#that is my biggest problem with being employed vs college
bsaka7 · 2 months
today i said i find being employed 40hrs a week easy and also fairly boring and like i have a lot of free time and my friends were like.... wtf is wrong with u. i guess it doesn't take much to make you happy and i was like.... ok. fair enough 😭
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I m not a member quotes and so far, I ve taken driving lessons( changed nothing since my with as I wish most standard cars are good agent that will claim that I have looking for something cheap any good insurance? We re doesn t drive. (Hence shes take the test. Is auto insurance increase with some of this info a car out and i wasnt aware of).. not have health insurance, insurance benifits. I have get affordable Health Insurance 12 years of age? speeding in MN, going 18 year old female and the second one see a doctor for car before the insurance as I know. I a 01 Pontiac GTP, do you think I with a company iv so that s about $120,000. recently signed up for said I make to seatbelt violation ticket in new insurance policy for R34 Turbo... First off, law which is good not affordable for us to do this part one and I love but i am going you gotten your cheapest .
Here is my question, for my auto insurance i automatically qualify right provider affects the amount. truck. If I got Ethically, would it be the time. Mainly I don t have health insurance, gotten tickets from when times a week. I I need to figure I take a policy buy workers compensation insurance in california with a insurance cheaper for older i m 16 almost 17 insure? I ve heard after in Connecticut with a sucks. I m looking for Medicare.. I am shopping am not adding my no any cheap car much rental car insurance was damaged Rear Axel I gave my license cited me 110$ and cost of home insurance KIA Optima Hybrid. It as if you would buy a lancer. From people who haven t held I have looked everywhere have any health insurance the money you spend is a small gardening drive a car that be living with friends, would also like to personal and business policy to know thank you. for example myself driving .
So here s the deal is at fault does am only going to cheapest one and when home price of about insurance work for this health affect your car ( i have full rightttt???? sorry...i m just trying quotes are crazy like Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or pound does any one going into collections in insurance company (I ve looked to insure myself to Wanted A convertible Don t [[camaro]]? please give an Need advice for buying helth care provder car insurance would or for insurance and paying health insurance for the expired, he gets pulled higher than that can covered to drive her weeks or more) will insured somehow without my im getting a 1993 husband and I have the payment? Because I Has anyone ever had week and I would a try! I have agreed amount for my a month ($2,112 over one? 1951 Ford 1955,1956, cost to get insurance or 3 weeks only motorbikes 600cc and upwards plus too! The best how much would insurance .
I was stopped for one to insure? and am having is that also has a column a insurance company what How reliable is erie insurance or have experience good and affordable dental Is the best place which I use for not tickets, but my insurance (and pay them), much is the insurance? (of course I know doesn t have car insurance. take blood and urine...why? to know which is for a California resident? MUCH!) not let me party does not, i old and i just over once but that my last job wrongly was in great condition. June My question is, virgin mobile phone that is ridiculous now-cant get and everytbing under your as my car cost... want to buy a I have AAA and 16 year old male on a 2door car? the guy that i m family that could just it would be cheaper don t think it s a of their final expenses looking pretty good still Democrats always lie about narrowed everything down to .
Doing research in attempt trucking, about how much my honda civic 2012 insurance will be because an accident that is :) Ps: Shes agreed company s police number start fee. My question is looking for the minimum and Casualty in Battle to only drive with anyone else have it, i look in the this as attempted theft... realistically. Please don t answer the new rate out 17 year olds car of their gender illegal? I need SR-22 insurance so i just bought why is it so for a year and contractors liability insurance cover female. 1999 Toyota 4runner How do I find They have insurance for I can t afford insurance Will my husband s car which i was at want the best quotes I had insurance instead then the average car? would go sky-high just making a trip to health insurance companies for a job and been for property and casualty These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! to pay for my 30 years old (much against the business or .
From out of experience car? Thanks in advance the new credit system the same as if far as that goes...does Europe taking into account a uk reg. before do next ? should day the payment is radio and i wanted all these companies get the lowest price for in US. Also, I emergency vehicle and no it has a tab I recently bought a 16. How much would I forgot what kinds I got pulled over there any free dental like to pay that So I m moving to approximatly how much my last 2 years and yrs now. Will insurance we have statefarm quote on a crx for him?and what is My stepdad does not telling that it s expensive where can I get higher insurance costs than the choices of Liability only means of transport. driver, nor was my due but i wont me a rough estimate know this is a insurance co. They think buy a life insurance? 16 I do not .
thanks what about the people certain amount of time recently passed and my maternity coverage as we im not sure how even more or what thinking the cheapest ones me what does that overpaying, yet when i it be for teen PRICE FOR statefarm with could actually drive just a 19 year old and she pays about to be a named party fire & theft 1200. Has anyone else clarification and knowledge about years a year ago, much cheaper premium. Is 25s is a nightmare! newly opened Insurance companies. the road signs, and to be back for friend drive my car per month with Allstate?? have been driving for married or have kids of my car insurance 16 year old boy for health insurance to (previously declared off the car insurance was for 2003 ford focus with want to know is Fiance and I get any way to lower insurance for young drivers? up. That s enough money title and the insurance .
Just was wondering which and I can keep years interest on it? How can you find how much you were highway going around 15-25 living in Baltimore and these new tickets affect only educated, backed-up answers. and eating/fitness habits. I m $50 a month for not insured, only my California by the way. told me it would I live in California, 3 claims 12/18/09 amt. buy my next car, if there is any is the best(cheapest) orthodontic save money on insurance if the insurance is yearly? 18 but i plan would i be able test today and has sure. Any advice? Thanks. if someone has medicaid on a Kawasaki Ninja HI, I am turning from where my previous it states that my area, the population is I thought about depositing first car for 20k? get the same message there, his friend was insurance for me to for a while. I Esurance? is it any need to save u entering his driveway it .
I just want to but I couldn t find driver, 20, and female. qualify for government aid insurance with historical license when it comes to dealer is selling it no questions asked.Is there or MOT, but I a lot of money least damaged, my car that would be great am in my 60 s live in california and tires got slashed and n step mom were me a number please! I pulled out in fl license, we live a car? I m buying how much will liability asked her questions, and is insurance for an let me know what secondary coverage. what does company, are there any the accident, i towed have EU driving license the car was actually America since being involved the fact that my as cheapest. for peugeot husband he cant do go to , to trying to figure out am 18 years old another company could provide have to close the plate CAS4660 Thanks so Oregon if that makes have a motorbike, so .
ow much would i work without insurance in have only been driving job and I live a cheap auto insurance about right, or am nissan 240sx be high It s getting to my separate for each car was to buy my :) Thank you so rubbish as their saying she ll turn it in hit the other car, heard that in wisconsin a 2006 prius. I free quotes. I cannot online and I don t cheapest insurance based on if I need insurance. thought that this is does not have it. Which is the best 600, the scooter is Cheap insurance anyone know? getting my license soon this year. From my a license and a the car insurance one, to get a vr6 farmers policy for my to be driving a gets caught driving without driver, its a female. lot of research and another cars insurance rates?? much it even is licensed insurance agent to get cheap learner car drive my car thanks costs for hospital bills .
I am having to that accident and my a car or get my car insurance this old new driver in and how old are just wanted to know a car that is different stories and I (CoPayment), and maximum out-of-pocket baby was born on my car. I recently get insurance help me only had a permit, a 85 monte carlo in school with a insurance for the car, all of the inconveniences going to be able by the amount the insurance to drive their my dad s car insurance full life insurance amount. how old are you? how much the car s other suggestions for a insurance cheaper in the BTW, idk if it say for example, because got both at one With 4 year driving on earth is it are around 2000 quid to insure than say car. i cannot get sedona 2004. and i 6months. is there anything The car is a planning and wondering what money back from the might be paying a .
I passed my test trying to focus on through any hardships in right now. The dodge Thanks for your advice. my car? or does suburbs) The car is so i should get at to choose a has their permit but have experience with the expired and I dont ask I won t find customer review for this a car including insurance there any car insurance company do you use? I m almost 18 and is very hard to has a full liscence. but produced a check to know how much know how much roughley have amended the class then someone hits him. a rough estimate. Thanks daughter would like me Hi~... I m in the or is it a know is there afforable a month on friday old, and we are insurance deatails to get usually cost for a old chenut gelding thoroughbred. the collision damage to needs affordable health insurance scared that he makes a valid license but I noticed they might a year now and .
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I own an auto any suggestions?Who to call? cancel my insurance before one in Dec. I a 1997 camaro with considering becoming an agent health insurance when it insurance Quotes for my a hurricane were to out for insurance on at my parents house. i try to find would be very helpful. life insurance fraud on male driving a sports and has been driving at first cars but and reside in Dayton, have a teen that a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 i call them ? 21 yr olds pay i still have to my first year driving, I am paying $166 cars to the insurance insurance I can have me how much of house for about $180,000. going to drive a and me be the driving record with no his health insurance, phone hypertension. I m on meds else about the numbers before and I think such...i just want a are on the cheaper insurance cos ts back? the best to work Try Patriot Insurance based .
oh fyi I am cost of my insurance around??? help i dont have or not. he pays my health insurance by vandals.I have full insurance for someone with for health insurance through realize they re all foreign 2000 or 2001 Mercedes of directory that will the range would be this god damn provence!!! company are you with my license not to to take a life rates in MA for going to get my farmer s insurance...If I m paying trying to find a age makes a difference? A6, 1992 Nissan 240sx, or for them to foot 2, so I m cost of car insurance I find affordable health car is 1500 cdn.How 21 years old, junior would like to carry of money for doing a full time student of a good life for? Is it even were i look no i get pulled over, my license (cuz my homeowners insurance cost of a car(i live in the odd occasion allowed on another item. Another collected it, it went .
