And. It’s also none of your Chaos-damned business to judge my relationship with Sonic!” 
Shadow then walked over and took Sonic’s hand, “Now then, the two of us are going to continue our date even after all of you are responsible for ruining our dinner together and don’t ever show any of your presence to us again because if I hear one more word from any of you, I won’t hesitate the next time to destroy any of you so thoroughly it will be impossible to prove any of you even existed!”
The two then disappeared in a flash of light, thanks to Shadow’s Chaos Control. After the two hedgehogs had reappeared at the Lake of Rings in a huge flash of light, Sonic placed a hand on his head, still feeling a little dizzy despite the fact the two had done this before in the past.
Once the dizziness had finally passed, the blue hedgehog spoke up. “Wow, Shadow! That was so awesome how you put those stupid jerks in their place, you should be proud of yourself.” he praised. 
Shadow only stayed quiet. Looking down at the ground, hiding his features from his boyfriend. Sonic’s proud smirk faded as concern washed over his frame before gently placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Shadow...are you okay?”
Hearing his boyfriend’s concerned tone in his voice, made the hybrid look up at him, his expression unchanging. It actually looked like the Ultimate Lifeform was going to cry right here, right now. 
Seeing his boyfriend’s state made the blue blur’s heart break a good amount. But having known the black hedgehog very well, because of all those past special moments they both shared; he knew what he should say. 
Placing his other hand on the distressed hedgehog’s other shoulder, Sonic began talking.
“Hey Shadow, it’ll be okay I promise. I’m very proud of you for standing up to those idiots and defending our relationship. What they said back there is not true. They either are too closeminded or not used to it yet but, it doesn’t matter. Okay?”
He then placed one of his hands against the GUN agent’s cheek. Gently caressing it with his thumb. 
“Shadow, you’re the most precious guy to me, ever since that night you were there for me. I don’t even care if my parents, my friends or even the whole world is against us. All that really matters is what we have between us and nothing else. I don’t even want to imagine what it would be like without you here or letting you go.”
Just like earlier tonight, Shadow found himself completely amazed and overwhelmed by what his lover has just proclaimed to him. A huge blush filled his entire muzzle along with a growing warmth in his chest and his heart beating rapidly. He fought the urge to grasp his chest fur like the last time he felt like this when... he discovered his feelings for the blue hedgehog after the Metal Sonic Troopers. 
He then spoke up again, "But then again, I guess I could also thank Sally for slapping and breaking up with me that night too."
The look his boyfriend gave him was the definition of "What the hell, Hedgehog?". He looked like he just heard that the doctor had somehow given birth if that's even possible. Sonic only laughed at the GUN agent's predicted reaction.
"Think about it Shadow. If Sally and I never broke up in the first place, we wouldn't be here right now talking like this. It's very possible the two of us would've stayed as rivals."
Shadow let himself think over what the blue hedgehog's words. He did not want to believe it but it seemed true! If Sonic and the princess never ended their relationship together, making the blue blur run away from his friends and into the forest; the black hedgehog never would have followed his instincts and went after the Freedom Fighter. Both of them would probably would've never discovered their feelings for each other if he said "Yes." or if Shadow did discover his feelings, then it may stay one-sided forever, which is something Shadow never wants to imagine since he's been with the blue runner for several months which only felts like years to him. Even the thought of it actually made his chest feel cold and empty like that time when Sonic got lost in space for a year while everyone believed he was dead. It felt like fate or something much more, it made him realise just how lucky he is, to even have Sonic here with him despite the speedster's strong Chaos Energy that kept him from aging.
The blue hedgehog gave an expression of concern when he noticed how quiet Shadow has gotten, when he stated the fact. "Shadow, is something wrong?"
Before Sonic could speak or even react, he suddenly found himself being held around the waist and the feel of his boyfriend’s lips over his. The blue hedgehog’s eyes went wide open the moment he felt Shadow’s lips kissing him, but allowed himself to melt into the kiss and in his arms as he gently wrapped his arms around the hybrid’s neck.
After what felt like for all eternity; the two hedgehogs pulled away from the kiss. Sonic panted slightly from a lack of oxygen and the intense passionate feeling he felt from the kiss. Letting a tender smile grow across his muzzle, he then placed his forehead against Shadow’s. Besides that protective nature that the blue blur loves so much, it’s also how real and true those kisses felt. Like he can just take off and fly with the need of the Chaos Emeralds to turn into Super Sonic. He never felt this way with Sally and her kisses or with anyone else he dated.
“Feel better?” Sonic asked, which sounded nothing more than a whisper.
Shadow did not say anything except for sitting down on the grass, gently pulling his lover onto his lap. He then lets out a small “Hmph!” which didn’t have any form of irritation or annoyance and started to pet and caress the blue hedgehog. How on Mobius did he deserve someone as loving and kind as this faker? Everything that had happened in the past between them. Their first meeting, that night, the confession and the fact Sonic can never age, thanks to his strong Chaos Energy; it must all be written in fate for both of them or maybe someone of a greater existence had something to do with this. But the Ultimate Lifeform never felt more content in his life; while the first half of their night went wrong, now? This is possibly the most precious and treasured moment for him
Sonic curled up in the Ultimate Lifeform’s lap, purring loudly from the loving caress. Yeah, this is also definitely another thing he can add to the list. He and Sally had never done this together before and thanks to his strong Chaos Energy, he and Shadow have all eternity to cuddle like this. 
Out from the corner of his eye however, he noticed a blur of brown and light running away from behind some trees. The blue hedgehog did nothing but scowl from what just seen.
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entomjinx · 5 years
No More
No matter how close the two of them were to their friends, there were just some things that they just didn’t speak about. It wasn’t because they didn’t trust them, because Natsu and Gray would trust their guild with their lives with no hesitation, but rather their tendency to gossip. 
Natsu was nice to all of the girls in the guild, so naturally, there were rumors about him with at least half of them. They were all wrong of course, he was without a doubt, only involved in sibling-like relationships with all but one of them. He wasn’t dating nor interested in the exception to the rule either. He greatly disliked her because of what she did to Gray, and what she caused the guild to think of them. 
The entire guild was convinced Gray was dating Juvia, and this could absolutely not be farther from the truth of the matter. She was a stalker, and that was that. Unfortunately the guild saw Gray’s rejections as him “playing hard to get,” but Natsu knew better. He was the way Gray flinched when she was near, and he was aware of some of the things she’d done. 
