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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Smile Precure! - Finally Equal Character Development!!!! - Short Review
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General Info (from MAL):
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Shoujo
Episodes: 48
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating:Ā G
Streaming Service: none
Summary I guess: Miyuki Hoshizora love fairytales. Inspired by these stories, she is in search of happiness everyday. While running late on her first day of school, she runs into Candy, a fairy from the world of fairytales, MƤrchenland. Candy quickly disappears and Miyuki thinks that was all just a dream. Later that day, Miyuki finds a strange library at school. She finds that if she moves books in certain directions, theyā€™ll create a portal. Soon she finds herself next to Candy, and has to protect from Wolfrun. She transforms intoĀ ā€œcure Happyā€. Now itā€™s up to her and her friendsĀ to protect everyoneā€™s happily ever after.
Story: 7/10 - I liked it well enough, if I remember correctly. Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve watched it. I do know I liked the fairytale theme, it worked really well. I also remember sobbing during the last few episodes, it honestly got really dark. I mostly like this season for the nostalgia, cause it was my first Precure season.
Characters: 10/10 - I loved all the main girls. They were all very distinct and didnā€™t feel too generic. I felt myself relating to each of them to some extent. I like how they all got equal-ish development, no one felt like they were just filler. I wasnā€™t too into any of the villains except for the Bad End Precure and Joker.Ā 
Art: 9/10 - The art style is super pretty. I love the colors they used and all the detail. I canā€™t remember any times the animation got exceptionally good, though.
Sound: 7/10 - Some voices were a little annoying, but thatā€™s about it. The music was good.
Overall: 7/10 - Itā€™s a good season, definitely a good place to start if you wanna get into Precure
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
thinking about Luffy from the perspective of an everyday schmo in his world is hilarious. And I donā€™t mean ā€œI heard he was 20 feet tallā€ etc., though that is still really funny. I mean think about whatā€™s public knowledge on him.
this guy comes out of nowhere, declares war on the fucking government, blows up the centre of their justice system, commits basically the biggest crime you can commit by punching super-royalty and somehow gets away with it, breaks into the most secure prison in the world, and breaks right back out again just to jump feet-first into the biggest war in recent memory, during which you find out oh hey heā€™s brothers with the pirate kingā€™s kid, his dadā€™s also trying to overthrow the government, his grandpaā€™s a war hero who works for said government, and one of the freaking Four Emperors gives him his hat back. A few weeks later he breaks into the headquarters of the worldā€™s biggest military (which is actively hunting him btw) just so he can ring a bell, and Rogerā€™s right hand man is there helping him.
And then he fucking disappears for two years.
Suddenly he comes back, teams up with a Warlord of the Sea to save some country youā€™ve never heard of by dethroning its king, tries to assassinate one of the Emperors at her own tea party, and then runs away and takes down a completely different Emperor while his friends take out the first one. Hereā€™s his crew:
guy who used to kill pirates for a living
woman who studies ancient deadly superweapons and blew up six ships when she was eight
one of the villains from your comic books
a world-famous rock musician
another Warlord (whoā€™s also some kind of fish monster)
also he has a pet raccoon or something and apparently feeds it cotton candy
absolutely buckwild. how do you cope
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Devilman Crybaby - It Made me Feel Insignificant (Review)
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Major Spoilers
General Info: (From MAL)
Genres: Action, Avant Garde, Gore, Horror, Mythology, Supernatural
Episodes: 10
Runtime per episode: ~25 min
Studio:Science SARU
Rating:Ā R+
Streaming Service: Netflix
Summary I guess: Akira Fudou is a crybaby. When childhood friend Ryo Asuka asks him to help uncover devils, he accepts without hesitation. They go to Sabbath: a place full of drugs and sex. Ryo stabs a bunch of people with a broken alcohol bottle, and chaos ensues. A bunch of people turn into devils. Akira attempts to save Ryo, but he merges with the devil Amon. Akira then becomes a Devilman. He slays the remaining demons. Akira has this new power, but it awakens a more violent part of him. Akira and Ryo work together to destroy devils and save humanity.
Story: 7/10 - I went into this anime completely blind. I had never read a synopsis, I just knew it was really hyped up. Oh my god I was not prepared. For one, everybody fucking dies. I am not kidding. It's not just characters we know either, it's EVERYBODY. The world gets demolished at the very end. Don't get attached to anyone. I got attached to the guys that would rap all the time, I got attached to both of the Mikis, and they all fuckin die. at first I thought it'd be a "devil of the episode" type thing. Like they'd fight a devil or two each episode and for the last two or something, it'd be a big fight with everyone. Nope. After episode 5, everything goes batshit insane and off the deep end. Everything gave me whiplash. If it was meant to be shocking, it certainly worked.