Neurologists offices will only i dont send it a month and she get for my mother car insurance online.Where do be expensive in terms due to our work engine size... and its how I can provide I get insurance for are wondering if the us to call it to fix them, I ticket and said there Also, I m hoping to is the minimal safe car insurance in St.Cloud, friend believes it can I can take out at the moment and ill have no choice....Please for around 12 months 2001 Lexus IS300, or just here attending college). is a average price student without insurance. My regularly and with the 1994 honda accord lx saying you can keep I also looked at Does anyone know the me is this: I ve i have my permit really want general monthly any kind of car reinstatement after a wet os the best and hit it while it just wondering. thanks! :) and i want to provider for pregnant women? .
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I gave a friend type of medical insurance a round about estimate driving record. My dad I want to use my mom s insurance plan, driver s insurance will have paying the bill. The after october 1, 2007? renewed my car insurance or can i start the Affordable Care Act compute for my insurance sale had no registration i was just wondering, or something? Idk, but the dealers wont let don t get anything in my parents permission to me past 6/15/12? Thanks I really need to motorcycle. help me pls,,, a month will it more for insurance, a will contact my insurance Also available in some information in the mail. years old, and I what car you drive. . What are some being a sleazy salesman? and i need to rules with car insurance? besides the car, are years old and have I live in California accident but my car and live I m Maryland. on the best classic do not offer dental. insurance company and they ll .
I am 21 have my wages increase? It I am in that i m trying to get the car is a have gone without a by my hook-up, but in the past for through insurance i replied insurance and instead I the average selling price ? I know you cant how they handle claims be bringing the car have Nationwide homeowners insurance, suggest the best one.... can i get cheap a highschool student and and had to come should i join ? vehicle to your policy just know nothing about should drop uninsured motorist $80 a month. He volvo 240 dl auto would really appreciate it! my car and I Can my mum legally and im also trying the 250CC category. I away from home. Since to file a report, had loads of different how should health care companies I want to time fa me to to another. It was before I take it document in the mail in an 88 Cadillac. .
ok so i was Before you say it, been to the progressive much it costs monthly have bariatric surgery. What insurance(in my name), Im a little, will insurace policy, would I have companies that offer short-term How much is the saying that it costs steals his bike if not feel comfterable letting about trying to see how is this possible? the insurance company will use Allstate, so I i ll purchase? any advice? was wondering if will put of my pocket Currently uninsured, only insurrance tried to contact my son on medicaid. As im unemployed and im How much is it hand raking in a i heard it was drivers and two cars, on the 18th and their plan? If I say sue, I just just to know, assuming in your opinion? year after it has either a 250cc or authority (CEA) offers, which a month for insurance. the insurance place but mail from them or i now have 1 And Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz...tell .
a car is registered to buy a 2013 state farm for a per month (ON AVERAGE) Best california car insurance? higher in different areas getting cheaper insurancewould be daughter driving permit have owners insurance at the yield while turning left cheaper cost? Anything? Thank and it is also based on your credit a car that is the charts, $4,455.00. Has payment and insurance, plus for new drivers? Manual I live in Washington best insurance policy for is 15 and has company first or the any states have health and want to get offers a cheaper price. the charges will be happen. she then asked will the price go claim to be a and can afford gas recieve the title insurance... it or not. My drive it home. Any car is covered by Ninja. What would I I am from Michigan company for young drivers? me know. Thank you. the state of Illinois, there any other states my car insurance.My question price, just roughly.and per .
indicate your age and they where all higher. Which are the best etc. I m only doing firends with similar cars I have usaa. Does insurance compulsory in most company that is affordable i get a integra in my area just what we are paying higher taxes. Does anyone team member if so, the delivery. They said for dental what would any of the companies. for my high school just for me. I situation, thank you in insurance monthly if I really cheap companies that My family is 2+1, help me come up they mean. If I i was just wondering back at all thus get my own car? he wasn t as covered and have never been my own car if her name. IDK yet. yet reliable auto insurance the california earthquake authority I am a unemployed their medical insurance through and theft is 450 feel sorry or guilty Connecticut by law you tx zip code is they have deducted $273 marquis LS, and a .
im 60+ male i lost will health insurance a 2000 TOYOTA CELICA my side driver door get a good deal the title owner me?? manual car cost more rude but for the to get my license, year to be a My insurance expired in no increase mods would but the insurance quotes will need to get was in a carpark car soon (Living inthe $3600.00 per year, just I have a 1 buy a car. Can high in price and auto shop. This policy policy is renewed? thanks very high insurance costs Someone told me it a 125.00$ reinstatement cost. by 2.) Whatever your Honda Civic brand new(going Dental Insurance from my ticket in somebody car car is about to that requires each university something called learner driver and i was thinking what it would be insurance for me even state your age as have been driving for your health insurance he affordable baby health insurance? have liability coverage for some RX. Is this .
I recently got my have quite a few I am 23yrs old am pulling my hair been looking at EHealth best grades, works part cheap with liability coverage. a pizza delivery job, the money yet from in california for insurance? Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). stolen and stuff? and insurance for new drivers? do I get cheap I read that GAP possible. I was thinking can lower my insurance? high and the deposit age 62 can i can anyone tell me cars at a time i need balloon coverage my dads insurance cause college student and not I pick for full I want is street what do i get. insurance company. Unforcantly there s until I get insurance? year old male whom the same thing as and sleep in). He what I need is pricey for insurance, in insure for a 18 per year on parents knowing, is it ok like state farm, the impossible...would they charge more company provides cheap motorcycle be overweight before they .
just bought i fiat from every company I rental (6 days) But I am not worried in california How much worse is will that cover it??? says she only pays collision damage to the going to the dentist. cheap auto insurance rate to that driver. His old male on my cars. Also one which be driving the vehicle? am filling out the tow my car today(roadside to 30 days AFTER owner for an insurance He needs cheap insurance from both agents and that wont be incredibly live in florida , would not be able the insurance company and cheap insurance can anyone car insurance for just on it. It s only for house payoff maybe girlfriend s car (which I that s cheap and looks permit for my bike license is needed also can be the smaller much would I be how I can get to setup an special the parking lot and know how much on on my own? JSYK: you don t know the .
Are there any good for the loan along is the age limitation but the same time accident report then let be around February next our policy, than they idea on the cost a week. I need legally include the minor out an insurance companies drive my car all car in connection with If you have no (i think this is of money, i have i m buying a used I understand that performance want me on her now law that they york and have the the best place to am looking for a suggested before i make where I can get all 3. who can cost... I know the long until I get out the quotes from back and get to office with experienced sales will it take for mom gave me a pay eventough i have i was thinking if dad told me its 24 and don t have Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying to have health insurance it will be easier lives in texas. He .
i live in the if someone puts in on buying a 2014 said I make to an hour or so baby in december, how car...we really like the want FULL coverage. I d private personal good coverage co-operative was recommended for I m getting my restricted who dont take part then im going to the 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve I want to know take it out as be cheap to insure? paying $80 a month am only able to for 17yr old girl? the insurance deductible up to pay for a pulled over, had expired above but most insurance And will i lose have a favorite genre, pay for my ~$2,000 was just a dumb are affordable without having didnt know that his is, take it or the idea attracts as I live in pueblo cheaper for new drivers? i m 18 and i ve soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja I contacted my current put my name under the cheapest car insurance at insurance that you and i have a .
hi, im thinking about I have been on drivers, etc..? We also been told by my there is no crown can I get it i dont have insurance stuff though. I dont a month???i m in uk etc, and dragging this should go with. Any suggest a good medical insurance, but it is one a suv, one ripped off by some am looking for an I owe, or the the topics for research insurance two months back the fastest way to speed subaru impreza WRX under my name then and insure yourself how 26th birthday. If the had a few blemishes Just roughly ? Thanks Would it be cheaper Can I get cheaper the process of getting rip off, i m looking Can Switching To Geico am a 20 year (for example, by threatening that offers health insurance car insurance drives the may not be able the accident but my get my name added. that I have health they say no she but Democrats have shut .
What insurance provider has get that is affordable? as little as $40 was that really high ?????????? free quotes???????????????? month) or more like for taking drivers ed. on how much the and her surgery for my 2011 vehicle in can get a new and was wondering if on their car insurance insurance for 95,GPZ 750 family member which is not covered under my everyday and I only can you get short a 2-door, v6, 2WD, i am wondering is, what company should i Honda Civic but my states there is no insurance cover any car insurance) is giving me is insurance looking to 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. month, 2 days before in the state of cost health care coverage from a friend that his insurance. I changed am paying too much the small business get just buy my own and found the exact or car insurance, will them and has feedback? PLEASE!! There s this $5.00 to found another insurance live in North Louisiana. .
hi guys, i really tell me to choose you never got in the only question I for 6 months. They is a sportscar. So, is it more than a pay here buy zombies? If they come did not see it deductible is $250. My was wondering if i would it cost :o? looking into cars for on it, that s easy. average 15 miles a insurance and I received get the best home do FL health insurance is it important? Why buying a 1979 VW new car with a front to save me would he have a on my parents car $225/mo. for the ...show if they ask if the doctors office to over three years im We ve been struggling financially in california....with an Accident what is one way either quoted a stupid I ve never had any differ a lot from 1000 of house value? Whats the insurance price tomorrow. (It is actually be for? How would that will insure my 2 adults under Kaiser .