He was also keenly aware of how not one of their friends ever turned the one true possibility into a rumor. 
The two of them had been dating since they were children, and now they were convinced that no one would believe them if they said anything. 
Luckily for them, they won’t have to.
Natsu was comfortable. His head was on Gray’s chest as he intently listened to his heartbeat. They were at his house this time, eager to get away from the guild after a mission and desperate to do nothing but be in the other’s company. 
“She followed us again,” Gray whispered as a shudder ran through him. Their mission had been long, but trying to avoid Gray’s stalker was more difficult to do in the middle of nowhere than in a city. 
Natsu’s nose scrunched up in annoyance. “Yeah, I noticed. She really needs to back the hell off.” He pulled Gray closer and the blanket around them tighter, content with the thought of never letting go.
Gray didn’t speak for a moment. “Yeah… but I can deal with-”
“No,” Natsu interrupted, “I’m tired of watching you have to deal with this shit… The next time she tries something, I’m calling her out then and there.I’ll even call her a creepy bitch to her face.”
“Natsu, no-”
Natsu huffs, “Gray, I know you don’t want to hurt her feelings, but she’s destroying your mental state. I listened and stayed out of it for almost a year. I’m done. I’m tired of watching her hurt you and you doing nothing to protect yourself.” He holds Gray’s gaze as best he can without actually moving from his comfy spot. “I love you, okay? But I can’t just do nothing anymore.” 
A soft sigh leaves Gray’s lips, and he only says one other thing that night, “I love you too, Natsu.”
The very next day, Natsu got the opportunity he’d wanted for the past year. The moment Juvia stepped into the building, she made her way to their table and Gray. Natsu was already between them, keeping his plan subtle at first by pretending he didn’t notice her approach. He leaned against the booth and tucked his legs up into the hoodie he’d borrowed from Gray, making sure to block the entire seat, which kept Gray against two walls and Juvia on the other side. 
No matter how subtle he was though, Gray still noticed. He shifted himself closer to Natsu in preparation for what was coming. 
“Gray-samaaaa!” Juvia could be heard all across the guild, and most of the members turned to watch. She stopped just beside their table, eyes locked on Natsu, “Can Natsu-san move so that Juvia can sit with her beloved?”
Natsu shot a look to Gray, making sure he was really okay with all of this before starting it. He received only a single, nearly unnoticeable nod, but he got the message. “No, I don’t think I will.” If they didn’t have the guild’s attention before, they certainly did now. All eyes were on their table.”
Juvia didn’t appear to be angry yet, only slightly annoyed. “And why not?” 
Natsu fought to keep his face neutral, a smirk desperate to stretch across his face. “For several reasons, actually. Firstly, I’m both comfortable and lazy. I don’t want to move. Secondly, I’m really, really tired of everyone here just giving you what you want. And thirdly, possibly the most important one, I’d like to keep a stalker away from her target.” 
Not a single sound could be heard in the guild, and for a single moment, everyone thought that Juvia was going to explode. “Then Gray-sama can move elsewhere with Juvia. She can keep him safe from his stalker. Who is it? Juvia will tear them apart.”
“Juvia, you’re an idiot,” Natsu said bluntly. He pinched the bridge of his nose to avoid facepalming, “You follow him around, break into his house, steal his things, steal his clothes, and have made dolls with his hair. Anytime he sees you anywhere near him, he’s visibly uncomfortable, and he goes to massive lengths to keep you away. Hell, he’s even rejected you multiple times. You’re the stalker.” Natsu had stood at some point during the argument, becoming a solid wall between Juvia and Gray.
Jubvia looked completely flabbergasted, and several members of the guild had started shifting away, terrified of the fallout about to happen. “Juvia is not-”
“Yes, you are,” Natsu had no intention of letting her attempt to defend herself. His entire body was shaking with rage, and it took all of his will power not to go ahead and hit her, “Leave, or I’ll make you.”
Of all the people who tried to but in, Natsu never would have expected Macao. “Hag on a minute, I think Gray can speak for himself…”
Natsu shot a glare his way, one he typically reserved for enemies. Well, he’s against what’s best for Gray right now, so he technically is an enemy. Thankfully he didn’t have to say anything. 
“She makes me uncomfortable,” Gray whispered, but in the quiet guildhall, it was the loudest thing in the room. 
It didn’t stay silent for much longer though, and Juvia’s pained screech filled the air instead. “But Gray-sama! Juvia is-” 
Natsu slapped his hand over her mouth, “Shut up. ‘Gray-sama’ this, and ‘Gray-sama’ that. Fuck off. We’re all tired of it, Gray included. Go be a whiny bitch elsewhere, before you send him into a panic attack again.” Juvie tore away from him, running out the back door of the guild, and they could already hear the storm in the distance. 
“That was fucking uncalled for,” Gajeel shouted. He slammed his cup back down onto the table, and he walked over to Natsu, getting in his face. “You could have just-”
“No, I couldn’t have,” Natsu interrupted him too, “She doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.”
Gajeel growled lowly, “So you make her sob in front of the entire guild?”
A soft sigh escaped Natsu’s lips, “Look, I get it. She’s your friend, maybe even like a little sister to you, but you and I both know she’s not really in love with him. It’s an obsession that’s stemed off of hero worship and went too fucking far. Everything thing I said is just the shit I’ve seen myself. Gray’s been spending nights at my house because she can’t get in. There have been daily panic attacks. If making her cry is what I have to do to get it through her thick ficking skull that she has to stop, them I’m damn well going to do it.” He hands were balled into fists, and he was desperately trying to rein in his anger. 
Of all people, I thought you would have understood why.
“Why do you even care? You can Gray hate-” 
A startled laugh from Gray cut off Gajeel’s rebuttal, and when Natsu turned around, he saw thatGray had curled in on himself almost desperately. Fuck. Natsu quickly sat beside him and leaned in so that he’d only have to whisper. “You okay?”
“...Can we leave? Please?” Gray was shaking worse than Natsu had been, the situation clearly getting to him more than he wanted it to. He was bordering on hysteria. 
“Yeah, come on. Let’s go home,” Natsu placed one f his hands on Gray’s shoulder, and he Grabbed one of his hands with the other.He rubbed small circles into Gray’s palm, but it wouldn’t do much to help until they were away from the crowd. 