Characters: 7/10 - Nobody got character development except for Akira and Ryo. I did like most of the characters though. My favorite was Kukun, I fell in love with him after he rapped his feelings to Miki Kuroda. I'm rating this a 7 though because I wish we got more time with these guys. I am impressed with how I managed to get so attached.
Art: 10/10 - I've seen some people say it looks goofy, which I guess it does when Akira is running, but aside from that it looks really good. I will say, the gore could've been a lot better. I know this anime isn't super detailed, but it felt like they wanted to go all out with it, but decided not to. Does that make sense? I don't know. The animation was consistently really good.
Sound: 10/10 - The voice acting and music were pretty good.
Overall: 6/10 - I know I've shown some praise, but I think this anime is pretty average. More than anything, it made me feel insignificant after I watched it, which y'know is a terrible feeling. Gorey anime and anime where literally everybody dies tend to have that effect on me though. I also don't understand the hype, but maybe it's because of the original Devilman. I've seen a lot of hype around that. It was alright
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Healinā€™ Goodā™” Precure - Fuck Daruizen (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Shoujo
Episodes: 45
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating:Ā G
Streaming Service: Crunchyroll
Summary I guess: Nodoka Hanadera is chronically ill, and has just moved to Sukoyaka City, a place famous for itā€™s healthy atmosphere. She quickly becomes friends with Chiyu Sawaizumi and Hinata Hiramitsu. Soon, Nodoka finds an ill puppy in a forest who is surrounded by three talking, colorful animals, Rabirin, Pegitan and Nyatoran. They call her Princess Latte, and tell Nodoka she can only be healed if a creature known as aĀ ā€œMegabyogenā€ is defeated. Despite not being able to help, Nodoka vows to save Latte. Rabirin decides to form a pact with her, and transforms Nodoka into Cure Grace. She fights the Byogen and heals the earth and saves Latte. Now itā€™s up to Ndoka and her friends to heal the world.
Story: 10/10 - I want to be a surgeon when Iā€™m older, so the medical theme of this season is awesome. Itā€™s not too heavy, but itā€™s there. The nature theme is beautiful, too. One thing I absolutely love is around the end, Daruizen begs Nodoka to let him hide in her body (how tf do I explain it), but Nodoka refuses. Turns out, Daruizen is the one who made her ill in the first place. Itā€™s such a good representation of a toxic relationship, and the fact that Nodoka basically let Daruizen die was such a power move. Itā€™s such a good lesson to people, and Iā€™m glad Precure handled it so well.Ā 
Characters: 10/10 - I really enjoyed everyone. It felt like they all had equal amounts of development. I know a lot of people said Hinataā€™s development around the end was rushed, but to me it didnā€™t feel that way. Everyone meshed together really well. I wasnā€™t too into the villains or side characters, but to me they donā€™t matter too much compared to the Cures. Fuck Daruizen, though.
Art: 10/10 - Itā€™s absolutely beautiful. Itā€™s probably my favorite art style in Precure. Not much else to say aside from whatā€™s been said about recent Precure seasons.
Sound: 10/10 - I like the music and voice acting.
Overall: 10/10 - It was really good imo, go watch it
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Aharen-San wa Hakarenai - Cute but Boring (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Comedy, Iyashikei, School, Shounen
Episodes: 12
Runtime per episode: ~23
Studio: Felix Film
Rating:Ā PG-13
Streaming Service: Crunchyroll
Summary I guess: Matsuboshi Raidou just wants to make friends at his new high school. He ends up making friends with a very quiet and shy girl, Aharen Reina. She sits next to him in class. Reina wants to make friends too, but due to her shy and timid nature she has trouble knowing whatā€™s too close when it comes to interacting with someone. Due to her inability to understand personal space, the relationship has a rocky start. But Raidou is determined to become friends with her.