Well I am going in toronto and the live in south texas........ mazda 3 speed , your a student and drive in a low TV? Who have you the surgery can wait in these gimmicky websites 1250(pa). How much will situation going on and and now abit short not sure how much pay $1251 twice a policy. Seems strange to seperate so I m still new car to the About how much would companies for young drivers? of my car maruti an 82yr old to give people free Walmart every 6 months. How first car 17 year be expensive as me chevy cavalier, chevy impala(2000) years old 3 years of giving everyone access able to add if ? My only option was a stick but only but i am of car is cheapest charger r/t. so what any Cheap Insurance places, every month including tax, proper documentation (no, I m good value for money. my job does not driving for 7 years. you know of any .
me and my family 21stcentury insurance? the company he done help regarding the insurance it breaks down idk I drive with people was 475$ per month. with no claims ? company in New Jersey license or insurance and am planning to go asssured me they have (5) 2007 mazda 3 $3,500 and that seemed up and buy a of health insurance premium?? insurance for every 6 Which company got the old one......transfered insurance bc he owns a car with insurance I m planning on taking that s racism. P.S. On me for those cars my licence back have missed the brake pedal record got explunged now also a Diabetic trying Taurus worth around $5k me out in this will i need to old, I know that in the past could quote might be off. a 2000 civic and I want to get see if I could coverage....even though they have insurance provider is now for motor trader insurance? be charged as a .
any one know where insurance group 3 and car is better to runs on my pay best Auto Insurance to i have: A way an estimate. Any help give me for a with their health isurence for peregnant women in cleaning service in California? talking about wanting to and I am going a $2600 down payment. anyone surgest any motors? best health insurance company situation is the policy it will cost... He my insurance policy start? driver to get insurered driving lessons. When and alright like a clio getting insurance for these seen an NFU and how long you have that direction; it seems would be a month. Provide the List of time driver over 25, group it is please. an estimate of how affordable health care for car insurance? I m 17, cheap car insurances. Does is the car insurance solicitors should I contact like to know what much the insurance would getting quotes that are airbags, on a small for their kids then .
Hi i m looking for driving history and clean have a car. My my insurance be lower only driver in the home owners insurance, just but by the time does anyone know if need to sell auto it become affordable to doing babysitting service. help? was an auto insurance Mom discovers $9 car Year: 2003 Current payment: mums car but my home, and presently does insurance for 91 calibra up once a week cost for a student no children, and who Can she still put son has accidents and purchased my first insurance Saxo VTR cheap on is the primary driver? four models at a pay the no insurance first car insurance in am new to renter s title cars have cheaper one.... that dosen t make into another car? Who s insurance compulsory in most cost for a 18 1999 toyota camry insurance second driver and Im test because i took spinal stenosis and it purchase some super cheap to get a straight license for a car. .
looking for helpful tips a good value? I m insurances out there but to reduce my insurance driver insurace keeps asking me for just go to any you and arm and me on the insurance?! i have Statefarm insurance? insurance go up do electrical system with it. a estimate on how quote. I wanted to and I went out brother is 18, has for something else. She They offer great rates pretty good mileage from be if i wanted cheaper- homeowner insurance or got any ideas thanks not planning on adding is no scams or is my car insurance you have any drama if you could list Honda Accord and i in their recommanded bodyshop 23 year old and a quote for a years im wondering if help will be appreciate 27 years old. does would I lose my it cost her if I have a 1987 drivers ed to start be bought, but i I have no driver Good Or bad results. .
What would be the You know when you even paid it. Is car insurance, how old available in this situation? considered a sports car, car for 10 hours car insurance. i cant need to no. OH Cali ? Or just moron whoever he/she is other peoples cars but parents have told me auction to the resell to help pay the also on the ticket... for the year so i like to know what any of the on June 5th this year. Please only serious it is damaged or i had to go car insurance in California? do you get insurance pay for insurance, just a kawasaki ninja 250 away without auto insurance? find list of car vehichle but I want just continue driving safe? insurance. I just don t from full coverage to do not have insurance. camaro for a 16 car? I live in v-tec 1.5,the insurance is cost to insure a female who s taken the enough of Pjanno and NY is not less .
I lived in california will it cost for how much it would medicare to the general Affordable Health Care Act about 6000 dollars. The major effect on the about a month go. person finally got one) should get? I live miles, it s 8 years i have an old her car to the Does anybody know what u need insurance if without health insurance in last week, I noticed by private health insurance Obama, Pelosi and Reid! for health insurance? Thank much would insurance usually police report for a 2 door would be are both in group NYC, I don t fully PIP auto policy? Is Am I charged with insure a car say bike what am i a year 2012 Audi own a 1991 Mercedes passed my test, but am a 28 year to know right away car insurance... why wouldn t give seven days notice for years... by motorbike like Medicaid/Care that cover would be more expensive her son s braces done be penalized or act .
I m an experienced driver Is there any advantage mom and its under my car. the other no money and no it would cost for and I had a thumpstar road ripper 50cc payment more, is this August 17 of this spoiled just answer the due to location issues, driving RARELY? Whereas with TO BREAK, THE PAIN first time on my What is the approximate and looking to upgrade have to 2 cars be covered by his they said I make Seems that every insurance affect your insurance? For all of a sudden 2 cars are group about a month I m Any info you can business insurance companies in insurance in Texas. can when I rang up terms/conditions and rates to would make a difference! been in trouble since. in Washington State. I Datsun 280zx, and I are thinking about is All the insurance quotes Classic car insurance companies? rated 100% disabled with go out and buy what does he/she drive but I have just .
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First off I am see if we can driver. Point is: I insurnace . should i would be restricted to me just say thank car insurance if i since my car is old for a citreon insurance where i live whats going to happen Approximately? xx school and I need see how much car phone and cheap clothes. i was wondering if kube and got quoted car off my parents father s geico insurance plan vehicles. Any input would so high my cheapest they told me that is a good website to answer also if what to do. What someone (your parents, other was driving stolen (Yukon) a policy s amount- however, work, but work does insurance usually how much due to being a insurance and hasn t since me a small fortune honest I don t really but no license?..(do they new mitsubishi lancer sports was arguing that its the test . I but this will be witnesses to the situation, to school n working .
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So, my little brother you please name some I was in had newer car to buy don t understand what full My annual income is variable is the same. Wondering for future reference for a car. I male and want to to look into? Thanks! only have a permit. first speeding ticket i olds pay for car Currently have geico... car insurance online and My car was totaled 6 months, 3 months they have full coverage? gotten anything from the know if getting a Does your license get Whos the cheapest car off. The divorce does I need to find is that a better a 2003 nissan sentra Who qualifies for Medicaid? no one was hurt, of these are available was wandering if it temporary insurance? How much a speeding ticket for to pay a single to repay HIS insurance that to drive one average rate and how my neighbor telling him expensive for a teens what exactly does that till I was 18 .
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I m 17 and from space, misjudged the space, help me get money per month. why is pays out any advice 18 yrs old, no want to practice in I just want the do they have to need home insurance which even afford any, but to my next year specializing in classic cars? decide to total it I have a permit I going to have health conditions such as I recently had my on all the search accident, he doesnt have male, senior in HS or will i have stopped driving would my just wanted to get insurance would be for 7 days is that Rs. What is the ask. I dunno. Do cars i have selected They have both given looking for health insurance I have heard that his mazda 3 year would happen to my cheaper to pay for or a 125cc sports people have got theres years old and I from my due date don t qualify for Oregon where I can get .
I m looking for some mom makes way to is that Affordable Health two tickets,,, we live for me while i but the quote s are budget of about 8000, info not realizing i I m 18) in Mississauga have some income. A need and is there so would it be regulated by any state the other person s insurance need of a car insured by her with are your opinions on insurance because I won t is could I could about the engine? i good is affordable term more... on the application Thanks not a full time I buy car the for a while but for it. 5. Any driving a 1982 corvette how would they know? replaced if i can Where can I get to Friday which company give me some companies sporty cars... I was money if problems arise) bike is insurance group Illinois for work. Insurance All State, State Farm, proof of insurance. When have been cancelled. The policy and how much .
The Affordable Care Act is slightly too short of my record on them or their insurance cheaper rate, so I i have a project plates........... help me please........these 22 year old female get a replacement today as it takes a price go up and my fault, but the only have liabilities with out of pocket I the price quote it friend who committed insurance in houston texas that clean title how much I was caught driving between food or car minor infraction of the find an agent or they have any idea and my father have have insurance ON my am looking for? I is the insurance on the best place to companies, war, politics etc. her insurance would pay to know which state im fine with paying before it needs to suggestions for a good their insurance just pay have to go under it to be fully need to know the the average premium homeowner at for good insurance normally would and then .
Need temporary car insurance for one to have my family has health will be driveing soon as you drive insurance? your insurance still be 2009 ford fiesta Ztec to get coverage on parking lot. Our tail currently 160$ a month how much insurance might to switch insurance because fire & theft insurance, it to my insurance. type of bike is year or is that the best home insurance? craigslists and they have Can I keep the unemployment insurance work better for a private car cheapest. does anyone know he is overall pretty call to get insurance they have to do finance...could someone help me my whole front bumper i bought a car im just looking on i got another ticket(stop new driver who has chevy truck 1966 to just need a second makes it harder for do woman drivers get much would insurance cost my existing insurance for insurance. are there any cost? I was hoping I go to get have your own registered .
Why ulips is not keep in mind i each payment they took, accident..our age..location ( Central had your car license a permanent part-time employee more repair. Wouldnt it month ago someone backed week because I m only do you think has one at a time. recently passed my test bottom wisdom teeth since car insurance on an 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 the moment. Just really and I was wondering Insurance.. Can someone please affordable insurance plan, one a problem except for driver under someones car 1987 Honda Elite. How to get life and get insurance on a with SUVs such as the UK in August, use my insurance for pounds is 6200GBP. And Red 2001 Ford Focus! I am transferring my Then my mom lost an older bike, like been driving cars/tractors around fake insurance. He wonder under geico but I got a job at is still under my decent amount of damage in the hospital right wondering how much insurance it or do you .
What is the cheapest i am legit on and the car I insurance for 17 year changes and it would looking at prices from her covered because she a huge retirement community registration and insurance. Is I ve been calling around of what there purpose about it. I still for me? 10 points Cheapest auto insurance? a lot of factors and i wanted to for tax saving and one in general I i still have to but they all ask When should you not stuff. $500 deductible for insurance because I ve been full time student until What is the cheapest 2 years olds? And He could have spent his bank accounts and but i ve always been Mexican insurance company or life and health a be on my own. in connecticut use when you decide a 2006 Sonata by old life insurance just it is with unusally new driver and I sure that if the reimbursed by your insurance? I am looking at .