Gajeel didn’t even stay to argue. He went quietly back to his table and watched from afar as Natsu help Gray to his feet and led him through the back exit of the guild. 
Natsu held Gray closely as they sat on the couch. He’d calmed down from the racing panic a few hours ago, but neither one of them was ready to let go yet. “...You didn’t have to go that far…”
“After everything she’s done…” Natsu mumbled quietly, “I honestly feel like I haven’t done enough.”
Gray shuffled so that he could look Natsu in the eyes. “Why are you blaming yourself? None of this is your fault.”
Natsu spluttered for a moment, “wha-No, I’m not- I…” he shakes his head. I could have helped…I could have stopped so much of this…” he cuddles into Gray more, the contact grounding him just as much as it was Gray.
“But I asked you not to, and you listened because I asked.” Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu tightly, then pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. “If it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine…”
“It’s not your fault either,” Natsu mumbled as he flicked Gray’s forehead. “It’s hers.” Gray only shrugged, but Natsu knew that was the best he was going to get right now. 
The storm that hit Magnolia that night was powerful. Several houses ended up without power, and most of the back roads had flooded terribly. It continued to rain throughout the day, and it was still going when Natsu and Gray finally went back to the guild in the late afternoon. 
This time though, Natsu didn’t let go of Gray’s hand before they entered. Rather than head to their table, they went straight to the bar for food. “Can we get something to take back with us, Mira?” 
“Of course you can. I’ll get your usuals ready.” She was smiling at them guiltily, and Natsu wanted to reach across the bar and hug her. 
Natsu felt a hand tap his shoulder, and when he turned, he was face to face with Erza. “I was told you called Juvia a stalker yesterday.”
“I meant it, too,” Natsu quipped. 
Erza gently pat his head, “You wouldn’t have done it unless it was deserved.” Yet again, the guild went quiet. “Though I was also told about everything else. Is it all true?”
Natsu rolled his eyes, “Everything I said yesterday was true.”
Erza nodded, then pulled him into a tight hug, “It was kind of you to protect your rival…” She let go of him, moving to Gray the second she let go, “And I’m sorry I didn’t realize what was going on.”
Gray didn’t even try to resist the hug, “It’s okay Erza… but uh… You do know we don’t hate each other right?” 
“I can see that now. I’m glad you finally became friends!” She smiled gently at both of them, and 
Natsu’s shoulder shook with the force of the laughter he was holding back. “Erza, we’ve always been friends. We spar because it’s fun and to push each other to be better, not because we hated each other.” He wrapped his arm around Gray’s waist as Erza let her own drop out of shock. 
Gray smiled softly, and everyone gaped. Gray didn’t smile often. “I don’t think ‘friend’ is the right words either.” He wrapped his arm around Natsu and pulled him closer. 
“Yeah, but the specifics have never been any of anyone else’s business, so there was no point in saying anything.” Natsu shrugged, uncaring of anyone else’s opinions.
Erza was beaming at them, “Best friends then? Even better!”
Natsu and Gray were both holding back their laughter, but the second they made the mistake of glancing at each other, they were gone. They were laughing so hard they nearly hit the floor. “Erza, oh my god, Erza, no,” Natsy managed to get out. 
“We’ve been dating since we were twelve!” Gray had actually fallen to the floor laughing, and Natsu was watching him with a fond look in his eye.
The entire guild seemed to realize that it was true at the exact same moment, Natsu’s look of absolute love and care being the cause, and it there was screaming all around. “Hush!” Natsu shouted, and they listened. “Don’t get pissy because you weren’t in the loop. Y’all keep stuff to yourself too.” Natsu dropped to the floor beside Gray and wrapped his arm around Gray’s shoulders again. 
Erza was frozen in place in shock, as well as several of their other guildmates. “...I didn’t even know you were gay.”
“I suspected it,” Lucy chimed in. She was the only one who didn’t seem to be even slightly shocked.”Not their relationship, but that they were both at least a little gay.”
“I’m bi,” Gray supplied.
Natsu didn’t answer for a moment, “I don’t actually know. I’ve only ever been into Gray, so I don’t really care to find out either…” He ignored the guilds c Oh! I wanted to ask Gramps something. Is he here?” 
“He’s not,” Mira answered from behind him. She sat their food on the counter in a bag so that they could take it with them. “I can message him though.”
Natsu smiled and nodded, “Would it be possible to get a restraining order on Juvia since she’s still a Fairy Tail mage?”
Mira’s eyebrows nearly hit her hairline, “I have no idea. I’m sure we can work something out though. Was… Was it really that bad?”
“Yeah… I…” He paused. He and Gray had talked about what could have caused it for a while last night, “I think it may have something more to do with her mental state too. She needs help, but she also needs to stay the hell away from Gray.” Gray pulled him into his lap, and Natsu cuddled in with no hesitation, and the guild couldn’t help but think it looked right. 
“Do you mean that?” Gajeel whispered. He looked torn, like he wanted to yell at Natsu still, but also like he agreed. 
“Yeah, I meant it. Was I right in saying you think of her like your sister?” 
Gajeel nodded, “...I’ll… I see what I can do.”
Gray was still smiling softly as he held onto Natsu. “Thanks, Metal Head.” 
Once Makarov had returned to the guild, he made an arrangement for Juvia to spend some time with Crime Sorcière, hoping that Meredy could help her sort out her emotions. It may take a long time, but they all believed it would help.
Natsu and Gray still kept their relationship fairly private, even when they were asked intruding questions from their guildmates, but no one would have it any other way. The two of them were happy, and if what made them happy was going back and forth between rough sparing and gentle, sweet kisses when they thought no one was looking, then who were they to question it?
They were Fairy Tail, a family made of people who chose to be family, and who helped each other out when it was needed, no matter the reason.
It doesn’t matter that they’re all a little weird.
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owlespresso · 5 years
One of the many few times I’ve written Mirio! I experimented with the formatting a little, and think it came out well.  My tip jar is open! I write headcanons in exchange for donations! If you’re interested, check it out HERE. Tips can be as little as three dollars and they mean the world to me! They encourage me and let me know that people really value my work.
I am also open for commissions, information HERE. THIS WORK IS HEAVILY SMUTTY. I can’t tag it properly because tumblr will censor me. :)))
“Mirio, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” The clinkung of silverware against a porcelain bowl comes to a complete stop at your declaration. Drawing Mirio’s attention away from his dinner is an incredible feat, but if anyone can do it, it’s his wife.