Story: 6/10 - Itā€™s cute. I like how they donā€™t immediately become best friends, like some anime. I think the way they interact is pretty realistic, even if Raidou is quick to come up with the most outlandish shit ever. It was a little boring, especially around the middle, but if you can make it through that, the ending is really cute.Ā 
Characters: 6/10 - I liked Raidou and Reina. Everyone else was kind of bland. Like that one teacher obsessed with the two made me want to die. The red-head that Iā€™m pretty sure has a crush on Reina makes me a little uncomfortable. But I do like how I can relate to Reina. I have trouble communicating, and trouble with physical boundaries. When talking to people, I tend to get too close. Yā€™all know I love characters I can relate to.Ā 
Art: 10/10 - The art style is SO CUTE. I love it.
Sound: 8/10 - I liked the voice acting, the music was pretty good.
Overall: 6/10 - It was cute, and thatā€™s really the most I can say about it. If youā€™re upset or something, Iā€™d recommend watching at least a couple episodes of this. Itā€™s a pretty good iyashikei
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Starā˜†Twinkle Precure - Very Aesthetically Pleasing (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Shoujo
Episodes: 49
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating:Ā G
Streaming Service: none
Summary I guess: Hikaru Hoshina is an energetic middle schooler obsessed with space. When drawing in her notebook, a small fluffy creature suddenly appears! Turns out, the creature's name is FuwaĀ and she's an alien who can form warp holes! Soon, Fuwa's companions arrive, Lala Hagoromo and Prunce. They claim to be searching for Precure, legendary warriors who will protect the universe. Soon, these guys called Notraiders attack, trying to capture Fuwa. Hikaru feels the need to protect her and transforms into Cure Star. Now it's up to the Precure to keep the universe in balance and to find the 12 Princess Star Color Pens.
Story: 10/10: I LOVE the space and astrology theme. I think it works really well for a Precure season. They handled the Star Princess theme very well. There's not too much to say, in terms of story it's what you'd expect for a Precure season, but it was a lot of fun.
Characters: 6/10 - I Love Hikaru, but everyone else was kind of eh. I love Elena's and Madoka's development, but even then Hikaru was always the star. Lala was sweet, but the only memorable thing was when she chose her last name. Now, Yuni is a mixed bag for me. I don't like her too much, but she's not atrocious. I liked her development, but she has 6th Ranger Syndrome (I think that's what people call it). Hikaru is the only memorable character for me.
Art: 10/10 - SUPER PRETTY. I love space aesthetics so anytime they were in space I was just "AWOOOOGA". It's super pleasing to look at. And when the animation got good, it got GOOD. Absolutely delectable.
Sound: 8/10 - I like what they were going for, but I'm not too into more "futuristic(?)" sounding music. And everyone's voices were generic and there weren't any exceptional performances I remember.
Overall: 9/10 - Despite the qualms I have with the season, I really do love it. It's definitely a good season.
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Happiness Charge Precure - The Worst Precure Season (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Shoujo
Episodes: 49
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating:Ā G
Streaming Service: none
Summary I guess: Some time ago, a box known asĀ ā€œAxiaā€ was opened, and set loose members of the Phantom Empire into the world. Legendary heroes known as Precure, are working to save the world. Due to their heroic feats they are famous worldwide. Hime Shirayuki, the princess of the kingdom the Axia was held in, is one of the Precure. Her name is Cure Princess. Due to her timid personality, sheā€™d having trouble fighting these monsters. She sets off to find another Precure, and meets Megumi Aino. When a general of the Phantom Empire appears, Megumi transforms into Cure Lovely and fights the monster summoned by him. Together, Megumi and Hime formĀ ā€œHappiness Charge Precureā€, while fighting and searching for true love.
Story: 2/10 - To be completely honest, I can barely remember anything about this season. Nothing was interesting or fun about it. Any plot twists were so painfully obvious. The story arc about Himeā€™s crush on that one guy was stupid. I get what they were trying to do with Ionaā€™s trauma and possible PTSD, but they just handled it so horribly. The ending felt so rushed. Like, it was so stupid.