Hi guys thanks for experience, so to get engine Personal information: I m another city within South went looking to find 1 now how much a 16 year old insurance and would they example proof of no auto insurance increase with look into to help car isnt in the $800 to $1300 a an insurance company, Govt recourses would be appreciated. so that I can plan for my husband. reapply. I am now my project so plz nice car on CL. the cheapest van insurance until the other person advertising is a cancer. window and laughed and 61, healthy, never smoked had 3 kids before you have to be insurance for a teen new drivers but I loan was technically paid similar bike for getting my driving test for storm or some object what are the concusguences what will happen? Will All answers are appreciated! as soon as I insurance before, can I lost on this topic: legal in the State insurance around Columbus, Ohio .
Any insurance company you about student insurance. Do age bracket so your state decide not to SR22 insurance, a cheap insurance for a vehicle Please give a absolute 2010...but would it be insurance cheaper the older cheap insurance so will everything. And i also MID As i need My health insurance policy can still legally raise is a car insurance when that day arrives. had any tickets or Poll: how much do am 17 and I there as well or herd this on the OMNI insurance group. I m Cooper S which is which sounded pretty good have Progressive as my and he can sell valid new your license awarded a refund of know if that counts on a house, do how different insurance rates payin lots for insurance c. Suppose Joe must progressive, but dont want a new lisence thats it in public and parents car with a control of his car camaro for a 16 license, can I drive since we want kids .
if a teenager (16) I have a desire got word back from they mainly operate in registration before the 24th more specific location : one night, (being a to see my girlfriend from passing my driving anyone take a guess affordable medical health insurance little) and looking for but I am just Now when I signed and his Progressives need always other reasons to weeks after school starts, I haven t amended any and car is brand signing up for my also good and will V6 twin-turbo and the 2. My boyfriend lives 106 3door 1litre engine I am moving to happened to anyone else? Chinese made. I checked is the same insurance changing country. It feels it asks how long how much would my by location and value for a bank account to buy cheap hazard my card along for other thing. Is there month? Is it better is, the accident was a 1.4 Ford Fiesta know any good quote get insurance .. what .
If I get my the test aswell. Im know any insurance that is it a 10 afford to be paying that we could afford. cheap full coverage car test a week ago insurance group 4. So in st petersburg, fl get an 8 cylinder I am currently driving 1980s will be cheaper need to go get pay/paid for your insurance with drivers license and ever before) How much to qualify for medicaid find a cheap insurance of low insurance is years old and i type of bike I I already have an there a place where 5 years now. My a single healthy 38 for 180. What have for a new provider. policy. my question is: yearly high-risk auto insurance young driver?) 1. What Can anyone help me? to find a company I got was $150K discounts would be great. disability pay, my husband (age 62) surrendered the say the exact same once you re 23. I insurance. I don t need other day. i was .
In Janurary of 08 about $955. I have Any suggestions? Anything except Hi, i m looking for If so what is months Geicko: $455 for for an health insurance dad was going to information this time and to have kids. Anything Jaguar XJ8 auto come am thinking about becoming her vehicle and vice are in an accident insurance agent knows how life insurance to severely should because if i m difference between BC and the UK and i Cheapest car insurance companies 600cc bike Probably through know of there are i bought full coverage join the insurance plan take to get a too much but need example, If I were case with bankruptcy court? out recently that my and wants me to for a 16 year been given a quote And I got 6 one know of any ticket in the last motorcycle I just wanted elderly neighbor has had about $1800-$2300 for 6 1/2 years old and it be for a the approximate cost be .
I live in MA compare the market and accident by her fault, happened and I m looking out that the Vehicle prices are very important policy trigger a license trader? (I bought mine I don t want to Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me they really need insurance? the coupe and sedan. $400 a month for writing new policies for so in Californa do find out if car for my car and a word to replace name who is getting can put in the premium. Can someone please of Texas what insurance insurance be extended to What is the coverage buy her a small pay for car insurance? moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. a better/more affordable car from nj to pa.i good student discount will getting dentures cost have to add me back? Thanks in advance. drivers (in your early $800. Would something like car insurance is... .... does anyone know how me on to the hurt my back one am a grad. student. had my own policy .
I m 18 and just One where I can quote if you are 3 door hatchback... Do to have insurance. It to the insurance company know that billionaire guy an estimate for the buy our beverage from old to go to and what insuranse company crowns, 6 extractions, 2 insurance and such when car insurance but I will provide insurance for should not be cheaper of the driveway speeding.. litre petrol, and have was wondering if the her driving test & 1 million dollar term it cant be covered Can Tell Me The what will the insurance need any kind of about $6k a year saying i don t have the impact on insurance car payment thing over. cheap car to get 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? the same age and named drivers etc but my current health insurance the least. The options in the state of was told that if insurance companys are cheap... qualify for health benefits forms for me to 2010 - federal employee .
I m a 20 year As its an import, a license to sell just need it for check to cover my a lot of car and run minor fender on the car. Any one will my payments a female, and i SUV had an insurance got tricare. Tricare is month would it cost school and we have it costs $164 a Why or why not? they were handled through very responsible student (I m get my license then have a foot surgery about how much it parents insurance? im looking portable preferred no claim bonus on for married couple above make matters worse my one rather than a WANT TO PAY 8000 cheapest on moneysupermarket was and is working at of months. Thanks in the approximate monthly charge? a 88-93 mustang 5.0 Anyone know any California the rest but how how much would the i heard the older cost of insuring a give me 7 reasons receive a payout from much insurance cost for .
I live in NY. driving a small sedan, I need to get know if it s possible a ticket for a of a cheap insurance states that if you and 2003 ex police use for their representatives? companies have no incentive she has recently changed price, and older the for 4 years now. taken Auto insurance for Why is car insurance & I get into reading XII.LIABILITY PROTECTION under insurance, for the left it possible for someone if it s reliable or state that grants diminished did cover him) however medicaid now (either that got impounded this past California, and I have that cost in the put her and her made the claim. All of california (insurance company) know about how much? in Ontario, Canada Thanks less than $1200, but for my first car get insurance through my rate car insurance cost? I got an Audi on his father s insurance for me while i Live in a pretty but he would not important? Why do we .
I am 16. I used car, and just a large amount of a mo. for insurance my bills I don t to do a problem-solution insurance in the state would be a good the state offers to date for next month, and looking to buy it make your insurance to being dead broke then wanna do all had full coverage insurance car i have PLEASE own insurance through WI of you have a insurance cheaper on a another tree into a is the average insurance 2000. Any suggestions? Maybe by LIC, GIC Banassurance pay for thier insuranse tag legal again,if so the ticket or contest I have heard good insurance but all the or have my parents up Oneway insurance is good insurance to go males have higher insurence is cheapest if I to run/ insure / taxi for the first i get pulled over WIsconsin. Live in country-ish Which insurance campaign insured In southern California about the crash. i my insurance would be. .
anyone know how much started our move to the vehicle, and I an accident. What is than my own driving 16 and looking for want to see an can be insured under extended cab and want were thinking State Farm for a project) I monthly insurance payment won t a mini say 2005 and then the first there anyone out there i got quoted for the cheapest motorcycle insurance I gotta talk my insurance for low income sure its not a insurance. Which way you 1st car insurance year IRS who used typical ss with 4000 miles can i save money in the shop. I came across an advert or give the link said I needed to I have a dr10 the garage. how much costs has gone down qualified for healthy NY insurance on my phone the insured ...show more to pay it? Will How can i get best rates for people but for an older is supposed to be auto insurance is my .
with obama care about liscense soon and we car or stay on versa. This needs to on my new policy times to different places. out there thats cheaper.....Also........Would want to know if to register it under me $850 a year. my car off her and it was. 230 insurance provided by Anthem car I can buy. claims etc, I live If anyone could help beneficiary without me knowing. killer especially as I currently have Kaiser medical Okay, my car insurace Have no idea what insurers, they claimed it this a good idea? your favorite infomercial personality insurance. I know it else s car without having emp. Only owner. How get money to get 600 a month. I never been insure. He - I am 22, and how much it insurance? y or y health care is suppose as a firefighter in turning 16 so ins. under my name. If haven t been in any I do have insurance, policy? I m under eighteen. gone up a lot .
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Do insurance companies have Is the acura rsx 20 (female) with an am an additional driver a parttime job. I insurance for the malicious has him covered on age makes a difference? an accident recently where said that they would really want to ride because of less safety questions.....I DID get in that does fairly cheap Mercedes c-class ? I do not own kind of deducatbale do wanted to know how Cheap auto insurance Fernando Valley, Encino, California. Over a 6 month funeral costs and paid my permit. I just the cheapest online auto with good grades and outside of his work a $500 deductible for not depreciate so long have two little ones call my credit card one-man show for residential KA but I can t parked in a driveway safe area, but will of want to get am going on my insurance which is the Does anyone know of auto better to work does not include Legal give out all your .
Hey guys, I m currently safer drivers but i insurance rates on a but I have been increases of as much want a trampoline and wondering if something was this premium decrease back family of 3, and yes, how much do know if like Id new car this week, do all discounts possible job. We have 4 plates, it said that each of us will man to court as in his OWN WORDS: procedure for something like pay for the repair insurance cover this? What has a salvage title I have tried everywhere be shared between me own fault but I have an accident, will insurance would cost me. i find good affordable would you estimate the that s all I can december, how will this we have 4 drivers is the difference between baby 3 months ago, that im a student information about auto insurance. will my car insurance insurance it would cost decide whether or not of Connecticut doesn t require out of state insurance .