“What… what is it?” He places his silverware down and his fingers begin to drum against the kitchen table. “You’re breaking up with me?”
“No, of course not—”
“You’re in love with someone else!” He asks, eyes wide, voice urgent.
“You’re ready to have a baby?” He asks and a sly grin curls onto his lips. His hand reaches up to to cup his chin and he wiggles his eyebrows in a clearly facetious manner.
You don’t reply and instead sit back in your chair, light heat rising to your cheeks. Your gaze slants down to the table and it takes everything in you to stop a wide smile from completely covering your face.
“...I mean, you’re the number four hero. You can definitely support us if I have to go on leave.” You say with a sheepish smile, fingers laced together. Across the table, Mirio’s mouth opens and he gapes, uncomprehending for a moment before his lips curl into the widest smile you’ve ever seen from him.
“This isn’t a prank, right? Tamaki’s not hiding under the table with a camera or something?” He shoves his seat out from the table and you wince as the legs squeal against the polished wood. He ducks to look under your kitchen table, before popping back up, onto his feet, like he can’t sit still.
“No, it’s not. I think I’m ready.” You’re unsure why you suddenly feel so shy, but the feeling mixes with joyful giddiness that’s hard to contain. His grin is contagious and you smile from ear-to-ear when he swoops in, effortlessly lifting you from your chair and spinning you around.
Within ten minutes he’s already talking about names, which school they’ll be going to, what their quirk might be. It’s charming and overwhelming at the same time—
“You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He breathes into your ear, a low whine, a plea all at the same time. Three years ago, if someone had told you that you’d be married to Mirio Togata, number four hero, you’d have laughed in their face.
But he’s right here and the pads of his fingers are pressing into your hips, hard enough to bruise. You love those hands, hands that hold and save and caress, but punch and destroy and strangle and gods, you love every inch of him so much. Every muscle in his abdomen bends and flexes with each well-timed thrust, and you wish you could keep your eyes open long enough to burn the image into your mind.
Your hands scramble for purchase on his shoulders and the bed creaks and starts to howl as he amps up his pace, slamming his cock deep inside you. Your head thumps back on one of the many pillows he’d piled onto the bed in preparation for all of this—insisting that you needed only the best and softest of beds.
“You don’t have to butter me up.” You’d said. And here you are, not even fifteen minutes later, left to arch and roll your hips in a feeble, pathetic attempt to meet his frantic movements.
His breath comes out in heavy pants and you feel yourself already sweating, a thin sheet that the glimmers under the dim lighting of your room. You wish you could turn the lamp on, see the beautiful way which his eyebrows contort and his lips open around a loud, shameless moan. But he gives another harsh thrust and all coherent thought vanishes from your mind—
“What’re their names gonna be?” Mirio drums his fingers against the kitchen table and stands up, pacing back and forth. There’s a bounce in his step. “What color is the nursery gonna be? Should we move into a new house?”
“Mirio, I’m not even pregnant yet.” You inform him, standing up and walking over to him. He stops in his tracks when you step in front of him, wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms automatically curl around you, encompass you and you relish in how safe, how protected you feel.
“Being prepared never hurts,” He argues lightly, kissing your forehead. You press your face into his chest and inhale the smell of his cologne, of his freshly-cleaned sweater. “You said that last week! Remember?”
“I was talking about preparing a speech for the award ceremony. Completely different, I assure you.” You press your forehead into his chest and bask in his warmth, surrounded and cocooned by it.
Mirio Togata is going to be the best father ever. They haven’t even been conceived yet and you already know that he’s going to go to the moon and back for them, but first—
His lips brush against your chest, erratic kisses over your heated skin, around your nipples, avoiding where you want to be touched the most. His tongue laves over some of the marks he’s already made, florets of blue and purple beginning to bloom and flourish like early spring. Your nails drag along the backs of his broad shoulders and you feel the shift of his muscles underneath the skin, flexing with every move he makes.
He bears the world on his shoulders and he’s going to make room there for a family. You rest your head back on the pillow and fight to open your eyes, desperate to not be swept under by every surge of violent, lavish pleasure he strikes you with.
Your thighs, wrapped tight around his waist, are beginning to burn and tremble from the strain of it and suddenly there’s just heat, heat, heat as he cums, spilling within you. You feel his release coat your walls and fill you, slicking your cunt and soon your inner thighs.
“God, Mirio!” Your voice raises to a high keen and your eyes squeeze shut, feeling your orgasm beginning to nip at your heels. With a surprising amount of strength and dexterity for someone who’d just cum, Mirio pulled himself out. The motion made your eyes shoot open, a devastated scream spilling from your lips, but it dissolved into a moan when his tongue laved across your clit, three of his fingers filling you up instantly.
They thrust in and out of you, his wrist tensing and working hard with each motion but his pace didn’t die down, refusing to tire in his quest to give you as much pleasure as possible. Left without purchase, your hands reached for the sheets, fingers curling tight around them, knuckles going white—
“I can take off to raise the kids, if you want.” Mirio says suddenly, looking up from the book he’d been reading. From your spot on the sofa, your fingers pause on the keys of your laptop and you fix him with a puzzled expression, unsure if you’d heart him right.
“What?” You tip your head and squint.
“You’re gonna be off duty for nine months. I don’t want to you to have to take off longer,” He absentmindedly brushes his thumb over the page, always a fidgeter. “I’m gonna be out and about for all that time. The least I can do is look after them while you’re tryna get back into the swing of things.”
“Mirio,” The kids haven’t even been conceived and he’s already thinking about how you’ll feel, what you’ll want after their born. Your chest squeezes with how much you love this man. “...Thank you, but you’re the number four hero. And you might go up in the rankings. I don’t want to pull you away from that.”
“Yeah, but I can earn that back!” He insisted and crosses his arms, cheeks puffing up in the cutest pout, “I’m charismatic enough! The people will be unable to resist my charms. I’ll probably be back on the top ten within a week.” His estimates are far-fetched, but you have to consider the fact that he might become incredibly popular with families, mothers especially, if he takes time off to be with his family. It’s no secret that the general populace loves to see gestures of kindness and humility from their heroes, but…
“Are you sure?” No matter how much you want to protest, the idea of being able to head back to work much sooner is incredibly appealing, even though you haven’t left yet. Sure, being a hero is a tough and draining occupation. But you love it. You love saving people and improving lives.