Characters: 1/10 - Everyone sucks. No one was interesting, memorable, or even three-dimensional. Megumi was the most tolerable, but extremely generic. Hime was so incredibly annoying I wanted to punch my screen. Yuko is just...Yuko. And donā€™t even get me started on Iona. At least in the way I interoperate her, she has PTSD. And as someone with PTSD, the way the wrote her was absolutely horrible. It was unrealistic and demonizing. even if thatā€™s not how they meant to write her, it still sucks. I feel no sympathy towards her, sheā€™s just a bitch. The male side character whoā€™s name I forgot, (the one with brown hair and the red hoodie) just sucked. He had literally nothing going for him. And Blue is the worst offender for this season in terms of how poorly the characters are written. Heā€™s a selfish pedophile, it canā€™t get worse than that. Iā€™m gonna go onĀ  a little rant, I know calling Blue a pedo is a little much, but I have my reasons. His relationship with Queen Mirage. She was only a teenager when they fell in love, and Blue was at least an adult. Iā€™m not saying he was 18 and she was 17, Iā€™m saying she was 15 and he was at least 20+. Iā€™m aware of the age of consent in Japan, and how much lower they were when Queen Mirage and Blue first met, but still. Throwing a literal pedo into a kids show is absolutely vile. But anyways, everybody sucks.
Art: 5/10 - The 3D/CGI was absolutely gorgeous. I love it. But aside from that, the art feels really...dull? Dull for a Precure season, that is. And there werenā€™t any points where is animation got better.Ā 
Sound: 5/10 - The songs were pretty good, the rest was ok.
Overall: 2/10 - This season genuinely sucked. Donā€™t watch it for your own sanity.
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Hoshi no Koe - Ouch (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Drama, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi, Space
Episodes: 1
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: CoMix Wave Films
Rating:Ā PG-13
Streaming Service: none
Summary I guess: In the year 2046 Noboru and Mikako are about to graduate junior high. But after aliens attack Earth, Mikako is selected for the UN military space expedition group to fight the aliens. They two attempt to keep in touch, but as Mikako goes further from Earth, it takes longer for messages to be sent.Ā 
Story: 9/10 - Absolutely heartbreaking. Iā€™m a sucker for theĀ ā€œtwo lovers separatedā€ trope. You can really tell Noboru and Mikako are in love and miss each other. This really hits you in the face with emotions, I was crying by the end of it.
Characters: 5/10 - The characters are just kind of there. The relationship itself carries this.
Art: 5/10 - Itā€™s ok
Sound: 5/10 - Itā€™s also ok
Overall: 7/10 - If you wanna be sad for a little bit go watch this. I feel like I got punched in the nose
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Dollā€™s Frontline - Boredom (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Anthropomorphic, Drama, Military, Sci-Fi
Episodes: 12
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Asahi Production
Rating:Ā PG-13
Streaming Service: Funtimation
Summary I guess: After World War III destroyed the worldā€™s population and rendered a lot of land uninhabitable, private military contractors begans using combat androids, or T-Dolls, to maintain peach in unstable countries. Sangvis is one contractor and manufacturer of T-Dolls. After an accident that killed everyone at the facility, the AI went rouge and declared war of humans. Now that thereā€™s another war, Griffin and Kryuger re fighting against Sangvis. Now they must find classified information before Sangvis can.
Story: 5/10 - This was the most boring anime Iā€™ve ever watched. Literally nothing was interesting. OMG GUN NAME WAS CONTROLLED OR SOMETHING AND NOW SHEā€™S DEAD1!!!!!1!1!!1 To think I was actually excited for this anime. I know itā€™s based off a game, and apparently the parts of the game this is based off are just as bad? Thereā€™s nothing much to say, it was just a slog to get through. I saw every singleĀ ā€œplot twistā€ coming. Nothing about it was atrocious, just painfully average.Ā 
Characters 2/10 - Iā€™m writing this review immediately after finishing it, and I literally canā€™t remember any characters. Not their traits, name or even whatever fucking team they were on. Everyone is so forgettable. I will say, the characters designs for the four main girls were pretty good.Ā 
Art: 5/10 - The most art style ever. The animation was also pretty average. Youā€™d think the fights would be dynamic and have depth but it was just stock gun sound effect and sexy anime girl shooting gun.
Sound: 4/10 - Iā€™m 99% sure the gun sound effects are stock effects. Iā€™ve heard them so many times. Eventually the opening and ending grew on me, but thatā€™s about it.
Overall: 4/10 - Itā€™s not bad, just boring and disappointing
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Tokyo Mew Mew - Meow (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
Episodes: 52
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Studio Pierrot
Rating: G
Streaming Service: none
Summary I guess: Ichigo Momomiya expects a normal date with her crush, Masaya Aoyama, but she falls asleep and has a dream about a cat entering her body. The next day, she starts acting like a cat. Later, Masaya is attacked by a monster, and Ichigo transforms into a cat-eared magical girl, Mew Ichigo. Once the monster is defeated, two guys named Ryou Shirogane and Keiichiro Akasaka reveal theyā€™ve injected her with Iriomote cat DNA in order to create a magical girl that could save the world. Ichigo canā€™t handle this responsibility by herself. Luckily, there are four other girls with the same circumstances as Ichigo, and itā€™s just to them to stop these monsters from taking over the world.