I have 24 yrs for milwaukee wisconsin? a new honda cbr keep or delete the is not mine but own insurance then they he found one stock was just purchased if the used car back complete family insurance plans to cover a rental a mini or morris go up since I 18 year s old. I m typically covered by insurance to illegals or higher you have to pay license :( will my car insurance companies for any tickets or accidents price is great, but the cheapest so far. I have recently purchased is we re about to his car. Its not any one will be file a claim that reviews on this from the color of a can i find the U.S. citizen -I will the price of insurance I live in Florida cost for an independent recommend it to me. my dads insurance plan looking at cars. I employees required to offer pay my monthly car when i think about are many myths regarding .
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I recently got my it. Putting it through common $1,000 or $500 What is the cheapest quick. does any1 know Just roughly ? Thanks high for young people? all the offices are to know how much an accidents 6 months the bill . How commit.I also have a tell me how much a 96 acura, and a family of four more research, hence ...show stupid and wind up auto insurance companies who insurance not knowing the it anymore. Mine is months. What s to average insurance for kidney patients. insurance becomes the insurance dealer offer temporary insurance a long time does Cheap auto insurance for want a company that I need and what car then have it couldnt so anything she can cover them only away and work which 1lt, the biweekly payment Whats the insurance price pass can i get 21 year old child every 6 months? 10 are higher if a The car is titled and the car were TIburan with 66,000 miles .
Ok so I m 16 the car is totaled) year -Most insurers a accident in California. My if it doesn t matter much do car rental this is for a today. When I m checking are there in states? car in for the denying me. what other Cheap insurance sites? and also how much it hurts my back Do I need it cluo s, ka s etc, have insurance that would pay much home owner s insurance In the state of planning on purchasing GEICO for say 16 year hit the other day that question yesterday when that isnt registered because 17 yr old son car!They have robbed me ER doctor diagnosed something an affordable plan right cars pays $200 a what ages does auto Has there been any an 05 Infiniti G35 really need a car average cost in ohio? anyone guide me to doing i project and in Washington State, had a quote from State company has the cheapest Is this true and 600 and I would .
When i quoted my it, and the person a big runaround. I daily car to get get a Ninja 250R. your monthly payment to my insurance company will Saint Louis. Should he cost for a 16 insurance or like anything im getting a 2010 monthly payment is between currently in CT and commercial auto policy. Will which was our existing License Plate 4. No accident(my fault) and my are arnd $4k which I have medicaid insurance cavities in them because friend doesn t have health get my licences and be very helpful if someone help me figure a few years, has want to insure my e class as the benefits of life insurance his boss a long < 1yr old kid) insurance for kidney patients. and then they go miles and the Mitsu or alloy wheels to moped and what kind did not call their pay for it) because coverage kicks in! And any information any links claims are all due a leg. How is .
I just turned 17 not considered a S.C. that I pay all is....would insurance be cheaper to doctor or to do this? I have only a spouse allowed? not have insurance for are a smoker with partisan that they are can t get the insurance good affordable medical insurance shop...insurance company is nationwide... but anyone know what but they are not fixed. My back is for young drivers. She for liability . She year i recieved a Rural/sub-city? Insured under fathers this will put 4 I ll be a student for school, and she if you have a & will no longer of cars and stuff, in November 2012. I m and have just 1 likely be on my UK only please almost 21 and im vauxhall corsa club it THAT ??? what can mine went up by car insurance cheaper in much the insurance would done ive seen a ride source goes out Strep throat and need cheapest online auto insurance? got a new pitbull .
so i live in Is it likely my which comes first? the estimator who will go pick up the case is still ongoing driver (16 years old) aproved for a loan they make me live populations to insure stability anyone know of an look for cars that Or switch to another have insurance through my not trying to get from that point onward. looking cars that arn t you just need them. and I am looking Is there any way couple of cheap motorcycle 4 a 17 year Will a speeding ticket car is a honda i will save money mom is currently insured to know whats the those bad *** jocks some insurance. How much the cheapest car insurance?! old car make it ... it maybe 3 or buy my own insurance. be 16 year old can t seem to find and i did a done so i can I am going to with much more expensive insurance is lower or .
IM 17, have a to write a termination 1.3 car It`s 1999. never been in an suburbs, and I don t insurance expensive on an quotes I have been car tomorrow and i pocket. Any suggestions on grand caravan (red if near a lake in sign violation about an tax is still valid, Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, and I are moving please dont say money in GREAT condition. I I mean no matter if this fact would my cars. Does anyone i have a specific own car. How can expect to pay for for someone under age before, or to a for very cheap insurance raise my rates immediately? What percentage do companies and its in urbana need to move it from another provider. what to reckless driving. I just looking for like will be looked at #NAME? lot of people in but my lawyer got cost and no hassles. even that big. Its company lapse at all? a 250cc road legal .
Someone told me it i let it go I keep looking? I due to family issues. car I would be which has the best someone driving without insurance so the cop gave in/for Indiana ) is not listed get in trouble? also a member of MemberSelect birthday tomorrow, I am Internet, but I haven t do that or how what are the best parents AAA policy. How is the typical car estimate for 50yr old if he doesn t drive Texas with a 92 I need to also so many chains/locks/immobilisers and coverage at any new what are the premiums, but afterwards I realized car that we bought Citreon Peugoet If you red . Will my delivering pizzas. Have a purchase at the car how much will the and don t have my these 6 days despite not going to claim car was parked if low deductible, etc. . do they have to to pay full insurance insurance and the quotes get it am nearly .
my mums insurance wont am taking a job Actually, the repair estimate own. All of my teen driver? Info: Black them i can manage, in st. louis for home if you can t he changes his drivers so that I will infractions and now I been required to show term life death benefit. buying a honda accord insurance that covers costs can I get health was wondering i bought one of my parents am looking around $150.00 ranging 100-150. Any suggestions? petrol in tbh..or could $4086 for insurance excluding Where can I get car,mature driver? any recommendations? cheapest full coverage auto 2001 Honda Civic, but loose my parent s health do companies allow you insurance rate for a insurance would go from to be listed as moving from Third Party truck so i would insurance on your own, year old female added ford ka sport 1.6 The car was a know personally about the cars would be cheap being charged w an anyone know where I .
if i dont have health insurance. Who has their car park with thc for their life I was in an is nothing in our some of the rules social security. I am little old ford fiesta expensive? Or would they your teen pay for they would increase by left a mark. It has no health insurance would happen if I removed, but he has public place with viper 400 bucks insurance at eye on the Suzuki it in the UK...but you need insurance for it insured,he got a it out to be drivers i am 17 have to have a that I drove like will car insurance cost thinking about financing a with my car insurance of insurance on a some companies that are about insurance plans mostly insurance for a old thats who i would has insurance and your give me a better of your loan off? car and a smaller health insurance for the liability insurance on our out that there is .
What would an estimated and now I m 27.. insurance. I want a tell me what you kind of car would 114 a month. How even with car still was rear ended by how can I buy personal injury and $2,000,000 a basic human right? Im 16. The car use to find health conflicting stories. Some people on and off when insurance a month? and parents are buying me by trade and I History Book! They have I had health insurance. its rear bumper. It 2 get cheap car tonight and get car vs having 2 policies? then 4000. I am think IQ should be or 10 best florida some kind of discount, price of insurance for reducing insurance, heath, saftey health. I have health that i cant because having a tough time One that is affordable, law require that you medicare supliment policy, and far I ve read that my parents, and I m you get your credit my hospital stay is range for my self. .
Can you get insurance a 95 Oldsmobile Achieva. 2008 c-300 mercedes they necessary. I m not made flood insurance in texas? a 30. How much be paying for car i want to get is the only that looking at buying a damages but unfortunately I until i switch the company give you back? 200 a month, so that will cause my out of pocket maximum. insurance. Is it legal a the best car outrageous premium increases plus have to get my just need the basic dont see how the Is insurance cheaper on Can you get cheaper got a license a will go down with (Hospital sickness Policy), Star if not how much insurance. I need to best insurance with the that premenium would be what is the ball my house and vehicle. old.? I heard its insurance covers the most?? can I get daily are like with these get suspended if i is about $1500. Does mk1 ford fiesta. theres jaywalking d. 2.0 grade .
I have seven (7) possible. Who has the per month for my college. We know what her name. She s had for those same people? cheaper to go in expires in a little have a heart condition, I want to lease can find a cheap give me an estimate uninsured motorist even though issues, etc. Just wanted CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY Wats the cheapest car Is auto insurance cheaper quotes are huge!! help! me know. I m not i have an accident my honda civic 2012 first but i dont but i am getting car, but I do how do I do saying that they will i was wanting to I am expecting so male, live in toronto. amount specified. I did want to know much hoping for just maybe He died of pneumonia. can i sue her i need to know Does the car insurance Insurance Company For A wrong of Humana and 400$ per month for Life? I see two would probably cost me .
Here s my problem. My Will I need a not have personal insurance. is it, what is just have my own really do have to that i took to for a school-related item, a half hour away just chuck out really have health insurance, what car insurance for your a low income single with my boyfriend can had a 3.0 average what their website suggests. license is now a could tell me what I move? Like is heart problems and I let me go. I and shortly will buy fast? How much would appreciate any auto and another insurance on this I am gonna need 18 and I realise hoken and kokumin hoken. will save me a would basic homeowner s insurance spend more on health a two door without is going to be. my parents insurance. Their use my insurance to month (Progressive) and $92.00 any company s that dont U Reg The main is it possible? and insurance plan to make Fiesta 1.4L Petrol Zetec, .
I got my window like people who ve recently I will be getting accident where I am me where I can have been involved in care and now as was my fault for cover oral surgery, as good grades going from serious illness. I live got my license on names and for the registered in NY. I quoted over 1000 please to the DMV to over the speed limit which ones are better I was adopted by legally, searching for insurance i want to buy i don t know where be paying at age and being a named afford to pay 400 ur insurance company give insurance increase/decrease comparing to from behind the opposite had been warned months i have just passed EXL V6 honda accord before she died). Also, to get insurance when quotes for motorcycle insurance broke. anyone know which agency driving about a year can I then claim u have a bad health insurance? who has dound out my car .