And you know that you’ll likely start to feel left behind after you take off for maternity leave—
“Absolutely.” Mirio nods enthusiastically, attempting to look as serious as possible. His eyebrows turn downwards and his lips press into a thin straight line, but you can see he’s trying to hold a back a smile, a fruitless attempt which ends after about three seconds. “I mean it! You should definitely let me take care of things while you get back on top!”
“Only if you’re sure,” You relented with a small sigh. “We’ll have nine months to think it over. So if you ever change your mind, just say so.”
You reach your breaking point with a high pitched whine, eyes shutting tight as euphoria caused your thighs to quake, your body writhing in the silk sheets. Your warm fluids mix and it’s gross and beautiful and arousing all at the same time, staining the towel you had the foresight to put down before all this started.
When Mirio pulls back, there’s a wet sheen coating his lips. Your cheeks burn as he smiles, your breath heaving in and out of your lungs. The back of your throat is going to be a little sore because of all the screaming, but you forget about it almost immediately when he crawls up the bed and collapses against your side. He cranes around to grab a small towel off the nightstand (also your idea) and wipes off his mouth, his face). A thin sheet of sweat glosses over his body and you take a few, blissful moments to run your fingers along his built abdomen, worshipping every groove and flex of his musculature.
“How are you feeling?” Is the first thing he asks. His lips curl into a gentle smile, one of his hands reaching over to brush against your cheek. Your head lolled to the side to give him more room, smiling drowsily.
“Really good,” You say, closing your eyes as his touch roams down your neck, to the crook and then to your shoulder, before withdrawing.
“Good enough to go another round?” He inquires and you crack an eye open, giving him a mock-scowl.
“Maybeeee,” You draw out.
“We can’t not,” Mirio pouted, “We gotta make sure it sticks.” The cheeky reply nearly makes you choke but you can see his cock already getting hard again, and you don’t suppress the pulse of arousal that rolls through your love-drunk system.
You should get off the bed, clean yourself up a little bit, get a drink of water, but within another minute the tip of his cock is pressed against your cunt and you’re sliding down onto him, eyebrows nettling together, lips parting in a moan.
His hips draw up and your walls squeeze tight around his cock, the both of you settling into a harmonious rhythm. His calloused hands reach up to palm and grope your breasts as they bounce, palms rubbing against and teasing your nipples to full hardness. Your noises pitch up into little squeals and your thighs threaten to give out from under you as you bounce up and down on his dick.
Pants heave in and out of your chest and your muscles squeeze tight with the effort of keeping yourself up. The burn of the exertion coupled with the pleasure curls together, creating an intoxicating, overwhelming pair of sensations. When your pants become gasps, he stills and your eyes fly wide open. Why did he stop? Were you doing something wrong? You whine and clench around him.
“You doing alright?” He asks, concern melting your heart and burning through any possible agitation you could have felt.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Your hands press against his broad shoulders.
He raises an eyebrow, expression skeptical. His hands move from your breasts and down to your hips, settling over your warm skin before he grips, lifting you effortlessly on his cock, before easing you back down.
God, that’s hot—
Knowing that he could just as easily crush your windpipe is much more attractive than it has any right be. And you’d feel a little mad about it if he weren’t lifting you up and down on his cock, his thrusts causing your thighs to tense and your pelvis to briefly brush against his whenever you touch down.
“Mirio—” Your fingers curl into his shoulders, scratching at his skin, drawing angry red paths that’ll settle and stay there for a day or so. “Mmmnh, fuck! Fuck me!” One of your hands reaches down to your folds and frantically rubs in a circular motion. Your thighs twitch as you come dangerously close to overstimulation.
Heat rushes up your spine, dances along your nerves and fuck, fuck, fuck—
“Remind me why we’re in the baby section of the clothing store?” You ask, raising an eyebrow on him. Only yesterday did the two of you decide to start trying for kids, and he’s already wheeled you down to the nearest clothing shop. Well, first he took you to dinner. It’d been a long day at work, so he’d wanted to treat you. Which was incredibly sweet, but you had to wonder if this had been planned all along.
“Just… food for thought,” He says, shifting from foot-to-foot. You really can’t complain. His eagerness to shop for the baby that doesn’t even exist yet is probably the most precious thing you’ve ever seen.
You only hope that none of your, or his fans find you here. The last thing you need is anyone getting wind of and breaking the news before you get a chance to. It’s your job to tell the world about the baby you want to have. Not some half-baked paparazzi desperate to lick the bottom of the barrel for a scoop, a quick buck.
But he’s stepping forward and looking at the little booties, and pointing to ones he likes. His excited chatter is infectious and soon, you’re avidly browsing with him, looking at small hats and knitted caps—
Your back arches and your thoughts jumbled and your lips opened around a cry of his name, one that bounced off the walls and rumbled through your home.
Your walls clenched around his hardness, heart thrumming in your ears as you came dangerously close to the edge.
His pace stuttered, uneven, and the muscles in his arms strained and flexed as he continued to fuck you through it. You bordered oversensitivity, caught between too much and just enough and stop, but also come closer. It blasted your senses and caused hot tears welled up in your eyes and blur your vision.
He came with a final jerk of his hips, teeth hitching in the skin of your shoulder to hold back a moan. Cum filled up the small space inside of you and only when he was finished did he ease you to rest on top of him. Your head rested against his sweaty shoulder and your eyes shut tight, limbs made of jello.
The room is quiet, save the sounds of your roughened inhales and exhales. For all the times you’ve had sex with him, you’ve never quite grown accustomed to just how much he really is. He wears you out, uses you thoroughly, treats you like a princess after, and you love him.
Speaking of being treated like a princess, his hands grab your hips again and you make a small murmur of protest, not wanting to move yet. The only answer you get is a chuckle in your ear as he shifts, making you inhale sharply as he moves inside. A small peak over his shoulder lets you know that he’s heading towards the edge of the bed. Ah, is he taking you to the bathroom? As much as you’d like to lay around and relax after all that, you know that washing off is probably a better idea, before everything settles and dries. The afterglow is great, but cleanliness is better.
Ah, you’re also going to have to throw those sheets in the wash. Dammit. You resist the urge to sigh, but don’t want him to think anything is actually wrong, so you just shut your eyes again and go along for the ride.