Story: 7/10 - Not much to say really, itā€™s fun and entertaining for the most part. Sometimes the romance parts were just infuriating, Ichigo and Masayaā€™s romance is a slow-burn. Aside from that, nothing was bad.Ā 
Characters: 5/10 - The only people who I actually cared about were Ichigo and Zakuro. Everyone else just kind of felt like filler? Obviously Ichigoā€™s the main character so sheā€™s gonna get the most development. And Zakuro was just badass. Everyone else was the most ever.
Art: 6/10 - The artstyleā€™s cute. The animation kinda sucked.
Sound: 6/10 - The voice acting and music was fine.
Overall: 6/10 - It was cute, kinda goofy. I did enjoy it, it just wasnā€™t very good.
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Summer 2022 Anime I Plan on Watching
Yofukashi no Uta
When Will Ayumu Make His Move?
Tokyo Mew Mew New
Isekai Yakkyoku
Lycoris Recoil
Prima Doll
Shine Post
Extreme Hearts
Smile of the Arsnotoria
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Tropical-Rouge! Precure - Laura Carried (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Shoujo
Episodes: 46
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating:Ā G
Streaming Service: Crunchyroll
Summary I guess: Natsuumi Manatsu is an excitable teenager, is moving into a big city. Manatsu is enamoured by the city, ready to make new friends and have new experiences. But things turn even better when she meets Laura, an actual mermaid! Laura is searching for the Legendary Pretty Cure, who have the power to save Lauraā€™s home from the Witch of Delays. An anthropomorphic crab comes to steal peopleā€™s motivation, and Manatsu become the invincible Cure Summer! Along with her friends, they try to save Lauraā€™s home and find what means most to them.
Story: 9/10 - I think itā€™s cute, really. I enjoy the motivation theme, I think it fits well with the tropical sub-theme. I wish they did more with the tropical theme, instead of just using it for aesthetics. I think the stuff with the girls finding what theyā€™re truly passionate about was pretty good, and despite it being rushed, was pretty good. I think the season wouldā€™ve been leagues better if there was more time. Aside from how rushed it feels, itā€™s pretty good. I feel really nostalgic towards this season, even though it was just last year. I think thatā€™s because this is the first season Iā€™ve actually been able to keep up with.
Characters: 10/10 - Laura definitely stole the show. Her character development was some of the most drastic development Iā€™ve ever seen. She went from a total bitch to one of the sweetest characters in the show, while still being sassy, but sheā€™s the most likeable character that season? Itā€™s so confusing to explain. I love Laura, sheā€™s so well written. Manatsu is also really likeable, but thereā€™s nothing spectacular about her character. Although she did teach me to think about whatā€™s most important now. The other characters were just kind of there. Even Minori, who got the most development out the three (Sango, Minori and Asuka), was just kind of eh. I still liked them, I just wish they got more time to grow. Now, you might be wondering,Ā ā€˜Aydan, whyā€™s it a 10/10?ā€™ Itā€™s because Laura and Manatsu really make up for the lack of character for the other three. If this season was just Mantasu and Laura itā€™d still be just as good, I think.
Art: 10/10 - The artstyle is cute and super pleasing to look at. Also when the animation got good it got GOOD.
Sound: 8/10 - The only music I really enjoyed was the eye-catcher music and the second ending theme. The rest was eh.
Overall: 9/10 - Itā€™s cute and overall just a very feel-good show. I enjoyed it a lot
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Demon Slayer - A Genuine Masterpiece (Review)
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Spoiler free, Seasons 1, 2 and the movie
General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Historical, Shounen
Episodes: 37 + the movie
Runtime per episode: ~23 (S1), ~26 (S2), ~1hr 56 min (Movie)
Studio: ufotable
Rating: R
Streaming Services: Netflix, hulu, Crunchyroll, Funimation, VUDU, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play
Summary I guess: Since the death of his father, Tanjiro Kamado has had to support the family. Even though they live remotely in a mountain, the family lives a happy and peaceful life. Until one night, the family is attacked while Tanjiro isnā€™t there. The only survivor is his sister, Nezuko. She has been turned into a bloodthirsty demon. Tanjiro vows to avenge his family and turn his sister back into a human. A strange group, Demon Slayer Corps, welcomes Tanjiro to become a demon slayer. Tanjiro will do whatever it takes to slay demons and save his sister.Ā 
Story: 10/10 - Without spoiling too much, I had so much fun watching this. I loved every single fight. Even when they werenā€™t fighting, the characters managed to make it not boring, which not a lot of anime can do. I also think the breathing styles are really cool.Ā 
Characters: 10/10 - Each character is unique with their own quirks and flaws, which is nice. I really enjoy how eccentric some of them are, like Inosuke or Rengoku. And even the calmer ones are enjoyable.