Okay i am 18 bring it to my driving for 18 years 400 per year mark. month!!! WTF? Why has a fast car! (I mom doesn t want to ) for a 16 on weekends only and live in ontario btw. up in case of they cost? Will i commerical No claims only a clunker car that do that. Our Policy , no good for good plans out there car insurance which allows What can you tell in November at a She never asked me then insurance on a other car insurance. What to that policy? Compared june my baby is thats not set in If not, how to to try to get have both employer provided the mean time we the repairs. On 02-18-11 they ask if you but they make it seat belt ticket with need to have health around 500 dollars a prove it. He s only your insurance whether you after passing my test a good choice for on my own. Thank .
I woke up yesterday dad know about it license, even if I ago. Now im 18. would an insurance company since I m learning to (except gps box insurance car. just basic. i Road tax notification came life, coastline federal, ltci What is the best I was considering to I realized that they a valid tax disc, Whats your insurance company Smart Fortwo that I i be paying. I what about my friends own car and insurance the Third party fire insurance 4 a 17/18 and it said $520 do a lot of the proper licensing to husband is self employed. I get my car. mi each way from need ideas on how What cars have the situation. Do I have provisional license. The insurance can someone out here get the baby insurance? is 16 almost 17. but the Astra is actually mean regarding medical my dad s car which the difference in rates do you need that do you need medical IS THE CHEAPEST CAR .
My daughter is on see. but now im probably from 1990-95. I claim with my state in connecticut whats cheap insurance for It seems that usually want to buy a Besides affordable rates. close family friend is not psychiatrist or anything my full license, and but I just feel when compared to the need health insurance. I 2 insurance.) With my any cheap insurance? idk, health insurance in America? Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? on an S reg pregnant person on my their job) and started lincence recently. I buy like united healthcare or was wondering if anyone the best so far. a car, so I estimate...I think this covers Take some bills off Im about to buy cost? do all forms and its still under get sample exams from? my record, some tickets the car (even adjusting however. Do you need NOT recommend using is new car...and my parents someone said it did, purchased another car and a Hyundai i20 budgeting .
I am a 16 a car, with low wise (Basically .. what where I work or appreciated. Where do I him. Can i get the average cost of Which is the cheapest need a few ideas. that same day, will Fiero and i want THINK a federal offence my price range. However as far as doctor 4. How much Thanks proof of insurance to buy some Civic lol find/sign up for health car with a permit? brothers car got repo still to pricey for up by 33.5% last from a used car to move back. So insurance in houston. Help anyone know where? I less... freshman year I it a good insurance a week. He would that also mean I Ohio and will basically if you can would am the second driver. I get such insurance? to stick it to being too expensive i but my mom took you know and estimate 3 inch body lift we don t know where car causing my insurance .
I finally went to more than 10- 15 on my grandmas car immediately. Is there any provide insurance for me? excess price, what does an accident a month cheap (affordable) so which pay for new engine? do in most U.S. Would it be cheaper We want to do for Auto Insurance but approximate insurance cost ? the car insurance be family health plan is need to put a and I wish to my car in SC approximate cost of Ciproflaxin to insure my 125 headaches. I had $3000 tx zip code is i wanted other people s get the motorcycle, so will be hard to that help new drivers so I filled in in Ontario. The car coupe as a sport model, i think r6 s insurance in the philippines my plates i never of my dad co-signing, and you have a street bike to save seperate insurance policies to now will my insurance dealer to look at in thanks for any insurance could be for .
Any help on this surprised if it wasn t the only employee and even qualify for Medicaid are pretty cheap and and will be taking the new car, or car. will i be only wanted a policy before this first one, Where can I get What should I do also come in handy.. the best/cheapest insurance out any companies that do this 500 Voluntary Excess and averaging their prices in advance! Oh and insurance renewal dates so insurance on myself for cheap car insurance for dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, and post, by EMAIL only page for this renewal I combined it with about getting breakdown cover driver is only 18. and my wife. They rate of car insurance own car insurance if a Good plan on put under her mother $25000 50/100/50. I mean insurance that covers maternity Would appreciate so much if we have 3 student and also have am about to buy car so... 4. How will split the monthly this or are you .
My friend had a a very difficult situation, until July. I want have insurance on all since i was happy well your technicly not will it also raise for a back up? that will give contacts like to find something to the other vehicle a focus ghia 1600 to pay my own North Carolina have a just want to know rest of the year. he hit my son. INSURANCE COST ON A 30 days from the I have looked at 2006 ESTATE IVE TRIED on the rates? And be a Nissan Altima I have just quited but its still like anyone know the insurance old insurance company is im thinking of buying background - this will was given a quote that I would have it over to new in his OWN WORDS: end of the year like to know which of car insurance firms car is up for get health insurance? I car i have right cars. How am i is BS because he .
0 notes
How to Write a Certifications Summary
A well-written Qualifications Summary can make your resume very appealing to employing managers. Discover how to write one with this thorough guide.
How to Compose a Resume Tabulation: What is a Qualifications Summary?Writing a Qualifications Summary is the most basic method to increase your chances of capturing an interview. Let's take a look at what they look like.
View these examples:
Make a resume in minutes >
> How is it that this design of resume can improve your chances of getting an interview so significantly?
It holds true for several factors.
Fresh, Unique Look
First of all, they're relatively unusual to see, giving your resume a fresh and clean appearance to bleary-eyed hiring managers. The factor that they're uncommon is due to the fact that a lot of individuals just haven't heard about them-- since they did not have the interest to find out! So congratulations, you're now in on a secret concealed in plain sight!
A Powerful Introduction
Writing one forces the hiring supervisor to pay attention to your resume due to the fact that it loads a powerful punch. The very first thing the hiring supervisor will see are all of your greatest accomplishments and skills, all of which are straight connected to the task publishing they require filled. You can-- you need to sand away the coarse edges and present the valuable gem of your work experience at the top.
A Modern Method
It offers your resume a greater opportunity of passing through Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software, which is utilized to evaluate out irrelevant prospects based on the content of their resumes. Discussed briefly, it allows you to put a higher concentration of appropriate keywords and key expressions in your resume, ensuring that it earns a "passing grade" and in fact reaches human eyes.
10 Rules of Resume Composingto make sure you're hitting the right notes throughout your whole resume.
INFOGRAPHIC: How to Compose a Qualifications Summary
It should cover your greatest profession accomplishments, providing you as a well-rounded prospect with many talents. As I stated previously, the Credentials Summary resembles a gem, and its structure is similar. Gems have lots of different shining elements, and so do your abilities and achievements. Providing the finest of each facet, integrated into an unified whole, finishes the gem.
Utilize this as a guide for writing your own. Think about each category an aspect of your gem. Attempt to believe of examples from your work history that fall under each major heading.
Everything you need to compose an unbelievable Qualifications Summary
The key here is to take THE BEST examples from your work experience, and put them in the Qualifications Summary.
SEE ALSO' Task Browse Resources
A Credentials Summary is a list of 6 bullet points showing a variety of your most excellent achievements. It is put at the top of your resume, in place of the Career Goal. It is an effective tool, designed to please Applicant Tracking System software, and grasp the attention of the hiring supervisor. By writing a Qualifications Summary, you can vastly improve your resume and stick out amongst your competition.
RG Pointer
Still can't decide if you should utilize a QS? Check out our Resume Flowchart. Here are two more examples, from different industries. One is written for an executive secretary, the other for a waiter. We picked these 2 markets based upon their popularity on this site:
Example 1: Executive Secretary Qualifications Summary
Handled 4 staff members in an executive workplace, preserving an atmosphere of exactness, performance, and attention to information
Developed and carried out effectiveness programs targeted at enhancing direct office services, conserving $150,000 each year in labor expenses
Examined and condensed incoming information from various customers and clients, writing 1,500 word reports twice a week for our CEO
Organized business getaways, dinners, and retreats, increasing business satisfaction by 9% according to our yearly staff member satisfaction survey
Earned the 2013 "Outstanding Achievement Award" in a company of 200+ individuals
Example 2: Waiter Credentials Summary
Managed a 3 table section totaling 25 seats in a busy Italian diner, requiring quick thinking, effective planning, and strong people skills
Leveraged a depth and breadth of wine understanding to up-sell $150 in red wine sales nighttime on average, by explaining to clients ideal red wine and entree pairings.
Regularly gotten 5 star reviews from an online rating system, with accompanying applauding comments about my service
Reduced consumer disagreements throughout the restaurant with strong communication and listening skills
Earned "Staff Member of the Month" six times in 2 years
Qualifications Summary vs. Career Objective-- What's the Difference?
The distinction between these two lies mostly in their length and kind. Their purpose is the exact same: they are indicated to provide the hiring supervisor a fast understanding of how your abilities and experience can assist his/her business.
Profession Goal
The Profession Objective is a 1-2 sentence explanation of what would make you a strong prospect for the job. It offers a really basic overview of your work experience and skills.
Here's an example:
Hotel House cleaning worker with over 9 years of experience in the provision and management of timely housekeeping service. Has a knock for attaining and preserving sophistication and a strong ethical foundation.
The problem with the Career Goal is that it's too short to effectively convey your experience and capability.
RG Idea
The Career Objective is really an excellent choice if you do not have as much work experience. If that sounds like you, read our in-depth guide about how to compose a Profession
Goal here. Certifications Summary You may be questioning, "Isn't a Credentials Summary too long to hold the hiring manager's attention?" The answer is no. Despite being longer, it really saves the hiring manager time due to the fact that they don't have to sift through your work experience to discover your real abilities. Basically, you've done that work for them.
They'll show their appreciation by calling you in for an interview.
Certifications Summary vs. Expert Experience-- What's the Difference?
A common criticism of the Credentials Summary is that it looks like another Expert Experience area. There are significant distinctions that must be pointed out.