“Wrap your legs around me.” He says and you listen, because why not? You trust the man with your life, and the life of a child you don’t eve have yet. You throw your arms around his shoulders for good measure and squeak in surprise as he stands, walking out of the bedroom, making his way into the hallway of your upstairs. The pale blue walls pass in a blur and before you’re in the bathroom. One of his hands splays out on your lower back to keep you tight to him as he leans over to turn the shower on, pulling back just in time to prevent you from getting splashed. Some of the initial spray gets in your hair, but you don’t mind.
While you wait for the water to get warm enough, you press your ear against his chest and listen to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. There aren’t any words, right now. Which is strange, considering Mirio is Mirio, and he’ll talk anyone’s ear off if they let him.
But there really doesn’t need to be a conversation. The two of you can co-exist in a comfortable silence and the fact that he doesn’t feel the need to fill it lets you know that he truly loves you.
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petersshirts · 6 years
Abroad | Part 9
pairing: tom holland x reader
summary: when Tom tells you the three words, you start to admit that this is a lot more than just a crush. but when everything seems to be perfect, it all starts crumbling down…
warnings: a long, slow burn of a lot of smut , angst
words: 4,2 k okay WOW
A/N: this is the place where you will all curse me for what i’m doing to you, i hope you don’t kill me… but nonetheless, please please please let me know what you think!!! feedback is always appreciated xx
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But before you could answer him, even though you were not really sure what to say, Tom moved forward and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you passionately. You welcomed his lips,  trying to put all the emotions you felt in this kiss, to tell him that this felt much bigger than yourself. Your arms wandered behind his neck and you pulled him even closer and a groan came out of his throat, making your heart flutter.
You were both so gone for the other and yes, you loved him. You loved him, you knew that when he kissed you and you closed your eyes, reciprocating his warm lips on yours. It felt completely new; exciting and scaring all at once. Tom was the first to pull back and you just grinned at him and pressed another kiss on his lips, trying to somehow tell him that he meant so much to you.
„It’s okay, love. You don’t have to…“ But you interrupted him with putting a finger on his lips. „No, let me speak for a second, please. I can’t hide away all the time. And you deserve to know what I feel.“ You looked up to him and his eyes were glistening in the dim light, and you bet that he had never looked more beautiful. Your heart fluttered and you started to sweat because you were finally about to admit your feelings.
„I love you, too Tom. So much, you have no idea.“ Your words were only a whisper but Tom was so close, he heard every single one. A tear escaped his eye and you quickly swiped it away, trying to hold in your own tears. The two of you just stared at each other, lovestruck until Tom finally cut the silence with kissing you passionately.
You immediately reciprocated the kiss with moving his lips on yours until his tongue slowly touched your bottom lip to open your mouth. You followed his soft orders and opened your lips, earning a groan from him. It felt like the room had gotten a thousand degrees hotter in the last few minutes but you only wanted to be closer and kiss him even more. You knew where this was going and for the first time, you let it be.
It had gotten heated between the two of you a few times, but you had always refused to feel the desire and give yourself to Tom. Since you had never been the girl who had guys drooling over her, you were a virgin and had no experience at all. You didn’t tell that to Tom but he could see it in your eyes, so he didn’t push you. But this time, it felt right. The love was so strong, you knew that you wanted it, so you didn’t stop his roaming hands.
Toms' hands wandered down to your hips and he softly pressed them, causing you to let out a small whine. He was teasing you and still waiting for a signal, but you just couldn’t wait anymore. You wanted this, wanted him. You pressed yourself into him and kissed him even more, his tongue exploring your mouth. You whined and your hands wandered down his neck to his hoodie and you tucked on the fabric. Tom understood the signal and chuckled but when his eyes met yours, he looked serious. You could see the wilderness in them; he had thought about this a few times but had always left you your space but when you pulled back and bit your lip, he was not strong enough. But him being the gentleman, he would never do anything you were not okay with.
„You really wanna do this?“ Toms’ words were quiet and you just smiled, knowing exactly what you wanted. You just couldn’t put it into words, so you just nodded and gave him a kiss as an answer. Tom groaned at the contact and hoisted you up and your legs wrapped around his waist. Tom slowly moved back and walked into your bedroom and softly laid you down on the bed, an adoring glint in his eye.
He came closer and you puckered your lips so he would kiss you there, but Tom went for your neck, softly lapping on your skin, definitely leaving marks on there. But you didn’t care - the lust and passion were so big in your body you accepted his gentle assault with open arms. Tom kissed your neck for a long time until you couldn’t wait anymore. Softly you pushed him away and grabbed his hoodie, pulling it over his head. Tom chuckled at your eagerness and slowly let his hands wander on your upper body until they found the hem of your warm sweatshirt. His fingers were still freezing from the cold outside, so you hissed when he slowly pulled the sweatshirt off, leaving you in your t-shirt. Toms’ eyes wandered over your body and you quickly moved your arms in front of your chest, embarrassed of yourself. But Tom pouted and slowly took a hold of your arms and pushed them to your side.
„You don’t have to hide, love. You’re beautiful and I love you, okay? Don’t ever cover up for me.“ You could only smile at his gentle words and pulled him back towards you to press a hot kiss to his lips. Your tongues battled for dominance for a few minutes but you let Tom win to finally get a release from the heat that was running through your body.
„Hm, T,“ you tried to pull his shirt off to get to his chest, but Tom was so focused on kissing you, he didn’t even notice your struggle. You huffed and put your hands on his chest to push him away. Tom looked at you with widened eyes, pupils blown and a slight sweat covering his forehead. He looked so beautiful and you could only smile and finally pulled his shirt over his head. You had seen his warm-toned torso a couple of times but you were still stunned that he was so fit. He slept without a shirt most nights but you just couldn’t get used to the fact that he was an athlete while you hated running with all your heart.
His body wasn’t too muscular, it was just the right shape, the muscles flexing in his arms when he bent down to pull your jeans and shirt off. You felt completely exposed in front of him but managed not to cover yourself when he looked at you for the first time. You had always changed in the bathroom out of his sight because you didn’t like your own body - you didn’t have a completely flat tummy due to last two years that you had spent in sorrow. Most days had been filled with eating absolutely nothing, but on other days, you bought all the sweets and chocolate in the supermarket and ate them all in a day causing you to feel sick for a whole week.