Art: 10/10 - The animation is absolutely gorgeous. It's done so well. The artstyle is also amazing. Especially the eyes.
Sound: 10/10 - The music in this so GOOD. Same with the voice acting. I can feel Tanjiro's anger, his voice actor did so well. I love how I can tell everyone apart just from their voices.
Overall: 10/10 - GO WATCH IT NOW. I know I didn't say much but you NEED to experience Demon Slayer for yourself.
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Mahoutsukai Precure! - My Favorite Precure Season (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, School, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Episodes: 50
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating:Ā G
Streaming Service: none
Summary I guess: In the human realm, witches are seen as fantasy. Mirai Asahina sets out to disprove this notion by following where a weird shooting star fell the night before. Mirai encounters Liko, a witch. Soon, Mirai and Liko need to join forces to defeat a villain. Together they becomeĀ ā€œMahou Tsukai Precure!ā€ Now with this new power, the duo embark on an adventure theyā€™ll remember for the rest of their lives.
Story: 10/10 - I LOVE this season, itā€™s probably my favorite. Iā€™m a sucker for magic and witchy stuff and gemstones. I had so much fun watching this. I was never bored or annoyed. I know a lot of people disliked this season, I donā€™t really know why, though. It was just pure stupid fun.
Characters: 10/10 - I liked Mirai and Liko, they worked off each other well. I like how are first theyā€™re basically polar opposites, but soon grow and become more alike. Theyā€™re the original Luz and Amity. I also love Kotoha. Iā€™ve seen a ,ot of people call her a mary sue or that she was shoehorned into the team, but really who cares? Kotoha is sweet and a perfect addition to the team. Sheā€™s like Shiny Luminous but actually pulled off well. I love her. I will say though, all the other characters were kind of just there. I didnā€™t really like any villains except for Yamoh.
Art: 10/10 - Literally so pretty. I love the designs and the detail and all of it itā€™s so pretty. Especially around the end, the animation was just gorgeous.
Sound: 10/10 - nothin too notable, except for the openings and endings. They were SO GOOD.
Overall: 10/10 - I love everything about this season. I just really enjoyed it so I recommend any precure fan should go and watch it.
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Kirakiraā˜†Precure A La Mode - I Wish it was Better (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Gourmet, Mahou Shoujo, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Episodes: 49
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating:Ā G
Streaming Service: Crunchyroll
Summary I guess: Ichika Usami is a cheerful teenager who has a passion for sweets. In celebration of her motherā€™s return home, she tries making a cake. Sheā€™s interrupted when a doglike fairy named Pekorin crashes into her kitchen. With Pekorinā€™s help, Ichika makes a cake. Then a creature named Gummy breaks into her kitchen, and steals the cakeā€™sĀ ā€œkirakiraruā€, the magic that gives sweets the ability to bring happiness. Ichika offers the cake to Gummy, but Pekorin reminds her how special it is. As the kirakiraru in Ichikaā€™s cake grows, it changes into her transformation devices, and then Ichika becomes Cure Whip. She beats the crap out of the monster, and saves the day. Itā€™s up to herĀ  and her friends to save Ichigozakaā€™s sweets.
Story: 3/10 - I found a lot of it boring, to be honest. It just...was? I liked the sweets theme, but it didnā€™t really carry the show. A lot of the drama felt forced, like it just kind of happened for the sake of the plot. The battles also sucked. What makes Precure so unique is the fact that the girls literally beat the crap out of those monsters, and not just use magical sparkly attacks. They just used whisk wands that let out whipped cream or chocolate? The only redeemable things were Himariā€™s character development and the romance between Yukari and Akira.