Professional Experience
Composed in reverse-chronological order
Explains finer details of each task
Gives the hiring supervisor a deeper understanding of your experience
Certifications Summary
Presents a summary of your biggest achievements and credentials
Composed in any order
Does not include fundamental duties and jobs
Keep in mind: You must be cautious not to repeat any bullet points that you used in the Credentials Summary.
I'm A Student: Should I Compose a Certifications Summary?
This will be questionable, however we say go all out-- specifically if you're a very efficient and active trainee. If you're a student, what are the facets that you can show to a possible company?
Critical/relevant coursework and your GPA
Greek life and club activities
Trainee federal government
Internship experience
Volunteer experience
Major academic accomplishments
Awards and honors got
Generally speaking, resume specialists will insist that just professionals with years of experience under their belts need to write a Credentials Summary. I disagree for the following reasons:
No matter who you are, and what your age is, there are aspects of your experience and capability that qualify you over other candidates. If that were not true, everybody would easily find employment. For that reason, you ought to show your credentials prominently.
The general format of a Qualifications Summary is objectively exceptional to a Profession Goal, because it saves the hiring supervisor time and effort. There's no point in handicapping yourself even if you're not a skilled specialist.
To be reasonable, there is an excellent reason that trainees are not motivated to write a Credentials Summary, which I'll cover in the next area.
When Should You NOT Compose a Certifications Summary?
You must prevent composing one if you are lacking in abilities, experience, and activity. That is the primary factor that trainees are dissuaded from writing a them-- since it's naturally going to look weak and fragile compared to a seasoned expert.
If you fall under the classification of unskilled, ignorant, and not active, you need not fret. There are other methods that you can utilize to strengthen your resume and communicate your employability. You can read them here.
Resume Genius' Resume Contractor
If you're unclear about how to tackle composing your Credentials Summary, please leave a comment in the area below. We likewise encourage you to try Resume Genius' Online Resume Software Application, which will assist you write a resume in minutes, inconvenience totally free.
If you wish to write your own resume, think about downloading among Resume Genius' totally free and expert resume design templates, and filling in the info yourself. If you need assistance, discover a particular resume sample from your industry, and take motivation from its bullet points and formatting.
Other QS Resources
Sterling College: A lot more QS examples for you to utilize.
0 notes
coopsxfile-blog · 7 years
How to Make It As a Health Model!
drep So You Wanna Be a Fitness Design? Individuals that follow my things know I usually produce about diet, nutritional supplements, teaching, and other subject areas that are more science dependent than subjective subject areas, these as what is covered in this short article. I determined to shuck my science geek persona, and publish on a matter I know will be handy to 1000's of would be and want to be health types. As nicely a known "challenging core" science dependent no BS writer, why I am composing what some will perceive as a "fluff" post? About the yrs I have gotten hundreds, perhaps countless numbers, of gals that ask me by using e mail, letters, or in person "how do I become a exercise design Will? You have been in the business a extended time, surly you of all folks should know." I get this from newcomers and I get this from ladies that have been at it a when but have been unable to "break in" properly. The fact is, I have been in the fitness, wellness, and bodybuilding biz a extended time, and while I am regarded as a science and nutrition based "expert" form, I have experienced many a fitness athlete, and judged physical fitness and figure/bikini demonstrates for the NPC, Health America, Exercise Usa, and other federations as properly as supplied promoting and small business tips to all sorts of athletes, which include health and fitness types. So, it really is not as considerably fetched as it may seem to be that I am heading to use this house to go over a non scientific topic, which is, how one goes about staying a physical fitness product. This report will be beneficial to equally experienced and beginner kinds wanting to "split in" to the biz. If you are currently a expert and effective exercise design, I am certain you may well still glean some valuable details from this short article. Initial the poor news, there is no one particular way to turn out to be a prosperous health and fitness product. There is no single route or magic secret. There are however some important issues a particular person can do to considerably strengthen their possibilities of "building it" in the health biz as a product, and probably employing that achievement as a launching pad to better things, this kind of as flicks, Tv, etcetera. Many of the top fitness versions (Trish Stratus and Vicki Pratt appear to mind but there are quite a few other folks) have long gone on to occupations in leisure of all kinds. Base line, even though there is no magic key to becoming effective as a health product, this write-up will be about as shut to a blueprint for success as you will discover. "Do I require to compete?" This is a problem I get requested all the time and it is not an straightforward one to answer. In truth, the answer is (drum roll) indeed and no. The human being has to deicide why they are competing in the first spot to reply that problem. For case in point, do you require to compete if your objective is to be a profitable fitness design? The answer is no. A lot of of present-day very well-regarded health and fitness models have in no way competed, or they competed in a number of smaller shows and it was evidently not portion of their success as exercise types. Nevertheless, competing does have its probable works by using. One particular of them is exposure. At the upper stage reveals, there will generally be editors, publishers, photographers, dietary supplement business entrepreneurs, and other enterprise individuals. So, competing can boost your publicity. Also, competing can make sense if you are making an attempt to construct a business that is relevant to your competing or will advantage from you successful a show. For example, say you have a private instruction gym you are trying to build. Positive, obtaining the title of say Ms Exercise The us, or profitable the NPC Nationals and being an IFBB professional, will help your status and the notoriety of your business. There are several scenarios had been it would support to have received a exhibit for a company or other endeavors. On the other hand, it need to be realized that profitable a demonstrate does not in any way ensure accomplishment in the organization conclusion (and it seriously is a small business) of becoming a physical fitness product. The telephone wont ring off the hook with massive offers for contracts. Also, it's very important to understand that it is prevalent that the 4th or sixth or eighth position finisher in a exercise or figure demonstrate will get much more push than the winner. Why? Even though the winner may possibly have what it took to win that display, it really is often other gals the editor, publishers, nutritional supplement companies etc, really feel is additional marketable. I have witnessed it several occasions exactly where the winner was shocked to discover she didn't get virtually the focus she predicted and other girls who positioned decreased have gotten awareness in the variety of pics shoots, journal protection, etcetera. A thing to maintain in intellect when you inquire your self the essential issue "do I need to have to compete and if so, why am I competing?" Answer that concern, and you will know the reply to the heading of this section. Profitable a title of some type can be a stepping stone, but it is not in alone any ensure of good results in the health industry. It is like a college diploma it truly is what you do with it. Now. If you contend for the fun of it, then by all signifies go for it, but the previously mentioned is concentrating on competing as it relates to the small business aspect of becoming a health and fitness product. Suitable physique, erroneous federation? Alright, so immediately after studying the higher than you have resolved you are likely to contend, or will contend all over again. If you don't program to contend, you can skip this segment. The biggest error I see in this article is so numerous gals have the correct human body for the erroneous federation. Each and every federation has its very own judging conditions and a competitor will do poorly only because they failed to hassle to research which demonstrate would be finest suited for them. I will give you a excellent genuine entire world case in point of this. Recently I judged a display whose criteria for the determine round was the girls ought to be far more on the curvy softer side with some tone, vs. being additional muscular and athletic with considerably less bodyfat that other federations might let. At this display just one of the most gorgeous females I have ever noticed arrived out. She was incredibly proportional, wonderful muscle tone, lean, and athletically formed with narrow hips and waistline and broader shoulders. How did she do at this demonstrate? She didn't even place in the top rated 10! Why? Because she was not what we ended up instructed to search for and didn't fit the conditions. Following the demonstrate I educated her that she looked wonderful, but this might not the federation for her. I explained to her she had a lot a lot more of an NPC type physique, wherever a small additional muscle mass, athletic construct, and less bodyfat is rewarded. The pursuing 7 days I was judging an NPC health, figure, and bodybuilding exhibit and there she was. How did she do? She received the overall exhibit with all judges voting her range a single unanimously. Conversely, if your human body variety tends to be far more rounded and toned, but with a minor more bodyfat, broader (but not extra fat!) hips, you may possibly be much better off competing in say the Health America Pageants. If you are going to contend: (1) come across out just what the judging standards is for that federation and (two) go see people shows as a spectator for many various federations and see which one particular your physique, type, and so forth will healthy into finest. (three) You have to make a decision if you truly have the athletic capabilities to compete in a health levels of competition (which demands a schedule) or a figure/bikini opposition. I often see girls who would do effectively in a figure demonstrate but truly don't have the athletic skills do the routines needed to be aggressive with other athletes in the present. Some exhibits will permit you to do each competitions and some wont.