But when Tom looked at you like you were his own little present on Christmas, you could only smile, because he loved you. This boy, this man, he truly loved you. You could see it in his eyes and it made you feel pretty for the first time in your life. Your fingers roamed over his chest and stomach, trying to memorise every single dip of his body. He was a masterpiece and you would be alright with just worshipping his body for the entire night, but Tom had other ideas when his hands wandered to your back to open your bra. Your breath hitched and you tried to get it into your head what you were about to do. You had no doubts, it was just odd to have him here with you in bed.
Tom slowly opened your bra and the cold air touched your now bare nipples, causing you to shiver. Tom smiled and threw your bra behind him and slowly moved closer until his mouth touched your left nipple, causing you to let out a hiss. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the slow torture. Your hands found a way to his brown curls and you started to tug, wanting him even closer. Tom moaned and concentrated on your other nipple but you wanted more, you just couldn’t wait anymore. You pulled him away from your breast to kiss him hungrily. Tom chuckled and pulled away, mischief glinting in his eyes.
“What do you want, love?” His voice had dropped down one octave and you whined, arousal pooling in your panties. But when you looked into his face, his eyes full of lust, a weird feeling rested in your stomach. You were sure that Tom had done this a few times, I mean, did you look at that guy?? But you - there had never been a boy before Tom who made it worth the while. You had never wanted anyone so badly as Tom, but you were still terrified.
What if it hurt? What if you wouldn’t enjoy it as much as he would? What if you would feel embarrassed because you were just not experienced at all? When you didn’t answer his question, Tom frowned and a lot of worries washed over his face. He softly stroked your cheek, trying to find out what had happened in the last few seconds, turning you into the girl he had met on that windy day in Hamburg.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He muttered softly, trying not to scare you anymore. He had been so lost in the moment, happy that you were going this step, but this scared him. He wasn’t sure if you really wanted this, even though you had told him. You looked at him with a smile, but tears started to fill your eyes. The emotions were overwhelming and you just couldn’t hold the tears back, worrying your boyfriend even more.
Tom laid down next to you and pulled you close to his chest, trying to calm you down. You hiccuped and tried to calm your breath and bring you back to this moment. You felt so horrible that you had completely destroyed the moment, but your own mind had made it hard on you, once again. And even though you really wanted this, you were just so scared. But how could you tell this to Tom?
“I - I’m sorry...” you mumbled when the tears had finally stopped rolling and your cheeks had dried from the salt water. Tom just mumbled sweet nothings in your ear and you felt completely exposed but still safe in his arms. There was no place you would rather be.
“I - I really want to do this but you’re much more experience than me and you are even the first boy I ever kissed and...” Tom silenced you with a soft kiss to your lips and your lips moulded together, a whine erupting your chest. Toms' arms wandered to your hips and he softly squeezed them, letting you know that he was here for you. He spoke up after a few minutes after he had pulled away hesitantly. “Hey, it’s fine. We don’t need to rush and I’m not that experienced either. You know that I will care for you. Always.” His eyes met yours and you kissed again, showing him how much his words meant to you. How could he be so perfect?
Your hands started down his body without any control and they soon met his pants, and you tucked at them, a small smile appearing on his chest. Yes, you wanted this and with Tom, there was nothing to be afraid of. Toms’ eyes widened when your hand wandered into his jeans to the front of his boxers, slowly rubbing him over the fabric. His moans were quiet, trying not to intimidate you but you could see how much he struggled with keeping his mouth shut. His eyes were closed in pleasure and you could only grin, knowing that you made him feel this kind of way. The bulge was growing quickly while you gently rubbed him, not feeling embarrassed at all. The look on Toms’ face was worth it.
You managed to open his pants with the other hand and pulled them down his muscular legs to his knees. Tom pulled them down entirely and pulled you closer, catching your lips in another heated kiss. Your fear was forgotten when you looked at him in full bliss, knowing how much he enjoyed it.
“Hm, stop darling,” Tom groaned suddenly and pulled away from your lips and grabbed your hands from his boxers, causing you to look up at him with widened eyes. “If you don’t stop, I will come in my pants. And as much as I want it, this night is about you.” While he talked his hands started to fiddle with the button on your jeans but failing miserably. You giggled and opened it yourself and quickly pulled them down. Tom pressed a kiss to your forehead and hovered above you, a loving smile on his lips.
“I love you,” he mumbled and you whispered it back to him while he started kissing down your body, making all your worries vanish. This was your man, only yours. And you knew that he would try everything to make this as comfortable as it could get. When his finger touched your upper thigh slowly and he nipped your hip with his lips, your breath hitched and it was hard for you to think straight. How would it feel if he would come to the place where you wanted him the most?
“Tom!” You whined when he assaulted your lower stomach with hickeys, wanting him to finally stop teasing. The burn in your stomach had risen again and it was getting unbearable, an unfamiliar feeling filling your core. Tom grinned up at you, a cheeky smile on his lips. He looked so good like this - his hair was sticking to his forehead and was ruffled up by your hands. His eyes looked so happy and you forgot for a second what you were about to do.
“What is it?” Toms' voice was cheeky and your hand wandered to his cheek, trying to believe that he was really here with you. “Stop teasing.” You mumbled shyly, a blush rising to your cheek. Tom send you another grin and in the next moment he pulled down your panties and his nose brushed your core, causing you to hiss.
“Hm, you’re so wet me for me. All for me.” His words were quiet but you could still hear them, your mind spinning when a finger slowly rubbed up and down your folds, a whine leaving your lips. You had never imagined that it would feel this good. Tom started to carefully lap up your juices and bringing you to a place full of ecstasy. It was a weird feeling at first, but he was gentle and soon found the place that made you moan. Your hips bucked when his tongue entered your pussy, but he held you still with his hands on your hips. “Sh, babe, we’ve got time.”
And with that he continued sucking and licking your pussy, turning you into a pile of mush. He was gentle but still persistent, never stopping when you moaned, indicating that you liked it a lot. There was a weird feeling in your stomach and you raised your eyebrow as it grew. “T, I - I think I’m gonna...” you couldn’t even say out the words but Tom didn’t stop his licking, instead going in even harder. All the heat in your body rushed to your core and you meaner out when you came, overwhelmed by the feeling. Tom licked you clean and finally moved back up to you, his chin glistening from your juices and you felt yourself getting wet again just by the sight of him. “Come here,” You mumbled, wanting to feel his lips back on yours. Tom just grinned and moved down to mould your lips together in a passionate kiss, his crotch touching your stomach. You could feel that he was rock hard and smirked into the kiss, knowing that you had caused the tent in his pants.