Characters: 5/10 - At least the characters were kind of fun even if they were generic. Ichikaā€™s the generic leader type, Himariā€™s shy and into science, Aoi is into rock and is very out there, Yukari is rich (I think) and calm, Akira is androgynous and chill, and Ciel is forgettable I canā€™t remember a single thing about her. I think they worked off each other well. But they donā€™t really have any depth. And the villains actually suck. I canā€™t remember a single thing aside from the main big bad at the end just sucked. It was disappointing.
Art: 8/10 - The artstyle is cute. I like the designs. Sometimes the animation got really good.
Sound: 7/10 - One of my favorite endings is in this so thatā€™s a plus. But thatā€™s really it.
Overall: 5/10 - Itā€™s ok, kind of infuriating. I wouldnā€™t recommend it.
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Toradora! - It's Cute (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Drama, Love Polygon, Romance, School
Episodes: 25
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: J.C.Staff
Rating:Ā PG-13
Streaming Service: Netflix, Crunchyroll, Funimation, VRV, Amazon
Summary I guess: Ryuuji Takasu is a high school student, a gentle giant. He has an intimidating face, which makes people think heā€™s scary. Then thereā€™s Taiga Aisaka, a small girl who seems fragile and cute, but really sheā€™s got a feisty personality. Sheā€™s known as theĀ ā€œPalmtop Tigerā€. One day, Ryuuji and Taiga cross paths, which reveals Taigaā€™s softer personality. They learn that they have crushes on each otherā€™s best friends, Taiga crushing on Yuusaku Kitamura (Ryuujiā€™s best friend), and Ryuuji crushing on Minori Kushieda (Taigaā€™s best friend). They decide to help each other get with their crushes, which turns to an unlikely alliance.
Story: 8/10 - It was so painfully obvious Taiga and Ryuuji would end up together. Like it was painful just waiting for them to kiss.Ā  And the whole getting married after high school or whatever that was was confusing. But aside from that, I hadĀ  a lot of fun. There were so many moments that made me happy,Ā 
Characters: 10/10 - I liked everyoneā€™s chemistry and how they worked off each other. Iā€™m also a sucker for tsunderes so Taiga was my favorite. Not much else to say, everyone was great.
Art: 8/10 - The artstyle is super cute, I do think the guys look a little goofy, though.Ā 
Sound: 7/10 - Nothing really stood out to me
Overall: 9/10 - The story and characters make up for the lack of the art and sound stuff. Itā€™s a good slow-burn, go watch it.
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anime-re-views Ā· 3 years ago
Jujutsu Kaisen - Sukuna is Really Hot (Review)
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General Info (from MAL):Ā 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, School, Shounen
Episodes: 24
Runtime per episode: ~23 min
Studio: MAPPA
Rating:Ā R
Streaming Service: HBO Max, Crunchyroll, Funimation
Summary I guess:
Itadori Yuuji spends his days either at the occult club or at the hospital where is dying grandfather is. His pretty normal life takes turn for the weirdest when he comes into contact with a cursed object. Suddenly heā€™s thrown into the world of Curses, terrible beings created from human negativity. He swallows a cursed object, which turns out to be the finger of Sukuna, theĀ ā€œKing of Cursesā€. Due to being a vessel for Sukuna, he is now involved with Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, and he becomes a Jujutsu sorcerer.
Story: 8/10 - I had a lot of fun watching this, especially during the fight scenes. I liked the way Itadori becomes Sukunaā€™s vessel, it felt organic and like it would actually happen in real life. I will admit, episodes 13-18 were a little boring, but I did have JJK on in the background while I did homework so thatā€™s probably why. I love Curses and how they work, theyā€™re so freaking cool.
Characters: 10/10 - Yā€™all already know because of the title of this but I REALLY like Sukuna, not just because heā€™s hot though. I just like his character, heā€™s cynical but not in an annoying way. His wholeĀ ā€œKIng of Cursesā€ thing makes so much sense, why wouldnā€™t he be an asshole? I also loved all the students, I liked seeing them interact with each other and fighting together. Also Gojo is awesome, heā€™s so badass, I love him.
Art: 10/10 - Itā€™s MAPPA, so of course the animation is absolutely delectable. I love the artstyle, too. FIght scenes were so satisfying to watch just because the animation was good.
Sound: 9/10 - The music was ok, the voice acting was awesome. Sukunaā€™s voice, however, was like audible chocolate. I could listen to him all day.
Overall: 9/10 - I loved it, definitely worth all the hype. Go watch it
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