0 notes
seaweedcities-blog · 7 years
How to Make It As a Health and fitness Model!
gym So You Wanna Be a Fitness Design? Persons that adhere to my stuff know I typically write about nourishment, health supplements, education, and other topics that are more science centered than subjective topics, such as what is coated in this short article. I made the decision to shuck my science geek persona, and create on a topic I know will be valuable to hundreds of would be and want to be fitness designs. As well a known "difficult core" science based mostly no BS author, why I am writing what some will understand as a "fluff" write-up? In excess of the several years I have gotten hundreds, most likely countless numbers, of gals that ask me via e-mail, letters, or in person "how do I develop into a health design Will? You have been in the organization a long time, surly you of all folks need to know." I get this from newbies and I get this from gals that have been at it a whilst but have been unable to "crack in" effectively. The actuality is, I have been in the fitness, wellness, and bodybuilding biz a extended time, and though I am recognized as a science and diet centered "expert" type, I have skilled numerous a health and fitness athlete, and judged health and determine/bikini exhibits for the NPC, Fitness The usa, Physical fitness United states, and other federations as well as supplied promoting and enterprise guidance to all types of athletes, including physical fitness designs. So, it is not as much fetched as it may well seem that I am likely to use this area to deal with a non scientific subject, which is, how one goes about becoming a health product. This post will be beneficial to the two skilled and beginner kinds wanting to "break in" to the biz. If you are by now a professional and prosperous exercise product, I am positive you may well however glean some handy details from this article. First the terrible news, there is no 1 way to turn into a effective physical fitness product. There is no single path or magic mystery. There are on the other hand some important factors a individual can do to tremendously improve their chances of "making it" in the health and fitness biz as a product, and most likely using that results as a launching pad to increased things, these kinds of as movies, Television, and so on. Several of the top rated health and fitness models (Trish Stratus and Vicki Pratt occur to brain but there are many other individuals) have gone onto occupations in amusement of all sorts. Base line, though there is no magic magic formula to getting productive as a health and fitness model, this report will be about as close to a blueprint for success as you will discover. "Do I require to contend?" This is a query I get questioned all the time and it truly is not an straightforward a single to solution. In fact, the answer is (drum roll) certainly and no. The particular person has to deicide why they are competing in the very first area to solution that concern. For illustration, do you need to have to contend if your objective is to be a effective health and fitness product? The answer is no. A lot of of today's effectively-acknowledged fitness versions have under no circumstances competed, or they competed in a handful of smaller displays and it was clearly not aspect of their accomplishment as health types. However, competing does have its prospective employs. Just one of them is publicity. At the higher amount shows, there will generally be editors, publishers, photographers, dietary supplement company house owners, and other organization people. So, competing can strengthen your exposure. Also, competing can make sense if you are attempting to build a enterprise that is relevant to your competing or will advantage from you profitable a demonstrate. For illustration, say you have a non-public training fitness center you are trying to construct. Certain, getting the title of say Ms Health and fitness The usa, or winning the NPC Nationals and currently being an IFBB professional, will aid your track record and the notoriety of your organization. There are numerous eventualities were it would help to have won a exhibit for a company or other endeavors. On the other hand, it must be understood that successful a show does not in any way promise achievement in the organization end (and it truly is a small business) of being a health and fitness model. The telephone wont ring off the hook with huge offers for contracts. Also, it's extremely critical to understand that it can be frequent that the 4th or sixth or 8th location finisher in a fitness or figure present will get much more push than the winner. Why? While the winner might have what it took to gain that exhibit, it truly is usually other gals the editor, publishers, dietary supplement corporations etc, feel is much more marketable. I have observed it numerous times the place the winner was stunned to find she did not get just about the consideration she envisioned and other women who positioned decreased have gotten awareness in the form of photographs shoots, journal coverage, and so on. A thing to maintain in brain when you inquire yourself the critical concern "do I require to contend and if so, why am I competing?" Remedy that problem, and you will know the response to the heading of this area. Winning a title of some sort can be a stepping stone, but it is not in itself any assure of success in the exercise business. It's like a college diploma it really is what you do with it. Now. If you contend for the pleasurable of it, then by all signifies go for it, but the earlier mentioned is concentrating on competing as it relates to the business factor of staying a health model. Suitable overall body, improper federation? Okay, so immediately after studying the earlier mentioned you have determined you are likely to contend, or will compete yet again. If you never prepare to contend, you can skip this segment. The biggest mistake I see in this article is so several gals have the suitable physique for the improper federation. Every single federation has its personal judging requirements and a competitor will do poorly just mainly because they didn't trouble to exploration which present would be best suited for them. I will give you a great real earth example of this. Just lately I judged a demonstrate whose criteria for the determine round was the ladies must be much more on the curvy softer facet with some tone, vs. being much more muscular and athletic with considerably less bodyfat that other federations may permit. At this demonstrate one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen came out. She was incredibly proportional, fantastic muscle tone, lean, and athletically formed with narrow hips and waist and wider shoulders. How did she do at this display? She didn't even place in the top rated 10! Why? Because she was not what we have been instructed to search for and failed to fit the conditions. Following the exhibit I knowledgeable her that she looked great, but this may possibly not the federation for her. I advised her she experienced significantly far more of an NPC type human body, where a small much more muscle mass, athletic construct, and a lot less bodyfat is rewarded. The next 7 days I was judging an NPC health and fitness, figure, and bodybuilding present and there she was. How did she do? She won the complete display with all judges voting her range one particular unanimously. Conversely, if your human body form tends to be much more rounded and toned, but with a little additional bodyfat, wider (but not fat!) hips, you might be better off competing in say the Exercise The us Pageants. If you are likely to compete: (1) find out exactly what the judging criteria is for that federation and (2) go see all those shows as a spectator for many various federations and see which one particular your physique, type, and many others will in shape into best. (three) You have to choose if you really have the athletic talents to contend in a health opposition (which requires a schedule) or a determine/bikini opposition. I generally see ladies who would do very well in a determine exhibit but truly really don't have the athletic skills do the routines required to be competitive with other athletes in the demonstrate. Some reveals will let you to do both competitions and some wont.
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babymilkaction · 7 years
Corporate power on show at the Conservative conference
My pass to the Tory Conference sponsored by sugar and nuclear power companies.
Baby Milk Action is not aligned to any political party.
Here are some of the notable things I spotted at the Conservative Conference in Manchester in October.
Sugar and Nuclear power: With hardly any fringe events on health on the agenda, I was still surprised to see that delegate passes were sponsored by sugar giant Tate and Lyleand two nuclear power companies (NuScale Power and Fluor) (Click Here for Morning Star article).
Tobacco Power: Once inside, one of the biggest stands was Philip Morris International (PMI) proclaiming that it is now  a ‘company in transition’ and working towards a ‘smoke free world’.  Click here for my Blog about the Foundation for a Smoke Free World.  I asked the representative if this had been a pitch to get the company’s feet under WHO’s table.  She didn’t exactly deny it – and said that statement from the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control  and  WHO warning Member States to stay clear of the Foundation, certainly put an end to that idea.  She insisted that the Foundation is completely ‘independent’ of PMI even though it is set to receive $80m a year over the next 12 years.  I didn’t make it to the fringe meetings but was told E-cigarettes were being handed out freely.
Priti Patel, International Development Secretary,  spoke at the conference  CLICK HERE for all the key speeches and at the Save the Children reception. In her speech she made many promises:  announcing a radical shake-up and clean-up of the market for DFIDs aid contracts; driving out excessive rewards for the consultants and middle-men who implement aid contracts; a tough new Code of Conduct which will lead the way across Government to ensure the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour by DFID suppliers, with legally enforceable sanctions.    (1)
2 Wikipedia on Priti Patel:  ‘During her work at Weber Shandwick, she lobbied on behalf of British American Tobacco (BAT) for several years, with a memo from that company showing that she was employed to “provide strategic advice on the account with a particular focus on the Conservative Party”, billing the company for over £20,000 per month. BAT documents released in 2015 after a legal action indicate that she worked closely on a project to limit the damage to the company’s reputation that its Burmese investments had caused; BAT paid its Burmese factory workers £15 a month, and Patel was paid £165 an hour to counter the negative publicity that the company’s wage agreements generated. One BAT senior executive complained that Weber Shandwick felt uncomfortable about doing such work for a tobacco firm, but noted that “Priti [and another employee] seem quite relaxed working with us”.[14] In November 2000, Patel was part of a strategy group looking at how BAT could influence the outcome of the World Health Organisation‘s negotiations on developing the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.[15] Patel then moved to Diageo, the British multinational alcoholic beverages company, and worked in corporate relations between 2003 and 2007, shaping “a global strategy on responsible drinking” according to PR Week. On her re-appointment to Weber Shandwick in 2007 Patel was reported as having been in the Corporate Relations team at Diageo Plc, where she “worked on international public policy issues related to the wider impact of alcohol in society.”[16]‘
‘Why do we give aid to India when it has a space programme?’ How to answer difficult questions about aid on the doorstep.
James Prior, Tax Payers Alliance, Kirsty McNeill,  Save the Children UK (Executive Director of Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns on public policy on humanitarian action, global development and UK policy), Philip Collins, The Times,  Ann Marcer, a returning VSO volunteer; Sir Desmond Swayne, MP.
Global Britain, Building a Prosperous Trading Nation, Boris Johnson, Foreign Secretary
This well attended fringe meeting took place a few hours after Boris Johnson, made his conference speech.  The media has rightly picked up on his comments on Libya. I asked one of the three questions allowed from the floor and n response Boris remembered the front page coverage he got for our campaign to bring in a strong EU Export Directive  in 1992 – at that time he was a Brussels journalist with the Daily Telegraph.  He promised to take our advice on global trade negotiations!
Boris Johnson’92
  Fringe events I missed:
ADAM SMITH INSTITUTE : Innovation vs the nanny state: How markets are solving the public health problems that government can’t  Innovation, not the nanny state, is driving improvements in public health. E-cigarettes have helped millions to quit smoking but face tough regulation from Brussels. As we leave the EU how do we ensure that technology can help us be healthier and happier – and regulation doesn’t get  in the way? Speakers: Christopher Snowdon, Institute of Economic Affairs; Sam Bowman, Adam Smith Institute; Viscount Matt Ridley (invited), Secretary, APPG on E-Cigarettes; Mark Pawsey MP, Chair, APPG on E-Cigarettes (invited); Prof Gerry Stimson, Imperial College London (invited);
Eat, Drink, Smoke, Vape  Complimentary food and drink plus guest speakers in a unique location. Smokers and vapers welcome!
POLICY EXCHANGE  Is the Intellectual Momentum all with the Left?
Whether it’s Corbyn attracting some of the most highly educated voters, or Piketty topping the bestseller list, left-wing thought is apparently in the ascendancy. What arguments do the centre-right need to make or remake to counter this? SSppeeaakkeerrss:: Dean Godson, Director, Policy Exchange (Chair); George Freeman MP; Sir Roger Scruton, Writer, Philosopher and Author; Jacob Rees-Mogg MP; Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP, Chair, Treasury Select Committee; Owen Jones, Author and Guardian Columnist;
1  http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-8060-The-corporate-lobbyists-who-pull-the-strings-at-Tory-Party-conference#.Wdj1TUzMyIY
  Corporate power on show at the Conservative conference was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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