Your muscles were tired from your first orgasm, but as soon as you touched Toms crotch and he let out a soft groan, new lust ignited your body. You wanted him, in the most intimate way possible. You tucked on his boxers and Tom quickly pulled them off and you gulped when you saw his member for the first time. He was full and hard, pre-cum leaking from the tip and you started to wonder how he should even fit into you. Tom saw the worry washing over your face and quickly kissed you, whispering small ‘I love yous’ between the kisses.
His fingers wandered back to your core and he collected all the wetness that you had produced after the first orgasm. “You’re wet all over again, darling. It will be much easier like that, don’t worry.” His eyes met yours briefly and you nodded, knowing that you could trust him.
Tom quickly scrambled off the bed and to his backpack to get a condom and you just giggled at his awkward walk due to his fully hard cock. Tom pouted when he hovered over you but you just pressed a light kiss to your jaw, letting him know that everything was good. Everything was alright when he was by your side.
When Toms’ tip brushed your entrance, you moaned out and with another look to make sure of your approval, he slowly sank into you, a groan leaving his lips at the contact. He was big and it felt uncomfortable at first but Tom just slipped inside you, his hands on the sides of your face, waiting until it felt a bit better for you. When you nodded, he slowly started to pull out and sink into you again, your  name leaving his lips in pure bliss. After a few minutes, your core started to burn just like the first time and you grabbed his ass to get him even closer. Toms’ thrusts were slow and he nuzzled his face into your neck, mumbling “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you so much too, Tom.” You whispered into his ear while he still thrusted in and out of you, heat coming over you in waves. This was not just sex, this was lovemaking. It felt so intense and like the two of you were connected in some way, not just your body parts.
“I’m so close, babe.” Tom groaned in your ear, his husky voice taking you even closer to the breaking point. “Me too.” Your hands wandered over his back and you pressed your lips to his chest, urging him to fall over the edge and take you right with him.
It only took a few more seconds until Tom let out a loud moan and you could feel him fill the condom and you soon followed him. Tom had fallen down on you and you just laid there in a tight embrace, your bodies still connected.
At this moment, you felt completely at peace. Tom was happily humming in your ear and even though you were completely exhausted, your heart was light and happy. This was the place where you wanted to be all the time, in the arms of your boy, without any worries in the world. For once, life was good. There were no bad thoughts in your head, just the touches of Tom and his eyes full of love.
You were awoken from your daydreams when Tom slowly pulled out of you and walked to the bathroom to get a towel to get the both of you clean. He also brought you one of his hoodies he knew you loved so much and slipped back into his boxers, a smile never leaving his lips. He crawled back into bed next to you and covered you both with the blanket. You laid your head on his chest, a happy sigh leaving your lips.
“Thanks for always being there for me, Tom.” You whispered and looked up to Tom, who looked at you like you were his whole world. He nudged your nose with his and kissed you lightly. “Thank you for having me, love.”
You felt infinite at this moment like nothing could harm you. But life being life, it didn’t have anything good planned for you.
You were awoken by the loud tone of a phone and you slowly opened your eyes, trying to find out where you were and whose phone was ringing. You remembered that you were in the little hut in Riederalp and Tom laid next to you, his eyes still closed but when the ringing didn’t stop he groaned, indicating that he had been woken up too.
You just turned around and closed your eyes again, trying to ban the loud sound out of your head. Whoever called, could wait. You snuggled closer to Tom who started to stir. „Hm, is that my phone?“ His voice was laced with sleep and you smiled but didn’t answer him. No one could ruin this moment. But the phone continued ringing loudly and you groaned and hid your face under the pillow to mute the sounds. Tom, on the other hand, couldn’t stay still and stood up, following the sounds to the kitchen where he found your phone, vibrating and indicating that your brother was calling.
„Your brother is calling, Y/N!“ You groaned and internally rolled your eyes. Why did he have to call at this ungodly hour while you were sleeping with your favourite boy by your side in complete peace? „Just tell him I will call later. I’m not ready to communicate at this time of the day.“ You actually had no idea what the time was, but the night had been very long and all you wanted was to sleep for half of the day and watch Christmas movies with Tom. Not handle your brother. He most likely just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.
„Okay, hold on.“ Tom mumbled and you could hear him mumble a „Hello, this is Tom?“ into your phone, making you smile. He had never talked to Chris before, you talked about him a lot and you bet that they would like each other a lot. You heard some mumbles but nothing clear, so you just closed your eyes again, hoping that Tom would end the call quickly and get back to bed to bring the warmth with him.
When you heard footsteps you came out of your little fort to see Tom right in front of you, with a worried look on his face. He still held your phone in his hand and you could see that your brother was still on the line. You raised an eyebrow, a fear you knew already creeping over your chest. „What’s wrong?“ you murmured and crawled to the end of the bed to Tom, who was just holding out the phone for you. „He wants to talk to you.“ Tom didn’t meet your eyes, not showing you what was going on.
You just took the phone and left him in the bedroom, walking towards the kitchen to get some space. „Chris?“ You asked into the phone, trying to get a grasp on reality. The last few days had been like a dream, it was hard to focus. „Hi Y/N. Uhm, I need to tell you something.“
Your brother sounded different, not like the positive guy you knew. He sounded tired and on edge, like something terrible had happened. You sat down at the kitchen table, trying to find out what was going on. Couldn’t they pay the rent anymore??
„W - what is it?“ your voice was shaking now and you felt completely different, pulled back in time to the girl you used to be. There was silence on the other side of the phone for a second until Chris finally spoke up. „It’s about Mom, Y/N. We didn’t tell you because you were finally getting out of your shell and having fun, but she’s sick. Really sick. She has been for a few months now and it’s getting worse and worse.“ You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, blood rushing through your body, making you feel completely numb This couldn’t be right.
„No. No.“ You mumbled, not really knowing what you should do now. How bad was it??
„I’m so sorry Y/N we didn’t tell you earlier. She had lung cancer for quite a while now but the metastases spread so quickly, we don’t know how much time is left.“
It felt like your heart was breaking all over again, like those two years ago. For once, it had been like everything would be alright again, and that you could be happy. But when you heard those words, you could feel your whole life crumbling down. Everything you had built up, the love to Tom, it was nothing against the raging pain in your heart, wanting you to scream out loud.
And at this moment, it felt like all hope was lost for you to be ever entirely happy.
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